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MASS SHOOTING FIRST AID SITUATIONAL AWARENES. XS, xD | RCN hae a SHOOTER SITUATION, What You Need to Know NOW See LY Tes atlas Be Tract i cece “CARRY ae Br tcd ls et ata P Mish aa FOR, GIVIL 7 iy \ a4 Oi [hay ESCAPE KIGNAPPING y HOSTAGE, POW Issue #26: JanuaryiFebauary 2016 37-95 US $8.85 CAN A a Ye Suppl ilter a Year’s Su of Water a} now for a FREE webinar that will teach you everythin: u need to know to stay alive in eNeolne Rec ied ss Sais. ge Filter over 100 gallons a day without electricity or heat. Removes 99.9% of all harmful pathogens and viruses. EILTERSe SURVIVAL TRAINING Learn new survival techniques and training each week! 20 22 24 a1 29 32 36 40 HOW TO SURVIVE AN ACTIVE SHOOTER SCENARIO By Michael Don Slack MASS SHOOTING MEDICINE By Richard Hammack SITUATIONAL AWARENESS AT THE WORKPLACE By Paleo Pete WORKPLACE VIOLENCE VS. TERRORIST ATTACK By John Hardy THE COMBAT BRIEFCASE By Michael Don Slack UNDERSTANDING CCW TERMINOLOGY By John Hardy SITUATIONAL AWARENESS AT SOCIAL EVENTS By Paleo Pete ACTIVE SHOOTER; SHELTER IN PLACE? By David W. Webb GOVERNMENT & GUN CONTROL By Justus Agenstum HOW TO OWN AN AR NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT By Justus Agenstum AMERICA’S AMENDMENTS, INFRINGEMENTS & THE POSSIBILITY OF CIVIL UNREST By Justus Agenstum AMERICA’S ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION SITUATION By Justus Agenstum FALSE FLAG ATTACKS By Justus Agenstum 44 48 52 54 56 58 62 64 66 70 2 B 16 PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE By Walkabout Willie WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SAFETY? By Met Clark BATTEN THE HATCHES! SECURING YOUR HOME AGAINST AN ACTIVE SHOOTER ‘By Met Clark THE IMPORTANCE OF FIREARM TRAINING Walkabout Willie AIRSOFT AND A BACKYARD SHOOTING RANGE By Doug Bell HOW TO FIND A SUITABLE SHELTER IN AN URBAN ENVIRONMENT By Walkabout Willie ‘3 WAYS TO FIND WATER IN AN URBAN ENVIRONMENT By Mark Bunch PURIFYING WATER WITH ESSENTIAL OILS By Leon Green FORAGING FOR FOOD IN URBAN ENVIRONMENTS By Melonie Kennedy YOUR NEIGHBOR'S PANTRY By John Hardy HAM RADIO FOR SURVIVAL COMMUNICATION By Mark Bunch, PERSONAL DEFENSE ITEMS By Met Clark ESCAPE & EVASION SCENARIOS By Mark Bunch, Join Us For Our Live Webinar Series with new online trainings weekly nline Webinar Event! SHS Cla aaa to Ele OS ec RVC LAL Ceara red eee ai GUS cu ea Peau How to Prepare Now and Peer Ee acre Ree ree Learnthe #1 Critical eon Coens ad Hurry, Space is Limited! Reserve Your Spot Now! TACTICAL FORCE ON FORCE 90 TRAINING By Walkabout Willie FIELD MAINTENANCE OF FIREARMS 94 By Paleo Pete THE TACTICS & TRAINING OF © 97 ISRAELI DEFENCE FORCE By Paleo Pete DOES & DON'TS OF KNIFE FIGHTING By Larry Bethers WOUND MANAGEMENT By Joe Alton, MD OWE MONEY TO THE IRS? By Michael Don Slack Survivalist™ magazine is also available in di Phone, iPad and Kindle. Android coming soon. 4. Download Our App! @iTunes amazonkincle STs lee Cova eee) [oReCekL eter) reser ee Re ea a ec) Cuma ere an) IN el elite! Pema eM uN. Beets ee ore eee ot See eae ety eee ete * Rick Hammack Joe Alton, MD ees Pay) Tse ol] CDI Publications Inc. ADVERTISING eee Ee ole CES RL SWIY) SUBSCRIPTIONS/ ORDERS Pat AUN Eller) or call: 866.437.6570 Buk cd ele) Eon anak Z 7} Ta esate ecu Feo vacant ene tty et ee ee Bier ey rer iter bem nnear oer ee eae ee Pee eran pecan Cee rare eter PST Na CTIVE SHOOTER LY CH eee a eS eee eee ea eta ses GE TALS PaaS La Ua SS LT ead a CTS SEL CUCU OOS ace UE DNR ee Cee a a eee eet teat CRS ar et a) CCU Sa aa ea an at Sy BASIS. MANY TIMES THESE SHOOTERS ARE MENTALLY DISTURBED INDIVIDUALS. to know what you, }ould do in such a sit Inan effort andle an Serge ee ee eed hla FIGHT Radio talk show host JOLIN MOOFE served in Vietnam, became a Green Beret, and served as bodyguard for many prominent people including Charleton Heston and presidential candidate Pat Buchanan. He has extensive training in security, a long career as a homicide investigator and is a certified NRA instructor. Moore cites a medical condition called Tachyphrenia, or Fast Brain Syndrome, which takes affect automatically during an active shooter scenario, Moore calls this “God's way of helping us to survive these situations.” Tachyphrenia also provides tunnel vision, or limited visibility, concentrating on the shooter and a few relevant actions or players around the shooter, perhaps other potential victims. Moore believes that the average ‘escape you can't become a target by helping them flee if possible. If untrained individual should use this later, but if you hide and the shooter lone and armed then the focus is on affect to “get the hell out of Dodge” finds you, you may still become a seeking a vantage point to take out by fleeing as quickly as possible. victim. the shooter. More and more states Ifrunning away to safety is not an ‘these days are allowing concealed option, then hiding out of sight, For those with training, and preferably carry and Moore recommends getting, is second best, though it has the those who are armed, the situation the proper training and permits and disadvantage in that the shooter may is different. Moore says ifn a group practicing concealed carry if its legal bbe looking for hidden victims. If you the first obligation is to protect them in your area. —* P OTHERS DONOT MOVE IF POSSIBLE WOUNDED PEOPLE Me | al HAVE AN ESCAPE PLAN EVACUATE LEAVE YOUR BELONGINGS Jeremy YOUNgS is an RA certified firearms instructor who teaches concealed carry, tactical shooting, and self-defense. He also participates in the Appleseed firearms education program. He is a practicing student of several martial arts including the Israeli art Krav Maga, Brazilian Ju Jitsu and Karate. Ouring an active shooter situation he believes in the OODA loop; the decision cycle of Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. The OODA loop was developed by miltary strategist and US Air Force Colonel John Boyd who applied the concept to the combat operations process. Like intelligence gathered prior to combat operations, observation provides information, Orientation allows fr making a decision and taking action is the end result. m “+ Q BEOUT FROM Lock Doors: KEEP YOUR OPTIONS SILENCE PHONE BE QUET SHOOTER'S VIEW AND BLOCK THEM WITH FURNITURE FOR MOVEMENT Youngs says in his case, assuming he small, less accurate handguns like not, because his mind and body are isalone, he will take cover, finding the 380, 32 and 38. These guns and his primary weapons. The mind, he thick walls to hide him and provide calibers are great for their intended says, should be trained to overcome protection from bullets, The next very close range purpose but are not the impulse to do no harm. An active phase for him will be getting close ‘made for long distance shooting. In shooter is trying to kill you or kill ‘enough to the shooter to act. Youngs ‘many of the recent mass shootings, the others. Your mind needs to be trained believes that the goal should be to shooter or shooters, had rifles, often and capable of inflicting the maximum make the shooter, or fist shooter if AR-15's or AK-47’s with an effective amount of violence, upon the shooter, more than one, inactive and no longer range of up to 300 yards. To use a that you possibly can. If armed with a atthreat. That means making him dead pocket pistol you need to get close to less accurate every day carry piece, he {as quickly as possible. While that may the shooter, your target. If you are not, believes the distraction provided by sound harsh, think of the innocent armed you must get closer stil. So, shooting at the shooter, may be what lives lost in Paris because no one was observe, orient yourself, decide and is needed to get close enough to take able to kill the shooters quickly when take action. the shooter out. Don't assume your the shootings began. Youngs points 380 with a two inch barrel is accurate ‘out that even those who practice Youngs believes that he is always at 100 yards because it is not. ‘concealed carry are usually carrying armed, whether carrying a gun or PRP PE OF ES aay lia [ACT AGGRESSIVELY INCAPACITATE THROW OBUECTS: YELLAND CALL FORHELP ‘THE ACTIVE SHOOTER Getting close to the shooter, via distractions caused by shooting at him, and constantly moving from cover to cover getting closer and closer will allow the final distraction, which may include throwing rocks or even your, gun when itis empty. If you have a igh lumens flashlight, shining it in the eyes of the shooter can also help. If the flashlight has a strobe feature so ‘much the better. Any distraction can save lives and provide an opportunity to attack. Karate blows to the head ‘or soft tissues, poking the eyes with ‘extended fingers, smashing anywhere ‘on the shooter's body with a club, ‘a telescoping baton, or a tactical flashlight, stabbing with a pocket knife or other sharp object, can help bring the shooter down. Causing pain to the shooter isa distraction that allows you to inflict more damage. Whatever you do, Youngs says, don’t let up. Movies ‘show bad guys going down with one punch. This is real life and a life or ‘death situation for you or others. Make sure he is down, stays down, and preferably is dead so that he can’t, hurt you or others. Youngs is a believer in training, both with firearms and in the martial arts. If you don't have the ‘time and dedication, or the interest in traditional Eastern martial arts like karate, judo, aikido, ju jitsu and tae wan do, the Krav Maga discipline is 2 simple and direct art more suited for someone interested in learning the down and dirty methods that can save alife. Tim Starks, host of the Stark Hour radio show on the Liberty Roundtable Network has more than 20 years of experience as @ corporate security consultant and teaches self-defense and disaster preparedness classes. Starks has strong opinions on how the situation is being handled now, and is not fond of active shooter drils “1 believe having active shooter TERMS ACCORDING TO THE POLITICALLY CORRECT FORMAT THAT PLAGUES AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS THROUGHOUT THE INDUSTRY. WORKPLACE VIOLENCE, WHEN UTTERED BY ANYONE PARTICIPATING IN POLITICS, OR REPORTING FOR THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA, REFERS TO A TE T ATTACK THEY ARE AFRAID TO IDENTIFY CORRECTLY FOR FEAR OF OFFENDING THE SUSPECTS, WELL AS THE ENTIRE ETHNIC |ATED WITH THE SUSPE THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE WHEN THE TERM IS PART OF ANY SPEECH BEING GIVEN BY THE CURRENT RESIDENT OF 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, OR ANY OF HIS COHORTS IN THE PRESS REPORTING ROOM. A TERRORIST ATTACK HAND, REFERS TO ANY AND ALL INCIDENTS THE FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA AND A HOST OF OTHER ALPHABET SOUP AGENCIES, CLAIM TO HAVE HELPED THWART. IT ALSO REFERS TO ANY AND ALL INCIDENTS PUBLICALLY CLAIMED BY A KNOWN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, REGARDLESS OF EVIDENCE ON HAND. ee Loca See ee Cerne eer Ree etree tema eens Inlight of America's ongoing War on pee ea oot) been used for several decades. A quick Cee reer) eee ed En ec] from 1986 up to, and including 1997, Sra? eee a ane Er) ed Rene ee te Fee ee ie Re eee ee cue that America has suffered terrorist Cae ee Pee ec Seemed Pomona te Cee eet etree Rese See Ered that an addition to urban lexicon pened ne ee enh ee Se ae od Intotal, these 20 acts of workplace rage, __law enforcement responders arrived Ce ee ee) Dee ee LEC LenS ‘America is also no stranger to terrorist year after this initial terrorist attack Se ee Cee eee eee ee ar Reece as Ce neue! Preece ee eles CeCe ces et eee Ree eae cg terrorist attacks. os JOHN HARDY ile) Issue 26 Survivalst Magazine www. Subscribe Online 0 Call: 866-437- > 670 wwe. Surat com, Since 2000 there have been five notable, headline grabbing, terrorist attacks here inthe United States. The fist, and most horrendous, terrorist attack occurred on 9/11/01 when, according to the official narrative, four airplanes were hijacked by 19 members of Al-Qaeda. These attacks killed 2,752 innocent victims, and injured another estimated 251 people in the vicinity when the towers fell |n2002 the Beltway snipers, ohn Allen ‘Muhammed and John Lee Malo killed at least 10 innocent and randomly selected Victims, and injured another three people. ‘They were suspected, but never convicted, cof committing other shootings up and down the east coast In November of 2009, in what was called an episode of “workplace violence” by recently elected Barack Obama, an Istamic terrorist named Nidal Malik Hasan, serving {asa major in the US. Army, opened fire at Ft. Hood Texas, kiling 13 unarmed soldiers and injuring an additional 31, Innocent victims. At his trial Hasan served ashis own defense attorney and accepted responsiblity for carrying out the attacks. Hasan named jhad as his motive, stating It was his desire to fight the “legal and Immoral aggression against Muslims” ‘The fourth incident became known as the Boston Marathon Bombing. This event was categorized as a terrorist attack and involved the immediate and indefinite lockdown of tens of thousands of innocent American citizens as militarized aw enforcement agencies at the national, state and local level ransacked entire communities in the hunt for two Muslim brothers suspected of planting the bombs. These attacks killed three people and injured another 264 innocent bystanders, participants and volunteers attending the Marathon, The fifth incident, again erroneously categorized as a possible episode of “workplace violence,” was the most recent one occurring n San Bernardino, California. This incident was caried out bya husband and wife team and took the lives of 14 innocent victims and injured another 17 people. Cee aca eed peed Perec ne eer e enod Be ecard Ce teeta! Deed company building, vehicles, or other Pe nner as Seen eta pent ea eed pee eee nes Cee eh end Se end Corre with a coworker for not carrying their ene ee eer rd are of Middle Eastern descent, and/or a weight, isan act of workplace violence. terrorist attacks, regardless of where peer aaa Daucus Se ecard Pe oe eee) Saree ed Deere ena Ce violence. In short, workplace violence Cr includes all activities carried out in the community. They are committed to Nee ee a og eed Reet et Ceres) ee een reprimand, and/or termination of Intent of killing anyone. eee ene ad Ce ete ec) as anything else is not only erroneous, See neers Sg ae) itis counterproductive to improving procedures, polices or pay raises, is an Cees Deets Se ees ‘and are carried out with the intent the conversation is overheard by one Ce ee od Cee ea eel Cee RED Ree eed Se ec orcas include any and all activities carried Pee pipes time clock early due to a dispute with ieee ee aed Pua ae bene easing management, throwing a fit at your ‘domestic. Showing up for work with peveyen ell othe pe eee cero ce loaded weapons and kiling coworkers aaa eee The Combat {| Briefcase An Urban EDC for the Professional Prepper Michael Don Slack The combat briefcase is a valuable option, gaining popularity for the prepper or survivalist, who lives or works in an urban area. Cars and pickups are not as common in, cities as in rural areas, and that is where the traditional ug out bag or “get out of Dodge” bag is kept, usually in 1a backpack designed to, if necessary allow the user to stay alive for an extended period while going home or to another place of safety. All of the large backpacks full of gear and preps in the world however, wan't do much good if they are in your F-150 back home, or in a closet you don’t, have access to if you are in the city when SHTF. ‘There is a popular joke about the woman who is asked why she has a pistol in her purse who responds “Because my AK- 47 rifle is too big and wor’t fit” The same logic holds true with the combat briefcase. The big question is what should you keep in your briefcase for everyday carry? To answer this question, putting it against the backdrop of an urban environment, experts in the field were consulted with interesting answers. ee ees ed See eee ee eee ec Deere fe teen To ‘work investigating the news they ere reporting. They gather their newsworthy articles hot off the wire and run with Rea eee oid Pt eee eed Pe ecu Ly Dee ose narrative to fit the evidence after the eae ed Pee cea tt tid the community atthe local, state and Penne Ce a Re era ta emai ‘operations against their own citizens ert amc Cea teeta by the mainstream media. Instead Seer a investigate any of these situations before reporting, news agencies of the modern era of mainstream media Pee eee eae Irresponsible, itis a disservice to Ces nm eical eon mee ee a eters Ue ae eee and ultimately satisfy the official See ee ec Dee eee ay eet ee eee eas Pe ene death, or destruction is expected. The Per ee ty contro, Isolated workplace violence events are carried out by individuals aa that the guns used were obtained eee eet et rebrand it as the terrorist attack it was ‘As preppers and survivalists, we need to understand these differences, as well a ene) Desa ey ee eros eo! SO affected area to request more help Ce or gee See ee accants Pee cea ee ee De eee acd Cee ene eee een eae a ee eo bec ad rele eee ee ey Sn ea ee ee et oe See Ce Ue ee) Cee ed Pr ee ned Se ee oe eu Ce cre ad oe ho guns! LifeStraw’ i= Persona warer FILTER + Removes 99.9999% waterborne bacteria & 99.9% waterborne protozoa + 0.2 Micron hollow fiber membrane fiter rated to 268 gallo + Soles support LifeStraw donations in developing countries Subscribe Online or Cal: 866-437-6570 www Sun weighs only 20 Ceci Peery Tim Starks, host of The Stark Hour radio show on the Liberty Roundtable Network has more than 20 years of experience as a corporate security consultant and teaches self-defense and disaster preparedness classes. In a briefcase in an urban environment with limited storage he listed water and a water purification method, a gas mask, a defensive weapon, a radio, a flashlight and a first ad kit. “AS far as water, a few of the water packets that are available for ten cents each on average for immediate needs, and a LifeStraw to purify any water you come across are both essential. For food Cliff Bars, or another high protein, high calorie count survival food bar, take up little space and provide energy and nutrients. A defensive weapon based ‘on what the law in the area will allow could be 2 long screwdriver, with multiple uses. A radio can be the small ‘Obtaining a CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon) Permit differs from one state to the next. Some states will ony issue a CCW to residents ofthe state they are applying in, whereas other states, will issue to residents as well as non-residents. In addition, several states have developed reciprocal agreements with other states, which allows an individual with a valid CCW in one state to exercise those same privileges while visiting another state. All inall itis somewhat complicated, especially for those unfamiliar with the terms being tossed around by those in control. This article wil attempt to serve as a guide to better understanding ‘some of these terms and what they mean, For starters, we must begin with the term CCW itself. Most ‘people falsely believe that the only reason for obtaining a CCW ppermiti for the specific purpose of carrying a handgun in a ‘concealed fashion. This could not be further from the truth. Several weapons fall under the requirement of a state for ‘obtaining a CCW, even if the weapon is non-lethal in nature, and {snot necessary carried in a concealed fashion. For instance, inthe state of Florida, the carrying of a pepper spray container with chemical contents in excess of 2oz., requires the user to obtain a CCW; however, pepper spray devices with less than 202. do not require the user to obtain a CCW. hand crank type with a built in LED flashlight. OF course ‘many people have radio apps and flashlight apps on cell phones, but what ifthe cell towers are out? Also a powerful LED flashlight with a strobe built in makes a great weapon. and distraction device” Starks said. Starks also pointed out that a briefcase can become a Faraday cage and survive an EMP, o solar flare, with little effort. He said ironing board material gets its heat resistance from an aluminum material and can be used to line the inside of a briefcase, followed by a plastic or foam board lining allowing the survival of items stored in the briefcase. The last two items Starks would have are a gas mask and a small frst aid kit. “The first ald kit for minor medical emergencies of course, that’s always a given. The gas mask because you can’t eat, Tees ener Currently there are no federal laws regarding the requirements necessary in order to obtain a CCW. Therefore, the issuance of CCW permits rests solely at the discretion of the state in which you live, or are applying. All SO states currently have laws on the books that address the requirements of said state for obtaining a CCW for that state, by individuals interested in obtaining them. Various Designations: Each state uses one of several different terms for the licenses, and/or permits, for carrying concealed weapons, which it issues. Te Concealed Handgun License Team Concealed Handgun Permit [EAU Concealed Carry Weapons Tei Concealed Deadly/Defensive Weapons License FATT Concealed Weapon Permit TAIT Concealed Weapon License [eH Concealed Carry Permit [eqM Concealed Carry License INH License Ta Carry TUHgl License Ta Carry Firearms (HAN) Carry of Concealed Deadly Weapon [ETM Concealed Pistol License ‘There are currently thirteen states that utilize a single licensing platform to regulate open carry, as well as concealed carry, practices across the board. The regulations by which states issue permits and licenses for concealed carry, generally fall under one of four different categories; Shall Issue, May Issue, No Issue, or Unrestricted. Issue 26 Survivalst Magazine www Survvaliscom Subscribe Onine or Call: 866-437-6570 drink, or protect yourself if you can’t breathe. When the twin towers came down on 911 many first responders suffered lung damage that could have been avoided if they had some sort of lung protection, like a small gas mask with adequate filters. ‘Also remember the sarin gas attack in Japan a few years ago. The right protective mask could save your life” Mike Knocks of the White Harvest Seed Company sells a variety of preparedness items. He pointed out that urban environments are very different from rural and a brief case doesn’t hold as many items as a backpack, making planning all the more important. “My first item would be a few packets of water and something like a LifeStraw or a filtered water bottle. My favorite is one from Pro Pure that we carry, but there are many good ones on the market at reasonable prices. Then a bit of food easily stored with a high calorie count, a first aid kit, flashlight and some sort of defensive weapon. If iti legal in that city to have a gun that’s best. If not, then a good knife ‘or whatever is allowed by law. And, if you are not wearing them, comfortable shoes. You may have a long distance to walk and you might have to do some running” Opinions vary, but the combat briefcase is worth some thought. Ifthe unthinkable happens, wherever you are, you need to be prepared By Michael Don Slack. The author is a writer, property rights activist, US Army veteran and organizer of self-reliance events ‘who can be reached at wow, Shall Issue: In jurisdictions that fall under the Shall Issue category, individuals who desire a permit to carry a concealed ‘weapon need only to meet the criteria listed within the context of the law. In other words, the issuing authority in, Shall Issue jurisdictions does not have the authority to use discretion when, approving the license or permit. As {ong as the criteria of the law is met by the applicant, the issuing authority must approve the license of permit without hindrance or delay, (although there may be a processing period). In the majority of Shall Issue jurisdictions, the criteria for obtaining a license or permit typically include, but are not limited to; obtaining the minimum age requirement, establishing residency in the state where the application is being presented, passage of a background check, allowing fingerprints to be taken, attendance at a certified safety class for firearms and handguns, payment of the required fee for receiving the license, and demonstrating firearm proficiency by ppassing a qualification. Some states require all of these criteria to be met, whereas others require very few of them to be met. ‘Subscribe Online or Cal: 866-437-6570 www RA eo May Issue: Injurdctions that all under the May Issue category, individuals applying for a permitto carry concealed weapon typically need to demonstrate “good cause? na tsll this means that the applicant musthave 2 good reason for needing to cary a concealed weapon. These jurisdictions also place the cretion of suing the permits orleans witha local author, such 2s the county sherif In some cases the diseretion for sing permits and licenses consolidated atthe stat level offaw enforcement, such a5 State Police Post, or Attorney Genera fice. No Issue: Le the