Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales and Marketing

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For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For

Sales And Marketing
OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success
by Nick Barber
May 20, 2016

Why Read This Report

Key Takeaways

If you think doing video means having a

YouTube channel, then you need to up your
game. In 2015, online users spent more time
on video than on any other digital activity. This
inflection point represents customers shifting, and
you need to be there to support them. An online
video platform (OVP) is a critical part of the video
technology strategy for application development
and delivery (AD&D) professionals. It will help you
deliver engaging, interactive, and personalized
experiences. Without it, your customers will find
those experiences somewhere else.

You Need An OVP To Properly Support The

Customer Life Cycle
An OVP helps you support video at each point in
the customer life cycle. Without one, youll have
undefined metadata and taxonomies that will
zap search functionality and create a disjointed,
frustrating customer experience.
Ignore Video At Your Peril
In 2015, online users spent more time on video
than on any other digital activity for the first time.
More than half of consumers used video to inform
a recent purchase. Without video, you will miss a
huge swath of customers
OVPs Can Help Keep You On The Cutting Edge
Of Experiences
OVPs increasingly support differentiated
experiences. For example, they enable you to
serve personalized videos, which can translate
into greater click-through rates and longer view
times. Interactivity and calls to action can make
videos a one-stop shop. Sentiment analysis can
surface positive user-generated content and
mitigate negative user-generated content.

For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success
by Nick Barber
with Stephen Powers, Jaclyn Galan, and Peter Harrison
May 20, 2016

Table Of Contents
2 Ignore Video At The Peril Of Your Customer
If Youre Serious About Video, You Need An
Online Video Platform
3 OVPs Manage And Distribute Content And
Measure Engagement
4 OVPs Help You Push The Customer
Experience Envelope
5 Key Players In The OVP Market Support
Many Industries

Notes & Resources

Forrester interviewed 16 vendor and user
companies, including Adobe, Alcon Laboratories,
Allego, Brightcove, Consumer Technology
Association, IBM, Invodo, Kaltura, Lenovo,
Mediafly, Novartis, Ooyala, Qumu, Ramp,
uStudio, and Vidyard.

Related Research Documents

Brief: Dont Ignore 4K Like You Did 3D
Q&A: Why Online Video Matters For Digital
Financial Services

Traditional Vendors Now Support Sales And

Sales-Focused OVPs Support Sales And
Marketing Needs
Next-Generation OVPs Differentiate With New
Freemium OVPs Can Help You Expand Your

11 Evaluate Pricing Models And Content

Migration To Choose An OVP
13 Supplemental Material
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For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

Ignore Video At The Peril Of Your Customer Experience

If you think doing video means having a YouTube channel, then you need to up your game. Digital
video engages customers at each stage of their journey by informing, helping, and promoting brand
loyalty. While some types of videos fit into specific buckets for example, product videos and
360-degree videos fit squarely in the buy category other types permeate the process. Usergenerated content can help other customers discover a brand or product. Specifically, video:
Outranked other online activities for the first time in 2015. US adults spent 115 minutes per day
on digital video versus 104 minutes per day on social networks in 2015. Growth is exploding, too
up from 39 minutes per day on video in 2011.1 Without a strong OVP, you wont be able to compete.
Accounts for 50% of all mobile traffic. If youre not delivering it, youre missing a big opportunity
to engage with your customers and prospects.2 An OVP is crucial to supporting your companys
video needs because it takes care of the heavy lifting. When you hand off the content, it figures out
the best way to deliver it to a range of devices over networks of varying capacities.
Is a powerful medium to reach prospective customers. More than half (53%) of online adults
used video to research a recent purchase. And by 2019, eMarketer expects digital video ad
spending to reach $14 billion almost doubling from 2015.3
If Youre Serious About Video, You Need An Online Video Platform
To support video throughout the customer life cycle, most AD&D professionals need a unified platform
rather than a set of point solutions (see Figure 1). Point solutions lack the analytics, security, and
interactivity of an enterprise-class OVP. The lack of a platform strategy can also result in undefined
metadata and taxonomies that will zap search functionality and create a disjointed, frustrating
customer experience. If youre unhappy with your current OVP, youre not alone: 35% of global
software decision-makers are dissatisfied with their OVPs and looking to change. In addition to the
42% of software decision-makers who said that their firms have implemented or are expanding OVP
implementations, 18% are planning to implement OVPs in the next 12 months.4

