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nternational hwdquartefs of k h o v ~ h ' l

vitnesses, at Columblo Hdghtr, Brooklyn,

4ew Ywk. Main offices of Wdeh Tower

Sodefy, alsu Giiead School and the

Whel h m e are ha-


of Jehovah's. Witnesses
Containing Report for the Service Year
of 1974
Also Daily Texts and Cornrnenb

Corporate P ~ b l k h e r s


124 Columbia IIeights

Brooklyn, N,Y, 11201, U.W.A.

Dmnch offices appear nn Ingt page

Nnde In the United States oC Amerlcw



N. H, XINOXR, President
F. W. FRANZ, Vlc~Fmsldent
GRANT SUfTER, Secretary-Treasurer



N. H.


IWORR, Prcsldent
IW. FRANZ, Vice-President
GRANT SUITER, Secretary-Treasurer



N. H. KNORR, President
A. PRYCE IIUGIIES, Vice-president
E. C. CHITTY, Sec.+Treas, GRANT SUITER, Asst. Set.-Trras.


1974 Sewice Year Report, 207 Countries ................................. 24

Acts o f Jehovah's Witnesses In Modem Tlmes In:
Unlted States o f America ....................................... ...
........ 33
Yeartext for 1975
Dally Texts and Cornnienb ............................................. .......,,.261
Front endsheet: Brooklyn headquarters and printing facilities
Back endsheet: Watchtower Farms printing facllitlas and 1958 conventlon of Jehovah's witnesses in New York, N.Y., D.S.A.


CoPyrlght, 1974, ?y
Watch 'Tower B l b l ~nnd Tract Soclew of Pen~~sylvanin

of Jehovah's Witnesses
The apostle Paul, in the closing remarks 01
his second letter to the Corinthian congregation,
said: "Finally, brothers, continue t o rejoice, t o
be readjusted, to be comforted, to think in agreement, to live peaceably; and the God of love and
of peace will be with you. The undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of
God and the sharing [Greek, koi.no.niPa]in the
holy spirit be ~ 6 t h
all of you." (2 Cox. 13:11, 14)
Like Paul, the elders in the 34,576 congregations
of Jehovah's Christian witnesses around the world
arc keenly interested in helping all to think as one,
to be in agreement, and to llvc peaceably. Jehovah's witnesses everywhere have observed that
the undeserved kindness of Jesus Christ has been
upon them and the love of God has been with them,
and there has been a sharing in the holy spirit.
The dedicated servants of Jehovah have not only
been interested in themselves and seeing to it
that they gain a dearer understanding of God's
written Word, which God reveals through his
spirit, but they have been very much interested in
helping everyone else possible by sharing the
good news of God's kingdom with them.
Jehovah God wants us to have a sharing with
him, to have things in common with him. That
is why he has revealed his purpose both by
mnding his Son to earth and by his writen Word.
'rhr! apostle John was one to whom Jehovah revrtnled many things, and he writes to us: "That
rvhEch we have seen and heard we are reporting

also to you, that you too may be hzving a sharing
with us. Furthermore, this sharing of ours is
with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.
And so we are writing these things ihat our joy
may be in full measure." (3. John 1:3, 4) John
did not stop at just sharing this precious relationship and these truths with tho* already a part
of the congregation. He conii~uedto move out
into the field that Christ Jesus had started to
cultivate, along wiih the other apostIes and early
members of the body of Christ. They continued
to plant and to water, and 4dGodkept making it
grow."-1 Cor. 3:6, 7.
Having the knowledge that Jehovah reveals concerning his purposes places a real responsibility
upon all those who dedicate their lives to Jehovah.
They can no longer walk in darkness, as they did
while in the world, but they m u d walk in the light,
just as John mid: "And this is the message
which we have heard from hiin and are amnouncing to you, that God is light and there b
110 darkness at all in union with him. If we make
the statement: 'We are having a sharing with
him,' and yet we go on walking in the darkness,
we are lying and are not practicing the truth."
(1 John 1:5, 6) How wondexIul it is that Jehovah
has called us out of darkness into his marvelous
light! So we are "having a sharing with him"
and we want to work together with him. If we
are working together with Cod we should see
msults, and Jehovah's witnesses have seen results
this past year.

Not only have Jehovah's witnesse~ become

stronger spiritually brat they have kept walking
in the light, thus setting the proper example for
hundreds of thousands of other people. They have
aided people of all kinds to gain an approved relationship with Jehovah and to share with them
in doing God's will. They agree with John, who
wrote: "Hou7ever, if we are walking in the light
as he himself is in the light, we do have a sharing

with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son
cleanses us from dl sin."-1 John 1:7.
Jehovah's Christian witnesses, who have been
very active during the 1974 service year, know
that during this period they have helped at least
297,812 persons t o begin walking in the light along
with them. They have been delighted to share
the truth with these new ones, which truth has
been revealed to theni by holy spirit. As a. result,
ihese 297,872 have dedicated their lives t o do
the will of God and have been baptized, and they
are now associating with God's people in 207
different countries and islands of the sea. In the
34,576congregations of Jehovah's witnesses there
are now 2,021,432 active proclaimers of the good
news, working together t o get the preaching of
Gad" kingdom accomplished before the "great
Iril~ulalEon" hreaka forth. They have 'plenty to
tlo in (FIG work or the Lord, and lhey know that
ltirir InI~oris not. In vain in connection with the
Lord.' (I Cor. 15:58) Briefly, we might take a
look at what has happened in difTerent parts of
the world to see what is being done and consider some of the experiences these Witnesses
have had. We might best do this by continents.
The past year witnessed a marvelous lnerease in
the number of publishers throughout this vast continent, There are over 292,000 persons who are declarin
the good news in Africa, and they arc associate
with about 6,350 mngregatfons scattered in all the
countries of Africa. What a joy it has been to the
publishers of the Kingdom here t o see over 35,500
newly interested persons dedicate their lives to Jehovah
God and get baptimd this past year. In this joyful
warIr they have had some interesting experiences.
While the woslr i s banned in Cameroon, Jehovah's
witnesses are hy no means inactive. They still haye
thelr faith. They still study thc Bible and they still.
speak t o people about the good news of God's kingdom.
They were very active publkly before the ban came
on, but now they take advantage of the opportunities
for informal w!tneasing. They also eonduct a lot of
home RibIe studies with people wlio want to know what


we undersland the Bible io teach, Jehovah% wilnesaes

are still thcre and are st111 wnrklng and at311 walking

In the Ilahl.
In Ghann they have had their second full year of
operalin~ t h ~printery in Accra. They arc
the W n l i * i l u ~ u omagazine
h EWE,Ga and Wrr?l%!
were ns many as 19,445 prenrhcrs nf the good news
i r ~ Ghann, and they cnjo.vcd rood experlenccs. One
day one of Jrl~ovah'switnesses found an envrlope on
the bus and, It~steadof rnijlling it to the owner, decided
l o take I t to the crson. W11r.u the brother prrscnl~d
the e~lvclnE to t i e ownct: t l ~ cman was apeerhlrsr.
He wmtPcF to give the brother a reward, hul tho
brother refused it. H e said l l ~ a tIf he w;intd Inoury
he would have kept the cnsI1 in the RrsI place. Then
the man drclnr(~c1 that, ii' evrryone had l h n t kind
of nejgl~borly nffcction, tlir* world would be FI be!lclq
place. The rrsdt wns a flnv Bible* discussion.
Intereatlncly, the man's wlfr! hsld studl~dwith one
of Jehc~v:ih's tvllntlsses Ilul I~arl slappcd hecause of
her husl):~nrl%rnpposilion. In Sncl, she was Ihe m e
who h i d lost Ihc envclopc! i~tId her husbnntl hncl
heaped nngry worrls upon Rrr. ltul now wlren thr: wire
~'eturnccl home that even in^: hrr children lvsl~edIo
meet twr t o tell her what had happened. Of chourse,
she soon fi~und out: that the one who returnetl Ihc
envelopc was one of JehovalPs witnesses. As a reeull,
a ham^ Dlhlc? fitt~dyhas b w n rmumed In t h a t Ilon~c~,
this tirnc! ineluding thc In~sl):~nrl
nnd all the chlldrcn.
A t last rcpt~rtall rvcre r n n l t l n ~~ o o dprogress in gnlnlrrg
Imowledgr nf Jrhovali's pul-pnsrs.
In thc Volia reginn a ~ ~ ~ ~ h l l was
u l ~ agiven
R n allot.
ment of Ki~t.rffioamNewa Imr-is l o distribute, Rr r.11nse
some diatnnl vlllages in which to place thc tmcts.
But he formd that b did not. have suRjcIerlt copics
t o go around. So he mailed rpnc tract to each oF rlre
elders or chiefs in the villnres that he rould nu1
vt-aclz. 011 t l i r ! ~nve10 he wrc~tr!in the Ewe Innaungc?:
"Very Importnnt!'
A);. the lrollom of the frunl ptlce
of the tract 11e wrote: " P l { v ~ sgather
the whott! of
your family, bath young nnrl old, and reat1 I h i s trari
10 them. The message 1s vrry hnporiant!'
In one
villagc the chief gathered nll i h pcople
in Ihc vlllnf:c
and he had lits randson rend tile iwct to all prcscill.
Each t h c a Hlb?~text was mentioned, anotltpr pcrsan
would open the Bible nnrl read the scriptlzrc rtlorld.
Aftcr hrnrlnlf the whole messagc about the world
crisis all hcr8:~mcdisturkcd, sinre n o one could givc
any sat isfactory answers to I l w questions TImt were
rarsed in tlls tract. A dele ~ t l o n from the villnge
was sent to contact the utlisher hegglng hlm i o
come to Ihe vjllnge so that t t ~ could
learn more. M'hnt


a joy for thc congregation to nrrnngc t o do just that!

In the I v o r y Coast, tao, the trulh really touches the
hearts of some. 'l'hts is the way one man rcacted:
During Ihr! intlividuaPs one-monfh yacatIon hc had
the opportunlt to study the Bihlc with one of Sel~ovnh's
wilnesses, ilnrYnv a. result 01' this one monll~o l lady
of the boolr l l k o I r v t l ~ Tlrtst E,rnd.u to Eter~iflrrlIdilrr
!le knew that he would have to Irga&e his mtlrrlnge
In order to Ilvt! as a true Chrlstban. So -he scnt h i s
wife and thrrr! children to thrlr Immc vlllagc! so nu
not to live wllh thein until 1tc rbonldt>e legally rnarrio!l+
In the menrillme he coniinuccl In study. Ile quit h l ~
secular wor'lc ht~nuse i t did not conform to Rlhlr!
prinriples, and he found othar work. Within n month
he was able to arrange Ills nn'wjrs to legalize Ills
rnarriace, Affcr that hc stnrCtcAlo share in thc flelrl
uctruicc, pranchlng the good news that he was 1~tirning.
Scven months after hls first slu!ly, the newly inlPresl!:cl
Indivldunl w:ks al~+eady
conduct rng twelve Bible stud~cs
tr T his own. All. Ztvclve attenrl tlrc congregation ~neetlngs
r ~ n d ~ W I Ior thrln arc nlrcncly ahririn in llle Zlrlcl
wr.v\r.t~.W I I , 1~1 ~~ o yit Wnx 1.13r1 1 1 ~ 1fblilj~h~1'
bn sw!
I IIIV 1 1 t ~ l vI ~ ~ V I I I ~ I hrrrlli~nr
! , ~ ~
Irnptlrt4 I I ~I hr uDivinc.
\'lr.lnl'y" nn,ldb~!~l~ly"
v ( > i y I ~ I U Pnllvc!
with Jrhovah's wllnesscs
Ir~(liiy.I)ul LII/; 11 hhrll'l pcl.fotl
limc in 1973 Ihrre w a ~
u t~nnon i l l ( ! wurlc of Jchovnh'r; witnesuus. Rut, this
wnx nil prri nstdc by the government and a very s u e

scrics of circuit asscmbllus followed. 'l'hen l a
Dt?ucinbcr of 3973 the "Dlvinc \"lctory" InternallanaY
Assembly wits lleld in Nairobi, lE~r ca ital city, w3El1
a pyas atr(mlnnca of 4,5M rind wit\ 209 persons
The branch ofll~wwas opened agaln and, while the
former workers In the branch hnd had to leave, the
African brothers have 1carnc-d to take care of many
things. Jchovah's spirit is puwerful, and up to the
present, rlntlrr S helr direction rlnA with Jehovah's help,
good P T U R ~ C X S IS being made. A goodly amount u l
lite~attirtwas shipped m during the year. Ncw translations of luhIlcations are hrinc mnrlc and the brolhcrs
Lh~rcarc /~uplngsoon to rcrcivo ncw publications.
The Ethlnpinn hrothers w c ~ ealso able to attend
the internatlon:~lassembly in Nairobi, and they rejolcc
now to I~nvrh the entire hook TItr T~rnttl~TRrlt Lrotls
to Etrmrttl T,ijr,, as well as the hook 7II'rlw Prcfcn nlrd
Secpwif~j-Frotn Whcll Xo~trrr9 111 Amharic, ant1 nlso
pasts of n l l ~ c t ~uhlications. "l'liero are still n nurnllor
411 Jehovah's drirlian witnesses who are frnprlsola*d
hccause thcg have been preaching. the Bible, This wns
rlue to the hostile action nf ihe Kfhiopian Clluscl~.
(lne specinl ploncer has been hcltl In prison for nlrnost



a gear. The brotliers, thoughn arc not discou~aged.

They count i.t nn honor to suffer for Cllrist's sake.
In Liberia a brother serving as a supervisor o f an
adult education program was invited to take the job
of assistant director of the national program. This
would have required him to move to the capital dty;
it w-ould also have been a time-cnnsun~ingjob. But it
would have brought him a higher salary, more dignity,
and o portunity lo attend foreign conferences, However, ?he brother had just been appointed as the presiding overseer of the congregation, and he decrded
that it was more important to take care of me "sheep"
entrusted to him. He put Kingdom interests first. He
declined the offer, saying: "I have been appointed as
presidh overseer to shepherd the flock of God, which
I consifer to he the most important work for a
Chrisdan. Leaving the congregation lo arcept a directory post in Monrovia would be seeking selfgratiff cation, To me this wn~ildbe spiritudly detrimental
in Ihe eyes o f God." This brother wanted to share
spiritual things with his small con regation in the
interior of Liberia. What a fine splrif ior an elder to
h ave l
The work in Morocca continues in its second year
under ban, but the brotherg are very strong spiritually,
It was necessary fox quite a few Europeans to move
out so there was a decrease of about twenty publslrers
du;ing the year. I-Iowever, an Interesting report comes
from one Witness saying that relatives from France
rvhom they had not seen fnr eleven years came to
visit them in Morocco. The Witnesses decided to carry
on their program of Life exactly as they always did.
Their meal w a s started with prayer. The followjng
morning the visiting couple were included in a discussion of the daily text, and again prayer was offered
before breakfast. A good discussion of the Bible was
had during the day, and in the evening when a book
study was conducled in the home the relatives were
invited to attend. Before their return to France they
were toId that them would be an international assembly
af Jehovah's witnesses these in August. They attended
the assembly and were impressed by the atrnosphcre
of brotherly love. They obtained severaI publications,
including the Yearboolc, and continued considering the
daily text as the had in their cousin" home in
MOTOCCO.The husgann gave up smoking and in a
sl'lost: time they enrolled In the Theocratic Ministry
Schcol and started in the field service. A Little over
a year later they were both baptized. Sharing the
Word of God brought great joy to both parties,
Nigeria now has more Kingdom publishers than
any country other than the United States. The lalest

report from Nigeria shows that 100,S98 are sharing

il~eeirknowIedge of God's Word ~ 4 t hothers in Nigeria.
The Bethel family i s delighted with their new faclow,
which is now supplying all the congregations with
magazines. Persons who accept the truth. leave behind
their old personality with its practices. Two brothers
were preaching to a young boy and gave him a lot
of help. The father of the boy told the brothers that
If anyone could change the bad habits of his son i t
would be Jehovah's witnesses. " W h y do yoy say this?"
one of the brothers asked. The man pointed to 111s
artner, John, and said that John was like his son
efore he became one of Jehovah's witnesses, but now
look at the change! John had been a fighter and troublemaker all his life. FIe was fined eIeven times in one
year for fighting. But when he started to listen to the
truth, within a short period he made his mind over
- . much to the amazement of the local


In Rhodesia one of the very encouraghg features

nf the nst year's activities has been the response to

l hlr r n ~ rI n sprvr? where the need is greatest within
l l ~ t ?i3(nrntry.lo:ni,11 rnonlh for several months the K h g rlovn hlilri.ulr~/p11h l i ~ h ~i nd ~lioclcsincnrricd a list of
Iti lac^ j)lnrbcswllclhc!~ n u r hhrlp was needed. The brorrlers

~ . ~ s p u n d eentllasiaslically,
wllh the result: that many
new places have been opened up, and now, instead of
462 congregations in Rhodesia, we have 513.
Tobacco in Rhodesia is a number one expart product,
and quite understandably many of the brothers have
been affected by what was published m the TVcbtrhf o u ~ mmagazine about tobacco. W M e only a few were
involved in personal use of tobacco, literally hundreds
have been involved in its production. Whcn the brothers
left this work because of t h d r determination to have
employment that would not bring Jehovah's disap
proval whole congregat~onsfolded up. Many have returned to their tribal trust lands, ilsolaced territories,
and they are happy to share the truth with the people
in those areas who have not heard it. Right now the
Word of God is bdng preached in more areas within
Rhodesia's boundaries than ever before.
JnMozambique there are still around 36,000Malawian
brothers and sisters and people who fled with them
living in refugee camps. The government authorities
care for our brothers by giving them a place i o st?
e n d , food ha? been provided regulady along \n%
medxcal supphes. The brotllers have been allotted land
that they can cultivate, so that they are able to raise
their own fgod, and they should eventually become
self-sup orting. In June of 19'74 the government allotted ttrce large new areas in the northwest part



of Mozambique w h m the brothers can ~eftle.So it

appears now that our brothers have sufltcicnt land on
which to raise their crops to take cam o f themselves.
Many left the Iarge camp at Mlnngenl and rnovert to
other. locntfons.
'I'hrou~hout the year drcult nsscmhliea have been
hcltl, rlrcuil: overseers have vlsilcd thr! congregations
Inside 1 1 1 ~ cnmps and this has resuItcd in improved
r~nllly In lheir meetings. As the scl.vl.ce year ended
%c r ~ f u ~ e lbrothers
were C R ~looking
P I ' ~forward
to thc ilifrteen assemblies awnnged in the ~ S u g e c
camps so that they, along with their brothers throughout ttle world, could enjoy the fine program of the
"Divine Purpose" District kssernhly.
'I'llort! arc still about twenty hr~~theril
in rSmn in
Mnlawl. On April 8, 1974, one of I l ~ chraihcrs ?n prlson
wns relensed and the prlson wnrtlan told him l o flee
quickly t o thp Portuguese terrjfolby. FIr! iw now safe
In onr of t h refugee
camps, l ' h ~l,rc~tbrrsin tlie camps
havr cont lnucd their preaching untI t rvaching rvork.
Many pcople fled from Malawi whcn J~hovnh's witne9sr.a wrre so cruelly crseruted, rind t h e 11rethe1-s
hilvc shnrcd the truth wit\ thcm. Durlng Llic ypar 1,959
new brothers a d sisters were LNlptl?rd In the r d u g ~ e
camps. So ~ o o dwork i s being donc.
In Sierra b o n e it is the custoin among Kiss!-s eaking
people Lhaf, if n girl sees s man aht. fnncies, sRe may
cnlnll nut lo him, "Litlanndoo," which lllcrallg means
"Can I cscort you?" If the man Js intcrrslcti he wid
give her kola nuts, and from tills polnl unt.'rc m a r r i a ~ e
arrangements can be started. Onc rlny iwn hmthcrs,
one nlreorly married. were engaging 111 the field service
when n girl ran behind them say in^^ ""Llllnnr~rloo,"she
tniting a fancy to one of the brothers. 'rhr! I~rothcrs
rlirl not want the worldly girl to Iollow thcm, nor did:
Ihvy Ilave any intention of givlnfi hcr holn nuts. So
Lhcy slopped and gave her a witnms conrc~~ning
Itinf:dorn. She expressed keen jnlrrest In thc promised
nrw system of things. Arrangr?mc.rit~wcrc mnde for
thr mnrrlrd brother's wife to slnrt a I3ibJr stucly
wllh Ihe girl. Within a few months Ilr!s ~h-1rlcdicated
her life t o Jehovah and is a vm-v nctlvr publishes.
NeedIcss to say, she bas not been Gaylnfi: "Llilanndno"
t o any st-range men sknce coming Itila Jrhovnhk srlcan

In South Afrlca the most outstanding went of the
yerv was Ihr! international convention in Johnnnesburg.
Sl~rldny nfternoon of the coi~vcntion tlicre was a
never-iu-bc-forgottenslght for thc ht.uthe~s In Sotlth
Africa. T h c Rand Stadium Wns packed out wlih 33,408
AT~.lran,Colored (mulatto), Indian and wldte brothers
for t Ire flist real internxlionnl gnl hcrlng of Jehovah's

witnesws Jn South Africa. It wail most trul a dlvine

victory, Iwcause .Jehovah made It pnsslble &r
OI ail races and Languages in Soudl Africa, witrhO:k
tlredb: of vidtors from overseas, to gel toaether in one
happy, united thron It was an escltll~gcxperience?
Jt was fi sharing of the lruth wtlh proplr! or Inany
rtingucs, and everyone was siinply 11ubt~li)i~
nvr:tu wHh

.,l r b v


'The brothers in South AfsIca have theff problems,

thoz~gh. Especially the European brothers are under
rcssure 1)rcause of their neutral stand. More than one
~undr'cdyoung brothers arc sn-vln~liftccm-manll~scntrllcars In dctcnlion barradcs hwnzlsr of t hr military
issup. TLuntir~ds of European cmhildrcn hnvr brt>tz PXrirJlcd frrnn school because of rrl'uain~ to shnre in
tlt.~Iling,llag saluting and singIng I h r ~nn i lonal, ~lnlhern.

A1 111e same lime hundreds oS Aftmicanchildren wcre

csprllcd h o r n st11001 becatlse lhcy rcfuscd l:o hare in
prayers nnrl dnging hymns o f Inlsc ~.clle;Ion.In spite
uf tlirsa p~mblems the hrothcrs are strtmg and are
to share the good news of Ihrb Kil~gdorn
with 1411 persons.
permission cannot bc oblnlned to
have rl~strirl or circuit nsscmbltcs, nllt sonlr of
1I1c brul hr.~.swcre able to go tn A r c m t r ~nftc!nrl thp
es.r;srnhlvthrre. IIowever, so that all I he brothr1.s might
slrartl 11;~ ~piritilalfood the bran(-11 in Togo Ilopublic
the entire program of Ihc asacmhly ;md
sont a copy lo each congrrgalloll n s k l n ~ lllcm to
rjrhr.nngc for special meetin s iu which iI11.q m:ilerlal
c,ut~ldhe ~ r ~ s e n t e dTile
. srn~Filpl.co~rgr~gnlivns
were to
W ~ Y I Cwlhl 'larEer nearby congrrgaiionc: sn 1h2L a11
w o ~ ~ lhe
d nhlr 10 shale the spirltr~:tl flclod proviclcd by
.Telrvval~'surgal-lization. This provrd to I)c vrry s~lccessI111 and a sour.cc of very fineinsiructlon and encourage-



The people who live on the IslantIn of the sea are
no1 being overlooked in the prenclrlng of 111~7 Kin dom
~ o o dn e w . Many of them arc called on regu~farly.
In I-Iawali, fur rxampZe. the territory Is hdng covered
nppmximately twice a month; some congregations
cover I l ~ r i ~ .once
every three or flour days. Making
gcrnrl ustl af ttlcir opportunities for lidd sclrvicr, itley
ranll, not only at the homes, but nlso nt places n i
l~usiness, nnd they witness to toi1rl8ls on Ihc slrcets.
Whsrbcb the islitnds arc scattered spc(!ial eiTotl is
~1 17(wih III sh8i.e the "$oo(l i~cws"willl 111c pauple.
n the Marshall Islands &strict of Mlcron~sla,n qroup
o f nlne publishers set out on a twenty-lo~rr-(laytrlp on
H copra ship, witnessing whcrever the bonl stopped.



Their congregation aided them by providing food supplies, One oi the stops they made was at EEili. T h e
people living here were moved from Bikini Atoll at the
time of the U.X. atomic bomb tests there, On landing,
the publishers promptly worked the whole village with
Kingdom maws tract No. 16 and invited the people to
hear an explanatjon of the subject that afternoon.
The response was gratifying; seventy-two persons
showed up, mostly adults, T h e meeting was held in a
cool spot under the pandanus trecs and the people
sat on the sand. After the talk, questions from the
audience were answered, and there was appreciative

o f at1 her religious pictures and objects and wrote a

letter t o the church asking them to remove her name
from the membership roll. But her father insisted
that she continue to take part in Me family ceremonies



The island of Malta Is, religiously speaking, almost

completely Roman Catholic. So, when a temporary
pioneer slster was asked by a househalder, "Is this
Catholic?" she was not surprised. Knowing that in
nine cases out of ten n negative answer would have
ended the conversation, she replfed tactfully, "This is
a Caihnlic Bible that we are using." The householder
persisted, "Are W O N a Catholic?" T h e sister replied
frankly, "No, we are ,Tehovah's witnesses!'
Understandably she was surprised when the hausel~older
responded, "Oh, well, in that case, you had better
come inside." After the first call, persistence was sequired to find the interested person at home again,
but then a Bible study was started. In a short lime
the woman was sharing in the field service, and her
first month's field service report showed 50 hours and
2 home Bible studies o f her own. O n the same island
a young gir1 first heard the truth when visiting the
home of a friend. Desptte family apposition, she made
rapid progress In her study of the truth and, even
before baptism, was regularly devoiing Retwwn 70 and
SO hours $11 the field service each rnonlh.
New Zealand reports Zhat the past year has been
very evenlful for them. Begides completing a new
addition to the branch ofilce, they enjoyed lhefr "Divine
Victory" District AssembIy at Christchurch. They also
had a fine time distributing the Kdng&m News. And,
according to tlw branch report, 1,077 persons were
baptized during the year, which means that one seventh
of all their Kingdom proclaimers came into the truth
during the past twelve months.

Jehovah's witnesses in Rang Kong have had a fine
ear in Kingdom service. Sometimes when an individual
earns the truth in a land where thcre i s deep, even
reverenl., rcspect for ancestors and members of one's
immediate family, it is very difficult. One young nominal Catholic lady, upon learrdng the truth, disposed


connected with anemtor worship. This she could not

do and she made every effort to explain. She was
given the choice by her father of either worshiping
her ancestors or being cut off from the famiIy. It
was a dimcult decision f o r this oung lady who tmly
Ioved her father. She asked Jehovah for strength
and then told her father of her decision. The f a f n ~ r
refused to recognize her as a daughter any longer.
I-Xe would not even allow her to call hjm "fstl~er."
It proved to be most lrying f o r this young lady to
live in a home where everyone ignored her. Bul with
the passing of time the father did observe his daughter's
fine conduct and came lo admire her firmness in her
new faith. Now their originaI relationship is restored.
'I'hc young woman has Been baptized, has shared in
I lrr! lernporary pioneer service and i s making plans
To). Illr rrgulnr pioneer service.
Tn T r ~ t P l r ~ l, r m , lhrre are those steeped tn false reI l j : l t ) l ~ t i I rbf~rh
IIIRR l llrhf cnms In touch with the truth
r111r1 l t i r ~ l u b V : I H ~ v l l ~ ~ ~ i gIn
r $ thrlr llvclr. Thcrc i s a
c , t - ~ , l r t l ~sit t t b t ol' IXt~itlus illat wear a symbol of phallic
rvorshlp around thtxir neclcs. A temple poajari (pxjest)
nT this sccl: was witnessed to and he took the T'I'IIIJL
book. Hc was impressed by what he read and soon
figreed lo s Bible study. The result was most inkresting.
Both he and his fanlily removed the phallic emblem
horn their bodies, cleared their house of idols and
religious pictures of Hmdu rnythologics, and are now
attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall.
Japan had a wonderful year of pmgress! There
were 7,456 persons baptized during the service year, and
134 new congregations were formed. Thousands have
bcen imbued with tlie pioneer spirit. Itvcnty-nine percent of all the publishers in dapan at the present
time are ioneers, Japan enjoyetl a 61-percent fnmease
in publisfers in August when a new peak of 26,355
publishers was reacbed. Nearly all the con+gregations
average more than twenty hours per pubhsher each
month in preaching the Kingdom good news.
With the release of the New World Tmnslatbla of
t h Crt~istaan
Greek Xcriptzcres in Japanese there was
much joy among the brothers. And the new factory
In Numazu is putting out the Watchtower and Awake!
magazines at such a rate that the Society has arranged
.For tlre purchase of another rotary press to keep
u p with the demand.
Even young persons can display love for Jehovap.
As an example, one eleven-yearmoldboy baptlzed in




Tokyo has been condurtlng BIble studlea in the book

F T O Pttradise
Lost to Ptrrrrrlisr! I?rgrrirtccl since the
age of lour and has all'catly nirlcd one older persun 29
come to the point of baptism.
At the close of the service ear Tioren, too, re 12s
R splenrlld ear of activity. &ey
renched n p e a r of
26,174 puh18hers. Jehovah's wiinesscs in Karca are
ale1 t t n follow up all Interest prumptly. A publisher
In Chonju met a responsive wonla11 o l about sixty
ycnrx n l age. The prtblishe~,said he would rnll again.
The Isdy explaind shc did not Ifvr! In that ncigllhorhood, but mcntiond t h e gen~rnlnetf!hhorhoorl wilere
shr ltvcd. A few days later thr! pul)lIshcr covrr'ed I hat
cntirr? nelglrborttood, so as t o Rntl t 1 1 1 ~ fntm'esttrd pcrson, A study was started and t h wo1n:tn
very early before stnr.tlna OR on hcr clay's
$o"FPPinfiy the time slla Rnlshrrl fils ildnl ch:lpt~r o f
thr! Truth hook she had Hvvn
h(-in su]?rrntllious
pl.actIcrs In s ~ t nf
e Initial r)pposlllr~nfronl hn. family,
Kven lrPor~
baptism sll* wnr x ~ n d l nunr
~ hundrvd hours a month in thr prcarhkc work. She is
now a r ~ g u l a rpioneer conduct in^ thlrtr.e~ihome Bible
stutlics. 'firoirgh her efforts hvtvpnty.lwr, o r h ~ mlatives
nsc studying with Jehovah's w i l n i v s ~ s .
The eople of the Philippine lslantls ccrtalnty have
responrkd t o the truth. Ihwa rvclmr15,059 persons
bapll~ed durfng the past year, nnrl a ncw peak of
76,r;71 ~juldishers was reachcd. Oncl nf thorn not Iong
nac) lvns n youn man holding a tlrgrc!c in >hilosophy,
n sinrvre ~athoyiicand vice-pwsitl~nta[ the Student
Un! t~olir~
Actlon organization, whn wns oftrn dislurbecl
hy i-rllflous hypocrisy In colleffc hls I-oommnte had
many unctcan habits ancl this psrson trIrrI unstlcccssfi~lly many times t e g e t hls roommntr to reform.
Tl~erlflve months after leaving rnllcge, when he met
his roommate a ain, he got n real surprise. l i e saw
8 twmcrtdous cgange in his f o r r n ~ rroornmtllp. Tmr ~ a w dwil h the effect that studying God's Word with
gchovnhls witnesses had on h5r roornmnlt-'s lifc in just
n frrw months' time, he ton uildprtonk a study of the
Hlblc. Thcn, after associatinff wit Ii Jchov:ih'~ mitnssses, hc commented: "If these gounr mrn nf tinknolvn
erluri11lonalattainment h a w succe(~rlr\d
whcrr ave fatlcd
wlth nll of our so-called Icarnin~,t h r n here fs w i ~ d ~ l i l
fnr superior to what I have studlrrl in rollege." This
r;Inccrr! former Catholic I s now n baptV~cd pt~hlfsher
c ~ f 111.e good news ot the Kingdom,


The dedarIng of the good news of the Kingdom
th~%uphtlutEurope met with good success. In tlm


Iwenty counlrles west of the Iron Curtain there were

452,353 active preachers of the good news, and their
sh;~t+Inathis with the people of nll thcsc nntjons re*
sullrd in 56,845 Wing bxptizrcd and joining wlth Jc
hovali's wilnr-sses in this grcat work uf Iir:lpin~:ol hers
I-aundersinliit t h e reason f o r all the Irotihl~n ntl distress
i l l Ihr. world and what t h e ulthiiaic nut oolue will be.
'I'hc~.r?nrr! now 6,928 congre.gatlons in Rurapc, and
t hr? Iu-otllrrrs have had some very rlcltght rul experiences.
From Denmark we learn that while lhosc acce ting
the truth loday am usually ynunprr w p l ~ wc
, sl!olild
never feel (ha%the older persons wllf nut he rweptive
loo. Onc ~dllisher studied fnr t t i r w years with a
c)nc~rcE I & P I , ~ FOU~IE.
After aturlging t l ~ chook The
I T-11thTlml Lead3 to Btri?'?tal Idif(:i lay ilnallq ,bey,n
in R! twd many meetings al thr! Kingr om Ilu 1 'I'lry
LVPII? clerply shaken when they saw how lnnny clrrgyInrn rlrny God's Word. Seelng I he coiitrnfil bet wtvn
1 llrkr rl~urchrind the new assodntlon, I hey withilrc~
I l n t ) r n 1114% rlluwh organization. Tlle~ctwo individuals
nirh ~ll:l~t.two and eighty-four ycnrs old. The wife
l ~ ) nH . ~~ I53111113 P ~ I ) I - Cshe w a s sevr.nty-six years of age,
I r t 1 4 r , l t v IIIINI I RIIIHI rntv~ioryan11 ~ ~ t ~ r imnnv
~ l l g p;trts of

Iir~ly,rrl hr.rw :ir.tkllly In ' h r v study

I 7,nv I t ~ i p ~t /,w, ~Y nrc t d ) I,P s l ~ : t r ~ r ~ g
~ v l l l iotE~vrs,~IIICI i r ~ihcila 0111 i ~ f y ?I h ~ yt v ~ r e

I l l r - Illlllrs. 'I'hlr Il:lrr

,114- iv11r41 [ ; ~ I I ,


Itit* 1111ili
l ~ l \ ] ~ ~ IJ !x r ~ l

In lg'jnlnnd Jehovah's witnesses are very delighted

wil 11 1Eicir' new printing plant, a large addjtlon having
I~rril nlndc 10 urhat they already hnd. 'rhry a l r cljsIrihullng nver 200,000 bound hooks n year and miHions
o f mnc:~zines,and, through the shnrlng of the truZh
with others, morc than 1,3M persons were h~ptlzed
I r ~ s yc:trq.
Some of them first hcard the fruth Ihrouglt
i ~ ~ f o r r n nwitneasine.
A young clctllcated ppt,sun w:is
~vr,l-lr!nj: in u c l u t b g store w h w r there was :I staff
rtl' ttlrlwt: thirty. It seemed as tl~ougtieveryone there
was very y o u ~ ~and
y this caused I hr! slster in thlnlc illry
wi~ulrl not be Interested in the r~.ulll. OItcrl Ihe rm
~ l o y c ~would
talk about how mt~rh they r>njoycd
I111,od pancalces, but the young slstrr did n n t \rant l o
nrt In on R c~nfroversialsubject with Ihem. Howpver,
in lime Ihe sul>jectof Christmas came up. One of the
t~n11Ioywswanted to know what she was go?jlg to
huy her lrushand for Ch~Sslmas,and s h ~
safd, hothInea'"Vell, ihi.; Rave her an opportunity lo rxplaln the
nr-igln af Christmas. Interest was amused, rhr! emp l o y e ~Ilved in the same direction from the strwe 8 8
l h r alstcr, so they traveled together #inti talked. But
where could they have a study? 'J'l~r!~rnployec'shusband
r~l)jectedlo t h e truth, so the study wils eventually
inc dthe cafe durlng their lunch perSod. Some

times In the summer they studied 331 the park, some
weeks she conducted the study on the way to work
~ n t other
weeks on the way home from wnrIC Another
one joined in the study and soon both werc attendins!:
meetings. Both are now dedicated sisters, also aanthrr
person worlring at the store has b m n haptlz~cl. A11
t h e star now lrnow ~ v h othey nrti and therr nrr mm*P
crpportunities t o witness. So it i s bcncncinl when mr!
shnrc the truth with those around us.
The 3974 service year has been a ~vonderfulone for
the brothers in France. They re,oicbr?over ihclr 15pet-cent increase in publishers, T e brancll nvcrmm
writes that another one of the big cwnts of i h year
was whrn they recelvcd t h e Frcnch crllllon of tl~c!
N~70World Trnrtslntion of the 1To2.11 flrriptttren. Thc
brothers "exploderl" with joy!
Cermany cnjoyrd a year ffll~~ledto the IwYrirn with
b l e s d n ~ s .T ~ prospects
01 further cxpnnsion In thr
Inrblcry and Bethel hornc have f hrilletl thr T26thcl
family. They arc? now looking h r w n r t l to d o ~ t h ! i n ~
the11 rodlrction of literature during 1 1 1 ~ 1975 servlcr
year. %he Germsn printing p b n t nt Wlerhnd~n liar
Ihc privilege o f supplying many o f tl~rhrt~(1iei-aIn
Europe with literature, and il is ho rrl thnt: durlny!
the next twelve months they will also l?e able l o fro, ly
Ilaly and France with some new puI.rblicalions. tKst
t;r>rmany now has 93,382 publishers: Wrst J3vrlln
opcmles separately inside o f Enst C;rr.ma!iy untl Ihry
h : ~ v c5,555 publishers in West Berlin. H i s lgaotl to srr!
i h~ steacly increase clue to the sharing at the guorl ncw.9
In thpsp areas.
Grrrcc has had ftg troubles wlth a chnn of govern.
men{. It is sriil necessary to continue holcRg mcetlngs
witlth only s fcw attending tn private I~nmrs.Errt what
the families are studying and their hcllef and tllr
urfect they have on neighbors re truly tclllnf:. T h ~ r e
is :in interesting experience of a little hoy who shorvcrl;
t h e right Christian cunduct. Littlc John was plnylng
outside his home when a nelghhor woman c i ~ U r dllim
rind gave him money and asked Illm t o gn l a tllc
tlr~arhy store t o buy her some cignrcttes. The younj:
lncP snid: "Aunt ICatina, let me go to tIlp Rrocer'~nntl
Z)rly Tor you whatever you like, sugal., cnRec, macnronl,
but no $1 arettes." "Why no cig:lreites'l" asked Aunt
ICntlna. &cause cigarettes do harm: thry cnusr eonrt.r,
a n d I I;ve you, Aunt, and do not Hlce to (lo nny h n r ~ n
to you. The neighhnr was impressed nncl looked f n r
.lolrn's mother. Af'cer a discussion abnut the chlld'n
uphringlng and this matter of cigarette smoking, john'^
mother got a home Bible s t ~ ~ d stnrtctl
with Iter
nrigl~bor and all t h e family. Good progress is be in^
tnrrrlu nnd tl-lcy are learning the truth.


Another milestone has been reacl~edfor the XtaEan

witnesses of Jehovah. In 1954 there were 2,587 pub.

lishers. Tn 1 9 6 4 , tI~creport showcrt XJ73, And in 1974
there were 41,141. Jusl this lnst year they Increased
by over 10,000. 1 % ~ )coplr in this Catl~ollc country
art anxious now tn kavt. .Tel~ovnh's witnc.sst?s s l ~ a r e
Ihe t r u t h of Gnd's lVorf1 rvilh them, they arc IIstening
to it and they, In turn, are shnrln it with others. As
in many ather n ~ t no f the wor& allring ,his p a ~ t
service gear, It& rlixt ri h u i ~ r lKip,nrEo,n N I J I *Nos.
~ ~ 16,
17 and 18. The ' brothera rcsponrlcd In :I wonderful
way, There was qlbe:ilrxrllcnlt~~ll
i111dcnthualasm rluring the dlslrihut Ion. Nvw puhllal~clrx Jotnctl in this
work. More Hiblt! ~ t u f l l c IVC~I!
slnrlerl. Those who
started out wllll (rnct r!l;trlhution ditl not stop there.
' h e y continuccl, usin I h c LVrrEc??toluer thp AzrruBe!
magazine and the lioo%r. They wnnt t o r h ~ r ethe goad
t h i n ~ sthey have lcarncd wltll ns ntnny
as I hey
possibly can. One f n mil y rrcrked Ri PI grE?%~ ms No.
17, with the result tF~;.ft sixlrrn prssnns i n that particular family and relatives ot I n t e w s t ~ din the huth,
and few- of them shorrd In tfio distrihul ion of Ir'istgdo?n
No. 18. The truth Is pnbvcrful, s n d it makes the
hearts of Jehnvn h ' ~witnes~cs cvrbr'y\vhere Ilappy ta
see the great influx of people who r t n ! fleeing from

Babylon the G r w ~ t .
In Portugal the brothers P~rljuat like Paul, who
wrote: ['But thnt~lcabe to Got1 who always leads us
in a triumphal procca~lnnIn rnmpany wlth t h C
and rnnlres the odor o l Lhe knuwIrdgcr of him perceptible t1lrou~h us in evcry plncc!" 12 Cor. 2:14)
Yes, the preaching of tlze g o d nrws wns ticco~nplislied
in a magnificent way En Portugal dudng the past
>-ear. Eight consecutive ubllahrr P P R ~ Swere enjoyed
from September to hpr$ nnd (iirn in Junc there was
another prak of 13,111. WP shot~ldIrrep in mind t h a t
the work in Porlu~nEwas bnnncd undcr the old regime.
Now that the govc~rnmmthas rllnn~,.rdthere nppears
to be more freedom rind thr h ~ + o l l ~ rcnn
r s lncPt more
freely. Thc s.crvic~yrnr a t ~ ~ r t ~OUT
c $ with some of t h e
brothers befng n r r ~ s l r din five tllflrrrnt dlies and
charged with 'illegal' me~t1ng.r.Tllrct? o f lhcsc cases
were heard in courl, bui ill(! judgca rrndt!red rlecisions
in two of them clearly In ravor ol' rclipious Ireedorn,
acquitting the accused. And on Al~rZ12.4 1974, a ~ e t v
regime tool< ovcr l l ~ ecountry, thus nnrlln~forty-elglit
years of dictator~hlp. The new gov~rnmr%nt
declaf ed
freedom oP cx rcqqion nnd Ihc wstltution of civil
rights. As far l a c k as Nuvernb~r 14, L972, Jehovall's
witnesses in Portt~gnlmadp a requesl far lr a1 recogni
lion and it is rinr.rr~lyho cd now f l ~ ~ t prescni
government will a r t ~ilmra!l~on the papers filed so




that the preaching af the good news cnn go nhead

without any interference.
While a circuit overseer was dsiting a cong~gatfon
In Storkholm, Sweden, he did some witnessing wit11
magazines on a busy street corner. Hc cspci.lally
noticed one young couple. The wife went into a shop
and the man sat outside. Tlw publisher did not ap.
proach the man rig11t away as he did not laoEc too
inviting; he ware long hafr and was h e a ~ i l ybcardcrl.
Suddenly there was no one else on thp strcet te talk
to, so he handed the individuaI a handbill for a puhllc
mecling. The man read it thoroughly and then sa~rl:
This is redly remarkable, that you invited rns to ;I
Bihle lecture..' Then he explaine'd to t h e publis11er:
'Three months age 1 began t o wonder If life had any
menninr; evergtlling i s looking so hopeless. The worEd
cannot have many years left, So I bought a I 3 i h l ~
hccause I: heard someone s a y t h a t these diffYcultics
in the world were foretold there. But if is diflirull I n
flnd what is writlen in that hook. 130 you know if It
says so in the Bible?' Tlze puhIis11er then showed him
the book T r n Pcuce
awf Rer:n7itli-Frorn Wltrtt ,To?&l'rhc:P
and directed his aitentfon to "What Will Be illc Srgn'?"
A good discussion was had, and later a visit was liiade
on t h i s young cou le A Bible study Was started nnd
Ihen it was t u r n e z o ~ e rt o a local hrother. The Ixuth
must be shared with all kiilds of people, and wc ~ho~ilrl
not hesitale to do so.
Belriild the Iron Curtain, too, our brothera continue
t o share I h e good news of the Kingdom with others.
The pressures that come upon ihcm from govclmmental sources vary from place l o place, but tiicy
use all the means that are open to them to reach the
pcople with the truth from God's Word. In one o f
Ihcst! lands there was a marvelous response I n t h e
invitation to enter the temporary pionrcr ranks at
vacation time. Many whole families and sludy groups
arranged to do this and traveled t o ourlyjng tcrrilori~s
t o work. The weather proved to be very rainy, but t h i s
had its advantage. As a sister explained lo one housrholder who was complaining about the rain: "Wrll,
w e do not mind the rain so much, because we are
sure to find many people at home." In one area \ v h ~ r ~
previously the response t o the message had h c ~ n
Imor, many people in the v i l l a g e gaiherccl in the opr11
air a n d a brother was able to deliver a lalk t o ihcrn,
after which several asked to be called on in their
another are? a brother who was temporniy
pioneering reported: The people in general w w e
favorably inclined, only rarely dld any mluse lo 1istr.n
lo our sermon. We were able to get into every home
and often we were invited to sit down." In that S A ~ I P



land a pianeer slrcter reporta that from the studies she

Is currently condut!t[ng there are thirty-six persona who
nre serjously Intercstcd, srnang whom are nine men
who are rencly to ~ e started
in the fldd service.
In i l n o t l ~ ( * sland hchtnd the Irnn Curtain massive
atheist Ir Inrloctrin;~tiun over n pcriocl of many years
has m:~c?eil hart1 far people ta accept anything having
to do with Cod or thr Rihfe. Often they react antag.
onIstlrnlly or cvcn vlol~ntly.The mblishers have t o
ha in,a~niousIu rjrdrr to circumvent t!le prejudice SO
will Ilstrn. In one rnsc an elderly Witness
r*oup\c rc:ceivcd l h ~tlcldress af a wonIan who had
shohvn s r m e Interthst i l l the truth. The husband of
thr! rvonynn was v c l y mutmh opposed, as were other
I;lrntl nirmbers. Sn thc l ~ r o i h ~ rwould
meet with
Iicr $r sludy clsc\lFhct.u. 111 I ~ m eshe accepted the
lr~rthnnd gut hnplizct1. Now they disrussed with their
new sifitrr ways and means l o r them to approach
Irt*r husl~rtnd. They armngcd Sor the brother to call
011 him undcr Ihe prct~nseo f wanhng to buy a few
rnbbits f o r breedin :. Thc brother was t~ call on a
crrtnin dny just bckjre the noon meal. TI11~1gsworked
nut ns pli~ntictl. l'lw husband invited tlie broiher to
e t ~ lwith rhctn, flnd Ihcy hnd a Tong talk about rabbit
brrerling lhnt cntlrd wllh a few lhaughts from the
Hible. l'he husharid invited the hrolhcr lo visit him
~ g u l n in arclcr I r k continue lhelr cliscussian about
but [his t ~ l ks r r m turned into a discussion of
131hli! tn~tlis,A third visit convlnccd the Ilouseholder
(11' llle nmd to le~1-nmore aS God's truth. Ncfrt time
l i ~ ehrotI~erbrougl~lhis wife along, and they, in tm-11,
Invll~clthc I~ouscl~otdcrl o visit with them in their
homr. A regular Trlbl~!sludy was started. Soon the
Intcrest In evrl-lasting life In Gad's new order became
much greater Ihnn the Interest in rabbit breeding.
'Tile chi~ngcrl ntlltudc r ~ f thc l~ushand also helped t o
gct othrr mernh~rsof the Pnmily to take an interest
It1 thr 231b3e's mrsstlgc?.
knothc!r rnarrlt3tl couple In this atheistic land were
p u r s u i n ~rn;tt~rlnllstIc: leasures to the hilt, indulging
In ail hinds of dchsueRries. nut they
no real
saIfsfat.tion. The womnn contemplated sulade and her
waR not far from s t ~ c ha state of mind. He
!hen rrmsmhercd his fleshly brother, who was one
of Jehovah's witnesses, They decided to make a trip
i n vIsiZ Rim. Tlicir slny with him completely changed
Iheir nutlook ost llfc. Ttwy accepted the truth and
fuui~dr c ~ lpurIEose in living-scrvin
God according
to ilk StAnrlal'ds. wit11 the hope o f cvergsting life undcr

t~lsrightenus klngdorn.

In ycl n n o t h ~ rland behind the Iron Curtain a thirty.

yclrtr.ald rnrrnRrr of the Comm~mnist party was em-


loycd as a ciiauffeur. H e had vnrtous oods to deliver
Eut he would steal some of the things. R n one oo:nsim
he was observed by an elderly Witnrss who nsricd him
why he was doing such a thing. Thc yorrnl: man

nnstvered 1 hat it did not make any difYer~ncc, s i n w

(110 ~ o o d shelm@
to the State and tIic ~ o v ~ ~ n r n c . n t
was rich. Tlie brother asked him wl~ell~ert11r1.e1xm-c
RIIY of Jehovah's witnesses in his vlll;rgc*, ;lnd the
young man remembered having herird a ho!~tan eldeviy
wuinan there. The brother proce~cled l o give him n
slmpls witness about honesly al onr's pl:trr o f cinploymnlI. The young inan aslred: "Arr?you one ol Jchovi~h's
wltncsses?" The brother s d d illat Eie wnR, And Ihc
yclung man replied: "How is it, then, lllril your cntldurl is so goat17 I heard that Jchov~i11'swltnesscs RIP
vety bad peoplc and a burden to society." A flnt! dis.
tnusstonansurrl and the young man show~?dI ~ ~ t v r ~ *inf i f
learning more about thp Rihle. 'rhc brother ohtnfnrd
a I3ihlc folb him and Soon l?lryotlng m:rn was l11:tliin
good prog~.ess.In time Ile wrote ;I clc.rfi~~-ntinrl
In \rlillrK
hr slated { h a t he was no Itmgcr goinp lu Ilc nclivr in
the political organizalion hcrause he had llrcnmr onp
of d~l~ovah's
114ritnesses.After he t!lmr!d in li!s slnlvmpnt
lie was given notification thnl hc hnd 1w-n flr'r>d from
his jab. The young man had no f ~ n r .I ~ n l l o ~ v ithis
!IF? was called to a security ofllce, bui h e did nnt shrink
hnck. 1-re only re uested that somrnnc 110 ~ l l u w r dtrl
rlornc nlong with %im i o drive his car h;icl< h o ~ n rill
cast' somcthjng would happen lo him, Two l)ribsans
tvont will] him. When lle at-rived h r was r~re~vcr!
f o ~ vmPn. I-Ie was asked: "IJave you rcconsldelwl and
art! you going lo change your cnurec?" 'I't~cyoung
Inan nnswrred: ""No!" The reply of tho rour Inrn was
hard to hcli~ve:"All r i ~ h t Give
us ynur Party m ~ m 1 ) ~ 1 - slaip boo]: and you can go!" The yo!knE mnn anrl ( ~ I P
l ~ r opersons with him ivere amamd. N o ~ vtltn1 y o t ~ t ~ ~
1n:tn is n baptized Wjtncss, and a cournueons onr,

From Alaska in the far north ri ht on down through

Canada, N~wfoundland,the ~ n l t c fStnles, Mexico ~ i l d
the Central American countries n vcry rnarvolous urlt.
ness was given. On the North American ct~ntinmtnorv
Ihere are 692,327 publishers, and durlug thr y ~ t - t ~
3UG,502 were baptized. There wa8 tftily o ~hn14ngof
Ihc truth wtth many others on thta continenl. Thew
niae now 10,383 congregations servlng !rum A l a ~ k nl o
In Canada plans were worked out for building a
new Kingdom Hall on the property of the Society In
Tnronto and for enlarging the prlntin~plant. This i s



necessary t o take care of the R ~ Pwitness that continues to sprend Zhroughottt all that lantl. It k Interesting to nate that a French.1anguage Crwspaper in
Montreal .featured nn article entitled As Relidon
Goes D~lwn,Jehovah's \f'lincsses Move Al~entI."The
first paragmpli of tllc a l l irlc stntcrl: "Whel-ens traditional religions are on tlw want., will1 thrir churches
getting emptier all the ilme, Jrllovah's Witnesses ore
experiencing incrcnst!rl mcmberslilp and art? even ac.
quiring former churc0h I~~~lltlings
~ n c l atlicr fncilitles
in which to gaihcl* lhrir nllrv mcnlher~." Jehovah's
witnesses' sharlnr the (riilh wit11 othrt-3 is making hig
changes in ~ a n a d a .
Next to the Unlted States, Mexico has the greatest
number of publishers of any country an the Nor llz
American eontb~cnt. Thvy have now reached a new
~ a ofk n,OC)7, ancl during The y w r 13,fi78 were hap+
tized. M a n y people in Mcxicmo nre haHng experinlces
similar t o this one: 4 T l ~ r r ) uthe
~ l ~h l c ?'ltC3 TvirtJt Thnt
Lectds t o Etefwnl TA e J. lcarned that t h e name of Ihe
true God is Jehova . I took nolc tllnt Jehovah does
not Iikc images In worship, so I Immcdlfjtcly went To
the altar in our h o m ~nnd lolrl my wlfo: None of 1111s
I s any good; il Is talac: w r sl-r golnr: ti, lnltr 11' away."
While she looked un In surprlsc Ihc man hrgnn In take
down all the religious pictilrclu, hut 1 1 ~ditl nol. know
what t o do with thcrn. H c wcnl oul Inlo Illy street and
to Ihe first person Ihnt came by Ile m i d : Tnke these,
you can have Iti~rnall.' Tlc stlya, 'Wc then thougllt,
If Jehovah t l o ~ snot like llnng~sto hr wor~hiped,the?
y e should look for scin~e~ h i i r ~ 1in1 whIcZ3 to worship.
'IVe b g a n lo go to d i S f c r ~ ~ones
but T wns nnt satisfied. I lrlld my wile that wr would RQ to no more but
t h a t Jehovah would hrlp ~ t st o Anrl the r i ~ ' t ~plac:e.
I prayed: 'Oh, Jollov;ilr, liral. m&r,ayer; trach me
to do ytwr will, for you arc my 1
[Ps.143:1, 10)
A few days latpr whi'lc I was at wnl-lr somc puhlishera
0 from door to
spoke tn my wife tvhcn tlrry were Ro!n,
door. My wifc told Ihem that wn wnnlrd to know
where we could praise and worship Jrhuvah, so they
left the addrpss of Ihe mcellng hnll, hltrr that our
whole life cl~angerl.Wc br[:an shi~rlngl l ~ ctruth with
In Nicam ua the rebulldin of the Kingdom Halls
and homes o! the broth~rsJn
iManaRutarea moved
ahead after the enrthcliiakc illr*rc*.Thc econornlc conditions made living w r y rllill~1111.
I-Iowcver, the spiritual
promss on the part of .Jrho\~rth's wit ncsses has been
ir.uly arnazlng and thrlltlng to a m Thr majority of
the fourteen congregallons In the Mnnagiin area are
still meeting in buildings wit11 crackrrl waFls or just
ilnder a galvanizr,d roof in somc? pnlto. Interestingly,


lhe attendance at these meetings has doubled since

last year. The brcrtI?ers had a 20-p@rcentincr~aseover
last year's average of publishers, The now llnve 2,689
shanng the truZh with others, and 4?7 ~verehnpti7.cd.
The outstanding event in South America was the
"Divine Victory" Jnternational Assembly, which began
in December and ran through January throughout a11
the countries of that continent. The thirteen nations
of that great continent not\- have 1179,974pul~lishers,nild
during the East twelve months 33,459 were bapflzvd.
TI~erearc! 3,161 congregations scattered from the nor1 !I
$4) t l ~ esouth and Ihe east to the wesf, and rnarvelotirt
progress continues.
Argentina is enjoying great expansion. When the
dislrjbution a i the Xifigdom New,? began I! February

many persons joined ivith Jehovah's wltnesses In

putting these tracts out. One elderly lad rpreivctl the
lract and requested from the Society lxe hoolc Trim
P r m ( r ~ dS~CII~~~~,~-FTCI'II~,-TI
Whut S O I I ~ CP,
C which was
sent ta her address, and the congregation was notlliarl
of her interest. She was veiy much i~npresseclwith
Ihe prompt attention that Jellovah's tvitnesscs j i n w
her. On ihe first visjt a study was organized with this
lady and, at eighty years of age, she h p r o g r c ~ s j ~ ~ g
vcly nicely.
;lehovah s witnesses in Brazil had a wonderful ycap
too. What will bc remembered most 1s the "dvlne
Victory" Intermational Assembly heId in the Pnalemhu
Stadium in SLo Paula at the end of December, I'hc
;altemlance at that lime was 94,586. The assembly Ilad
a trcrnendous impact on tlze cily and especially uprm
zhosr who werc int~restedin the truth, Immcdfatt.ly
Iollowir~gthe absembly, new eaks o f publishct's wethe
reached, the first one in &hruary-~,WU.
But i n
March, with the distribution of Ritrgrimn N r l U 8 NO.16,
Ihe publishers reaclted 8fi,25'7. During June whm~t hc!

next issue of Ki~rgdomNmas was dlstrihutecl, 90,599

participated kn sharing the goad news wit11 othe1.s.
W h e n the 1974 service year began, paraLyzin~strlkes,
violer~ccand u n r e s t were part of day-lo-day living in
Chile. In every city fhei-e werc long lines oT pmplc
waiting to buy bread and other necessjtics; houst.rvivrts
spent an average of dx hours a day in such llnrups.
Well, before the t h e for the "Di~irleVictory" I n t ~ r national Assembly there was a cIiange of povenlmn~t.

Permission Tor the assembly was dcnied just one week

I~eforeopening day, but then that decjsion was rever'srtl
when appeal was made to higher authorities. How the
brothers rejoiced when they saw 21,321 in attendance
and 1,502 persons baptized! Pub1ishe1.s sllo~vett a 22-

percent increase for the year, but at the Memorial

111erewere 313,454 persons in attendance, and that is
three times the pen!< numhcr of publishers! People of
n!l kinds arp srrlng the need for God's k h g d o ~ n .Al-

~lloughrlffltcult~rsnod trials of many sorts have pressed

utr our' Ch ilmn brothers, t h y have felt sccllrr
l,ecnz~seo r thcir rrllancp on Jehovah.
In tfw thcocrntIc organization is also evident
!n Ertlndor. Thls prls t year the too, enjoyed a 22-perc~~tt'
Lncrunsp in thc numhsr of ~ h g d o r nproclaimers, and
l h d r ;IZt!rnorl;~I nttrnrl~nce was almost four times
tlw pP:rlc nun~l)crof publishers. The increase has required rxpnnsicrn of thc I)l.ik~~cll
facilities, and this work
is r n a k l n ~goorl proEr+css, !nos1 of it being done by
the brolhers Ihemsclvrs. EfSorts arc being made to
~hcnchevrrynnt! with %lip"good news'hna matter how
I~olrlterl !hey mny bt.. A group of spedal pioneers,
worltlng from A mobile home with a jeep and trva
have been havlng ood experjenccs in the
part of i11c country. young man told one
o f Ihrm I l ~ n thls hmther and family werc studying
f h~ '1'1,rrShhnoIc lo~rthr!r.011r brother d e c i d d to vlsit
!ltmm, I l i l ) r i ~ : l ~ It wnn t~ trip thnl tnnk him Iour hours
l ~ yJ r a r p t l t i r l nnnllirsr Inur hour& nn foot. Ile found
tho I'nlnll y nnit, lirii-c: rnougll, they hnrl almost cornplctetl thclr study of thc Tr~iLla book, the study bcing
i.unductccl b
mcrnher of thc Pan111y, On hearing ahout
:I forthcumcg circuit nastlmbly i.ho
Dung man who
wn(i ~ c a c h II~S
! ~ lnrnily
nnd ir;lrning E l e trutll himself
nt the snxno time l-llnde arrungcmcnls to attend, though
hc had i o trawl c l ~ h thours to get t o town and anotllcr sixlccn hnurs Pl8omthcru to the asserrlbly location.
Mach could I)c snld about the magnificent rogress
of Ihc worEc In nll Ihe continents and the isknrls o f
tlw sea, But the cx1)crlenccs that have bee11 related
thus Par arc typical of what is going on all over the



Jehovah's witnesses tn all parts of the globe are QP

te~ested In what their fellow workers are dofn
arts of file earth. On pages 24-31a t this
find llsrcd .I1 the countries 2nd islands where
.TehovrrhBsswlinesses nre active and it will givc you a



gonrl Idcn 0 %whn Is h e t n ~donc in the way of p ~ ~ a c h i n g

lhc aonrl news, tlw hi>ul'sspellt, t h e return \-isits made,
r lie Bil,le st utlies conrluctc~l,the number of congregations Imct Inning ni111 the number hnptized in each
country. This Is of rcal intcresl especially to mothers

and fathers who huvc sons and ~laugl~ters

in the missionary work In othcr parls of the world, also to those
who hnvc relatives who Ilave gone to work where the



fndbhe~t maps In "2974




Fopulatlon Puh)s.

Rrl !urn (I{-17)


l!olivitt ( 3 - 9 )
R~'.ml (51-11)



{ '7-7)

1:r:tlsh Islrs 113-16)



Dnn~inlr:hn 1tcp. (J-9)

?+onrlnl. ( L 91

6,50 i.503
3,863 357

15 ~~~~r (J-7)
Emca IN-40). 2K.rlou

r:l~ber.t&FIIlc,~IzIs.L-391 55.000
N R $ C~ ~ l l ~ l l ~ n(N-Sb)
Now Flrbrldes (N-3'7)
Nillo ((1-40)
1 I L I I ~ C I (Q-43)



1,7i 1 7


5 iH
1 4 ; :':

1 1!17





I ~ J ~:oilil





rial t











2 s

9 . 1
n (0-39)
80 OM
\ ~ c L r nFi~lriaa ( N O )
4 &5,25Q
13 04,
ln'r:~I b i b l , (I*:-] 7 )
52'34~OM 56:1172
nr;tl L & rcsns Terr. (K-21; W : W ~


B I117
I : :



I'ri~nvmon (L-38)



5.iOO.ooO 11,214

'Yrtnlsln (G-18)
~!~:bny,N ' c s l C3-18) 60:1 35,5t0 gB,QS;





4:t ,I, >





















I ~ u ~ R \'Ssits


2 New



.. .


4 5"hT

I.P1 1rEni nnd no. 26-50 bntk mUshr+t.

Yo~rbooli." WDI.

I'ln. Nn. of
P~rbs. B p ~ z d . PIILR. Conn~,


67fF 5

5F1 45:'










2f 647'0fill
R e p (K-19) z'lorl'oou





nl:tltn (G-JS)
Ia.triorla (1sII


rl~~110 1871 :'r Tnc.

Onc l"tr\r Av,

Il.;l~or if?:Pub-.






11 1









:'!:I ,:I'll1



Ii3":':L . . ~ I J






West Berlln (E-P8)
Ghana (K-17)
Greece (F-19
Guadelou e 1J-10)
Frpnrh 8utana (K-lll
Martini ue J 10)
~mtemnya Guyana
RaItl (5-9)
EIawall (K45)



TruI; (H-36)
Yap (F-31)
Honduras (I<-7')
H o n ~K o n ~(2-31)
DTacno (C-35
Iceland (515)
India 1J-2:

1974 %Inch
P e ~ k One pub Av. over
Populatlon Pubs. llsher to: pubs, 1973
2 047 4'10 5,555
9:362:912 19,443
0,000 000 17 418
2 : 2 ~
330 00G



Iruland (D-16)
Isracl (G-21)
Itlilv (F-181
S n i ~Mnrlno (F-18)


1 270




1 , ~ s

7 8R9
2,875:0ri~ 2,460
37.5: LEO

11 527





S 6C9

34 I30

557 000 0110
B R ~ ~ I : ~ (B-23)
R ~ F S ~ I 50'&.14'000
NO a1 ( ~ - 2 7 )

Indonesia (630)






130,WO C03

4 4rx1,OoO
5 0



4 12TllOeM




Abu Dhabl H 23)

Dubal (~-32!l Iran (G?3)

Ira (G.22)

atur (13-221
at~diArabia (J-22)



10 07-1 1G9


810 000
5' 740 000

Antigun (J-10) 70,791











146 14
3 Nerv




2 M 000
77 4 1 5

3 3 ' 4 4 5 ' ~ ~28.fl74



3 823
2 :


Sudan (K-20)
l'anz:inla (M-20)
Uganda (L.20)
Korea (&35)
Lcbai1011 ( ~ a r )

20 WO 000
14:000:0fl0 1,851
11 000 000



108,336:9~~ 26,355



3,?71 18
3 1 ~ 5 1,521 18
m 19
l::b17 33,9G5 23

Ivory Coast (I<-16)

4 100 O(30
Upper Voltn [K-l*)
Jarnalm ( 5 - 8 )
Calmnn 1411l1-1Bg (J-8)
32 8W
Jnpnn (E-X>

2,061 14


4,lll 22,612

1:263 22 861
I , 1:ii18

774 936

43 rn
1 als;o3o
4 1,9T,OMl









a GI-14*
20 1s
9 50
31 I i








PIo. No. 01
Pubs. Congs.








Fopuiatlon Ftrbq,


1074 %be.

Elcltcr to:

Pubr. 1:R:X

Ona pub-







Pto. No,o t
Plrb~. C t l n ~ ~ . Hnnfmrf








m smc.
Onc 14nz-el.

Put)%. Iialicr l r l :

Pk\l>s. 3973

y 3 Bpfrd,


Pubs. Cmgg.


Rrlr~rn Rlllle

Pnrcentnm of decrease
t Worlc llnnned and reports tcre I~MinnlQttY

need is greater. But even Lf you {lo not personalIy know

soma of these people, the interest on the part of
Jrhovah's witnesses is world !vide because Jesus Christ
said, T h i s good news of the kinzdorn \dl1 hc i ~ a c h e d
h~ all the world for a witness to R I I tile nrctkns, and
then thr end: wiIl come.'So we arc very zn~lrllinterested
in whnt Is hcing done around the worlrl.
It l a Interesting t o note that, undar tlre dlreetion of
tho nlncty-six branch oficcs that looll ilftcr tho work
In 207 dilTerent lands, tllerc art! 34,576 congregations
r ~ rJehovah's witnesses. Thousnnds nf new IC~ngdom
I-Talls bnvc! been built in all arts of the earth, and, in
mnny instances, these are flylcd t o overflowing. Tllere

ts no uestion about It; God "furnishes ua all thin s

rlchl lor our enjoyment" Far our part, wc ou h i 7 0
tit ood, to be rich in fine worlcs, to be ifbcral,
resrly to afare." (1Tim. 6:17.18) And no matter where
J e h r ~ ~ ~wrtne6ses
are, they want to share,
h t US bricfly, for a moment, look at what they did
wor 1c1 w idc.
Wllen there is an organization with 2,021,432workera
who arc working with God ana arc! bnclced u b his
11o1yspidt, worlrcrs anxious t o shale the WorR o ? ~ o d
wit11 ollrer people, it i s no wonder that 297,872 ersons
l h r c ~ u ~ l ~ oI hc
u t tvorld dedicated their llvcs to $horn h
iuld wcw biipHzed.






~ S

Man of the workem spent their W1 tIme in tlle

preaehrng of the good news. On the average. 14,525 of
them were In the special pioneer worlc, and 132,610
others were in the pioneer and temporary ioneex work.

Along with all the con regation puhshers, who

averaged 1,753,578 in numier throughout the year,
they devoted 371,132,570 hours to preaching the
news o f the Kingdom. With that many people talK$
that much, all around the world, people certainly
heard about God's kingdom.
Jehovah's wilnesses cannot spend a11 their time with
the people in their homes. They have to earn their o m
living, take care of their families and look after life's
necessities. But they have printed sermons, boolrs,
magitzines, booklels, and they leave these with the
people on a small contribution. Apart from what they
use in their own personal study, this i s what they
distributed last year in the way of publications: B ~ u n d
books, 27,581,852; bookleis, 22,409,287; magawnes,
373,238,018 copies. In addition t o that, they obtained
2,387,904 new subscrf tions f o r the TV&c7ttOwa~ and
A ~ m k e lmagannes.
of course, kept the p r ~ n l m g
plants of the Societ very busy. 3-t: was necessary to
produce 51,663,097 zound boolts. 18,239,169 booklets,
236,093,830 'CVatcktowcr magazines and 235,017,799
Awa7ce! magazines. In addition t o this, they printed
hundreds o f millions of copies of tracts and other literature that they dis!xlbuted in upward of 160 languages.
Jehovah's wilnesses are not just interested in distributing literature. They want: people ta read what
they get, and that is why they make return visits. The
record shorvs that they made 151,17l,555return visits
on interested people, and every week throughout the
year they were conducting on an average 1,351,404
home Bible studies. Someday soon, we pray, i 9 e
people too will exclaim, "I will say t o Jehovah: You
arc my refuge and my stronghold"'!-Ps.
W e welcome all of these with whom we are studying
the Bible, and other interested ersons, to attend meet.
ings at our Kingdom Halls, anBto share with us in our
worship as a congregation of God. Throughout the
world there are 34,576 congregations, and you will be
interested to h o w that on the evening of April 7, 1974,
Sunday, there were gathered around the world at the
celebration of the Lord's evening meal 4,550,457 persons.
So one can easily see that people are interested in
what Jehovah's tvitnesses are doing. We want to
share the riches that God suppIies, so that all those
who hear the truth from God's Word can 'safely
treasure up f o r thcmseIves a fine foundation f o r the
future in order that they may get a Arm hold on the
r ~ a llifers,'-1 Tlm. 1319.


NIneteen hundred years ago the Son of God, Jcsus

Christ, when on earth began to sow seed. In a parable
Jesus likened himself to a householder who planted
fine seed in his field, only to have a foe secretly sow
weeds arnon the good seed. Rather than risk uprooting
the wheat %y removing the weeds immediately, he
allowed both to grow together until the harvest, when
the dirfesence between the two would be unmistakable.
Jesus pointed out that the weeds were the sons o f
the wiclced one; the wheat, the sons of the kingdom.
To the undiscerning, those wccds imitation Christians,
would appear to be wl~eatlike,hncl illrough the tenturies the wheat and the weeds continued to grow



together. At the harvesttime, which is 'Vhe conclusion

of the system of things,'-the reapers, who are angels,
would collect the wecds to destroy them, However, the
wheat class of Christians would shine as brightly as
t h e sun in the kingdom of their Father. (Matt. 13:2430,
38-43)Becausc of this, as the Ycarbook shows, a l a ~ g e
throng o f others have joincd with them world wide
in magnifying Jefinvah and, declaring that His kingdom
is the only hope for rnadunrl.
Beginning at Pentecost of 33 C.E. the wheat class
appeared and thereafter grew in ntunher. (Acts 2:1,
41, 47; 4 : 4 ) Christian congregations were established
throughout Israel, ant1 later throughout 1.he then Irnown
world. However, as foretold, the Devil succeeded in
oversowing the wheat field with weeds, By the fourth
century C.E. Bnbylonish religious thinking and Greek
philoso hy had made Their mark on professed Chdsoms. Bpostasy from t r u e Christianity had come to
full bloom and the weeds, imitation Christians,
abounded in number. The Protestant Reformation,
actually a mere rebellion against the Catholic Church,
resulted in many sects, stccped in religious error.
Despite apostasy, wheatlike ones were in evidence
durlng the centuries of spiritual darkness.
As the conclusion of the system of things approached,
the Most High God, Jehovah, acted to identify the
wheat in a pronounced way. Very interesting things
were happening in God's fleld under cultivatron. Especially was this true during the last half of t h e nincZeenth century in one sector of that worldwide &Id.
What took place is part of the modern-day history of
Jehovah's Christian witnesses, That history, covering
more than
a hundred
is very
t o our
by our
activity in the United States of America.





that the rccortls of the Apostles and the Prophets are

Intlla~olublyHnlred. Whnl 1: hcard sent me t o m y Bible
to study wlth more zcnl and care than ever hefore."
Thr! Inqulslllve young mnn was Charles Taze IZussell.
Born 111 Allcghrny an Fchru~u'yIG, 1852, he was the

Our narrative begins in the mid-nineteenth century.

Covered wagons still roll across the open plains, r a w
ing settlers to remote sectors oi the American West.
frast herds of bison or buffalo-some lwenty million
in 1 8 5 L y e t roam between ille Appalachian and Rocky
The devastating Civil War ravaffes the land and
takes Its deadly toll from Btil to 3865, foUorvcd hy
an cra of industrialization. In IF69 the iirst transrontinental railway comes to cornpIetlon. Durlng
t h e 1870's the electric light and thc lclephone first
come on the scene. The electric strcetcar fncrlltitt~s
urban travel by the ISSO'S, and by thr c~alury'send
a f e w automoh~Ies noisily proclaim t h e i r presence.
What the religious climate of this crn w ~ ~ he
l dwas
~tnprerlictnhlc, i o say the lenst. Clla1'1cs Darwin had
cspousctl the theory 01 man's evolutinn in 111s 1850
work Origin or S p c i e ~ ,AS evolution, highcr criticism
of t h ~
Bible, atheism, s iritisrn and infidelity nssnilrtl
organized religion, the %orna], Catholic Church hrld
Zhe first Vatican Councfl (1869-1570),thus rnnliing n n
eflort to strengthen her weakening position. Varlaus
a l her groups eagerly anticipated the Imminent Jlesh 7 ~ )
return of Christ-but in valn.
?let, "the conclusion of the system of tllinga" was
npproaching. Surely "1v11pat"-true Chriaiians-must
exist somewhere in God's earth.wicle flcld under
cultivation. But where?
It is about 3870; the place, Allegheny City, Pennsylvanla. Allegheny, which later became a part of Pit-tsburgh, i s a city of many churches. One cvf?nInlng a
young man of eighteen- i s walking along onc of
Allegheny's str@&s. By kis own later admissjon,
he had been "shaken in faith regarding many longaccepted doctrines" and had fallen "a ready prey te
the- logic.?f.infideMy." But tonight he is atiracterl by
Some singing. Re enters a dusty, dm hall. His object'!
In his own woids, "to see if the han%ul who rnel f hcre
had anything mere s ~ ~ s i b lloe offer than 213c meeds
of the great cl~urches.
The young man sat and listened. Jonas Wendell, a

Second Adventist, delivered the sermon. "His Scripture

exposition was not entirely clear," our listener lntcr
remarked. But it did something. H e had to admft: "'It
wns sumcient, under God, to reestablish my wavering
iailh in the Divine inspiration of the Bible, and to show


swnnrl Ron of Joscph L. nntl Ann l<llza (Birneg.1

Russt.11, both or Scoll ish.Jri8h desecnt. Charles' mother,
whn had tlrdlcntcrl him to the Lord's work at birth,
tlierl when hc w i ~ sa lad of nine. But ~t an early age
C!iarlcs rcccivpd his first imprcsslons of religion f r ~ m
h ~ sZ-lt'eahyirrlnn n m l s . E\*entziaEly he joined the

ncarhy ~unRrcgat&n.rrl Church hccausc of its more

lihprnl vlclvs.
As R mrrP boy of eleven years, Charles entered a
busin~ss partnership with h ~ sfather, the youngster
htmsslt w r i t l n ~the artlrlcs of agreement under mllich
I t ~ r l renterprise operatcrl, At Rftccn hc was associated
w l l l ~his Enll1c.r In a gruwfng chain of men's cIothing
stores. In time, they had stores in Pittsburgh, Philatlelphltr, and elaervhcrc.
All alanllr, younc Charles waa a sincere student o f
thr Scrl 1lurPs. IIc wanted to serve God to the best of
Ills ilt~llfly.i n rilr+, unrc, whm ha wns twelve years
olrl hls ri~lhrrfount1 hlm In Iha family store at two
o'c-lock i n the tnurnlng, poring over a Bible concorrlnnce, hecdlefin 01 Ihr! hour.
Growlng oltler, Rz~ascllwas spiritually troubled. Esp e r l ~ l l y was he concrrnecl &bout tlie doctrines of

~ternd.gunislimcnt and ceclcstinatlon. He reasoned:

i\ God tlliil I Y O U ~U6C
%IB pDWCr to create human
brlngs whom he farrlrnetv and predestinated should
h~ rirrnully tormcnlcd, could hc ncitber wise, just nor
lovl~~:;.ETls ~inntlnrdwould he lower than lhat o f many
tnen." 11. John 4:Sj Nonetheless, young Russell contInuccF t o bclicvc in Gotl's cxlstencc. His mhid beIcnjiucrecI hy concern over doctrine, he examinccl the
varinus crerds u I Chrisl cndorn, studied leading Oriental

W 1 1 4 ~was


!ruth t u hc found?



n y the time Russell ~ v n sseventeen e later as~ociate

says thnt this ts the way he reasone6, namely: There

LISP i n my trying to find out anythlng reasonable

nhout itlc future from any of the creeds or even from
lllc Rlhle, so I'm just ~ o l n zto forget the whole thing
nnrF ~ i v oall m y altcntion to basincss. If I make svme
money I cntl use tIlnl t o help surfering h u r n a n i l ~ ,cvcn
tf~ou;:h 1 cnnnclt rlo them any good spiritually. '
It was whlk young Russell hat1 such thoughts that
h p stepped inlo that tltngy hall i n Allegheny and heard
the sermon lhat 'rwsknhlistlcd his wavcring faith in
t tle fill)lc's cllvine inspiration,' Approaching several

Is no



young men of his acquaintance, he told them of hi8

intention to study-the Scriptures. Soon this small
gro.y?+ b u t six in number-began meeting wcckl y
:'or systematic Bible ehtdy. At' their regular gatherlncs
during-the yeiirs IS70 to 1R75, the rellgroz~sillinkinl! of
Ti:e:c: x,cn ulicierwen~ profound changes. With the
passing of time, Jehovah blessed them with Incrraslna
spiritual light and truth.-Ps. 43:3; Prov. 4:IS.
came to recognize," wrote Russell, '"the dlfference betimen our Lord as 'the man who gave himself,' and as the h r d who would come again, a spl~tt
being. We saw that spirit-beings can bc plrsent, and

. . . me f ~ l greatly
gricvcrl at
the error of Second Adventids, w l ~ awere expectin
Christ in the Resh, and tcnct~ingthat tlie world nn3
all in it except S m n d kdvrntists rvarllrl br: h u n ~ c d
t ~ pin 1873 or 1874,-rvhst: timc.settlngs nnd disap.pointmetits and y u d e i c l ~ ~ rncrally
as ta the ohjcvt
and manner 05 h r s conung t r o u g h ! more or lcss r.pproacEt upon us and upon a11 who longecl lor and
proclaimed his coming Kingdom."
Earnestly endeavoring t o counteract such elTOneoUs
teachings, in 1873 hventy-one-year-old C. T. Rusucll
wrole and published at his ow11 expense a booltlot
entitled "The Q b j e a n d M w e r of the Lord's Return."
Some 50,000 copies wem publfshed and it enjoycd
n wide distribution.
About Jnnuary of 1876, Rus~ellreceivcd a copy o f
thc rdlglous pcdodical Xlte licrald of tho Mornigtg.
From thc cover, he idcniiffed it wjth Advenllsrn, but
i t s conients were a surprise. Thc etl~for,N. I-I. Dnrbour
of Rochester, New York, unclerstood t h a t thc oh rtbt
of Jesus Chrlst's return was not t o destroy hut to 1, CISR
all families of the earth and that Ills coming would
he tkieflike and ngt @. the-.flesh but as._a splrlt. Tn
fact from BlhIiical tnneprophecE~s R a r h u r thought
~ h d s then
was present and that the hnrvpnt 1 ~ 0 1 4 c of
gathering the "wheat" and "tares" ("weeds") was
already due. Russell arranged a rne:ting with Barl>our
and, as a result, t h e P i & j b u r g k & b l ~ c l a s s d - a h o u t
thirty persons-became amliated \ n t h Barbour's slightly
larger Rochester, 1L**
sork. g o u p . From his ( w n
frtnds Russel cantributed money to print t l ~ ctlwn
nearly suspended -l[eruld, becoming coedilor of t lw
y e t invis~bleto men.

ju i i r ~ ~ a l .

At the age of trventy-five, In 1817. Russell he an

selling out his bysiness interests and wen! into lull-t%me
preaching activrty. He then was travelmg from d t y
t o city delivering Bible discoursea at public gatherin~s
on t h e streets and in Protestant churches. Because of
this work, he became known as "Pastor" Russell, Me

dctermlnetl l o tnvcst h l ~fortune in the promulgatfon of

1 1 1 ~wol-k, Brvotp his Hfc to the cause, prohibit collectlons at nll meriSnrrs nnd dencnd on unsolicited coni~-lhulInnst o rontink Ihc! woi.1~aftcr his own -money