name implies jurisdictions that fll under this category very seldom, ever sue licenses or permits for carrying concealed weapons, and when they do, itis offen a veryimited exception. As of 2014 thee are no patently esti No Isue ursdlctions in the United States, including Washington. which had Its No ise jursltion squad as unconstitutional by a US District Judge. Tiestee potieer ttiee rare any No Issue jurisdictions; it simply means they are not considered No Isue jrsdctions on paper. Due tothe leniency of dcretion alowed under May Issue jrsdctions, there are effectively several jurisdictions where it is all but [ifpossible to obtain a license or permit, simply because the issuing authority has the discretion to deny without providing sufficient reason for refusal Unrestricted Issue: Often refered to as Constitutions! ear ee eet est est ee jurisdictions ust thet; urisciton that doesnot require gun mers to pet eee eee ee imorderto openly carry weapon, rcarya concealed weapon at fashion. That being sid, it should be toted tat within this category there are basicaly two sub-categories known as Ful Unrestricted and Partly Unrestricted, na Ful Unrestricted Jurisdiction lawful gun owners can carry iin any fashion they desire; open or conesaled without obaling a pert or icerse. na Partial Unrestricted Sage eee concedled weapons doesnot eaure alicense or permit, yet other forms of Concealed cary ether require a icense or permit to be obtained before tis considered legal. John Hardy Survvalst Magazine Issue 26 The term “social events” has many different meanings. Depending on who you ask, a social event may be something that comes with an invitation, such as a wedding, retirement or birthday party. To others it may refer to large scale social gatherings, such as a marathon race, a professional sporting event at an enormous venue, or a concert. For many others, myself included, the term social events refers to any and all activity that involves interacting with anyone who is not an immediate member of the family, inside or outside of a familiar setting. Regardless of what “social events" means to you, it is highly recommended that you develop situational awareness skills, and employ them whenever the opportunity arises. Situational Awareness Explained: ‘Taker at face value, situational awareness is exactly what the term implies; being aware ofthe situation you find yourself in There are various degrees of situational awareness, primarily due to the fact that there is a wide variety of people on the planet, and they all have different characteristics and traits, some of which are inherited, others that are learned. The level of situational awareness one is able to attain and utilize is directly related to the level of intelligence and cognitive abilities present in the person practicing. Ths isn’t meant as @ derogatory statement, it isa simple fact; those with higher levels of intelligence tend to observe more of their surroundings, and asa result are better ‘equipped to identify something that is out cf place. Higher intelligence in this instance refers to intimate knowledge. For example; ‘our parents, siblings, and significant others. tend to have a higher level of intelligence about our habits and tendencies than our Issue 26. Suvivalst Magazine wv. Survival com neighbors do. This doesn’t mean our parents, siblings and significant others will exhibit better results on an IQ test, it simply means they are more “in the know,” than those outside our circle of trust. Ifa person is unable to Identify an abnormality or discrepancy within a situation, then the possibility of them realizing a threat may be present is non-existent. This fact has been proven time and time again at each and every terrorist attack, mass shooting, or instance of workplace violence. Pay attention to the news reports following any of these situations and what you will come to find is that nobody “saw this coming.” The witnesses who were fortunate enough to avoid being categorized as victims, all say something similar; “there was no indication this would happen.” It isn’t until days later that reports start streaming in from attentive neighbors claiming that “something was off” ‘The Importance of Situational Awareness in Social Settings: When considering how important situational awareness is for @ particular social setting, one must assess the entire environment the event is taking place at. Familiarity with an environment should not result in manufacturing false confidence. In fact, most people who become victims (of a crime, do so in environments they are comfortable in; their homes, schools, places of work, etc. These types of environments are familiar to us. ‘As such we tend to drop our guard so to speak, and that can have serious consequences. In order to ensure our own survival, and quite possibly the survival of family and friends, itis imperative we develop situational awareness skills and employ them for every situation we find ourselves in. Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 Environmental Observation: lfrorder to take full advantage of situational awareness, itis extremely important that we observe everything within the environment we will be subjecting ourselves to. This applies to something as simple as leaving the house to check the mail at the end of the driveway. From the moment we exit the house we need to be vigilant of everything around us. Are there unfamiliar vehicles present in the area? If so, what are there descriptions? Are they cars, trucks, service vehicles with ads plastered down the side, or delivery vehicles? Are there unknown individuals in the area, an unfamiliar person jogging along the roadway, or a couple ‘of people going door to door? What are these objects engaged in? Do their activities appear legitimate? Have they noticed your presence? Do they seem to be overly aware of their surroundings to the point it appears they are nervous about being observed? These are just a handful of questions we need to ask ourselves. If the answer you arrive at is not the one you would prefer, then further investigation is warranted. ‘When we exit our homes and begin to travel to our next destination, we still need to be vigilant, especially if we are going to be using public modes of transportation, such as a bus, tax, subway, etc. Everything, from the vehicle itself to the driver, to the other people init, equire constant observation while cen route. Are they dressed properly for the weather that day? Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 ALLS VENT D Do they appear calm, cool and relaxed? Are they twitchy, nervous and overly observant of their own. surroundings to the point they appear on edge? Are they distracted, distant, or otherwise preoccupied? What are they doing? Are they reading a book, ‘magazine, or newspaper? Are they buried face first in a laptop, tablet, or smartphone? All of these things will provide us with the additional information we need in order to put together a plan of evasive action to be activated should the need arise. When we are attending an event, in either familiar or unfamiliar territory, we need to assess the lay of the land so to speak. We need to be familiar with all of the roads entering and exiting the facility. Even if we are attending a simple function two blocks from home, we should be fully aware of all roads leading into and ‘out of that neighborhood: itis possible we may need to take an alternate route home for any number of reasons. We also need to know all of the entrances and exits of the facility itself, including those reserved for employees and maintenance personnel. This will provide us an advantage over the others attending the same function by providing us with exit strategies the others are completely unaware of, In the world we currently find ourselves in, accidents, disasters, emergencies and atrocities seem to lurk around every corner. Practicing situational awareness will assist usin identifying potential hazards to avoid. While the actual practice of situational awareness may seem overwhelming at first, it really isn’t. Trust your instincts in all situations, and if something looks odd, out of place, or otherwise abnormal, do the wise thing and remove yourself and loved ones from the environment, The age old adage; “itis better to be safe than to be sorry.” goes hand in hand with situational awareness. wa wns. Sunivalstcom — Survvalit Magazine Issue 26 DAVID W. WEBB Tua aa) propared our body to respond to threats. Reset ue Pace eed danger and our brain may be our most Ces Sn en Roe ard Ee eee ea ts attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.” Recent attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, point to the peer eee eo te the evolving nature of such attacks, and continue to refine potential responses. Starting point for your review should be eer ee aU M a act Cn eee eo a aes the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Program tag line of AVOID | DENY| DEFEND™ oe eM mS er eee ae ne for your personal response planning efforts. Granted, there is no universal solution to a complex problem in which minimally armed citizens face attackers with superior Fee aT se ea ae Ta discussion asserts that execution of planned response (i. Beers ce ee ene eae) rapidly unfolding events. Whether attacked by a mentally- illloner, or by a group of radicalized fanatics, the common denominator is that “populated area” means your highest risk Ce a ane een? Cee ee eee ‘opportunities for killers; especially when such locations tend to prohibit the lawful ability for private citizens to be armed. 70% of incidents between 2000 and 2013 occurred in a eo io erento ete ea eas ya Issue 26 Survivalst Magazine www Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 TAKE AGGRESSIVE ACTION! Shooter Let's not belabor the frst response strategy: if you believe you can safely get away from a threat - 4o so immediately. Do not carry belongings; help others evacuate leave those unwiling/unable to move; do not gather in open/ unprotected areas used for fire Grills. Keep hands raised and fingers separated while evacuating, ‘Once safely removed from danger, then call 911 and start warning others to stay away. Attacks may more frequently use improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to increase the carnage. If you are unable to distinguish between belongings dropped by exiting citizens, and attacker planted IEDs along escape routes, you may be safer opting for the second suggested strategy ~ Hide ‘Assuming law enforcement tactics now favor 3 rapid entry with focused effort on neutralizing attackers before more innocents are killed or injured, inital incident duration will likely be short. Of 160 studied incidents, 60% ended ‘Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 www Survival. com Main Defenders Grab Gun, Tackle ANA Back-Up Defenders Pile On, Subdue Shooter before police arrived. Your survival may depend less on your ability to hide for an extended period of time, than on taking decisive actions to avoid coming into the attacker's view. ‘The final option suggested by authorities, is to Fight. This is where | respectfully disagree —| think the more effective response will be the combination of Hide and Fight. Heroism is at personal discretion for un-sworn citizens, and | don’t question the motives of those who choose to run. | submit for alternative consideration the view that our best response will be to band together, harden our resolve, and increase our willingness to directly confront those who target innocents. Its certainly not beyond reason to believe that groups of co-workers can come together to plan and rehearse skills needed to convert a meeting room into a hasty ambush location. Such a team would greatly improve their ability to follow a basic survival dril presented by Mr. Alon Stivi with Attack Countermeasures Training™ fon YouTube video: and shown in the Illustration above, ‘Position group in most defensible room if possible, lock and/or barricade as doable ‘+ 2most capable defenders crouch low beside entry door (ambush choke point) * Others move out of direct view of shooter's entry point/initally Visible kill zone — along lateral wall as example ‘+ Tum off room lights ~ silence all cell phones ~ try to remain calm and quiet ‘If shooter enters room, 1st main defender grabs gun, 2nd main defender tackles at knees - back-up defenders pile on to help disarm and aggressively incapacitate shooter Is such a plan perfect? Absolutely not. Could it be done by strangers? I'd prefer using knowledge and command presence to attempt it rather than silently waiting for someone else to dictate incident outcome. THE SURVIVAL STAFF” “Oficial Trademarked Survival Stat” Handmade inthe USA fr over 25 years by Pat and Wes Crawford hig Ss Win Stk Bat Bow Ga Lace $294.95 Rent ery Kafe bate side uy exes ‘NMUBLE, ie Rest, Fish yea, Sisal Getino au ema newts discounts, Jost em mand apa mee he st” pateravfordl @earthlink net ‘CRAWFORD KNIVES, Lc Center rive, West Mempis, AR 72301 -2452.’ we cravtrdves. com 205 W. (807) T22- B— © Survvalit Magazine Issue 25 Research available materials to formulate your continuing personal strategy Maintain awareness of what's going on around you Immediately report unattended packages or suspicious behavior Plan how you'll get to exit location at any point in ime ‘Seek ways to conceal yourself from attacker's view - use cover (objects capable of stopping or deflecting projectiles) while purposefully moving to evacuate ‘Ask employer to conduct “active shooter” response training for your work group ADVERTISE HERE Call: 866.437.6570 email: Rate card and Schedule can also be found online at: Know rooms with door locks and in which direction they open ~ fire codes won't allow extra locks to be installed on exit doors, but perhaps office management will allow emergency “door stop” devices to be kept nearby Consider using furniture/supplies as shielding barricade Know objects in/near rooms (like fire extinguishers) that can be used as defensive weapons Consider layout - better to hide under out-of-way desk than to shelter as large group off main hallway? Consider keeping “stealth” weapons at desk Keep ear plugs handy ~activated fire alarms make sheltering uncomfortable - need hands free for action “Duck and Cover” were simplistic 1950's countermeasures to potential nuclear attacks. While primal instincts to run from danger haven't changed since our ancestors moved out of caves, predators now arm themselves with significantly lethal firearms and/ or IED's. Consider your option to "Hide and Fight” as current day options to proactively shelter in place and increase your odds of active shooter incident survival e Law Abiding erican Citizens, Give Me Yo 7 Guns! PSC b se ee ee SCR RS Cs eer tc Reece C RR aS Ty eC NICER CoRR monte) prea Eee en Coenen Rint Phen eke) for gun control. It is the information they push cet core trea) Pee sc Ea ce ore cost measures. Make no mistake about it, regardless of what they say, publish in papers, or offer as. oe te oer nme ces PO Eee RRC eer TST’ PCR eens rattry Pete tens ta cr eee Tetra Pm eee CLUB Tere m carey Meter anectet rm cbce tetrt Cetra ty ee SO goa or ny Pen tos Objectives Aimed at Dissolving the 2nd Amendment ‘According to the federal government, the gun control measures discussed and implemented today are designed to.accomplish one or more ofthe following objectives: 1To define the requirements by which a person willbe prohibited from owning, and/or possessing firearms. 2. To implement restrictions and regulations that assist in the prevention of those prohibited from owning/ possessing frearms from actually obtaining them. 3.To implement restrictions and regulations hich stipulate design modifications forall firearms to comply with thereby enhancing the public safety 4.70 implement restrictions and regulations that hinder the ability to carry concealed ur firearms in a public venue. Now, before we go much further, let's take a look at the language of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution in its entirety “A well regulate security of a fre Militia, being necessary to the State, the right of the peo keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. As we can see, none of the objectives mentioned as part of the government's push for greater gun control, qualifies for consideration under the 2nd Amendment. Arguments have long been debated over the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment; what was it our forefathers intended this right to provide? In order to get a better understanding of the language contained in the 2nd Amendment, we need to break it down into segments, and apply it to the time period in which it was ‘written; in 1789 it was passed by Congress, and in 1791 it was ratified. “A well regulated Militia,” does not refer to the standing army of a country In fact at the time of congressional passage, in 1789, the Revolutionary War had only been over for a mere 6 years. At this time in US history there was no central or federal militia, but a ragtag mixture of militias from each ofthe orignal 13 colonies being necessary to the security of a free State,” is often argued to define the nation state rather than the individual states making up the Union. The very first state to enter the Union, asa state and not a colony, was Delaware on December 7th, 1787. This indicates that our forefathers fully realized that each individual state was responsible for providing its own security if it chose to remain free, not only from foreign tyranny, but also from domestic tyranny. There were several “Loyalists,” beholden to the British Crown stil living in each of these states, who could provide aid and support to foreign nw. Survvalist Magazine Issue 26 means exactly what it says. Arms in this instance refers to any type of weapon that could be used to ensure self: preservation, not just muskets. It referred to knives, swords, battle axes and cannons. These were the arms by which the colonials obtained their freedom from the British Crown. It places the right to own and possess these instruments with the people, not a central government body. It was left vaguely worded and defined to allow for the inclusion of better arms once they became available. Our forefathers were inventors who understood that improvements to all arms were possible, and that they should be considered inclusive in order to prevent a level of imbalance between governments and people that could not be overcome if restrictions were put in place. shall not be infringed,” speaks for itself. There is nothing in the language of the 2nd Amendment, or the Constitution that stipulates this right may be rescinded, for any reason. An infringement is a restriction, or regulation, that prevents access to aright. Now that we have dissected and defined the 2nd Amendment for what it was intended, we need to go back up and take a look at the four objectives the federal government would like to achieve by implementing gun. control in the modem era. All four of the objectives outlined above, fall under the “infringement” portion of the 2nd ‘Amendment. The Government's Rationale for Gun Control The federal government has passed several laws that are infringements on the 2nd Amendment. Some of these laws prohibit specific categories of people from owning firearms such as felons, fugitives, individuals convicted of domestic abuse, individuals named in restraining orders as a result. cof domestic violence, drug addicts, those deemed mentally unstable, individuals dishonorably discharged from the US Armed Forces, illegal immigrants, and any who have renounced their US citizenship. They justify these categories of prohibition by relying on data, (government funded studies conducted by employees of said government), which ‘suggests a relationship indicative of increased violence. At first glance, most people would shrug their shoulders and state; “sounds logical to me,” and in a perfect world they would be correct. The problem with these categories is that they are defined by the federal government rather than the governments of individual states, which in effect serves to create the potential for an imbalance between the government (its troops) and the people. The more people the federal government can place on a list that falls under ‘one of these prohibitive categories, the better chance it has of not only remaining in power, but also of ruling with impunity, which Is precisely what the 2nd Amendment was intended to prevent. 28 Issue 26 Survvalst Magazine www Survvalistcom the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,” The Fallacy that Gun Control leads to Lower Crime Rates Gun control is not really about controlling and containing the level of crime committed within a given country; itis about controlling the population of the country in such a way they are unable to discard the shackles that bind them. People, once attaining a positon of power, have an inherent desire to remain in that postion, and retain that power. The only thing preventing them from doing so are citizens with the right to own and possess firearms. Need more proof ofthis assessment? L The countries with the highest homicide rates, also have the strictest gun control laws. Pee ee er ee ace erate? oe ee ee cance ee ee eet ee ue cr d eed 3. In 1920 Canada had a homicide rate that was 7% higher than that of the United States. In 1986, after decades eon ere eum tT) See ec ce Deir eS a een ns ees hee ered in Canada was double that of the homicide rate here in cece PEO acd violent crime, including rape, robbery and aggressive assault, ofthe 17 industrialized nations. Both of these 5. In the United Kingdom, crimes committed involving the Pee ne eet ac ban on handguns was implemented. Control isthe only significant word in the ongoing debate over firearms in the United States. The elected officials we have at the federal level of government, fear an armed society. {An armed society prevents the possibility of establishing a dictatorship. An armed society threatens the government with being overthrown if it continues to exercise over reaching and abusive authority where it has no basis to do so. Gun control legislation is designed to reduce the number of guns in private ownership. Gun control aims to tip the balance of power favorably in the direction of the federal government, Gun control and outright gun bans, provide a platform for tyranny, as well as the potential for genocide. Gun control legislation, regulations, and policies are NOT followed by individuals involved in criminal activity, hence the term criminals. These regulations, measures and policies place the right to life, liberty and self-preservation in the hands of government officials who do not have your personal interests foremost in mind. Data regarding gun control actually indicates more guns in private ownership reduces violent crime rates, contrary to the federal government's narrative! ® Subscribe Online r Call: 866-437-6570 HOW TO OWN AN AR ‘Okay folks, it’s time to take the gloves off, stand up and get to work. The federal government, under control of either familiar political faction operating in this country, has one agenda in common; the complete and total confiscation of firearms, followed by the absolute and unconditional repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Sure they have other agendas as well, but that is the one they both share. They share this agenda because they fear an armed population; all governments do. An armed population is admirable under the right conditions; it's downright scary when the people get fed up with being oppressed. ‘There are several websites online that sell what are known as 80% receiver blanks. These receiver blanks are not considered a firearm according to the ATF (Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms) Determination Letter. The reason these receiver blanks are not considered a firearm is because they are 80% finished. The manufacturer has left 20% of the receiver blank unfinished. That brings us to our first obstacle. You cannot simply purchase one Of these receiver blanks and put it together without first finishing the milling process. That being said, you will need a drill press, and/or a vice and drill. You will also need a receiver jig for finishing the milling process, which can be purchased separately, or as part of your receiver package, from the same manufacturer the receiver blank itself was purchased. ALUMINUM OR POLYMER: ‘The 80% receiver blanks are available in either aluminum or polymer. Prior to beginning the build process, you must first do your research on material ‘composition, and decide which type of receiver blank you would like to ‘work with, There are advantages and disadvantages of working with each type of material, but ifthe milling process is performed correctly, either material will produce a properly functioning finished receiver. If thisis your first attempt at building your own AR model rifle, orf you do not have machining experience with milling out blanks, then you should focus on building your first AR out of an 80% polymer receiver blank. Polymer receiver blanks cost less