Lesson Plan 2

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(Digital version at R:\Lesson Design\Lesson Design Form.docx)

Name: Peyton Donohew

Grade Level: 3rd

Anticipatory Set
-Have the story cover page projected on the screen, Ellen Ochoa, Astronaut
-Ask students to remember back to last week when we did the text features
checklist page
-Ask them what text feature is important on the cover page of this story and why
it is important

Objective(s) (Include AZ State Standard)

-Following instruction, the students should be able to recall a text feature and
where to find it.
-They must also be able to locate the text feature in their book and apply it to the
worksheet that is done in class.
-RL5: Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to
locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.

Purpose (Why Important to Students)

-To locate text features and understand their purpose
-To use text features to their advantage, which is to get more information about a
book or story
Task Analysis
Ellen Ochoa story
inside shared reading

Text feature worksheet

Teacher Strategies
(Examples, Materials,
Modeling, etc. . . .)
I will read the story out
loud with the students
while walking around the
room to monitor
participation. I will also be
prompting questions
throughout the story for
more in depth thinking.
I will model an example of
the text feature
worksheet on the
projection screen. I will
have the students help
me complete the
worksheet rather than

Student Behaviors
The students should be
reading out loud with
me, while pointing at
the words so that I can
visually see that they
are participating.
The students will help
me to complete the
model example on the
projection screen. They
will then get a choice
of what text feature
they want to work on.

having it already
completed and just
showing it to them.
Presenting the

I will ask for some

students to bring up their
worksheets to share with
the class.

Then they will have

about 20 minutes to
work on it, or until it is
time to go to specials.
The students should
give me their examples
and be able to explain
to the class what they
have on their
worksheet while it is
being projected on the

Closure (Student Summary)

-As a closure for this lesson, I will pass out a sticky note to every student. They
will then write one text feature and its purpose on the sticky note. They will place
the sticky note on the whiteboard and then we will review a few of them before
moving on to the next lesson.

Independent Practice (Assessment/Homework)

-By the end, I will collect each students worksheet.
-I will assess them by looing to see if they each have a text feature identified on
the sheet and why the author uses that specific text feature.
-An extension of assessment will be that they will be tested on text features on

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