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VOCATION [call response]

- We are called; never forced, never coerced
- Therefore, a matter of CHOICE.
- Choice involves knowledge and freedom
- Choice is unique for humans
- Human responses are conscious; involves a matter of thought
- Human response: MORAL LIFE
- Human moral action needs (2) things: K&F
Vocation pertains to our RELATIONSHIP w/ God
- We are co-creators (Humankinds primary vocation/fundamental calling is CO-CREATION)
o [Co-creation]
Related to one of the (3) goods of marriage: openness to new life
Creation is an on-going process in which humankind plays a key role
OT: [Covenant] relationship between Yahweh and peeps of Israel
You shall be my people and I will be your God.
OT covenant: mankind is called to be creatures, co-creators and partners in

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