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Future Value for an Increasing Annuity: It is an increasing

annuity is an investment that is earning interest, and into which

regular payments of a fixed amount are made. Suppose one makes
a payment of R at the end of each compounding period into an
investment with a present value of PV, paying interest at an annual
rate of r compounded m times per year, then the future value after t
years will be
FV = PV(1 + i)n + [ R ( (1 + i)n - 1 ) ] / i
where i = r/m is the interest paid each period and n = m t is the
total number of periods.
Numerical Example: You deposit $100 per month into an account
that now contains $5,000 and earns 5% interest per year
compounded monthly. After 10 years, the amount of money in the
account is:

= 23763.21$

So if we want to convert this in to yearly,

5000(1+0.05)^10 + (100*12) * ((1+0.05)^10 1) /0.05

= 23237.94$

Close Enough
The Java Code
Init*math.pow((1+interest/100),10) + (mdeposit*12) * (math.pow(1+interest/100 ,
10) - 1)/interest

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