than their aluminum ‘counterparts in most cases, and they are easier to mill han aluminum. inall cases. Polymer receivers are a molded plastic/resin material that will require less time to mill to specifications; aluminum is just what it says, a solid chunk of metal, it will cost more, require better machining tools and cutting f and take quite abit longer to achieve the finished product. Polymer is lighter than aluminum, yet almost as industrious. As you conduct research on these two materials, bear in mind that those furnishing the information often have biased opinions; they prefer working with one over the other. This doesn’t mean one material produces better results than the other; in fact | have built AR models out of both materials and each one shoots as well 2s the next. It’ all about appreciating the finished product and understanding what you have accomplished. ‘Subscribe Online or Cal: 866-437-6570 eee ers CHOOSING A CALIBER: This decision will be based on personal preference. However, you will need to make this determination prior to proceeding. The caliber you choose will help determine which AR lower and upper receiver to purchase; an AR-10, or an AR-4S. BEGINNING THE BUILD PROCESS: ‘Once you've made a decision on the type of material your 80% AR lower receiver will consist of, the next step is making the initial purchase of the 80% lower receiver blank. There are several websites to choose from. Type this exact query into the search engine you use; 80 percent AR lower receiver. This should provide you with the list of manufacturers you want to choose from. Visit these sites and explore the possibilities. There are several AR-15, as well as AR-10 models, to choose from, T= Az tu sc Each of these manufacturers wil have jigs available for ‘completing the process, forsale on their site. Ifyou choose aluminum receiver blanks, then the jig you purchase will cost abit more, but it is also reusable for future projects. f you choose polymer receiver blanks to work with, then the jigs are ‘normally made of plastic, hey are more cost efficient than the ‘metal jigs, however they might not be reusable after the initial build process. On most of the websites selling these products, you will have the option of purchasing the jig with the 80% lower receiver as part of a kit. | recommend doing this. It will give you something to work on while you are trying to make a decision on the next step of the build process. Place your order for the kit and jig you have chosen. You ‘ano this with a credit card if you choose to, Several of these websites indicate that they do not store credit card information. If you have doubts about the validity of those claims, then there is usually an option to pay by check, or to pay with a money order. A money order provides a truly anonymous platform for submitting payment. You may also want to consider using something as anonymous as a Visa gift card for making the purchase online. PICKING THE PROPER UPPER RECEIVER: When it comes to selecting an upper receiver, there are 2 fow things to consider. First and foremost is the caliber. Your ‘AR-10 or AR-15 lower receiver can accommodate a variety (of upper receivers. Aside from the aesthetics and the caliber, the most important aspect of selecting an upper receiver will be the barrel length. Several upper receivers are offered with 16", 18", oF 20” barrel options. There is alot of debate on the internet regarding barrel lengths, and they discuss everything from improved accuracy to faster velocity shooting over greater distances. If you are familiar with firearms, then you may already have formed opinions on this subject. If you are not as familiar with firearms, then your primary focus when determining barrel length should be making the rife fit the body frame of the shooter. It is important to remember that a longer barrel length will add weight to the weapon. This will be a much larger factor for smaller framed shooters, especially if they are sighting the rifle from a standing position WHAT'S SO SPECIAL? ‘Now, you may be asking yourself; what isso special about building your own AR model rifle? How does this equate to ‘owning an AR that nobody knows about? As mentioned earlier, the items you are purchasing are not considered firearms by themselves. An 80% lower receiver blank does not require an FFL to purchase. Because they are blanks, they are not considered complete, and therefore require no serial number to be stamped on them. They will arrive in the mail unstamped. According to ATF literature the only time the finished firearm is required to be marked if there is going to be a transfer of ‘ownership. The rules and regulations regarding that process can be found on the ATF website. With alittle forethought and proper planning, the opportunity to. own an unregistered AR model firearm that nobody knows about, is avery real possibilty. If you truly want to make an AR that nobody knows about, and by nobody we are referring to Big Brother and nosy neighbors, then ask for these as gifts from friends and family members, when Christmas and/or birthday ideas are requested. If you receive lower receiver kits and upper receiver kts from a variety of family members and friends, then the worry about leaving a paper trail can be eliminated, Firearms safety and security are serious subjects that all potential owners should be aware of, familiar with, and Participating in. f you have no previous firearms experience, then itis your responsiblity to take the appropriate training classes from a local dealer, armory, of rng range. Its highly recommended you have a working knowledge of firearms before embarking on this type of DIY project. tis also highly recommended that you have the proper machining equipment, tools and safety measures in place before attempting to mill an unfinished receiver blank, regardless of the material composition itis made of The same process laid out here for obtaining 80% lower AR receivers, also applies toa variety of handguns. You can purchase 80% lower receiver blanks for a number of handgun frames and models, mill them out, and finish them yourself. Prior to taking on a handgun project, you should hone your skills on a larger and much easier rifle blank. Issue 26 Surivalst Magazine www Survvaliscom —Subserbe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 z Ld STARTING AT JUST $374.99 WW W.INFIDELBODYARMOR.COM E — E Bria eR CA ED) NEIDEI. a zd | , Fa eS De Ld respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or ‘abridging the freedom of Bee eee TR eee to assemble, and to petition Ce ans eae Orr ee ea See Pre canto find examples of infringement eget ay eee ae oreo Pee iccs eee Recognition of same sex pea eee for several religions, as Ree Recon e See ue Pee egret Ce ered See ay Creed ee ey rn en ead ee Oe aE See ea ee eed Bee Pee eel Eo ate Oconee Pee aa eed ee ee placed on several control lists, thereby limiting your Se ee ad Nereis ee a Justus Agenstum YM eae eR BY oa df a These are precarious times we find ourselves in friends. The plague of political correctness has altered America in ways aur forefathers never intended. For a little more than twa centuries Americans have been trained to believe they have certain unalienable rights, yet these rights amount to nothing more than temporary privileges. Our federal government, which consists of a mere 535 members of Congress, a Vice President and a President, continues to strip away these rights at will Yes, you read that right, a measly 537 people are in absolute control af which rights we are allawed to enjay, and which rights we are not allowed ta participate in anymore, Let's take a look ata few of our Bill of Rights. Prete ee et We can no longer Peer Rae) Pe ety Pecans One ees eee es ae) SOC See eres ented Pence Seo Pee Cie Pee ae) term began, several states Peron Poo) See es Deen! Pere ues eee Porro See erry eee Pee erg ea Union. “A well regulated militia, Pere Td Be eee ae aed and bear arms, shall not be a Se ae a Pee cree Bre eee ongoing infringement eae ecg SOO uucag began with the National ec ptees Sree) Sree oe Peace! Peg aca EL oi ec) during prohibition. This act also Pree eee ea ec) Pera ed Bee eee) ee) eT er eae then had to be approved by the pee ene eos transaction being completed. Ss er BCE) Cees) ‘anyone involved in the selling of firearms to obtain an FFL (Federal Firearms License), for which there Peete ee Ree ikon a Cee eee ca’ ec Mec) the groundwork for repealing 2nd Re aoe ua! Coe Loo Pee ceed Cor Ec ceed es Ect cass) banned the sale of firearms Ree aa ae Pee ee ees eee ea) Pee ede eee od Beer ees banned by the federal government from owning or possessing es Deri eUc iad infringements continues well beyond eee nes CaS eee eae ed Paes can Cece eon ee ec ee) laws do nothing to reduce violent crime. They adversely affect the law abiding citizen, while simultaneously Pee enc a Br) Issue 26 Survivaist Magazine “The right of the people to be secure CT eee and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not ee ee issue, but upon probable cause, eae eee ae nen ee ea ae ed CO ee ed ee ‘This amendment is violated on a Cee Ucar CE ted in your person, house, papers and Perea eee cic Pee ae Cue Pee eee Se eee ea ane Seemed CTE ee ean in order to justify the issuance of a Sect Cone ens Peete ce ee es Pees Ree et eee Se eon stress of the situation, the financial Pree ee Ts defamation of character associated ‘with those ostracized in the press, and frowned upon by the community. {Amendment Vil: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel {and unusual punishments inflicted.” America serves as the epitome of CC ae eas cannot be denied. Excessive bail eee ce Serene ee eo suspect is to raise it, and/or flee once eee Peper eee eo violent offenses as well as felonious create ey Cee eee ee ees Cee eat eee tgs Cee ener tog recog eee ‘they are incarcerated. They are also required to attend certain court De emg ER ee Ly also risk losing their driving privileges eects Cera ere te Se me Cree eure) facility, despite the fact they were not arrested for, or found in possession of drugs. This amounts to excessive fines Pierre etc Ree ene ea) laa See eee States by the Constitution, nor prohibited ee ed respectively, or to the people.” Ree eo ees Sean Tau an Today we are fortunate enough to witness several states exercising the rights guaranteed Re eed Ree at See ee Se ee aed Crees ue ce eared continued listing of marijuana as a Schedule | Peer noe cent YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN DISASTERS WILL STRIKE Ree ce : i eee ee ae a a : Z pee eee icra Bax’ \ Scan eA ORC | eee eta 7! Rages guidance of the Department of Justice, in the fs i form ofthe BLM (lack Lives Matter) movement PHB Neuen MEO MU OR Ecciunsy represen ermal eri cee ‘The same may be said with regards to the Obama a estat Clee administration and its desire to grant amnesty to De eo Ce creer) into American communities The governors of Se ue ue statements opposing the Obama administration's \N plot to place Syrian refugees within theirborders. SQN. paregetalhrrceneteiaay Dee rene eer Se eM reckon with, and if history is any indicator, abe!) | Dee ee eee EL 55 America’s Immigration Situation Justus Agenstum Immigration is a touchy subject here in the United States. This is due to several factors, all of which have an effect on the country as a whole, the majority of which relate directly to benefit programs illegal immigrants are receiving despite the fact that several legal American citizens are being denied the assistance they require. In addition to benefit programs, American citizens are also concerned with the fact that Obama appears to be ready and willing to sign executive actions designed to bypass Congress, in order to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, many of which have not been properly vetted. Issue 26 Surivalst Magazine www Survvaistcom In November of 2014 President Obama signed several “executive actions,” which were collectively labeled with the politically correct nomenclature of “Immigration Accountability Executive Action.” The primary purpose ofthis fiasco, aside from bypassing Congress and existing immigration laws, was to rapidly expand and enhance the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) initiative. DACA, which was originally implemented in 2012, grants deferred action against deportation to children who, by whatever means and for whatever reasons, were deposited on ‘America's doorstep with no legal status. On the surface DACA would appear to be a noteworthy humanitarian effort to assist those who are unable to fend for themselves. However, when Subscribe Online or Cll: 866-437-6570 ‘coupled with the DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans & Lawful Permanent Residents) initiative and viewed from a “Big, Picture” perspective, DACA becomes nothing more than an easy access entry pass for those who would otherwise be deemed an illegal immigrant. In the first three years of DACA an estimated 500,000 immigrant children have benefitted from the opportunities attached to the initiative; driver's licenses, free healthcare, bank accounts, jobs, and housing arrangements, An estimated 2 million more immigrant children now qualify for consideration under this DACA initiative. The expansion of DACA & DAPA under Obama's Immigration Accountability Executive Actions is projected to have a direct impact on the lives of an estimated 5 million people. Bear in mind that’s 5 million immigrants, not American citizens, who will benefitting from tax dollars contributed by legal American, citizens, not illegal immigrants. Currently in this country there are 665,000+ DACA participants. An ‘estimated 95% of these DACA recipients are gainfully employed, fr are attending school, in jobs that are not awarded to Americans either because of existing Affirmative Action Plans, or due to equal ‘opportunity employer standards, They are also attending school “free of charge", which translates to funding from American, taxpayer pockets. Roughily 90% of DACA recipients have also ‘obtained a driver's license, or a state ID card, issued free of ‘charge. These are the same instruments of identification certain political factions want to outlaw at the voting booth because they are viewed as being a discrimination against poverty stricken ‘Americans. The politically correct propaganda, which serves to support the DACA & DAPA initiatives, insists that allowing several million illegal immigrants to receive authorization for temporary work Permits, will have a positive domino effect across the nation’s ‘economy. According to the literature, for which there really is no pre-existing data to extrapolate such claims from, suggests that the newly authorized illegal immigrant worker will be able to ‘earn higher rates of income with a temporary work visa firmly in pocket. These individuals will then spend more of that additional income within the local economy, as well as in the form of higher income taxes. What this fantasy fails to mention is that for each newly authorized illegal immigrant worker entering the American workforce, another legal resident of the United States remains unemployed, or gets released to make room for someone who can be hired ata lower rate of pay. ‘Together, the DACA & DAPA initiatives will create a loophole through which illegal immigrants can avoid deportation, wh simultaneously enjoying many of the benefits currently being denied, or severely reduced, for US veterans. Through DACA children without legal status will be kept in the United States, granted “deferred action,” which is the equivalent of legally ‘avoiding deportation, and given the “free ride” formula for assimilating with their new American society, eventually earning legal status once immigration reform measurements are agreed tupon and voted into law. These children will be referred to as. “Lawful Permanent Residents.” Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 ‘A few of the obvious problems associated with illegal immigration include an increase in unemployment for legal American residents, reduced wages, higher taxes, and increased crime rates. Unemployment rates for legal Americans will escalate with inereased illegal immigration. For each of the jobs filled by an illegal immigrant, 2 egal American citizen will remain jobless. The DACA & DAPA initiatives claim the ability to help create oughly 28,000 jobs annually, yet they will rant awful entry into the United States for over 500,000 illegal immigrants. Common sense math, as opposed to Common Core math, recognizes the enormous discrepancy between these two numbers. Reduced wages will go hand in hand with higher ‘unemployment rates for legal American citizens. It {snot an industry secret that illegal immigrants will ‘werk for less money than legal American citizens, even if they have federal authority to live and work here. Legal Americans will either have to accept 2 ‘eduction in pay, and/or benefits in order to remain ‘employed, find themselves looking for a new place of ‘employment, or at the very least 2 secondary source ‘of income to compensate for lost revenue. Higher taxes willbe implemented across the board Itis important to realize and understand that the terms “federally funded,” and “state funded,” refer to ‘programs, initiatives and policies that come directly from the pocket of the American taxpayer. The {federal and state governments do not have their own. financial means, Every penny they spend comes from stealing profit away from the taxpaying citizens they govern, They will have to increase taxes in order to ‘pay for the benefits being granted illegal immigrants. Increased crime rates are a given. This isn't to say that all illegal immigrants come to America hoping tobe the new badass on the block. There are several ‘reasons crime rates could increase due to illegal Immigration. legal immigrants are not indoctrinated in American culture, therefore they will likely be ‘unfamiliar with the laws by which we live. This will lead to higher crime rates, even if the crimes being ‘committed are misdemeanors. This increase in the crime rate will also impact the amount of taxes paid by legal Americans who now find themselves covering court costs, and housing costs for imprisoning those found guilty. nw Sunvatstcom — Survvalist Magazine Issue 26 This is where the DAPA initiative comes into play. Although there are a few stricter regulations within the DAPA literature, it does very little to stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America and adding to the complexity of the Issue. Under DAPA the parents of these children who entered the US without legal status can now enter themselves and obtain “Lawful Permanent Resident” status. A Lawful Permanent Resident is defined as a non-citizen that the federal government has granted authority to reside in, and work in, the United States Permanently. It does not mean they are here legally, or that they will ever be granted citizenship. It simply means they will be allowed to live and work here long enough to send money back home. There is nothing in the literature or language of either initiative stipulating repayment for the benefits they will receive, or enforcing a specified amount to be spent within the local economy. Illegal Immigration by the Numbers: 97% of llega immigrants enter the United States along the southern border, which stretches approximately 2,00 miles, 20% of those who cross the border legally are actually caught, leaving an astounding 77% free at large 7 a7 ns ¥ So a Pe ey Syria, a Middle East country that has been embroiled in a Civil War for the better part of 5 years, continues to experience the horrifying effects of Pen ee Cet ee ero cee lea Cet eer aan These refugees ran, walked and crawled to the borders of Syria hoping to be welcomed into adjoining countries. Like most refugees from war torn countries, the Syrian refugees were immediately accepted by some of those countries whose borders they were knocking on. RO eee oe ae ees threats to the countries readily accepting them. These threats come in many forms, the most obvious of which is the threat of increased terrorism. There are an estimated 4,2 million refugees attempting to escape the Syrian Civil War. Oe ae we the Obama administration's claim that the majority of refugees are widowed Pe ae ae ee ei) Ki) Perey Oe Seu ee) ‘An estimated 4.5 milion illegal immigrants living in the United States are driving without a driver’ license, the required vehicle insurance, or even the ability to properly read and identify traffic signs. The costs associated with prosecuting illegal immigrants and compensating victims for accidents caused by these drivers have not been calculated, however they are believed to be in the millions of dollars. In 2011 there were 188,382 illegal aliens deported from the United States. 23% of those deported had been convicted of a criminal driving offense, often times including drunk driving. Another 23% of those deported were found to have been convicted of serious drug offenses, 23% of 188,382 illegal immigrants comes out to 43,000 individuals for each category, oF 86,000 combined. Included in the category of violent crimes, rape, armed robbery, assault and domestic violence are another 12% from the illegal immigration population, or 22,606 individuals. In the non-violent crime category there were 7% convicted of an offense, or 13,187 illegal immigrants. ‘As we can see, just from the numbers section alone, over '50% of illegal immigrants entering, living and working, inthe United States commit some type of crime while here. These people are not held financially responsible for their illegal actions. In most cases they either sit in jal on the taxpayer's dime for the duration of their sentence, or are considered for immediate deportation, also on the taxpayer's dime. ‘Once they arrive back in their native country, itis only a ‘matter of time before they try their luck again and hope to bbe among the 77% not caught coming into the United States ilegaly. @ Cee ee ne ea Sere no eT a) and children, entices the majority of concerned American citizens to consider them potential terrorists attempting to Peet Ee The Pars terrorist attacks that occurred in November of 2015 Ds ee eee eed Ce eee eet tee emer successfully integrated into their new surroundings, these ISIS Senet eh ed ‘over 130 people. Shortly after those attacks were carried out, Pe ea ee ec reese sie ae Syrian refugees to gain access and entry to America, and in Seng ec et eee eeu Se eR Ee DeSean Recerca claiming that the United States will indeed accept 10,000 UC oe CeO en ns of refugees the federal government can authorize entry Pore c ae ae naee leaders and alternative media sites, have made bold public statements insinuating, and in some cases insisting, that the Obama administration is directly responsible for arming and training the terrorists now known as ISIS. It is no secret. Oe eee Ree ee ecco Ry eee eee hk enc country was founded; the man has made several statements accommodating “moderate” Islamic individuals despite the terrorist attacks being carried out by those deemed to be Bee RN ee en ng eee ey Of Syrian refugees placed within the borders oftheir individual pce ue eu no ed governors to refuse to cooperate with the policies in place to Perce ea) ‘accommodate those refugees. Several state governors, as well {as some of the candidates currently running to replace Obama ‘when his term is complete, have stated that they will resist the influx of Syrian refugees with every tool at their disposal. This ‘means that Syrian refugees may be forced upon them, but they will not extend any benefits to them that come directly from Cee ee ee er) states will be reluctant to participate in the approval of federally funded programs aimed at making life easier for those Syrian refugees once they arrive. ‘What this boils down to is this; 10,000 Syrian refugees will be granted access to the United States in 2016. When this Se eee ee eee nD Pee Ree ec ea Se eee mune) Re eu ec ee ert new neighbors when they arrive, especially if they refuse to eee eee oe eed of you, your family, friends and loved ones, is a personal eeu sat Rete ee Ne ae ed ee ee) Pee ee ae eee ee ST aa ea ee Peg ee amt? val Ca Ci Ca oe. eae Seen False Flags as an for improper ds iagtrainen (ok Warten eet much ha imposed Pm m Peer mcrn tires Whe land based for thing on a merchant Deeg eer rations, false flags are considered | vessel, Neutral states encountering an ere ee etc an acceptable instrume arcs digg lierores Melee caeer eer ry provided the on is have the ty the pectoaa eerste cd et eet eer eerie Perego engaging enemy forces. The same ae eee eae ERECTOR may be said for false flags when used Pee ey as an instrument of naval warfare ere rey they are considered acceptable Confirmed False Flag covert operations carried out vided the false flag is indeed Operation: ee een lowered prior to an attack against Throughout history false flag Pore ena ty the enemy taking place. ‘operations have been carried out crease eat! by various governments around pect According to Article 19 ofthe H the world. n this section we wil for war, invasion, retaliation, R