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is an academic and applied discipline involving the

phenomenological and scientific study of mental processes
and behavior
a. physiology
b. Physics
c. Psychology
2. Anything an individual does that involves self-initiated action
and/or reaction to a given stimulus.
a. Behaviorism b. Humanism
c. Cognitivism
Human Behavior
3. Thinking should be studied by sub vocal speech thru the
movement of muscles in the throat.
a. Existentialism b. Behaviorism d. Human Behavior d.
4. Known as the Father of Psychology.
a. John B. Watson
c. Wilhelm Wundt
b. Aristotle
d. Dr. Sigmund Freud
5. According to him, in neurotic behavior, we are faced with
human action guided principally by powerful unconscious
motives whose roots can be traced to the neurotic conflicts
in inarticulate infancy.
a. Dr. Sigmund Freud
c. Aristotle
b. Edward C. Tolman
d. Clark L. Hull
6. Strong, conscious, controllable; compensates for the demand
of Id, guides mans actions to remain within the boundaries
of social convention.
a. Ego
b. Super Ego
c. Id
d. Pride
7. depends on the morals of the society, resulted from
incorporating within the personality the moral standards and
values of parents, community, and significant others, tells
what is right from wrong
a. Ego
b. Super Ego
c. Id
d. Pride
8. Present at birth, unconscious biological drives, pleasure
seeker, and uncontrollable.
a. Ego
b. Super Ego
c. Id
d. Pride
9. It focuses on uniquely human issues and fundamental issues
of life, such as self-identity, death, aloneness, freedom, and
a. Human being
b. Humanesm
c. Humanism d.
10. Are intelligent social animals with the mental capacity to
comprehend, infer and think in rational ways?
a. Man
b. Human
c. People
d. Human
11. Concerned with the mental processes involved in
acquiring and using knowledge.

a. Mental Psychology b. Cognitivism c. Cognitive

12. He formulated a hierarchy of human needs.
a. Jean-Paul Sartre
c. Abraham Maslow
b. Sren Kierkegaard
d. Aristotle
13. He created and developed Client-centered therapy
a. Fritz Perls
b. Freud c. Carl Rogers
d. Aristotle
14. He helped create and develop Gestalt therapy. It became
so influential as to be called the "third force" within
psychology (along with behaviorism and psychoanalysis).
a. Aristotle
b. Carl Rogers
c. Freud
d. Fritz Perls
15. Self-fulfillment, morality, creativity, problem solving, lack
of prejudice, acceptance of facts.
a. Psychological needs
c. Safety needs
b. Self-esteem
d. Self-Actualization
16. Security of body, employment, of resources, of morality,
of the family, of health and of property.
a. Sense of Belongingness/Love Needs
c. SelfActualization
b. Safety Needs
d. Self-esteem
17. Food, shelter, clothing, water, sleep, sex, survival
needs/basic needs.
a. Safety needs
c. Psychological needs
b. Self-esteem
d. Sense of
Belongingness/Love Needs
18. Friendship, family, affiliation, acceptance, sexual intimacy.
a. Self-esteem
c. Sense of
Belongingness/Love Needs
b. Safety needs
d. Psychological needs
19. Confidence, achievement competence, reputation, status,
respect of others, respect by others.
a. Sense of Belongingness/Love Needs
c. Safety needs
b. Psychological needs
d. Self-esteem
Refers to motorized behavior usually manifested in
language and emotion.
a. Complex
b. Habitual
c. Instinctive
21. Are those behaviors that combine two or more of the
classified ones?
a. Complex
b. Habitual
c. Instinctive
Are behaviors that are usually carried out by means of
unsaid words, and shown through symbols or body signs.
a. Complex
b. Habitual
c. Instinctive