wns cxhnusted.
In 3R77, Rnrhour and Russrll jolntly pubXsherl Three
IVorldx, c r ~ r lf kr! JIca?.rmmf
o/ ThCs World. This 196-page
hook romblncrl Inrorrnntlon about Restitution with
DIhlical t inlc prophecies. It presented t h e view illat
dcsus. ChrIst's in'tllsihlc pi-csence and n forty-year yeI'iorl o rnina lvllh n Ih~*ee.anA-a.ilalf-year
harvest dated
fl-orn r 1 3 ~il~tttlnlno f 7871.
Vcry noteworthy was the striking a c c w a v rvSth
whlrh !)at
hook pointed to the end of the Gentile
TE~ncs, the nppofr~Esd tlmcs of the nations." (Luke
21:211 Xt ~ h n ~ v o lo11
pages 83 and 189) that this
2,520-year pcrIod, during wl~lchGentile or non-Jewislr
t ~ n t l o n s~ ~ o u lrule
d the en1tll without intcrfercncc hy
nrlg lrlngtlorn of God, Iiegnn with the Babylonian overthrow of the Itlnedonl n l .Tudah in the late seventh
mntury I3.C.E. nt~dwn~ildend in 1914 C.E. Even earlier,
Ilrawrkvclr',C. T , Tiuasrll rvrnlr nn article entitled "Gentile
7'Irnvs: Wlirn 1111 T'tloy I?nrl?" Tt wns puhlisllcd in thc
R i l ~ l rF:,r:.rn??~
i l t c 8 r of Oclolwr 1876, :urd I l~rrcinRussell
~ n l r l :'!The s c v c ~tImcs
will end in A.D. 1934." He had
( h ( ~ ~ ~ y' ~ I ~lnkcr1
Z I I hr: Gentile Times wlth the "sevcn
t l n l ~ d 'mrullrrncd In Zhc hook o r D ~ n i e l . (Dan, 4:16,
23, 25, 32) T u e t u auuh calculations,- 1014 did .mark
i l ~ .vnA
c o l tl?osr t Imcs and tllc birth of God's kingdom
111 I l r n v c ~I ~
V I ~ I I C11rlst Jrsus afi Ising. dust lhlnk of it!
Srhovnh f:mn I PC! 1175 pcoplc I lint lcnowlcdge nm_rlxfoul. d r = c t ~ d r ~ s - h r f ~ ~ ~ c tlmcs
~ t f ~ o ~oxpirccl.
All went mrll Tnr a whilc. T l ~ mcams the spdng of
187s. Rarho.ur. cxpcdcd Illat the livlw saints on .earth
wozild tlim Ile cnu~l11,a!v?y 11odTly to bc forever with
Ihr f.m-rl in Ilrnic!). >3ut I I djtl not happen. Accordin
tn R~rssrIl.nnt.holll. sc~rnedI n feel that he must
y get up same1 hing new to divert attention
from ths fnllure of the Ilvlng s ~ i n t slo he caugl~taway
r n ~nasse."I!e soon (lid so. 90
our painful surprise,"
says nl~ssell'saccor1nt, "Mr. Barbour soon after wrote
iln nr1it.l~for ?hr I l , ~ r o l d
nloncrnrrrl-dcnyln~ IKn2 Urp heat 1 of Chr1E.t was the
r ; t ~ ~ s o ~ ~ ~ of
l c r nnd Itis race, sa ng that Christ's
dcath was no more n setllemcnt o the penalty of
man's sin:: ZIlnn would tIic stlrking of a pin li~rtlugh
the hotly of n fly nnd m u s l n ~I t sunerlng and death
b~ cnnsidered by nn cnrtlllv ~x;ct~tas A just settlement
Inr mtstlcmcanr~rIn hls child.
VXn Ihc. S~pEcmherissue of the Hmnld appeared Rug.
scll'a artlclc "The Atonement," apllolding the ransom


~~~~~~~~~~~~oc-kine pi




and contradicting Barbour's error. Until December 1878

the controversy continued in the journal's pages. "It
now became clear to me," wrote Russell, "lllnt the
Lord wouId no longer have me assist financially, or he
in any way identified with, anything which cast R n
influence in opposition to the fundamental
of our holy religion." So,what did C.T.Russel do? -I@
continues: "Tllercfare, after a must careful t h o u ~ hunavailing Mort to reclaim the eming, I-_withdrc\v.enand Prom
-tirely from. TIE B e r a I d .of th@ nfot%trg,
f u r t h e r feElowship with Mr. Barbour." But this was not
enough to s h o y his "continued loyalty to our Lord
and W e e m e r . Hence, further artion wns t a k ~ n .
IYrites Russell: 7 therefore understqod it to-be ?he
Lad's ~ $ t1h a t J ~ h o u l dstart another jnttrnal, in tvhlrh
the standard-0-c
.Cross , should I)c lif led- M h ttlr
iloctribe oP the Ransom dcfcndm nnd flio Good hhn;:s
of great J o y proclnimcd as ~xlcnsivcly ns ~)ossiblr."
C . T. Russell 'tool~it as thc Lnl~rl'sIcbiIin'g: fhni he
give u p traveling and Ijegin p~tblisllinga journal. 'I'hus
in J u l . # 7 9 _ t h e first-issue of Zion's IVntrii Touirr n ~ d
. HE&-:#?..of Christ's P r ~ s ~ s made
its appcarancp. Now
known world wide as T?,wJVatcl~toww,this mngazIne
has always upheld the BlhlicaI doctrinc of the ransom.
As ljhssell once wrole: "From the flrst, it has been R
spcclal advocate of the Ransom; and, by the gracc
01 God, we hope it will be so to ihe enrl,"
The journals beginning was R "day o r smnll things,"
as i l x IEr.st lssue conslstcd of only snme 6,000 copies.
IZcch. ?:lo) C. T. RussGl, chairman of t r e Piflrs73ilrFfh
13ihIc class, was the edltor and puhllsher. F ~ v eothrr
mature RibIc students servcd origlnnfly 8s regulnr
contributors to its columns. The n~ajinnnewns tlrlrllcntcd t o Jehovah and to the interests nf God's Itinpdom.
Reliance was placed upon God, as indicat~d,for instance, when it was said in thc second Issue: " 'Zion's
[ Watch Tower' has,we believe, JEHOVAH for its hnckrr,
and whilc this 1s the case it wjll never be? nor ~rfiiiolb
men f o r support, When He who mys: All $e gold
and silver of the mountains are mine,' fails to provide
necessary funds, we wi11 rmdesstand it t o be ?imp l o
I suspend the pnbljcation." Never has C I I ~ publication
heen saspended. Instead, its printing has soared t o nn
average each iswe of more than 8,500,000 cnpics by
Firm determination to uphold and declare Biblical
tntth had resulted in divine blessing for those BEble
students qf the 1870's. Dcspftc the growth of many
religious keedsl' in the worldwide field+, God hnd
acted to identify the "wheat" or true Chsist~ans,(M:itt.
13:25, 37-39) UndenEably Jehovah was calling persons
"out of darkness into hia wonderful light." (1 Pet. 2:9)



In 1879 and 1880 C, T. Rus~lell and-. his assodates

f nIlinndcd -umne lllirty congregntians in Pennsylvania,
Jlcm Jcrscy, New York, hZassnchusetts, Delaware, Ohlor l ~ l r l filichE~;m,Russcll himsclf nrranged personal visits
l o r t : ~ r - l ~congregation. 111s program called for one or
Bihlr, mrcl ings with eslcll group.
'l'liosc rnrly con~rcgallons were called 'keclesias"
I from the Greek r k k f ~ s i ' r t menfjfng
n w l nt tlmcs were spolrsn of as classes. All congre
l:nl Ion members votrd r o n g r ~ g ~ l i o n a l on
l y certafn mat1c.r.s nnrl ~ l s nclectcd n board of e l d ~ r s ,responsible for
rlirccring ~ o n E i . ~ f l t o l r nnrnttrrs.
'I'lre ecclesias were
litiltrtl t q e l h r r h i rlccrptiny: the pattern of activity of
1 IEP conErc~;~tion
in flittshurgh, rvhere C . X. Russell
1111rl ol lr r~
Il7rttrh 'rolc:r,r aprtttars wore elders.
,Tesus Christ 'preached reIcnse to imprisoned captives.'
( I , u k ~4:lti-21; 1 9 ~ .61:I, 2 ) If honest-hearted ones of
t hr nknrtr~nthccntury were to gain Codagivenfreedom,
~r*flgiouscrror had to be e osed. Zion's Watc7b Tower
tvn* awvlni' thnl tir nre.?et, something else he1 ed
tn f i l l I h s I ; P ~ -."alhrc
Studants' Tracts" (also cafied
" 0 1 1 1 '1'hc~rll~~l:y
writ ten in 3880 and thesen l l r + t m Ily I l tl:~rr&llnnrl hEs rtr1lrnj:usrr. Thosc tracts were
~irnvltlt~rlf l'c'r- for' cl l~trl)ritl
l r ) u l ~ yWfltr'71,
l'otur'r readers.
C', 'I1, Iltlsqclll nnrl hIcl n.rsoclntrc: helicvcd they were
In IRt? tlmt. U P hnl*vcsl, ant1 lllcy werc Iew in number
- - ~ l ~ - u b o u tono hundred atron In 1881, But eopIe
n c ~ t i f ~l ldl ~ ~ r a l l n1mlI1,
and by (!od.ri undeservez kindnrss Ihcy wcrc aolng Lo receive it, "Wanted-1,0?0.
pI'rc;ichcrs"L was. i h c strikln y true of an article m
Xioa'~ WnCck Il'ou~rr o f A rh 1381. To those able to
yivs onc 11alf or more of tLir l l l n ~ , e ~ ~ to
l ~tbg
.unl's work, it was snggcsled: "That you go forth
,I l r ~ l ol ~ r o
~ r esrnnll cltira, according to your abdity,
\ JIH Col orleur~or Evan~ellsts, seek t o find in every
I ~ ~ l n cI
* earnest
Chl.istinns, many of whom you will
rlntl possessed of n zcnl for God, but not according t o
. l c n r ~ w l c r l ~ lro; tllcse seek to make known the riches
t)r Our 1;fithcr's Er';?$e, and the beauties of His word,
rm tracts. Among othcr things, tl~ese col"
Ifnrrrm~ncrs of today's pioneer publishers)
,hlnln lIrniclr, Towfa subssriptiong. Of course,
1l'rltr-h 7'otimr rr!ndrrs could be full-time
l r r r - l t t I l r . t 6 . YtuI, Zhns(? who untrld not devote fttll t h e
!rnr*t.cr not Icll Out, for they !were told: 7 f you have
n Ir.dtlJhour, or arr hour, or Irvo, or three, you can use
i t ; ~ o dII 151111 he necept&blc with the Lord of the harvr.rt. Who cnn te31 thc hlcssfngs 1v11Ich may flow rom
clnr I l u ~ ~ r 'servlcr!
tinder Gorl's dircction."

'I'tic.dcsked thousarlcl preachers did not then answer

tht! call to nction. (During 1885 there were about 300



co1porteurs.l But Jehovah's servants knew that they

should preach the good news. Fittingly, Zion's Watch
Tower of JuIy and August 1851 stated: "Are you
preaching? We believe that none will be of the little
flock except preachers. . . Yes, we were called to suder
with him and to proclaim-thegoorl-,~~ EOE,that in
due time y e - ~ - g h ~ ~ o x l f i e & - a z r b - a e r f o rthe
m things
-'now preached. W e WeFe -noT IcaUCd, ?tor nxoirtted to
receive honor3nll _amass-wealth, b u L F e n d and be
spent, .and - t o ~ ~ e-the~ h good
In that same ear-lal--C.
T. Russell completed
two largo parnpl%ets. One was entitled "Tabernacle
Teachin~s,"The other-Food for Thinklag Christians
--exnuscd certain doctrinal errors and explained the
divinh purpose.
Originally the printing of tracts and Zion's WUtch
T o w was done almost entirely by mmme.rcial. m s .
t literature distribution was to exnand. and if the
... I .
Bible Students (as Jehovah's wlfncises 'were then
known) were to rcceivc contributians to carry on the
work, some sort of society was required, So, early in
Watdi Tower Tract Societ was established
AX an+unincofporated body with C. $. Russell as its
manager. He and others gencrousIy contributed some
$35,900 to get this printing organization into operation.
purlrig 1884.t h d c $ c ~ e r l yunincorporated
Society was
~ c o r e ~ d d - Zlqn's
a s
Wqtch Tower %%a? Society,
usse serving as its pres~dent.Today this religious
corporation Js known as the Watch Towcr Bible and
Tract Society of Pennsylvnnia.
"Thr purpose f o r which the corparatlan i s formed,"
said its charter, "is, the dissemination of Bible truths
in various languages by means of the publication of
tracts, pamphlets, papers and other religious documents, and by the use of a 1 other la~vful means
which its Bpard of Directors, duIy constituted, shall
deem exaedlent f o r the furtherance of the wmose
- stated."
"The dissemination of Bible t r ~ t h s 'took
a notable
step forward with a series o f books entitled " M U p i a l
D a ~ m " (later, "Studles m the. Scrl. tuxes"). Written
.Ty hy. T. Russell in easily understood Yanguage, Volume
I was published in 1586. First called 'The Plan of ,:he
Ages" and later "The Dlvme Plan of the Ages, it
covered such subjects as "The Existence of a Supreme
Intelligent Creator Established," "Our Lord's ReturnIts Object, the Restitution of All Things," "The Day
of Judgment," "The Kingdom of God" and "The Day
of Jehuvah." During a forty-year period, six million--copies of this publication were distribu%ryeI ing
?Wcn%lx'@dso f sincere truth seekers to come out of &lse
religjous bondage into Christian freedom.

In the course 4f time, C. T. Russell wrote five other

books of the "MilIennial Dawn" Series. They were:
Volume 11, Tka Tima Is at Ha?zd (1889); Volume 111,
T'ky ~ i n g c l ~ a i . l z(1891);
Volume IV, The Battle
:b)~&'mugeddon (1897; originally called "TliG D a y of
Vengeance"); Volume V, TAG At-onement Betweelz God
and IVlaa (1899); Yolume'VJ -TJLGNew G ~ e u t i o(KIWI.
Russell did not survive to kite $15 Tntended seventh
volume of this series.
What a response there was to such Christian publications! God's spirit prompted individuals to act. In
some cases, withdrawal from false religion was quick.
"Its truth .captured. my heart at once,', wrote one
woman in 18.89, after reading a volumc of MilEefiniaZ
Dazun. "Forthwith I withdrew f r o m the Presbyterian
Church ivhcre I had so lon been g r o p f in the
dark for tho truth, and
it n o t
c ergyrnan
wrote in 1891: "After preaching in the MErlCethodistl
Elpiscogall church for Ehrce years, during all of wluch
time I have been-.earnestly-seeking the truth, I am
now, by the help of God, able to 'come out of her.' "
-Rev. 18:4.
A lceen desire to preach the good news i s displayed
in the thoughts others expressed to the Society by
letter. For insiancc, in 1891 a man and his wife wrote:
"We ha~e,consecrai~d-nu.
all l o .the Lord and to his
irrvice-t~-_be_usedto-his lory; and, the Lord willing,
I arnsoirq t o t r e l h e c3porteur work as soon a s - I
eangr;t_th~ngsarranged, and i f the Lord accepts of
my service andblesses me in doing his worlr, then we
will brpah up housekeepin and both wife and I will
engage in the harvest: wora."
Quite interesting was correspondence the Socict
received in 1594 from one man who had obtained vof
umes of J f B Z e ? t a i a D w ~
from two-womenwho were
colporteurs. I-Ie read the books, ordered additional
copies, subscribed to Zion's Watch Tozucr and was
moved to write: "My dear wife and myself have read
these books with the keenest interest, and we consider
it a God-send and a great blessing that we have had
the opportunity of coming in contact with them. They )
are indwd a 'helping hand: t o the study of the Bible. (
( The great truths revealed In the study of thls series
have simply reversed our earlhly aspirations; and
reaIizing to some extent, at least, the great opportunity
for doing something for Christ, we intend to take
advantage of this opportunity in distributing these
books, first ago_ngur nearest relatives.-and _ friends,
-and-tkrrZ&ng tkpoor.. who- de3iFeTf:o read them. and
are -unable to purchase!' This letter was signed by
J. F. Rutherford, who dedicated himself to Jehovah








twelve years later and eventually mcceeded C, T.

Russell as president of the Watcli Tower Soclety,

The Bible Students had headquarters ofllws flfst

at 101 FiWh Avenue, Pittsburgh, and there~fterA t
44 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Ry the?
late 188Ok, however, the accelerating work o f p u b l l ~ h ing the good news a n d gathering sheeplike ones rnatle
expansion a necessi~._SoJefiovah'speople built their
o w ~ t n t ~ ~ - Cleted
o m in 1S?9 a t a cost of 534,000,
this2o u r - s t o r y h n 8 bullmg situated at 56.60 [Ealcr
-renumbered FlGlil4) Arch Street, Allegheny, Ivas 1~nomn
as the "Bible I-Iousc." Ori inally it 1rn.s held in t ltla
by t h e Tower Publishing 8ornpnny, R private conepsn
managed by C. T. Russell that for some ycam pub-

lishtbd literature for the Watch Tower Soric

at an
aflecd pricc. In April IS%, ownership of this p ant and
real edatc ~ w t st r n n s f ~ r r e dhy donation to thc Watch
Torver .Society, -its board of directors evalvn ting the
structure and equipment at $164,035.65,

The Bible House served as the Society's headqunrter~

for some twenty years.

J u s t thinlr of it! Back in 1890 there were onIy about

four Iiundred active assodates of thc Watch Tower
Society. But Jehovah's holy spirit wns at work and
WRR producing fine results. (Zech. 4:6, 10) Accorclingl
the 1RSD3s were times o f increase. In fact, llundrciy;
gathered, on March 26 1@9, ta rnemo$alize the rlenth
of Jesus Chris7;l-n mcbmplete report c l t i n g m r o u p s

artici~ants. Indeed, sheeplikc ones t M

17d d n g 'in 0 XiF pefi'4-Mic. 2:B.
Growth of the preaching work had been spurred.
on by C. T. F,usse3lSs-$ip abroad In 1891. This 17,ODOmile journey took h ~ mand h s party to Europe, Asia
and Africa. Thereafter a publications depot wan sct
up in London. A k ~ m a n g m e n t s.were made to
ublish the-Sot5ety'FHteratu~e in German, French,
~ u r ~ d i Danc-Norwegian.
Polish, G r ~ e l i a*,-lfer,
in Italian..



David rejoiced ?hen it was aaid: 'To the house of
Jehovah let us go. Ws. 122:l.l Comparably, the cnrly


Bible Studcnta were delighted t o gather for meem s

ilnd convcntionr. (Heb. 113:23-29)The spiritual rewar%=
w r e many but one thing alwa s was Eacklng-the
rollcction \air. A llcsblc to
meetings and convrlntions ~ P J P I I ~ ~ A E C
! ~ I T I uritnesscr
P ~ ~ ~ is the slogan
"Srats frrc, no cnllcclion." Properly so, too, in view
nf .Jrsus Uhrisl's wurds: "Ymt wvclved free, give free."
Ynluntory mntrlhutfons have scn~ed to carer any
rspmscs nssoclatcrl with meeting places of Jehovah's
prn1)Ir.-Matt. 30:8; 2 Cor. 9:7.
Supposr WP join ottr fellow beIfevers of earlier
tlmrs R S t h ~ ytrrlvcl t o t h ~ i wcekl~,meethgs.
Rnrl nfter lhc tam of f h century,
cammentg Ralph
l T. I~fllrr,"t hvc_wcre-vc very few meetings missed
hy 11s. In thorr days wr%d
na ears. The gnly way
t h a t tvr who livctl o11t i n thc country five rnlles from


+nnm could get to the mectings was either walk . .

n r use a horsr nnd buggy. Many, many times we used
:I horse nnd buggy ur rarriage to drive ihc fen miles
rauncl t r i p twicc on Sunc.luys to attcncl thc meetings.
Yrnr nrtc~r car, stimmrr rind winter, rain or shine
wr rrn~ilrr~ wna our prlvncge to learn ever more and
marc. nl~outlhr! truths o f I h r Biblt! and to strengthen
atlr h i t h . We rlltF nnl: wnnt to mIes nny opportunity
l o nssorintc? wit11 ollicrs nf likr inllh." EInxelle and
Helen Krull r'cmarlr: "Whca the snow covered the
round wc wcill by horsc nnrl sleigh, covering the
hnrsr! w l l l ~n XIlanlcet. durj~igtht! lnecl lng. Sometimes the
I ~ o r s ewirlted pntlcntly ruid somctimcs it pawed impal I~ntly.''
What were those cnrly mcettngs Iflre? One of them
wns l~nsedon Tabcrltclcls Shadows of tl1.a E~etkerSacnflcr:r.tl, flrsl. publlsh~rl by l h c Society jn 1881. It con-


sldcrerl Il ~ epropl~ct
ic signlficnnct: of Israel's tabernacle
and tho sncrlnccs offercrl there. Even children benefited
~ r r n t l yfrom t I ~ e s r studlrs. Recalling lhese meetings
ns l~cldin one home, Snrn C. Kaelin comments: "The
Eroup hntl incrcnscd nnd sometimes the children had
to sit on Ihe steps Iradlng upstairs, but all had t o learn
nnd answer t~~stions.
W h ~ rlirl
Ihe bulloclr represent?
1 . 1 1 ~ Court? $hi? Iioly? The Most Holy? Day of Atone
m ~ n t ?IIIgh 13riest? WnrIcr ricst? It was so irnpr~ssed
on our minds 1hnt we Foul% vlsuallze the I3gh Priest
~,rurformlr?ghis tltrties and we Itncw whnt it meant."
"Cottnjy Meetings" were hrld on lTrednesday evenlngs, Thcsc nlso became known as Prayer, Praise
ant1 Testimony 1Mwtfngs. Concrrning thcm EdIth R.
Hrrnisen writrs: " A i l v c a hymn and a prayer, the
lrndcr read nn nppmpdate scripture, giving a few
comments, and thon thc meeting was ttrrned over to
I tic! frlsntI8 to cnrnmpnt as 1 hey wished. Sometimes
It would he a joyful cxpcrlcncc one had in the scrvice

work or some evidence of Jehovah's special leading

or protection. Onwasfree-to .offer a-prapr- or ash:
for a certain hTmn to-be -sung _ the words--oft e ex~
-3Fcss@g the thoi~glfisof one's heart better than the
erson-muld: It was an evening for meditation upon
?chovahys lovlfig care and f o r close association with our
brothers and sisters. As we listened to some of their
cxperienccs we grew to know them betier. Observing
Their fafthfuIness, seeing how they overcame thcir
difficulties often helped us in solving some of our
o w n perpfexities." This meeting was the forerunner of
what has since developed into the servlce meeting,
held weekly by Jehovah s witnesses t o c K ~ ~ Sb
y ihelp~
ful to them in their preaching work.
In those early clays, "Dawn-Circles,: were heId on

&-evenings. ofThcrc Rihln

sludics were so named

Millunsirrl Dn~uwwere used. Ral h
H. Lelfier recalls ihal Sundny evenlng usually was
voted to a Bible study or a cllscourse on the Scriptures.
W h a t was known as a "
mtght be given.
What tvas this?' I-Ie explains: "Under the front cover
of Volume I of Studies b~ the Em'ptecres there was a
long chart
. That chart was enlarged to thc size aP
a banner
and could be purchased from the Bible
ITause in Allegheny Pennsylvania. That chart was
hung on the wall in front of the audience for all t o see
as the speaker for the occasion went about explaining
its many arches and pyramids. The chart was a graphic
ilIustratlon of the main Bible events from rnqn's
crealton l o the end of the milIcnnium and the beginnrng
of 'ages _ta_c_ope.'
. We learned much about Bible
htstors from these 'chart' talks. And thcv wem delivered frequently!'
"Chart talks" rnf~ht be delivered at the remlar
meeting places of ~exovah'speople or elsewhere, were
these discourses effective? C. E. SilIarvay rccalls: "Tke
talks must have borne some fruit, for the little group
grew $om six adults to about fifteen in less than two
years. Qa_o&occasinn,
William P. Maclrrid~e.gave
a chart talk in a Baptist church in Long Island City,
m W 1 r "with the result that several members of
[the I3apt&t preacher's3 church came into the truth
and the minister . . . C. h Erickson also came into
the truth and became one of the Society's traveling




. .The
. speakers."
annual comrnemoratlon of Jesus Christ's death

afforded early Bible Students opportunities to hold

conventions. (1Cor, 11:23-26) One such gathering took
place in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, April 7-14, 1892.
Present w@reabout 400 servants of Jehovah and in.
temsted persons from some twenty states and Manitoba, Canada. Since then, of course, spiritually reward-

ing conventions o f God" pecrple have been held in

many cities tkrolrghout the United States and the world.
And how Jehovah has made things grow! From over 123
lands the 1958 Divine Will International Assembly of
Jehovah's Witnesses drew to New Pork city's Yankee
Stadium and Po10 Grounds a combined audience of




"Volunteers Wanted!"--that was the strikin title

of an article in Zioa7s Watch Tower o t April 1
8 1899.
It proposed a new method of dissemfnatln Bible truths
-one sure to take Christendom's clergy %y stom. To
participate in this work, a person would have to be
couraeeous and stronp-hearted. IPS. 31:24) Jehovah's
aeon16 of that time -were triven the o a ~ o r t u n i t vto
&age in mass h c c l i s t r i b ~ t i o . pofL3;OQ,Qb0 cogi&a-oI
a new boolclet entitled* T e e'BibTc-vs,.' Evo4fiition." It:
was f o ~ a n d m t - t ot h i Feople as they left the chr~rcbes..
-laW!iIl37. 'CFPistfan volunteers by the fho~s$cds
and a great work was done
in the Uniled Slates, Canada and Europe.
This volunteer work continued for
on Sundays, and eventually was expanded t o include
_house-to-housetract distribution. New tracts were pubm e m l ~ a X wEe a year and were delivered lo
churchgoers by the millions. From 1909 onward, the
Watch Tower Society released a ilew series of tracts
called "Peoples Pulpit" (then "Everybody's Papar" and
later ''The Bible Students Monthly"). Thwgh--these
m o e a c l s religious error was cxposed, Scriptural
ere- explained and the naiions wexe warned
about the highly significant year 1914. Cartoons and
illustratio~saddmi lo the. effectiveness of these tracts.
By suc11 tract distribution, God's servants were more
and more noticed by the public, becoming widely
known as-RibIe Students -- and- International Bible
-.-. .*". "Each :;ass had a Volunteer Captain who planned
thc work, says Edith R. Brenisen "and the workers
were called Volunteers. . . . sunday mornings were
spent in this volunteer work. It,took_us t o the church
dm- We passed out the tracts as the people came
out of church.
At twelve o'clock, as the people
came out, we_han&i-the literature to them and then
waited until one o'clock so as to serve those who
stayed for Sunday school. Almost everyone took a
tract. Som threw--theirs on the ground and, of course,
we gatfi~&those u T h e message the tracts contained
was ~ m n eout
of Zer, ~y People!


. ..





Many pleasant evenings were spent pre aring the

tracts for distribution. Margaret Duth recal& evenmgs
when fellow Christians met at her home for that purpose, and writes: " W e would open the dining room
table full length and some o f us would separate the
tracts while others folded them: another group would
stamp llle~nwifh ,;the time and location of ihe Sunday

afternoon lecture.
Next came the ddistrlbutlon itself, According t o Samuel
Van Sipma, this Was an activity of the Bible Students
in wltich practically everyone shared." He adds: "Many
o f us would get up early on Sunday morning Cabolxt
five o'clockl and leave tracts on the porches or under
the doors of thc homes in a section of territory assigned, two or four usually working together. Of course,
tracts were also dlstrihuted at other times
. Some
hzve not inappropriately referred to* this tracting a?tivity as scattering gems lilrc rnornrng dew, and unquestionably many were indeed refresh~das a resuIt
of reading these inspiring pages of divine truth."
Even Christian children shared in tract distribution
work. Grace A. Este recalls how she and her two
eldest brothers "wouh tiptoe onto _ i k porches early
aYZ3??day- rnmngs and--slip the tracts under the
doors.. Opposition might wen be'-e-oiiiitbred,
Sister Estep continues: "Sometimes a door would
suddenly open and a veritable giant of a grown-up
would appear, usuaIly screaming invectives and sometimes chasinglls withbrams or cants or flailing arms,


aild making dire threats iJ we sl~ould ever dare -to

return. . . . Now and then, however, someone would
accept the tract o r smile at us, and then we'd rush
homc to tell our parents."
Use of tracts produced good results. For example,
Victor Y. Blackwell tells us: "It was a tract which
brought the Kingdom truth into our home. A tract was
the beginning of a solid foundation of Bible truth f o r
m y fatIier, my mother, myself and children, besides
many others who accepted and embraced the hopeand faith-inspiring information about the Kingdom
government for all mankind."
"Another feature [of the work1 that cannot be overlooked lightly," says George E. Hannan, '%as the
publishing of Pastor Russell's sermons tn the newspapers." An international newspaper syndicate fep i n g - C . T. Russell's sermons was developed, Though
Russell might be traveling, weekly he would send t h i s
syndicate, made up 01 four members of the Society's

headquarters staff, a sermon about two newspaper

columns in length, They, in t u n , retelegraphed it t o
newspapers in the United States, Canada and Europe.
The Society bore the telegraph expense, but the newspaper space was given free.
A publication named "The Continent" once stated
concerning C. T. Russell: "His writings are said to
hav~jrealer-newspaper d r ~ ~ c r ~ e e 1 r t h
:those of any other llving man; a greater, doubtless,
.than tlie combined circulation of the writings of all
the -$fiCsh-and preachers in North America; reater
ewn than the work of Arthur Brisbane, $orman
Hapgood, George Horace Lorlmer, Dr. ?rank Crane,
fiedericlr Haskins, and a dozen otlier of the best
known editors and syndicate writers put together."
But it was not Russell as a man that was important.
The wide circulation of the good news was vitally
significant, "More than 2,000 newspapers, with a cornbined circulation of fifteen rniIlion readers, at one
lime publisl~edhis discourses," said The Watch Tower
of December 1, 1916. "All told, more than 4,000 newspapers published these sermons." Here, then, was
anothcr means of spreading Bible truths.


T h e courageous activities of Jehovah's servants were
intensifying as another feature of their work came
on thz scene in 1913. Known as the "class,extwsion
\vorkl i t was an externire- public lectur& campaign.
TZlZng trp- t h i r rwd ivork were forty-eight-traveling
inillistcrs sent o"u t o n assigned routes as public spcakers, But "class extension work" involved more than
this. The names and addresses of interested persons
tvho attended the discourses were obtained, and lhese
individuals were visited a t home by Bible Students, all
in an effort to gather such ones together and form
new congregations. Colporteurs helped to organize
these congregations, and many new ones were formed.
By 1914, in fact, 1,200 congregations were functioning
in conneclion with the Watch Tower Society throughout
the earth.
"After obtaining the use of a ball f o r a public talk,'"
say Hazelle and Helen Rrull, "we arranged for announcements in the weekly newspaper and made calls
giving personal invitations. We also set a slant board
a t the entrance of the hall with a chalk-written announcemcnt of the meeting, M a n y o f these halls had
only lamplight. If interest was shown at the initial
meeting, we followed up with further talks. We made
it a point to greet and talk personally to each one of
the little group that gathered (and it was usually a



little group) and t o caU at the homes of the Intcrcstcd

oncs t a further their interest."
As early as B94- twenty.anetraveling ~eprcscntativerr
of theJatch Tower Society FWre sent out to hold
prR,Emeetings and to upbulId congregations of BihIu
Students spiritually. They traveled on a fixed mutr,
and as, congregations m i n number adrlitional_l>Ih
grims ns they -!\-ere @-1ed~re@ sent-on tho road.-Pil-Krirn; Cervecl. The i S ~ r e s t sof &cTs peoplr from t l:r
1RWs to the late 1920's. Their attitiirle was 1Ikc Ihat nf
Paul. who told Roman Christians: "1 am Jonoine t o ssr
you, that I may impart some spiriiunl gil <to'-you in
order for you to be rnntlc firm; or, rnthn-, t h a t thew
may be an jnterchnngc of rncnuragemcnl among you.
by each one through the olher's Saftli, hot11 yours ant1
1:11, 12.
Persanality traits of the traveltng pilgrims varied,
as did those of Jesus Christ's apostles, (Luke 9:W:
John 20:24, 25; 21:7,8) "Brother Thorn had n mnct
mild manner, was an exceedingly well-groomed, g o a t ~ e d
little man," comments Grant Suiler, adding: "The
pilgrims were impressively neat. , More iinportanlly
they ai$d their listeners to dcvelop faith In tlla ~ o c d
of God. When Harold B. Duncan first met Rmthcr
Thorn, "it: made a loving and lasting imprcuslon."
Brother Duncan says: "His talk to thc group was lihc
a father gMng loving and afl~ctfonalcco~msclto l i i s
sons and daughters, and granclsons, sort. of lilcc a
patrlasch In limes of old."
Grace A. E s t ~ precaIls: 'qrnther Ncrsee lnvcd music,
and after we children had been sent to hed, mom would
play the piano, dad the violin, and Rrother FIersse
wnuId sing the %hymns.\ . . Of tlie others whom wc
knew and loved so much-BrotI~er [Clayton J.3 FJ'ooclworth, Brother Xacmillan and others whose Iives wcrr?
such a fine example of endurance-there is a spccial.
affectton for Brother Van Amburgh. He was so frill
of gentleness and tendelmess toward the 'dearly hcd
lovcd' that he often made m e think or what tlte Ise.
Iovetl apostle John must have been like.''
Looking back t o the days when she was a young
girl and pilgrim brothers stayed in hcr home, Ethel G .
Rolmer states: "mey were always intercstcd In us
yozlng folks--my sister and brother also. We always
enjoyed their visits. As a young girI, I was a IIttIe
awed by their quiet confidence and faith--accepting all
things as Jehovah's will. *They really-WL us young
folks a fine example of Christian fortitude and Inith,"


D ~ u b t l emany
~ ~ of the pilgrims endeared themselves
to t helr fcllow bcltcvers also hecause they made thems ~ l v c s"at tlnrne" when visiting, "What: made the visit
so pleasant?" asks Mary M. Hinds. She answers:
"Grt~ellagsdlspenserl wlth, t l ~ cpllgrrm quesuons daddy
ns to ttit. public n~cclings,whethrr o r not Ire has any
qi~estlonlinhuiit tlw articles In l'lre Watch T'ower, how
1 l r i t l ~ ; stire movine alor,~:tn the Ilttlc town, i f anyone
~1::c 1 3 s!towing inrerost since the last visIt, and other
m t t i n e rlurstions. For n llttIe w1hIIe his attention is
till rctcrl to us cllllrlrrn (tlrrer! of us now) hefore hc
to his room. 'Isn't hc nice? f!e talks to us!' We
arc thrlllcd and off to a good start to enjoy every
mlnuic of his stuy, usually onc or two days. Maybe
I1 Is Dmjumin Borlr~n who has given me a picture
f o c t c a ~ ' r l lllnr h e hroz~gl~tfrom the I910 Cllatauqua
AICPc0n.r-rmllon and hc has pastrd his picture on
the hnclc of It. ~ \ prarhaps
Rrottlrr S. A. EaIinct has
rnrrdc m y trrothsr a ltlle nnd i s helplng him fly it. . .
13rothcr A. H. M ~ c m i l l a tmay
tnlte a moment to go
out to the corniicld with 11s and select six nice ears
of corn for his rli~~nel.."
"Somc a t the pllgrIms had personal ecullnrltles and
the^^ wero noled, o f roursc; admits Rarold F. woodworth, "hut Ilirrc wcrcr outstaucling q~~alities---giftsof
l h c Iinl s Irl!, t hn1 left a dccg nnrl lasling Influence."
S I S ~ B L - Znlp E, Newen rernnr~m:
will never, never
n stnlemcnt that Brother Thorn made that
Jlnu h e l p 4 mr! to Illis day, Hc said, and E quote, 'WhenevtbrT t;ct l o lhinltlng n groat deal of myself, I tnlie
myself ~ n t otho cornr?r, $0 to speak, and say: "You
lit r I t * sprclc oY rlust. What havr: you got to he proud
r~f?""' A nrltcwottlry Imlt, inclccd, for "thc result
nP humlllty nnd Ihr! fenr 09 Jehovah is riches and
p;lar'y and Il.fr,"-IJrnv. 22:4.
These-uavclirrg pflC?rJms dtd not harc-an easy time
In"jirun~eyingfrom 11;icr to place. Concerning trips of
her iilishnnd ~ d w ; t r d who
once scmed in this capacity,
Edltt~11. Rwnlxrn wrotr: "To reach some a the outuf.lhr-wny p l n c ~ sit tvas often neccsssry to travel by
train, st agcconrhh, wagons of dl kinds and horseback.
Somc of such Trips WPI-P very exciting.
One appointmont was I I I nr near lClarnath Falls, Oregon. To get
therc nfler goln part way by t r a i ~ l d ethen had to
t o l ~ can overni&t trip by stagecoach, Thc next day
1 i i h G1.i mrt-nf a -little town by A brother who was
Ihr.1-r ~ilfihn hucltl~oarcl.(In case you never s a w or rode
In am, I'll id1 you Ihat i t i s j u s t a wooden wagon
rnounled D L ~ O U P wl~ccls that are set on the axles,
wllll no sprlW%I f n person did not.11ave back trouble
hrlort? his rlrlr, h e stu~clydid afler.) h long ride took

.. .

them Into the mountains to the brother's farm in a
beautiful valley beside a mountain siream."
What about that partictllar pilgrim visit itself? Sister
Brenisen adds: "Soon the ard wag well fllled wivlltl
teams of all descriptions, &inging the Wenrls from
afar to hear the pilgrim. The nzeering began ar thrcc
o'cloclir with a two-hour talk, aitcr whlch questions
were invited, and there were many. They did stop long
u ~ o u g hf o r a nice evening meal that thc sistcrs hati
provided, aftex which there was another 2wo.huur talk,
fdEowed by more questions." That night thc s t s t r ~ . ~
slept in the house and the brothers in Ilre hay. A rnnm
in the house had been I-esenved for t h e pilgrim, hut
Brother Erenisiscn pr~ferrcdto go t o Ihe barn a l o n ~
rvliJl the l~rothcss. "Blorning camc," says Sixtcr Ercnrsen, "and after a hearty hruakfnst the hrotller saddlrtr
lhree horscs, one a pack liorarb and o~rcfor car11 o f
them. To get to the train Ihxt would lalw him lo his
next appointment thry had lo takr* n trip oil sixly
miles right through the wilds to Ihc llcarcst railroar1
station. Sometimc later Edward received a letter from
lhe sister telling him that after illcy left shr went to
thc Imrn for the pillow and there i t was will1 the jm.
pression his Bead had made in it. Wheil shr! pioltcd I t
up, right under that spot was a big rattlesnake all
coiled u having enjoyed the warmth 01 111s hentl.
The s n v k was quite indignant about being disturbrd
and showed it, Now very often it is bclter lo be jgnornnl
of some facts!"
What ahont discourses of thc Ilgrirn~?What Fcre
they iilw? Concerning one pi1
Iiay C. Bopp says: "This b r w k r was nn instructor.
He taught by illustrations.
, [ H e had] n scalr! made1
of the tabernacle in the wilderness, w'tiicl~ tte Inld
nut on R table . . Tlre holy, the must: holy, the cuurtyard with the altar of burnt onering and the bnsiu
.cvcre cncIosed with a cloth fence abortl four fncIics
high Jmnging like drapery h u m littIe mctnE bars.
Figurines of priests in authentic robts were set In
their proper places and were moved about as they
pel-formed their functions . Fas Rrothcr Tor~tjianl
rlcscribect each observance and its propiletic meaning
based an the reference book Taberftctclc SThadr~tc.~."
"A pub& lecture was always scheduled," comments
Mary &I. Hinds, "and oftentimes the pilgrims would
give a l a k on the Chart, explaining the 'dispensations"
and "ages' marked on it. At least one brother, M. L.
Herr, had an illusbated Iecturc. Using sl ill-life slides,
he made the little Ruthie of hjs t a l k comc to lIfe by
means af the resurrection. Yes, 1lic.long impressions
were made by these brothers, the connecting link in
those days between the headquarters of this growing


. .



oraanlzation and the Isolated subscribers t o the W&ch

Tozrwr nncl the 'ecclcsins' thnt wcre being organized."
Olllc S t n p l ~ l e n expresses her sentiments, saying:
"Thcsc v l ~ i t swcrr! riccnslons for spiriLua1 upbuilding
n t ~ r [inatrucmt
ton, nnd hrlpclrl us to walhk mare closely
n t unity ~ v lht Jehovah's arganlzation."



As the Blhle Stztrlents found themselves in the f i r s t

decndr! of thr! twmt ictlr rmtury, tliry were aware that
tlmr wns running out for the nntions. Long had God's
~ ~ f l 100lce1l
p l ~ In 1914 as tl*r? end of the 2,52@ycar-long
.mt l l O 'l'lmcs. I L~slcr!21: 24, f C i ~ ? gJames Y W S ~ Q Vh'ow
i t w a s a frw_al~orl~yeatrs
away, andLC..Z Russell prcpared Co undcrlnl~ran all-out worldwide carnpalgn as
n trsiimony t o i h r nntions, Uut for such C X ~ C H S ~ VinC
Zernntionnl worlc t h c Bible JIouse in Allegheny was
Inr ton small.
In IDDS, Illerefore, several representatives of the
Wntcl~Tnwer Sodety, Including J,_F-Rutherford (then
I t s lcgal counsrlor), wcrc sent t ~ N c wYorlr c i

To svrurt! morta sultaMb QuuariGrs, property tha RusseIl
hImst%lfFIRCI Ic)cB(c~I on itn [ ~ a r l l ~1r113,
r ?'11is lhey dld,

-p~irrlrnsfngttir olrl "Ply~noulh 13cthr1," 13-17 Hicks

SIiqert,nroolrlyn, Ncw Yc11,lc. 11 was a mission structure
c*nmplelcrl In 186X f o r Illc nearb Plymouth Congre~ nlnnnl
Cl~urch, where i3cnr.y b r d ncecher once
sel-vtrl R S pnsiolo. Thc Soclely's delegation also bought
nrcchrrt.s nlrl four-story l~ruwns~oncparsonage at
I24 Columhln IIcichla, only n few blocks away.
T7crcher's f a r r n ~ rresitlcnce soon became the new
homc or tho SocIcly'a hmtiquartcrs staE of over thIrty
persons, nnd it was callrtl "DeThcl," meaning '?louse
of God.'' 7'11~remodctcrl IIicks Street builcllng became
Itnolvn R a "The FIroolrI
Tahcrnnde,"' It houscd the
S o c l ~yts
t omces n t ~ da.
ilullltoriurn. On January 31,
1!1O!l, 350 prrxons werc prcscnt for the detlicatlon of
tlw Soriety's new hcndqunrt~t's.
A t nethcl was located C. T. Russe1Ps study. Downg t n f r ~was the dining room, with a long table that
zvoulrl nccommodnt e forty-faur persons. -wily
woultI ~ s s c m h l chcrc to sinz n hymn, read the "Vo~v"
A% .iirJn In praprr hefare InTakfast At the h g h n i n g
o f Ihc mrnl :I 111t~lcIcxt \ V ~ Srcnrl from W a t l ? ~IIeaz~e>kiry
I t l n r l ~ ~ rfor
.l7rr ~ h ! ( c r l t o T dof Fcrifh, and this was disct1::srtl
during hr~nkiast.
Wnuld you lilte lo hear the vow that - m a daily
imprcss,yd on thrIr ~ninds?Entitled W y S o l m Vow
t o God, it goes Hlcc 1111s:
"Our Father which art In heawn, hallowed be thy

name. May thy rule come into my heart more and
more, and thy will be done in my mortal body. Relying on the assistance of thy promised grace to he1
in every time of need, through Jesus Christ our or$

I register this Vow.

"Dail will I remember at the throne O f heavenly
grace tge general interests of the harvest work, and
parlicularIy the share which T myself am privileged
to enjoy in that work, and the dear co+laborers a t the
Brooklyn Bethel, and everywliere.
"I Vow to still more carefully, if possible scrutinize
my thoughts and words and doings, to the intent that
I may be the better enabled t o serve ihec, and thy
dear flock.
"I Vow to thee that I wfll be on the alert to resist
everything akin to Spiritism and Occultism, and that,
remembering that tliere are but the two masters, I
shall resist these snares in all reasonable ways, as
being of the Adversary.
"I further Vow that, with the exceptions bcIow, I
will at all times and at all places, conduct myself
toward those of the opposite sex in private exactly
as I would do with them in public-in the presence
of a tongregalion of the Lord's people, and so far
as reasonably possible I wflI avoloid being in the same
room with any of the opposite sex alone, unless the
door to the room stand wide open:-En
the case of
a brother-wifc, children, mother and sisters excepted.
In the case of a :fster-hnshand, children, father and
brothers excepted,
Rec~itationof this vow was later discontinued among
God's people at Bethel and elsewhere. Yet, the high
principlcs embodied in its words arc still sound.
About three blocks from BetheI was the Brooklyn
Tabernacle, a quaint old red-brick structure consisting
of two floors and a basement. I t housed the Society's
gcncral offices, the composing room, where type was
set for The Watch Tower, a stacIr room and also a
shi ping room. On the second floor was an auditorium
wit{ seating f o r 800. Here Brother Russel1 regularly
F o r a time the Society's headquarters staff was
housed largely at 124 Columbia Heights. Later, the
adjoining building at 122 CoIumbia Heights was purchased, enlargin the Bethel home. The year 1911 saw
the completion
a rear addition extending nine floors
down a precipice to.Furrnan Street. It provided much
more space for livmg quarters and other facilities,
including a new dining r o o m To hold title to such
properties, in 19-OQ JebaYahs servants f
Pfople's-Pmjt Associa~ion,now-gn2wn as 1he" Ftatch-



t o w e _ r + B i b _ l ~ - ~ ~ @ ~ o f N e w ~
porated. It and other corporations formed by Gods
people in various lands all cooperate with one another
and with the governing body of Jehovah" svitnesses.
ReguIar conventions and other public gatherings
of the Bible Students were excellent occasions t o 'bless
Jehovah among congregated throngs,' even as God's
servants had done in times past. (Ps. 26:12) What
was the nature of thcse events? Let us see.
'Even here, in the hfghcst balcony of the worldfamed Auditorium Theater, home of the Chicago Grand
Opera, nut a seat is unoccupied. As I look seven floors
down toward the stage, one-haIf block away, I: wonder
jf it will be necessary to straln my ears to hear. Followin5 the chairman's introduction, Charles Taze Russell rlses to his feet, places his left forefinger to his
right palm and begins to speak in a normal tone of
voice. He has no notes. There is no podium. He moves
frcely about the platform. Every word is clearly discernible, as he dcscribcs the prophetic ending of the
Gentile Times and the ushering m of t h e Millcnnial
Age .'

,This is the recollection of Ray C. Bopp. It is but

an example. The place might just as well have h e n
London's Ro a1 Albert Hall, where C. T. Russell spoke
to great auzences in May 1910. Then, again, it might
have been New York city's noted Hippodrome Theatre,
where Russell addressed a large Jewish audience on
Sunday, October 9, 1910.Regarding that discourse, the
New York Asaericala of October 10, 1930, said, in part:
"The unusual spectacle of 4,000 Hebrews enlhudastically applaudrng a Gentile preacher, after having
listened to a sermon he addressed to them concerning
their own religion, was presented at the Hippodrome
yesterday afternoon, where Pastor Russell, the famous
head of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, conducted a most
unusual service." Scores of rabbis and teachers were
present. "There were no preliminaries," said the newspaper. "Pastor Russell, tall, erect and white-bearded,
wallred across the sta e without introduction, raised
his hand, and his doubye qualette from the Brooklyn
Tabernacle sang the hymn, Zion's Glad Day,"' As
reported, eventually the audience 'warmed up' t o the
spcaker. Next there was applause, finally enthusiastic
response. The discourse over, nussell signaled a ain
and the choir "raised the quaint, foreign-sounsing
strains o f the Zion hymn, 'Our Hope,' one of fie masterpieces of the eccentric East Side poet Imber." The



effect? Thfs, according to the press account: 'The urirecrdented incident of Christian voices s i n g l n ~thc
cwish anthem came as a tremendous surprlsr. ].'or ~l
moment the Hebrew auditors could sral.mly hclicvc
r heir ears. Then, maktng swe It wns tl~rironen I~ymn,
they first cheered and clapped with slict~ arclor thnt
thr mlesic was drowned out, and then, with f hr scronrl
vtal'se,joined in by hundrecls. At the I~cigltl. of the
~nthusiasrn ovcr the dramatic surprise he prcpnrcrl,
Pnstor Russcll walIced off thc slal~jc nnd the rncetlnl:
rnded with the end of the hymn.
Times have changed, and so have Chriatlan views
of J3ihllcal prophccics once tbaugllt In np ly to nnt~irnl
.TCUJI in our day. With increnrril light
God, his
pcople have dismrncd that such worrls foretell aood
lllfngs for the spiritual "Isr~c*lof C:o(l," drsun Christ's
nnointetl SoIlowers. (Rom.9: 6-8,30-:13;11:3 7-32; Gnl.
li:16\ Gut H'I? hnvr brrn rcvi~winglhr enrly t w ~ n t l r t l l
cent~try,and this is how things wrrc in 1110st~rlnys.
Since H r o t h ~ r Russell was so \rritle1y known and
spoke to large audienccs on many orcasions, vorl mily
wonder what it was Iike to listen to hlm. "ilow r l l f fel-rnt from the ordinary preacher!" rxclalms C. TJ..
Tvcdt, adding: "No oratory, no emotlonrlllsm, No bep
glng to hit the sawdust trail. There waR something Snr
morc ebcctive and po~vcrfulthan all or th~sc!put in.
I That was the simple, quict, confldrtlt cxpounrlF ny!
p t f I eof
r the Word of God-lctun~ onr! ~rrlptureunloclc
nno211ex one until it became, ns I t WPI-r,FI powcrlul
magnet. In this way Brethrr Xt~isscllhrlrl his nuclicncc
In m p t aitention!' Ralph 11. J4rmc*1' f i i t y s Illat hel'nra
giving a clisrvurse Brolhrr Etussr~llmarli>scvtlrnI ~:i*ilr:p.
j111 barns te the audiencc. IVhen s~~rnlring,
hr ~sirnlly
sloocl on the open platform and would wnllr nholu
using his arms freely ir. esluring. "Jlc ncavcr rzsci
1 1 0 1 ~
but always spofe frrcly from tl~rheart,
nr!cnrdIng to Bmther M e r , wllo continues: "Ills volre
was not loud, hut it had prcullar carryln~ power.
Without ever using sounil amplifying equipment (I 1uq.c
was none in those days), he could tjo h t ~ ~ rnnd
( l unrlcr.
stood by large audienccs, holding l11i:n-t ns i f spellbound
l'oraone, two and sometimes tlvcr hoivs nt n tlmc.'"
Yet, Ihe man was not imporlant. Thc mcssn c was,
and Bible truth was bein cleclarctl t o mufiltudas.
Thcre were many capable Ehrlslians proclalmin i hc
good news in those days, and some persons Eenrd
their words with appreciation. Opponents wcrt! numrrous, o f course, and they somctin~cssought to pro.
mole their unscriptural views in pubIIc dellate with
J chovaTi's servants.
In what later appeared to be an attemqt by the
Pittsburgh ministerial alhance to dlscredtt C . T. Rus-

sell's scholarship and I31blIcal vlt?we, on March 10, 1903,

Dr. E. L.Eaton, ministrr of the North Avenue Methodist
Epismpal Church, chnllcngcd Jtussr?Il to a sh-day
eebale. Durinc path srssinir of Ihis clcbntc, held that
autumn in hllegttcny's Cnrnrfiie I InlP, on thc wt~ole
RusseII came otT ~~IctorIous.
Arnonj: other things, he
Scripturally rnaint:tinctl l h n t the souls of the dead
are u~icons~Ious
whllc Lhrir horllcs nihe in the grave
and that the ohjccl of holh Clu.lstls second corning
and the millennium la thr: hlcsslng o r nll thc families
of the earth. Russell nlaa mntlc :I vcry slrnng Biblical
denial of the hcll flrc dot:trine. Re~)orlcdly,one clergyman approached hlm t~rter1110 1;lsl. scs~lonof the debate and saicl: "I nm glnd 1,o src you lurn the hose
on hell and put out thr: fir@. Xnlr?r~dingly,aftcr this
debate many members of Eaton's rongvegution became
Eible Stuclr?nts.
Another signtflcnnt debntc took p l ~ c oon February
23-25, 1903, at Cincinnati, 01do between C. T. Russell
and L. S. White of the " ~ l s d ~ ! drnomlnatlon.
Thousands attended. RusseIl courageously upheld such Scrip
tural teachings as the unconsclotts state of the dead
between death and rosurrcctlon, nnd nihlirally maintained that Christ% sccontl inminc will [rrcc~dc the
millennium and thnt the ohjcct or !rot11 19 Ihc blcssin~
01 all families 01 the rlarlll. JInxr!llr! nnrl TIr!lcn Rrull
werc prcscnt and tell us: "nenuly nntl harmon o f
truth and Rne Scrlplurnl nrgrlmcnta on cash su&ect
o f debate stooil out In Etnrk c~unliq:isl:
to the confusing
teachings of men, At ant! polnl 'l<FiIer Wliitc,' spokesman and debater for the a posing vlcws, i n desperation
said that he
rernli~d~i?ofa s l ~ nover a hlarl~smith
shop reading 'All lclnds o f twisling nnrt turning done
hcrc' But, t o the honest Irulh srulcer, it was a demonstration of 'iinncllinfi the word o T the truth aright'
Lon thc part of RussclI; 2 Tfm. 2:253, with resultant
harmony." T h c Krull sistrrs recall that Jelrovah
blessed Brother Rusxdl w l t t ~ Hi3 sptrIt to prcscnt
the truth ably, and !,hey tcrtn thr! rvcnt "a triumph



. ..


of truth over error.

3. F. Rutherford accepted a Ba tlst debate ch~Ilene
in behalf of thc Wntcl~Tower hclet?, y l n s t J. $1
Troy. It took place in A ril 1915 nt t IP rinfty ~ u d i :
torium In Los Angelas, &llhr.nln, hefore nn audience
of 12,000 (with nn cslimnlrd :IO,OOO h c l n ~lurnccl away
for lack of space) during tho lhur nlglils of the debate.
Rutherford WRS VIC~OI'IOUS In couray:cuusly defending
Bible trutl~.
In tlle twelve years iollowlng the Eaton-Russell
debate, other debating challenges were accepted by
Go$$ servants, though ltle opponents, perhaps out
of fear, usunlIy called off t h c engngemcnls. C. T.

Russell himself did not favor debates, for he was

nwnrc of their disadvantages for Chrlstlnns. h The

I4'nicA Tower of May 1, 1915, he painled out, among
other things, that 'those who are of lIlc truth are bound
1) the Golden Rule and t h d r pres~ntallon must be
n%nc absolutely fair fines, whereas the17 q p o n e n t s
~cwmto Raw, no restrictions ur rest ralnl s,
ny kind
nf nrgumcnt, wrote Russell, "re~nrdlcss of the canIc?xt, re~nrclless o f the Golden Itulc, regardless of
everything, is considered perrnlssihle." H e nlso stated:
"So far ns the Editor is concernctl, he IXks no desire
for further debates. He docs not fnvar dcbnting, beHevlnp t h a t i t rarely actomplishcs
and often
nrour Gs nnper, malice, bittcrncss, et c., F?%th
nnd Iiearr%rs.Ralher he sets hrfolnc those who desire
to hmr it, orall and in print, f lie mrssaEc of the
T.ord's Wurd a n 8 lcaves i t ) opponents such presenia1Ions of ~ I I C error as they firL(: flt tn malrc and find
upportunity to exploit.-I-Ir?hr.cws 4: 12."

Bible discourses themselves ~ b o r d c d better opf;~rtunitles to present Scriptural truths, and C. T.

ussell often spolre to large aadtmces. Durlng the
ycnrx of 1905 to 1907, for instance, he louretl the
Unitcd Stalcs and Canada by special Imin or car and
mnducted a series of one-day ronventlona. IIis public
1cd.ure then was 'To Hell and Dadc," Bsllvercd before
pnrlred houses in nearly eve1.y lnrge city in both counrIcsl, this discourse featurcrl a humorous, imaginary
irlp tn hrll and back. Louise Cash;; rccnlls that Russell
ngrt?cd to give this lecture in Lytlr-hbrlrg,Virginia, and
s11csays: "My father had big posltm made ntlvertlsing
this Iccturt! and got permission to placc thrtn on tile
front of the streetcars. This was quitr nmuslng and
prople askec!, If lhis car taltss us to hell, will it bring
u s Zlack?"
BibIt? lectures also mere featurcd durlng C. T , Rus~ ~ 1 1 tri
' s s abroad. In 1903 he had rnacle a gecond 'ourncy Lo &rope, speaking to nudicnces in various cities
Then, from December 1911 to Mnrclt 19l!, uss sell',
ns chalrman of a seven-mnn cornmittre, made x
rountl-the+world tour, traveling lo I-Ialvnli, Japan,
China, through southern Asia into Afrtcn, rln to Europe
nntl back to New York. A study of Chclstendom's
foreign inissjons mas undertaken and many lectures
!\v1rr!~it'en,thus spreading seeds of truth Ihat, in time,
brought into fruitful activity groups o f anointed
Ch~lsllans in far-flung areas of the enrlh. Besides
this worldwide tour, however, C. T. Itussell, journeyed
to Europe reguZarly and traveled extensively throughout
North America on "convention tour" special trains,
accornp~niedby many fellow workers.

m o m A 4 c o o m 0 vm m n
As time passed, requests for prrsonnl appearances
by C. T. Russell increased. In f u l n l l l n ~some speaking
enffaffcmrnts, Ilc sometimes had Iruvcl~rl alroard a
spccinl rnllroad "cone-ention car," n srnnll group acmmpnnylnr?. him, But larger p n r t l ~wrre
In "cr~~~vcrlliol~
trains," as many ns 240 trnvclina with
t t u ~ s c l l on one occasion. Several rnllronrl cnr's werc
Ilnltccl together and the party travelctl from nne crty
tc~ n11ot2w~according t o a prearran~edsrhrdule. Arriving i r l a particular city, Rrtssclls ssslstnnts nttv r r l iscd rhc pzrblic meeting bv dist rihutlrr h~tttlhtlls.
At 1 llc lnectlng tiley greeted indivi(lunls, (%tniaerl Ole
n a m r s and addresses of jntercstcd ones and, when
f o w i hlc, would visit these anrl ~stn1)lldicongnai:nlions.
t wns nu1 uncommon for thew "ronventlon trains"
to he used In visitiilg largc dt1t.s in thc Unitcd Stales
ailrl Cannda.

W h y not board a "'conventbn trnLn" and rlcte wlth

n happy company of CrhzSstians? In dune 1913 o special
lrnitr was engaged for over 200 Blhle Students wlt6
would nccornpany C. T. Russell from Chlcnco, Illinqis,
on a trip that would take thrm tn Trxas, Cnlifnrnla,
Cnnndn and ihen ta a convcntic~nIn Madisrm, Wlsconsir~,
wlth R side.run to Rockford, Illlnols. Mnllntln %. K e ~ I c r
supplies tlzcse details: "Our train wus I u Iciivr! from
Ihr! Dcnrhorn station over the Wnhnf?I~Rnllrotlrl al:
noon, Junc 2. Tlre Irlends began to nrrlvc ahout ten
o'clock, rind it was a happy and excitin~tirnc, mcet!ug
oltl Irientls I had net seen for a long tirne nnd cettlng
nc ullntcrl with ~rew ones, Xt didn't tnkc lorlg t o
I . c ~ L ~{ve
! wcre one big farnify. . nnrl the trnrn
tmme for a month,
Finally, It is tjmc to l e a v ~ ."As the trnl?, pull* out
of tIic station on its -8,000-mile journey, continues
Sirrlrr Kcefcr, "the frlcnds who Elnd come to say
g~ocl-lyr!snng 'Blest Be the Tie Tlmt Bindfir nnd 'Bud
lc wit 1 Yon Till We Meet Aeain,' all tlw wlllle wavlng
I~nts nncl handkerchiefs untll we werc lost to thclr
viuw, nrlcl were on our way for n most memorable
trlp. Wc p1clted up some friends in St. LauIs, Missouri,
nnrl Rome in a few othcr places tmtll wc f l n ~ l l y?urn-

. .

P~crctl two hundred and forty. Brother R~rssell o!netl

us nt IIot Sprjngs, +rk;nsas,
urhcre Fin clg 1 t . d ~ ~

convcntlon mas in sesslon.

It truly was a spiritually upbuildina journey, Says
Sister Ilcefcr: "At every stop on tltc t r h thcro were
convtlnllons being held-most were f o r thrce clays,
and wc stayed one day with each conventinn, Durhg
thcse stops Brother Russell gave two talks, one to
thc frknds in the afternoon, and anoCI1cr to the public



in the evening on the subject 'Beyond the Grave.'" As

to her own feelings about the trip, Sister Keefcr says:
"My ap reciation for the fellowship of the friends all
along &e way and the spiritually upbuilding talks
and instructions I had received during that trip cannot
be expressed in words. I was grateful to Jehovah far
having had such a privilege."
At those early cmveniions of God's peopIe some
things were a little different from what they are
today. For example, take the ''love feast," What was
that? Recalling this feature of the early assemblies,
J. W. Ashelman states: "Some practices not needed
or continued did seem a blessin at the time,such as
the speakers lining up in front
the platform holding
plates of diced bread as the audience flled along the
line partaking of the bread and shaking hands with
each speaker and jdning in singing 'Blest Be the
Tie That Binds Our Hearts in Christian Lave!" That
was it-the "love feast.'' And it was a moving experience. Edith R. Brenisen readily admits: "The Iove
for each other Alled our hearts to overflowing, often
running down our cheeks in tears of joy. We were
not ashamed of our tears nor did we try to hide them."
Early Christians sometimes held "love feasts," but
the Bible does not describe them. (?ude 12) Some
think they were occasions when materrally pros erous
Christians heid banquets to which they invited' their
poorer fellow worsh~pcrs. But t h e Scriptures do not
make "love feasts"' ohl~gatory,whatcvcr their early
nature, and so they arc not In vogue among true

you are Impressed. The man? E e b Charles Taze

Russell. This production? It is the "Photo-Drama of
C. T. Rumell recognized that motion pictures were
a fine rnedlum for reaching masses of people. In 1912,
therefore, he began preparing the Photo-Drama of
Creation. It turned out to be an eight-hour-long photographic slide and moving picture production, complete
with color and sound. Designed to be shown in four
parts, the Photo-Drama carried viewers from creation
through human history to the climax of God's
for earth and mankind af:the end o f Jesus hrist's
thousand-year ~ e i g nPictorla],
slides and rnolxon pictures
were synchronized with phonograph records of talks
and music. There had been various expermenis with
color ant1 sound movies, but years would pass before
they would he commercially successful. Not until 1922
did an all-color, feature-length motion picture make
an appearance. And film audiences in general *had to
waft until 1927 to hear both dialogue and musrc cornbined in a commercial movie. Yet, the Photo-Drama of
Creation was not without the color, the spoken word
and the music. It was gears ahead of its time, and.
millions saw it free of charge!
A fortune for those days-some $300,00@-was spent
by the Society in producing the Photo-Drama. And
of the work involved, Russell wrote: "God kindly
veiled our eyes as respects the amount of labor con. we foreknown i h e cost
nected with the D ~ AHad
of time and money and patience necessary for the
start we would never have begun it. But ndther did
we know in advance the great success that would
~ O ~ C recordings
attend the D R A M A . ' ~ musical
ninety-six phonograph-record talks were prepared.
Stereopticon slides were made of fine art: pictures 11.
lustratlng world history, and it was necessary to make
hundreds of new paintings and sketches. All the color
slides and films had to be hand painted, some o f this
work being accomplished in the Society's own Art
Room. And, think of it! T h i s had to be done repeatedly fox there were a t least twenty four-part sets
making it possible to show a portion of the
Drama in eighty different cities on a given day.
What took place behind the scenes during exhibitions
of the Photo-Drama of Creation? 'Thc Drama started
with a movie of Brother Russell," says Alice I-Toffman.
"As he would appear on the screen and his lips began
to move, a phonograph would be staced at the precise
moment and we would enjoy hstenmg to his voice."
The unfalding of a flower and the hatching of a
chick were among the memorable features of the





The Bible Studepts were keenly aware of Jesus

Christ's prophecy: This gospel of the kingdom shall

be preached in a11 the world for a w!;ness
unto all
natlons; and then shalI the end come. (Matt. 24:14,
King James Y a s i o n ) So, as that signficant year 1914
dxcw closer, God's people undertook an all-out campaign of worldwide proportions-a hitherto unparalleled educational and warning work. They employed
a bold, new method of declaring the good news.
Say it now is the year 1914. Imagine that you are
seated among hundreds 01 persons in a darkened
auditorium. Before you i s a large motion-picture screen.
To your surprise, a white-haired man in a frock coat
appears, and, without a note in hand, he begins to speak.
Oh, you have been to the movies before. But this one
I s different. The man speaks and you hear Ms words.
This is no common silent movie. It rs something speual,
both teclmfcally and in the message it conveys, and



Photo-Drama movies. These examples of time-lapse
photo raphy truly impressed viewers, "At the same
time &at these pictures were being shown," comments
Karl F. Rlein, "there was an accompaninlent of v e y
fine music, such gems as Narcissus and Rumoreske.
There were also many other things to remember.
"Right now," says Martha Merediil~,"I see Noah and
his family walkrng into the ark with the animals, and
the piclure of Abraham and Isaac walking to Mount
Monah where Abraham was going t o offer his son as
a sacrifice. I n e n I saw Abraham put his son on the
son lle dearly loved-1
shed tears. No
wonder Jehovah called Abmham his frlend , . . II@ lmew
that Abraham would obey his voice at all times."
--Jas. 2:23.
Besides the regular Photo-Drama of Creation, there
were "Eurelra Drama" outfits. Onc was made up of
the ninety-six rcmrded lectures, as well as musical

recordings. The other consisted of both the records

and thc slides. Though t h e latter Eurelia Drama
lacked motion iclures, It was very successful when
shown in less &nscly populated areas.
During 1914 the Photo-Drama of Creation was shown
free throughout the United Stales. This was very
expensive, both f o r the Society and for the IocaI Bible
Students, who contributed money to rent suitable places
for I t s exhibition. And so, in the course of time, it
no longer wns shown to large audiences. Bat the
Photo:Dr-ma of Creation had clone a great work in
acguaintlng persons Wtlz God's Word and purposes.
To illustrate: In a letter to C. T. Russell, one person
wrote: "My wife and 'I: t m l tlinnlr our heavenly
Father for the great and priceyesless blessing which has
come to us through your insirurnentality. It was your
beautifuI Photo-Drama which was the cause of our
seeing and accepting the truth as our own." And Lily
R. Parnell tells us: "These pictorial demonstrations
of Jehovah's purposes for mankind aroused the interest
of many thinking people so that the congregation
Cat Greenfield, &Ia?sachuaettsl grew larger, since they
made the Bible a living book and proved to thoughtful
ones what precious information our God had provided for saIvation t o Zhose who would avail themselves of his provision,"
Not without reason, therefore, has it been said by
Demetrius Papageorge, long a member of the Society's
headquarters staff: "The Photo-Drama was a masterpiece of a project, when we consider the s m d I number
of BibIe Students and the proportionately small
amount of flnances available. It really was dellov?ah"s
spirit behind it!"




For many years prior to 1914 zei$cus colporteursChristian men and women "aglow w t h the spirit3'-had
been spreading the good news f a r and w~de. (Rorn.
12:11) The colpcrteur service began in 18811 when
Zio.n9s Wa;:R Tower carried the article "W2nte.d 1,000

Preachers. To persons w~thout dependent iarnilies

and who could ive one half or more o f their time to
the Lord's w o z a. plan was suggested. It was that
they go into large and smalI cities as colporteurs or
evangelists. For what purpose? Said the Watch Tower:
''Seek to find in every place the earnest Christians . .
to these seelr t o make lrnown the riches of Our Father's
grace, and the beauties of His word!' Bible publications
were to be pIaced in the hands of such persons, and
colporteurs were permitted to pay their own expenses
with money received from literature placements and
Watch T o w a subscriptions that they obtained.
For the colporteurs Ziolz's Watch Tower of May 1887
had some fine suggestions on what to say at the doors.
It also said: 'Take a big hea?-t full of love for God and
for those you would lead into the light, full of faith In
God and trust in his promises, and full of hope that
Gad will be pleas:? to use you to his glory now as
well as hereafter.
Willing to work Izard in Jehovah's service, the
coIporteurs made their mark. Wherever they wentinto cities, towns, villages-they were noticed. A writer
in The Gospel Messertger of the lale 1890's was moved
t o say: "In the city of Birmingham [Alabama] there
?re several persoils now working who call themselves
Non-Sectarian Christians.'
. The have worked
this city from house to Louse, selliing MILLENKIAL
DAWN cmd circulating other blriefl literature. They
talk their religion every chance, and preach on Sunday.
They call themselves 'Colporteurs.' They have put over
two thousand copies of their books in this dty. . . .
Now, why cannot we disseminate our li?;erature and
the Bible doctrine, as we understand it, in this way?
The fact is, I fear we have stagnated on methods,
and God is graduady hinting-lo u s that, i f we do no;
get to moving forward, he wdl give us a back seat
"Yes,we had colpogeurs cover the towns and mrrals
i n those early days, writes Henry Farnlck. EXe remembers them welI: "Sometimes they would trade
for farm produce, chickens, soap and what-not, which
the would use or sell to others. At times, in a sparsely
sctfied area, they stayed with farmers and ranchers
overnight, and at times even slept in haystacks . .
These faithful ones 'frept on for years and years unt3
n jie overtook them.



Through the years Jehovah made ample rovision

for faithful col orteurs. So, they reall lackeanothing
essential. (Ps.83:1) "We lived frugal& on the contributions received from the placement o f llrerature,l
says Clarence S. Huzzey. "Ths took faith in Jehovah's
loving provisions and I: can honestly say that we never
went hungry and we had the necessary shelter and
clothing durin the many years 173 the full-time rnxm
istry. (Ps.3 7 : k ) How wonderfully Jehovah provided
what was needed!"
Lfvlng costs were not very high years ago, but
that did not mean that coIporteurs could afford to he
extravagant. Take the gear 1910 as an example. M?
lindn 2. Keefer recalls a colporteur assignment in
Council Bluns, Iowa, and she wr~tcs: "Council Bluffs
was harder territory, but by going with a positive
attitude one could get along. T h e cost of living was so
much cheaper in those days. Our mod@of transportation
(walking) dicln't cost much and neither did t h e food:
bread was 5c a loaf, sugar 5c a pound, steak 25c a
pound-and this mas a real treat, if we could g e t
any. Room rentals were reasonable and trolley car
fares were 5c. What a different world compared with
the nineteen seventies !"
Late in 1921, George E. H a n n v entered colporteur
service. Concerning the cost of hvlng, he mce wrote:
"My food b111 came ta $4 per week. I had one warm
meal a day, the other two consisting of dried fruits
and some vegetables that I: received In trade for literature. When asked what I: would do when I ran out
of funds, I would say: 'Just wait and see what Jehovah
works out for me.' I had heard of some who had qult
when they got down to l.heir last $50. My thought was
that Jehovah's intervention was not needed in this
regard as Iong as one had $50 or even $10 or $1. I
had canfidence he would aid me @ meet the high cost
of living, not the cost of high livlng."
What about transportation? Well, Charles H. Capen
recalls work~ng several Fennsylvania counties "by
'shanks' mare' (on foot). Other colporteurs found
the bic dle to be a real help. "In the years from 1911
to 191l col orteurs were working counties in our
seckion of ghio," comments LaRue Witchey, continuing: "They labored hard in the service, pedaling
bicycles many miles, loaded with 'Scripture Studies."'
Of course, a colporteur's first ride on a bicycle coulcl
IN quite an experience.
Maybe a horse would be better. Mallnda 2. Keefer
fondly recalls old Dobbin. "Dobbin was*a gentle horse
and never had to be bed. He would wait for me when
I went to the Coors and then walk along with me to
the next place.

But, then, not all hprses were like old Dobbin, as

colporteur Anna E. Zlmrnerman and Esther Snyder
learned. Imagine two women in a rcnted buggy pulled
by a horse just shipped in from the west. Sister
Zimmerman tells us that the horse "would let nothing
pass him by, not even the train, which f o r several
miles before reaching the livery stable ran parallel
with the road. I caIled over to the engineer, 'Please
hold your train at the station until we get our horse
to the livery stable.' He replied: 'O.R. Take your time.'
The horse continued putting up and down all four as
fast as ever. We reached the stable 0.K. with the
stable owner a ologizing that he was at lunch ween
wa hired the {orse and that the stable boy, berng
afraid of the horse, which it was his job to break in,
gave me that job."
Then there was the automobile, used by some colporteurs in later years. Today, of course, well-paved
roads are common in most areas of the United States,
But not so decades ago. So, auto travel~lcould present
problems too. Once, f o r instance, "one covered hole
was so vast and the filled-in ground so soft, the car
suddenly sank into the I~oleto the axle," write Razelle
and Helen KruII. "Our often-used shovel wasn't enough
for this predicament," they recall. "A kind neighbor
ofi'ered the use o f his mule, but, in addition, we scoured
the roadside for Iogs, beams or branches to pry up
the deeply sunken rear cnd. So wlth mule power at
the fore, engine power in the middle, and vigorous
push power from the rear, after man unsuccessful
attempts it was a happy moment for alrm7h.henthe ear
was finally up and out of the Bole. But the day had its
joys, Before this happened we had made some interesting calls, some away m off the road to. which we
walked; so the hardship was balanced y t h joy. As
with David, our hearts so often pleaded: Do hear, 0
God, my entreating my. Do pay attention to my
prayer.'--Ps. 61:I."
Much more significant than any problems they
encountered were the preaching activities of the colporteurs. Suppose we accom an them now as they
call at the homes of the peo ye. &lllam P.Mockrid e
joined Vlnrent C. Rice in cogorteur work during 1956
at Schenectady, New York. He helps us to step back
to those days by saying: "The first day I worlced all
day without making a single placement and yet 1
was supposed to be a supersalesman. tThat night 1
prayed to Jehovah to help me get asbestos' and
material things out of my mind and Iearn to follow the
humble and kind approach of Brother Rice, who always
had a cheerful worcl for whoever came to the door.
So, soon I commenced pIacing many bound books, using






.. .

B 'frospectus' furnkhed bv the Soeleiy.

We would
'tn e orders' for the first 'three voturnes [of 8fiad+esIn
f l ~ cScriptlkres] f o r 98c or thc six volumes f o r S 1 . s .
Theae orders would he deIlvyed on "nydrlyjv usually
I h e 1st or 15th of the month.

Did you notfce that Brother MacltriAac mentioned

uslng a "prospectus"? For yrara it wns used by colurs ancl other BihXc Students engaging in the
ouse.ta.house preaching work. This wns nn array of
c ~ v c r sfar six voIumes of Millmnirdl D n ~ mIStrtdies bt
tho Scriptarres), bound togel h ~ in
r accortILon fasb-Ion.
At the door the colporler~r~ t ~ t ~ l lthis
e d out along
his nrm nnd gave a talk on thc s ~ l hj r c i of rat11 volume.
Ile took ordcrs and dclivcrctf Illc literature at a
Jnler timc.
"Delivery days were hnrrl," admits P o a ~ Wright,
a smllcnse full of books was hcnvy to carry around."
It rrrlal111ywas, Suppose n col~~orteur
took orders for
flfty volumes of St~lrEirx4u thri Nmaiptrrrt?s.That number
welgherl forty pounds, a heavy load for wompn and
cLvrn for a good many men. In tlmc, howcver, colporteur ,Tames H. Cole invented n two-wheeled, nickelp l ~ l ~atinchmeilt
I h a t could be amxed to n suitcase.
It *'was an eyecatcher," accortllng to Anna E, Zimmc~'mon, wlzo teIls us: "1 recall one occasion when
colportc~wlngin the town of Ilollldnyskurg, Pennsyl.
vnnin, that I had to wheel my suitcnse r!~llCthrough
1 R r business section d u r h ~ gthe dlnncr hour. Thls 1
hut went right along rolling my suitcase by
my sl(lc, when suddenly 8 well-tlrcsscil gentleman
o l l t r l y stepped up to me from t h r rear ?nil, taking
Eola or ~ I I Chandle of my saitrarc. nslccd. would you
mlnd if I would roll t h s along lor n littlc while? I
would like to see h o w it gors. You sccm to go along
wJth it wlth suc11 ease.WcI1, hr? rolled it the cntlrc
way Mrough ihc business brctfon ant1 I did not h?ve
iu rle it nt all. I learned he WUE tho ncwspa er editor
up llle town." The next day thcre rvns n detnifcd report
in the local paper.
With unselfish motives, the faithful coIporteurs labor~rldiligently, depending upon J~hovah.And their
elYorEs were rewarded. At times congreqntions developed
as n rcsult of colporteur activity. ?here wcre deep
~allsfaclions and rich spiritual rcwards. With joy
I4:dythe ICcssler and her sister Clara enlerrd colporteur
scrvlcr! back in 1007. Thcg wnllcrd n 101, and thcre
wcre many volumes to carry on 'Uelivcry day." YES,
thr! got tired, but Edylhc wecms t o R eak for the
~uliKiulold-time colporteur^ in ecnernl arten shc says:
"Wc were young and happy In the service, delighted
t o rxpend our strength In serving Jalt."'






Dudn n31 thc years that faithful colporteurs find

other F!bel
Students zealolrsly pmclnl med the good
ncws, Sr~tanthe Devil never rclnxcd hls hnnd and
hn1tc.d ciTorts to crush and deslrt~y tthcm. I l r would
hnve ac~bompllshedthis, too, were it not for ilic divine
prh!jl~cilonthey enjnyed. (IPet. 5:8, 9; Heh. 2:14) They
rcn llzrd tho t r u t t ~ulncss
of God's promise to his p ~ c ~ p l c
of nnripnt times: "Any .weapon whnlevcr thnt will he
irmncd :l~ninst you will hnve no success, and any
tnngur nt all that will risr u ngoinsl you in the
jllrl~rnenryou will condemn.*'-Ea, 54: 17.
Ycsus Christ was persecuted, and hIx follow~rscan
expccl the same treatment from
nr:lirrrs of false
rclicion and (he world in gencml, F o h n 15:20) Some"
t i m ~ s ,howcvcr, Satan's attack has hcen an internal
anc, orl~inatlngwith unscrupulouu ilntfivldunls wilhin
the Christlnn organization, stemming Irom Irtcidcnts
involving persons really "not of our sort."-l
John 2:19.
It wll! lw recalled that in the 1WWs C. T. Russell
dlsnssnrlatrd himself from N. H. Bnrbour, pl~hllsl~er
of T l f r Tlr.rdtl of f l t e .Morning. This hc dld I~rt.nuse
Rarbour denied tlie Scriptural cloclrlne 01: the mm<ixn,
which Russrll siaunchly upheld. 'J'licn in thc ciumly
1890's cerlnln prominent persons in I ha or nnization
tricd to seize eontrnl of l%c Watch
Towcr S o r l d y . The conspirators lnnncd to cx lode
verilnhlc 'oliornbsh'designed t o enfi k u n e l l j r popukrlty
nnd bring ahout his finish as the Society's prcsi!l~nt.
After brrwlnf: for nearly two years, the conspiracy
rruptecl En 1 8 4 . Mainly, the ~rir\.nncrsant[ false
(*har g r s c~?ntrredaround a l l e ~ e ddlshnnrsl y In huainess
on thc part of C. T. Russell. Indeed, some of thc chargcs
1vn.r very pctty and betrayed t l ~ r arcus~rs' I)asic
intc~~tlun-thr cleIamation of C. T. I E u s ~ ~ lJrnpni.(ial
rellow hrliavcrs investigated matters nntl Iound Russell
l o be It1 the right. Hence, the conspithators' plan lo
"blow Mr. ,Russell and hls work sk .l~lfih" was a
tom ~letcfalhre. LU-e the apostle no[ I3rolhcr Russ ~ l hBdexpsricxed
trouble owing to "Inlsr brothers."
Inrl tEils irlnl was recognized as a drsjclt of Snlnn,
nnd I l ~ ccr~nspiralorshenceforth wcre virwrrd as unfit
4 o cnjr~yChristian fellowship.-2 Cor. 11:26.
Thls, of course, was not the end of C. T, Russell's
trials and ditllculties. E-Ie was yct to be touched In a
vclhy pcrsonnl way, by drc~~mstanceanrlsing In his
u r n hortsehold. During the trouble in 1R94, Mrs. C. T.
Rz~sscll Ithe former Maria Frances Ackley, whom
Russell had married fn 1879) undcrlco1~u tour from



New Yarlt to Chicago, meeting wjth Bihla Students

along the way a n d speaking in her husbnn.tlla brhalf.
Being an educated. nitelligcnt waman, she wns well
received when visiting t h e congrcgotiona fir that tlmc.
MIX. Russell was a director of the Watch Tower
Society and served as its secret~rynnd trcnsurcr lor
some years. She also was a rcgulnr cunttibutor to the
colutnns of Zion's Watch T n w w and for n time Wrt8 an
nssocinte editor of the journal. EvcntunDy, she sought
n slronger voice in what shoulrl bc publlshcd in thr
W~l.tckTower. Such ambition Wns comp:~rnhlt!to t11:tt
of Moses' sister Miriam, who rosc 111, ng:~inst her
brother as leader o f Israel under Garl nn(i trkd i n
mnkc hrrself prominent-n cuzirse 111at met will^
divine disa pi-oval.-Num. 12:1-15.
What hnx eonlributed t o this nttltude on M y . RUS.
sell's pnrt? "I was not awarr! o f ~t a2 the Ilme, wrote
C. T. Russell in 1906, "but lcnrncd su1,scqurntl that
Ihe conspirators cndeavo~rdt o sow smtls of cgarord
In my wife's heart b y flattery, '~r~ornan'sright$' nrEurncnts, etc. However, when the ~Irorkcame Iin lfl943,
In t h e Lord's providence I was sp:trcd the 11unalHation
o f seeing m y wife amongst t h o s ~conspirntorfi. , . . AR
mattcrs began to settlt? down, thc 'womnlles rights'
ideas and persona1 ambition began agnln to come l o
the lop, and I perceived lhat Mrer. It~wecll'e nctive
cnmpnign in m defense, and the vory cortllnl reception
given her by
dear friends at ihnt t l m ~lhrou~houf
n journuy . . had done hrr Injury I)!, incrensinf: hrr
sc1r.npprrclation. . . . Grndunlly sjic scrmetl l o ~.eac.h
I hr rol~clusion that nothing wna just propcs for the
TYn~crr TOWEBcoEumns e?ccPlbt wlinl slle had writtm, and I was continually hnrnssrtt with s u ~ p s t l n n s
of alteratio~rsof my writings. I ulns 11:rfnrd to nolc
tl~is grorving disposition so foreign 2 0 t l t r humble
mtnd which characterized her for thc first tllictrrn
h a p y years."
M?%Russell became very uncwperstlve, and atmlned
relations continued. But early in 1897 he becnmc ill
nncI tier husband ave her much attention. Thig he
gnvo chocrfully an% he felt that his lrlncl carp would
l o ~ r r hher heart and restore it to Its former lovinp:
nntl tender condition. When she secov~rt!rl, howcvt:r,
Mrs. Russell called a conimitlce and mct witlr h r r
husbancl "specially with the object of hnvlng i l ~ e
brcthren instruct me that she had an egurbl richt
wllh myself in the WATCLT
C O ~ U I ~ and
~ R ,tl1:rt
1 was doing her wrong In not accot'din~ I~er the
Ilbcrtjes sllc desired," wrote C. T.Russrll. h mnttcrs
turned out, though, she was told hy lt~ecumrnlttcr
thnt neither they nor other persons I~adthe right t o
Intrrfer(3 with her httsband's rnanagemcnt of the Il'rrtclc

. tie


Tower. Mrs. Russell aald, in aubatanm, that though
unable to agree with Zht! committee, she wotlld t
to look at mattcrs Prom t h ~ l r standpoint. Russ%
further reported: "1 then askrrl her in their prcsence
if she w o d d shake hands. Slw h;~sitakd, but Anally
gave me hcr Ilanc[. I thrn f;nltl, Now, will you kiss
me, dear, as a token of the drgree at chnnge of mind
which you have indfcatrrl ?' Anl:ain F he hrs~tated, but
finaIly did kiss mc nnrl othorwl~r!~nanlfcstrtla ~+me-rval

of affection in the prcseticc of her Commit teenf'

So the Itussellx 'lrjsserl nnd ltlfirle up,' LaLcr, at Mrs.
Russell's request, hcr huabnncl nrlaangcld for n wcelcly
meeting of "The Sister! oC Ihc! A l l o ~ h c n y Church,"
154th her as its learlrr. rhls led to lurthn. Zrouhlethe ckculatlng of slnntlernus 1rnn1nl.1~~nhout C. T,
Russell. However, this dllllual ty also \ V 8 S settled.
Eventually, Ihougl~, RlqnwEng rescnlmenl led Mrs.
RusseIl 10 sever Ilcr r c l ~ t i o l ~ s hwlih
l ~ r the 1Z'aCcll Tower
Society and with hpr husbnnd. \171tlioul notice, she
separated from him in 189'7, after ncarIy ebghleen years
of marriage- For almost sPvrn ycrira she lived se a
rately, C. T. Russell provl(iin a sppfirate home
her and also rnahlnl: linnnri:l[. provlslon lor hcr slipport. In June 1903 Mrs. 1lu.r:;rlll fllrtl En thr Court qP
Common Flcas :11 lYlts't~ur[:l~,3'rritisyEvr1nln, n sult
for legal sepnratlirn. Dur'lnl: A dl 1906 thc case cnme
up for trial bctorc ~iislicc~ o l R r ri ~ l i i in jury. ~ c s r l y
two years latcr, on Milrec:h 4, :1!)1)8, n ili:crcc WnB issued
that was styled 'qn X)ivorcc." T h e lnnguajic of the
decree 2s: "Kt is now ordered, adjudged and decreed
that Maria F. R u s s ~ l l ,the Llbrllnnl; R I I ~Cllarlrs T,
Russell, the Respondmt, be scpamtcd from bed and
hoard." ''S~yaratctlItx)rn brtl anrl hunl4~l"
Is i l ~ r language
of both the decree nnd the ~Iovlcrt mtrirs rnntlc by
the derk of tIlc ct)urt, Thls wns n Ieai~lizrtlseparation
and there nrver W R S an absolutr! dlvorctr, as some
erroneously have hcEd. Rotc7:irvda 1,nlu Dirtionrwjj
(Banlrs-Baldwin Law Publishlnr: Company, 19 LO) defines the action as "A part i:tl or cllinl lli(38 rllvorce,
by which the partles arc? scr~nrntetl : I I I C ~ iorhlddcn
to IIve or cohab t lagether wl(hout abectlng the marriage itself. 1. ~ 1 Corn,
446," (Page 314) On nge 312
it says thnt it "may morr properly bc tcrrnedl a legal
C. T: Russell himself fully understood that the
court dld not grant an absolute divorce, but that this
was a legalized scparatlon, At Dublln, during a 1912
tour of Ireland, he tvns osltrd: "Js it Irzcs flint: you
are divorced from your wlfp'l" Of 111s answer, Russcll
wrote: "'I am not divorced from my wlfc. The clerree
of the court was ROC divorm, hut xt?pwnlion, granted
by a sympathetic jury, tvhich cledarcd that wc would




both be happier separated. My wlfe'fi charge tvns

cruelty, but the only cruelly put in evidence was my
refusal on one occasion to give her a kiss when shr!
had re uested it.' I assured my audience that E disputed
charge of cruelty and hcILcved that no
itroman was ever better treated hy a hushond. The!
applause showed that the audienm believcd my stntcmcnts."
What took lace at C. T. Russell's f t I n @ ~at
l PEttsburgh in 1 9 d also is significant along these Efncs.
Anna IC. Gardner, whose recollections are slmilar to
those of others resent, tells us tltis: "An incident
o~cr~rredjust berore the services at Carnegie Ilall
that refuted lies told in the paper about Brothrs
Russell. Thr? hall was filled long l~cforet h e time f i r
thc services to I~eginand i t was w r y uiet, and t h r n
a veiled figwe was secn t o walk u p t4c aisle to i h c
casket and to lay something on it. Up front one could
see what it was-a
bunch of llli(~sof the volley,
Grother Russell's :avorite flowcr. Tllcre was ,n ribbon
a l t a c h ~ d , saying, To My Beloved ZIushand. It was
Mrs. Russell. They had never been divorced and this
w a s a public acknowledgment."
One can but imagine the heartache and emotionnl
strain C. T. Russell's domestic trials brought upun
Ilim. In an undated handwritten letter t o Mrs. Russ~ll
at one point in their marital dif!iculiles, ho wrotc:
"By the time this reaches you it will hc lust one w e ~ l c
since you deserted the one whom before Gad lincl
man you promised to love and ohey rind serve f n r
bctter or for worse, until death dn you part.' dufus~l~
I t is true that 'experience is a wondcrful teachrr.'
Only it could have persuaded me thus of you of whom
I can truly say that at one time there could not have
been a more loving and devoted helgmatc, Elad you
been other than that I am confident that tIlc Lord
would not have ven you to me. IIe dacth all things
well. I stin t h d him for his rox ldencc toward mt?.
in that respect, and look bacE with sensations nf
pleasure to the time when you kisscd me at least
thirty times a day, and regeatcclly told me t h a t ou
did not see how you could live without me; and &at
you feared that I would die first . . And E reflect 1l1:1t
some of these evidences of love were given me only
a year and a half ago, though for a year previous
your love had h e n Iess fervcnt-because of jcdousy
2nd surmisings, notwjthsfanding my assurances of Ibc
ardor of my love for you, repeatcd a hundred times,
and still asseverated."
Russell did feel that the great Adversary then had
a "very Arm hold" on his wife. He said, "I have prayed


earneatly t o the Lord on your behalf," and he also

mouglit to aid 11er. Among other things, he wrote: "I
tvlll not hurtle11 you tvlth accotmts of my sorrow, nor
attempt to work upon your sympathies hy delineating
my etnotlons, as f from tlmc to t i m e run across your
drrsscs and othcr nrtlcles which hring avidly before
Inv rnlntl your Zornl~rsclf-so full of love and sympithy nnd t~clpfttln~ss-the spirlt of Christ. nly heart
o i ~ t ,' 0 1 1 that I hecl buri~dher, or t h a t she had
Intrl~tlme, in that happy tlmc. But d d e n t l y the trinls


nnd testrngs wrse not shfficicntly advanced.

tlo consldcr prnyrrfully what I am ahout t o say. And
l,c nssurud thar Ihc kern etl P of my sorrow, its

poi nanvy, Is not my own lonelkess for the remainder

o f ?lf~'sjourrjry, Inat y w r fall, my dear, your everlaslinf: loss, ao far ns l cua SEE,"

NOT moTtA1;
An thowg11 the straln of Russell's marital dlfllculties
was not enough, hfa foes stoopcd t o making scurrflous
c h ~ ~ r ~ngalnst
him to t h e effect that he was irnmorn]. Tllr-sc! deli brrate falsehoods centered around
R RO-CRIIC~I'CJ~llyflshlJ
story. Durfng thc trial in April
1906, Mrs. R u s ~ r llestiflstl
thnl n ccrtain Miss Ball
taltl her that C. ?', Russell hnd once said: 'I am Iike
n Jcllynsh. I flont around here nnd there, I touch this
on(. ~ n f lIhnt onc, ant1 1P slio respo?fls I take her to
mc, ~ ~ r Ifr l no1 1 floal. on to others. On the witness
stnntl C. T. R u ~ s c l lcmphntlcally ticnlccl the "jellyfish"
slory, nnrl fill thls mnlter was stricken from the
court rocbord, the judge sflying in his charge t o the
1ur.y: "This llttlc incldcnt nbo~itthis girl that was in
the farnlly, that Is bryond the ground o f the libel
and hns nothlng to rlo with the case."
T h e girl in rluestlon came to t h e Russells in 1838
as an urphnn rihout tcn years old. They treated her
as their own chlld and she kisned both fi,and Mrs.
Ruasrll gootl nl ?tilt each evening when retirin~.(Court
Record, pngEf4
and 91) Mrs. Bursell testifled that
the n l l q y d IncIclent occurred in 1891. when thls g r l
coultl nnt hnvc h e n more than fifteen years old.
ICot~rtRecord, paEe 15) After that Mrs. RusseIl lived
wlth her husband f n r thrce ycnrs and was separated
from him f u r nho~rt sevm years m o r e before filing
S H ~ I for s~pnraZ1011,
In her bill for separation no ref*
c-runce wns ~nntlcto this matter. Though Miss Ba12 was
then living: nnd Mrs. liussell knew where, she made
no attempi t o prorure h ~ as
r a witness and presented
no statement from her. C. T. Russell hjrnself could not
have hnd Miss Eall preficnt t o iestify because he had
t ~ onotice or in(imat1on that l ~ i s wife would bring




such a matter Into the case, Furthermore, three years

after the alleged inctdent, when Mrs. Russell had
called together a committee before whom she nnd her
husband discussed certain differences, the "jellyfish"'
story was never even intimated. In thc suit for scpqj.ntt!
maintenance, Mrs. Rttssell's ~ t t o r n e yhad said: ~ V G
make no charge of adttltery. And that Mrs- IiussolI
actually never believed her husband was gullty o f
itnmoral eonduct mas shorvn by the record (page l O l ,
Ncr m1.n counsel asked Mrs. RusselE: "You don't mean

t h a t your huskand was guiIty of adultery?" Shc

answered: "No.
Throughout the triaIsome period of Charles Tnze
Russell's domestic diffleullies and the related hardships, Jehovah sustained him by means of the ho3y
spirit. God continued to use Russell during those
years, not only t o wrjtc material I n r Zion'.9 U7crtcEb
Toqcr-r, but to discharge other weighty duties rind l o
pen three~volurnes of Millenniul. Dtrzon (or S l w d i y
en the Scrlptetres). How cncuuraging this is t o Christians today as they g o on doing Ihe divine will t h o t ~ r h
beset by various trials! Especial1 heartening to Jcsus'
faithful anointed followers are t i w e words of Jamrs:
"Happy is the man that keeps on enduring trinl, Ilecause on becomin approved he will receive the crown
of life, which ~ & o v a h promised to thosc who continuo loving him!'-Jas.

Foes of C. T. Russell used not only his domestic

afinirs but other "weapons" against him, F'or instance,
his enemies have charged that he sold a great quantity
c ~ fordinary wheat seed under the name of "Miracle
Wheat" at one dollar per pound, or sixty dollnrs pcr
bushel. They have held that from tMs Russell realized
an enormous personal profit. However, these chnr1:cs
are ahsoluteIg false. What a M the facts?
M 1904 Mr. R. B. Stoner noticed an unusual plant
growing in his garden in Fincastle, Virginia. It tzirned
out to be wheat of an uncommon Mntl. The piant hat!
142 stalks and each bore a head of full maturcd wheat.
In 1906 Ile named it "Miracle Wlteat." h n t u a t l othcrs
obtained and grew it, enjoying extraordinary yie!rls.
I n fact, Miracle Wheat won prizes at scwcral IRI?X.
C. T. RusscIl was very interested in anything relnrcd
to the Biblical prediEtins that "the desert shall re.
joke, and blossom as thc rose" and "the earth shall
yield her inu-ease!' (&a. 35:l; Ezck. 34:27, A V ) Un
Novernbcr 23, 19M, H. A. Miller, Assistant Agricul*
turalist of the United States Government, &led In t h e
Department of Agriculture a report commending this



whent rown by Mr. Stoner, Throughout the c m t r y

the pudlc press took note of the report. C . T. Russell's
ptlcntion wns drawn to It, and so fn Z4on's Watch
Talccurof MRPCII15,I9U8, on page SG, hr publlsheil some
press comments nnd extracts Prom the gov:rnment
port. Thcn, in conclt~slon, he rnmmenterlr Zf this
account hc! hut ane.hnlf true It test~licsafrest to God's
abilllp t o pl.ovldc tt~lngs ncerlful for the times of
rrstllutIon of all things which God hath s okcn by
ihc mouth o f nll t b r holy prophets sinec t\e world
bcga11.'-Acts 3:1921." .
Mr. Stancr was not a Bible StudFnf: or an associate
of C, T. Russell, and neithrr were various other persons who cxpm-imcnierl with Mirncle Wheat. In 1911,
Irot~evel-Wcrlcll T o 7 c c ~rr:irl@rs J. A. Dohnet of PittsI,urgh, brnnsy~vanj;l, ~tntl Snrnuel J. Fleming o f
Wnlmrrh, 1nrli:inn, ~>i.rscnirrlto the Watrh Tower Bible
ant1 Tract Soclci y 1 1 1 ~n~gr~egale
of about thirty bushels
of this whmk, proposhg Ihat it 1~ sold for one dolIar
pcr gountl and thnt nll thc! proceeds be received by

the Socicly as n donatfon from them, to be used in

Ils rr4l~lnliarvorlc. The wheat was received and smlt
out hy I l ~ r ! Sotniety ant1 the gross recdpts from it
nmaun t cd to nhnut $1 ,HM. Russr.11 hlmsclf rlid not
~c:t n ponny nS t h l ~monc!y. Jrt! rnerc~ly publiqhed a
slntemcnt in Il'lta Wnlr81!?'trlu~)'tn t.hc c~Cfr?cltlint t h ~
w l l c ~ llind been r'rn~l
rib111crl nnd could be o \ ~ t n l n e d
for n dollar a pounrl. Tllc Srrclcly itself made no claim
lor thc whent on its awn hnowlcdge and the money
rr*celved wcnt RR a donnllan into Christian misslonary
work. W l ~ motl~ers criticbed this sale, all who had
cnntrlbutrd wcrc! fnforrnrrl thnt If they were dissatisfied
(hrlr tnunry rvould h r rrturncd. In fact, the identical
monc rcrolvetl l o r thc whcnt wa9 held for a year
for tKnt ~ U T ~ O B CBur
not on@ pcrson asked f o ~a
rcfund. Thc! conduct of Brother RusselT and the Society
i n cunnrrbtlon with Mir'aclc Whcnt waa compktely
open nnd nht~vrhonrd,
Bec~useCharlrs Tuzc Russell taught the truth from
Gocl'a Word, he was hatetl nnd maligned, often by the
relfgious clcr~y.nut then, CItrIstians of modern times
e x p ~ c tsuch tl.('ata~cnt,for Jesus and his apostles were
cFe;lll will1 sinlilarIy by r~ligiousopposers,-Luke 7:3.

4 4 m ~
Jehovnh is a faithful Gnrl, The prophet ;Samnel
the people of Israel t o serve God mth all
t h d r hrnrt, and drclared: "Jchovah will not de~m-t
his people for the salte o f hb great name, because
Jehovah has taken It upon himsclf to make you his
people."'-1 Sam. 12:20.25.



The Bible Students certainly found this t o be true

in their case. Some of their experiences during the
years 1914 through 1916, f o r instance, brought disappointment and sorrow. Yet, Jehovah upheld his
people, never forsaking them.-l Cor. 10:13.

the Scriptures warranted, then we must bow to Jehovah's will and adjust our minds and hearts in faith
to His way, still faithfully watching and waiting for
the outworking of associated evcnts."
An incident at the Saratoga Springs convention in
1914 highlights Brother Macrnillan's view of "going
home" to heaven In Chat year. He wrote: "Wednesday
(September 30) I was invited t o talk on the subject,
'The End of All Thlngs Is at Hand; Therefore Let Us
'Be Soher, Watchful and Pray.' Welf, as one would
say, that was down m road. I helleved ~t myseIf
sincerely-that the churcx was 'going home' in Odober.
??lrin~that discourse 3: made this unfortunate remark:
This is probably the last public address X shall ever
deliver because we shall be going home soon."'
The next morning, October 1, 1914, about five hun.
dred Bible Students enjoyed a lovely rlde down the
Hudson River on a steamer from Albany to New
Pork. On Sunda the conventioners were to open
sessions in ~ r o o k r m ,where the assembly would end.
Quite a few delegates stayed at Bethel, and, of course,
members of the headquarters staff were resent at
the breakfast table on Friday morning, 8ctober 2.
Everyone was seated when Brother Rupsell entered.
As usual, he said +eerily, "Good morning, all." But
t h i s particular morning was different. Instead of proceeding promptly to his seat, he clapped his hands
and joyfully announced: "The Gentile times have
ended; thcir kln s have had their day.': "How we
clapped our hanfs!" exdams Cora Merr~ll.Brother
MamilIan admitted: ''We were! highly excited and
I would not have been surprised Lf at that moment
we had just started up, that becoming the signal to
begin ascending heavenward-but
of course there
was nothing like that, really." Sister li?errill adds:
"After a l~rlef pause he lRusseIll said: Anyone disappointed? I'm not. EverytIiing is moving right on
schedule!' Again we clapped our hands."
C. T. EtusseIl made some remarks, but it: was not
long before A. FI. Mamillan became the object. of
attention. Good-naturedly, Russell said: "We are going
to make some changes in the program for Sunda .
+t 10:30 Sunday morning Brother Mamillan w81
give us an address.
That brought hearty laughter
from everyone. After all, just that past Wednesday
Brother Macmillan had given what he thought would
probably be his "last public address." "Wcll,'\vrole
A. H, hlacmillan years later, "then 1 had to get busy
to And something to say. I found Psalm 74:9, 'We
see not our signs: there is no more any prophet:
neither 18 there among us any that knoweth how

A t that time there also were reasons for rejoicin .
For years God's people had pointed forward to 1984
as the year that would mark the end of the Gentile
T'imes, Their expectations did not lead t o disappointment. On J d y 28, 1914, World War I erupted, and as
time marched ov toward Octoker 1 more and more
nations and empires got invoIved. As Jehovah's Christian witnesses know from rheir Scriptural studies, the
eriod of unint~rruptpd Gentile world rule ended in
914, with t h e birth of God's heavenly kingdom with
Jesus Christ as king. (Rev. 12:l-5) But thcre also were
other expectations regarding 1914. Concerning these,
Brother A. H. Macrnillan wrote in his book Il'nitJ~ olt
the March: "On August 23, 1914, as I well recall, Pastor
Russell started on a trip to the Northwest, down the
Paclfic coast and over into the Southern states, and
then ending a t Saratoga Springs, New Yorlr, where
we held a convention September 27-30. That was a
higllly interesthg time because a few of us seriously
thought we were r i n p t o heaven during the first
week of that Octo er!
The idea of goin to heaven in 1914 was strong
among some Biblc gtudents. "Our thought: remarks
Sister Dwight T. Kenyon, "was that the war would
go into revolution and into anarchy. Then those of
the anointed or the consecrated at that time would
die and be glorified. One night I dreamed that t h e
whole ecclesia (congregation) was on a train going
somewhere. There was thunder and lightning, and
all a t once the friends began dying all around me. I
thought that was all right, but try as I would, T
couldn't die. This was quite upsetting! Then all a t once
I &ed and felt so relieved and satisfied. I tell this
just to show how sure we were that all was going to
end soon as far as this old world was concemcd and
that the remnant of the 'little flock'was t o be glorified.
--Luke 12:32."
HazeIle and Helen KruIl recall that during 1914
discussions at the Bethel dining table often centered
on the end of the Gentile Times. From time to time,
they say, Brother Russell made extended remarks,
urging faithfulness and explaining t l ~ a tthe time features had h e n reviewed and still seemed accurate,
but: also that "if we were expecting more than what

long.' Now that was Werent. In that talk 1 tried to
show the friends that perhaps some of us had k e n
a bit too hasty in thinking that we were going to
heaven right away and the thing f o r us to do would
be to keep busy
the Lord's service until he determined when an of his approved servants would
be taken h o m e to Keaven!'
C. T. Russell himself had w a ~ e dagainst private
speculations. For instance, he discussed the end of
the Gentile Times and then said in The Watch TOWW
of December 1,1912: "FinalIy, let us remember that we
did not consecrate Cdedicatel either to October, 1914,
nor to October, 1915, or t o any other date, but 'unto
death.' I f for any reason the Lord has permitted us
to miscalculate the prophecies, the signs of the times
assure us that tlre miscalculations cannot be very
great. And if the Lord's grace and peace be with us
in the iulurc as i n the past, according to 13s promise,
we shall rejoice cqually to go or to remain at any
time, and t o be in His service, either on this side the
veil or on the other side Con earth or in heaven], as
m a y please our Master best."
Even as the climactic year 1914 began, Russell wrote
in The Watch Tower of January 1: "We may not
read the time features with the same absolute certainty as doctrinal features; for time is not so definitely
stated in the Scriptures a& are the basic doctrines.
We are still walking by faith and not by sight. W e

arc, however, not faithless and unbelieving, but faithful and waiting. I f later it should be dcmonstrnted
t h a t the Church is not glorifl~dby October, 1914, w e
shall rry t o Ice1 content with whatever the Lord's
will may be."'
So, there were great expectations concerning 1914
on the part of many of the Bible Students. Pet, they
also had received sound admonition in pages of The.
Watch iraz~wr. Indeed, some Christians thought they
were 'gain5 home' to heaven in the autumn of that
year. "But,' says C. J. Woodworth, "October lst, 1914,
came and went-and years accumulated after that
the ano9nted were still here on earth. Some
grew sour and fell away from the truth. Those who
put their trust in Jehovah saw 19.914as truly a markcd
time-the 'beginning of the endJ-but they also realized
their previous concept was wrong concerning the 'glorification of the saints! as it was stated. Thev now ncrceivecl that much work yet remained for the-faithful
anointed ones-and of that group my father [Clayton
J. Woodworthl was one."
But disappoktrnents about going to heaven in 1914
really were very minor, compared with the great



expectations realized in connection with that year.

During the first six months of 1914, nathing happened
to the Gentile nations, though the Bible Students long
had pointed out that the Gentile Times would expire
in that year. Hence, reli ious leaders and others sidieuled C. T. Russell an$ the Watch Tower Society.
Yet, Jehovah certainly had not forsaken hs people
or allowed them to be misled. Moved by his holy
spirit, they carrried on their witness work, not expecting the end of the Gentile Times until autumn of
that year. As the months wore on, tension increased
throughout Europe, and still ridicule against the Kingdom message was mounting. W h e n nabon after nation
became enmeshed in the first world war, however,
there was a difference. The work of Jehovah's Christian
witnesses was brought prominently into view.
A typical press reaction of the time appeared in
Tho World, then a leading New York city newspaper.
Its Sunday magazine section of August 30, 1914, co7;
tained the article "End of All Kmgdomg in 1914.
There it was stated, in part:
'The terryc war outbreak in Europe has fulfilled
an exlraordlnary prophecy. For a quarter of a cen;tury past, through preachers and through press, the
International ,Bible Students,' best ltnown as 'Mlllennial Dnwncrs, have been proclaiming to the world
that the Day of Wrath prophesied in the Bible would
dawn in 1914. 'Look out for 19'14!' has been the cry
of the hundreds of travelling evangelists who, representing this strange creed, have gone up and down the
country enurndating the doctrine that 'the Kingdom of
God is at hand. . . .
"Rev. Charles T. Russell is the man who has been
ropoundir]lg this interpretation of the Scrfptures since
b74. . . . In view of this strong Bible ev~dence,'Rev.
lZussell wrote in 1889, 'we consider it an established
truth that the final end of the hngdoms of this world
and the full establrshment of thc Rlngdom of God
will, be accomplished by the end of A.D. 1914.' . ,
"Eut to say that the trouble must culminate in 1914
-that was peculiar. For some strange reason,
haps because Rev. Russell has a very calm, ~g!%
mathematics style of writing fnstead of flamboyant
soap box manners, the world in general has scarcely
plren him into account. The students over in his
Brooklyn TabernacIe' say that this was to be expected, that the world never dicl listen to divine warn.
ings and never will, until after the day af trouble is
past.. . ,
"And in 1914 comes war, the war which everybody
dreaded but tvhich everybody thought could not really




ha pm. Rev. Russell is not saying 'I told you so';

an$ he is not revising the prophecies to suit the

current history. He and his students Rre content to

wait-to wait until O c i p e r , which they figure to
be the real cmd of 1914.
R u e , t h e EibFe Students were not 'taken homep to
heaven tn October 1914. But the 2320-war-long Gcntlle
Times then ended. Andn as Jehovah" servants later
realized mo? fthly, they had plenty of work to clo
d t e r that tlme right here on earth in reaclilng
t h e goad n p w s of GWs established king&rn. Esidently many ~vould yet respond favorably to ntblc
truth. Regarding this, Russelll ~ v r o t c in The Wn!rqlt
3T021'~rof Febnrary 15, 1915: 7.h~i-c TI? certain in.
dicntions that t h e Lord has a great work for all I-lis
pcople, 13s watching sainls, at t h prcscnt
time. ,
There are some of t h e Lord's r h i l d r ~ nwho seem
scssed with the idea that 'the door js slrut,' nnd
thcre is no further opportunity far scrcice. So they
become jndol~nt in regard to the Lortl's wor'lr. We
should lose no time dreaming that the door is sbilt!
There are people who are seeking the Truth-people
who are sitting in darkness. There never was a time
lil~cthe present. Never have so many pcople been !nea,dy
t o hear the good Message, In all the forty years of
Harvest there have not been such o portunities lo
proclaim the ruth as now prcsent tlemsplven. The
great war and the ominous signs of the limes are
waking pcople up, and many are now inquiring. So the
opIe should he very diIigcnt, doing wllh
their m g h t what their hands flnd l o



In essence, then, God's people were talA t o remaln

steadfast and 'have plenty to do in the work of the
Lord! (1 Cor. 15:581 Fnrther indicating that Brother
Russell was convinced that there was a great: work
ahead for Jehovah's servants was an incident r e
lated years later by k H. Macmillan. C. T. Russell
always spent his mornings, from P:OO a.m. untH noon,
preparing Watch T a z w articles and engaging in orhrr
writing and Bible research Marmillan wrote: "Nobody ever w e n t near the study durI~rg those hours
unless they were sent for or had som~thing very

important. About f i x r e minutes after eight n st*

nographer came runnlng down the stairs and said to
me: 'Brother Russell wants to see you in the study."
I thought, 'What have I been doing now?' T o Ire
called t o the study in the morning meant therc was
something important." Listen to Brother Mamillan's
further account:


"I went to the study sad he said: '?om@ in, brother.

Please wallc into thc drawing rpom. It was an extension of thc study. H e said: Brother, are you as
clrcply Intercstcjd in thc truth as you yere when you
hcgan?' 1 looked surpl4serl. He said: Don't bc surprlscrl. Tltnt was just a leading t/~!estion.' Then he
d r a r . r l h ~ to nlr! his physical condition, and I M e w
cnnuch about physlrat cllagnosls to know that he would
not li{,C! very r n y y morr months unless he had some
n * l i ~ T .Hc! said: iV'~'e11,now, hmlher, what I wanted to
11.11 you is !his. I am not able to c a r y on tlie work any
1tmgc:r, ant1 yet t3~srcts n great wor t o be done. . .
"I snltl: 'Brothrr Russell, tvhnt you are talking about
clo~sn't.ndd up. It doesn't make good sense.'
"'Whnt do you moan, brother?' he asked.
"'Your dylnlr and this worlr goin on?' I replied.
Why, tvlyen you dle wr will all eom$accntly fold our
arms nnd wait l o go to heavcn with you. We ~ 5 1 1

quit t h ~ n . '

"'Brother,' he sald, 'If that b your idea, you don't

see I h c Issue. TIils Is not man's work. 1 a? not
!mportnnt to thls worlc. T h e light Is getting brighter.
Tllerc? IH n gmnl !vorlc ahmd!
"Af t ~ oulllrrlng
I hr! wclrl; nhcad, Brother Russell
snid: Now, wllnt I want $5 fiorneone who wlll come
1n hcrc to take the reapondblllty from me, 2'11 still
dlrccl thc w o ~ l c ,but I'm not able t o attend t o it as
1 hnve in the ~anl.'So wc discussed various ersons.
Flnnll when 7! left and a ~ s c dlhrou h a slid% door
hnliwily, he sntrf: $Just n mFnee. you go t o
yarir room and talk I n the Lord on this matter and
cotnc nnd ZclI me if Brother Mnrrnlllan will accept this
jab," ITc closcrl the dnnr wltllaut my saying anything
mure. Well, I thIt~k T stoocl there half dazed. What
rould I (lo to nsnlst Hrothcr Russell in this work? It
fcrluir~dn man t h a t wo~rldltavr some business abilities
n21uut l ~ i m ond
nil I: h u m wns how t o preach sel~gion.
However, I thougllt it over and came bark later and
snid to him: 'Bn~lher,J'11 do anything that I possibly

. .


can. I don't rare whcre you put mc.'"

Condncerl tltnt tl~crewas so much work ahead for
God's pcople, C , 'S. Ru~seH told his close associates
to prepfir(* for R crowth In their numbers. H e made
ccrl ain c11anFes that would draw the organization
togclhcr, nnrl ~ecornmendcd future changes m The
event that hr! coulrl not. rarry them out personally.
A. 1-1. M n m i l l a n was laced in charge of the ofice
nnd thr Bethel home.
dcspjte Russell's rapidly
iafllna hrnllh ancl extreme physjcal. discomfort by
nutumn of 1x6, he set out on a previously asranged
lccturt? tour.



Y ~ U T ~ O O ~

A FLNAL Y O r n h T Y
De a d n g from New York on OcDctohr 16, 1916,
~ r o t f e rRussell ancl his secretary, Mentn Sturlynn,
traveled t o Detroit, l'vfichigan, by way of CanntIa. The
two men then went on t o CE~lmjio, Illinois, down
through Kansas and on into T e x ~ s .EIis rontlitlon o f
hraltll was such that hls secretary had l o suhslitule
for him at several speaking engagcmcnis. O n ?ticsdflv

evening, October 24, at San Aninnlo, Texns, ~ u s s r ~ l

rlclIvcred his last public talk, on the suhjcct " ' 1 ' 1 1 ~
World on Fire." During this discourse. he hntl lo lrrtv~
the platform three times, while Iris ~ccrclnry illlcd
In for him,
Tu~sdnynight, Brother Ru~lxcll and hla secretary
and traveling associate were ahnnrrl n train en souti?
to California. A sick man, Russrll rcrnnlned in k d
all tlny Wrvlncsday. At one point, tr~klng the nfling
man's trnnd, Russell's travclln~:nssoclnlr s ~ t l t l : "Thnt
I s IIte greatest creed-srnasl.ling Ilnntl X. rvvr sn!ltl"
Itussull replied that he did not thinlc I t wouitl snmsh
any more ~ ~ e e d s ,
The two men were detained one day at Del Rlo,
Texas, because a bridge had been burncd nnd nnotIlcr
had t o bc erected. They pulled out of: Del Rio on T11ut.~day morning. On Friday night they chnngcd tralns nC
n lunction point in California. All day Saturday Itussell was in severe pain and ex crlenrln~:crenl w ~ n h .
ncss. The arrived In Los nngrka on S \ I I I ~ : LOYC, ~ O ~ I C ~
29 nnrl &ere that evening C. 7'. Ilusstbll g:lve his laat
1:~tkl o n cnngrc~ation.13y that titnt! I!(! was so wt$nl<
111:iL 1~ was unnl~leto stand for t l i ~rlirrr.ourse. "1 rccrcht
thnt 3, am not able to spcnlc wiih foiT-c or poowt3r3,"
hitid Itussell. IIe then br:vkunccl In t fir cirairfnnn to
rrmovt? tl): stand and Iring a cllnll-, ~nytrii: 11: ht!
r a t clown, 'Pardon m e for sitting down, pIc;rsc. l l c
spoke for about forty-five minutes, then nnswewd
r ilrstions for ? short lime. Dwiglit T. 'ICmyml s x y s o f
tknt occasion: 3
' had the privile~cof ntlcnding Drul hrr
R~wsell'slast talk in Los Angrl1.s un Ocloher 29, 191fi.
very ill and remained seated rlurin h i s (11scoursc on Zechariah 13:7-9.IIow 111s good$yc? text,

I.Tc w a s

Numbers 6:24-26, impressccl mc!"

Renlizlng that his severe condition would not allow

him t o a on, Russell decided to cnncel the rest ot
hls speafing appointments and roturn quickly to tho
ncthcl home in Brooklyn, On Tucstlay, Octobrr 31,
C . T. Russell was on the verge af rlcnth. At IJnnhandlc,
Texas, a physician summoned ccilll~r by tolccmph
tern ornrIIy boardcd t h e traifi ancl oI>~crvmll i u s s r l l ' ~
eoaclrion, recognizing the critical symptoms. T i ~ t ~tl~e
Irnln Iras under way again, Shortly tiicrcnilcl; In



early aftmnoan of Tuesday, October 38,1918,s1 -fouryear-old Charles Tnze Russell dled nt FnmpnTexas.
Charles Taze Russell'g many trials, preach,ing activities, d t f n g rcs onsiMlitjcs m d other dur~eshad
drawn greally on !ls vltnlliy. Fnr about thirtptwo
years he had servcd a1 president of the Watch Tower
Bible and Tsart Sosfety, Rrl)nrledly, hc trnvelcd more
than a million milrs aa a puhlic sprnker, reaching
over 3o.000 scrmons. FTc wrale ilirml ul-r tots!rig more
than 50,000 )ages, orten dlr:Lntcd n Ihotlsantl letters
a month, wflilt! managlng n worldd?ndrcling evangelistic campaign thtti n l rlno tlme ~ n ~ p l o y e d
speakers, FurthcrmorP, Tlussrll pt~ssonnlly compiled
the most informativr Bthlicnl drama ever exhibited,
the Photo-Drama of Crcnt loti.
Since Brather Russell hnd played such a prominent
role In the work o f ~Icclnrlngthe good news, he was
missed greatly by many Rlhlc Studcnt~."When 1 read
the telegram regarding hls rltxa; h to the 13c-the1 family
at breakfast thr: next morn in^, said A, 31. M,ymillnn,
"there were moans it11 o v r r i l ~ et l l n l n ~room. Among
God's people in gcncrnl thcrt: wrrr rnlx~rl rencliolls.
Arden Pate, who, incldeninlly, wns i111 altrndant at:
the Majestic T!~ealrr: In S i ~ nAiltonlo when C. T.
Russell gave h u I R Ypuhllc
t ~ l l c 01)servcs: "Some
said, 'That's the end ot it,' find for ~kemit wns because
they didn't: see Jehovah lcnrling his eople, but they
looked too much to one rn:~n."A l Zuascll's funeral
services on Sunday, Nov~rnhcr5,1IH6, in tho New York
City TempIe, a number nf his closr nssocInles spoke of
the great loss. Iiowcver, thrrc were nlso exhortations
to continud failhfrilncss. Scparnlc services were held
at the Carncgic Music l Iall in Pittsbur~hIAllrgheny),
Pennsylvania, beginning at 2 p.m, on Nr~vernber6, with
interment in the Brtht.1 Fnrnlly plot of Zhc I~osemont
United Cemeer~cs,Allrgljeny, fit tltlsk of that day.
During the morning funeral scrvlce in New York
city, A. H. Mncmlllnn lolrl aboul the tnllr Brother
Russell had with him shortly brfare his dratli, mentioning also certain steps l<ufl~rlltook Jn connection
with the work at the Socicty's hcndquartcrs. Then,
among other Ihfngs, Mnr-millan derlnrrd : " T l ~ ework
before us i s great, but the Lord will filva us the necessary grace and strength to perfurn1 It. , . some
faint-hearted workers may think the tlme has come
to lay down our harvesting lnqtruments ~ n wait
the Lord calls us home. This Is not the tlmc Ior slackers
t o be heard. This is a tlmc for action-mote deteiminctl
action than ever before l"



Nearing the concludon of Ms discoume at the

evening service, 6. F. Rutherford said: "My beloved
brethrewwe who are here and all who are In the
earth-what shall we do? h a l l we slacken our z e ~ l
f o r the cause of our Lord and Icing? No! 13y hfs grurc
tve will i ~ c our
~ %eaI
e and energy, t o finish attc
course rmth joy. W e mll not fear n o r falter, hut will
stand sho:~Ider to shoulder, contending for the faith,
rejoicing In our privilege of proclaiming the M e s s a ~ e
of his Kin,adorn."
Notetvorthy, too, were the remarks of the !%cIeiy's
secrftary-Oeasurer, W. E. Van Am burgh. At R!issell's
semces, he stated: 'This great worldwlpfde work Is
not t h work
of one person. It is far too great for that.
It is God's work and ~tchanges not. God has usec?many
servanls in 1he past anrl Hc will dozthtless usc many
in the future. Our consccmiion is not to 8 man, or
to a man's work, but lo [lo tile ?r?ilL of God, as 1-I@shnll
reveal it unto us through His Word and providential
leaclings. God is still at the helm."
For God's people those were diflcult days, indeed,
Yet,they looked t o Jehovah for aid. IPS,121:l-3) God
tvould raise up others to carry major responsihllitius
in his organization. The preaching work would go on.
Jehovah's servants had just passed through EL tr in
tfme, but years of cnsls were ahead of them. &t!?
the death of C. T . Russell on October 31, 1916 the
Watch Tower Society laclced & president. until its
annual meeting on January 6, 1917, an cxacutlvc
committee managed the Society'# nffnlrs. Durrng that
period, of course, the question of who would bo the
next president arose. One day Brathcr Van Arnhurt:!~
asked A. H. Maernillan: "Brother, what do ynu thltllt
about it?"
is only one person, whcthcr you
liIia it or not, replied Marmillan. "Thcre is only nnc
man w h o can t a k e charge of this work now, nnrI
that i s Brother Rutherford." Taking MacrniIInnk hanntl,
Brather Van Amburgh said: "I'm with you." J. F.
Ruthe$md knew nothing about this and rtic? no e l ~ r poneerlng for votes. Eut at the Society's annual mectIng on January 'y, 1917, he was nominnlcd and
elected as the president o f the Watch To1rt.r Sodrly.
Humbly assuming his new responsil,i lit y, mot hcr
Ruthetford spoke brieny on that accasion, requcslin
the "united prayers deep sympathy and unqrlnllfim?
cooperalion" of his fellorv beliercrs. He assurcd th.rrnr
"He who has thus far led us will continue t o lead us.
Let US have brave hearts, ready minds and willing
hands, trusting implicitly always in the Lord, 100liing
t o Him f o r guidance. He will lead us to certain vlctory.
Renewing our Covenant with Him today, united In

the holy bonds o f Chrlatlan love, may we go forth

procldmlnq,/o thc world, 'The Kingdom of Heaven





nt hancl.


Rutherford I~irnself was a cuuragews fighter for

the trtlth. Ile wns horn of Bapttsr parents in Morgan
County, MissourZ, on November 8, 1369. From Sister
Ross, the clRcr nnturaY s l s l ~ r of Josyph FranWin
Itut l~erlorrl,A. B. Scl~lnrderImrned this: Their father
trns a stnutic11 nnptlst out in Missouri where the
family llverl. rlcr ycfimyer brother S o s ~ p hnever could

nccrpt Ihs Rrt tkl "~rllRrc*teaching. This resulted

in mnny heatrtl' d k s t v s In the household even before
they llnd het~rri of lllc truth. Iicr I~rotheralways had
hcrn orlc of sfrong ronvlctions tv3th a deep sense of
lustice. l'rom yozltl~ he wnnlerl to br a lawyer and a
]u~lj:o. Thcir fnl hrr wanlrd him to stay on the farm
rather than go to crdlcgr? to study law. Joseph had
l o get R friend who wollFd loan him money, not only
to hire A r e p l a ~ ~ i n e nfor
t 11lm on s:h father's farm,
but a l ~ otb flnnncr! l l i ~atudics in law.
Josrph Rut hcrforrl paln 113s own way through school.
Arnony: otlicr I hlngs, hr! h ~ c x m cnn expert nt taklng
shorlhand, n skill wry usrfu'i ears later in quickly
rccorrling hls l hnu hta f o ~BiblEnl nrticler and other
n ~ x t r ~ ~ lWl~llr
f : l a l in school, Joge h Rutherford becamp il 00~11.R L F I I V ~ I O ~ ~ C ~ . Tlll~cnn%led him to finish
pnyin f o r his cour~rc and also gave him practicaI
c-xllertnca. Aircr c-ompl~tinghis academy education,
Rulher.for.d spcnt two ycnrs imder the tutelage of
Judre 14:. L. I~,dwartls.At twenty years of age, Joseph
Rril l~rr
Pnrtl hr~varncI hc omulnl reporter for the courts
of' lht! Faurtcent 1 Jutlfcial Circuit in Missouri, W h e n
twpnly-two, lir tvaa ntlmlt tecl to the Missnuri bar. HIS
lirensc to rnctlfc Inlv in that state w a s granted on
BTny 5, I&. nc.rnrtiinq to tllc r ~ r a i l sof the Cnopcr
CI1,r:ttl t Court, tlttth~rlorrf hegan praFticing law at
tlor~nvllle, hTissuz~rl, as n trial lawyer with the law
firm of DrntTcn and Wright.
J. F.Ruthcr ford Inter senred for four years as public
prosecutor in F3oonvilIe, Mtssourl. Still later he b c
came n sper3inl j~idpej t i thr same Fourteenth Judicial
Distrlcl of ~ i s s o u r i .Tn this capacity, If the regular
jurlgc was unal~lr to hold court, Tluthedord sat as
n suhsllrutc jt~tlge. Court records substantiate his
nppolnlmcnt n s ;I sprcial judge on more than one
oocnslon. IJen~e,he came to be lrnown as "Judge"
IIazelle and Helen Krull remember hearing J. F.

Ruthcrford tcll how he flrst became interested in the



truth' proclaimed by Jehovaht& sewants. They tell

us: 'During one of B r o t h ~ rRutherford's asits he
suggested a walk in the moonlight out into the rountr
side. As w e walked, he taihcd, trlling of his c a r 6
lifc and how he became interested in the t n ~ t h .IJc
was brou h t up on a farm but he wanted to stlirly
law. His &ther felt the need of his help cln the fnrm
but finally consented to Iet him go if he paid his
own may in schaol and also paid fur a helper 018 t l ~ c
farm to take his place. During summer vacation time
he sold books in order to live up t o his agreemcr~t..
H e made a omise to himself t h a t when hc became
a ractlcing%wyer, If anyone ever came to his olllce
sceini: hooks hr would buy them. That day camc [in
18941, but hia law artner talked to the caller. SShr


was a 'colporteur-8istcr Elimhetll Hettenbaugh-anrl

was presenting three volumes of Jiillcn~tirtZDrl ion. 1-Ils
artner was not interested and dismissed her land
Rcr nssodaie colporteur, Sister Reelcrl I3rol her lluther-

ford, emerging from his private onice, I l a v i n ~ ovrrheard sorncthing about books and rernembcnn 111s
resolve, called her back, took the books and
them in his library at home and th~r.ret h e rcmninctl
fpr a while. One day as he uynseonvalescLg from 8
s ~ c kspell Ile opened one of t h e books and srarlcd to
read. That was the beginning af a llfelong i n t ~ r e s t
and a never-ceasing devotion and service to his Cod,"
Meetings of the Bible Siudents were not held In
the immediate vicinity of the Rutherford heme. ITowever, Clarence B. Beaty sa s: "l*'rom 1904 on, meelinga
were hrld in our home. Jstcr Rutherford and Jucl
Rutherford came up from Uounvillc, Missouri, for
Memorial [of Christ's cleathl, , , I-Zc partook of Ills
first Mcmorial ant1 gave his A r s t p i l ~ r ~ rtalk
n to the
friends in our home. Tlrc hef~lno one in the tnith in
BuonviIle except Ihcrnseces.
But how did J. F. Rutherford get started as a
reacher of the good news? Well, A. H. Macmlllan
argely was responsible for that MetcmiIlan met
Ruthcrford in DO5 at ICansas City during a trip across
t h e United States with Brother RusseII. A little Inter
Brother Macmillan stopped to visit Judge Tturherlorct
for a day or truo. One conversation betwcc~r thcnr
went like this:
"Judge, you ought to be preachfng the truth here,"
T'm not a preacher. I'm a lawyer:'
'Well, now, Judge, I'Il show you what you can do.
You go and get a copy of the Holy Bible nnd a small
group of people, and teach them about life, d e ~ t hand
the hereafter. Show them where we got our life, wh
we came into the condition of death and what dentx


means. Take the Scrl turefi arr a witness, and then

wind up by saying, ~ l c r cI have fulfilled everything

Illce 1 said,' ust n s you would to the jury in a court
trlal, nnd dr ve it hame in conclusion."
"That doesn't sound too bad."
What happened after that? DId Rutherford do an
thing nbout that advice? Brother Macmillan r e p o r t 2
"Tl~ure was a colorcd man that worked on a little
f ~ r mFhnt wns next to his cIty heme, close t o the edge
of town, About [lite~aor t wunty colored people were
thew, nntl ha wwnt over there to givy them a sermon
on 'Lifr, Dcath nnrl the IIemaf~cr. While he was
t n l k l n ~ thcy lrept saying, 'I'misc the Lord, Judge!
1Vhrrt: dld you p t all that?' IIe had a great time.
Tlint was Ilic flrst Uiblc talk hc ever gave."
Not long I hcrc:~Acr,In 1906, J. F. Rutherford symholizrd his rlcdicntlon to Jelinvah God, Wrote Brotl~er
M n r m l l I ~ ~"I
~ : hntI thr rivjlcge of baptizing h i at
Snint Rial Minnrsota.
was one of 144 persons that
I p o r s ~ ~ i n l!,npt[zed
in walcr that day. So when he
became president of the Society, I was especially
Xn lW7 Ruthorford hcame the Watch Tower Soclcly'~leg$E munsrlor, ~ c r v i nat~ its Plttsburgl~headunricrq He wns pr,lvilcf:cd i r ncaotlntc
rnallrra when
~ o c i e llrnnsl'errcd
lt~i opcmtions to Brooklyn,
Nrw Yurk, In 390!3, To do this, he marlc application
t~ilrlw t ~
odmittrtl l a the New York bar, becoming a
rccoffr~izecllnwyrr Ior that ~tntc.On*May 21 of !he
~nrnl!ycnr, 32iilli~rford WRS also admtted to practice
hcfnre Ihe Unltcrl States Supreme Court.
J . F, Ruthorford frequently gave rliscourses as a pilgrim, n t rnvcllna rcpres~ntntlvao f the Watch Tower
Societ , IIe journeyer1 wltlcly as a Rible lecturer in
t l l ~ILI~PII
Stater, rpcnhini: In many colleges and
universlt los by rcrlucst, nntl he also addressed large
rlurl lr.nr,r*.r t h r o u ~ l ~ o u1,:uro
,o. Ruthcrford visited Egypt
nnd Pnlratinc, nnrl In 191:4, accompanied by his W e ,
hc trnvclrtl tn I:crrnnny, where he addrcsscd aufienees
lolaling 13,000.


mg m
Jesus Christ said that all h i followen; were "brothers" and that 'the one greatest among them must he
thelr rninlstrr." (hlalt. 23:it-12) Hence, no true Christian ~ccortls any fcllow beIiever undue importance.
Yct, Ihr! IXil-rle rcvcills 1 he Irnits of various servants
u i Got]. Moscs, for example, was noted f o r meekness;
dames an11 John, thc sons of Zebedee, for their fiery
(Num. 12:J; Mark 3:17; Luke 9 : 5 9 Sincc
Joscph F. nutl~erford wns entrusted wjth much re




sponsibility in God" earthly orgnnizavtIon, it is o f

some interest t o note his -traits and cloal1ttes.
"Rutherford had always manlfesicd n deep Christian
love for his associates,'' said A. H. Mncmillna, "and
was very kindhearted; but he was not naturaIIy of
the same entie, quiet-mannered dis osllion ns Russell.
1Ic was firect and outspoken an[{ i i d no1 hltlc hi^
foeHngs. His bluntness, even when 5 olcrn In kindness,
wns so~nctjlnesmisunderstood, But r lmd bccn presj.
[lent only a short time when ft became IE parrnt Illnt
tllc Lord had chosen the right man l o r ifc job."
Further insight into Rutherford's c!rsonnlity is
gained from what took place in (Ilr dlhle S l u d ~ n t ~ '
old London Tahrrnacle whcn hc gave tlw M ~ ~ m o r I n l
t a l k tlrerc on April 18, 1Y2.l. Conrrrnlng thls, Slster
Willlam P. I-lenth writes: "The Tnhcrnnclc wny nn
oltl Episcopalian church that tlle Sorirty hnd bought
clleap, and they used it for Sunday r n ~ ~ t l nas~ swe
usr n Kingdom KaIl today,
. 'r'ht3 ~lFlnco for thc
apcnker was way up at the ceiling, ahout twenty fwt
off t h e floor. Only his head would Ilc vlsil,lr whcn
~(Tdressingthe audience. Maybe this i$ why Brot11p.r
Jtuthrrford called it the "horse trou
I-IP refused to
f r o it; in fact, he shacl;rRhihe hroil~crs by
ccming down and standing on a Ir!vel wlth Ihrm,''
When Brother Rutherford first assumerl thc! presidency of the Watch Tower Sodcty, ihcre wns n nccd
for courage, faithfulness ant1 dcl crminaiion, He
mnnlfested such ualities. For instance, Esthcr I, MOP
rig recalls a t a k Kuthcrford gnvc hcYorc 8. lareo
o~tdlcnccas a pilgrim in what was t'iyti the Mg cht
thenrcr in Boise, Idaho. She s t a l ~ s : I r i s exposf of
f:il~ereligion arousecl the ire of sc~~!rnl
local clcrcp
tnm, who lrIw2 to interrupt and chnllcnge him, hut
his emphatic 'Sit down! I demand tllc prof.ectlon of
lhr law?' made him able to ~,nllnrrr.Rit,le Stitrlenl.:
from adjacent towns came and wc Illred a hall and
so had a small convention. 1Te was nlosl rmphatic
lo 1st j l l ~ eknown that lhfs messagc and ministry wtls
no small thing."
A rnther touchin reffedon on Brother Rutherford'a
neturc Is provide{ by h e ElstIon. RccnllIng her
outh, J l e writes: "We visited many times wit11 Brothcr
nlherford. On one occasion scveral of us younger
people were gathered together and Rrothcr !lut hcrf r~rd
came over t o us. We asked many questtons nl~imt
school, flag-saluting, etc., and he talketl to us a long
tlrne. When he was ready to say notl+l,ye, he held t h e
hands of all five of us in his two I I ltnnds
so t o v t n ~ l y
nnd he had tears in his eyes. H e was so Ira py and
touched to see us, so yamg and yet talking a l o u l tlic

. .


things of the truth. I've never forgotten it. Just

rother Ruaqell was l o v i n ~ we atso felt the love

of this big Brothcc ~~utherfnrd!'


Brother Rutherford was determlncd to press on
with the work of Kingdom-preaching. For
the guidanec uf Jellovnh's holy spirit, the BE:%$?%
had carried on a remarkably cxtcnsive campaign in
declaring God's truth. Why, frotn 1870 through 1913
tile had distributerl. 22H,25.),71D tracts and pamphlets
an$ 6,950,292 bound hnolcv. Jn the! momsnious year
1914 aIone Jehovah's scrvi1tlt8 pul out 71,2X5,037 tract3
and pamphlets and 092,,445 bound boolts. The years
1915 and 1916, hutvevcr, saw n tlccllnr! in publishing
activities because oP the expanding of World War I
and the breakdown of cqornmunl~:nllons.
In 1917,though,
the work began showlng an upward trcntl. W h y ?
The Society's new president prom tly reorganid
the headquarters ofilce In Brooklyn. Furthermore, he
acted to revitallzc the Rrld work. TFlese changes,
however, and the prop-amshe ~lt~pperl
up wcrr tliose
that 6.T. Russell hnrl h c ~ u n .Pil1:rlm r~l)rcsentativcs
of the Society were incrrnscvl from six1 y-ri~nr*l o ninetythree. Distribution of frr?r. trncls wrts nrccleratcd on
occasional Sunday8 in front 01 I l ~ orbhurchrs~ n regud
larly from housc to housa. A new fovr.page tract,
T l ~ oBibla SCrldcnts JMonLhEy, was publ~shed and in
1917 alone 28,iiti5,000 frpc copies werc distrlbutcd.
Also stepped up waa n new activity stnrtrd prior to
C. T. Russell's denth. Called the 'Pastorn1 Work,"
it mas a forclwnner of thc return d s l t s now made by
Jehovah's Christian wttncssrs. In Russell's time this
activity was Iimited to n h o t ~ l500 congregations that
had voluntarjIy elcctehd him as ihrlr pnstos, In a letter
to these he descril~edthe undrtflnlring as "ran irnpot-tant
Follow-up Work posaihlr in c-~~niil*rt~nn
will1 atldrcss~s
received a t Public M e ~ t i n ~ DRAMA
F:xhlMtions, from
Colporteur Lists, PIC.--persons who su p o s ~ d l y llxve
some interest in religious mnucrr and ,En pirsumebly
worrld be more or less amenable to Ihc! Truth.
Women in Ilie congregation who weri? Intcrestecl in
performing this work elected one of their number to
serve as a lieutcnant and anol her na seerctary-treasurer.
A city was divided into trrrltorinl disttdcts, assigned
to individual sistcrs who c ~ l l 4on a l l whose names
had been supplied as Intcrcstrtl lr?rsnns. The callers
loaned books, which mrlld he read and rtu;lictf by the
borrower. "Thcn none I~ad tl~cexcuse, I have no
money; as it was a free loan," r~rnnrks Esther I.
Morris. At the call's conclusion the housetiolder was

told that a chart talk en the '2)ivIne Plan" would Boon
be given in the district, and those manifcstlng in.

tcresr wem encouraged to attend. Af tenr~nrrlfollow-up

calls were made on individuals att~ntllng,In an sfTort
In begin a study in the first volk!rne 0 1 Slrirlk..r dtr tltn
Smiptptres, entitled 'The Divine P l ~ nof Ihr A g ~ s . "So
Ihe culmination of the program was to gather pcrsona
Illto "rlasses,"' first to hear chart talk^ and later l o

became regular groups called "Bercan Clossea."-Act s

Other steps were taken b the Society's new prcsldent, J. I?. Rutherford, to re&aliae tho pronehln worlr.
Th* eol orteur service was pxpandcd. S3his fraught
the totn? up from 373 to 461 colpmrlours. To nssist
them, I n early 1917 the Socirty h r ~ a nIssuing n pnprr
called "Bulletin." It containetl pcrir ~rllcsrrvlce inst ructions from headquarters. h t c r , afrrr Ort nbcr 1T22,
t l ~ rRttlI~ti.~t
became nvailahlc mr)nthly to the H ~ t ~ l e
Studcnts i n genera1. IEventtlally it was nqy~ed "13i?.rvlor," then "Tnformant" and thorraf tcr Kingdom
Ministry.") Sister H. Gambill says that, tn limr, "it
1 1 ~ 1 1prepared testimonies ivlvllich wr! vallcd 'canvn.ssesM
tlrnt we were encouraged to rnemerizc l o use In flrld

. ..

s~rvim.M y sister-in-law
would Sollaw me all ovcr
from room to room trying t o aet cver word just
cxnct. She so wanted to get it just right," $ellectlng on
thr! fact that the Baclireth contained repnrect lestlmonlc=s,Elixsheth E h d says: "I approckted Illis, far we
(lid not have an arrangement, :Is wc now have, of n
pcrson golng along wit11 anotllrr Lo I r:dn find help
one l u become an effective publisher. This unlficd the
message going out."
As the rejuvenation campaign continued, other step
mcre taken by the Societyhs new adminlatratEon bnck
in 1917. For instance, a number of regional convcntlons
were held. These wem designcd In cmcournge thc
I3ihlc Students to press on will] their worlc and not
bccomr weary in welI-doing.
Just bcrore 1914 C. T. Russell placed emphasis on
a pul~llr:speaking program. Now it was t l m e to QTrange for further qualified speakers la reprr!scnt the
Wnlch Tower Society from t l ~ cpublic: p l ~ t f o r m ,How
was this done? The program used was i h r V. D. M.
nrl-angernenl. These etters stood f ~ the
r 1,atln woi-ds
V a M Dsi Minister, meaning "Minister of the Word of
Gocl." The program consisted of a questionnnirc ~narlc
available to both men and women nssocislcd wltll
congregations of Bible Students.
liere are some sample questions ap arlng on the
V. D. M. questionnaire. How well c o u ! you nnswer
thein? (1) What was the flrst creative act of God7



( 4 ) What is the dlvlne penally for sin u on the

sinners? and who arc the a nneis? (01 0 1 wha! nature
was the M a n Christ Jesus from Inf~rItyto death?
(7)Of what nature is Jesus slner the resurrection; and
what is his oficial rclatlnn to Jehovnh? 13) What wjll
be the reward or blessings which will rsumtt t o the
world of mankind l111-ouy:h ohrrliencr? i o Mesdah's
kingdom? (16) H R Y you
tl~rnerl fi'om 6in to serve !he
living God? (17) H a v ~you mndc n full cons~cratlon
of your lift? and all your powcra.r and talents to t h e
Lord and his servir-c? (J8) Ilave you ayml-lollzed this
consscraiion by water immersion? (22) 110 you helievc
you have a subfiiantial and pc:smfinmt knowledge of
the Bible which will rcndcr you mnrc i%Ricien.tas a
servant of the Lorrl thrnu~houl the rernnil~dt~r
of your


Those submitting their answers t o the Sadetys

V. D. M. department rccetvcrl a retIy thnt incluiled

"some IFindIy suggcstlons and hlntu reg rcting their

answers. Among othcr things, L wns de&d
timt tlie
questions be ~nswercd by indhlduals in their own
Explahinq matters a IIttle further, George E. Hannan wntes: Thcsc qucstlnns wpm to usrve ns R ~ u l d t ?
in determining lrtnv wrll nn !nrllvldufll unrlrrsto~rlf he
basic doctrines of the I3lbIr. Any rlrrllraflir*tlI)c!rRon who
obtained an 85.perceni rntmg wnw conslrlrrr!ll qunlrflcd
to teach. All s ~ ~ c lhrolhrrs
wcrc! rlunllflcrl to give
public talks and chnrl tnlka. T1.lrsc qucstlons encouraged all who assoclnted with thc Sotblcty t o read
the six volurncs of Sflrtibrs dm the Hmiptirrce, looking
up all the Smiptr~raIrrf'crences."
So it was that, as thc new president of the Watch
Tower Society, J. F. lluth~rfwrltonlc immediate steps
to accelerate the \vnrlc of preaching the good news
of God's kingdom. l3lcssi11gsfnllnw~d.The ycar 1917
witnessed increased ficld nctlvlly lo the praise of
Jellovah God.
4 1 ~NOT
0 nm PIT~XED
Not all persons wlthin tha organization, however,
were happ when J, F, rtuthcrforrl was electcd prestdent. In Let, ,leginning cnrly in 1.1, several indivlduals ambitbusly sougl~t to gain adrn1nlstrn:ive
control of the Society, Tllry lwcnrne very uncooperative,
and thus a perlad n i tlrry tesllng hrgnn, Of course,
Christians expect t o hr oppnsccl end prrsecwted hy
morldIy foes. Rut trials thnt orlfll~~nt~
witkin the
Christian organization itself nftcn Rrr unexpected and
are mare difficult t o bear. Yet, with divine nid a H such



hardships can be borne. Peter told fellow believers:

"Bclnvcd ones, do not bc pumletl fit the burdng amon
you, wlilch 11 happening to ou for n trial. as thou&
o ~trangfithing were befallrng you. On the contrary,
~o on rrjolcing forasmuch as you are sharers in the
sufferlnps o f Ill@ Christ."-1 Pet. 4:12, 33.
J ~ h o v n hant1 his "messenger of the cov~nant"Jesus
Chris!. rnmc to jnspe3 the splrltual temple in 1918 C.E.
Jurl~menr then began with the "house of God" and a
prrir~rl of relining and cleanstnl: commenced. (Mal.
3:1-3:1 Pet, 4:11) Something clsc a l r ; ~occurred. Men
rnnnifestina the marks of an "evil slnve" came forward
anrl flgurntlvely began 'bcatinff' lhrir fclIow slaveg.
Jesus Christ had foretold l~orv uurEl ones would be
dealt wlltt, At the same time h~ sl~nrvedthat a "faithf u l and rllsr~~ertstave" class wol~lrl he in evidence,
cllsprn.uln~~ l ~ i rual
i l food.-Miitt. 24 :45-51,
' 1 ' 1 1 ~ idml i2y of the "failhful :rntl rliscreet ~ I a v
01. "ILII
I I1 IuI nnd rviss scrvanl *' ( K i v ~
Jomcs Vnaioa':
was n maHrr. of quite solno cnncrrn hack in tho~le
earfl. Much curlier, i n 1881, C. T . Russell wrote: "We
,cllcve 1l1:tt eve member o f tlds horly of Christ is
rngngecl in the Tlessecl worlc, CIIIIPI. tllreetly OI indlrr*crly, ol ivlng meat in d u senson
to rhr household
of inilb. ' I 8 3 0 then is that j a i l i ~ j s l and wise scruartf
whom Ills Lord ]lath made ruler over his household,
to plve illcm meat in due sen~on?Is it not that 'little
flock' of co~lsccratedservants who nrc f a l t l ~ f u l l ycarry.
Ing out their consecration vows--thr! borly of ChristnnrI is not (11ewliole body individual Iy nnd collectively,
givin:: the rnmt in due scnson t t ~thr household of
fail11 -the great company of E)c~H;~vrrs?"
So 1t was unrlcrslood that I h r "srrvnnt" God used
to dlspcnsc spiritual I o u d w : l ~:I r-IRES. WIlh the passing
of limc, Iiowcvcr, the jclcn nrlo??ctl by many was that
C. 'r;, Rusrrell. l~imsrlfwas 1110 rrlH hlul and wise servanl.. Thls led some lnto tlic ail;trll of creature warship. T ~ P fV~ l that
all the truth ;<HE ~ , r wfit to reveaI
to hla ~)holl~r
hnrl been prc~scnitnrl throuc:h Brother
Russcll, t l i n t nothing morv cutrlrl be brought forth.
Annir Po!:~msce writes: "This cnused a great sifting
out o f 111r)cc who chose to slay l~nt.lc with Russell's
works." I n ll'ebruary 1927 this crroncouA tl~onghithat
Russcll hlrnself was the "faitl~ful nt~d wise servant"
~ v a sulenrcd up.
SIzorrly n fter Brother Rutherford I>ee~mepresident
of the Wnrch Tower Soclety, n real conspiracy devclop~d.Thr: seed of rebellion was lnntcd and then

the trnuhlr! spread, as explained l>ero\-v,

C. T. Rl~ssell had seen the need 10 mend someone
from liendquarters to Britain to sifingthen the Bible
Students Ilicre after the outbreak oi World War L



He intended to send Paul S. L. Johnson, a Jew who

