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Bilangan jurnal

Minggu Praktikum
Tarikh Peristiwa/Kejadian
Tajuk jurnal
Problem/ Issue

: 17-21 August 2015
Pupils attitude during observations

This week was my last observation week. I realise that during observation
my pupils were very passive and they did not give response when I ask questions
or carried out some of the activities in the class. I realise that they behave
differently everytime there was observation going on especially when my lecturer
came to observe me. It is good since I do not have classroom management
problems but it is very hard to elicit their response when I was doing some
activities such as asking questions. I also had to ask the same questions over and
over again to make them speak up during my class.
2 Analysis
To analyse this issue, I will ask the following question:
a Why the pupils did not answer my questions?
b Why the pupils did not participate actively in my lesson?
c Are you shy when my lecturer is in the class?
After asking questions and get know their attitude I realise that they were shy with
the presence of my lecturer. Some of my pupils were familiar with my lecturer thus
they were cautious with what they are doing. They also did not answer my
questions because they were afraid they will answer it wrongly. In my class only
the high proficiency pupils were able to participate actively in my lesson.
3 Suggestion for improvement
A. I will prepare teaching aids that can attract the pupils attentions such as
a house model.
B. I will ask the questions over and over again to improve their confident
level in answering the questions.
c. I will encourage more group work such as reading in group since they are
shy if they were being asked to read alone in front of the class.
With all of the suggestion above, I will try my best to improve my teaching
and learning process so that I can be a good teacher in the future.
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