23. They are generally unlearned and simply come out, out of
mans instinct, which can be seen among instinct-instinct
survival behaviors.
a. Complex
b. Habitual
c. Instinctive
24. Actions against the normal behavior, criminal behavior to
be specific.
a. Normal/ Accepted behaviour
c. Human Behavior
b. Abnormal behaviour
d. Animal Behaviour
25. Actions in accordance with the law and norms.
a. Normal/ Accepted behaviour
c. Human Behavior
b. Abnormal behaviour
d. Animal Behaviour
26. It is concerned with the way the brain processes and
transforms information into various ways.
a. Psychoanalytical View
c. Behavioral View
b. Humanistic View
d. Cognitive View
27. Deals with human actions in relation to events taking
place inside the body such as the brain and the nervous
a. Neurological View
c. Humanistic View
b. Cognitive View
d. Behavioral View
28. Emphasizes on external functions of the human being that
can be observed and measured.
a. Humanistic View
c. Cognitive View
b. Behavioral View
d. Neurological View
29. Focuses on the subjects experience, freedom of choice
and motivation toward self-actualization.
a. Psychoanalytical View
c. Behavioral View
b. Humanistic View
d. Cognitive View
30. Behaviors we acquire as we age thru the process of
learning, interacting, communication and we need to cope
up with the changes in the environment and improve one
self and increase the chance of survive.
a. Inherited Behavior
c. Learned Behavior
b. Human Behavior
d. Hereditary Behavior
31. These are inborn behavior, any behavioral reactions or
reflexes exhibited by people because of their inherited
capabilities or the process of natural section e.g. the survival
of species who are dependent on behaviors like breathing,
digesting food, mating and depending oneself.
a. Inherited Behavior
c. Learned Behavior
b. Human Behavior
d. Hereditary Behavior
32. Feeling or impression created by a given stimulus or cause,
that leads to a particular reaction or behavior, in short, the
effects e.g.

a. Awareness
b. Perception
c. Sensation
d. Love
33. Refers to the psychological activity based on
interpretation or past experience with a given stimulus or
a. Mental Disorder
b. Perception d. Awareness d.
34. Refers to the persons knowledge of a given stimulus
which largely helps to determine the actual behavioral
response in a given situation.
a. Love
b. Sensation
c. Perception
d. Mental
35. A.B. is a Latin initials which means __________
a. Take away
b. Keep away
c. Away from
d. All of
36. Normal behavior tends to be flexible as a sign of healthy
a. Physically fit
B. Normal Behavior c. Flexible d.
37. Normal behavior is more likely to be a result of a
consideration of its consequences, with important decisions
being given careful thought before implementation)
Abnormal behavior, being uncontrolled or partially controlled
needs and drives, tends to be impulsive.
a. Mental Behavior b. Impulsive
c, Impulsivity
38. first two weeks after birth
a. Baby stage b. Babyhood Period c. Infancy Stage d. Prenatal stage
39. (0-280days or 9 Calendar months) shortest and very
important period, which is composed of Ovum/zygote period
first two weeks
a. Baby stage b. Babyhood Period c. Infancy Stage d. Prenatal stage
40. Came from latin word pubertas means age of
manhood- end of childhood and beginning of adolescence.
a. Poverty
b. Puberty
c. Pubert
d. Phuberty
41. Stage of puberty when Breast is well developed and Sex
organs function in a mature manner.
a. Adolescent Stage
c. Puberty Stage
b. Pubescent Stage
d. Post Pubescent Stage
42. Stage of puberty when Sexual Maturity appear; menstrual
cycle on girls, nocturnal emission or wet dreams for boys.
a. Adolescent Stage
c. Puberty Stage
b. Pubescent Stage
d. Post Pubescent Stage
43. Adolescence was came from latin word _______ .

a. Adolestis
b. Adolescre
c. Adoliscia
d. Adolesecre
44. 3 Rs of Human Developmental Task.
a. Response,Relate,Reasoning
b. Reaction,Relation,Redemption
d. None of the Above
45. Process that brings about a change in an individual.
a. Listening b. Learning c. Understanding c. Mind
46. The reaction to a stimulus, in response to, in answer to.
a. Response
b. Reaction c. Relation d. None of these
47. Mental intervention is used in analyzing a certain
a. Reaction
b. Reasoning c. learning
d. Relation
48. An action in mental attitude evoke by external influence.
a. Response
b. Reaction c. Relation d. None of these
49. Refers to any force or motion coming from the
environment and which reach an organism has the tendency
to arouse.
a. Stimulus
b. Learning c. Reaction d. All of these
50. Ways to Learn:
a. Self-study
b. Observation c. inquiries d. All of these
51. If the stimulus and response pattern from one ego state to
another are
a. Complimentary
b. In complementary
c. Non
Complimentary d. All of these
52. If stimulus and response pattern from one ego state to
another are not parallel
a. Complimentary
b. In complementary
d. All of these