forsook Judaism and became a Lutheran rnjnlster
before coming to a lmowledge of God's truth. dol~~ison
had served as one of the Society's travelit~j: ~pcnkors
and was well known for his ability. Out of resr~rctfor
Russell's wish, the exccuuve committee that served
for a short tlme before Rutherford's elccklun as prt??ldent sent Johnson to England, giving him mi-tn~n
papers that would fadlitate entry into that country.
He was to learn a11 hc could about the work In E111:lnnd
and then rnnlcc n full rcport to the Soriely, l a ~ the
was t o make nu prrsonrtel changes a t the ll~.iiIs'tl
headquarters. However, his reception in F:ngh~ndrlurin
November 1916 sprrnrd ,!a warp his jeilgment
finalIy his rcnson, "until, as A. H. Macnlillnn s t n l ~ d ,
"he came to t hc ridiruPaus conclusion t h a t he was the
'stewardQof Jcsus' parable of the pe?;ny. Ile l a l ~ r
thought he was the world's high priest, In dlscourscs
to Bible Studcnts thr'ougho~tEngland, Johnst~ncllnrncterized hlmsclT as Itussell's successor, contetldlng
that the rnanttr of Paator Russell hati fallen upon him
just as Eliln11's cloak ("afXcla2 garment") Scll upon
Elisha.-2 KI. 2: 11-1.1.
Evidently, Johnson 's as rations had devdoped CVPn
earlier, for p:tlylhe Kpss cr recalls: "In 1915 I Isf
Bethel and, hr*fo!.r stnrt~ng for Arlzonn, I v ~ A nI ~ c
cou le of olcl Sricnds 1 had known for ycnla, nnd
wh8e I was Ihcrr! thry entertained a ilgrl~n,P. 6. L.
Johnson by n;trne. Snliln was already &owing 111sugly
underhanded rnmrthor!~to gain control, no Mnttrr how.
Johnson said, 'l'rl l ~ l t sto talk with you. Lrt's sit In
the Iiying room,' which we did. He comrnenrcrl by sagfng: Sistcr, wc lrnow that it is possjblc lor Tlrother
Russell to pass on most any time, but t h e Irlcntls ncPA
not bz fcarlul w l ~ e nthat happens. I cnn sir11 illin his
place and lakc rlght over without any stupplng of
the w o r l ~". ~
FVhiIc in En lnnd, Johnson endeavored to tske cornplete contml o f t h e Britfsll field of activity, w e n t T n g .
without authodty, to d~srnlsscertain rncrnbers o the
London l~cndquarlcrss l nu. So much con f u s i o ~resultrd
that the branch oversecr complained t o Br'oll ~ c rRuthrrford. In turn, Rutherlord ap ointed a commlsdon of
several brothers In TAonrlontvxo were not mt.rn11rr.g of
the headquartrrs staff. They met, heard ant1 wrlfihed
the facts anrl recomrnendcd t h a t Johnson hc rrrnllcd.
Rutherford told Johnson to return. Instead of (loing
so, Johnson sent leiters and cablegsams c h n r ~ l n gthe
committee with bins, and also trying t o justlfy his
course. S e e k l n ~to make his position inrlispcnsak>le in
Britain, he Improperly used the documents rurnbhed
him by the Suclcly nnd Impounded its funds In thc




London bank. Later it became necessary to take court

action to have these monies freed.

Johnson finally returned to N w York, w h m he
persistcntl attempted to persuade d. F. Ruthcrford to
senit him 6ae1c to ~nglanri,but l o no evnil. Thinking
Rulheriord was not t h e right man for lllc positinn,
Johnson was sllre that he himsclf ought to hc. t h e
SLwirty's president. He sought to Influ~ncethe hoard
of tlirpctors. By making it appear that I3rothcr Rulherfnrtl was unfit as president, Johnson prreundcd four
nf rhe seven board members to side wlt h I ~ i r n . 'l'l~r?
four npposed the Society's president, vlctl-pmslrlrnt nnrl
sccfetnry-treasurer, and the dissident dirrv'tor.';sotiy(tit

wrrst administrative control from tlit! prcsid~nt.

J. F. Ruthcrford hcId meetings with the oppasers and
Wed to reason with them. A. 11. Mr~crnlllnnsays that:

JtutlirrPorcI "cven came to severnl of t t s nnrl nskrtl,

Shall I resign as prcsident and la those n p p o s f n ~
ortrs tnke charge?' %Ire a11 replicrl, 'nrothrr, thr 1-01 tl:
(11 you where you are, and to msim or quit waultE
pc disloyalty to the Lord.' Furtherrnoi-c, the nflirf fnrrc
Illrp~tcnedthey would quit if these men cot ront~+ol."
At an extended session of the Society's 1917 annunl
mceting, the four dissident directors trled to present
a rcsslution to amend the bylaws of thc Society. Thls
waa a design t o place administrative powers in Ihc!
hanrls of the board o f directors. Slnce this was con.
trnly both lo the organizational arrnngcmcnt In vol;iie
rlurlng Ilrother Russell's presi(1ency ilnrl to t h e wlsh
or t l ~ rstrnrchald~rs,RuXhtarfor(1 rukd Ihe mollon nut
ar order anti tllc plan was fuilrtl. Oppositton p;ot s l l f f r c
thcr.r:~Slcr, b t ~ t tl~cl'c wcrc some clcvclopm~.nts thc
t s nrvcr tlxpccted.
Througl~outhis entire administrallon ns the Saelety's
prrsldcnt, Brother Russell, along wit11 the vlcc.
~>lrsidcntand secretary-treasurer, had made decisions
fil~otit new publications. As a group, the bonrtl nf
tlirrrtor.s had not been consulted, Rutherlord follnwcd
t h e same olicy, Hence, in the courae of tlme Ihr!
Sucicty's t ree officcrs made a fnr-rcnching decision,
C h a r l e ~Taze Russell had written ~ l xvalurnos of
llddrlcnnicll Dawn, or Etudfcs in t h Slcdptrc~ea,
often spoke about writing a seventh volume, "'Whmever I find the key," said he, "I will wrlte tlre Scvenlh
Volume; and if the Lord gives the I i ~ yto someone clsr,
he can write It" The Society's omcers arranged to
Ilave two Bible Students, Clayton J. WootFworth and
Gcorge H. Fisher, compile a book consisting of com-



rnentaries on Revelation, T h e Song of Solomon and

Ezekiel. T h e coeditors ~ssernbtcdrnaterlal from Brother
Russell's writtn a ant1 this was puhlisherl under the
T Mystcryl' ns Ihr! scvrntll volume
title "The Finis.red
of Strtdies i ~ the
Uonlrtinin~ largely the
thinking and cclmmenrs crf C. T.Russell. I; was lcrmed
the "posthumot~sworlc of Pa8tor Russcll.
By about mid-1917 it was time to r;?ease the new
boalr. That significant day was July 17. C was on duty
in the [Broolrlyn Rclhell dlnln room when the phone
rang," says Marlin 0. Robin. w
' e were getting ready
for the noonday meal. X was the nenrcsl one t o the
phone, so I answcrrd it. I3rothrr f t ~ l t h c t f ~ rWas
d on
the other end. 'Who INthrrc! wlth you?' he asked. I
answered, 'Louis.' Fit! said t o comc to his study quickly,
and '13on't bother to knock! A stuclc 01 boolw was
handed to us, with ortlcrs to put one nt cad1
setting and get i t done bcfore the iarnlly arrivef%
the noon meal." Soon thr cIining room was fllled with
members of !,he BeZheI family.
"As usual, mntlnues Brother Bowln, "thanks to
God was given. Thcn It slnrted! ,
Flcadcd by
P. S. L. ~Ehnson,. . this ~lrmonstrationagninst dear
Brother Rutherford b c ~ n n . I IurlCng vlrlous rl~arges
loudly, they walked bsrk nntl forth, RlnppinE only at
Brother Rutherford's izil,le io shaltr thcl r flsis at him
and furthcr dcnolinee hbn.
. . All i l ~ l slasted for
about five homhs, Then Pveryone got up horn the
tnhle with all. the dishes ancl n lot of untouched food
still on the tablc, t u I)c cleaned up b brothers with
fit"? clergy wiih which to accomplish it.r1
This incident revcal~d that some members of the
Bethel family syrnpntl~betlwith t l w opposers. Lf such
opposition conlinucd, rwcntunlIy I t wo~zlcl disrupt the
entire operation of 13rthrl. So J. F. rtuttrcrford acted
to correct t h c situation. T1101l~hflllly acquainted with
t h e legal structure of the Soc~ety,1futhrrfol.tl had consuited a prominent corpnmllnn lawyer In Phjladelphja,
Pennsylvania, concernlny: t lir slnlus of Z ho Society's
board of direciors, 'l'he written opinlon rcceived disclosed that the four rlissid~nts were ~ i o legal
of the board, W 11 y not :'
C. T, nuss@llhad np olnted those men as directors,
but the Soelctyls chnxer r ulrrd that directors be
elected by vote of l l i c s h a 2 o l d c r s . Iluti~erfnrd had
told Russell that appolnlecs had to be confirmed by
vote at the following nrinunl mcrllng, but Russell never
took that step. So, only the omcrrs who I~ad heen
elected at the Pittsb~rr~h
nnnunl meeting tvere duly
constituted bvard memhrrs. Thc four appohtecs were
not legal members of the board, Rtrthcrford knew
tkis throughout the period of trouble, but had not men-




tioned It, hoping that these board members would
discontinue thdr opposition. However, their attitude
showed that they were not qualified to he directors.
Rightly Rutherford dismissed them and appofntcd four
new board members whose appointment could he
confirmed at t h e next general corporation mcctfng,
early in 1928.
Brother Rutherford did not summarily d l d s s the
former directors from the Christian organi~ation.Instead, he offered them positions as pilgrims. TIrey refused, volu~~tarilyleft Bethel and hegan sptlcading
their opposition by an extensive spe~kiny!and Ertterwriting campaign throughout the United States, Cnnarla
and Europe. Conseqo~ntIy,aflcr t!ic summer of 1!)17,
many con(:r'cgations of Eible Students WEIT con~poscd
of two parties-those loyal to J~lrovah's organitstron
an? others u-ho had hecome spirjIunlly drorvsy and
had fallen victim to the smooth talk of the opposrrs.
The Iallcr became uncooperative and would not unEa e
in the work of preachng the good news of ~ 0 t h
The op osition group that had recent1 left Bethel
thought t\ey
would be able to emtrol
Bible Students* convention held at Boston, Massachusetts, In
August 1911. Mary EIannan,, who was 371 att@nclnncc
nt that assembly, reports: 'Brother RutherFord was
alert to this effort on their part and did not give
them an opportunity to get on the platcorm at any
time during the sessions. He actcd as the cliairman
all t h e time." The convcntlon was a thorough s~icccss,
to Jehovah's praise, and the opposers were unabla
to disru~t:it.
J. F. Rutherford knew that the annual co oratton
meeting of January 5, 3918, wouId afford the dfPssIdents
another chance to get control. He was mnsonahly
sure that the BibIe tudents in general did not favor
such a move. Yet, they would have no opportunity to
express themselves a t t h e election, sinre It was a
matter to be handled only by members of the l e ~ a l l y
constituted corporation, the watch Tower Blble and
Trzct Society. So, what could Rutherford do? I-Ie could
give all of Jehovah's dedicated ser-vants an opportunity
to make expression. Accordingly, The TVatdt TOWCI*
November 1, 1917, suggested that a referendum vote
be taken by each congregation. By Dcccmher 15, 813
congregations sent in their votes and the poll indicated
that 10,869 of the U,421 votes were for J. F. Ruthcrford as the Society's president. Among other things,
Ihe referendum vote also showed that all the fail hi'ul



members of the boarcl of dlrectorfl as reconstituted

in July 1817 were prcierred over the rebellious indlvirluals who claimed to bc buard members.
At the annual shnr~holders'meeting on Sqturday,
January 5, 1418, the scvcn indlvlduals receiving the
highest nurnher- of votes were d. F . Rutherfard, C. EL
Andrrscn, W. E. Van Amburgh, A. H. MacrniFIan.
W.I.;. SplP1, J. A. Bohnet and George 1-1. Fisher, Not one
or the olrponents R L ~ ~ C in
P ~establishing
P ~
hlrnself on
$he hnarrt. TIlc ofitrrs of the Society were then elected
from t h duty
chossn bonrd menlhers, J. F. Rutherford
rcwivlng nlI thr? votes rnst for president, Charles HH.
Anilcrson nll of rllosc f o r vicr?.presiden: and W. E.
?,a11 Arnbtrr h all the votes for scurctary-treasurer.
I!~orcfol.c,IRcse mrn were duly e l ~ o l e das oITrccrs o f
the Socldv. The opposers' attempt to gain control
Il;ld hrrn foiled cornplctrly.
Faithful onps and oppnsers now were beyond reconcllistion. T h e oppnsillun group form? an *entirely
Repara?,@ organizrttion headed by a Committee of
Scvcn. Sepi~ratfr~n
certainly was complete by March
2(j, 1!)1&, whcn I l l r ! nppoacrs celebrated t h e Memorial
o f Christ's c!rnil~? n1.L from thr! faitllful congrcgnlions
ol GorI1s ~ I I ~ I P .
unll y aT those forming thc oppuslllon group W;IS ~ h t'~-Ijvcrl,
lor al their
convcnlion i n the surnmcr 01 191s differ~nces arose
a~ltl n split occurred, P. S. L, Johnson o~~ganizcd
group wilh hendquartcrs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvanfa,
W~I(!I'R 111: publl~lledI l ' l ~ oPre~arct T?-tttl~,
uad rliieratd of
t!Arial'~ Ijl'$rfglbtr?~.ft.
There he rcma~ned,cizamcter~zlng
hirnqclf ns "unrll~b sront high pricst" until his death.
Furlher rllssmslon i - o m 1018 onward cnuscd division
until the ot.l~lnnldissirlent group that had seqaraled
from the W;btc.h Towcr Soctcly disinteglnated Into a
number ~f s c h i s m ~ l i csects,
hlnn who wlthd~ewIn the y e w s fatlawing the death
of C. $. Russell tlzd not actively oppose thelr former
Chrlstlnn nssncintcr;. Xomc r c l u m ~ l .repented o f their
artlons and nssocinted with God's people once again.
?'his was a little of severe testing, as Mahel P. M
Philbrlck Intltc;ltcs in stating: "My own sorrow mas
*rtLatns 1 rcnIized thnt my own father and dearly
fnvctl slcpmatl~cswho had been in IIne for the l ~ e a v e d y
p r i ~ rwcre fnllrl~g away. Many efforts were put forth
:ant3 many t r a y s sZ~cd until I got my bearings, for I
wcll kncw Zhnl one who lost h ~ scrown had no Life t o
look Sorwnrtl to rmywh~sr.The tl)ought of second
tlculh Sor 1Ilurn secmerl unl~earahle.However, one day
in prayrr Jrharah gave me much comfort as I fulfy
began to want Ills will, to be done, SuddenIy I began
l o npprecialc that his love and justice were f a r greater



than m y own and that if he didn't count them $vor'chy

of life, I couldn't hold on to them either, for m y father
and mother were no different than someone else's
father and mother. From that moment on I had peace
of mind."
Not only did those who separated from Jehovah's
faithful servants in those days break up into sects,
but, in most cases, their numbers dwindled and their
activities became inconsequential or ceased entirely.
Surely they are not fulffIling Jesus' commission to his
followers to preach the good news in all the carth
and make disciples.-Matt. 21:14; 28:19, 20.
I-Tow many forsook true Christianity during the
critical years of 1917 and l918? An incomplete carth.
wide report shnws that t h e Memorial of Jesus Christ's
death on April 5, 1917, was attended by 21,274. (Due
to difficulties inside and outsIrlc the organization in
1918, attendance figures were not gathered that year.)
At the Memorial celebration on April 13, 1919, a partial
report gave an attendance o f 17,961.Though incornpleie,
these flgures make it: clear that far less than 4,000
had ceased walking with their former associates in

that would follow it. As part of the tract-distribution

campaign, widely advertised public lectures on the
same subject were delivered on that very day.
How would you Iike to distribute a tract like that?
C. B. Tvedt admits that he 'wilI never forget that
particular day,' and states: "It was a most bitter cold
day. But the message I was distributing was surely
hot. . . I had a thousand of these papers to distribute
under the a artment-house doors and occasionally directly to tngviduals as I would meet them. I cannot
deny that I preferred to make distribution under the
doors, for I: realized that this was a fiery message and
would result in explosive repercussions."
By late 1917 and early 1918 The Finished Mystwy
was being distributed in increasing numbers. Angered,
the clergy falsely claimed that certain statements in
this book were of a seditious nature. They were out
to :'get" the Watch Tower Society and, like the Jewish
rehgious leaders when Jesus was on earth, they wanted
the State to do the work far them. (Compare Matthew
27:1, 2, 20.1 Both Cathol!~ and Protestant clergymen
falsely represented the Bible S t u d ~ n t sas being rn the
employ of the German government. F o r e x a q l c , referring to the work of the International Bible Students
Association, a legal agency of God's people, Doctor
Case of the Divinity School of Chicago University
published this statement: "Two thousand dollars a
week is being spent to spread their doctrine. Where the
money comes from i s unknown; but there is a strong
suspicion that it emanarcs from German sources. In
my belief, the fund would be a profitable field for
government investigat~on."
"This, stimulated by similar charges from other
nominal churchmen, evidently had something t o do
with Army Intelligence offiwrs seizing the books of
thc Treasurer o f the Spciety," said T h Wc$ch Tower of
April 15, 1918. It continued: "The authorllies doubtless
thoughl: that they would find some evidence t o substantiate the charge that our Society is working in
the interest of the German government. Of course, the
books disclose nothing of the kind. All the money used
by our Society i s contrrbuted by those who are interested in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and
his kingdom, and nothing else." Nationwide newspaper
publicity about seizure of the Society's books tended to
excite suspicion.
February 12, 1918, was a marked date for God%
people in Canada, The Watch Tower Society was then
banned throughout that land. A public press dispatch
stated: "The Secretary of State, under the press cem
sorship regulations, has issued warrants forbidding the


God's service.

~ X S W IM
During 1917 to 1919 the Bible Students were also
objects of an international conspiracy fomented pard
titularly by the clergy of Christendom. Thk: P i d s h ~ d
Mystmy, seventh volume o f Shldaes za the Scriptures,
reused their clerical ire. Within seven months of
this publication's initial reIcase it was enjoying unparalleled circulation. The Saclety's outside prjnters

wcre busy on the 850,000 edltion. By the end o f 1917

the book also was avaiInble in Swedish and French,
and translation into other languages was lander way.
On December 30, 3917,mass distribution of 10,000,?00
copies of a new issue of the four-page, tabloid-size
tract The Bible Students- Monthly began. Entifled "The
Fall of Babylon" and with the subtitles "Anaent Babylon a Type--Mystic Babylon the Antitype-Why Christendom Must Now Suffer-the Final Outcome," It contained excerpts from the Seventh Volume, with very
pointed references to the clergy, On its back page a
peared a graphic cartoon depicting a crumbling wafi.
Some of its stones bore such words as "Prot@stantism,"
"Eternal. torment theory," "Doctrine of +the trinity,"
"Apostolic succession" and "Purgatory." With Scriptural
foundation the tract show+ that the great majority of
the clergy "have been unfarthful, disloyal, unrighteous
men" who were more responsible than any other class
on earth for the war then raging and the great troubIe




possession in Canada of a number of publications,

amongst which i s the book pnblshcd by the International Bible Students Associatlon, entitled STUD^
IN Tam SCRIPTURES-The Finished Mystery,' generally known as the posthumous publication of Pastor
Russell. 'The Bible Students Monthly,' also published
by this Association at Its ofice in Brook1 n, New York,
i s also prohibited circulation in Canada. $he possession
of any prohibited books Iays the possessor open to a
flne not exceeding $5,000 and five years in prison."
W h y the ban? Tho Winnipeg, Manitoba, Tribune
shed some light on that, in saying: "The banned publications arc alleged t o contain seditious and anti-war
statements. Excerpts from one of the recent issues
of 'The Bible Sludcnts Monthly' were denounced from
the pulpit a few wceIts ago by Rev, Charles G. Paterson,
Pastor of St, Stephen's Church. Afterward Attorney
General Johnson sent to Rev. Paterson f o r a copy
01 the publication. The ccensor's order i s believed to
be the direct result."
Mot long after the clergy-Inspired ban in Canada,
the international nature of the cons kacy became
evident. In February 1918 the ~ n l t e zStates Army
Intelligence Bureau in New York city began investlgating the Watch Tower Society's headquarters. Not
only had it been intimated falsely that the Society
was in contact with the German enemy; it had also
been reported lyingly to the United Stares government
that the Sodety's hcadquarters in Brooklyn was a
center for transmitting messages to the German
rcgime. Eventually tbr public press reported that
government agents had seized a wireless apparatus
erected and ready for us? at the Bethel home. But
what were the f a c t s ?
In 19E C. T. RusseIl was gtven a small wirelegs
receiver. Personally he was not too mterested in it,
but a small aerial was erected on the roof of the
Bethel home and some younger brothers were glven
opportunity to learn how to operate the equipment.
However, there was not much success in picking up
messages. Whcn the United States was about to enter
the war, it was required that all wireless instruments
be dismantled. So the aerial was taken down and the
poles were sawed up and used for other purposes, while
the instrument itself was carefully paclred away in
the Society's Art Room. It had not been used at all
for more than two years when two Army Intelligence
men were told about the outfit while in conversation
with a member of the Bethel family. They were talcen
to the roof and shown where it was formerly. Then
they were shown the instrument itself, all packed away.
By consent, these men took it because there was no use

for it at Bethel. The apparatus was a recduer only,

not a transmitter. Never was there a s d h ~ gfnstrument at BethcI. So it was impossible to transmit a



message anywhere.
Opposition and pressure continued to mount against
Jehovah's people. On February 24, 1918, J. F. Ru+erford delivered a public Iectuw a t Los Angeles Cabfornia, to an audience of 3,500. The morning thereafter
the Los Angeles Tfibacne printed a full-page report
of the lecture. This aroused the indignation o f Ioeal
clergymen. The ministerial association held a meeting
on Monday rnornfng and sent its president to the
managers of the newspa er, dernandln that they

explain why they had puflished so mu$ about the

lecture. On the following Thursday, the Army Intelligence Bureau took possession of the BibIe Students'
Los Angeles headquarters, also taking many of the
Society's publications.
Monday, March 4, 1918, saw the arrest at Scranton,
Pennsylvania, o f Clayton 3, Woodworth (one of the
corn ilers of The Fi~~nshed
Mysteryl and several other
brotEers. They were falsely charged with conspiracy
and were put under bond for an appearance for triaI
in May. Furthermore as outside pressure increased
rapidly against the Sbciety, more than twenty EIble
Students were detained in army can,ps and military
prisons because of being denied mlhtary exemption.
Some of them were court-martialed and sentenced
to long prison terms. On March 14, 1918, the United
States Department of Justice termed the distribution
of The Finished Mgstery a violation of the Espionage
A counteroffensive by God's people-that was a
nccessity. There. must be exposure of the cler
fomented opposition to the Christian work of the Bi%c
Students. Hence, on March 15, 1918, the Watch Tower
Society released a newspaper-size, twc-page tract,
Kingdom N m ~ sN o . 1. It bore the bold heading "Religious Intolerance-Pastor
Russell's Followers Persecutcd Because They Tell the People the TruthTreatment of Bible Students Smacks of the 'Dark
Ages.' " This tract did indeed expose the clergy-inspired
persecution of Jehovah's Chyistian witnesses in Germany, Canada and the United States. Millions of
copies were distributed.
Interestingly, this tract said: "We recognize that the
United States Government, being a pollticaI and economic institution, has the power and authority, under
its fundamental law, to declare war and to draft its
citizens into military service. We have no dispos~tlon
t o lnrerfere with the draft or the war in any manner.
The %a& that some of o u r members have sought to



take advantage af the protection af the law, haa been

used as another means of persecution."
Kingdmn News NO.2 appeared on April 15, 1918. It5
strking hearlline,&read "'The Finished Mystery' ant1
W h y Su pressed. Under the subheadinF: "Clergymen
Tahe a &and.*' this tract showed that the clercy encouraged government apncies tn harass the Sodety.
ma!w arrests, object to T h e Fi?zi811ednfvstmy and prrssure the Bible Students to cut certain pages 1247-2533
from that volume. Also, the tract explained why rlercymen opposed Jehovah's servants, and it clarifinl tllt!!r
stand on war, as well as their belipf ahhut the true
A petition mas circulated in connection with dlsM*
but~on of this Kingdom Nmrs. Addressed t o UnStd
States President Wilson, it rrnd: "'\t'c, t h e undersigned
Americans, hold t h a t any intcrfcrence by the clcrgy
wil h inrlependent Riblc study is intolerant, un-Americ;ln
arid un-Christian; and that any attempt t o comhinc
Church and State is radically wrong. In the intrrrst
of liberty and religious freedom, we solemnly protest
against the suppression of The Finished f i f ~ j s t m ynntl
petition the Government to rcmove all mstrictlcms ns
to its U s e , that the peoplc m a y he permitted wJthaut
interference or molestation to buy, sell, have and r e ~ d
this slid t o Bible study."
On May 1, 1918, just six weeks after the flrst Kingdom News, K i n s d m News No. 3 was released, bearing
the headhne ':Two Great Battles R?ying-Fall of Autocracy Certain" and the subtitle Sxlanic Strategy
Doomed to Failure!' This issur dealt with the Sccd
o f Promise versus the seed of Satan the Dcvll.
(Gen. 3:153 It traced t l ~ cdevelopment or (he antlchrist
from its birth to the current tlccrJs ol the Catholic
and Protestant clergy. Boldly this tract showed how
the Devil used such agents in an effort to destroy the
remnant of Jesus Christ's anointed followers on carth.
Courage was required to distribute the issues of
Khtgdom News then published, S o n ~ eBible Students
were arrested. A t tirnes supplles of Kr?tgdm~~,
were confiscated temporarily. Though they found thcrnsclves in a crucible of opposition anti persccziilon,
Jehovah's servants maintained faithfulness to God
and continued dohg their Christian work.
B 3 C R o m sa

A m t i e s were committed against Jehavah's ser.

wants as clergy-laity oppos~tion increased. Givlng a
parlid re ort of the unbelievable ersecutions experienced gy the Bible Students, a Paler publication
of the Watch Tower Society said, in part:



"Aprtl 12, 1918, at Medfard, Oregon, E. P. T a l i a f e ~ o

Was mobbed nnd chased out d town for preaching
thc gospcl and George R. Maynard was striplped,
pnlntrrl and driven from town for permitting Bible
sludy in Ills home.
"Aprll 17, 191X, at Shawnee, Oklahoma, 6. N. Fern,
W r g c M. Brown, L. S. liogers, W. F. Glass, E. T.
Grleln and J, T. Tull were jailed. During the trlq the
Pt.c~ticcutlngAttorney sald, 'To hdl with your Blble;
you o u ~ h to
t he in hell with your back broken; you
r)ugi~tto be h u n ~ . 'Whcn G. F. Wilson, of Oklahoma
City, fil tcrnptcrl to act ns counsel for the defense he
also was arbrrstctl.l h c h was fined $55 and cosrs; offense, distrlbutlny: Prolustnnt E l f erature. The trial judge
cnvouragcd mob a c l j ~ ) nfollo~v~ng
t h e trial, but the

~nol>swrrt? Ioll(:tl,
"A ril 22, 1018, at Khgsvllle Texas, L. L. Davis
anrl %nnicl Toole were cl~ascdby a mob led by the
Mavor nncl a County Judge and subsequently caught
and ailftl wltllout a wm'r*ant. Davis was forced out
of h s lob. Jn Ma
1918, at Tecumseh, Oldahoma,
J. J.
was srixepnnd inearccratcd thirteen months
In nn in.unn(n nsylum hy Ihe oriler of n ,Turl~;e,after
Ihrrrilminl: klnrl nhusc. ITk fnmlly was not atlvised as
to whnt 11:id brvn done wlth hlm. . .
"Mnrch 17, 1918, nt (:rant1 Junction, Colorada, a
merting I'or Blhl~!sturlp was brolcen up by a mob cornpos~tlo f the Tulnyor, lcndi~ignewspaper men and other
proinincnt bu~incssmm. .
"April 22, 1918, st Wynnewood, Oklahoma, CIaud
Wntson wa8 flrst jailed and then deliberately released
to n moh rornposed of prcncbhcrs, business men and
a h:w otllers tkiat knoclced him down, rnused a negra
to whlp hlm and, wllen he had partially recovered,
io whlp him a~mln.They thcn poured tar and feathers
nll uvcr him, ruhhlny: the tar lnro his hair and seal .
April 29, 1818, at Walmt Ridge, Arliunsa, W.
I,uncan, 61 scars o f age, Edward French, charlei
Frankc, a Mr. GrEffln and Mrs, D, Van I-Toesen were
jailed. The jail wns brolrcn into by a mob that used
thr most vile and o ~ s c c n elanguage. whipped, tarred,
fllntltcrcd and dl-ovc thrln f r i m town. Duncan was
cornp~lIcdto wnllc twenty-six miles to his home and
bnrrly recoveretl. CrSflln was virtually ,,blrnded and
tlictl, from thr? assault a few months later.
After all thest? years, T, H. Sjebenljst remembers
well what ha)')pcned to hta lather fn Shathick, Okra-

. .

~ O I ~ U
. ~

"In Septeml~crof 1917 I started to schod and all went

well until al,o~~tMarch when all schootchllrlren were
raquircrl i o buy a nod Crass pin, X took the note home



at noon. Dad was at work and mom could on1 read

German at that time. However, Brother ~ o i v y e t t , a
piIplm brotlrer, was visiting ihc 'uln~s*and hc 100k
cart! of the matter. N o pin was bought!

in a chicken coo camouflaged with Rhode Island

~ e hens
and iolkge.11
Recalling an Incident that occurred In those days,
Brother D. D. Reusch writes: "At the home of the
Re2d family, the books were $tared out of sight outdoors at the Tear of the house and, R S the olice a p
prosebed, the Rwds held their hmuth wicn they


"It was shortly after this that Ihc omdalis picked

up dnd at work and i r L d l o makc him stand on t l ~ c
book Tks Fiaislwd Myststery and saluIe ~ I I P 1113
rjpllt on Main Street in Shaltuelc. He wns i n f ~ ; ' ' ~ ~

., .
"Shortly after


this dad was ickdd up ngaln and

hold another three days. This t h e Ile was fed very
littlc. His release this tlmc was tinothrr story, hhoul:
mir[nl~Iiithrce rncn aimltlxtcd n jiill ' h w a l ~ l r ~Thhy
1,111 a sack nvcr dad's hear1 nnd mnt-rhrd hIrn to l l i o
wcst wlqc of town l~arpfootcd.?'his wns ~.aughterrnii~
tttirl TLIIL of sanftl~drs.I l r ~ elhcv stt'ipl)(~c'aI~im l o IIIP
~rnis! :!nd whipped him with a'brrgpy nrltlp that 11:1ct
n wtrt! a t the tip. Then IIrcy app1lt:rl 310t tar nntl

f~atIlcl.,s,leaving I:tm for dead. Iir ~n:inagcdlto fct r i p

and walk aud crawl around to1v11 taw\rd ,he souhea:.t.
'L'hcn Zle jntcndcd to Iread north ant? Irnmo. 1Io1~~(~vrr,
friend of his found him and l~rc~lrght311rn I ~ n ~ n rI.
nvvcr saw him that njgllt, but it wits n trri~lhlrshoclc
l o mom, especially with a tiny 1snl)y I I I t h r b hozrsr.,
nnd Grandma Sichenlist fainted when s l ~ csnw him. My
bmthrtr John had been born only n fcw d n y ~I)cfo~~r!
ull of tMs happened. However, mom hd(J, u under nll


tho strain very well, never losing slglit

prateclfvc power. . ,
"Gmndma and Aunt Kalic, dnd'a half sister, begun
nursln~him back to life. Thc tar nnd fcnlhcrs were
imhcrldcd in Elis flesh; so tllcy ~iscrl~ooscgrmar to
Ileal LID the wounds and ~rarlur~lly
thtr I n r nimc off. . . .
Dad never saw thefr fntrs, but t ~ c ! rrcclgnlzed their
vrjiczs and lmew who his assnilanis w\vcLr4~
IIc n w w
told tBc?m. In fact. It tvas Ii:u,l In grt lilm ever to
I:11lc about it. Yet, he ca~ricdIlltxit? srars l o 131c ~:r;~ve."'


The banning of The Finisltecl M ~ / s t s rand

~ certain
otller Christian publications l a ~ ~
in difficult circumstances. llowevor, lhcy !lad C o d
liven rvorlt to do and thcy carrird on wit11 i ~ pPOvinR
hlemselves "cautious as ser ents and gel innocsnt ;is
~lovas.'' (Matt. 10:16) ~ccor&gly, ni fllncs Blhlc study
alds were hidden in various l~larcs-pri-haps In nir
atlic, or the coal bin, under floor boards or In eut-nrture.
Brother C.W. Miller telh us this: "As our home was
the local Bible Student head uarters at this tlrn~,
brothers m u i d mmc at rnidnlgqit in r truck to bring
the lltcrature and we would hide the cnrluns of bonlts


neared the hiding gite. Just then a huge drift of snow

fell from the roof, cornplctely covering that area."
' r n r n G I . TICOURLW


snlrnlst a ~ k e d :"Will the terone

ou while r t i s
causing a d v e r s l t i ~ ~
ge nlllcd with
framing trouble hy rlccrce?" (Ps.?&:20) Jehovith's
servants always oh!y all the laws of Zhc nations that
are not out of harmony with thc laws of God, But, as
might be expected, when tl~ert!is n conflict between
the demands of m e w mpn and the lnws of Gocl, ChrisCenturies ago the

tians take lhc apostolic

osltion nnd "obey God as

ruler rather than men." ?Acts 5:291 Somelimes good

laws are misapplied In an crort l o stop their work.
In other instnnres, it,cs surcrt:d In hnvinl: cler.res
passed lhat worlc Injury to Gotlk people.
The Sclcctivc J3rnfl Act was ~nsnorlI)y the United
States Congress on Junta 15, 1!114. JZ 'I,rovldcd for the
conscri tion ol rnnnpowcr hut n l ~ ofor c~xcmptlon of
men w l o , becnusc of reli~iousbclicfs, could not engage
in war. Many young men throughout the country wrote
to the Watch Tower Society, asklng Jud e Rutherford
what course lhcy shollld purruv. Hr kter said r e
gardlng this: "I was rlslrecl Zly mRny youn men in
the country as + o whnl murae I hey should t&e in this
regard. In every 1nst~nc.cmy nrlvice was to !Iris effect,
gic-en to young mest tvho r~qucstrtCIt, to rvlt: % you
cannot conscientiuusly cnpngr In war, Scction 3 o f
the Selectjve Draft Act rnnjrcs pn,v!slon for you to file
a plication for exern tion You should re~ister and
fife your application
ckrm tlon, s ~ l f l nforth
reason, and the draft Iloard w f l pass on your application.' 1 never dirl rnorr, tlinn lo advise f h ~ m10 take
advantage of the act of Congress. 1 a2wa s inslstcd
that evezy citizen ~llouldohcy thr! law of 1 le land as
long as that Iaw was trot in contltcl witti God's law."
Back in the World War I cra a defltiite conspiracy
against Jehovah's scrvnnta CRme to Hgllt. In furtherance of it, many clergymen held a confc:raenceat Philadelphia, Pennsylvnnia, In 1917. They there a ointed
a committee to visit thc notion's cnplfal, ~as~~?ngt'nnton.
D.C., and insist on a revlslon of the Selective Draft
Act and the Espionage Act. The committee callcd on
the Department of .Justice. At the Instance of the




clergymen, a member of the department, John Lord

O'Brian, was selected to repare an amendment 50
the Espionage Law and %ave It introduced in the
United States Senate. This amendment rovided that
all oflenses committed in violation of t&e Espionage
Law should he tried by a military court and that the
death penalty should be inMcled upon those held
guilty. However, the bill did not pass.
A provision hnotwl as the 'Trance Amendment" was
introduced at the time that Congress undertook the
amending of the Es ionage Law. This amendment
exempted horn the Bct.8 .provision any person who
uttered "what i s kuc, wlth good motives and for
justifiable ends.
However, on May 4, 1918, Senator Overman had a
memorandum from the Attorney General put in the
Culzgrcssional Record (May 4, 1918, pages 6052, 6053).
It stated, in part:
"The opinion d the Military Intelligence Branch is
entirdy adverse to the amendment to the espiona e
law to the effect that section 3, Title I, shall not ap&
to those who ulter, 'wksft is true, with good motives
and for juatifiablc ends.
"Experience teaches that such an amendment would
to a large degree nullify the vaIue of the law and
turn every trial. into.an academic debate on insoluble
riddles as to what rs true. H u m a n motlves are toa
complicated to be discussed, and ihe tmrd yustifiable'
is too elastic for practical use. . . .
"One of the most dangerous examples of this sort
of propaganda is the book called 'The Finished Mystery,' a work written in extrcrndy religious language
and distributed in enormous numbers. The only effect
01 It i s to lead soldiers to discredit our cause and to
inspire a feeling at home of resistance t o the draft.
"The Kingdom News, of Brooklyn, prints a petition
demanding that: restrictions on 'The Finished Mysiery'
and similar works should be removed, 'so that people
may be permitted, without interference or molestation,
to buy, sell, have, and read thIs aid to Bible study.' The
passage of this amendment would reopen our camps
to this poisonous inff uence.
'The International- Bible Studentap Association pretends to the most religious motives, yet we have found
that its headquarters have long been reported as the
resort of German agents.
'The passage o f this amendment wodd greatTy
weaken American efficiency and help none but the
enemy. Resdts, not motives, count in war, therefore
the law and its executors should be concerned xvith
procuring desirable and preventing dangerous results,

leaving motives to the mercy of the judges of to the

perspective of historians,"
As a consequence of these efforts by the Department
of Justice, the amended Espionage Act was approved
on May 16, 1918, without the "France Amendment.+'




Around this time, some young men associated with
the Bible Students were called f o r military s@rvSlCe
and, as conscientious objectors, had been sent to Camp
Upton on Long Island, New York. This camp was
supervised by General James Franklin Bell. Ile vislTed
5. F. Rutherford at his office and sought t o induce
him to instruct these men to take whatever service
RelI might assign them, whether across the sea or
elsewhere. Rutherford refused, The general insisted
and Anall$ Rutherford wrote a lettel; which said, in
essence: Each one of you must decide for hirnseu
whether he wishes to engage in active rniIitary service
or not, Do what you ronsider to he your duty and
w h ~ l~ Z I right in the sIght of Almighty God." This
Ictlcr did not satisfy Bell at all.
h few dnys Inter, J, F. Rutherford and W. E. Van
Arnbur~hvisited Gencrnl BrlI at Camp Upton. Eell, in
the presence of his aide-de-camp and Van Amburgh,
told Rutherford of the Philadelphia conference of
clergymen. He mentioned their selection of John Lord
O'Brian to present matters to the Senate, resulting in
the introduction of a bill to have all ,cases against the
Espionage Law tried before a mrhtary court, with
death as the punishment. General Bcll "showcd considerabIe heat, according to Rutherford, who reported:
"Before him on his desk lay a package of apers, and
with his index finger he tapped thege an#, directing
his speech to me, mth real feel~ngsard: 'That bill did
not pass, because Wilson prevented it; but we know how
to get you, and we ctre go%wg t o do dt!' To that statement 1 replied: General, you will know where to
Rnd me.' "
After early October 1914, Christ's anointed fol~owers
proclaimed that the Gentrle Tunes had ended and that
the nations were approaching their destruction at
Armageddon. (Luke 21:24; Rev. 16:14-16)These fiyra.
Ilve "two @tnessesV declared thw mournful message
for the nations for 1,260 dnys, or three and a half
years (October 4/5, 1914, to March 26/27, 1918). Then
the Devil's beastly political system warred against


'ltwo wjtnesses," eventually 'killing' them as



far as their tormenting work of prophesying "in sackcloth" was concerned, to the great relief of their religious, political, military and judicial foes. (Rev. 11:3-7;
13:l) That was the prophecy, and It was fulfilled. Rut

sent $500 t o the mana er of the Swiss branch of the

Society at Zurich. ~ a &brother arrzugned was held
over on bail of $2,500 for each of the indictments. They
were released on bail and appeared in court on M a y 15,
1918,The trial was set for June 3, 1918, in the United
States District Court lor the Eastern District of NFW
York. The brothers pleaded "not guilty" to both mdlctments and considered themselves completely innocent
of all the charges.
Owing t o the feeling manifested in preliminary


On May 7, 1918, the United States District C o w
for the Eastern District of New York ~ssueda warrant
for the arrest of certain rincipal servants of the
Watch Tower Society. Invoged were President J. F.
Rutherford, Secretary-Treasurer W. E. Van Amburgh,
Claylon J. Woodworth and George H. FJsher (the two
compilers o f The Finished Musterul, F. PI. Robison (a
member of the Watch Tower editorial comrnittce),
A. W. Macmillan, R. J. Martin and Giovnnni DeCecca.
On the very next day, May 8, 1918, those of this
group who wcre at Rroohlyn Bethel were laced under
arrest, Eventually all were in custody. saortly thereafter they were arraigned in Federal Court, Judge
Garvin presiding. All of them were met with an mdiclrnent previously returned by the Grand J u q ,
charging them with
"(I, 3) The offense of unlawfulIy, feloniously and
wilfully causing and attempting to cause insubordination, disloyalty and refusaI of duty in the military
and naval forces of the United States of America, in,
through and by personal soHcitations, letters, public
s eeches, distribution and public* circulation throughout
United States of Americv of a certain book called
Valurne S e ~ e n ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~STUDTES-The
Mystrry'; and distributing and publlcly ckculatin
tl~rouchoutthe UniIcd Stales eertam articles presentej
fn pamphleis calletll 'B~ELESST~JDENTS
pn~nphlolsnot named, et cctera;
"(2, 4 ) Tlie offense o f unlawfully, feloniously, and
wiliully obstructing the recruiting and cnllstment service of ,?he United States when the United States i v a s

at war.
Principally, the Indictment was based on one paraa h in The Finished M y s ' t e r ~ . It read: "Nowhere
t\e New Testament is Patriotism la narrow-minded
hatred of other peoples) encouraged. Everywhere and
always murder in its every form is forbidden; and
yet, under the guise o f Patriotism the civil governments of earth demand of eace-loving men the sacrifice
of themselves and their
ones and the butchery
of their fellows, an!, hail it as a duty demanded by
the laws of heaven.
Brothers Rutherford, Van Amburgh, Macmillan and
Martin faced a second indictment of txading with the
enemy, based on a dafm that the Xodety's officers




hearings, t h e defendants filed affidavits showing why

they felt Jud e Garvin was biased against them. In
time, United bates District Sudge H a r I a ~ dE. H o w e
was brought in to preside at th% trial. According to
A. H. Macmillan, although the defendants were unaware of Howe's views, the government lmew that he
'%ad special prejudice in favor of the prosecution of
the law and against the defendants charged with
violating it." Macmillan also stated: "But we were not
left long in the dark. From the Arst conference of the
aitorneys in the judge's chambers before the trial
11ry:nn 111s onfmosity was manifested, and he indicated,
'I'nq going lo glvt! I hcsc! defcnrlants all that is cwrnlng
l o thr111.Y-Inwcrvcr, I I was now 100 late for our attornrys 10 IEIc nn nnld:rviL
prcjudlce on the part
uf I lib judge."
Macrnillan said that the indictment as originally
returned chargea that the defendants had entered into
a conspiracy sometime between April 6, 1917, when
the United States declared war, and M a y 6, 1918. Upon
motion the government specified that the date of the
alleged offense was between June 15, 1917, and May 6,
The United States was at war. A court trial of
Bible Students on a sedition charge thus attracted
great attention, What about public sentiment? It favored anything that would further the war effort. Out.
side the courtroom bands played and soldiers marched
around nearby Brooklyn Borough Hall. Inside the
courtroom the fiileen-day trial wort? on, piling up a
veritable mountain of testimony. Why not step inside

and witness the proceedings.

A. H. Macmillan, one of the defendants, helps us

to sense the atmosphere, f o r he later wrote:
the trial the government safd that if a person
on the street corner and repeated the Lord's prayer
with the intent of discouraging men @om joining the
army, he could be sent to t l ~ epen~tentiary.So you can
aeo how easy it was for them to Interprei Intent. They
I bought they could tell what another person was thhk-

h g , and so they acted against us on that balsis even
though we testified that we never at any time conspired to do anything whatsoever to affect the draft
and never enmuraged anyone to resist it. It was all
t o no avail. Certain religious leaders of Christendom
and their polilical <allies were determined to gef: us.
The prosecution, wth consent of Judge Kowe, a~med
for conviction, insisting that our rnotlve was irrelevant
and that intent should be Snferred from our acts. 1
was found guilty solely on the basis that 1 countersigned a checlr, the purpose of which could not be
determined, and that I signed a statement of fact
that was read by Brother Rutherford at a board meeting. E v ~ nthen they could not prove that it was m y
signature. The in,justice of this helped us later in
our appeal"
At one point, a former officer of Ure Society was
w o r n in. After looking at an exhibit bearin
signatures, he said he reco nized one as that of%!y
Van Amburgh. Here tho &anscript of Record reads:
"Q. 1 hand you Exhibit 31 .for identiflcatlon, and
ask you to look at the two slgnahrres or purported
signatures, of MacMillan and ValnJ Amburgh, and ask
you first as to Van Amburgh, if in your opinion that
is a mimeograph enpy of hi$ signature? A. I think
it is. I. recognize it as such.
"Q. MY. MacMitlan's? A. Mr, MacMillan's is not so
recognizable, but I think It i s his signature."
Concerning the defense presented by those on trial,
Brother Macmlllan later wrote:
"After the Government had completed its case we
presented our defense. In essence we showed that the
Society is wholly a rcllginus organization; t h a t the
members accept a9 their principles of belief the holy
Bible as expounded by Charlca T. Russell; that C. T.
Russell in his l i f e t h e wrote and published six volumes,
Stud&s 4?t th-8 ,Scriptures, and as early as 1806 remised
the seventh volume which would treat Ezehel and
Revelation; that on his deathbed he stated that some
one else would write the seventh volume; that shortly
after hls aeath the executive committee of the Society
authorized C. 3. Woodworth and George HH.
Fisher to
write and submit manuscript f o r consideration without
any promise made concerning publication; that the
manuscript on Revelation was corn leted before the
the manuscript
United States got into the war and
of the entire book (except a chapter on the Temple)
was in the hands of t h e printer before the enactment
of the Espionage Law; hence, it was impossible for
any such conspiracy as charged to have been entered
into to violate the law.



"We testifid that we never at any time combined,

a g m d or conspired to do anything whatsoever to
affect the draft or interfere with the Government In
the prosecution of the war, nor did we have any thought
of 80 doing; that we never had any intention o f interfering in any manner with the war; that our work
was wholly religious and not at all political; that we

did not solicit members and never advised or encouraged anyone to resist the draft; that the letters
written were to those whom we knew to be dedicated
Christians who were entitled under %e law to advlce;
that we were not opposed to the nation gorng to war
but as dedicated Christians could not engage in mostai

But not eve hM saia and done at that trlal was

open snd abov%arf Maanillan later reported: "Some
of our people who were attending the trial later told
me that one of the attorneys for the Government had
gone out into the hallway, where he talked in low
tones t o some of those who hpd led the opposition
within the Sacfety* They said, Don't let that fellow
IMncmllIan] go; he's the worst of the bunch. Re'lI
ktxp lhlnga aamg If you don't get hl~?lwith the others.'"
ltcmcmhrr ihnt at ihls time ambitlous men had been
trying t o get control of the Wat.tr1i Tower Society. No
wontlcr llutherford later warncd brothers left in charge
at Bethel: "We are advised that seven who opposed
the Society and its work during the past year altended
upon the blal and lent aid to our prosecutors. We
warn you, beloved, against the subtle efforts o f some
of them to fawn upon you now in an attempt to get
hold of the Society."
FjnalIy, after t h e lengthy trial, the awaited day of
decision arrived. dune 20, 1918, at about 5:00 p.m.,
t h e case went to the jury. J. F. Rutherford Iater recalled: "The jury hesitated a long while before rendering a verdicl. Finally Judge EIowe sent ward in to
them that they must bring in a verdict of 'GuiIty,' as
one of the jurors aflenvards stated to us." After some
four and a half houys of deliberation, at 9:40 p.m.,
the jury returned with their verdict-"Guilty."
Sentencing took
ace on June 21. The courtroom
was full. When as& if they had anything to say,
the defendants did not respond. Then :ame the sentence by Judge Howe. Angrily he said: T h e reIigious
propaganda in which these men are engaged is more
harmful than a division of German soldiers. They have
not only called in question the law oficers of the
Government and the army intellfgence bureau but have
denounced all the ministers of a11 the churches. Thefr
punishment ehould be severe."



It was. Seven of the defendants were sentenced to

eighty years in the penitentiary (twenty years each
on four counts, to run concurrently). The sentence for
Giovanni DeCecca was delayed, but he ultimately received forty years, or ten years on each of the same
four counts. The defendants were to serve their sentences at the United States penitentiary in Atlanta,
The trial had lasted for fifteen days. Testimony
recorded had been voluminous and the proceedings
often unfair. In fact, it was demonstrated later that
the trial contained over 125 errors. Only a few of
these were needed by the A pellate Court eventually
t o condemn the whole procefure as unfair.
"1 went and suffered through it a11 with the brothers
as they were subjected to this unfair ordeal," comments
James Gwjn Zra, who was prcsent as an observer.
He continues: "I can still see the judge refusing
p o t h e r Rutherford an opportunity to make a defense.
The Bible doesn't o in this court' was his comment.
I ~ t a y e dwith Broger M. A. Kowlett in Bethel that
night and about ten o'clock word came that they ha$
been convicted. They were sentenced the next day,
Despite their unjust convictions and the severe sentences they had received, Brother Rutherford and his
associates wew undaunted. Interestingly, the New York
Tribune of June 22, 1918 reported: "Joseph F. Rutherford and six of the other 'Russellites,' convicted of
violation o f the Es ionage Act, were sentenced to
20 years in the ~ A n t npenitentiary yesterday, by
Judge Howe. 'This is the happiest day of my life,' said
Mr. Rutherford on his way from the court to the
jail, Yo serve earthly punishment for the sake of
one's religious belief is onc of the greatest prhileges
a man co~tldhave.' One of thc strangest demonstrations
that the Marshal's Ofice in the Brooklyn Federal Court
has ever seen, was held by the families and intimate
friends of the convicled men soon after the prisoners
had been taken to the Grand Jury room. The whole
company made the old buiIding ring with the strains
of "lessed Re the Tie That Binds.' 'It is all God's will,'
they told each other with faces almost radiant. 'Some
day the world will know what all this means. Meanwhile, let us be thankful for the grace of God that
has sustained us through our trials, and Iook forward
to the Great Day that is to come!"
While their case was on appeal, twice the brothers
tried to obtain bail but were thwarted, first by Judge
Howe and later by Judge Martin T. Manton. In the
meantime, they first were held in Broolrlyn's Raymond
Street jail, "the dirtieseat hole I ever got into," according

to A, & Macrnillan. Clayton J. Woodworth jocularly

called it the "Hotel de Raymolldie." !That unpleasant
week-long stay was foIZowed by another weelr spent
in the Long Island City prison. Finally, on the fourth
of duly, United Slates Independence Day, the unjustly
condemned men were sent o n , their way by tram
t o the Atlanta, Georgia, penitentiary.



The incarceration of thcse Christian witnesses of
Jehovah was a figurative deathblow, much to the
delight and relief of their enemies. Fulfilled were the
words of Revelation 11:10: <'And those dweIling on
the earth rejoice over them and enjoy themselves,
and they will send gifts to me another, because these
two prophets torme~ltedthose dwelling on the eartlt"
Religious, judicial, military and political foes of the
"two wilnesses" did "send gifts" to one another, in
that they congratulated one another for the part
they played in gaining a victory aver their tormentors,
In 111s hook Prsaclwr* Present Arms, Ray H. Abrams
considcrcd the trjnl of J. F. Rutherford and his asm
sucfnlrs and observes:
"An analysis of the whole case leads to the conclusiun Zhtll the churchcs and thc clergy were orfginaIly
behind the movement to stamp out the Russcllites. .
"When the news of the twenty-year sentences reached
the editors of the religious press, ractically every
one of these publications, great an8 small, rejoiced
over the event. I have been unable t o discover any
ivords of sympathy in any of the prthodox religious
journals. 'There can be no question, concluded Upton
Sinclair, that 'the persecution . .
sprang in part
from the fact that they had won t h e hatred of "orthodox" religious bodies,' Witat the comblned efforts
of the churches had failed to do the overnment now
soemcd to have succeeded in accompli&ing for themthe crushing of thcsc 'prophets of Baal' forever."

. .


From 607 to 537 l3.C.E. the Jews languished as captives in ancient Babylon. Comparably dedicated worshipers of Jehovah anointed with his holy spirit were
brought into a Babylonish captivit and exiled during
the World War I period of 1914-I&!% Especially were
the depths of their captive state felt when the eight
faithful brothers from the Society's headquarters were
incarcerated in the federal penitentiary in Atlanta,
But ciurlng this entire period of dlElculty, not one
issue of The Watch Tower failed t e zppear in print.




An appointed editorial committee kept the ournal in

clrmlation. Furthermore, despite the ha ~ h l p s encountwed at that time, the attitudes displnyctl by faithful Gihle Students were exemplary. I3mtlirr T. J . Su1l I v ~ nremarked: 'Tt was my privilege la visit nrooklyn
ISnll~elin the late summer of 1018 durin I h c hroilicrs'
Incm.r3el*ntion. The brothers in chrtrgc
I hc work nt
I!rtl~el were in no wise fearful or downl~esl-tcd.In
Incl, Ihe reverse was true. They rverc o llmistlc and
c o ~ l l l d ~ that
n t Jehovah would give his paop% tilo L l C t O N
ulllrnalely. I mas privileged t o bc nt the I,rcnl<ln!;l:
Inhle an Monday morning when the brollsrs scrrt out
on wcelccnd appointments gave their rrporia. A fina
picture of the situation was nblnincd, In cvery cnse
1t1e hr~tlierswere canfidcnt, w:iillng for .Jehovah l o
dit4crt thrir activities furlhcr."
Interc:;ting;ly, one morning after the trlal 01 Brother
Rutbrbrford and 1Eis assixi;ttes, R. 1.7. Barher rccclvcd
n t~:t11 from liuthcrford askin him to come to the
13ennsyl~rnniaStadan, rvhcre IRe I,rotl~crrs were waitIna lor several hours for a through Irain to AtInnln.
Rrother Barber and some others r u s h ~ dto llle stalion.
Tlicrc Brother Rutherford said that if lllr h~.othcrsat
hr:ldquarters were harassed loo much hy the polfrr,
Il~t?yshould sell Bethel and tlic Brrlolrly~lTa be~~nnrlr!
and move either to Philadelpllia, I-lflrrlshurg n r Fitisburgh, since the Watch Totvcr Soclrl'y was H. Pcnnaylvnnlx corporation. Prices of $GO,oOO for Bethel and
$29,000 for the Tabernacle were sur:gcscrd.
Tlnw rlid matters turn out? Wrll, t hnsr Ihcn in char e
of Lile Society did encounter many prohlcrns. For
stanrc, there were shortages nT [)nptar and coal.
Patrioffsrn ran lugh and many Irn111~l1pcfyvicwcd
debovah's Christian rvitnrsscs as traitill's. Tn Brooklyn
Ihere rvas great animosity n ~ a i n s t1 1 Sorlcty,
and I t
nppcared irnpassihle to con1 inur! opcsnl ions thcrc.
I I ~ n c e ,the executive committee that rl-:rs in char^^ a t
hcndquarters consulted with otl~cr hrolticrs and it
lvns dccidrd Zhnt it was best to scll Ihc BrooIcI 11
7l'at,ernacle and io close thc Bethel Romp. ~ v e n l l l n $ y
thr Tabernacle was sold lor $16,000,accorrling l o R, 1-1.
r3nrbrr's recollection, Later, all. ncrt%sary Arrange
mcnts for the sale of Bethel to the Eovwnmenl. w r w
niadc except the transfer of cash. But sornethinc
armistice. The sale npvcr wns Sully
August 26, 1918, however, had begun the transfer
of the Society's headquarters from BroolcTyn, New
York, ta Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "As 1 look back,"
comments Haze3 Erickson, "I can see that though
the Bible Students were stunned because of the broll1-




ers' havin been hpdaon&, they never stopped witnesstng. ~ R c ywere just n bit more mul~ous,perhaps:
Sister H. N, S. Dixon rrcnllerl tlrat "the Iaith af the
hiends remahed strun onti ihc meetings were held
regularly." Jehovah's C%lstlan wllncssrs r.onlinued to
display faith in God. Truc, they r v ~ r l ! in n crucible
of hardship and perscmttlon. Yet, God's holy spirit was
upon them, If only thcy auld cndure, surely the
Divine One would savr them from their pcrsccutors
~ n dgrant them rlclivcranr-c! from Ihclr state of
Babylonish captivity'!


By mid-1918 3. F, Rutherford and his seven associates found tI~ernselvesin the fcdcral penitentiary
at Atlanta, Gmrgln. A letter w r i t t ~ nby A. 1.1. Macmillan on August 30, 191S, cnaldes us to look behind
those prison walls. A copy sttbmitted by MeMn P.

Sargent reads, in part:

"No doubt you would lifrc a word as to our condition in prison. I will briefly tell you a few thfngs
ahout life Iliercr. Rrnltler W o ~ w f l r i hand X 'cell tokthrr.' Our r t k 1 E Is \?PI rlrtin, wrll riirrtl nnd lighted,
A i s nhorlt 10 x 6 x 7
has lwn hr*rlhs with straw
l~cks,two shcc:ts, Mnnkrta :inrl ~>illr,ws,two chairs,
a inMe tlnd plcnty ol' ulcnn tr~welsanrl soap. We also
have a cabinct in which lo keep our Inilel ~rticlea.. . .
"hll the brethren worlc toacther in the tailor shop.
This room b a well.aired, well-lighted room 60 x 40
Ifeetl. Brother Woodworth and I malcc buttonholes and
sew buttons on shirts ntlrl prison suits. Brothers Van
Arnburgh, Robison, Fisher, Wart in nnrt Rut l-ierford
make, o r rather help rnaltc, prison conts anti pants.
About one hrrndrecl mpn In ~ l work
In this dcpartmcnt. From the flaw I work, 1 c*n~tme all thc bwtIrl*en,
and I assum you ji Is interesting to mr! Drother Van
Arnburgh a t a seidng nlachln~, sewing s m m s t h a t
juin the eastern and wesicrn portions of n pair of
inusers together. . , Brotl~erRutlicrford almost gave
up Jiope of ever learning how to put a. coat together.
I don't think he has Iinist~cd one yct although he
has been at work about three W ~ P I T S . d h e n I: look at
him hc secrns to be husy, but. I really Illlnlc he spends
most of his time trying to (tirend i t nccdlc. [A guard
dealt so unreasonably with him (hat soincx other prisoners took the jacltct rind cornptcled it. Eventually,
Brother Rutherford was rrnnsfcrrctt t o u place where
he was morc 'at home1-the 1fbmry.l , . .
'The first thing we do after reaching our celk
after supper i s to read U1e af trrnoon papers. Then for
an hour, six to sevcn, everyone who wishes to m a y




play on any musical instrument he may have. What:

a variety! 1 think that they play at every kind that
js made except the Jew's harp, and 1 am thinking of
getting me one of those, as t h a t is the only tlling that
I can play except the ten-stringed harp. During thia,
that Brother Woodworth caIIs 'Dante's Jnferno! \v@
play dominoes. After this we read the Datms or B b l c
until Scdtime, at 1 O : O O p.m., when the lights go out.
T h e next day we do the same thing, and so on until
Saturday. On Saturday afternoon all the Inmates go
out into the yard. There Is a hrseball game which 1s
well played, in which the men take a dccp intcresl.
1 usually spend the afternoon playing trnnis. T l ~ c
other brethren walk around tallring. The different
classes of men gather if? little groyps-anarchists,
socizlists, Counterfeiters, moonshinr~rs, pro.Gcrrnans,
bank cashiers, lawyers, druggists, rlortors, Zrnln rohbrrf;,

T l ~ sarmlaricc was sfgmed on Novembr 11, 1918, and
World War I cnmc tn 12s end, Rut the eight Bible
student^ were still In rlson. These they remained
while their fellow helzvers held a convention in
' ttshurgh, Pmnsy hanln, January 2.5, 1919. This asscmhly was combined with t h e very significant annual
rnct.llng of t h IVatch
Towrr Rible and Tract Society
on Snturrlay, Janttnry 1, 1919.
J. F. Rutherford lralimrP that at thk corporation
meeting opposers wt lht n I he organization would try
to have him nnrl thr other sfllcers of thc Society re~ Y a w dIby men of lhcir chofw. That Saturday, January .%,
A. 1-1. hlsornll~nnwas playing out at thc prison
tcnnIa court. Rutl~crford npproachetl: him, and, acrnrrllng to Macmlllan, Ihlcr is what took place:
"'Rutherford snld, 'Mac, I want to talk to you.'
"'Whnt do you want to tnlk t o me about?'
" "I want to tnlk to you about what's going on at
P l t t hury:hmt
" 'I'd lfke to play tilts tournamwt out here.'
"'Arm't you I n t c r ~ ~ t r tIn
l whnt's goln on? Don't
ou Imow it'n thc clretion o l olllcrrs turlay! You might
re Jp~orcilnnrl droppctl and wc'll stay ere forever.
" 'I3rolhcr nuthsrrord,' I aald, 'let me tell you somethin^: perhn s you helvcn't Ihaught of. T h i s is the first
t l m ~slnec !he Sorlciy was Incorporated that it can
bccomc clcarly cvitltant whom Jchovah God would hke


burglars, ministers (of whom there are n ,n00(11y

number), etc., etc., etc. TRc prison hand plays scvtwl
selections during the afternoon!'
T h e eight incarcerated Eible Students had o portunities to preach the goad news of God's hlngfarn t o
other inmates. All rlsoners were rcqulrcd to attend
~ h a p ~service
on unday marnfng and those so dcsiring could remain for Sunday school thereafter. PI(!
rlght brothers formed a class for study ant1 fcllowshlp,
In time other inmates joined them and the hrothrrbe
took turns teachlng the class. Some of the omcers evcn
drew near to listen. Interest increased until nlnrty
pcrsons were in ait~ndancc.
The transforming power of EQCI'B
truth had a profound effect on some of the inmates. For cxnm le, one
rernarkeri: "I a m seventy-two years of agc, on# I had
to get behind prison bars In nrdrr to hrnr the truth.
I am glad for this reason that 1 was scnt to the
penitentiary. For fifty-scven years 1 have aslced qucs.
tions of the ministers, and never mulcl get satisfactory
anslvers. Every question 1 asked thcsc men l l h e irnprisoned Bible Students] has been ilnswercd l o my
sat isfactbn."
The Spanish influenza then was raging and thb
brought the Sunda school classes to an end, However, just before txi eight Bible Students w m ro.
leased from t h e Atlanta pmitentiary, all the groups
they had instructed were united and J. F. Rutherford
spoke to those assembled for about forty-fiveminutes.
Some offcers were present, and many of the Inrnalcs
shed tears o f joy over the hope of liberty to conlc
for mankind under Kingdom rule. When frecd, the
Bible Students left in prison a small group that remained faithful.



to hnve as prcaidmt.'
" 'Whftt do ynu lnrnn by that?'
'' 'I mean fhnt Erothpr nusscll had a controlring vote
and he nppointed t h ~dlffercnt offfcers. Now with us
werningly out of commission the matter's different.
nut, if IVC got mtf: In tlmr to go up to that assembly
la that husiness m ~ c t l n g , we would come in there
nnd would br ~cccptcclto tnkc Bmther Russell's place
with the sanle honor hr rec~ived.It might look then
like mnn'.s work, not God's.
"Ruthprford just looked thoughtful and walked
T h n t wns an eventful day at Pittsburgh. %en
hour ,,nrrived for the huslney mecttng, tensions were
high, recalls Mary Hnnnnn, W e ohsellred that some
of the opgosltlnn were present, they hoping to get
thplr man In nflice."
A letter from Brother Rutherford was read to the
amllenc~.In It hc sent love and greetings to all and
wnrned against Satan's chlef weapons of pride, ambltlon ant1 fear. Shnrzulnga clcaire to submit to Jehovah's




Wl?, he wen humbly suggested sult8ble men in the

event that other officers ~f the Socfeiy sllould be
Blscuaaion had continued for quite some t h e , when
Bruther E. D.Sexton spolce up, saylng:
"I just arrived. M y train waa forty-clght hours I n k ,
having bccn snowbound. 1: I~nvc?somcthlng 10 say
nnd fur my own comfort 1 beltcr say It now. My dear
have come here, a s tlse balance of you
hnvt?, with certain ideas In mind-pro nnd Con. We
might sn with all due respect to our lcgnl friends,
that we tavc been talkln to some other lawyers. 1
find lhcy are very much ?fkc docrum. Thcy disagmc
nut I csume what I sny w i l l Ile in perftwl n ~ m c m c n t th wltnt thry hrivr! .raid. There Is
i ~ olt?[:i~l ob~laclein thc way. Ti? wr! dcslrc to reelect
our ht.rthrcbn in the South lo any oillcr! they can hold,
1 cnnilol scc, or find fmrn any :~dvlccI have rec~ived,
Ilow 1111s will, in any shape or fonn, Intr!rferr with
t h c nspcet of their case before tIlr 17edcl.nl Court or
beiorc! !he public.
"I beIIcve that the greatest compliment we can
to our {tear Brother Rutherford would be to
him as prcsidcnt of the Watch Totvcr UibIc and Tract
Soclecy. T do not think there 1s any qurstion In the
mind of the public as to whcm we stand on the
proposition. Lf our brethren In any way technically
violnted a law they did not undcr~tand,wc know their
motives urn good. And before A l m l ~ h t God tliey have
violnl~dany law of Gorl or o r m : l n . We could
innnif~stihc greatest conflrlcncc if wr rerlr1clcd Urotlier
Ruthrrford as president 01 t l i ~A ~ ~ t ~f4!11.
"I am net a lawyer, but whcn It cornc8slo the legality
of thc situation I know sonlrlhfng n h u t the law of
the loynl. Loyalty is what Corl dcrnnnda, 1 cannot
Lnngfne any greater confldrnct? wc coulrl manifest than
to h:~vr!nn clcftion and rcciect 131a0(.1~(m1'
I i ~ i t J ~ ~ r fUoS~ d



Tl~crc were nominations, a vote was taken ana

J. F. Rutherford was elected as president, C, A. Wise,
as vice-president, and W. E. Van Arnhurgh, as secretarytrcusurcr. Loolung back, Anna K. Gardncr remarks:
"TRcir was a deep happiness nfter tlint mcctlng to
see a ~ a l nJehovah s visible guidance nl his people."
The scene changes to Atlanta pcnjrcntlary. It i s Sunday, ,Tanuary 5, 1919,J, F, Rulherford raps an Brother
Mtlcmlllan's cell wall and says: 'Toke your hand out!'
At Ihal, he hands Macmillan a telegram. Its message?
Rutherford has been reelected prrsjdcnt. Laler that
day Brother Rutkerford said to A. H. Macmillan: '2


want to tell you something. You made a mark

ycst~rda that fs working in my mind about our being
put in Krother ~ u s s d ~place
and wr would have
lnilucnccd iI~celection if we had Reen In Pittsburgh
nnd the Lord would not have had the chance to #how
whonl hc wanted. Wily, brother, if X ever get out of
hcl-c, by Gorl's grace I'll crush nll thls buslness of
cwaturr worslli . What's more, I'll tnkc illc A n ~ g e r
o r 1 ~ ~ 1 1 and
rip the innards out of ,pLi Bnilylon.
They got 11s in here, but we'll gct out. ILuthrrford
ancant it. From the time of his release dnwn to tiis
clrnlh In ~ n r l y1942, he carried out t h a t promfsc hy
i-xpnsfng the wickedness of false religion,



In February 1919 nationwide agitatlan was ~tarted

by certaln newspapers to bring nl~autthe rcleass of
J. F. Ilutllcrford and his incarccrnlcd associates. 'J'llou-

sands of lcttcrs were written by Ihc Rlldc Students

la ncws1,aprr editors, congressmm, scnntors nnd govcrnors, u r ~ j n gactinn in behalf of Zhr? c f ~ l ~lrnprisoned
.I'I~rlsllnns, M a n y who rcccived such rrrlucsls made
in favor of thr rclmsr nnd Inrllr.ntcd that
I11c.y wr~rll(ltlo somcthina to l~clp.
P'nr Instnnrle, n lrttcr Irom CongrcRumon E. W.
Snunrlrrs o f Virginia rend: "I am In recclpt ni your
lrltrr rrlnling t o the case of thr R i h k Stuclcnts now
in ronflncmcnt st Atlanta, I beg to sny that I favor
the pardnn of illese men, and will bc vwy glad to
join I n a reeommcndation to that ~ffcrt.Thcsc people
mc not criminals in the ordinary scnsc nf Ihe word,
though thry may h a w been guilty of n tccllnlcnl violatian nf Illr law-* Gut t h e war is ovr-r now, and we
ought to try t o put it beyond us as rapidly as posslblc."
And Mayor XLer~ry W. K i d of Saint Louis, Missouri,
wrutc to Unitcd States President Woodrow Wilson,
slating: "Alllow me to add my indlvklual. rcclucsl to
Ihost? alrendy forwarded to yuu asking that Mrssrs.
Rutherford ct. al., of the Intcrnatlonnl Bll~leSlutlcnts
Association l>e admitted to bail pcndlng n final decision of their case by the higher rourts, n n i i f pop
sihle that pardon lw granted in t h ~ s rrasps.
March 1919 saw a new etSort to srrure t h e release
of nrothcr Rutherford and his assnrlntcs. A nntlon-

rtltion was circulated and In n short time
?OCI,OO~"slgnntures were obtainmi. Tht! pet [tion was the
lnrflcst Jn its timc. It nevcr was pwscntcrl to Prcaldent
Wilson or the government, howcvcr, kcnuso Wore
Ihnl accurrcd action had been talren ta release the
eight Blble Studcnts. Nevertheless, the pctitlon served

an outstanding witness,



work with that petftlon, Sister Arthur

says: "Of course, we had all klnds of experlences. Some would sim gIndly and wt! could give
? wllncss, while others were hostile and would say,
Let Ihcm stay there and rot." Orrllnarfty thjs would
]lave h r m humiliating work, but, we fclt Jehovah's
snlrit was directing us; so we cnjoyrrl ir, all and hcpt

such persons in conlhement after thefr opportunity

for rnaklng trouble is past. Their FaSP has not yet
been heard in the Circuit Court of Appeals.

Re ardlng
L. cfaus

right on to the finish!'



On March 2, 1919, the trial j u d g ~T"Pd~!rfll

J u d ~ e11-IarlandB. Howe, sent a telrpnrn to Attorney
Gcnrrnl Gregory in Washington, I).(:., recommending
"lmrnarllnte commutation" of t h p srtntmcrs Im >oscd on
F l i r rlc11L Imprisoned 13ible SLutlmts. C:rrh~ory !lad sent
IIowc 11 trlo1:x;im requestfn~I bnt 11e ~nnltr!this move.
11 11r1pr!nrfi t fiat this stop wns tnltr!n hc!r:msr! the inc.nrctbi.:~lcd brothers had mtrrccl nn appcr~lnntl neltller
Il ~ cat tortley general nor IIowe cleslrud to 41ave this
vase go to the higher courts. (Thr! r b l g h t brothers were
111 rlson wllile t h e t r appeal was penr!lnE only because
Nowe and ialer Judge RIanlon had cienlctl bail.)
too, was Judgu Howcts lrltur of hqarcll 3,
1910, LO i f e attorney general. 11 rcod:
"The Honorable Attorney General,

"Wnslifngton, D.C.

"Anewerlng your telepam of the l a t lnst., I wired
you thttt ~ v r n l n gas ~ o ~ T o ~ v s :
'"'nccmmm~ntnd Immedlatc commuinibn for Joseph
William E. Van Ar~~hurgh,
Rohcrt J. Martin,
J.'rctl I I , Robison, George W. ln7isllrt*,CInyton 3. Woodworth, Glrlvrlnni DcCccvn, A, 1I u ~ hhlncm31Inn. They
werc nII rlrlfvndnnts in samc cnsu In 1~:nsIcrnDistrict
of Ncw Umnlc.M y position 1s t o br: gencaihousnow that
Ihc wnr L ovslh.They did rnucli clamam? by preaching
nntl publishing their religious doclrjncs.'
"The severe sentence of twenty yeara rvaa Imposed
upon each of the defendants except DcCecca. Ills was
ten years. hly principal purpose was l o makc an example, us a warning t o others, and I bellcved that the
Presftlenl would relieve them aftel' Ihc war was aver.
As I sald in my telegram, they did inucl~dnmagc and
it may well be claimed they ouelit irot to be set at
lilxrly so soon, but as they cannnl do any more harm
now, I am in favor of being aa lcnlent ns I was severe
iln imposlng sentence. I l~clicve most of them were
slnccre, lf not all, and I am not In favor of keeping


(signed1 J-IARI,ANI, B. HOWH,
Unitrrd Btntea District J ~ t d g @ . ~
On March 25 1919, United Stntca Su reme C o w
Justice Louls D. Brnndeis ordercd hail E r the elght
Imprlsoned brothers and directed thnt thry should h e
lven thc right to an appeaI on April 14 of that year.
hcy wrre r~leasedpromptly anti on Tuesday March
23, [hey left Atlanta penitentiary by train. back in
nrooklyn on March 26, 1919, federal nutIioril~es relrascd llle brothers on bail of $10,000 ench, p ~ n d i n g
f urlhrlr trial.


'There w a s great joy among the brothem on being

notlfletl of their release and they were resent to
welcome them home:' recalls Louise ~ a n s e \ , adding:
'"Thry quickly arrnn ed f o r n
Zm-iquct at the
1lrllrt.l Irornr- in 13rookfyn. I rcmernlwr m y Inthey went
to Ilroolrlyn to hclp get thr! rrlnrnr4 rta:uly,,t~nd share
t l l ~ l rjoy 111 welroming thc brothrl..r h:tcblt,
W h ~ nt hnppy time that was! Mntlel ITnrrlett writes:

"1 rcmcmhor making a hundred rlouglti~i~ls,

whlch the
brotlmrs scemcd to enjoy
1 clan still se0 Brother
Rutlmrford reaching out f o r them. It rvns nn unlorgettnhlr! occasion as he and the o t h e ~ srrlated t l ~ ~ exir
perimces. I also remember short-staturrd Brother
rlrC'ccca standing on a chair 80 that a11 could we and
Zicar him." Giusto Bat'tako remarks: "A d~lcltendinner
wns prcpared and there were so rnanv nf 11s that tve
hnrl to slnnd up to eat. Then what n thrill i n hear the
c*xperlmccr;of the brothers! . . . Onc ot the Ihlngs
Rihothcr PeCecca said was, 'Brothers, thc grentcr t h e
Iroul~lc!, the greater the blessing! Ant1 truly I could
src? dchova11's rich blessing upon His penplo."
On the evening of April 1,1919,nnother banquet was
held iw tho released brothers by the Wntch Tower
office force at Hotel Chatham In Pittsburgh. T. 3.
Sullivan observed: "The joy that came lo Jehovah's
prnple with the release of our brothers from the
Atlanta Federal Prison on Tuesday, March 25, 1919,
lrncw no bounds. , , TheIr further d~votianto Jehovah
was shown in the fact that they immcdtately set to
work to herald forth to the people of God everywhere
thc lrnowledge of Jehovah's deliverance, by means of
the 1919 Cedar Point convention."




The case of the eight Bible Students waa due t o he
heard on a peal on April 14, 1919. They then had n
hearin h g r e the Federal Serond Circuit Court CJC
at New ~ m l rcity. On May 14. 1919, their erroneous convictions were reversed. Then p r c s i d i r ~were
Jud es Ward, Rogers and Manton. Judge Wnrd satti
in LRe o inion when remanding the ease f a r rctrial:
"The d&ndmts in this case did not have thr tcnlpel-ate and impartial trial to which they were ~ntttletl,
and for that reason the judgment is reversed."
Jud e Mart+ T. Manion dissented. On J d y 1, 1918
this atfiohc judge, without assigning a reason, 11nd
refused bail to R~*herford and his fellow clefendanls,
resulting i a a nine-month unjust imprisonment wIlile
their appeal was pending. Incidentally, Pope Pius XI.
lntcr made Judge Maftton a "ltni~htof the! order of
St. Gregory the Great. Ultimately; however, nfarlton's
disregard for justice was revealed, On June 3, 193!),
IZC was sentenced to the maximum penalty of two
years' imprisonment lus a file of $IO,OM) for shame.
fully misusing his hlg% federal jud eshlp by accepting
bribes in the amount 01: $186,000 Tor six decisions.

ona in favor of Rutherford'a client, Clara Schneider,



Reversal of the eight EibIe Students' erroneous con.

victions on May 14, 1919, meant thal: they were free
unIess the government chose to repros~ecute,But the
war was over and the authorities realized that on the
basis of the facts I t would be impossibIe t a get a
conviction. Hence, in open court a t Brooklyn, on May 5
1920, the government's lawyer nnnounceti wlthdrawni
o f lIie prosccutbn. The indictments wcrc dismissccl by
nctlon of anlle proseq~d.So it was that all eight: OE
these Cl~ristinn men were clea~ctI completely of an

illegal judgment
Reversal of the decision and tllsrnlssnt of the fnflietrnents meant that J . F. Rutherford and his seven
associai~swere totally exoncratcd. Some have spol<en
of Judge Rutherford as an "ex-convict,"hut absolutely
without basis. The court action of M a y 14, 1919, deflniteIy established that he and his associates had h m
lmprjsoned on an illegal conviction. That Brother

Ruthcrford mas not considered an ex-convict Is decisively proved by the fact that he later pradred as
a lawyer before the Supreme Court of the United
States, an impossibility for an ex-convict. Twenty years
after his unjust imprisonment, or in the autumn of
1939, the nine justices of the Supreme Court listencd
to the argument presented by Rutherford in the case
of Bc7~midevv. New Jersmj. The court rulecl eight-I*

n Christian witness of Jehovah.

Durtn the cllrnnctlc years o f 1918 and 1919 Jehovah's
people fimd great hnrdrhlgs. But wlth God's aid they

endured. 1 Itom. 5 :3.5 1 Snitin, through various means,

hntf fnllet? to still the lips of those prdsin God. How
vwy fitting war t h e p~iiriaxt of the Bib% Students
fol' I 9 l 9 ! It rvns: "No lvcapon that is formed against
t t ~ c eshall rospPr . . This Is the heritage o f the servants of 1 k 2 ~ > n o ~ ' - b a!34:17,
K f i i g dtfmes Version.

Atter thelr trialsome period of 1917-1919,Jehovah's
people subjected themselves to scrutiny. RealFng that
lhey llac? acted in ways Zllat did not meet with God's
approval, 1211.y sought forfiivencss in rayer, repenting
of lllelr f o r r n ~ rcourse. Wlis lcd to $hovahls forgive
ncRs nnd I~lcssin~.-I'rov. 28:13.
One cornprornjse had been t h e cutting of pages from
Tlre Irdttlfi?~o(lM?jatery, this to please those who had
n ~ ~ u m c rthc!
poaI2lorr of ceneor. Another occurred
w11c.n 'I'itrr llFair:I~
of June 1, 1918, stated: "In
ncrhordr~nc,awlih Lhc wsolutfon nf Congress of April
2rlt3, n111lwith the
:~m:rlion of I hc? President of
l i ~ r b 17nllcd S l n t c ? ~
Mny L 3 , It Is suggested that the
J,ordJs 11(*rlplr! c!vcrywhc;f.c rnnlcs May 30th a day of
pyaycr 11 nd su pllcnlion, Subsequenl comments lauded
thc lrnilcrl ~ k l r snnd did not harmonize Nth the
CIirisUan posl lion of ncutral1ty.-John 15:19; Jas. 4:4.
D u r l n ~ :World Wnr I quehllons arose among the
Blblc SluAcnts as ta the losltlon the should take
ragnrdii~grnlllrsry service. dome reiusedlto participate
In any way, whcrcas others accepted noncombatant
servlcr, RcInted questions arose about whether to buy
war 'tm-trls ant1 stamps. FnlLure to do so sometimes
resuItec2 in pcrscr:utlon, even brutal treatment. When
Jehovah's servants of today consider any program or
nrtivlty of t t w nations, thry act in harmony with such
rinciples ns that sct forth a t Isaiah 2:24,
~ v l ~ l r roncfirles
with tho words: "And they will have
l o bent their sworrls into plowshares and their spears
Into p n i n l n ~ shpnrs. Natian wllI not lift up sward
agnlnst nnlirm, rlrithef will they learn war anymore."
A new outloolr. That Iq what Jehovah's people had
as t h ~ yentrrecl thc 2920's. They had one through
dlfllcult ycnrs, but Christ's nnnintcd Allowers, the
symholb "1 wn witnesses," were alive again spiritual1
i m r l rrndy for adinn. What led up to this? What tooc
plnm In Ihc months Immedfatcly folIowing the release
nr Brother Rritlrcsiord nnd his seven associates from
prlson ?



When Rutherford was released from prison, there
w a s a blg question in I-]is mind: Just how much in=
ierect is there in the Kingdom mesn;l@? I-Ic was an
ailinf: man, who might rcasonabl he expected t o be
roliccrnctl primarily with his herich, but he juat had
l o havs nn answer t o that impnr'tant questloll.
As it 19, during the months nf ihclr Incarccratlon fn
the Atlanta penitentiary, Brr~lllcrs nu tht!rford and
Van Amburgh had shared a ccll havlny: no aIr ctrculntlon due to a fan mnlfundion, Firlllg unrtl~le to
grt sui!lcie~ll oxygen, their systcms hnrl hren filled
wlt h poisr>ns.While Ruthrrford ~ v a simprisonetl, in fact,
n Inng r-nlirlition had dcvclo (TI Ihnt ~1:ryrrlwit11 him
far the rrrst of his caribly Tirr. Shflrily ni'ter 111s IPleasc 11e ~ ~ o n l r acd
r t pt~ctunnnlrt. IJratllcr 1Zutheriord
hr!rnrnc R O ill that his surviv;kl I V i l S in qurstion, Rerrrusc! of his physical condil ion anrl owing t o Ibe fact
thal hls family was in Californin, he wcnl tlrerc.
TryIng to determine just how much Interest there
acltrany was in the Kingdom rnrssnce, Brother Ruthe?
ford arranged for a public m e c t t n ~at. CEune's hudltnrium in Los Angeles on Sunday, May 4,1019.Through
cxl~nsivenewspaper advertising, Itc promised to exaln In this discourse just wily lhe Watch Tower
ociety's olfrcers had been convicted ilegnlly.
The local clergy thougl~tthe Biblo Stutlsr~rsand the
Soript were finished, that no onc! would shrlw up for
I h c nckerllrcd talk .'The Hope for D i s l l.csu.rl HumanRve hun11 y." IIut lllcy were wrong. Cht-rc! t t~o~unnrl
cll+etl were prespnt, and nhout s i x h ~ ~ ~ i d rhad
o d to k
tkrrnetl away for lack of spacv. Ru!llrlhiol.rl promised
to spcak to them on Monday cvenltl~.Thougl~ he had
bccn sick all day, he delivered that t;ilk 10 nn audience
o f 1,50R. He was so ill, howcvrr, thnl filter about an
hour h e had to bc replacer1 hy an i~ssatdnlc. Yet, t.he
test in Los hngeIes had been a success. There was
notable Interest in the Kingdom mesaagc.



That was anather big guesstio~l.Thc Brooklyn T a b -

naclr had been sod. Though Bc?thcl sllll hdonged to

the Sodety, it was practically unfurnished R I I ~11eadquarlers operations had been transferred to Pittsburgh. T h ~ r cthe brothers had little monry and their
Fcdcral Street quarters were far froin ndquate for
cxpnnaion. Printing facilltbs were lacldng, and even
m a n y of the plates from which the Soclely's Ilterature
ZVAS prlntecl had been destroyed. Prospeut~werc blealz.



DurIng J. I?. Rutherford's stay in Cnllfornfa, however, an Interesting thing happened at the Soclqtyf
PIttsbur h hradquarters. One mornin a Christ~an,
George Autteifiela, a person of eonslSrnble nlcans.
wnlkcd into ihe office. A. H, Marmillnn spoke with
Ilinl In tht? parlor, informed him t h a t n r o t h ~ rR u i h e ~
mrd was in California, and then t h i s ifi what hap
prbned, according to Mamillan's own report:
"Ilc sald, '3-lalTeyou got a prlvate room here?'
"'Well, wc'll lo& this door, thls is private. W h ~ .to
you want to do, George?'
*'Helrrgan t o take his sMrt off as 1 talked to him.
f thortghi h c Ilnd gone crazy. He lnokcd n IIltle dirty
and tmucl-worn, whereas ortll~~nrjly
he was a tifly
and tvrll-kept man. When Ile gnt down to Ills UntlerIir! cul, out n Hltlc p ~ t u h
Ilc hnd on there and took out a bundb of money.
T1 was about $10,000 in WIls.
"He put it down and said, "That'l'l he1 you to get
Ihlrr wrrrlc stnrtcd. I wouldn't mnd n e!e:eck because
I tlltln't know WAC, was here. I dltln" t r a v ~ lIn a sleeper
I didn't Ivonl nnyhody to cnmtt nnd Xakc thls
am;ly Isrrrn 1174: If they s r ~ s y ~ c r tTd hncl I t , so 1 fiat up
nll ~ ~ l ~ tI i lr13dn'l
Icnow wlrn wnrr In r.l~nr[rc! of tlse
wnrk, hr12 now that I see ynll I,rcllhr~.r;hrrt! wllom I
I~nntvunrl 1 trust, I am glad tlml J cnnrr!' .
11 w a ; ~
H plcnsr~ntaurprinc and certainly an mcouragcment.
Upon Firother Rutherford's return to the Society's
PUtshur~h oMces, he instructed the Soclety's vice.
C. A. Wise, to go to Brooklyn and scc about
reopr~tlnEBcthel and renting prcmlses whcrc the S*
cicly r-ot~ldbcgin printing operalions, The ronversation

shirt hr wnnted a knife. Then


\rml likr thls:

"Go niid ace whether it

retzirn bade to Brooklyn."

is the Lord%will for ua to

"IJow wlEl I delcrmine as t o whether it is the b x d ' a

wlll fur us to go back or not?"
"It was a failure t o et coal sup lIes in 1918 that
rlrova ur iram Hrooklyn Rack ta ~tttsturgh.Let's make
coal l t ~ rtest. You go and order some coal.'VIIti New
York coal was .4tlIl being rallonctl nt t IIP end of tlre

"How many tons do you think I should order to make
the test?"
"Well, make it a good test: order flve hundred tona."
That is just what Brother Wise did, And upon
mahlng application to the authoritlea, hc was g ~ ~ n l e d
n mrtiflcate to get five hundred tons QP coal. ImnedlnteIy he wired J. F. Rutherford, That much coal would



ensure operations for a number of years. Bnt where

on the stage and In hls usual way told the audience

that he too had been pumlzli?g all week as to the meaning 01 thos: two letters, GA.' H e had come to one
conclusfan: Fi-lcnds, 1 have ooncludcd t h a t It means
"Guess !gain,"' Well, the audielace rcspondccl in


could they put I t all? Large sectlons of t h e Bethel

horn& bamment were converletl into coal S t Q m e
space. This ~uecessfultest wag taten ar nn unrnlslakab7e
Intllcntlon thflt it was God's will Clmt tllr! move to
ISroolcIyn be made. So it mas, as of October 1, 1919.

Not Ion before Bethel reopened, Jehovah's people

In genera had a joyous reunion, a truly o~~tstandin
even,:. Shortly after Brother nutherlord's mecesrfu?
public mcctinga at h s Angclrs Jn Muy of 1919, FC
devidcd Lo hold a large convcntlon. Ullimately the site
choscn wns ('rdnr Point, Ohio. This nssrmhly of Septcrnhrr 1.3. 1!119, proved to Ilc onr nf unrrsunl spiritual

llorcfa at Cedar Polnt could houac some thrce thousanrl, nnrl Ihc nible Sttndcnts hnd arranged to take
ovcr nll thclr facilities by nnon of the conventian's
o p v n i n ~day, Monday, September I. Thcre waa a little
disa pnlntment whcn only a thousant1 pcrsons shewed
up kr the opening session. nut pcoplc kept mming,
on special trr~Insand by other means. Soon long lincs
of plated dplegates were nrvaltlng nccommodatians.
And who wcrc busy behind Ihe rounler handing out
room nssignments? Why, nonp other thnn two f o m c r
Inmates or Atlanta penitentiary-A. W. MacmiIlan and
R. J. Martin! Now look Ihrre, Drothrr Rutherford
and mnny olllcrs are having n grent time ns .hpllhops,
tonng sultcnscs and helping fr~Elow conventionem to
thrir mrbrns. Thlngs kept humming till niWr midnight.
Mnppy delegates kept r i ~ l l tr)n coming. Frnm about
3,000 on Elnncl Ily evening of i l ~ vIlrat rlny, attendance
climbed t o 6,000on Friday. Ant1 fr~rI h r Sunday public
lecturc flboul 7,000 were prcsrnl. A1 llrls joyous assembly over 200 ~ymbolized thnlr clcdbntlon to God by
subrnlttln~ to water baptism,
Conrcrnin~:t h ~
public discourse ''The Hope far Distwssrd lT~irnnn!ry,'Arrien Pate wrltes: "They arranged
to hnve the public talk outsidc ancl Brother Rutherford
8polrc. . . W181that small number it wasn't too hard
to hr?nr."


As mns conventionem arrived In Cedar Point they
noted sornethlng very j n t r i g u i n ~U~ r s u l ~C. Serenm M?calla: "We observed a large banner across the hall
above the speaker's platform w l t l ~two capital Ietters,
'GA.' We all, were in expectation all week, guessing the
meaning. of those two initials,Brother Macmillan came


For reUef from nngwg dosfty, the assembly
delegates had to watt 1111 Friday, Septemlwr 5-"Co.
laborers' Dnv." Imagine yourself among those h:~lppy
throngs as 5'. F. IZ~tll~~rforddve fllc ndrll.cfls An.
nonncing the Kfngtlnrn." In it %e announced the publication of n new ~ r l n ~ a d n T
e ,l ~ eGoldclt Age.
T h e mystery was over. Those letters "GA" stood for
Goldem Age. mother Rutheifold was follotve!rl on the
program b 1'. J. Mnrtin, who outlined ~nethMlsfor
a new wal-$ n i ohlninlng subscriptio~~s
for T'l~rGoldc,~
Age. Publjsherl every other week, this thlrly-two-pnge
magazine would carry milch religious matter c!xpJnlning
y s e n t - d a y evenlr in tie Light of divine ~ r u p l ~ ~ y .
t s first issue, dated October 1, 1919,contnineb. rnnlt!rial
on such topic:s ns lnhor nnd economics, mnnuhcturlng
and nlini~if:, fltir~nrc, mrnrnerce anti tmnsportatiun,
agricultul-r anrl ll~tshnndry,srienm and invcntinn nnd
religion, Includln~:n Srrlpt urnlly based art l r h l r cntitlcd
"Talking wflli ihc! Dmrl?"
As its editor Y'lrm U r i l d ~ nAge had one of the brothera
who had hccn Im r i ~ u n c d with Brother Ruthurford,
He was Cla ton
Waodworth. His son, C. Jnmes
Woodworth, i l l s In t h c s ~Interesting dctnlln: "My fnther
reestablished a homr for us in Scranton IPennsylvanial, and when, in 1919,Tlw Leddm Age was hejiun
as a cornpaniun mngazlne t p The Watch Tnuwr, the
Society appolnld him its edltor. It was necessur fnr
him to spcnd a inrm .eat?- of his lime nelanl& in
Brooklyn, so I he Sncioty kindly made a n anangcmcnt
whereby hc workptl for two weeks In Drooldyn and
two weeks ar t~omc--an nrmngement that went nn
COT quite a few years. 1: well remember my dad's
typewriter goinl: busily at five o'clock mmly mornings
--as he wrote or e ~ l i t r dmaterial for Tltr! #oldoft Age
and sent it t o Bronltlfll by early mail."
Clayton J. Wootlwarth faithfully served ns editor
of The #otde+t Ago and its successor Conblolatbla
(published from Oclobcr 6, 1937, through July 31, 1916,
inclusive). 13ecnuse of advancing years, he was relieved of thls work when the new journal AwnkeI
repIaced (lottsolnt$o?r,with the Issue of Au~uat22, 194.
However, Brother Woodworth remained faithful at
other duties h Gocl'n service until death, on December
M, 1951., nt eighty-one years of age.


w w wmm mma TO WORK"


The 1919 Cedar Paint convmtlon brought about a

greater awareness of the worldwide scope of the
preachhg work that was to be done by Jehovah's
people. As A. H, M a d I a n put it: "So thr 1fTcrt began
to take hold, Wow w e have somethfng t o tla.' We wrre
]rot going to stand around any mon! and wait to go
t o hmven; we were going t o work."
Gorl's people certainly "were gotnq to work." Positive
action was taken in connection w ~ t hadvancing m e
worship. For instance, the year 1919 aaw the revival
of lhc colpomeur work. In the spring of tllat year
150 were active in this branch of Goti'n ~elwlre,but
by aautumn, 507.
Thc p i l ~ r l mservice also was revived. Full-time traveling r~prcar-ntatjvesof the Society rose to the number of
+cix and were sent to congregallons ta Enther
to1:el cr those who had been scattered d u r l n ~thp wartime p~rsccution.2 7 1 a
~ ~h sttirnulatct! Intcrest tl~rozigll
t h i s close contact with the headquarters o f JeFiovn11's
carthly organization. Here again the intercats of true
wcjrsh~pwere making advancement.



TO TAE r n L D k

1919, c~st.le8
the two-part article "Rlessed Are the
Plainly it showed the need for faithful anntl fcnrlesa
nctlon in God's service. The reB onse 10 thla call l o
I C O ~ ~ Caction
on the part of f)phnvah's pcaplc wan
cnt huslnstic and coura EOUE. They ~x?alously undcrtoolc the Kingdom pubhicity work thnt was now srt
hrforc Ihem. They Iwcamr spirii ually ~ilivr agnln jn
Jcllovahls activc servicr ns his nmhnssadors. Thus
X7t8 Watch Tower of August 1. Find 15

w;ls fulfilled t tic? ropl~ctlcpkturc of the rcsr~l-rmtlon

of God's "two tvlnesses" as tl~smSZ~ed
in Rc?vclntton

11:11* 12.
In 1920 personal responsEbfIity for prcachtng was
more lcr*cnly felt ns participants In the wltncss work
turned in a weckIy report of activity. Prlos to 1918
on1 colporteurs made field service reports. Also, l o
fntb6itntc the preaching activity, con r~jinllons were
given specific territory assi nments. %hilt wpm tho
rlTccta? In 1920 there were !,(I52 'VrIass workcrs" ant!
350 colporteurs. By 1922, of more than 1,200 congmgatlons In the United States, 980 had h e n fully reor anircd l o engage in the field service. These linn 8,#01
workers who placed Bible literature wllh houschoIdcrs
on a contribution. The weeklg average was 2,250.
When work with Tfw Golden Age was starting, ft
W R S outlined in this way: *'TmGOLDEN AGE work
fs a houseto.house canvass wlth the Mngdam message,



prdaimlng the day of wngeanm nf our God and

mmforting illem fhbt mourn. In nddilim to the eanvass, a copy of Tun Go~nr:N Acs is to be left at
each home, rvhethcr a sabscrI tlon Is takcn ur not.
S;unples will bc soppllcd ct'atE. . . class workers
wvlll pracurc tlicir xnrnples from the Dlrcctor." Congregations wlstllng to par tlclpn te reglstercd wIth the
Uratch Tower Soriciy afi srl.vlrr orgnnlzntlons, In turn,
the Society np uinted o~ir!111 the lurnl cmongregnlfonta
Errve as thc %irp&or.'l Bviq: nn appoinicc, he was
not subject ta local yearly clrrt ion, ti:: mr:~.cthe elders
at that time.
Suppose we loin brlefly In the Qak?anAga work. EIva
Fischcr tells u a this 111~outit: "In 1019 we received
our first co~lslgnmeniof 1 1 1 ~ncw Inn rnzit~eTha Golden
Age. . . . None of us owllrd nulomoh,ilrr a1 thk time,
so my hushand and Ills ltusllly brut llrzr, Audie Bradsham, loaded our llttle one.s~nted huggy 114th the
magazines and off they weirl I n plraclr Ihr gooil news
Prom n horsc and bzt~gy.hly slstrr-in-lnrvstayed lrome
t o care far the 1Iveslor.k ; t ~ dour cl~lldt+en,as we all
lived on farms, Tlw I)cys Rylr!nt t rrTorvhole days placing
them mngazttics, as I tiry wrr'e to plurr n Gotdcn Age
in rach hnmcx. W(, I V V I ~ I ~ r i l l vct'p lirilqly for this op.
portutiily to hnvr A ~ltirt It1 llirb ~>t.ra:~rhfn~.
"Voluntccrs were cnllcd lo ohtdti ~ul)su~.lptions
Ihe magazine," remmrl<a Fred hnrlcrsun, atidlnfi: "I
responded and fell tlic flrsi r e ~ ljoy of doing ttctivc
witnessing. Siilcc tlleu I llnve (.~.lhtnlticd~ n a ~ r~yu b s c r i p ~
lions and placed I~~~nrlrcrls
o f col)ics nP the magazine,
now called Arvnlee! I1 hns hrcn :I powerful lnstrumcnt:
to a~val:cn persons to the cr'lllc~lt f l n ~ aand has given
them a rnarvelo~~s
hope of. 1lfc and l~racc111 a rle:~nscd


On dune 21, 1920, & paper &Ition of TIM Pinlshed
My8tw'y was released for ttlstr'lhutlon. It wafl cam.
rnonly called the "ZG." ( " 2 stood for Zioa'a Watch

Tower, the originnl, name of The Wntchtawer, and

"Q" the seventh letter of the Enf:tlsh alphabet, deslg.
nated this sevenill volumr? of fltzulics in, t l ~ aISoriphi~es.)
This special edition of Tho Wntrdb Tower (March 1,
3918) was stored while tlle hoolr was banned and
could now be placed wlth the pcople for twenty cents

a copy.
Recalling her work wlth the "ZG," Beulah E. Covey
'"There was a full-page picture inside of a church
two preachers, each going down an aisle with
a gun In one hand and n rollcctton plate in the other.




I had to do t o place t h b 'ZGJ was to s a b this
pwture, and it was very common to place forty Or

fifty a day In the field!'

Work with this magazhe edition of Tlta Fi?ti8hr?d
Myaterg was fruitful. For example, Annie Poggensee
writes: "I called on a lady who took the 'ZG'and C ~ O S N ~
the door. Little did I realize then the results that this
placement mould bring. A few weeks later a llnndhill
mas Ieft at her floor. She recognized this as beln the
bame thing, so she attended the iallr adverfirc% nn
the handbilL She continued comEng to the m c ~ l h g s ,
~ n dfinally her husband and two daughters t)cgan
attending. Soon the whole Andreson f:tmily was in
the trutlt."
In time .Golden Age No, 27 made its anparmce. "It
was the September 29, 1920, Issue, detnil~ngthc per-

sccution and abuse of the brothers and sisters dul3na

the pxdbd of oppression,'hwltes Roy E. Hendrlx, who

had part in distributing it. Amelia and*Elizabeth h s r h
add: "'It exposed the un odl persecytron hen ed upon
the International Bible Etudnts durlng ~ o r Wnr
by the rpligious clergymen of Christ~llldomatla their
allies, political and military. . Ninc in Ihe canffregation refused to participate in this work and signed
a petition not to dde so. They lacked faith h the 'inithful and discreet slave.' As a result, we, alolig wilh
three others, mnintdnlnf: faith, dlstrlbuterl 25,900
copies in only two weelrs. The cncl o f XIie campaign snw
us tired but happy, know in^ we werc Iaitlifullg wnlking
In the light of God's Word."
Four rnilllon copies of Golden Age No. 27 were rlnted.
T I ~ Swere
C givon away free or were
on s
voluntary contribution of ten cents a copy. Principally,
distribution was from house t o house.

. .



Increaphg demands for Bible literature arose. TMsl
was true in Canada, for example, where the cenmrship that had been imposed on Watch Tower publicntions was m o v e d on Janiiafy 1, 1920. Persecu!3on In
that country seemed to stir God's people t a greater
zesP in preaching and advancing t m e worship.
On August 12, 192Q, J. I?, Rutherford and a few
associates set sail for EuMpe. Assemblies were held In
London, Glasgow and other British citles. With some
others, Rutherford journeyed t o Egypt and Palestine,
Various offices and Bible dasses were viaited nnd
strengthened spiritually. A branch &Ice of the Society

fn Ramallah. In


a yearend report,
Y3rothrr Ruthrvforrl disclosed t h ~ the
t Saciety was setling up n Central European Om* t o supervise the
p r e a c h ~ nwork
in Switzcrlnnd, France, Belgium, Haland, I:crrnn~~y,Austria nnrl Italy.

waa eatahllahcd



Contributin~to disciple-making work in those days

wnu n new prcacl~ink. activity-the
"Millions Campaign." It lenturwl ~listfibrrlien of the 328-page book
MFlFions Nazc Livi?tg IVi'ill Neucr Djc, placed with the
people on a conlrtbt~tion of 25c a copy. The boolr
was: used in conjunction with a public-speaking pr*
G r a m that began 011 Septembc~25, 1920, and that
r:r%n!rrettnmurwl n Iecfurt! (originally entftlecl 'The
Wr~rld I-lns Enrled-Milllons Now Living May Never
Die" l given 11 J. F. Rir t herfortl in Los Azigeles on February 21. 191{ and puhllsl~adin the new book in 1920.
In retrospect, Lester La Roper says: "Then came
m y tlmt! f o r R public talk on the subject 'Lift U a
Sl:rnclnrrl f o r the P ~ q ~ lM[tltons
Living That &fl1
N r v ~ rIllt?.' IwnR nrarllatnnlarl to denlln~:with the public,
llut Ihn t wnn rllITr*l.t>n(.
I folt thc Iloor' would come up
nli(l hll rnc* In I h r fills nny tlmc, And I guess it did
l n l w Intnsllnnl roltfl~~rlr,
11s t h r n wr! had only a very
srr~rill lluinhrr In (hc I ruth in nll the world--and to tell
them 'Mllllona now IfvIn~wuullrl never die'!"
MftZ%owabrow Lfdn WilZ Novm Die. eventually was
tmnslatrrl nnd Du~,~isRed
in various languages. Unlike
the "pnntornl work," which l ~ n dconsisted of lending
books lo I h e peoplr, coples of l h c "Millions" book were
plnced wilh Ihrm on n contribution, and interested
pcrstrns voold 1alr:r obtnin volumcs af ,Tlttd+es in the
Nwipf OR. T h e "Millions C~mpafg.n"lasted for some
limrv, and R jilbc8t wltncss was given by this means.
Nc*wn npw noliccs and billboards with the words "Riillions how Lluiay:Will Ntw-r Dier' wcre uhcd to bring
il i n puhlk ill (nition. So extensive was the campai~n
I lznl the slogall has l>ren rt?mt?rnbered through the
1iecallIng the erect of the 'WHIions Cam aign,"
Rufus Chilppell writer: ' W e hod oflered the p u b f i c a i i ~
filillimna Koplr Li~;ingWill Neuer Die in and around
Zion [lllinnisl nntt the rcsults were of interest. I: retntvt~bcrn l a r ~ e ,llnshin ekctric sign over thc IVauIcccan nry C I P ~ R P bullfing
on North Sheridan Road
ithout Live m t l ~ sfrom %iot~whlctl said, WP Dye for
tllc Mtlllans Kow Llvlng &hn Will Never Dic.' This
was a vex popular subject at that time, and many
peu lc linB qm!stlunecl +iir,,phraae and learned the
tru$ h o r n this po~~lication.




For years volumes of Studies in the Bcrlptzcrea had
been read and widely distributed by the Bibl!, Students,
In 1921 however, a new hook was published-The
I i a v of God, written by J. F. Rutherfortl. Eventunlly

it had a circulation of 5,819,037copies in 22 languages,

"When The Hnrp of God came out, that was rcnlly a
blessing, an answer to our prayers," says Carrie Green,
cofitinuing: "It simplified t h e truth, the whole Iruth,
all t h e difr'erent subjects being illustrated as the 'strings
of t h e harp.' "
This pub~lcatlon outlined the ~ u r p o s eof Jehovah
as "ten strings of the Harp of ad, the Bible!' The
hmkk ''ten strings' or headings were: Creation, Justice
Manifesterl, The Abrahamic Pmmise, Thp Birth o f
destu, TIie Ransom, Resurrection, Myster Revealed,
01rr Lorrl's Return, GlnrllicatIon of thc Thurrh, and
Restoration. A beamer's I~oolc,it contained q u ~ s t l o n s
for' individual and class study. When \vol.king Irnm
house t o home, the Bible Students offc~crlwith tllls
pubIication a complete correspondence c,otirsc, The
iwclve queetIonnaire cards lnalclng up the course wcl-c!
mailed, one card a week. The average congl.egaticli1
rnlght have as many as 400 to 500 cards to tkanr1Ie
weekly in connection with this course. This work urrw
carried on for a number of Fars and was hl hXg
bcnefieial. H e e d Burford says: SttIdle~were also goid
in the homes of interested persons, similar to our home
Bible study work of today, except a whole grou o f
p u b l i s h ~ swould attend, as in our eongregatlon look


In the year following World War I the Watch Tower
Society wanted to buy a large rotary press in order lo
do some printing. There wcrc only a frw in the country
and all of them were busy. Apparently. thrre was no
cl~nnceof getling one for many months. But Jchovnh's
hand ER not short, and an instalTed large rotary press
went into operation by workers at headquarters In 1920.
Fondly called the "old hattIeship," through the years it
prodl~ced millions of magazines, booklets and other
Upon acquiring the "old battleship," the Soetety
rented facten spam at 35 Myrtle Avenue 3n Brooklyn.
Upon arriving at Bthel on January 22, 1920, W. L.
Pelle and W. W. Kessler \yere assigned to work tn
that building. Brother Pelle tens us: "Our Rrst job
was washing walls an the first floar at 35 Myrtle
Avenue, It was the dirtlest Qoh I had ever had, but



it was different. We were ha

It wag the Lord's work
and that. made it worth w h y e ~ ttook us about three
rlny to gci all the rlraning done nnd then I t was ready
Tnr t h e rnnillng rlepartmmt to be set 11p.lDownslairs
In tlrc! l ~ n s ~ m r nthe
rotary press ( t l ~ e battleship')
WAB hein[: r~ssrrnbl~rl
and upstairs on the second floor
tlw llnthul prrss, Ihe rolrlrr nnd the stitcher mere
I~ringmnllc! rc*nrly!'
Snon Ihc equipment w ~ h
s operation. Brother PeIle
con1inucs: "Two brothers, experienced machinists and
prcsstnen, oprrnted the flathed press, Brother Kessler
ihr! folder, and I t h e stitcher, Then came the very
first copy of 7'fm Watch T n $ t @ r off our own preT:rhrunry 1, 1920-a thrilling momem, a very happy
Not too l o n ~thercnft~r came Trte GoTd~?s
A!lr No. 27 from the 'h:~ttlrshIp'press in the basemenf.
A srnr11l start, hut it has nwer stopped growing!"
Thr! p r e n c h i n ~work wag on the increase. By 1922
t h f wns
n much greater demand for litcratr~re. So,
Mitrsh 1, 1922, thr Sndcty rnnved its factory into
11 H~X-RII)I.,Y
blllill!ln~nl 18 Con(-ord Street in Brooklyn.
T~'lrbtlf I I I lrr'l~[~lavl
l n r ~ r Ilonrx nncl rvcntuall all six.
'1'111.1~n1111. Stivivly nwP t1tid1~I
1u11<l lir prlntkp of its
rlrstr htlllll~lY ~ I ! I H Y I ~'Yhr
' H . Myrllr? Avrantlta hitiIil~ngwas
rev ]#fli14n14
l\rlll I I t ~ ~ r ~ I I l~torFIf:<?
I rna ~rIzrkl>lvt r! !:lc lrivr rlvvd In making the transfer
from Myvl lo Ay{;n~ic!t o Cm~rorclS l r c c l was moving the
"r~ltl I):1111~~~lifp.Trerr! l a llow that wns handled, accortllng to nn aca)unt once given by LLIoyd Burtch:
"On March 1, 1922, we moved our printing equf
rnrnl: from Myrtle Av~nuoto l a r ~ rquarters at
Cnnc:ord S i r c ~ tIn Broolrlyn. W5th n 8malI truck we
rnnvcd most or the heavy ihlngs. When we came to
Ihc b i cylinders
of i h c 'battl~ship' press, we found
Ihrm t o h c too heavy for t h e truck to carry. We were
stumped. Wt! did not Jmow haw we would be able
to grt Ihem to the new qnnrtcl.~,but when we auwke
Zl~enext. morning our problem was solved.
"'Two Inches oP snow fcll llnexpectedly during the
nlght, and It strived our problem. We made a s k ~ d
nnd rolled the cylinders unto it. Hooking the truck
tn t h e skid, we dr:tgced It to the new locatio
4 1 1 ~sldd sliding smoothly on the snow. The c y h d e r s
ulrm then lowerpii Ihrough thc basement wlndo~vat
rho plncr on Conrt~rtlStrcct. For years thereafter, the
plant rnanngcr, R. J. &Tartin, found pleasure in teITing
Zhc brothers aT canvrntinna about this ~nexpected
~ n o w f n l lthat solved otzr moving problem.
Soon (hc "old battleship" was rol!ing a ain, in the
C ~ n ( ~ o rStmet
factory. And how rt ma% ttnat old
~ t r u t ~ t u rsh~lrct
W h y , it is said that plant manager


Mnrtin would remark, The angels are holding up
r Ills bulldfng.'
ONLY wmz maovmtsKELP
'The successful prinitng af hookrr nnd BIhlcs on
r a t ~ r ypresses by persons o f little or no prrvious
rxperience is evidence of Jehovah's QVPYBI
h t nnil t h ~
riircrlian of his spirit," remarks Charlra
Fehrl. He
lins been in Betl~clservice s h c c 1921. Brnthcr E"ehr.1
hnzr slrared In the developments at the Society's headquarters fox half a century and assures as: "Persona
I n perform each task were always Iounrl wlthr~ut any
dupllcntion or wasteful effort. Ynst itlslts plnnnctl
nhcnd of lime were completcrl as rrrlulrctl In spLtr of


Sn1:ln's oppositfon."
W t r ~ nIht? Socie moved !ts i a ~ o r yto 18 Concord
Sttrr!t, Rrnoklyn, ack in 1922, a corn ~Ictc. outfft of
lyprsrlting, rlertroplating, printlng an1 hlndlng macnhinrry, most of it new,* was ohtnined. Thc prr*:Ident



important printmg concern that hatl bccrl

(loin? muc; of the Society's work saw thc rrlltl mrnt

~ i l dsnld: =ere you a r e with a Ilrst-rlnss pryntinc
r s l nhlishment on your hands, and nohodg around t h ~
j ~ l a c r that: knows a thing about what i n {lo mlth I t .
I n six moi~thsthe whole thing will b [ ~n 101 or jtmk;
~ n dyou will find out that the people t o dn your

ylnting arc t h o s ~that have always dona it, nnrl m n t c

1 I h d r business.
True, there were formldahlc roblema. But with
rllvlnr .Id the hathms mndc won&rfl~l pro~rcss.Noto
illls cxamplc: Not many years ago il tnolc nn expert
mpc-hnnic from Germany and srvrrnl helpers 61c10
?~tonlAxl o erect a large press obtninctl by thr. SocIrty.
Wlthln the next two years n ~ ~ o t h rpress
of the snme
sizc ant1 make was ererted at Ircnrlqrtartrrs by orrc
hrother and assfstants at Bethel in only t l t ~ r ezueeka.
The brothers at the Smicty's t~nndq~tartsrs
th~rnselves,They learned, ant1 brlorc long they rverc
mnlting good books, kt first they uo~rldhlnd only 2,01FO
n (lily, Ijy 1927, however, they wcre producing 10,01H1
t o 12,000 books daily.
The Society had not been operating its Coneord
Stwet printing plant in Brooklyn, New York, very long
when God's people gathered for an Iaternatfonal ax~ @ m b t yon September 5-13, 1922. The place? CeAnr
Paint, Ohio, location of the Bible Students' general
ronvention in 3919. There had been growth In the Inter.
1-cnlng three years. Delegates to the 1922 assembly


came from the United States. Canada and Europe. The

average daily attcndann? was 10,000, with between
18,000 and 20,000 prpscnt on Sundny. Those baptized
numbered 361. Engllslr nnd forricn.langungc mcerings
were held sirnults~~ousty,
as many as rlrvrn being m
progress at one time.
Imagine yourself a t Cedar Polnt for that spIrftuany
rewarding assembly. Notice the large banners, the
little wooden signs on the trees and the white cards
on posts and elsewhere. A11 of thpm bear the letters
"A D V." "What do they s j p n ? Somo ~ a ythey stand
for "After Death Victory ns t h e nnolnted remnant
stiIl are very conccrncd ~thout'golna homo' to heaven.
Others th!~lr lhcsc I~licrs mc:m "A<lvZse the Devil
to Vacate.

The suspense lasted untll Frlda , Septemhr 8, known

as "The Day." Jud o Rulhcrfnrl then spalce on ' T h e
Xi?gdom." T. J. ~ u y l h a nremarked: "Those who were
nv~legedt o attend that rnrctln~can even et visuaZize
firother Rutherforrlh acnmt?stness when {e told the
frw rrstlrss pcopb t h n t wrrr! wallqlng around ber n u w n l t hv fnlrn!:~!hcnt to 'STT DOWN' and 'LISTEN'
ln t t i p Inllr at zmy r n ~ t , "Arnunp nthvr things, Hrnther
HutherForrI rcpolrr nhout tlls rnrl r l l tllr G~tltllr!'rirncs
in 191 4 nnd rll or1 I lir! h l n s p ! ~ ~ . n ~ o sulsntonic!nt by the
E'@drrhnl('lfli~nc-ilof ( ! h i i r c - l l c ~ Irnlling
(I)(! 1,cn rut? O F

Nalions as tho " colifionl oxprosslon of tha ~dngkomo f

God on earth." Tmagino ol~raclC In that ~udienccas
Rutherford works + ownrc? l hr! clrnmaltc concl~~sion
his discourse. You lislrn intcntly ns lie says:
" . . Since 1914 thc King of glorv has taken hls
power and reigns. HP hna clr:~nscd 'the lips of the
temple class and senrIs tlicrn forth wlth t h e message.
The importance of the rnessacc of thc kingdom can.
not be overstated. I t Is the rnrssngc n l nll messages.
It is the mcssngc of the hour, It Is incumbent upon
those who are the Tnrrl's to rlcclnrc It. The kingdom
of heaven Is at hand: t h e TClng r(!iqns; Satan's empire
is falling; millions now IIvlng wlll nevpr die.
"Do you believe It? . .
'Then back to I h e flcld, 0 e lsona of the moat 111 11
God! Gird on your armor!
sobor, be vlgllnnt, %e
active, be brave. Be faltllful ant1 true witnesses for
the Lord, Go fonvard in tho f l ~ h tunill c v c ~ yvestige
of Babylon Hes dcsolatr. ITerald the ~ ~ ~ c s s aPar
g e and
wide. The world must knnw thnt Jehovah Is God and
that Jesus Christ Is Ring u i kings ant1 Lord of lords.
This fs the day of all days. nchold, the Kiug reims!
You are bis publicity a~rmtq. Therefore adverttsc,
advertise, advertise, the King ant! hts klnglom."




At that very moment a three-colored, thirtysix-footIong banner is unfurled above the speaker's stand.
On it a;p ear a lar e center picture of Christ and the
words ldvgdvertise tfie King and Kingdom." Now it is
clear. The enigmatic letters "A D V" mean "ADVERTISE." Advertise what?-Why, "Advertise the Ring
and Kingdom"! "You can irnaghe the enthusiasm,
cxcIaims George D. Gangas, "the joy and the excitement of the brothers. Never had anything like that
happened in their lives. . . . It was something that
was written indelibly in my mind and heart, that will
never be forgotten as long as I live." C. James Woodworth, then a sixteen-year-old lad in the assembly
orchestra, recalls: 'That was a dramatic momenl,
How the audience a plauded! OId Brother Pfannc.
bceker waved his vioen above his head and, turning
t o me, said loudly: 'hch,Ya! Und now ve do it, no?' "

"Brother Rutherford's car was the first one. He had

invited my wife and me, her sister, CIara M ers, and
Richard Johnson and his wife. I was unade to go,
as our little girl, had become ill . Well, the territory
Par the first car was the road between Cedar Point
and Sandusky, Ohio. Brother Rutherford took the A r s t
house, Clara Myers the next, and so on till service
was completed and they returned to the convention."



And they did it! In fact, God's servants have been
doing it ever slnce. EoIdly they h8ye been advertising
the King and Kingdom. When the Bible Sfxdents left
Cedar Point they were aglow with the spirit, burnin
with enlhu~tasmfor the preaching work ahead


them. "Words cannot desmbe the feeling of moving

ahead, to go home and advertise," declares Ora Hetzel.
Sister James W. Bennecoff adds: "We were aroused
to 'advertise, advertise, advertise the King and his
kingdom'-Yes, with more zeal and love in our hearts
than ever before."
For that matter, conventioners were afforded opportunity t o advertise the Kingdom before they ever
Ieft Cedar Point. Monday, September 11, 1922, was
"Service Day." Several hundred automobiles were
used, each carrying five or more pnssengers and a
goad supply of BibIe literature, all ready to advertise
the King and Kingdom In the field service. "My card
of 'Instruction to Workers' was No. 144," says Dwight
T. Kenyon. "My card read: 'Autos will line up along
lakc front (Cedar Point) according to number on
radiator at 6:30 a.m, prompt. Your Auto No. is 215,
Worker No. i s 5, . .' I was in a group of seven. We
went by houseear, operated by two colporteurs. Our
assignment was Milan, Ohio, some miles away. I recall that Brother Rutherford was at that rendem~ous
at that early hour to see us off.'"
Yes, J. F. Ruthexford was there t o 'see them off.' But
there was more to it than that. "Brother Rutherford
was in the first automobile that started that morning,"
remarks Sara C. Kaelin. John Fenton Mickey adds:


. .



Jehovah's servants had done some house-to-house

preaching for years. Now, however, this work was
accelerated, Mter October 1922 the door-to-doorpreaching was greatly facilitated through iniorrnrthon appearing in the monthly service instruction sheet, the

Meetings o f the Bible Students continued t-a supply

rich spirrtual food. Group studies of The Watch T o w
were Rrst organized in 1922. Questions were printed
R a an aid to sludy. Christian meetings also kept pace
wlth Inrrrcnslng rrnphasis on the field sew-ice.Especially
arrctud was thc micl-weelc Pmycr, Pralst! and Testimony Met-1ing. T , o n ~had i! bccn R n occasioq for singing songs, giving tc~stimoniesand engaging m prayer.
But in the early 1020's a change came ahout that was
linked with house-to-house Kingdom proclamation. Regarding this, James Gardner writes: "An important
advancement began on May 1, 1923. The flrst Tuesday
of each month was set aside as Service Day, t o enable
:lass workers to engage in the ReM service with ihe
Director' appointed by the Socict~r. As a stimulus to
this work and to further encourage the brothers, it
was arranged that from t h s tlme forward congregational prayer meetings held every Wednesday mght
were to devote one half of the pro ram t o relating
testimonies of experiences in the
work.'. T. H.
Sietenlist adds: 'The Wednesday night fnmting ?ater
on mcluded a consideration of the Society's printed
field service sheet, the BzcZEetitilz. So when field service
began to be stressed, the Shattuck, Oklahoma, cornpany [congregationl got busy with the preachmg work
and memorized the canvasses [testimonies1 as they
came out In the BdZetin:"
AIso in 1923 the Society began settlng aside several
Sundays a year for a "world-wide witness."' This involved a united effort in holding simultaneous public
meetings throughout the earth. All the Bible Students
were encouraged to advertise such lectures as "Satan's
Empire Falling--W1Lions Now Living Will Never Die,"




During early 1927 in the United States the work of

distribtrtmg books and booklets from house to house
for a contribution began to be carried on every Sunday.
"Some were wondering how it would go, knowing the
world was against us," comments James Gardner,
zdding: "It did set off a wave of ersecution in some
places. But it was a call from the 'faithful and discreet
sIave, SO why hesitate? How gladIy we went forth,
and while some were complainhg about 'coming
around on Sundays with books,' and so forth, it soon
was seen that Jehovah was directing his people
throughout the world. Even t o this day Sundax is a
good day to go forth, and rvc do so constantly.

house in Washln ton, North Carolina. She met a

woman who rnanifestcd great interest in the Society's
booklet Tulk&g with the Dead and accepted some
literature. Sister Wileox says:
"Not wanting to detain her, X started to leave, but
she wouldn't let me go. This is her story:
" ' I know the Lord sent on here today. You are the
answer to our prayers. h& mother and I have been
graying that God would lead us to the light. We have
een members of the Methodist Church all our lives,
but recently we have stop ed golng t o church because
we are not getting anytEing there. AU we hear i s
money, money and more money. The other day my
mother saw an ad in a magazine telling about a book
on "spiritism" and how one could talk directly to God,
She told me to order the book and see what we could
lcarn from that. Well, I have the letter written orderlng
the book, but for some reason I forgot to mail it. [That
Ictter n c v w was mailed.] Now I'll read these books I
got fmln you flrst, and when mother comes to stay
with lrjr n p l n shc will read them too. Wil17you pleasc
~lr'rtrnlsr.tn c:ornt! J ~ A V T C to s r r ZIS ngaln soon.
"Of mursr, I promised. g l u t wits to Ire my first
Imrlcr.nl1 Irrlurn visit.I. 'rho bnrlr-ci~llwork was not em
c o u r n ~ n tl llm, Cavr r 1 n ~
lcrritory and leaving literature
wns slrcssrvl, Ai any rntc, I ~ v u r l tback as I: had promiserl, rvl~cnher mother was there. They had 'devoured'
the lilcrnturc I left on the first call and wanted mom.
T7rom that time on the accepted c17ery iece of literalure guhlished by the Jociety. . . It d r d s me reat
juy t o be able to report. that aster [Sophia!
my Arst back-call, was fathful in service and in meeting attendance until Iier death in 1963."
Back in the 1920's, Jehovah's servants were busy
advertising the King and Kingdom, with fine results.
Moreover, though God's peoplc did not realize it a t
the time, they then became involved in the thriIling
f uldllmcnt o f apocalyptic prophecies. As seven angelic
trumpeters blew them horns, true Christians played
a part in dramatic events on earth and they continue
to share in them right down to the present.-Rev.
8 :1-9:21; 11:15-19.
From the time that the f ~ s alzgeJ
blew his tmcmpet,
Christendom has been pelted by a figurative devastating
hail, heavy exposCs based on Bible truth. (Rev. 8:7)
It all began during the Bible Students' Cedar Point
conveqtlon m September 1922. There .God's people
enthusiastically adopted a resolution enhtled "A Challenge." Boldly ~ t :exposed the clergy's disloyalty to


Would you like t o join some Klngdom publicity
agents in their house~to-housepreaching work 01 the
Explaining the activity, Myrtle Strain says:
We mostIy explained what the books contained and
tve used quite a bit of salesmanship too. Often, howEver, we were invited into the homes and then when
Ihe householder showed interest, we would give the
whale outline of God's purpose, beginning with Adam's
fall and going on to man's restitutio:; Sometimes we
would take an hour or so at a house.
"Those early days in association with Jehovah's
people are filled with many never-to-be-for ottcn memories," remarks Martha Holrnes. "I recat our Little
group of flve worlcing the outlying towns in the Des
Moines, Iowa, area. At times we wouId leave b e f o ~ e
dayligl~tand stay until after dark. In those days our
auto had no hard tap, no power brakes, n o power
steering, no air condltfoner, nor a heater. Most of
the time we had to drive on unpaved roads. We would
get stuck in the mud and woulrl havc t o shave boards
under tile wheels to get golng again. Our car had
hutton-on side curkains that were used when it rained
or snowed. We took box lunches and ate in the cold
car. One day, after spending scvcral hours in the
work at Newton, Iowa, about thirty miles from Des
Moines, a severe windstorm came up. It was difficult
to keep the car on the road, as the winds were of
gale force. Additionally the canvas top had blown
hack and kept flopping in the wind. We finally made
it back into Des Moines, all of us drenched through
!o Ure skin. I'm quite sure that onlookers thought,
What: a crazy Bunch of people!' "
Often thefr efforts were rewarded with fine results,
however. For instance, Julia Wilcox has not forgotten
one day back in the 1920's when she was a new Kingdom publicity agent working alone from house t o






God by participating h !he war and thereafter re~ d l a t i n g1 3 s Mesmanlc lnngdom by holdln,g 4 hat the
ague of Nations was the political exprPsmon of thni:
It\n~dom.That October in. 1922 45,000,ONI coptr~ of
Ilte resolution and supportmg maiorial Iwgnn to 1~
tlistrll~uted earth wide. From that time onwnrcl, QirlsZr~rrlom (her CathoIic and Protestat~t clcrfry nnrl llrr
rhucrh mcrnhers) has been laid bar@ as J'nlsc In I ~ c s
clnlrn to being real followers of Jcsus Chrlst.
Under the direction of the second u,ngelIc trv~mpettw,
the Bible Students held a aeglannl convcntlon in Lon
Angclcs, California, .an August I!-26, 192:23. Tllcre they
ovelwhclmrngly approved the blstoric rcsoIutlorr, entillcd "A Warning." It exposcd t!lc~ fnllurtr 01' Chri8tnirlom's chlergy to aid in proclnimlng llitl l i i ~ i ~ d o rmcsn
fi:~l:(qnd;I ppraled to shecplikc yrersons to turn, not
to l h ~ clrrgy-supported
League of Ni114ons, hut l o God's
kingdom as 1 1 1 ~"only remedy for nniional. and Inrlividunl
Ills.''The failure of tlre clergy in 1111s regard h:ls h ~ e n
n major factor in t h e rise or radLral, r~volutlonnl*y
elcmcnts, pictured by the restless 4'sscn.'' But tllose
rotlicnl dements cannot give lHe to 1nnnM11tl c?i2hrr1
no Inore than hlood pourer1 out from thr! Il~unanllr~(ly
a m give life. In December 1923 printing b c p n on Ihe
tract- "Proclamation-A
Warning to All C:ht-lstinns,"
which contained the convelitio1-1 rc~olutlon. Rcsitlrs
I h c mIIljons of copics published abroad, 13,47X,400 wmbe
pl'mled In the Un~ted States. Mass rllsttlhulian oI
thnt ProcIamntion was only the hrgfnnln~.To thls
(lny, dcsus' mloini ed follozve~shnvt. n r n t l ~Inan y
Inn~aliorisadvocating God's kingdom.--T(c!v. N:R, 8.'OC'
Wlwn ill@ third n n g ~ tMew hi8 Irrcmpr.t, a third of
tllr wafers mere turned t o wormwood. Illev. R:10, 11)
Sirnificantly, a1 the Bible Slurlenis' chr~nvrntlon
n i July
'l0.27, 1924, In Columbus, Ohio, God's prople enlhuslast lvaily a d ~ p t ~
a l resolution tcl-n?crE "Znrlfrtrnci~t,"Ji
txposcd t Eie false and God-defaming dart r-incs t zwght
I>yC:hristendornls apostate clergy nnrl shnwcd thc tlrad.
lincss of the seligIous course in which l hcy nnrl I hrlr
politiral associates were lcading tho en le. Indrerl,
the clergymen were making the pro
(Trlnk sometlIing hitter as wormwood that waul$ result in lhclr
splr~luul cl@nth and eventual deslructlon. The ranvrn tion resolution was incorpo~nterl in t l ~ ctract rtltftlcti Ecclesiastics Indicted," 13,545,000copies of whit11
wcrc printed in the United Stntcs. MilILcma more In
So~rlgn languages were publisl~ecl nhroxd. Tn time,
50,000,000copies were distributed. The Jntlirtment also
wns pubUshcd in T?w Watch Tow% Agnjn, t h a t wns
just the beginning. By radio, bonks, booklets, mngaalncs and verbal testimonies Jehovah's sttrvanta have



continued to poht out that: the teadlln~sof Christendom's clergy are not waters of Ilfc, but lead to death.
Came the year 1925 and the jot~rthr n 1 g d i ~EMm@m
stood poised for action. 311s trumpet wns hlown and a
third of the sun mnon and stars wen? smitten and
darkened. (Rev. $:12) During R srglonnl convention at
Indianapolis, Indiana, on August 24-31, 1925 God's
servants heartily cndor'sed n rcsolul ion under the
title "Message of IXope," It matlc lovln expressions,
but also sllowed thnt Ihe people had fnl?m into darlc
ness in Christendarn whic.11 rlnlrns lo he thc! worl(1,'s
spiritual llght. ~ e s i c htho rcsolutlon's publlcalion m
TJIR Watch T m r r and Th? noldsn A p , !,flI.lmate!y
many millio~~s
of copies nf It In tract form wcrc mrcu!ated in various Inn~yagc?~.
Thus ill(? ~uoplewpre informed that Christendom \vns not enjoAng t11r light of
heavenly b u t h and divint! fnvor,
The attack of syml~ollclocusts wne heralded whm
in the spring of
the f i f t h uttge'el aoit91ded ltls tntn4
1926. (Rev. 9:1-21) O n May 25. 1 of that year the
13ihJc St litlcnts hrId nn InternntIonnl ronvpnt ion in
l,c~ndon,P;nglnnd. Thrtnrti h c y whol~hcnrtr!dly adopted
a r ~ s n l u t i yr.nlltlrt? "A Y'iatlmnny I n thc! Rirl:ys of
the Wo!hIrl. II nnd Vlc fiuppurtln , puhllc ntidrcss Why
World l3rwc1-3Arc. rot l crlt~c-']'Kc? Rrrnetly," rlrllveretl
on Sunrlag, Moy 30, b Ili,c~lllc~*
t o a vast
audicnce in IEcryal R!C(?~'I. Hnll, nxlroscil the Sntanlc
origin of the Lcngue of Nrlljan~and polnled out the
clergy's failure to support Cod'a Mcsslanic W~~gdom.
Similar iniormntion upprarctl in 1 1 n~ ~ w l yrebased
boolr DeZiveru?~ccnnd 111 the I,onklei T ~ Rta~da?.d
t h e People. On htonday morning, Yhr! Dail?) N m ~ sof
London devoted n Iull gngc t:o the ~rsolt~lionand R
synopses of Sunday's pu l l ~Iecture, along with an advertisement of Ruth~rlnrrl'sMonday night spech. The
newspaper mace had hrcn PU~I'I~RSCR
for a cons~derable
sum, and a mlllioti or n1nT-P cnples of this edition
reached the puhlic.
In time, some 50,000,MlO co lea of the msolutSon
"A Testimony" w e r e dlstrlhute$ tmou hout the earth
In tract form In many Inn uugea. T Is exposure of
human schemes deviserl agakst God's kingdom in the
name of religion stung likc the Rilng from n ~corpion's
tail, and it continues 4 0 do so.
m e n the sixth angel Zllcw hia t r m &, four aym.
bolic angel. were untied and 200,0~00(1~ymbolie
horses went forth "to Itill a tIilrd of l he men." Those
"horses" picture the mcnns OE publfcIzing n terrifying
judgment message, part~cufarly hy thr printed page.
The action began with n notablr cvcnt 01 3927-an
international ronvenlion of tllc Blblr! Studcnts In To.





ronto, Ontado Canada. [Rev. 9~13-19)

There, in the
Coliseum on kunday, July 24, about 15,000 persons
heard 6. F. Rutherford read a resolution addressed
'To the Peoples of Christendom," which makes up
approximatel a t h ~ r d of mankind. It urged sfncere
pcrsons to axandon Christendom so as not to be destroyed with it. The peoples were urged to give their
heart's devotion and allegiance wholly to Jehovah God
and to his King and kingdom. At the conclusion of
Rutherford's supporting speech "Freedom for the Peaples," a thunder of ayes burst forth from those present,
as they stood and shouted their approval of t h e resolution. Millions of persons heard the proceedings by
radio over an international chain of fifty-three stations,
the largest network to that lime. "Giant radio chain
hears Rutherford," dcclared the New York World of
hlonday, July 25, 1927, "Greatest hook-up spreads to
all paps o l the world spcech condemning organized


How supporters of Christendom must have a~onized

under the fiery heat of certain statements in that
stirring resolution! It and the accompanying public
discourse were published in the booklet Freedom for
tha Peoples. In time millions of copies were placed in
the hands of the common people and the rulers. Thus
millions of symbolic horses began making an assault
against Christendom, cloing so under the contra1 o f
the anointed remnant, the 'Tour angels." Through t h e
such Christian ublications have been produced
y the hundreds of mt~ions,and thousands of persons
have responded favorably, ahancloning Babylon the
Great, tthc wwld empire of false religion.-Rev. 9:1319; 18:2, 4, 5.
Dramatic events took place when the seventh angell
blew his -humpet. "Loud voices occurred in heaven,
saymg: 'The kin dom of the world did become the
kingdom oi our &anl and ol his Christ, and he will
rule as kin forever ancl ever.' " Although the kingdom
of the worfi of mankind rightly belongs to God, from
607 B.C.E, onward he permitted Mngshtp by an
anointed descendant of King David to lapse or be
interrupted for "'seven times," or 2,520 years. That
period ran out around October 415, 1914 CE. The people
needed to know that through the Messianic kingdom
then established Jehovah was ruling as kin that he
would soon "bring to ruin those ruining
and that persons fearlng his name would be colaborers
with him in making the earth a paradise.-nev,



When would such things be heralded world wide as

by the peahg of the 'seventh angel's' trumpet? That



globe-encircling announcement began i? 1928, when the

Bible Students gathered in convention at Detrolt,
Michigan, duly 3QMAugust
6. Especially noteworthy was
Sunday, August 5, f o r then the dele ates heard the
stirring resolution "Declaration Aga nst Satan and
for Jellovah," as wen as J. F. Rutherford's supporting
public talk "Ruler for the People." Among other things,
that resolution *declared that because Satan will not
surrender his wicked rule over the nations and peoples,
Jehovah, with his executive aficer Jcsus Chnst, w ~ l l
act against the Devil and his forces of evil, resulting
in Satan's full restraint and the compl~teoverthrow
of his organization. Furthemore, it pointed oyt that
God by. Christ will establi!h righteousress in the
earth, will emancipate mankind from evll and bring
everlasting blessings to all, the nations of the earth.
"Therefore," the resolution concluded, "the due time
has come for all who love righteousness to take their
stand on the side of Jehovah and obey and serve him
with n pure heart, that t h e may receive the boundless
blessings which the *lrnigKty Gad has h reservation
for ihcm.'"
Reporis of thnt ''Declarayon Agafnst Satan and for
Jehovah" and the su porting public discourse were
publjslied in Thr nolRe,t A ~ a..F
watcl~~ m .
Furthermare, thc resulutlon and spcech also were circulated tn a number of languages hy the mfllions in
the booklet T k e Pen les F r i m d . Thus a message supporting M d ' s klng&m by Jesus Christ and in defiance of world rule by Satan and his instrumcntalfties
was trumpeted forth more than four decades ago.
But, hy printed page and public discourse, it has been
sounded throughout tllc wwhe earth since then with
increasing volume as Jehovah's servants continually
carry the message o f God's kingdom to the peoples
o f earlh,


"Radio Tells the World Millennium Is Coming,"
declared the Philadelphia R ~ m dof April 17, 1922,
continuing: "Judge Rutherford's Lecture Broadcasted
from Metropolitan Opera House. Talks into Transmitter. Message is Carried Over Miles of Bell Tele
phone Wires to Howlett's Station." So began a newspaper report of J. F. Rutherford's first radio address,
given on Sunday, April 16, 1922, at the Metropolitan
Opera House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The subject? "Millions Now Living Will Never Die." H i s
visible audience was a mere handful compared with
an estimated 50,000 residents of Pennsylvania, New




Jersey and Delaware who heard the speech on pdmItlv~

radios In their homes.
Those were t h e early days of radio ~olfun1.tnl~att~n.
In the United States it was not until 1920 that regular
commercial radio broadcasts were made from IJitt::hurgh's station KDKA and W J of Detroit, Michigan.
A erson could then buy a Tactom-hrzilt crycltal scl
witR.ear hones, but not until the 1930's were radios
with huiK-in loudspeakers and aeria 1s prmiumd.
Jehovah's servants of the early 1920's were relatively
few in number. By 1924 in the United States there wert.,
on the average. only 1,064 Biblo Stndrnt9 prcachlna
from house to house wrqkly. So, [luring that period
God's people recognimd the far+reacl~ingeffects nf
radio ant1 considercd it a fine rncnns nf r c a c h i n ~tlir!
masses with the Kingdom rnessagc.
In 1922 J. I?. Rutherford ant1 a few advlsers f l r ~ t
touk claim to some hvenly-four acres on Slaten Island
in New York city" Borough of Richmond. Taking us
back t o that interesting h e , Lloyd Hul'lclt oncc
stated: "One Saturday aSternoon the president of thc
Society, Brother Rutherford, took some ol: us with
him t o Sraten Island. Upon arriving at the propei-ly
that had been purchased, lie pointed to a syot ,tin lhr!
heart o f the woods on the land and said: All xi 111,
boys, Mere is where we start digging. We are g3ng
lo build a radio station on our land.' And did we rlig!
Every weekend during that summer we were at it."
TIlroughout the winter and on into the summer o f
1923 construction went on apace, many young me11
Srom tbc Society's headquarters in Brooltlyn assisting
on weelrends.
In 1023 Falph W. g a e r w a s teaching radio theory
at the Alliance, Ohio, high school, One day he rccefved a letler from the president's ofice of the Watch
Tower Sociew. It asked: "Noting that you arc n
teachex of radio . . would you consider devotfng all
your t h e in the Lord's service in this behalf?"
Brother Lemer dearly saw 3ehovahPs hand in this and
could not reIusc to accept t h ~ sopportunity. Ry midOctober he arrived at Bethel and was put t o worlr
washing dishes! "Had I not had enough of washing
dishes in the army? thought I," he Iatcr wrote. "Then
X remembered the scripture: The LORDyour God
proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lorn your
God with all your heart and with all your soul.' (Deut.
13~3,A V ) Yes, this is another test, X concluded."' But
a month later he got started on radio work. "A 500watt composite radio transmitter was l o c a t d in the
city and purchased for the station," Brother hffler

recnlle, Thla kc uickly Installed and all was ready

for the flrst hron\cast.
"Emotlnns were running high," admits Brother
Leffler. "Would tile Arst broadcast be a success? Would
anyone br. ~ h l ein hear us? License from the overnmen, to broadcart had Wen obtaind. And tk? call
lettcr~~ a e i g n r dwem WRBR. All was now ready for
Ihc! nrar hrondrasl. ?'t~nto r r m e t l on Sunday evenfng,
Fchrunrv 24. 1924. It was m y prlvllege to throw the
power skftch on for that c t s i bioadcist and away we
w y t , ho Iny: f o r the hrst.
That &-st pro nm over WBBR continued for .hFo
hon~s,f ~ + n m
to 10:30 p.m. There were plan0
solos, sinking, rind In brlween was the feature of
ihr Fro~l.;Im, t l ~ clecture by the Society's president,
J. F. Rull~crforil,on thc subject "Radio and Divine
Pro hecy." Each evenina thereafter from 8:30 to
lo:& p.m., and on Sundnys, from 3 to !5 p.m., programs
wit11 good music and cducatlonnl talks were radiocast.
Opporlunitirs for dmrnailc work over W B B R pre~ ~ n t r ?thernsclves.
Mnxwcll G. Friend shared in this.
J-Ts I~nd rn~rlcargone i n t ~ n s r rlrarnatic training at the
t?rlilownc*d('I( y TIICR~PI'
111 Z ~ ~ r l ~Swil
' t i , arrland. Years
Inler ,lc~hovrrl~fnvorr!tl IIrolIisr Prlcntl with the unr*xpc*d ~lrivilel:c! or ~,rc~rluci~~l!
nnd rlirerl ing BjhHcal
rhrunnsl nnrl rrr~
list lra 1~ej~rar311(:21ons
01 murt trials of
,lrhnvr~f~'aChi-1st Lnn WI l nesxrs hg clergy-influenced,
jarlg(-s ~tndproncrutors in America. These
rlrnlnan cxposrti Ihem to public shame and exonerated
C:od'fi servants. Tllc lraincd pr!rformers and musicinns
whn w o ~ ~ k r din Il-iese prcacnlniions made up "The
ICing's Thcar er."
311 1929 a t South Amboy, New Jersey, some of
Jehovah's s~rvantswere arrested for prea$iing the
ood nrws on Sunday. That marked the beginning of
51c dei~ndc.lon~
"Rattle of New Jersey." 'The King's
The&t(.r"&I~yed n part in t h ~ s . Durlng court trials
of truc!
ristianu, often local judges wmt? Catholics
who rnanifcstcd prcjudlm In the courtroom, usin
uncouth language and even betraying eeciesissfica5
nlllcs who sotifiht to rernnln In the background. Courtroom cxchangcs werp rccordcd In shorthand. Trained
pcrformcrs n:tcnded Ihc Irinls and studied the voice
and fntonntlnns of the judge, the pmsccuting attorney,
nnrl so forth. A few dnyx later "The King's Theater"
rlnplicated thp corrrtroom scenes with astounding
rr:rlism. Thus tbp air waves were used to expnsp the
roc, nnd (\ucntually thr- judgcs bwame so frightencd
that Ihr? fipotliaht had been turned on them, as well
as upnn tnlsguldr?d policemen and prosecutors, that
mnny hecarnt! morc nfitute 111 l~andlfngcases involving
dchovnh's pc~~p1.c:.



For some thirty-three yeam WBBR brought lory
10 Jehovah and spread Bihlc h v t h i n r and wl&. It
began broadcasting \pith a 500.wntt transmllter. Three
iitpr, a new l,OC(F-watttrnnsmlttcr was purchased,


n 1917 the Federal Cnmmunicnllonr; Comm~sslo~l

~rnnlcrl WEER permission lo inrrcilsr! Its mwcr to
5.000 watts, providing this would not lniarlerc with
othrr slntlons operating on tbr snme Iraquency in
wir!rly scattered parts of the Unltt!rl Stntrs. Instal"
l n t i n n of a three-tower directional nntennn System
snlvrd t h a t probIem and this army Increased the 5,000watt ower t o mare than 27,000 watts irr tIic nortI1enslrr& rlirectfon where the ol)r~lniionwan I he grcatpqt, WnnR W A S heard in
n l r a of metropolitan

Nrlw Yorlc find the adjoininf: H ~ R IofP S

NPW J P I ' S ~ Y
n ~ l dConnrcllthat. Howrvrr, lrbl trrs 1~41nrrrninff
i t s procr:lrnR wrhrt!r~c~civrd
from K n ~ l n n d Alnsltn,
rn~rl othrr distant places.
l'hc Socfcty sold the station on April 19, 195T, Why?
Well, when the station began to oprrate in 1924, there
was only one congregation of nhout 200 Blhlc Students
covcrlnfi n1l five boroughs of New Ycrrk city, ns well
an L o n ~Island and even parts of hrew Jerxcy. Rg
1957, howrv~r,there mere (i2 congru~atlonn ivithin
N r w York pity and a peak of 7,2563 rovlalmrr~nI Ihe
Kingdom, hesides 322 full-time puhlfiherfi of the good
nt!ws. So R goad witness was bcin givcn. Also, ~t is
much inora dfcctive t o speak tn t%c p c o p l ~in their
hnn~ca, where they can ask questinns nnd recclve