take alook at some of the false Peer cers) ‘ofthe Harvard Draft Convention, the | flag operations that have bee ener eer eet ty use of false flags, or false markings, confirmed, either by the actual rec! on an aircraft during atime of war, participants involved, or by the Paces strictly forbidden. infact the penalties | governments that authorized them. 40 er a ec ea ke) 11931 Colonel Kingoro Hashimoto, a high ranking officer in the Japanese ‘Army, and the founder of Sakura Kai (The Cherry Blossom Society), carried out a false flag operation. that consisted of setting off an ‘explosion near a train track. This false flag operation was blamed on the government of China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This was known as the “Mukden Incident.” During the Nuremberg Trials several high ranking members of the Nazi regime admitted to carrying out a variety of false flag operations. A major admitted that Naz'’s, under the direction of the Gestapo, carried out 2 false flag attack on German people ‘and resources near a border town, for the specific purpose of justifying, the invasion of Poland. Franz Halder, general in the Nazi Party, also ‘admitted during trial that Hermann. Goering, the infamous Nazi leader, set the 1933 fire that ravaged the German parliament building, which he then blamed on communists. In 1940 Russian leader Joseph Stalin ‘ordered the execution of 22,000 officers of the Polish Army, which he then blamed on the Nazi Party. This has been admitted and concurred by the Russian Parliament, as well as Russian President Putin and Sergei Gorbachev. From 1946 through 1948, the British government admits to establishing a front group calling itself “Defenders of Arab Palestine.” Through this fake ‘group the British government carried ‘out the bombing of 5 separate ships ‘that were transporting Jews away from Holocaust torn areas to the relative safety of Palestine. The Italian government has acknowledged that NATO, with assistance from the Pentagon and the CIA, engaged in terror bombings in taly as well as other European ‘countries during the 1950's, ‘These bombings were blamed on ‘communist organizations and/or governments in an effort to entice the people of Italy and Europe to rally behind their governments in the fight against communism, and to force citizens to request greater security measures from the state. In 1957 American President Dwight D. Eisenhower, in cahoots with then British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, agreed to carry out a false fag attack in Syria, which they intended to blame on the Syrian government, in an effort to encourage the assassination of top level government officals in Damascus, and ultimately a complete regime change. (False Flag conspiracy theorists claim that ths is another ‘operation that has only recently been put into play). In 1962 the US. government admits that the Joint Chiefs of Staff gave approval to engage in a false flag ‘operation which consisted of using airplanes as instruments of terror, as well as allowing terrorist attacks to take place on American soil These attacks were to be blamed ‘on Cuba to justify an invasion of the island nation. (False Flag conspiracy theorists claim this operation was mothballed at the time and put to use on 09/11/01 to bring down the Twin Towers and justify passage of the Patriot Act). In 1964, in what became known as the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident,” the NSA (National Security Agency) ‘admits to falsifying evidence about what really occurred and manipulating information in order ‘to make it appear as though North Vietnamese boats initiated ‘engagement with a U.S. ship, thereby justifying entrance into the Vietnam War. In 1984 a Mossad agent admits to planting a radio transmitter in the ‘compound of Muammar Gaddafi, located within Tripoli, Libya, This radio transmitter was used to broadcast false transmissions made to appear as part ofa terror network, These recordings were actually produced by Mossad for this false flag mission, which had the specific purpose of painting Gaddafi ‘asa supporter of terrorism. This worked so well that shortly after the mission was carried out, then President Ronald Reagan authorized the bombing of Gaddaf’s compound, may be a good reason for this. False flag terrorist attacks are carried out by elements of state governments ‘against their own people for a number of reasons. In the day ‘and age we live in, “terrorism” is propagandized by the mainstream media to be the single biggest threat toa state, or sovereign nation’s national security. These false flag attacks occur against innocent victims. These acts are then blamed ‘on whichever “terrorist” organization the state in question has an ongoing. issue with. Here in the United States they are used primarily for the specific purpose of enacting laws that bring about further restrictions, as well as reduce liberties, freedoms, ‘and expectations of privacy. Whereis the proof of al this? It can be found on several websites ‘around the internet, many of which offer links to the actual declassified Senior ofcers ofthe Russian Senior oficial within the Fl now military and intelligence sectors claim that the anthrax attacks of documents detailing the authorization admit that in 1999 the KGB was 2001 were carried out by at least ‘and participation of governments, authorized to blow up apartment ‘one, possibly more, top level and elements within governments, buildings within Russian borders. scientists on the federal government in false flag operations. in fact there These false flag attacks were then payroll. The FBI was instructed by are several people who have come blamed on the Chechen rebels and White House officials to find a way forward to share evidence that used to justify the retaliatory attacks to blame these attacks on Al-Qaeda, false flag attacks have been carried and invasion of Chechnya. and/or Iraq in an effort to help ‘out; they are often ridiculed by the Pathe ea Wercetoncetrage | tainrear media and east outs During the G8 Summit held in support for toppling a regime and “conspiracy theorists.” The problem Genoa, Italy in the month of July, replacing it with U.S. government with that is, as we see above, 2001, senior Italian police officials approved props. ‘governments and top level officials San seen fs see have admfted tothe authoraton cocktails, as well as staging the In 2014 a tape recording of top level and participation in the very false stabbing of a police officer. This was officials within the government of flag attacks that these “conspiracy done to justify removing protestors ‘Turkey indicates that they planned, theorists” originally accused them of. ith violence of fore, tnd cored out se lag operations : that consisted of using Sarin gas. Speaking Up & fearon reert bert Cetera i erestrayrared Te tara Speaking Out: Secretary Donald Rustls, we ania bey accede: | "tes ofaais bac oslebecame Iearnthatraqwasfalsly accused | Assad rege of commiting these | In¥avof201, David Steele bea of involvement in the 9/11 attacks horrendous acts. In fact the Obama th Sethe ae nates Smpiytojustyawer that resdent | adminstaion wentsofarastoarm | MéSteee sa ciflan ofcer Bushiad planed long betorethe | Syan rebels many of which are Sitar eae terri attack ofthat dy. This believed toe inthe ranks of esto pean information has been corborated by George Tent, theformer director | False Flag Terrorism: Semana ores erat) ec eta Fae ag opertonst he recem | aoe end ao woed oso Secretar Paul O'ell.amemberof | sare ftnbamed onmysterious | "dandesine series case officer” pray hy Counc ine “terrorist” organizations that seem for the CIA. Mr, Steele made the topopupoutofnowhere, and there | follwing tatement “Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have hhad has been a false flag, or has been ‘an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking ‘out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism, We've become a lunatic asylum” Approximately one year before his suspicious and untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, addressed the British House Cf Commons. During his speech he revealed that Al-Qaeda was nothing, ‘more than a database of Mujaheddin that had been trained by the top US. sponsored spy agency, the CIA. Mr. Cook went on to make the following statement: “The truths, there is no Istamic army Cr terrorist group called Al Qaida. ‘And any informed intelligence officer DAO Die) Ves knows this. But there is a propaganda ‘campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher’ to accept a Unified international leadership for ‘a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda isthe US and the lobbyists for the US war (on terrorism are only interested in making money.” Ina 2007 interview with Democracy Now, Wesley Clark, a retired four star general and former Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, ‘made claims that shortly after the events of 9/11 he was given a classified memo, The contents of this ‘memo, according to General Clark, listed the governments/regimes of five Middle Eastern countries that the US. government had plans of ‘overthrowing and replacing in the following years, The countries listed in that memo were; Afghanistan, Iraq, tran, Libya & Syria, YOUR TIME ARK SERVICE MODULES HAVE RETURNED FOR YOUR DUE SURVIVAL DRVIVAT, GUIDANCE! It should also be noted that in the year 2000, all five of these countries, as well as Cuba, North Korea, and Sudan were kept on another list; the list of countries not participating in the Rothschild controlled Central Banking Scheme. None of these countries owed the IMF (International Monetary Fund) a single red cent of debt. So, as much as false flags are carried out by governments for nefarious state sponsored agendas, they may also be part ofa bigger picture involving much more than the control of oil Recent Terror Attacks of 2015: It goes without saying that the minute a terrorist attack, mass shooting, or active shooter situation takes place, two things will happen simultaneously. The first thing to occur will be the mainstream media announcement and continuous coverage of the event. Within hours, and sometimes attacks always seem to find their ‘even within minutes of the initial way through the destruction and. mainstream reporting, alternative ‘ut into the open. The 9/11 Attack media sites will pick up the story and | The Charlie Hebdo Attack, and ‘uickly begin debunking it as @ bona the latest Paris Attacks all share fide terrorist attack, mass shooting, passports in common. After each ‘or what have you. The Paris terror of these events an untarnished attacks in November of 2015, as well_| “terrorist” passport was found as the San Bernardino shootings in and displayed to the media, and early December of 2015, arethe two | thereby the public, as proof of ties most recent episodes of mainstream | to terrorism. labeled “terror attacks” being rebranded by the alternative media | 3, Terrorists Already Known a “alse flag” operations in many ofthese “terror attacks we learn normally within a few Identifying Potential days of them occurring, thatthe False Flag Operations: state intelligence authorities were aware of the individuals and had questioned them, and released them, several months prior to the attacks taking place. 9/11, the Boston Marathon Bombing, and the Paris Attacks all share this false flag feature in common Alternative media and conspiracy theorists claim that the false flag operations we have been subject to ever since the events cof 9/11 transpired, all share some similarities. If you cruise through the internet long enough you will come across many of these similarities for each and every event categorized as a “terror attack,” imass shooting,” or “active shooter situation.” Listed below are some cf the more obvious signs that the situation being portrayed on the nightly news, might in fact be a false flag operation carried out to make a call for more gun control laws, fewer freedoms and liberties, and increased travel restrictions, all under the guise of improving, national security” 4. Going After Guns—this one is primarily an American false flag identifier. No matter what instrument of death inducing destruction is used, the powers that be will mention guns, specifically the need for more restrictive gun laws, background checks, invasion of personal privacy, etc For the most paart tis occurs in conjunction with ‘mass shootings, despite all evidence pointing to the fact the weapons used were obtained illegally One thing we can be absolutely sure of; our government has admitted to using false flag operations before to ‘manipulate the public conscience and sway support for the agendas it wants to see fulfilled. Protecting ‘ourselves and our loved ones remains our sole responsibilty, especially in countries ruled by L. Drills—several incidents identified as “terror attacks,” happen to occur on the same day as drills being conducted to thwart them. The Boston Marathon Bombing, The Charlie Hebdo Attacks, The Paris Attacks, and the San Bernardino Attack, all had exercises and drills involving cites bento Sotoling ‘Smerpenc] response crews the citizens under its leadership. ‘eccurring on the same day, in the US Army Field Manual FM 31-20- same vicinity, aimed at stopping the | 3 rorcign intemal Defense Tactics same type of attack that ends up Fesheiuer atl eect ce soing lve Special Forces, isan interesting read for further research on the subject of carrying out fase flag operations by militias ona global scale. @ 2, Passports—of deceased ‘terrorists” carrying out the deadly 44 ee eS me ae Psychological | Warfare Walkabout Willie PAE reolrle Kole M Ae Ra eon a (second AS ee Rlod se MN Cou e ole (MICA A ac case) Cys ase MEANS ol ON LAA eM ace as fer Ae gel oreo RE A oe ae Ee eT PMR eda ize MIN ez (otsfe hele oA) INDICATE ANY AND ALL ACTIONS WHICH ARE PRACTICED USING PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS AND PROCEDURES, WITH THE INTENDED GOAL OF EVOKING A SPECIFIC PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTION IN THE PEOPLE IT USED UPON. PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE INCORPORATES THE USE OF A VAST VARIETY OF METHODS, ALL OF WHICH ARE ENGINEERED AT INFLUENCING ONE OR MORE ASPECTS OF THE cram eee et ORs Sol ayaa eel Nee once ZL Crete wel G= ee Qin 2.tren cmon ar Mis en ma seg ts PAR ones amy fero telelor M77 ae eee aS isso Rte hae E NT Meo AA ona ene next TO THE POINT OF MAKING VICTORY EASIER TO ACCOMPLISH. THIS COULD NOT BE ae a eR aa eno eA elm a ceria mereret NPN Ra eg ease em cameos Ste ee eed cle) Law enforcement personnel are extensively trained in the Bee fare. The "good cop, bad Peete eee eat ence ecu O) Sea ee ee te) reinforce behaviors that are favorable to their ultimate ee ec ery et In fact, psychological warfare can be used by individuals, ee eee tema categories mentioned. Quite often psychological warfare is used in conjunction with false flag attacks, and/or black Pree eee eae er at eee ee eto nations utilize psychological warfare as a method of indirect. aggression, thereby preventing the need for military Intervention or aggression. When used in this fashion, the cee eee ‘opposing country’s regime or government by stripping away Rae Sea Political correctness is part of psychological warfare. An eo ag ea Saenger illegal immigration, increased threats of terrorism, and Syrian refugees, are all subjects of our ewn government's Pn eee ky pee ee ee ag is Pre ereeLrcacts oeac eta Ce et Ste Re naan rears refugee crisis consists primarily of “widows and Cree ei eth Ct te ye ay them. This position denies the fact that ISIS terrorists have ee ee eee ey ell as our homeland with the intent Cenc When performed el Se ee tt Pe CeCe sera) ea eee ha eat emit mem eon st with being engaged in psychological warfare because those plotting the attack are preying on the insecurities of the Ser eee er Toe ee White, Grey & Black: These terms identify the method by which psychological warfare is engaged. They do not refer to actual contents created for the disbursal of propaganda, but rather how the operation is conducted; openly or overtly, with a veil of secrecy, and clandestinely or covertly. In order to achieve a successful psychological operation, the information it contains must have a basis in reality. When disseminated, all of the messages published to the target audience must be consistent, and non-contradictory. If any inconsistency exists between the message and reality, it will be ferreted out rather quickly and the success of the operation decreases dramatically. The “fact,” or “truth,” touted in the propaganda must be consistent to all targets, regardless of what those targets are. Psychological operations consist primarily of aggressive, and offensive counter-information or counter-intelligence, which may also be useful defensively. A White PSYOP contains an official act, or statement, which is acknowledged and attributable to the federal government. It may also come from an entity considered 2 known and reliable source with close ties to the federal government, to such a degree itis assumed to represent the official point of view. The White PSYOP also acknowledges, attributes, or identifies all material content as coming from the federal government itself, or the officially approved sources of the federal government. eg See CLEC eric? engineered to indicate they are being taken by a rogue ees ee Ce eee at) enn eae ee) Cee nC ese a ee) aes The Survivalist Membership Program Visit Sun asve 26. Survival Mo for more information ‘Subserbe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 The Media Plays a Role: All forms of media, traditional, conventional, as well as modern formats referred to as “social media,” such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., are cogs in the wheel of psychological warfare. These are the preferred platforms of distributing information to the masses. In the past the media did a much better job of vetting the information they distributed. The media used to investigate information and verify facts from fiction before bringing the information forward and sharing it with their subscribers. In the modern era, media outlets have one goal in mind; be the first to report a breaking news story. They do this in such haphazard fashion that much of the initial material disbursed is later refuted, amended, or outright removed and replaced with information more conducive and compliant with the official narrative. Investigative journalism, atleast in the United States, is dead. During World War 1! the most famous media personality associated with engaging in psychological warfare was “Tokyo Rose.” As part of a propaganda platform generated specifically for the radio show "The Zero Hour” Tokyo Rose read authorized scripts which were broadcast to Allied troops on the Pacific wth the specific intent of lowering morale among US servicemen, In the European theater of WWIl, “Axis Sally,” engaged in the same type of radio broadcast psychological warfare aimed at ‘demoralizing the US troops fighting on that continent, The Korean War also had a famous propaganda specialist who became known as the radio personality “Seoul City Sue” As it turns out, Seoul City Sue was an American female who had, over the course of her life, relocated to Seoul as part of a missionary, and married a North Korean man. As Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 such her US citizenship was revoked. During the war, she ‘and her husband were tasked with, and participated in, the indoctrination of US POWs. ‘The Vietnam War brought us “Thu Huong,” an alias forthe radio personality more famously referred to as the “Dragon Lady or “Hanoi Hannah” This propaganda specialist gave three broadcasts a day, each one detailing the US soldiers who had been kiled or captured that day. Media in Modern Day America: Here in the United States, we have been no stranger to a multitude of PSYOP campaigns waged against the citizenry at the hands of the federal government. The War on Drugs, launched during the 1980's by none other than Nancy Reagan, is a fine example of a PSYOP campaign. While the US government, through various agencies, imported the majority of drugs that found their way onto US streets, the administration used a sweet, grandmotherly maven to admonish Americans for buying, selling and using drugs, failing to ever mention that prescription medicines were abused more often than illicit drugs from the federal schedule, and were in fact far more lethal ‘The ongoing War on Terror is another fine example of a PSYOP campaign being waged by the federal government ‘against the citizenry for the specific purpose of rescinding, ‘or outright abolishing, rights once protected and guaranteed by the US Constitution. This propaganda campaign gave birth to the plague of political correctness, instilled fears in millions of Americans, and has been used to pervert the 1st, 2nd, & 4th Amendments with federal fanfare. The current administration has left no stone unturned in its attempt to create racial tension, implement stricter gun control ‘measures, and employ “no knock” warrants on “suspects.” The overall majority of information we are spoon fed by the Pa ea create rteneteene a ieee depostory the federal goverment. Wile modern day media cults are stil ick to mp at beng the fst reporting agency, the fist 24 hours of “breaking news” broadcast are very revealing. Ts period of reporting is avays saturated with inaccuracies by various agencies. It isn’t until the following day_ that we se allthe mainstream media outlets gt line and bein sharing the sare version of the “fl” narrative In this day and age, f you want the wuth about something you have tobe on scene, otherwise W's nothing more than speculation and nishformstion designed to tan the, way yuthink, se, or ew a situation. @) ww Sunivalstcom — Survvalist Magazine Issue 26 Imapopular standup since the 9/11 attacks, society safety and personal safety, have sparked tremendous debates on Paddleboard magazine, whom and how ar, the government should extend their reach into our safety. Over the course an article was written of the decade long war on terrorism, Homeland Security constantly revised its threat catalogue byanauthorunder and how to address the dangers to the American way of lfe. These dangers were fist initially the pseudonym of “Dr. defined into three distinct categories: Weapons of Mass Destruction or All Hazard, active shooter Phun’ Init, the good events and personal safety. Very litte has changed since the first definitions but a great amount doctor regales his foray of adversity, misperception and distrust developed from survivalists/preppers. What went wrong? conto private property andhowhebecomes To begin with, the National Response Framework, in theory was to restore normalcy to society utterly disgusted when within a given time frame. The magical number is 72 hours. Since then, the proliferation of apolice officer shows this number became the benchmark for survivalists/preppers as a starting point to weather up with the audacity to the dangers of a fallen society. Infact, survvalists/preppers found flaws in do his job by protecting a the interpretation and became frustrated in what appeared to be the the rights of others. ‘government ramping up its internal resources to whisk Americans to The author continues FEMA death camps. To further secure the theories, the United States to describe how he was Special Operations community returned home to train for future able to mock, chastise threats in a training evolution called “lade Helm.” The goal was to and completely make extract various low and high value targets in realistic scenarios. the officer into a fool He told the officer {As the military plunged ahead with the "Robin Sage" style training, he did not need a life law enforcement began to wage a war against racial tension on jacket because he the most dificult battlefront, social media. “Black Lives Matter” could swim. He told the became a campaign for law enforcement accountability when officer that he did not using deadly force. t was not a matter of broken laws, or about, need identification on an officer being in jeopardy and having to make the choice of ‘him because “he” knew using deadly force. It was about accountability of the enforcers of who “he” was. To point, the law and the need for parity to all citizens both good and bad. Dr. Phun claims that the issue of personal The call to action stirred the fires of civil rights leaders, safety is solely recruited people to special groups and action committees, his responsibility polarized the media and ultimately elevated the awareness regardless of rules, where once there was a void of evidence. From this action, regulations and laws. law enforcement began to take a critical look at protocols Additionally, the ‘and sought avenues of preventive actions which inspired rights of others are of community policing and enhanced safety guidelines for Tittle consequence to officers and civilians. him. Are these your thoughts too? The public safety was no longer an wi. area of easily definable events, but a plethora of unique events that required a more delicate approach. Social media sites told the story from every angle and every opinion. The winner is the best story told in written, video format, or chat ‘groups. Did social media ‘make life safer by holding us all accountable for our ‘actions? Or did social ‘media foot the blame ‘onto someone else? eo fete eee & Who is responsible for your safety when Mother Nature's fury becomes unbound? Mother Nature is not a trifling force and harbors no prejudice. Her force is so tremendous, she ‘can destroy a community in the blink of an eye, or pound it for days. She can take lives by snapping the bones with incredible impact, suffocate you on land or in water, sear ‘away the flesh, drain you of all of your bodily fluids or deny help from ever arriving. Against this awesome power, safety. becomes a matter of interpretation and how to establish best practices in less than ideal circumstances. These circumstances of chance involve earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, massive flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, blizzards and lightning strikes to name a few. Each event requires a set of skill to increase the chances for survival and each event requires a certain level of preparedness. By each event, no matter how you prepare, Mother Nature can destroy. So again, who is responsible for, your safety? Referring back to Dr. Phun. The lesson learned from Dr. Phun is “YOU!” You are the manifest of your destiny in a society that quivers at danger. In the final hour, the person that must search for the answer to survival lies within your personal construct and how you will act to survive any given encounter. n Dr. Phun’s case, the construct of law is secondary. ‘The caveat to Dr. Phun is society. The United States Constitution is the law of the land which guarantees rights tousas citizens. Its a document to ensure that America ‘asa civilization survives over the due course of history. The interpretation on how much involvement the government. should have is still debated but nevertheless, itis for the people. If you break rules, regulations or laws, that is your freedom of choice but be prepared for society to impose punishment if you are found guilty Finally, personal safety does not have a magical algorithm, that is 100% fool proof. The world has proven that war, atrocities, disasters, famine and diseases will bend rules and stretch the paradigm of conventional thought. To ‘ensure your personal safety, requires a comprehensive approach that utilizes best practice, lessons learned, depth ‘of knowledge, a network of supporters and real time information sharing. Not being closed off from society and having an open mind, will be your best approach at the best, 1-800-874-9028 Ext 743 or visit: Waterwise + PO Box 494000 Leesburg FL 34749-4000 Subscribe Online or Cal: 866-437-6570 FREE Waterwisdom® + filtered practice tobeing satel @ $1500 Value Shocking truths revealed about: + well + alkalized __ + spring + oxygenated _ + mineral * reverse osmosis + bottled m distilled ' Please rash my FREE (No Cost/No Obligation) 1 Waterwisdom Report about H30 scams and how tohave the 1 vetypurese drinking water. 