c. Non

53. By thorndike states that practices strengthens the

association between stimulus an response by using the Law
of existence.
a. Theory of human behavior

b. Theory of Adolescense

c. Theory of connectionism

d. Theory of Cognivitism

Defined as a behavior intigated by needs within the
individual and directed towards a goal that can satisfied the
a. Objectives

b. Goals

c. Perception


55. A pattern of habits attitudes and traits that defines an

individual characteristics behavior and Qualities.
a. Person

b. Attitude

c. Personality

d. Mental

56. Includes our ability to control the mind.

a. Mental traits

b. Habits

c. Personality

d. Attitude

57. Reaction so often repeated that becomes a person fixed

characteristic or tendency.
a. Personality

b. Attitudes

58. May either be positive or

unfavorable, learned or acquired.
a. Mental traits

b. Personality

c. Habits
c. Habits

d. Physical


d. Attitude

59. Characterized by interest directed toward the external

a. Psychotism

b. Neurotism

c. Introversion


60. A Person high in psychotism tends to be impulsive,

aggressive individuals without concern for others.
a. Neurotism

b. Ambiversion

c. psychotism


61. Refers to the needs of body existing primarily for the

maintenance of health protection of the body against
physical injuries.
a. Human needs
b.Psychogenic needs
d. Biogenic needs
Conditions outside the persons
Blocked road, difficult task etc.
a. Internal frustration
b. External Frustration
63. Goals, desires, instinctive drives.
a. Internal frustration
b. External Frustration

c. Personal

internal motives ex.

c. Inside Frustration
d. Outside Frustration
c. Inside Frustration
d. outside Frustration

People differ in the way they react to frustration. An
individuals way of reacting to frustration is known as
a. Coping Mechanism b. Flight light Reaction c. Frustration
d. None of
65. immaturity, self-pity
a. Regression
b. aggression
c. Fixation
66. Blaming others without knowing the complete facts.
a. Direct approach
c. Fixation
b. Physical disorder
d. Use of defense mechanism
67. Persons under frustration are suffering from ailments like
a. Developing feelings of inferiority
c. Physical
b. Withdrawal or retreat
d. Fixation
68. Negative outcome.
a. Aggression
b. Regression c. physical Disorder
d. Apathy
69. A process whereby one makes up for some real or
imaginary inadequacy by doing well in another activity.
a. Rationalization
b. compensation c. Displacement
d. Projection
70. This is where one transfer his emotion connected with one
person or thing to another unrelated person or object.
a. Projection
b. Denial
c. Displacement
71. Manifest feelings and ideas which are unacceptable to
oneself , but projected onto others so that they may seem to
have these feelings or ideas, that free the individual from
the guilt and anxiety associated with them.
a. Sublimation
b. Regression
c. Projection d. Reaction
of Information
72. When a person uses this mechanism, he refuses to
recognize and deal with reality because of strong inner
a. Denial
b. Compensation c. Substitution
Are those in the twilight zone between normality and
abnormality .They are not insane, but neither are they
normal. The neurotic is always tense, restless and anxious.
Frequently, they have obsession, compulsion. phobia, and in
some cases, amnesia. Anxiety is the dominant characteristic.
a. Psychopath or sociopath with an antisocial personality

