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BIOL Questions


BIOL Questions
Question: Which part of the cardiovascular system do you believe is most important?
Explain your response.
The human heart is the central part of the cardiovascular system, but in my opinion, the
blood transport system of blood vessels is the most important part. The heart pumps oxygenated
blood and arteries carry all of the oxygenated blood from the heart to all body parts. Arteries take
blood from the heart to body tissues, and the veins are the vessels which carry all of the
deoxygenated blood from body tissues back to the heart. Capillaries are the small clusters of
blood vessels, which are so narrow that all of the red blood cells have to pass them in a line, and
these blood capillaries are responsible for the oxygen and nutrient exchange. All of the blood
vessels supply blood to the human tissues and organs, but blood performs different functions
according to the organ or tissue from which blood circulates.
Most importantly, coronary blood circulation is the most important of all blood
circulations, as the hearts tissues itself need oxygen and nutrients and the coronary arteries are
the only source of oxygen and nutrients for the heart tissues. The heart tissues remain active for
the entire lifespan of a human being and coronary arteries which extend from the left and right
side of the aorta provide blood to the left and right side of the heart tissues (Sherwood, 2015).
Blood is the ultimate source of nutrient and oxygen, blood circulation to the stomach and related
parts performed a particular function; the blood circulated from the stomach is rich in nutrients.
Blood from the stomach than travelled to the liver, liver remove toxins, and stores sugar and all


of rich in nutrient blood came back to the heart and circulated to lungs for oxygen and after that
again pumped by the heart to all body parts.


Sherwood, L. (2015). Human physiology: from cells to systems. Cengage learning.

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