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Gert Town Neighborhood

Planning District 4
Rebuilding Plan
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

Table of Contents Acknowledgements
The Recovery Plan for the City of New Basic assumptions also formed the basis
A. Gert Town Neighborhood Orleans was instituted by the City Council in for the Planning District 4 Recovery Plan:
response to specific needs in the 49 flooded With grateful appreciation the planning team
Location and History 3
neighborhoods Post-Katrina. These 1) That a flood protection system would like to thank all the residents of
Recovery Vision and Goals 4
neighborhoods were organized into the 13 will be designed to withstand future District 4 and Gert Town Neighborhood who
Planning Process and
Planning Districts as identified by previous catastrophic loss from a 1 in 100 year participated in this planning process and
Neighborhood Participation 5 work undertaken by the City Planning storm and that this is a commitment by without whose participation this plan would
Planning Efforts Pre-Hurricane Katrina 6 Commission of the City of New Orleans.
the Federal Government; not be possible.
Overarching Goals and Objectives were
B. Pre-Hurricane Katrina established by the City Planning Council: 2) That stringent building codes
Neighborhood Existing Conditions 7 “Work with neighborhoods to assist them in will be implemented to further limit wind
damage; City of New Orleans
Land Use and Zoning 7 developing revitalization plans that are
Pre-Katrina Demographic Profile 7 thoughtful, can be implemented, and formed 3) That the basic urban structure
into a citywide recovery and improvement of the city is sound and that rebuilding C. Ray Nagin, Mayor
Recreation and Open Space 9
Roadway Hierachy and Jurisdiction 10 plan for submission to the State of Louisiana will respect this structure;
and the federal government.” 4)That there is an organized, New Orleans City Council:
Housing, Architecture and
coherent and operable Hurricane Oliver M. Thomas, President
Historic Preservation 11 Planning District 4, the subject of the Evacuation Program. Arnie Fielkow, Vice-President
following report, includes 8 geographically Shelley Midura, District A
C. Hurricane Katrina specific neighborhoods: Treme / 6th Stacy S. Head, District B
Neighborhood Impacts 13 Ward, 7th Ward, Fairgrounds / Desaix, St. James Carter, District C
Extent of Flooding 13 Bernard, Fauborg St. John, Mid-City and Cynthia Hedge-Morrell, District D
Damage Assessment Gert Town. Cynthia Willard-Lewis, District E
Residential Damage Assessment 13
Commercial Damage Assessment 13
Project Management:
Infrastructure Damage Assessment 14
Lambert Advisory, LLC
Parks and Open Space 15
Paul Lambert
Community Facilities 15
City Planning Commission:
D. Neighborhood Rebuilding Scenarios 17 Planning District Designations
Sheila Danzey
Neighborhood Re-population 17
Overall Planning Consultant:
E. Neighborhood Recovery Plan 19
Bermello-Ajamil & Partners, Inc.
Critical Early Action Recovery
Alfredo C. Sanchez, AIA, AICP
Initiatives and Objectives 20
Needed and Mid-Term
Hewitt-Washington, Inc.
Initiatives and Objectives 21
Lonnie Hewitt, AIA
Desired and Long-Term
Initiatives and Objectives 22
Neighborhood Planner
Neighborhoods Rebuilding
Clifton James & Associates
Plan Proposed Housing Initiatives 24

F. Implementation and
Funding Strategies 27
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

A. Gert Town Neighborhood

Location and Geographic The population of Gert Town reached its peak
Boundaries in the late 1940’s where it was approximately
8,700 residents. The population has since
Gert Town is located in the geographic center declined to approximately 4,800 persons as
of the City of New Orleans. The of the 2000 Census.
neighborhood is bounded by I-10 on the
north, Earhart Boulevard on the south, Gert Town is the home of New Orleans Xavier
Jefferson Davis Parkway on the east, University. Located on Carrolton Boulevard
Cambronne Avenue on the west. The Gert at the edge of I-10 Xavier University is both a
Town neighborhood is directly adjacent to city and a neighborhood landmark. Xavier
Central City, Broadmoor and University is important because of its
Marlyville/Fountainebleu on the south, and prominence as the only historically Black and
Hollygrove to the west. Catholic University in the United States and 3
one of the universities with the most African
Gert Town dates its origin back to the early American students earning degrees in the
19th Century where the present area of the natural and physical sciences. Among the
neighborhood was the McCarty Plantation. City of New Orleans landmarks is Xavier’s
By 1833 the plantation was sold to the New gothic administrative building that was built
Orleans Canal and Banking Company. by St. Katherine Drexel and the Sisters of the
Subsequently many of the major rail lines Blessed Sacrament when the university
that served New Orleans passed through this moved to the corner of Palmetto and Pine
area. In the late 19th century the area was Streets in 1933. At times, and as with many
urbanized and developed as a neighborhood. universities, there have been “town-gown”
tensions between the University and the
The Gert Town neighborhood figures neighborhoods which surround them. It is
prominently in the musical history and intended that elements of this plan better
folklore of New Orleans. This is a define the land use relationship between the
neighborhood to where many African University and Gert Town.
American musicians moved in the early
1900s; and where important “cutting Reflecting its history as a center of business
contests”, or informal musical matches, were activity, Gert Town has a substantial amount
held at Johnson and Lincoln parks. The of industrial / commercial uses which frame
Images from left to right: the northern edges of the neighborhood.
importance of Gert Town in the cultural life of
New Orleans is also represented by being the Prior to Hurricane Katrina the Gert Town
A: Gert Town houses along neighborhood neighborhood was a mix of residences in
birth place of numerous New Orleans musical
street greats such as Allen Toussaint, as well as close proximity to industrial uses, and this
B: Blue Plate Building having the Gert Town Golden Star Hunters has at times created dangerous and
C: Canal along Washington Mardi Gras Indians, an important notable unhealthy conditions for residents of the
Mardi Gras Indian Tribe. area. The Hayward-Thompson site is now
undergoing major remediation for hazards
that long impacted the livability and property
values in Gert Town.
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