2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378

For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

FIGURE 1 Different Types Of Video Can Enhance Customer Experience

Brand videos
Viral content
Video blogs

Physical events



Social interaction
How-to and

Client testimonials




Mini marketing

In-depth tutorials



Product videos

360-degree product views

Quick-start tutorials
Personalized video

OVPs Manage And Distribute Content And Measure Engagement

At a minimum, an online video platform allows you to upload, store, and stream content (see Figure
2). Advanced features include autotranscription to strengthen SEO, cloud video editors to streamline
production, and customized content to increase engagement. Specifically, an OVP supports your efforts to:
Ingest and organize content efficiently. The ability to upload from a range of devices and
then search the library are among some of the most basic features of an OVP. These capabilities
are similar to those of enterprise content management (ECM) and digital asset management
(DAM) systems. In fact, some OVPs integrate directly with these platforms. For example, Kaltura
integrates with IBMs ECM product or with SharePoint.
Automate content distribution. Many OVPs have integrations with DAM and web content
management systems to support content creation, management, and publishing workflows.
Michael Ballard, the senior manager of business-to-business digital marketing at Lenovo, said that
his team is starting to experiment with customer profiles to dynamically serve the right video to the

2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378

For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

right customer at the right time. OVPs can integrate with your customer relationship management
systems and apply rules to follow up with customers appropriately automatically sending an
email to a prospect if he or she watches more than 50% of a video, for example.5
Execute adaptive streaming seamlessly. A good adaptive streaming experience delivers video
without noticeable buffering. To avoid buffering, OVPs can deliver low-resolution video, but the
customer experience will be low, too. A great adaptive streaming experience will deliver highdefinition video with minimal buffering. Adaptive streaming chooses an appropriate video rendition
(a combination of resolution and bitrate) based on a users connectivity. Buffering is different from
latency, which is how much a video is delayed from the origin.
Uncover trends through big data and analytics. There is more to video analytics than pure
views. You need to know how long your viewers are watching, when they are leaving, and how they
engage socially. Vidyard notes that it is important to capture your audience for the first 15 seconds
because, after that, youre likely to keep it for the duration of your video.6

FIGURE 2 Content Flow And The Possibilities Of Enhanced OVP Capabilities







Name ______
Email ______
Content gating and
lead generation

Click here!

Hi <name>!

Interactivity and
calls to action


OVPs Help You Push The Customer Experience Envelope

OVPs go beyond just ingesting, storing, and delivering video. By employing one, youre handing
off responsibility to an expert in an evolving space. In addition to base functionality, OVPs support
advanced functionality that will help you support sales and marketing teams, such as:
Live video for lead generation. Most OVPs offer an option for live streaming, which can be an
important part of your sales and marketing arsenal, particularly for larger events. In addition to
OVPs, there are live-only platforms like IBMs Ustream. Ustream makes it easy for anyone or any
business to produce slick, live video without the budget of a network broadcaster. Gating live video
for special events can be an efficient way to grow your database.

2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378

For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

Sentiment analysis for user-generated content. Text transcription and natural language
processing can reveal customers likes and dislikes within user-generated content. Machine
learning can surface content that contains praise and mitigate the impact of negative content.
Brands are already using these tools on social media, and video should be no different.7
Personalization for customized experiences. OVPs support three types of personalization.
Manually curated playlists are the most basic type, and they put you in charge of organizing content
based on subject matter, viewer persona, video tags, and more. Autocurated playlists assemble
themselves based on keywords and tags. And the most advanced type is in-video personalization.
Lenovos Michael Ballard used Vidyards platform to deliver individually customized videos to 3,000
leads during a holiday email campaign. These videos included personalized elements, like a leads
name. He saw click-through rates jump 4.5 times the average, and viewers, on average, watched
78% of the entire video.
Interactive video for greater engagement. Interacting with video is about more than pushing the
play button. When the Consumer Technology Associations Sean Parker deployed video for the
companys 170,000-attendee International CES (formerly the Consumer Electronics Show), he used
uStudios player to overlay interactive elements like a show calendar and hotel options.

Key Players In The OVP Market Support Many Industries

The OVP space is no longer just for companies serving media and broadcasters (see Figure 3).
With customer relationship management integration and powerful analytics, OVPs help businesses
evangelize their messages. The four groups of OVPs traditional, next-generation, sales-focused, and
freemium serve different sections of the market (see Figure 4).

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For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

FIGURE 3 Online Video Platform Vendors Run The Gamut From Small Shops To Large Enterprises


HQ location


Monthly streams




350 to 500



San Jose, Calif.


Needham, Mass.












Menlo Park, Calif.






Austin, Texas






New York












Santa Clara, Calif.











Armonk, N.Y.






Austin, Texas






Kitchener, Ontario






New York









San Bruno, Calif.