b. Neurosis
c. Psychosis
d. Psychoneurotic person
74. a mental condition where the person may withdraw from
the real world into the world of fantasy and make-believe,
where a persons hidden or unexpressed desires can be
a. Psychopath or sociopath with an antisocial personality
b. Neurosis
c. Psychosis
d. Psychoneurotic person
75. a mental disorder where one, instead of compromising
with reality, withdraw into his shell. The person may go to
the other extremes and may become very aggressive and
cruel in his behavior towards others. And, when his antisocial
behavior comes in conflict with the law, he becomes a
a. Psychopath or sociopath with an antisocial personality
b. Neurosis
c. Psychosis
d. Psychoneurotic person
76. a condition where a person compromises with reality by
developing imaginary ailments, anxiety, depression, phobia,
obsession or compulsion.
a. Psychopath or sociopath with an antisocial personality
b. Neurosis
c. Psychosis
d. Psychoneurotic person
is an idea that persistently recurs in a persons mind
sometimes against his wish, though it may have no basis at
a. Anxiety
b. Obsession
c. Phobia
d. Depression
78. Fear of darkness.
a. Acrophobia
b. Achlouphobia
c. Ballistophobia
d. Bibliophobia
79. Fear of ugliness.
a. Cacophobia
b. necrophobia
c. Coitophobia
80. Fear of firearms.
a. Hydrophobia
b. Erotophobia
c. Hoplophobia
81. Irrational predilection for stealing.
a. Kleptomania
b. Plutomania
c. Opsomania
A sensory perception in the absence of an actual
external stimulus.

a. Regression
b. Schizophrenia or dementia prae
d. Stimophobia
83. A false belief firmly held despite incontrovertible proof of
evidence to the contrary.
a. Schizophrenia
b. Illusion
c. Regression
partial memory loss caused by painful memories
associated with some shocking experiences which are
repressed and cannot be recalled.
a. Illusion
b. Amnesia
c. Schizophrenia
85. Soma means ______
a. Heart
b. Soul c. Body
d. Eyes
86. Refers to experiences in which the individual feels that he
or she has become distorted or unreal or that distortions
have occurred in ones surroundings. One might feel that he
is a real robot even though she knows she is a real person or
that her room is not real or that her parents are not real
a. Depression
b. Depersonalization
c. Amnesia
The individual shifts abruptly and repeatedly form one
personality to another as if more than one person inhabited
the same body. This is commonly known as split personality
a. Schizophrenia
b. Illusion c. Multiple Personality
Psychogenic fugue
88. Refers to cases showing delusions and impaired contact
disorganization characteristic of schizophrenia.
a. Paranoia
b. Depersonalization
c. Depression
89. Delusions that a certain person is in love with him or her.
a. Exalted Paranoia
c. Persecutory Paranoia
b. Erotic Paranoia
d. Jealous Paranoia
90. Characterized by irrational jealousy.
a. Exalted Paranoia
c. Persecutory Paranoia
b. Erotic Paranoia
d. Jealous Paranoia
91. Having delusions of persecution.
a. Exalted Paranoia
c. Persecutory Paranoia
b. Erotic Paranoia
d. Jealous Paranoia

Both delusions of persecution and grandeur.

a. Exalted Paranoia
c. Persecutory Paranoia
b. Erotic Paranoia
d. Litigious Paranoia
93. Crime inspired by another crime that has been publicized
in the news media or fictionally or artistically represented in
which the offender incorporates aspects of the original
a. Copycat Crime
b. Copy dog Crime
c. Forgery
d. Murder
94. A sexual behavior that seeks stimulation and sexual
gratification by means other than heterosexual relation,
a. Sexual Behavior
b. Sexual Deviancy
c. Sexual
95. Sexual gratification is attained through the pain inflicted
upon oneself.
a. Sadism
b. Transvertism
c. Masochism
96. Excessive sexual desire of women.
a. Frottage
b. Sodomy
c. Nymphomania
Use of obscene language to obtain orgasm.
a. Corpolalla
b. Don juanism
c. Fetishism
98. Sexual act through the anus of another human being.
a. Sadism
b. Frottage
c. Nymphomania
99. a group participates in sexual orgies (sexual festival)
a. Group sex
b. Pluralism
c. Sex festival
100. Sucking the penis.
a. Cunning Lingus
b. Fetishisms
c. Fellatio
101. Sexual gratification is attained by having a sexual
relationship with members of the same sex.
a. Heterosexuality
b. Sex intercourse
c. Homosexuality
d. Lesbianism
102. The sexual attraction to corpses.
a. Necrophilia
b. Pedophilia
c. Exhibitionism
d. Fetishm
103. Sexual activity between human and non-human animals
or a fixation on such practice.
a. Fellatio
b. Incest
c. Pedophilia
d. Bestiality
104. A child molester that victimizes young boys that could
lead to sodomy.