815.00 raluet ' ' ' 2 Name Adve cay ate_Zip. — Survivalist Magazine Issue 26 ck You are no dummy... you know how important water isin a survival situation, The rule of thumb is you can't survive longer than 3 days without water. However, dehydration can set in after just 1 few hours and gets progressively worse until your organs start to shut down. Keeping a clear head after just the first day of no water can prove to be difficult, Katadyn Vario Filter Uses 3 peru ters to elminate 99 999% of bacteria and oye, Long testing. fest pumping Boies. Perfect for camping. bastpectang anor emeapencen, LifeStraw ‘Award winning, ulteight backpack and travelriendly Weight: 202 FFiter Life: Upto 1,000 Liters Bacteria Removal: 99% This is why smart preppers make water one fof their frst priorities. But are you making mistakes when it comes to water treatment ‘and water storage? Read on to se if youre following the best practices thatll keep you and yous family hydrated and healthy (WATER FILTERS/TREATMENT. Having only 1 water filter is like only having ‘one flashlight. Tobe prepared, you should have several different water treatment methods < ) ( : ) — Pree ee LifeStraw Go Bottle Refillable 2202 water bottle ‘with but i LteStraw fier technology for outdoor recreation and travel Weight: 5902 Fiter Life: Upto 1000 Liters ‘Bacteria Removal: 09% A ‘including small water fiers, large fiters and chemical treatment, The Lifestraw iter is the ‘most popular “personal water fiter" and only weighs 2 ounces, ‘Chemical treatment such as adding household chlorine bleach is effective in ling bacteria but be sure to use non-scented bieach and rotate the bleach often since shelf life is only 5.6 months. A longer term solution would be iodine pills (see Water Purification Tablets) which have a 4-year shelf life, Boling water LifeStraw Family Highvolume,ongiasting and portale water purer ideal tor camping and emergency preparedness Weight: 1.17Ibs Filter Life: Upto 18K titers Bacteria Removal: 99% TTT EI ce th dl eae Pl agin OCR orn aie ae See All Products at ar ck) Preparing Made Easy!® 7P cean kl protozoa, viruses and bacteria foundin ‘stream water but be sure to achieve a rolling boll for 3 minutes before cooing and drinking. WATER STORAGE: While having the proper water fiters. is Important, you cant teat water that you don't have. Storing enough clean drinking water for {14-day emergency should be your minimum water storage goal Storing your water in a cool and dark vllhelp extend the time before water fitration would be required. Water conditioners and rotating your water every 6 months will azo help keep the water safe to drink (Only use BPA fee, food grade plastic containers, preferably with a dark blue color to help protect the water from ight. Dorit buy grocery store water jags, which are prone to leaking aver time Wena eet wey a Te RR aay HOW MUCH DRINKING Naan Colt 3d Water Filters for Home Berkey Light ‘SOURCING MORE WATER: You may think you have enough water stored at home, but what if you miscalculated? Having several water sources within walking distance of your home or camp is ctitical Consider how you will transport the water. The WoaterBrick is popular because its thin design and comfortable handle makes walking with heavy water much easier Cloudy and high sediment water ean clog vp a fter quickly. Be sure to use a pre‘iter such {8 clothing or coffee fiters to extend the life of your water fiter EE mallee parece Water Treatment The most advanced home water iter, so powerful it can | iter 4 gallons of water per hour Weight: 7s Bacteria Removak: 100% Storage: 2.75 gallons Crown Berk - Sree gpa eedion haa - purer Weight: 12s Water Storage WaterBrick 3.5 G; ‘Store water dry goods or ammo in the WiaterBrck I's super tough and has a {Lego style stacking ability that makes water storage efficient, and easy to carry! See All Products at Sur Bacteria Removal: 100% Storage: 6 gallons 55 Gallon Water Barrel Need a lot of water storage? The $5 gallon food grade drum will protect and store a ‘massive amount of water Water Conditioner Prolong the fe of stored water {and eliminate frequent rotation. These helpful drops kill bad bacteria and extend wi hott fe up to § years, age Water Purification Tablets fodine tablets are ultra compact nd ight wer FS smitary en emergency rete SRS Workers ils moat bacteria and pathogens Water Bag ‘An ultra ight, ultra durable rollup water ’bag, Perfect for emergencies and camping. this bag holds whopping 2 gallons of life ‘saving water BATTEN THE HATCHES! sannnennene = The active shooter continues to plague modern society for situational answers and ultimately, how do we stop it? It has been the most cost effective and highly unpredictable methodology on targeting individuals, groups, organizations and communities. It can be planned in secret, trained on site and exploited at any given moment. Timing of the event can be maximized for damage and producing a large casualty pool before an organized responso can effoctivoly ongago the shooter. Again, loading to the question of how do we stop it? The active shooter event has spurred debates and tested the strategies and tactics of local law enforcement, fire and EMS. It has forced elected officials to launch awareness campaigns, provide real time information channels like Facebook and twitter feeds, enhance communication services like Smart 911, develop “Run, Hide, Fight” videos, open active discussion groups and call the ‘community to action. With these steps being implemented, how much more do we not know and what can we do if we are in the epicenter of this event, cr if the hot zone now encompasses our home? Preplan and Prepare ‘According to Colonel oe Cheval Director of Publi Safety at Morehouse Schoo of Medicine, may Americans flto go ouside and survey ther home and neighborhood. He suggests making risk ssesoment to include but not ited to: topography, the type of construction avenues of approach and egress to yourhome. Forty your house accordingly and plan for multiple escape routes, 1s your house on a hill or down a hil? The angle of the house will affect the surface area exposed tothe bullet's fight path. the house sits ona steep incline the shooter willhave a limited angle of engagement, giving you more floor space to maneuver. If the house sits on a decline, the shooter has larger angle and you will ave a smaller space to maneuver Always strive to put as much house between You and the shooter as possible. Examine the angles that a bullet could strike the house and the most dangerous and the safer spots will appear. \Whatis your house made of Is the house made of brick, ist made of wood, isthere large windows? Will this construction withstand low or high energy rounds? Will this construction resist fie for a given time frame? The thicker the medi of construction, the beter the protection against alisics but Inversely, the more fuel fora potential fire Windows are danger zones-windows are the eves ofthe house tat offer line of sight to everybody. From the ouside, the shooter Islooting for information about the house andi there is someone inside that may present themselves asa target of opportunity. From the inside, you may be looking for Information- identifying the shooter, where is the shooter located, should you escape, what Is actively happening, or can you stop the Securing your home against an MET CLARK Active Shooter. Issue 26 Surivalst Magazine www Survvalistcom Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 shooter? Always be aware of fragmenting UAVs have launched into mainstream and stay within two feet of cover. Your tlassthere are many waysto teat windows and have yet o begin to explore its ean possibly the fives of others wil that cannot be covered inthis are fullpotenal. nthe activ shooter depend ont event, ean be used to gather elie What are the avenues of approach information orqute iteraly own strait your couse of action ito fight, stack there afencethatforcesashootertocome into the face othe shoot. allpotenl for succes n your favor Do down the riveway orhop over the fence? not attempt to go afterashooterin a one- Netwretesmbeyounsentess — COUrS® OF Action orcone cena without prope inne shooter hie rim aethereshrubsnear Run, Hide, Fight campaign sin the Asurvivalst/prepper sneer eut of arms thehowsethatean allow ashootertoscale edn state not whaly abandoned reach oft eastone personal defense upthesideofthehous, are there adjacent __by advanced preppers. However, the itm. With that being sad iting strucuretothe house that would provide alogue isa good stating point that requies taining. Be able to ident s00dcover isthe yard fully eposed where canbe expanded upon to provide 3 Yourself vsvaly to law enforcement and anyone can run drety tothe house? template of action, The simple truth comply when tld to do so. isthatitis called “fight or ight” The human body when placed in times of Safe at Home Inlormaton gathering works both way-to_—_=stress opal arm wll prepare tse’ Remember the advantages yours and not keep the publcinformedandtoinform the by spiking hormones and regulating body _—the invaders. You know where pets ite to responders. Check soe media sesfor function. Thisenables the body direct lay onthe lor where the children eave realtime information Checkwithocllaw ‘is attenton at appropiate actions ike toys a distracting noise or creaky oo tnorcement or Facebook pages, iter running rom éanger or heighten the Use this inowledge to your advantage counts ten tothe radio, watchthenews | senses fora fit. to foray yourhome, and place a much on stent the ambient nie outside, surface between you andthe ative lok for chagesin acttyanduse ourcel Remember, the ative shooter ia Mud shooter as possible Finally, rehearse your orsmart phone forinformation gathering __—_event where the shooter isa person etons. Encode your actions ino muscle nd sharing. Addonally technology has Imovingwith an intention anda plan.The memory for when the moment to act boomed pastlegisltonin anemerging and obvious choice i rot alvays apparent comes, you willbe in motion towards surprising fe: Unmanned Ae‘ Vehie when trun chide. Make the decision sural (UAV or commonly referred tas drones. auickly and accurately, Think ike a deer ® EMERGENCY DRINKING WATER SYSTEM Desalinate ocean water forever! Purify water forever! Protect your loved ones forever! Lifetime warranty forever! The Survival Stll*is an emergency water purifier that is. so effective that it can even purify ocean water, forever. It is the most effective emergency water purifier on the planet, and it never needs filters. Made in USA and constructed with heavy duty stainless steel for incredible durability. Discount for military (past & present) asa thank you for your service. Use the coupon “serve” (no quotes). We use the honor system with this. Please respect it ica Practice makes perfect. This age old adage ring ee fret Tee eee eee eT Pee ene ee ee ert eee) ree end ee mead eee ee Tartar nd to carry a handgun for or take a rifle into the situations in ee ee ee ay skill that need to be honed through continued practice es pe cde cine firearm ad Seeks peo -everal methods available to these necessary skills, such eget ls ee) Seen ee Ca ee ee ei then you can begin acquiring more in depth kn eo THE IMPORTANCE OF Getting Acquainted with Your Gun The first order of business involves reading the owner's manual that came with the firearm. If an owner's manual, ‘or operator’s manual is unavailable, then find one online. You should read this manual from cover to cover. It may seem boring, and there may be some information you are unfamiliar with; that’s why it is important to read every word. Research the things you do not understand, until such a time as you have a better understanding of them. Firearms Fm, which is often are inherently dangerous. Misuse of a fir related to misunderstanding the mechanical machinations of the weapon, can be fatal The second order of business involves getting familiar with the firearm itself. This means taking hold of the firearm. Prior to taking charge of a firearm, it is imperative that you understand this crucial aspect; you, and you alone, are ultimately responsible for checking and verifying that the firearm is cleared and unloaded, Never assume that a firearm is unloaded, regardless of who hands it to you, or how much you trust them. Once that has been achieved, inspect the firearm, learn to identify the different Issue 26. Survvalit Mog wv. Survival Subscribe Online or Cal components, and get a feel for the weight of the firearm. Practice inserting and removing the unloaded firearm from its holster. Four Firearms Rules to Live by: Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. This applies to those you have personally verified as cleared and unloaded. Accidents with firearms can happen for a number of reasons. Treat them all as if they were loaded and you will eliminate the majority of possible hazards that cause accidents. Never aim your firearm at ANYTHING you do not have the desire to shoot, damage, or possibly destroy altogether. Always keep your firearm holstered, or pointing towards the ground, until such a time as a target has been properly identified as hostile or necessary. Hostile targets are those with the intent of causing grave bodily harm, up to and including death, to you, your family, friends, or innocent bystanders. Necessary targets are those 866-437-6570 that have the ability to serve a purpose, such as animals for food, or inanimate objects/targets for practice. Nec also include additional inanimate objects that provide an advantage during battle; shooting out alight in order to provide better concealment/ cover opportunities would be an example. ary targets may Never place your finger on the trigger until the target has been properly sighted. This will help reduce the possibility of placing an V ready to squ igger should be viewed as an act, to shoot the firearm and are errant shot befor off a round. re of the circumstances that foll entirely. T ell as those behind it. Once you squeeze the trigger includes all of the objects in close and send a round down range, there is no stopping the process. Collateral damage can be minimized by i this ru It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than to be a gardener in a war. What this means is; although you might be a pacifist train as an antagonist to prepare yourself for those who would do you harm. In other words; itis better to have a firearm and not need it, than to need a firearm jou shoul and not have o Subscribe Online o Call 866-4 ww RA) Get instant access to Survvalst Back issues, ‘Survival Guides and More at ww survivalist comfindle ‘ — Survvalst Magazine Issue 26 Ca ee y 2 a Le So he ONC AN x NCO OME eon RT CO I ep ae Lin ys Min “ng. Me ED aS aN as MD ay Os Da NC NN ae RNR a ON NS A a Ld PR A aC Re Nk A ER Rd REIN ECD ON NE) fe, ON NO NOR Ne ENS CC Ma CN RN ‘7 aR NS RCN NR a % A Sa Ee Cn aC RS OOS aN EON SSNS ee A AS RD as “75 Mg? Ka ta Rn sn OM NSN RON AAS ena oS SN SLND ne Ne MCN ie ROC) ey By Sete ee eed How to Find eee oT) CES eee Cy shelter, it refers to locating a AEE koa nn oes solutions that are discussed Pee PICS) often consider the possibility Ce eesin shelter in an urban environment; however, there may come a day CTE as eee advantages to the wayward CUO Ou Dee Eee Pea ieee cgi) tly crossing paths eh! Doe te tisastar or emorgoncy situati Ae implementation of Martial Law. soto} er a me Whore you find this type of shelter in an urban environment will depend largely ‘on where you are when something wicked this way comes. If you are on the outskirts of a metropolitan area, often referred to as the suburbs, then some of these shelters may not be accessible to you, or they may entail a different mothod of accessing them, and/or using them in tho vont thay are available, ‘These are more familiar in major cities than they are in the suburbs. In metropolitan ‘areas these are fairly easy to access, evenif there isa gate, guard, or other obstruction covering the entrance and exit lanes. Most Cf these facilities have doors leading to stairwells which dump out onto one of the streets bordering the garage itself.The ‘only time you won't find public access ‘on the street level ofa parking garage is when itis a privately owned facility ‘catering to an existing establishment. For instance, a parking garage attached to fancy hotel, office building, or gated apartment complex with condominiums and penthouses for the more prosperous, is unlikely to have street side access for ‘Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 Survvalist Magazine Iksve 26 pedestrians. This doesn’t mean they can’t bbe accessed, it just means it might take a little more effort. Aside from the upper deck ofthe parking, garage, all other decks are covered by the deck above them. This wil provide some shelter from the elements, IFitisa truly dire situation, in which chaos and confusion are part of the apocalyptic equation that forced you to end up in such a place, then there isa better than average chance the vehicles remaining there have been abandoned. These vehicles will provide better shelter from the elements, as well as. the potential for finding additional goods and gear to help see you through some of the troubles you are faced with. In the event there are few shelters available in the form of abandoned vehicles, then check the stairwells used to gain access to, or from, the street. If these are enclosed, then they may provide ‘more adequate warmth than the open air environment of the parking garage itself. Stairwells will often have trash cans ‘nearby. These trash cans may be full of tinder type material that you can harvest ‘and use to create a fre for warmth, The trash can itself can be emptied and converted into an urban fire pit, thereby reducing the possibility of additional fire hazards, which will only serve to ‘complicate matters ifthey occur Ifthe stairwells are part of an open air design, then check the parking garage for elevators. The doors may be closed, and the system itself may be inoperable, however if you can locate an elevator, and determine what floor itis on, then using a crowbar to wedge open the door should ‘not be very difficult: The elevator can serve as. small enclosed room. This will reduce the amount of heat needed to warm the shelter, as well as keep more of the ‘outdoor elements from adversely affecting you, your gear, and your ability to survive. Abandoned Bui FH These facilities are available in each and ‘every major metropolitan area. You can find abandoned buildings and houses in urban environments regardless of where you are. In certain cities there are entire neighborhoods that have been abandoned, Detroit Michigan is just such a city. During its heyday Detroit was the epicenter of American automotive industry. Once imports gained a foothold and American manufacturers were granted permission to set up shop elsewhere, they fled the city or greener pastures in countries with little to no “minimum wage" laws on the books. While this allowed American manufacturers to ‘maintain a competitive edge against the competition it also helped demolish the riddle class and drive more families loser tothe poverty line. As the jobs dried up and eventually dwindled out altogether, so did the people. In May of 2015 a report detailing abandoned homes and businesses for the city of Detroit, claimed that since the ‘year 2005, more than 1 out of every 3 properties in the city of Detroit had been foreclosed on as a result of unpaid taxes, andjor defaults on mortgage payments. Allo these facilities, while abandoned and quite possibly fling apart due to lack of maintenance, cen offer youa suitable shelter in an urban environment. Of course there may also be the threat of encountering less than savory individuals Issue 26 Survvaise Magazine wv. Survival com, Subscribe Online r Call: 866-437-6570 already using the abode for their ‘own shelter, so approaching and centering an abandoned facility should be done with personal safety and security foremost in ‘mind, ‘Abandoned houses may offer a treasure trove of useful items that were left behind by the ‘owners when they decided to vacate, As a former resident of Michigan myself, can attest to watching people not only abandon theirhouses, but many oftheir belongings as well, and quite often their pets, Feral dogs are already problem in Detroit, and they are left to roam freely through many Cf the abandoned neighborhoods to this day, simply because the city ‘cannot afford to pay for them to be corralled and quarantined. This will pose problems for preppers. deciding to shelter in these areas. Feral dogs, while not rabid, are ‘often seen traveling and hunting as pack animals, much like wolves in the wild. They have very little fear of people, and will atack if bungry, ‘Abandoned buildings may or ‘may not have items left behind by the previous owners. In most ‘cases abandoned buildings have been allowed to “go to seed," as ‘we used to say in the city. The ‘windows have often been broken ‘out, the doors eft swinging open, ‘and the interior has started to succumb to the forces of nature. Plants and trees may be growing, inside the building, pay attention to these areas, especially fthey are located on any floor other than the ground floor. Believe it or not, trees will row out ofa crack on. the roof of an abandoned building, ‘and once they/ve established root system, they will begin destroying the facility itself as the ‘earth reclaims the abandoned building and al of its contents. You will want to refrain from setting up shop, or shelter, in locations that have plants or trees growing above them. ‘The integrity of the building materials is no longer intact, and they may give away at ‘any moment, with or without notice These are another product ‘commonly associated with metropolitan areas. They are ‘easily accessible and most of. them have interior rooms that only technicians, engineers and. maintenance personnel are aware of. These arenormally located behind man doors that are tucked along the track or tunnel walls, in out ofthe way places. If you've ever ridden the subway, or driven through ‘tunnel, and seen a door The Ideal Gift for Worlds Best Survival Fire Starter... Now Available for Hunters and NEVER BE COLD AGAIN TODAY! 