*Forrester estimate

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For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

FIGURE 4 Online Video Platforms Have Various Capabilities To Fit Different Clients Needs

Content gating

Data collection/lead generation

Call to action

Quizzing during VOD or live

Related video suggestions


Push to Facebook

Auto-curated playlists

Not applicable

In-video personalization

Push to YouTube

Autotranscription for SEO/CC

Integration with CRM

Centralized analytics

Add on

Cloud video editor

User-generated content

User-curated playlists

Video-on-demand (VOD) library

Video review process

Live streaming

Built in


Traditional Vendors Now Support Sales And Marketing

Traditional OVP vendors originally supported the media and broadcasting world, but they have
expanded their platforms to support sales and marketing (see Figure 5). Their strengths lie in streaming
live and on-demand high-definition video to a range of devices over networks of varying capacity.
Because of their broad bases of clients, they are less likely to experiment, and this can frustrate
marketers who are looking to quickly deploy features. Traditional OVPs are a good option for highvolume, high-traffic content.
2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378

For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

FIGURE 5 Traditional OVPs Have Grown Out Of Their Media/Broadcasting Roots To Support Sales And Marketing

Reference customers

MGM Grand, Tumi, Verizon

Pricing model

Annual subscription with one- to three-year contracts; based on page views per
month for all sites and channels where users will consume video; base license
includes 10 TB of storage; additional storage available

Media ingestion

Batch upload existing assets via FTP or API or send a hard drive of video files


On-premises, managed services cloud, and software-as-a-service cloud

Reference customers

AccuWeather, Gannett, Showtime

Pricing model

Annual contract; per-GB basis or flat annual fee with no overages

Media ingestion

API automates video ingestion


All cloud storage

Reference customers

MetLife, Philips, SAP

Pricing model

Three-year contract; based on number of full-time equivalents

Media ingestion

FTP; dedicated scripts if moving from another online video platform; direct upload;
Aspera upload integration; API for YouTube ingestion


Kaltura Cloud, on-premises, hybrid, eCDN

Reference customers

ESPN, Mashable, Telegraph

Pricing model

Contract; based on streams or subscriptions as determined by contract; initial

onboarding fee

Media ingestion

Ooyala team will migrate assets to system


Stores assets in cloud, but customer preference determines deployment; vendor

did not disclose pricing for storage

Sales-Focused OVPs Support Sales And Marketing Needs

Sales-focused OVPs are a good option for organizations that arent looking to employ video beyond
sales and marketing operations (see Figure 6). These OVPs can deploy new features quickly because
of their smaller, narrower client bases. Generally, they dont support live broadcasts. You should
consider these vendors if you have niche sales and marketing needs.

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For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

FIGURE 6 Sales-Focused OVPs Support Niche Sales And Marketing Operations

Reference customers Calvert Investments, Clarabridge, John Hancock Insurance
Pricing model

Contract; based on number of users and functional models

Media ingestion

Available via drag-and-drop upload through web application


Cloud; included in cost

Reference customers AutoZone, Dicks Sporting Goods, Toys R Us
Pricing model

Annual or multiyear enterprise contract; based on combination of hosted videos

and site traffic

Media ingestion

Upload via content management professional services


Cloud only; storage costs included

Reference customers Blue Cross Blue Shield, General Electric, Intel
Pricing model

Master service agreement; based on number of users

Media ingestion

Bulk upload via SharePoint



Next-Generation OVPs Differentiate With New Capabilities

Next-generation OVPs have smaller staffs and fewer users for each install but are more likely to
launch experimental capabilities as a way to differentiate (see Figure 7). The vendors tend to be more
responsive to client suggestions. For example, Lenovos Michael Ballard thought a key metric inside
Vidyards dashboard was missing. He mentioned it, and within three days Vidyard added it. But these
vendors scalability remains untested. And while their philosophies may be progressive, their pricing
schemes arent; most require multiyear contracts.

2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378

For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

FIGURE 7 Next-Generation OVPs Embrace New Capabilities

Reference customers Charles Schwab, NBCUniversal, PepsiCo
Pricing model

Annual or multiyear contracts; based on number of users at $50/user for 50 to 200

users with custom pricing beyond that

Media ingestion

Upload via web application


Cloud; included in cost

Reference customers Dell, Visa, Vodafone
Pricing model

Three-year contract; based on users and add-on modules

Media ingestion

Variety of bulk upload utilities


On-premises, cloud, or hybrid

Reference customers Alcon Novartis, EMC, Universal Music Group
Pricing model

Contract of one to three years; based on licensed modules, per video/user fee, and
data plan for storage and streaming

Media ingestion

Automated ingestion through web, mobile, APIs, FTP, RSS, or sync technology
from YouTube or other destinations


Cloud, on-premises, or hybrid

Reference customers Honeywell, Lenovo, Salesforce
Pricing model

Annual contract; based on number of videos hosted and platform features enabled

Media ingestion

Core pricing includes onboarding; automated processes for ingestion from

YouTube and other third-party online video platforms



Freemium OVPs Can Help You Expand Your Audience

Freemium OVPs offer some capabilities for free with the option to upgrade to a paid service (see Figure
8). Freemiums are important because their social reach will expand your audience beyond what your
paid OVP can offer. While this segment is a good start for content experimentation, youll likely find
yourself longing for the features of a paid platform. These services lack the security, customization, and
analytics that vendors in the other categories provide. Freemium should be a part of your strategy, but
not the only part.