• Relocate Non-compatible Industrial

Recovery Vision and Goals Uses – Actively promote the relocation of
industrial uses that create nuisances and
Vision pollution for the residential community so as to
The vision for the future of Gert Town as create a better living environment.
expressed by the residents reflects a community
that will become more diverse, culturally, racially • Provide Economic Development
and economically and one that will exploit its Opportunities and Jobs – Through the
assets in music, local cuisine and constructions attraction of compatible light industrial uses that
trade personnel. will enhance the neighborhood and complement
its life style.
4 Neighborhood Recovery Goals
• Promote Home Ownership – Through
Neighborhood Recovery Goals neighborhood targeted housing programs that
will reclaim vacant land and dilapidated
• Capitalize on Neighborhood Locational buildings for residential use.
Attributes - Its central geographic location in
the City of New Orleans, easy access to all parts • Create Attractive Open Spaces and
of the city through the major streets that form Community Image – Provide an internal open
its boundaries, its proximity to major regional space system that will enhance the residential
transportation routes, the location of institutions attractiveness of the neighborhood and provide
of higher learning, and surrounding stable a visual and symbolic focus for the community.
residential neighborhoods

• Recover and Expand Housing Stock -

Develop new housing including market rate
small scale multi-family housing units will invite
residents from outside the area to relocate in
the village of Gert Town
Images from left to right:
• Expand and Build Upon Successful
Neighborhood Institutions – Develop new A: Mary Church Terrel Elementary School
and mutually beneficial relationship with Xavier B: View north along Carrollton
Above: Aerial Map of Gert Town Neighborhood University to capitalize on the university’s C: Gert Town Pool Center
stability and economic development potential D: Existing commercial building
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

Planning Process and residents to present the consultant’s Neighborhood Meeting - Audubon Senior
Neighborhood Participation understanding of the issues affecting the Center, 3425 Audubon Court – To present
neighborhood and opportunities for the list of projects and proposed funding
The planning process was neighborhood neighborhood recovery. The meeting was matrix for Gert Town recovery plan. The
driven. The consultant team carried out a held at the Audubon Senior Center, 3425 final plan included the perspectives of the
three step planning approach that Audubon Court. Gert Town neighborhood.
involved: 1) Analysis of Existing Conditions
where base maps were prepared, data on • Saturday. June 17, 2006, Third • September 23, 2006 Citywide
the conditions of the neighborhood was Neighborhood Meeting - Audubon Senior Neighborhood Meeting - City-Wide all
gathered, informal interviews with Center, 3425 Audubon Court – A Third “Flooded Neighborhoods” presentation of
community leaders and residents were neighborhood meeting to review the plan all the projects that compose the City of
carried out, previous planning reports and for Gert Town that was approved in 2005 New Orleans Neighborhoods Rebuilding 5
efforts were researched and other tasks “with reservations”, and present post- Plan. At this meeting the final list of
were carried out in order to develop an Katrina projects identified for Gert Town projects for the Gert Town neighborhood
understanding of the community; 2) and gather neighborhood comments, input was presented.
Definition of Issues and Opportunities, and acceptance of the proposed projects.
Plan Options; 3) Neighborhood Plan and • September 30, 2006 Xavier University
proposed funding sources and matrix , the • Saturday, July 1, 2006, Fourth President Presentation of University Master
development of the plan and the Neighborhood Meeting - Gert Town Plan ideas and endorsement of the
identification of proposed projects and community meeting and committee synthesis of the Gert Town Neighborhood
needs. reports/working session. Plan for coordination for a better overall
community/Xavier’s Master Plan.
The neighborhood outreach program • Saturday, July 15, 2006, Fifth
carried out with the consultant team Neighborhood Meeting - Gert Town
consisted of the following neighborhood community meeting and committee
meetings: reports/working session.

• Saturday, May 20,2006, First Joint Gert • Saturday, July 29, 2006, Sixth
Town/Mid City Introductory Meeting – Neighborhood Meeting - Presentation of
Images from left to right: Presentation of the consultant team, time the concept plan for Gert Town and
line for the project, overview of conditions approval of the plan by the neighborhood
A-D: General District-wide community and general discussion of project goals and
meetings objectives. • Saturday, August 12, 2006 Seventh
Neighborhood Meeting - Presentation of
• Saturday, June 3, 2006, Second revised concept plan
Neighborhood Meeting - An initial public
meeting with neighborhood leaders and • Saturday, August 26, 2006, Eighth
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