a. Incest
b. Pedophilia
c. Bestiality
d. Sodomy
105. is sexual intercourse between family members and close
a. Necrophilia
b. Incest
c. Voyeurism
d. Pedophilia
106. is the action by which an organization deals/handles with
a major event that threatens to harm the organization, its
stakeholders, or the general public.
a. Crisis management
b. Disaster
c. Emergency
d. Crisis
107. a natural or man-made (or technological) hazard
resulting in an event of substantial extent causing significant
physical damage or destruction, loss of life, or drastic
change to the environment.
a. Crisis management
b. Disaster
c. Emergency
d. Crisis
108. is any event that is, or expected to lead to, an unstable
and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group,
community, or whole society.
a. Crisis management
b. Disaster
c. Emergency
d. Crisis
109. a sudden condition that needs an immediate action.
a. Crisis management
b. Disaster
c. Emergency
d. Crisis
110. A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard
(e.g. volcanic eruption, earthquake, and landslide) which
moves from potential into an active phase, and as a result
affects human activities.
a. Man-made Hazard
b. Natural crisis
c. Environmental
crisis d. Crisis
111. a sharp transition to a recession.
a. Economic crisis
b. Natural crisis
c. Environmental
crisis d. Crisis
112. the situation is already beyond normal.
a. Crisis
b. Emergency
c. Disaster
113. situation is still controlled and the response given is for
the purpose of containing the situation from getting out of
a. Crisis
b. Emergency
c. Disaster
114. if the effects of crisis can no longer be controlled.
a. Crisis
b. Emergency
c. Disaster


a. To cure life
b. To give life
c. To save life
To take life
116. A set of circumstances wherein a suspected law violator is
holding a person captive by the use of force, violence, or
threat of violence and the police are in close confrontation
with the suspect and his captive.
a. Hostage crisis b. Hostage taking
c. Kidnapping
117. any person being held against their will.
a. Hostage
c. Negotiator
b. Ground incident commander
d. Hostage taker
118. person responsible in negotiating directly
hostage taker for the purpose of freeing the captive using
available resources.
a. Hostage
c. Negotiator
b. Ground incident commander
d. Hostage taker
119. person who holds other people for his own purpose.
a. Hostage
c. Negotiator
b. Ground incident commander
d. Hostage taker

120. Senior Officer in Command

a. Hostage
c. Negotiator
b. Ground incident commander
d. Hostage taker
121. All of the following are Principles of Hostage Negotiation.
a. The priorities in the hostage situations are the
preservation of life and the apprehension of the
hostage taker, recover and protect property.
b. Hostage situation must not go violently
c. There must be a need to live on the part of the hostage
d. The area must be free from any explosives device.
122. is the secondary control area surrounding the inner
perimeter, providing safe zone for access to the inner
a. Ground commander
c. Outer Perimeter
b. Inner perimeter
d. Station Commander
123. immediate controlled area of containment designated by
the ground commander.
a. Ground commander
c. Outer Perimeter
b. Inner perimeter
d. Station Commander
124. he feels threatened and persecuted, highly suspicious of
people and impulsive.