furlhcr InslrucLion from the Word of Chd. The money
sgrnt In ronnrclion with rncIlo oprrnllons could Ile
t~srrt In some other w a y to i~clvnnc*~
tllc Interests o f
Grlrt'tr Idngdcm?.
Tllerc wns more to the radIo wnrlr of the Society,
however. One day X F,R~ilhrrfordcame into Ralph
tefflcr's room laid a map nf rhe UllItcd States on
thr! tahIe, and poi@ing with hls flngrr hc said: "I
Ilaw In mlnd ioiocatmg bronrlcaslln slr~llhnqllcrc and
h ~ and
r ~hrre. Would you h? nliilfnE to cn~inccrthe
cnnntriziStionof these stations?" "I'rt hr! 11ap1y to do so,"
zvns ths reply. So, when Novemt~er "4 ardved,
F3rolh~rLefller was on his way to the CIllcago area
tn work on t h e corudruction of another Sorlety-owned
rndlo station, this one with Ihe call lel1rl.s WORD.

Brather Lcfflcs also installed transmlttcrs for 01 her

slalions, not directIy armed by the Soc.lrlly but manrtgocl by Its representatives.
Durlng the 1920's Jehovah's people not only pioneered
In establishing one of the enrly radfo stations, WBBR



As already noted, radio history was mnda by Jehovah's

scwants on Sunday, 3uIp 24, 1927,when J. F. Rutherfnrd spoke aver a network of Afty-thrrtl stallons from
Toronto, Ontario, Canada-the
largest radio chain
forged up to that time.
WImt led to thls unprecedented network broadcast?
A serles of wcnts. An agreement had hopn made
het~vvecn WBDR and the owner of New lark dty
statlnn WdZ tn share time, but the Rgrrclnenl warj not

kept, Later, WBBR was a s s i g n ~ dt o hronclcasl on alloilier wavr?len,oth, and still, Iatvr rcassip-teri to one
less Pavorahlc. Under the Radio Act of ET2T the So+
rlrt 's slnilon began a proceeding befol.e 1l1t? Frderal
R n J o Co~rlmissiun to be assigned n mol+c dcsirnble
al;~vclen[:lh.At the hearing (dune 14, 15, 1627) Presirlvnl Mrrlin I-Iall Aylesworth of the Nntionnl nruadrnallng (Ivmpany testified to the r c n t ~(.r'vic:r!rendercd
hy Nc!w Yorlc radio stations $ F h nnrl WJZ. up.
~nrrnllyto show that it would not he r l ~ l to
~ tpctmit
Evnitlt to occupy part of the time, although hot11 WJZ
iknrl WICAF hntl separate ~vavelcngths. I juriug cross.c>x:hrnlrlriltr~n hy d. F. EutT~rrforrl, 11tIs clucstirm was
1>lu l ~ o ~ i ~ i r t to
r v l Mr. Aylrpworl h: "Yrnil* IIIII'IIOF(*
1s 1 0
1:ivc to Ihv pcoplc by rat110 illc njrssnj:lh of 1 1 1 ~reulesl
lin~inc~irl.:c.tlir most promincant sl:it~*nmc~n,rund ill(!
~nrlql 1,1~<)wtlcd
clergymen in t I ~ cwc)rlrl'!" Tl~r*rrpl y
tvlis nlllrmnr lvo.
"If you were convlnoed that the mat Goil of the
universe wlll shortly put in opcrat on IlZs pEnn for
the hlrssing of all the famllles an11 natl~ns of the
earth with pence, prosperity, life, Ilbcrry Rntl ha
~ v o u i d you arrange t o broadcast 11'" It ivoug?%~
lwrn uitp difficuI~to say Nn, and so the answer was
Yes. ?'llcn Mr. Aylesrvorth voltmlarily said that he
woulr1 b r p l ~ a ~ etod broadcast a lecture by tho presidcnl of the International Rillle Studcnt~ Assodation,
Nntur~lly,J, I?. Rutherford acccplcd 1 IIC orrer.
So it was that as BrotIler Ruthcrfotbd ~ p o k eto a
convention nutlience of some 15,000 nt Toronto, Ontarlo,
Canada, on Sunday, July 24, 1927, rnlllfons more heard
him by means of a htherto un xrnll~led ratllo network. In a lctter received by t k Sui.irIy from the
Nzi~lonnl Bmildcnsting Company, it was Btntrd: "1
imagine that Judge Rutherford hud ns lar P an au~ l i ~ n cyesf~rday
afternoon as any man f;iivlng has
hnd over illc radio!'
Thc EIblc Students were involved In Anothcr notable
radio cvrnt In 1925, In Detroit, Mhhignn, on Sunda
A U ~ U 5.
S ~when J. F. Rutherford delivered the ullly~
lectura l'Rul~rlor the PeopleJ7to on audience of f 2 . 0 ~ .
It was carr~ed hy a radio network that linked 107

stations, required 33,500 miles of telephone Hnes and
91,400 miles of teXe raph lines, and it was rebroadcast
hy short wave to fustralia and New Zealand.
The Watchtower or 'White" network was organized
In 1928, especially to serve that Detroit convention.
It was so successful that the Watch Tower Society
decided to operate a weekly network of radio stations
throughout the United States and Canada. A one-hour
program was arranged and it emanated from WBER.
These were live broadcasts, featuring a lecture by
Brother Rutherford, with inmductory and concluding
music furnished by an orchestra maintained by the
Sodcty. Every Stinday from November 18, 3926,
through the year 1930 radio 1isf;enersthus could tune
In to "The Watch Tower I-Iour.
Radio programs occupied much of Brother Rutherford's time. A fine witness was given, but he was
unable to travcl or organize conventions in various
parts of the earth. So in 1931 the Society decided to
present transcribed programs. Two hundred and fifty
stations were organized to present these fifteen-minute
transcriptions, made by Rutherford at his convenience
and played by the radio stations at times thcy chose.
In 1932 this radio service (called the Wax Chain) was
expanded to 340 stations. By 1933, the peak year, 408
stations were bdng used to carry the message to
six continents, and 23,783 separate Bible talks were
broadcast, most of them being these fifteen-minute
electrical transcriptions. In those days, one might
spin the radio dial and tune in Watch Towel. braadcasts emanating from widely scattered staiions at
the same time. Often the air waves were filled with
words of truth that glorXed God.
More and more Jehovah's people wem attracting
public attention. Their historic radio hookups of the
late l!320's could not be ignored. Nor could the eople
disregard these Kjngdorn proclaimers, for their Rouseto-house preaching work was increasing in tempo.
Greater demands were being made for Bible literature
and the Society's publishing faclliries had to keep pace.

Looklng back t o the Iatter half of the 1920'~~

C. W.
Barber remarks: "The factory building at 18 Concord
Street [Brooklyn, New Yorkl had now become too
small and inconvenient for our needs."
It was clear. The Bible Students needed another
factory. They decided to build. Since sufficient money
for the factory's construction was not available without crippling the work in other parts of the earth,
the Society decided t o raise funds by mortgaging and



bonding its real estate t o an amount not exceeding

one half of Its actual value, Bonds were issued in
denominations of $100, $500 and $1,000, and they bore
Rve-percent interest, payable annually. Through a supplement in The Watch Tower the Bible Students were
afforded opportunity to subscribe for these bonds,
rather than their being sold in the public market.
Back in 1926 and 1927, members of the Brooklyn
Bethel family were delighted to see the factory at
117 Adams Street begin to take shape. Before long,
all eight floors of this excellent reinforced-concrete
structure, with numerous windows stood ready for
use. A modern fireproof building, it had more than
70,000 square feet of floor space. By February 1927
it was time to move from 18 Concord Street. "I remember Erotl~erR. J. Martin [the factory manager1
dancin$ for joy with the boys as the machinery was
moved, says Harry Petros. Brother Martin's enthusiasm over the new plant was evident in his report to
~ I I P Society's president as published in the 1928 Year
Tjnok nJ l,hc InturnalionaE BabZe fituc2e~lsAasocictti?~.
'I'hr~eln Ilc* rrrnarltcd that even the factory's crlt~cs
now otlmltled It t o 1 ) ~"one of the Itnest printshops in
lht! crntn. nP i l ~ eworld's printing business, namely,
New Yorlc Clty.'TThc report incIudeil this description
or plan 1 clp~rations:
"Tlw gcncraI plan of the building i s perfect lor our
work. The work all moves downward from floor to
floor by ravity, and in the natural order: Offices on
the top 8oioorj where they belong; typesetting on the
next floor, where it l o g ~ n l l yfollows; the plates go
down to the next floor, the sixth, where the rinting
i s done: mailing and booirlets take up the filt\; binding comes on the fourth; storage, on the third; shrpping,
on the second: paper stock, garage and power-plant,
on the first. Nothing could improve on it!'
As the head unrters staE was nearing 200, expansion
of the Bethel %om@ ot under way. During December
1926 the Society ure%as+ the lot next to its roperty
at 124 Columbia &eights m Brooklyn. Early lnaanuary
1927 the three buildings numbered 122,524 and 126 were
removed and construction began on a nine-story
structure containing some eighty rooms. If: was tied
in with the Society's building completed m 1911 to
the rear and fronting on Furman Street.

Jehovah certain1 blessed his people back in the

1920's and provideJhe things they needed to advance
the interests of the Kingdom. H e alsa proved Mmself
to be a God of progressive revelation, The Bible



Students, fn turn, found it necessary to adjusE their

thinking to some exlent. But they were grateful for
God's guidance and were eager to be "taught by
Jehovah!'4ohn 6:45; Isa. 54:13.
God's people had to adjust their thinking abwt
1925, for instance. Expectations of restoratron and
blessing were attached to it because they felt that i h ~ t
year would mark the end of seventy jubilees of fifty
years each since the Israelites had entered Canaan.
(Lev, 25:l-12)A. D. Schroeder states: "It was thought
that then the remnant of Chrkt's anointed followers
would go to heaven to be art of the Kingdom and
such as Abraham, Davicl
that the faithful men of
and others, would be resurrected as princes to take
over the,,govcrnmcnt of the earth as part or God"s
The year 1925 came and went. Jesus' anointed followers were still on earth as a class. The faithful men
of old times--Abraham, David and others-had not
been resurrected to become princes in the earth. IPS.
45:16) So, as Anna MacDonald recalls: "1925 was a
sad ear Par many brothers. Some of them were
sturnxled; their hopes were dashed. They had hoped
to see some of the "ancient worthies' Emen of old like
Abraham] resurrected, Instead of its being considered
a 'probability," they read into it that it was a 'certainty,' and some pre ared for their ciwn loved ones
with expectancy of Efieir resurrection. I ersonaUy
received a letter from the sistor who brougRt me the
trullt. She advised me that she had done wrong In
what she had told me. . . . [But3 I was appreciative of
my liberation from Babylon. Whem else c$uld oile
go'? I had learned to know and love Jehovah.
God's faithful servants had not dedicated them
selves to him only until a certain year. They were
determined t o serve him forever. To such persons
the unfulfilled ex ectations coi~cerning 1925 did not
pose a great probyem or S e c t their faith adversely.
"For the faithful ones," remarks James Poulos, "1925
was a wonderful year. Jehovah through his 'faithful
and discreet slave' brought to our attention the meanIng of the twelfth chapter of Revelation, We-learned
about the 'woman: God's unrversal orgamzatron; the
war in heaven and the defeat and expulsion from the
heavenly courts of Satan and his demons, by Jesus
Christ and his holy angels; the birth of the lringdo~n
of God." Evidently, Brother Poulos has in mind the
very noteworthy article "Birth of the Nation," ap.
pearing in Tka Watch T o w of March 1,1925.Through
it, God's people dearly discerned how these two great
opposing organizations4ehovah'a and Satan's--were

symbolized. They then learned, too, that the Devil has

had to confine his operations to the earth since his
nuster from heaven as a result of the 'war in heaven'
heginning in 1914.





wr early conventions, between sessions as the

friends were chatting together," writes Anna E. Zimmerman, 'you might have seen some friends hand
you their 'Manna' bqok [Dd!y HCIXVGRI~
Muvzna fpr
the Hovseltnld of Fa%tkl,a s h g you to plcnse tvnte
your name and address in their 'Manna.' You would

write it on the blank page opposite the date o f your

birthday, and when your birthday came along and
they read their text that morning for the day they
might decide to write you a card o r Ietter, wishing
you a happy birthday!'
Yes, in those earlier days, dedicated Christians commemorated birthdays. Well, then, why not celebrate
the supposed birthday of Jesus? This they also did
f o r many years. In %stor Russell's day, Christmas
was cclcl~xatedat the old Bible House in Allegheny,
Pennsylvania. Ora Sullivan Wnkefidd recalls that
IXrother RusseIl gavc members of the Blble House
famil five- or tan-doIlnr gold plccrs a t Christmas.
~ a b I?,
d M. Phllbriclr remarks: "A custom t h a t
certainly wouId not bc camicd on today was the
celebration of Christmas with a Christmas tree in the
Uelhel dining room. Rrotller Russell's usual 'Good
morning, all' was changed to 'Merry Christmas, all.' "
What caused the Bible Students to stop celebrati?~
Christmas? Richard H. Earbcr gave thrs answer: I
was asked to give an hour talk over a Cradlol hooku
on the subject of Christmas. It was given December
192?, and published in Tha Golden Age #241 and
again a year later in #268. That talk pointed out the
pagan origin of Christmas. After that, the brothers
at Bethel never celebrated Christmas again!'
"Did we mind putting fhose pagan things away?'j
asks Charles S o h Brandleln. "Absolutely not. This was
just complying with new things learned, and we had
never known before they were pagan. I t was just
like taking a soiled garment off and throwing it away."
Next, birthday celebrations and Mother's Day were
discarded-mare creature worship. Sister Elian Kammerud recalls: "How readily the brothers all dropped
these holidays and admitted they were g l a d to be
free. New truths always make us happy and
felt we were privileged to know things that others
were ignorant about."






many images and pictures, and which images are made

and exhlblted by men: Jesus was crurilfcd by nailing
his body to a tfee,"

Advancement in understandin God's Word brought

about some other adjustments $n Cl~rlrrtlnnthlnklny.
According to Grant Suiter, the late 1920"s wcrc nutcworthy :ilong these Irnes. Ele says: "hTndilicalion of
viewpoints respecting scriptures and matters of
F E ~ ~ Useemed
~ E
to be constant during thpsc years. $%
cxun?ple, i t was in 1927 that The Wr~tckY'owcr pointed
oul l I i ~ 1the sleeping fajthIul m e m b ~ r sof tltc body o f
Cl~ristwere not resurrected in 1878 I as once thoughtl,
f h ~ life
t is in the blood and that tlif maltor of soinbc-r
rlrcss would properly be modiffctl, lSec Tha W(r!cTb
Y ' n ~ u r ~for
r 1927,pages 150-152,IGR-J(i9, 254, 255, 271, :372..)
F o r that matter, the year bernrr, tluring Iltr Lanrlon,
14Tnglnnt1, convention of May 25-31, 3 92(i, I itqollzcrRut h ~ t c
Inrrl spoke from the platform wElile : ~ ( t lr-rtlIn n busin~sa
suit, l n s t ~ n dof the formal black frork ro:~t thnt had
lung h:cn worn by public spcal;er:: nmong J e h o v a l ~ ' ~
('hrist inn witnesses.
hnolher change in viewpoint involved the "cross and
crown'"symbo1, which appeared on Ihe Tlmtch Tozmr
M V e r beginning with the issue of January 1891. In
S ~ c t ,for years many BibIe Students wort! R pin of
ihls Mnd. By way of description, C. W. Rarber writes:
"'tl was a badge reajl with a wreath of larlrel Icnvcs
ss tlm border and wtbn the wreath was n rrown wllh
n cross running through it on an angle. It looked qulle
attmcrlve and was our. Idea at that time af whnt i t
lnennt to tnke up our 'cross' and follow Chrisl. Jesus
In order t o be abIe to wear tlle rrown of victory fn
rlue time."
Concerning the wearing of ''cross and crown ping,'"
Lily R. Parnell mmmnts: 'This to Rroth~r Rtitherford's mind was Babylonish and should I)@rliscantlnued,
130 told us that when we went to thc ~h?ogJc's l~omcs
and h ~ g a nt o talk, thclt was the witncss in ilsrlf."
Actlorrllnply, refle.cting*onthe 192S Riblr St udems con.
vrntion 111 Detrolt, hhclligan, Brother Sziiirr writes:
"At the assembly the cross and crown eml~lcmswere
shown to be not only unnecessary hut ohj~ctlonnhle.
Sn wc discarded thcse items of jewelry." Somc Ihrcc
ytzars thereafter, beginning with it$ imue of Octoh(!r
15, 1931, Tfw Wuichtowsr no longer bore the cross
and crown symbol on its cover.
A few years later Jehovah's pe0pk flrst learned
that Jesus Christ did not die on a T-shaped cross. On
January 31, 1936, Brother Rutherford relensed to tho
Brooklyn Bethel l d y the new book R.lchm. .Scrip.
luraIly, it said, in part, an page 2?: "Jesus was cruriflpd, not on n cross of wood, such as is ~xhibltecl in


Fur the world a shock enme on "Bl~clcTuesday,"
October 29,1929. The R ~ O market
C ~
11ad coDapsed, In the
New York Ti?nes, news of Ihls tlppearctl under the
headline "Stock Plqces Slump $14,0l1~l100~,O00
in NationWide !a:m
cde l o Unloucl; 14a11lter'si n S ~ t ~ ~ pMarlret
Toda . Soieaan the Gwxt Pcprr~sionIhnl I'm through
the ?9930's. Yct, durlnp: tMn Ilrnr? o f grnve eco~lomic
distress, Jehovah Eurnlahcrl rlc11 ~plrfLt~:~X
ople. And lie a110 mndc t l w ~ nvery much
?w'aEaEhr deep lgniflcnner ilnderly lnp the words.
"'Ye are m y witnrsst?s. snilh Jchovnh, r~nci I am God."

- h a . 43~15,AS,

Increazhg emphasis was h l n g placed on the divine

name. For instance, consider the principal articles in
the January 1 s t issum of T h o Watclt TOWWfor severs!
years. They wcre: " W h o \Ylll llonor Jehovah?" 119261,
' 7 ~ h h o a l l;mtI 111s WorZrs" lW271, "?Ionor Iris Namc"
I192131, "I Wilt IJralsc My Gorl" (1929)nnd "Sing Unio
Jehovah" 11!130).

In exalt in^ Jehovah's nnrnc, however the convention

of God's pcoglo al: Colnrnbua, Ohlo duty 24-30, 1931,
was a milestone. ~t wus unlclua in hat extension conventions were scheduled for 165 nthcr places, throughout the earth, But thrit: waa not the rnost Important:
factor. There WRR sn~nefhlng ~nucll m o r ~sl$nificant.
It was linlred with tlir? eni mmtk lettern "JW' appearing on the printed assrtr$>ly program anrl t h e title
Dage of Tlw Mrn.v.~~ngr.);
thr convrr~tlonnewspaper-in
fact, seen in many plnces. "When we ~ o ncar
assembly grmtnds," rcbmurlrs Burnice E. IYilliarns, Sr.,
"we saw 'JW' all ovrr llre plnve. But not lrnowing
what it stood for, we n.cle all tr~andering,'What )s this
JW for?"' Sister Hcrsuhel Nclson recnlls: "Speculations were made aa t o what JW stood for--Just Wait,
Just Watch, and the corrcct onr
T h e meaning of " J W was rcvealed on Sunday, July
26, 1931, when thrllled convantioncra heartily adopted
a resolution presented by J. F;",
Rutherford and entitIed "A New Name," It salrl, In part:


"Now, ~ ~ O R E inI , order that our true position

may be made known, and klievLn& that this is in
harmony with the will of God, as expressed in his
Word, BE rr rmo~m,as follows, Co WIt:
we have great love for Brother Charles T.
RusseU for his worlr's salce, nnd that we gladly ae-



knowledge that the Lord used him m d greatly blessed

his work, yet we cannot consistenily with the Word
of God consent to bc called by the name 'Russellites';
that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Sociely and tbe
Intcrnatio-nal Bible Students Assorrlation and the Pcoples Pulplt Association are mereIy names of co
tions whlcb as a company of Christian people ye%:;
control and use to carry on our work m obedlenee to
God's commandments, yet none of these names properly
attach to o r a ply to us as a body of Christians who
fallow in the &otsteps of our Lord and Master, Christ
Jesus; that w e are students of the Bible, but, as a
body of Christians forming an assodation, we decline
to assume or be called by the name 'Bible Students'
or similar names as a means of identification of our
proper position before the Lord; we refuse to bear
or t o bc callcd by the name of any man;
"THAT,having been bought with the precious blood
of Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer, justified and
begotten by Jehovah God and called to his kingdom,
rve unhesitatingly declare our entire allegiance and
devotion to Jehovah God and his kingdom: that we
are servants of Jehovah God comn~issioned i n do a
work in his name, and, in obedience io his commandment, to deLiver the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to
make known to t h e people that Jehovah is the true and
AIrnighty God; therefore we joyfully embrace and
take the name which the mouth of the Lord God has
named,and we desire to be known as and called by the
name, to wit, Jahonoh's wit$tesses."
It was obvious now. Those puzzLinff letters "JW"
stood for Jehovah's Witnesses. "1 will never forget the
Eremendous shout and applause that vibrated through
that meeting ,place when the information was finally
made known, declares Arthur A. Worsley. Herbert
H. Boehk adds: "All over the city 01 Columbus the
signs In store windou7s--Welcome r.B.S.A.'-came
and they new read, 'Welcome, Jehovah's Witnesses.' "
It was a thrill to receive the name Jehovah's witnesses. Not: only was that resolution entitled "A New
Name" oyously adopted by the thousands of Christ's
anointed followers assembled in Columbus. m e in.
dividual congregations later adopted the same resolution. Jehovah's witnesses had a name no one else
i n the world wanted. But God's servants were deeply
grateful for it.-Isa. 43:,B.
When he was eighty-elght years o g A. H.MacmflIan.
attended the "Fruitage of the Spirit" Assembly of
Jehovah's Witnesses in the same city. There, on August 1, 1964, Brother Macmillan made these interestfng
comments on how the adopting of that name camc
about :

"It was my privilege t o be here jn Columbus in 1931.

when we recelved . . the new Wle or name . . 1:
was amongst the five that were to make a comment
on what we thought about the Idea of accepting that
name, and I told them this briefly: I thought that it
was a splendid idea because that title there told the
world what we were doing and what our business was.
Prior to this we were called Bible Students. Why?
Because that's what we were. .hiid then when other
nalions began t o study with us, we were called International Bible Students. Eut now we are witnesses for
Jehovah God, and that title there tells the public just
what we arc and what we're doing. .
"In fact, i t was God Almighty, I believe, that led to
that, for Brother Rutherford told me hfrnself that he
woIre up one night when he was preparing for that
convention and he said, WBat in the world did I
suggest an international convention for when I have
no special speech o r message for them? Wh br&&
!hem ail here?' And then he began t o t h i d sbouf
it, m ~ dTsainh 43 came t e his mind. I-Ie got u a t two
o'cln~lr in the morning and wrote in shortgand, at
11Is own tlesk, nn ozrlllnc of the discourse he was gofng
ta give nhout the Kingdom, iho hope of illc world,
and about t h e ncw nnmc. And nll Ihat was uttered
by him a1 that time was prepared that nlghl, m that
morning at i w o o7c1ocI<.And [there i s ] no doubt in my
mind-not then nor now-that
the Lord guided him
in that, and that i s the name Jehovah wants us to bear
and we're very happy and very glad to have it!'




"!WE -GrP)OM,
During the CoIumbus convention--an Sunday, July
26, 1931, at noon--4. F. Rutherford*began his highly
significant y b i i c discourse 'The Kingdom, fhe Hope
of the Wor d." Roth the National Broadcast~ngCompany and the CoIumbla Broadcasting System had
denied the use of t h e i ~radio facilitks. However
Jehovah's worshipers built up a radio chain to send
the messa e from Columbus, and the American Telephone an8 Telegraph Company said, in a nutshell:

"This partictllar network is the Iargest,individual network that has ever been on the air. The message
went out over 163 radio stations in the United States,
Canada, Cuba and Mexico.
Immediately after the radio-ch%n address "The
Kingdom, the Hope of the World, and as part of
that broadcast, Brother Rutherford read a resolution
styled 'Warning from Jehovah-To the Rulers and
to the People.'%ong
ather things, it plainly declared:
'"T??ehope of the world i e God's l~ng&m, and there



no okhm hup~." It urged the people to take their

stand on the side of God's kingdom, When Brother
Rutherford called upon his audience, seen and uaspen,
to adopt the resolution, the conventloners rose en
rnasse and shouled "Aye." Telegrams from all parts
o f the land showed that many of the radio ~udlenre
likeutiw rose and endorsed the rusolutfon.
Leaders of the world, Including the clergy, were
gomg to receive the information In Brother Ruther.
ford" sonvention address "The Kingdom, the Hope
of the World," and they would be in position t o know
the contents of the resolution 'Warnin
flam Jehovah." Furthermore, they nwded to hr! in?otmPd thnt
God's b ! e sewank had adopted thc resolution rwrillt?! "A New Name" and wn~tltf I ~ e n ~ ~ f o lhe
as Jehovah's wilnrsscs." DisE 1.ihuIjon of I h c booklct
The Ki?lgrlonz, tl1c H o w of Il!c Wur7d m ~ d call this
possible. Resides calling on the general public Je+
huvrtb's witnesses visited clergymen, politicians, &ancicrs and mjlitary men, disCribuling Ihis puhlicntjon,
Within f ~ and
o a half months, more than 8vc milllon
had been circulated and slilI work with the hnt)hlrl
was not nearly completed.
Reflecting on that booklet qmpafgn, Fred Anderson
writes: "I called upon the bishop at La Crosso. H e
invited me into his parlor very cordially, Then I told
him why I had called. I presented the booklet lo hfm.
JTe loolted at it and said nothing. I thanked him and
took my leave. He became furious. As I passed thmu 11
the doorway he threw it at me. It SeIl on t l ~ cfloor, 8 c
picked it up and threw it again just ns I closed thr:
screen door. The door cIosed right on the booklet. C
unly hope that he read it, since he couldn't get rld
of It." Sister C. E. Bartow tells us: "ORC ministel., when
lze re?lized what I had given him, screamer1 at me anrl
said: You little know-nothing! You come h ~ r eto tell
me, an eight-year theologian!' Ifow happy I was to
serve the True God!"

M, Brid ett recrtlls: ''We traded for produce such as

cgg.gs, buqter frrfih and canned fruits, $hieken., maple
syrup; and f traded for needlework-qullt tops, cushmn
Lops, tattIng ant1 homemarle rugs. Sometimes I could
trnrle aomc or (hcse things for m room rent. . . .
[Yrara later] 1 attended a Eile~tdhlssionaly schooll
grncluation ant1 n sislcr' was there who had gotten a
rcoi 01: E I O O ~ S from rnc by t~ntiingquUt fops. She got the
trtitl~ and wns thvn a proner [f~~lI.tlrne
nnd her son was Intercstetl."
Ardcn Pate and John C. Booth recall having small
coops on the back of thclr cars so t h a t they could
c w r y the chEcltcns 1 hey traded for literature placed
wii h IndlvIduals l~cklngmoney. Of course, bartering
~n~lhfcntionsfor chirlcens w a s not always a simple
inalter. Lnla Glolrcr wrltcs: 'We lnvered lots of


15ur3ng the 1930's great hardship was brought about
ression. Factories closed tlteir doors. By 1932
the10,Q 0,000 residents of the United States were
\vltliout employment. Farmers, city dwellers-t he p o p
ulace in gmeral-felt the effects of the Great Dc~lression.
Money was scarce, but honest-hearted ones needed
thc joyous message of Scriptlwaf truth ff individuals
were unable to contribute for BibIe literature, Jehovnh'fi
witnesses often lefl it with them free, But this could
not always be done. What was an alternative? Marga~~ct:

nut something else also wa$ done. In 1933, 12600
Witncsat?~in tllc United States wlunteerfd to respond
on s tmrt notice for Irousata-house preaclnng on spcdal
missions In nl-ens of civic o position. They were orFanlzrd into sevcnty-eight clivlsfons, eadl division suppl~ed
.rvi!h n numbcr of cars, flvc workers to a car, and
flom 10 to %Hl cars were sent to a trouble spot.
Whcn some Chrlslinns were arrested in the field servlre, this was ~.cportcdto Ihe S o d ~ i y .A call went out
and on a Sunday soon thereafter all car groups in
a divlslon met at a prearranged rendezvous point,



t~rrltnr$ in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and

Su~dh arolinn, nnd somc in Tennessee and hlississippi.
Cnn you visunlbc* Slstrr Green and myself chasing
irhlrkens awr Illuse blg farmyards?"
'J'mdlng Iitcmrurc f o r produce and ather things was
not tlt~ns iov sc1llr;h reasons. The people needed the
rc~orlnc*wN r~ndrllrs wrln n tvny In rrwivr it In printed
form. "WP nlwnys 1 I~l~nlfcdbcllovah for sustaining
IN," m y s ~ n x w c * lL,
l L c w l ~"ant1 wt! a7u~ctyabnrl whai
wr! ncrtlcrl In Itlr? wny of food, ahcltcr nnd clolhlng.


Th1s nlso waa an era of eonddcrahle opposition to

ihc Kfn~dom.wachlng work. By 1928 Jehovah's people
wcrc wl(ness!ng from house la house on Sundays,
nnd lrnmrcltaft! oppodtion nrose. As nrrcsts rose in
nurnhcr during i h r h 1930'9, dehovah's ~v~tncsses
uhargcd f alsrly with sl~clit h i ~ ~ gas
s sellrng without a
XI{lcnse, dis t ur-bFng thp peacc and violating Sunday
snhhrilh Inws. Thc Wntch Tower Society esiabIished a
lcgnl dep:~rtmcnt tu rcndcr counsel, and an "Order
o t Trial' nrns issued to help Kingdom ~roclaimers
ciclend themselves In court. Adverse demsions mere



generally In the country, recefved instructions and territory assignments and then "besieged" the town like!
" l o c u s t s , ' ~ g i h gthe whole community a wltness, sometimes wlthin as little as thirty to sixty minutes. IRcv.
9:?-9) Ln t h e meantime, a conmiittee of brothers called
on tlle.police and gave them a llst of all the Witncssps
preachng there that day. Any Kingdom publisher nrr ~ s t e d during the campaign was to Call n ccrtnln
telephone number upon arrival at the police station.
Attorneys were 'en Band with ban money to come
to his rescue.
One campaign first got mder way by sending ten
cars of Witnesses t o the territory, according to Burnice E. Williams, Sr.. who continups: "After n lliilc
while those that wcnt into the territory rvould bc
calling lmck saying they had hecn arrestcrl. Then
Zen more cars were sent in until the jail W a 8 filled

up. Then, after the jail w a s full, we would swarm

in. Y o u see, they wo~ddn'thave any place 10 lock uri
after they saw we were determined to 15oi-k
the territory, they would just give up so that we cou7d
go In and work it whenever we wanterl. We w o ~ ~ l i l
aIways ivin out!'
Nicholas KovaIak, Jr., says that the Witnesses expected t o be arrested. 'When the police would arrest
us and take away our 'valuables,' every Witnesrr would
have a toofhbrmak!" he recalls. "The policeman would
ask, 'Why does everyone have a toothbrush?' All o f


We expected to be arrested and put In

came qrepared!' They would throw up Ihclr
hands and say, What's the uae?' They knew they
couldn't ptimidate the Wltncsses or slop their

us would


iail, so we

Though decades have passed since those cam algna
in >933 t o 1935, they are recalled fondly hy tllel?
tlc~pantsof tlmes gone by. "Indeed," says John
chinos, "those were thrilling years and their rncmprles
are pre~ious.Jehovah's sprrit made us fcarlcss.


Despite mounting op mition, Jehovah's wltnesrres
of the early 1930% bold$ declared the Kingdom messag@ ram house to house. But the good news also

found its wag into lnilljons of homes through !lie

mpdium of radio, much ta the consternation of t h e
clergy. Internationally, the Watch Tower Socjet t h ~ 1 1
w a s using 408 radio stat-ions. In the spring o f 1933,
United States Catholics launched a nationwide camaign led by cardinals, bisbops and priests. Its obective? To "drive Rutherford off the air."
Pope Pius XI proclaimed a 'T~olyyear" in 1933. On



A 141 23, 1933, Brother Kutherfprd broadcast aver

flvrl radio statlena the hbtorlc lecture "Ebect of
11o$ year un PPRC~?
and ProsperEty." In it the vain
hopcs set out for the people by the Roman Catholic
I-Iirrarr-t~ywere brandccl a cntznterfelt of the peace
and security promised through God's kingdom. The
same Irr:lurr! wax srhhcduled lor rebroadcast over 158
stntions on Junc 25, 1933. In preparation for that
't~roaclcast,Ave mlllkln lcnftets were distributed from
t~ounr to house. T ~ Hi~rnrchy's
reaction was bitter
rt 11tI intrnsc. Catholic Inr itnitlation increased, and some
~*acliomanagers rrfused ICI carry any more Watch
In ln t r 1933 and earl 5934, Jehovah's pm le c b
eulnfed i l nil1ionwide pclrflon protesting these &tholie
ncts. Addrcssrrl to Congrcss i t finally bore 2,416,141
signaturrfi. O n October 4, 1431, J. F. Rulherford a p
octired hcforc the Fedelal Co~nmunicntionsCommjssion.
flc citrrl spcciflc infilnnces nnd statistics showing that
C1:~tIloliu )rmrssul-e
had seriously impaJrVedthe f r ~ c d o m
o f wol.ah/,) of Jehovilhk swllncsses and the use of the
Iri ,uhltc. lnl c r s s l ~ . l 3 c s 1 ~ l t rthe Pacts, rifler recbc,lvTn i/w ,r!sl lrn(lny, the l'rdcrnl Cnm~nunications
~orn!n~srrirlntl[rl Ill l lr. Hstlw, Jr!hovnhls servants circhulnlrrl unothr.~prhtlt Ion ttirougl~oult h e Unlfcd Slates,
Also nclilr.c\.rsrrl to <:r ~ngl+css,
it was ~lrest.nterlIn January
l!):15 wit 11 %,2X11.,12R r;lgnnlutacs,1'Iic sccand petition went
Sul~s~clurnltlevelopmenI s nllimalely led to
tlir- c:irculal i 1 1 or
~ 11 I htrA nnlio~i?lpetition, Its 2,630,000
s i ~ n c r sprotcaslctl ucllons of Intlmidation and boycott
ant1 re urslrrl a puhlir: dehntc h ~ t w c e na high oficral
of tho 7,0,n*, n Gal hollc Church and Jut1 e Rutherford.
11, worki;:g with !tiis petillon, Lconnrti
Brawn, Sr.,
says Ite 1'0~1ntl
rnrlrly Catholics who said they wodd
bc Imp 3y 10 hear Ihla dchnte." Thc petition was filed
with t \ ~ c Fprlrral Cornrni~nlcatlons Commission on
Novcmbrr 2, 1'536, hut it also wcnt unheeded.
Though nu Catholic omclnl would debate with RntherEord, in 1937 the Society ublished the booklet entitles
Uncovered." it pFrsenle! hasic Bible doctrines, par.
tlcularly In refutation of f:lIse Catbolic teaehin,gs. *While
thr huusrholdsr followcd along In the publlcatlen, a
\$rilnrss wotzZrI play on n pot.tn2)le phonograph Brother
ltnlhrrford's trrord 6rrIes "Exposed." With the aid of
I tte r ucst ion l ~ o o l ~ ld101Zc.l
S t ~ r r l yNo. 1, a Bible srudy
roold 1,r hrlcl. Rrcitrding !list Frlvin P.Sargcnt wnier:
"I rvns Invitcd I n hrlnq this series into one man" home
and h e inviter1 thrrc altler couples 01 his relatives in for
t h c studies. I t toolr scver~lweeks to cover this and
other subjccts, such ns 'Religion and Christianity.' Of
the eight p5opllr ultendlng, six made thew dedication

10 Jehovah.




After October 31, 1937, Jehovah's

ple voluntarily
withdrew h o r n commercial broadeasgg. On later occasions the Societ s resident delivered public lectures
over a network oYrada stations, and, of course, WBRR
continued operating ta God's glory. But from Intc
1937 onward into the 19401s,increased use was made
of the portable phonograph and recordings of 231hl~
talks to carry the Kingdom message t o the homes of

After the 1935 canvention some who previously

partook oY! the emblematic bread and wine a t ohservnnces of the Lord's Evening Meal ceased partaking. Why? Not dtir to unfatthf~~lnese,but because
they now reall7.d that t h ~ l rhopes were earthly, not
heavenly. Antl, wherens the So( icty's publications of
had lrcn drsi$ncrl pdmarily for Jesus'




That had been a burning question among Jehovah's
peo Ie for years. Long had they viewed the "great
muRitudC**c6rgreaterom~;~N W ) as R seconda
ihal clil~awho would be assr~riatedwith t l ~ ?44,00
anointed ones in heaven, like hridesmnids nr "corn.
panions'hf this Bxidc of Christ. (Ps.45:24, IS; I:Pv.
7:4-15;21:2, 9 ) In addition to this, ag r ? ~ r l yas 1Y23
the "sheep" of Jesus' parable of the shcep and the
goats were identified as a present-clay earrhly class wIio
would survive Armageddon into God's promiserl ncw
order. (Matt. 25:31-46;Rev. 16:14,16) T h e 1931 volume
Viwrlicatios (Book Onel identified the pcrsons rnnrlct-d
on l l ~ eforehead for preservation (Ezek. chap. 91 ns Ille
"sheep" of Chrlst's parable. In 1932 It was concluded
that this present-day class o f "shcep" had been prefigured by Jehu's assodate Sonadab. First in 1931 wns it
made clear that these "Jonadabs" with earthly ho us
s110uld "consecrate." or enter a dedicated relallon.;\iill
wll h Jehovah, and be baptized. But Ihe idcntlty of t h ~
" ~ r e 8 1multitudr" referred to In Revriation chapter T
w ; ~ ssHll understoad the same as previous1y held.
Uncrrtdntics oflaut the "great rnultlturlr" were re.
moved when Rrothcr Ruthcrlnrd rlisc~issccl thnt sub.
jrct cluring the nsscrnbiy of .TehavahRswitnesses on
May 30 to Jlmc 3, 1935, in Washington, D.C. In that
dlscotu.se It was shown Scripturally that the "great
muItItutlc1' w a s synonymolxs with the "other she.^^^"
nf the time of the end. Webster L.Roe recalls that ?it
a climactic moment J. F. Ruthmford askcd: "Will nll
thosc who have the h o p of living forever an thc cafth
please stand?" Accordrig to Brother me,"over Iralf
of t h e audience stood," and the speaker then said:
at first a hush,"' recalls Mildred N. Cobb, "then n
gladsome cry and the cheering was loud and long."
Soon the convention was ok-er, but it had starled
something--a search. 'With enth~rsiasmrunning high
and renewed spirituality, we went back to our terrltorjes to search for these sheeplilre people who were
yet to be gathered," says Sadie Carpenter.


nnolntcc fnllow~rs,Isom 199.1 onward T h o Wntcittuw~r

n I I other
Christinn Iltera 1ure provided spiritual food

to l~enrlttbut11 the anointed rlass and their companions

having earthly prospects.


~~ RING O m ?

During the 1930's Kin~domproclaimers wed transcription rnach3ncs In Ihrlr search for sheeplike ones.
I-lenry Cantwell tells us thls about them: "In 1933,
LIE Ihe Society hcgan to expand the preaching work,
nrrrrngen~enls w r w made I n have recordings of l e e
turrrt hy I3roth~r J. F. Rutherford resented In all
p;lrll; or tlw vountry. To do this the
\vl~r~lwrrr cr~llrtl el~rlrical transcription machines.
'1'l)rv:s wlnnhIr~~y:r*~ p r l ~ ~ p w o u n
with an
nr I nrw nl-m 11nt1nrnpljflrr and loudHIII~:IIC(~I+
tl~nl ol~r*l'nt(l~lfrom hnllrrirs. . . . Wr had a
vnrl(xly r ~ 1f llcrs(1 ~.r!c-r~r.~llnl:s.
Sonir wt?rr:complrte within
I l ~ c ~ ~ n s r ~otllcar'n
l v r ~ ~ ;i o ~ ) l t1wo 01" f o u r rrcords to conl1~IvIc~
n lr!c~l~irr.
So wr hnd talks for 15 minutes, 30
~nlnutcsnncl n n r hour. TI] thls wa we were able to
hold public meetingr in t h e v a r k s territories we


F:xplaining this work further, Julia Wilmx writes:

"Wo would tlrsl locatr a hoinc, or at times a publlc
btilIcll!~g,an oltZ lmrn or evtsn a churcl~,where we could
pul on nn hour inlk. Then most aP the clay would be
olng from house to house advertising tlie talk,
to go hack and get those who had no
transport ation!'
Drlrln~one serfes of twelve transcription meeting&
thc same teri?tory was cover& three times Wth Bmle
tttcrat ur'e and lour iImes with announcements. Placards
in s t o w windows and signs for the Witnesses' cars
nlso ntlvertiscil the rnmIing8. F i n e rrsitlts were attntnetl, with mnny corning together in permanent
studies and evtan joining in the preaching work.
"The Sod~Zy used hundreds of these 33 1/3-rpm
transcrlpfinn recortls ta broadcast the Kingdom mes7: c," nccordlng to Jtalph IT. Lcffler, who also remarks:
wcrc used by fiound en1.s and truclis. . . The
words 'Kingdom Mcssnge' were seen on the slde of
many a holn nnd, of cuurse, that WRB t h e theme. Up
nnd down Ibe strecls nnd over the countryside the



message was heard. . . . Sometimes on a rpiet evening

with the sound car stationed on the top of a hill
overlooWng a small city in the valley below the sound
could be heard miles away."
Giving his recollections, Henry A. Cantwell states:
' W e would ga into an area, play some musical recordings to attract attention, makc a brief announce
ment through the micro hone and then play one of
the tallrs, Then we rvoufd announce that individuals
would be calling at the doors to present further information to those who desired it." There were sound
boats, too, and their operations were similar.
The sound service performed by Jehovah's witnesses
was not without i t s opposcrs, however. For instance,
Lennart Johnson w f i t e s :
"At one location in the 11th Street suburbs south of
Rockford LIIlinolsl one person did not enjoy the
sound-car work nor t h e Kingdom message. Overwhelmed with uncontroIIable emotion, this woman
drew up in her car beside the sound car and, as xf to
drown out the words of the speaker, kept her o w n
loud car horn blasting wide open for three or four
minutes. The only result was to run down her own
battery, evidenced by her car !lorn getting weaker ancl
On the other hand, some sound-car experiences were
on the humorous side, "At first some people got
frightened," remarks Julia Wilcox, adding: "They
might be out in ihe field at work, far away from the
sound car, and they said It sounded like a voice coming
out of the heavens talking about God. We even heard
of some Iamilies leaving the farm work and going to
thrir homes, thinking judgmenl day had come."

Shortly after that assembly about 200 specially

chosen pioneers throughout the United States were
sent i n t o the large cities where there already were
congregations of God's people. Equipped with portable
phonographs, these fulI-time pubhshcss went: to warlr.
Soon Jehovah's witnesses in general became "phonograph-minded" and more than 20,000 of these machines
had to be manufactured a t the Society's Brookl
in just two years. Even then, demand exceedegipsupply
as thousands of Kingdom proclaimers wound up the
pl~onographand let truth ring out for all to hear.
The phonographs used by Kingdom publishers them
selves underwent change wit11 the passing of time.
About: 1934 there was a strong, ,compact model, with
a spnng-wound motor and carrylng space for several
discs. With 6 discs, it weighed twenty-one pounds. The
publishers got some exercise with that one. About two
p a r s later the Sociel had one of Lighter weight. Then,
a t r m e n t i o n s in 1948, a new vertical-type honograph
wnfi Inlrorluced. Designed and built by bro&ers at the
Srrt,lrlyk l~r~:~dquarliri.s,
the p h o n o ~ r a p h Iayed in an
11pr2j:ht porlllrm. J1 c v n hnd a rubhyhc~Iefor literature,



For years the portable phonograph played an important part in Kingdom-preaching. In the development
of this work the general convention of Jehovah s witnesses, September 15-20, 1937, at Columbus, Ohio, was
significant. Elwood Lunstruxn gives us this comment on
that gathering:
"At this assembly the work using the ortabh honograph on the doorstep was introduced! ~ o r r n e z ywe
had been carrying the phonogra h with us in the service, but we had only played it &en invited inside. . . .
"An organization of 'Special Pioneers' was outlined
at the Columbus convention to spearhead the use
of the doorste setup with the phonograph and the
followup worf with interested persons (first then
calIed 'back-calls') and Bible studies with an arrange.
ment called 'model study! "


~ ~ ' t ' l r n :,I

p ~Iiti
, lr! 111nch.Tlt!!~rnc~tlclgrearly facilitated
pl-rnrhing wnl-lr.
Now Imnglnt! yo)rortrsrlt In the ffeld service as a
KLn~:(lom )rt~r~lntrnci*
some tlirer dccadea ago. "When
I h c I I U ~ F ~ C ~ I O ~ A Copened
the door, we would say, 'I
have a message fur you." Down the needle went and
Brother Rutherford" voice boomed out," recalls L. E.
Rwsch. "At the end of the message," remarks Angelo
C. Manera, Jr., "the speaker would mention t h e book
we were featuring and how much it cost. Then we
would present the book and plfce it, if there was interest," "We were never rude, comments George L*
McKee, "but we were sure that everpne needed to
hear the good news of the Kingdom.
TIIF honogpaph worlc was not carded on without
oppositk. Ernest Jansma tells us4 'There were cases
of some having their honographs i i t e r a ~ yand viciously smashed right be&re their eyes. Others had them
ruthlessly thrown off porches. One brother in the
Middle West stood by and watched an angry farmer
blow his madline into ob!ivion with a shotgun, then
lleard pellets whine past his auto as he left the scene.
They were vicious and religiously fanatical in those
days." Amelia and Elizabeth Losch tell of an occasron
when the recording "Enemies" was played for a crowd
on the porch o f a certain home, After the talk ended,
81 i i r l

1 1 1 ~\~ot~wt..t<)-lrn~l~(.

one woman took the record off the machine and

broke it, saying, 'You can't taIk about my pope like




Despite opposition, the phonograph work went on.

Gradually, use of this instrument in the field service
dropped oft in t h e 1940's. After 1944 this decade-Iong
preaching campaign with the phonograph began to be
replaced by oral witnessing a t the doors.
Among witnessing aevlces employed in past ears
was the testimony card, introduced late in 1
d and
used well into the 1940's. John and Helen Groh explain: "Publishers of the good news were not so
numerous as they are today and not so well trained.
To assist us in our work and for better coverage
of the tedtory, we used what was known as a testimony
card. These were short rinted sermons, which people
were asked to read. $here peopIc refused t o read
it, or hecarne annoyed bccause of not having their
glasses handy, we would relate to them thc equivalent
of what was on the card."


A significant work that brought Jehovah's people
to public notice, while advertising the Ring and Kingdom, bad its start at a convention in Newark, New
Jersey, during 1936. Further development o f it came
at an assembly in London, England, In 1938. Years
later, this work was given the dignity that it deserved
by being called information marching. Thinking
back to the Newark convention in 1936, Rosa May
Dreyer remarks: " 'Sandwich signs' or placards hung
from one's shoulders, front and hack, were used to
advertise Ihe main talk. TThe publfsher was "sandwiched" between the placards.] Handbills were also
During the 1938 London convention, at J. F. Rutherford's suggestion, some information marchers carried
very thought- rovoldng signs mounted on sticks. In
fjart. A. D. ~ciroedcr(who then had oversight of the
ociety's branch office in England) tells us:
". The next night Brother Knorr and I led tke
first s eclacular parade that came ta be about six
miles brig, with nearly a thousand brothers marching through the central business section of London.
Every othcr marcher would carry the 'Face the Facts'
placard [advertising the public talk to be given at
Royal Albert Hall], while the next would camy the
IS A S N AND~ A RACKET.'My, what
a spectacle that was that night!
"The next morning Brother Rutherford called me t o
his office for a report as to what happened. I reported that we aroused much attention, that many
called out after us, 'Communkts.' So he thought for
a few minutes, doodling again with his pen. Another



celed off and gfven t o me, reading: ' S ~ V E

H e aslred me whether
I thought putting such a slogan on a third sign might
not neutralize that catcall reaction of the previous
night. I said, 'Yes.' So, he instructed that this slogan
be printed and used for the next parade tw? nigh!i.s
later. That we d ~ d ,~ t h ~ f i nresults.
Accordmgly, in
this way with tho three signs alternated we conducted
several remarkabIe parades before the dates of the
assembly, September 9-11.Since the British government
for years had denied us the use of the radio for our
educational programs and announc@ments,this parade
method proved must effecthe for notifying the public."
For Gladys Bolton, information marching was "the
hardest work of all." She also says: "Each pfacard
read differently, hut t h e one that stands out in my milid
is 'Relidon Is a Snare and a Rack~t'!
h o w the
clergy 'loved' that!" Concerning thc sign
a Snare and a Racket," Ursula Serenco observes: " g i s
was the time when we did not designate 'true religion'
nnrl 'false religion'; all religion in totality was had.
Th(* Ilve we referred to as 'worship,' while the false
wrts ' ~ I l g l o n ,"'
At ttlmcs there wan open hostility to information
marching. "In Yome towns like Pittston [Pennsylvania]
wc wrr'c not reecrlved I~ospilably,"says John 8. Sov rda.
"Mnny people would spit on us, call us al! kin s of
dirtv names and say we were Commnlsts. They
wodd throw things i t us, and some would actually
strike us with their ffsts."
Why, then, did Jel~ovah's witnesses engage in in.
farmatton marches? "Mostly because we felt it important for the people t o know the facts pemining
to false worship and the oppositron It was showing
toward our Christian work," remarks Charles C. Eberle.
Angela C. Manera, Jr., comments: "We loo!red at each
new feature of service that would be outlln~ldfor us
to do as another way to serve Jehovah, another way
to prove our loyalty to him, as another test of our
integrity, and tvc were anxious to prove ourselves willing to serve him in any way he asked."
Grant Suiter reminds us that, by Watchtower announcement, infomation marchlng was discontinued
after October 1939, but he adds: "'This unusual and
successful means of directin the attention of many
persons to thc minislry of $ehovahis witnesses was
unique in its time. Its IemInation, as well as ils use,
shows Jel~ovah'sdirection in the matter. At this late
date [Che 1970'sl, public demonstrations of all kinds
are carried on, but we are not participating therein in
any way, nor can anything that wc are doing be
confused with such demonstrations!'
sheet was

AND ~ ~ I R E LT S~ T




Kingdom publishers had excellent opportunttles
to help gather the "great cro~vd" and spread true
wisdom by offering subscriptions for The Watchtowsr
and ConsoZation in their house-ta-house preaching.
During the first Consolation, subscription campaign, in
April, M a y and June 1938, 73,006 new subscriptions
were obtained in the United States. The first annual
Watchtower subscription campaign took place from
January through May of 1939, when Jehovah's witnesses in the Un~tedStates alone oblained over 93,000

new subscriptions.
But Tho Watchtower and ConsoZation were yet t o
come to pubIic attention in a special way. "True
wisdom" wo~rlrl virtually 'cry aloud in the streets!
(Prnv. 2:20) How? Through magazine street work,
which had its start in February 1940. In this activity,
Jehovah's servants took positions on busy street. corners, wearing over their shoulders specially designed
and lettered magazine bags that identified the two
journals and indicated the suggested contributionfive cents a copy. Holding ConsoEa.tw~zaloft, the Kingdom proclaimer might call out, "Publisl~esfacts no
other magazlne dares to print." Other slogans included "Exposes the religious racket" and "Thc Watchtower explains the Theocratic Government." Magazine
publishers were urged to be moderate in s eech on the
street, gursuing a dignified murse. Neediess to say,
passers y were attracted and many responded favorably,

Would you like to know how the idea of magazine

strrct work developed? S. E. Johnston rwalls that in
1939 t h e Snciety wrote t o all zone servants .(predccessors of torlny's drcuit overseers) asking them to try
diffc~e'entways of g ~ t t l n gTko Watchtower and Consolufion Into iIle hands of the people, Brother Johnston
thought about newsboys with bags over their shoulders.
"Wily not try something Like that?" he reasoned. Dave
and Emma Reusch agreed to malie magaxine bags
an? their daughter, Vera Coatcs, put colorful silkscreen
inscriptions on them-"Watchtower
on one side, Consolation on the cther." When Brother Johnston visited
the little congregation in Concord, California, a group
oineci him In street witnessing. He writes: "The folowing week the Reusches made us more magazine
bags, and this lime we tried it on the business streets
of Oakland. Some brothers wcre a little timid a t first,
but the street work caught on and we started getting
orders from other companies Ccongregatiensl for magazine bags. At this point, I made my report t o the




The Sodety
Sodety, sendin them a sample bn .
m o t e me, thanfing me and all of us %r the experiment.
and saying that they would make announcement in
the InfomanE soon. They did."
The Society made arrangements to provide magazine
bags. Nicholas Rovalak, Jr., tells us: "The publishers
of the Passdc, New Jersey, congregation had .the
privilege of making the magazine bags for the Society.
VJe cut the cloth and sewed it into magazine bags. O n
Saturday and Sunday all who ualified and volunteered
would assemble al Brother *rank Catanzarops pants
factnry and have the privilege of sewing the magazine
bags for our brothers throughput the country. . .
tht? Society wol~lddo the nntmg. So evcrg time we
saw a rnagazme bag, we fe& we had had a little share
in advertising Jehovah's kingdom."
What was it like to make one's ArsP appearance on
the street corner with The Watchtowsr and Golasolution
back in Fchruary 1940? Peter D7Mura answers: "Row
well 1 recall February 1, 1940! . . . How were we oing
tn hc rerrivcrl? What would be the reaction of our
nelchbors :inti lownspcop!c? W e wcrr! excitcd. We were
oint: lo do 1Ihs for two hour% . . W m * tvo surprised!
5 s we rnllcrl rlut 1110 pro r r slogens nntl npprnnrhcd
~ P O ~ I C WP llnrl surhcrrs.$I% eneh plamd mnny mngn-

Recalling public renctlon, Grace k Estep states: "At
Arst thcrc was a kind of stunned surprise mingled
with amusement and sometimes anger, and then a
great deal of embarrassment as people scuttled from
one siac o f the street to the other in an effort to dodge
ihe neighbors to whom they didn't want t o speak and
yet were ashamed to ignore. After the Arst few weeks,
however, they just gave up and were conveniently engrossed in conversation or window-shopping as they
ran the gauntlet oof street publishers.''
At t i m e s moh violence erupted while Jehovah's servants engaged in magazine street work in those earlier
days. For instance, 8. S. Robbins recalls an angry
mob that assaulted him and other Kingdom publishers
while they wcre doing magazine street work in San
Antonio, Texas, some years ago. As things turned out,
the Witnesses were not injured, but they, not the
mobsters, were arrested, Brother Robbins adds:
"When we were released we went back to the
Kingdom IEall to reorganize and see what we would,
do next. . . . We reorganized and went right back.
"By the time we got back downtown there was an
'extra', newspaper out and the cry of the newsboys
was: Jehovah's witnesses arc run out of town,' and
here we were all over the streets again.
We were

.. .

certainly not run out of town and were not about
to go!'
4 ~ L E C l T V EELDERS"

In Scripture, God's people are charactedzed as shee

having Jehovah as lhclr heavenly Shepherd. (Ps.2 8 : g
9; 80:3; Ezck. 34:11..16)In addition to his tender care,
they enjoy the aid and direction of the Fine Shepherd,
Jesus Christ, as well. as the assistance of other shepherds within the Christian congregation. (Matt. 25:3146; Luke 12:32; John 10:1416; 1 Pet. 21-4) Among
God's people from the 18Ws down into 1932, men who
had been voted into the ofice of cldcr congregatlonally
supervised congregational Bible studies and lectures.
Men who were voted into the oficc of deacon congregationally assisted them. According to C. W, Barber, elders
"mould lead in spiritual matters, conducting meetings,
giving talks and taking the general oversight," whereas
dcamns "would be used as ushers, taking care of the
seating arrangements and helping out in material

The elders and deacons were elected congregatlanalIy

each year by a showing of hands on the part of persons associated with each congregation. "As to voting,"
explains Herbert H. Abbott, "then it was thought that
at Acts 14~23 the Greek word rendered 'ordained'
[King James Version; "appoinled," New World TransZationl related to stretching forth the hand and meant
to be a voter at those elections of class leaders. [See
Acts 14:23, Rothsrhn?n,l W e did not then know that
it came to be used in the srnse of avpoint or dcsfgnatr!
by,,lhr? apastlcs or ovvrning bocly.
Whnl rlr?termiuef the spiritual caliber o f those
selecl~cl for co~i~regalionaloversight?" asks Henry
A. Rlic?+b. Jn part, hc answers: 'Well, for one thing,
no novice was selected, and that cerlriinly was Scrip.
turnl. Prior to the business meellng, the qualifications
Sor 13fficewelae read fmm 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus
J:5-9." "When the list of nominees was completed,"
says Edith R.Brenisen, "we were earnestly adrnonishcd
to consider carefully and prayerfully the qualifications
and capabllilies of each one nominated, according to
the Bible, asking for the guidance of the holy spirit
fn making our decisions. . . . we met again at the
appointed time to elect those who had been nominated."
In some places, prablems arose in electlng elders.
"Electioneering and rivalry" are remembered b Sister
Avery Brirto!~, who says: "This caused divlsgn and
factions among the brothers and sisters In some congregations and sume would not even speak to others of
another group." James Rcttos remarks: "Some would
even become very angry if they were not voted in."


Problems sometimes arose in connection with fleld

service. Ursula C.Serenco writes: "All wet: along well
until the announcement came of all ialring part in
house-to+housewitnessing with literature and paficularly the Sunday houseto-house work-this in 1927.
Our electivc elders opposed and tried to +disc?urage
the whole class from taklng up or engaging In any
part of such work. The class began to take sides and
division began to manifest itself." The attitude of some
of the elders toward the house.to~house preaching
work was of vital concern. So a specific pomt m q h t
be made of that in the yearly voting. For instance,
according to EX. Robert Dawson, back in 1929 cnndiiidates
for elder and deacon in Pitlshurgh, Pennsylvania, had
to answer this question: "Am you willing fo partieip~te

service work?"

Certain elders ,had a feeling of superjority a ~ i d

wanted only to give talks, according to Sister J. M.
Norris. She adds: "Others were critical of the articles
In Tlta WnEcl~z'owsr,not wnntmg to accept it as still
God's chnlr~elof truth, always trying to Influence others
In 111~11- wny or thinking."
Tt H 111111 Id n(avPr h(l roncluded, however, that a11
~ l c r l a r lP ] ( ~ ~ * F l~ntl
2 1 1 ~wlhungnllllutlt! or splrlt. Many
faIlh~ul1 tllschiir~~rl
t b4s rtlsponsltlilltles RS Christian
~ h , * ~ v l ~ w * rOEf q (;o(I'E~ P D P ~ P( L, Pet. 5:1.4\ "Only R few
~ t ~ r nlw:iys
. ( ~
llirowlng ~ t i i m h l l nblocku
in lhe way of
Iht! prenching worIr," says Ja1nc.s A. Earton. hccorcli~~g
i o Roy F. Ilcndrix, "many of them were truly dedicated
Bible Students, really witnesses of Jehovah." Clarence
S. I'iuzzey observes: "Many of these elders were fine
mature ChrIstIan brothers concerned with the welfare
of the congsegatian.'Vehovah was shcphcrding his
people, and he was pleased to use such men lor ihe
benefit of his dedicated worshipers.
"Elective eldersv supervised congregational activities
f o r many years, With the coming of 3932, however, a
teinposary change toot< place. Older rncrnb~rsof the
Brooklyn Bethel family still rec~.ll the meeting held
on Wednesday evening, October 5, 1932, at Apollo Hal1
in Brooklyn. Some 300 members of t h e New York congregation ihen passed a resolution ending the electing
of elders in New York city. (See The Watchtower. of
Sepiember 1, 1932, pages 265 and 266, as well as the
issue all October 15, 1932, page 314.t Nearly all other
congregations promptly stopped electlng elders, passlng
sInlilar resolutions. Thus the year 1932 witnessed the
replacement of "elecuve elders" with a group of mature
Christian men called a '"errvice committee,: elected by
the con regation to assist the local servrce director
wlzo ha6: been appointed by the Watch Tower Society.
Instituting the new arrangement in 1932 Ied to some



and certain +d!vlduals left the or~snlmtlon.
lowever, the vast rnq~ontyof the con~rcgntloniand
those associated with them accepted l l ~ corgnnlznttonal
adjustment ~ratefully.

For many years only brothers wlla were anointed
followers of Jesus Christ filled posltlons nP re8 on~lbilltyin the Chrisdan congregndon, But in 1937 l%rc
was n change. Writes Grant Suiter: "Org~nlzntlonnlIy
we were assided by the counsel of TFLPWrrlclrfurrri'
nt May 1, 1937, to the effect t h a t Zliosr? who were o f
Ihe dnnadah class [having eniallrly prrls rctsl rnigllt
Ilc nppoint~!l to positions of service i n $6 canErcj:nIlons.
rhe August 15 issut? 01 TILE IVtitrlr~nruer
11olntcd out that Sonadabs cuul(l serve on ~ c ~ r cornv i ~
rniliecs and In oihcr similar capadtics In thc conlpnnlrs
Icon~regntions3."According to T?!ctr~ntcltlolrrcr, "Jnnarla hs" cauld become "company servants," or presidlllg
nverstters, I f qualified members nf thc dnolnlcd l'rninanl were not available t o seive. "We see how J ~ h o v n h
w a s paving the way in preparation fnr Ilir! grrni Inrrrnse that was yet to come in," snid Norrnnn Lnr'son,
ndtllng: "It certainly opcncd new horizon!, for thosr?,
Iilic myself, who were of the earthly class.


In 1938 there was another signiffcant orgtinizationnl

development. T h e Watqhtowev arlfclcs "Unity in Action"
(May 15) and "Organtzation" {dune 1 and 15) showcd
tlfnl al~ll~ority
to appoint overseers and their nsalslants
d ~ t not
rcst wit11 indiviclunl con~rcgntlons.It was sug~rstcrcl ttrnt congrcgatinns t l ~ r o ~ ~ ~ hl tct r~ u
co~E i(lr*r n rrxsolution prt~srnled tn %Iw: Wrrtck totrmrr,rc.
q~lrsllng t hnt "The Sacicty" o r ~ n l l i z cthr! congrrgation
Irlr stmrviw and "appoint tllc v a r i o t ~wrvnnls thrreof;'
thnt Is, all those who would fill t h e positions of rcspon.
slljilit y locally. (See The W ntchfou!cr for 1938, pitgrs
l!i9, 1H2, 183.) Most congregations nrlapl r(T this rrsnla.
rlcln, and the few that dld not soon lorit Ihdr spirittu~l
vision nild the privileges they had in conncdlun with

ICingdom service.


4 d m aEIW ~ ~ ~

Jehovah, the heavenly Shepherd, makes rlch apirliual

revisions far his people. A great art jn fecdinl: them
played by Christian meetings, &eb. 10:24, 251 Often
God's modernday servants have n e t In privnte homes
~ n t rentcd
public buildings. But the heavenly ldngdorn
lvns born in 1914 C.E. So, in time God's people hc,q:~~r
rsnlling their principal meeting places the "Kingdom
Hall of dchovah's iitncsses."



Amording to Damentco Flnelll, the R r s t Kingdom

Ed was built: ert Roseto, Pmnsylvnnl~l, tn 1927, and
he says that it "was tnaugur?;t.d with a ~ b l i ctalk
by Brother Giovsnnl DeCecm. llowcvcr, t\e general
use of the name "Kingdom E-Iall" rnmr: into vogue
from 1935 anward. Dtirill~:that yrar, t l ~ cWnlch To~vcr
SotieQ's president, mT. F. 'It~~lherlord,
vlsilerl the Hawaiian Isfands and Inlllntrd l l ~ ( ! establishment of a
branch officejn IIonolulu. A I . ~ A T ~ ~ Pwrre
~ P made
~ ~ s for
an assembly hall in conllcctinn wlth
t~mnchI~uilding. This auditorium was cl~:s!gnated Icingtlorn I-Iall."
From I939 onwtlrd, .Tehovnll1s wlbnesacs In varioua
places have rent crl hullrllngs, litter1 thcln l'clr nsselnbly
and used them as Klngtlom lInlls. Orten congrcgatjflns
have purchased proprr t y, ~~cnovnlcrl
buildtncs or rbrected
new structures to serve as places to n7cr.t qnr Bible
and worship of Gorl, W. L. P ~ l l cfittingly reE % e d not long ago:
he KingrIom Hnlls are attractive on the mbfde,
m y nnrl prndlcal on the R ~ i d r .neaIdes, since they
arc! nltrnc$Ivt!In R prar:incr, Ihry ~ l v t !a ~ I l c n twtncaa ns wrll ns rnnf r. pcmrsrrtiur l r IIPW Intrrrst C~cl'at
home' wlic*n l l i ~ yI ~ I I ~ P Illy
?nlnthrb ( : r ~ u t ( ~nrnoullt
of lnbor In hztll(1Enj: Iirkr I>rv*nr*rml~~ltnrlvrlI-ry our own
hrol hcra nnrl I I I I > A O ~ t ~ * ~ *Inlvr~-nI
IVI, WP h~tvc! not:
I~ndlo r e ~ n r tt c l V~i~llrllnf:ilnrl lor111'r w ~ ~ ~ n l z n l l ~(of
the Dcvll0.rworlrl). ' l + l i r a nipit111rlnil I I H N C ~ H r('rnaIt1 wllh.
in t.he use of Jcllnvr~lfs rnoplt~. Tlir silmc was true
with respcet to thc ismcl\trsl 'tcnt In the wildcmcss'
many years ago, fAc'ts 7:1?1 1 way asked not long
ago, Why do you people cr~llyour b u l l d l n ~a "ICingdorn
Hall"?' I replied 1l;nt the very Llrst m~nniiuggiven In
rrly dictionary is: tlall: nil ediflcu rlcvntcrl tr~ public
husiness,' Our Kfngrlorn Hnlls are devoterl exclusi\?ely
to the business of the A l m i ~ h l yGod and 111s kingdom.
So, there could not he a more ~pproprinlcname,"

m ~ ~ ~ morr,F:
v ~ ~ ~ l s

increasin~ numbers of the " reat rrowdl'

streamed into Kingdom IIails hack in The 193OPs, an
activity lnegnn thal was rloslgnerl to strenglhcn IIle
congregations 01 God's people. (Rsv. 7::)) I1 wns the
zone work, countcrpnrt of rlrcuit work today. About
twenty congregations In n pnrtkuhr area of the
country formed unt: zone. The Soclety appointed a zone
acrvant to visit each congrrgatiol~and ~t?nerall spend
one week with it, IIis pllr usc tvsr lo sircnyfzen the
tongregadon orgonizatfona\g and nlso t o aid i t in Llie
preachir~gwork. Frorn tinlr to time, Zhc co11;:rcgations
m a zone gathered f o r n zono ttssembIy, l ) ~ c r e1 0 reAs



celve BiblEcal instruction and spfrltual nld, Special

nervanls were sent out from the Socicty*~
to serve at these assembljes. The zolw wrlc got unrlclr

Jehovah's witncss~s resespect the fln

thelr Bibllcal
obligations and relntfonsl~lp( 0 Gnd alr%ily forbid them
lo salute any Imagr. To .T~hovnl~*s
scrvants this would
be an act of woi*shIp conlrary to thc rinciples set
forth in the Ten Cornmsndtncnls. (Ex.20:t-61 The reply
also showed that Christlnn parmts primarily are
responsible for teaching tllelr chf ldrccn onti that the
children must be 1auy:ht thi! truth ncmrdlng lo their
parents' understnncling an(L appr~cintlonof tlic Holy


way as of October 1, 1938, and cuntinrrcd t111+oug11

Novrmber of H.11.
FAgar C. Keitnedy shows how Chrlfitlnns responded
t o thc zone w o ~ k saying:
"'Tieiir spirit was RI ~-ollgnntl
tlreir npprecialion for our visits was l o v i n ~ l ycxl~rosscrl.
All o f the companies Ccongregntionsl wcrc! small, h i t
you could see a stirring among them. Bcc:~usoof thclr
willfng acceptance of the theocratic insl~uctlnns,t h r i c
love jor the truth, their response 10 group trel.vk,c!
nnd their work with the model stutlics, ~i[:ns of Growl 11
wrl-r?hrglnning to appear. S v v ~ r n tnew cwtrmpnnjcsbcgnn to trc forrneil."

A strong Christian organization ccrl ainl y wna n&ed

in tllosc days because Jehovah's w l l ~ c v i e smtbre tlie
objccls of inten,% persecution. Much uf tlrts llnd I f %

utnrt in 1935. ZIow so? U'eIl, a t the Wnrhinpton, D,C.

c+onvention, on Monday, Jrme 3, Brol Ilrr ~ltltllcrfax*d
rcspond~dt o a query on the flag salulc hy cI~ilrlrcn
in school. He told the canventlon nutlienco lhnl 10
snlutc nn earthly ernbIern ~lsct.ibln xnIvr!lion tu I t ,
was unfaithfulness to ~ o d ~Zuthcrkod
said tl~al hc!
wnuld not do it.
13, L,Philbfick remarked that Rutherford's answer
"rnusl. hrlve bern heard b same young people fara
whtm l h ~clrnols
opened lht Tall ~ u t l d ~ n lirc?ndlln~s
npr~rnrrdIn 1l1r Boslon ncwTspaprsnlmut a gounc hoy
In I.yni1, Mn.~sachusrits, whn r~fusr-rlto anluir) t hc
31:la in schr~ol n t the heginning af t tic? sclloot tern].
I I I s nrlme w:is Carleton Nirhnls. .A young girl, narharti
Mf~redath,look the same stand nt f~cr'school in SlidIlltry, 3lttssrtchusetts, the ssam day," IFut Irrr slluatiorl
did not reach the press. as she had a tcncElc>t-w l ~ oIV\*:I.~
Iolcrnnt and did not make an issue out o f it.
It was OH September 20, 1935, that yoting :arleton
B. Nichols, Jr., declined t o salute Ihc ilny:. rhc incid~nCwas publcizcd throughout the country. A s presi.
rlrnl of the Watch Tower Sodely d . F, 'ltutlrc?r~ord
W R S approached by the ~ssocintcd Preas nnd usketl
Sor an official statement regarding ~ I I P v i r ~or .Ted
homll's witnesses on this mat jet.. 'l'hc strttr.mcnt w:ls
Itrrnistled, but the prcss dcclincd to pubIls11 it, So,
durlng a nationwide radio broadcast: on Ottoher li,
3!)35, P,uHl~rford spoke on thr subject "Saluling a
Flnl:." This discourse was published In tlie 3 2 - p a ~ c
huof;let Loj~alalC!~,
distribuled by tlle m i l l l o ~ ~ sIn
. thls
reply to t h e press, Rutherfo~d sliowed that w)~Ilu


While many school, otl'lclkla and t~nclierswere broadminded, others nrterl arhitrsrlly ant1 expeUftl chiIdren
of J e l ~ o v a l wltneafies
from school for refusal to salute
the nag. For instance, on Nov~rnl~cl6, 1935, two Wjtness cllilclren werp cxprllcA I I ) Il~ls
rcnson from a
pubIic school at Mlnersvillc, Pennsylvania. 'I'llelr fai her,
Walter Gobitis, instjtulcrl a sulr n ~ ~ l n sthe
l hoard of
education, Rlinersvill~ School District. The suit was
begun in thc I:ntttvl States Illstrict C ~ I I I -lor
Eastern District t ~ fPennsylvani;t linrl wan decided in
f:tvor o f Jellovnh% svlllnd-sc,rbs. IYEicn thls t i ~ ~ t s t owzs
rontcstrd, t t ~ c lW l t r i c s ~I ~~I ~H ~W
I ~ tHi fnvor~ihlrtlrclslon
in the Circuit Court c j C A rjrr*~rln.Ilut thrb rsnr:r1nrxl went
to the S u ~ , r ~ r nCollrl
ol Ill* Ilnllcd !ifntlna, l'lirr~,In
Sunc 19110 1,y rt tlct:lslo~io f rll:l~l lo O I I V , the- Court
revrrsctl I h~ favolbrl h l ~Jlldfl~nt-n
I , wl I11 11Isn~t
t'oun C U ~ scquenccs.
In one place after

rtnotl~cr ChrJstlnn~ wcre persecuted hecause 01 their I31blkal position on flag sa.
luting. For instance, n moll joined by sonle policcmcn
attacked Jehovah's wltncsscs dtirlny: a Rible m e t i n g
in Rackvillc, Marplanrl, on June 20,1!14(1, llaving p i n e d
entrance to tile Kinf:dom IlnEI, t h ~snob Icarlel- lleld
up a fag and said, "I will give you ~ C O P I P two rnlnutes
American time to salutr: this flag or thcrc will be
bloodslt~rlhere." Sotir I<. Vnssll rcports: "Thew was
siIenee for about a nlinute, when R 1 of a sitddcn one
man wI10 had came to I11e lncetlng for the first time
became very frlghtensd, juni~~crllip, snIuted (Ile flag
and went out . . No one else sn2uLed l11c [lag. When
thc two mjnufes were up, Ihr! Icader I~uoclretleverything out 01 my h;tnds ;;nil gavc orders tn the mob
to ,'break up everythin
chikErs, nnd .so forth, and
articles began to ny. 7T;e two poIiecmen wit11 their
pistols on their hlps were Insirle with them and I went
ovcr to then1 and nslted If thcy couldn't do something.
They did not even open Ilieir m 0 ~ t l l sor begin to Inlre
any action to stop the moh," Tlrr! sliuntion became
worse. ''Tl1~3~began act in^ Iike n prtck of demons,"
says Brother Vasrll, "pusl~lng and shovlne: us out of
the haL1. They kept crying out: 'K111 t l ~ c m !Kill them!



are Nazis.' Some of the children in the hall

pgan t o cry and some in the mob called out t o
throw those brats out of the window,TThey literally
booted us out -of tkfe building and into the street and

the last year of schooI, because of wartime gas rationing, we went home every fhIrd weekend."
With plenty of work to be done, a cook and a housekeeper were on hand, Rut the children had their assignments too-helping in the Mtchen, washing and drying
dishes, !aking out the garbage and so forth. There
was a dlscussron of the daily F3ible text at the break.
fasr tablc, and every school. day began with a half-hour
Bible study. So the children were fed spiritualIy. FurIh~rmore,they had opportunities to use what they
learned, in thc field service on Saturdays and Sundays.
Another Kingdom School was established at Gates,
Pennsylvania. Instructing there was Grace A. Estep, a
public school. tcacher who had been dismissed because
shc would not conduct the pledge of allegiance and
flag salute in her cIassraom. Slster Estcp recalls the
school's first year as a ''tumultuous one," with every
sort of ''official" trying to find some reason to close
it. She also states: "The schoolroom was often invaded
by some omcial, school or otherwise, for tho purpose
nl' flndlng fnult or adding further harassment. AddICtonnll
pnlr.lot[c fervor was not missing among
mnny r,?thp pnpulnce. R crowd gnlhered nt one t h e
with llrt* pllr'pclse of homl~ingor hurnlng i ho schnol,
an[:rlly rrmonstrafln~ wllh tlic owncr for having
1.mlril t o uq. 13ril sincr the cwnr5rwas 11 J~adingrili*mn
of tlie town, and since thcy couldn't ffgurr out: flow
in lmmb Ihe school wllhout bombing thc barbcr shop
[in the same building], they gave up tho idea." Eventually, the student body increased, eaZlilzg for kinder~ a r t p n ,eipht ~ r a d e sof elementary school and four
of high school.
How did Fingdom School students fare as f a r as
their educatmn was concerned? Llovd Owen, who
taught a t the one in Saugus, ~assachusetts,reports:
"Wc used t o give the achievement test to see how well
uTehad been doing. Most of the time Ule students rated
one half to a whole grade better than the grade they


were now yellmg: Run them out of town! Run them

out af town!' "

Later, having escaped the mob, Brother Vassil contacted the zone servant, Charles Eberle, who Immediately reported the incident to the Attorney General
of the United States, The Federal Rureau of Investigation be an Iooking into the matter the next day,
~ v e n t u a ? ~there
~ , was a court case, and Brother Vassil
tells us: "After the trial, which was decided in ovr
favor and to Jeliovah's ~lory, Rqckville 'I'ownshi
placed a policeman t o guard our Icmgdom Hall evcg
time we heId a meeting so that another such incident
could not occur. This time Satan's instrument l o destroy
our newly formed congregation and Kingdom Hall had
fai1ed.Isa. 54:17."'
'This account i s merely qn example. There were
many other incidents. For rnstance, in Connersville,
Indiana, a lawyer of the Witnesses was beaien and
driven from town. God's servants were endurlng such
violent persecution because they were adhering strictly
to the Holy Scriptures and courapeousIy maintained
that their salvation and deliverance from foes and
erIIs comes, not from any nation, but from God.
Fndeed "salvation helongs to Jehovah."-Ps.
3:8; compare Ammican Standard Version.
CornpuIsory flag salute in schools resulted In the
expulsion of many students who were Jehovah's witncsses. I-Iowevcr, thc Watchtower Soclty aided true
Cllrislla~lsto provide ertucati~nfor their children. As
early as 1035 this was done 73 opening private "Ringdom Schools." At these, quali&d teachers from among
Jehovah's witnesses devoted their time and energy,
instructing Witness cliildren who had been expeIlcd
Irom puhlic schools. God's people organized and financed these private schools in various places.
One of the Kingdom Schools was located in Lakcwood,
New Jersey. According to a former student there,
C. W. Erlenmeyer, the Lakewood congregation's Kingdom I-Iall was on the first floor, as well as the school
classroom, a lrltchen and the dining area. Bedrooms
for the girls ivere on the second ffnor, and those of
the boys on the Ihird. "Of course," says Brother Erlenmeyer, "most of us boarded right there and only went
borne on weekends, at the most, Those who lived
farther away went home every second weeIcend, and

were supposcd to be in, , We tested the students

at least twice a year, and they persisted fn having
1111s very high rating."
A fine spirit prevailed among those involved with
Kingdom Schools. "The friends were so very wonderful,
always offering help in so many ways," says Sister
E s t e ~ ."11 was all a sort of community thin^, the
'comLmunity'being everyone involved In any way wit11
the Kingdom Schools. My heart swells with. love and

appreciation when I v i e w all the marvelous things

the dear friends &idid in those days, their love f o r
JeIzoval~ knowing no bounds. And though-there was
littIe money, they supplied the needed things to the
limit of their time and strength."




stage the thrilling drama, to recreate the many scenes

of vtrllant theocratic warfare as Jehovah's servants
Tow ht, for liberty to reach, But we do well to k g l n
wile t h raging
"battye of New Jersey:' Tile 'opening
gun' wns fired in 1928, when some of God's S P T V ~ I I ~ ~ S
were wrested in South Amboy, New J~rscy. Rut
I'lninflcld hecame t h e center of the Catholic hnttlaflrltl


On June 8, 1942, by a vote of flvc to four, tlla
Unflcd Strltex Supreme Court ~*ulcdagainst Jchovah'~
wit~resscsin thr Eicense tax cntir! Jonsx v. Op~lilcrr.,
Interest ingIv, Ilowever. hcsfdrg their dissenting opinlon,

Jastic~s lililck, Douglas nl~rl Murphy recantmi t !trIr

votes lu the IWO Gobifis flag s n l u t ~case. With Llmt
t h e Wntclll owcr Society's i:tW 'IT flled an injunclian
suit In Ille UnItrd States ~ i s t r l c Court
lor the Southcrn
Dlstrlrl nr Wrst Virginia n ~ n l n s tllle West Virglniil
stat^ 33onrd of Education. Why? T o restrain tllc cn.
fcrrernent of the compuIsory flng: snlute statute. A
thr'ce.jud~e corlrt unanimous1 drcttI~d in favnr o f
dehnvi~li'switnesses, but Iho d n t Vlrclnla Slate noard
o f IC(lur.nlion 'I )pealed. O n l l ' l n ~ Dny, June 14, 3943,
the Sul,lhc*mail.illrlrt of the Ilr~ltprl 8l:tt~sreversed i ( s
positlon In the Unhitis caw by holdSn~fin West Vz'r!gf?lirr
SfQtr I l ' o t t , d nf J<d?fCatioqiv. I h f ? ' ~ wfr')
t that the sclrnol
board did not hnve the rlglit i o cxprl from school and
t h u s d ~ n yerluc:~tion t o children of dtlhovnh's wiincssrs
who worlld not salute tlle flng#
That dr~clslunreversed 1 1 1 ~holding of the Suprelne
Coilrt in t l ~ cflobitb case. l'l~ough this did not end all
prohlcms ~is.social~d
with the Christian stand regortllng
PRe flag snlute. 1r;lngdum Srltools no longer were noccssaw. Ilcnrbe, for the first tlmt1 in about eight yearfi
children of Jehovah's wJtncssca co~~lcl
return t o il~e
public schools.


T m GO013 NKWR'
.T~hovnh's Chrtstinn witntrasos, whether yonn or
old, vxpr~r:Lto 1). pr!rseeurc-(l. Arler nll, Jesus tolf hls
d1r;cll)lfis: You wi 1 he oll,j(!ct~of hnliai!d hy all p e o p l ~
on asrrwnl of rny ~~ame."
(Matt. lfl:22! "In fact
wrotr I'nzrF, "nll thme d e s i r l n ~ to live with
drvntlnn in ysoctation with L:hrtst Jesus wUl nlso
h r prl-srculcd. ( 2 Tim. 3:12) At tlmes persecution I ~ a a
led t (I i~rl.rstsof Christians on false charges-perhnps
selllng ~ l hout
l a license or dirpl~rrhin( illr: peaw. Slaw
tlstics wcrr not Icept at first, hut, in 19,,3, thwe were 31;8
arrests rrportcd thl'oughout the United States. T3y
1936 Ihe number had risen to I,M!). Improperly, ,lt>heyah's wit ncsses were class~daR sol Icitors or itinerant
merchnnts, rather than as proulairri~rsof the gospcl.
Jehov~h'switnesses did not sufCor arrest, trial a~zrl
imprisonmrnt without a fight, Iiuwrver, They ado Irvl
a policy of appealing ndvrrse drcisicms rendere$ irt
)he rottrts. With Jellovah's nfd they were able to
defend xnrl IzrgnlIy establish the goclrl news."-Phil, 1 : T .
It would bc Impossible, In hut a fcw pages, to re.


acnlnst Ihe Witnesses In that state.


h vlew of Plainflcld's pramlnence in mnnectlon wlth

the rsecution of Jehovnh's mple, 3, F. RutherSorr?

deel& to hold a publie mretRr: there on titc suhjeet

"Wh Is Religious Intolernncc Practiced in ThL Cnuntry '?o:otlay?" For this speciikl program on July 30, l!1:l:ll
anrnr Arty uninvited, unwanlerl nild unneeded pollm~nc~lr
nio\wl in, supposedly tn gui~rrl the theater. 14rnrbl lcss
thry were there at Ilre Snsluncc uf the Catholic h i e n r thy, whlch mas looking i4,r a way to prevent the
find perhaps tlo away with the s p ~ n k r r .
Al.t31vlnr: nt the t healer, Brother Rutherford notm
t11rtl hrhlnrl thc d r t l ~ ~ cI sl ~ r ? 11chIcc have twn ~ r i n c h l n ~
ImR, Ii.nlrtt-d on I i l ~ r nntl
t l ~ rnudlencc. I I v p r o f ~ ~ t h ,
1111 tJiJ): IIOCA
not b~rrli:c! t h r puljcrrnon or F31~1r
7'licy say they 1k41vr I w n 'tipped off' Z11rit 1 kbt.lLr!
is f : t r t ~ ~to
~ : hr a riot ancl t h ~are present to ~nn!nl:rlrr
OI-CI~T. ( F P O T ~ P Gangus s:~yx tznl durlng tllc c n l l r ~1 1 1 1 1 ~
i 1 1 ~r~l~~uos[lhcre
was ttansc?. ICs~~ecially
wn9 l ~ rH ( I ~ I - ~ ~ ( I
hy tllcsr: staielncnts, ncal' lltc ctj~~cIusion
01 Ruttlcrl'ortl's

"Rut shame upon the priests and clergymen who
havc connived at and c ~ u s ~the
d persecution of Jeh o v a h ' ~witnesses in order that they might keep the
peoplr? in ignorance of thta truth nlld thus shhld 1E1emsclvrs Iron1 rxposure; shnrnc 11 on those pul,llc alncers
who have heen ready and W i l h i g l a class bTrhovnhta
wHne.rsr4 as s e s s h p c d d l ~ rnnd
~ hawkers hr ordet- t h a t
tlr~y~ n l a h tserve their own ~clflstzends; shnmr! u )on
I l ~ clawyers who practtc~upon the bench anrl d o r o
thr? bnr, who because of fear of losing some clrsonnl
ntl~anlilgc have sirle.atcpped Ille issue ant1 faficd ~1111
rcfllserl to decide squarrly the question as to whelhcr
01, not men can be prevented from preaching thr ~ o s p r l
of Cod's kingdom by thr rnactrnent a n d enlnl-crrnvtlt
nf mzr niclpal orrlinanccs level~c!against pcdcilars nr~d
11n~lir~u."l3n~lllcr Gangas admits: "I was saying to mycrew:
'Now they will shoot hlm! Now they vdll arrest him!'
Bul, ns it Is stated In the Introduction of the bonltlct
ItttoTeranm?, T h e angel of the Lord encamp& round
nhout them that fcnr him, and deIiverct11 them.""
1Ps.34: 7) Despite the trying situation, Brother Rut t~er-




ford'8 discourse wm delivered dthout Incident. It was

recelvetl enthusfastically, So was the boaltlet Intole

eraflce, published Later and distributed widely.



Ilnue bearing testimony to Ids name wlth boldness

I hat they d g h t have a part In the vindication


of fl~rtlholy nnme.


FOP Cblatlans those were raith4estlnq umes. of

course, nal every incident of avert op ohlt On, or even
every n ~ r ~ s led
t , to a court trinl. l!ui mnn tlmes
Jehovah's ~crvants
find t h e m s ~ l v ~Inn nee{ of aid
En 111~1; they might makc a successhrl dcfrnsc in t h e

Not only in the United States were Jdlovnh's witnesscs htkving n battle for frccdotu of: spcech nnd
worship, Tn June of the so.called "lloly Yenr" a f 1933
Adrll C I1ltl!r1s regime seized the Watch T n w t ~Sot:lety's
property In Magdeburg and banncd thc ndlvilics ef
Jchovnh's people in Germany as rpgnrds rn~rstlnfsand
Illcraturc distribtttion, t h o u ~ h thr roprrl y Ivas retrlrnctl that October. On October 7, 1834, thc Wlt ncsses
in C;rrmnny met in groups ancl, n l t r r ~ o l ~ r n prayer,
thry dlspnlchrd a protest hy tr1rf:r;un I n olllcials nC
Z[iclct.'s govcrnrnent. IIowevPr, f:orl's sr!rvnnts In D ~ ~ P I '
lrinrls rltrl no1 s h n d by idly,
"At thc ~crvicemceting onc nlaht In the pfir of
193k, wo Wrrc asked to be at t l i ~rnccting plnca nt
9:00 am. Sunday for something spc*cfnl,"rcr:ills Gladys
nolto~l. "Everyone was cxdtcd! \Vhnt toultl It be?
Stlnclay n:orning the house was full, Thc spraher annuunccd that congregations o f Jrhevn 11's wirnesses
world wlilc were meeting- today In nr.(ler to scntl cablegrams t o I-Iitler, all at the same timi-, nsklny: him lo
l r f rnl? from persecutin Jehovnh's rv~t~iosars
fn Germany. After praying
Jehovah cnch aroup sent
thr! I'ollowlng cablegram: "Hitlcr dovon~rncn[,Berlin,
C:(>rnlnny. Your ill-treatment o f Jchovnh's witnesses
shnrlrs nll good eople of earl11 nntl rllshunors God's

couris of the United Stafttcs. 71n helll 'ICtngdom proclnirncrs, tl~cWaIchtmver Socictp cs t nbl~shrrla l c ~ a l
dvpnrtrn~nlat Its headquarters In Brookl~.n,New York.
Looltlng hack, Robert E. Morgan rccnlls: "At our
wcrlcly smnfice rncctings we sludlctl Qrrl(-r of b'irrt
~ Y P T ) R I ' @ Cb~ the Society, and enrlc:tvorcrl to e ulp Our~ c l v c xl o
with the police nnrl judges w lo were
con~lanllyharassing us in the field scrvltv?. Bur service
mcrtlngs would teach us llow lo respond when nccoslctl by l h c police, what our rights aF: c i t l z ~ n swere,
n i ~ lwhnt procedures we must tint fnll 10 follow in
onlcr lo ealnI~lls1~a sound ha~1:: for T P R ~ ~ action In
rlrlrnste nf the! ~ o n dnews i t 1 tlae rwrant mi~virtions
wrnilcl wq\hrv nur going to t l ~ c -nlj[bcrllnlch murt n."
t rntlorrs in servicc mr~tlllngs cnnct ctl pMccr111rrrnlm tlmt? of arrest to 1 1 1 ~c ~ l ~ ~ r ~ l utsr ll otrlnl.
nnrl rlisposlllon of the case," ~ c c u l l s lZny C. 13opp,
ntltlItif:: "St+l'vnntsin tllc congrcgati{m wlmld $r:l ns
proserution and defegse attar~~rys,
irnd snmc trials'
woulrl lnsl for weeks.

''IFea1' Them Mot. The ~nnlityof t h e Rornan

Cnlllolic Clltlrch was exposecl, alld tllc nrtlcl~warrled
thnl opposltlon might lead to the denth of some fnlthful servants of God. But it Urged Cod's people to con.

Legal pids provided by the Society and fine trardng

at service meetings he! d God's servnntia pently.
R u t f o r the rigors of l i g b e h i n d h ~ r snnly Jei~ovah
hlmsclC coulcl strengthen his p ~ oIc. As Paul aid,
"For nll thing# I have t l ~ ealrenrrlf: hv virtue af blm
who Irnpnrts power to me."-Phil. 4:I.b.
Jchovnh's Clldstian witnesses by the hundreds were
anested arrd jailed during the tt~rbulentyrnrs of the
'1930'sand X94U's. Homer L. Rogers says thls r~gardIng
legal proh2cms encountered by J@1>ovahh's
pcoplt! in
onc ama: "The city of La Grange [G~orginlhrul framed
nn ordinancr t h a t forbade anyonP calling nt a home
in LR C;rnr~l!e to aCfefef the householder nny piece of
prlnlcd mat1 or, This was aimed at Jrhovnh's wltncsscs
uncl wn# only enforced against Jehovnh's wllncascs."
IKow crlulcl he be sure of this? The city's rrsidentn
Icsllfled i h n t all other printed mallcr wns distributed
fseeIy In La Grange wthout l ~ l n d m n c e irom the
tkut liuritles.


niunr, l i o l ~ ~ i ~Prom
furthrr erst-cul iilf: J~bavnh's
tvl! lwuacs; c~ll~c;wisr
God will &r! ,.or yihu itnll yoiu
n:~lirrnat pnrty. 'I'hc messncr W : I ~ slgnt-tl ".lr:rrorn~r's
\V~TNK:-HF=I'"~ l n dtile city (11. town wl~~nlc>
thc congrcgnt lot^ wris nsscml,lctt was cItrd.
l'llnar mhlt~gsnmscaused qullr? n &IT,
cvcn at some
tc1rl:r:tph oll~ccs in the Unit crl State#, "In Kaysvillc,
Vil.f:lnl:l, its well as other plnccs," snya Melvll~ Willchrsl rr, ' I t he irlegraph operator aImosl f ~ i n l e t lwhen
Xhr fricnds cnme in with lfle cable ~nessr~gc.''
I-lnrv did the Nazi regime re6 ond? PersecutIen of
J~llovnh'switnesses was intensi&d. But God's people
jn G ~ r m n n ynnd elsewhere had hr!cn prppnrwl for the
o p p ~ ~ s i t l oan11
t ~ hardsfrips a l ~ c x lo f thcrn. At the ri-ht
timc, Jel~ovnh saw t o it that they rcrci\~eri necacrl
Sm'lpturul coiinse1 and encnuragcmenl , 1t !lad cnrlle
Inlc In the year 1933 b$ mcans of the Wnlchto7urr



a m




On May IT, 1936, 176 Witnesses wcrp arrested fm

preaching h La Grange and wcrr! jailed, The next rlny

the women were released, but 76 mrn u-crtl detnlncd

f o r fourteen days in the Troup Cozlnt~ Prfso11 nnrE
Stockar!~,four miles outside the city, T!u !.rqtflnr Inmales there were chain- ang pt-Isoncrs, \v11o :trlunlly
were shackled while workng on rontla from R u n u p to
sundown. When the Witnesses were tricrl, thry were
pronounced guilty and finucl one dollnr r;wh or thirty
days In jail, according t o C. E. Sillflway. necnust! t h e
rlly nttorney ordered the dty clerk not I n algn the
bond on n peal hy certiorari, tlie hmthrrs Ins1 thsltnppeal rig{ts and 57 returned t o cornplctc! t l t~h k l~y .
day sentence in the stockade on Mny ZX, 3937, DcspItc
Ihrir innurunce, these Wilnusses now wore )rlson garb
two PCI.S(JRS hnrl to share oar. blnnltcl i l u r l n i t h e cold
1dgh1.s~and they did hard labor otl s t t c c t s and clsew I I ere.
Many were the sufferings of these Imprisoned ones.
Yct, they also had opportunity to rio g o d cplrltunlly.
BrotI~erC. E. Sillaway writes: "Nmr iirc c t ~ t lof o u r
thirty days my group and another, t w e l v ~In nll, wrsr!
~ s s i f f n c da colored cemetery, almost rum1 frlr Isnlntlon.
Nenr mldrnorning a funcrnI procrsslnn cnmc In t Iifi
rnrlln gate and stopped while the undertaker 11 ~ll'anchrd
us. II: seemed that this family was loo poor
pn tho
pronchcr his going fcv f o r a funeral nnd they hntr hnd
no scrmon or prayer. Would one of us mlnlatcrs eny 8
fvw words? It was a privilege to tell the hnndllul of
praple t h e W e condition of the dead ant1 t h e hope of
rl rr~surrrrtion.Thcy didn't mind t hc jnll clollles,"
Tlir.rcsrl Drillzc says that licr ilrst tustc! of i l l 1 ol~rance
npni11::t Cotl's prol~lcwas in t t w cnrly 1930"s rnllc~ls l ~ c
wrtr Ilfst iwrrsterl in I:ergcnflel(E, Nrw .Tcrs~v. 5110
mtrtlnilc*~:"I was first l i n g ~ lrlntcd
111 ~1ninncl;l.Nr:rv
,ltkrstby.11 was in Plainfield where I was ht!ltl cbv~rnl,t:ht
with 23 other sisters. CVE werp hrbIrlIn n small ( * ~ 1 nnrl,
wit11 29 of US there, this madc it i~npossthlt!tcl !It* dnwn
to slcrp. Finally, the took us to thc Eyrn In the? snmcr
building and there tKey had mats for us lo lie an. J
rr~mc!ntberone policeman opening the dour nncl Ioolt lng
In :rt us and saying, 'like sbcep led t o Iho slnughtrar! "
Cltlng another case, Sister Uralce writes: "111 Purth
Amboy we were arrested and held Prom :LO n.m. unlll
9 p-m. It wns at this time that I mrl: lirolher Itulhor.
ford, Rc ctlme t o bail out 150 of us that wow nr.rrsictl.
We were held in one big room at 1 3 1 ~courtlious~.
Outside, the people \Irere taking our books anrl litrrature from our cars' and throwing them all rlvcr t h e
c o u r t h o u s ~I n m . There were a half-dozen men that
rrrre in Xlle rear of the courtroom that w e p waltlng
to get Brother Rutherford. ?'hey threatened hIm, but


they n w e r got the chance, for as we left the courthouse he w a s surrounded by us and Ihen went quickly
to a waiting car, not Ill$ usilnl one."
OfOhio and West Vlrclnfn Inwns, Ednn Bauer says:
%a?y of the irienrls would Ire n m ~ n t dnnrf taken
t o latl on fIrr trucks with sir'pns I:?awfng, louclly m11111g

attention to arrests 1wlt1g m ~ r l c , 0Ctt.n many would

be jailed at once, and no cnnsirlrratlon mi Ilt he shorvn
for age. For inatnnce, S I S ~ P I . ~1lrne8
recalls an inddcnt In Colurnbin, S o u t l ~cardlinn, "when
200 of us were put In ,Inbl, the yo\ingrst ))cing six
wceks old."
Col~ditionsin la11 colilcf k quite Alrlresaing. Em1
R. Dale remembers hls unlust conilncmcnt as a Christian at Somcrswortl~,New 1Inrnpshlre, and writcs: "1
slept that night, or trlcd to, 1'11~~)i+isonwns not too
clean At night tben were some 1IZllc creatures crawling over us and 1, dld not Ilk(? il~rrn,hut t l r ~ yliked
me." For pmaclilng t h e gooc2 news nt O a r ~ l h c r s v l l l c ,
Missortri, i n 1941, Bmlhcr and Slsler Ti. d, Adair wrre
jailed for sev~lrty-eight tlnys. Stster Ad,dr rlescsibes
tile plam nT Eirr rotzllrtemc~nta* n " d ~ e t 1 ~ ~ o n . ' 3 S i ~ t r c
firInIi.'s t~anl
t 11 wna Srn [~nlrcvlclnrlnfl thn t iruhnt'rcrr~l
It wrls not n ~)lonnrir~t
thlny! $ 0 !41t?l1[r or1 rl c301~r*rrhtc!
floor wltl~11 !lnr~lrrl 11rltl pillow ftrr sc~~,rhnty-rlf:hl
she atllnila. RI~!, 1 0 sI11y I'rtlll~fttltrr J o l ~ r ~ v wns
r ~ l ~ihe
Iln lori;ln.t: thli~f:.
'f'hougll cTc?llr~vnl~'s
w l l n e o ~ ~in
s the Unllrrl Skntcs
were j:~iledoSlcn Par prrachtng 1 1 1 ~Klngdo~rlmcsunge,
that did not still t h c h lips. h a prlsaners they l r ~ p t
r i ~ h on
t declaring t l ~ cRot)d ncws. For example, Dora
Wadams had various oppnrlulrltlcs lo prrcfich whlle in
jail. Once, when ncws of thc Witncss~s' rclcnse clrculated in n h'cwnl-k, New .Jers~ jall, this IS h ~ r
recollection of what I~nl>prned:,,$ne night, w h ~ nwe
were locyed in our celIs ~VI? henrd pr1mncr.s around us
saying: The Rihle p ~ o p l enrr ROlnf: l o lea\'(! us tomorrow. 'rllis place w i l l nevw bc tllc sarnc. They are
just like angels scnt to irs."'




Jehov~th's servants were ready to defend themselves

and their God-given work If thcir nrrcst'a Isd to court
trials. Somctimcs t l ~ c ywere not even rcfrcsenlcd by
lawyers. F o r inslancc, ~ R C I C ln 19% Rolnnd E. Collier,
associaled wilh t h e Orilng~, Ma:iitnchus~tt~,congre.
gntlon, obtained a pcrmft tn use a snu~lrlc a r in nearby
Athol. He and anolher llruther wcrc in thr sound car
playing the recard "Enrmles" whlle otllcr Kingdom
publishers were preachin!: from door t o door. Brother
Collier was arrested and rlrar ud with going from
Iiovse to house, n l i h o u ~ hhe llaf trot done so on that



madon. He tern us: 'With interest we waited and

pre ared for the bid. I studied carefully thc Order
fl h i n l publishd by the Socicty for preparation for
court trials. T h e day of the trial 8ome l)rothc%rscanlo
into the courtroom t o give me rvournjic.I follrjrrfcd the
proper court procedure outlined by !lie Soclrly, CVCn
to tl.lr? point of cross-examining the chScf of polirr.
Urhcn all the evidence was in niter a cornplrte court
trinl I was found not guilty and thc! newF;pnpcr car]-icd
a licadllne reading 'ORANGE MAN PREACHES WAY
Some lawyers who were not Jehovah'a wltnesrrc~
worked hard to defend God% cople, OSlen, however,
lawyers represented t&:r Tcllow hellevcra in
court. Among them was Victor Schmldt. I-Tls wlfc
Mllrlrcd says, in pal*: "After t hr! arlvclqsr?clcrlaldn by
thr! IJnltcd States Supreme Court In the flng crt!i(',
thcsc was what seemed liIic
nvalirnch~of 1 1 7 0 k and
ntrrsts that descended upon our hrotl-~crsin so many
places outside Cincinnati [Ohiol. It hccarne ncrcssnsy
f o r me to drive my Imsband to these vnrious plnrtas,
ns he dld not drive. For a while thcl-r? was n rfllTrl+cnt
place to go t o almost daily. Therrfore I hnd to ~ b v e
up workfng with the pioneers. . . victor had grmt
faith in Jehovah and this alrengthctlcd me to Iinve
lilcr faith. As we would near thrgc towns wllcsr: ho
wns t o represent our brothers in court, he would have
me pull off the road and he would prny to Jchavnh
l o opcn the way for him to bring snmc hclp to our
hr30tllrra,and also, if it was Jehovah's wlll, to ltlndly
give us protection and to help us nwcr lo yield lo
tlir fc:w of men. Many are the! tlrnes that we snw thc
rr,lrlrrlce of ttic mighty p w c r of Sct~nvn!~'n
I(vihct!s wol.hlng En otir &hall."


Vnrfous legal cases involving J@l~ovnh'swltnesscs
evcnlually ~rbached the Suprcmc Court 01 the United
Stntrc. One of these was Lore'lE v. Citg of Grifln.
'I?inufih God's people often had been nrrrstrd Jar
prr!nching the ood news in Grjmn, Grol-girl, on one
occasion a numacr of them wcr.c! lacctl ~u~rler
l o r rlllcged violation of a city ordhancc I h n t forbircio
"the practice 01 rtistributfng
lilernlurc of nny ItInil,
withoul first obtaining wrltten prrmlssfon f r u n ~the
City Manager of the City of Gritlin." nrothcr G, I<.
Fislte comments: "There were sevui.nl hrothe1-s avrlr
six feet tall and the afldaIs askcd i f they woufd be
willing to let tllm pIck one to represent the group,
and our overseers wen! M i n g . So they picked a small,
slim sister because they thought she woulrl be easy


.. .

.. .



prey. But she [Alma ~ v e l ~had

3 studle8 the Ordm
of Tdal . Not onp of the men hnil prepnmd as this
little sister had, and when the case camp up for ~ a l ,
she spoke to thc Corirt for ovcr nn hour, glving
a wonderful witness. I-Iow~ver, the judge was not
even interesterl ~ n r lhe Irud Ills fcct up on the deslc.
When she sat down, the jurlgr took hb feet down and
said, 'Are you throuah?"'C;hc snld, 'Yes, Your Honor.'
Then he pronounced ihem all gullty. The Society's
la\vyer immerlla(c1y nppe:ilrd thr! casr!." O n Marc11 23,
1938, the Suprcinc Court u a n ~ ~ l r n o ~ ~11cld
sly thnt the
ordinance in ql~cstionwns Invnlltl on its Ince.
While engaging in t h KI~~gdom-prenchlng
work on
April 26, 3938, Cllrlstinn wltncss Ncwlon Cnntwell was
arrested with his two rnir~or sons wl~flc playing the
phonograph record "Enrmlrs" onrl dlstrlbut!nff the book
of t h e same name. The cnsr wsa cnrrlecl Into Connectlc~tt
courts on the complalnt of two Rort~allCntholics. Involh-ed were an nllr~rctbreach of the p n c e nnd fils0
suppnsed viola1 Ion nf ti Cnnn~ctlcrltsl atule prohibiting
I hca ~ollrjtrifEon n l ilr~n:~tlons
f n rhnrlt lr!: nr n rcligtnz~s
rnusv zvil!lr>~li ay\pr~)vnlo f Ihr acv.i*rbi:~~,y
(I!' t h st:ttr0s
pizl,lir w t - l l : ~ ~r*orrnr-Il.
follnwrc! In Von1 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 it-tn~t-ts
c ~ t I 111111 I t , D,('~111i~vt*Il
wsj!fvi: T l t ~
w:ts a p p ~ ( ~ : ihy
l ~ (i tI ~ P Sr114t-fy111111 IVI'III 111 1 1 1 ~ IlnItrd
8 t ; ~ t e s Su~)r(>~nr*'roe!~.l
, , , tlir rb~ulvltblirrrl
wns rrvrl'~r~1
;~nrI ihr C'oilncrsl l r # l ~ ( ~Intulr*~.r%ctlrbt+ln~:
tl prrinll 10
ofl'tar rc>Hgious lll(!ihnturtl for ~ r l l r ,or rtscepl lng ctonntions for a rdlgfous cnusa, wns round i n
~ulcnnstitutinnal as applied to Jcl~ovnll'a\v[tncsscs. Another victory for Jehovah's people!"
But Jehavah's wltnrssca lost nn important cnse In
the United States Supreme Court by a flveto-four
decision on June R, 11342. J t W A S Jo?trd Y. Ca'l.yof OpTilcn.
This case in\,olvcrl m n ~ n z l nstrra>t
~vorlc nnd raised
the question of tvhrllir-I. Rosco Jonrs was properIy
found guilty of ~ I o l n t l ran
i ~ 0 ~ l i k aA
, l n h a m ~ortlinance
for "'selling books" willlout rlnvlng O ~ T ~ R R~ II ~P c ~( ~ ~ s c
and paying t h e r~quircrltnx.



Then came Ma 3, 1943, It could we11 be called a
f4neId dayw for elhovah's wlt~lesscs, Why? Because
twelve nut of ihirtccn c!nscs wprc thcn doclded in their
favor. Outstandin was Mz(rdormkv. Pr?uts~)hnnia,a
license t a x casc. h i s derision 01 the United States
Supreme Cvt~rtrevet-srd Its nwn pmltinn In the case of
doties Y. City of Oprlilr'n. In the Ytrwrrlock drddon the
Corrrt held: "It 1s contenrlcd, fiowcver, thnt the fact
that the License tax can suppress or mntrol this ntl.
ZlvJty is unimportant If I t docs not do so. But that Is



disregard the nature of thfs tax. It Is a Ilcense tax

--a flat tax Irn osed on the exerclst? oP n privilege
manled by the 8 i I I of Rights. A stnic mny no, impose
n ciu1r~:e lor the enjvymenl of a r I ~ h jy.antetl:
by the
l'erlrrnl constitution.' Concerning tlic dojlrs cnse, i t
W:IA sr~ld:"Thc judgment in Jaw* v. 0 lo7iktb llxs this
rlay hccln vacated. Freed from that controillna prt!crdeni,

specInl insliudfons as ushers. Each wns suppUed wlZh

n storcly cnnc to be used in the evcnt o t an interferrk~ic.c
during the main talk." But R. D. ~ n n l w c fndda:
"Wc wpre instrltded not t o use It unIcss It Was a
malter nE h ~ i n gcornered in final d ~ I c n s c . "
Tl~nughit was not known genernlly, 1%rol
her Ruther.
fovrl was In poor health when he ascenrlr~tlthe platform
a1 Matllson Yqunrc Garden i n Ncw Yorlc clty thnt
Sunday nftcrnoon, June 25, 1939. Soon t h s t d k wag


wc cnn restore to their hlgli, conslit~~l

lnim position
Itic. IIhrrTies o f itinerant evanjicllnts who rllssclninnte
their rrllyious beliefs and t h e trnet~i or iheir faith

througl~cllstrihutjon of literature.'* 1 A c f n ~ r n h l ef i I $ r ~
dnrk cicdslon did away with the flood In rrgard to
Ilr~nse tnx cascs involving Jehovah? ppeoyhc,
T h r l r efforts have had an e f f ~ c on
i thr Inw. FIttIngly
it h:ls hrrn said: 'Tt is plain that prrarnt ronstltuiionaf
guzi1.4ultI r s ot personal lil~erty,n s ;lutliorll;~(lvclyInter)x't\tc!d I)y the United Stales Guprcmt? Co~irt,rwc far
rundcr tllnn they were hefore l h e r:ptmln~
of 10:18; and
I hnl mosl of this enlargement Is 2 0 b r Inunrl In the
I 111 rt n ~ Jrhovtth's
~ r
LVitnesses caaes (sixt cc*n rlcciding
aplncns). of which Jhvcll 17. C ~ l yof riffit it^. \I1ils t h e
f l r ~ t .If 'the blnod of thr martyrs Is Zlir swd of the
C'l~urclx,bwhatis the debt of Cnnstlt~ttiot~;ll
1,nrv to tho
milt t ant nersistmcv---or nerhans I should sav d ~ v o t i o n
:--of tlllR' strangeugroup?"-j~itinc~~nttcT,&U
Vol. 2R, No, 4, Mar., 1944,p. 2%



Wdlt! Jehovah's witnesses w ~ r cwngIng legal battles

for frrrrlam o f worship and lllr~lrr I ~ f ~toi preach t h e

In tlie fieltE Ihry s(*!neii~~~nb!:
mlnc Ince ta
art- with vlolr.t~t rnohs. This w ; ~ sntrl ~vitlloutpnrallel,
Tur .Trsus Uhrlsl 1llrnsr.l l lmd rxprrlenccs of

1l1n1Irlntt, ILt~lce4:25-30;Jnlm 8:59; 10:31-:1R) Fnitl~ful

S l ~ p h c ' lsutfcrr:d
maslyrtlom at tlir hnnrls o f nrl angry
c.rowrt.- -Acts 6:8.12;7:EiM:l.
Thc worldwide Christian convention held on June
23-25, 1939,was viewed by hoodlums as nn npportunlty
t o Ilarass God's people. Direct w3rc mnncctlons llnhed
New Ynl-lc city, the key city, wIlh slller a~scmblvloc ~ t l o n si n t h e United States, Canada, thr ErItish fsles,
Austr n I,,:i i and Hawvm. While J , F. Kutbrriord's r?is.
raoursc Government and Ppace" was hring adr~rtised,
Jehovah's servants learned t h n t Catholic Action groups
plarmrrl to prevent the pitbllu rnrht~tingon June 25.
So, Gotl'a eople were ready for trouhlc, ntoscn Mufirnrlcllo tees us : "Like Nehcmioh rnlsl~lpthe wall, of
d~rusalcmand supplying his nren wltll hot h Instruments
to I~ulldand instruments ta fight In'r4l. 4:15.22), we
were su armed,
Some of us younr: men rsceivcd



r~ndrr wnv. Among the latecnmers werr nhnut 500

ft)llr)wcrs i)i Roman CatlroJIc elcric Cllnrlcs E,Coughljn,
r r ~ ~ o w n r"ra(lio
priest" of thc 193W.s,to w l l o s ~rrgrtlnr
hroitrlvnsts mlllions listened. Sincc tfrt! lowrr lovrl of
thc! ~~urlitorlum
had br?en r e s e r v ~ dnnrl Il1lr:tl wltll the
M ' l l ~ ~ t ~ s s rGuughlin's
iolIowet's, illclurlin:: p r l s s l ~ ,hnti
to occupy n tup section of ille bulcony hchlod tlw

"'rhcre was no smoking eIsewhere in the autfitorf~m,''

wroic t~ Conaalnthn correspondent, "hut cl~htemminatcr~ nfter the discourse began one man to the left
front 511 this crowd lit a cigarette, a n d then nnothcr
141t h~ rL~hbFmnt lit one; then tfir rle~lrlc1lf:htu In t t ~ i u
svoilon r~tllywrrc hlinlced, iinri thrrl in t l i l ~cuir sr~ciI{)n
only t t l r ~ ~wr*lhtl*
h r l r h t ~ R~ ~V ,~ I ~ ~11ritl
~ I tA- ~ ~ t i ' rIs."
i l "I sat
nitys SEstct. Phlwnrd Iircuul, "writllti~: Ir11' Ihe con~ \ l s l o to
t ~ ~pln(~lill
1111 o\(nrill(? ( : ; l l ~ ~ llllll
~ ~ ~ I ~I N. :I f01v n10rjit-11 I R ))!IXSV(I
I S:IW t1i:lL 111~1 1 ~ 0 i i Iwns
~ l ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I to
~ I onI I
[I~wv'<ly 1)~Iiind(he ~ p ~ d i ( ?'Wh~\l.
w ~I II I I ~&)'? 1
wr,nllrrr[*rl.-Tt secmcd impossible for arlyrmtl la 1rnt.p on
sp~nftlngwith things being thrown Anwn on thr
I'ul+nl mil not knowing a t any moment wlwn f l ~ r
pl~oncnllglit be takcn away." Esthor A l l ~ nmnll; that
"ivllrl howling and expressions of 'I lril IIIIIF~'!' Viva

rnfk;. .

Frnnco!' awl 'Kill t h a t damn Ruthcrlorcl!' fHlerl the air."

\Vr~ulrl ; ~ l l i n gBrother Rutherford yirld l o those vlo.
lcnl for^': "The louder they yollcd to clrclwll out the
spcalrrr';? voicc, the stronger Jutlac Ilul llertord'fi voice
bccnmt1, snys Sister A. F. Laupi*rt. Alrclc nnngle rcm:vlc~: "Tllc Socjcty's pysident clid no1 hrcomc afraid
111rl rourngr-oudy said: Note lorla tlir N n z f s nnd
C:~lholicswould like to break up t h 6 rncotlng, hut by
C:url's jirarr cannot do it."""at
WnJ the opportunity
wr nercted to hrcak hto heartfelt a]q>lnuse f:lvinc tl-ie
sllerrker our ~!)thusiastk support," w r t t ~ skoarr Mora , I
Erother Rutherfortf t ~ r l dIlls ~ r n u n dto
tllr! enrl r i i the Izour. We latcr thrlllcrl cvcry time we
III:IYP<I n.~$rdings of that lecture in lhc tlornrs of
hr pcoplc.
C. 1-1. Lyon tells us: "The attendetnt~did thelr work
wcll. A c t ~ ule of the more obstreperous Coualdinttes
wpre rnppeRon the head with R cane, nnd all of Ihem
were uncrremonlously hurled down the ramps and out




of the auditorium. One of the Coughlinltes rated some

publicity in a daiIy tabloid the next morning, n8 thcy
printed a I c t y ~of h i with his heat1 wrnppcd, na
wtth a turtan.
Three Witness ushers were m 8 t d and charged
willl "~ssault."They were tried be for^ thsm j u d j i e ~
tzwo Roman Catholics and a J r w ) of Illr Sprrhial
Sessions Court of the City of New Yorh on 0r:ioher
23 nnd 24, 1930. In court it mas shnwn that the
nttendnnts had gone into Zhe section af Mndfson
Sgunrc Garden where t h e disturhanm broke out in
nrdcr to remove the disturbers, When the riotnhli nrtnckcd the ushers, they redstad nnd dealt fir~nlywith
snmc of the radical group. Witnessrs for I h c ~.osccib


Zion m ~ d rmany contratlictory slnlcrncnt8.

dtcl tlie court acquit the thrcr! usllcrs. I t nlso found
tt~zit the Witness attendants hntl nt.trtl wlthin t hvir


Mob vfolence had erupted at the 1939 assembly of
Jehovah's wjtnesses, But the flamcs of vlolmur! against
them were yet to be fanned Za grcatcr Intc~isity:IS t l ~ c
world went to war. It would be late In 3941 hrforc! the

Ilnlicd States would declare wRr on Ccrmnny, h l y

unrl Japnn, but the spirit of nalionallsln wr~ssiror~g
111roufil10iitthe country long b~fnrt!thnt,
During these early months of World War I X , Jehovah
God made an outstanding provlslon ror hie
In Its issue ol Novernher 1, 1939, the En Hsh
t o l t w cqnrrI~(i
~n artirlc cntitlcrl "~eutra!!lly:' Fur a
cnptlnn I r x t it hat1 lhcse wntds of Jrsu.: ChrIst [-onr:rlr~llng ttis dIsriples: "Thry :trt, no2 o f the \vorlct,
P Y ~ ~ I ris
I am not of the !vt-orlrl. ~.Tc>!III %7:16, K i ~ g
Jrr?jrrx V ~ t r ~ i n n')f i a t SrrIpltiri~l stody of Chrlstln~i
nrwl mlll y , rr~mingwllerl It tlitl, prcl)iun?iI J c h o v n l ~ ' ~
wrtnrssrs i r ~;idtrance for the Imrd Ilrncfi nhend.



Kingdom Farm, near South Lan~lng, New York,
server1 well in furnlshin membcrs of lllc Saelcty'a
11eatlquartrr.s staff with fruit, vcgelabloa, rnent, lnlllr
rmd chccsc. David AbbuhI was workl~lgol Klngdom
Fnrm when Its peace and serenity zverc rllsrrlptr?d
brick in 1940,"On the eve of Flag Dny, J u n e 14, 1!F10,"
sn s Brotlrcr Abbuhl, "we wcrc put wbr* by an r ~ l d
f(!$ow who would daiIy pass by on his wny to buy 11,s
wliiskey at the tavc1.n in South Lansing t o n plan
by Ilie to\mspcopIe and those of the Amerlcan Legion
t o burn down all our buildings: and wrcclc our Innchinel-y." The sheriff was notified.


Finally the enemy was^ on the sccne. John Bogard,

who was then the f a m servant, once gnve this graphic
accomt of the trouble: "About six o'clodc in the
evening the gangs starled to gatl~cr,one car after
another, until thcrc wrre thirty or forty cnrloads. The
sheriff and his men nrrlvd nnrl hcmn stopping the
car drivers and exam.lnjng i hcir IIcc~~isrs
and warning
them against any mnvr ngalnst Klngr lorn Pnrrn. They
kept driving baclr nud Z o r l l ~nlon t l i ~I ~ l ~ l l w nfront
y in^
OUT p r o p ~ r t yt I11 I R ~ Pinlo 1 hc ni Piit. 1111 t tllc presence of
the policc lcegt tllaln on ,be ifiKhwny itnd fru~trated
Their plan to clestroy tIzc 'Enrm. I t wns n most uxdtlng
n i ~ h tlor all of us Zhcre on the fr~rm,I,ul we were
rcrninded vivldly of JPS~IS'
nssurnnrr! to his followers:
'you will be ohjccts of hntrcrl by nll pco 1 because nS
my name. And vet not a hair of your \&Is
will by
any means perish.'-Luke 21:17, 18."
So I t w a s that this thmntened attack and p r ~
mrtlitated arson were nvr*l?crl. An estimated 1,000
rnt-R,rnrryinr posslhly I , m n men, Ilad come from all
srrtors of wrslrrn RTrw Ynt-k atnir, to dcsti-oy t t ~ c
Kl~rcrlnm 1,':im ~~rolwrty-.buttn rin nvnll.
Snys FCnlliry~l Ilr~~rtrrl:'"l'hrlr Ililrl~nse I ~ l l ~ b dnnd
.sorrio o r thv vsrv ~ t c w l j l r r wllcl rnr~~lr?
1111 thc mob riro
now Wit7rssra ~hc*~nst,lvcs,
y t * ~ ,r v t w Irz 1110 lull-time


About the same tlmc thnt Kingdom F n ~ mhad been
the object of threutcnerl cssn~illand arson, trouble
flared up against Jchovnh's witncsscs i? Wtchfield,
Illinois. '" some wny the trottblomnlccrs in Utchfleld
got wind of our plans sn that when we did go in to
work the town they rvcre rently f o r us," rccrrils Clarcnce
S . Huney. 'The local priest rang the church IWls
as a signal anrl thcy bcg:in rountllnq up thr: brotherstaking them 10 the local jail. .';nn~c of thc brothers
were badly beaten and the moll even tllrcatcncd to
burn down the Jail. Some of IElc mullsters lomred the
[:am of the hrotlicrs and hcjinn d~mollshing Illemreducing them to rubble,"
Walter R. Wissmnn snys: "After bein, beaten b
t h mob
the brothers wclra herded Into fLe locel jag
by the state hiphway pntrol for lllelr uwn protection.
One brother, ~ h a r l c sCcrvcnlcn, was knocked to tilt*
ground when hc rel~!sedl o snlutc thc flog, t h e flag was
pusl~eciinto his dart, nnrl hr wns srvcrrly kiclccrl attd
l ~ a r e nabout Ms lumd and hotly. H e was llrc most
severely injured of the hrothcrs and he never quite
recovered from the bentlng. I-Ie rllecl a few years later.
H e said later that as he wns being bcatcn he fhougllt



to himself that he was so glad this happened to him

police in plain clothes with flashlights pointed the Ii@t

beams on t h e windows to stone out. The police stahon
was only a block and a half away. I went there twice
?nd irdnrmed them of what was happening. They said,
Wlien ow people salute the American flag, we'll give
you he&!' The mob stoned 70 Ismall wrndowpanesl
out of the hall and a stone as large as my fist just
missed Sister Gertrude Bqvs head and took a corner
of the plastered wall out.
Mob violence also erupted during the 1942 assembl.
in Klarnath Falls, Oregon. A~cordmgt? Don M i l f o d
mobsters cut the telephone wlres b r i n g ~ wa discourse
from another co~ivention city, but a brother having
a copy of the talk immediately took over and the
program went on. Finally, the mob broIre inlo the
hall. The Witnesses defended themselves and when
the door was closed again, one attacker-"a
powerful mans'-lay unconscious inside the buildin
lie was a police olficer and his pleture was taken wit%
his hndge alongside his face. "We called the Red
Cross," says Rrothcr Milford, "and they sent in two
womsn wlth n fitrpfchrr nnd took hfrn out. EJc! wfiq.
lnlcr tic:urI to sny, T tlidn'l think they would Ilghl.
The poll(0ct rcfustad lo nld the Witn~sses,nnd 11 was
over four Eiours hcfort! thc mob wns tliaper~sd11y the
stale ~nlllth,


and not to one of the newer brotlzers because he knew

that he could take it, while perhaps a newer one would
have weakened and compromised."
"The town of Litchfleld was very proud o f its accomplishment," Brother Wlssman recalls. "In fact, a
number of years later, along in the 1950's, LitchAeld
had a centennial celebration with floats depicting the
oulstanding events in the city's hundred-year history.
One of these floats was in commemoration o f the
mobbing of Jehovah's witnesses in 1940. The town
ofncials considered that t h b was a memorable event
fn their history, May Jehovah reward them!"
xJNxImDrn PmAs
So serious and numerous were the violent attacks
upon Jehovah's witnesses that Ilnited States Solicitor
General Francis Riddle and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt
(wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt) made public
appeals for the disconiinuance o f such actions. In facl,
on June 16,1940,the very day of the Litcfifield incident,
during a coast-to-coast radio broadcast over the network of the National Broadcasting Company, Riddle


"Jehovah's witwssea have bee% repeaiedlp set u p o ~

m d beaten. The had cornwitted . P ~ Ocrime; bat the
mob adjudged
hcd, and m e k d out m o b punk.sltmeat. The Attorlzey General has ordered am f m n ~ e d b t ~


bvestigalio?~of tliess otdtrages.

"The people must be alert and watchful, and above
all cool and sane. Since mob vlolence wlll make the
government's task infinitely more dimcult, it will not
be tolrr~ltrd. Wr ~ihnll not deft-at the Nazi evil I,y
ernulai in$? i t s mcthorls.'"
But such plcas did not stem the tide of hostility
against Jeliovnh's witnesses.

During those turbulent years, Christians in the

United States sometimes were assaulted whik gathered

peacefully f o r Bible instruction. That happened, for

example, in Saco, Maine, during 1940. Wh iIe Jc h ovah's
witnesses were in their second-floor Kingdom Hall
there preparing to present a recorded Bible Iecture
on one occasion, a mob of 1,500 to 1,700 formed, ach
cording to Harold B. Duncan. He clearly recalls that
a priest was with them, sitting in a car .in front o f
the hall. "The fellow in t h e [adjacent] radio repair
shop turned on every radio he could t o full volun~eso
as to drown out the talk," says Brother Duncan, adding:
"Then the mob started stoning the windows. The



While poliprnen in some locgities failed to prptect

Jehovah's mtnesses, that certamly was not lnvarlably

true. For ins.tance, as he did ma azine street-work in
Tulsa, Oklahoma, years ago, I..Pnyne notwed that
a policeman always was mlthin .sight. "So," says
Brother Payne, "one day 1 asked him why he was aIways so close by. His remark was to the effect that
even though he had a large territory to cover, he
would be In that vicinity bccause he was not going
to let anyone run me off or heat me up. I-Ie had read
how the little towns were treating the Witnesses and
could,,not see why anyone would want to hindcr this
As it is, Jehovah's servants often were assauIted by
violent mobs as they engaged in witnessing on the
streets with The Watchtower and Co~zsolatiov. For
exam@, George L. McKee says that wcck after
tveck m one Oklahoma community mobs ranging from
100 to well over 1,000 infuriated men assailed Witnesses engaged in magazine street work. The mayor,
d d c f of police and other oficials would provide no
psolection. According to Brother McKee, generally the
mobsters were led by a prominent physician and





leader of the American Legion, a cousln of Belle Starr,

not or lo^^^ woman bandit. First, drunken henchmen
started R Blslurbance. Then came thc mob, armed with
pool stlckr;, clubs, lmives, mcnt cleavers and guns.
'Thrlr object? To run the Witnoss~saut of town. But
Kingdom prnclalrn~rs d~termined In
advqnl:~I ~ O k
Wn g they were ~ o i l i glo engage in street
and, l hough the mob wo~tldgather qlifckly, they
wcrr! r;ltrcc~sfulin corn TetIng the nllntted time, Many

mnzaz~ncs WCYF ~ a c e with

One Saturrlay about fillteen Wl lncsses were accosted,
' W c rcnllzctl we would have lo ~rly upon Jehovah
God anrl ~ o o djudgment l o cscnpr wltl? our very
Iivcks," says nrother McICee, contlnz~ing: "Without as
rnlrcll u s R warning, they bwnn 1 0 nttnck three of us
brnthrrs wit11 IheirS knives nntl cluhs.
With our
brr~kcn m m s , cracked skulls anti nther 'Injuries, we
wrnt to Tolit. different doctors in the community, hut
a11 r'cfuacrl 1.0 givc the trcatrnent: wo a e ~ d e d .We had
to lrnvcl lo a community flfty miles nwny lor t h e
services o f a sympathetic doclor. Brnlses and feelings
soon hmlcd and wc were back on Ille street corner
on the fnllowing- Saturday wit11 tllr good ncrvs of the
Kin~cForn. This spirit prevailrd thror~~howta n the
trou)llesornc times we had in (he hcnt of persecution."

. ..

Notable among acts of mob vlolenco were incidents
thnt acrurred In 1940 at Connersvllle, Indiana. Certain
Chrlat Eltn women on trial there were falsely charged
w l t l ~"1.lot'oaa conspiracy." As Rrothrr Rntnbow, a zone
srrvanl, nnci VIrtnr and MHrIfrtl SvlbrnItEt left the colrrl:
IIOIIA(~ on ltir* Ii.lrllk first clny, nhotlt lwrtlly men lunged

nt t hclr crii*, ll~rr:~trned

thtm wllll rlrnl h nnd tried to
nvwt uibn 1 Ilr! vt~hfrlc.
On Ills Ii.Inl'~Ilnnl day, the prosecuting attorney used
his nr[:uln~ llrnt- Inore for l n r i t l n ~to rlot, sometimes
spmlrI111:rlirficlly to armed men in t l building.
9 : M p.m. tho verctict came-"G~rllty." Then a storm
ni vlr)lrnce hroke loose. Sister Schrnldt says that she
not1 hclr husllnnd Victor, who was rjno of the lawyers
handllng tho case, along with two other brothers,
w r e cut ow from the otllar Witntlsse~ and were accostcd by n mob of from two to threc htmdred. She
tt'lls 119:

"Alrnwt Immediately, a borra~e of all Pdnds of

frttit, vrr*ctnhles and eggs begnn homharilln us. W e
wcro told lntcr thnt the lnobstrrs hnd unloadef a whole
truclrlond of these items on us.
"We Irled to run to our car, but wcre headed off
and pus11ed to the highway leadlng out of the city.


Then the mob rushed at us, striking the brothers m d

hitting m e In the back, causing a whiplash cffccl. B y
now, a storm had broken in all I t s fury. The rain
was cornin in torrcnls and the wind was lnshlng
furiously. ~fowevcr,lllr fury of the o l c m c ~ ~was
t ~ ill.
significant in cornparsson ivllh the fury of Illis tlemoncrazed mob. Bcc~uscof the storm, many took to their
cars and drove nlonfi.side of us, elllng And cursjng
us and afways i n c l ~ ~ d i nhhovaXPs
rlnrnr in thcir
cursings. Oh, liow lt Ilnt pkrced our hearts l
"But in spite of tlic storm it seemed na tllauph
there were r ~ Icnst
a hundred men on foot pressing
down on us. Once n cnrload of friends drlvcn by Sister
Jacaby (now Sisicrr Crnln) from Springfield OIno, tried
to rescue us, hut thr mob ncarly upset the car nnrl
kicked it and tore nt its doors. This brought mote
blows u on us ns thc mobsters pulled us owiiy from
the car. h e friends werc forced to drive on wlthout us.
As we were driven on nnd the storm cmtiriyd unabated, the rnohsterrr ltept ycllfng and chanting: Throw
them in I h c rlvrr.! Throw Illem in t l ~ crlvrr!' 7'111s uncbr.llslnfirl~nnlslruck Icrror into my lzenrl nntl n s w e
t h~ h r l ~ l ~1y0 moss I tic rlvrr t lit- ~mt~nnt
sll~dpnly s t q q ~ , r Sclt~n
w W P ~ C~ c t u n l l y nt-rna~I ~ P
hr'idar. It lvns t13 tl~oi~j:h
,Irhnvnh's n n ~ u hr~rl
l ~ hllntlrtl
1 1 i ( a mob nt: t i ) wl1rr.r. wt* wrrc! I thou~llr,'011,
Il~nnlc yo^^?'
"Then the bi burly mobsters begnn s l r l k l n ~thc
brothers nealn. ?low liard it was t o scc rornn,nln you
love being struck! Each time they struclt Victor, ha
staggered, but nwer fell, These blows were blows of
horror to me , ,
' T h e after Clme they approached me from the
back and would ~ I v me
e that quick whfplnshing push.
FinaIIy, we wcrr? se nratcd from tlir Iwo bratbers
and as we wnllcetl loceed arm in arm, Victor m i d : Wc
haven't srlflrr.r>rlrls murh as Paul. We hnvcn'i I-rslslrd
unto the shcclding of bltrorl.' [Compare Ilrhl-ews 12:4.1
"It was very cimk rind getting late (I Icarnrd Jnler
about 1f:OO p.m.). We were beyond the city IZmits nnd
near exhausilon whcn ~uddenly a car sloppet1 very
close to us. h Ian~Zll:irvoice said: 'Quiclc! Gcl In!' Oh,
hcre was tlial. ntic young pioneer lad, Rny Frnnz,
rescuing us Irom Ihia vlolcnt mob!
"Here again, we all Sell that Jchovall's nnaeZs had
Minded thc cnemy from seeing us enter the car. Here
in the car snip from the mob were dew Brother Rain*
bow and Iiis wlfe and three others. Somehaw that
little car made room for all eight of us,
nil felt
that Jehovnh's angels had prevented the enerny
.from seeing us enler the car. Thc mob waa still




violently incensed against US, with no indication of

releasing us. It seemed as though Jehovah wlth his
loving arms had reached down and rescued us! We
later learned that after the two brothers were cut
ob from us they had tound refuge jn a haystack until
some brothers found them early in the morning. One
of the brothers had been severely hurt by an object
thrown at hlm.
' W e arrlb-ed home about 2:00 a.m. drenched and
cold, as the s t o m had ended a heat wave and ushered
in cold air. Our brothers and sisters min!stered unto
us, even closing five open wounds on Victor's face.
How thankful we were to be In the laving care of
our dear brothers!"
Despite such severe experiences, Iluwever Jehovah

veled at this fact and felt it t o be a manifestation of

angelic help.
. To me it explained how our German
brothers had faithfully endured the heat of Nazi
persecution without wavering!'
Brother Pillars was repeatedly beaten Into unconsciousness, then revived and beaten again. Finally,
unable t o bring him to, the mobsters soaked him with
cold water and tried to make him salute a two- by
four-inch flag, according to him, "the only flag these
great 'patriotst could find!' As they held it up, they
wodd also hold up his arm, but he let hts hand droop
domm, showing he would not salute. Soon they had a
rope around hls neck, Jerked him to the ground and
dragged him t e the ja~l.Dimly he heard them .say:
"Let's go ahead and h o n ; ~Mm. Then we'll be r ~ dof
those Witnesses forever, Not long thereafter, they
tried just that. Brother Pillars writes: "They put the
new one-half-inch hemp rope around my neck, tying
the hangman's noose behind the ear, and dragged
me into the strect. Next the rope was thrown over a
pipe that extended ,from the building. Four or five
mobsters begnn pulIing on the rope. As I was lifted
OR t h c ground, the rope tightenetl and I lost con-


upholds and strengthens his servants. "SO," m a r k s

Slstcr Schmidt, "liere we had undergone another kind
of trial which Jehovah had mercifully helped us to
bear and to 'let endurance have its work complete.'"
--Jas. 1:4.

Many were the acts of mob violence having Jehovah's
witnesses as their targets. ]In Decembr 1942 at Winnsboro, Texas, a number of Jehovah's witnesses were
accosted by a m o b while dolng magadne street worlc.
Among the Witnesses was 0. L. Pillars, servant to
the brethren (circuit overseer). As the mobsters approached, the Witnesses concluded that street work
could not be done under such circumstances. So they
began wallring t o w ~ r dtheir car. "In the middle of
thc main strect, In his sound car, was the Baptigt
reacher, C. C. Phillips," r e c ~ l l sBrother Pillars. "He
lad heen preaching nbnut Christ and his being crucified,
but as soon as he saw us he changed his sermon. EIc
slarted ranting and saving about how Jehovah's witncsses would not salute the flag. He told Elow he would
be happy to die for Old GIory and that anyone not
saluting the flag should be run out o f town. As we
passed his truck, we looked ahead lo see another mob
coming toward us. Soon they dosed in o n us and
held us until the city marshal appeared and arrested


Later, the mob entered the ofice of the marshal,

who made no attempt to prote& the Witnesses. They
were seized by tlze mobsters. In the street, Brother
Pillars, for one, was bein pummeled with fists. "At
this time," says Brother Sillars, "3 experienced the
most unusual help. 1 was taking a terrible beatin
Blood was gushing from my nose, face and mouti?:
but I felt little or no pain. Even at that time I mar.



The next thlvg Brother Pillars knew h$ was back-in
thc unheated jalL A doctor exarnmed h ~ mand said:
"If ou want this boy to live, you had better get him
to txe hospital, as he has lost a lot of blood and his
eyes have dilated!' To this the marshal retorted: "He's
the most stubborn devi! 1 have ever seen." ':How those
words encouraged me, remarks Brother Pdlars, "for
they assured m e I had not conlpromised?"
After thr doctor left, the mobsters flled through the
cold, unlit jail. They s t m k matches t o see Brother
Pillars' face, and h: heard them ask: "Is he dead yet?"
Someone replied: No, but he's going to, die." Chilled
to the bone and soaking wet, Brother PxlIars tried to
keep from shivering, hoping they would think he had
died. Finally, they left and all was uiet. Eventually
the door opened, the Texas State ~oyiceentered and
Brother Pillars was taken b ambulance to the Plttsburg, Texas, has ital. He haXheen at the mob's mercy
for six hours. but what had, happened when they
hung him? Why was he st?? allve? "I found out those
answers late the next day, remarks Brother Pillars,
"Inlo m y prison ward at the Pittsburg hospitaI
where I was recuperating came Brother Tom Williams.
He was a local attorney from Sulphur Springs and a
real fighter for righteousness. He had endeavored to
locate me tvlth no success until he threatened to sue
the town. Thcn they revealed I was in the hospital.



How very good it was to see a brother's face! E e then

told me that it was all over town-I: had been hung
byt the rope broke!

'Later, when the F.3.L made an ofldal fnvestfgatlan

and this led t o a grand jury Inquiry, a group o f
Pentecostal men were willing to testify. TEicy said:
'Today i t is Jehovah's witnesses. Tornorrow i t wiH !IF!
us!' M e n they described the hanging, they said! W e
saw him dangIIng on the rope. Then it brolce. When
me saw the rope break, w e knew it was the Lord that
The marshal and other officials Red a m s s the state
Ifne. Hence, they never were put on trial. Brother
Pillars recuperated and mhtrncd to his work a s sewant
to the brethrcn in that area.

'1 could never endure such brutal persecution!" you

may exclaim. No, not in your own strength. But Jchovah can malre you strong if you avail yourself of
his provisions for spiritual upbuilding now. The paramount reason for the persecution Is connectcd with
the issue o f universa1 sovereignty. In eflect, Satan
chnllcngcd God, claiming that no human woultl rcmain faithful to Jehovah under test by thc Dcvil. Whnt
a privilege it i s to maintain i n t e ~ r l t y lo God, thus
proving Satan a liar and su port111 Jehova11's slile
of the issue!-Job 1:l-Z:l.O; 8rov. 2f:11.
In the ars since those turbulent days of many
mob attacE upon Jehovah's wilnessee In the United
States, Gocl's people have becomc lncrensingly aware
of thew need to depend fuHy upon Jehovah. Wide lhcy
will defcnd themselves and their loved ones In harmony
with Christian principles, they do not arm themseIven
with deadly weapons in aniicipatioi~of attaclt, I Mnt t.
26:51, 93; 2 Tim. 23243 Rather, they recognize i Rat
'the weapons of their warfare are not flesh1v.'-2 Gor.
I0:4; see The TVatchto+i~;u;er,
June 1, 1968, paEcs 3493~U.
Humanity was in the throes of World War 11 and
rsccution was raging against God's people. But 'Jrova!] of armies was with thcrn! (Ps. 46:1, 7) ITc saw
to lit (hat they were amply providd with good things
In n spirittlal may. Very noteworthy along these 1Sncs
was t h e Theocratic Assembly of J e h ~ \ ~ a h '\Vjtnessrs
R t Saint b ~ j s >I\~~ssou~~,
A u g u ~ t6-10,1911.
JchovaWs servants; were eager t o he present for
that assembly. So, m a y of them were on the road,
bound for Saint Louis. We soon learned," says SIstcr
A. L. hlcCsr?cry, "that all the Witnesses put a mnga-



aine ITJM Wat~h.towmor C~ltd~TatiomlIn the car

wlndaw to identify themselves; so we did too. The
whole trip was one aF wnvlng to total strangers that
gnssf.tI US by, but we Bnew they were our brothers
y their srnlles nntl wavcs!'
Desplte rcwsurr! from Cnthollc Aetfbn and the Veternns of &rclgn Wnn, thr management of The Arena
reluscrl to rant,rl tlw contract for its use by J~hovah's
wllnrsses. ITowrver, the Cnthnlic churches c~rculated
prn~,TtEnudathat causer1 nlaily householdwm to cancel
r o o ~ n silicy wvrm going to rmt lo Goil's pcople. "h'uns

from d o n r to rlaor tclling people not lo rent their

rorlrns to ,fcl~ovah'swi~nrssrs,"says Roberr E. Raincr.
kImcr, upon arrlvnl In Saint Louis, "so many Witnesses
wrrc willlout roornIng nrcommodations that it was
nrrrssary to have rnatlrrisses n ~ n t l c and stuffed so
t l ~ c y could deep thrre on the Arena gro~mds," a*
cording In hTnrr:arct J. E!ogcrs.
C o n r c r ~ ~ l nthr problem of rooming accommadation~,
~ ~ n ~ ~n ni tsF sr i i. t P r G . J. J ~ n s s e nstate: "During tl~e
ronv(ntton n pirlurr! apvnred in the newspaper of
n W i I ~ v s : ; inol lln' r~ntl hcr rhllrl sleeping at night
nn I l ~ r111m
nl Itie rnnv~ntlon crounrls. 'l'hat did it,
:I*11~ Irlcbnl i.rrrlrlr*nlH, morr ~ o f t - ] l ~ : ~t r
i ~ dtheir fdse
t rnc1i(~ia~,
I ? ~ ~ g rI ~r v r ~r-1111 I l i r a rootnlng rlrpnrl m a t : to
I ~ I I ~ t.l i c * l i - rxtrn wonla wrlbr i~vnllnblr! to the
Ilriar~! l o n ~ ,~ ~ c ~ o nwcl-c
l > ~ l n golfered
1)y t rlrr:r'nms, iclrphonr! c;~lls,letters, pcl'sonal calls
niul otllcr metllls, Kin d11m publuhers wcrc even
~ t o p p ~ on
< l thc streels
people who offered thorn


Some Wltncsscs, an arriving, headed for the Theorrntir: fii~ller Clty. It grew untll the site was teeming
wilh B i 7 trallcrs, 1,824 tpnts, 100 rnrs wllh sleepers,
99 t m c k s ant1 3 buscs-anrl n population of 15,526. "It
was immensc," r~mnrkaE d n ~Corra, whp also ,says:
"Strect~w r r r nnrnetl and tbclrc wrrc washlng Eacrlities,
pl-opcr bntl~roomincllEiL1s, and so forth. It was a wonr1c:rCul algP~t to hcl~olcl-pcople from different Hates
living in their trailers, tents and buses, all in one

SOME PRQQRAM r n a m m m i
SpIrltually rewanling indeed was the convention
roEr.am. For Inslatice, 1Iazel Burfortl, now a missionary
Pnnnrnn, mrnnrlts: ''Tllere we thrilled to h a y clasiR e d for u s Zhc Issue o f rile utiiwrsal dominatmn of
Jchovah as Supreme Sovereign and h o w that involved
the Intcgrliy 01 J ~ l ~ o v a hservants.
We realized
mere clear1 than Ever hcforc why Jehovah was permltllne sucK Intense persecution of his pcople world




wide.'"n his talk entitled "Integrity," Brother Ruthera

ford pointed out that the question Satan raised in
Job's d a y was, "Can Jehovah put men on earth wha,
under the most severe t ~ s t ,will prove faithful and
true te God?" Yet, it was shown, the primary issue
was that of universal domination. Amon other things,
the speaker urged his listeners to be A o l l y and unreservedly devoted*to The Tl~eocraticGovernment by
Christ Jesus, knowlng that it shall vindicate Jehovah's
name and b r l n ~ :deliverance to all who love righteousness and serve- Jehovah.
There was a convention feature that especially
touched the hearts ofi, assembly deIegates. Sunday,
August 10, 1941, was Children's Day" at the Saint
Louis convention. EarIv that rnorninff a baptismal drscourse was given and 3,903 persons w e l - immersed,
among them 1,%7 children. Rut for children-and
adults too-that day was very special. "A31 children of
co~lswratedparmts between the ages of 5 and 18 and
having resewed seat tickets will assemble in the
main arena directly in front of platform," said
rinted program. Brother Rutherford's discoursc
~hifdrenof the Xing" was schrduled for 1 l : W a.m.
By then the convention au&ence had become a
tremendous throng of 115,000.Directly in front of the
speaker's platform and in the box seats all around it
was an extraordinary audience--all children between
five and eighteen years of age. As Brother Rutherford
stepped on the pIatEom, the youn stem cheered and
clapped. He waved his hundlrerehicf and thousands of
young hands waved back. Soon he strode to the front
of the platform, llternIIy beaming at ihe sight,
J. F. Ruthcrford llad much to say to all those
younp;sters nnd the thousands of others In that vast
hudirnce. For Inslancn, Dorotliy Wilkcs states: "Tlre
hope of pnrndfsc mndHions on the earth became ver
real to us as Brother Rutherford remarked, in efCec{
that 't:'zlteestates you saw along the way to the assembly
were noihing compared to what you are ooing to have!' "
And Neal L.Callaway, who was one ofthe youngsters
in the audience that day, once wrote:
after concluding his talk, the Society's president said: 'I have
a question to propound to each of
who have agreed t o do the will of ~ o JOU.
a n dhaveOfta en
your stand on the side o f the Theocratic Government
by Christ Jesus, and who have agreed to obey God
and His King, please STAND UP!
"We arose as ope body. 'B~hold,'exclaimed the Society's president, more than E,W0 new witnesses to
the Kingdom!' After long applause he said: All of
you who wilI do what you can to tell others about
God's kingdom and its attending blessings please say

Aye!' Then came a thunder of 'Aye' from 15,000

children on their feet,
"And then the Society's president said: 'If ou had
an instrument in your hands that you coulc? use to
the honor of Jehovah's name, would you be diligent
to use it?' We answered 'Yes!' 'Then be seated, and
I wiII tell you about that instrument. The Lord has
made ossibIe the preparation of this book as a mes.
sago &I?
you. The title of this book i s "Children."'
What tremendous applause followecl!" A free copy of
the new book Children, written by Brother Rutherford,
was given to each child seated in the speciaI sections
of The Arena and ihe trailer camp.
Many who were resent for that grand occasion as
mere children c o n i k c d to progress, observcs George
D. Caron. "They became pioneers, entered Gilead
School and took up missionary assignments, went lo
Bethel, and otherwise advanced with the organization.
Today they arc the bachbone and sArcngth in many
congregations throughout the world.
On Sunday afternoon, August $, 1941! aiLing J. F.
Rulherford spoke to the conventron audrence for the
last time. FIe did so exlempora~ieously,without notes,
for about forty-five minutes.
Re made snme very significant remarks about leadership of Jehovall's people, saying: "I want to let any
sirungcrs here lcnow what you thfnk about a man being
your Icnder, so they won't be forgettin Every time
something rises up and starts to grow, &ey say there
is some man, a leader who has a great following. If
there is any person in this audience who thinks that I,
this mian standlng here, i s the leader of Jehovah's
witnesses, say Yes. IUnanFmous NO1
"If you who are here beIicve that I am just one of
the servants of the Lord, and we are working shoulder
to shoulder fn unity, serving God and serving Christ,
say Yes. [Unanimous YES1
"Well, you don't have to have me as an earthly leader
t o get a crowd like that to work; that kind of a class
of people would fight the Devil with a Missouri elm
club, and the are fighting wlth the sword of the
spirit, which
more effccllve."
Repeatedly during this final talk, Brother Rutherford urged his listeners to carry forward the work
of preaching the Kingdom message.

. ..




By November Brother Rutherford's critical fllness

had galned ground and he was compelled to have a n

operation at Elkhart Xndiana. Thereafter he expressed
a desire to go to dalifornia. So he was taken to a




San D1eg.o residence known as '93e~SarIm."For some

t h e it was apparent to h s associntes nnd the best
medical experts that he could not recover.

Briefly it may be sald that Brother Rutherford l ~ a d

a severe case of pneumonia after his release from un-

just Imprisonment during 1918-1919 because of

faithfulness to Jehovah. Thereafter he had only
one good lung. I t was YirtualIy impossible for hlm to
remain in Brooklyn, New York, during t h e winter nnd
still carry out his duties as the Society's president. I n
the I M O ' s he went to San Diego under a rloctor's
treatment. The climate there was exceptionally goorl
and t h e doctor urged h h to spend as much t n r ~ cas
possihlc in Snn Diego. That is what Rutherford dld


I n t irnc, a dIreet contrlbuton was made for the

tirposr o f constfurting a house in San Dlego for
r3rother Rutherford's use. It was not built at the expclise of Ihe Watch Tower Society. Concerr~lng this
y p e r l y l the 1939 book Salznfioa stal~rl: "At San
icgo, California, there is a small piece of laud nn
wIlic.11, in the year 1929, there was built a house, which
is calIed and known as Beth.Sarim.'"
Sister Hazel Burford was one of the nursea who
cared for Brather Rutherford during hb final IIlncss
at Beth-Sarim, where he w a s talten in Novcrnher 1941,
She tclIs us: " W e had the interesting times, for lin
got to where he would sleep all day and then all
night long he was busy with the Society's husIness
and kept us on the maw," One morning about tho
middle of December three brothers, inclutling R r o t h r r
ICr~nrl-,arrived from Brooklyn. Sister l3urhrrl rccalls:
"Tlley spent several clays with lllm g o l t ~ g ovPr the
alanunl rtapormt
for t h e Yerwbor~lcnnd other or~aniznllorlnl
matters. Alter theic departure, Erc~lIlcr Iiutt~eriortl
co~ltinuedt o wenhcn and, about thrcv wccks I:~ter,on
Thursday, January 8, 19-12, he faithfully finlshcd hls
cnrthly course ant1 graduated into ftdler servicc prlvllcges in the courts of his heavenly E"at1ber." I ~ t c r
that day the news was sent to the Brooklyn hcadquitrlcrs by long-distance telephone at 5:15 p.m.
How was news of J. F. Rutherford" dcnth received
at Brooklyn Bethel? "I: will never l o r ~ c tt h e day we
learnetl of Brother Rutherford's passing," comments
Wllriam A. Elrod ,;The announcement was brief. There
wcrc no speeches.

k mrQoT3!mANmoPJ
Thursday, January 8, 1942, marked the end of the
earthly life of seventy-two-year-old Joseph Fr~nFrlrn
RutIlerford. For twenty-five years he had been prcsi-


dent of the Watch Towar Society. When the Society's

flrst pwstdent, Charlea Taze Russell, died In 1916, the
13Ible Shclents were slioclrcd nnd many wondered how
l l ~ r coulcl carry on in Gocl's service. Furtlicrmore,
aplKEih mrn s o u ~ h t control of the Socieiy and this
posed rol,lems jar somr t h e , though their op~~osition