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For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

FIGURE 8 Freemium OVPs Help You Expand Your Audience

Reference customers Lexus, Nike, Oracle
Pricing model

No contract; free to upload, store, and stream; brands can pay for sponsored
content to increase circulation

Media ingestion

Firms must upload and manage video manually



Reference customers Georgetown, NASA, TechCrunch
Pricing model

No contract; based on hours of live broadcast ranging from $99/month to

$999/month; Align Business costs from $299 to $499 for up to 50 viewers

Media ingestion

Ingests live video via web interface



Reference customers Airbnb, Etsy, Foursquare, Zaguto
Pricing model

Free for basic usage, no contract regardless; paid version based on weekly videos
uploaded at $199/year for 20 GB/week and $399/year for up to 3 TB/week

Media ingestion

Manual upload via web interface



Reference customers CNN, GoPro, The White House
Pricing model

No contract; uploading and storing content is free; content monetized on your behalf

Media ingestion

Batch upload via YouTubes web interface, but firms must enter metadata manually



*IBM acquired Ustream and is still integrating it into its portfolio. For now, it will remain in the freemium
section and may adjust after more time in the market.


Evaluate Pricing Models And Content Migration To Choose An OVP

Doing video well, generating actionable analytics, and ultimately promoting your brand can only
happen if you partner with an enterprise-class OVP. OVPs sit at the intersection of content and
technology, and your decision as an AD&D professional will impact the public and private perception of
your company. When planning your OVP strategy, you should:
Choose the correct pricing model. Per stream, per account, all you can eat, contract, or pay as
you go? If signing on with an OVP sounds similar to shopping for a smartphone, thats because it
is. Once you assess your needs, youll be able to better evaluate the buying process. If youre a
2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378


For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

distributed company with multiple divisions creating content, then it would be better for you to pay
per account. If youre a large consumer brand that expects to drive millions of views, then a perstream price could offer a better deal.
Evaluate content migration capabilities. How will you migrate your existing library? Choose a
vendor that makes it easy to ingest content and metadata as part of a batch-upload process.
Include a freemium OVP as part of your strategy. Because of their deep social reaches, a
freemium OVP is a must-have for your strategy. Facebook, Ustream, and YouTube offer easy
deployment, wide reach, and good analytics. If youre looking to produce live video, Ustreams
platform can have you up and running in a few minutes. Facebooks new Live API enables you
to create high-end live broadcasts or quick and easy ones from a smartphone. Watch time on
YouTube has grown 50% year over year, and the number of people watching YouTube per day is up
40% since 2014.8 YouTube lets you use annotations for calls to action, and freemiums will help you
expand your audience; most OVPs let you push content to YouTube and then pull in the analytics.

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For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

Supplemental Material
Survey Methodology
Forresters Global Business Technographics Software Survey, 2015, was fielded to 3,651 business
and technology decision-makers located in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India,
New Zealand, the UK, and the US from companies with two or more employees. This survey is part of
Forresters Business Technographics and was fielded from July 2015 to August 2015. ResearchNow
fielded this survey on behalf of Forrester. Survey respondent incentives include points redeemable for
gift certificates. We have provided exact sample sizes in this report on a question-by-question basis.
Forresters Business Technographics provides demand-side insight into the priorities, investments, and
customer journeys of business and technology decision-makers and the workforce across the globe.
Forrester collects data insights from qualified respondents in 10 countries spanning the Americas,
Europe, and Asia. Business Technographics uses only superior data sources and advanced datacleaning techniques to ensure the highest data quality.
Companies Interviewed For This Report


Alcon Laboratories






Consumer Technology Association








Source: Amanda Walgrove, The Explosive Growth of Online Video, in 5 Charts, Contently, July 6, 2015 (https://

Source: Merchants 2015 Digital Marketing Predictions, Merchant Marketing Group blog (http://

Source: Mobile Video Ads Drive Brand Awareness, Engagement, eMarketer, January 14, 2016 (http://www.

Source: Forresters Global Business Technographics Software Survey, 2015.

For more on OVP integration, see the Market Overview: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing Forrester

2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378


For Application Development & Delivery Professionals

May 20, 2016

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms For Sales And Marketing

OVPs Hold The Keys To Your Video Success

Source: Dan Nedelko, 4 video marketing metrics you cant live without, Vidyard blog, May 9, 2013 (https://www.

For more on text transcription and natural language processing to enhance the customer experience, see the Trends
2016: The Future Of Customer Service Forrester report.

Source: Statistics, YouTube (

2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378


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