a. Severe Depression
c. Personality
b. Paranoid
d. Sociopathic
125. with an anti-social and maladaptive patterns of behavior
that brings him repeatedly in conflict with society. If he
demand for a member of his family, do not grant , family
could be the cause of being what he is.
a. Severe Depression
c. Personality
b. Mentally Deranged
d. Sociopathic
126. highly impulsive and unable to delay gratification so that
if hostage is a woman, raping her is a probability.
a. Severe Depression
c. Personality
b. Paranoid
d. Sociopathic
127. suffers from delusion and hallucination.
a. Severe Depression
c. Personality
b. Mentally Deranged
d. Sociopathic
128. Caught in the act of committing crime.
a. Terrorism
b. Prisoners
c. Criminal
129. with political purpose or agenda. They use threats and
harassment to create an atmosphere of fear, disregarding
women and children as victims.
a. Terrorism
b. Prisoners
c. Criminal
130. They center on complaints concerning prisoner conditions
and demand for improvement.
. Terrorism
b. Prisoners
c. Criminal
131. this will give more time to the police to organize and
coordinate plan of action. It could also lead to the hostagetakers loss of objectivity.
a. Containment
c. Time
b. Establish contact
d. Telephone
Negotiation Technique
132. control of area and people.
a. Containment
c. Time

b. Establish contact
d. Telephone
Negotiation Technique
133. Be the caller, plan and prepare and be ready with what
has to be negotiated.
a. Containment
c. Time
b. Establish contact
d. Telephone
Negotiation Technique
134. if several hostage-takers are involved, talk with the
leader only.
a. Containment
c. Time
b. Establish contact
d. Telephone
Negotiation Technique
135. set in single frequency are still considered to be one of the
best in telephone negotiation and in giving orders.
a. Telephone
b. Emergency Hotline c. Walkie Talkie
d. Cellphone
136. When was the Rizal Park hostage-taking incident Happen?
a. August 22, 2010
c. August 24, 2010
b. August 23, 2010
d. August 25, 2010
137. who is controlled by, and whose actions represents the
national interest of the sovereign state .
a. National Terrorist
c. International
b. Transnational Terrorist
d. Terrorism
138. Terrorist who operates across national border, whose
action and political aspirations may effect individuals of
more than one nationality.
a. National Terrorist
c. International
b. Transnational Terrorist
d. Terrorism
139. the most common tactic of many terror groups.
a. Hostage taking
b. Kidnap for ransom
c. Bombing
d. Killing
140. these are bombs
thrown by hand or some type of
projection device such as grenade.
a. Vehicle bomb b. Laid charge
c. Projected Bombs
Postal Bombs
141. vehicle filled with explosives which may be booby trapped
or remotely detonated.
a. Vehicle bomb b. Laid charge
c. Projected Bombs
Postal Bombs
142. Devices sent through the mails as letters or packages.

a. Vehicle bomb b. Laid charge

c. Projected Bombs
Postal Bombs
143. these are devices which are put into place by the terrorist
a. Vehicle bomb b. Laid charge
c. Projected Bombs
Postal Bombs
144. - Such activators are clock mechanisms ,burning fuses,
chemical delays, atmospheric pressures.
a. Command activation b. Time Delay c. Target Action d.
Throw Action
145. These can be activated by the target tripping a wire,
stepping on a pressure device, turning on a light, etc
a. Command activation b. Time Delay c. Target Action d.
Throw Action
146. this is done by radio signals, electric leads, pull wires.
a. Command activation b. Time Delay c. Target Action d.
Throw Action
147. Not so popular tactic, It is used to destroy disrupt. Such
targets as public utilities political headquarters and more
commonly economic and industrial target.
a. Arson
b. Hijacking
c. Ambush
d. Kidnapping
148. Oldest of all terrorist tactics in the book and still widely
used today.
a. Hostage taking
b. Assassination
c. Hijacking
d. Arson
149. Attack on a target by terrorist who have been hiding and
waiting for them.
a. Kidnapping
b. Arson
c. Assassination
d. Ambush
150. It was a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks
launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda upon the
United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C.
area on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
a. 8/11 attack
b. 7/11 attack
c. 9/11 attack
d. 10/11 attack
151. An act secures the state and Protect our people from
a. RA 7890
b. RA 9327
c. RA 9372
RA 3739
152. period between childhood and adolescence (13-17yrs.
a. Prepubescent Period
c. Post Pubescent
b. Pubescent Period
d. Puberty Period