nncl scKrrnfis wero completely overcome through di\;lne
nit!. ' l l l ~
tlentt1 or J. F. Rut herford did not have such
erlects, I~owcvrr.Of mnssr, foes of God's peo le thought
that fllc work of Jcliovoh's uritrlcsses woufd grind t?
a stop, hut 111eywere mistaken. "Tlw theocratic organlxalion room!ded without a halt or n stumble," remarlis

C;r;~nt Ruitcr.
On Jnn1r;u.y 13, 1942, all b a r d members of the
Pcnnaylvr~nln nnd TPWYork corporations used by
Gorl's ~ ~ r r q met
~ l c jou~ll nt Brooklyn Bethel. Several
t l ~ y senrli~lr, 1 1 1 ~~ o e i r & s ~ i e e ~ p ~ r s i d e n
Iinurs, 31id aslied Ilint they cnrnestly seek divine
wistlom by prnycr rind meditation, and this they did.
7'1icIr joint meelln was opcned by pra cr for Jehovah's
uliiant+c, and rcfter cnrelul consicf~ration Brother
~11oi.rwns nnrnln~fcd and unanimously elected presirlu~rt of tho S o u l ~ t y ,"No cmc thnt 1 Icnew about even
r(ut>:itlontvl the ;~ppoJnimcni of I3rritllcr Knorr," says


C . W. 11111'hcr "111i11 ~ v o r y o ~ iwns

dctcrmined to stand
alioulrlrr to Hi101111 ~ v rsu1q~oi-{in M M r~ncl proving our
rlrvul lor, f o Jrhlr\ i ~ l i l ~ ~
i ~ ~ j : ~ ~ n lTIIC~C
x n t k nW.i I S complete
uriil y r ~ l illriotlE
~ r ~
a11 1 111' dll'c~lors of the Society."
M:IIIYI c l ~ g v i ~ mand
lotters were received showing
Ilia1 Jehovilh's acrvslnts world wirlc were unified and
rlrlcrmlnrd. lo cnl'ry on w l t l ~tllc prc:lclling worlt.
Homer Kilorr was barn at BethIehem, Pennmylvanln, In 1905, o f American-born parents. When he
WRS sixbeen ye,?CB old, hr) hccamr! associated with the
Allentown congregation of Ilible Students, and in 1922

~ltenrletlthe C!cdnr Point cunventian, where he made

up his mind to resign from membership in the Refrrrnird CIiurcl~. An opportunity to be immersed in
water to sytnbollzc the dcttlcatlon of his lIfe to Jehovah
Gorl cnmc on July 4, 1923, while Frederick W. Franz,
from Brooklyn Bethel, was visiting the Allentown cong r r ~ nion.
t I4rotllcr Fred Franz tlellvered the baptismal
rllst.o~u'sc,nrld rlphtrcn- -car-old Natllnn >I. ICnorr was
nznou the indivld~lalrt:tptized that day in the Little
~ e l ~Ilivr~..
i ~ tT h i s has always been a joyful day to
renlcinber, and \vhnt *? plcnsurc i t Ilas been for Brother
Kx1o1.1'to be p~.lvjEr~:@d
to \vorl< side by side with Brother
3 ' l r t l Franz fur uvur fifly+one years now!
A l ~ o u l two mot~lhra Intcr, OH September 6, 1923,
Brntller K n o n 1,rcnrne a member of the Brooklyn
13rihcl family. C, W. Barber recalls: "The noontime
ilinl he ~rrived, upon coming hum@ f o r lunch, we



raw a r n g brother busy putting his dotlies and

to ohe of the dressers in room A-9. Not
knowing that a change had been made and tllat he
was taking the lace of a brother that had been moved
to WBBR on &aten Island, a few words of remonstration followed. 'What are you doing here?' 'We'v?
got enough in this room already and it's too crowded,
W? figured one more in the room was too muctl, but
things calmed down, and the young brother turned
out t o be none other than Brother N. H.Knorr. Fat
exactly a suitable rvelcome, but we often en oyed talhng
aboul this situation years later and laugked heartfly.
Right from the start it was evident that Ile had not
come t o Bethel to do an thing else bul a ply himself
to the work at hand.
ikapglled hirnscl!. vigorously
in the sl~ippingdepartment and made rapid progress
in handling resp??sibilities atid doing whatever he
was aslrt?d to do.

they should have the ability to expFss thernse1.vm

Scripturally. They shouId be able to glve reasons for
their hope. That was the view of the Society's new
president, N. 8.Knorr. As C. James Woodworth reflects on the past, he says: "Whereas in Brother
Rutherford's day the emphasis was on "Religion 1s a
Snare and a Racket,' now the era of global expansion
was dawning, and education-Biblical
and or anizational-ommenced
on a scale heretofore not fcnown
hy Jehovah" people."
In succeeding years the emphasis on Bible educat3on
was to become even more pronounced. Jehovah's witnesses had indeed entered an era of edlxcation for


Later he served on the dispatch desk at the Society's

printing plant and on February 8, 1928, he was appolnted'by Brother Rutherford to be a copartner in the
publishing of the Golden Age magazine. Clayton J.
Woodworth was editor; Robert J. Martin, business
manager, and Nathan H. Knorr, secretary and treasurer,
When factory manager Robert J. Martin died on
Seplcmber 23, 1932, 6. F. Rutherford appointed N. H.
Knurr to serve in that ca acity. On Januar 11, 1934,
Brather Knarr yas e l e c l d a s a director.of tge Peoples
Pulprt Association (now Watchtower Rible and Tract
S o c ~ e t yof New York, Xnc,). He was made the As.
soclntion's vice-president on January 10, 1935, following
the dcath of E. J. Coward. On dune 10 1940, Brother
Knorr hecame a director and was chosen as viceprcsidenl of the Pennsylvania corporation, Watch
Tower Bible and Tract Society. His cluction re the
residency of both sorietles came about on January 13,
942. He was also made president of the International
Bible Students Association. As to Brother Ihorr's attitude toward the work, J. L. Cantwcll recalls: "In
1940, when there was so much persecution going on,
branches were being closed down and mob action was
taking place. One ni ht we were working overtime a t
the factory. A 'fire &ill' was called and, among other
ihings, Brother Knorr, who presided at the resulting
meeting, said: ? know that things look bad for the
work. But something all of us here will want to re.
member is: If Armageddon comes tomorrow, we will
want to have run the factory all nlgkt tonight."'



Jehovah's people had been using the testimony card
snd the phonograph in their field service. However,


"Just a few days more than one month after Brother
Knorr became president of the Society," says Henry
A, Cantwell, "arrangements were made for what was
then called an Advanced Course in Theocratic Ministry."
And, what was that? A school, inaugurated at Brooklyn
Bethel In February 1942.
C. W. Barber ex lains: "All the male members of
the Bmoklyn nethey ljlmlly were invited to enroll
The course conststrd Hrst of n Icctu~u!delivered t o ' t i e
entire school. The sislrrs were lnvitcd to nltcnd, but
lhey were not at that time enrolled in tile school.
After the lecturc we adjourned to smaller rooms
where all enrolled would present student talks under
the tutorship oi: trained counselors." L. E. Reusch
adds: "Each month we had a review prepared by our
school instructor, Brother T. J. Sullivan."
Does that sound familiar? If you are one of Je
hovah's wllnesses, you know what started over three
decades ago a t Brooklyn Bethel-the Theocratic Ministry School. Soon other praisers of Jehovah were
benefiting Prom this education IO?, A t their "Call to

Action" Assembly, held m 247 titles throughout the

United Stares on April 17 and 18, 1943, the "Course in
Theocratic Ministry'' was announced and dernonslrated,
A surprise printed release bearing the same name
was a 9 6 - p a ~ ebooklet that told how to conduct the
new school In each congregation and also furnhhed
information for weekly instruction talks. The ap ointcd
school inslructor was to act as chairman an$ offer
constructive counsel on six+minute student talks delivered on various Biblical topics by male enroilees.
If you are enrolled in today's Theocratic Ministry
School, likely you were apprehensive about your first
student talk. But suppose the entire school was new,
as it was back in the early 1940's. Then rvhat? A



brothfr's first talk in the schooI could be ulte an

experience. "My lmees were knocking toget%er, my;
hands were shaking and my teeth were chattering,
admits Julio 5. Ramu, "I did not last sfx minutes h e
cause I gave thc entire talk in three minutes. That
was my first experience in platform speaking, but 1
did not quit." "?'he King of Eternity'' was Lhe titIe
of Angelo Catanzaro's ilrst student talk. "1'11 never
forget that," he says. "My mother said that I gave
that talk every night for several nights in my sleep.'"
But prayer and reliance upon Jehovah played a vltal
part. "They were willing and tried," comments Louisa
A. Warrington, "and it was marvelous to see how
Jehovah's spirit aided t p r n .
to become proficient
and confident spealcers.
From the start nf 1959, sisters in the congregations
d Go& people were privileged to enroll in the Theocratic Mlnistry School. Demonstrating how to give
sh:minute sermons to people at their homes resented
quite a challenge for them. Now it was tKeir tun1
to get ncrvous! Grace A. Estep had a sermon on the
first evening that sisters gave presentations in the
congregational. Theocratic Ministry School. "Oh, was
I scared!" she admits. "But it was an easy subject and
very familiar, and somehow I: got through it. Although
it was such a difllcuIr thing to do, how pIeased I was
afterward for this added blessing from Jehovah!" Is
that how you feel?
Yes, it all started at Brooklyn Bethel back in February 1942. Today, however, the Theocratic Ministry
School Is a re ular feature of Christian training provlded h the d.576 eongre ations of Jehovah's people
earth-widc. Since its inceptyon, t h e Tl~cocraticMinistry
School has done much rnr Jehovah's people, Fine,
improved spealrlng ahility became noticeable at an
early date. Thus, aftcr 1944, the decade-Iong use of
the phonograph was replaced by oral witnessing by
theocratic preachers at t h e doors and in the homes
of Ihe people.
A noteworthy feature of the Theocratic Ministry
School is the reading of God's Word. This has h e n a
regular part: of the program. One of the early publications deslgned for use in the Theocratic Ministry School
was '%quipped for Every Good Worlc," published in
1946. Mabel P. M. Philbrick will tell you that t h i s book
"made it possible to have a better understanding of
the writing and preservation of the Bible, as well as
how the addition of the Apocrypha came to be. I: lcarned
l o r thc first time what the Talmud was, the Masoretic
text and many other features. Best of aU was the
analysis of every book of the Bible."

Various publications of succeeding years were FIXpared with the Theocratic Ministry School in mmd.
Among these was the Watchtower-size book "AZI
Scripture Is Imperedl of God and Be?taficiaZ," of 1963.
Doubtless expressing the thoughts of man others,
Alice Babcock ap ropriately calls it "a veritabe storehouse of spirituaPtroasuros." Here was another publication that thoroughly discussed each o f the sixty-six
books o f the Bible, with special emphasis on the ways
in which each Elble book is beneficla1 for Christians





Currently used Ln the Theocratic Ministry School,

and for personaI research, i s a work that repregents
six years of research. Some two hundred and fifty
brothers In more than ninety lands contributed to i t ,
and then a special staff worked on the material at the
Society's headquarters in Brooklyn, The result was a
1100-page volume covering Scriptural topics from
"Aaron to "Zuzim." Its t i t l e ? Aid t o Biblc Understandi?~g,corn leted in 1910. Truly it has been a provision from fehovah.


Back in the 1910's the Thcocratlc Minlstry Xchool

soon pmducrd man unlifled brolhers who could g k e
,anuury I945 n worlrlwidc public
public tnlks. n u s
spcalring campaign was inaugurated. 1Sach spenlcer
prcparcd his own discourse, but the Watch Tower
Soviet ensured uniformity of presentation by selecting
the su&ecls and furnishing one-page outlines for these
hour ialks. This public meeting campaign began with
a series of eight talks,. the first entitled "Will Man
Succeed as a World-Builder?"


Besides t h e speaker, other Kingdom proclalmers

had part in the campai~n.How? By advertising the
discourse through handbill distribution on the streets
and from house to house. At times distribution of
printed invitations was coupled with the wearing of
placards advertising the talk. Fre uentIy the discourse
was delivered at the Kingdom %all, but a Iccture
series might be scheduled in rented facilities or elsewhere in some outlying area o f the .congregation's
territory. If you attend Chrrstian meetlngs regularly,
U ~ e nyou are bcncfitlng from such public meetings to
this very day.
I n those earlier days, of course, deIivering a public
talk was quite a challenge. I t was something new.
Says W. L. Pelle: "For many, many years, on the
night before I: was scheduled t o give a public talk I
wouId kneel down at my bedside and pra to Jehovah
to give me the ability and strength to deyiver the dB.

course in a wa pleasing to him. I advise young
brothers in the h o c r a t i c Ministry School to do likewise bccause Jehovah has always heard my peation
and he will hear theirs alsoan--Ps, 65:2,


Some three decades ago mankind was in the throes
o f World War 11. T o some it may have seemed imractlcal, then t o plan for international expansion of
Cingdom-preaching activities. But Jehovah's spirlt
strengthened his servants to move forward. Providing
education for life was vitally important.
In September of 1942, Brother Rnorr and the other
directors of the Watcli Tower Society unanimously
approved the establishment of a scllool designed to
train missionaries for mitiisterial activity in countries
throttghout the earth. Where would it function? On the
Society's property in the Finger Lakes area o f upper
New Yorlr state-Kingdom Farm, near South Lansmg.
Situated there was a large three-story brick hulldin
completed by the Watchtower Society in 1941. It has
h e n constructed as a refuge for members of the
Brooklyn Bethel family, should intense persecution
require their Zransfer to that location. But it had never
scrvcd that purpose. It seems that Jehovah perhaps
directed matters all along, with a unigne purpose for

ihla structure. Now plans were mzde for a new

theocratic educdional institution. T f i - e school itself

would be named the Watchiower Brble College of

G i l ~ a d . Later it was called the - ~atchtoiver-%ibl&
School of Gilead.
There was n flurry of nctlvlty. Beginning in
Oclohcr of 1942, A. D. Schraeder, Maxwell C. Friend
and Eduurdo F. Kcllcr prc ared the courses outlined
by the governing body, worfring up ledurcs, acquiring
textbooks and gathering a library. At the same time,
adjustn-tcnts wurc made in the existing hufldingcl at
Kingdom Farm in order to provide a library, an
auditodum, classrooms, sleeping quarters and other
fariliti~s.Those were thrilling months!
Imagine the surprise of certain pioneers when they
received applications for the new school. The greater
thrill came when those applications were accepted.
"We felt extremely inadequate, but grateful for the
rivllege," remarked Brother and Sister Charles Eisen.
ower. "Our applications were accepted, We sold our
car and irailer and headed for school. That was Gilearl's
first class, The schooI was new, the classes were new,
the instructors and students were mew."
The keenly anticipated opening day arrived-Mon-


day, February I, 3943. Snow covered the fields of
Fingdom Fnrm. It was a cold and win'cry day. Yet,
ins~dethe administration building forty-nine men and
married, some single--gathfifty-one women-some
ered @th great delight. Joining them for the school's
dedication exercises: were directors of the Soci~ty
members of the faculty, friends and r e l a t i v e 1 6 i

persons in all.
Talks were given by F. W. Franz and W. E. Van
Amburgh, as well as others. Brother Rnorr himself
delivered the address of welcome and dedication,
Doubtless all those present agreed fully with his
comments: "Jehovah God has provided thls land and
building named 'Gilcad' tor His purpose. To Him we
eive all thanks and vraise." No question about it? This
school's establishment was a rnajbr lh~ocraticdevelop-

Bible Research, Theocratic Field Ministry, Public
Bible Speaking, Su reme Law, BibIe Themes-these
were some of the suEjects t o tvhhlch indusWious students
g a w their attention during the Ave-month course.
Iticluderl was instruction in a foreign l a n g u a g 4 p a n i s h
i o r t h e flrst class. Truly, ihere were many thlngs to

Icarn. But Gl1e;td students also spent: some timc each

school. day p~rIorrni11gcertain farm nnd domestic
dulleti. For one thing, this helpetl to rcljctre nervous
tcnslon. Weckday evrnlngs were f o r personal study.
Weelrcnds p~ovided line occasions for the lifesaving
work of Kingdom-preaching. Students and instructors
alike enga ed in the field service.
World J a r I1 was still raging when the earliest
classes of Gilead School graduated. Since it then was
virtually impossible to send missionaries to Europe
and westward to the islands o f the sea, as well as
Asia, they werc sent Arst to Cuba, Yexico, Costa Rlca,
Puerto Rico, Canada and Alaska. Since then they have
gone to the very ends of the earth t o declare the
good news of the Kingdom "for a witness."-Matt.
24 :14.
Graduation of Gilead School's thirty-fifth class took
place a t Kingdom Farm on July 24, 1960. The thirty.
sixth class opened in facilities of the Watch Tower
Society at 107 Columbia Heights, Rroolrlyn, New York,
on Monday, February 6, 1961, How beneficial it i s to
have this school at the Society's headquarters! Students
are now privileged to hear discourses by more brothera
associated with the Soaety's staff, including members
of the governing body of Jehovah's witnesses.
Three decades have passed since the Watchtower
Bible School of Gilead had it8 start. To date more
than 5,500 students have attended this institution of
theocratic education. Of this number, over 2,500 an?



still active in full-time wrvlce, pmnchlng the good

news of the KLngdom around the world.

The emphasis an theocratic education for life has

continucd through the years, In 1958 worllr bcgnn en
n course of study for a new school. Thls one was f o r
uvprseers. Called the Kingdom Mltilsl~~y
Scl~ooi,origillally I l s coursc consisted of twc~ily.Puur scZ~oaldays,
nincty-six classroom sessions and twcrity Illslruction
tnllts or lectures. Subjects incluilcrl RIn~rlomTmchings,
ITfrId hlinistry, Spabng ant1 Ovcrs~css.'rho first group
Zo attc?nd t h e Ktngdom Minlstr)f S~rlioolcolrsistcd of
Iw~trty.five stuclents, United $1 aXrs rlrcui2 s~rvants
(ovv~'sovrs)nnd l h r i r wivrs whu wurta nni graduates
or I ; i l r ~ ~ Scliocll.
?'Rat first course rrln from March 9
In A )ihll 3, 3959, i n the Suclcly's f~~c~ililicls
ncnr South
~ , n n s \ r t ~ $New York. T h e ~choolwna trnnsf<!rrrd t o
Ihr! 11c~:tdquxr'ters in Brooklyn on April 9, 1967.
With the passing of time, ttrere I ~ a v ebeen adjustments in the Kingdom Ministry Scirool, such as ImIrmcntntion of a ttuo-tvmk study course. FClingdom
Rlnisiry Schools have becn held in many countries
thr.oughout the earth, to the ffrcat hcnefil of Jehovah's
fcopln. In a number of lands rhe instrurtorr lravel
rora place t o place, using IocnI R l n ~ r l o m Halls so
Ihnl mom elders can benefit from l ~ n v i ~the
l ~ : school
nt n locnl ion mom convcnicnt tn them. How thnnkful
J r h o v n l ~ ' ~eople can be that this flnc iralntng has
k~cilnprovl&d! The Kingdam Ministry School llnr done
rnlichh to ~rluipChristian avcrserrs lor thrlr rapon-

r;il~ltltIrsant1 pri\.iIeg~s.
'1'11r~l.r1s nn intcrrsljng side of tlicocratlc education
for lifrb ~ I I R Js~ not l o ht. Il?;nor~l.T l i ~ o u ~the
h years
~ o m i ivl~o
have srlughi Scrll,tulnl know1rd~:ehave been
I l l l t rmtr, hir I, t licir p1.ublcn1 11ns13ui hr!rn [~ushcdasEde.
311 nlniiv I;ul(ls thc org:~ni-rution uf God's pcoplr has
provltli:~l fo1. Iitcl-acy classes; same hrrvr been higl-hy
by government ofiicaInle. Rlrn nurl women
t~:tvc! It*:u'ncd to read and write n t ~ dmany AInong thcm
Ilavr gone on t o enjoy rich privileges of scrvice to
J~hovrils9 honor and glory.


Back In 1942 Brother Knorr and 111s adrnll~lstrative

nssnclntes realized that there was much work aheacl.
In fnct, at the New World Thcocrattc Asscmbly of
Jchovah's Witnesses on Suplembcr 18-20 In.?", a "Go
nI~cnd"signal was soundcd. Clevrland, bhiu, was the
key city, with fifty-one others tlcd ill ttiroughoue the
Unlteil States.



'me ronventron's keynote speech rvaa delivered by

F. W, Frnnz on Friday eveninE, Se ternhcr 18, 2942,
Entilled " ~ h sdrily Light," it wan Raseti nn Isaiah.
rlinplcrs 49 and 60. I n that discourse, th- "Go nl~entl"
signlil rang clearly. Julia Wflcox writes: " A l t h c colrclur~lonof Ihc I<cynote speech, ''I'he Only L I ~ l i 't I rlozl't
thlt~lc anyone
the audientne thougl~l tht! llme had
L V J I n l ! to ~ l i l r kthe hand and relax. No, it was time to
' a ~ ~ l sand
u shine,' su that GGod people rnlgllt continue
t r ) ~.cfjfcttlle only light itt rile ctnrkn~ss of thls old


Urolher Knorr SolEowed I?. W.Frenz on the program,

spr:nkin$ 011 the subject "Presmting 'the Sward of the
X[urll.' ' I-Jc opened his discoursr wlXh I l ~ rsignificant
w~)r(Is:T h e r e Is Iurther work to he done; i~luchworlr!"
I7irrther Indicating that there was work nhcnd were
statcmunts rnlrde during the public cllscoursc nn Sullilny
ailrrnonn, September 20. The subjcct ? A strnn e one,
Inrlrerl, slnrr the nations wurr! then enmcsEed In
Worltl Wnr TT. 'rIre topic wns "I'encr-Cnn It Last?'"
'rhnt wtlulrl hc a very imprtnnt S ~ P C S I ,
Knol-ta rrnHzrtl. l W t h J~hov~h's
n1i1 110 W I I S rl~trrrnlnrd
to 1:.lr*cIt 'till Ile Iiad.' "MnnZ1i.r lwhr~,''
sirys 1,. la:,
IEs~tst.11 "I rboulrl hrnr hlm 11t'11(-11rl1tl:r1111 Il)u11, j:olnf:
~ l v r t lila
p~rl,ll(~Inlk 'Pvnrr* C'nn 11 T,r~st?' Illr~rnlly
~ I V A V I I U of I i~ r~(+s,My r 3 ~ t 1 1 ~I -1I I II I T I wnR nrl ihd* llo(1r
unrlt11. t h s pmsirlc!~lrs r[~rrn~lvl~.r.
So, I Irrioy
llrjw long rind hard Itc pt'ncl Zr'c'd 011 rl(>llvc~i'y.
nttrl t ~ gthat fast-moving hour-long tnllc, the League
of Nntlrsns was boIdly identiflccl with thc scnrletcntorcd political creature of Revclntion chnpter 17. I t
wnR polntrd out th?t t h e L ~ ~ ~ I111~n
I P in
, thr nhyss of
tniicl~on, 'was not, but it wnulrl not remnin In the
,it. (IErv. 1 l : R ) It rvould rise :]gain. "But mnrk this,"'
\<nor]- cleclnred, "the prophvcy sl~nwsthal when the
'lloasl' corncs out of the abyss al ihc end n l thiw total
wnr it comt!s out with the woman 'I<nbylunlon Its backF
or ahe rllrnba upon its bar4c as sootl n s It gt:ls out.'
Yet, n ~ ltl~ c r the man-made pcacc nor thc scarlet*
colwrerl honst rvould last. Soon l l ~ cbcast ltsulS would
11c utterly destroyed.
necrilllng that discourse1 Marie Gibbard comments:
"FEow ncctlrnte1y the prophecy of n~vrlation 17 has
unfo!c?crl,ns Jt was shorvn that. the Luaguc wuuld come
out of IIIP nl~yssto an uneasy pcaco t h a t would not
I;~sl?Wlint n marvelous protection Tor us not to he
srvnyetl hg the world events I o rtr1low.--1l ~ elubllntiun
lllnt Pnmc to this country whet] V-F: ni~il b - Days
:u.l.lvrrl nnd then,in 1915, when the Unlterl Natlonu w 3 s
I~allctIns the answer to Suture peace! I'hls tnllc reallx
rri;ttfc tnslfng lrnprassions fur prartlenl tq-q~lication.



The inference also was clear. Jehovah's servants had

work to do and there would be soma time remaining
in which to do it,

seek to aid them in the field service and to upbuild

them spiritually. C i r ~ i tassemblies aIso play a vital
role in advanang Klngdom interests. Did you know
that during the past service year, twenty circuit
assemblies, on the average, were held each week in
the United Stales, with an average attendance of
L,GOS? Summing that all u p for the entire year, there
were 1,064 circuit assemblies, with 1,708,143 in at-



At: that 1942 assembly it was announced that representatives of t h e Watch Tower Society would regularly
visit congregations of God's pcople. (Zone servants
had previously done such work, but their activities,
and those of regional servants, as well as the holding
of zone assemblies, had been discontinued as of De
cember 1, 1941.) The sending out of the Society's
traveling representatives was to be resumed on October
1, 1942. These brothers were known as "servants to
the hrcthrcn," comparable l o circuit overseers of today.
"They would examine records of the congregauons
and assist I b e brothers in advancing the Kingdom interests," says Sister J. Norris. "All of this made us
conscious of Jehovah's care for his peaple through his


From October 15, 1916, onward some new features

were to be introduced in connection with this work.
The field would be divided into circuits, each of about
twenty companies Icongregations) These would be
sewed for one week hy t h e , traveling overseers,
primarily concerned with assidmg the Witnesses in
their house-to-house preaching. Twice a year all the
congregations in a circuit would assemble at one point
for a tlzree-day drcuit assembly, over which a "district
servant" would preside. I n succeeding years there have
been adjustmenls in this arrangement, and you are
benefiting from it now if you arc one of Jehovah's
witnesses. Yet, what was it like some years ago?
Let us take the district worIc of the 1940's as an
examplc of the efforts put forth by these willing
shcpllerds 01 God's flock, Look back to the laie 2940's,
for instnncc, when Nict~olasKovalak, Jr., was ouc o f
t h e few brothers engaging in the district work in
the United States. Referling 'to October 1949, he says,
"I traveled 4,020 miles by car t h a t month!" Hc also
says: "I had five c i r c ~ ~assemblies
on the weekends,
besldes serving several congregations In between. So
I traveled, talked, witnessed, checked the records,
ate, studied, read and had a little lime for sleep!" One
week he traveled dose to 2,000 miles serving two
congregations and, on the weekend, a circuit assembly.
Of course, not ,all his trips by autqrnobile were that
long. "Now with more congregations it makes it
easier," Brother Itovalak admits. "Jehovah is good
to us and sustaiiis us!'
Circuit and district overseers of today are keenly
fntercsted in iheir fellow worshipers of Jehova-h. They




As the Watch Tower Society's new administration
got under way in the early 1940's, World War I1 was
in progress and a number of ChristSan men were
undergoing a test of t h d r integrity to Jehovah. In
the year 1940 the Seleclivc Training and Servrce Act
went into effect in the Unlted States, which was still
at peace. It autIlorized the ~ o n s ~ ~ i p t ifoo nr military
service of young men over eighteen years of age,
but rovlded for the exemption of "regular or duly
ordafied minlstprs of religinn," In dass IV-D. In the
majority of mses, 3choval1's witnesses were denied
classlflcat~onas rnlnist~ra.They wrr'e neither seditious,
nor would thcy inte~-ft*re
will1 mllltary nr orher pzursuits af human gc~vt~rnmenl
s. Howr:volh, t hc Wlt nesscs
th(rmsp1ves wcrr dr~tcllhrnlnt~ti
lo rnniutnitl strEri nc!u+
trality as CIiristlnns, td r~lln 17: 16) 1:urt herrnorc, t l ~ y
had 'bc;ilcn lhelr swords into plowshares.'-lsa. 2:2-4,
In fliousnnds of cases, the govcrnrncnt's attorneys
argued that the Witnesses had t o go into the armed
forces before they could seek relief in the federal
courts. So from the federal distrfct courts integritykeepers were sent to prison, a number receiving
the maximum sentence of flve years' incareeralion and
a fine of fen thousand dollars. Interestingly, when
Eugene R. Brandt and six other Witnesses were sentenced, the judge pointed to a flag hanging 0x1 the I V ~ U
behind his bench and said, as Brother Brandt recalls:
"Do you sce that flag? Well, 1 can see the lace of
my god in that flag and so I have no objection to worshiping it, and you should feel the same way."


That flrst night behind bars was quite an experience.
Pioneer Daniel Sydlik (who now serves at Brooklyn
Bethel) was jailed because of his C,hristian neutrality
in 1044. He remembers lying atop his bunk and listcning as the steel gates, "like rumbling thunder, rolled
tn a close." One by one the sound of those gates came
closer until his cell gate quivered, then rolled slowly
shut. He says: "SuddenIy, an ovexwhelmingly sicken-



clemency would restore the civil rights of these Chris-


ing sensation swept over me, which made mc feel

trapped, without a way out, Then just as quickly follorved another sensation equally overwhelming, which
made me feel great peace and joy, the kind of pence
that the Bible speaks aboutL1the peace of God that
excels all thought.' "-Phil.
4: 7.
Brother Sydlik, like so many others, eventually found
himself in a federal prison. What did Christian neutrals
do there? They made good use of their time. When
not busy at prison duties, they often were allowed to
hold meetings for study of the Bible and publications
of the Watch Tower Society, Also, the improved
their general education, as b~ s t q d p g Yoreign languages such as Spanish and wck
oncerning Christians imprison* a t Mill Point, West Virginia, rLudoIph
J. Sunal says: We had our congregation book study
. . . Each durmitoly group of brothers had its Service
Meeting and Theocratic Ministry School. . Sunday
we had our Watchtower study in the library. . . Another provishn that we werc able to arrange for was
the privilege of miniature assemblies. . , One summer
we used the ball Eeld and had !he piano and othe;
instruments for music and a most instructive program.
RecalIing the Christian educational program in
prison during those days, F. Jerry Rtolohan remarks:
"Our study meetings of all kinds were exceptionally
well attended and it was so educational we humorously
called the Leavenworth Prison Honor Farm 'Stonewall
College.' "
The Watch Tower Society was concerned about the
spiritual welfare of these young men. Hence, arran ernents were made for certain brothers, such as A.
Mamillan and T. J. Sullivan, to vjsit them regularly:
Why? T o provide Scriptural counsel and encouragement.
Whetlier frce or Imprisoned, Jehovah's witnesses
seelr ways of carrying uut their commission to make
disciples. (Matt. 28:19,20) True, the opportunities open
to these Christian neutrals were now limited. Eut that
did not still their lips entireIy. Brother Molohan comments: "1 made the most of one opportunit a goodhearted man aerving a life term, Frank $den, becoming my firct 'letter of recommendairon' and being
b a p t b d in the mule trough."-2 Cor. 3~1-3.

. . .


On August 10, 1946, a significant resolution was

unanimously adopted by upward of 60,000 delegates

a t the Glad Nations Theocratic Asscmbly of Jehovah's
Witnesses in Cleveland, Ohio. It petitioned the president
of the United Slates to grant full pardon to over 4,000
wrongfully convicted and imprisoned Witnesses. Such

tian neutrals who Illegally were denied their rights

by draft boards and fcdcraI courts from 1940 to 1946.
T o my surprise,"' says Edgar C. Kennedy, "the
chairman announced that the resoIution, asking f o r
full pardon for all these men, wauld be personally
presented to the president of the United States by a
representative from the Society. Sinm Harry Truman,
the Iorrner army ofieer with whom I: served during
World War I, was the president, I thought it would
be well for me to mention this fact to the chairman's
ofice, which 1 did." As matters turned out, at U:30 p.m.
on Friday, September 6, 1946, the Society's general
counsel, another lawyer and Brother Kennedy, a pioneer, met wlth the president for some forty minules.
According to B r ~ t h e rKennedy, Truman listened mtently as the Society's lawyer developed the features
of the resolution to the point where executive clemen$y
was requested. Then, he recalls, "~rurnanbroke m
with a flare of emotion and said: I don't have any
use f o r a S O - - B that won't fight for his country.
Bcsldes, I don't 1HIce the clisreslpcct you people show
for thr? flag.'" Brother Tlcnnrdy contlnucs:
'WOW 1 Imcw IhnL It was my turn to speak, I
identilled rnpaclt as n f o m r r fellow army officer nnd
said (hat 1 hnrl heen rcx~~onsil)lc:
lor' supplyInff his
batlery wllh nll th? nmmunltion Ih:~t it llntl ilrecl during
tlrc wixr. I took a licture of thc regimental oinccrs fmm
my hri~feasc
laid it on hh desk. I-Ie loolicrl a t it
and said that he had the same pic$ure hanglng over
his desk in his library. I then told him that it is
harder fighting for Christian principles than it was
fighting in the war. I briefly explained the reason
why Jehovah's witnesses do not salute the flag. He
listened and then said, 'I see I was mistalien.' "
According to Brother Kennedy, the president thereafter gave hhis attention to the Society's attorney "as
he concluded the request f o r the release of Jehovah's
witnesses being held in prrson under the Selective
Service Act. Truman then said that be would discuss
it with the Attonley General."
In time, President Truman appointed his Amnesty
Eoard. They reviewed thousands of court records and
draft board files, recommending some pardons, But
on December 23, 1047, Truman pardoned only
136 Witnesses, whereas 1,523 pardons were granted.
Other religious groups, havlng only 1,003 men imprisoned a11 together, compared with 4,300 Wllnesses,
got t h e lion's share. Consequently, the vast majority
of these Christian neutrals were d~serirninatedagainst
only because they had been resolute in thcir deiermlnation ta maintain integnty to Jehovah God.



x m ma= FIGHT o m m m s

Xn the W i t h and Estep tascs, thc United States

Supreme Court ruled, on February 4, 19-16,that the
lowcr federal courts had been wtmnE In rtenylng t h e
WIl nessrs 1 he ri h t to a fair 3ic;lring: ~ n d
i n rnalr~t'aininr: t llnl l hcy h a 8 to entcr the arlrlcd forthra bcrorr! they
r:c~rl\dclc~frndthemselves in court, On Urct%rnbc~.
23, 1946,
In the II'L~~POA
and Dodaa cases, 1 h COII!'~
extc-nrlcd the
law so as lo permit defense in c o ~ ~ by
witnesaca who hud been diargcd will) J'iilllng to report
to n conscientious objector camp or' to 1 v m ~ 1 nin such

that Brother King orighatd in prlson. Tt Is gong NO.

10, entitled "From House to I-Iousc." So, do not fear
t h e i u l t t r ~ . Jehovah can uphold yor~ ns he dld in.
cnrverntrd Christian neutrals In the Unjted States as
well ns man other integrity-lteepers,inclur ling I3rolhcrs
Junes nntl &ng, who had the i!nrd exprrlcncc ol! in
r8nrceratlon in u Cornrnulfist Chmcse prison,

prvc:rdent for all the federal courts to iollorv.

Sept~mber2, 1945, brought the end of World War XI.
The 'lirntch Tower Society's brancl~ o m c ~ swere soon
r ~ n p n c r tIn many lands. Con~rcgallanswerr* reestabllsi~rd nnrI pir ritual food again I.lecntne nv%llnhle in
~ v e ~ l n c t . c n s i n~lnlounts.Yet, Chrlst inns In wnr.mvn ed
no liolis I I C L ' ~ P $ material things Loo, lic!~n:,In n rllsp ny
ol' C hrlsl la11 love f o r their nrcdy LeIlow Ziellrvers,
dr*hovnll'a ~lcoplelaunched what provrrl to bc rt twoanrl-half-yeur worldwide relief saml~nl:no ( J o l ~ n13:34,
35) bi1it ncssos in tile United Stales, blnadn, S w l t z c ~
Innd, Swrtlrn and elsewhere contrlbut crl clothln y: and
lnrmcy Xo h ~ y
food to 11eIp Christians I n AusFri;~, BPI~ l u m Ih8lr::il-[a, China, Czrrhosln~~i~ltEn,
I It~nEnr.y,
Il;ily, Ihv N ~ ~ Z l ~ i ~ r l zNorwny,
~ n t l s , t l i r n l'hlfI[il~lt~c*


Laolcing hack some three decaclcs to t h e flu s when
RQ many Cl~rfstiann e u t r a l s were Irn risonetl &r their
Intc~rlly.keeping,a person may won& wiiat h e would
do rlnrlrr s~rnilas circumstances. 11 docs not really
rnnttvr wbnl excuse the encrnv uses lo Inrarcerate
lod(.. With Jehovnll's help lntc rlty can be
nlrrlrilnrk*A, e w n as It was hy thosr $ut~drecls of
( :lii'l:.l i : 1 ~ III!U~I'IIIY somr years 81:~.IH I9li5, a l l e r seven
yt*fil'.q IIL Ilrtl Vh!na9s prlsons, Stanlcv I:rricsl Jones
to ovpr aa,mo persons nr Y m i r c ~Stil(Iiurn in
rw Yorlc city. While irnprisoncd, 110 hnd mcdilntccl
on the Scriptures, resorted lo pruyor ~ i r i r lIrcpl himself
spiritually strong with the aid of Jchuvnh's spirS1. But
o11~Ihin Ihat Ile mentioned was: "Wc'le only Going to
have trifulation 'ten days.' In othrr worrls, tl~rrrc is
In I7c an end to it. E v w ~ t J ~ . i u
to 111: and
j r i rla o w r tr?lw. Therefore w e just entlulr; Goit wlll
hrFng us through,''-Rev. 2:IQ.
A fellow missionary. HaroId Kin
spent nearly
flvc years in a Red Chinese grison, kh, too, hnd rernnlnecl spiritually strong. Dl you know t h a t , whllo
Imprisoned, he even composc~lIIIUEJ~Cb n ~ on
~ l Scriplural lhoughts? Yes, the songboolc used by Jehovah's
wltncsses t ~ d a y ~ ' ~ ' S i n g i nund
pntt?ji?rg YrulrsrLrr8 ?t,itJ~~ ~ T I I S Iz?bC Your Hi.arls"--conlninc; n mclody

lot* ICln~rlorn work, declarc the s;irnc good nrws lor

whtch I l ~ r yhad been imprisoned nntl rrcoup thew
splrl t ual Ict~owlcdge.Their compelling desire, Iollowlng
s~lchgrcnt nnd extended bardsl~ips,wns an lnspirallorl
to 11s and we wcre happy for t h e prIvllef:c! o f hcl Ing
tcr aupply. Ll? n small way, their rnalcrlnl needs. ~ l u t h It~g,slirrrs rtnd olher needs were collrctecl anrl sol-teil
at the ICingdurn IIalls, then picked u p by trl~clrs f o r
shipment to our brothers. Tons and tons ~vcrcthus
Tot a I ahi prnents of clothing amounted ta 2,056,247
pounds. F o r ~ d shipments totaled 718,873 pounds. Adrlllic>r~nlly,321,110 pairs of slloes were sent tu nebdy
Chrl.rlians rIurnlngthis relief camgalgn. Mo11etnril.y f he
vrilucl of all this came to $1,322,406.!)0. And these kind
flllts wcm apprccinted. Comrneailng on orlo expression
c)f grnlltude, E s t h e r Allen says: "'I'hc Ietlcr of thanlts
I l ~ n lcrlme back brought tears of joy to the eyes."

n cnmp nfllrr reporting.

Thc Rovernrnent's attorneys ~ r g u e R thnl full-time

pfonccrs wclv not entitled to cxemprlon from rnilftary
sr?rvlm nntl tratnlng because lhry dlrl not have fixed
cnnf:l'r :~llons,X~urlliermorc,tl~c?~:o~~c?rnmml's
c:trnlcbnfml Ihnt company servants (presirling ovcrscurs)
wtblr no1 cntitled to exemption b~causrthey did not
Ilnvt! congrcgaiiona consisting nP l n y m ~ l l ,but pr~drled
ovrr* fllosc n ~ a d cup of JeEiovahk sit nmses. Tl~oseasgumtsnts wcrc defeated in t h e Llicki~tso~r
case, rlcr.idctl in
fnrror of Jehovalfs witnesses by ihc Unltcd States
Slrpremr Court on Novemhcr 30, 1953. This set the


lJol:ktld IIHII l t ( ~ ~ t ~ j a ~ i i : ~ .
'Xi tho rln~ilor World War TT," mcnll ITnzrlle nntl
ITPT~~II Iii'UIE, "oui3 Z~l~oZlicrs
rr!tu~'netlSlaoln Ilie prlaon
cnnlpe, ~rlutlgsick and permanently ~trllapc!tl n i tlrt!ir
pust:rssluns, some of them EC nrntrB from tlirlr
filmillcs, not l;i~nwingif they were still nliv(*in tlie flr.:ih
or not. I4ul wiih all of t h ~ sIhey werr amazing1 strong
T i i q ~vereweImmed bar k by illcli. %rothers
;r l l over tlrc ~vorld.Their first intenul was to t h e o r ~ a n i m




So It was that in one direction flowed material thinus,

~ n in
d the other, great appreciation and an encouraging
record of integrity.
Through the years, Jehovah's witnesses En the Unlted
Stntcs have had various opportunttles to help lhelr
fcllrlw believers, hoth at home and ahroad, In m a t ~ r i a l
w:iys, Consider the 1970 eadhqunkt! In 3-'rru. Can.
g~*c.gatIonsin Lima gathered togell~rr clotl~lng,food
ntrd money and pprmptly took abrrut sevrti ions a?
supplics to the stricken area. Je11ovnt1'srwitncs~cn in
N r w Yorlc city donated well over ten tona c ~ fclothin
'I'hia was, in fact, far more clothlng thnn wlra nrr?defi
Also, the Watch Tower Society provldccl $20,1)00 f o ~ :
i l n [)ranch oflicu t o use in obtaining w l i > ~ t r v wna
~ . ~ ' 1.c.
ciulrcd hy tllr brothers In thr! ~tric'lcmi~rcn.Slmllnrly,
trit3 wnh r~vidcclwhen an earl11 unltr! rlestrnvrd ]\;lan;tgo:l. dc;iwaua, in 1972. Such !isplnys n l L'brisfinn
l o w nrr? rcrni~iiscent of the good-h~:lrtcdl i k r i ~ l l l yof
first-ccntury Christians.-2 Cor. 9:1 +Id.
Yet, the aid given t o f d o w worslliper~of Jehovah
does not always consist of rnatertttl tllln~s.Did you
know that in the year I961 Jehovnl-i's scrvants In tho
United States and other Iands wrote thouenncta 01
Ictlrrs to the authorities In S ain requesting thnt
God's pcople there be granted !k?dom 1 1 I w<~r.shlp'!
And in the year 1968 they wrote to thc authot'llbs of
MaI~wiprotesting the ill treatnlent of Jehovi111'sChrlsttnrl witnesses there. They have genulne l o v h ~uoll.

ccrn for their brotllers everywhere.



Large gatherings of Garl's poplr, hot11 ancient and
rnotlcrn. I~nvchrcn occasions of ~ l m splriluul
Oftcn thcy hnvc also I)ccn tirncs of grr?nt re o l c l n ~
[Drat. 3l:ln.l:4; Neil. 8:8, 12) Tills wnh ucrtninjv t r u i
o f tho Glnrl Nr~tfonsThcocrallc Ass~rnljlyYI
Wilttesst!~ in .I,'I~vclancl,Ohio, held 111 t l ~ e
Ilrst p o s t t ~ ~ r
yrlrir, on August &11, 1996, That o o n v e n t l r ) ~ ~rv;w
d l r t ~ e n t , Mullicity assemblies liatl hccn 1Inkc:d hy
r:1rllo~2clcphnnc facilities in varlous lnnds rlurlna
ears, with large comblnecl aurll~nces, I lu t
s t tlme st the Glad Nations r r k ~ ~ ~ m : ~ L l ~
Ahsernhly, God's people had an Inlcmattonat ctlnvm!ion
of 6 ~ ~ 1proportions
that it brought tojielher Jn o ~ f o
city dolegates from dl parts o f the earth.
One formidable pre-conwntlun task was the locating
of morning accommodations for the dclegntcs. This
WRS accomplished by extemive house-io.housc work.
IIowever, m a n y delegates were accomrnotlntrd nl 1 1 1 ~
iV'Yltncsses' trailer camp There, in time, n comrnunlty


of 20,000 lived convedently and Inex ensively. Natur a y , the delegates required physical god, and signincant indeed was the calcterln nrrnnaument at the
assembly location. There, l w l ~ v e e n 15,000 and 20,000
persons could bc fed En an hour's time.
Spiritual food was o f utmost Importance, however,
and It was ilrrnlshed in nl~undancu. For instance,
F, 'rYYFranz spalct~on "TI.le Ilarvcst, The End of the
World," an ahsolhhi~igrxpnslllon o f ,T~sus Clirist's
illustration 01 the when1 nntl, 1 hc wcrrls or tares.
(Matt. 13:24-30, 3ri-43) Ant1 it was nt this sumc assembly
that L. A. Swinglc di~cussedlhe sublect "Awakc!" H&
described the twcntldh-ccniury wnrid ns a synthetic,
atom-smasliing, jet-prop~llcil, rntlar.controllcd, electronic world headed Snr Ihc dllcl~ o f drstruction f o r
failure to be aw:llw to rhc w d Issyes confronting
mankind. Brotllel- Knorr spoltc an An Answer to
the Rousing Call," urgin his listeners 'to be awake, to
stay awake and la rcvd Jwi~in!'Y c s , the new magazine
Aumlcc! was to re lncc Cotlsotntion, fonncrl known as
' I 1 h Coldcrr Agc. h n n y yvnrs Inter Henry
was nble lo my: "IVltlro~rl(Iouht, Azl3r1l;r!11as II\,ccl up
to Its nnlnc in Ibelplt~j:mnny l o ribvnltr Tpm t hc slcr'p of
lcthnrffy r~nrl to 1 111.11 to t I - L ~ ( > WCII.::~I~[I.
Othrrs wlIE rt*mrvr~l,~r
t 11l.r Ihr-llllr~l:rl~scmbl far the
exrell~ntprlrnnl-y liilil(: H! l~tlyi ~ l l l I l1~1.v~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ % e d - l h
boulr "I,ct Uod Br: 'l'r.~rr,." MO!+I:t him 10,500,01)0c01)ics of
Ihc first cdil ion wrrc publlsl1r1d wllh111nbcatl six yc!urs.
Revised as of April 1, 1952, Ihc I~oolckstlatribut.lor~con.
tinued, and by enrl I971 a lotill of 19,246,710 copies
had been published
51 In~ljillngcs."IdsLGod Be T r r d J
thcn stood In lourlh place on anc list of the world's
best-selling nonfiction llnolts of I lle twentfel h century.
Thursday, August 8, was csperlally notahla a t that
I946 assembly. Brother Ir;nors spolre on Ihc subjcct
"The Problems of Itcmnsl r~rciion and Expanston.'"
Rezapturing the event, E<Eg;trCFny of the f:ritlsh Isles
later m o l e : "I had the privilcgc of k i n g l)cl~indhhm
on the platform that cvcning. and as Ile ot~tlinedt h e
work and then told ahout I hc )Inns for enlarging the
Rmoklyll B e l W home and i'nc!ory, t l ~ ca iplnuse from
the vast audlcnce sur ed In r e ~ c w e duulf,urLsls,While
one could sce no disRnvt I?T from the ploilorm, it
was easy to sense tliclr joy.



Them must be illeocrntic wconslructl~n and expansion. That was evident.. So on Fcbl-unl 6, 1947,
about six months a f l ~ r!he d a d Nations h e m a t i c
Assembly, the Socirly's preslticnt, N. 11. Know, and
his secretary, M. G, 1-lenscl~cl,embnrkcd on a globe-



enclrcllng slervfce tour. From personal observation dming that 47,7fmmile journey it was prxsslMr?to determine

Ar; Wednesday August 2, 1950, darned, Jehovah's

people in gcnerai had no idea of U e mnrvelour blessng In sfori' f o r them on that " 'Preach the Word' Day."
Thnr aftcl-nnon Brother Rnorr spoke on [he subject
"Turnin~ to t h e Peoples A P U ~ F
J . n n ~ t ~ ~ ~(%cp&
3:9) Among other things, he mcntlo~~uct
t l ~ n tin 1002
tlic Wnlch Tower Society came ~nto possrsr;bn o t a
irnnel:~tinn of tlie Christian Grsek Scri turos known
B S Tiiv Emin ,iia!ir; Dingloft first prlalef on i t a own
Iwcssr:; on l>crember 21, 1526. T h p Si)c:icty thel-eaflcr
~rndrl'i~ml;ather very notable Bible-print ing nclivI2ics.
But ZhnC 3030 assembly session brou~lttto light somet h l n ~ espwi:tlly
ilrrilling. On that mernoruhb orca.cinn,
TJrc~tElcr JCnnrt had the great p i ~ a s u ~ o
~ tr ?r*clcsisin~the
h r t 8 t l ) 1Yn~~lrl
slntion of tlto Clr rislintt Orcck Krript!rrc.s In I;;~~gllsh.
An amazed, bighl y de!lqhl crl nutlIence
o r 82 075 nt tlze stadium and tllp t i n ~ l c r cnmp reC P I Y P C ~it wit 11 the greatcst of enihuslnsm, sustnlned
npplnuss and dccp ap reciatlon. Tcns or Ihousands of
coplrls ~ v e sr?a~cl.rly
ogtained by convention tlclcgates.
1Vhat a lhrS11 f o r all those nsscmhlcri!


what ste s were required to s t r ~ n ~ t hand

~ n tlnify t h e
wirrldwlcz organlaation.
Tlml iaurney accomplished much, Among other
tlrlncn, fullowing -the tour Gllead mlaslonarlcs were
A C I I ~IC) C P ~ ~ Q I IAsiatlc
lands and I H I R ~ I I I Sor itrr Pacific,
IClngdom Interests were being ttdvnntncJ.Tt~e'rlrcocracy
w n s surfzlng ahead!



.Tehovah can 'make the little one +come R tltousnnd

nntl the smttll one a mighty nntlon. ( 1 s t ~60:22) IIe
dltl ttint upon r~storingTsrneltlltr rxllm Trom J?:ll)ylon
to tl~cblr Ilc~n~dnndcenturies ny:o. Sln~llui~ly,
God has
s])irltr~;llIsraelitrs frtttn l ~ o t i t l r ~ ~to
r ! T3:it)ylon
I l ~ r !E:i.rbnt', I lic world empire of f:~larrr-llgicjn. Mn~~cover,
Ilr? l l n ~blesscvl I hcm with incrcitse. 111 t!13H thew was n
p c ~ l cof 59,047 Kingdom pmcIaiin~rvworld wirle. The11
tnirmr*fve:rrs of war, persecution a Clirlsti;lns and
tller.cn trr organizational r~constructlori :imurlg God's
prople. With what result? Wh
by 1919 .Trhovahls
C t ~ r l ttan
witnesses numbered 3&,117~!Tt~caocrncy'sinC I . C ~ ~ S CWRS


1-tnw npproprlate It was, therefore, that God%peo lo

8h011ld gather for the Theoerncy's Incl-ens. hsmrr~&~
of Jr%hovah'sWitnesses! By ail1 omohlle, hus, trlifn,
sllip nnrl plant! they came in throngs l o New York
ully's fn~nedYankee Stadium, for 111(%cl~ht-dnyinter~lntlonnlvrlnventinn on July ,70 to Augusl (;, 1950, The
inllux c)f sornp f 0,OlX)foreigners alrtl-mr~tlthr United
S1:blrhs I m ~ n l ~ r a t i o nnrl
?!atz~rnllznllnn ::orvjrr, rvhich
i n t t i ~ t ~ l t l rupon
tfrusrr vfsttor?;,
J,r~it*r,.;ur.h i ~ t ~ i i o nwere
111 t~tt.sted vlgan~usly hy the
:tsstm hlorl ro~lvrnlion drlcj:ntcn,
As :it llle 194ti international conventlon In Cleveland,
Clhln, nn extensive cafeteria arrangemant was set up
tn rc~rlI11c Inany thousands. ISow Imprc~xlvoil was!
'I'lrc! N e w York Times quntcd n T-Tr~~llhDcpnrtment
Insp~dorR S saying: "I'm lascinaterl. I'VE ncver see11
:~nyllrlng run as smoothly us this before."
Many delegales rvere accornmodatctl in prlvdte homes
Rnrl hotels, Holvever, over 1&00(1 vventually camped
at thv Witwsses' tsdjler camp in Nuw Jersey, fom
~ n l l c sfrom Ncw York city, MarIr! M,Grcctham recnlls:
"The hrcrlhers from all over New Yorh i~rldN r w Jcrscp
worlrerl Snr many weeks putting In wntcr pjpes, gas
ant1 cleclrlc power and toilet and bnlhing I'adlHics.
. . This cblly was conl~octedby wlm t-11 the convention
in New York, so every p r ~ s e n t a t l o nn l tllc Ncw Y!rk
City nssemhly could he heard in the trnilrr camp.




For ymrs, nTrhovnh's p c o p l ~ Ihot~ctil t hnt tnlthful

men of old thmcs, s u c l ~as Ahrrthnin, ,losr It nntl Ilnvld,

wnukl br- r r s r u r r c t t ~ dhrbjtln: Ihn rnrl or l l l l ~wicalm(l

fivstcm of 111In.g~.Tl~osc pasl xcrvnnt~ of I;ntl w t ~ c ?
r;\l[crl f'ri~ictc!~l
worthies," "fnllllful !nt7n o f olrl" nllil
"1 \IF ~ ~ I ~ c P s , The psalmist I~nd drcliirerl : "I nst c;id
of t h y fntlit*rs shall be thy c h q p r c ~ w
~ ,p m thou nlaycst
mnke pri~cr.r:In a11 the earth. (Ps.4.):Ili, liivlg Ju?ize~
Y r r ~ i o r t r So, when Jehovah's pooplr? wen1 In R cunvent inn 3'r:tI-s ago, thew was a rlrh~rrmor exl~erlatian.
I l ~ i t tgathering woihrl hr ~nnrkrd by I l ~ r ! appcnrance af one or mare of those resurrectrcl princes
ur men of elcl!
Wlth t h a t In mind, mentally join the 82,801 conv~nliotlcrs tra they listened Inlently to F, W. Franz
on Snlurrlny evening, Augusl 5, 1950. At a cllmnclic:
point in his absorbing Scri Lural talk he u:;l-\crl: "Would
Ihis I~~tcrnntionalassmhyy be hnppy [a k ~ ~ o that
1IICRlC, TONIGHT, in o w raidst, ~)icrenrc n number
of pt'rlsprcltve FRIh'CES OF TIIE NF:W IMRTlI ?"
What rcarllons there were to that q u e ~ !Here are
Bonle vlvld recollections: "I recall the asp o f nrnuze.
menl t h t ~ tswept the assembly, R ~ C we
I began Iooking
nruuurl 113 cxycctantly . . .was David here, or Abrallarn,
or llanlel, olb Job? Many af us i:lstcrs harl lears in
our c!yrs!" (Grnct? A. Estep) "I: was so cxciteri I sat
on ihc edge of m y seat with my eyrs ~ l u ~ond the
rlugouc. I was certain that one or more of these men



of old wouldlf3mer e at any moment." (Sister Dwight

T. Kenyon) Peopfe in the corridors rushed to the
stadium entrances to view the speaker's stand, perhaps expecting t o see Abraham, David or maybe
Moses. The audience stood up-the
atmos here was
ehathged.I am sure that if someone with a Pang beard
had walked to t h e platform there would have been no

containing the crowd."-L. E. Reusch.

A profound silence next seitIed over the audience.
Every ear seemed strained to lose none of the speaker's
words. He discussed the real meaning of t h e Hebrew
word translated "prince." He pointed out that today's
"other sheep" have suffered just as much for their
faith as did Jehovah's witnesses of oId. Hence, nothing
argues against Christ's making these "other shee
"prinas i n all the carth" as required. (Ps. 45:16; JOR;
10:16) Then, concluding his discourse, Brother Frnnz
said: "With the transporting prospects so close beIore
us, oh? Ict us keep Theocratic organization and let
God continue improving it as a New World society.
Never may we look bacl! to this modern Sodom! which
i s reserved for destruct~on,but we are dcterrnmed to
keep faces farward in full faith. Onward, then, steadily,
all of us together, as a New World society!"
Sunday afternoon, August 6, was a thrillin day for
those eonventioners. Yankee Stadrum war
87,195 persons. An additional 25,2W were on the side
walks and in nearby tents. Another 11397 were present
a t the trailer camp.
So I t wns that a total of 123,707 attended Brother
3Cnnrr's ohsorbing, widcly advertised public talk "Can
You LIvc ITorcver in I-Tnppincss on Earth?" That
logicnl, moving rliscourse gave aln le Scriptural proof
that there :,re persuns who ran llvc $orever m hnppmcss


on earth.


Another milestone in theocratic history was reached
in 1953. July 19-26 were days awaited anxiously by
Jehovah's people. From ninety-six lands outside the
United States they came, until thousands filled New
York city's Yankee Stadium. That eight-day-Iong Nerv
World Society Assembly furnished the world rnaxvelous
evidence of the international unity among Jehovah's
Chris tian witnesses.
Again, rooming accormnodatlons in prIvate homes
were obtained for thousands of convention delegaies.
Others stayed in hotels and another 45,000 lived a t

New World Society Trailer City, forty miles from the

stadium, near New Market, New Jersey. Incidentally,
Trailer City's market gave a local supplier a silent
witness about Christian honesty. Web. 13:18) Since
many Witnesses left for volunteer work at the stadium
before opening time and returned after these facilities
were closed f o r the clay, they helped themselves to
needed iierns and l e f t money in payment on unguarded
trays. R. D. Cantwell says: "This gentleman [the
supplier] was amazed to observe this and finally stated:
Mr. Cantwell, X can tell you this: You couldn't do
that in my church because you can't trust thcm.'"
That convention's international aspect was highlighted by ninety colorful banners strung around Ihe
fronts of the stadium's upper tier and mezzanine.
Delegates were greeted with phrases lib? thes:;
k t m s from Land of Cedars, Lebanon, and Christian AZuha from Hawaii." Each day also followed a
territorial tlleme, such as "North America Day'Qand
"Islands of the AtIanrfc Day."
In kee ing with the assembly theme, on July 20
Brolhcr k o r r nve the timely discourse "LLvlng Now
as a New W O I ~ : Society."
Recnlllng that allcmaon,
C . W. Barber wrrtes: "As the scores of thousnnrls were
thus gnthcrcd tagclher us n 'Ncw World socjcly,' the
golden opportunity presented itsclf to oblaln expressio2
of ihis glhralcrowd ns io its solidarity and oneness.
How so? Dy adopting a resolulion crystallizing the
realization of Jehovah's witnesses that they constitute
one united New World society. The resolution was
unanimously adopted by the 125,040 present a t the
stadium, in the ovcrflow tents and at Trailer City.

This grand assenlbly was sure t o be remembered for
a convention feature that Webster L. Roe calls "a
thriller!" Concerning that particular discourse, Roger
Morgan writes: "The ialk that most impressed me at
the 1953 assembly in Yankee Stadi~unwas Brother
Franz' lecture 'New World Society Attacked from the
Far North.' "
Truly, an a I a m was sounded on that Thursday
evening, July 23, 1953. The Society's vice-president,
F. W, Franz, painted a graphic picture of the coming
attack upon Jehovah's people by Gog of Magog and
his hordes. Gog, the prophecy's principal character, was
identified as Satan. And, Franz showed, the land of
Magog i s the location of the wicked spirit forces in a
limited spiritual realm near earth's vicinity following
their expulsion from heaven by 1918 (C.E,), (Rev, 12:7-9)

The speaker showed that the present prosperity, unity
and security of Jehovah's people would cause Gog and
his forces to attack. But through all this terrific stom
Jehovah would preserve the N e w World society. How
much the 112,7UO listeners appreciated this warning
and the admonition to keep trusting in Jehovah and
proclaiming the good news of his kingdom by Christ!

Delegates were in for a particularly movlng exerience on Sunday afternoon, duly 26. For N. H.
norr's public discourse "After Armageddon-God's
New World" 165,829 persons assembled inside Yankee
Stadium, in overAow tents and at TraiIer City, There
were 91,562 ersons in the stadium itself. Not long
before the puglic talk, gates were opened and thousands
fllcd in lo sit on the racs of the playing field. Additional thousands hoard &c &speechover iht* Society's radio
station WBI3R.
That absorbing hour passed qulckl and soon the
public talk was over. A coal breeze rezeshed the thousands who remained for the assembly's closing session,
Baaing his remarks on Psalm 145, Brother Knorr gave
an hour-long talk stressing the need to praise Jehovah,
exalt him as God, advertise Ilim as Universal Sovereign and make known his kingship. With thc Iyrlcs
of the song "Sing Triumpl-ial Praise!" and a closing
prayer, the greatest Christian assembly to that time
came to a happy ending.


W h e n the year 1958 is mentioned even now," wrote
Angelo C. Manera, dr., 'There is one b ~ gevent that
comes Into the minds of Jehovah's witnesses-the 'great
convention,' the Divine Will International Assembly
of Jehovah's Witnesses. What a convention!'' This
notable gathering brought together delegates from at
least 123 countries and island groups. At a lime of

strain in international relations, wth the threat of

war looming in the Middle East, Jehovah's people met
i n eace and unity at New York city's Yankee Stadium
an$ nearby Polo Grounds on July 27 to August 3,1958.
Far nearly two weeks before the convention Brother
Knorr met with over eighty of the Society's branch
overseers and tkeir assistants. They discussed the new
hook he had prepared on branch office rocedurc aftcr
personally inspecting the largest bran&, in Brooklyn,
the one for the United States. Other profitable meetings
were held with these men, as well as missionaries,
special pioneers and circuit and district overseers during the convention itself.


Something happened on Wehesday, July 30, that

moved Ernest Jansma to remark: "I am certmn its
magnitude will live Iong in the annals of theocratic
history." Indeed, nothing like it had happened since
Pentecost of 33 C.E.,in Jerusalem, when about 3,033
new followers of Jesus Chrlst were baptized on one
Clay. (Acts 2:41) Shortly after hearing the talk "Baptism
Accordin to the Divine Will," 7,136 persons (2,937
men an$: 4,199 women) were imrnerstld at Orchard

Beach, some miles away, thus symbolizing their dedication t o Jehovah God. This was t,he largest mass
baptism at on? location in modern tlmss.
At this grand gatherin the earthly paradise, thc
spiritual paradise and the %cavenly paradis-all three
were considered in thc discourse "Maintaining Our
Spiritual Paradise," given by Brother Knorr, After
Chis absorbing talk, the spealres related that missionaries
in ThaiIand had onm aslced whether the Society would
roduce a study publication, not refuting falsehood,
Eut sett@g forth just the t r u e Biblical leaching. To
meet thew need and that of Christians everywllere,
lie saicl, the Society had produccd the new book &'TOY?&
Para,dise Loat to P a r a d i ~R~~ g a f n a dWdlteti
in simple
language and rofusely ilIuslrated, t h e Prrrarlise boolr
11as been a deeght lo young nntl old nlilcc. "A whole
generation of cllilrlren has rown up flqcring the
P a ~ n d i s ebook," says Gram
Fstep, "carrying i t to
meetings with them, sharlng it wilh their litllu plnvmates, being able lo relatc, lqng before they were old
enough to read, a whole series of Bible stories just


from the pictures!'

Saturday, August 2, was " B u r Will Come to Pass"

Day. That afternoon the Society's prcsldent gave the
stirring discousst; "Let Your Will Come to Pass," after
which he thrilled his audience of 175441 by announcing
release of the new book "Yozar Wil'I Be Done OH Earth."
How the delegates yearned to robe its explanation of
grol,heeies, especially those in &e book of Dnnlol!

How might one describe what took place at: the

Divine Will International Assembly on Sunday, August
3? A prinlecl convention report sald of it: "What a
witness i o Jehovah!" That it was indeed. "Sunday was
a day that no one who was at the assembly could
ever farget," says Edgar C. Kennedy. ' T h e gatherhg
for the public talk at Yankee Stadium was a sight
to behold. morn where we sat we could see the continuous stream of people corning into the stadium,
filling the stands and overflowing onto the field, being
seated on the grass in orderly sections. To all watching,



it was an overwhelming exhibition of the 'great crowd'

coming to the side af Jehovah's anointed remnant to
join them in praising his name, doing his 'Divine Will.'
We thank God that we could be a part o f that crowd.
As the stadium was being filled lo capacity, the same
thing was hap enin at the Polo Grounds. kt 3:00 p.m.
there was a {ushe8 silence among the more than a
quarter of a million psopIe present as the chairman
rose to introduce the speaker, N. H. Knorr, president
of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societ and to
announce the subject o f his talk, 'God's ~ l n g & r nRules
--Is the World's End Near?",
That vast crowd numbered 253,922! Judging from
Friday's large audience, there must have been some
60,000 of t h e public present. During that hour multitudes

heard convincing S!:riplural roof that God's kingdom

had been ruling sincc 1914
and that the world's
end is near.



To educate people for life and to advance the
earthly interests of God's kingdom, it was imperative
that the very Rook having the Kingdom theme be made
readily available to the people. For years Brother
Rnorr had fell that way. In fact, while working a t
the Sodety's factory he long had in his desk certain
material that could be used to rint a complete Bible,
but circumstances had not devefoped in such a way as
t o make it ossible to go ahead with this idea, After
becoming t{e Society's president, however, Brothor
Knorr lost na time in making this thought a reality.
Important, too, was the producing of low-cost Bibl~s,
so t h a t pcopIc In general,could obtain and read coples
of Gad's Word.
When N. H.Knorr spoke on the subject "Rxeresenting
'the Sword of the Spirit,"' back in 1942 a t the New
World Theocratic Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses
in Cleveland, Ohio, he identifled the Bible as the greatest offensive weapon, the "sword of the spirit." (E 11.
6:17) In essence, he expressed the thoughts of ~ehovax's
servants In general: 'If we could onIy find the text we
want, we could hold off our opponents we could comf o r t those that mourn, we could rnalre ;irnple to others
with abundance of proof, the things so clear t o us. ~f
we only had a Bible with helps wherein we couId
find qulckly what we need!'
There was such a provision made at this assemblyt h e new Watch Tower edition of the King James VETsion, the first complete Bible ever printed on the
Society's o w n presses. Months of study by more than
150 collaborating servants of Jehovah had resulted in



compiling, as part of this publication, a concordance

specially designed for use by God's people in their
preaching work. As James W. Fflson says, this Bible
"filled a real need!' ' V e needed i t ourselves; we needed
it also to place with the people in our territories. . . .
It was fine to have a good, lnexpenslve Bible to place
with them for only $1.00. To this day it xs the only
Bible in many homes of people not in the truth."
Brother Knorr had another basic thought in mind.
That was the preserving of Jehovah's name in a11
languages, There was a translation of the BibIe that
used the divine name in the Hebxevr Scriptures. It was
the Arne?+icwngta?zdarcZ Var~ion.The Society purchased
the use of plates to prlnt this Bible, and the greatly
ap reciated Watch Tower edition became avniIahle to
ddghtod conventioners at the United Announcers'
Theocratic Assembly of 1944. 'We used this Biblc extensively on our return visits and Bible studies," remarks Edgar C. Kennedy.


Partlrmlarly since 1946 had the Society's resident

sought n modern-speech translation of the 8hristian
Greek Scriptures that would furnish the basis for
gaining yet further tmth by faithfully presenting the
sense of the original wrI1ings. When Brother Knom
s oke t o an audience ef 82,07:5 during the int~rnalional
&eocracyis Increase Assembly on August 2, 1950, hc
reported that at Brooklyn Bethel on September 3, 1949,
there had been a joint meeting of the hoards of directors
of the Penns lvania and New York corporations, only
one director {Ging absent, a t which time he announced
the existence 01 a "New World Bible Translation Committee." It had completed and turned over to the
pesst;ssion and control of -the Watch Tower Bible and
Tract Society Pennsylvania corporation, a translation
of the ~ h r i s h a nGreek Scriptures. The factory force
began tvorklng on the first of the manuscript on
September 29, 1949.
That afternoon, August 2, 1950, Brother Knorr had
the deIight of releasing to very thrilled conventioners
the N e w World Translation of t!te Christian Gm8&
r5miptursa in English. It was no revision of some earlrer
Bible translation. It was brand new! The New World
Bible Translation Committee had used Ihe noted
master Greek text by scholars Westcott and I-Iort,
while also consulting Greek EibIe texts prepared by
others. Archaic words like ''thee" and "thou" had not
been used. This Eible was in modern speech, readily
understood by present-day English readers.
Especially noteworthy was the use of the divine



name 'lJehovah" 237 times 3n the main text o f the
NFW World TransZation of the Chdsthlz meek Scri
tu~ea.The Translation Committee's foreword clear&
presented the valid grounan for usin the Name. Many



The abiding desire to get the Ward of God in the
hands of the people has continued among Jehovah's
servants through the years. Tlierefore, Bibles of man
types haw bocorno available. For example, the 1 9 d
"Everlasting Good News" Assmhly of Jehovah's Wit-

the people has been the motivation behind other Bibleprinting activities. Thus in 1972 the Watch Tower SOciety produced T k a Bible in IIiving English, by the late
Steven T. Bylngton. I I consistently renders the Hebrew
Tetragrammaton as "Jehovah:"
Sincc 1950 millions of copres o f the New World
Xra.;zslafiort have been distributed throughout the earth,
many of them in En lish. Greatly appreciated, therefore, was the ~orn~re%erssiq!e
Concordance of the NEW
W e r f d Translatiott of ths Holy Bcr~ptu~ss,
released in
1973, with some 14,700word headings and ahout 333,200
entries. Many members of the-Broolrlyn Rcthcl family
worked industriously at cornpilrng it, proofreading it,
and so l a r t l t Certainly, with this rovlsion much time
1s being saved in loeating d e s i r e f ~ i h l etents.
Today, the yew Iyorirrl Tr~ttsEat3on of the Holy
Xcrapfwree IS available m Its entrrety in seven languages,
and the Christian Greek Scriptures in one other tongue.
Also, work i s under way on the Christian Greek Scrip.
tures in four other languages. In English the regular
cdition of the New Wnvlcl Tranalrrtiolz of llle whole
Rible is still available f o r $1.00 a copy, and tho equivalent is all Ihnt is being received in foreign currencies
for this excellent translalion of the Bible in other
languages, \my such a low cost? So that the IToly
Scrlptures ma reacli the hands of the people, that the
honest<hearledramong them may read and acce t it,
#'not as the word of men, but, just as it t r u t h f u h is,
as the word of God."-1 Thess. 2:13.
More than three decades have passed since one of
the Society's pressea rolled 03 the first: copy of the
IVatdl Tower editiqn of the King James Versio.rt.
During the latervemng ears, many dedicated hands
have worked +lipcntiy ro get copies of God's Word
t o the people in ever-~ncreasingnumbers. Why, from
1942 through the 1974 service year, 28,533,890 copies
of the Scrlptures, the whole or a part, have bccn
produced at the Society's Brooklyn printing plant.
And it m a y surprlse you to know that during 1074
as many as fifteen rotary presses of the Watchtower
Society in Brooklyn were bdng used full time to
print Bibles.
Coupled with this tremendous production of Bibles
has been the publishing of millions of Bible study
dds. All of them-like "All S c ~ i p t u ~1se Inspimd of
Bod and BcneWal" and Aid to Bible ITnderstawd~ng-

were the fine features of the New fhorird ?'r&fi.nalatiot&.

In time, the New World Tra+trrlaZiolt had profound
effects upon the speech of Jehovah's people in general.
For instance, instead of "brethren," it used "brothers,"
and so God's servants began using the modern term.
(Rom. 1:13) Also, early in 1953 the word "congregation," employed in the iVw World Trcdfislntlofi, supplanted "corn any" as a word used with reference to
a congregatef group of God's people-Compare Ads
20: 17; Colossians 4 : 15, N e w World l'ranslniio?~.
Through the years, flve volumes of the Bovu World
5?ranslatfan o i Ilw Xlcllrew S ~ l ' i p t t ~ rwere
e ~ prepared,
then wlcnsed at assemblies of God's people. During
thcir 1061 United Worshipers District Assemblies, Sehovalz's Christian witnesses were especially overjoyed
to receive the complete one-volume edition o$ the
New WorJb Translation of the IZoly ffcripture8. Incidentall by this time their numbers had risen to
965,169 gingdom proclaimers earth wide. Surely, Jehovah had been blessing their efforts. By his holy
spirit, God was m ~ l r i n gthings grow.-1 Cor. 3:6, 7.

nesses was marked by the release of a pocket-shed

edition of the revised 1961 EnglIsh flew Wor7d Trafiulch
Zion of tlm H o l y B c ~ p t u r e sAnother
English rcbase was
the valuable large-print original edition, bound in one
volume, cornplele with cross-xefexences, footnotes and
an extensive appexidu~. But ust imagine ltle delight
of Italian, Dutch, Frehch, k r r n a n , Pduguese and
Spanish convcnlioners as they received the newly released New World Yranslatioa of the Christian Greek
Scripture8 in their native languages! "Bravo! 23~nvi.u.
simo!" exclaimed an Italian-speaklng delegate. A
German conventioner said: "What an opportunity for
Jehovah's witnesses to awaken the interest that the
Germans once had in the Bible!" Later, the completc
N e w World Translathn became available in t h e aforementioned languages.
Printed releases of the ''Divine Name" Dlstdct Assemblics of 1971 Included the 1971 large-print revised
cdition of the New World P~anslatiolz of the Holy

in English. And for those desiring to make

a scholarIy ap roach to the study of the Scriptures,
there is the 1,&4-~agevolume entitled .'The Kingdom
Interlrnear Translation of the Greek Scrlptures," published In 19G9.
The continuing desire to keep Jehovah's name before




have helped to make industrious BibIc students and

competent theocratic proclaimers of the good news
out of thousands of persons from many walks of life.
And, since some persons have doubted the authenticity
of the Scriplures, earnest efforts have been made to
prove that these are indeed of divine origin. Notable
in this regard is the 102-page hook Is the Bible R e d l y
the Word of God? with a printing of ever 13,768,000
in 21 languages. This 1969 publication of the Society
masterfully shows that ihe BibIc's truthfulness does
not depend on evidence uncovered by arehaeologfsts,

as though the Scriptures were in



needing aid from worldly "authorit~es."~ a t l e r ,the

boolt's weighty points are argued from the standpoint
of the Bible's strength, based on its own powerSul
testimony, its masnn~~blenessand the fact that it
answers questions that othriwlsc remain unanswered.
"It came at a time wl~en tllc c l ~ r g ywere becornin?
more o~~tspoken
in their efforts to discredft the Bible,'
comments Webster L. Roe, "and served to brace up
the sagging fai.tll of? many to the point of making a
sincere study of the Bible.''
Jehovah's witnesses are not peddlers of God's Word.
(2 Cor. 2:17) They sincerely advocate it and personally
believe It. That is why they are firm in their adherence
to God's Iaw o n blood. In fact, they have become
known the world around for their loyal compliance
with God's decree that blood should not be eaten or
talren into one's system to sustain the body's vital
forces. (Acts 15:2R, 29) Even when 1,ife seems imperiled, Christians repeatedly have sald, in essence,
lIvc or dfc, wc belong to Jehovah.'-Itom. 14:7, 8.
The sanctlty of bIood was highlighted in The Watch
Tower of December 15, 3927, A m o n g other things, its
article "One Reason f o r God's Vengeance" said: "God
told Noah that every living creature should be meat
unto him; hut that he musl not eat the blood, hecause
the life i s in the blood!' Years later, The Watchtower
(December 1, 1944) stated: "Not only as a descendant
of Noah, but now abo as one bound by God's law to
Israel . . the stranger was forbidden to eat or drink
blood, whether by transfusion or by the mouth. IGen.
9 : 4 ; Lev. 17:10~14)" In succeeding years, matters be
came even clearer.
The W a t c M o w ~
of~July 1,1945,clarified the Christian
position on blood. Among other things, it pointed out
that, though bIood transfusion dates back to the ancient
Egyptians, the earliest reported case was a futile attempt to save the life of Pope Innocent VIU in 1492,

an o eration that coat the fives of three youths. More

slgnixcantly, this issue of The Watchtower showed
that God's law on blood as given to Noah is binding
upon all mankind and that Christians are required
to abstain from blood. (Acts 15:28, 29) Summarizing,

The Watchtower said:

"Seeing, then, that the Most High and HaIy God
gave plain instructions as to the disposition of blood,
m harmony with his everIasffng covenant made with.
Noah and all his descendants; and seeing that the
only use of blood that he authorized in order to furnish
lift. to lrumankind was the use of it as a propitiation
or atonement f u r sin; and seeing that it was to be
done upon his holy altar or at his mercy seat, and not:
by taklng such blood directly into the human body;
therefore it behaovcs all worshipers of Jehovah who
seek eternal life in his new world of ri I~teousnes~
to respect the sanctity of blqod and to con?orm themselves ?
: God's righteous ruhngs concerning this vital
The Christian's stand on blood transfusions had
now bcen clearIy defined. Samuel Muscariello was
confronted with a test of his integrity on this matter.
Blosco MuscarielIo tells us: "Shortly after getting out
o f grtson [where he was confi~~cd
for his Christian
neutralityl, m y younger brother, Samuel, contracted
the kind of strep tl~rontthat rcsulls in uremic poisoning. Thc doctors prescribed an ogcralion-with hlood
tr'ansfusions, of course-giving; him two ears at the
most to live without the operation ang the blood.
Sam wallced out on them. This was fn the year 1947.
. . . Besides the Watchtower statement [one that they
had particularly noted], the words of Cvisiiingl Brother
Fullivan at the prison kept rlnglng in our ears
the laklng of blood i s wxong! In exactly two years, Sam
was taken back to the hos ital, dying. Under pressure,
1 went t o kis bedside an! said, 'Sam, they want to
give you blood! Half drugged, half conscious, he tded
to get out of bed [to avoid receiving blood, which
never was administered to him1 . . our family,
though saddened [+byhis dcathl, was strengthened by
Sam's clear thinking- and mtealrty
- to Jehovah even
until death."
In the early 1950's an issue develo~edover the rcfusal of ~ehbvah's witnesses to accgpt blood trans.
fusions. On April 18, 1951, the state went to court In
Chicago, Illinois, to take a child awa from its parents
so that doctors might give it a h o d transfusion.
Six-day-old Cheryl L,abrenz was said to have a rare
condirion in which hcr red blood cells were being
destroyed. According to the doctors, she would die if
she did not receive a blmd tsanafuaion. As Christian




witnesses of Jehovah, her parents, Darrell and Rhoda

Labreenz, correctly viewed blood transfusion as a violation of God's law and thus opposed it. They were concerned abaut their baby's eternal welfare, for everlasting life is the prospect on1 of those adhering to
Cod's Iaws. But by corlrt order h o o d was administered
to Cheryl despite her parents' protesta.
The Labrenz case was but an early chapter in what
has become a lengthy narrative. F o r more than two
decades now Jehovah's witnesses have been in the
spotlight because they have shown res ect for God's
law on blood. Marie M. Greetham semernters well what
happened to her brother, Dan Morgan. A terminal
utzncer patient, i l ~ r e etimes he was discharged irorn a
veterans hospitnl in New York city bccause he staunchly refused to accept blood transfusions. When admitted
a fourlh lime, he still refused to acce t blood. Sister
Gredharn tells us: "This happened in &st
1951 and
Dan died in October 1951 at the a e of fifty-four. Dan
was so peaceful and happy. Just four days before ho
died, he explained to another sister how, very soon,
he would close his eyes, but he was happy because he
had been faithful and his reward was great, being
one of the 'little flock' of Christ's followers,"-Luke
12:32; Rev. 2:10,
But is death inevitable because a person rejects a
blood transfusion? Certainly not! Consider the case
of Gladys Bolton. She was told by her doctor that
she had an aneurysm in the main artery leading to her
spleen and that the spleen would have to be removed.
She agreed to the operation on the condition ihat no
blood transfusions would be administered to her.
Though surprised, the doctor listened to her ex lanaiion
and noted that she would not object to a 'b!ood substitute! I-Ie agreed to operate without using blood and
this was done on M a y 21, 1959. Before it was possibIe
to remove the spleen, however, the artery ruptured
and Sister Bolten lost over 70 percent of h ~ rblood.
Though doctors and nurses in Zhe operating room were
calling for blood, her doctor held to his promise. She
was unconscious for two wmks and in an oxygen tent
for three, suffering one complication after another,
but the doctor' was very attentive and gradually Sister
Bolton improved; She writes: "One day when we were
alone, he said: Mrs. Bolton, don't ever give up your
God Jehovah, From all medical history and records
should be dead right now. Nodone has ever l o ~ t
hat much blood and Ilvedl' I: repbed: 'Doctor Davls,
I have no intentions of giving up Jehovah, but Jehvah'a witnesses don't teach divine healing today.
WE appreciate good doctors and nurses, and all of
you have worked hard to keep me alive. However, be-



cause we obeyed Jehovah's command concerning blood

all of us have been blessed! He seemed happy with
my reply and thanked me." Sister Bolton was dip
missed from the hospital on July 1, 1959.


Through the years, Jehovah God has gradously

made bountiful provision for tliose who wish to adhere
to his law on blood. In this constant flow of spiritual
aid must be included the 64-page booklet Blood, Mcd4ciao alzd the Law of God published iy 1961. Have you
used it to discuss this wfal subject with your doctor?
Jehovah's servants know that if they 'are to enjoy
divine favor the must engage in clean, undefiled worship. (Jas. 1:2'7) %hey need to be morally and spiritually
clean, (Isa. 52:U; I Cor. 6:9-11)Properly, such points
have been stressed b means of assembly talks, Watchtowor articles, and @
likeLespedallydurlng relatively
recent years as the world in general bas sunk deeper
and deeper into the marass of moral degradatron.
In 1951,advocates of true worship learned something
significant about the tern '%elfgion,"Some of them
could well recall 1938 when, at: times, they carried
the thought-pmvokin~;sign "ReliHon Is a Snare and
a Racket." From t h m slnndpolnt then, all "religion"
was unchdstian, from the Devil. Rut The WaCcTztoww
of March 15, 1951, approved of using the ~iijectives
"true" and "false" respecting rdipjon. Furthermore, the
absorbing book What Iias ReZigiow Done for Man%dl?
(published i n 1951 and released durlng the
"Clean Worsldp" Assembly at PYembley Stadium,
London, England) had this to say: "Taken according
t o the way it is used, 'religion' in its simplest definition
means a syslern of worship, a form of worship,
without regard to whether it is true or false worship. This agrees with the m@anhg of the Hebrew
word for it, 'aboh.dhh, which l~terallymeans 'service',
regardless of to whom it I s rendered." Thereafter,
the expressions "false religion" and "true religion"
became common ainong Jehovah's witnesses.
God's people were determined to practice .true re&ion and to remain morally and spiritually clean
for Jehovah's service. Particularly was t h u emphasized
in The Watchtowe?' of March 1, 1952, containing the
highly significant articles "Keeping the Organization
Clean," "Propriety of Disfellowshiping" and "Sin
Making Reinstatement Impossible." This journal showed
that it was proper to expel an unrepentant baptized
wrongdoer from the Christian congregation. I 1 Cor.
5:l-13) I f the sinner later repented, I t was pointed
out, reinstatement was possible,--2 Cor. 2:G-U.



Thfs was not the first time h

Watchtower had
mentioned expulsion of unrepentant: sinners from the
congregation, From 1952 onward, however, the need
to maintain the spirlhal cIeanliness of the Christian
congregation was especially stressed. The passing of
years also brought increasing awareness that merciful
treatment of repentant ones was essential. (Jas. 2:J+i
Oflen, therefore, overseers have brought about spxr.
itual restoration of erring ones before matters have
deteriorated to the point that expulsfon from the
can regation was required.-Gal. 6:l.
~ L i s t i a n s do not associate with disfellowshiped
persons in a spirit of brotherhood. Nor do they tolerate
wickedness among therns~lves.But what i f disfellowshiped inclivlduals f ~ r s a k etheir wrong course? I-Iighly
pertinent to I h a t question are the arlicles "Divine
Mercy Points tl~cWay Rack for Erring Ones" and
"Mnintainlng n Ralanocd Viewpoint Toward Disfellows'liiped Ones," appearing in The Watchto?t?frof August
1, 1974, These show that such disfclIowsh~pedpersons
can be given real encouragement to get reestablislled
on the road to l i e .
Playing no small role in keepfng the organization
clean have been a number of as~emblytalks. Far
instance, E. E. Reusch especially mentions the 1964
assembly discourse "Keeping the Organization of PubIic
Servants Pure, Chaste," as delivered by F. W, Franz.
Says Brother Reusch: "He illustrated a
of easy virtue as being like a dirty towel n a pu llc
washroom, Frank, straight language on morals spelled
things out in plain talk. . . . what marvelous tirningwise counsel in preparation f o r the avalanche-lilre clecline of morals since then!"
The flow of sound Scriptural counsel has continued
unabated through lhe years. Spiritually speaking, the
publications have shown Jehovah's people the propcr
way In which to walk.

A further notable step in advancing the king do^ witness marked the 1957 "Life-giving Wisdom" Drstrict
Assemblies. WI-ites Made Gibbard: "At thIs time we
first heard the expression 'serve where the nccd i s
great' Families could, in effect, do missionary-like ser\*ice. This was a new concept in service that opened
doors of opportunity to individuaIs and families who
could not take advantage of Gilead 2chool training
and enter tlze formal missionary fleld.
Many Christians who have moved lo places ln the
United States or abroad where the need for Klngdom
pmachers was greater than in their former con
gations have been able to encourage and upbuild *elf%
believers, aid new ones to gain knowIcdge o f God's
truth or even share in the establishment of a congregniion.




During the 1950's pronounced effortswere made to
expand the work of declaring the Kingdom message,
Tn fact, a very significant s h was taken in 1951,
Speaking at an assembly In Sashington, DOC., fn
October 1951 Brother Knorr disclosed that nearl 50
percent of the counties in the United States (!,469
out of 3,062) were completely unworked or were
receiving on1 a partial witness. But this \vould change.
Regular pubishers and pioneers would be assigned to
work in these territories durfng June, July and August
of 1952,This met with an enthusiastic response. Similar
work in isolated territories has been carried on lap to
our present time.



"Everyone should be able to preach the good news
from house t o house," declared Brother Knorr, citlng
that as a primary objective among Christians, H e
made that remark on July 22, 1953, at the international
New World Society Asscmbly. Jehovah's wil nf-ssrzs had
honograph recordin~s anti tcsilmony cards to
thc gooti news in ycms past, Ilul that was not
ing done now. Yet i11erc W:IS a need for more
training. As hc spoke on the subject "Principal Work
of All Sewants, Brother Knol.1- announced a new
house-to-house training program. Circuit and district
servants (overseers) would have much to do with it,
but all appointed servants In the congregations would
render aid so that each Kingdom publisher might be.
come a regular door-to-door procIaimer of the good
news. While visiting a congregalion, the circuit ser-

vant would select expeflenced house-to-housepreachers

to work with new and Inexperienced ones in the train.
ing program. This far-reaching provision for qualifying
more Christian witnesses had its start on September 1,
1953, and soon was in full swing.
"The training program . . was a very fine thing,"
says James W. Filson. "Some who were timid were
helped to reach out. Some who felt that they could da
only one thing, such as magazine work, were helped
ta try t o have a part in other features*[of God's sep
vice]. In tryhg to help others, many mproved therr
own abilities."


Christians must be qudified to wield "the sword
of the spirit, that Is, God's word." (Eph, 6:17) Ln tMs,

the training program was of great aid. With the paasinp:
of time, vanous outlines for suggested three- to ~ f g h t *

rntnute house-t+house sermons and tcn. to flttcenminatc sermons for use on return vIsIfB wcre published
by the Watchtower Society in the monthly sor\,lrc
instruction bulletin I*:nformant and Its surcpssor I r ' l ~ f p
dom M i n i s f r y . Some NTitnesses later fount1 it easlclno r
more convenient to use short sermons hascd on o t ~ c
scripture, sucl~as Isaiah 2:4 or John 17:3.
To Walter R. Wissm+ the giving of Rlhle Blennons
In house-tohouse witnessing and on return vIsirs "was
n milrstone in our theocratfc regress." I n c r r a ~ i n ~ l y
the p~lhlicidentifled God's peo
wit11 the 13111lr. 11. D.
C ~ n t w ~ remarks:
"It wasnf Ion[: unt ll t hrre wos
hcnrrl loss and IPSS 0f the nl(l chnri:c nt I h t ? rlrror thnt
J c l ~ o v n I ~ 'wjtnessea
wcrc 'book s:iIcsmcn.""
"What a grand improvement we havc made in our
house-lo-house service!" exclaims Myrtle Strain. "No
mow is there need of a card to hand Ihe peoplc to rend
or a need to play a record, or to go In nud spend
nn hour telling them the whole outline of God's l t r h
pose. Now we have dl learned how to ~ l Rv s h~ r t
sermon at the door, well prepared with ;i set theme,
h~clccdup by two or three po~ntedscriptures. W e cnn
use many sIlort sermons, all based on Importnnt, timely
scriptures. Moreover, w e are nnxlous to rllanwI lit! ho~rueholdor out in the conversation." Whel h ~ rnccrp t lng
tllr message or not, people tlius have been g i v m a
While Jehovah's witnesses were h o m i n g more pra.
Hei~ntin udng Ihe Holy Scripturrs nt the drmrs of
thc people, thrg had lost none of the ficr Pnthustasm
f hat hnd characterired their aellvlt ies o r past years.
l'llus, cnrly in 1955. Jehovah's wlrncsscs fcarlcssly
rlrclawtl a message that exposed a false splrIt11a1I i ~ h t .
On Sunday, April 3. 1955, a bold praclumatlon o l

was delivered against Chrl~lendom, ~ n d ,

n fact, the entire system of false religion. This was
donc by the simuItaneous deliver 01 n public ncIdrcss
i,y Christian speakers in many &.nglmgd!r t l~roitgl~ot~f
tile earih. That powerful lecture entitlcd "Cl~rlstehrlorn
or Chrjslianity-Which One Is 'the Light of thc WorlB'?"
was heard by over a half million persons.
Jehovah's servants were eager t o Ict the people know
that Christendom is a false light. Irl time, the Watch
Tower Socjcty met the great d m a n d for this message
In booldet l o r n by publishing 22,000,OOD coplcs in
thirty languages. Eager to share in its distribution
thousanrl~of new pubIishers particlpatcd in the field

service for the flrst time d u r i n ~Aprll 1955. That month
an all-rime peak of 625,256 1Clnp;dom publishers was
reached throughout t h e wnrltl. In late July 1955, Jehovah's witnmscs mnlIed lel2ers and these f i m f u l
booklets te clergymen nnd cdilors.

'THE WORDw-WO 18 3 1 E P
The expM3ure of Chl'lstendnrn'~f n I ~ eHght c&ainly
was not to the Hking (if many clor~ymvn,but they
had not received thrir Inal 1311bSRAE(! rrnnl JP~~QVR~I's
witnesses. Not by any m ~ n n s !M a n y rlerirs welr dcnyling the divine Insplrnr Ion of tl~cI Joly Scrlplures. Oll~ers
claimed to advocatc the Rlbla, hut wcrc Icachlng Goddishonorill dod rines. TIic 'l'rln It y wnn nmmg thcse
false teaehngs. In this mgonl--whether they lilted
il: or n o t ~ c l e r f c got
s ii rnessnjir! from JC~OVEIII'S

tlan witnesses late in 1862.

It came in the farm of a CEtlqxips booklet entitled
"'*TheWorc1'-Who Is 1 3 ~ 7Accordtna t o John'' In I t
the Trinity doctrine was cx osed as hctng false beyond
denial. The booklet war rc&dulerl lor spwlnl dlstdhltian during Novemhcr 1962. Not only dld Kingdom
procIaim~rsoflcr I t fn thclr horist?-to-hous~
work. They
mailed each Protestant nnd Cnthnlic cler yman a
copy, along with n covering lcttcr drreprre! by the
Watchtower Society. T;us n trrrnr:n ous witness was
given, identifying the Word" or J o l ~ n1:l aR helng,
not God, hut thp Son of God, Jesus Christ, in his prehuman existence,


Contributing measurabl t o the rfevelopment of
needed Christian rournge &r the preaching work have
bwn the regular asscrnblles Of God's people. Some of
them have k e n unusual In a parlicular. rpspect. They
have been assemblies on the mow, w1tI1 somc delegates
IraveJing from place to place, even around thc world.
What a uniCying effcct such gatherings have had!
Christians in one lantl may read of the experiences
and activities of their fellow brliwers in o t h ~ rcoun.
tries. Eut to maet them nn8 sti:lre tfielr companyeven when langungc! bnrrirrs cxlst--is trllly a rewarding experithnc+c.
TIiou~11thcy mny he m~nblfi to
communicale in iha snmr! tonl:utb, whrn God's people
of different natiat~al r a ~ ~ drnolnl hnclqrounds meet
together they do speak nne i n n g u ~ ~ :thr
~ , "pure language" of truth thnt Gotl ha8 j:~*nciously glvcn to all
those on earth who Iovr! him.-Xcph. 3:9.
Noteworthy among conventlonr; on the move was
the 'mumphant Kingdom" Asscmbly of Jel~ovah'rr
Witnesses during 1955. In but Zen wmks thlrteen as.



sembUes were held in the United Stntrs and abroad.

and many delegates journeyed to the varlous gather-

I n ~ s .One pubI~cation said tirat this W A S '"prbabl

tllc biggest mass rnarerncnt of An~ericr~nstllraugk'
Ja:uropr. s i ~ l c ethe Allied invasion (Iurlng Wurld War 11."
't't~r! IVntsh Tower Society had cbl~:trtercrlfurtptwo
plmir!s ;~ndIwu steamships (tlic Alhrssa XCuIrn and the
Armn Sln~.). These ships actually wrrt? Ilontlng convcnl ion linlls because spirilually upbulltllng xoarnms
wcrc arranged an them daily Sor Ihc hcnctt of the

One of Lhe Euro n assembly locations was the

7rppellnwiese in x e m b e r g , w h@rc 107,423 persons
g:athrrctl. " W e in Amerira wrtr ovc.~rJoycd," says
c.. dnrnrH W(~odworth,"to lrnrn i l ~ n In
t t l ~ tvv
I llnr. l liTcr I ~ n dscreamed 'nnnthi l i l t tonm Tor d%vahPs
1vI1 II(-s!:(*H, fhi~sc Christlnn ~>cuplr!Irttcl tllr! lnl-gest o t
11 l l 1Z1lail~ 'Tri~~mphitnt
Kingrtorn' Asseml,llcr;! Wllerr
wns I li(lcr?"

For Jehovah's people, something ver stgnlfIcan1

began in Milwauhec, L3Gsconsin, on ,Tun,:
nltd cndcd
on Sc temkr 8, 1963, in Pasadena, Ualifo~nla. This
"Everiasting Good Ncws" Asrcrnllly of Jeliovrth's Wltncsses-actually un arwund-tlic-world conven-


tion h ~ l din over twenty-four c i l l ~ s In

. a l l 583 delegates
toolc n whidwind tour around the g l ~ h d . ~ f i various
trnvelcra, tnlting slightIy diffel-cnt roulea, nssemblcd
wltlt th~ulngs a fcllow believers in such dtjes as
J,ondo~i, Stuckholm. Munich, J~ruaaleni, New Delhi,
l i n ~ ~ g o n nIfi~nglcok,
I long ICong,
Illirnilr~, Sroul a n d Honolul~r.
Slrrny ttc~lc~ates
to the London assembly visited the
R ~ ~ l t l sM
Z i~l x r u n ~ .There, among other things, they saw
t tic N:~hnnlrlusChronicle, which helps to dnte J3ahy10n9s
fnll 111 5013 I3.C.E. Intcrcsting, ton, wna n clay liver,
u s 4 Cor 11Ivination in Bal~ylunlnnrellglon.-.Compare
I ~ z e k i ~22:21.
Conventloners who journeyed t o Rible lands vlsited
many sltcs of Biblical significance. When they saw the
fnrned crdars of Lebanon, the plains of Monb or the
Ynlley of Z-linnom, their apprerintinn of ~ o d $Word
wns enhanced.
FVhen traveling mnventtoncrs re~chedthe Far East,
they saw there, as elsewhere, cflects o f Bawlon's
rcliglous InHucnce. At Wat Po In nnn kok, delegates
srkw n phallic symbol, bcf01.c which t n r r e n women
~r'ayetlIn hopes of having childmn. Mur.:tI~ srwn in
)lurldhlst Wilt Sakhet, aIsa h t h a t city. ci~,lcirrl both
NIrvnna nnd a he11 of torment. The slrn~larifIca between
Dante's Inferno and what uonventloners sotv clcpjcted



here made the mrnmon origin of the two religious

ideas unrniatakable.
Observing such 'features of false worshF gave added
m~anlngto the stirrfng assembly t nllc ll%xccation of
Divinc Jtitlpcnt upon EaIse Reli ion," Durlng that
dlsroursr! Ilstmcrs were taken bacE I o nndcnt Bnbrl
(!lnhylon). Whcn Gocl canPused tlrc lnngungc! of thnE
a t y ' s tower I)uilrlers, they moved to Other lnlltis, carry.
Ing t11rir untsl~nnreligion wlth lhcm. It tnmc t e he
pracE3ced In various languages, and thus a world emplrc of false reli ion came into exlstmcc. nrttause of
11s orff:in in 13abykn, the Biblp hooli *I Rcrelnt inn terms
i t "Bnhylon the Great" (Rev. 18:2j It was 3n conncction
wlth t l ~ n tmoving discourse that
r~crivrvlt l new
~ ~ 704pagc English
I:rrpnt I l m PttE7cn!" God's Kiv!jdorn Rfclr.ul Ac t u ~ l l y
two volumes in one Its first srctlon cunsltlcrs nnciunt
B ~ h y l o n ~relatbnsfiip
with Yehavah'~ peu le; Part
7'wo includes a verse-byverse a~~alysis
of lfevdation


r611nptrss 14.22.


tthc months foIIowing the aafiemthy, n 4l1ought~rovokln motion picture was rornplrt rrl tly the Societ
"ln~plrlng!'' " R ~ v c i ~ l l n"g ! shocki in^.
t-cnctiona to thls iwo-l~our-lent! cr~los
motion plclurc "I~ruclaimlng'Evrrln!:rln~(:oocl Ncws'
Arountl the World." This ff 1~11 I('il(~~t'llS
1 IIC ~Iolje.
1963 "Everlasting Good Ncws" Asscn?hlies,
wlrcre a totnl of 580,5q? atllcrcd lu henr ihr! ant..
s l n ~ ~ d l n lpublic
lecture &en
God 1s KInl: ovrr All
t h c Earth." Rut this movie is no mere trnr~elogue, It
shclws clearly thnt a city new In ruins affects t h e lives
of mlllIons today. Rmrn that city-anclvnt 33ahylantiavr sprung symbols and ceremonlcs t h t tuivc per.
n~cnledUlc wny of life of nearly nll enrth's inllnl>Itarlts.
Unrlerscnt.ed is the urgency of abandoning I3nbylo11
Ihc Grr:11. Depicted are the warmth nnrl love nf [rue
Christians, RS dispIayed at their assemhlica around the
world. Vjcwers can see that there la a n organization
wlth which one should assodate upon etting out of
tile Crest. Accordingly, lovers aFrjgllteourness
are utngerl to abandon the worlrl rk~npirco f false re.
I l ~ i o n and associate with worshfpcrs of dc tlovah.
RcV. lR:4, 5.



B 1963 the Watch Tower Soclety had been using

mogiern-day motion pictures for a decndc as visual
alds In making disciples. Why, followlng the 1953 in.
ternaf-lonal assembly the Sockty released the engrossing movie 'The New World Soc4cty In Action!'
It was 111e flrst motion picture produced by the Society




shce the t'Photu-Drama~nearly forty yearn em1ter.

Thls hour-and-ttoenty-mlnute
ffIm proved to be a mighty
Instrument in acquainting viewers with the ma~niltlde
of God's earthly argani7ation, Elie trernenrtous r~mounr
of work turned out. by the Bethel family, Zllu nciivity
af Jehovah's witnesses in general, thclr lnrgc conv~ntfons and the smooth and ~lficlcnlway In wl~Icll
the New World society was functioning. I T . A. Cantwell
states: "This was a wonclerful m m n s of helping
newly interested persons to sce just how larjic ;mtl
oxtei-kvive the organization is."
"Tla piness of the New World Socletf' and "Divlnta
Will ntcrnational Assembly of Yehovnh% Witncssca"
wcrc? nlotion pictures releasrd hg the Soclety following
t'tic, Inrgc! conventions of 1955 and 1953. ;lr!t~oval~'sscr.
v;~nts 11lso user1 the medium o f mollon plcturea to
ct~llnter the "God is dead" philosol>lty. TH 19Gf; the
W.?t c-h Tower Sociev produced the nhorl3in~:color
mwlc. "God Cannot he.'" This faith+t>~i!fdInp
Blnl provcrl
Illat God is afive and that he is working out his pur>oscs far earlh and man. Colorful motion piclurcs,
nt~rspersed with striking color Illustrntlons, llclp~rl
audiences to visuafize principal Bible cvrnts and lo
&r:hsp thee significance for our (la "'I: ~ n J o y c dt h e
rno\m." rnld one person, "particular& bscimse it used
hlstorkal events that were in f~il~illrncntof Bible
prophecies as proof that 'God Cannot LIe.' For exam )Ir,
I he varlous rums shown exist for Pvrryonc to see l\mC
<:or1 dld not lie. Seeing them mark me more nsaut'crl
that God will n$ lie concernicg what XEe hns snld wlll
otwcurnow and m the future.
The motion picture "Heritage," also produced by the
Wnlch Tower Society in 1966, dealt with the vnrlous
t~mptntlonsfaced by young persons tatlay. However,
Angclo C. Manera, Jr, remarks that I t showctl "'rvhnt
thr youth o f the New World socicty wcrc cloing ~ n d
how ~ I I P Y were Overcoming these tcln intions nnd Fol*
l ~ w i n ~~ ~ l r i s t i acourse
GniRue in 01o1 it
had a sound track, unlike o t h ~ recent
rnovlcs protlucctF
by 1Re Society, it was s h o l m by mnily television
~Iatlons. So, thousands viewed it In their I~nnics,
"ITcritage" also was presented at clrcdl asssmhllcs and
olllcr publtt: gathenngs.
Durln recent years, circuit overfleers have
aenlcd sfidc programs at public rneetln~swhlle visiK6
con~regatlonsof God's people. The flrst of these began
to he s tlown in September 1970. Entitled "Vlstting t h e
World Headquarters of JehovoWs Witnesses," it was
designed to acquaint persons with God's organization
111 a way that would motivate them to tnlce proper
actinn. Another of these sIide presctltntions- -"A Close
Look at the Churchesw-helper7 audlrnw~ to ~ ~ 1 1 i m

that the cEturches of Chriatettdom are no place for

those who love truth and rifihteouaness. Not only wouId
it make them wnnt to dlsnssoclafe themselves from
the world empire of false r c l i ~ l o n ;Hltcl it wuuld nEsa
motivate such individunls to share in nrding otI~ersto
flee from Dahylon the Great. These Rre but examples
of slide programs prcsrntrd by clrcult overseers as
visual aids tow;lrd imp:lrl lng Scrlpi tirnt instsnction.

"Listen to Daniel's Worda for our Da " Da you

remember that portlon oT tho 19Cti " ~ o $ a Sons of
Liberty" District fiaaembliurr? As I I C I ~ ~ B Z O S Ilstened to
it, a startlrng thlng occurred. Dllfcrcnt. volces cam@
over the loudspenltur, rcprcsentln~:Dnnlel, the three
faithful- Hebrews-rven IIPRPIS. T ~ P Twag
C the sound
of muuc, and the three A 1 ~ h r e w swere lven a final
opportunity to bow to thr Imago of go rl set up by
Nebuchadnezzar on the Plnin oC I)uru. Fitbmly,however,
they r n d n t a I n d their tntcgrll y , reluscd to how, and
experirnced dchovoh's drlivc~nnc~.-Dnnn chnp. 3.
Here was a new nnd dlffcrmt way 10 Impnrt Bible
instruction. Asscmhly nu(l\rnrrs irll RR thnu~F1they
had been transport od lo nntblc>ntIlnhyloti. ' l ' l ~ qreceived n dmllnr C l i i h I I I f ronl tltr p~'t.at!nlniionc!nlItlcd
"See Jerernlnl~k l~:llrliirnllrbi~,
Nrctlt>tl ln (Sut* Dny." Indecil 1 1 1 I~I C I I ~ C I ~ I C H11111 "H~V'" tlith ~ ~ I I I ~ U ~ I IOIFI F,r.~r~?rniaIl,
A d b l e draxr~;~,
wllll n ~ ~ l oI lr k' ~coslunrc drptr:lIrlg Ihe
Hfe and tirnes or that I1ebr.w 1)ropllet o f ancient:
Jerusalem, look place hrlol-e i h ~ l r very eyes, The
dramatic impact wns heightened hy sound erects. All
in attendance became much more ~~WELI'C
nf JcremIal~~s
ordeal and of his faithf uIr~ess-st;~ncIIn~:nlon~with fi
howling moh demanding Ills life. I-low this emphasized
$he trust that worsl~il,crs of J e h o v ~ h must place in
their God! And how t h y were imprt?ssctl with the
need to endure In God's service, r\'cn In Ihe face of

The year 1966, then was the be mnin of aornethlng
la new way to teach at assemb tea o!I Gad's people.
Through t h e yearfi since 1966 Blhlc dRima~have been
a regular leature of large assemblln~hcld by Jehovah's
people. Often tl~ese dl-amntlznl Ions I1 nve hecn presented earlic~at graduntious of tht! Watchtower Bible
School of Gllead, the stuclontu portrriylng persons o f
ancient and modern tlmcu.
Cansidering the blesslr~gsnnd beneflta of these dramatizations, James W. Fllson rernnrlts: "1 feel that the
Bible dramas have bcrn an excellent d d In br~ngtng
home to us the lessons nnd cor~nsel of the Bible's
record." In fact, some have h e n nloved by assembly



dramas to confess wrongdoing and seek crplrltual

s1stance.-Prov. 28:13; Jas. 5:23.20.



mm NO OTRER a O m m E N T
Jehovah's Christian witnesses give their alleeghnccl
t o God's kingdom. Repeatedly througI1 tlle years they
have demonstrated this. For instance, go baulc ~ l m o s l
i t quarter of a century to TU~sda A ~ i ~ u s1 t 1950-"Theocratic Devotion Da at the $;eocrncylfl incl-case
A ~ s ~ r n b of
l y Jehovah's d k c s s r a . In hls rllfieoursc "Tllc
Increase of His Government," Itrother Knorr prc.
scnlcrd a mountain of eviclencc exposing its rntli.cly
Irilsr tho charge made by rcliglnus n t1vcrs;irlcs Ihnl:
Jr~hovrih's witnesses support Clornrnwllstn. NoE only
had vnrlous parts of the United Slntrs ~:over~lment
rr!fusml to pTr?ct: the 'lVitnesses on thc list (lf sut~vcrslvcs
nnrI Communist fellow travders, But the IYatuh Towrr
St~ctety's 0w-t published record S~HCP 1379 defilllt~ly
pl'ovcd that Jehotaab'sservants am agninsl Cnmmunism.
131ainly, Brother Knorr sliowerl thn t t rur Christlnnil y
( 1 0 ~ s not pave tlie way for the rise and growth of
nt heist ic Communism, but hypocrilical Cllristinnil y
dors! It was after that message iRnt the Socidy's
pl-csldent proposed a declaratio~~
and rcsolutlon r~gnlnsl:
Co~nmunism,which was cnthusindicnlly otidorscil l ~ y
1 1 7 ~ convention audience of 84,Y50.

1956 through February 1957. From each nsscmhly such

n petfllon was directed to Niholal A, nrilganin, thcn
rrmfer of the U.S.S.R. The petition dcschrihcd I I I P
~ n r s h treatment experienced by Jchavnh's wilnessrs
i n Russia and =beria. It asked that imyrisonrr! W i t
nr?ssrs he freed and authorized t o org:irlIzc, rtnd It
r ~ q u r s t e dthat they be permitted lo estnl)lkh regldnr
rclnljons with thejr governing body and bra nllowccl
to publish and import Bible Ilteratvrc. The ~ t l l l o ~ ~
drew attention to the Kingdom-preachlnc woryc clone
hy Jehovah's witnesses, while disclnfmin~Any pull1 ice1
Interests or affiliations on thcir pnrl Furtherniol-e,
1118 petition proposed a discussion between rc lrcsen.
Inlives of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract hocic!ly
nnd those of thc Russian govcrnmcnt. J1 sug~cslctl
that n rlelegation of Witnesses be ermittet! to r'oc~etl
to Moscow for this purpose, as wea as lo visit Yhr V;II-.
ia11.s crimps where witnesses of Sehovrih wcrc tntrnlrd.
On March I, 1957, a combined petltlon was s3gncd
and sent to the Russian government by ll?e Wntcll
Tower Society's seven directors. The Communists never

replied or made any achnowledplment of its receipt.

Nonetheless, Russian witnesses of Jchovnh have continued to s ak God's Word boldly its advocates of
God's kingg
and no other govcrnrncnl.
Not only have Jehovnli's witnesses been staunch
advocates of God's k i n ~ d o m ; t h ~ y]lave nlso drawn
attention to the inilurc of Chrlstcntlom'~clergy In this
regard. So it was that n very significant resolution
was adopted by, GocIk pcople on Friday, August 1,
1958, at the D~vlncWill JnternaZ lonnl Assembly. Convention delegates linrl been ur ed to Ile ],rt?sent f o r the
afternoon session, nrld 194 4 f i werc nn hnnrl. They
listened attentively $13 F. d,
I'ranz, the Wrttch Tawer
Society's vice-prcsldr!nl, q w k e on Illc suhlect "Wh
This Convention Should Jtt*solve."Rrothcr Knorr foK
lowed him on the program, forcefulSy ~rg~qentinga
resolution that exposed Chrlstmdorn'~efPrpy a= the
most reprehensible class on eart 11 torlny. The tlocumcnt
also reaffirmpd the I I~ctlcratIcprlnrlples of Jehovah's
people, unasharncdly pmclnimctt God's kingdom by
Christ as t l ~ csoIr means of snlvntlon onrl strongly
set forth thr: dr!c~~minnr
ion of Jchnvnh's witnrsses tn
pyeaeach abollt t 111s kL~~~:rlorn
in lrlvr,
without iclup. 1111111 .Idbll(~vn
h l,lla,:r l!(AnKitncsr w o lr~
to a Annlr! fib At.~nnl:rvl(lr~ti.
Ih'ol livr lCllotarmnde tho
motion t h n l 1111. rr.rrrl~lll{~l~
I>(, ii(l~)ptrarla s 1-rmd, the
motion W ~ I Y 6 ~ ~ ' O l l l ~ :1!1<1
~ ' [ ~ n!i
h~ 11111 1 I ~ I ! q11~'iit
inn to
Zhc vast audlcncr!, 11u~i! wna r l !i~~tr~tltzlous
ronr c)C
Aye! in approval,
In lime, 72,3=18,403tracts containin this resolution
were printed for worldwide d l s t r l b l t n in Rity-three
languages, most of thls work being done in December
1958. Extensive circulation of this Information also
resulted wben the rcxolut tan nnrl its introducto~ytalk
were wublish~din Tha W a t c h t o ~ w rnP November 1,1958.
such distribution e f f c c t i v ~ ?Xntlred f t was. F o r
examplc, Pcter D'Mura writes: "In the spring of 1959
I met a young man wllo was moved by the resolution
to learn the truth, brcomc dcdicatcd and later take
u pioneering." And ld. James Woodworth comments:
"lome wha now are actively ,TehovahPsdcdiealcd, bap.
tized witnesses right hcrc In the conEregations of
Cleveland, Ohlo, began thclr march out o f L3abylon
the Great by reading this rcaolution and Accepting the
opportunity to sttidy I l ~ eUih1e.I'---Itev. 'L&: 4.
Jehovah's servnlits harl. an excellent opportunfty
t o show that they were ndvocntee of God's kingdom and
no other governmetit in tfir car 1963, durlng the
around-theworld " I < v d n s t l n g 8ootl News" Assembly.
They enthusiastfcally nrloptc!d n resalutlon whcrehy
they proclaimed Ihclr rrcugnltlon of Jehovah as the
Eternal Sovereign of the nnlverse and their rtfusa1



w itdoIatrous worship to the polltical image, the

Uni ed Nations, as had the nations, which are being

led by invisible wicked s irits to Armngeddun, (Rev,
13:11-18; 1F:14. 16)
with t h ~Ilclp of Ilte
nngels lrndcr Christ and Gad" holy spirit and Wortl,
Jr~hovah's witnesses were determined la con1 3nue declnl-ing to all peoples the "ever!astiny: good rims"
c~)nccrn!ngGod's Messianic kingdom and his jutfgnlcnl 8 ,
IRcv, 14:6) After its adoption hy 454,971 persons at
t h e "Everlasting Good News" Assembly around the
world, this resolution was ado ietl at n:~tiol.lnl Qssernbliea. Also, it was published
Tho Watc/,l,,rrr of
November 15, 1963, in sixty-six lnnj~uaces,glvitig it
worldwide circulation.
Wlth i t s 31lhotluclory taIk "Why We Should All Y o h
in n IEesolution," tMs ~ ~ e e documcnt
~ f n ~ took: within
its scupc all seven plagGes "of Rev~lntton chapter
sixteen. It, therefore. ~ncludedthe judgmcnl rnessrigcs
f r s t cleclared in seven successive resolutions ~ n r lrelated material presented at conventions n l God's people
from 3022 through 1928. Hence, ihy this onc coinprrhcnsivc resolution, hundreds of thou~nnds who had
taken no part in adopting those efirtlcr rcsalutlons
public1y dcclared themselves as favoring nnd sup.
porting thc outpouring of the plagues from J(bl~ovrth
1 biI1 were prophetically set out in Rrvclnlion r.hnptcr
slxteen. Once again, Jehovah's servnnts hat1 also rnntlc
II. very cle=?r that they were advocnlcfi of God's k l n ~
clom and no other government or any polltlcnl nrrnng~!.

atp per,

At the 1969 "Peacepn Earth" Assemblies the soundlng
of t h e seven rrymbohc trumpets refcrr~clto in RevclatIon thapters 8-ll came under consFcbcat1on In tlic
tliscourse "Final Woes to Enemies of Fracr with God."

That talk was followed by a po~veriul sleclarntion,

iorcefully showing that
ace m t h the Crrntor would

came only by means o&is nlpssianic kinndom. By

;adopting the Declaration, Jehovah's jcople nrainlaincd
Ihirt God's judgmenls are against dl~rfstcndwn. Tliry
proclaimed their cornpl~te neulraIily mgai.dIng nll
pnlitlcnl conlroversy and madc it :~bundnnll y cleur
illnl llie trust entirely in Gotl's kingdom nnd thnl
lhry wil? not let up in preaching ahout i t to all 1l1e
nnlions until the end comes.

Sehovahk Christian witnesses a ain ahawed that

thty were advocates of God's kin !

om and no othcr
lfvernrncnt during their "Divine ~ k e l o r y "Jnfernntlo~inl
ssernbly, held in various places thrtlu hout the cnrth
Iron1 late June 1973 to January 1874. Asus' lnlrlaulnc
parnblc of the minas was spotlighted in ont! o f tlit!
asscmbl discourses-"'Gaining WeaIth for Earth's h'ew
X l n ~ . "(Luke 19:11-27) Follouin~thi. tolb, the speaker



presented a DecZaratfon and Resolution, thereafter

adopted by assembly dclcgatcs wlth a resounding Aye!
Among other things, i t pointed out that the 2,52@yearlong Gentile Times Mgan with the desolation o t carthly
Jerusalem in 607 R.6.E. nntl came l o tI~cfrcomplete
fulfillment upon "l~envenly JerusnIem," where Jesus
Christ was instBllcc1 nu hlessianiu king In 1914 G.E.
(Heb. 12:22) It was noted tlrat the world of mankind
nezds further warning of the impending rent tribulation." (Matt, 24:21) Jehovah's Chris1 lan witnesses
resolved to continue putting In1l.h In Ibo Divine Vlctory,
sounding that warning and roclnl t n I n ~ God's Messianic kmgdom, the cnro.illl &r rllrlrcsscd laimanlty.
It is, therefore, an estahllshed incl lhnt Jehovah's
servants are advocates or Gorl'n kingdom and of no
other government. It Is thr gontl wms of that kingdom
that they preach world whle. Rcpraterlly, they have
demonstrated their allcglancc to God's bfcssianic kingdom and this they contlnuc t o do tl~roughoutthe earth.
How have Jehovah's Chrlsllnn wlinr~sesh n able
to maintain thcir strong poslllmn ne nrlvrrnttrs of God's
kingdom? How have I licy ~'lmr~fncrl
"Ill-rn In Ilir faitli"
when others were luslny: f ~t hl? (3. Coy. :ti;: 1 :I) 'rhls has
been possible hcc:!ustx Jr41rjvnIl (:or1 1:r'n4-lously has
provided spiritual l ood nl i ti(. Iropor tht~c?I h m u ~ h(he
+'faithful and discrcct slavr" c1nss.-~nl t. 24:45-47,
Consider the 1960'a as an exam Ie. Winds of religious and social chnnge then were ixowhg Lh~oughout
t h e United States. T t wan becornlng increasingly common for many of Christtndum's clrsgy to view portions
of t h e Bible as mythologlcnl. Also, to t l ~ e mits moral
some werr! saying
code was out of dnk. Ia7~~r.themarc,
"'God is dead."'
As the 1960's won? on soda1 psycholo Ical, political
and economic factors jostered racial bjsarder, even
violence, in the United States. For instanre, what was
t e m e a the "long, hot summcr" of 1064 wltncsscd the
murder of three civil-rights worker&Sn Mississippi, as
well as unrest throughout the South, Northern cities
were affected too. Somr wcre rorltetl by riots. In
the Los Angeles riols ~ ~ l ~ n OP
r ? ,August I X J f i , 1965,
battles, looting and I,urnlng by mobs resulted in the
death of thiripffve persona and cln~ungcestimated at
Amid such*winds of religious and socia1 turbulence,
Jehovah's ~mtnessesEn t h ~Unlted States and other
lands kept trustmp: in Jrhovnh nnd adhering to his
Word. He, in tun>,saw that thcy were properly dfrected.
Tor examplr, d n r i n ~
the "Courageou~Ministers" District



Assemblies of 1962, they benefited greatly from talks

"'Be in Subjection-to Whom'?" "Subjection to
guperior Authoritiesi-Why ?" and related topics. Later
tkat year such vita1 information w a s published in 9%
Watchtower. (See the issues of November 1 through
December 1.1
It, was made clear that the "superior authorities"
or %higher powers" mentioned in Romans chapter
thirteen are secular governmental authorities, permtted
by Jehovah to hold their positions of responsibility at
tlds Gme. All of God's servants today were urged to
be in relative subjection to the governmental superior
authorities and not to flout the laws of earthly guvern.
ments lhat do not conflict wilh God's law.--Rom.

X3:1-7; Ads 5:29.

"How wisely Jehovah dLrected us in relationship to
tbe political rulers of ihe world!" exclaims L.E.Reusch,
adding: "1-Iow could we possibly have known that I964
would see t h e civil-rights issue ferment and boil over
into riots in the streets and civil disobedience, violent
and passive?
We might have found ourselves stuck
wit11 the same reasoning tkat the clergy have who
have involved themseIves in marches, protests and
social issues of the day. Just right en time, in 1962,
at the summer assemblies w e were fed 'food at the
proper time.' [Matt. 24:455
Clearly rellative sub-



jection was spelled out and has safeguarded our posiiion before Jehovah and the political authorities he
perrmts to exist until Christ Jesus' Kingdom rule
removes them."
Yes, indeed, Jehovah God has supplied s fritud food
in abundance. Why, just look at a s h e 8 containing
books that have been published b the Watch Tower
Socicty in relatively recent ears.T ??lcre is the 1958
publication "Yolm Will Be g o n e on Earth," dealing
with the book of Daniel. A verse-by-verse consideration
of the entire book of Revelation appears in the boolrs
"Then Is Finwhed the Nystery of God" and " B a b ~ ~ l o ? ~
the Great Ha? FdEela!" God's Kilzgdom Rules! I6The
Nutiofis Shall Krmw that I A m Jehoval~j'-Now? published in 1911, considers the prophecy of Ezekiel. And
the fulfillment of restoration prophecies of Haggai
and Zechariah is viewed from the twentieth-century
vantage point in Paradise Restored to ManJci~&-by

Rich spirituaI provisions have been made for old

and younE alike. Eack in 1958,the book From. Pmadks
Lost t o Paradise Regained was published in simple
language and. profusely illustrated. In 1971. the 192page book Lzstelztng to the Great Teacher further
contributed to avoiding a 'generation gap'! Here is a
publication designed for parents to read with their

And the book's simple language! and flne

iIIustrations make youngsters feel it is 'for them.'

Some of the Chsistlan publications available to Jehovah's people are especially designed to help them
t o carry out their commission to preach the good news
and make disciples. (Matt. 24;14;28:19, 20) "Let God
Bo True" was such a book, originally published jn 1946.
It was an aid dealing with basic BibIe doctrines. Then
in 1950 the book "This Means Everk~stiwg Life' provided information on dcepcr Bible subjecis and Christian living. Consider also the 416-page book "Things
i.n W ~ L + ICt IIs
~ Impussible for God t u Lie," published in
1965. As a basic Bible study aid, it has proved to be a
helpful instrument in the hands of Kingdom proclaimers.
Jehovah's servants are constantly bdng provided
wiLh thtngs they need for their preaching and disciplematring work. Thinking back, to the I967 district assemblies, C. %V*Barber mentions something he terms
an "innovatlon." I-Ie rernarlcs: "Jehovah's organization
is always providing new thrllls and joys, This timu
it was a new kind of campaign hoolc, a small clothbound bodr entltlcd 'Did Man Get Here by &:volution
or by Creation?' . . . i h l a one was to be presented
for twenty-five cents, Right from its introduction, it
w a s apparent that it would have tremendous appeal
to all thinking people."
MiMons of copies were placed by Kingdom ,proclaimers in t h e field service. During May 1968 specla1 efforts
were made to get it in;to thc hands of educators, with
excellent results. Mane Gibbard slates: "A schoolteacher in White Plains, New York, is a baptized
Witness today because a twelve-year-old student placed
a copy with him and the interest was followed up."


Another noteworthy innovation came in 1968. W h e n

T%B Watchtower announced the "Good News for Ml

Nations" District Assemblies, it stated: "On Friday
something is planned that will nol only delight you
but also no doubt surprise you, for il: will have considerabIc xnfluence on the work t h a t we will be doing
during t h e years t o come,"
Jehovah's servants were curious. What could this
new development be? The answer came after the
powerful keynote speech "The 'Good News' of a World
Witl~outFalse Rehgion." At its conclusion a new 192page, pocket-size Bible study aid was released. TIltg
book, T31e T ~ i c t hThat Leads t o Etwnal Life, was red



ceived with great delight. ' m o Is God?" "Where Are

the Dead?" "Why Has God Permitted Wickedness Until
Our Day?" 'The Last Days of This
icked System of
Things," "Bulldlng a Happy Family If@," "Truc Worship-a Way of Life"-these were some of the book's
absorbing chapters. The new publication would involve
the student at every turn.
But there was something more to the surprise that
was in store for assembly delegates, The new Twth
book was to be used in a six-month Bible study pro.
gram. Because of the wa this publication involved the
student, generally by tge time he completed it he

home Bible studies cmentIy being held by Jehovah's

witnesses in the homes of the pcople worId wide are
based on the excellent Scriptural material found In
this publication,


would take some action, either for or against the truth.

No longer would one of Jehovah's witnesses conduct
Bible studies with an individuaI year after year Wthnut the sturlcnt's making definite spiritual progress,
act lng upon the lrnowledge gaiiwd.

From 1960 to 1965 the annual baptism figure had
been in the 60,000bracket. In 1966, however, the number
of those immersed was down t o 58,904, Under the
circumstances one might well have aslr@d,Is the work
slowing down? Time proved that it was not.
During the 1967 service year 74,981 persons were
baptized, This was an upswing and it gave renewed
reason for optimism. Then came 1968, along with the
Truth, book and the six-month Bible stud program.
"In the minds of many," remarks Edgar ! C Kennedy,
"it was closely linked with the announcement two
years before of the 6,OOQ ears [of man's existence on
earth] ending In 1975."
W. Barber similarly cites
"the shortness and urgency of the times," terming
J9M as a "turning oint," and states: "Everywhere the
brothers aroused tgemselves and went at this 'easier'
method of spreading the good news, with vigor. The
number of publishers started to climb again all over
the earth. The listeners began to become doers of the
worlr. . . . Truly Jehovah directed the brlnging forth
of ihis small but powerful disdple-making instrument!'
The book T ~ TEm t h That Leads t o Btsrnd Life has
bad am astounding circuIation. Did you know that it
is now being published in ninety-one languages? Furthermore, in the six years since it was first released,
74,000,000 copies of it have come off the press. This
Bible study aid has helped hundreds of thousands of
persons t o gdn accurate knowledge of the Scrlplures
and to get "a tight grip on the word of life." [Phil.
2:16) While the X m k book is not the only one used
by Jehov&hls witnesses when studying the Bible with
the people, doubtless the majority of the 1,351,404



An-Nomcmci JEHOVAB'S Hmanonx

Today the good news of God's Messianic kingdom is
being preached throughout the earth. And playing no
small part in that work i s a virtual flood tide af literature announcing Jehovah's kingdom. Take The Watchtower as an example, Once known as Zion's Watch
Tower,its original editlon (that of duly 1879) consisted
of only about 6,000 copies, Now, by 1975, the average
rinting of each issue I s some 8,700,000 copies jn 79
During the years since 1879 The Watchtower has
undergone some changes in name and format, Originally
it was known as Zion's Watch Tower a?zd ITerulrE of
Cl~risf'sPresence. Today its Front cover identtfles it
as The Watchtown; Announcing Jehovah's Ki~igdom.
For gears, W~dt~1~towcr
covers were prlnted in black
and while. Then, with the issue of Jnnt~nry1, 1939, a
new colored ('over was iniroducetl. Tllc journal Ihen
had larger, but Sewer IlngPs than 11. now contains,
The issue of August 15,1950, released at thr! Tlicocracy's
Increase Assembly of Jehovah's Wilness:~, bare a
different cover design, contained colorful rIIustralions
and was increased from sixtecn to thirty-two pages.
Has I1hs Wutchtezuer contributed t o theocracy's increase? Indeed it has! Doubtless you will. be amazed
to know that from the 1942 through the 1974 service
years alone 2,836,041,443 copies of The Watchtower
have been published!
Atuakef, companion magazine to Ths Watohtower,
i s rhe successor of The Golden Arre and Cousolatim.
Since its first issue-that of August 22, 1 9 4 6 A w a k a l
has reflected sure hope for the establishment of God's
righteous new order in this very generation. This
journal,too, i s part of that reat flood tide of literature
from the 19.12 through
announcing the Kingdom. &y
the 1974 service ears 2,600,7d1,501copies of Awake!
(and ~olasolateon?have been printed!
Not to be overlooked i s the flood tide of bound
books that have announced Jehovah's kingdom, including the 1973 volume God's Kingdona of a Thousand
Years Has A prawhed, It may surprise you to know
that from 1842 through the 1974 sen3ce year the
Watchtower Society has printed 352,513,410 bound
books a t its headquarters and by means of other
printeries throughout the earth.




Thls ever-increasing flow of Bible literature has
called for continued expansion o f the Watch Tower
Society's printing facilities, not only in the United
States, but also in various other laces throughout the
earth. It was back In 1927 that t#e Society moved into
its modern fireproof structure of reinforced concrete
at 117 Adams Street in Brooklyn, New York. With
70,000 square feet of floor space, that building seemed
very spacious, but the acceleration of the Kingdompreaching and disciple-making work has required expansion of the Society's fadliiles.
A major step in this regard was disclosed by Brother
Raorr on August 8,1946, at the Glad Nations Theocratic
Assembty. He Informed his convention audience that
there woulcl bc r?xp:~nsionof the Society's printing
plant and the Bethel home in Brooklyn. Thus property
ad.iacent to the original plant was purchased, evacuated
and Ihcn demolished. Excavation for the new factory
began on Decernber 6, 1949, and construction commenced in January 1049. When corn Ieted, this ninestory concrete addition almost dou%led the factory
floor space. By 1950 the Society's printing plant at
117 Adarns Skeet occupied a n enlire city hloclr.
During 1954 the Watch Tower Society colnpleted
construc-tion of a new building at 400 Di elow Bouled
vard, Pittsbur h, Pennsylvania. Grant h e r says,
"This building
not only the Society's registered ofnce,
but the center of the Permsylvafia corporation's annual
meetings, and therein is a Kmgdorn HalI," used by
certain congregaiions of Sehovall's witnesses. One of
the Kingdom Ministry Schools was also conducted
there for a number of years, up till M a y 4, 197'4.
Ey the mid-1950's the Kingd~m~preaching
work was
increasing greatly in tempo. Some years earlier, in
1944, the Society had printed 17,897,998 copies of The
Watchtower and ColzsoIorLion (now dwoke!). During
1951, however, the total was 57,396,810 copies. Hcncc,
expansion of the Society's Sadlitics in Brooklyn, New
York, was essential. By spring of 1955, therefore, excavation for a new factory began and in 1955 this
thirteen-story ~ 1 m was
completed. Situated at 77
Sands Street, The Watchtower Buildmg," as it was
called, has 192,000 squaxe feet of Boor space, more
than the factory at 117 Aclmns Street, io which it
I s linked by an over+thestreet br~dge. In 1958 the
Societ purchased a nine-story factory on an adjoining
city byock, and this has been used airnost cnclusively
for storage.
The number of Xingdam proclaimers exceeded a
million world wide by the mld-1960's. Again the So.

ciety's Brooklyn factory space was cramped. So in

1966, on a block adjoining its other plants, mnstructlon
began on another Imge factory. That eleven-stor
stmctom, dedicated on January 31, 1968, added 226,008
square feet of floor space to the Watchtower factory
complex. By then the Society's Brooklyn f a c t o r y buildings, suitably interconnected by bridges spanning the
streets, covered four city blocks.
Late in 1969 the rate o f expansion increased dramatically, On November 25, 1969, the huge, ten-bulldlng
complex of the S uibb pharrnaceutlcal plant in Brooklyn
was purchased
the Watchtower Bible and Tract:
Society of New York, Ine. This acquisi!lon added
632,792 square feet of floor spacc to the Society's headrjuarters facilities. C. W. Barber recalls watchlng some
of tkc construction of the Squ~bbcomplex years ago,
Though Jehovah's organization had tried to get ground
in that very IocatKon, the Squibb firm succeeded in
acquiring it. According to Brother Barber, "Squibb
ran into a lot of trouble, too, finding a footing for
their buildings, as the ground was so sandy tliere."
He adds: "They finally erected a flne-Ioolting croup
of buildings, and 1 used to tI~inIchow ood it would
he if there belonged to ihe Society. So,
and behold,
it had come to pass!"





As the Watchtower Society's factory facilities in
Brooklyn were expanded there was a correspondin
need for expanmon of the Bethel horne. Hence, in 1958
a twelve-story addition t o the home was completed. But
the headquarters staff continued to increase. So, on
December 8, 19%, there began the demohtion of the
old buildings on the site of a roposed BetheI amex,
a building on Columbia 1leig(ts in Broolrlyn. Construction on i t began in 1959, and before long the
tweIvc-sto Bethel addition was completed. Its dedication t o z place on Monday evening, October 10.
1960, in the new buiIding's beautiful Kin dom Hall.
On hand were members of the Bethel family and
brothers who had worked on the structure, making a
total. of 630 persons. The headquarters staff itself had
grown from 355 in 1950 to 607 in 1960.
In 1965 the locale of the Bethel hopz--the
Heights area-was named New York city's first "EIistonc
District."' Though the Society had desired to erect
another twelve-story residential building, it cooperated
with the Landmarks Preservation Commission and
limited i t s construction. The fronts of three old structures were allowed to remain and a seven-story horne
was wrapped around behind these and tied into them,



This new buildin at 119 Columbfa Wdghts was dedicated on May 2, f969. Next t o it is a large apartment
house owned by Jehovah's witnesses,and much of it: has
been used to accommodate members of the headquarters
staff. Incidentally, by the end of the 1970 service year
the Bethel fmi1y (including regular and temporary
workers in Brooklyn and at the Society's farmsf had
grown to 1,449 persons. Additionally, seventy students
OF Gilead School then lived at headquarters, bringing
the total to 1,519. To help to accomrnodaFe so m a n y
people, the Society leased three floors of the nearby
Towers Hotel,

and Switzerland. In fact, Jehovah's

eople have
thirty-seven printeries around the worldl And, from
1955 until now they have increased thc number of
their large rotary presses earth wide from nine to sixtyfour. Certainly, printing facilities are available lo
meet the growing demand for BibIe literature,
W h y has all this expansion around the globe been
undertaken? It i s because those shouldering responsibility for such decisions in Jehovah's organization
are interested in helping peopIe to garn knowIedge of
the Scriptures. Is that your objective too? Doubtless
it is, if you are one of Jehovah's Christian witnesses.
Members of the headquarters staff share such desires.
That i s why they have been working diligently to produce Bible literature. Their comb~ned efforts during
ihe 1914 service year made It ossible to produce, in
Ihe United States alonc, 268,f09,382 copies of The
Watchtower and Awake!, as well as 13,874,957 booklets, 45,180,920 books and Bibles, and 261,387,712tracts.
To whom must the credit go for alI this theocratic
expansion? This is not the result of mere humnn plannin and earnest effort. The credit must gc~to Jehovah
who makes things grow. He fs the One who has
red the effor1.s of his peo le In reaching the
i E F n e w s of t h e ~ingdom.-I.



Yet, expandon of facilities has not been Limited to

these developments, "In 1961," says Grant Suiter, "the
Society took steps toward the eventual sale of a portion of the Kingdom Farm property, including the
buildings previously utilized by the Watchtower Bible
School of Gilead [near South Lansing, New Yorkl."
A few years later the sale was completed. So the
size of the farm was reduced.
In the meantime the Board of Directors of the
Watchtower BibIe and Tract Society of New Pork,
Tnc., had purchased farm facilities near Pine Eush,
New York. The original. farm of 811 acres was acu i r d there in 1963, becoming known as Watchtower
arm. A fine residence building was completed there
in 1968, and other construction followed. I n time another farm was acquired nearby. Today the two Watchtower Farms cover 1,698 acres.
On the Watchtower Farms, vegetables, fruits, meat
and dairy items are produced to feed members of the
Society's headquarters staff. Moreover, among the
numerous structures on farm No. 1 are two factories,
Factory No. 1 h a s four rotary presses, each capable
of prinfA-g 12,500 magazines per hour. In factory No. 2
thew is sumcient space for paper storage and fourteen
more rotary presses besides much other equipment.
Six rotary presses are already in operation there,
making a totaI o f ten presses in the two factories.
W h e n completed, these plants wiU provide about
400,660 square feet of floor space. By October 1974,
over 460 regular and temporary workers were serving
at the Watchtower Farms.
Not on1 has the Watch Tower Society expanded its
printing &illties in the United Stales. Expansion has
been the watchword throughout the earth. Jehovah's
witnesses now have printing plants in Australia, Brazil,
Canada, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana,
Japan, Nigeria, the Philippines, South Africa, Sweden





By the year 1970 a century had passed since Charles
Taze Russel1 and a few associates began meeting for
carnest, prayerful study of the Scriptures. Through
all those decades, Jehovah's servants had enjoyed spirltual enlightenment and divine direction. O~-togenarlan
Edith R, Brenisen has been associated with Jehovah's
organization for a good many of those years. As she
attended one of the 1970 "Men of Good Will" District
Assemblies, she was deeply moved. Sister Brcniscn
writes: "When at the 1970 assembly in Boston, and
seeing that huge crowd al: Fenway Park, I recalled
the first one-day convention I went to in 1902 a t Park
Square, Boston, to hear Brother Russell give a tallr.
That was t n ~ l ya mere handful. Incidentally, that, i s
where I first met Brother Macmillan. I cannot describe
my feelings as I sat there, in Boston, sixty-eight years
later and gazed upon that great crowd of Witnesses
surrounding me. As in the earlier days, when so few
in number, the same h o 1 ~spirit, zeal and love for
Jehovah filled our hearts.
At that year's assembly, the chairman's o nfng
address was entifled "One Hundred Pears of givirae

Direction." Margaret Green recalls that it "made us

think back on what we had read about the organization



In the 1870's and its small beginning and the unbelievable rowth for the past 100 years."--Compare
Zechariah 8:10.


Jehovah's servants were determined to continue yieldimg to divine direction, They gave clear evidence of
this at their ffveilay "Divine Name" Distrlct Assembles of 1971. These exalted the name Jehovah and
provided education regarding obedience to the divine
principles Ior which that name stands. Among other
things, inforrna~onwas presented concerning further
theocratic alignment o f the modern-day Christian congregation.
Rut before we consider the or anizational develop.
rncnls brought to the fore at &e 1971 district assemblies, we do well to take a Iook at the past. Sornething very notable occurred in the late 1930's and
early 1940's. First, let us go back some three decades.
September 30 to October 2, 1944, were highly significant da s for God's eople. Thousands of them met
in ~ittsgurgh,~ e n n s y h a n l a ,for Jehovah's Witnesses'
Theocratic Convention and the h u a l Meeting of the
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Among the
convention's features were the discourses "Theocratic
Org?nization for Final Wark,"$y T. 6. Sullivan, "Theod
cratic Organization in Action by F. W. Franz, and
"The Theocratic Alignment *day," given by N. H.
Knorr. The theme of those discourses emphadzed the
importance of the business to be transacted at the
annual meeting that year. Hence, thousands remained
in Pittsburgh lor the Society's business meeting on
Monday, October 2, 1944.
"Here I met and visited with Brother Van Amburgh
for the last time," says W. L. Pelle. '"is
first remark
when he saw rno was, Brother Pelle, the Theocracy
Is of age."' But why would the Society's aging
secretary-treasurer make a remark W e that? Because
of the developments on that occasion.
Of principal im ortance was the passing of s i x
resolutions proposgg changes in the Watch Tower
Society's charter by amendments. The first amending
resolution proposed the enlarging of the Society's
purposes so as to assume properly the great worldwide
work ahead. Among other ihings, it put the dfvine
name "Jehovah" in the charter. The third eliminated
entirely the charter's provision that fixed member.
ship on the basis of monetary contributions made to
the Society. Upon its becoming effective, membership



would be limited to not more than 500 men, aZ1 chosen

on the basis of their adive service to God. As Ttzc
Watchtowor of November 1, 1944, put it: "This amendment will have the efFect of bringing the charter as
near to Theocratic arrangements as the law of the
Iand emits." All six amendment resoluhons (mvulvlng
~ r t i & s 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 101 were adopted.
Though Jehovah's people did. not then realize it
what they dia organizationally m 1944 evidently had
Biblical significance. Daniel's propl~ecy had foretold
that for 5300 "evenings and mornings," or days, a
symbolic small horn' (the Anylo-American World
Power) would trample Jehovah s theocratic "holy
place" as represented by Jesus' anointed followers on
earth. (Dan. 8:9-14)This oc~urredduring World War 11.
At the.beginnfng o f the foretold 2,300 days the twopart article "Organization'Qppeared in The Watchtower (June I and June 15, 1938).
the first part it
was said: "Jehovah's organization ~sm no mse demacratic. Jehovah i s supreme, and Ms government or
organization is strictly theocratic."' Part two presented
a resolution that congregailons of Jehavah's witnesses
adopted, caUing for appointmmi. th~ocrnlicaIlyof alI
oflciating servants In alI congrcgnlions, from the top
I f counted from June 1. 1938,the 2,300 days extended
to October 8, 19.14. Or, if reckoned from June 15, 1938,
they ended on October 22, 1944. A t the end of that pe.


rlod, theocratic organization again was emphasized by

the organizational talks and adjustments a t the convention and annual meeting of September 30 to O@ober 2,
1944, a t Pittsburgh, Pennsylvama, and in articles on
theocratic organization published in Tke Watchtower
of October 15 ("Organized for Final Wqrk") and
November 1, 1944 ("Theocratic Organization in Action"
and 'The Theocratic Alignment Today")). Hence, at
the end of the trialsomc 2,300 da s God's servants
showed themselves stronger for ~eKovah'stheocratic
government by Jesus Christ than they ever had been.
As foretoId, the "holy lace" then was "restored t o its
rightful state.Ip-Dan. f:14, Revised S ~ ~ I t d a rVmslon;
see TTL~
Watchtozum, December 1, 1971, pages 711.728.

Now Iet us return to* the "Divine Name" District

Assembly of 1971. Especially im ortant were portfons
of the program that dealt with tEe governing arrange.
ment of the early Chnshan congregation.
Recent studies of the Biblical, apostolic congregation
structure had been undertaken by the governing body
of Jehovah's witnesses. Brought to light was the need

for some modem-day adjustments. Whereas in receni
years one mature Christian man had served aa conme.
gatlon servant, or presiding ovemeer and was assistcd
by appointed "servants,'Ythe nposto~tcmethod of governing each congregation was by means of o body of
elders. (Acts 20:12-25; 1TLm.4:14) hlso, during 'the ilrst
century C.E. there evidently had been a rotatln of
chairmanship within a congregation's body of rl%rs.