Planning Efforts Pre-Katrina throughout District 4 and that are establish trees, proposes light commercial
applicable to Gert Town are: the lack of uses as appropriate and proposes to require
A number of planning efforts and one activity centers for senior citizens, businesses to landscape their sites.
neighborhood specific study were carried additional green space, landscaping
out for District 4 and Gert Town prior to the provided along all major roadways and The Plan also addresses Hayward-
storm. These city-wide planning studies landscape buffers between industrial and Thompson Chemical Plant located at 7300
and neighborhood plan were: residential uses. Earhart Boulevard. The vacant plant has
been listed as a Brownsfield site needing
The New Century New Orleans Master New Orleans Land Use Plan of 1999, remediation and the neighborhood has
Plan, Parks, Recreation and Open City Planning Commission received funding from former plant
Space, 2002, City Planning operators to revitalize the community.
6 Commission The Land Use Plan identified numerous However, at the time of the Plan there were
land use issues in Planning District 4. It not yet plans for redevelopment of the
Various recreation and open space issues defined the Gert Town/Zion City area as plant’s site. The 1999 Land Use Plan
were identified throughout the City of New having a large concentration of blighted recommends this site as a green space, but
New Century New Orleans Master
Orleans and for each Planning District. The properties and, that although the area has recognizes that redevelopment will be
Transportation Plan, 2004
majority of the issues identified for benefited from redevelopment efforts of limited by toxicity levels after remediation
Planning District 4 addressed areas in other various non-profit groups, full rehabilitation and must win the approval of neighborhood
The Plan identified that the residents of
neighborhoods of the District. The Gert of the neighborhood is stunted by heavy residents.
Planning District 4 have a dependence on
Town neighborhood was not identified as industrial users, newer general commercial transit, pedestrian, and bicycle travel
having deficiencies in open space, being areas, poor street conditions, and the The 1999 Land Use Plan proposes only a
which, along with parking difficulties
within proximity to two major parks, presence of several corner stores and bars limited area for future industrial location,
around major institutions such as Orleans
Norwood Thompson Playground and with alcoholic beverage permits that create the Earhart Corridor. The Plan recommends
Parish Criminal Complex, Xavier University,
Cuccia-Byrnes Playground. a negative ambience in the area. downgrading heavy industry uses to non-
Jesuit High School, and New Orleans
polluting light industry in the area bounded
Medical Complex are at the heart of its
This Master Plan identified a number of Within Gert Town neighborhood and along by Earhart, I-10, Claiborne and Lopez; this
transportation issues.
parks for renovation, and maintenance the Earhart Boulevard corridor there are a recommendation would provide a
among which are the following parks that variety of uses including a lumber mill, convenient job source for area residents.
A number of transportation issues were
form part of the Gert Town neighborhood: cement plant, and various auto mechanics identified at public meetings held by the
Norwood Thompson Playground and the shops, as well as vacant land. It identifies The 1999 Land Use Plan proposes
City Planning Commission for the
Cuccia-Byrnes Playground. It identified the Gert Town chemical factory at Earhart expansion of Xavier University to infill areas Images from left to right:
Transportation Plan, as well as through the
both parks as needing continuous and Pine Street as a site that must be of the neighborhood where currently vacant A: Gilbert Stadium
development of the Land Use Plan,
maintenance. remediated before it can be put back into or underutilized warehouses. The Plan B: Harrell Park
Economic Development Plan, and the
use. Listed suggestions for its use following recognized that the residential neighbors of
Regional Planning Commission’s Year 2025
No recreational deficiencies were identified clean-up are residential, cemetery, or a Gert Town desire a detailed review of a Images at top:
Metropolitan Transportation Plan. The
for Gert Town within the 2002 plan. Among daycare center. The Land Use Plan Master Plan from the university before The New Century New Orleans Master
issues pertinent to the Gert Town
the key community issues identified proposes along Earhart Boulevard to re- endorsing any expansion into the Plan: Parks, Recreation & Open Space -
neighborhood were:
neighborhood. District 4
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

through the Improvement of signage and there being no sense of a center for the
promoting the use of Earhart Expressway as community; use of the court streets for
an alternative route to Jefferson Parish; and both vehicular circulation and on-street
• Completion of all phases of the Earhart parking and their width of 15 feet which
Boulevard project in New Orleans. makes this use inappropriate;

The Gert Town Strategic • Discontinuities: A wedge of industrial

Revitalization Plan, 2004, prepared uses, East of Carrollton cuts of the
by the Urban Technical Assistance northernmost housing from the bulk of the
Center (UTA) at Columbia University. residential zone; the residential fabric is
not uniform; the residential fabric is
A plan which the residents accepted as a interrupted by large tracts of vacant land 7
reference base for the development of the and parking lots; No discernible boundary
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan recovery exists to the residential fabric at Earhart,
• Parking problems for residents around process identified issues that existed in the the boulevard appears as a ragged edge.
Cavier University; neighborhood pre-Hurricane Katrina and
• Roadway Level of Service where there is served to place in context the challenges The plan proposed a series of development
a need for the Earhart Expressway and for the reconstruction of Gert Town. strategies and priorities. As priorities it
Boulevard to be a viable alternative to I-10; This plan identified as major issues for the proposed that a new land use pattern must
• Installing left hand turn lanes from revitalization of Gert Town three major have the following properties:
Earhart Boulevard onto Carrollton Avenue; neighborhood roadblocks:
• The review and improvement of all • Limit commercial encroachment on the
railroad crossings in the district; • Its isolation: the commercial uses along residential zone by strengthening its core;
identification of the intersection at Washington Avenue that have generated • Encourage mixed use development,
Washington and S. Carrollton where super-blocks that interrupt the street and particularly institutional uses along Pine
pedestrian/bicycle safety is an issues; block; the canal which offers only one Street;
• Road Maintenance with the vehicular bridge (Pine Street) and two • Transform environmental liabilities into
reconstruction of Earhart Boulevard pedestrian-only overpasses; Earhart community amenities;
between S. Dupre St. (Near Broad St.) and Boulevard that interrupts the north south • Make Earhart Boulevard a
Images Top: the Jefferson Parish line; connections between the court district and commercial/institutional buffer zone for
• The inclusion of transit and the proposal its counterpart south of Earhart; residential Gert Town.
New Century New Orleans Master for a light rail line from the Airport to
Transportation Plan, 2004 downtown to include a station at the N. • Inconsistencies: including toxic
Carrollton/Tulane Avenues intersection industrial uses inappropriately embedded in
(Xavier University) with multi-modal the residential zone (Tree Medics, cement
facilities; plant, as examples); residential amenities
• Functional & roadway level of service dispersed through out the neighborhood
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four


City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

B. Pre-Hurricane Katrina
Neighborhood Existing

Land Use and Zoning of the wealthiest neighborhoods in New

Orleans, there are consistent indications of
The Gert Town Strategic Revitalization Plan persistent poverty and social distress in
of 2004 identified the following land use Gert Town. Almost 76% of the occupied
patterns and inconsistencies as previously units in the neighborhood were rental
presented: Superblocks interrupt the households in 2000 (as compared to 54%
street/block grid where Washington Avenue citywide and 32% statewide). Of
has commercial/industrial and there is only households with children, approximately
one vehicular bridge that crosses over the Gert Town Neighborhood Present Land-Use Map (Above) 50% of children lived without one parent
Source: City of New Orleans - 1999 Land Use Plan
canal to Xavier. The Plan identified present (compared to 29% statewide and
inconsistencies of land use with playground Gert Town Neighborhood Present Zoning Map (Below) 23% nationwide). Average household
adjacent to the cement plant, toxic sites Source: City of New Orleans - 1999 Land Use Plan income for the area was just over half of 9
embedded in the residential zone and very the City’s, 50% of the State’s and 40% of
narrow streets in the neighborhood. the nation’s. Almost 50% of the residents
Among the land use discontinuities of Gert Town were living in poverty,
identified by the plan are: wedge of compared to fewer than 20% for the State
industrial uses, East of Carrollton cuts off and less than 13% for the nation. Most
the northernmost residential blocks from troubling was the fact that more than two-
the rest of the residential areas; many thirds of children under the age of five in
tracts of vacant land; irregular blocks with the neighborhood lived in poverty
narrow streets and shallow lots. compared to 18% for the nation.

