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LISTENING AND TEXT ‘5-710: Adapted trom “Vanishing Venice," by (Cathy Newmar: National Geoarashic Magazine, August 2008, 14-16: Adapted from, "The ‘Singspore Solution,’ by Mark Jacobson: [Natonal Geographic Mapazine, Jenuary 2010, 19: Adapted from “Urban Fishing Catches on in Rebounding Rivers" by James Owon: Nationa Geographic Daly News, May 17, 2010, 25: Adaptad from “Forests ofthe Tida," by Kennedy Warne: National Gaographic Magazine, February 2007, 26-27: Adapted rom “Last One," by Vern Kinkenborg: National (Geographic Magazine, January 2000, ‘34: Adapied fron Freshwater Her,” National (Geographic Web ste, 38: Adapted from "Welt Ware" by Douglas Chadwick: National Geographic Manazine, Merch 2010, 36-37: Adapted from "Hunter: For the Love of the Land: by Robert MV, Poole: National Geographic Magazine, November 2007, 446-47: Acapted from “The Enigma of Beauty” ‘by Cathy Newman, National Geographic Magazin, Jeruary 2000, 46-47: Adspied from ‘Now ‘Golden’ Ratios for Facial Baauty area Palette al, National institute of Health, danuary 25, 2010, 56-57: Adacted trom “Dreamueavers," by Caty Newman: National Geographic Web sit, anuary 1, 2003. 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