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Tetsuo Watanabe
Executive Director
Paradise on Earth Service
June 15 and 16, 2005

Congratulations on the occasion of Paradise on Earth Service. Today I would like to

express a heartfelt thanks for the presence of Kyoshu-sama and his channeling Johrei to
us on this significance day of the Service.
First, I would like to introduce the members of the pilgrimages from overseas here with
us today.
(1)Eight members from Portugal;
(2)One member from Spain;
(3)One member from the United Kingdom;
(4)Five members from the United States;
(5)Three members from Australia;
(6)Two members from the Republic of Korea;
(7)One member from Thailand;
(8)Fifty members from Brazil;
Totaling 73 members from nine countries.
Thank you.

Lets welcome them with a big applause.

While listening to Kyoshu-samas message, I am reminded of the following Nidai-samas

Hito wa mina kami no mitama no wakare nari
Arai kiyomen mototsu sugata ni
Every soul is an individual part
Of Gods Total Self.
Let us cleanse our souls
And restore them
To their divine state.












representatives, each with a specific mission to built a paradise on earth and a world of
truth, virtue and beauty.
Although we are individualized part of God which are beautiful and shining, in reality, the
surface of our soul is clouded with our selfish love, censure, blame and other negative
mental attitudes, and various self-consciousness such as materialistic thought and the
like, coupled with erroneous self-consciousness of numerous ancestors, thus making it
impossible to fully carry out our given missions.
The question is, then, how to get rid of the spiritual clouds? I think that there seem to be
three ways of accomplishing that through the message of Kyoshu-sama.
First, Johrei can do it. I believe Johrei is an absolute purifying method given to every one
by Meishu-sama, as the best means of dispelling the clouds, to be sure.
Next is through a general purification of disease, poverty and conflict. They are, I should
say, wonderful ways of purification. When facing such difficulties as mental, physical
and economic troubles, we may ask God for help for diminishing the situation, or
resolving it altogether.
I have a question for you. When you fail to receive anticipated result in a repeated
prayer for protection and blessings, havent you ever thought in such a way, why did I
fail to receive a blessing, despite my sincere services? I see some are nodding by
recalling their experiences.
Facing such a repetition, some apt to think, Could it be that I might be abandoned by
Meishu-sama, in a restless spirit, wavering faith in the end, questioning, does God
really exist in this world?
I personally have been many times driven to the abyss of despair and I was helped out
each time by reminding my fathers advise: When you feel you are kicked out by God,
you must stick to grasp the foot kicking you, never letting go. I have been able to
sustain my spirit with his words when being disheartened.
Many of you today should have similar experiences. At a time one may think that I
might be abandoned by God, but later on comes to think, ah, it was nothing to worry
about, there and then, for it served the purpose of self-growth, being an instance of good
coming out of evil. Dont you recall such an experience?

In this context, Kyoshu-sama in his message today taught us, I think: Everything,
whether it is good or bad for us, has something to do with the Divine Will of Supreme
God, and what we are here today has something to do with many lifetimes, throughout
generations, that you have been going through.
What does God want me to learn through this purification, and what does God wish me
to do? These questions lead us to nurture a true faith in God. Therefore, I believe, we
must have a constant mental attitude to adapt myself to God, not asking God to adapt
to my wish.
The third method of getting rid of the spiritual clouds is a life not neglecting God, that
is, a life living with God in mind and spirit.
According to the Teaching of Meishu-sama, We are the sum parts of innumerable
ancestors, if you can sustain your life based on a life living with God, the spiritual
clouds you created, and your ancestors also created by ignoring God will be purified,
thereby benefiting your descendents as well.
If we pay close attention to every phase of our daily life, and come to a realization that
every creature is sustained by God, an actual feeling of the presence of God within,
making it possible for us to come closer to a real person of faith, who can savor the true
taste of joy.
As mentioned by Kyoshu-sama, the April eight celebration marking the completion of the
first stage construction of the Heian Kyo Garden was blessed with a really wonderful
weather, with timely blooming of the three drooping cherry trees, amid literally
overflowing Light. It seemed to me as a sign signifying the future of Sekai Kyusei Kyo,
being deeply impressed. I thought how pleased Meishu-sama is in the realm of God and
our ancestors are in the spiritual realm.
Along with the Sandai-sama`s encouraging words, The completion of the Heian Kyo
Sacred Grounds paves the way greatly for world expansion work, we have witnessed it
one after another.
One of them is the 12-day trip taken by four executive ministers of Thai SKK led by the
President Rev. Kasahara from April 21 to Brazil. There they exchanged talks with the
Brazilian ministers and members, sharing such topics as Under the principle of Izunome

and the Plan by Meishu-sama, they will, together, firmly participate and dedicate to the
Divine Program by combining the idea that Thai is representing the very prototype in
terms of salvation of the Orient, based on Buddhism, while Brazil is representing the very
prototype in terms of salvation of the Occident, based on Christianity. By witnessing this,
I thought that it was a prototype of further developing of a soil ministry, growing on a
global scale.
Here is another thing. I have the first hand news from Brazil. Brazil exports chickens to
EU by 2.78 million tons a year. It is reported that EU may prohibit the use of antibiotic
substances for promoting the growth of chickens beginning in 2006. As you know, they
have Korin in Brazil, where they produce organic treated chickens and I think it is great
news for Brazil SKK. We will see it.
Meishu-sama taught that we first have to get the promoting Nature Farming done than
the promoting Johrei. What we see today is the proof of the Teaching; making a new,
first step of the beginning. Though I have been longing for the arrival of such an age of
the past decades, I am now witnessing a practical development in line with the
development of the construction of the Heian Kyo Sacred Grounds. I take such a process
as the proof of Meishu-samas plan for a global ministry for the salvation of mankind
The members from overseas express their heartfelt thanks, saying, We all owe what we
are today to the Japanese members who have been totally dedicated to the completion
of the first stage of the Heian Kyo construction.
Finally we take a pledge to practice what we have given by Kyoshu-sama, watching over
the development of Meishu-samas plan for global ministry.
Thank you very much.

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