Pre-Katrina Demographic In terms of racial makeup, the

Profile neighborhood was 95% African American.

Prior to Hurricane Katrina, and based upon Overall, despite its strong locational
Census 2000 data, the population of Gert attributes and access, the neighborhood
Town was 4,748 of which 1,071 were was among the poorest in the City prior to
housed in Xavier University dormitories. Hurricane Katrina and largely housed low
Image Top left: and moderate income renters.
The permanent population of 3,677 in Gert
Town lived in 1,541 households with an
A: Existing Cement Plant
average household size of over 2.3
residents per household.

Despite the neighborhood’s excellent

location and the fact that it is located
adjacent to and a “stones throw” of some
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

Mobility and Transportation

Based upon figures collected by Census

2000 approximately 24% of residents of
Gert Town utilized the bus or alternative
means of transportation to get to work or
school. This is a significantly higher
percentage than for the City, State or
Nation a whole. As with many
neighborhoods with a high percentage of
low income residents, almost 43% of
10 residents do no have a vehicle which
compares to 27% of residents citywide and
12% of residents in the State.

Images from left to right:

A: Existing Cement Plant

B-C: Mix of residential and industrial
warehouse uses
D: Trailer Park

Source: U.S. Census 2000; the Greater New Orleans Community Data Center at
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

Recreation and Open Space The New Orleans Land Use Plan of
1999 did not identify any recreational
There are a number of recreational deficiencies in Gert Town although the
facilities and parks serving Gert Town. residents of the community have
Among these are: expressed a need for a community center
to better serve the needs of children and
• Cuccia Byrnes Playground – older adults in Gert Town.
Located on 8300 Forshey Street, the park
has a land area of 3.06 acres, is
supervised and features a baseball
diamond, basketball courts, football field,
and playground equipment. It is one of 11
the most heavily used playgrounds in the
city, has an active booster club and was
reported in need of constant maintenance
in the New Century New Orleans Parks,
Recreation and Open Space Plan prepared
by the City Planning Commission in 2000.

• Gert Town Pool Center – With a

land area of one acre this active park
features a pool for the residents of the
area and the City of New Orleans. This
park is under the jurisdiction of the New
Orleans Recreation Department (NORD).

• Norwood Thompson Playground –

Located on Earhart Boulevard and Forshey
Avenue the park has a land area of 1.2
Images from left to right: acres and features a baseball diamond,
basketball court, paved sports area, 1: Cuccia Brynes Playground
A: Cuccia Byrnes Playground playground equipment and is supervised. 2: Norwood Thompson Playground
B: Gert Town Pool Center
C: Harrell Park
D: Cuccia Brynes Playing Fields
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four


Roadway Hierarchy and Jurisdiction

The Roadway Classification Map indicates the different roadway

hierarchies within and adjacent to Gert Town and District 4 including
Federal, State and local jurisdictions.

Only Carrollton and Washington Avenues, and Earhart Boulevard are

under State jurisdiction. All other streets within the neighborhood are Images from left to right:
local streets and under the jurisdiction of the City of New Orleans
Department of Public Works. A: Earhart Roadway
B: Broad at Washington
C: Earhart Roadway looking north
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

Housing, Architecture and Historic Deco buildings. This is one of the few
Preservation large Art Deco buildings found in the City
of New Orleans. Xavier University has
Housing some excellent examples of Gothic Revival
Due to the low income and rental nature of
the neighborhood housing was in a Community Facilities
deteriorated state in much of the
neighborhood before Hurricane Katrina. Mary Church Terrel Elementary
The storm exacerbated the condition of School An elementary K through 8 school
housing in Gert Town to a greater extent located at 3411 Broadway it is the only
than some neighborhoods that experienced school within the neighborhood. The 13
more significant levels of flooding. school closed because of Hurricane Katrina
Housing issues that existed before the damage; however, the building was in poor
Hurricane included substantial adjudicated condition before the storm. The building
and blighted properties. was designed with an open plan concept; a
design feature that reportedly did not work
Architecture and Historic well for this community. Presently the
Preservation school is closed and not scheduled to
reopen. There is a desire in the
Only a small section of Gert Town, on the neighborhood to build a new elementary K
south side of the intersection of Earhart through 8 school on the site.
Boulevard and Carrollton has historic
designation. There are a substantial Xavier University - Located within the
number of commercial structures of recent Gert Town neighborhood, Xavier University
construction and little architectural value is the only historically Black and Catholic
that line the major thoroughfares of the University in the country and ranks as one
neighborhood along Earhart Boulevard, of the top schools in the nation in the
Washington Avenue and Carrollton Avenue. number of African American students
Images from left to right: While many of the buildings of Gert Town earning undergraduate degrees in the
were constructed over 50 years ago, this natural and physical sciences. Other
A: Mary Church Terrel Elementary School are all privately owned buildings minority accomplishments of Xavier
B: Mandeville Detiege Memorial Health The principal historic structures and University include being the number one in
Center significant architecture are found in the pharmacy degrees awarded to African
C: Burton Memorial on Carrollton Xavier University Campus or are Americans, and number one in placing
D: Baptist Church commercial buildings such as the Blue African Americans in medical schools.
Gert Town Community Facilities Map Plate Manufacturing Factory which is an Art
Source: City of New Orleans 1999 Land Use Plan
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four