541-439-541 ‘along the route, then that is where you want to head if using one of these places as a suitable urban shelter. You ‘may or may not find useful items by searching within these hidden chambers, butif nothing else they may provide you with adequate shelter for a few days, weeks, or months, depending on the disaster. Bear in mind that over the ‘course of several years, these underground faclities will likely succumb to nature quicker than abandoned houses or ‘buildings, simply because of their close proximity to the ground level. This s by no means a complete list of possible shelter solutions to be found in an urban environment, but they are the most obvious, and easiest to gain access to, which eg, ‘may be the deciding factor in staying alive, or perishing ‘unnecessarily. When considering these facilities, always err on the side of caution and approach the entrance as if you were clearing 2 building of suspects in a war zone. Do not assume that the facility appearing to be abandoned is actually devoid of all life. f someone else hasn't already claimed it, there may be other wildlife lurking In the shadows walting to strike! ' LIGHTNING! STRIKE FIRE STARTER Where to look for water: Ways to find ATER in an Urban Environment... = roe [7h fi ( eu Subscribe On Ifyou ever have to go mobile in an urban environment you can probably carry 2 to 3 gallons of water with you per person ‘as you travel, which amounts to 16 to 24 pounds. Best case scenario is you are carrying 3 to 4 days of water with you as you travel and you will need to have suitable containers that will last and can be refilled from other sources. Commercial buildings and high rises usually all have storage tanks on the roofs that hold water for fire sprinkler suppression systems and most people won't think about this option. You may need to go equipped with a good set of bolt cutters, and a sturdy axe to get there, but in a SHTF situation finding a good source of water for your family will bea serious matter. Once you have found a water source you will need to be careful not to call any attention to yourself, especially if you plan on returning to where you live with it. You will need to be able to conceal your water supply as you carry it home, It would be tragic to find a good supply of water and get rolled on your way home because someone noticed you carrying a bucket of water. It may be wise to consider using smaller containers to transport the water home before depositing it in a larger container for storage. Yes other people will need water too, but your responsibility is to take care of your family first so move as much water 2s possible before someone else thinks of doing the same thing. | also advise Survivalist readers to maintain operational security. For example; keep quiet. | have always operated under this simple rule; Ifyou tell one person, you have told everybody, and if you don’t wish everybody to know, don't tell anybody to begin with. Ifyou happen to be caught in an urban area due to travel for business or pleasure, and you do not have access to your own water supplies or means to carry water, then you need to be open to finding water in unconventional places. Keep on the lookout for aquariums, places with swimming pools, hot tubs, evaporative water cooler tanks, fountains, above ground water tanks, and break room water coolers, are all places where water can be found. Another place to find or collect water is off of a metal roof if you happen to bbe somewhere where it rains on a regular basis such as the paacificnorthwest.. NATURE’S HEAD res gentiy org isl éCompact rel Natit) Pace Cues are ocitas OS See Lied 251-295-3043 Survival Ma If you decide to capture rainwater, then you need to be ‘areful not to do so off of your typical fabric or shingled roofs. This can be very dangerous if you try to use this as potable water for drinking or for cooking with. Typically the business or industrial district will have lots of buildings with metal roofs that will be much more suitable and safer for collecting drinking water from. Those with snow also have the ability to make water; however, this will take a substantial amount of fuel in the way of firewood, candles or fuel from a Coleman stove. You also need to take into account the sheer volume of snow that will be required to provide your family with drinking water. Every 8 inches of snow contains roughly 1 inch of water. If you keep that ratio in mind, you can visualize how much snow you will need to melt in order to provide a gallon cof water per day per person. Gathering water 101 There are several things to consider when gathering water for drinking and cooking purposes. If you have the ability to treat or boil water before drinking it, you should always do so. In any type of SHTF situation or natural disaster, a good \e LEON GREEN ‘assumption to make is that any water that you are able to gather needs to be treated prior to consuming it Companies like Katadyn make small water filters that use patented filtration systems to treat questionable water in a PURIFYING WITH ESSENTIAL When you cannot access traditional chemical water purifiers like unscented bleach, iodine, or UV purifiers, then essential oils would be a highly intelligent alternative that can both purify and improve the taste of questionable and stale water. First filter water to remove large contaminants, debris, floating objects, etc. You may use scarf, shemagh, clean tshirt, or some other fine mesh fabric to mitigate the large visible objects. Second, use fine filter or better yet a water purifier. Whereas a filter only has to eliminate 15% of impurities, a purifier must eliminate over 90% of impurities. The one | like best is British Berkefeld® or Berkey purifiers; it removes pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites and reduces harmful chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, and VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) without removing the beneficial minerals your body needs. If they aren't available, then once you've filtered the water the best you can, then use essential ols like Cinnamon, Oregano, or Protection Blend (Immunity blend) & Wild Orange. Protection Blend supports healthy immune function, protects ‘against environmental threats. You can also dilute with water for an effective all-purpose cleaner. “www Survivaist. com Subserbe Online or Cal: 856-437-6570 safe and efficient manner making it safe for your family to consume. Some of these water purifiers are the size of a large straw and are made so you can drink right out of the water source by simply sucking on the other end of the straw filter. The obvious benefit is they are small and easy to have with you in case you need to forage for water. Small children and most seniors are not going to be able to use this method very effectively. Having a Katadyn pocket water fiter, a couple military Lor 2 quart canteens, and a couple of the water filter straws, as an absolute minimum, is @ very good idea for those of us who live in, or travel to, urban areas. You can also purify water with potable water tablets or good old fashioned regular bleach. (ne atonal way to gather water if you have an area con rooftop or balcony sto make a solar sil. A garden box can work very wel fortis purpse and you wil need to gather some vegetation, alee plstie sheet, 2 Container to collet water in, ana few ck or chunks of concrete, This wil collect condensation that you can arin everyday. @ WATER OILS ‘Oregano is very strong and used as a powerful cleansing and purifying agent, and is very effective against parasites ingrid down scenario. Both Cinnamon and Wild Orange are powerful cleansers and purifying agents for emergent water issues. It is imperative that you focus on clean water as during survival events water can be life-threatening and cleaning it with the most effective purifying agents is crucial. You can place 4 to 8 drops in one gallon of filtered water and more drops for less refined water. Str it in or shake it up to mix the oils) throughout the water and to aerate the stale oxygen deprived water. Do not use the dime store essential oils out there as most of them are pretty much nice smelling gasoline knock-offs Of the real, natural solution. Get do-TERRA’s oils; they are CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) and very good for aromatic, topical, and even internal uses. You can obtain all of these natural dental and medical solutions and many more from do-TERRA by contacting ‘me at or 303 495 2188 @ Pure Water for hens WATERWISE 1600 NON-t MSRP: $449.00 Btls Hi og lr, Hi-Temp Tubing Not even a power outage can stop the 1600. Ideal for ‘camping; or asa backup for your electric distiller. Everyday preparedness brings peace of mind in the face of unforeseen emergencies. In these situations, you simply can't beat the 1600. This all-stainless-stee! distiller has 1no moving parts, delivers up to 16 gallons a day of pure, safe water—almost silently—with or without electricity. ‘The two modular parts are pre-assembled, so set-up is a breeze. A countdown digital timer is included for trouble- free monitoring. (Collector bottle sold separately) Works on virtually any heat source—gas or electric stove ‘or hotplate, wood or coal burning stove, propane or natural gas burner, gas or charcoal grill Depending on where you live and what you read, you may see the word “foraging” mentioned a lot. The word “forage” has actually been around a very long time; according to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, the Middle English word came from the Old French fourrage and fuerre, or straw (as fodder for animals); forage simply means to “obtain food or provisions” Merriam-Webster further clarifies that foraging is “to wander in search of forage or food.” These days we may joke that we are going to hunt and forage at the local grocery or warehouse store, but we also hear the term foraging when referring to people ‘ho head out to the woods to find wild edibles, medicinal herbs, and mushrooms for farmer's markets or their own culinary delights. We don't have to range that far though; city folks and suburbanites are hitting the sidewalks and the city parks in an effort to find health and nutrition in overgrown lots, roadside ditches, and even the cracks in driveways and sidewalks. WHY FORAGE IN THE CITY ie Issue 26 Survivalist Magazine www Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 IDENTIFY, IDENTIFY, IDENTIFY: Verify the identity of a plant Ferireicten nd sioates | “esrrteerd rpc pura eurinretprtiiaydtentand | Nate se the ise bets you Ehdduiniuriontngrein | teeheecefhotgune and frtorene Fea yujthne | edegth error cf each pt tobewlingtzoperyourmind "| Mehl Yaa eon indepenyeureysisarety | shovtwid ating snd lege. theckiqucinimta wats | lemsemoch Wowfedgese EmanorcUiatisnweed"Apant | pane fom pans whenever wicroutueshoreretyttecn = | hesvlingto panto pts Ns Secor Aveylngeporionof | pars ised ermine, tet focgedcopecoreompunttiat | ting syngas ooking up maynelonperinconie whe | thar ert svanet & tow apigyouwilesmthe | peain pray youre manyusecofrioisyoumigtbe | honingmuctvooms aria sue Waltngpastcreymornngen tte | Joulmowant iota memtotereniar | twetecimarsesy is) Srat teks tesop Wnenyou | Tomothesstetyofs pare DO inovaboutthselos yu Norhanvesr pn yarspcmaianoanrg them everyhere you gl OS; testes tae second when wasetofone | canard y veh st fmaruldgeodaysnraet, | raureveraebereuapees focosvareh omerdescle | openapce a ndeton fe rete fonda sremeediles beng sore tht ‘you don’t want to ingest. Unless you are in dire straits, avoid roadside ditches where toxins will run off and pollute plants. ‘Wear protective clothing: a long sleeved shirt ulblength pants, sturdy shoes, a hat that shades your face and neck, and gloves are very handy to have on hand. Layer as necessary for your climate - in the heat of summer, you may prefer lightweight, wicking fabrics that stl offer protection from the sun and bugs. Sturdy shoes and gloves will help protect you from stinging insects, poking plants, and the danger ‘of needles and glass in overgrowth. Lastly, being in an urban area may mean predators on four legs or two. Coyotes are very adaptive and we've all heard stories of. them heading further into towns and cities to do their own foraging. As people expand our city blocks outward, bear and cougar sightings are not unheard of. Then, of course, there are the concerns with two-legged critters up to no ‘good in any city. Try to forage as a family or with trusted friends, or join in an herb walk or foraging class. You'll have more fun, get some ‘exercise, have lots of extra eyes, and in the case of a more formal class, you'll probably learn a lot from both the guide and other students, ‘while meeting like-minded people. Third, in our steps to starting to forage are the rules of ethical harvesting. Obviously ina large- scale emergency, some of these rules might be brushed aside for atime, but it serves us ‘well to know them and follow them whenever possible. Foraging ethically keeps you out of trouble with the law and also means you'll be helping to sustain the resource you're enjoying for years to come, for yourself and others in your area, Some basics of ethical harvests are: Verify the laws in your area and those that ‘apply to the land you wish to forage on. The legalities of foraging are different from town to ‘Subscibe Online or Cal: 866-437-6570 ‘town, county to county, and state to state. Some cities welcome the harvest of invasive plant species by citizens - it helps keep down their landscaping costs! Others are concerned about liability and do not allow any foraging con city property. Check the status of a space, because areas on the National Historic Register or federal lands will have different rules as well. S tanresgnaty ome et wien eon oat teat ops mare with high rates of foreclosure and abandonment, you may not be able to get (or need) an owner's permission. Tote song tcesoreatee tata been epg atone Sic yor dag theca fy aren om thet satay wnt hee ean up the mess; they'll probably gladly let you do so. (Consider showing youthnty ng theo Tnlenctrar toes apple butter!) If the space is clearly cultivated, e.g. a community garden ‘or someone's planters, it isnot a wild space and harvesting there is stealing, ‘not foraging! If there is a community garden near you, instead of feeding yourself off others’ sweat and aching ‘backs, please join the garden and grow there yourself. If you don’t have green thumbs, offer to barter with members who do. P) rns nt sount Coen ae trash (yours or others). Don't harvest fen aacaiieea sunset pevetge tae eee ie “hsoncors porate Roce tae aaa you don’t badly damage or kill them. SN Heavily research the uses of so- called weeds and challenge yourself to use as many as you can! When we lived in Texas, my family learned how to grind flour from mesquite beans and how to make “coffee” from them as well~ there are even coffee shops named after the mesquite bean! Having spent time inthe South, | can attest that kudzu has earned its nickname as “the vine that ate the South’, but ittums out that much-maligned plant can supply kudzu blossom jelly, Kudzu leave wraps (similar to cabbage rolls), and other treats, as well as supplies for basketry, The more uses you can find for invasive species, the larger your supply will be, because there's litle ‘competition for the resources! Urban foragingis a vable option in a sual stuaton but you ned to Know what yute looking for and how to use it properly, Start now and start small-perhape wth the dani, since it is available almost everywhere dea ost of us reopen easly aed rove on from therein sure ou fd many plants that you'l decide to call "lune instead of weeds" once you setyour bearings! @ With Heirloom Seeds Down to Earth Seeds has been specializing in long term storage Heirloom seed kits for over 18 years. Have you ever wanted to have a source of food at your finger tips when you needed it? You know the time is coming when ‘you will not be able to depend on the local grocery store for your food: you just don't know when. Our economy, along with our food system is about to crash. Heirloom seeds are your affordable security. food supply last! Get your never- while they Ce ara ei ‘Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 Survival Magazine Issve 26 YOUR NEIGHBOR’S PANTRY What are you prepared to do in order to survive? Have you ever considered what it might take in order to survive a real world TEOTWAWKI event? How is your food preparation plan? Is it complete? Do you have enough stored to allow you the opportunity to replenish through the process of gardening during the right time of year? Believe it or not, there are quite a few preppers who have all but abandon the food preparation part of their survival plan. They either do not know how to go about assembling it, storing it, ratating it into the daily diet, and replenishing it, they do not have the time to address that part of the plan, or they simply think they will be able to compensate for this discrepancy by bunting, fishing and foraging. The problem with any of these approaches is that it not only fails to accommodate this portion of the plan, it also fails to prepare the prepper for the very real possibility of consuming unfamiliar foods. Under normal circumstances, as we go about our ordinary daily tasks and duties, we seldom consider the possibility of eating unfamiliar foods, nor do we give | JOHN HARDY much thought to consuming foods we do not prefer. For exemple; in the United States consuming raw fish is often considered unsanitary, as well as unhealthy, yet in Japan and other Asian countries, the consumption of raw fish is 2 part of the daily diet. The same can be said for a number of culinary cuisines around the world. Most Australians will tell you that ‘everything goes better with vegemite,’ while members of my family will tell you ‘vegemite was never intended for human consumption.’ What this all boils down tos; we need to begin preparing ourselves to eat unfamiliar foods, especially if we are lacking in the food preparation part of our plan, or discarded it altogether. ATTEMPTING AUTHENTIC CUISINE: Going out to eat at the Japanese Steak House, of the Chinese Buffet, is not the same as trying authentic cuisine, even if the restaurant advertises it as such. It may be the ‘Americanized version of the authentic ethnic cuisine, but in 99% of all cases, it will pale in comparison to the real thing, Issue 26 Surivalst Magazine www Survvaliscom —Subserbe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 You will not realize this unless you have actually traveled outside the United States and been fortunate enough to eat at foreign establishments. Even fast food places we are familiar with here in the States have drastically different menus when you stumble into them overseas. In order to get a taste of truly authentic cuisine, it is important to either travel outside of the United States, or to make friends with individuals here in the United States who are native born members of another nation, We all have foods we do not prefer to eat, some of us have several foods that fall on this list, but we all need to consider adding them to our menus. As an example, | do not like liver. | haven't liked liver since the first time | tried it. | don’t care how you prepare it, how it is cooked, or what it is served with, when I see liver on the dinner plate, I cringe. Despite the apprehensions | have about consuming liver, itis on my menu at least once a month. | do this because | know two things to be true; liver is consumable, and my neighbors love the stuff. In an apocalyptic urban environment, in which my neighbors are not fortunate enough to survive, (they are not preppers by the way), ! know there will be liver in their freezer. I may not want to eat it, but | have trained myself to consume it. The same can be said for quite a few foods that millions of Americans eat. | do not like tomatoes, | eat them with a salad at least once a week. This is an exercise | encourage all preppers to begin implementing. It is imperative that you add foods you do not favor to your family’s menu, on at least a monthly schedule, weekly is preferred, but monthly will get you started. ‘Adding unfamiliar foods, and foods we do not favor, to our monthly or weekly menu plans, will serve to enhance our abilities to survive. This applies to rural residents as well, have several country cousins who eat things my kids would run and hide from. Get your grub on and get started! @ ‘Subscibe Online or Cal: 866-437-6570 FRICKED OUT WIN A ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION! Calling all survivalists! Have you made modifications to your bug out pickup ‘or motorcycle? Survivalist is asking our readers who have modified any sort of vehicle in a useful way that provides some tactical advantage, to send us your photos. It does not have to be a civilization-changing advance. Something a simple as building and installing panniers on your mountain bike would qualify, Commercially obtained accessories are fine also. As long as your photos are of publishing quality, and your ideas capture our attention, they may appear in a future issue of this magazine, Come on people, we are a community; it's just that we live thousands of miles apart! Allow Survivalist to bring us alla litte closer together. If you have a truck with an Everyday Cany bag along with a bug out bag and a Get Home Bag, all cleverly stowed, we ‘want to see it, and so do the rest of our readers. ‘The photo does not have to come from a professional camera, although that would be nice. Cell phones with decent built-in cameras of sufficient pixels will work. The lighting must be spot on (it can't be too dark, nor too light) Blurry photos will not make the grade. If a series of photos with different perspectives are needed to get your point across, so be it. Just don't get carried away! Send only the cream of the crop photos. All images become the sole property of Survivalist, Send photos to survivalistmagazine@, along with you name, location, and a brief explanation. Be sure to include “Photo Contest” in the subject line of the email. If Survivalist publishes your photos, you will receive a one year subscription. Let the games be See imt=laa) RADIO FOr SUrviVva : communicatl Ec completely cross the country Dene tL] 1 years old. There weren't es Pacts Ce eo ay See ag Pease) Cece Ue et Re) Peer ee aC amateur radio in my ear justin case | needed to call a fellow motorist for help. In those CO Cy Ce OCT PO ey Er ean miles from a base station and Pe Mark BUNGEH wae However, withthe advent of cell {0000 miles away frm the storm, F i phones Fubusnesrodosendhon Hower whew tyngtomate Halt Radios for Survival radios the appeal and use for CB radios __calsatthesame time the cellphone Once | eturned from my busines trp bas literally gone out the window along system got overwhelmed andsimply __—_‘started researching ham radios, was with ther effectiveness. Cellphones crshed Inmanylocationslamsure__mottated to find amore reliable and are convenient and everyone seems to wehaveallheard that automated atternative method to communicate have one, however in August of 20051 message ‘Allcruts are busy pease when faced withan emergency, of was in Dodge City Kansas on business __tryyourcallagain ater” What you ‘terrorist attack, in case cel phone/land when Hurricane Katrina hit land in couldn’ make tat call agnin ater? lines are no inservice. The term HAM New Orleans. For’ stright days was Whatifyou oryourloved ones needed was oriially meant tobe derogatory, unable tomate orrecehvecallonmy | elprightnow and there wasnt any _—_wbutsomehow caught on anda cellphone ant was probably 800 cellservicefor any numberof reasons. commonly used term to this ay The first wireless operators were landline telegraphers who left their offices to 0 to sea or to man coastal stations. They brought with them their language and much of the tradition of their older profession. In those early days, every station occupied the whole spectrum with its broad spark signal. Government stations, ships, coastal stations and the increasingly numerous amateur operators all competed for time and signal supremacy in each other's receivers. Many of the amateur stations were very powerful and as few as two amateurs, ‘working together across town, could effectively jam all the communications in the same area. As one could imagine, this greatly frustrated commercial operators who would refer to this radio interference by calling them “hams.” Amateurs, possibly unfamiliar with the real meaning. of the term, somehow picked up the moniker and applied it to themselves. The original meaning of the term has been lost to the ages. ‘The Technician class license is the entry- level license of choice for most new ham radio operators. Earning the Technician license requires passing one examination