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My BRiTE Toolkit

Date: 27/09/20164:39AM
Module "B": Building resilience................................................................................................................ 2
Module "R": Relationships....................................................................................................................... 3
Module "i": Wellbeing............................................................................................................................... 5
Module "T": Taking initiative.................................................................................................................... 6
Module "E": Emotions.............................................................................................................................. 7

Module "B": Building resilience

How do you define resilience?
I define resilience as being tough and understanding in difficult/challenging situations with the
ability to bounce back and get on with what needs to be done.

How would you describe a resilient teacher?

A resilient teacher is not only positive and understanding in difficult/challenging situations but also
acts upon these situations in a calm manner. A resilient teacher also bounces back without it
majorly affecting them and what they do.

What makes a resilient teacher?

Caring but professional in difficult situations
Acts in a caring but professional manner
Does not let situations get to the best of them
Does not give up
Learns and gets stronger from their mistakes
Asks lots of questions
Is able to be reflective!
"A resilient teacher is A person who utilises inner resources (strength) and external resources
(such as peers) to overcome challenges of the profession"
"A resilient teacher sees each challenge as a way to grow stronger"
Little wisdoms
""When I encourage someone else, I see it as an investment in their resilience" - Steve

Module "R": Relationships

Maintaining support networks
First thoughts
Maintaining regular and consistant contact, building a good rapport and offering my help and
support when needed.
My thoughts on "I have friends I havent seen for weeks "
I personally would think of all the benefits I would gain by pushing on and completing what needs to be
done. However, if things are getting too difficult, I would make a little time to get in contact with/meet
up with my support networks which should hopefully give me the motivation and support I need to get
through the remainder of the way.
New ideas
(1) Keep in constant contact whether it is by a txt message, phone call or a meet up. (2) Always
offer my support and help by asking what I can do to help/support them. (3) Always be thoughtful,
kind and understanding..
"When using social media, remember that time can really fly. While it can be a good form of
support, it can also be a time waster. Use your time wisely."
"I have an incredible amount of support from home my husband has taken a huge role in the
house, domestically and so-on, and just laughs and says to me, Ill see you next year!'"

Building new relationships

First thoughts
Be friendly, be open to suggestions, give everything a go, ask lots of questions (don't be quite and
hide away) and give lots of positive responses.
My thoughts on "Put your best foot forward"
Use my initiative to work, help and assist within the classroom/school independently without being
asked. When the opportunity arises, ask if there is anything specific that can be done do help.
New ideas
I need to make a good impression by being friendly and professional. I need to make positive
contact with the people I see in my new school environment even if it is simply by giving them a
smile, wave or a "hello, how are you?".
"Take the time to have conversations with a variety of people including school leaders, teaching
assistants, support staff and librarians."
"Some staffrooms can be negative places and people are not always as welcoming as they could
be. Becoming negative is sometimes a result of not having a range of resilience strategies to
manage challenges. You might not be able to do anything about others negativity, but you can
decide how much you let it affect you. Try to manage negativity by focusing on what you can
control, building strong relationships with your students and looking for opportunities for positive
experiences. Theres more about this in the E module."
"Be positive
In order to get along with a variety of colleagues, be positive in your interactions with and about
them. Avoid talking negatively about colleagues and don't engage in workplace gossip."
"Make a confident first impression and introduce yourself to colleagues you havent previously
"Its so important to have a supportive network of people around you, thats really important
because youre isolated quite a bit in the classroom and sometimes you think, Is it just me and to
be able to walk out of the classroom at recess for example and say this just happened and for

someone else to go Dont worry about it, that always happens to me so I think if you felt that you
couldnt do that, it would be very isolating"

Module "i": Wellbeing

Personal Wellbeing
Work-life balance
Maintaining motivation

Module "T": Taking initiative

Problem Solving
Ongoing professional learning
Communicating effectively

Module "E": Emotions

Enhancing emotional awareness
Managing emotions
Developing optimism

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