City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

C. Hurricane Katrina
Neighborhood Impacts

Extent of Flooding Commercial Properties Damage

The Flood Depth map to the right
graphically depicts the depth of flood The majority of commercial uses and
waters throughout District Four the highest structures within Gert Town suffered flood
flood depth exceeded 9 feet while in some damage.
areas there was little or minimal flooding.
The areas of Gert Town closest to Jefferson Gert Town Neighborhood Flood Depth Map showing inundated areas of the Infrastructure Damage
Davis Parkway had some of the highest neighborhoood (above). Source: City of New Orleans - April 2006 Assessment
flooding in the area with between 5 to 6
feet of water. Most of the neighborhood Gert Town Neighborhood Damage Assessment Map showing the extent of the damage The infrastructure damage assessment
was flooded with between 2 to 4 feet of to neighborhood structures (below). Source: City of New Orleans - April 2006 carried out was limited to drive-by 15
water. evaluations of street conditions conducted
by the Neighborhood Planning Consultant.
Residential Properties Damage No underground utilities were assessed;
Assessment however the consultant and neighborhood
groups were able to determine that
According to the Damage Assessment Data BellSouth has been working to install fiber
received from the City of New Orleans in optic lines in the area. One planning
April of 2006, properties within Gert Town challenge has been the fact that fiber
while totally flooded were categorized optic lines require aboveground
mostly with damage under 50 %. A connection box installations which are
number of residential units, approximately considered by the neighborhood to be
60 buildings suffered damage over 50% as visually intrusive in exposed areas. Cable
indicated in the map. These residential television as of the date of this plan has
structures are located throughout the been restored to a majority of Gert Town.
neighborhood and coincide with the
residential areas where the most Information based upon visual inspection
Adjudicated and Abandoned Properties are included specific conditions as follows:
located. Nearly all the other housing units missing street signs damaged street lights,
within the neighborhood were identified as sidewalks and pedestrian circulation, etc.
having less than 50% damage as per the
City of New Orleans assessment. However Street Conditions
it is important to note that a substantial
number of structures within Gert Town Damage to streets was quite extensive
were in poor condition prior to the storm. from Hurricane Katrina. Based
upon a block-by-block, street-by-street
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

assessment it has been estimated that Parks and Open Space Damage
21,300 linear feet of street need to be Assessment
Hurricane Katrina had a tremendous impact on
Street Signage and Way-Finding the parks of Gert Town. Parks are particularly
at risk, given that FEMA allocates virtually no
Street signs and way-finding signs funding for the recovery of green space and
sustained heavy loss in the neighborhood; trees, and the removal of destroyed canopy
however, the City continues to restore signs have even been difficult to obtain federal
on a reasonably steady schedule. funding to address.

16 Street Lights All of the parks in the neighborhood including

Norwood Thompson Playground, Cuccia-Byrnes
Individual installations sustained damage Playground, and the swim center were
from wind, flooding, etc. Repairs have damaged by the flood waters and will require
been made incrementally. wholesale renewal. Additionally, no operating
funds now exist to appropriately program these
Sidewalks/Pedestrian Circulation facilities. The neutral grounds of Carrollton
Damage Assessment Avenue require improvement and upgrade.

There are broad areas of sidewalks within Community Facilities

Gert Town that were damaged as a result of
Hurricane Katrina. The majority of these The only elementary school in the
sidewalks were either broken by overturned neighborhood Mary Church Terrel Elementary
trees or the weight of debris removal School, a K through 8 was totally flooded and
equipment. closed because of Hurricane Katrina damage.
The building was in substantially bad condition
before Hurricane Katrina and it is not
anticipated to open. However, there is a strong
desire in the community have a public school Images from left to right:
rebuilt in the neighborhood. Both the
community center and health clinic were A-D: Existing conditions of structures and
damaged in the storm and are now closed and streets within Gert Town Post-Katrina
the community has indicated that it would like
to see these facilities potentially relocated to
the new town center when developed.
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

D. Neighborhood
Rebuilding Scenarios

Neighborhood Repopulation

Neighborhood Rebuilding Scenarios

& Re-Population

The proposed recovery plan will conform to

the existing neighborhood urban structure
with certain changes to address required
street pattern modifications. The recovery
plan is predicated upon the fact that
residents, investors, and businesses can
flourish and property values can be 17
enhanced based upon the existing street
grid and pattern of development although
there will have to be significant change in
land use classification to insure that
inappropriate mixing of residential and
industrial uses does not continue. Specific
changes will be focused on allowing for
more intense development at key nodes
(Carrollton and I-10) or change of use in
key corridors (from industrial to mixed
institutional/commercial use along Earhart
and Washington). Additionally, the
neighborhood has established certain
specific goals for the recovery of the
neighborhood no matter what the
rebuilding strategy.

• Restoration of ordinary public

services such as twice weekly trash
removal and U.S. Postal service to the
door/porch are considered very important
benchmarks to signify a return to normalcy
in the neighborhood;

• Focus on both for-sale and rental

Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

housing redevelopment and

reconstruction and the implementation
of key policies detailed later in this
document that will assist in insuring that
the housing stock of the neighborhood is
restored in an sensitive fashion
(particularly as it relates to
the historic character) and the condition of
the housing stock and stability of
neighborhoods in improved to a level
beyond that which existed prior to Katrina;
• Insure the redevelopment of
recreation and other community
facilities allowing returning and new
families to have the necessary services and
amenities that support continued
population growth in the area. This
include creation of pocket parks to serve
the neighborhood and address identified
deficiencies, the inclusion of children
playgrounds to serve the needs of the
neighborhoods’ children and young
parents, restoration of destroyed parks to
include the activities previously identified
by the community. Additionally, critical
community facilities, such as fire
protection, community centers, and health
clinics must be addressed immediately to
insure the safety of the community during
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