It was therefore deemed fitting to have a different
chairman of the body of elders serve each year w l v r ~
thcrc I s more than one elder In a congregation.
The governing body of Jelrovah's witnesses sent emti
conmgation an instructive Ietter about selecting the
"body of elders," as well as ministerial s ~ r v a n t s .According to that letter of December 1, 1671, all b a p
tized men of the congregation twenty
ars old and
upward were considered. (See Ezra
participating In ddtscussio~~s
concerning elders and mjn~sterlalservants prepared well, considering the nrtlclr~l
"Theocratic OrganizaEon Amidst Demncracies nntF
Communism,'' "A pointed Omcers in the Theomxtlc
Organization" ancfl'A 'Body of Elders' with Rolnling
Chairmanshlp," a pearing in Tha Watclttownr of No.
vember 15, 1971. xdditionally, there was careful atudy
of the January 1, 1972, Watc+tower articles entitlcd
"Who -Is Wise and Understanding Among You?'' nnd
"Appomted Elders to Shepherd the Flock of God!' And,
to the extent that t ~ m eperrmtted, the brothers had rrnd
lnnterlal in Aid to Bib78 Unrlersfnnding undcr Ihc
headings "Older Man," "Overseer" and "Minister,'"
When members of the congre~ntion comrnlltce and
other qualified brothers met together, prayer was mid.
Anlong othrr things, they read and considcrecl cluallncations for elders and rnmislcrial servants as sct out
in God's Word at 3. Timothy 3:l-10, 12, 13: Titus 1:s-9
and 1 Peter 5:1-5."Many f o r the flrst time truly faced
tllprnsplves," remarks R. D. Cantwell, "and all fcll
kccnly the obligation before Jehovah to I ~ PI~onestin
thefr appraisal of seIf and others. A few had to dlsqualify themselves. This arrangement has b r o u ~ t l t
out an konesty a d humility that w ~ u l d have bcrn
Impossible except for thjs forward step in ~~ndcrstandi
of Bible principles of organization." (Even in yrars
prior. to this, however, the Bible's requirements wrrc
the basis for determining who would bc entrvstrd
with responsibility in the congregation, Sec Cbnta~cl.o n
Tlteowatdc Organimtim for JeJwvah's W$t?tes~~s,
p. 19;
Prewhi?tg Together in Unity, p. 26,)
Flnally, after an analysis of quafiflcatfons posae~sed



hy brotherr in the congregations, recommendations

were suhmltted to the governing body. After August 1,
1972, the congregations k g n n to receive letters a p
polntlng overseers nnd min~sterinlservants.

While Jehovah's people a@ausly awaited fulZ imglernentatlon of this congregat~onalarrangement, those
In t h e Unltcd States, Canada and the British Isles

attended t h e 1972 ''Dlvlnt! Rulership" Dlstrict Assemhlles, Ilckl betwcen the latft-r part of June and Iate
Aujiust. A t thrsc gatherings divine rulership commnndcrl pnrazrulunt xltcntion.
Onr of tlir! sl nifi~.ant assembly releases was the
-ct l iott for Kdngdon~-preachhzg
new IY2-pngr! boo[ Orgrtt~i,
awrl Dis{:iplr.-malrin . am on^ other things, it outlined
llic lrnproverncnts 2elnl: mnde In the structure of the
Chrlstlnn conjin*gatfon. The O ~ g a n i z a t i o ?book
t l ~ oass:embly pro1:rnnr cornMned wel! to point out the
praclir:h nspccts of surh rcorgnnlzatron and to demonslrntr! how tllcso would wnrlc nut.
Recognttion o S dlvinc! rulcrahl was ~tmssedat these
dlstrlct a s s c m h l i ~ ~r l H, In ~ I I Pp ~ ~ l l tUlr
l c l'Dlvlnc nulership-the Only Xlr)pc. of All hTrlnlrlnt1." llclrgntcs renllzcd I hat l o gr~lii c!tc.mnl H f o I llny must pr8rsonallg
rulrrsll IF, 1 E(~wevrr,
thr ncw Organ+
aatio?~,hoolc nntl vnrlr~us rwscmbly prograni features
hlgt~llghicrlt b c Irnporl nrlcr! of co+xgregcrl<oncrlrecognitlon or clivlnr! rulership.
ose we now turn the clock hack to Monday
morning. Xeptember 13, 1971. At seven o'clock members of thc Watch Tower Society's I~eadquartersstaff
are sentcd a t thrir rrspeetive placcs throughout the
various dlnln rooms of the Brooldyn Bethel home.
They are ren$ for the usual discussion of the d a ~ ~ ' s
Bible text, to he followrtd by breakfast. It has always
hcrn customnry fnr t h e Sctety's resident to preside
ILI tl~eserllseusslcns wi~enhc? Is at Latiquarters. Today
Rrother Finorhi' Is homr at Rethel, tlut h e is not a t
tttc hend of t l ~ c :tablo. Instend, P.W. Franz, the Society's
vice-prcsldent. Is prcslding over the morning text
dlscusslon. Why? I<crmtst the governing body of Jehovah's witnesses has Instftuted the arran~ementof
rotnling i t s mcmbcrs on a wrrltly basis with regard
to contlucting the ~nnrningBible text discussions and
the I3cthel I:lmily's Monday night Illaichtuzt:cr study.
At Brooklyn nethe], thcn, n rotation procedure had
its be~lnnlnga yanr before a slmllar arrangement was
put into eMect in conglrgat9ons of God's people jn

But sup

rnerB1. But the arrangement went farther than this.
ccordfng to a resolution adopted by the governing

body of Jehovah's witnesses on September 6, 1971, its

chammanship was to rotate annually by alphabetical
arrangement. So it was that F. W. manz became t h e
chairman of the governing body for one year as of
October 1. 1971. Agpropriaiely, the governing body set
the example in putting into effect the new organizational arrangement.
ReflecLing on the new congregational arrangement
roviding TOT elders and ministerial servants, Roger
or an was moved to say: "This Is God's doing."
Douitless others will agree, since they ma have
considereg the resulting benefits. The first shlffing of
responsibilltres began in September 1972, and by October 1 the arrangement of things in most congregations
had been adjusted. In many cases, the former assistant
congregation servant became the presiding overseer,
the previous congregation servant became the TlleocraUc Ministry Schqol overseer, and sa forth. Herc
was proof that Chrrsklans recognize Jehovah's rulerskip, his way of doing things in the congregation of
his people. Each year the elders in a congregation would
rotate to various positions, and they would work to-

gether as a body, having in mind the spiritual welfare

of the congregation and the need to cooperate with
one another in shepherding the flock of God allotted
to them.-1 Pet. 5:2.
Many are the benefits of the new congregational:
arrangement. For instance, Edgar C. Kennedy feels i t
"could be the means of stronger solidarity in the event
a congregation was separated from the governing body
for a period of time." "This is most certainla an
unusual advancement in Jehovah's organization, observes Grace A. Estep, "and shows lzow well he is
preparing his people for the t h e beyond thls system
of thin s." Not wllhout good reason, in its report on
the 1 9 3 district asscmb!ies, The ~ e t c h t o w remarked:
"Truly, Jehovah is b m g i n g h ~ scongr$gated people
into an organnzatlonal condition in whrch they will
be able t o ride out Armageddon into God's new ordeiunder divine rulership."
Jehovah's Christian witnesses have given abundant
evidence that they yield to divine dirmtfw and wllllngly
submit t o divine rulership. From late June 1973 to
January 1974 they held a globeencircling international
convention that plainly showed that they anxiously

await: divine vlciory. Generally live-day gatherings, the
numerous convcntlona of this worldwide event took
place in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia.
I tddle and South Amenca, the South Pacific and Africa.
Many of God's people traveled to distant lands, there
to share the spiritually upbuilding assembly program

wit11 their fellow Felievers of other countries. Usually,

only daytlrne sesslons were held, enabling delegates to
return to their lodging places early and eliminating
travel after dark m areas where this might be Inadvisable. Evening hours were often spent reviewing
assembly highlights.
Among this assembly's map fine features was the
absorbing discourse entitled geep Close in Mind the
Presence of the Day of Jehovah." How forcefully lt
showed that Christians should not mentally push of
the day of Jehovah! Dcterhratin world conditions
and Lhweratie organizational deuefopmenfs, wllh the
arrangement for elders and ministerial servants, as
well as the rapid influx of those who will compose the
rertt crowd," indicate that Jehovah's day rs near.
Pot. 3:U-13; Rev. 7:9) Following this though?provoking t d k came a greatly apprecfald pnnted
release-the 192-pngc book Taw Prate a ~ SRCPCTT~Vd
F r o m W t a t florr,rc~?
The printed assembly releases included the Cqmpr~honswrz Concordance of the N e w World Trans'lakow
of tho l i d y Scriptures and the 416-page book God'<c
Kingdom of a Thoecsand Years H a s Appromhsd. Heartcheering, indeed, was the public address "Divine Victory
-Its Meaning for Distressed Humanity." Eoldly attention was focused on the universal war of HarMagedon, in which Jehovah xvlll v~ndicate Mmself
with divine victory. It was showh that under the driv~ng
force of unclean inspired expressions tlie "kings of
tile entire inhabited earth" are being gathered t o a
war against God over rulership of the earth. (Rev.
16:13-16) Hence, one must take a stand,on one side o l
the issue or the other. Only. those siding Wth Jesus
Christ, the King of kings, mll be spared. They alone
wilt be witnesses o f the divine victory and win join
in the celebration that follows It.
A t the nineteen "Divine Victory" International
Assemblies held during June and July 1973 throughout
the continental United States, 15,851 symbolized
their dedication t o Jehovah God by submitting to
water baptism. In all, at these gatherings 665,945
met to enjoy the rich spiritual blessings provided by
Jehovah for Ills peo le. World wide, 140 conventions
were held, at w h ~ h!1,830 persons were bagtlzed and
there was a totaI attendance of 2,594,303. m a t a
cause to express gratitude to the Divine Victor!






There was, h o m e r , another very Important feature
of the "Divine Victory" lnternnt Ionnl Aswmb?~es,
Months in advance The TVatctchtoulrr hntl said thnf the
p g r am wouIrF focus considerablr! al!cntfon on Ihr
Ingdom-preachingand dlsciple.makIng worlr. It ndded:
"A special work will be outlined and rlsmonstraletl. All
congrcgatlons of Jehovah's witnesses worl(1 widc will
he sl~aringin it during specified dates following Ihc
nsaemhly." What was tMs spccia1 work?
The answer came after the convt?ntlon*s keynote
B oegh, "Vietoy over the World Without Armed Con.
It was onowed by the relensc a t n fourpage
t r ' n i , Iriar/dorn News No.16,entIt1t.d "Is 'IYrnc Running
Out for Mankind?" A free pncltcl O F clghi tracts wctit
to everyone in the audience nhovc thr ngc oC twrlvr!
ycarn ~ v l l o was interested in dlstrihuttt~g them. 'l'rn
rlnyn-September 21 through 3CLwouJrZ bt! set r ~ s i dfor
rllstributinn of these tracts, the spcafrrr pointcd out.
"I'ltcy would be handed t o the pclnplc
rsonitll In
Iloiireto-house work, copies being i c f i uric]. !he Zorr
If no one was at home. The Walch 'J'u~vcr Sot:Iety
w m ~ l d~ c n dtracts to every c o n g r e ~ t i o non ihe hafiis of
100 for e?ch publisher. It was ilesircd that evc?ry dwellir~xreceive a copy' so free distrll~ution OF m!Jllon~
was certain. ,~e+ah's people wrre dellghtccl wlth the:
plbospccts of doing this special work in pi'ocl:~im i na
the Kingdom.
So it was that during the lagt ten days of September
1973 Jehovah's witnesses in the UnIteA S t ~ t e s ,as ebewhere, distributed Kingdons N m a No. 16 by t h e millions of copies. On December 22 through 31, IW3, thry
: ~ ~ a ~i nn g a g e dIn mass distrlb~~tf~n
of I<i?lpdo?n Ncirqs.
'I'hfs tiznc it was No. 37, posinff ant1 nnsw~rlng t h e
question "Has Religion Betrayed God rind hTan:,'VC)n
May 3 through 12 they went t l ~ r o u ~fhi h ~ l rtrrrltorlrs
ngnln, with Kingdrum N e z ~ sNo. 18, illis lime l r n t ~ ~ r i n g
~ I I P cmrial question "Government by God-ATP Yo~r
Tor It or Against It?"
Many who h o w the truth of God's Word have been
moved to share the good news wlth others by engagjng
in dislribution of Kingdom W w a . Why, d u r t n ~St3ptr.mher 1913, in the United States (extapt AInska and
IIawaii) 512,738 Kingdom publi~hers art lcipatsd In
1 his work. And reports ind~cato t h a t t h y clistrlbutcd
43,320,048copies of Kingdom New8 No. It;. In J>cccmbcr
Ilit! amn;dng total of 525,007 shnrecl tn dLtrlbutlnn or
ICi7tgOdnl N m s No. 17; that was 103,11.2 more pub.
IIshecs than had shared in Reld scrvlcc ust. a vear
rnrlior. And in May 1874 there ivct.e 5:!9, 82 workers
in t h e field sewice:


Experiences show that K i a g d m NWB d1sWbutEon

really has spurred the work of discl lc-making. Far
instance, two uhllghers left a copy wKh a gentleman
and went th& way, only to be holiod by him later.
Upon returning t o hls home, they mcr h ~ swife, who
had found the book T h T m ~ t hTlrrrl LecrrE~t o Etornat
Life in a trash can. She had not hecn nbIe to sleep
because she realized thnt thlngs it said were being
fulfilled. Thls lcd i u a Bible stutIy. Tl~c!wamnn began
attending Christian mecllngrr r r ~ u l a r l yand p1,ogressed
to the oint that she 15?1rllcipnlcd111 h l c r Ringdona
N e w s dstribution and was plnnning t o he haptized.
A copy of K i ~ g d o mNnas IrlndEed the interest of
two longhaired fleshly brolhcrs who smoked, took
rlrugs and played in a rock ' n Y o l l band. Soon both
of them were studylng the Blblc with the Witness who
had placed the tsnct. T h ~ yrut their hnir, stopped
smoking and using nnrcotlcs and mad@rapid spiritual
progress. Just three montlrs after rrvrlving a copy of
K i n g d o m Ncwa, they wrre e n ~ n f l n g In IleId srrvicc,
~Iacingthe next jssue wli I1 01 tuat'.r.I l o t l ~wcrc. bripli7ed
In December 1973,nnrl ~lire'tlyI llrr~11
Ctrr wrrc enjoyillg
temporary plnnwr work.
G A T I ~ R T N QA 9LflhlmATf l R O W L '
The apostlc Jotln behcld n "grunt crowil'Vrrom all
nations, trihcs, pcoplr!s nnd tonjiucs atnnrling bcfore
the throne of Cod nntl ~.cnderltlg ldrn s~;ncccd service
day and night in hls templc. I IEtrv. 7:9, 15) These
individuals with; eartllty liopca heartily have su portcd
the anointed followrrs o f .Tcsus Christ In theE Godgiven wosfr of proclafmln~: thc ~om1, news of the
Kingdom. How thrifllng it hns hectn, as a rcsubt, to
nbserve thottsands upon thorlsantls sf ream to the 'rnounrain of Jehovah's hr)use?-Esn. 224,
These who h a w gntheretl info the courtyards of
'Jehovah's house' have rledicnted t)iemselves to Jehovah
God and symbolized this by water Imnlcrslon. Not long
after listening to Ilrt? InlIc "133 tlsm According to the
Divine Will," 7,136 of surh lndkldunls wcre irnmcrscd
in New York city on July 30, 1!)5#. Thcrr! had been
nothing like it since Penlccosl o f 33 C.11:. (Acts 2:41)
Sure1 that baptism fn 15158 wns n o t ~omething the
worl{could Ignore, for H.L. Phllbrieh wrote not long
ago: T h e press carried flne plcturcs of the great
number who were b c t n ~ba~~tizerl . All rcaders of
the newspapers had tu get tl~cimpression that Jehovah's witnesses were no longer to he viewed as a
smaH 'sect.' The lruth was on the march!"

. .

Jehovah's people have not been interested In mere

nurntms. What Is Important Is that baptismal canili-



dates understand what they are doing. That is why

there was great appreciation for a provision made in
the book "YOUTWord Is a Lamp to My Foot," published in 1967. On pages 7 to 40, it contained eighty
Scriptural questions,to be discussed by mature brothers
with respective baptismal candidates. "After they
studieathe eighty questions with the aid of the mngre
gation committee," observed Brother and Sister Earl E,
Newell, "they realized that their dedication and baptism
was one of a lifelong course and the responsibility that
went with it was n o t to be taken lightly." The more
recent book Orgumimtion f o r Rdmgdmn-preuching and
Disciplemaking (published in 1972) makes
provrsion for discussion of Scriptural guestmns with
Ihose who are considering baptism. As various elders of
the congrcgatlo~~
conduct these sessions with each
individual, those contemplating baptism are afforded an
opporiunity to express themselves on Biblical matters
and weigh their relationship with Jehovah God. Such a
provision has helped to make true disciples.

Consider briefly just how the making and baptizing

of disciples has increased. In 1968 t h e number for the
year was 82,842. During the years 1969 to 1973, a total
of 792,019 individuaIs were baptized, As enthusiastic
effods to gather the "great crowd" continue, many
thousands are being baptized every year. Why, during
the 1974 service year alone, 297,872 persons were
immersed in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah
God! What a thriIl it is for God's peo le to share in
this wonderful ingathering work to ~eRovah'8praise!
Today there arc more than two million Christian
witnesses of Jehovah preaching the good news of
Gad's kingdom.
Jesus Christ emphasized the need f o r his followers
to remain alert and an the watch respecting his coming
to execute judgment against the wicked system of
things. He did so by likening the disciple to a doorkeeper w h o m his muster commanded to watch fo:
his return from a trip abroad. "Kecp on the watch,
was Jesus' wise admonition.--Mark 13: 32-37.
The "Divine Purpose" Disrrfct Assembly did much
to engender a sense of urgency and an altitude of
heightened spiritual watchfulness on the part of Jehovah's Chrutian wjtnesses. Throughout the United
States, Canada and the British Isles upward of eightyflve such assemblies were held from June to August,
1971. These gatherings certainly heIped God's people
to recagnlze just where thcy are living in the stream
o f time.

Thm moving Bible dramas taught their forceful

lessons. The need to guard against lack of faith dramatlcally was brought to the fore as conventioners
focused their attention on the Israelites, freed from
Egyptian bondage and wanderhg in the wilderness.
Another dramatization centered attention on 1 Kings
chapter 13,and showed tlze perils linked with not listening to divine authority. And, how moving was the
y t r a y a l of the apostle Paul's Ble and works as a
hristran! It filled vlewcrs with renewed zeal for the
worship and service of Jehovah God.
IIow can one be safeguarded against such things
as materialism, demon influence and exploitation by
false religion? The anuwers were them in the moving
discourse "Safeguaxded by Faith and Hope That Are
Fixed on Jehovah." ?%at assembly talk was followed
by the release of a new 392-page book entitled "Is
This L i f e All There Is?" It directs powerful blows
agaxnst Babylon the Great, the world empire of false
religion, while also giving readers sound reasons for
believing t h a t there is much more than this life. This
book builds Pailh in Jehovah's promise nl Ilfe in a
righteous new order anti t h e ~ m n dresurrection hope.
The anointed PolEowers of Jesus Christ and their
companions with e a r t h l y t ~ o p e swnnt to serve Zhe divine
pwpoee. Thry Itnow t.hnt it will not fall, and that
conviction was eml~odiedin the title and contents of
another printed assembly release-the
book God's
6 ' E t w ~ ~ aPurpos&'
Notu Triumphiwg for HUH'S Good.
There truly are valid reasons for putting confidence
in God's pur ose. Especially were these made clear
at the assem%iy's climax, when the public t?!k was
delivered on the subject "Human Plans Failing as
God's Purpose Succeeds." This and other vital informa.
tion thrilled the hearts of the 891,819 persons attending
the 69 "Divine Purpose" District Assemblies in the
United States.
JehovWs witnesses in the United States, as elsewhere, know that men w f H make continued efforts to
stabilize a tottering world. But no matter how grandiose human plans may seem to be, and how loud
men's assurances that these will succeed, Jehovah's
people know that only God's purpose will triumph mid
they thank him for their grand privilege of declaring
his Word and Kingdom.
Significant1 Isaiah's prophecy says that "in the
final part oflthe days" the mountain of Jehwall's
house will be firrnIy cstabllshed above the top of the
mountains and many peoples will stream to it. (Isa.
2:2-41 Wc now are in "the final part of the days"!
The appearance of increasing throngs of the "great



crowd" should impress us with the urgency of the

times. This is not the day for Jehovah's servants anywhere to be complacent, listless, or hactlve. They
have a work t o do!
Just think where we are in the stream of time! Its
importance was deeply impressed on our minds back
in 1966. God's. people then received the absorbing book
h f e EverlasCzng-tz F r c e d m of the Sons of God. It
did not take long for mast of them to note the chronological chart in it that identified 1975 as the "end of.
6th 1,00S);year day of man's existence (in early
This certain? raised quesdons. Does this mean
that Babylon t e Great wilI go down by 1975? Will
Armageddon be over, with Satan bound, by then? 'It
could,' acknowledged F. W. Franz, the Watch Tower
Society's vicc-president, after posing similar questions
at the "God's Sons of Lilserty" District Assembly in
Faltbnore, Maryland, However, he added, in essence:
But we are not saying. A11 things are possible with
God. But we are not sa ing. And don't any of you be
specific in saymg a n y d i n g that is going to happen
between now and 1975. But the big point of i t all I s this,
dear friends: Tme rs short. Time is running out, no

question about that! Among other things, Brother

Fsanz urged: "Let us make the most of the time and
get in all. the good,,hard work t o Jehovah while the
opportunity affords.
Some years have passed since then, but this has
only heightened the urgency of the preaching work.
Jehovah's servants know that they have not dedicated
their lives to God until a certain year. They are his
dedicakd peo IF: forever! Today the entire world of
mankind I s 8od1s field of work, and that work is
urgent. What a privilege Jehovah's people enjoy as
his L?lIow workers in that field, making known God's
purposes and provisions for salvation! Wit11 deep appreciation f o r Jehovah God's undeserved kindness,
itelerminedly these dedicated Christians press on &
their activities, "working together with him."-l Cor.
3:9; 2 Cor. 5:1%6:2.
With t h e help o f God's holy spirit, Jehovah's Chrlstlan
witnesses in the United States will continue to serve
their heavenly Father faitWully alon with their fellow
worshipers earth wide. M a y all of us demonstrate
unwavering loyalty to Jehovah. M a y we remdn alert,
active, as the end nears. We must "keep on the watch."
This is not the day for spiritual sleepvheads! It is
the tfms for wakefulness, diligence, fa'ithfulness, In
serving the Divine One whose marvelous and incornpa.
rable purpose cannot and will not fail.


While Jehovah's Christian witnesses in M e Unfted
Stares have had their finest year in the evangelizin
work, with 81,588 being baptized, the evangelizing warg
world wide i s a fltting subject for t h e conclusion to
this truelife story of modern times. Their unity and
oneness of mind, and the fa& that they have shared
togetller in this great preachfng work, have been a
joy to e v e 0 Christian witness of Jehovah. Today
2,021,432 Christian witnesses of Jehovah are declaring
the good news. They follow Jesus' admonition: "Bc

witnesses of me . . to the most distant part of the

earth."-Acts 1:8.
Not only have Jehovah's witnesses peached the good
news of the Kingdom, but they have been teachiag too,
regularly conducting 1,351,401Bible studies, on an average, with individuals who have shown interest in what
the Bible says. UsualI b the time that Jehovah's
witnesses study with ZrniEes for about six months,
those who are truly interested in this Bible educational
work bcgin attending congregational meetings, and
soon they too shnrc in giv~ngt l ~ cKingdom witness.
In but twelve months' time 291,872 individuals progressed to the point where the saw the importance
of being disciples, wallring in tKe footsteps a1 Christ
Jesus, and they symbolized their dedicatfon t o Jehovah
God by water baptism. What a great crowd o f lovers
of righteousness that is! The year 1974 was truly an
outstanding one In making discipIes of Jesus. Just think
-nearly 1M,000 more persons were baptized than in
t h e previous year.
The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society has 96
branch offices wodd wide and through this branch
organization the Society directs the preaching of the
good news in 907 lands. According to the reports received, 371,132,570 hours were devoted to the preaching
work, much of it from house to house distributing literature, also in making 151,171,555 return visits on fnterested pcopIe and in conducting home Bible studies.
Jehovah's witnesses offer people rinted sermons,
Bible literature, to assist them t o ?earn thc truth.
This past year they pIaced 27,581,852 bound boolrs and
12,409,287 booklets in the homes of the peopIe. The magazines, Tke Watchtower and Awake!, play a very h-~portant part, too, In helping people to get an understanding of God's Word, and these are distributed fiwm
llouse to, house and on the streets. Jehovah's witnessee
in this manner placed 273,238,018 magazines. In addi257



tton, yearIy subsu5ptions were tdren for theee mama

zlnes to the number of 2,387,904,
This grand work of preachng the good news was

of Christ's death, on April 7, 1W4, by Jehovah's Chris

tian witnesses. WurM wide tllerc were 4,550,457 in
attendance. Of these, 10,723 pnrtook o f thr cnlblems,
declaring that thcy hnvr htxn nnetntecE by holy spirit


carried cm not only in 191i lands whcrc there Is ircedom

to preach, but also in eleven countries wherc the work
of Jchwah's wjtnesses is banned hy thc govcrnrncnts.
Thc1.c was a fine increase of 8.5 pcrccnt j11 iolal ~ ~ l l r lisllcrs sharing in the Kingdom pl.udarnslion in t/lrbse
clcvcn countries. hl fact, there wore 372,253 persons
who, under great difRculties and Ilirougl~ c~nrefulmn~icuvering,were able to preach ahout God's klngdoln
to ~ n I l l i o l ~of
s people. They spent 1X1281,97G hours tloirlg
i t most of it uuderground. I3efol.c Cllc ycnl. entletl
ld,Z00 Individuals in these lands wcrvc bnptlzctl, : ~ n d
I h c too are now engaging in the cvnn~cIizir~g
I h ~ l r~ ~ O I I I P I ' Sand sistms wt~rlt!wltio.
l'hcrc! are at this tjmc 34,576 congrcgntlona of Y e
hovnh's witnesses. Associated wlth thrsc cimgrcgnflons
anti In isolated areas, there arc many IniIlvlrInnls who
arr preaching and teaching fuI1 time, s u d ~ns 1,102
mlssronarIes and 13,629 special plonccrs whn spcnt 150
I~ours each month going from hovsr In hoitse and
mnducting home Bible studies. Serving tllc! congref:ntkons as special appointed millistrrs nre 1,7S0 circuit
ovcrscers and 3 9 7 district ovc?rseers.A11 of thcsc Iti,TOR
e v n n ~ e l i a r sare assisted with their rooming accommotlntions, meals, travel and c.loltiin sxpensr>s.In the
aorvice year 1974 the Society spent $f,~i2,24fi.(iOt o hrlp
thew full-time workers to carry on In tl~cirworlc.
111 nrldition to these expenditures, Ihrre were expenses for the upkeep of the Bethel homca, wherc there
nrr 3,307 prrsons who work in omccs, kitchens, Inuntlrlrs, t~ousclceepingand in the rnnnufacturlng of li tcrntt~r~-nll l o fr~rit~er
the preachlnji of tlw gonrl ncws.
'I'l~err! wcrc, an an average each month, 112,tiIO
regulnr Innmrs and temporary p1r)necr.s who spcnt
tl1,uuI lMrhours a month in the decl;u.nlIon ol rlrc I i r ~ r p
dom good news, These, too, are nssotbintcd with Ihe
c o n g r r ~ aions
and are constantly tnlking t o people
nt~oul I h e Kingdom that Uhrjstinns hnvc Ijecn t~uj:t~t:
t o ~lray for, namely: "Let your Icingdom come. 1,cL
youl. will take place, as In hcaven, also upon carrll.'"
(Matt. 6:9 10) To share in tile I11esslnfi.sof God's Itinp
dom peapie must act. The Biblc urges: "Get out uf
her [Eabylan the Greatl
. is you da not want to
share wlth her in her sing, an$ if you do net want t o
~.cccivcpart of her plagues. (Rw. 15:4) So todny
hundreds of thousands, yes, millions o f people have Llcd
ancl arc now fleeing from the worId cmplre of false
rcliglon, Babylon the Great, and are sayin;: to J~hovnlr,
"You ars my refuge and m y stronghold."-PB. 91:2.
Tills was evident at the celebraiion of the Mcrnodd




to be joint heirs with Christ Jcsus.

The m m h r s of llw Bcthcl family In all Its branches
are very pleased thnt t l ~ c y can print Wbles, books,
booklets, magazines and lrncts 1 llnt n s a i s ~the millions
of evangelizers in thc: field. To Zl~lsend, at the various
grinte~iesthey turnrd out 51,68:1,007 nlblca and other
ound books and 1H,239,lG9 bonltrots, nll tn b@ used
in Bible education work. In ntlrlltlon, 471.,Ul,629magazines were prinlccl.
All branch overseers X
n their y@ar1are ort made a
special request lo hnve warm love nnrf very good
wishes sent te all their frllow wor1ret.s throughout
the world. This requ~st I s ~rlntlenn brk~nlr of all of
Jehovah's Cht.istinn wltnesrres In each country so tknt
all of Jehovah's pmplc In the other countries of t h e
warld wiH know of llrrjr love for them, All of us believe in Ihe onc true Gori, J ~ h o v n hand we !vorsMp and
love him. We sst? vrry ~z*alr:l~rl
to kls only-htagollrr~Son,
Christ Jcsus, who xct :.ltuli 11 llnr rrmn]>lr r l l Intchgrity.
Together we nro Intrrilrtod tn tlt*rltirlny:thr? gor~rl11(~\vs
of God's kin~tlom.'I'hril Is our ,lay, W r nrt* nrixious,
but patient, to scr! I l ~ l sn l ~ lsyfitt-111 or Illlrl 1.r vnmt. to
its end and God'.; r l g l ~ l r o u Mrv;rli,nlu
i<lnl:f\om t o rule
without Inlerlr!rcncr Snr 1110 IhI(~s~ll~f:
r ~ f1\11 innnltlnd.
We happily Ionk forward to 1975 and Its grand worlc,
and the prospect of gnlhuring I n ~ cher
s1g1 more of
those who love Jehaval~ and wlrn ore s l ~ b i n g and
crying because of the ttbominstlons that rxlst In all
the land.
As we remain In Jehovah's splrltual aradise. working wiih him, it will be a j o for all o?us to continue
reading this book da by
feasting on the texts
and comments p m v i ~ d eThis
d . will be strengthening
to us, as we walk In the fnot~lcpa of Chrlsl Jesus.
Be courageous! Show faith? And logethcr let us ''brace
up our minds for ncilvjty" rind inove aheacl in the
grand service of Jehovah, the only true God.-l Pct.


Be assured of my warm love and best wishes, and

may Jehovah's rich hlcssing bc upon all of you as we
move forward in unity!
Your brother and SelIow servrtfit,


Watch Tower Rlble and Tract Sodety

of Pennsylvania

the ri~hteousruns and is given protectIon.'~Prov.
18:IO) A righteous man is a wise man, for he
loves Jehovah's Word. If we stay in God's stronghold we stay there because we want t o live,
and with life we can praise Jehovah continually,
Jehovah's witnesses urant only t o do Jehovah's
will, and that they do with a sense of security,
saying: "Because you said: 'Jehovah is my refuge,' you have made the Most I-Tigh himself your
dwelling; no calamity wiH befall YOU, and not
even a plague will draw near to your tent."
-Pa, 91:9, 10.
Is It not wonderful to know that you can make
the Most Iifgh God "your dwelling," and thnt you
can continue to proclaim thnt to others? You can,
because of your dedication to do Jchovnh'~will,

'CI wit1 m y to JehxmJk.. Tm me my r ~ f ~ and
t ~ e
my s t ~ g h o h i , '
' '-PR, 9I:2,
Mow often as a Christian do you say that to
Jehovah? RealIy, we should have this in our minds
all the time because we know that ~ v eare in the
wiclc~dworld, but not part of it. So rve live in
Satan's world and, being there, we surely need a
place of refuge.
Refuge means a place of shelter or protectiorr
from dnnger or t-rouble, and tllc uocl of this world
Sotnn thc Devil has brought only trouble to this
world since he started the trouble jn the Garden
of Eden. Job's critic Eliphaz said: "For man himself is born for trouble." (Job 5 : 7 ) However, to
his faithful followers, Jesus said: "Do not let
your hearts ke troubled. Exerdse faith In God,
cxercisc faith also in me." (John 14:l) So a wise
person will say to Jehovah: "You are my refuge
and my stronghold." He M11 seek protection from
dnnger by exercising "faith in God."
A Christian will want and must have spiritual
security, and this he can get by studyfng God's
WOK? ~ 4 t hGod's people. Jehovah has brought
his people into the spiritual paradise sInce 1919
nnd has, In a wonderful way, cared for them.
That does not mean, though, that no trouble or
danger comes to them; it does. Eut when it doea
they understand why, and God's Word shows
them the way out-I Cor. 1O:IJ; 2 Cor, 4:8, 8.
We can be sure, if we stay close to Jehovah's
organfzatlon, a u d y his Word and live by It, that
we, along with God's n m e people, Jehovah's
witnesses, wiU find refuge in Jehovah because
"the name of Jehovah is a strong tower, Into it

and by your doing i t you nre onc of ,Tchovnh's

witnesses. Jesus said that n11 of hls clisciplcs
should preach and teach. This wc happjly do to
help others to gain the spiritual security provided
by God. By your preaching the good news of His
ltingdorn, continue to let mankind know where
they cnn dwell so as to make Jehovah their refuge

and stronghold.


At the beginning of each month there 19 a theme

lor the month with a Bible text that will be consldered
at service meetings in the congregations of Jehovah's
wltncuses. Following these themes for t h e months there


Is n tcxt for each day and a comment on that tcxt.

The comments are taken from The T~'cctchtoz~+cr
of the year 1974. Figures follawXng the date of the
Watchtottic3r issue refer t o paragraphs In the flrst study
artlcIe, where further comment on t t ~ etext may be
found, When "a" follows the para~raphnumber, commcnt i~found in the second study article; when "b"
is shown, it refers to the third stutly article.

Proving Our Fdth ta Be kllve by WorkR,


WdlwdlayT &mary l
Bclora there c m upm you
the nay of Jehoxah'9 m p e r ,
seek Jrhocah, all y m meek
one# of tlre earth, .


righteousness.-Zeph. 2 3 , 3.
A tlinc or acco11nttng draws
nefrr for 1111 mnrlkind. It is
s time when divine judgment
wlll be executed against the
wlckari also a tirne of deliverR ~ I C C lor the righteous. A l l
perwnfi then nllve will be
cnllcrl ta nccount for the way
b t ~ r y hnvc ~ t w d their lives,
whcqt,har with .selRsh disregmd
for t,ht! w111 of Gud nnd the
wcltnrt* or their fellownen or
nlth loving ahedtence ta God
and vnselflsh conccrn f- fellow humnus. Remuse it, w i l l
hc a time of settlnlg accounts
on tht pnrl. of the true God,
the c n r n l n ~time period is referred to in the Bible as the
"rlny of Jehovah." It deserres
our serio~rs concern. If we
aro ke~pinr: It clom in m i ~ ~
wo wlll ha seeking Jehovah
UIIU xlglikouan~s.W 1/15 I, 2

ndvoc8tlng thm ta others,
Xvhat Jesus t~ruuht Mrr 111~c1p1cs nnd wlmt hnu bcrm
pnwed on to 1111 Chrtstinno
dolm through tile centurlea
by rneatls of the Word of
God constltutc~ t n l e Cllristlnn fu11,11. 111 the cnrly d w 8
of Cllrlsllanlt.y, when JL'SI~R'
dlsclples hprrkc ai l,hIngs ttmt
he hari tnutsllt thorn. mnrig
believed ant1 ucq~itred ttrl*
" n s s ~ ~ r caxpectatlon"
nnd thin
"cvldcnt dcmonatrallol~ of rcaXltie~."W 1 / I 1 , a

Frlldnyn dnnnnry l

Train 74p u boy uccodlng to

the ruay for ?rim; r ~ * o nwhen
he gtozr.8 old Ire tout not Iatn
m:dc from Il.-Prm. 22:G.
Mnke no mlabke about
it. Chlldren usu~lly can he
trained to be whnt tholr parents wnnt them to bc. Rcseal-cIicrs 111 cF~ilrl tleve10~1men t b R V e learn~dthu l mcmt
of a cblld's pc~sonallly hna
been estnMlul~ci1 Ilclnm ho
enter8 school n11d tlmt mch
trikl(,a two not
X h n d ~ y ,Janunry 2
tberenil~r eany l o filter. Tho
Falth fa the assured mpec- Creator of man, In hla Wortl,
Lnt!on 01 t?Lings h m d for, mnkcz thl8 polnt. Pllrldnrnrrltlrc eatdent dernonstratiun of t n l prlnrl~lea povernlng conreal!tfcs though not beheld.
d ? i c t 1nculaltecl r111rlt11: chlld-1Ie6. 11 : I .
l~uot!11~1rn1Ivnrc not, fornotten
When we xpwk Of faith eve!r HIOI:K~onc rnk)lt Icnlthwk ot one's belief in pornrlly turn nsldc lo I T T . I . ~ I , ~ ~ ad. PRul, in rnitlng to the doing hec~ruseuf lrngrrfccllnll.
Hchrew ChrlsMans, described
his t h o u r h t Is Incori?or~~lrd
Inlth, An nss~rred expectation in Jesus' 111URtratlon 'nf ille
hnx aomethinl: bucking it up. prodigal Ron 1~1lor:qr~nndcrctl
11 conveys the idea that this
hlx Inlinrltnnca by Icnrllnn ri
rspectntlon 1s guaranteed, t h ~ t debaitcllcd life. What bml~pht
tl~crswlll be a future posses- him lmck? For ono thlnr, ha
slo!~.Borne suggesl tlial faith rememhcred hi8 fnlllrr. 310
1s Ilke n titre decd of things
snicl: "1 rvlll vise nnd Jrlllrncp
hoped for. Faith can aIso Into my Itlthcr and :my to him:
volvc fltlelity to one's promises 'Father, I l i n v ~slnricd ngaftlst
or n l l ~ i ~ l n n c eto duty. One heaveu nntl aRnin~t yo11 * ''
who hns inlth in God and in
(Luke 15 18) YFS,r i ~ h ttmlnIlls Son would want to show
ing during childhood is a ~rtnloyalty, nctlng in full har- ~ o factor
In stinping n chlId"~
mony ~ 5 t hCiod*s ways and Iile. W 2 / l '5


Satmilay, January 4
Clothe yoursel~ealnfth tlur nsta
peraonaEitg, urlafctt iltror~ghacelcrate Rmlrledge fs lrefltlf
vrade nett rrccnrdlnp to ili'
fmcge of tk Oar ~ s l mcreated
it.--Cot. 3:IO.
Whether you live alone Or
are part of B i~niily,whether
you have attained Chl'l~tlnn
maturity m are w o r k l l l ~ COward that goal, advauccmcnC
~ h o u l d be appnrcul In tlle
spirit or dominant, Iorce t h n t
motivates you to [lo . J E ? ~ I o Y ~ L ~ I ' R
w ~ l l .Others abould be 1~bb1Lo
we that adherenre to C:od'fl
Word has mxde you R llctkr
man or woman, a better I%I To
and mother. n belter 1111~lbluld
and fnther, a brttcr son or
daughter. A CWlstlnn homo
shonld be one where hnppiness, pence and lovc. ~ ' I I I P P
than quarreling and shoullnr!,
prevail. It should h alcLnt,
clean and well kcpt.
true of your home? Witt~out
practical evidence of a p i r l t ~ l n l
growth in the llves aT l.hrlr:r!
who are God's nrrvarlls, nur
preaching meanu very EltClr.
Our religion, our wmahip, I#
judged largely by Ihc rcsulls
it produces in us rind In our
daily Ilves. Do you manlttqst
the new Christlik gersounlity? W 2/15 208

wmM imitata Jehorah Wd

in thlsl Thera would be no
wlckrd cot~cluct--no steaHw,
no fl~l~ttna,
~m Immornllty, no

It!trtlriE of others. Rnlher, all

notlErl ttent their ifi!uws with
Iovr, lor thnZ 1s thr example
RPL 1)3 CfMI, For us to qualify
t o llvn in Jrllovah's n e w spst,rm of tliln~r:where everyone
u~H1 be ImlLatin~ God, it fs
vllal tlmt rve naru become
imlt~tura of Gad. Thls reqrlire~ rc pcrsonnl effort nn
our pnrt kcelling mnrate
from this wurIrlla politics
nnrl ui~rl#htra~~s
ways, for
wr Must Aerve us urnbfissn(lorn or envoys of 0 4 ' s government, W .'#/I 13-18

Monday, Jannsry &

T a b mp dfacipllne and smt
aitvrr, and knotcledge rathw
f hnn choice ffo1rl.-Prw. 8:10.

Tt would he wrong to umelurlo frown M n t l h ~ wS:45 t,hnt

Clod IHZ)IPRIIIIIR t h wlrked
tljr unmikWRY ti~nl,he Is bless-

ing Iht: 1.1~11h0t1~1lp

W F rdlrlul~l nrvm let nnyona
nilul~nrlu ! ~iril o l,hlnlctug Lhnt
wo will hnve !os# because of
l.hn Wnrd of Oocl. h

rcml C'h~~IRlinll14 more bl~sflcd

and i~ tnr rlrl~sr blinu all
O L Z ~ ~ PIt
S 111 true that we may
not 11nvc fig mntly acres of
Irtnd ~ 'r ni l l ~ hn1011q, as fine
n c&, or n.s hlc n home, y e t
Sunday, lm5
As belwed chfidren,
go #I Chrlvtlnnff l l n v ~ a plft that
Gml llna rtxrrucd rw hls peowalking in low.-Eph. S:I, 2.
h rfind llldrlcn Irom othem.
Does not a son b d to act ~
like his f~ther?So it should All tlic power mcl wmlth of
l ~u4ckrd system of thlngfi
be with us, for we rra urscd
~ l f t .The ahas above. But how can rvc cnnnot ~ c tllla
show that, ns beloved chll- volute pnwor of a dictator
dren, we are imitating the cnn~iot ret it, Tlle influence
true God Jehovah, and 11oC nT R Wne or president rannot
m y fake gods? Tho prl~roiprtl p,et It. All the gold and silver
wag is by "walking 111 lorn," af the rich cnnnoi, buy it. Thi5
for Gcd fa the very pcrmnlfl- ~ l f tthnt Johovnh God haa
cation of love. W e prove that ~ l v e n11s ia I n r more valuable
we me worshlgcra or hlm hg thnn gold and diver. What is
imltrrting his lovtng q~tniltles. it7 It Is en nccitrnte h o w l Just m
e how desllnblc I t ctlge ot Qotl'a Word a d purmould be if everyone on cnrlll pow! W 3 / 1 5 2.

.. .

Proving Our Fdth ta Be kllve by WorkR,


WdlwdlayT &mary l
Bclora there c m upm you
the nay of Jehoxah'9 m p e r ,
seek Jrhocah, all y m meek
one# of tlre earth, .


righteousness.-Zeph. 2 3 , 3.
A tlinc or acco11nttng draws
nefrr for 1111 mnrlkind. It is
s time when divine judgment
wlll be executed against the
wlckari also a tirne of deliverR ~ I C C lor the righteous. A l l
perwnfi then nllve will be
cnllcrl ta nccount for the way
b t ~ r y hnvc ~ t w d their lives,
whcqt,har with .selRsh disregmd
for t,ht! w111 of Gud nnd the
wcltnrt* or their fellownen or
nlth loving ahedtence ta God
and vnselflsh conccrn f- fellow humnus. Remuse it, w i l l
hc a time of settlnlg accounts
on tht pnrl. of the true God,
the c n r n l n ~time period is referred to in the Bible as the
"rlny of Jehovah." It deserres
our serio~rs concern. If we
aro ke~pinr: It clom in m i ~ ~
wo wlll ha seeking Jehovah
UIIU xlglikouan~s.W 1/15 I, 2

ndvoc8tlng thm ta others,
Xvhat Jesus t~ruuht Mrr 111~c1p1cs nnd wlmt hnu bcrm
pnwed on to 1111 Chrtstinno
dolm through tile centurlea
by rneatls of the Word of
God constltutc~ t n l e Cllristlnn fu11,11. 111 the cnrly d w 8
of Cllrlsllanlt.y, when JL'SI~R'
dlsclples hprrkc ai l,hIngs ttmt
he hari tnutsllt thorn. mnrig
believed ant1 ucq~itred ttrl*
" n s s ~ ~ r caxpectatlon"
nnd thin
"cvldcnt dcmonatrallol~ of rcaXltie~."W 1 / I 1 , a

Frlldnyn dnnnnry l

Train 74p u boy uccodlng to

the ruay for ?rim; r ~ * o nwhen
he gtozr.8 old Ire tout not Iatn
m:dc from Il.-Prm. 22:G.
Mnke no mlabke about
it. Chlldren usu~lly can he
trained to be whnt tholr parents wnnt them to bc. Rcseal-cIicrs 111 cF~ilrl tleve10~1men t b R V e learn~dthu l mcmt
of a cblld's pc~sonallly hna
been estnMlul~ci1 Ilclnm ho
enter8 school n11d tlmt mch
trikl(,a two not
X h n d ~ y ,Janunry 2
tberenil~r eany l o filter. Tho
Falth fa the assured mpec- Creator of man, In hla Wortl,
Lnt!on 01 t?Lings h m d for, mnkcz thl8 polnt. Pllrldnrnrrltlrc eatdent dernonstratiun of t n l prlnrl~lea povernlng conreal!tfcs though not beheld.
d ? i c t 1nculaltecl r111rlt11: chlld-1Ie6. 11 : I .
l~uot!11~1rn1Ivnrc not, fornotten
When we xpwk Of faith eve!r HIOI:K~onc rnk)lt Icnlthwk ot one's belief in pornrlly turn nsldc lo I T T . I . ~ I , ~ ~ ad. PRul, in rnitlng to the doing hec~ruseuf lrngrrfccllnll.
Hchrew ChrlsMans, described
his t h o u r h t Is Incori?or~~lrd
Inlth, An nss~rred expectation in Jesus' 111URtratlon 'nf ille
hnx aomethinl: bucking it up. prodigal Ron 1~1lor:qr~nndcrctl
11 conveys the idea that this
hlx Inlinrltnnca by Icnrllnn ri
rspectntlon 1s guaranteed, t h ~ t debaitcllcd life. What bml~pht
tl~crswlll be a future posses- him lmck? For ono thlnr, ha
slo!~.Borne suggesl tlial faith rememhcred hi8 fnlllrr. 310
1s Ilke n titre decd of things
snicl: "1 rvlll vise nnd Jrlllrncp
hoped for. Faith can aIso Into my Itlthcr and :my to him:
volvc fltlelity to one's promises 'Father, I l i n v ~slnricd ngaftlst
or n l l ~ i ~ l n n c eto duty. One heaveu nntl aRnin~t yo11 * ''
who hns inlth in God and in
(Luke 15 18) YFS,r i ~ h ttmlnIlls Son would want to show
ing during childhood is a ~rtnloyalty, nctlng in full har- ~ o factor
In stinping n chlId"~
mony ~ 5 t hCiod*s ways and Iile. W 2 / l '5


Satmilay, January 4
Clothe yoursel~ealnfth tlur nsta
peraonaEitg, urlafctt iltror~ghacelcrate Rmlrledge fs lrefltlf
vrade nett rrccnrdlnp to ili'
fmcge of tk Oar ~ s l mcreated
it.--Cot. 3:IO.
Whether you live alone Or
are part of B i~niily,whether
you have attained Chl'l~tlnn
maturity m are w o r k l l l ~ COward that goal, advauccmcnC
~ h o u l d be appnrcul In tlle
spirit or dominant, Iorce t h n t
motivates you to [lo . J E ? ~ I o Y ~ L ~ I ' R
w ~ l l .Others abould be 1~bb1Lo
we that adherenre to C:od'fl
Word has mxde you R llctkr
man or woman, a better I%I To
and mother. n belter 1111~lbluld
and fnther, a brttcr son or
daughter. A CWlstlnn homo
shonld be one where hnppiness, pence and lovc. ~ ' I I I P P
than quarreling and shoullnr!,
prevail. It should h alcLnt,
clean and well kcpt.
true of your home? Witt~out
practical evidence of a p i r l t ~ l n l
growth in the llves aT l.hrlr:r!
who are God's nrrvarlls, nur
preaching meanu very EltClr.
Our religion, our wmahip, I#
judged largely by Ihc rcsulls
it produces in us rind In our
daily Ilves. Do you manlttqst
the new Christlik gersounlity? W 2/15 208

wmM imitata Jehorah Wd

in thlsl Thera would be no
wlckrd cot~cluct--no steaHw,
no fl~l~ttna,
~m Immornllty, no

It!trtlriE of others. Rnlher, all

notlErl ttent their ifi!uws with
Iovr, lor thnZ 1s thr example
RPL 1)3 CfMI, For us to qualify
t o llvn in Jrllovah's n e w spst,rm of tliln~r:where everyone
u~H1 be ImlLatin~ God, it fs
vllal tlmt rve naru become
imlt~tura of Gad. Thls reqrlire~ rc pcrsonnl effort nn
our pnrt kcelling mnrate
from this wurIrlla politics
nnrl ui~rl#htra~~s
ways, for
wr Must Aerve us urnbfissn(lorn or envoys of 0 4 ' s government, W .'#/I 13-18

Monday, Jannsry &

T a b mp dfacipllne and smt
aitvrr, and knotcledge rathw
f hnn choice ffo1rl.-Prw. 8:10.

Tt would he wrong to umelurlo frown M n t l h ~ wS:45 t,hnt

Clod IHZ)IPRIIIIIR t h wlrked
tljr unmikWRY ti~nl,he Is bless-

ing Iht: 1.1~11h0t1~1lp

W F rdlrlul~l nrvm let nnyona
nilul~nrlu ! ~iril o l,hlnlctug Lhnt
wo will hnve !os# because of
l.hn Wnrd of Oocl. h

rcml C'h~~IRlinll14 more bl~sflcd

and i~ tnr rlrl~sr blinu all
O L Z ~ ~ PIt
S 111 true that we may
not 11nvc fig mntly acres of
Irtnd ~ 'r ni l l ~ hn1011q, as fine
n c&, or n.s hlc n home, y e t
Sunday, lm5
As belwed chfidren,
go #I Chrlvtlnnff l l n v ~ a plft that
Gml llna rtxrrucd rw hls peowalking in low.-Eph. S:I, 2.
h rfind llldrlcn Irom othem.
Does not a son b d to act ~
like his f~ther?So it should All tlic power mcl wmlth of
l ~u4ckrd system of thlngfi
be with us, for we rra urscd
~ l f t .The ahas above. But how can rvc cnnnot ~ c tllla
show that, ns beloved chll- volute pnwor of a dictator
dren, we are imitating the cnn~iot ret it, Tlle influence
true God Jehovah, and 11oC nT R Wne or president rannot
m y fake gods? Tho prl~roiprtl p,et It. All the gold and silver
wag is by "walking 111 lorn," af the rich cnnnoi, buy it. Thi5
for Gcd fa the very pcrmnlfl- ~ l f tthnt Johovnh God haa
cation of love. W e prove that ~ l v e n11s ia I n r more valuable
we me worshlgcra or hlm hg thnn gold and diver. What is
imltrrting his lovtng q~tniltles. it7 It Is en nccitrnte h o w l Just m
e how desllnblc I t ctlge ot Qotl'a Word a d purmould be if everyone on cnrlll pow! W 3 / 1 5 2.

.. .

Tuas8sy, January 7
I ~ws
not able lo speak 20 you
as to ap[rit?~nlmen, but as t o
fleshly m m , as to babm in
chri.rr.-I cur. a:~.
T h e Bible e enks very faw
n o i~ t i o~x who are
cnllrcl "splritu~1" persons. On
tho other hand. it; does not
mcnllon will1 meril those deRcrlbacl trfi "fleshly." To ap~ l ~ c r l n tivhal
~t means to be
a spll.htuaI person, it is helpful
to undcrstnnd the oppasite

term, "llcshTy," as used by

Paul. What does behg "fleshIY" menti? X C means to hn
tlornluntct2 hy the flesh, that
1:;, tu hnvc ell cnrlhIy, worEc1ly Vlorv[lr~ltlt.911~11
thinking 1s
tllnl l~lr In~porfccl,foIIen men;
l,hlkL I:r what 1111s snturaterl
thin Wholo :;gsktn. Fleshly men
jurlge "by I~rlrnsnstandards."
a 1 Cor. 9:81 But, more IF-port:~nLlp. whnt does !t mean to
bc '?:;plrltunl~tr~n''?
It means
to thlnlc llke God, r ! ~ o s e
thoughts dm elevated c3ox.e
those o l ninn, This thinking
~ b H l t y comra to those m-110
1IHt~t1 to God's spokesmen,
pnrlloUlrarIy ,lesLls Christ, 'the
one who 11n~explained Jehovl~h.' 111 the apostlee of Jesus
L'hrlat we lir~vc sn excellrnt rxnmpla of lmrv one mn
brcornc triily ~plrltt1n1.-4oim
l:lt?. \Y d t l l* 3 , 4

Wdno~cfnf, Jlrnnery 8
Thrv me, ith f a d . emresalons
inspired b2, dcnlons and perfrrri~r s ! n i ~ a ,and they go jorth
to tkt. krngs of the eatwe
itcttabitrd enpth, to gatlrw
rlrcrn twvcthcr' to the war 01
ihr: Urclrt dog oj God thc
A h ~ ~ i ( r V ~ i y . - R c16:14.

When we see who it Is tbnt

are on the move toward EmMng~don,rve can discern what
t i l o Irrque Is. According to the
nhuve, tho present political
riller~ are by no means in
frivol* of a ~~eaccful
Thoy Insist 011 making ft necm n l - y for the "wnr of the

reat dap of OM" ta k fought

the flnlsh. And behind
rulers arc mallcions

forces supa:rlor 20 mnn. Conscquently, the war must be

!ou::t~t, Wo cngerly look for~varrl to tlic change ror all
the inhabited enrlh t h a t will
follow ttmt lulitorsal wnr,
l'lloro in IIU ncull-nl 11aaltiot1.
Rlellt ractlon is nrcessary
before thn1 WRY breaks out
111 ordm lo finrl ourarlves on
the vlctororlous aldc n t RmM~gedon. Only by our being
wholehcortctlly on Cod'e side
cnn wc hope to nufvtve to sro
the c l ~ n n ~ ctho
? enttll needs.
TV 4/15 3.26-57

Tllursdny, January O
I t on j t o ~ il~i p 8 fa t l ~ acor. essfon, 'Jesrra f~ Lord', an$ la
VOUT hear1 tlrc j n i t l ~ that Gorl
iziserl )link ram the (?cad,
then y o r h l o i d f i ~ dtalvtztion.
-Ron!. 11)::).New E t ~ g l l ~ h

T h e "wortl" or rneamge that
"Jesus 18 Lord" ia belng prottalrned to nll the rintlons.
The wort1 is nenr you: it is
upnu your llps and I n your
benrt." IP thc "word" rcolly
rcts down into n person's
heart 110 wll1 bcllevo. Ro will
havo inlth In Jesus Christ a s
Lord Rntt ns Win one through
wlmm Ood TvIII cnrry OI3t nII
tEls g t ~ n c lpromlfirs. In ordw
.o hnvr? ~ t t c h fnlltl wa must
iuvc ktio!vlcdRc -llret of all,
u l Uocl 1~t1dknowl:dm 1)1 what ho IinB done.
God hlmnall rnlxcd dcnus from
the dcnd. Bometjnles it la ncc?Mary lo Impress upon even
,hose who rlnil~i to he dcdl:nted ta Oorl tlie al~nlflcnnee
~f tlieac iundninental trv!ha.
? ~ u l w e p r o r l n i t n t n ~ the
pord of Inlth " JVhnt wna that
aith based en7 Theye were
,no very rltflnlte t l l l n ~ sLtmt
I?aul ht~d Irl ~ n h d ,nnd so
muvt wwn 1,000 yonrs Inter.
Thom two thlnuc nrrj Sosus' lai'lt~hip~ i i d1'c.wrrectlon.
W 1/1 8

we r t e e 1 ~ 8 not

t h e apivit of
t b ~ r r l d but
, the sptrft which
ts Iron1 God.-I Cor. 2:1Z.
1; contrnst to worldly
ouths the GhrfstIsn youth
has thb hope of living forever
In Ood'a 11ew order 01 r~ght n o t ~ s n w . .He Is not terrifled
nt tZin thou~btnI being thirty
ychr.5 olrl l Why shortld. hc be7
llc llnx the hone of nn eternity
of tlmo nhcnd of him, W he
nlreys Ilia c r m t o r now and
contitlucx to cio so. hforeover,
hs cnn mu the hypccrisy of
bile rnatcrlnllhtlo way Of Ufe
tllxt the ntlulta of this wo~ld
tlrlve rrented lor themselves.
ntlt R Chrl~tlnn must dram
tllIYersnt conclusions than do
thr! yout11n of the world. He
knows tlsnt mnny persons have
"ntnlrlred IhemWlvea alJ over
u~ltll lnnnp pslns" by loving
rnnncy R I l r l the things it !rill
btty. ( 1 Tkm. 6-10) IEe abhors
vlnlence, ntfd he shows it by
ut~aellhhlycloln~good t o 0thera, cvon lbvtng hls enemlea,
ntlcl not by srlflsh gmtiflcnCton of h l own
sennunl nppetiLcs. So f(1r Chriirtl~lyouths
there wlll be n grand tor no^row it Lhgr Wold the spirit of
ti111u~wlrl and ita generation
W 511 14, 15

S ~ t u r b y ,Yannsrgr XI
Hrrulng o tmdm aflediole fw
voir, rue tcere ~ae?lp l e ~ g e d to
$7nptarl to rou, not only the
t ~ o dtrswa aJ G o d , but also

ottr o ~ a nsolrla, became yojs

becanse helmed t o 11s.
-1 the^$. 2:s.
The grinclplr: of communi&,Ion nppllc:; not only to the
mntltal rtlntionship but a h
to rclstlo~rships between elders
nnrl otf~cra in the conlgregatloes. Ti\ouP11 plders have a

spaclat resnanslbf~ty,carrying
with it R certalt~ degree of
n~rliiorlky,the Kenera1 attitude
ILHIImnnner of cnmmunication
should Iw by wny of inviting
cooperation, rathm than giv-

ing d m . m helpbig wrmsone wlth a nmhlem. mch as

mny bc cncrninteresl when wltnesstna In ccrtnln tcrrltwles.
rather thnn )ri.sl ~ n y l n gwhnt

bo done, I t la i n r better
to sny: "1.A ua na ant1 tnckle
thlfi 'pmblcm to~cthnr." Tho
warm spirit at unt:clllah and
lov111 drrollon slioulrl be conveyex not "lily 111 what we
say, bul by our tone of eolco
und coz~rhcat nclJ011. fYIl~ta
fine cxa!ri]llc or r i f.?wrlreletionahip I m d l n ~to ROW! commtmlcntlo~rin bolh word and
deed the npostIc Pnul gives In
thc sllove! W 5 / 1 5 0

Sunday, J a n u q 18
Ever71 wcsv of a man fa 11
right In his m u f r cltea, bar
Jchocah Is ncaklnrr a%
cstirnatc ol Ireart'te,

-Prm. 21 : Z .
of proelaiming
the Ifooul ncm ol Eho Kingdom In onn ol tho !uost lmportnrit workn that has ever
hecn donrh on rrrrth. Why?
Ucenuscr I E in the touchatone
I,y wEllch mnnklrld 1~ jud~cd.
Accelll~rtice rli nrld u1,cdlence
to l l l c ROO^ new0 1'@n1111In snlThe work

vatlon; rcjecClon nlld diso'mdlence meon destl'uctlon. POT

example, n pcrsnn may bc v~i-g
sellglous. Hc mny nppenr to
hnvr! a Rnc personnl!ty, to be
gencroail. 11uninnltnrlnn. But
h ~ srenctfon tn tho K C I O ~n e w
revert!# whether hc ts rcally n
friend of Clod. For a n d knows
the heart8 al mnn. A Ghrlstlall
must. hnvc n ilne >ar~onnllty,
but rcrrrkrdlc~sor tjlni, or rqny
ot11cr cli~rrnrtcrl~tlc,
II ho dncs
not have lovo fol. Ctocl nnrl lor
hls I~llowmnn. lie Is nollling.
Bnve y o u accellEerl thc good
news? Are YOU obedient tO ~ t ?
Do yoti desire to tcll it t3
others? It In ncccwary for you
to proclaim the g o d n e w in
order to bn obcdlsnt to it. By
doing 60 ydtt rcvcnl thnE you
have tbe risht klnd of heart.
w 811 1-ah

Mondsjr, Jamasp 18


You are slaves of him , poa

e i f l m of sin mzth
deafla tle view OP of obe&&nce
wzth rfghteollsness in v k w .

. ..

-Ram. 6:16.
Though the redemptive prfce
m s paia for &I, not all wlll
fully receive its benest~.W h y
not? It is only those with an
approved slandlng before the

Creator who gain the full beneflflls of the ransom provision

-permanent release from sin,
Bickness, old nge and death.
While all we invited to gain
that approved standhg, not
o;U wsnt to act In harmony
with the fact thnt a ranso!n
or redemptive pricc hns been
paid on their behalf. They do
not want to acknomlecl~ethat
they have been bought and
that Jehovah God and Jesus
Cllrist are their rightful Owners or Masters, deserving of
full obedience. All who persist
in disobedipnce or who later
renounce Jehovah God and
Jesus ChrIst as their Owners
lose out on the benefits of the
ransom. Web. 10:26, 27) So
the question before all humans is, Whom do I want
to serve voluntarily-4n wfth
dcalh In view. or Ood and
Christ w ~ t h ill* tn view?
-1 Tfm, 2:5, 6. W 6/15 7-9

Tuesday, January 14
All of you gird yourselves with

. . . became
God gff~asesthe haughtg ones,
bwZiness of min#

Dut he @ves ~malescruedkiadnes3 t o the humble oms.

Pet. 5:5.
We prefer to msodate with
persons who are humble, modest, meek, unassuming. In
fact, the qualities of humility
and lowliness of mind are
quaties that aU Christians
are encouraged to develop. On
one occasion Jesus h e w that
Ma disciples had been arguing
among themselves as to who
was greater, nnd he told

them: "If
m k to be
fir& he must be Inat oi all

mumday, January 18
I f you public2~ declare
that Jesus is Lord, and e m
cise jnith in pour heart that
G o d raised hfm xp frOm the
&a& yofr will be save&

cepted chllqke persona on

the bmis of Ius name it would
be the same as accepting him
as well as hts Father, Jehovah
God. Ba he certainly enwuraged his disefples to be lowly
of mind. Years later, Peter
munseled in the same manner. Thus, not only do we And
lowIIness of mind a denlrable
quality, but m does Yehovnh,
mld he rewards it Mth thdeserved kindness. W 7/1 1

The disciples that walked

with J w s C b r b t nineteen
centuries ago had a mmvelous opportunity ta acquire
strong faith hecause they really walked with the Son of

and minister of 811.- [ w k

0 : 3 3 3 7 > Then he went on to
show that there was no room
for a man to be high-minded,
pointing out that if they ac-

Wea3naSttay, Zanuary 15
Thuse knowing now name &El
trwt in poa, for yo= will certainly not leave tlmse looking
for uou, 0 Jehovah.-Ps. 9:IU.
The nation of Isrnel was
rejected on account of their
lack of knowledge, and God
feels the same today about
those who reject; knowledge of
fjh.The time is near when
he brings vengeance upon
those who do n o t know God."
(2 Thess. 1:8) One's actions
reveal how well one h o w
God. (1 John 213, 4) For one
to M o w Jehovah Gocl means
to be obedient to his will. A n
occurate knowledgo of G o d is
also characterizcd by complete
confidence h I l h , 8s the
psalmist David seid. Those
wlio lulow Jehwnh's name,
that is, his eharacteristfcs and
reputation, will not believe lles
trhout; their heavenly Fnther.
Lf he does or says something
they do not readilv unnderstand, they will not impute
bad motlves to him. They
know there is a good reason
ror all that he does even if
:hey rto not understam8 It p;t
:he time. And if he @ems a
littte slow to us, surely there
s a good exphs;tlon.-2 Pet.

W 7/15



-ROrn. 10:9.

God. T h e y heard llim speak

while he was here upon the
earth as a human creature
and after his resurrection too.
When Jesus U e d : "Who do
you say I am?" they could
answer wfbh conviction that
he was the Messiah, the Son
of God. Peter on the day of
~entecost, m b e ~tclear that
"God made hun both Lord
and Chrmt, thrs Seslls whom
you impaled." (Acts 2:36) As
they did, so Chrlstlans riaht
down t o this day make confession with their lip8 that Jesus is Lord. 11 we w e true
Christians, this ia more than
an oral expression. howevw.
We ~vF11 demonstrate our subrnrgsion to Chrlst as Lord by
doing the mll of Jesus' Fnther. And we must believe
something else too; and t-hat
Is that God raised Jesus from
the dead. W 1 / 1 7, 8

Friday, Januarg 17
not hoping fop
anptxng back; and your mward will be great, and yna
40 g o d


a i l 2 be sons of the Most High,

because h e I s kin8 tozuarcl the
anthankful.-Lwke 6:3$.
h e you widening out In expressing love for fellow humans? Are you making progress in being complete in your
love? Thig involves more than
bein$ klnd and generous to
people who are favorably incllned toward you. Consider
how Jehovah God has been
klnd to th0 unthankful and

wlcked. They benefit from the

ayclee that he has put h t ~ ~

operation h make life on
earth possible. He does not
deprlve them of the things
vital to their existence-air,
slrnshine and rah. But why
hns Cfod been kind and loving
even- to those hnvlng no ap=
predation for his gifts? He
hes done this to pive them
opportudty to change, In fact,
he has gone far beyond allowing them the necmsitles of
life, even making provision for
them to be freed from sin and
deatli at great cost to himself. (John 3:16) In your relationship with others, do you
reflect God's attitude toward
hurnrtnldud? W 2/15 1, 3 , 4, 'lb

SatnrdayI January 18
The jorna of worship that ZP
clean ad nsndefled
t o Zook after orphans and
widoms in their trlbulatlon.
J a s , 1:27.
One way to i d e n w true
Christians today is to note
their care for bereaved onea.

. . . . ..

Is it possible for n boy today

to have a father and still, in
a sense, be a fatherless boy?
'r'hls could be b e e . s f a boy
finds he needs to go alone
to Christian meetings, thouph
his father really could be wih
him, then the boy is fatherless on at least that occasion.
~ f to
, receive any t r d n h g at
n l l in the Christian field service, the boy must look to
someone else, then he h fatherless In that area of h!s
life. The same is true In other
ways. But what a fine thing
it Is when the Christian bther
shoulders hls raponsibiHties:
taking the lead in farnfly Rlble study, providing recreation,
makm himself available for
consultation when problem
arlse, and personally giving
training in wring for respansibilities around the home xo
as to lay a good foundation
for shouldering respondbllftiea
Inter !n We! W 2 / 1 9, 10

Sunday, January 19
Quit mixltr in m p a n y laWL
aavons calf& Q brother that
i s cs lornicator or a greedy
i:ot e0kn fatinu ciEh srrctt a
nran.-l Cor. 5:11.
Jehavnh is a God of love, a
mrcilul God. All his mangemrnts nre for the good of tho=
lovillg rl~hteousness:they nevcs have a hximful purpose.
11s Is also R God of righteousncsn: 118 does nut condone
wrotlgdoing, There is, bowcvcr no disharmony among
the& dlvins qualities. Genuine
love, in fnct, requlres a iolding to, nnd ~ t l111~lstin&on,
rlf:htcoi1811rsa. Thus, among
ttin nrrnngements found kr
God's W O I ~is ttmt of dtsIe:lowshiplng, thnt h, remov1t1~
or expcl:ing from the con~rugatlonrersons who, though
clmrnlilg t o l
x ChrlsMsns, en~ o it1
~ cfierlous wrongdoing
and who Inil io show a g e m lncly repentant attitude. 'XneIr
llciiq put out is for the good
of the cangregotian. t o maintt~lnIts purity nnd to protect
LA members, loved by God,
from cunlnnlination through


such a lptlvcnlng influence as

tllc wrongdoers represent. For
thls reawn. the npostle Paul
Inatxuctrd aa above. W 8 / l 1-3

M a m y , danrrary ItO
De not let ywrr adornment be

Shut of the exterxul braidifag

ot the harr and of t h e puttitrg
oa oj pold ornaments or the
wearing of outer garments,
I ~ t tIct it be the secret person
01 t h heart
$11 tha lncomtptfbte anparel of the quiet and
ntild spirit.-l Pet. 3:3, 4.
Whnt P e w here says doeti
not Inearl that wives should
give no ntterdlon l o their outward nppcarnnce-not at all.
Woman are admonished in the
Gcrlptiues to "adorn themaelvcs In w e l l - m g e d dress,
wit11 modesty and mrmdness
.of rnInd.'YI TTlm. 2:9) T h e

emphasis, howwsr ahould ba

on the quslltles of the heart
and the outwnrd attire nnd
proomlrlp should rcIlPct tho
Fine qunUty of tnodenty. Hnvs
you as n wile rnstie propess
Ln this ~ t d FN)
? yo11 flntl
that yokt nrc not RA ~ n t i ~ P r l
by the labst fnds ~uiA aiy1cbn
as you oncr scro? Are you
more incllned lo choosc what
is rnodesl? Hrtve gnu mnrIo
advn~iccmeriC I16 bertutityi111:
yourself hy d i ~ p l n v 1 1 1 ~thtl
'"ulet and mild ~pirll,,"that Is,
dlspl~yinsn domlnnnt feeling
of cnlmnoaa and ovrn t m ~ p ~ r
a l t h ~ u ~unfnvomhlr
Clrcunls h n c e ~mlky arise? I V 2 / 1 5 23n

TneRrloy, d n n ~ ~ n r22
[Goti l d m not [cnvc hlrmlt

rnfthout witness i r ~that Ire did

g m d , plvlnp gm rnlns I r m
h a u m and frttttjrl? seasons.
FIIing pour h a r t s lo thc In11
with joud orlrf pond ~hezr.

1 4 :I?.

rcaaon fw m
to want to 1)c slaves ot God
and. Christ. They nra nnliko
the cruel mashrrs of tho pnst
who cared llCtle nbout tho
is !good

welfare or their ~ l n v c n .W h n l
God and ChrlsL hnve dono Ior
rnnnklnd testlfleFi to heir
dwth of Concern and boundless love. Clod Is the O n e to
whom wb nrc Intlrhtc~l fnr
life. Hc crtnted nll t!~lnas.
azd becatlm o t his rvlll they
cx!st nnd rve1.r crcnCcd,' (Rrv.
1.11) He couirl hnvc c x e c l ~ l r d
the denth srnkncr? upon d l a obedlent Adnm Rnd Evr l~foi-e
they bpcame parmh. Nonc of
us would lhrn l l a v ~lwcn lmrn.
Howcver, motvtl 1,y rncrclluI
cons!dcmtlon for thelr rlnborn
offspring. Qod allowed tho
drst hliman pnir to couthuo
living and t o procreak. T3espite the unappreclntlve attltuck 01 mast of thelr clefloendants, hc dld nat wlthhold
from humenkind hts generoun
proMOns l o r sustnlnln!r Ille.
W 6 / 1 5 10. 1E

Wedmsday, January %a
Hia Invtaible qualitte~ are
chear@ seen from the mrtd'a
ereatton onward, kcnrtse tltcy
are perceived by t?le things

que~tton i e foreacl on a per-

m n ' ~mind: Can s Chrbtian

prove hln ialth with no works
n t nil7 Or must R Chriatinn
provr: hi8 fi~i!h by dernonmade.-Rorn. I : ? @ .
srtrntlng t o o211crs throtlgh the
ICn order to Imitate QOd wsl uso ni his Ilcart, mind, soul
must get Lo know M m , T h e ~ n strcnnth
rhnt his inlth b
fact tbat God IR invlslble ia n live fnlG11. n prnductlve fsith,
not an iinsurmountnblo ob- not n dcnd one? James ia
stack to our redly ktlowinp: bhowlii~lhat works or nctivand imitating him. All of Jc- Ily IR proof of one's I ~ l t h .
hwah's creations around rla Yen, If we ~IRVQ Inilh we will
can serve as a mmvcloun nld ho ~ b l eI,u llrove H hy works;
for us t o get tn h o w ~ n r l not only worlrs of prenchlng
imitate hlm, as Paul bhown. nnd ten chit^^, hut also other
Yes, visible creation c811 tell rood works that Rive evidence
ufi thlngs thnt r m nld us l o or tho spklt's fruitage. W i / i
imitate God. Consider tho 17, 18
v!ay God has clothed the earth
with such beauty. T h ~ r enra
gorpmus sru~~sets,
ThL means ewrluating ti*,
flowrs, sonys of b!&, nnd
their tnkln fn knotuledge of
an a b u n d ~ n c eof irults. nuts yntt.
the on$ trxe C o d , and of
ernd other f d s . Clesr19, n'C
one ri~lrorn pat1 srnl forth,
can 1ep.m from crcnllon tlrnt thcSE31i.P
rlrrt3t.-Jolt71 I?:$.
God is a wonderhl Pravltlrr
To llva iorcver-wlmt R benwho is genuinely roncsrnrd
efit from pr~aarsslng thla acwit.h our hnpplnesa. Is ~ w nil
appreciative person n~otlvntrd cllrRt@ knowlc~l~ccof ,TcllOVlih
to imitate Chat exarnlllc? Four O a l nnd 111s H11i-41 Cnn any
instance, should not :\ pnrcnl ninomlt of Rcculnr cdr~cetlon
hc moved by ood'a R X I L ~ I ~ Ilo~ P ~ n l nrot' HB ownor ~!~erlnstprovide what is gocd. lllenhnlrb l n ~llfc? Men r,penrl much
l i r m aud cxc1.t much effort
and upbuild~ngior Lhc hrncllt
tn flnd recioua natt~rsl reand hnpphess of his I~jrnll
hould we not more
thus imitating h l ~henuerlri
111~31Iyeste~rn knowledge at
Father? W 3 / 1 19, 20
~ r i r l ? Just think whnt I t
mc:rna for u s t o know fw a
!rhmt?ays January 29
ccrtnlnty thnt we cnn live fmBut someme may labject: ever sight hpra on earth under
Rere i s one muha claims to pnradlsc conditions! To know
hone faith and another who thnt I h e tlme dcfllrltelp is
points to his deeds.' To whfch cnlilinc. unrl soan. w h ~ nman
I reply: '-me t o me thnt thfrr will llve In security, when najaith pox speak oj I8
tlnnollatlc nllrZ rnclel bnrriers
thozgh not accompnnicd bt!
wlH he dl~solvcdnnd when the
deeds, and b# m71 dcods I u>lit cculo~lcnZrylhlos of thls earth
wove to pozl m y l a i l k . ' 4 n q .
~ l l bc
l 111 proprnr hnlnnce tlhuly
2 :I&, New EnfiUnYi RIbla.
b r l n ~ n I)anf:r nf ~nlncl. How
James here s p e e k ~ Zo an rtnllks t h ~p~npleat o m day
imnglnnry peraal. Tlla paint who do not hnva thls nccmata
he discusses is not whether knowIed~onl Etodl (Luke 21:
works in hnrmony wkth the 20) I n contrnet, how calm nnd
Masale law lead to anlvatlon confl(l6nt nrs thoae who hnrw
or faith in Jpeus Chrlst dw3. lnvnllfd the~nsclves of God's
Ratha, faith Chat ts real nnd rift of )cnoivlcdge!-Mnl. 3 :18.
abe. Is being contrasted with I V 3 / 1 5 3, 4


dren ta do that? Is0 you md

Satorday, Y a n n a r g 26
son ocoasianally wark
You are not in darkness, 80 your
togather on the fnlnlly car?
tlbat that dag ahauid ouertakc
relationshtp tloes such
yuu as ft would th:?cs, jor
n c ~ i v i t yhave ~ l t hChc Bible?
you we sons o/ lrgkt.
R"lJ, the car hnd i n bc en--I Thesr. 5:8, S.
p l u ~ o r e dand mant~fnctaredin
The Jewlsh oll:r(yy were lirrrlnany with lnwtl tabproud and tnahi~:listlc. With Hlillccl by the Creator, Jehovith
this attitude Lt wns lmpoasihle Chd, and you munt contlnrie to
for them l a ncccpt . I c m RY rrcngnizc thmc rrnlurnl lms
tha &fessi~lt.Thot1~11ChrLqt
I f yort nra to keep It nl~erallng
wus right thcrc t~ffore them,
cllcctively. Periudlo Lune-ups
in the flesh, porlr~l-n12ngrvonnn(l ncljustment~, 1uh1 lcnting
derful cures, t!lelr eyes were alrrl oil changes all arc rlecesbltnd. T!lep werr tlis:rpMnted
a r i r y because of OotE'% la\rs.
111 J m s beaausr: thclr selfish- Do g o r l remind your son of
I ~ O R S caused tllem to look far
i,l~oac things n$ ho rvrwks?
wong things. We today musk
IV >/I 13, 14
not txcnmr~ mr~lrrl:~llst~c
tlwrn. It 1s cxtrcvntzly dangerMan&y, Jantrnry 27
oun to nllow ok~rfirlvcato In11
irho n s l e a ~ ~ ynprtl,lictlc
m- Do return, 0 r~ncpctdeIsrael,
I shall not stay rarfntful
rlltlon, in nur nilr~rl nnd heart
to ftme indefindtc. On[?]take
'y~uttltrg oRQEho prcscnce of
of yow en'or, lor it is
t11e fiery day of ,Trhom.ab 11
a~nfnst Jthobah mrrr God
wc do we wlll rnjl t o discern
that urn nave transf~ressed.
Ciod's ' leadlnga, h l Airectiveu
4 e r . 3:1%. 13.
for us. We wlll In11 to eet t o
know him. A dtowap attitude
Imml alone, a t nll the pmrcill mu= us not t n rm ckarIp plm on earth, wns in n core%.illat.
needs to ix done in tho nnnt relntio?lahip with dell*
service of Qad. We will not vnh and to it only were ~ t v e n
cver 'be ready' far or wnntiug his Word and law. The Iarraelthe "day of Jehovah" to come. i b s frequently proved unfnlth\Vs wit1 be ofl hnlnnm so thst
flrl to him nnd tventclnlly
we may be ca11~11t
unawares rcltahad the state ol lurlllng
whan tllat day arrives, Ef 1 / 1 5 n!:ldo and of g r w dl~olledic ~ ~ c oIDnn.
9:l-ID) nrcnuse
n l thla, alehovalr took atronr:
amday, dnnnsrg 2%
nrtlon witinst them. cnstiag
Whether yo14 arc eating or flrsl. the northern trlk!: end
tlir-11 Lha snull~ern Irlbrs out
drinking or dnfnfl angthlng
else, do rsEE bh!nga for God's of their land into oltlla, Ilnnlly
nllowlnp Babylon t o averg&rg~.-l Colh.10:31.
throw the ahc~lo notlond
Aow a s y many p e r m s find slnlcture. Havlnc tnken this
It to go nbout their daily Rt,l'OllK action ~1:alnst t h ~ m ,
routine and IGUVA
Qod out of
dlrl dchovah thrrcnftcr reftrse
their thoufshts? Allr~rving onc- to [lo nngthin~: rvlintsoever
splf to do thla, however, could thnt might contribtitc toward
in time cerrlsc one to become tlldr being restnrrrl t o h k
like those Jrvlln described at
No, bul, Instend, he
Matthew 21:37-39, But the fnvor?
rllrocted word:: of rrpronf to
npostle Paul wlscly encourages Illcm, exhorting then1 t
o abanu.9 to kecp Gml In mind
dot1 the wrong carimt! Lhat
tl~roughoutthe dny no matter hod lei! to their d~snzrtrr,snywhat w e are doltla. That ia inp: through the prophet Jerwhat a diacipIa of Christ does. at11la11the amva wurds. W 8 / 1
A r c you tenchlng g a r chil-

. ..

lotiger wEl you slave#,

bscaaaa 4 slave does 7mt know
what l ~ l sm&er doca, nut
I have calied poi4 trlenrls.
b e l l ~ 2 4 6 ~at1 the thmg.p I
hralw Ibsard from 7 r q FaIlrcr 1 bn?)e mads k f l o ~ u n
lo yolr.--John 15:15,
Do we feel =e certnln men
of nnclcnt tlmes who, l h o u ~ h
offerod freedom, vol111rtnrlIy
chose to continue In slnvpry
t o t11clr kind Hebrep, rnnatrrs?
(Ex. ?1:2-Gi T i a t Ls Llu Iirnrtfelt rraponse of those alw npjw'?o\nbF whnt a o d nrld Christ
hnve (lone on fhslr hohnli.
"'rho love the Christ hns cnmp14h UW." ( 2 COP. 5:14) Observo that Paul dltl not sup
thnt, God compels or that
Christ compels us to tnlce up
Inlthiul serrlce to them. On
the rontrnry, thc cornpolllllr:
~ D ~ CInB 'The love thr C h r M
bas." The re1ationr;Illp t,l>nt
wc! havc entered inlu It; no1 Ifn
impersonnl one, but wiirrn rlrtd

from Gal an& otliera m y not,

Those without the g i f t of accurate lcnowlecljie may evon
becoma o i r enerdes, t h o u ~ h
of the enmo fnmlly. It Is with
this In mind thot Je.nrs s n i ~ l :
"Indeed, n rnnn's enemteR urIII
br? p y . . n of 111s ow11 1101i$nhold. (Matt. 10 :34-37) Dm.
permn fvlto Is perhapa cl~sby his bmrly becomc n
loser in thls cnse? Na, for in
additlon Z,o galnlng the rllvfno
gifl of k~iowlcd~e
iitseli, ono

Q M I ~

also ~ n l n~ i~r l C u 1 rclntlvcs

a hu111Zr~Cfr0!tl The joy

can htive In serviny Jrllwnh
in ~6soclnt,lonwlth thesc ~ p l r itual vrlntlvcs far outrvrlckq
any lo!,$. W 3115 5

Thr~rstlny,Jannarg SO
the b a d ~ Is dead whm
tltwe 13 ?la breath Zejt in ft,

porn dcett*
n corpsr.-4a.~.

so ju4th rlfoorccd

fs IllrlcRa ns

Ncrv Endish Blblr.

Xn [nlnym ponr by, if ri l1wRon
mnterl Lo B sure C l ~ c ~wna
clnsc, n6 h d l c z t d Pd~y Zhc no hrcntll Irtt In n borly ho
woscls of Jesus recottlrd b y moulrl tnke t i ~ l n ni~rl
John. Rv this Jes~ru WIIA not it closr to thc mout,ll nrltl
shying that tl~eirreril ~>t>aitlon nosc trf t t l R person. IP thrro
wnR no longer thnt af :~lnvcs, was nny I~r'cnill irl
but, rnther, he rnennl tllnt he wouid tjc nble to ace It on
the glnss. It Iltere m s no s l ~ n
Irc WRJ not trentin~them ns
nipre nlnves, but nu frlendu, of brerllh, he would sny 5hnt
trualorl nncl respsctcrl, W 6/15 the prlhtionwns dcad. 60 JRlnps
uses Itic SllUsErntion of a boriy.
14, 16
7,Vhen there I s no breath In it.
thnt I6 I11c way a per6an proWdnsa@ay, I~nmFyR9
but having no
No one has left ?so!ue as ~vorlrs Is.11iith
W h e n itllth I8 (11hobhers or tistere or' ~rtathsr vorcecl flnnl
deeds and thci'o
or jnthm w ch'ldrcn a? firlrla is no work bncking
for mu sake and for the $aka faith, then one's nlthupIs tI?ko
01 I h p pood news r i ' b tulll not a lifaleh~ corpse. One thl11~
gct a hundredfold taofo
wo ahould keep in mirid
ante in the comitag sgeiak ' that
is thnt dnrnrs is ndrlre&~luff
a/ tl~Engpmei-tastmn Hje.
persons who nm
-fiJmk 10:29, 30.
dedlcnterl to God and hnptiwrl
T h o @!Itof accrlrntc h o w l - R I I ~w110 make the full clnlnr
edlfo of Gad ~ n dhis purpowa t o ho C h ~ I ~ t l n witncnarcs
ir: not auloniatlcally prlssed on Jehovnl~.IIn 18 endeavnrlt~~:
from genarntion to genrthntlon, stir cvrry anc of them to ncns nre physical charnctcrlstlcs. tion, XI a'c have intth rr-a
It I8 cvcn possibla thkt some should demonstrate it. Eiow?
membe~aof a family mny re- Dy our conduat mld by prcschcelvo of thU personnl ulft ing and tenchlng. W X/1 30, 31

Friday, amuary 81
Man mast live, not on bread
alone, but on ewry utterance
cwning forSh through

Jehvah's mouth.
-Afatt, 4:4.
In addition t o teaching and
training your children during
the day's narmal routine, for
real success. you must also set
aside special periods lor fam-

ily study on s regular basis.

Regularity in this is as i t p
portant as is regularity m
eating and drlnwng. The material to be studied ahould be
selected by the family bead.
Just as be decides what the
family will have with respect

to rn~terlalthings, so it ia bis

responsibility to decide what

tbe family wlll study. We is in
the best position to know what
the famly needs. Acid~tiomlly, he can Inquire as to what
the others think will be beneficial and then take this into
considerabion. Each fam~lywill
Rave particular needs on occasion. Articles on drug abuse,
conduct wlth persons of the
opposite sex, honesty, a w -

cfntions, kindness, and so

forth, might be appropriate,
depending on conditions developing. All such study helps
to underscore the wlsdom of
Jesus' words, W 2 / 1 13, 18

Malntaln ChrI~tlanMaturify by Constant Advancement.

-1 Tim. 4:16.


Saturday, February 1
Go, thn, and learn what tltia
means, ''I want mera, and
not sacrifice." F w I came to
cull, not ri~htsollapeople, b u d
sinners.-Matt. 9:12, 13.
I3o these words of Jesus fnd i d that he approved of
Anners in mat he was wining
to associate with them? Note
Jesus' introductory words:
"Persons in health do not
need a physician, but the ailing do." Would this not rather
suggest t.bat Jesus' reuson for
assuciating with them wna to
cure them? Jesua did exercise
mercy, cvcn mi he admonished
others. (Matt. 5:7$ However,
his exercise of mercy toward
sinners wns not a condoning
of their sins. Rather, it operated in the same compassfonale manner as toward
those who were physicalb ill.
(Luke 5312. 13, 20) Thus it is
evldent that Jesus was not
accepting people In their sins
a3 t h e y were. Rather, one of
the mast important nspects of
his ministry was to cnre men
of theh spiritual illnesses, enahling them to h accepted by
God because of their changed
way of life. W 8 / 1 5 3, 4

Sunday, February 2
Whp sJLOPlEd you die, O house
01 Igrael? For 1 do not taka
any delight in the death of
someone dMng.--Eaek. 185'1.
This expression harmonlzex with Jehovah's statement
through his prophet J e r e m ~ a h
at Jeremiah 3:12, 13, 22. By

oxhortlng these wrongdoers in

thls way, waa Jehovah having
spiritual fellowship with them,
a sharing of spiritual good
things together as among
friends? To the contrary, us
Jehovah hat1 earlkr Cold them
by the prophpt Isaiah, if they
wanted his friendship wain
they would have to ch&.
He would not lower himself to
walk in their wrong ways and
adopt their wrong thoughts,
(Isa. 55:6-Dl To enjoy sweet
fellowship with God a ~ a i n ,
they would hava to raise their
thoughts and ways back up
t o the righteous levels to
which God adheres and which
his Word teaches. Thus they
;would heed his warning to
come and let us set matters
8traight between us,' so that
then+ gross sins mkht be
viewed by him as blotted out.
-Ua. l:18. W 811 8, 9

Monday, February 1
Howl, you shepherds, and cry
out! And wallow aBwt, poU
mafeetic ones of the m c k because your
for slaughtering and for Tjour scatte~ings
have been fulfilled, and yo76
must fall like a dRperablc

vessel!-4er. 25:34.

Do not ke deceived. The

end of false rdfgion is not
going to come by Ib simply
folding up due to lack Of BUDport. Jehovah God himself
wlll give the command for the
destruction of BabyIofj" a:
the beginning of his day,
and that destruction will come
with surprising suddenness. So
it is not a slow fadlng away
by loss of members that brings
the end of Christendom's false
religions and their clergy. Instead, just as a. beautiful vase,
a "desirable vessel," suddenly
falk from its pedestal, ta the
dismay of its onlookers, so the
clergy and thew false religion
have a sudden, surprising
crash to destruction. Apprcclation of this fact can protect
p s against any inclination to
put on' the day of Jehovah
simply bemuse Babylonish reUdon stfill exercises considerable inlluence in some arers.
W 1/15 21, 24, 25

Tumday, February 4
You nawt not
j u d p n t of the

p m w t tha
We.-Deut, 24:17.
T h e manner in which Jehovah commanded the Israelites to care for fatherless boys
i r n p r m upon us the good
that a g d l y father can accomplish within the family
circle. Jehovah showed loving

.. .

concern for such bermved

ones. There is no mistakinff
Jehovah's remgnition of the
void that errlsted in such a

bereaved household. A household wlth no father was trzglc

jn many ways. T h e father was
the one who would provlde
material necesities. Ee could

protect them aghinst those

who might s h 1 , defraud or
otherwise oppresa. He would

provide the son with fatherly

guidance, companionship and
love. So, in the absence of the
father. the Law nrovtded remindeis of the nkd for special wncern. The expression
"fatherloss boy" was even included when Jehovah wa8 ,describing the degree of f a ~ t h fulness of the cnltre nation of
Lsmel. When the nation bcame spiritually impoverished
and began to pervert justice,
the fatherless boy would feel,
the bar1 effects.-4er. 7:s-7.

Z / l 7-9

Wednesday, Febmary 6
C b t h e yourselues with tlie neu
persolaality, which throagh
accurate knozoledfle i s being
made new accordanq to the
image of the One who

created 4 t . 4 0 2 . 3:iD.

The beat aid to becoming

acquninted with God and Imftatlnr him i s his Word. However, merely possessing It, or
even simply reading it, wIll
not necestia.rllv help us to
Imitate God. We need. in effect, to "listen intently1* to
God. (Isa. 55:2, 3 ) How can
we do this? By doing as
Joshua was mmmanded to do.
(~osh.1:8) Thus, in order to
imitate God, me must do even
more than read and study the
~ l b l e . We must understand
and appreciate it, so as t o be
moliwted to do all that God
desires us to do. We need to
Eet accurate lmowledge of
md's will and purposes. I t is
this that Faul showed could
change our life O ~0nf0nI-ita
God's example. I t is only by
taking In this accurate knowledge that we can truly conform ourselves to the h a g e
of Jehovah God, imitating his
marvelous quality of love. We
should let the very appeal of
this Wly quality to us mo-

tivate our hearts. W 3 / 1 21, 22

&ear upan t h o imt that than

Thtrraaas, Feb-rg
BFavaa who worked In the deld
A toorahmath ia what I harnr
might also Rctve the evening
W e you to the house o j
rncrrl to thelr r n R . W . T h
Israrl, ~ f i d ycm muat hem ans
plcwcd ns RornethEng t o
jrotn mu mouth speech and
tllrlr msEcr was enYOTI mrmt tourn them Jrmme.
(Luke 17:7-10) I n m y -L'zck. 3:17.
inr: thnl wa wcrc "good-forConsider Lng what Is at stake, nulhlng slnves" Jc~mwns not
do not we ldtlay have reason tclilhr tla bo tlllnk of ourto put forth our best efforts
R.9 USC~BBR. NO, hut he
to r e ~ o hpeople d t l l the Ufc- ficl~~!:
wn9 ndvlslnr: ua to keep clearIy
~ a v l nm
~ e s a g e from God% i n mlnrl o ~ u . relntlanahlp to
'CVord? QIIP clohg w would
God sllrl hi^ Eon. As Chrts~ l l o wproper regard fw God's tlnns. it IAnoL our personal
dc%!rethnt all men repent and will and rornrorts thnt come
Ilvc In harmony with accuprst for Christ died that w e
rats knowledge. Before Jehornlrht llve no l o r r ~ r rfor ourvnh ODd nllowed the Bnb- ~rlmn.'--2 Ckr. 6 : l S . W 17/15
ylonlnnn to rl~slrny.derumlem 17-20
nnrl rlcvnslnlo lllc Isnd of Judnh h o lrritl wnr~llnggiven. IIe
Rfikrrtlng, lkrebruar~r8
cc~nnltlorcrl thc few additioilnl
You ahorlld be made 7 1 . m tn
cnm or Hfe to be enjoyed by
liona hccding the tvnrnmg ns the jorcc racluating your miad.
-EVIL. 4 : 2 3 .
fnecloua. He wanted to spare
N( nlnny ns possible from exPor me to be a spkhm1
pcrlencinp R horrible Sieeth .has mrSMI regulrcn tmlnlng. tfen trakrlt of WRT or its efieck. wloping in o n w l r the mind
I-Te thrrcfnre p l n c d a weighty of Cl~rlst.I n thc dnlly round
upon his proph- or Ilvlng. the "nnlurnl" thmg
el, Ez~~klel.
In view of the far for pasona l a c k l n ~ sptrltunl~ r c n t nrluncer In which hu- f t y 16 l o ulvo in t o fleshly
mnlw nro today, should we thlnltlnlc. Tho force bhat nct h l ~ i k that our mnponslbility tuatcs their ~ n l n t e~lrwr;them
for the llvea of people i s less in R dlrectlon tlint coniormtl
than E2ekiel'sP Sutelg not1 Do t o thts old rryntetn of thlnps.
gou kce~llysense your sespon- The iorcr or dominant Inc11a!blllty In cnrrylng out thls nntlon ol R Chi-1l;tlun'~nllrd,
co!nrnhlon? W 2 ( 1 5 16, 17b
however. mllRt hr mnde over
In \F snmrth\rla ncw, !:e lllnt
Frldny, Frhn~ary7
one thlnkn In hrrrnlony with
Gnd's way, t h u s brco1111ng a
The lone the Christ hm
bnlrltunl prrurvi, h s one's
oompc1.p l18.--2 COT.5:I.i.
t l ~ l n l t l r ~chnr~(:ra,
Pvcrg asIt tha lovo of God and
ect of m e " Ilfa allould also
C h r l ~ t conllsela m to aerve
c mnns now: n new persont h o ~ n ,t h l ~wlll be reflected in alltv
Ilc d ~ v e l o p ~ r(Eph.
the way we live our lives. We 4:241 Evcn If o r ~ cha3 been a
will not be lipfng for our- C111latl:~n wlCnc!m ol Jehavnh
sf!lves,\ m a t does this involve? for mnny yenrs t h l ~(~CVFLEOI).
Wnuld n slave give first atmust contln~xcnnd tnke
tcntlnn t o 115s own comforts or ment
in every nrcn o l one% I!!@.
i ~ l t ~ r e s t aMost
cer- T h e wny n ClirlR11nn canducts
tnlnly not1 Then w h a t about l~lmsrlf nt wurk m. at school,
nlnvca of God and Christ? hln lnnuunrc nntl h l ~other
Poi~tlera Hternl slave-masher ~lcraorlnl hnhlts, all ~houlclreralntlonlrhip. An lllustratlon veal ~ p l r i l ~ ~ r Ihlnltlng,
ufld by Jesus glves a forceful
mltld of Chvld, To thriC
unawer t o thia qlzestlon. He of you? N 417 7, 8

Elanday, FebPut up a lrmd fight

samethim dmuld



jafth tlfot was mrce for aZ

EInrc rlcliaercd lo the 8asalg
f l l l ~ s . - A l d e 3.
Actumlly, R ~reaiirqmnslblllty Iur nvaldiry the generatlon r:np In Lhe home rests
on y o u l h ~ , How, then, m i l l
vou who n1'8 Chrietinn youths

birrdnrge t h h responsibility?
IWst or all, do whnt PauI z y s
a t Ronlnns 12:2. T k s has Co
dn tvlth 110% you thick. on
Wllnt Is your attltnde

townril mntcrlnllsml Whnt do

you ~llinlr about the use or

(lrllF5 101' "kIcltB" or xs an
rscrtj,~ horn the troubles of
tlic worltl? Whnt, do yo11 think
or tIio R R X U ~ L ~i m m ~ ~ a l i t of
modorn society? What do you
thitlk of t h e music and enter(rr1nmenl aoughl after by
yaritlis 06 tho world? You
nlrr+,L not, you mnnot, thil?!:
an Ehese mnttcrs ns ndrrlts anti
youths think who R ~ Ppart of
ihlrj wlckrd aystcm of thinps.
'r1313 wny we net tarts wlth
how we th2uk. Yes, you have
to put up n rrnl bnttle ngR1nst
k n d ~ n c i ~ f lt~rnplittluns
prcssus~:+thitl y011r perents
mrrv urver 11avc hRd when
tllt'y wpre young. More than
r w r bcfnre it IS necessarv far
Goti to [lo ns dude co&ls.
1V $11 15-17

Monday, Febmarg 10
God mpnt on to eay: "'Let us
maice man in our ?maw, a&corrllrtn to o t ~Ilkmess, and
Zal tlrrm Imua in subfscteon
tlzo fl11t oj i h d sea nnte
c~wrfj rnozllnn anrtnal tho!, fs
a ~ o v l n gtroon t l r p earth.
-4rn, I 2 6 .
Let ua look bnck at the
ol tommnnlcation and
mc how It c o t st-,
what we CMI learn from it.
ln the O c ~ ~ c s laccount
crebtlOIl, cllnpter one, rve note
thnl on snt:h day, up ta the
ulxllr clay, tho nction is introduced by llre form of the
Hcbraw verb that means that


bke place.
Yes, Qod was cornmunIcating
hls instructions, but no person t~ mm~tloncd m responding thereto. Ilo\r.cver, ushen it
comes l o Chr c1.0wlilng l l c t of
earthly crmtlon, zvc noto a
mnrked chr~nar.Thatl~lrIn a
posllion 0 1:rrrua n dll-ectlvs
as t o n, ~uhortllnatt:~tilo Crcntal- wna now invlting cooperation, A Iricntlly, kindly tone
Is Impllerl; n ~ m r lr~lntlon-

llrillhy y~nrtnrrslllp.
;' isn how
12 shoulcl bc Letrreen mnrrlrd pnrtncr!r. If

rou are n hl~trbnnd, la thnt

hrm you lnlk to yr>ut. wife,
sayinR: '"Coinc 011, let us , ."?
W 5/15 B

fisndny, Fabmmry 11

time she snid t o

rnistresa: ' V J m I p mg
t t Ellat
he l u a i r r r I rrnrlwr hrrr~

roere brfore the

fs i n Somnrin,



his It.pro~t)."-2 1f f . 5 2 .
J u a tthtnk nf tills IlttlE
fmrtlta r:lrl. 8110 wna tnkan
cnnllvc i r ~ l r n Xnrm!, but this
dlcl not w o n k ~ n Ilm fnlEh iu
Jrllovnh nrw 111 hla ahility to
ust: oils rbi hls f r l t t h f ~ ~serl
vants through whom t r l perform mlrncics. She hnd real
falth. Thrrr: \van no questlon
hoti it it: she bellevet! impllcltiy
N R & ~ R ~
~ ~ n u ! d ~ n dnsk, .lrhovnh
Allhou~h just

a mnidtxrvunt, hhr! hnd the

cowngo lo ~ v l t n ~nl701rt
~ s her
fallli in Jelrovnl~ God. She
rntzst hnvn rlnno t,hh rrlthusir*';ticnllg mcl convinolnsly, for
brr rnmsngo vlnn nctrd upon.
Llke tltla hr~mble unnamed
wrvnnt o t Jrlwvnh, wc should
ienrlemly wcnk the t r ~ t t !so
t h n t sZ1 of llnnpst henrt mrtv
honefit. Nevcl- ~ h o u l d~ v chold
hnck fronr mrtkl~li? knaivn Jejlovnll and )lib nnrpnws, fearing wo nre noL qunllfled lo
peak t o Romoonn In a, hlgher
station In Ilft! thnn we. Wo
shoutd hnve full confidence in
Jehovnh God. W 7 / 1 19

Wednesday, Febmary 12
I1 error8 were what yo% watch,

0 Juh. 0 Jehuah, who could

stand?-Ps. 3511:3.
Eldera in the CMstlan con-

can demonstrnte
how well they h o w Jehovah
by thelr dealing sf[th others
es he would. For examplz.
take Eha mat* erf how clders view their broth~rs. Is
lhplr attitude a reffeetion of

only a aeleat few, Juat as

p a i d maturity Ie aetiaipxd aa a anturn1 attainment
for Ilving crcaturen, 30 spirltun1 maturlty should be nnLicipatcd nnrl sought alter by
every Chrlstlan babe. f t Irt
m t h h the reach nt all ttrhu
put forth the needed effort.

One's home, experlcnce nnd

educatttfan m e not the c!ctcrmlnlng fnctora PnuI cxhartcd
Chr!stians who hnd not yet
Je!lomh's d e w p o i n t , as writ- &come splritu81 adult: to
ten in the Psalms? ,To the "pre-s on to rnnturity Irr
Creator d m not go a ~ o n n d order Eo d o Ea they Erst h n d
looking for faults, nor is he t o recognlm their trlre s p l r overly critical. The general Itual condttlon and then work
tcnor of Jehovah" vlewpoi~t to make pr0gre.m. W 2 ~ 1 51, 2
torv~rd nlxnkrnd Is furthpr
~xprewrd nt Ps~Irn 103:~-14.
Friday, F~bn~crg
Do our dcnllnrs Wth our
' T h e tiaord b near you: It k
brothers reflcct that U P rpallv
Itnow these t h r n ~ sskit G o d ? upon goti* lips nnR in y m
This nleatla the rvord
If so, the elders will nut he
ablirious to how the flock is oj faitn whiclz me praclnlvt.
-Rom, 1 0 : 8 ,
claiuR. They nz!ght we11 nnp!y
H e w EnfiUsh Blbla.
t o themselves as spirituel
shepherds the words: "You
Paul was a real evangellzw
o u ~ h tto knov positively the a proclaimer of the good
hppem-nnce of your Rock." nms. He learned of Jeuue
IPi*ov. 27:23) But whut do Christ, who t h r o t ~ ~ bn1s
elders do with their knowledge death on the torture stnlte
of the flock? Well. like Jeho- provided the rnenna f o r tnkvah, they see the good in ing away the aln of the world,
people. They acknowklge t h e and Paul, also learnerl abouG
~ o o dbeing done by others, Jesus' resurrection from t,ha
nnd 80 they strive t o Ee up- &ad. Paul - ~ ~ t tED
s deeply apbulldlng, not just watching prcclative of the menninR of
for errors. W 7/15 8 , 7
them tlrlnga hhat hc ~ F W
everyone should Anow a h a ~ l t
Thnrsday, Fabmmy ZS
thrnl. So he trnvelcd thauof milca, much of it on
Lst rls press nn to mafarity, sn~lr!J
foot, prcnchlug Rnrl tenthing.
-Heb. B:I.
up new tterrltory
Emh AS 19 the case wlth He opened
brought to many j w p l e
anlmuls. Iiumms, too, are nct and
nfould prntorn full grown, either phyx- vide them a that
hasls for Inllh.
icnllp or menMy. Pad n e Paul spcke nlone
rfrrr bar!ka.
ex-pect children ta m w t-p, in schno!~,In prison.
In primte
to reneb the nhjrslcal, srental
o t pco1.1~.
cnd emotional stature of TP- 3em sad dmeP)rs, nntl
sponslble ndu!ts. CIesrly, Lfe of rarlom sizes. Whenrronrl~
111 God's nrraliqem-ent invoIres
the "worrf" rvns brou-lit
growth. There is n!so a mouth spoke,
f o r Chrlst!sns from s&i,-itvcl
childhmd irjo spbitual adult- t,hey could repeat ft wlth
hood, Chrlstinn maturity. their o m llps and cl~erlal~
This spMtnnE mattnity Is not in their hearts. In all of thla
nn unattainable goal, nor Paul set a fine elinmpIe fm nus.
something to be reached by -1 Cor. 11:l. W l / l 3, 4

Returday, February I6
muat fnuulcate [these


words] in olrr ann and speak

of thcm wfcn fin!& sat in your
lwnsc and when !/OIL walk o n
thc road and eulterz ~ t o t t Ite
d o w n and ruhm F/OTL gct irp.


of NCtle value. I h e house

munt b~ complete to serve its
intended purpose. If a, man

31inLts himself, t a s t u B a g
only oartaln favorite" porlions of the Bible, hls Imowledge will be of Hm~tedvalue.
Orle must nppreciate t b t "all
-Dezil. 6 : s , 7.
Scl.lptlire is inspfred of God
Yes, the uuorshlp of Jehovah nnd beneflcial" if one fs to
Is to be n way of llle nnd come to an nccuraB h o w l dlsc~~sslng
h l ~purpwes Ja to edge of the truth. (2 Tim.
be clone on ~pproprlntt*occn- 3:16) Actually, an incom&long dhrou~irnltt one's dnilp
plcte picture can be dnngerroutine. How ~ o o dit i a ahell ous. W-thout the f u n picture
onr :; i l r ~ tthotl~hkqon awnk- wc could easily be misled into
rninr nrv of Jcl~ovallnnd '5s
thinklnc thnt we =e aervFng
601:! Wurshlp of Jrllovnli cnnGod while doing something
?!OL be xepnrnterl from the
dinmetrically opposed to kls
dzily routllie ol Ille. W h ~ n will.-John 18:2. W 3 / 1 5 6, i'
Ille apeech Rnd coilduct of
pnrenls rcflccl the convlctlon
Monday, F e b i a q 17
hut t,lds 1s so, thp chlldrcn
Happy f s the matt that has
wlll nrow In nppredntim ut
, hln delight
, in the
the Inct that Jehovnh g o d
jaw of Jehovah.-Pa, 1 : i , 2,
sces m c h lllinff they d o and In
aenerally, the fsmLly will
Inlcte.<lcd In how lhry 40 It,
thnt I t la itnpartant t11 bc nn flnd that they wlll p m t
much by iolloivlng the study
Imitator of C:ncI% fi8o iIn
ev~l-ythlng they do. dcl~avnh course that hns been nrran~ed
G o d nnd his 'son nrc thrn fur Cho c o n ~ l ~ e ~ n t l oprepar~ I I R for partlclpalion in the
it1 tho child's tho\t~htaat nll
tlmcs, not only when npcclnl ~ncetin~a.D n l e s ~ there Is a
tlmrs nro 8ct nuldo for w W - fipcciai necd in the famiIy,
~hil).T h l y wlll Lw l w k l n ~for why !lot focus your attention
,~rhovtah's t~lrssinff uil onch 0 1 1 the atudy material that all
tnhlc perforn~cd n i ~ dwlll brbe others J I ~ the congregation
t h c dil.~cllontio Elves throuwh ~ 1 . 0 thinking and talking
about? What a unifying efIsct
his Word. W 2 / 1 11, 12
it will hnvc nnd what a hne
contrlhtlon each one c a n
H~tnday,February 18
make to the discussion a t
IQod'sl ~ 1 1 1Is that all sort8 the
meeting it families preof nten 8hou3R be savcd and
nt home in harmony
come to an r~ccllralc k1601uI- pnre
with the! congresation's proed#e 01 truth.-1
Tlm. 2:4. gram.
Those blessed w ~ t h
Yes, Oml's wllt Is that pea- more atudy time can do adZc m c to an rccurnts
dition81 research. And while
nowledge of truth. Moro tlmn the mal of some o f &ply
a hnzy outlitlo of knowlFdqe
picparing n comment an the
Is necewtly. This ans u:lc study ques~ions might be an
o l the prok~lemsIIM! hy the acceptable gosl Ea begin wfzh,
Jewish pcople of thp npostlc the renl go31 &%ould be m
~ n u l ' s r11ty Ar? referred to grnsp t h e Scrlpturr-1 subject
Zhctn aa "hnving the frame- ~ v dthen to help others to
work 01 thc knowltdga nnd of
do so by the con~lnentsmade.
thc truth." IROm. 2 ~ 2 0 ) If a With this objective, study won


permn buBd~nc n houao

~toppca after completing the
rramcwork, his eilorb would

becomcs a delight to one wha

i s a lover of truth, 8s wm the
Inaplrd pealmist. W 2 / 1 19, 20

M a y , Feb18
Aeld &ca
and tn p arfng
lor the T h e ~ ~ ~ % #h&y
axe ciaimp, towR
Cotrld thry bc given
nt tt w h o F S D y ~as to ~ e - 1Sch0ol7
k m a h and not to men. l~ X.;!ncclom 11~117 ti clders the
~ ~ 1inoirb
tt $
nlcit Zo nlP the dPtriIk thot
Jrlmalc you tt:rll recmne the
drlc rutunrd
Slave for the
thr "~heep"In their care, they
Maatrr, Chrlat.--1301. 3 2 3 , 24. nrc
In n IloslOon i,u help then1
Llvlng no longer for ourattd cat1 talk nbout these
involves more than thlnEa when they meet tofaithful cntlurnnee when w e
ReLher. ITnwAvcr, what i i a,
nrc bdng persecuted. (2 Cor.
nicrnber in n crmgrc~nMonla
6:lSI Aa urged by Paul, lir-stnrt~tlff In n lrend that the
Infi m lungcr for omselves inPlrlprs fml msp land to spMcl~rdcs crcry mpmt of Ufetun1 dlmctiltyl W n ~ i l dit not
morals, how we think, act,
lx? an rxprrmlm of love nnd
dfely subMndnesrr l o do all they csn to
exeroiae of rcrncrly tho hltur%tlonlW 7115
~rrulnhlp nncl obedience to
8, n
pnrcrll s. II~Inxntlon nnd tilenHIIPO 111'0 211.111111 in achieving
mmMag, Fnbmary 20
hri1rcnc:ml l l i i a , hiid t~ penutne
Far thIa TCUROn, noto fhrrt ios
CI1rl::Linti rlrhtly uses some of
hauc tett llre primary doctrine
h l n time 111 purrnits thnt are
selnxln~and pleesurable. But adoirt flre C'hrisl. 3ct t i 3 press
hr tlors n o t live sole$ for or1 to ~nnt~iritv.not InHnff a
tolindatron agafn.-Hef.
~ I P R B I ~ ! ' P . N o r does ha ration
on w m s spectflc part of his
Are tlwre nny among us
Ilia nr; "my Elme," durin~ who hnvc been n~wclated
which he c:rn ioreet that he with the Chrislian congregaIs ~ c r v l nGod.
That this is tiori I o r years nnd yet are
AO 18 Rarn fvom the flne way
not &blu t o tcncll others the
1n which Chrbtian servantmu hslc rloctrlnm of the Bible?
or del~ovah use thefr free
After years of ruwoalnllon with
ttrnm. Hlah on the list of
Gorl'a ~reoplc, do mine still
~ ~ l ~ a ~ u rthing=
n l ~ l ethey do are
have 8lm:ult
In lettlng their
tillnos t l l r ~ o t hreletccl to thelr
mnadenco Ktstinmlsh rlsht
wora't~lp.W 6/15 25, 27. 18
from rvronE? Do they x
rvnt?t otl~rr!~
to tnnke drclsial~s
Wcllnmday, Frbrnarg 18
tor them In mritlprs of conYorr mrrlht t o knnw pc~s!toce@ sclenca? Ariy wlio find theml
the oppcarancc n i #ow pock. selves ~ l l lnocrlil~R
111 Ihe I ~ n ~ l c s
nP Christian
-ProV. 27:23.
R I I ~ l i v j n ~ should
lmflere uhould be aware d ccrlninly worlc hnrrl to ncqtijre
those ncerllns assistance in
Chrlstlnns should
thc aoncr~aatlon. Perhaps mnt,uslLy,
not bc lllre \ ) I ~ I I ( ~1vho
P ~ . snever
srrrne of t h r older ones nre
S11a Ioimtlntlou of
hnvlng dlmc~llttes that d e c t
thrlv 8ervIce to Jehovah.
In t h l h ; cnsc M n c : the elernenhlnybe t h ~ p&re depressed nnd
p r l m o ~ y doctrines
~11courngemenk. Are
bout chrlst. rhey should
some mjssmg meetings or In press
to rornp1,lrlc ths buildothw ! ~ n y dnckening
off in
ujc or nupn'strl~cture that
2heI1~scwlce to Jehovah? Do
:esta upon thnt foundation,
BOln! trnvel alone to meetnamely, tlle ?nore r~rlvunccd
Jnas anti flold m r v h through
Rrtching nlloul aod'a purpose
clnngeraus neighborhoods? Do m revealclcd Lluaup.h his Son.
younger ones need help in
W 22/15 8


.. .


Friday, Fsbmmy M
you desptre tiw ti&s of
his ktndac8a nn$ forbearance
and Eony-suflcrrng, become
[ow do rtot Ctiow thet the
rndly qsarlty 01 God t s hy-


Znn to

--itom. 2:e.
The lnitial maotion of the
i ~ t h e rto hle prodigal son m u
to mlnd these words of Paul.
lcnrl ?FOU l o

(LuIce 16 2 0 ) Yes, Jehovah

I3cd exprcssps rlphteous anger n t wrortgdnl!lg. But he
dncs not r ~ r n n i n angry forever Sl th@ ~rrongdofngw s .
1Ir k n o w zhnt warm merw
11118 ~nnrvciousdrawing qualii.lcs to h r l n ~repcntatlt mollgrlanra hrtck to i,l~epoint whwe
they onn Ilo he*ilccl. W s today
Ihcrelol.cl do not want to be
11kc tho elrler brother of the
pnrahlc Whn nt flrst was not
nt oll hnptr

K,Ztt?EL E!

c ~ l v t lhnck, Rntl~cr. we a f l l
seek lo row n ~ ~ r s ~ l vsons

TO be moesssiu ol wmrsa,
av* trdnlng rnuh
Parents must know w t a t they
want and what 1C will tnke t o
u c c o m p l l ~ t ~it, It Is ~ ~ t ol d
have 111 mlllrl a plcturc nI the
desired r.r~l11tand to diacusa
I t to~ether.The ~ o n ~holrld
to prodaco nn ~irlult nhlo to
tlilnk fur Illrnaclf, one ffevoted to r l ~ ~ 1 1 ~ e o ~ ~ tImOw1esn.
Ing Ootl, hnvltl~the wlll nnd
determlnatlol~ to flt?rW God
in ImlLntlon o l Jeat~s IShrtst,
and flridir~r: p l c m r t : In dnll~g
things f n r otller 1lcopTe. Brit
.rr.here 1rnlnl11~ i s lrft to
chwce. l l l c result Irr shame
for the pnrents. W 2 / 1 8 , 1
Srmday, Fohrttary ZS
oo m bringdnu
them ?~p
discipline and
mental-regulating o l Jehouah.



-Epl~. 8:4.

It Is h u a thnt In m a Inntanim thr ]lnrmlm do not

hnm thr wri~lnr educatlnn

Ihnt thclr chltclr~n wc now

rccdvlnr. Bmnr llmnts have
cnmc from ni~othw crmntry,
nncl when thrlr chlldran Eo to
school llrry ~ n n n t ~ it,ho
langunrc, Imt thr, pnrrtrb (lo
not, In worlrlly fnrni1y clrclca
the cllllclren untler t,hrw clrcumstnucra often ndopt n aziperlor nttltutle townrd thrlr
parents. Rut pn~rtlts need
never frel inferior !FI& 1):RBhwdny, Fcbmarg 22
oi mmr mich mndltion.
The rod and reproof we s~Iadt causa
poBilion of autliorltv In
gioe toisdnm: htlt a bW let Their
l a and-rlvcn.
on the loo$# will be causfng Furthermore, their
vrqnl's of
hin nmther sham.
-Prov. 2 0 9 5 .
livlng Inakn them hrtlrr fllhd
One havlnp: ~uthorltymu&
lo support the fnmlly muemtually render nn account terlally, to mnnrtqo t,he horiseta the onr dclegntlng that
hold, nnd to tnko t h c lead In
authority. Thus ilnrenk have
fnrnltv sttidy nncl wor~hllr.
R hcnvy rrmo~lslbll!",in retir~ecn;dtcss of ltlre edkscntlon
InR thrir children In that they nnrl b~ckqrollntl OI the vnrm11sL itnrrwer to God for the rrlts Chrr: o i i ~ h tl a srbcdule
tr11::t ]~lncedItpon them. Their time' fm fnmilp ~ttlrlv. and
t h m j allow rnrh one to con~bl!&%t!onIncludes teaching
thclr chlldre!i t.hnt, in har- trlbltte w h ~ tha 18 nl)ls, for
mony wlth Qod's d,Jesua the ben~flt of Dthere, fiua
lcft a 'model for ua to follow heedlng Pnul'n words above.
hia s
maps rloacly.' (1 Pet, 2:Zl) w 2 / 1 aa, aa

of our cenvpnly FRther

jrnltni,lng JeZlovnh'h compns~1rnni.c exnlnple He, as t h B
Oncl of eternity, 18 the ChleE
Eldc-r. tbn C+l.ertt Shepherd
nnd OWr:;rclqof our sorlls. His
exnmple i f i alwrags the r i ~ h t
one to folFow and cnn guide
us 11% mnny prnctlcal w a ~ s .
-1 Pet. 2:28. W 8/L la, 1 3

Monday, Febfllary 24
Whoener exalt.$ himsell wil
ba ltumbled, and whoever
htimblea ltiMeJl will be


There might very well bc

K brothers in h e i r lab
n6 or enriy twenties Fn tht
conwqatlon who can gIvr
nlorc pollshed student talk
t11a11 some of the other brothers, but thls does not qualify
t,llom to 11e elders. Fr!
i a lnvolvecl in eldersh~p. Tllc
anme IN true of chlldren as
compared ta their parents
wlthln the family circle. The
clrtl(linm,if they have greater
nblHt In cerlnln directions,
cnn $0 helped to al)preeiattte
Zh~lt It !=Inot merely ~ n k l l i Krllce tllnt coullts with Jehnvnh, but humllity and
drpth Of devotion. dehorn's
A s ~ l r l t will make up for any
luck that a pnrcnt might feel.
So, pnrents, confidentig 101-

and wlll do, one wMlld never

want ta Bimppolnt him or incur his dlslrlcnmre, Solomon
later sdd: ' ' T l l ~ fear ot ,yehovah means the hating of
bad." (Prov. R:lSF So, lor
oce Wtlrft:lly to say that nno
hnq thls Oocllg icnr. 5nrn must
back it up by dcrnollatrntln~i~
hatred l o r what 1s hnrl. One
Inky hsvc to ninke Rnnlr: rml
changes In otlc's l l f ~ to ~ O I I fornt t o the stnndnrcl ol rlahtcol~snesat h n t OotE has astabIlshed. Praper fcnr, reverenoe
and awe 01 Jehovnh lny tho
foulidatton for knowlod~o uf
the truc God alltl 1118 Ilnlrcrnr.
W 3/15 0

\YodnWy, February 26
Trrrst in JchauoJl mfth ntl

and do not laor&

otrlrr tlndcrslund:no. Rr all $our rcrt!~n Inka
notfee of hfnl and 11c hln;pottr heart
ulmr yorfr

S f l f #ill
m d e yotw pnthj
low the Scriptural arrancestru:sht.-rrw. 3:s. 6.
ment fur the famllv study.
young 11copIe w i ; ~ w m t
irrc..raectlve OF the h ~ w e n t to YOU
do the all! of Uotl shol~ld
mental ahillties of the various cultivnto
a lovo for OoAr.q
mctnhers of your family. Let
the Dihla. Study f l ,
your children learn the lw- Word,
ponder over what it navlr.
Ron of humility by fully wtreasure up 11s Irutha, obi
operatlnp;, helping to build ~p .ts commnndmmLq nnd Ilve
one nnotber mid so prove that
3y its princlplea of rllrhteousthey nrc Indeed Ghrlfit's dlsless. Wh11t dues It menn t a
clllles. W 2 / 1 23, 24
taka notlco of Jehnvnh In
ill your w a y ' ? f t nwnnn to
nlontfay, February 25
t c k n o w l e d ~ c fehovnh, cspc:!filly by r l s l n ~ whnt, he any%
The teat ol JP&U?L ia the
Iregl?8nfn~01 knotokdge.
ve shot~ld (lo, t o fdtow his
rays. !
I yo11 do thnt, 310 ulll
1 :7.
Ilrect and ~ u l d eyour m y n
Slam a howledge of the
~ n t iyo11 will h n ~ n ROO^ ALIC:
bus QM is .w beneficis1 and
,es3 and rrljoy d i v l ~ ~ favr)r.
rencllly nvnllable, why Is I t
qollow!nu t h a t ~ o o d advlce,
thnt so few 01 mankind hare
?ou will not becnn~e rct)elIt? Often the reason i s t h a t
ious becauao of the mnny cvib
they tisve the wrong attltude
#I this present .system of
towartl Jehovah and his Word.
h i n g ~ .You wnll Itnow thnl
One esscntinl is stated by
his wloketl Byfitom or thln~rl
Bolomou, one of the wisest
annot bo refortnrd, sn thcro
lncn h a t cvm lived, Thls
does not mean t h a t one m ~ l d s no n e ~ dt o hrco~nc henlcd
~p in nnger nnd engage In
Irnr nod in t h e m y one would
lolent proteat, To the confear an enemv who was trying
rmy, llfiten to sl~rl.follow tila
to harm one Rnther, mt of
r w e c l for W d acd in aprlx m~ln.wl of Pwlm 37:B, 9.
prcc:ntion ot all he ~ B Sdone
V 5 / 1 lB, la

Thmsiby, February 21
Frlflny, February f 8
Do not Became young chitdtsn Moat trub I say to you, If
in pourers of understandfag, n n y m abswves my word, he
B a t be babes m to badr~css; mfll rlevcr aree cicoth at all.
yet become jull-gra!u~t f j i
powers of understand~np.
-1 Cor. 14:20.

-3ohn 8:5I,
It le ta t h e welt-snotnted
Chrlatlana who wlH rule In tna
Jn& as a man cnnaot b- Kluudom t l ~ n t most OI
come a child by sctlng In CllrlsCinn Grrak s c r l g t t ~ r a is
a chfldiah way, thc mnture dircctcrl. In the nbove words
Chnsttan does not become Im- Ct~rl.stob~iouiilyBlrl not mean
mature t h o u g h XvranR nc- thnt tho npofltlm and others
irons. But h e Can heooine who Roun woulrl be ano111ted
cwrupt; and lose his R ~ ~ I ' O V C ~1~1th110ly npivil woutcl I I ~ V C ~
standing with Cfod. Wfl mllRI; Ernw olrl nnrl die. Jle knew
be on guard against let1 l n tho
thnt ioln tholn to Pecrive the
modd infiuerlce our t h i n k l ~ ~ ,11cn~Bnly ~~runrrlt h ~ y mrmt
beclouding it and calixlnl! us
r l j r ~ . Golfla intrntlx~earlier Jet o act foolisl~ly. Urrtrill~lY sur; hnrl tulcl them that lie
Christians do nct ~ ? ? e dCXIllmnclC would dle nnd then
perknce in 'bndncm and he r~.uurrrrt~d,All of his
~rrongdoing. nor sliollld they
~nolntcd inllawers, too, had
went or seek such. When I t to dir to bccome irnmatnl
comes to dli;hone.* clealln~s rulers In h l ~kingdom. Then
with othera, plnyinr: t1w rnla
how would srlch ones "neT,,er
of & hypocrite, or purrrului! acr dcnth nt nll"7 In thnt by
sexually fmmornl or prrvrrtc,ti \wins! Inltl~ful ~ t n t i l rlenth
nssociationa, Cliriatinna ciu~hl, t h y \vo111rlucvcr \)c h ~ r m c d
t o be us babes, h~tlncent I I I I ~ lly ltla J ~ U I I H I J c l d ~ t t l ,h~ borne
inexperienced. Yct lu cllallr~- r~ut by RnovoIntlon 2:10, 11.
gulshlng r i ~ h t frum wrrlllu,
Tllna, nftrr t>cing resurrected,
they should be at1 n(t~llt,r~
they wH1 lorcvcr bc klnga In
nre flrm for what Is rlgllC nild
not easily gwaycd by tiinooll~ Ilrnven, to tho henoflt of ~ l l ,
1Y 6 / 1 5 0 , 10, l l a
talk. W 2 / 1 5 13, 14
Imitate Gad by Showln#



maus multiplg in tha hunlnn

heart, but t b pplrrpusc ol

Yah~aehstands pr?n+-PrOu.
19:21, Jerusalem Biblo.
It ia comforting to Imew
that, whereas human pliUI8
for mankind are foiling, tilo
purpose, of a lovlng Crentm 1%
succcedlng. Tho failure af human plans is causing all of
ue hardship nnd concern. But
faith in God strenstllcna us
t o look ahead to our enjoying
eternal good from the 5 U f 0
success of Hls purpaqe. Ro
never necBs to lenrn from
such W n g a as previous mtstakes, for i-.e makes none. Mcn

Mercy for Manldnd.

b:1, 2,

n~inmletnkes. but they hsm

tho Wenkr~emof repeating t h e
.#nrne mialnkes. Frilt~re iolInwr. Pcs, thc wlse observation
nbove, na tnndc about three

ttlr~usRnclyears a40 nntl es recorrl~clI I I Qnd'n Wo~.rl,remains

even Inday. Humnri plnns, scllarne~ nnd devlcca hlave r n i ~ l l l ~ ~ ltliroughled
o ~ l l tlic ppsl, CCllCurlng and
but t,hry have all
fnllerl. Whnt, though, about
tho "purpose ol Ynhweh"? I t
sllll ~ t m d sArm, unchmged.
It aontl!ll~eRt o prevail and t o
more Iorwsrd Ee brrllfhnt BUCcess. W I O J I S 1, D, 10

ing. hers wma e faw moh

Imtdag, I)l[arcb 2
in pre-Christian tlmm, Jeaua
Tha Rock, perject is hi8 acChrist and hle t u t ~ o w s r a
tivity, for all his ?oays are
walked h t l ~ clight. And tile
fldatice, 4 G o d a! farthfutness,
pnrable of tila whcst mrl tlle
r t l . l ? ~ whom t?lrer~ta no injtuneeds hdlcnW tdhnt In thc
lice; tkghteolls and upright
centuries 6hncc then mine
fs he.-Detrt. 32:P.
wnlked lr, the Ilnht, Arr
When ~t comes t o demon- have
f!~lfllImmrt of thnt pnrBtmtlnr: R s11perIuWve degre the
able ,ync)rec Ib culrnlnntlo~~,
of fni ll~fulness, who parhcuthe sons of thc lrlt~~dnnl"
larly comes to your mmd? It
w c glovilled in tl-rr rsLi111al~ould be none o t h ~ r than
Kln~dorn, n ~ ~ ~ n i n l i t ~ t
J ~ h o v a l l LMcl, the fa~tllrul 118Iled
Crenlor" af the heavens md yet on errrth ehinlrig "8B
a* Ihe sun," ttl8penntlit: c~l'th,(1 Pet. 4:19) T h e
in^ spiritusl snll~htsnrnenlHO
cu~luriug sun and moon are
m ~ y
1)r ~nlhrrrbrl
tokens of the unonto tho hltlc of Clorl for rlrrschnn~onhlenemof his purpose.
13.24-:10, 3r;1118 trtixtworthlnem ~ ~ f l ~d% ~ervntlun-Mall.
'43. W 9 / 1 5 1
~ P L R (lellt.r~dat~ility.Mnn can
plnn 1 1 1 ~ 1 work with condRrrmdmyr, March 4
tierroe, tt untlrl~ Ln llie stnbl1Ity o l Ihc Creator's works. It Pmple of tha natlons, atslnnrls to rcason that. man thoaglk not pupllrsri:ng rlphcnn nlm l e a r : ~infinitely much
t e o u s r w , caught Irp w ~ l h
Il'om a faithful God who has r;glrteormnasa, tlic ~ I A ~ ~ G O E I I P p r u ~ e dscr relrnble, not onIg !FI ness lltaE rcsulis fro??^ fatlh.
w11nt he has said, but aIso In
-Ronr. IF:30.
ull~nthe hns dme. It should
Thtm Paul wrote l o t
h: noIle c x p e c M that this i s ~ t l ~ f u lmans CanccminR t h e faith
Got1 Jehovah would look for that leadb: l,o !I~hleoum~s~."
t.11ls same chwncteristic among It la quite cvldrt~t lhnl rlue
l,l~urewho truly worship him.
to Peiil's evnn~:r*llsn~mnuy
Wllri his complete powers of
Q%nCIIc$were rtttlc(l to caLc.1~
ollflcrvatlon, the living God up wlth ~~I~htui~un~lctla,
Jrhavftll discerns with accuother dlnclptes, loo, bhro1i~I1
rrtcp our earnest efforts t o
their teachln~in tnnny clt1c.q
serve and p l e m hfm. W 9:1
brought thousnnds o l Oenllles
3 -5
to a knowlerluc of Chrlst .resun, and Ilirhc cn~igilt1111 wltlt
nIo~day,Msrch S
r i ~ h t e u u a r ~ cthe
~ ~ . ~.lghtm~~?iTlca god oj tlrfs allatem of ness tll:~t rrsolta Imln Inith
Wlnrlcd the minds
In t h e Sn!i or Oi~rl.I'rrln~w11trt
nl tlrs tinbelieuers, tlmt t l z
PRlzl pOlhtC[I UII!, to tilt! Jeit-3
flluminatiojk o j the grwiorrs
who rn:~dc g ~ c n t crTo1-b l o
qood trcrus a7)oltt the Christ.
keep t h e Morltlo Inw, t1ii-y
m!olrt trot shine throriyl~. were nckcr nlhc t o att~llrlrixh-2 cm. 4:4.
teousness. "Wlw was IhialP JleThia does not mean bnthat
cause their eit01.h WCLIR 1ioC
the II hC from Go! and his based or1 fnith, but ( m they
not reach~ng aorne
jupposerl) on derrlu."' (Ro~n.
nmmg mallkind and thm
D:J2, Nelu B?r(;l;aA nlble) Tile
frci?lnE them from the darklaw that wns slvcri to Ihe Jrws
nrrm. aml nnd his 6011 have was to be a tulor l e n d l n ~tllcm
provlded the l i ~ h tof truth te
io Chrlst, Yet I ~ O R L of thcm,
A U C ~
nn extent that throughbcklna lalth, bl un~bleat ovcr
otil the history of rnankrnd
:he very one to nI?oln Ood'a
thrre have been some who
*Ighteous lnw wns directitt~
hnva wnlked in the light and
ihem, namdy, Qod's Son. I Y
hare 11nd the Crentor's blesst/I 6. 6


wdne5aay, MamL

Becvme imitators of Go@.

Wen has it been 0thBt " m a n is an Imitntlva
creatuy" and thnt "It 1s by
~rnltatmn, far more tlran by
precept, that we learn @verythmg.'VArlstotle said: "TO
~rnitate% ~r~stlnctive
In mnn
from his in;rmcy." It Ila tnre.
We all s h r t out in Hfe imltat~ng.A chilrl lenrns lo wnlk
to feed himself, to Calk, n1)d
60 forth, not by rending I~cHhrn.
not so much even bv expllclt
i~xitruction. Rnther, 'it Ln by
lrnitnting hls parents or hla
older brothers and sisters. At14
R e continue througii llre imitatlng others, oft-n uncurlsciously, In v!ew o t the Impartznee of t h e imitative lnstlnct
in hurnmklnd. horn vital I t 1R
t o look at the r l ~ h texamptl
Yet obvlously the majorltr. of
manklnd, althowh rlnlmlnR
to womhlp Gml, lur srrGrl lry
their p e r f m l n ~ r:r l l d r ~ r ~riels,
nre I m i t n t l n ~ Imrl mtnm[)lra,
for look at all tho atlnio. Ilnmorality and wnr 111 whlrh
people seemlnKly sverywlirra
enpzEe, I n t l ~ l s' reqnvd, Llir~o
Is no better c x n m p l ~lor 11.: to
irnltate thnn thot of Jehovnh
God himself. W 3 / 1 1-3

Thumdsg, March 6
Whm J was a chikd T u M Q
chqd's Fmguage, took A ch'ld's
u i m s , m d e a chfEdB eatcuFatiom: since f lrnve becons
a man I hrrve suprrsedcrl Iha
child's mop.-l
Cos. 1 3 : I J ,
Tbmgh not usually thought
of as mature ChriaMans, children, too, can manifeat ndvancement in spiritual values,
There cornea a tlmlc In a
child's Me when he la expected to rmtgrow ahlldlsh
views and ways. 01 hh own
experience, P R U ~mob the
above. Are you, as a child,
progressi-mly dortrg nwny wlth

ahlldhh tralta? Am you as-

aumlnlr rasponslbl1itle.a ln the

I~ornc,helplnr mlt where you
crirl to ninke I P ~work
S for
yotir pnr~nL5'~
Do you look for
npporlrInlCles to da t h h g s ?
o r , do yoti &HI have to b
Irhical mprr~tedlyto help with
Zhlngs nrld than do you re~ p o n r hnll-hcnrledlp?
Da you
show Irlillntm~vetn building
g c ~#elf
~ i u p ~iplrltu&lly? 011
yuirr own do vou rend the
R I ~ I Rnndl nibio study alde
and prrprbre Tor the meetings?
I>o yo11 npptrcir~ts Ilknt o h rllcnca to your pfrrcnts is right
iund IH n Irrnjor rvny In wlilch
vnu can plriuie Jchovnh Cd'?


2/15 a d 1 ~

PHdur, March 7
OW Fatlrcr ift the hmemI Iet

ymr n n w he sanctified. Let

yottt kingdam came. Let y w r
wlft tnkr: place, a r fn Jteat*en,
oIno uporr eortlr,rNnti.
6:9, ID.
k b r mom thnn nineteen
cel~tiirIcrr Clis h l m l ~ h l y God
hlin llslcnerl tO l110 1)rrtyer rc~rrtcrlly olloretl lo him by
Iiu~r!who rollow the It,nchlna
trr tlla %?rrrlori nn tho Mo!int.
Alrnll:ht,y Clorl ~ R Hnal rulervl.1 rrl tllnl inAl111~ed1)rnyer
bci'oln mow hocnz~se hia own
n~)pn!nCrltlmt! h:td not corns,
Tlmt prltycr WRS t n u ~ h tby a
nlnri wllu hpllrved in Gud's
k r ~ l ~ d o rto
n tllc ccry imLnt of
a.~criflclnr: hls ltfc In furtherIcrwc of thr lntrrests aE that
lr~r~r!riom.A I:k!se
truulrl not do srich a thing.
IH Ills Sermon on the Mount
hc ~ i i >or~ly
taugilt hi8 hearers
l o ]lrRY for Gwl'a kingdom,
b ~ 11lso
~ t told t h ~ n l :"1Cecp on,
thon, ~ s e k l n firfit the klnF:;
dnm an4 h' rlghtennsneas
( M ~ t t .13:30) 111 hlr: R ( ~ ~ I C
tio~inlworlc WrnunR bile Illhablttrntfi or Pntestlne hla opeuhp:theme wna lhe Kingdom.
(Matt. 4:17) FulflJlment of
hl:: great prophecy ~ I l o w athat
man our prnycra for Jellovah's
lkLU~d0mwill be nnywered. W


1 / 1 5 4a

~ -

do haw the m h d of
Chrid.-l Car. 2:16.
HOWcan one develop the
mind of ChrM snd become a
truly aptritual person? A regUlnr sWdy or God's Word ba
cssentbal, and along with study
1s required. Do not
~ n ~ s l a k r r ~Lhink
of meditation as n pnssivc process. It
l,nlce& poslklve, dellberats efl u ~ t .Dnlly reading of the Bible itself should be made part
or 0111- llfe, slnce by such
rcndlng we learn of t h e life of
Jcaus and of other spirltunl
lncn who had God'a approvnl.
B I I ~tlmc mu& nlso lle spent
consldct in# how thls material
trpllllrs pel.sonnlly, how it sets
otic rilrnr t from the world. In
t i u s way there is further fntrrldhrrt!on of God's thtnking
Into o:rr mhd, letting 1t bend
or urge our own t h m u prncssscs m Ehe proper dnectron.
A f t r r read~ng a portion of
grripture. ask yourself: "HOW
can 1 use thrs to avoid repeatin^ paqt mistakes? How does
1C anhance my appreciation of
Jehovah's goodness and swell
within me a deslre to be Iike
him?*' In thls way we see how
to imitate C W and not the
fleshly world. W 4 / 1 12-14


this guneration a in your

home, do you?
we hava
to faca the inch thnt Chrlatian
youths. QR %ell n.g rrrlults. can
be Ir,flucncerl b worlrllv pcople nrotlnd tKcm Worlrll


thtnkln~cnn be nd*pld, n n 2
if A person IRnot on gunrrl,
ihc can tw Inshi.shltrnetl bv thlu
sptern of thltljis. T h e dmnt:cr
for Chrlslfnrlr, 14 tlicre, nnrl it
cxa be n real i)attle. It IS not
to b minlrnlaerl. I1 la n sl.rupgle agalnat I~nitatlng world1
~ e n p l e ,whetl~ei.younff or olcf


ChrlRtlmH enpeclnlly

fo heed t h e wortI~of tho

upostle Fnill W 6 / 1 2-4

Mmrlny, Mhrrh 10
Do not hold back dfmfplfne
J r m the olere bo9. In cnnr!
y07C beat him ttrrllb tk raA. he
wtfl nnl dle. Witlt ihe rod ou
yottrself shortld kcat hlnt, taat
wt~mav dciitorr hfs ver71
soul rom Shrol itsell.

22:13. 1 4 .

In Isrnsmel, n rorl


as Jehovnh rsnid conrtrning
instrument of



(2 &am. 7:14)
Row Ihla
pnrentnl rod of a~!tboriacd
chasttwmsnt la used 18 ti wrlous mntter, Parsnta ure ttccountable to G o d . who ulvca
the nulhmltg to ehnstiae, to
use the "rod" properly. l"al1ura
to do so mrry IVCII result in
ta Lhe chktd. ns the
Do not i m i t ~ t ethe rwgr of this
wid,--Ram. fZ:.?, Lapmverb stntcs. ns well ns d1The generation gap js a vinr: disspplwal or the pnrbrcakdoun In communimtion enh. Jehovnh hlmsclf ach the
md underskmdm~: between
cxamgle !n the proper cxcrclsa
y o u t h mid adults. World wlde
of fatherly nuthoriLg Go dbclthouqh thia gap may be, pllne, er poinled out nt Howhmt about Christian homes? brews 1237, 9, 10. Jehovnh
should there be such a gap disciplines hie pcopIe, n o t boI n the Christian home? Wdl,
cause he i s Irdtalcd, bul "for
&re true C?ristians part of ou? profit," that we mng huvo
the world? Jesus Christ made his npproval and Ilve. He cxit ctenr that Christians should pects Chrbtk~nlathera to do
be "na part of the ~~orlct.'~llkewise toward their ohlltfren,
(John 1S:LS). 80 if you are a with a view to their becornln~
true Chrintlan, whether Dung true dlsclple! of I*
Son. Ilr
or old, you want PO part of 2 i l 8

Tuesday, Maroh 11
Whether you eat or drink, at
whatever ymi arc teo!ng. do all
for tlte honour of God.-1 COr.
10:31, New English Dlbla.
Many plm their vocntlom
so as to benefit to the full
from one of the large conventions held each rear. 80 wllcn
you personally @re thought to
wenmas, ~vcekenda or vncntions, FeAect on your 6tauding
before God and Chrisl.. Elldeavor t o do Lhat .whIch \!*ill
be refrwhing t o you. Xlrcvc ns
your goal gainlna sLrenatll
that you will put to gotjd uho
in continued servlco to Ood
after the "free" pcriod In ?vrr.
Whlle the ~ v w l dlnsy Nay Gct
swny for r aRlrile rulrl iarr.et
r o w re~ularroutine,' demonstrate iour spprcckntlon mr
what God mci Christ hnva
done for you Avnfd thinns
that could distllrh yr)ur tollsctence unU C R I ~ Syou
to Irruk
beck wlth regrtt on ultnt
might othmlse have beell k
rcfreshlng time. Really, L h
servant of God xhaultl hnvc 111
mind dolng nll thlnxs 1,0 tho
glory or his Creatar. Thouch
Imperfect, he shoillcl 5trlv0 l o
control sinful Inciinntion~nnd
not 'present himself ns n nlnvo
of sin.'- om. 6:16. LV 6 / 1 5

ry an unballwet. Evem kt the

counael in Ignored, the elders
will lovln ly try to help such
a one ns 50nr as this one rernalnT n pni t of the Chriatleu
crngr8i:stlnrt. ?he elders n e d
not I ~ e ldlscak~rnged it them

ndv1ce la ~ ~ n o r c dbut
shu~rld rsmcml)cr w h n t Pa21
urnto, rn q11ot~r1ahorc. Also,
l11 l h e Hnltl nualysis. "eat:
olle will r r r i ~ yIlls own load.
(Clnl. l1:tl) In ~ r l t n r dto givill[: smh cn~it~l.:r$l,
iit~nortni~t~ l l o Irl
u hc lenlVned
fl-c;ln tho exi~~r~l>lo
of Jehovah:
nc klntl, l x (,t~ctlut,but he
slloclBc, Millte sure thnl, the
one being rounscletl g r t s t h e
point. W 7 / 1 5 lo, 11

Thumd~y*Mlvch IS
Whflc Ire tuns yet a long mag
on, hf8 all:rr caught 8:ght of

hj R j l b fiIn8 ~ ? W V Cl0flh
artd 111: rorr nnd IrEI upon hvs
r~rcknnrl ? r ? ~ d r r lkfsscrl

. - r , u k ~ 15:2u.

Tho pnr111l:cof the prdigtIl

non prnvldrs ilnc Innlglit into

JchOvnh'fl ~idlnl:.ablo attitJude

or mercy nnrl connlclerntencss.
Tho rcrlr:llu~~of IIw inther In
ti18 )~nl~ttblo
tunon Ibc i.eturn
nI hl:~wnvnsrrl rion cxeniplrflag 1r1 n 'very nppealing lvsy
what tho henve!~ly P'nther,
.rchovnh Qod, 1q Ilke. The son
hnrl nqrlnndpreed Iris tlmc nnd
tnoney In n debnucherl hfe.
Wehesibg, March 1%
C(itnfnZ itlto ovciry nnd hunGod's steword
must bc
yet-, 1" "d1Lci m itt,rn to
selj-crmtrolied. He ?nust ad~ t ? t Intlwr.
WIIC:I rntehfng
here to the true doctrfne, so ntirht nr 111s son In t h e (11sthat he may be roe21 able boll& krilcfl, Eha Inthcr clld not say:
to mom his laearels i v + t l ~ 9 nm n o t ~01116: t a move an
ivholesome teucl~lnr, rind
Inch or sny one word untH
t o conf?;te fibjeclW8.
t h n t sinner ootnca rkht te my
-Titus I:?-P New
r ~ c nnd
rorrnnlly request8 to
English ~ i h l c .
IJF ~cccptrd linek,' No, but
srolny: h!s son h.c!nrllnpl toward
An uumarded member Of
the conncgatlon mny be hnv- hirn nnd, In cll'crct, cliacerl~~ng
Ing close n . ~ s f i ~ l ~ t lwith
o n nn what wus In 111s 8011'3 mind,
unkellever of the opposite sex. tho Icalhcr want to meel him.
The elders wlll oiror nppro- 11 wnr;--not belare--hut after
priate Scriptural counsel cx- t,l~ls fatherly axpression o f
plty thnt the mn's formal askplainiiog how God views matter&* shmlng that 11 IS r 8 ~ l l y lnq of for~lvenewtook Islace.
W I I I 10, I1
against Jehomh's l a w to mnr-

. ..

. ..

Monday, Mhmh 17
Knotn thia, mjl beloved broth-

congregations of Jehovah's
Pkidmy, Marah 14
have n o w come more
Let w make man in our im- people
fully Into line wlth the Scrip-

.. . . .

and let t h m haw In
, all the earth.

Do these words mean that

man racetved a considerable
degree of ownership when he
was created and given this
commission? It might be ar-

gued that this was so. Did not

man's being created in God's
lmage include the ability ta
exercise ownership? Other
scriptures rniaht come to mind
g~vtngsupport to this. (Gen.
9 3 ; Ps. 8 : 6 ; 115:16) Yw, it IS
agreed that thew texts speak
of ownershrp, hut at the mo?L
It Is only to a limlled extent.
This IS cviclmb when in each
case we look at the context,
which is always important 111
seeka nroper understandmg. From such contexts rue
can appreciate that man wns
oripSnally given a position of
g r e ~ tttrut and responsibility.
Created m God's image as a
free morn1 ngent, he had dI
the necessary ability l o meet
every requirement. Jehovah
was the Landowner. Man was
the tenant farmer. comrnlssloned to become the global
caretaker. He was given a
sawed trust and stewardship.

W 1 0 / 1 5, 6 , 8

Elatnnlay, March 15
The name o j the c i t y from
that day an wilt be Jehovah
HzmeEf Is There.
--Ezck. P8:35.
World conditions are not
the only evldence of the nearn e s of Jchnvah's day. We can
albG fin8 clear-cut evidence of
its nearness in what is going
on in Jehovah's true Christian
congre$ntron--in what JehoIfah i s doing wlth respect to
Ius people. From Ctd's dealings In recent years the new
order of rightewsness is seen
to be so close that we can see
it tnkmg shape right before
us. Conslder these developments: Organientlonally, the

ture~, with the arrangement

of elders and ministerial servmts. Also, they have been
aided to understand Etekiel's
vfion d the citylike peat of
worldwide adrmnlstrahon on
earth, eaEled ;:ehov~h
Himself I# There. Furthermore,
tiley now understand that the
"great crowd" of swv~vorsof
the "great tribulation" will be
the foundation of the "new
earth," the new earthly soclety broupht about by Christ's
thcuusand-yenr reign. W 1/15
17, i n

Bmduy, Mmrah 16
He will teach the meek ones

his urng,-Ps. 25:9.

To gailn the gift of accurate
knowledge of GocI m d hls
purposes, one must have the
proper estimation of the Son
of God. ( M ~ t t . 28:isj One
must also discard preconceived ideas and with open
mind let what one leal ns from
God's Word mold one's thinking and WRJ of W e , In nddition, one must have the p ~ o p er motive in studylng God's
Word. We must love God m
order to receive the personal
cift of accnrnte k n o w l c d ~ c .
And some thin^: else t h 3 -is
es.sential to receiving this
pr~celesugift from nod is referred l o bv David. So. a aerson who
proud cannot'expect to p;et this knowledge
until he changes his attitude.
We need to "become afi young
children," with open, teachable minds and hearts. (Matt.
183) This helps us to anpreciate tvhy so many men who
Rave made a11 malytlcal study
of the Bible and who may
know H e b r e ~ Greek
~ ~ , and Manralc still may not undmtand
such basic things as God's
purpose for this earth. Humility and reliance on Jehovah
God through his spLrit are


needed. W 3 / 1 5 9-12

ers. Ever ma% mllst be szoift

about haring, slow about
speaking.-4as. 1:19.
Elders should not try to tell
people what to do, but when
giving counsel they should be
very straightforward in explaining the Scriptural prlndples involved. Among the ways
in which elders can show that
they have true knowledge of
G o d is by the way they Ilskn
t o viewpoints expressed by
members of the cwgregation.
Surely Jehovah a o d always
knows how to handle any situation and always ha.?, matkrs completely - in control.
Thus, in dealing with unfaithful King Ahnb of Israel,
J e h o v ~ hallowed snaels to exy s s their viewpoihs as LO
ow to deal with Ahab. Certainly the Gad of the universe
did not need the advice of his
angels, but he Ilskned. On
other occasions God llstencd
to men. Whnt better wny for
an elder to feel the pulse nl
the congregation than La Ilsten to what others say and
take ~t to heart. How much
more effective a teacher this
will make the elder who listens!-1
XZ1. 22:19-23; Geu.
18:22-33. W 7 / 1 5 13, 1 4

men& placed on the children

of light. Even afkr we have
freed ourselves from the control of the powers of darkness
and have come into the light,
we face continued bomhardment from this system of
things. So it may be d~fficult
aC tlmes for some to practice
the truth, but they need to be
on guard so that they do not
return t o their former ways.
True, we all fall short at
times, but what m e the thhgs
that we practice? Are we reall y practicing the truth, or are
we holding back, deceiving
ourselves? W 5/15 5, 6

Wednesday, March 19
IJe suucd us and called us
with a Izoly cinlding, aot b y
rcason of ow works, but b#
reason of ?ah own purposs
and undeserved Xiadness.

Tim. 1 : 9 .

How pur ose and undeswvtd kinrPness combine in

Ood'a opernllong for an excellent ehd is called to mr

nttention by a bringer of good

news during the first century
of our Common Era, the apost l e Paul. I n the above words
he admits that his being
called wlth a holy calllng was
nut Ily rcason o f meritorlous
aorks on his part, but was by
reason of the ''purpose and
undeserved klnchess" on tho
Xnesday, March 18
part of Jehovah God. The
If we make the statement:
same waa true in the case of
"WE are havlng a sharitLg Timothy. The callling in the
w f t h h'm." and yet we go m cases of Paul and Timothy
walking $n the darkness, we was not In the form of some
are Lyzng m d me not prac- strong inner impulse toward
ticing the truth.-I John 1 : 6 . their particuIar course of actlon or duty. Paul was directFor those coming In contact with the l ~ h there
Is ly called by the resurrected
often every possible Nndrance Christ, who appeared to Paul
while on the road to Damasplaced in their path, It m y
be pressure from relatives cus of Syria and who tOtd
who Aght against the l ~ g b t Paul that in Damascus he
of truth. It mny bs doubts would be Informed as to what
about the truthfulness of he should do, After Paul got
baptized as a Christian at
Qod's Word. It mag be pressure from associates one has Damascus, he promptly began
to do the things that he was
or one's awn sinful inelinatlom that make it hard to called and toid to do.-Act#
26:12-20. W I 1 ' 1 4, 6
live up t o the dlvlne require-

r n m d w , March 20
Btcome imitators of God, as
bsloved c1~tldren.-Kph. 5 2 .
Wc certainly do not want to
do as those of the world do.
Imlltnte either human 'gods"
01' the invlsiblc demons, do
we? tIow vital, therefore, that
Wc t~cerl Paul's ~nspired arlmonit~on!Doing so 1s a mfegunrtl agalilst becornlnf: ilnb
tators of any fahe gods. B u t
w h o Is the lrue God that we
m e urged t o imitate? The inspired Bllile psal~lllatanswers,
arldrcsslng thnt One: "You,
wl~oar!nnmo Is Jehovah, you
izlotlc! arc the Most Hifih over
1111 1 1 1 ~earth." IPS.83:lS) It
Is hccnuse uf his Creatorsh~p
nf all t l l i n ~ stllnt Jchovall ~s
Indccd GOD.


1 0 -10-12)

letter t h a t they nhoulel k11

out the Infmmntlnn thnt Jc-

&us is Lord find thnt Jchovr~h

God ralsed him franr t h e
dead. I n thnt n n y the Indlviciual wflt dnrl ~[tlvntlon.Of
colirse, one rroho lu ~ n v c r lIs R

u!nner. Ife overcolnes thc

worlil. He wftl anlrl lltc everInstlng. Pnul ernl~hnal'ea the
~lcccl ol inlCh, not ot11y in
these two thlnas, Jc.s!l:iP being
Lord and thc resul raction,
but, of courfie, In all I,he Lhinxa
that Jwun tttueht. T l i l s f l ~ l t h
must bo deep-ficntctl, not xuerficinl, noL somclhlnl: tllnt
~ I I S Lon tllc f r l l l . % ~ w
~ ~ .I / I
111. I 1


Saturday, M a w h 22

Low fs Ionp-suflcring
Whrn ~ v cconsider the vastkind.-l Cor. 13:4.
ness 01 t h e universe, with :ts
This mennn more than just
bHIlons of starry galazes. truly 'ouv smnll md ms~gniAcant putting up with linrrlshlp but
implies putlent forhenrnnce of
we arc compared tu the Grcst
Creator, Jehovah ! T h e very unfnvornb le clrcumatnnccs. In
a famlly, Chrlatlritm rvlttl ~ m l thought of l m i t a t i n ~Hlrn may
ly lovc do m o w than j u ~ tenaecm s t a ~ e r i n gto our !magination. How il; it possible? It dure the Impcrfecttonr; of one
anothcr. (Cul. 3:13) Even 111
i s pclrslble lieca~rseof the way
sucli a close rt~lnl,lollslllpnil
Clod cmatsd us. That is, God
tllut; of lrusbn,trrl i t t ~ r l wile,
put in the Arst humans the
clifferlng vlcwpoiiils cnll fur a
pulenllal, the ability to exercise His o m qualities. They d~splayof this love. Wlint anc
mey nut ba cspeclnlly
hccame his chiIdren. W 3/f
sppeitllnl: t o the ~ t l i r r . Are
11 -13
we g o l n ~to Insist on hnvlnf:

m a g , Mamb 21
The faitlr that reads ta rfghleownrss fa in t h e W ,and
ilre confesstort tbat k d to
aa1vai:on is upon the tips.
-Rom. 10:1O, New
English Bible.
We must prove by om actions that we beheve that Jesus has been exalted to a
position necond only to God.
(Phll. 2:8-11) Of course, in
order to believe that, every
Christian must ~ L S O belleve
thnL Jesue wns raisd from
t h e de:~d,and thnt Jehovah
God In heaven dld tllis for
his eon.
Show6 h his
letter that he was mmr.lnced
ol It, nnd he was -ng

our own wry, or



bemdr:ingly. m a l i l n ~the ncroslo!~ u8bp:ensni~l lor nlS7

One w l t l ~pxtlr Iow rvill ~ 1 1 1 tibate fin InlcrcE:t nrld flrld
enjoyrnclit In rvlrnt ptensr~
one's: rnz~te.Outsldc the Christian conqwfratior~ one Inny
hayo adc itlnnnl op~~ortutllty
to show lonfi-nulTarin~ when
tnlklns to rlc~~hbnra
nrid others about tho l3iblc'~ ~ o o U
newa. Borne nuly ~.cspnridvery
or e v w i rurlcly
t u a convers.ttlon nbuut Jetl<lvull Gud snd 111~ purposes,
Will the l o r l ~ :rninlnkr
to retnllnte s l t h sliarp norda
or cult renla+n? NQ, bccause he 1.s
end kind.'" W r / f 5 Sn

dure on UJ'e pwt, Thun the

Sunday, March 28
teym "aflmlniatratlon" does
Abhor mhut i!8 wicked,
not mean tlle Mcsslnnlc klng-Ronz. 1 2 9 .
dntn of HIR Son .Icaus Christ.
El we we to become Imita- TIlc Messltrh, howcvrr, Is the
tors of Jehmnh by abhorrfng
Ilnlncrrltul~nuent by menns of
hat is mieked wa ndll not
nlrom Jchornh Gtlrl nrlminishe watching T V progrntna or trts nll thithr,s. ??I@ elacd for
movies that fcoture violmre, n better nrltnh~.,;rst,iot~or
brutaIity, sexurl lminr!rnlity
rnrtnnJ:niE or ~ I ~ ~ I IL TI I CS n11and other forms af wlckwtwise Gorl Iureantv tony #.go,
ness. We cannot b p viewit~g nntl, nt:cmtllrlg to his good
s11eh things 1vltho~12becoml~irr Illrosurr,, he purpo.gcd Lo fnsllcalloused and no longer nl,tulc fiurh an ncln~lnlxbatlon.
horrin: them. Also, lo abhor
Ur~rler Ihnt arln~it~iatcrlngof
what is bad rnenns fSmL wo
nlfoirs 1)y him Lhr1.o tvitl come
mll be very c a r ~ f i ~
tho tu~~litcnlioii
of nll l,he peothe persons we chooee 11scoinIF Tlltlt wlll mwtn pence,
panlons, remernberlna ll~nC irkrmnn .y nnrt net.ul.lty cvcry"bad nssocrations spoil u::efr~l rvllerr on cnrth. W 10/15 20,
(1 Cor. 15:93) Tlils
would include our glvlng loyal
support t o the action of IL
Tudny, Mkch 26
congrqption judicial committee hen it disiellowshlps n The person falllr~itltn what
pemm hecause of concll~ct la kart is j ~ i t h f t t t ulm f t i
unbecoming R C h r l ~ t i ~ Wa
~ i ~ . mrteli, and i!ic prrmri uti~ r ~ l r r r Is
l [ c a t is
should feel rlghteotta I r ~ d i ~ n r i - riglttr7nllrr (?I
nlro i r ~IILNCA.
tion over thc bndlbwq cozn-Ltlkr- 1 G : l O .
m t t e d , and the rrywonch thr~t
How dara your wny of life
it brought upon dchovtch Owl
and the Christiun conarc1:rt- Compnro w l t l ~ Lllal npproved
tion. We shoulrl considcr l u ~ w In lho Bcrt1)trll.cs? In your
~ 0 1 1need not be
such a, had course colrlrl stulnk11cti Tncliig UP
ble new or inrlnnll~t'r! Ctr1.1~- tll~co~u.rr~~c.rl
' f t ~ c l for
tians. U'e should rcncl n:I (lid t<)C t o ( l ' ~~ ~ ~ ~ l ~lnntlard,
J e l ~ o v r ~ h~ ~ ~ ~ c o ~OUT
? ~ ~111l&cs
Pnul \'?hen he snirl. "Who la
hcrilcrl impcrlccllr~~s,
TIls dcsttmblcd, and I om not Inrn~rntltln e v w r s c e r ~ lo u ~
censed?"-2 Cor. 11.28. W 3 / 1
In I)rlmlorrn.(f'!;. I U 3 : 1 4 ) Nev18, 17a
crll~rtpsu,holclin In a IaitSiIul
1s not n L r y s ens? to
Monday, mreh X4
tla; cspccInllv is this true tuI t is accmding lo hfu goo6 dihy when I t Is ~ p * t l a rto do
preaeapure w I L ~ c ? ~ I1e p ~ r p o ~ c d ~0:';tl~t1s rkrht [I 011e*s onr
in himself for an d t r t ! n ~ i l t r a t o Ra tho W I ~ T of tile
t!m at the lull Jimit n/ tlrn cw yo ~~~sand
l c l .Blmple, wholchewted
appointed times, nnmety, to
Inllhlulne.q4, however, is engather atl things toq~lher
coumged reg?mdlo%s of t h e
agafn in t71e C I ~ r l s t .
n ~ n ~ ~ ~ l t of
r ~ thc
c l r !test, O n t h e
-Epl&. 1:9, 10.
nlllcl' hnnd, w am n o t always
It was God's euraoes ta ad- rcrtiilrrcl l o do nornell~ingareat
minister m a t t ~ io?~ pursue a to llrnva orn' fnlllihiln~na. It
wn.9 noL R, pi*onl trsL Lhnl Jecourse of action thnt would
lead to unlbczttion 111 'hoav- lrovnh put on Ad:~rti n11r1 Eve,
enly things aud 1n e ~ r t h l y The sltnp1lclt.v of t h a t test
things.' It wns accordh~a to
I n v u l v i t ~ ~them serves as tt
God's good pleas'ure that there
fine Illu~trnllon of the rinclaould be nn adminlstmtlon, PIP 8tnhv1 f r ~ u thousan{
B management, n st~v;nrrllnf:, ntcr 11). Om!% 8 0 ~ 1 .W 9 i l
I,p means of n apec!:rl 1): or+


Wndnosilay, Ma,reh 26
The reminder of Jehmmh is
i r i ~ t i a o r t h y snaking
the i m -

pEriCncFd one w!se.-Ps. 19:7.

Children have had on&
limkterf exwrlence In Irfe. B u t
If n chflcl Is realip helped to
uncl~ratnrtd the high valtte
tllnt lkie Scllptrires place o n
rxpcricnce nnrl how he perh O n r r ~ ~ yshoulcl be dert to
lcnrn ' from ench experience,
Lhen tla clllld ivlvltl likely have
i 1 1 ~r l ~ h tnttllitde toward the
hcl tho pnrent is glvmg and
~ I I ?illdeed k n d t from the
vnihious ovcnts that touch hts
l l t o ILR t h ~ !Years w by. Actunlly. 1111 & u s uurht W he
I r r i r r ~ l ntrom
r : ~ c hexllerlence
wrl hnvc. Anrl If n clliId realJ ~ c n tkii~t 111s psrents apprerSnte


tlrnt there are Iessons

tlrem~elres can lenm

Irom vnrious sltuatfons, then
ltc will I)c 1css apt to resent
hls own inexperience and be
mom receptive to the learning
procefia. Whnt do the Script l 1 r ~ 9ARY t~l)out experience?
'I'hcy soiindlq more those who
refuse t o listen and

1cnl.n from expcrlence. (Prov.

1 :22, 23) Moreover, chiM,ren

can bo taught that a b l e

koowlerlae can make Fern
wiser than ull the experience
of n Ilictlmfr. W 2IL 8-lOa

Thncndny, M R F P ~27


p.m., 8.1:

Clod rccnmmends Ftfs own Ioae

to rts i n Iltnt, t~rhiletne were
$ ! n l l b f ~ C!lrht

did I
T 148.

-Ram. 5:8.
Bo thnt mnful, uudeserving
httmnna ctn~ldc h w to come
into mn npprowd relationship
wlth him nnd be freed from
hor~dn~ot o sin and death,
Got1 did n o t 6pwe his dearc s l Bnn Irom undcrqolng a
htlnrnrTn1 death. ~ h i n j rof it,
J r l ~ o v o hCtod dld this for hutnntlt tc+hho dld not even ack~lo\vlcr?nc 111s authority in
tl:rlr I!YPS. even as Paul pores.
'Tt:c #lurchme of sinlrzl man-

kind with ~reciolrsblood wm

8r1 wtstmdlng evldencs n l ~ o
ol JesuqQwn deep loeo, dea~ta
? i d for the world of ~nanklnrl
m general that dicl not nt:Imowlcdce my n c r w n t n l ~ l l ~ t y
to his r'nther. (1 John 2 . 2 )
h'oe, whnt l l ~ a n tvolrlrl linvc
been wllllti~ to do t h n t tor
propts \ ~ l ~hnd
u no respect for
h ~ sfather? We ru'n lurlebtcrt
t o Jesus Chrlrit for ~ ~ u r t ~ i ~ n s i t l ~
us a t tllc cost of h1s r>!vri 1Iru,
opening up I,O LIB he oppv~*tunlty to g ~ l nfreedom lroln
sin and death. In view ul
the rea at lnva of arrrl itnrl
Chrlsl. ~Iloulrlnot nilr IICRI IH
be slll-rctl t o wn!lC Lo r:r~lll
~IIu o 111iLl1fi1lIn Iholr srrvlcr.7
1V 6 / 1 5 12-14

XFrlday, Mnrrh 28
Let no man ever look down
on ymr poath. On Llre contrary, becon&@an cxampl~to
tb Init?lt?tl ones In spPnkln
rn conduct, tn tm, rn .tct~tiE:
in ctiasiet~css.-l T i m . P:l.?.
Often younR poplo go to

their youtliful companion!

and m k thrir aounscl, ixnor-

Inff what l,helr gnrrl-~ts rind

older ChrlAHnn RICH l l ~ v eto
say. such yollths rrrnlnd onn
of young kirlK Bel~ubtrrkm,He
asked lur, hrit tlwn lpnorrd
the advice of thr rlldrr m r ~ ;
who 1lnd bt=m hls fnt1lcr.g
~~~~~~~~~~8. liC1lol)onm 14 190
n ~ k r d cnunncl of tlls goilng
mcn wftll whom hc r m w ttp
They olxcred llim hnrl ndvlcc
nncl encour:iged 11lm to tnke R
harsh. ~ ~ n k l n rrotusr
or nction. The rrckrlt? Tn l o l l r ~ w l r l ~
t h e atlv~ce of tho younut!r
persons Lnstead of the olcisr.
men, Klnl: nchobr)tlm Irlst, fiva
sixtha of 111s klr~gtlum,nnrl 110
hart noLhlnE I n ~ t xorrnw nuti
tranble the rest of lllu tlre. OH
t h e o t h e ~hand, t,horo zvns :III
older man. tho npnstla PMII,
who dltl nol lresftnl~to ulvo
the g o ~ n man
~ : T~rnr)thv~ o n r l
counsel, which he ~lnclly ncceptcd and from ~vhlch Iio
~ r c a t l y benefltec?, Ale yoit
Like Trmol!!y' W S/I :!:I, 24