totaling 35 questions on radio theory, regulations and operating practices. The license gives access to all Amateur Radio frequencies above 30 megahertz, allowing these licensees the ability to ‘communicate locally and most often within North America. Asa general rule ‘most Technician class licensees choose to ‘operate on the 2 meter wavelength fram 144-148 MHz depending on what ITU (international Telecommunication Union) region you are located in, North America is in ITU region 2. This license also allows for some limited privileges on the HF {also called “short wave”) bands used for international communications ‘Two meter Ham radios primarily operate thru repeaters and most all handheld and mobile 2 meter radios today allow you to program hundreds of channels into your radio(s). You transmit to a repeater Subscribe Onine or Cal: 866-437-6570 ‘and your signal is amplified and rebroadcast via a different frequency. This is referred to as ¥ Duplex communication. Most of these radios also work pretty well directly, radio to radio without going thru a repeater. This type of transmission is referred simplex. Range of Simplex depends on the amount of power ‘or wattage your radio has available for transmission. Most handhelds willbe of the 5 watt variety and you ‘can comfortably expect 5 to 10 miles under ideal circumstances and an ‘occasional 20 miles depending on your line of sight. For example; if you ‘were on a high ridge with open valley between you and whoever you are communicating with, | have seen 20 mile plus ranges on 2 meter handheld simplex work very well. Mobile 2 meter Ham radios can have ‘much more transmitter power and my personal Yaesu mobile radios have 75 watts and transmit upwards (of 60 miles simplex, depending on terrain and line of sight. Of course hhaving a quality antenna system is of the utmost importance for extending, your range. Your transmission range can be further increased by using a YAGI antenna, which isa directional antenna that focuses your transceiver in whatever direction you choose. Technician class operators can also transmit on 33 and 70 centimeters, 6, 10, 15, 40 and 80 meter frequencies and they are limited to a maximum ‘output of 200 watts PEP on HF bands. ‘Maximum power for the 2 meter band, and any other band unless stated otherwise, is 1500 watts PEP (Peak Envelope Power) however that is measured at the transmitter. You can then legally increase your transmission range power by adding an antenna that inereases the overall db gain of your system. Thisis referred to as ERP (Effective Radiated Power). | know a couple of operators who have 300,000 watts ERP systems on VHF. General class Ham licensure allows you to operate on all the frequencies listed above for Technician, and also (on 12, 17, 20, 30, 60 and 160 meter frequencies. General class licenses eer rant some operating privileges con all Amateur Radio bands and all operating modes. This license ‘opens the door to world-wide communications. Earning the General class license requires passing a 35, question examination. General class licensees must also have passed the Technician written examination. This is the license that | operate under and | occasionally talk to operators in South America and Europe. My call sign is KDOEWP. ‘The last and most difficult Ham license to earn isthe Extra class license as it conveys all available U.S. ‘Amateur Radio operating privileges on all bands and all modes. Earning this license requires passing a thorough 50 question examination. Extra class licensees must also have passed all previous license class written examinations, Several years ago, the ARRL (American, Radio Relay League) relaxed the requirement of Morse code copy and transmission in order to boost interest in amateur/Ham radio. Not that learning Morse code isn’t still a valuable tool to learn, it just isn’t as critical as it once was. a Communications Plan Itismy opinion that every reader of Survvalist magazine should acquire at least a Technician cas license and a couple of 2 meter Ham radios just incase our everyday communication systems break down, Portable radios are pretty inexpensive and brands such as Yaesu, ICOM, Kenwood and rumerous others ae availabe on Ebay for as little as $99. They give you the ability to talk Simplex up to 10 plus miles depending on terrain, and thrua repeater frequency considerably further. ‘Adding mobile radios such as the Yaesu FT-2900R allows you to use up to 75 watts of power on the 2 meter band and give you simplex communication up to 60 miles depending on your elevation and line of sight to other receiver/transmitters, and even further utilizing repeaters. I you decide to go all in and add a quality base station from Kenwood, Yaesu, ICOM, Phillips etc., then you should also pursue either a General class or Extra class amateur radio operator's license. This will allow your family to transmit and communicate around the world, which is not only extremely interesting and. entertaining, but also very informative and can provide you with instant up to date information on critical events, as they happen, anywhere in the world You can spend thousands of dollars on a base station if you wish, but a good quality 100 watt base station and a good antenna set up will allow you to talk around the world for somewhere between $800 and $2,000. | also recommend programming your Ham radios with all your local stations and those in surrounding states. One thing | did was to make myself front/ bback hand charts of the frequencies Ihave entered into my radios. Then | laminated them so they would hold up and | keep a set of these in my bback packs, vehicles and ATVs. The ARRLis the largest membership association of amateur radio enthusiasts in the USA. ARRL is a ‘non-profit organization, and was founded in April of 1914 by Hiram Percy Maxim of Hartford, Connecticut. The ARRL represents the interests of amateur radio operators before federal regulatory bodies, provides technical advice and assistance to amateur radio enthusiasts, supports a ‘number of educational programs, and sponsors emergency communications services throughout our country. This isa great place to learn about becoming an Amateur Radio Operator and to decide which license you ‘would like to study for and obtain., ‘The author, Mark Bunch owns and operates a Gun & Pawn shop and Gun (Club cwith his business partner Mike Brizendinein Canon City Colorado, ‘Mark isan NRA certified firearms instructor in numerous tweapons plaiforms and holds « General Class “Amateur radio operators license and «can be reached on 2 meter and other bandwidehs after 9 PM mountain time. Subscribe Online or Cll: 866-437-6570 ed Pe RISC ono crated POSS Ue oer a Lined or near your cache of selected weapons with an unlimited supply of resources to fend off Re eee ac tsemr Pree eS aE STS cid ‘way to safety with what you have at hand or Oe Cet otras eee ene Sens eects RICCO OS eee’ aware of your surroundings and the events that are unfolding. Do not have earbuds in with music blaring. Stay in the moment and be physically prepared. When action is required, See eee) Roney eec rote Met Clark Ree er ea eee er) with training, can increase the amount of damage done to Poets ace ee ee eee when attached to strings, straps, or shoe laces, but may Cree Ce ear eats Mn cn cue eRe Handheld strike tools are largely advertised See ee meee effectiveness of strike tools, find a defensive instructor Re eed a sed possible ways to parry an edged weapon. The tactical pen offers versatility in carrying, striking and breaking glass. Beco e Cee epee eee a ee ee eee eee ee eee See er et eee era and sharp bezels to dig or gouge into the skin. This device RU mes eee eee eee etry coer Pec ete Seg al Cee eee eo ce Penge ee ae ae ‘Trauma shears as a striking or gouging tool to escape Violent encounters. The trauma shears are light weight, affordable, can cut diferent materials and when held propery, Ne eee eee eau Be C go cand zo introduction. The Civilian C2 taser is a non-lethal weapon that unleashes its power at contact to 15 feet. A host of built eee ee et ce safety cover and 50,000 volts of pure goodness. eed ee ce ee een ee toc ar ene eters ee eee ete Be eee eR eu a) ee een rae! with thie time than having their eye sockets burned out. Bear in mind that all Alphas” go into the final ight thinking that they ae the “Alpha.” The best defense items are awareness and De ee en eee ea ees CeCe BTR Murer Cy Rally until you are safe! » 75 Soe DE GMae Oma Cea a EUR a cr Sc always taken for granted are going to change drastically, including your ability to be in control of your situation. One of my favorite quotes Of all time was said by Winston Churchill during the 2nd World War; Se ae eo cea Mes eee ed being 100% accurate with 1% of your foresight.” Death and Taxes are the only two guarantees; everything else is up for grabs. Having a survival mindset is the key to being able to survive any and all situations that could befall you if things suddenly change in a bad ea eee ce tue rcs change. Some of us know this concept as adapt and overcome. Escape and evasion Is a very daunting task, especially if someone or Pe eee ke cca ean ey Cee ee a te ons BS Cet eee Lane ce) emia complicates things. You probably will not be able to count on getting any Cea eu nea probably the scariest and riskiest situation to find yourself in; however, erence ace ie ei Learn all you can about your destination before you get there. Do you know the language and the customs of the local culture? How far away you are from water, what the climate is like and what kind of poisonous insects, snakes, spiders are there? Do you have medical conditions that require prescription medicine(s)? Having a few key items with you will greatly increase your chances of escaping and evading capture or death. If You are unable to travel abroad with some of these items, make sure you find them locally ASAP, you may need them. Something you can cut with, a knife, box cutter, or multiplier with tools and knife are invaluable. A small light, compass, small frameless pack and a pair of good sturdy boots suitable for hiking and running in, are also recommended. Proper clothing will also be very important; try to blend in. if you are staying in a hotel, make sure you know where all the exits are, and how to get out quickly. Typically most invading forces are going to act like law |, they will form a perimeter around you and try to squeeze you. It is et outside the perimeter of containment as quickly as you possibly can, Bega ee ae 77 78 If you are vigilant and pay attention to anything out Of the ordinary, you may be able to anticipate a bad situation and get outside ofthe perimeter of immediate danger, thus buying yourself valuable time as you plan your escape. Make sure you have cash, and or local currency, on you as well. Another thing to keep in mind before getting into a car like a tax, make sure the door hhandles and windows work prior to shutting the door. Depending on who is after you and what situation you are trying to evade/escape from, your chances, ‘can range from slim to pretty good. If you happen to, hhave the good fortune to be anywhere close to home, then you can grab a few things before you head out. A. ood plan isto have a pack ready to go with a couple knives, multi plier tool, hand gun and extra ammo, compass, first aid kit, hygiene kit, water purifier, fire starter, poncho, matches, flashlight, change of clothes etc. Keep your pack as light as you can while covering, all the basics. Keep your car full of gas and another loaded pack in case you have to flee during the course of a work day and are unable to get home. x God forbid you are ever captured and held prisoner, but if you are there are some things you can keep in mind that can assist your survival and escape. Your: best chance to escape is going to be in the first few hours of your captivity. You will probably be close to. an area that you are familiar with. Oftentimes the initial search you are given when you are captured is only a cursory one and you may still have some valuable tools on you that were missed. A handcuff key, small knife etc., will help you immensely under this type of circumstance. rece cee Your restraints will ikely be less secure initially while your captors try to get organized and settled in. Once they get organized or get you back on their own turf your situation gets worse, as you will likely be put into a secure room, Pay attention to everything in your environment, what you hear, what you smell, can you look out a window or door? How many different voices do you hhear, are any of them female or from a child? You will need to study your surroundings and see what, if anything, can be used as a weapon. Typically these circumstances, while terrifying initially, seem to devolve into a routine of mundane daily activities, Not to downplay the real possibility of being tortured if you end up being a POW, there will still be mundane routine activities. Keep your mind sharp and absorb everything around you and bide your time. Guards in these situations are usually not particularly bright and they get bored to tears having to babysit you, and whoever else you may be held with. This is your chance and if you are with your spouse, and/or children, it may be a little more challenging to escape, but keep in mind your captors must be Vigilant 24 hours per day and you need only a few minutes to escape. Time and human nature are on your side. Keeping your survival mindset will also benefit you as you learn everything you possibly can about your environment and your captors. Resist the urge to be combative or mouthy with your captors. Don’t argue or threaten them, or make defiant gestures, or eye contact. You will need to be patient, observant and 100% accurate with your 1% of foresight. Make sure you fat everything you are given and remain hydrated as best you can. If possible try to exercise both physical and mental. Go over your ccumstances and your pan. its iportant to keep in mind that Your primary plan wil ely need to be modiid on the ly, Nothing ever goes just like you plan it, not sc) ial alice ik aloe reece bore captivity. Your chance to escape will occur and you will need to call on everything you have learned, practiced and thought about previous. @ DEAS oc Cee Paintballs for Force on Force Training: ‘Asa concept, this type of firearms training is relatively ‘new, given the lengthy history of manufacturing firearms. Paintball, which m pould be familiar with, Force on Force vs. Paper: Tactical force on force training trumps traditional paper target training in a couple of ways. For starters force on. force training enables “suspects” to engage and shoot at trainees with realistic weapons that have been corwerted ‘was actually invented in the 1960's by an individual named CCharles Nelson, who at the time was the owner of the Nelson Paint Company. Paintballs, and the guns that fired ther, referred to as markers, were originally intended to be used by the US Forestry Service to mark trees for removal, from a distance. These devices were eventually used by ranchers to, help mark stray cattle on the range. By the 1970's paintballs ‘were being discussed for use in warlike games between teams. The very first “paintball game,” occurred in 1981, and from there the industry exploded to what its today. In the early to mid-1980's the sport of paintball was being integrated into training programs of military organizations, as well as law enforcement agencies, in order to replicate real world scenarios with a degree of fear, stress, and adrenaline which had previously been unavailable. The biggest ‘complaint about paintball and markers was that they still lacked realism. Individuals taking this type of training had to se equipment that did not properly resemble, or function, actual firearms. The markers required frequent refilling with 2 propellant. Ammunition for paintball markers cannot be carried in a conventional magazine, and the accuracy and distance associated with paintballs was always a cause for concern. The associated paintball gear was also found to be insufficient in that it did not incorporate authentic combat/ duty characteristics, such as being able to holster and draw the weapon. Additional problems with using this format also included the development of unnecessary skils that would serve no purpose ina life threatening situation, such as weapons malfunctions. Paintball markers are notorious for jamming. When this occurs it requires clearing the weapon, which is nothing like the actual firearm the trainee will be Using on a dally basis to perform their duties. Airsoft for Force on Force Training: ‘The airsoft firearms that are on the market today were originally designed and manufactured in the 1980's out of Japan. Due to the lack of internet and online shopping at the time, airsoft took a while to get off the ground outside Of Japan. As the internet developed and the use of airsoft firearms escalated in the “real world gaming” industry, the use of them for force on force training gained in popularity. While the ammunition did not resemble that of, an authentic firearm, it did deliver greater accuracy, more distance, and fewer ammunition related malfunctions than paintballs. Although these were improvements, they still did not meet the same specifications of their real world firearm equivalents. While the airsoft guns attempted to replicate real world counterparts, they looked the part, yet lacked the same functionality. Airsoft equipment also uses green gas propellants to send the projectile on its course, which requires refilling once depleted. Reduced velocity between, shoots, especially in rapid fire exercises, also posed a serious drawback to using airsoft as a realistic training tool. While airsoft equipment does have its place in the firearm’s training industry, especially for new shooters who have never handled a firearm before, it has since been replaced with a new format for force on force training regimens. Simunition Revolutionizes Force on Force Training: The most suitable solution fr tactical force on force training ‘would incorporate the best aspects of both platforms; the marking capability of paintballs, wth the realistic firearms of airsoft. Simunition, isa fabricated word which combines “simulated and ammunition." Itis also a registered trademark ‘owned by General Dynamics which manufactures it ‘Simunition rounds are available in three different calibers; 38, 9mm, and 5.56mm. This ammunition can be used in firearms that have had a conversion kt installed. The conversion kits make it impossible for the firearm to ‘chamber or fire live ammunition. This has been done as a safety measure and prevents accidents from occurring ‘This aspect creates an environment which more accurately simulates the physiological reaction trainees are likely to ‘experience under the stress ofa real world altercation. As a result ofthis reaction under stress, force on force training also, ‘exposes how rapidly and terribly the trainee’s accuracy will during the training phase. Once the conversion kit has been Installed, the firearm will function as normal, and may encounter some of the same malfunctions it would in a real world situation, thereby increasing the level of training to include authentic problems under stress while in potentially violent environments. While Simunition began as the sole entity within the industry, there are other companies that have begun ‘manufacturing marking cartridges for the specific purpose of getting a foot in the door of force on force training, schools. A couple of these newer marking cartridges are considered more reliable than the Simunition variety taper off, and/or suffer drastically from, while engaged in an actual gunfight. This, in turn, will motivate trainees to consider the training more seriously, while simultaneously enticing them to adopt proactive and protective tactics themselves, in addition tothe instructon(s) they receive. @ ee ers Hel mali crane of Firearms Sea ats CEO RUE SUL are capable of lasting a lifetime; firearms happen to be one of them. RUE ALU ee ECU WRLC We UL SU CEN ATL SU eae UC SUG ae ar ee PE ce Sadly, there are very few 0 wrongly a to provide maintenai will ha supplies, brushes that they have accumulated throughout their liv through the results in the rms being put off for a later date. That later date often ‘ten about until the next gets delayed, or it gets rem memory altogether until such a time as the firearm begins to malfunction. Paleo Pete SA OURS Ne TRAINING AND TIPS: GET PAID TO WRITE FOR SU ESS vAL a Now accepting new material on these categories: 2 ° Water * Food f ¢ Shelter + Energy Protection/ Security Medicine Survivalist Magazine is updating its format with new interest areas and special topics. Regardless AEN ccc N ACCUM CRIN aa) writing, please give us your updated list of Minne eran ie eere aos aR Maneater Osi Nol coum eRe Naar TCE METS Pree Field Care & Cleaning Lesson #1 When it comes to providing maintenance for your guns, any care and cleaning is better than none. Yes, | am fully aware that the literature that came with the cleaning kit for the firearm you own, stipulates that you should run lube drenched brushes and solvent soaked patches, back and forth through the bore until your lower arm falls off, or the patch finally comes out as white as freshly fallen snow. The thing that these instruction pamphlets do not tell you is that the very first solvent soaked patch you put through the bore, usually removes close to 90% of the residue that is present. Personally, | own a few firearms, some of them I take better care of then others ‘My hunting rifles are treated as prized treasures, primarily because they were received as gifts from family members and I would hate for them to think | was, not appreciative. My AR-15 and AR-10 are a different story. | built them myself ut of spare parts, many of which look like they were personally retrieved from the battlefields of Vietnam. They are banged up, beat up, and bruised, but they still function when I need them. to. For the most part, | run 2-3 solvent soaked patches through the bore after firing them, and clean a few internal parts, such as the recol spring if tis filthy, fr the gun gets to feeling alittle "sticky!" | have never bothered to try and beautify either of my AR’s because they already look lke they came from the “scratch and dent” section of the local pawn shop. Basically this is a very easy concept to come to grips with; one is better than none. In other words, it is far better to take the time to run a single solvent soaked patch through the bore to remove 90% of the buildup, than it is to leave 100% of the gunk resting in the barrel. Bear in mind that the instructions that come with the cleaning kit for the firearms you own, was written by the manufacturer. This is the same manufacturer that produces @ brand of solvent, lubricant, rods, brushes and patches. They want you to buy into the idea that a dirty gun is a bad thing. ‘Subscibe Online or Cal: 866-437-6570 The literature included in these kits has been penned with profit margins in mind. The more gun cleaning ‘equipment they can entice you to purchase, the better profit margins they will experiencs Field Care & Cleaning Lesson #2 Each and every brand of gun cleaning equipment works. Regardless of what you might read or hear, the absolute worst gun cleaning product on the market is still better than having none at all, Graphite or polymer field cleaning kits are generally recommended more than metal. There are several compact, carry-in-your-backpack field cleaning and care kits from a wide variety of manufacturers available on the open market. Any one of these kits will be worth its weight in gold should you find yourself buried up to your elbows in mud and muck while out hunting. When purchasing a field maintenance kit, focus on keeping the process to 2 minimum, The less time consuming and challenging the is, the more inclined you will be to complete it. That being said, there is no such thing as over cleaning a firearm. If you have the desire to conduct a full tear down and cleaning regimen, each and every time you place a round down range, then by all means do so. itis your firearm and you will cause it no harm by being a bit overzealous in your approach to cleanliness and maintenance. The Basic Steps of Cleaning a Firearm Cae eee ea Red firearm. Remove any magazine, or eject any ammunition, in 2 safe manner. Visually inspect and ensure the weapon is clear es ea} The next step of the process involves removing the bolt (rifle) CE ee een ae eon In order to perform this portion of the process it may be fee uC ee Lt ee ee ee eee ny item is clean, dry it off using a rag, then apply a light base of ee a ec ecu Perse sty eteety Fe ge a ene Ty attached to a cleaning rod, through the entire barrel until it exits the muzzle. If your ee ae ee ee eee en Ue eee cinco en ee eas time to work its magic and loosen any lead, powder fouling, and ammunition jacketing co After the 10-15 minute waiting period, begin the bore scrubbing step. Using the same cleaning rod and bronze brush attachment, run the tool through