153. Closing year of childhood (11-13 yrs.old)

a. Prepubescent Period
c. Post Pubescent
b. Pubescent Period
d. Puberty Period
154. first 2 yrs.of adolescence
a. Prepubescent Period
c. Post Pubescent
b. Pubescent Period
d. Puberty Period
155. the longest period in the mans life span.
a. Adulthood
b. Teenager
c. Adolescence
156. This theory advocate that personality traits are the result
of learning as one interacts with people. Personality is
mainly composed of habits and learned responses to stimuli
in the environment.
a. Connectionism theory
c. Social learning
b. Law of Existence
d. Maslows selfactualization theory
157. maintains that man is naturally good and that selfactualization is his goal. And, blocking this goal makes man
frustrated and neurotic. Aggression and destructions are not
natural, but they are the result of an environment that
prevents the attainment of goals.
a. Connectionism theory
c. Social learning
b. Law of Existence
d. Maslows selfactualization theory
158. People differ in the way they react to frustration. An
individuals way of reacting to frustration is known as
a. Coping mechanism
b. Self-Mechanism
c. Law
Existence d. Behavior
159. a mental disorder which is characterized by strange
behavior that cannot be traced
a. Mental Disorder b. Organic Disorder c. Functional Order
d. Neurosis
160. brain sickness and the cause can be identified to known
a. Mental Disorder b. Organic Disorder c. Functional Order
d. Neurosis
161. a person performs an act while sleeping.
a. Sleepless
b. Somnambulism
c. Sleepwalking
d. Somnolencia
162. state of half-sleep and half-awake.

a. Sleepless
b. Somnambulism
c. Sleepwalking
d. Somnolencia
163. an
uncontrollable, and most of the time has no reasonable
a. Fear
b. Phobia
c. Traumatic
d. Amnesia
164. Unconscious wish for death.
a. Fear
b. Agoraphobia
c. Thanatos
d. Ochlophobia
165. the impulse for fame or power.
a. Suicide mania
b. Doro mania
c. Ergomania
166. craze for technology.
a. Techno mania
b. Opsomania
c. Plutomania
d. Pornomania
167. manifests severe integration of personality and can be
observed through inappropriate giggling and smiling without
apparent reasons which to an untrained observer may only
be childish playfulness.
a. Simple Schizophrenia
Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
b. Paranoid Schizophrenia
d. Catatonic

168. characterized by a gradual decline of interest and

ambition. The person withdraws from social contacts as well
as irritable and inattentive
Simple Schizophrenia
Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Catatonic Schizophrenia
169. manifests extreme violence and shown with excessive
motor activity, grimacing, talkativeness and unpredictable
emotional outburst.
Simple Schizophrenia
Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Catatonic Schizophrenia
170. characterized principally by delusions of persecutions
and/or grandeur. Hallucinations, usually auditory, are most of
time present.

Simple Schizophrenia
Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Catatonic Schizophrenia
171. amnesia is the inability to retrieve information that was
acquired before a particular date, usually the date of an
accident or operation.
a. Retrograde
b. Anterograde
c. Amnesia
172. is the inability to transfer new information from the shortterm store into the long-term store. People with this type of
amnesia cannot remember things for long periods of time.
a. Retrograde
b. Anterograde
c. Amnesia
173. lack of interest and detachment from social relationships,
and restricted emotional expression, solitary.
a. Paranoid Personality Disorder
b. Schizoid personality disorder
c. Schizotypal personality disorder
d. Antisocial personality disorder
174. distorted cognitions and perceptions, odd behaviors based
on belief in magic or superstition.
a. Paranoid Personality Disorder
b. Schizoid personality disorder
c. Schizotypal personality disorder
d. Antisocial personality disorder
175. fail to conform to social norms and may have repeated
physical fights.
a. Paranoid Personality Disorder
b. Schizoid personality disorder
c. Schizotypal personality disorder
d. Antisocial personality disorder