tuva b perfect? Yea, becaurre

the Bcrlptuw, even as In
Be child re?^ of vow haavenlp in
our cvejrydny eonvereatla the
Father, urlm mokea hIa gun word
la used In a
rise on good and bad alike, relativepcrfcct"
SPIISC. T h w I t mIaht
atrd sends the rain m tIkc
Is perfect
honest and the dishonest.
i f i t complclely or fully serves
--Matt. 5:45, New
ttlc ytwlwr! lor which it. is:
English RIblc.
Thus we fit~dh'oah
An mankind, even the wick- nIntentlcrl
b l ) ( ~ k c n of 11% being
ed, benefit from ,God's mercy. " r~~~d~Job,,
B:!,: Joh 2.3,
He dws not mtlt21hold from
Vrvrsio?l) The Hebhem the things necessary for A~rlllurized
words SransUfe. Jesus citecl this qunltty
"pcr?rrl" hnve t l ~ esense
of Jehovah's undeserved k111rl- lt~tcrl
hellu: conlplclr, fully deness as an e x a n ~ l ~ l eto ue. or
velo >?ti, i n l r ~ c l , ' rvan as t h e
When Adnm ond Evo 'dl#~
l i ~ wrlrtl
"llcrlcel" nlao 1s
obeyed G d ' s law 133 cnting m i
cirrl~lcrl,pi " C O ~ I I I I ~ C ~ Rsound,
the forbidden tree of Itnclwliin\.:los.u. w .?/I 1. ?a
edge of ~ o o dand bad, mercy
toward thell' unborn offsprin~
Monrlny, March 51.
prompted Jehovah to 1tl1aw
them to llve until chll(lih~:n Th;a Word Secorne fle~eah and
had been born. M a n y hnre
rcsidcd aamlg us. and we had
accepted the cantmwng una vfew o j lrts glwy,
deserved h d n e a nnd longhe toas I r i l t oj rtradsaertred
kindr~esf and twt?c.
suffering of Jehovuh find hnvw
not m ~ m diL< purpuw. I)uZ,
--Jnhn f :i4.
on the other hsllrE, crlttntlr~s
John hlla u~ that the
M h o n s since Adanl'rr rluy
Word who la "ln thc bosom
have used tllLP intcrvenlr~u onlt,lon wltlr t h o Vnthcr is
time period to live i l l opposllln rrrla tlrr~t Ilrk?i explnlned
tion to God"s stated will lnr
hltn." Ruwly this delightful
his creatures. But Got1 Irr riu
clv:;crlpt,loi~oi dvnue btenthw
more bound t o put u11 wllii
tho vnry nplrit uI n flno retllcm Lndeilnitelg t l i m 110 wrrH
lrilial~hlpnud n ready comobligated to Adam and Etrp, ~t~runlcitHon.T h l ~ ia rurlller
who went down Into rvrrlastwcrl 111 the tills "the Wold,"'
i ~ l adeath In due time, just
1111ich hnfl the meullin~:of a
ns Jehovah hnd decreed for sllokesrn~ul,like the offlcer In
8/15 8 , 9
Iurrner times who sluod In
Irnnt of R ~ 1 1 ~ t ~ i lwindow
Sunday, March 80
nnrl co~lvcyc<lJ o u d to olhers
You must aollmdingI# be pertliu rncssnl7c ool thc king, who
Ject, as your heaueaIy Pat'alher
wns u t l s r r l i Inside. That omcer
zt:~sc111ltird Xal IZuirc, menn:s perfect.--.?lull. 5:45.
When you truly admlra
I I I ~"the voicr or rc.o:.d of the
someone, do you not want to kt~ig." God's Son was t h e
be like him? You may cverl
i3l)ulrenrntul for Iris Father, He
make s d e l i h n t s eRort to urrra Sllo t r ~ ~ s t w o r t h ymeans
imitate him. Chlldren nre lika
uI Conlrn~~nlcntlti~
to others
Ihat. GhoulA u7e 11c.lt fecl fllmlwi~ntcvri' thc Cl'rantar wifihed
larly about our hcttvelily Frlt n coovry, IIo faltt~fllllyserved
thsr, Jehovph Ctod? HOIV
I11 l,ho mnu! nay rlurinr: hls
~al'thlymlnl~try.He wlll speak
desirable he i s in e v ~ r ywnyl
Hun bountifully he llna p i u nnd ~tbtIn I hr arune c,appncity
u d e d for us! Should rrro nut
rvhm he lentls the henvenly
be moved to want t a be Hka nrrnios in t i ~ v execution of
clod'^ r I ~ l ~ t c o juOme~ltR
him? T o ubllatextent n'e clln
be Likc Qod, Jesus nns~~erctl. tlic bnll lc of H:rr-Mnycdon.
8 5 w t e m me imperlrct crrn\V 5 / 1 5 7. 8


m n ~AprlI4
TuWajI A p d 1

. , . fa rtlrvirag pawith w , not wishlng

Tim Lmd

that 6np should perish but
thnt Q1I ahoaM go to repenthig.
P t , 3 3 , Bylngton.