E. Neighborhood Recovery Plan

Various factors will play a major role in the factories and plants have abused and
recovery of Gert Town including the pre- polluted their neighborhoods. Residents
existing conditions prior to Hurricane are critical of new industry that could
Katrina, increasing the attractiveness of potentially be a polluting, environmentally
the area as a residential community and unfriendly, hazardous to the community
addressing pre-existing land use and the residents who live there. The
compatibility issues. One of the poorest 1999 Land Use Plan expressed a need to
communities long before the storm, limit these uses and provide for the neighborhood to decrease loitering. functional in use; affordable; efficient;
centrally located, surrounding it are inclusion of light industrial only. Present zoning within Gert Town allows safe; and democratically controlled. The
important institutions and stable the inclusion of neighborhood commercial. plan also includes bike racks for parking
communities including Xavier University, Define Sector for Higher Intensity Market forces will address the availability bikes at different locations such as
the Marlyville-Fountainbleau neighborhood Apartment Complexes - The community of these commercial facilities once the schools, playgrounds, and other locations 19
and the Carrollton and Earhart corridors. would like to include higher density population of the neighborhood increases throughout the city. Bus stops, transfer
However the neighborhood high apartment complexes, new office buildings through the process of reconstruction. locations with shelters, seating, and maps
concentration of poverty and the troubled and commercial buildings that are higher Limiting the number of liquor need to be provided and improved upon
housing stock has substantial hurdles to than two to three stories within the establishments will have to be a process as well.
overcome with regard to revitalizing and perimeter of Gert Town. Larger structures coordinated with local authorities.
recovery since Hurricane Katrina and on the main transportation corridors may Rails to Trails - The Rails to Trails bike
indeed these hurdles existed at lower be acceptable depending on their use and TRANSPORTATION AND path which converts the former rails on
thresholds prior to the disaster created in design. However, the community PUBLIC TRANSIT the Lafitte Corridor to a bike path needs
the neighborhood by storm. More specific expressed a need to be involved in the to be completed. This bike path could be
recommendations include the following: design process for these higher density Extension Of The Street Car On tied in to the Jeff Davis Bike path and
proposed designs. Big box stores and Carrolton Avenue - The streetcar line connected to Erato street/ Olive into Gert
LAND USE AND ZONING ELEMENT other buildings should be allowed within could be potentially extended all the way Town... Bike lanes need to be designated
the neighborhood as long as Gert Town along Carrollton, continuing from on the existing major streets.
New Developments And Time remains a small, personal, residential Claiborne and connecting with the Canal
Constraints – Evaluate the inclusion of neighborhood with buildings that reflect Street line. Another alternative would be Pedestrian Crossing Improvements -
potential moratoriums on major sites that that scale. to extend the line to turn down Earhart to Carrollton and Earhart are both extremely
would give the residents a chance to come the CBD. pedestrian unfriendly. Crossings need to
Images from left to right: to a consensus on what they want for their Increase Neighborhood Commercial – be created that are both aesthetically
neighborhood. The community will also During the neighborhood meetings process 2003 Five Point Plan to improve appealing and much safer. Solutions could
A: Existing conditions along Earhart create a mechanism for the residents to the residents expressed a need to have transportation to New Orleans - The include pedestrian bridges, increase
B: Proposed landscape beautification have local involvement in zoning within the neighborhood a grocery store community wants to support this grass crossing lights, and accessibility. Possible
along Earhart opportunities and/or threats. with fresh produce and the other roots effort to develop a plan that is improved crossings include:
commercial offerings, the inclusion of a economically sustainable for the
Limit Heavy Industrial Uses - The community garden and limiting the communities and that is: ecologically • Intersection of Carrollton and
community is concerned that industrial presence of liquor stores and bars near the sustainable; community oriented; multi- Washington;
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

Images from left to right:

A: Proposed Gert Town Gateway Entrance

B-C: Existing main entryway roadway

• Post Office that crosses Carrollton; performing arts such as dance and theater
• Carrollton and Earhart at all four could all be used in the same way. These
crossings; facilities plus a possible cultural museum
20 • Area across from Thompson-Hayward could all be used for after-school programs
facility; and in the daily curriculum of the
• Jeff Davis and Earhart. neighborhood school, by summer camps
and by the community via programs,
classes and continued learning.
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Entertainment facilities could include a
gymnasium that converts into an
Having access to a variety of recreational auditorium for larger events, a stage that
facilities is important to the people of Gert could accommodate small productions
Town. The playground is located next to a and/or the creation of a Town Square that
cement factory on Earhart which is an includes an outdoor stage.
unhealthy environment for both children
and adults. There needs to be recreational Cement Industrial Building Site Re-
facilities for all age groups in the Use (Park Space)
neighborhood. Perhaps these facilities
could be part of an The cement plant will be removed and be
Educational/Community Center Complex replaced by a community amenity. The
and be used by all. Sports facilities such proposal is to consider the creation of a
as a gymnasium, ball field, swimming pool, place for the use of both the youth and the
exercise and weight rooms, playgrounds, elderly. It will combine sports activities
and running track could all be used by the with educational activities, job training
school and members of the community and spaces for incubating businesses. The
including pre-school aged children, adults, center will enhance and complement the
and seniors. Arts facilities that include existing adjacent Norwood Thompson
visual arts and crafts, music, and playground. Together, they will form a
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