176. pervasive pattern of attention-seeking behavior and

excessive emotions.
a. Borderline personality disorder
b. Histrionic personality disorder
c. Antisocial personality disorder
d. Narcissistic personality disorder
177. a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration,
exaggerated self-importance.
a. Borderline personality disorder
b. Histrionic personality disorder

c. Antisocial personality disorder

d. Narcissistic personality disorder
178. extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation, timid, shy but
do wish to have friends, afraid of rejection or criticism and
dont enjoy being alone.
a. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
b. Avoidant personality disorder
c. Dependent personality disorder
d. Narcissistic personality disorder
179. (not the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder):
characterized by rigid conformity to rules, perfectionism and
a. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
b. Avoidant personality disorder
c. Dependent personality disorder
d. Narcissistic personality disorder
180. pervasive psychological need to be cared for by other
a. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
b. Avoidant personality disorder
c. Dependent personality disorder
d. Narcissistic personality disorder
181. sexual gratification is attained by witnessing a nude man
and woman in the actual sexual act.
a. Voyeurism
b. Nymphomania
c. Kleptomania
d. pedophilia
182. Crisis (from the Greek - krisis meaning _________
plural: "crises" "critical").
a. To move
b. To walk
c. To Separate
d. To
183. Emergency, from the latin word __________ meaning
a. Emergecius
b. Emerge
c. Emergensies

184. An organization faces a crisis of malevolence when

opponents or miscreant individuals uses criminals for the
purpose of expressing hostility or anger toward, or seeking
gain from, a company, country, or economic system,
perhaps with the aim of destabilizing or destroying it.
a. Environmental crisis
c. Confrontation
b. Crisis of malevolence
d. International

185. occur when discontented individuals and/or groups fight

businesses, government, and various interest groups to win
acceptance of their demands and expectations.
a. Environmental crisis
c. Confrontation
b. Crisis of malevolence
d. International
186. actual execution of all coordinated efforts and plans
a. Proactive Phase
b. Initial Action
c. Post Action
Reactive Pahse
187. deal with the situation set up a crisis management
center .
a. Prioritize matters
c. Face problems
one at a time
b. Line up a crisis management team
d. Prepare detailed
188. He hijacked a tourist bus carrying 25 people (20 tourists
and a tour guide from Hong Kong, and four Filipinos) in an
attempt to get his job back in Rizal Park, Manila, Philippines.
a. Ronaldo Mendoza
c. Ronald Mendoza
b. Roland Mendoza
d. Rolando Mendoza
189. Used indiscriminately to gain world attention; for example
in crowded malls, airports centers etc.
a. Hoax
b. Tactical IEDs
c. Strategic IEDs
190. Normally regarded as being those used against an
individual and can include nail bombs, claymore devices etc.
a. Hoax
b. Tactical IEDs
c. Strategic IEDs
191. founded the first laboratory dedicated exclusively to
psychological research, focused on the Doctrine of Mental
Powers, at Leipzig University in Germany.
a. Dr. Sigmund Freud
b. Aristotle
c. Wilhelm Wundt
d. Einstein
192. Attributes of Behavior on how long in terms of function of
a. Intensity
b. Extensity c. Duration
d. Quantity
193. whether normal, abnormal, misleading or unacceptable
a. Intensity
b. Extensity c. Duration
d. Quantity
194. size, distance and location.
a. Intensity
b. Extensity c. Duration
d. Quantity
195. magnitude, whether mild, strong and disintegrated.
a. Intensity
b. Extensity c. Duration
d. Quantity
196. more upon reason, factual, flexible, views other as coequal, and reasonable.

a. Child ego states

c. Parent ego state
b. Adult ego states
d. Infant ego state
197. protective, idealistic, evaluative, righteous, refer to laws,
rules and standard.
a. Child ego states
c. Parent ego state
b. Adult ego states
d. Infant ego state
198. dependent, rebellion, selfish, demanding, impatient and
a. Child ego states
c. Parent ego state
b. Adult ego states
d. Infant ego state
199. The which is the connection between the stimulus and
response is strengthened by Reward and Satisfaction and
weakened by punishment or dissatisfaction.
a. Law of Connection
c. Law of exercise
b. Law of Existence
d. Law of effect
200. a unique and distinct totality of mans characteristic
patterns of attitudes, beliefs and behavior that made him
think and behave differently from others Personality is more
than charm, poise, or physical appearance.
a. Behavior
b. Physical Appearance
c. Personality
Human Behavior

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