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Running head: ACCOUNTING



TO: John Minor
FROM: Consultant
DATE: 09-15-2016
SUBJECT: Ethics implications on Certified Practicing Accountant
I am writing in response to your request for information regarding the ethics impact on Certified
Practicing Accountant (CPA). Australian Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
enumerates the ethical implications for Certified Practicing Accountant on the basis of aspects
like Due care, Confidentiality, Integrity, Professionalism, Objectivity and Competence.
The very first ethical impact on CPA is to behave in accordance to the public interest. It is moral
responsibility of CPA to act in favor of public interest. Ethics imply the compliance of CPAs
with the professional code. It is moral duty of professional accountant to abide by the
fundamental principles of this code and other laws which are applicable for professional conduct.
Honesty on the performance of duty and the attitude towards the business professionals are part
of ethics as integrity assumes the principle of morality and ethical conduct. CPAs have to make
certain decisions and professional judgments while acting for the accomplishment of their duties.
Ethics to think and act with objective opinion and decision making rather than thinking and
acting with subjectivity is influential aspect for performance of role as CPA. CPA has to remain
objective in his conduct and professional judgments as required by the ethical principle of


Professional accountancy position requires professional skills in order to perform well according
to the demands of clients. Ethics states the necessity of competencies that are mandatory to fulfill
the requirements of clients. Appropriate use of techniques for delivery of professional services to
employers is important consideration for Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) in terms of
ethics. Code of ethics demands for due care of employers and clients by CPA, these people are
the core beneficiaries of their act. There is another requirement of this code and ethics that is
demands from CPA for fulfillment. Confidentially of the information being involved in the
exchange process between CPA and clients in expected to be kept. It is the ethical responsibility
of professional service provider to keep the confidential information with himself and not to
disclose or share with third party.
The most important aspect of ethics that influence Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) role in
professional services is depiction of professional behavior. It is mandatory for CPA to assume
and demonstrate professional attitude and behavior in dealing with his clients or while serving
for employer. Ethics of Professionalism states that the CPA is responsible for virtue of the act
being performed to accomplish the tasks required from him. Professional behavior demands for
strict compliance with the established laws and regulations of the state in which CPA is working.
The acts of CPA should comply the governing standards of the board and country for assurance
of just practices in context of ethical standards and established laws. So, the stated aspects of
ethical consideration for professional CPA have considerable impact on the conduct of
professionals. Ethics impact the role of Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) in professional
life at least for the above stated matters. Therefore, the significance of ethics in professional
services cant be denied.

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