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The Two of Diamonds Person

The Wheeler Dealer Card

The Two of Diamonds has an innate intuition that, if followed, will always lead them to
success in all their dealings. Inherent in this intuition is a high set of values and often a
'mission' in life, a mission that always involves partners and 'others'. There is a certain
amount of ambition, usually for money, which keeps them motivated. This is good
because they can get into ruts at times - especially in their closest relationships. If they
tap into their inner guidance they will find a path awaiting them that is fascinating and
rewarding. They do best by establishing themselves in one business and sticking with it.
This is one of the more successful cards in the deck and they have only themselves to
blame if they are not happy and productive. They are called the 'Wheeler Dealer Card'
because they love to be involved in business and finance, especially with their friends and
associates. This is a partnership card.
Two is the number of logic and Two of Diamonds have a mind that is quick at making
distinctions and evaluations of things. They are often attracted to, and good at working
with computers for the same reason. It is only when the Two of Diamonds is unfulfilled
emotionally that this strong mind becomes pessimistic and argumentative.
They should be careful that their social obligations do not tax their health and well being.
Sometimes they get so caught up in their business and work that they forget to take care
of themselves. They can make large sums of money in real estate in their later years and
maintain good health throughout their lives. This is one of the cards that is likely to live
to 100. These people love to mix and mingle and to do 'deals' with others. They prefer to
work in conjunction with others rather than alone.
For some Two of Diamonds, their life holds a special purpose, a mission that involves
bringing higher knowledge of some kind to the world and those they love. These are the
messengers of light.
Some of the Issues Concerning the Two of Diamonds Relationships
In the area of romance the Two of Diamonds has strong and fixed attitudes, ideas
and principles about love that are on one hand admirable, and on the other, their greatest
hurdle to their romantic and emotional happiness. Many of them must learn that love and
marriage are more than their fixed ideas about them. Once they are in a relationship,
whether it is bad or good, they are usually stuck there by these same fixed principles and
this can cause them to linger where happiness is not. When this happens they become
bitter and inclined to negativity, manifesting the argumentative side of this card. They
have a strong, but often hidden need for affection which can go unnoticed or
unacknowledged because they get so involved in the mental side of life and their work or
business. This deep inner need for affection and self respect is at the heart of most of their
relationship issues and problems.
Copyright 2010 Book of Destiny 3.7 software by Robert Lee Camp

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