Pathways 4. ESL 82. 2

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Unit Academic Pathways Vocabulary {Urban Lesson A: Understanding Predicting Content Challenges Listening to ¢ Lecture ‘Meaning from Context stoning for Main ideas Discussing Pros and Cons of Paget Touriarn Laie a pietonery Listening for Details ‘Academic Track: Lesson B: Using New Vocabulary Pronunciation: Interaiscipinary Listening to a Conversation fo Conpiste Ste PPronouncing the Letter t Between Classmates 2 Protecting Our Planet Page 21 Academic Track: Lite Selene Q Beauty ana Appearance Page 41 ‘Academic Track: Sociology, Aesthetics Energy Issues Page 61 Academic Track: Interaisciptinary 5 Mration Page 81 Academic Track: Life Science, Biology Presenting a Problem and Proposing Solutions Lesson A: Listening fo a Guided Tour Brainstorming Ideas about Conservation Lesson B: Listening to a Student Debate Participating in a Debate Lesson A: stoning to a News Report Conducting a Survey Lesson B: LUstening to an Informal Conversation {Giving a Group Prosentation Lesson A: Listening to a Guest Speaker Role-Playing @ Town Meeting Lesson B: Listening to a Study Group Discussion Creating and Using Visuals in a Presentation Lesson A: Listening to a Radio Show “Taking about your Family History Lesson B: stoning to a Conversation Betwoon Friends Doing a Research Presentation SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Understanding Meaning from Context Using a Dictionary Using New Vocabulary fo Complete a News Story Using Now Vocabulary to Discuss Unit Cantent Undorstanding Meaning ‘rom Context Using New Vocabulary fo Ask and Answer Questions Using a Dictionary Using New Vocabulary to Complete a Conversation Understanding Suffixes Understanding Meaning from Context Using a Dictionary Using New Vocabulary to Complete en Article UUBing New Vocabulary to Discuse Themes of the Unit Understanding Meaning from Context Using « Dictionary Choosing the Fight Datintion Using New Vocabulary to Complete an article Using New Vocabulary to Discuss Personal Opinions Note-taking Listening for Main ideas Following Arguments in a Debate Pronunciation: Pronouncing -¢ endings stoning for Key Concepts Listening for Min locas Listening for Details Predicting Content Note-Taking Listening for Specie Information Pronunciation: Pronouneing /n/ and /nk/ Pradicting Content Listening for Main Ideas Outiniog Listening for Key Concepts Listening for Detais Pronunciation: Stressing Two: Word Compounds Predicting Content Listening for Key Concenta Note-Taking Predicting Content Listening for Main Ideas Pronunciation: Using Question Intonation

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