clear edge to the residential neighborhood. commercial parking should be hidden when
Pine Street Streetscape possible with shrubs or fencing; limit
Improvements billboards or prohibit them altogether;
require set backs for new construction and
Need to develop city-owned vacant lots in parking.
the High Court block, facing Pine Street
Institutional expansion in collaboration with Housing, Architecture and Historic
Xavier University to upgrade the Pine Street Preservation
streetscape to give the street the scale and
quality of a public space, with appropriate Plan Proposed Housing Initiatives
landscaping, tree planting and street
furniture as needed. A number of housing initiatives are 21
proposed as part of the Neighborhoods
Town Square Rebuilding Plan and are presented in the
overall policy element of the plan and
This concept places a town square and issued under separate cover. Below a
possible internal shopping area on Olive summary of the policies that are relevant to
Street. This square could be a centralized Mid-City are highlighted.
outdoor area where Gert Town could host
events such as street festivals and Lot Next Door
concerts. This is a venue where the
community could present its identity to The principal thrust of redevelopment
other communities and be a host to its own programs and policies that encourage the
unique events. Gert Town has a rich speedy redevelopment of neighborhoods,
musical and cultural heritage on which to must match various government powers
build. and financing tools to the local housing and
real estate market conditions.
Increase Landscape Requirements of
City Code A key question will be hot to most
Images from top to bottom: effectively encourage the redevelopment of
There is a need to improve the visual homes and residential lots that fall into
Illustrations of Proposed Town Center for aesthetics and requirements to improve the public ownership.
Gert Town neighborhood neighborhood (residential, commercial, and
industrial developments). Code The “Lot Next Door” program is one of a
requirements should be increased for series of proposed housing policies which
required landscape for new construction of have been developed as part of the
commercial or industrial buildings; Neighborhoods rebuilding plan and takes
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

subgroup of homeowners.
A targeted elderly homeowner program is Assuming that there are few new
needed which will allow elderly households regulations associated with developing
to tie their Road Home grant to senior housing (i.e. some requirement that
specific elevator multi-story condominium certain units must be homeownership vs.
projects to be developed throughout the rental) it is likely that the value placed on
City. There has been wide support for many properties for sale will determine
dedicated multi-family senior housing how quickly that property will be rebuilt for
product in many parts of the City, but housing. Additionally, and realistically,
direct aim at some particular market
particularly in areas where younger there are a variety of neighborhoods
hurdles that slow the redevelopment of First, there are many areas of the City
homeowners have aging parents living throughout the City, where reducing the
many of these properties. which had a high concentration of elderly
22 nearby. In some cases, there may be a cost of a lot or unit to essentially zero will
homeowners (Lower Ninth, Pontchartrain
need to increase the grant amount or not be enough to insure the redevelopment
In its simplest form the Lot Next Door Park, and Lakeview) which sustained
provide a low interest loan to the of the property.
program will offer homeowners who are substantial damage and will require the
household if there is a gap between the These are generally those neighborhoods
committed to redeveloping their home the demolition and reconstruction of many
value of the buyout (and insurance prior to Hurricane Katrina where land
ability to purchase publicly owned homes. Historically, the challenges dealing
proceeds) and the market value price of values were quite low and homes were not
adjoining properties prior to these with contractors, permit inspectors,
the condominium unit. built unless there was significant targeted
properties being offered to any other lenders, etc. has proved particularly
public assistance related to construction.
buyers. This option would be provided challenging for many elderly households
Use of Second Generation Funds and
should the property end up in public after experiencing the substantial damage
Expansion of Home Purchaser Given the different market factors
ownership either through the adjudication (physical and psychological) that has been
Assistance Programs influencing the redevelopment of housing
process or through the sale of the property visited upon other communities after other
in different neighborhoods, there are a
to a public entity through the Road Home disasters. Additionally, there are a
One of the principal questions that has variety of strategies that will have to be
or other public acquisition program. substantial number of areas of the City
come up again and again in neighborhood employed with regard to the sale of lots
including Lakeview, areas of Gentilly,
meetings is the issue of how properties acquired through the acquisition program
Elderly Moderate Income among others where rebuilding homes with
that end up in public ownership either on the open market. These strategies
Condominium Set-Aside damage in excess of 50 percent will require
through the adjudicated or buy back include the following.
the total reconstruction at three feet above
process are going to be resold in the
What has become quite apparent through grade or the Base Flood Elevations Images from left to right:
marketplace. • Recycle second generation proceeds
the neighborhood planning process is that whichever is greater. Many of these homes
from higher income neighborhood property
senior households which have some of the will have to be raised close to one story Palm & Audobon Street Housing
While the Lot Next Door program provides sales to properties in neighborhoods where
strongest ties to the community and have making them a difficult housing product Redevelopment
one method for recycling lots in the values are lower. This will ensure that
expressed some of the strongest voices for type for people with physical frailties.
market, there are going to be numerous more housing redevelopment dollars will
rebuilding and returning to the City, also
lots that are not acquired by next door flow to low-income areas than could
face some of the most significant Elderly homeowners are clearly a special
neighbors that are going to have to be sold otherwise be imagined prior to Katrina.
challenges in redeveloping or rebuilding case with specific needs, and currently
to third party purchasers.
their homes. there are no programs targeted to this
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