the bore several Peat er ee eee Ca Ser ee ue ee On oo ee eae ec ena kee cy pushing any excess material out of the muzzle end of the barrel. Do NOT pull the dirty patch back through the bore, simply remove it once it comes out of the muzzle and either replace it before retrieving the rod through the bore, or simply retrieve the ‘empty rod itself without replacing the patch. Using the bronze scrubbing brush, repeat the bore scrubbing procedure an additional 10-15 times. This should break all of the gunk in the barrel free and allow for easier econ eee ee eee ee a a patch through the bore from the breech, exiting the muzzle. Remove the dirty patch ‘on the muzzle end, and retrieve the cleaning rod by pulling it back through the bore. Remove the dirty patch once the rod exits the breech. Repeat this step as many times as necessary. Necessary means until you are satisfied with the cleanliness of the patch. The final step of the process involves applying a very light film of lubrication. Contrary pee meee Se nee ea Using a soft, clean cotton cloth rag, apply a light coat of rust protecting oil to all of the Buc You are the owner and user of your firearms, It is ultimately up to you how often the firearms get cleaned, and what methods are used to perform the procedures. Itis also up to you how much attention to detail you want to apply when cleaning your guns. Some people perform a total tear down, complete cleaning, and rebuilding of their guns after each use. Other people very seldom, if ever, clean their guns unless they are malfunctioning, and even then they apply the minimalist approach to solving the problem. A last word of advice; if you clean your firearms after each use, you shouldn't have to worry about them working when you need t! —l inl) =< o a fe —) PALO PEE DEFENSE FORCES ca = = J c = (J i“e] (i ) — = — aa = = Referred to as an acronym ICPS is the tactic that serves as the backbone of ‘counter-terrorism training for members Cf the IDF. This tactical approach to using firearms originated shortly after WWII when a Jewish American by the name of David Beckerman relocated to Israel and began developing warfare tactics for small arms. ICPS gained notoriety and became an adapted training method of the IDF inthe latter part of the 1960's. In 1968 the Israeli government appointed Beckerman to lead ICPS training as part of the Air Marshal program, which was developed in response to the country’s first encounter with hijacked aircraft ‘What isthe purpose of teaching ICPS tactics and training? When Issue 26 Survalst Magazine www. Survvalist com THE “WAR ON TERROR” IS OFTEN CONSIDERED AN AMERICAN CONCEPT. FOR MANY OF US, WEFIRST HEARD OF THIS NAMELESS, FACELESS ENTITY AND ENEMY SHORTLY AFTER THE TWIN TOWERS OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER FELL ON eM aN el ter tens Nm a LY SHELTERED FROM THE HORRORS OF LARGE SCALE TERRORIST ATTACKS HAVING EXPERIENCED SEVERAL MINOR ATTACKS WHICH PALED IN COMPARSON. IS, AMERICA IS NOT THE EPICENTER OF THE PROVERBIAL “WAR ON 'S. AS SUCH, SEVERAL COUNTRIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD CNM ogeex combatants are faced with a truly designed to improve results related to life or death situation, the SNS competitive shooting. The techniques (Sympathetic Nervous System) kicks employed by ICPS training utilize the into high gear. The SNSis responsible instincts and inherent reflexes of the for automatically activating the “fight shooter's body. This type of training is or flight” response of the individual designed to provide the shooter with encountering the potentially deadly an increased possibility of winning a situation. As this activation takes place gun battle during a life threatening several psychological and physiological ordeal in which reaction times are effects occur simultaneously, resulting ‘measured in fractions of seconds. inthe immediate loss of fine motor skills. Under the immense stress With regard to ICPS training, the of a these types of environments characteristics that are focused on and situations, the vast majority of with the utmost importance revolve combatants fal to even see the front around developing the shooter's sight of the firearm they are using. ability to overcome panic, fear, and anxiety rapidly in order to prevent ‘The purpose behind ICPS training freezing in the moment, or employing, revolves around the ability to enable stiff and slow movements that will the shooter to effectively defend cripple the chances of a positive themselves, as well as other innocent ‘outcome. By employing the tactical lives in the immediate vicinity, in concepts taught during training, the rapid fashion. CPS is not intended shooter is able to instantly morph into to improve accuracy, nor was it 2 combat mindset. In so doing the Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 shooter relies on the inherent instincts they have been trained to deploy quickly. Additionally, ICPS training incorporates variations designed to compensate for a variety of shooting positions, such as kneeling, standing, as well as shooting from a position of cover. It also includes firearm specific training for handguns, carbines, and sub machine guns. Under conventional circumstances the good guy shooter, law enforcement officer, soldier, or self-defense subject, is left waiting for an overt act to be committed by the bad ‘guy(s) prior to taking responsive actions. The problem with this approach is that those overt acts seldom come with any forewarning, They are immediate, rapid, and aggressive, aimed at causing as much confusion and chaos as possible forthe target to overcome. CPS training develops the skill sets necessary to overcome and compensate for the lack of forewarning, utilizing speed coupled with accuracy to come out victorious in gun battles. ICPS increases the level of aggressiveness and decisiveness applied by the shooter inlife or death situations, which in turn increases the reactionary speed of the shooter being targeted. Subscibe Online or Call (266-437-6570 SIX PRIMARY PRINCIPLES OF ICPS TRAINING FOR COMBAT WITH A HANDGUN Close range combat with a handgun is best conducted by shooting with ‘one hand as opposed to the traditional two handed firing approach, Proximity to target is important. Close range targets should be engaged as quickly and rapidly as possible. Long range targets should be engaged with a slower and more methodical shooting approach. Combined, these principles address the balance of speed with accuracy. Maintaining proper grip as well as proper placement of the trigger finger, is also a very important principle of ICPS. (Studies conducted by the FBI suggest that 95% of errant shots are the direct result of improper trigger control) The body of the shooter provides a platform capable of visually covering 180°. Through the use of strategically tactical movements, the shooter Is able to approach the threat using a series of pivoting motions that enable the shooter to visually cover 360" of the combat environment. Shooting is conducted from a static position. Movement is conducted When the shooter isnot fring their weapon, thereby allowing them to get from point to point in rapid succession, The target(s) are engaged rapidly and repeatedly until such a time as they are neutralized and no longer a threat win Sunvalstcom — Survvalist Magazine Issue 26 ‘These factors can be influenced through proper training and preparation. In the ‘same way that vaccines are thought to inoculate the recipient in an effort to enhance immunity against a specific disease, the same can be applied to training regimens. This is done by Creating as precise a simulation to the combat stressor as possible, and including itn the training exercise(s) Gunfights for example, should include the use of airsoft, paintball, and/or simunitions training courses, as all of these formats have been identified as successful methods of inoculating against combat stress. Always adhere to firearm’ safety protocols when engaging in any form of training with guns; Treat all guns asi they are loaded until such a time as you have visually COMBAT STRESS COMPLICATES PERFORMANCE —2xgptvscaty inspected the weapon and deemed it otherwise. Double and ‘As mentioned earlier, the stress of a combat environment will kick the SNS into triple check the firearm, redundancy in high gear and activate the “fight or flight” response of the shooter. This activation is this matter is recommended. uncontrollable and automatic and will dominate both the voluntary and involuntary systems of the shooter until the shooter has evaded the threat, or eliminated the 2. Always maintain the muzzle. Do not threat entirely. allow the muzzle of a gun to cover any item, area, object or person that you are not willing to completely destroy. Keep the muzzle ofthe firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times. This applies to any time the firearm is being handled, regardless of where you happen to be. PREVENTION & REDUCTION OF SYMPATHETIC 3 he truper unl thess ofthe gun NERVOUS SYSTEM ACTIVATION are on the intended target, and/or until you are sure you are ready to shoot the Five major factors have been identified and attributed with having an instant impact gun. Con the amount of SNS activation experienced by the shooter; The effects of combat stress can be overwhelming and have a profoundly negative impact on the shooter's senses. What they see, hear, think and do can all be adversely affected by combat stress. While the effects of combat stress cannot be ‘completely negated, or compensated for, a properly trained shooter will be able to recognize and identify those effects, and implement certain safeguards, to reduce those effects on their performance while in life or death situations. Identify the target. You need to know {| Perceived threat level This can range from increased risk of injury, up to and what the target itself is, what les in including the possibility of death. Physical distance from threatisakey element of front of the target, as well 2 what ies this factor. boehind the target: Do not fire ata target Until al f these have been properly 2. Preparation time required to employ a tactical response. Physical distance from _dentied and addressed ‘threat will once again be a key element of this factor. It cannot be repeated enough; constant, consistent, and dedicated ‘raining will be the deciding factor in 4, The shooter's level of experience. This applies with the specific ofthe threat; how Whether you live or die ina combat familiar is the shooter with facing this particular threat? Eemtronment. #4 ee somared DUE ee firearms training are perishable; they must be revisited regularly in order to. maintain proficiency! @ 9. The shooter’ level of confidence. This applies to the shooter’ skills acquired ‘through personal training. 55 Physical stress, This includes fatigue, malnutrition, dehydration, etc, in altion to the combat stres also being experienced, a re er ee PVRS UES i] Ist? aE. Ls: eet =| = i i Sa TR REST TETSU EES EU v4 SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS ALSO RECEIVE: (—___ @ sowusuroarésanonews.erens | Rr eS Ett) PRT TMT Til EIN Le ea rs STEEN RBI) a) Dos & Don'ts of Thate knives. [love knives. Trauma in a knife fight comes in two basic modes: 1) slashes, 2) stabs. Slashes produce the most immediate visual effects but may not be noticed by your opponent and therefore not halt the attack. Stabs can be fatal if done in the right spot. Just because someone is stabbed in the heart does not mean the attack will be stopped and with a slash the attacker may see his own blood, go into shock and pass out, or get real pissed and come after you. Knife fighting is complex and I see no absolutes other than to avoid a knife fight at all costs. FIRST THINGS FIRST: ‘We must examine several things in dealing with knife fighting. Probably the most obvious is: are you carrying a knife? The type of knife and blade configuration is a personal choice. Then we address how you hold the knife after you have deployed it, fighting stance if you have the opportunity to use one, targets that offer the most bang for the buck (sorry | couldn't help the reference to things that {80 bang, | really prefer standoff weapons. A mechanical ambush and about five miles distance isa good start). GRIP CONFIGURATION: Holding a knife presents several different grip choices. There is the forward. hammer grip, [as seen above] the fencer’s grip (avoid), the surgeon's grip, the reverse hammer grip, and the concealed palm grip. Each grip has its strengths and weaknesses. Each grip has a specific purpose. In my opinion Issue 26 Surivalst Magazine ww. Survvalstcom Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 2 a=) 2 5 i : 8 . g Paige concealed palm grip \ Pea ee a Seed Pra ste eit Peau) Bee bea | positions including sitting ina car, laying on Re ete) poe Cece tet Tac the hammer grip and reverse hammer grip should be trained | West Side Story. When you change hands you must always almost exclusively. You must also be adept at changing grips have positive contact with your knife and be able to index from a forward hammer grip to a reverse hammer grip. it so the blade is oriented in the right direction. Ifyou have You must be able to change hands. You also need to be ‘the opportunity to train with Mike Kanarek do so. He speaks able to transition to a forward, or toa reverse grip, while from experience and not dojo theory. | trained with him i ‘changing hands. Do not toss the knife back and forth a la 200 STANCE CONFIGURATION: Inmy opinion the knife-fighting stance should be the same as your empty hand fighting stance and your handgun- fighting stance. In a hot situation the last thing you need to worry about is: are you in the right stance? You might not even have time to assume a “fighting stance.” With some modifications to hand position, from a guard toa knife forward stance or a knife hidden stance, is a small adjustment. If your attacker is armed with a knife, then you want the blade forward, ifnot you want the blade concealed, usually DOS AND DON'TS DO MAINTAIN SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: The biggest “do” in knife fighting is maintaining situational awareness, A 360-degree situational awareness. If you are ambushed with a knife attack you are probably going to lose. Preemption is an excellent tactic depending on where you are, local laws, and the tactical situation. Preemption does not mean sticking the next person that walks past you. t means having the knife deployed, concealed, and ready for DO REGULAR PRACTICE: if you carry a knife you must practice and train with it. Practice and training is not the same thing. Training is learning new material and concepts. Practice is refining the skills you already possess. Ifyou can, set up a cutting dummy to practice live cuts on, then do so. | made one with PVC pipe, insulation wrap and duct tape. twas very eye opening. If you don’t have the knife indexed properly it may not cut the target: Practice with traning knives is also a good idea. We would coat the rubber knife blade with lipstick so we could verify fa target was hit. (Yesitis easier to keep score f you use alive blade but that has some real permanent consequences. Don't doit!!) Old “t” shirts and eye. protection is a must. An understanding significant other who knows what you are up to and does not accuse you of any weird ‘and kinky hanky-panky goes a long way. You will get marked up. DO UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS A DIFFERENT DYNAMIC WHEN FACING A LIVE BLADE, RATHER THAN A TRAINING BLADE. with @ rubber or even a metal practice knife you know you are not going to get seriously injured, With alive blade you ‘may be seriously injured or killed just during practice so use Issue 26 Surivalst Magazine ww. Survvalstcom Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 DO USE DISTRACTIONS. This includes many different things. One very good distraction isto spit on your attacker This will probably enrage him or her to the extent that they will make larger movements. This can be used to your advantage. DO INFLICT A PHYSICAL/MECHANICAL INJURY. This causes a disconnect between the brain and the body making the attacker's knife irrelevant. A knee bent. the wrong way is a definite distraction DO NOT FORGET THAT YOU HAVE OTHER WEAPONS BESIDES A KNIFE. You can use your hands, elbows, and feet, and if necessary use your head as a mallet. Environmental weapons are also available and should be used. You won't to be able to hit any and all openings and avoid being cut. Just plan on getting cut and get over it DO DEVELOP THE SURVIVAL MINDSET AND BE ABLE TO SWITCH IT ON IN A MICROSECOND. When you are being attacked you do not have time to figure out what is going on, just attack, attack, attack, Be aggressive but not careless. You must have the will and mental toughness to use a knife on another human being. | personally abhor the thought of driving my knife through someone's eye; | will do so to save my life or the life ofa loved one. DO MAINTAIN YOUR KNIFE. keep it clean, lubed, ‘and sharp; a dull knife that requires two hands and a pry bar to open is useless and negligent. Carrying a folder in your front pocket is a venue to collect lint, dust, or other objects that can impede the deployment of your blade at a critical time. Keep it clean Check out the Latest Survival Podcasts @ 4 Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 Remember that using a knife on another human being at bad breath range, where you can see their eyes, smell their blood, and feel the warmth of their skin will mess you up for the rest of your life. Maybe not right away but eventually it will jump up to bite you in the ass. DO DEVELOP ALL OF YOUR FIGHTING SKILLS SO THEY ARE SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT. some people will attack with repeated stabs, such as ina prison shanking. Other schools of thought will have you doing all sorts of fancy knife movements that may or may not work (avoid these folks). Keep it simple, direct, and attack targets that are “high value,” such as eyes, throat, solar plexus, kidneys, and major arteries, but keep the idea of cutting any target of opportunity you get. Also be aware that if you gut stab someone you may not get your knife back and if ribs Impede your knife thrust you may not get another chance. DO NOT ASSUME YOU KNOW HOW TO USE A KNIFE JUST BECAUSE YOU OWN ONE. Frequent, practice will put you ahead of about eighty percent of the people that carry knives. The middle of a knife fight is not tthe time to decide if you prefer the reverse hammer grip ‘over the front hammer grip. When training you do not have to go full speed but you must be accurate. Ever goto a handgun training session where newbies are taught to draw and present their weapon? How many times did they have to do the draw and presentation at glacial speed? Why would knife training be any different? ‘One last thought. Practice, practice, practice. Every day you {get up, practice. Everything you do can be related to training, ‘and practicing your martial skills. This may be practicing your situational awareness, how you walk, how you carry items (never impede your gun hand or your knife hand), breathing, where you sit in a café, or how you drive. Get the idea. wns. Sunivalstcom — Survvalit Magazine Issue 26 Its hard to read the nws without sing roports ofthe latest shooting by tarrrists or the daranged and disgruntid. Faw boliov that thay could possibly wind up in te crosshairs of a gunman's sight, bt it can happen anytime, anywore. In a destabilized soiaty, civil unrest will make wounds a commonplace event whether thay be from guns, kives, or blunt free trauma. Tharefore, the medic fo a family or group must be propared forthe worst posible injures. SPUR do he Tle icine Handbook studies of casualties in the i skin has two layers: The superficial Indeed, Ft could tae just afew epidermis and the deep dermis. recent wars, the majority of those i ith an in killed in action dled of blood lor. minutes fora person with an injury to together, they are the largest organ 125% died within the first “golden ‘a major blood vessel to “bleed out”. in your body and, more importantly, tear” ater bakig weird Parhaps we shouldbe considering the the armor that protects your insides. victim's chance of survival diminishes “platinum five minutos” instead. Once below the level of the skin, significantly ater 1 hour without care, subcutaneous fat, muscle, large blood with a threefold increase in death rate _-‘Tounderstand how to treat wounds, __vessels, nerves, bone, and other we must understand the anatomy. The tissues may be involved for every 30 minutes thereafter. Issue 26 Survalst Magazine ww. Survvalistcom Subscribe Online or Call: 866-437-6570 Subcutaneous fat appears yellowish slowed (somewhat) by elevating the tan and bumpy, an isa sign that ABCDE vs. CABDE in stove the evel ofthe heart you have a deeper cut. Larger blood ‘The intial field assessment ofa vietim This decreases the blood pressure in vessels and other structures runalong __usvally involves the mnemonic ABCDE: the extremity and, thus, the force by here that may be damaged and cause which blood leaves the body. hemorrhage. Muscle appears dark red Airway: Is the alrway open? like meat (which is essentially what Breathing: s the victim breathing? The medic should always have itis). Tendons, fascia, and ligaments ati bine sien looiig? nitrile gloves in is or her pack; tend to be st Wy and whitish in color. this will prevent the wound from Disability: Can the victim feel and contamination by a “dirty” hand. if Physical Effects move entries? Canthey respond there are no gloves, grab abandarna, appropriately to questions? plastic bag, or other barrier. At the of Blood Loss TBg0s; con you seethefullextent ot __veryleast are hand sane mone Venous bleeding manifests as dark red the injury or injures? ofthese are avalable, don’t lose blood that drains steadily from the precious time looking for supplies if wound. Bleeding can also be arterial, shooter events or other hostile bleeding is heavy. ‘which bright red, due to higher encounters, tis sequence changes anicrent Mamata to CABDE. Why? Because, in these Ifyou have bandage sissors or EMT comes outin spurts that corespond __rcumstances, the cause of death shears, use them to expose the wound to the pulse ofthe patient. As the is most often hemorthage, which cor wounds. Many times, there are ein and artery usvellyrun together, | must be quickly controled. The tore injuries than you expect. In rile Serious cut can have both, determination of airway, breathing, wounds, for example, there soften and mental status can often be done anentry and an exit wound. Use Evaluating bloodless san important __ simultaneously with bleeding contol, bandage dressings, available, to pack aspect t dealing with wound. An as many patients wil be conscious the wound. Bandages ae nt just for average size human adult has about and talking. ‘sopping up blood; their true purpose 10 pints of blood. The effect on the isto apply pressure. Ausefl dressing body caured by blood xe varies with | Remember thatthe patient may be in. that comes vacuum-packed isthe very ‘the amount of blood loss incurred: shock, Keep them warm by covering compact H&H dressing. These are nn. | themwith a blanket if possible. fthe small enough oft several into a small 165 pints (0.76 liters) orless tie or | woundisin an extremity, raise thelr Kt, but each s 12 fet long. no elec; you can donate a pnt of legs 12 inches above the level ofthe (noe Blood for example, often as __eart. Ifthe wound isin the torso, More than one dressing may be ery 8 Wed. however, donot elevate the legs. required to keep the wound from ———______ bleeding further. It’s important to 1.5-3.6 pints (0.75-1.5 liters) the Inactive shooter events, attending to make sure that you put the most vied susvely agitated, wih oid jure is iscouraged until the threat YUE where the blood vesel was heartbeat and respirations. The skin. see damaged. For example, i the blood tbeccariey cool and ny appre pale is abolished. You do no good to anyon® ras coming from the top ofa large by bocoming the next casualty. wound, start packing there. 3.5-4 pints (1.5-2 liters) Blood pressure begins to drop; the patient Direct Pressure some aivocate the use of “jessure ‘may appear confused. Heartbeat is, to Control points” to decrease bleeding. —___ Hemorrhage iia eared conics siGiah Over 4 pints (more than 2 liters) When you first encounter a person to the skin to be compressed Patient is now very pale, and may be with a deep bleeding wound, quick ‘manually. Pressing on this area will, unconscious. After a period of time action must be taken to stop the theoretically, slow down bleeding with continued blood loss, the blood hemorrhage. In the grand majority of further down the track of the blood Icrespatonsdecease andthe | weselwilstp easing al byhaal = | prea cetgamol, thre lar patient is in serious danger. Bleeding in an extremity may be as the Popliteal Artery. If you have a RU eS UO eR CSU eC Ce OU See eS ar LU a Ra AU SOUL Uae RU See ee ee ee

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