health care facility. The description of this Healthcare

projects are as follows:
• Community Center: the The residents of Gert Town have lived in
neighborhood expressed a need to include the shadow of harmful industry and toxic
a community center. This community abandoned industrial sites for a very long
center could function either as an time. With the remediation of the
independent stand alone facility or form Thompson-Hayward site, this community
part of a larger community facilities has a chance for renewal and to live in an
complex, such as being co-located with a environment that is conducive to good
new elementary school in the area. health. The concrete plant on Earhart
needs to be removed. Both of the sites
• Mary Church Terrell School New should become available in a way that best23
School K-8 Elementary School -(Public benefits the community. The residents need
or Charter) that could have a multi- to have local control as to what the sites
drawings illustrate potential architectural
functional use as a community center. are used for and prevent subsequent zoning
• Sell adjacent lots and blocks of lots in options for Gert Town.
Envisioned is an educational complex that for a similar development that is not in the
public ownership to experienced for-profit
houses classrooms, a library, and includes best interest of the neighborhood.
and not-for-profit developers when not HISTORIC PRESERVATION both recreational and arts facilities. The
purchased through the Lot Next Door
people of the community need a Lifelong The residents are requesting that they have
program. . There are no historic districts within the
Learning Center and meeting rooms, which proper infrastructure including lighting,
core of Gert Town, however the
could all function within the school. Linking street design, pedestrian friendly
• Re-sell properties at fair market value neighborhood fabric should be preserved
the arts and the recreational facilities crosswalks, and a healthy neighborhood.
and reduce price of lots only when very and the inclusion of new construction
physically with the school would mean that Any soil remediation that needs to be done
specific policy objectives are being met, should address these issues. The proposed
there could be extensive after-school and after the hazardous areas are tested for
such as providing for mixed-income architectural styles for new construction as
enrichment programs available to the contaminants should be done in a timely
housing in a neighborhood. indicated in the drawings should draw from
students so that they are able to discover manner.
the traditional New Orleans architectural
talents and interests in the early years.
Healthcare for the people of Gert Town is of
ARCHITECTURE • A Digital Resource Center or utmost importance. A health clinic such as
COMMUNITY FACILITIES Computer Technology Center could be a Community Care Clinic is needed to
Images from right to left: With the exception of certain buildings on
put in the place of the concrete plant. This service the neighborhood. Right now the
the Xavier University campus and the Blue Through the neighborhood meeting
A: Fern Street redevelopment center could be a state of art facility nearest hospital is Tulane University
Plate Building, there presently are few process a number of community facilities
clustered in with the K-8 Hospital. Many New Orleans schools are
buildings with architectural significance were identified as needed by the Gert
School/Recreation-Arts/Community Center beginning to have school-based clinics and
within Gert Town. The plan proposes an Town residents these included a
creating a complete learning environment. perhaps that could be a solution
architecture that is appropriate to the Community child care center, community
Additional the school could have a Digital for Gert Town. The idea of an
nature of the street grid pattern and center, a new adequately designed K-8
Resource Center to teach computer science. educational/community center complex
building styles in New Orleans. The elementary school, vocational school, and
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

could possibly be a centralized location for program to provide a neighborhood amenity • Study of Gap-Funding
housing a clinic. This could also evolve into and create additional open space and value. Requirements - Develop project specific
a social services center. studies for the private investment projects
In the mid-term the neighborhood recovery including retail development identified in
Neighborhood Watch Program proposes these additional projects : the plan to define gap funding requirement
needed to makes these projects attractive
The neighborhood has expressed a need • Child Development Center – A child to private development interests.
to organize a Public Safety Advisory development center should be developed to
Committee, identify block captains, be centrally located in the town center
establish relationship with NOPD, within the neighborhood
neighbors, and COPS while recruiting active
24 volunteers and create a police community • Senior Housing Project and
office. These are tasks that should be kept Initiatives – Provide senior housing
on-going as the neighborhood recovers. opportunities within the neighborhood.

OTHER PROPOSED • Earhart Urban Corridor

NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECTS Designation – Overlay district to enhance
landscape requirements and standards,
Critical and Early Action projects identified signage standards, with the intent to
by the neighborhood residents and the significantly improve the overall design
consultant team and as indicated in the quality of the identified corridor.
Funding Matrix include the following in
addition to those noted above: Additional long term capital projects
identified include:
• Repair of Underground Utilities –
The repair of the utilities to serve the • Pocket Parks and Community
neighborhood are one of the most pressing Gardens – As the reconstruction process
neighborhood needs. moves forward sites where no
reconstruction is planned could be turned
into pocket parks for the neighborhood or Images from left to right:
• Repair Street Infrastructure and
Signalization - there are over 21,300 community gardens.
A-D: Existing structures and street
linear feed of streets, lighting, street signs,
• Extension of Carrollton Streetcar conditions in Gert Town
and sidewalks to be repaired in the
neighborhood. The extension of the street car from
Claiborne to Canal Street on Carrollton
• Rails to Trails – Develop the Avenue.
abandoned railroad line into a rails to trails
City of New Orleans
Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan

F. Implementation and
Funding Strategies

Funding Matrix

What tie the Neighborhoods Rebuilding

Plan to funding are the identification of
specific projects and an estimate of initial
cost (by project) for each neighborhood.
The costs analyses are provided on an
order-of-magnitude basis as to the scope
and magnitude of the project proposed and
the investment required to construct it. As
such, variations as to the scope of the
project could result in variations on the
final cost of construction.

In the process of cost analyses,

consultations were carried out with the
City of New Orleans Public Works
Department to identify general cost
guidelines typically used for the calculation
of street improvements and
reconstruction; additionally other sources
of cost identification included the Means
Cost Data and our team’s professional
experience inside and outside of New

No single source of funding or financial

plan will be capable of dealing with the
capital improvements needs for total
redevelopment and reconstruction of all
the neighborhood projects and needs.
However, the funding matrix included in
this report show different funding sources
that could be made available for specific
projects and it should be expected that
layering of multiple sources of funding will
be required in most cases. The ability to
Gert Town Neighborhood, Planning District Four

obtain these funds will rest with the City of • Undertaking specific further studies
New Orleans and neighborhood groups and to determine the actual cost to
advisory committees. governmental entities for certain
public/private initiatives (for which we have
Each matrix matches proposed projects noted the cost of the study);
with potential funding sources identified
through the planning process and while not • Housing initiatives for which there
exhaustive in its scope, it serves as a guide may be dollars already allocated through
to where funds could originate. A the Road Home, LIHTC, private funding
substantial financial commitment by federal sources, or other sources but where the
and state entities are a vital ingredient in additional gap in funding is impossible to
26 the recovery effort and will provide the determine at this point;
necessary economic infrastructure to
attract the private investment required to • Other policies including land use
create stable and vibrant communities. and zoning regulations which the
community believed to be in the short and
Each funding matrix, based upon long term interest of the community; and,
consultation with neighborhood residents
through the community meeting process, • Recurring operations (i.e. expanded
also ranked projects based upon priority of police patrols, library operations, park
need with regard to recovery: “Early operations, etc.) that either tie to certain
Action/Critical”; “Mid-Term/Needed”; and capital improvements or are important to
“Long Term/Desired”. This ranking the health of the community through the
provides a general guide as to what expansion of existing services.
communities believe is the most important
priorities with regard to revitalization and

Finally, there are a variety of items or

initiatives listed on the funding matrix
where a capital cost can not be attached or
determined without further study, but the
community believed needed to be a central
part of the plan. These include:

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