Adnm lorfelted perfect hulor MmseU and his

r l n b r l l oflsprlng. The ransum

mutl llfa

yrlce w s Jesus' slerfect humnll IIIr. It hehlg his life t h a t

rvns Glre pricp, Jesus s w e s

owrrarrhlp ef the human sate
With God, thc Oricinxtor of
tlir b r r n l ~ ~ e r n r t Tllnt
is why
t11n Rr:l.lj~tlirr.; spunlc both of
Ciod n~lrl r ~ fCt~risl as t l o h g
Lho pul.l~hrrslnc. (Acts 20 28:
I TI^. a : G : RCV. 5 : ~ ) GO^
runHlrlrrR llIe BS something
h l u h l y vnluable. He does not
wnnt tlluse whom he lrouqht
wit11 the precaous blood of his
6 u t 1 to 1)crish. It fs his tiesire
t 1) tit peopIc everymhem. re~ n r d l e ~ufr their station in

and keepln~ knawled~e of

Ccod'a Word Is rnrtch the same.
Yuu mny notlce ths skill that
OtllerH hnw i l r thclr use of
t h e Dll~lo, Nu I L ~ I L L ~ , Q P %,hat
cluostlons comu up, lhcy seen1
t o have t h e Rcrlpllrrnl xnswer. Dub never roucluda that
LIrey AUL th~ilknowlerl~ewithout eff~wt.NO m i ~ t l r r~ v h owe
are, It rcqulres seriouu study

BccllmulnlR nn nccttr~te
knowledae of thc Bible. nnd

once IVC llavc 11 mc rnr1.t lrpep

nlizdyiti~I n mnlntaln 11, fi we
Iircci IMfiril'a ritlrnot~ll.lon to
'J'lmotkiy otlr ntlvi~llcrln~nb
nlhn w i l l Iku r n t i ~ l l ' c ~ x Eto all.
W 3 / 1 5 13

Thmmdny, April 8
WC hove h c o m a theatrical
qcctacrc fo thc world.
-I cw. 4 :9.
Rwe mu1 uoan not taking
about the apostle8 ae being
Iltc. tcnrn the truth, accept
a apactncla In thnk, Ra others
hlx provision nnd gain Hfe.
vie!tRt?d thorn lmtlin~ honest
In your' 1ovo for fellow h i m a n s lives, thoy hecnrllo cmvjnced
c u n t l r ~ ~ ~twf nwiden
out be- of the r l i h t l ~ c wuf the Chrlscalinr uf your apprec~athe tlall wny of lifr. No, he 1~
lllnt all humans ate red1 the discuaslng the srlflerinp Lhnt
property o i nod an$ of
t h e n p o s t l e ~ eqlrrlcnced, as
Christ? W 2/15 I-6b
tllouuh l ' e ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~exposed
i ~ ?a ttient rr br!ore n 1mIr.ers~1
IVdnrndmy, April 2
'rllc. "thcnlrlral
Pontfw o t ~ rtlresc things; be r;~rectrkcl+b"thnt thc npustIes
allaorbrd in tlaem, that your prcrenl. in tho Irlbir '1s by hrlnot n [)mad
adnnnccmrtal may bc manifest mall st~cl~d~~~.clrr,
antg, hut n ~ o r t y and CDIIto rill.--I T i m . 4:15.
Whlla 11 Isl true that knowlsdur Is ~1 "gifl" from God. trnnalnt,ion help8 us to get
t11ls vivid i ~ t ~ ~ofr the
e SUI11 Is uot acqulred or mainInined wlthaut considerable Perlng u i hrlall~nfi when it
personnl elTorE. To illustrate.
rr mrirrlcian mag be mid tn polntcd tO IEqht alth mfid
beasts." Onc cnn therefore
liRvtb n RIIC for playing the
ptcture B tcittmpllnl procemion
pfn~:a. H v may have ccrtaln
u ) Roman times At the rear
nnturnt illcltnatlona that lend
comra the thltlifol hnnd ot
thornaelwa to his musicsl
nnd atller Chrlstlans
nblutp, rand yct we &ould not
in^ loA like d~spiaetlcrimiconclrtdo that hla ability ta
llny came w l t h o ~ ~cfTort
or 11la1s to the n r a m wh~1.a::peetabor8 will 1.ovv1 In lilcir slrfI I ~ ~ ILI ~ ! rnalnlalns this gift
mllhout prnctlce. Our getting
fenng nntl denth. W 4 / 2 7, 8a

Xhd world I8 pm81nQ away and

ad b it^ deafre but he t h t
doe8 tile W M Ia) GO$ remains
forctlet .-1 Jalin 2 : l l .
All you young people, do

you wrtnt to remain Xorever?

OI coursn you <lo! Then M n eflt irotu the goad counsel of
tho nlnture ones who are Ye-

l ~ o v n l i 'wltna%?es.
Work hard
nt nvofd!rlg Ure generatltlm
RRI) $ ~ l dt~ccoming vlctims of
st. Brlnlr rh victlm means only
nncl death, as
Jollll rvr0tC. I~~rtenci,stick
clnw to Godk Word snd his
ol'unnlsat lot1
bn]~l.imdtwo la, 13o the will of
aclrl. Arul kink af the reW I L ~ ~that
can bc yoilrs If
yorl nvolrl the ene ern ti on gap1
R l ~ h t now yr~u can enjoy
rnnny hnpp
experiences if
tmly y a l ~ W I reach
out m d
wlm holtl ul the thmcratic
~ > r l v l l e gbhcln~
extcr~cIed to
(:l~ristlnn J ( I \ I ~ ~ An(1
I R . 111 tile
i ~ r t u r ~ Well,
Pr&vt=rbs $:I. 2
~ 1 1 ~ : ; : My firm, my lsw do not
$ ~ fiat,
I I nnd my commrandments
mny yolrr Iwnrt observe, bccnum IrtlKlh of tlnys nnd
grtftra nT HIo and pcnrc wlU
ba ndrlrd tcl you!' Pnrmlts,
Irowrvpr, cmr do mnucl~t o prevrnt a ~ ~ i i c m t i o pap
nslslne in the first place.
It' 5 / I 25-37

Ratw&byp Apin ET
[Ckfatl dktl tw all that
l l t o a ~who llva rnlght live no
lonprr jar tlvmselues, but jor
I ~ i mwho diaR for them.
-2 Cor, 6:15,
Bervice to Ood and Christ
Is a saurm of rcfrwhment and
JOY. (Untt. 1l:ZR-30) But humhns ~vi:hout frith, and wicketI spirit f o r m . make things
11nrcI fur Ctu+ls!.ta!~s.Thfs has
been the cxpcrlc~lce of our

brothers, e:r;lcclnlly in lands

urldor cllcl;ntorlal ~ ~ f l eOften
lalcy 11nva bepa pw~ecuted
h~crtutlc of obeyfag Jews'
conimrtnd to teach God's

word. [Matt. a ~ : i g ,ao] ht

other t h e n persecution ha8

come upon Un becalm. out of
frrithfuln~wte ( l o r l , we refuse
to fret incc!lvcd 111 :ha politiml
and mllltnry nilnlrs of Che
nntlons. 'I'llr Ilne of lenst rcsistanco nnuld be to ~ l v oill,
to llvc gotrrl, nlosnl Ilvr.r, whlla
accnmmotlnblna I,he ctc~nnuds
of the Golnlllnl.ln~i f:overrlments Rut, nu Chrlatlrtne we
Rre '110 longrr I i v l n ~for ours e l v e s . W c 111R I I P I ' P ~ ~01
~ SJchovah Eml i~nrl Ju:rus Christ.
Apprcdntl~l$ thp bol1nct1r.s
love thot v:e hnvc bee11 shorrlk,
we nte w~llfng to bll:ler, yes,
even tn rlle, in fallhfiil service. W 6/15 21

Sunday, kprll 0
My brothers, what uso la It for

a man l o Rap he ha# faith

tohe?! he rloea no+Ji!ng to
shmu t t P 4 n a . 2:11,
New F:ri~llahR!3ble.
In d~allnn!t:ill~ tlrr m n t k
oi fnltir Jnrnu~, 1118 hnli
brother of .Frm?iu:+,
wroLe same
very htrong 111lt1~n,Flr looked
n1 fnil h 111 Gllc fjtlma way tllnt,
Pnul rlld. (%Ef)ln.10:0, 1b) A n
inrllvlilz~ul 11rkt1 nn Iacnhsn to
honst tiliout 1118 f'fi1111 IT ha
does not hnvc v:or?;a to brclr:
It up. Really, hi6 rlnlm thnt
he ha8 Init11 I8 s],u~'lous.(Jas.
2:15, 1U) Works nrr zimled
to demt>nsl[nre thnt tlin clrsire exprcsxml In tlw words I.s
genull~c. .Julne~ ]loink out
that wortla t h a t nrc not
bac1~8d1111 ~ l t h
& C ~ ARPO Of na

vsluo. dunt unylnl< the words

"Keep nn~in"wlll ntlt b e n c f i l
your Chr!stlnn bruthcs or 61ster. If cine w m t ~t o s@c per-

sons keep then~wlves wnrm.

tllcn It w i l l krkr n Ill.tte nor%
un the p ~ r ut t the Chrl~EIxrr
t o m to It t h n l thc prrsolls
are kept wilrnl hy ~ l v i nthem
somethlrl~.Llltcwlxe fnltt~akust

be ~ c o o n ~ p n n l ~hyc l works. It

kc bnckcrl up Ily nction.

Yes, i'fnitli, If It due^ not hnvO
works, ia dantl in I1snlf."-Jas.

W lil

14, 10- 1'1

Monday, April 7
am WPed blemed, PsrQird puraebea, a& be shut- snta who are ckllcnr;ed and
servants of Uocl have
tered to pleceal Plan out u
scbme, and ft wilt be broken t,lle n n t m l Iovo for tllek ORu p ! Speak an# trord, cmd it hl~rlngthat W irnpln!lM in
lu!Zt not stand, /or God ia hurnanklnd. They alhv haw
1l1c upportunllp - to torge a
with us!-Isa,
8:P, 10.
in the family clrclo with
~~orlrlly-wise men ~iltllty
I I P love and nnertlon that
iicheme Is c!on~~rcLPt o failure. Fnlrl
speaks of furrl ilia$ can
They not only pn.w over Cod's
and sntlsf~ction
plrrpme but plnn and fig1zt Lrlt~g
nny other
n ~ a l n s tit, E v r r ~ in the ninb- rnrllntl. They by
ran ~ l t l their
tcr of combllll~ru Eqetfier, In clillclren to bcconw
n Unitwl Nnrlon8 organlea- acrcnnts of God; not only
lion, the polilicr~lnnd wlltary t l l l ~bring the inmily clnscr uiu
tolmdms are ~ o l l l f icoatrarg to
but it 1.q tlhn brvt inGod's purpQ!;ch.It 18 really n ~cltlPr
conspiracy n}:it111:it IIirn. Ovrr
two thousnllll Ihrrr, -.
---..- - - lo l,llulr children. 1Y 2;1 2-4a
scars nr:r), t ! a t . 1); lq~hrt Isninh
was inspired tu r:rry tn erleloy

r~coplcsIhr! nllortb. The modProve ~/o?lrselveeeon8 of your

ern unificntlol~uf the people8 Father who 13 in Ihc J W C I D E ~ ,
In a Unrlcrl Nntlons organl~a- si?xcc hc malcet ?tfs R I I ~rise
tion for c.orhI pence a n d secu- ripofr tricked pcmic o~irtgoad
t lty rv111 not Irlumph ovcr
nrrd makes i t rain l r p f l ? ~n'ghctod's P U I ~ O R O Ir)lm mankind. tcolrs p ~ o p l e and f~nr4gltteoz~s.
I1 must fall. The dlvislon of
-Matt. 5:45.
the human race l a FncreasetI
Jehovah Gorl lof~thaawickhp languogs BlIrererlces. varyMne.rs, but he Jovrs humnm
ing custom.s, op ming poutlns hi^ prOpertv nlld wants
cnl aims and lrPcoloaLes, and only the best ior Lhem. Do
rncial zlld r.eliglt)~~s
prcjudicea. you treat people as God's
The world of 1nntlM11dcannot property, aanHnu Ihem to
be united nrnonrr fl~ernwl~~es~
hllrwe in the bl?%?lngs he h s
for they arc not united to it1 ntore for thusc rcapecthg
Jchovnh Goc1.-2
Cor. 4:4.
I!la ownership rl~ht,,l? Abk
IV 1 0 / 1 5 15, 17
Yoursell: When I nlu In control of my Ilmc, ii-.:i~t.q and
Xwmlmy, AprM 8
rrk~Hltics,do I u.w tlirst! n h o s t
Ja brotelrr low Itave tmdw axt:hi\ively to Lwnctlt myxetf,
nY f[iInilY an[[ 1 ~ friends?
u#eetwn tor nttc another.
Or., tlu 1 think nbortt wllnl: I
-Ram. 12:10.
fnmlly r c l a t i a p rlln tI0 for tbotre ill u~llortunnte clrcum~!nnces or tbase
bledslnc. when &drew
might be l o n o l ~ ,even if
l e m e d the idctltity
not esM(?g.gsiah,110 first u r all n,ellt tl1cir ilersmal1W
with the good npws to his l~c".lnlly appeal to me? Do I
flpr;hly bother silnon peter,
Am 1 ltrclined t o
(John 1:41) yes, !
,la nprn-etfn:sB?
K ~ V P of myself 11% hellnlf of
tlnnshlp m l p p l i ~a bond t h n t
rll-1lOrR with no thullr:ht of
cnnnot be d r ~ ~ i e dHowever,
there 2s lill even cloher bond, cpblln~ anything In r.ebwn
them? When your love
rind that js the chrjstinn
b ~ o t h e t h o d . Btothms in t h e ~ ~ " b e m ds h u t b rxneckd
truth havs ~onlrthing that "11~1 incl~rdm the l t n f ~ t,lllintc
yokl we! i d t f i l l ~ p : ,Yr~hovah
ovPn fleshly brcbt)lura do not
hwe, But wllcn v o w famtly Ood. har ring his vlow of hucornbinea both i;.ln.tlatlships, rnn~lklr~d.
W 2/15 'I-Vb

r"hnrriday, AprN 10
want t o pe P E T ~ E Ofl0
sell your h e h f l n g s ontP give
to thc poor
and corm: be
mrr fo1lotser.-Mutt. 19:2I.
T o be Imitators of Cird by
belnu perlect even
He is
perfoct, wo must be dolnu all
we cnn I!r the Interm(; of ]>Uure
\vorr,lilp. Jesus showed this
wllen R dch young man cnme
to him and asked a'llnt he
muaL do Lo galn avrrlnsttnx
lifr. Josm realiecrl Ilint lle
rnrnald Im benefited If hr nn-




brrrctenetl h h s e l I of tilt: d1.s-

tcnclione that kept hlrn from

bolu~:perfect; or complete in
hla Eervlcc to Goc!. Whnt

nl~anitll: do


there 1s n :~~estionfor enclt

indiidd~~nl:Am I pereosialll!
wluinr: to Ilc n, art aP the
modern 'npcctncg to tho
resented by morlrsn
sairllua? rnr:~?"You can. it


ni~out lmlng "perfect" have

for us lotlay? Thls: Wa nlmply cannot be conteut wlI,h

g l v i n ~tnkcn service t
a God.
We nmgt love God with our
t~qholr!I~cnrt, mI, mind nttd
~ t r ~ l l ~ and
t h , n?t R ~ ~ O prrW
so!lnl dcelres to 1ntorr1:ra wILh
o i ~ rcotrrplcle devotion to Mm.
Thus if wc have no salptirrnl
ahllcationr, ur physlcnl hnlldIm~)sto keep us from nhnriny: full time in prearhltlc: the
Kingdom ~ o o dnewii tn olhrrn,
ufc rvill he sharlng in t,I:e
it111-t,lrnepreschicg IrTork. We
cn~inot,be "perfect" l i wr: hold
in ow servlCC t o (3od.
IV J / 1 5, 6a

Frlaay, aprU 1%
Do not become ashamed o
t b witnrss about our
neiilttr. of me a pri.poner fw
h i s snkc. but take pour part
la suflctlng eoil jm tlrc good

to t b r puturr
Tim. 1 : 8 .
Jehovnli'w people are llot a
thrcnt ta Inw and order. They
wa r ~ u 1 Chistrans. They clo
yepresent the ganuin~
ChrJaLian cong~egution. Thla
is prnvcfl by how tllgr scrullu101th:~ try to apply the Bcrlpturc:: In t h e k o m l i v p ~ .Their
conrrcRntian is the mmr! in
stv~rcturo RS h a t OOrrWsRen by
the nl>ostles and prophet8 111
news &cording
01 <God.-2

nmt mtuv.
teach the name hutha, Jehovnh's W ~ ~ ~ P K Tare
E S d mod.
ern "'sspectncle tu the worlrl"
m sufCcrll11: for the ram8
t h I n ~ 3ns (lid Jesus nnd hi8
apostles. Anrl as an orgnnixn.tion, thny know that thnv wlll
eontinut l o lace trihalntinn
riaht Il~rourrhthc end of thla
wicked Vshm of things. But

Ratnrdny, Apfl 1%
"Abraham pwt jaitlt fn Jahourah, and 41 was counted ta
him aa rlphtpasrsness." attd kc
crrm to br: called 'Jehnt:al~'~
fr/mrl!'-Jas. 2:23.
A rrlnl,lnn6htt) rtlrcly. if
ever, t ~ t , ! t r ~ l n ntllk. Zt dthor
devclwu rlr rer.rdes. TIIIR 1n
wrnethlna to bc watched and
s ~ f e r y t l r ( I l ~ ! $r!i~~eciaHlywhcn
nro Hvlng clomly toceLhrr n R h ~ t ~ b n nand
Thc-rr! n ~ n y l,r! n~utuol f a l l h
Illld N r n l j d ~ l lk~
U b P j l l la;!!h,

hut I t cnnnnt be talien for

granted. Ro prompt, evon In

smnll I ~ ~ I I A
toB dcmonet~nto
tllosr? flllr* qualities
Ai>rahnm rlid tllroupllaut 121s
lifr. Pnul mentions three hlg
ere?ita wlic!~ Abrahnrn, by
p ~ o ~ n pnbedlence,
provrtf hln
5brollK fnllh nnd devollon 1A1
Jchovnh: 1 1 ) HIS leavlnu hIs
hnmetown nnd country whcn
called, n,nd (2) hi8 Hvinp: for
year* "na nn allen , , , in n
fnrrlqn 1nnrl." and especfnlly
( 3 ) hi8 'oflrrlng up of Islnc.'
(Heb. l i : 8 - 1 0 , 17-19> Nollce

how the i a r c ~ n l n1s

~ :well s r ~ p ported by Jnmcs. Whnt a
health ~ r o w t hto a Bnf re~atiollstfp
I W h a t s Zhrlllln~

concEuslnri I
eat inlth In God, and ( 3 ~ 1
ad Rt.rClllK confidence in bla
friend, W 5/15 16

Bmdav. Anrll 18

do mot 'be&g to-m r aohaa, for yoas were bought


I have done. Doubtlnn uaruallv

does nob involve fugdb~ientd
truths such as (1) Jehovah's

with a price. B y all means. sovereignty, ( 2 ) the Kin~dom

fllorijp God fn the body 01 or 13) the ransom, Rnther, we
you people.-1
Cor. 6:19, 20. may becoms concerned wllh
mlnw matter, and due
Our young Czechwlovaklan some
t o prfde we put our j ~ e r s o n ~ l
bmthws who refused. military optnions nhaad of C&'s Word
duty, ns well as to work in and Jehovah's orsanlaatln~~.
uranium mines t o help to A half brokl~erof Jcxus wnrns
equip the mlIitsry, had t h e us in the words above a ~ n l n n t
tlrm conviction that, bhougll
dwbtlng. A knowlerljic o: h o w
kllled by men, Gad wottld not God has dealt a?Eh hls peuplo
forget them but wmId restore in the past and the present
them ta Me. W
e we in- d U he1 us to uvord dn~ibts.
rirndunlky may never face Wc
not doubt Jehnvnh
such a severe test to our because he uwa imperIect rr,er~
fnithfulnem to W, are we, in positions of weighty sc~~onctheless,cvm now put- b-ponsiblllty. W 7/15 15. 18
t l n ~him Arst? Or, possibly
your sclrwlrnates or work- !
T a r ~ h y ,Appl! XK
Inntes put pressure on you to
111)nndonyour Christian p r h - I f he does not Iisten Even to
clples. W h n l are you doing and the corrgregatfm. let I ~ l mbs
us a man of tho
will you do 111 the face of such t o 8 ~ fust
d~iiicultles? Wvlng in to the natlons and as .a t a r collcclor,
--~utt. WIT.
oerfiecution or nressure mieht
heem t o make life easier, mEre
From Jesus' own example it
whereas proving ia evident that there was a
fe,itbful to Jehovah God may
difference between friendship
mean continued ~ n deven in- and his &Tort$ to heal tlioso
r:masad &use for a while. If who were splrittu~llysick and
you bear In mind your in- to dll.cct them to rspc~itnnce
clchtedaess t o Jehovah God and into the path of rlnhteousneufi. Wo wc, too, R closn
and Jesutr Christ, you will
make the right decl8ion. Y w similarity between the hcolment accorded these and the
will cwitlnue to "glorify God."
trcalment set forth in tho
FV 6/35 32-24
nnostle Iyni~lkin:;lnlctionil V P girding those -dlslellobshlpcd
Monday, April 14
from the Chrlstiar~ conq:rrl:nHe roho donbta Is Uke a m ~ v e tion, nnmely, not " r n l x l n ~ In
01 the sea drIt?en by the wind company" wIth mlch oacs,
astd blown cbout. I n fad. let
not "even eating" with tiirn~.
?tot that m a n arrpgosa that
( I Car. 5:IlI clearly, trekrtln~
I t e mil[ recew? a n y t a i r t ~porn
an unrepentant s1nner. ns "1%
Jtblfovah; he i a nn indecisive
man of the notions nrtd 8s a
man, ~~nstendv
in all h u m q f i .
tax cdlector" means tlierc
s!tould be no Irakrlzlng nrltt;
As w0 we seethe c o n c l m such a one. BUC, us Jwt\
of thla system of things draw- example shows, thEs does not.
require our trestil?~such a one
ing near. all who are to enan enemy or refuxinb to
dure will have to lmow GDd. as
shox common courtesy nnd
Unlem we are weU acquainted
consideration. Nor r!ocs S t r~tle
with the w a y he deals with us, out the glving o i help lo thwe
we could essily su~cumbto t h e who want to correct R wrong
pitfall of doubting, us some course and regain G o r l * ~favor.
dcdlcated, baptized Chrktians W R / l 19, 20


tVotlneatItcy, AprM 16
Tlrs ct/.gs oj Jehovah aro 3n
kecpI?~fl watch
? ~ P U ? L 1 LP bad otws and tlre

lnet on exl~lbltionas men npo i n t d to death." God alowed them to appear as low-

sons of men, and It is to hlm

thnt A n ncmuntinu rn1r.d be
mnda, Jehovnli'fi l o v i n ~ care
n ~ ~m
r lt c h f r ~ ~ n r sfur
s the wellme o t hlil vnple nro most



1 5 :5.
Ycs, Jehovnh's eye8 are ogm
to sea all the wnyn of the
good 0nc.p.-Prou.


hy the warlcl's stmndards.

a~havah'a people today, us

thcy carry o u t thew worldwide wltnesslng. aufIer sirnThis does not mcan

thnt CEod has rejected them.

l a fact, one needs the modern con#rEation of Sehowh's
people lorl:iy in order to he a
splrlti~nl p ~ r s o ~ The
truth Is
rvlrlent, ncni! ; ' r r l ~ thla fnct. 11nt to be fo~ind w i t h t h ~ s
t!mt the Iovlur: Crcntm is 1vt10 arc most popular mnr511
ftllly nupnre of 7 he good ones
the world httt d t h t11o.w nIla
n s well ns l h c bnd, ~ b n t l I V I I R ~ nre persecuted bemuse of livt ~ : i c ? l la dolu~,,rt persrn does
I11r: w i t h ~odlydevotion in as\vrll to nsk lllrnsrll: 'Xi .lr- soclal!on 1~3thChrist Jews.
hrj~nhis l o u k i n ~Inr Iirlthfril- -3 Tim. 3 :I?. W 4 " I 10-12%
npss rmorir: hi:; prglc. docs
hr v i e w n i t n:; such R t w "
F r i h y , April If3
slllpcr? JR iny wny o i life one
t hdm prove rulrat his o?m
nE InlthTtiliicsn? How nm I h
fa, and t & 7 ~ Ihe will have
la ktlow II 11e npprovm of wmk
canna jar exultation i n re1na7' Is it not rcn~onnhlc to ffard
t o himsell slme, and
supposr tllnt, thr! Gnrl nf
In cowlparison wfth the
Inithll~lne~woultl httvr! II ?rototliw
p n . u o r 1 . 4 a l . 6:4.
xl.nnclnrd (,hat would tleflnn
A problem rums thm who
Tor' tlla worshl e m w h r ~ t lu
111 the light, to
rlt:ht nnd w h r ~ t I V ~ O S ~ K , ~00C1 bo it1 union with
the Suurce
nnrl bnrl, t r u ~~ n d
Ialw? Ye% nP Huhl and w l l h his
iC la. And mom than thnb, l.hc hhort, l o practice the Son,
Ood n l ordor n t ~ dacnca hna 11 iu how to lreep propertruth;
mengrovldcd jlr~l 81tct1 14 dlvlno
bnlnllce in liie mldst of the
nt~tndnrrli n hla Word, Ior our to1
tlsrkness surrouncltng them
i ~ ~ a t c ~ ~ c l No
l o n .t ~ l l ~ rbook
nut1 not be enticed away from
1!1 nccck!tbla Id tho
Lhe pnth of light. To this end
~Lal mnjorlty u i manldnd. self-exnminatlot~
is vltRI, using
! { / I 5-7
God's Word as the guide ns
be doing
Thtlruday, Aprll 17
if one Is practlclng the truth,
Wa have becoms (I tltentrical
wa1l;ing in lhe llght. (1 John
to anprls, and
1 :R , This self-examination ent o men.-I
Cor. 4 : 9 .
ters Lnto n number of ~4t~ltRI
nl ens, flrens tn which ench one
y e s , P R U ~ I n hare- nay!ng
thnt a unhersB1 audience or us should be interested. We
w r a spectntocu to Ehe In- shotrld do it, h a v l ~ l gin rnincl
dlpnlttes. tile oppasltlun ~ r t d Fnul's word8 above, as we11 as
llle 8 h t e r n m t nt 2 CorinPI..WC~~~IWL
LO which he ttnd
R t u rornpnnions were s t ~ b - thians I0:IZ thzt those r h o
cgmpnre "tl~emselres with
j c c t t d nu tbcy cnrrfrd out
Ihclr mlnlstrstry. Xn spttr of tlrm t?l~mselves hnvc no under~tllTer111~Ch:lC the n O B t l ~ l 8lnlltEtng." We should Zet Gr:dgs
hure, :.lllrltt~n!lg mlndeg men W~>rrlshow what God requires
lxirlt l l i r r ~tvnuld IISIVA knon!~ of those wlio say they are
thlit Cmd b~ckccl1lp the nprW '*prnctlclag the -truth." Let
us not be memmng ourselves
t l ~ x . Rucll perEullR wollld
know, loo, aa Paul snld, Ihat by some other hwnan. W 9 / 1 5
15, 7
' * ~ ; o #1111s put us the npontlra



in^ back t l ~ e n . Why would

Cirlstinns llvlr~rt so far from
G M ! ' S M'rlngu of n n ~ lj u a mesit ncpd to lee1 this wny?
1Flcrc icUt be no end, upon 1nny other attitude
llrsone of Drrufd and ttpon l ~ i s BPcnuse
lcntt tlletn i r ~ t oputting
klnarlmnr Q order to estahEsh ~vould
~niE110~11"In worldit fit?nlv nrrd to azrstazn it b!,
ly tlllrles. Tliny ncrt? to keep
qtrersns of 31~<tlue
and by means
i n mirlrl ltlnt the t l ~ l r ~ g s
oJ rEyhtm~~q?ress.-Isrt. 8:7.
nrot~ndltlarn wore rrulng lo he
licl'e we huve
Thry wnuld nrso
flbam[,haMast High God t h ~ t deflt~aycd.
hnve In provr their intemity
thc D~tvldlc Kingdom of his
hccrlrnfz Juhn's
Mc&slnll !vl.Jli not only be a
wordrr R~OYC,I i ~ rtliry would,
rl!,hl.fi~l o11c btit also be
n CllnP, die. nnrl wlmt wonld
trl~lished nnd maln:ained in d
~ r l d righteousness, thelr recorrl br7 We tMny
1 1 k r w l ~be conmrued
This gomnment of mlretlon
to whnt kllicl o f record we
for the people vrlll be set LIP n:i
by Otd, tilnaelf, not by tho nre maklnr:. HY 1/15 1, 2a
rlr:mr~c:rtillr vote of thc psoplc,
Monrlny, Apfll 21.
S'or, ns t1lu lrppbet Isniah
[corn or1 t11hny, thc very ma1 Chrildren, bc ohrdlant to voftt
of .Jehuvnli of BrnlIeE will d o pamalr I ~ E ~ L R ~ O wXth
tlils." W t n t Jehovah is Fal- Lord, for this i s rlglrfeoio:
"linrros your jnlher nnd mw
o w lor 118 will accompllzh.
Ilr hnn inspired manv other fnoti~m"; which fa the prrt
ntF,lc ~rophPctesrespect- dle cntrrn~nnd rvilh rt promi,se:
TILO LO^ i t m w rju WcIl ~tlfLh?lox
prvlcct ~ot'ctnrnent that the
hlcsslnh Jesus ~411 give z11 arrrl wv may mdtm a lbng
HF hm men us R
i i ~ l i e on the earth."
-Kph, b : I - 3 .
~fltnrentee ol this promised
In t h a t h e resurabediencr: to pnrent~ia not
rcclccl Jcs11# C h i s t ; from the
usl: a mnller of r i o i n ~what
(Irwrl on the third day in dnhry my but nlao lncludes
rllct~llon of the innocence of
contormlna to wbnt, you know
l l ~ n tnne, HI Peter told Corneill reflect fnwrnl>ly on the
I ~ I IBSl ~ d~ I ~ O BWP i t h h i m . - A ~ t ~ tnmlly. It really means sub10.40-43. W l O ( 1 5 29, 311
mislon tr>thf rwlntlona and
r r ~ u z ~ s rof
l YOHI. prtrcnb in
Ulrnd~y,(r,prll 20
hntnlrlrly wit11 Ciorl'c wtll. Yotz
Do nal 1x lorinn d t h s the rnlcilt nsk yotlr~.rlf: When I
go rl!~tof thl! Ilrr~~!~r,
rlo 1 ~ I v e
tunrrd rl: t h thinfl~ in the
:vidr~ioc tl~rll,1 come from a,
world, I anp man looea the
3hlmlrctllinIlr>int3? Is my ~ n b rrlo,-lrl, t i e roue of Ihc mther
lt11:11 ailvn~~r:crnci~b
fn trot In bitn..-1
John 2:15.
tSirous11 gourl rnnnnars, n, reAlx~tlt Ihc y e w 64 C.E. the
nposllr! Pcler wrote t o the
Chri~liancongregation urgIll~ ~eoy)lranrl thorn In nuthority
mtl thro11~11
flrrnncw lor what
l.flrin t o 'krep close In mind
IS rtcllt- n t hchOCI1. In the
t l ~ c prcsenrc of the day of
and clecwhere?
J~!~ovah.'( 2 Pet. 3 3 1 , 12)
30 I cnncrnte ~ r l l hrnv ClsrisWllen Chriditians f
,Inn 1)rirrmts In HIY cl~olcsof
tllosr! words it wns more than
~ r s n r ~ r rrrr~omln(:
anrf d r ~ x v ?
I ,OO(t yonrs before the presecce
3r da I s ~ c k tr~ ntlopt imof tho "~IRY" of Jehovah's
nodnat tmtl ~xtrerneEnds rind
t~tdpnlouitof (=RrJalendomand
,hen try to plnemuromy pariho prcuenl &ern
of things.
:nts into str!lnlr t l i l n ~ a my
YcE Pfter'9 words had an
n~ulicirllun to C l u ~ i a n slivany? W 2/15 29a

H n h r d a ~April
To llra abtmdunce of tlte
pr1naIy rnla and to peace

p r m w ration~lleefind cornpromim, 'Snle could lend to

his eternal UndainK, Therefore, now, whlle thrre Is tehttvc calm in moat of the world.

fionday, April 82
0 Timothy, gsrard what is
faid up In trust mfth gOuI
turtdng mtmn J ~ o mthe m p l y
speeches t f a t t)ialale what
is Irfl1g.-l
3'ltn. 6:20.
Wnlclll~ig entertnlnment on
telovinlon, H~lenlng ta soap
oporns nn tho nillo lo, or readinf: novola wlll not Improve
uu~r knowledge of the CrenLor'a purposes, The BlbIe Is
t h e instruulrnt provider1 by
C ; d , nnrl through hh dsible
01 ~ n n l r . ~ ~ t 11e
l a l ~has provided
nlrcrly uirla lor c l l l t l w t i n ~the
~srtlor t r u t t ~ .TllnC we need
t r ~ cuillvr~tr nnrl t o imp~ove
our knrnvlcrlge uf the truth Is
in hrirnu\ny wllh what Pwl
wrnla. (]I&?. 0:l-31 Stnce i t

nod's )ur

R=w under

Is the t l n ~ ato w t ~ r k hnrrl at

''the mini1 o f
Chrlst" nnU to Ict it control
every atipect OX one% lifc,
Work nt lnaking ynilrsrlf the
kind of p r r ~ o i l thnt G o d
would npp~.ovc nt nrlv f i v l e .
But i t is nilt mlw to rlevelrqj
nnd dwcll on clnrl:, n~orhrd
fenrs regnrtllng rvhnt pcrrerse
tillngs tile cncrny mtrht comc-

d n y d o trr Or~rl:9prorlrc. V?:laer. n Ct~rlfllliin s l l l r~row1117

!l!ht~mday, ApM 24


Kla~rlorn \o
the earth
~ I O ~ ~ I I I Lwith
L P ~ men and wornr n prrlrct Itr knowledpe, then
I t In icvrll thnt IVC now R ~ V Z ~ ~ C
in know!cdr!t? t h a t klefits tile
eervnntr; ot Jehovah. I t mould
nut hn wise for us to make a
prnctleo n? Ilstenlng to fake
r r l ~ ~ l o u 1)ropnanlda
on the
rr~dlonr on tclevi~lon, nor to
llrivr! BIIOII
Illtcrntnra come reg11lnl.ly Into our homes, thinkinr! Lhnt thln mould equip us
to rPIule ~ri~acrlpturalteachI r r ~ n . Pn~rl'sndvlw is pertinent
I I P ~ C . 1V 3 / 1 5 14, 15

Wmtnastlrry, A m %!t
IJappy arc lhoee ?ah4 Mae
born persecuted or righteownres' sake.-hatt.
Tho qucstion a h t be
aakd, H n w can any person
endure alrcll ntlvemity? There
IRonly one wny n person can
senlo111 :II rn L L ~.S Christian
while mflcrlnf! evll: Re must
ho n ~t)l\lbr:tl persull. Eee
t t l l n ~ sfrom God's standp0ir.t.
S r ~ c ha orlc will knotv that tle
IR . ~ L I ~ ~ W ~Inr
I I Rrighteousness'
~ n k c .nuL ki fleshly thfnkirig
irj nffnctl~ig h l ~
llfe nnd 31s
hse n worldly viewpoint, even
Ilc who clnirna lo know the
way of tho truth may under

Becanre kind to one anothw,

tenderly campalblonate, jreeIr) for(flvirtg own o ~ ~ o l l i rfirst


a3 Gnil nl?o 7)g ('llrlst f r r ~ l p

jorflfl ~w to ti -#,'f)h. 4 : C .
'M librtZltnla Ircn cornmzinimltlon hot?vurn [mrcnttl nu&
chilrlmn, I L LH \~P~IPIIcIILI
t h n Ininlfy I,o 8hn1.c ~nr\nlntohrr s11L11r.r 1lirlt1 tl~~vt:lapit~g
11o IIRIIIL or a5~Llrif:fi1~1111rnLc1y.
Rcgulnr C O I I V C ~ ~ I ~ 111,
I I R lilenla


I!n]>roven Iirlnllg cornni11nlcntton. Frtrtn(s 11ml t a elcpres

encournm contj~n~lnfi
love. Thr: ~tl.o~tl!
honcl o f lol'e
will unik Chrlstlnn Inrnt1le.s.
(Gph. 5.25: 'flltrs 2:d) IV!Lh
love. tho chnritl~l 01 comrilunlcntlot~r ~ m n l n sopen. fiornctinlea cblldrc~i hccolne f,?lPccrlCored II 1,110 llni4mts nrs
alwrtyn spenklnr: crlllcnlly of
olhere. dow~~f:mdlrir: others,
nr dl~glnh.1113 W ~ R L f.9 bzd,
But Ilnmilta rho srnwtli over
the lniblr~nnrl fnr~llsof others, zmrl wlln t ~ t k n~ kind,
loving ntlrtude, twlp their
chlld~.ento Iw: Iovlrlrr nnd lorgivlne, find t o lnkc 1hn lntererrt
in other pro lc And w h ~ n
pnreilCH ahow
ilnlity, lhey
are nol o111.v l , u i h l i i ~ up tho
joy of gtvlrrl: but nlso kespirlg
open tho r l ~ n l ~ ~CII
i r lcornmunicatloii, W SII 10, 11n


Frlday, AprPl 25
Thane will depart into eaertallinn rrtttinp-ofl, bwt the

the erring one where no

Ilfe.-aratt. 25:46.
In apcakfnu ahout this time
or the ~eneratlonseelug the

a t ou:. place of c~?ployrnent

or 111 $chnol, luve tlenra all
ttltnea. I n ~ v o n h "klieves
all Illlagl;." T l d ~ I8 nol. to
imply l,hnL Chrl-qtians are g111lihle, Tho polnl is Ihnt we
hnvd 11ril)lidt I,ru~t,in Jehovnh: we tlo not qucatlon whnt
He tell,; nn th~.onlBlhis \wittPn Word nrld hhs organizatlnn. bin^ work out well for

r~nAteotrsones into mmlaslirtg

eatabll8hmcnt of the Kingdom, Jcwn definitely promised

cvcrlnsllnn rarlllly life. TTIIS
la Ihc lllna for separating tlle
"al~cep'' r r m the '"oats." And
s h n L rewnrd dld Jesrts hold
olsl lor the "sheep" who help

a~:d a r v c wit11 his an&wd

"brotllerx" but who ere not
tl~rrnwlves such brothers of
C h r i ~ twho hnv8 heav~nlylife
In vlrw? Hc pmmlsecl that
tliear! rl~rlltcn!~s
ones wlll enter
o v c r I n h l , l ~nfc,
~ ~ yes, lice
rlfiht 11~1.e on earth. What n
Il~rlllinl: pmspecl. living forcvcr on @ruth,which G o d has
I I I I Y ~ O A Ct ~o become 8 paratEiwl Ilr~ithow much does that
rrntty mcnn to you? Dms I t
irlflucncc y o u stt?tude toward
yorw johl n ~ l ~ asubjects
clioosf 111 ncliuoL? whether you
wlll rrt rnxr14ied aoon? Yes.
nro you Hvlng with eternity
111 vlrbv? ?'1i~ pos~ibility of
l ~ l n a ~~urnl~cred
Pmong the
u;~lleep"who will enter lnto
clrrrlnst in^ life should stlmu1nCc s c a r devotion to Jehovah
Gw!. 1V B / f 5 11, I2n

Rntadny, Aprll 28
Love ,
bcms all things,


Cor, 13:4, 7.

Thla expraeaion literally

menne "nI1 Ihlngs it 1s covering." Il Cor. l3:7, Intmlinear)

It covers Hlce a watertiqht

root, ~rotaetlngwhat is below.
Love Is reaFLsdic: it dces not
cxpect perrcctton from Imperf ~ r lpeopI~. It Is afll!ng to
put up with a bt and is not
ovorly mnsltlve. When a membrr
our PnrniIy or of the
Cl~iutlIlrl congregaiian makea
a mialaks, ~~11101'
than adver-

11~inFit, love will cause us to

neck to werlook it and protect


rloua wrongdoing ia inv01ved.

Through miatteatment as a

Christian In Ihc flrld mvice,

those who in t h t u truetiz~finay

gn alonfi with Ootl's way of
dolng t11lnRs. IV 7/16 12, 13a

N~mdny,April 27
That zlrc mnv t ~ o t bc averreac?laR b# Sntan, for ws are
not fflno~a71l
of I~tsr desigtas,
-2 Cnr. 2 : i i .
Batan% dcal~naare to dewur nng of M ' R mxvknts
thnC he cnn. nlrd he goes
bout "ltka n ronrlng Ilm" trr
accompliah h t ~nlm. The man
who hat1 beon dlrrlello~shiped
In Corl~llhhnd llccn l ~ a n d e d
ovor to Rnlart It1 lllc wnse
thnf h o hnd hecu put oul oI
tho en!~(rrc~c:~tlnn
nncl thrls was
thl'ust rlul Into Zl~a wurlcl ander fintnn'~ t l o r n ~ ~ l nLike
little Icnven in the u~holeSump
o: do11l:lr. this mrrn hnd hcen
the flr?.;llly c*Icmrnt Irtsirle the
n!Kl by removing t13la Inceat~~o~ur,
man the
splrltutally !nLnrlr3tl corlgregation hrtd dehtrt~yctltho "11esl-r"
from its mld&t. Now Sntnn'a
de.rtan or ulm would hc t o
bold on to sual? prey until
succeeding in co~nplctelyswallowing up the mRn, destroyi n g him splritunlly. If the mngrmar.ion. thowl~ In 811 ~ c m U
cun:brir~nce,were to be overly
cnutiotis and rductarit about
receiving tha now truly rcpentnril Wsongrloer bnck, deInying llYlnsconsnrily bir; Ternatntelnent, t h i ~wo~rldknit the
Arl~cl~sa.y'apurpose. W 8/E 4a

Monrlay, Ap131 28
Trwl In Jehovah ?dthaU vow
heart and do not ?can on pow
rlwn [trtrdcrstnrrdCngE. Do mt

I c r 2 a8 ij yoti were z&e; jear

rand stecr cleat of
mllnt Is barf+-PToP, 3:5, 7,

h meaatirc a i ablll4p is often
requll.ed t o do vnrlous types
of work In the congregation.

Rut tho ~ a u l t at h n t are obtained nhoulrl not Ire attributrd )~rstlo petao~laltlbllie or
tnlmt. In frlct, those blessed
wlt1t nnturnl nbflities need to
IE cnrcftil not t o rely ou them
own ut~ilrralnndfng,but, rather., Eo Ivnn u11 Jehnvah, nsking
liim to tllrcr:l t W r 51eps. Obficrvntion mllt usunlly show
lhnl I,hoae s e r v i ! ~among

nrr otd~rfi.nnd others who are

w o ~ k l r lhard,
qunllfp thr0-h
rllll$:rrlt sttirly niid spphmtion
of w h n t thry lenrn. Over n
per10~F01 tline they hove paid
c1o.w ntterbtloa t o thernselrres
nzrrl to thcir teaching. inclinInc: theis c-nra to Jehovah's
111htrur:tlon.'rhey have wanted
t o clo 111~ work ne 11s wishes it
b~ done, and it is comtnendahlo tn are how they xllow Jehovhh l o uae thcir t h e
nud tololts in various T:RYS ta
promote his wor~hlp.IT 9 / 1 17

Zhcrday, Apfl M
It we arc rnalkfng fn the light
. . me do have R shming d t h
ane anotbcr, and the blood ot
Y c ~ t t 8J ~ f aSolt CIeanses U S from
all nin.-1 John 1:7.
Tf we are going to practice
tha truth we have to be "mlkin^ in the 1I~ht."To walk in
the light we must cowdstently
h& the cou!>sel gIven us by

Got! rind c u ~ t i v nlove

~ for his
IVRYS. II wo do 60, then ahen
U'A BBB t h l ~system of things

nppravlna of slnndards that

w e contlemned by God, we
wllt not nllow oWrrelves t o
dwell o n the seeming: sathfsfac-

tlun of stzch a course. W e will

not think to o m 1 e e e how

nice it would be te cnjoy such
pletlsuws just for a moment,

Ieelln~: Zhnt mrnehow those

loser atnndnrds o f t l ~ eworld
have nome rcdromln~faaturca.
We will not rlrlpe nilrwvrlves in-

to thlrikY11~
ttlnl, nrt,cr afl, the
brief rnt>~nentof anJoyment
m l ~ h bI)o wnrth tho vltltntlon
of tho princlplca of light.
Rather, wo wUl call illmn
God alrd ~ m kIn Tollow right
prlikcl;,leB. I V r wlll Inlloff Mnses' exnm Ir, zvlia mndc I h e
riyht r l l o t r , "lur ho loolieti
in~entIy lownrtl the payment
of the reivri1'd."-Hob.
11:2426. W 9 / 1 5 1 R

He [&dl nlaa s?iGected all

tl~inurr ~ f n d ~ hfa
ioct, and
mmd; hi711l i ~ n t love~'a2fihings

to t f i s cnnp~malfon, r l l h f t h f s
hfr bodv.-anlr. I:2:, 23.
Ctorl purpowrl t h t llla Son
ahottkd hnvr a body of W o cfatcri w l l h irirn 111 tnking cnre
of tllirnriri 111lnlra. Thew nafioci:~tea rulLnc: over inankiizd
werr tu he Lrtken rront nmonu
Wllllo y e t on earth
thrso were 1.0 t>e i'orlnd Irtta
a c o n p r ~ ~ n t t nlbavlnr:
n borld
of unity wktlz hlm. Whnt nbclul;
the rnrrnl~ersof th1.i Clrrlstlnn
congrepntlon7 WflI, 11 vnrl
God's .:ranr:oua purpcw that
it shau!d h rnndr u p !tot only
ot thasr nhn hnd b c ~ n r!ir-

curncl~rd Jew8 hnt nleo of

thorn \vhO hnd bern nou-Jews
or CtenLllan. I+br 1,645 year6
(from 1613 R.C.lT, l,o 33 C.E.)
thev hnd kccn rFlnu111Ld. The
bni-heler, "the w ~ l lin between
that fenced them

OR," wns

the Law m n a n t mdated

by the prophet MOM, In the
gear 83 G.E. J m u ~ChrIsE nnrr
used hy Clod ns the meal18
by which t o renloTo thls b ~ r rler throuAh h l y cleatl~nn the
tortulw stl~ka. (Eph, 2:14-16)
~ o h i nt
l Rmvalntlon 7:4.0: 14:
1, 3 ~ ~ O Wt lRl e ~t0~ he l l d t d
to 144,000. W IblI.5 33-35

available. Were they t6 recetve materfal aid. thsp Would

not be cneonrnged to adjmt
t h e i r wrong vlclv nf wmk. hl
obzrgur~onto lone one ~nnthcr. lhdr case the Injunction of
-1: John d :11.
P:aul would npplg. Alao, Chrln"God. is lovo." (1 John 4:8)
tixna rightly r c i u ~ o to Rid
Among the w a p wn call ba those who rvoulrl use what is
like God ns to love In by being given to them lor actlvitics
generous. He
the Glvcr of and htrhita t h a t nro .~lkrlnely
" e v w & R S I ~ nntl e w
condemned. Wlthholdlng ccrperfect pres@nt,"nntl ''he ~ l v C 8 tzin things from n 1)erson can
generously tz all nnd without
nctualIv ha ntl exprcsclon of
repraachil~g. (das. I :17, 5 )
love $nd concern ?or 1111n
With what can wo be uener- whcn it serveA to Imgrcss upon
ous so as tu be irnilatom of his rdncl mtl hcnrt thu nocd
God? For- one t h l u ~ ,wc hnve tu chan~aatxi not tu !nl~ti%
the truth r e g ~ ~ r c l l aGodh%
assets t h a t othera worked Ilnrd
purposes. Since !rfr Iirhve Ircclp
to acqure, ZV 2 / 1 5 12, 131)
received it, we atlouid lrccly
glre i t by sljnrhg tlin Kill?TuMny, Mag B
dom mod news wit11 ~ l k l r + l ' B
k out: perhaps them maat
on ev&y approprlnle oecnr,lou. mbe someone
wlm win cnry PO!!
We call also inn!ilfc.st Qolillke
aenerosity by ~ l v l n l :Irmly o f off as his prey tkrorlg L dhr
mn ptv d~ocllour m~terinl lncnarn i.ownrd
nccordinfl to Il~rImrlttfors
the support at L ~ QKl?I~d!lln* tion
(rut1 not nr:rnrrlfr!(f
preaching wnrk lar111Ey ~knd. of men.
to chrf~i.-c111.; : I .
world wide. Yrt 1ttloli;rr WILY
to show cenernhlty IRIry h*bll~- It wwld lint bF lwneilclal t
ing any of our icllow CIII.JH- audy h l ~ h e rcrltlrlnrn, thlnktians who mng IF 11% r>lLrd. Ing that Z ? l l ~wulrlil tlldp lln to
It I s absolutclv y i l t ~ l l.hnl, we talk kl~owlrkRlg t,o t.h(w WIIO
dihbellcvc tho I3ll,io, 'l'o menlc
demonslrsto ::uCh ~:~l~r~r.c)sihy,
well, one 1 1 i 1 ~ f l110rl HIrldy ljlltl
for I t i s an Imporlnrll W l l Y
grammar b ~ ~ ItI I ,L I I ~ ~ , nh~rll~.q
that we can hccll J C ~ L I Prllll:~'
mand to "he pcrfcct, 11s yOu$ the rules or ~ R I I I rrnmn1:rr.
heavenly I O ' R ~ 1~9P pP ~ d ~ t .Ir me knona golbtl trnmmnr,
that which fs Il:cOrrP~t \vi11
6:4R. W 511 28, 19n
stancl out. Likealw, If we
study the truth from Wtl'N
Monday, May ti
Word, thnt which la 3 1 ~ 1 swlll
I t anyone doe8 not want I%
out, II WP hnwa nll nuw ~ k R ,~ ~ ? L E k?b
hflfd gat.
curab knowledga of CXOrl'B
Therrs. 3 : f O ,
Word we wt8 hnve ria prob&iplew of Odatlnns 6:lO
lem in reizltlna fnlrie rallolnlltl
and I Timothy B:Fi I t would
Idem. But there lil dnnvrr in
be wrong to nmlcct fnmily
Eeedina our minda on rcllcious
member8 and fellow ballcvrr8 teach&
contr~ry to C;0tiaG
while trping to Iiclp OtllPI*R of Word. And t h o u ~ ldolnx
~lerthe wmld of mnnlclnd. 'ltowfional study we 1 1 u t s t n1sr1 wok
ever, there nre tltlu>s\vllcn cXout the sqsoclallori O F othrrs
pressions of genrrt>rrlt,y wallld who are nnxlnu:, tn know UP,not help the reclllletlL% Soma mu.ately Onrl's will. Not Orlly
pmple, occnslonnllg evm lelwill tlm ~ ~ ~ U1:I sto t h r m d ~ n
101~Christians, :,how themout our scope of )mowl~fcc,
selves to be b r ~ ~ ~ ~ n s ! Inw
l > l e . &rt i t will R:.W Pncollr:if'% ua
aud Ilnwilling to a c ~ c p tnol'k to keep studying ~ n dnjwlveven when jobs tlrnt tlicy ing the thlnRa we lenrn.-IIeb.
would be nhle l o lu~i~ille
we 10:24, 25, tv 3 / 1 5 16, 1s

Sundlby, Hrry 1

Ife pavc some an

. . .mange..

oor tnlnhteP3al worle,

* : i l ,12.
T n e Bible uses the
"evnn@ll:*rr." with respect to
cerlnln de!.!mnterl ones, for It
tells ua that JCPUS, when he
ar;cc*ntlcdl o hrnvcn, gnve @ts
in mcn, iricl~tdtlrgevangeUzers,
"for tho l~ullcllng up of the
batty nl tile
evnllgeilzera nppear to have
becit ~ i v e ndehovah'a qkit in
nlrong w a y in
lrninlr~c!mcl bufldIny: 11p rdhpr~.I'iilllp was one
of t111.w. (Actti 21:s) Neverl,hslr~:::,nll )11.oclalmersof tho
~ o o dnewa two, iu a general
,wnse, evrtt~gplllr$rsThey should
ctb~~tnlntyhave the evsngellzinl: s ~ ~ l r lTiicy
should declare
tile [ : a d rims, but not stop
there. Tlieg should do aU they
cnn to trrln and build up
a(liers so t h r ~ tthese, in turn,
cnll have t,he mme strong
arllrlt. W 6/X 0. 7n


not the dlutafitmful Bort of Hte

that we are obli~edto live at
] ~ ~ + c s oIt
~ l tIH. ri life on earth

tllnt 110 iturnan governments

till now hrtva been able to give
~tinnkind.hut; that only J e l ~ o Val% C i ~ l % kl~igdom M
i be
RI)Ic to Im )nl t 10 mankind.
11 18 tho
that Jehovnh
purpoai-d for humans to have
wlleli he puL Adam and Eva
ort cavCli m i d the glorba
arid hcnrlties of that pamcltse
cnllcd the Garden of Eden.
I V 1 1 / I 13, 14


m.tardny, Mhy 3
ThsreJwr tltaac who embraced
his word hnrrrtflg were haptized, t r ? ~ # o n trrnt dng about
three tlknf~sartt7souls were
cltld~d+-ACtS 2:#1.
"This Jesua Ctod r~~
uf which fact we are dl witneaws," ( h c b 2 :323 With
thotic words, the npostk Peter

conflmcd Lhe fact that Jcsua

CIi1.1st hnd 1)een raised from
tho rlenrl. And thlnk of It:
nllo~itl1lroa thousand of those

FrlAav. M ~
to wh<lrn Protor mcke WPI.P.
" 2v
haQtkgd!' Tiiry w&;-addcd
Lst a n m e thirdlng came: M I to
the Chrl~tinncongregation
anyonc t h t u)fsbes fake! Iije's


rualer )roe.-Rev. 22:17.

jt not rwxl to know that
Wl I x r r ~ , noh lcit mankind in
~snarnl out or Iila purposes?
Thnt wblcll Ood hm set be18

to which
he In now cnlllll~ special nttention, in 6onrrLhlng m n d
for mnnkltid Ln n t t n ! ~t~o nnder tlir )cln~flomof God's dew
Son. 11 hn.5 become a goal
Ihl~thunrlrcch isf thousands of
1~11~mcllttlvc persons are now
sldvlna tn r ~ n c hwith Gorl's
Ilclp. To thuu~ I t is like tc
prlm thnt h c k o n s them onward, n gp~~clnus
king t h ~ t
fore innnltlnd, nnd

invltea them t o partake. a h e

hov;pltabls tone of the invitatlon IB exprcsfied in the words
nl~ove.The Hfo here meant is

rind they rontlnued devotina

th~mwlvoato Zllo tcachIng af
tho 11110htIcunnd they peraonnTly hlln!'od in preacldng
t l ~ n 1foor3 new6 to others,
( ~ t r t t , ,2 n : m 20; A C ~ S8 : i , 41
Now [lo pait hrlieve these two

f : ~ c t s stated by
b t ! ~ Paul nnd Peter, that
''Jesus i s Lord" tlnd that "this
Jesrts Got! remlrrectrd" from
tlio dc11~17(Asta 2%; Born.
t O : W Xf you do, tbsn there is
surnelt~lny you have to do
al~out 11, nnmdy, make conl e s l o n o? vollr faith with
ynrir Ilps. 'f'11o.w who make
r;tlrbh n h m : f c ~ t confessian
libodd ~ e t bnptkwd. ~ e k r
thnas wlio heard him
nt Pontcr:cht to do that, and
threo t h ~ l t ~ ~did.
~ nW
d 1/1 6,D

1 this is b l o God lofled m,

me arc ous.ertves rtndt-7


. ..

I am yearning for a i of y o t ~
in stlch tenrler. agection as
Christ J m s has.-Phll. 1 :8.
What constitutes B good
reIatlonskip, lcadlng t o good

communication? Loaking into

the inspired Scriptures, we see
first the example of Jehovah
and Ids Son. There was the
closest contact and confidwce
between them. They were m
full union with pach other.
Looking at the earthly pattern
in the light 01 ~ o d ' sWord,
what do we find? Although
our partner, like yourself, Is
mperfcct, learn how to express appreciation of each
other in a tnctful way, not
only in the earls day& but
down to the twllight years.
Avold a dornherlng attitude
clue to prlde and selfishness,
alu~ayswanting your own way.
Rather, learn how t o walk
and talk with ewh other,
ready ta accommodate your
pace and mood accordingly.
Build up and rnulntnin mutual confidence. Suspicion is
thc worst enemy to free communication. Be al@r-t:to develop and strengthell the bond
of true friendship. Practice
and demonstrate the "tender
affection" that both Jesus
ChrisL and the apostle Paul
hnd. W 5/15 20, 21


TRarsdny, May 8


went through the

territory and kept on declarHnq the good netus to ail the
cities until he got t o Caesarea.



Some of t h e evangelhers in
the firat. oentury did qulte a
:ot of traveling. They went to
places where God revealed
there mas a, need for their
services. We read that Philip
went; down to Samaria, After
he had done good work there,
Re was directed by Jehovah's
angel to go to the south to
the road that led from Jeru&alern to Gnaa. There he ex-

Sntr1rt1rl.v. R h v I

plained the gmd news, t o an

Ethiopian eunuch. God's spirit;
dlrected him from there to

Ashdod and on to Caesarea,

as recorded by Luke. There
we find him laler in a home, a
man with a family, including
four daughters that prophesied. (Acts 21 :8, D) Philip
might be compared, in a way,
to t h e pioneers, spedal pioneers and missionaries who
have a special cdmmission to
preach. But a fine evnneelirring
spirit is also shown by those
who move their homes to
places where there is a greater need for some to preach.
Some o f them have families,
as rlld Philip. W 6/X 9, IOa

Friday, May 9
Jehovah i s King to time
indefinite, even jorever.
-PS. 11):lO.
The writers of both the Hebrew and the Chri~tlanGreek
Scriptures knew t h ~ Uod
never die, hence, that He will
reign for all eternity to come.
What mn t h i ~mean both now
and in t h e future for us7

Not all of Qod's living weation is eternal. We,know that

plants, even long-llved trees,
eventually die. And there I s
no Biblical evideirce that God
purposed for Ladividu~l anfmals to live forever. Yet God
did hold out to our I k s t paren4.s the nrosnect of never
hying. B$ oidience t h e y cjuid
have hoped to live forever.
(Gen. 2:17) God's numose in
this regard was hot' interrupted Ily man's fall into sin.
But the Bible shows that RIA
purpose to have o b d e n t humans living forever on e&h
is cleflnitely going to be realized. That will be accomplished by means of God's
Iringdom. That kingdom, the
means bv which eternal l i f e
is possibl; for us, is a heavenIy
government. Do you show that
you really believe this? Does
It influence your daily decisions? W 6/15 6-8, Ila

. ..

1 3:71

And aha should shor~

h&es all things,
endures all thmgs.


I 3 : 4 , 7.

Perhaps wve have been calling on people in a certain

area in the Christian preaching work xxiLhout much in the
way of visible results, Love
will keep us going wth a positive, cheerful approach and
with the hope that some will
listen to t.he memage and
learn the truth. On the athey
hand, you may hme lived

with a n unbelieving mate for

many years. Love never $ives
up hope that the unbeliever
will one day accept the truth,
as some unbelievers have after
many years. So never give up
hope. It is a, fine complement
to faithful service that will
keep m happy and optimistic
in the face of adversity. Love
also "endures all tlllng~''This
aspect of love is especralb essentla1 in mew of the persecution w e can expect. (2 Tim.
3 : 1 2 ) All efforks, whether
those of andent Rome, Nazi
Qerrnany, Communistic and
other dictatorial countries, or
the less severe hut equally
hnleful efforts uf Idre clemocratic nations, have failed in
ther objective because love
"erldures all things." W 7/15
14, 15a

the elders in the congfegatio~l,

l i v i n ~ in harmonv with the
m % 1 above. ~ j rthus adhering to Jehovah's ways they
show remect for Him n11d his
theocrat& arrangement. When
such a fine examnle is set bv
the parents, it is'not diHCul"t
for. the c3lUdren to grasp the
principle of respect. They will
likely have a, high regard for
thek parents m d show them
respect in many ways. In all
such ways children can be
helpsd t o progress toward maturity. W 2 / 1 ll-13a

Monday, M a y lZ
T k s e verg ones wilt underw
the judicial punishment of
everZasteng destruchon from
betare the Lord and from
the glary of lais strength.

m e s s . I :9.

We know that since 1914

t h e generation now livlng is
in the t l m e of the end. Thls
means that all who are not
scrwnts of Jehovah Gad as
devoted dlsdples of i d Son
stand In dnngcr o f losing their
lives. People neFd to I
x made
aware of this danger. Their
situation Is dinerent from that
of persons who faced cxecl!-

tion during ccrtain earlier dlvine judgments. For e m m p l ~ ,

the thousancls rrho perished
when Jellovah Cod used the
taking the lead among yon Babylonians to execute judgand be suhissive, for t h e y ment upon unfaithful Judah
are keeping ruatch over vour and Jerusalem would h~1.e
sozsls as those who will render died eventually anyway. Their
art account.-Heb. 13:17.
dcath did not mean total anAs a person becomes exnihilation. But the judgment
perienced In Jehovah's ways exaressed against those who
he will ~ I s ogrow in apprer~fuseto know God and obey
ciation of the need of sho~ving the good news about Jesus
respect. Parents should set a Christ i s final. And survivors
good example in thls regard
om the destruction wlll not live
for their children. The Pnlher just a few gear& longer and
No, hefore them is the
shodd show respect for the
mother, recognizing t h a t l he prospect o f everl~sting life,
Is a fellow heir of "the unde- free from dckness, sorrow and
served favor of Ufe." (I Pet. pain. W 2/15 14, 15b

Sunday, RIny 11
Be obedfmt to those who are

Tum%rmy,May 13
fn t i h m a w w mg kaaentg
Falhm toill also deal with p
tl y o t ~Uo not forgive each one
h b brother from y m ~hearts
-Mntt. 18:35.
Alding uf~ to imitate Crod

me UIR

~ B R B O ~ given
in Ma
Wurd For ow iloing so, Would
wn llnver Clod forglva 1127 Then
we muat inlitate him bp being
f o r ~ l v l rns
~ Je6us
sald la eonr . l ~ ~ d l nhis
ttw ~ i n l o ~ i vslave.
l ~ ~ ~And
wlrole Ilw npostte Paul: "Become kind t o one nnother,
t.endcrly cm)~asaionate,freely
i ~ ) l ~ ~ l(me
v l ~mother
just w
Clotl ulxo Ily Christ lreely forf:lcvn yc>u." (r':1)11. 1.32'1 No
~bhoatIL, by considerI I I ~ : r*~lvulullyCir~d'sWnrd we
all1 Iwtb lemn~how t o imitate
Cltril rtrtd t~lsobe motivated to
t1(1 so. Anather aid t o help us
tr, Imllntc Gwl Is prayer. Zn
Ibrnysr wc speak to J$hovah
WP open anr h m k t o him,
rirllll~r! 11po11 him in t h e of
trouhlt., whpri we have big decl~lorls to make, ns well aa
tnlltltl# to hlm about everyday
n111i~trr8.Ant! we feel his sub't 1~1rrirlKpmver. guidance and
~onilort. (Ps. 55:221 Thus
pntyer makes Jehovah mure
ten1 Lo ua nnct aids us b Imitntn Iiim. W 3 / l 0 3 . 24

May 14
On ncclnp ihc croil'ds he
pill, fir tltnn, becnvsc
were skinrzril and throlan
about lfke shmp zrlithout
a ~1~rpIir~rR.-Matt.
Brtnre Icnrnlnr: about the
good m w n of God's kingdom,
rneily nf Jrheva11'speople had
lwelr It~volued In dnra abuse.
rlrmtinke?lncssand ather de~ t ' f l d w i WnYK of life. Others
w c ~ efull nl arixlety because
of the It~aitibillLyof the economy nnd their quest for Annrlolal security. Still othera
wnro mt'iu~ nowhere sand
R H ~ tliemsel~es:
~ B
"Wtint pilrpose is there in


llvlngl I n thla BU there IE to

life?" All ol thia changd because somront? hntl e n m p h
love la hi8 liel~hborCo prench
the t r u l l ~ of Citxlk Word to
hlm, Arc ynrr one of those
who hnvt: thus hencfltrd? How
docs tlllt: mnkd yo11 i d ? For
one thlng, yo11 Ijn doubt ice1
rr senur! of ol>lignliot~to help
l i n r n e o ~ lC~~ R C111 l . 1 ~~ n n ~
w e~ y
tllxi yyuu rvwe helprd, And hns
not your very tleart been
tcluch~d?Yea, pot1 sce ao many
pwpie in tha snmc condilion
thnt you formrrlv wpre in.
nntl yo!^ feel tnwnrd them tile
mrne RI: JPSIIBrllrl towni-rI t h e
prt~pleof 1 1 l ~rlny. W 1/15 3, 4a

WIttrfIdny, Mag 16
I n Inu heart it prnovcd t o b~
like m buy n J t ~ #ore ~ h t t tt ~ in

nrp bo*r..u: n?lR I yoL tired o/

I~nkdlnq Iri, and I runs rttlable
t n cntlrrrr it.J t r . 2 0 9 .
Wllererer Yml are, you have
opportu~ilblfsLo pprmch, There
1s thr. door-to-dnor p r e a c l ~ h ~
of tllt? rclnli news. Tlleh there
nre f h ( ~ n r wllom yuu may
r~rely. I f ever. 11leet; n t their
hotncs. Them otr muy see In
your dnlly wort, n t your shop
or in your CrnvPl~. Yort may
And then1 ~ l t t ~ l in
i i ~cars In
pnrktnp l o b , in pnrks. II you
h ~ v cthe spirit of wnnttng ta
s'tinrP llle r w l news with
ollirbls. yo~l 1~111 not ftlm-rg-s
l ~ n v c h hsvc IL i n r m ~ lRPrnn~:cmfnt,or a.
Hmc. You,
llkc aXercn~lnli,
n r p n witnebs of
Sellnvnli nll ill0 lf?rial You tell
otlkcru thc goorI llcwa I,rcnuse
it la In your haa.rt. nnd
find yu~lrsplf kttlklnq nl>on%0$
or mnkinr: opportunltl~s t o
tnlk ~ h n l l t It rinclcr 8U OWc1tmatn:ice.u. Thrrc is more to
Zllc r v n nwH~L1i1: qslrlt than
marely tell in^ ocl~ersthe good
news. Thvm Is mtiell depth o f
r n r z n l n ~ 111 the rood news,
ntlrl Rome thinge rq~tlrr!thinking ou your pnrk In M e how
to put thesa polntfi a c m s t a

>+ourhtllr!f'ltt. W

6 / 1 14, 15a


Ha did not leuwe htmsdf m-

a t l e a t d , doing g w d , gtaing
pou rotna out ol the sky and
jrutl-tttn-, jillircg pour I w r h
toit?& jood ond cheminess.

I d : J T , Dyingbn.

riff well wi 0thcont:rg~tllo~~.
ought to
~ u n r t l 11f:nlnat cloveloping an
a t t i t u d r n p l ~ r o a c h l n g that
whWh nome rabbinical writers
inrnrllterl tawnrd Gentiles ln
vlunlt~l: them QS wtual eneInlrs. It Is r i ~ h t o hnte the
wfn!iR aon~nt1:kd by t h e dis1cSlowallll)etb ulw. but 1s is not
r'yllt I n IrnW the ~ ~ e r s onor
Is I t r l ~ l ~to
l , treat such onea

In tiic

it1 Ibn Inllumans way. If we

Xrnll,nte our h~ttvenly Father
we w i l l r c n ~ e m l ~that
r r he even
st~owcd c r r t n i ~ ~
consideratsnrae townrd llie first hutnan
pnlr niter their dis!'ellomshipitlr: it1 Isden, pravidlng them
1~1th clo~Z~ln~.
(Gm. 3:21)
~ i i l wns
1111 r ~ n d ~ w ~ r vkindtxl
ness townrtl them 'I'hc words
01 Jer;us nt MntLllcw 9:dE nnd
t,hc npo~tlcPn~il'c;~vordafibove
m n k ~n ~ l m i l n rpoiltt. $0, n o t
"rulxln~In cnmpnlly*' wlth a
pclT.unrl,or L r c t ~ t l!!im
~ ~ ~as "a
mnn of tlm 1lnI,li111s, does not
~ ~ v c v o 1t ~1 t~II OIII t>elngd~ccnt,
eonsldcrnte and hurnnl~r-Matt.
18:17. Tv 8 / 1
5 , Slb

Mky 17
You turn, of course, culled frrr
jreerlom. brothers; only do
not 1 1 . ~ 0 thll freedom as m
IrrR?trcmcnt lor' the flesh,

b~ctiltrn~tghlnve slam fat

o?ro nnollm.-Gal. 5:13.
How does Jehoval? God view
thoye who are m n n g as apolntad ov~rheers? h s he
ook trlmn thrm ns more preclous thnn rlt!relh? As more
fnltr~lulthan others? No, it is
60ud to kcep Illings In proper
~ I C ~ ~ I P CThose
ovcrsco nlr acl,urtlly there to
narve as fiIaves, nnd as such
l,l~cyI ~ U R wliolehcartedly
usthclr ilbllibie~ anrl talent3 t o

the full in prwlng thalr faithfulness. They enjoy t h a t privitegc%, not prlmnrlly becrrirset
of what or rvllo they are.
Rather, they rrrr In tliclr re-

mective po~itlonsbemuse 01 a
neecl crenlcrl bv the Iilngdom
~ ~ l l o w llle
l n ~advice of Jcuue, Ihey alini~:tsr to
tiloac in l,ho oonp;rcr:~ttion taward whom thoy nro hlaves,
(Lnlre 32 : 2 0 ) E'nitt~ful overm r s recuf;!ii?z thnt thelr work
1s ln c r ~ r l i ~ r c t l o
~ ~ thclr
feuow p ~ l l ~ l i n h ~~r s1,1
nrc prcrlnuu In Jehovtr11's
s l ~ h t ,wlwn Lhey dan~onstrtrte
W. $ / I 18

FlnnQay, lMay lfl

By fltis ioe hnue the kcnomaedge
that rue liavr coma tn know
him, 9slant~1~,
if rue cnntineae

observing hia commandmcrfts.

-1 John 2 . 3 ,

Sehovnh's mrvanta love hlm

and tf'n111,to ~ C 1115
wII1. That

fa a l l y thuy hr~ut. tlrcIEcnled

thek Hvc:~l o c~lrrylnj: ouL llia
I fowrvor, 11t
tlmrbs 1111~1'1muy
Lr soma who
Imll Lo t ~ l ~ l l r c r ~ lfully
~ t t r whnt
I L rnrSnlIs Lo "c.trnllnli(! o b ~ c r v ill? illcr c : o n ~ ~ ~ i r ~ ~ ~ d oIft ~ ~ n t t ~ .
011o rlusa nol Icccy> un wlth
self-eximlinatlr)n or orlc's way
of life nnd ouc's mntlvra. one
may flntl tbnt t h c powers oI
dnrim~ss511 tlrlh syatcn~bllnd
onc to Ilm wtlbrlrelner~tsa! Jehovah. Wc 11rrd lo contirille
to carry out tlie coinmnndments (>I Qncl, rnalcf~~rI t R
habit, r l o i n ~ no dnv 111 ~ n d
day out, mouth in nnd month
out, ycnr 111 nntl yrnr oul,
knowlns Ihrtt tllln 1u n rrqulrpment of Cmd. Tho polut of nll
01 thih Is 11mt tho only wny t
come t r ~ ~ lto
g know J e h o v ~ h
Is by nlnnyrt ol)scrvlnl: rvhat
he \r-nnLs rls to do. T h i s doe*
not r ~ l l D l o~r r;crvln~him onlv
when vfe feel llkr It. Thrs
canstancy Is rrhnt Is emhoclicd
In the oxprsafilons "p~ncticiug
the truth" nrld 'contl!~ulnsto
ahverva his cnnima~~dmenta,'
IV 9/15 1, 3n

Monday, May 19
You huve t a k m gifts b the
lorm 01 men.-Ps. 68:lS.
The 144,000 who alll form
Ehe cooperative badg under
the head, Jesus Chrixt, a m
tnkm "out of every tribe and
lorlgua and people and naZlon." (mv, 6 3 ) So. sfr-ce the
members of the congregat~on
on rwCh ura d l - a m froin such
w~dely d l f wlng sources, there
rn~rz1iLtu be rt m e a t need for a
w0i.k aamng them,
t o tmve them all hold to the
nrie head, the plorMed Jesue
chsih~,TO carry an thta unlflcntlon work sod provided
"k!iila in the form of men?

Ep'pI~estarifl 4:H-15.
poluts to LlIe ~IoriAed Christ
.I.I lhc one i%rilom
God uscd to
I E S ~ U W t , h a e humall "gifts"
u p o ! ~ the m g s c g 3 t i m on
c:lrth for the purpme of unitlrntlon, Elnce the er.d of
Ihr, Gentile Times they have
ulhter1l.y k e n acting upm JeRIZS' 11rop1letlccommand i0ur.d
~ 1M
, i~ltl~cw
24:14. Associaid
wlth this ramnant today are
h ~ ~ n d r t dofs thousands of dedlcntcd wo~ahlpera of Jehovah
wlio hnve obeyed his cornmntrd t o come out of Babylon
Chc Great. Are yau fully coo [ ~ ~ w t l twlth
~ s these 'gifts in
111un':J1V 1 0 / 1 5 1. 2. l a


I h d y , m t y 243
Be firiit/rtl and increase,


ing their courm of aobion tvlth

Oud's loving Durpone, aOd'13
purpose had nevrr been thnt
of tnklng them tu hpnwn illter II pcrlorl ol t e u t t n ~ htlrn
03 earth. Thep A l d noC Ilccrl
hcavcn W bcmn~r [)rrfcctly
sntlsfled. Nor dlcl Gt>ct lrrrd

them up there in beavthn n l t ! ~

him for him to 7w pcrf@ctly
happy and contetrtrd. Ilc114~~~,
nhen Ood stalcd Ilia pnrposo
for them, lir nnlrl nutl~lr~l:
nbout n he~vcnlv home. According tu the niblo. Ct~)dnsfilp,ned 8, j~erlodor B C W J ~ 111011sm~ld yeaw for Ehla privllrrrfl
a service to he ttccompllslic~rl.
W 1 1 / 1 15-17

Wodne~itay,May 2 t
The klngflons of lllc hravetts
hru bco?nc Ifke a man. a

kirrg. t h a t matlc a masrrapr!

least for hfs son.-Malt. 22:,7,

The chief figurn In thia pmnble was thc "mnn, n klrlff."
Of whom w w 110 nn SUUG~I'Rtion? Re fllustrntatl Qml himself, for thf whole nr~t)olic
!liustr?tirnl rt~vLra
by myuig,
The kir~gdom o l llxe
heavens ha8 bcconle llke
man, n klng," 111 taking certain Bcti0n thnl mrl up wlth
a certnl?, roncLSo11. The rxp ~ s s f o t l the? kln~tiom o f the
heavens'' meat13 the Ranla !la




Iha earth and subdue f f rule

e t w y living thing
that m w a upon the earth.
- 4 c n . 1:28, New Engllsh

When the loving Creator

produced the &st man and
wonlnil in the Gf%ihden
of Eden,
lie lllrl not mean for that
Parntllse Lo be just ,t tempornr home for them, or s
H L ~ @ "love nest" for them to
lit: nlone in for a whlle witho ~ hnvillg
children around.
T t l o rcnson why that PRradise
0 ) ) emth turned out to be a
tcmpurary home for them was
that they stopped h x m i z -

klngrlorn or aml," for

God rules sktpreme 11) ll~sIn-

vis~ble epir1t

I v ~ a v c n ~ .PUP

fnstnncc, Kcl~ucl~rttEn~~~xr
pu: thsou~ht~ ht~n$illntln&enp c ~ l e n c f fnr this atntcd prrlqpose: unlll you ltrlotv tltnt
the Most rrlgh 1s Rulcr in the
klngdom or mnnki~~rl.. nftrr
you know thnt tlio hsavcna
urc ruling," (Dnn. 4:25, 26)
Jesus wns r~fcrrlng to Ond
when he aald concnrnhrg .Tvr~~snlern:
"Do no!,Hwonr
Jeru~dem, becnune I t I s tlla
clty uf the Rrcnt King," 7'0
this i~etzvenly N ~ KJ8szrs
tznght hls dl~clplcs Ea pmy,
snying: "Let guur kiryrclom
come."-Mnt?. 6:34, 98; 6 : R . ;On

. .

.. .

tv rr/rs 4

Tharsday, May 22
d a j j we set a~rtan@
arrived in Caeswea, and we
entered into the hot(se01 Philip the euangclizer, ra!la was
one of thc scve!elz men. art8
T ~ mxt

r e s t o w ruitrt Itim. This ntfln

hnd jmrr dn~rghters, ulrgl?ts,
that prophsied.-Act# ZI:I(, 9.
The evangelizing epirlt does
not require of us that WI? travel to another location, for the
s irit of evangelir,lng la not
tf:c spirit; of travel and adventure. Where a person j13
free from obligtltdona that
would prevent hla movlnfc,
and olfers to do HO, he mny
be assigned to m speciflc plnce
where his services arc most
needed, There hls travellllg
may end, for he may wtt,Ic
t5ox-n them. as Phllkp did :n
Cawwea, and W:~tlnueto d p c l a ~ ethe good news, buildlnq
up tlle conmegntlon in lhnt
locality. He may rcmain thrrc
for m q v years, ercn lor R
lifetime, as haw many of our
mismonaries. But some oI Ils
may not be able to move, bccause of family obiltl~ntlana,
henlth or for other rensonn.
Nevwtheless, l i we hnvo Illo
er~mgelizmg qirit we cnn nccornplish much good r l ~ l l tIn
the area where we are living.
W 6 / 1 12, 13a

rnday, May ZS
Let an pow enmfes MI^,
0 JeTehamTt. attd let #our l
be as ~r;hFn.the sirn g w s
forth m its miulttinssr.

J u d g . Sr31.
What now, in our day. te
represented by the "place that
l a called in Hebrew HarMagedon"? (Rev. Z6:161 As
with mcient Mcniddo, LE dnnotes a world ~ltuntion that
involves a dacldve war. It dcnotes that stage in world hwtillty tamrd God that cnlla
ior settling of the issue QVCF
which the hostility Imp, arisen. since Mglcldo en its rise
of g#und strate~icnny com-

manded the IanU pasaaseway

irom one continent to another, BO A I L ~ - M R Wdenow

t h a t ultlmnto fitate to whlch
world nIrnlra cornr! where rtilC?R un?tcrlly k p ~ l l y farce to
mnke their wny through and
W ~ C T Qa n d mUhL i e R t t l\'ith a
n c c o r d i n ~ to HIS
purpuxc. Whilr thc future of
tllr urllverae I s to he detern~lncd by whnt result8 f ~ o m
thc npposlng nf EOIILI'R~Y
fortp.u to ~ n c hothor, fulfillment

ul the

III'RYB~' nbove means a

brlllir~nl r ~ l l u r ofor nll Ihe lovera of Jehuvfih who will be on
thc vlrl,urlous slrls a1 IlarMa~etlon.1V 4/15 20, 19

Flatmhy, May 24
Sperrk truth each olplr of grot^
with hfs t~dg!rtWr, bemuse we
arc mcrnbcra hplwtgIng lo one
attotltcr.--b.'ph. 4:25.
By yolrr rldlcnllon you have
btcomr 11 r n r l ~ l l > r rr>I God's
fumlly, mild uun In truth adn
drcr;q hlbn as "our Fnlher.
(MIILL, B:ll) 'I'hlu in a wirltual
I I ! ! ~ I.akes priorIty 111 yoiir 1II0, However, it
~ C E R no{, oanr,nI o11l fleshly
rralttlionnhipa nild LIielr obhrl~,blnns.Uod N I nrttrrl f h A mer ~ l l r i l i01 Ihe hiirnan fnmfly in
pcsf~*cllon, trlllw thcm to
m~iltlply. (Oen. 1:281 When

Pal11 snld "we are me+rs

one trnother, he
pxur~k\trln ftk!~dnmr:~ialpdncit)le, npplyinl: to hot11 of the
Irorr*!:aitll: rclutlonsh~ps. Ekewllrrc Ilr nmkes extensive uae
of l,he Inlniru~ hodv snd its
nre!nt)rtra R A 1111 apC tllustration
07 Ilit-rdcpcildei~cr. (1 Cor.
1 2 :I 2 -2T3 Al>l~rcc!nLionof this
prlncipln wlll bo of great b e l ~
to nii. Even In tho Chrlntlnn
con~renrrtlnntile manlbars bel o n ~ ,1inL only to Ood and
cI~rlRt,l~uCalm to one
nnnther. They do not belong
tu ttaamelvea, Thls prumotes
tho P L . R ~ C O I I ~ C ~ O Iunlty
we fltld nmong God's people
enrth r:.ldu. \V 5 / 1 5 n, !la

Sunday, May 215

Jehovah himaslj give* -the
aaytnp: the t t m m t e l l ~ n g
the good news are a large

arnry.-Ps. 68:12.
Even Ihounh the BIble maka
no rnentlott after Pentecost of
most o l the twelre aposlbs,
mp mn ht: sure thnt they used
their RIF In rncrecl serl-iee b
J ~ h o ~ t tC
h;d ~ 1 1 ~Chat
he did
not forgel thein. (Rev. 21:14>

T r d n y we hnvs mnny "oldtlrnoru" r~~sorlntedwith the

Cllri~11RH POI II:~'BA&C~OX~S W ~ O
I(rs mnny yenrn have r e m a i n d
htcadf~utfg Lnlthful to Jehovnll In t h e frrcc of mmy obh t 1 ~ ~ 1 4 3 .Whnt, II blcssln~ te
l ~ n v rthen) rtrnu!ldl 'I'heir love
n110 vi'111 ILrI* nlr Incu~~Live
Iellow 13~11111::h0r9tO press on
In Jchl>vnh's work. Though
~ o m o ILYC quite limited in
p h p ~ l c ~r,trPt~~t,ll.
It is rtn encournpm~nttn see them save
rncrflp fur Cllfi8tifm ~ n e l i n g s
nnd frlrl mrvlcc. AdditionaGy.
~ I I F ~ 11ro
rnnrly hl.~tPrsin the
ro1lqrep:~tlotis and these do
ntd qirrillly n~ ~lrlersor mlnIhtcrir~lr:rrvntits. They too are
much ceded and are
aw%tlrq< in ~ r t t i n athe good
11cws nl the KlllRdOrtI preached
in all thc worlrl before the
end romcs, nu noted by the
p.wlml.st W 9 / 1 25-27

M~htlfhy,M@y 26
Ij anvonc comes to gou and
doe8 11ot britag this teaching,
nevcf rccafur hlm into gour
I~onlesor say n greeting t o

J u b x 10.

Do tlbf~e words nemmrilg

apply to nfl p e t s w who are
put out of the congregation
for wron~tloin~:?Do they nec-

ct;anrl!g rule nut any sDeakin^ nl wr>r& of reproof or

e:rhwLntion to a disfellowstrtpcd [lrreun bmimed to
muvc him tnrepenting,
turning nround and being rs6 t 0 1 ~ d to the CongregaMonP
Prnm the context of these
wordn wu n o l s that John ia

spnaklng of '8acetvaa end antlchrlrta.' Hoxvaver, not all who

are distellawshiped Ihmeafter
iollOw t.11~course oi such 'decelvers nrld nnlichrlsts.' This
i u RCPII l)y the number who rePfHtl~llklgw ~ kR I I C ~receive reIrl.rtnlm~cnlru npproved mem-

h(,rs of thc cungregntlon. Thuq,

In thc Uriltcrl Y:ntes, dwln::
the tcn-ymr perlw1 from I963
to 1!173, 1:rarly 40 percent of
the Lotnl ritsfrll~?r~shiped
rclnB1ntCd, owlr~gto Ihcir sincere rcpentnncc. Cwtainly we
011 enrt,h ~11ouldrejoice with
dehovnt~ nntl h!s heavenly
Tnrnllp nwr thln fsct.-Luke
1 5 : ~ .IV R/I a ! , 23. 24

May 27
sny tor hatle solldaritv
tfrltn nl'm and are walkbg i n
thc tllutlinarr. luc are l v i ~ ~and
not Itvinrl up t o 2hi truth.
-1 Jolm J:8, Bglngton.
We must watch who o m
rursoclrrtcs rn In tbs field at
enflrrtalnmcnt. Whtle the assoclntlon hrre nlay ILOt be so
persnnfrl, #till we hnve to
wntch uur I!nl,lts in the readInc of Mokn and periodicals
thnl folIow Lhe corrupt stalldnrd of this world, or In
~ ~ t c h t r >rnrtvla
and telwtdon thnt eanlC nnd praise the
tl3fng.s conrlrm~wl by Gari'a
Wortl, srlrh nn Illow outfined
$11 tllr hotlb [>l
l3t)rnans. IRom,
I :28-:(11 \Vn cntlllot walk In
thc 1l~hl:n l Gnrl while runnltlg 111 Rsrtooinlir~nwlth those
of this wicker1 and sick soc l ~ t vthat RpIlrores ar everyl ' n l n ~ thnt illr God of light
a b l l ~ ~ r sT. h e cholce of assocl1tLln11Ys up to each one to
drl,rrrnin~),l ~ Ihe
t decision ns
to whetha thnt one Is practlclllr: t11c truth is w t~ Jeh~vtlh God. The polnt J o h n
makra 1s plain and forceful.
A4 lnllowera of J e w Christ,
It is our dlrtv to h d the
rmrnncl of Jrlinvah God's Word
nntE to rlWpct nut llves in nrco~tlnnoa wlth that: coun~el.
W 9 / 1 5 10

U we

WerZnesday, May 28

.. .


~etionof t h w Invited

persons when they got notltlcation of the rcnttlnpss of the

fmst m u l d dlsplny due respect for tll8lr 3:111&. Whom,
then, did ''Ll~osoiuvlted l o tile
marriage f e a ~ 1 ' ' 111 I J ~ # l lI!-~ '
when no 1)rolrght n
lusfratlon picCureP Well, ~ l n c a
beluge irpolt a runrlR
Iring l~lcturea .rehovnh
of ttngodlp ~lewle.
God, who, t h e n , wnre the
-2 PEL. 2:d. 5 .
ple over whom 1% was
m m l of world d e m c nt, b a t t i e 9 It r - o n I!le dcVHon B posslMel WhRt h ~ p - is11 nation. In 1513 R,C'.E. .Jcpen& to Nonh and Ills family homh God hnd hrorrrl~l Lh*m
in 235'0-2369 B.C>:.:.
Is nn 11Into a covennnl, will1 him
lustratioli of thln. Dut, more through Lha ~ncdlntorshlp of
t h ~ nthat1 It is a, prophocy his prophet Mouea, trl Mount
or prophetic drnrnn l ~ l c t u r l n p Sinai.-Exorl~rs 19 :1 through
survival by mmo llcre on enrth 24:8. W 11/15 D, 10
oi the fast-ap~ironchln~world
destruc'tio?a,Ihr: end of b r l i l y ' ~
Friday, Mny 80
worlrl of unfindly pcople It
means their survivirlfi nl' the Jehonah i s not glorn respcctfflg
~ 0 ~ p l e tend
e of L l l l A w l d t ~ d , his promise, us some people
polluted syskln or thingR. consider slowness, ?rut Tic Is
Most people 011 enrth 1 ~ d n y patient wltlc yath bcuauer hc
desires nIE Eo rrtmi~rto
are content to surrlvo lho
repaltnncc.-2 P v t . 3 :9.
present i~nrd tlmca ~ m r l l l v o
though otlc worltl crl:~lr aftm
A n y stcrnlnfc flaltky nn Jerrl:otller and finnily tllc sttrr homrh'a p ~ r t1~ nr>L for his
they have hopcri for brrtrr personnl Ilr*rleflt, llur becnufio
times, which t h e y ncvrr s(-111- of nnp slorvr~rsn to R e t . It 1s
i ~That
. is thc nnlv 111lrvivltl for the h i l e n t of I I A hurnnna.
they h o w oi or tlilnlt or. IA
Jehovah th~'r,~l(l~ulrlclyrlcstrog
they try fa hnnp: orrto huthe rorldl '1'0 Jr2trlvah. who
mnn life as 10nl: n9 ltley rntl. lives forcvcr, a?~rt who pllrThis does not co!raltrc with poses things BUQS tn r~dVRnt.e.
t!le W v a l iore~l~nrluwedby the u~ssihz o f a tt~or~sn~rd
Noah end hls Innlfly pnsslng
IS n
R mtch {luring
t l ~ o u g hthe d e l u p ~ .IV I l / f Dn the nigllt." [Fa. 00:4) IT? 1s
not limited by tlmr, a:: w r Rre.
Thursday, Map 2l-J
So if he nets in R mhlltCY thht
He sent forth 7th alnvea to am11 appears slow to un, we nursl
in mind thrit It IA in
t h e invited to tho marrlaga
feast, buf they wcre ufliltlllfng consideration for ue, and Is
the very b a t w a y for nll conto come.-Matt. 22:s.
cerned. T h e pcrann tlnr!C?An invlkntton to the mar- ~
t , m h g his pl)sirion l>cfoi-e
rIage feast of Ms m!) WnS L
God, h a v l n ~ fnlth in God,
great favor on Ehc l~nrt.wf the
not n ~ c dto 118 mxlnlla.
king. Those W ~ U J I Itln Invltd does
uw know hls rmwose, what
were persons ovwr uhom ho If
is Inr ua, nnrl wllul, is
WRS the king. They worn bls
hope ahenrl, wr! <to uot
subjects. I-Ic kncw then1 by the
nnme. He M e w whcrc thry have t o Imnrv tha rxnct tI!n~I!ved within 1113 renlm, nnd so table of etmtn. No mntter
he could m!ld hl4 slrtves La when Jehovnh'~."day" AI'PITFS,
their address t0 notify tliern we will bc busy ilotnu the
divine will, 33 not tllnl wllnt
nC the time that tho rrnst was
ready, to which fellst tllry we are determined t o (107
had already hecn itlvllrd. 38'1~- IV 1 / 1 5 13, 14a
God d3d not hdd back
jrom prmfslbfng an ancient
wwld. biit kr*pl Nonh, a
preacher o j r f g h i P o ~ 3 t l a 8 8 ,
safe with 8ct)en rrll~cra


.. .

Saturday, m y $1
I his associates exerted every
W i t h such y k n d n g love we fiber of their b i n g tow&
cltose to impart to mu not those in Thexsalonica who accepted the good news. Paul's
only the gospel of God but our
and energies were theirs,
vcw selves, so dear ?&ad yoa time
and he wlshed f n d tried with
become to m.-l Thess. 2 3 ,
all his heart to make them
New English Bible.
the same all-consuming
It is one th~ngt o help a ppw- have
love of the good news by
son to get m e n t ~ lhowledge llving
it in every aspect of
and a~lutherto get things into
their Ilw. Do you feel and
the hawt. In JeausYllustrawork
way toward those to
tlon of the sower, the seed fell
on hearts. You as n preacher whom you take the good news?
I f so, you will not be selfish
of the good news want ta cultoward them. You will not
tivate that seed in the heart
counl: them as v o w "sheep."
of your student. An evangeRather, you wiu try to insllll
lieer musk have affectfon for
neonle, even as did Paul. and in them the sairlt of God.
bhfch'he de~cribes.Paul aed I W 6,1 15-1% -

Pemlstlng In FalthfuInesu aa Our Way of LIPo,

-1 COT. 4:2.

M O I I ~ YJune
You BeZiePle there h one God,
d o You? You are dolng quite

Sunday, $un4 l
The man who can be trusted
in little tnings can be trusted
also in great,-Luke 16;10,
New English B i b k

well. And yet the demons

bclieve and shudder.

Today, some nlneteen hundred years after those word8

were first uttered, they still
ring as true as ever, and the
sume princtple appliea in everg facet of hfe among gmuine worshipers of Qod. You
often see it in little t h l n g s
one does day ky day md

4 & s .

which reflert the goodness of

a heark that Is loyal to Jehovah. Your constancy in doing

what is right, your regularity

and dependability In small

things, will give a flne testlmony and evldcnce o f your
deep appreciation of the d l vine standards of what ~strue
and faitilful. In your rhily
activity, fnlthfulnes and integrity on your part will mlrror the righteous and faithful
God. As with one's proving
endurance, so too it takes
tlme to prove one's faithfulncss. It means practicing t h e
trnlh day after day, m a h g
obedimce tn Bcriptural laws
nnd principles your way of
life. W 9 / 1 11, 12

Tuesday, Jane 3


Evidently S a c s found that

some did not have a faith
that was alive, that was active, one that moved a person
to show genuine love toward
his Christran brothers and to
share in producing more disciples of Jesus C h i s t . He poinnts
Out that the demons believe
there is B God. Owing to them
depravity, these fallen angels
bl.ought havoc t o the earth,
and their hybrid oflsprlng no
doubt had much to do with
the violence that Alled the
earth in those days. The%
demons believed there Is one
ad,they believed that h e
exists, and they knew of the
Son of God also. (Mntt. 8:283 2 ) But because they do not
do the works of God they
shudder at the thought of
what that means for them. S o
if one's belief in Jeh~vahOod
is as far as one's faith goes,
then one Is not much better
off than the demons. W 1 / 1

When I say to someme &keU, "You will positively die:'

and gou do not actually warn
h ~ ? n. . . in Plis error he d l 2
die, h
2 his blood 1 shall ask
beck fro~lapour own hand.
-E.ee;:. 3 : I 8 .
Does this mean that people
would geruh everlaWel,y if
you were t o fail as an ind~vidua17 No, for nothing will prevent God's purpose from being
carr~edout to reach people to
the extent he desires. And as
n body we will not fall to
sound the warning. for our
love for God rtnd fellowlnen is
strong enough lo move us to
do our best in aiding people
t o iind the way of salvation
before it is too late. We are
wiXlmg to m a n g e our affairs,
even to adjust our circumstances, to accompush thls.
But this will not fres from
hloodrullt those who fall to
showYkve and concern for
fellowmen. Thelr loveless, unconcerned attltude would be
tnntamount to murder. They
would not be able to excuse
theinselves on the basis that
they did some preaching, f o r
Jchovah would know the dsgrce of negl~gencea n d would
pass judgment accordingly.
W 2/15 18, 19b

problem, knowing that he will

takx elme t o IsLen to all you
have t o say and will not look
down on you just because yon
have this problem? If so, then
you have t h e kind of friend
mentioced at Proverbs 17:17.
E v a 7 child should feel that
hls father i s just; such kind of
friend to him. W 2 / l 6a

Thursday, June 5
Thds good news of the M n g dona dl1 be preached in all
the tenha&ited earth .ima witness t o all the n a t t m : and
then tile estd will come.
-Matt, 24:14.
Thls rernnrk~hle prophecy

Bae been lnrgely fulfilled, and

is still in course of fulffllment, noh by Christendom
wIth all her, earthly kings,
wars and pohtlcal squpbble~~
but by true believers m 81mighty God and in the beavenly kingdom o t Ms Mcsslah.
We know rvho it mas that fulfilled the Insplred propi~ecies
in the sacred Hebrew scriptures resnects the ~ r o m k e d

Wednesday, Jme 4
A. true comprani& i s loving aII
the time, and is a brother
that $8 born for w7wn there
h distress.-Rov.
T h e pnrent who watches for
things to t d k about mlth hls

childreii and shows a, aenuh e willingness t o discmi just

about any subject will not
md the lines of comrnunlcation closing down but will
h d them constantly open
and humming with memages
that tell him what he needs
t o b o w , and thnt contribute
to warmth and understanding

In family

relationships. But
will children go to parents

with big problem8 i i the parents do not linten to little

problems, w&sting in the solving of them and in a
that refiects kindness and understanding? D u you haee a
friend you trust and in whom
you have confidence, one you
could go t o with a serious

know fiat. this
one was t h e meatest advocate
o! God's Messianic 1clngdom
ever on sa~+th.TI-& Messiah
is "Jesus Christ, son of David,
son of Abral~nrn."(Matt. 1:I)
His kingdom i s heavenb and
is able to break the power of
Batan the Devil, who is a disokdlent. heavenly angel, the
prince of demon angels. It Itr
our privilege to let r n a n m d ,
who are pitiful victims af the
Devll and liis demons, h o w
that through Jehovah's kingdom they can get lasting liberation. Are you doing your
payt? W 4 / 1 5 6, 8rs

Jehovah were Inkmkd in a

kfdw, d m 6
mcurlty, lor such mA man 01 f~lthftilacts M
E get splrlCunl
la what will preserve
tnan y bless tn$s.-Ftm. 28:Zo. cullty
one In R conrlllion *ere one
You mny t l ~ i n kthat nothing Is worthy of t v e s l t ~ s t life
i ~ in
of ronlly jircnt consequence psnco nnd Ilal-lpiness In Gad's
lot1 in your l ~ f e . rnlnln~now ~ y a k mof thing&
?U"dalE:l'g the world's stnn- for
To Ihis day t h e
darrls of JIIC'CLPEI, probably YOU survirlng wltntsses of Jehuhnva not nccomplished anyvith in IWr<~pcnrc eeklng to
thll~rr rcallv urext. But
rprnnln wittlitl thbs spiritual
v:ht>se htnndwrls have you wctirlcy, for In the oncnnultg
l j r c l ~try ill^ to nttain? If pau
hnvr! bcrn buUtiln~ a record mntct'ial, ilnnnrlal, m i l l h r y
in r,ler~l;n dehnvnh, it will not
rneruls of wcilrlty wlll not mhe cn~lrkly frrr~cllten by Him. st~lt In prrw18vntfon of one%
Stop a r ~ dthlnlc. How do 0th11Ic Into dcliovah's new order.
ere vlcw yo117 What Js your B n l 'si~htcqu~rress
mill deli%-er
repntnllon arnonr: your =ofrum rluatt~, LY 12/1 2, 3
clntcq? no thrg abcrm thnt
yo18 ~u'crvre a i l n nlrlctfy k w ~ ~ s
Erlndny, &me 8
I l k rvrml? nil yo11 hnw the
rr]lllt:~lIon of one who P R ~ Hid twrtira.p tutll be a large
slileld arlcl bll1tuark.-Ps, H : 4 .
1d.r rlchtsr Rtld whrr follow6 the
policy ~ > b
f c l ~ lprompt
In glvlnu a further descdp~ v c r v t h l t ~ FeChaps
it is R
tion of ~rotectlonfar salrltual
mnl,kor or kPi11l: regular in
securlly the pstalmist- turns
R l ~ r x r l o nm
l i c e and a t meetfrom Wle b ~ r d world to the
1~1r:a lor worsliln. These mag
w r l d of wnrfnre, Reierrin~.
sctbm t o bo llttle thulm. but
further to Jchovnh, the psalm:
Ihrp couTd lent! others to view
ist w!ds thn nl)ovc. God's trueyotl m Rolnmnc faithful. Now,
ness Is mur:inted ~ i t hhis
II nthrrs h n v ~notlccd the wag
1ovln~-lrhrlz~ess. IPS. 40: 11)
you hrtvq heoh conduetina
He r'esortllxos llfs oblitigat~on
your llfr, hns not your heav- to bo Irua I,o those who worenly FnEhcr nlse seen It and
~ l ~ ihpl a ~n ~ t d Lr11st in hlm.
Tills ctlnmcterizes Hfs throne.
wlll he not ~ l v eyou manp
r Prov. RO :28 1 He U I W R ~ Sproves
hlesal~rmtherefor? W 8/1 13,
tru@ to 311s promlse to us. He
]Iror6es true to h ~ sname 3eRulmrdagI June 7
llovah nnrl becomes what he
ncetls to I~ocomain our hehalf.
Jzlighleotssnc#s b wlrat wfll
lecli~ler from death.
Thls qunllty of His serves for
-Prov. 16:2,
our spklliitil protection. It. is
Ia the ycnr 1945 the powm Ifkc R 1nrr:c ahleld ta us. and
of HItler's sword failed him. Re becomes like a shield
But tho porsccaletl Christian kcarer to us. 111s tRleness is
wltmssca of Jclrnvall, although rlcmonstratcd ill faithful, loyrerlllc~d lu rnnks by some n1 nctfoil In our behalf. This
~hlelrlo l dlvlna trueness stops
thoutm~ldR.canlo forth triumphnnt,ly wlth unbroken spirit
antnn'a nary dnrba or burning
and openly resumed their work mls:;lIaa nnd nlso warda off
or prcu:lnlmkg God's kingdom thc blowa or absorbs the thrust
ill inntln orrcmun by Fntler.
or tl~cencmy sfford. W e can
Jellovl~h'trspirit In them won
dopcnd upon God's pmkctlve
out nlkr twelve years of Hit- trupllem. W e mufit depend
ler rlllc. Thu seeming1~inse- npon It, haw faith i n it.
FIIPG, ~l~iprot(xhd
wltneases of W 12/16 7-9

Monday, June B
Ife that has seen me hna seen
the Fntlzcr.4oI~n1d:P.
Among the wnya we &re
helped t o imitnte Cird IA
example of thmo who themselves are lrnltnlors of Qud.
T h e best exnmr>lc. of Eottrae,
Is Jesus Christ. In fact, One
or the mrtn reasons wiry hB
came to earth wna to 8nnl:e
known Ms he2ver1lr F'nthr~to
us. And he imitnl~tl111.9 P'fiLhrr
K O perfectly tlinl, hnrl Ctml
been on enrth. Ilo wrlulrl llnt'o
conducte~l hltnwll exr!r:tlv
Jesus did, for c.hlr:tt 1'0rtsu11
Jesus cordd any t h o nl~ovc.
Eut there nre others rtcrrcrHhrd
~ I God's
imitated frsun CIiiwlst In h i s
imitating God, nnd wo cnll
Rlse be helpetl t o llnitnts OrHl
by looking tu thclr exnmnplos,
rfhc npostlc 1-1~111mn3 j ~ s t
s11c11 a persm. nnd lllnt is
rrlzy he c o ~ ~ l nrl.sc!p
(>llcullrR ~ C : '%ecrlma ~)rr~tnlrirao{
me, even RS 1 em ni Christ.
( 1 Cw. 11:l) Ilnitntlnl: the
example of b u ~ h l>PTROIIS Of
falth will flurely hclp us to
imitate God. Thwo nro nlao
Inany persons loitup wllo ape
conforming their 1lve.r lo aorYs
ways and who cnn help us to
Imitate Jehovah, na lndlcnkd
by Hebrews 13:7. W 3:1 28-27

Tnosday, Jnne 10
Thls i s what tYzo love
means, that wc obset~rs ha9
co1)amand7rrcnts;arrd grt Iris
cmnmand~rtcnt8 arc not burdensome.-l
Joltn 5 :I.
Above nll it la lova fot Oad
that rnottr%tes us t o preach.
the good news of UoA'8 k111sdorn. All who lruly love Gfld
m e preachlng, Wa cnnnot pny
a preacher t o ptencll lor 11s
y more tkM w e can pay
someme to Iivc a R&, cIenll,
upright hf@ for un willls \vo
disobey cMdk morn1 law%
Each one rnuqt: onriqy Ilia own
load of refipwnsibllNy. T l ~ e T t ,h

no substitth3 f a r our psC3onally preachlng. I t la nn emntlal expression of our IOvo for

God. Observln~ God'n cornman& in rc~nrd to ]>renct~Ing or aaythlii~;clso 1.r 11ot
buidensornc, 18:nllnrr,dril\l<ln~,
slee ing and hrrt~thlnf:nrc lwt
brlrxensorne, urltl ycl o b ~ t ! l ~ l i c t !
to these nuR1r:tl '1au.u or G M ~
is jast as vltrll, rrs o w life
clepends on it. To 3 Chrlntlnn,
lprenching is j11:;t ne vllnl. 11
Is somethin# ivc wnnt In dm.
TO !allow that we nro nhle t o
[lo what Jesus ChTlsl. tlld Rntl
what GFod hns corn?unnrlt~tlfor
our day b r l r ~ s a[In It~nrrhslre
r ~ pease
and c o n t c n t ~ u c r ~thnC
I . Lno equnl. 1V 3!I5 5 , tie

WedneMtcy, Jllne 3.1.

Now it LjordgmcntJ stwtr PrRt
wath w, whnt ~ 1 1 1the rtbd bs
of t h e who nrr: not olretkiQNC
t o t h e wood trclut ol God?

P t t . 4:17.
Anything rcFcmreIvo its ood
nens we naturn!ly wan& to
tell to olhars, rind ~ ~ f t cwe
n do
60 O u t O f the H ~ F CJOY
speakhg it, Hnwaver, the koad
nemx of the Klngtltjm pl-alnpbs
us to tell it t u ol,ho~s,rlot orl1.y
through joy, 11111 :ilsn tl~rotuql~
love for our irltorslnnn. 'r'1ke
evangei~zlny mlrtt In one ol
love :or G b l nrld nelelrbor.
The g o d newR tnfnnn h i p 1.0
the receiver, ztnfl so 11 18 ~ 5 ~ 8 1 1 tial thnt it bo proclr!,lrnrtl Fnr
find wide. Pal11w o t o tllrrl, riastruction awltits I,bosa w h o clo
not obey the gaotl tlcwfi ~tlrout
JCXW. (2 Thew. 1:fl, fl) Pctor
sh~39ed tho im],ortnncc of
knowing and obeyirlg t,hn road
news when he spoke ol Clirlfltlans beins jlrdgtcrl Arrorrllngly, the splrlt l l l n t tho 11rtldnlmcr of thc good a3PWA nil~at
have is, not merely to groclninl
it, bu' tn pet it flrmly fixcd 111
the he&
of hmrera. Why?
Eecause even Ihc rlghlcous

man among proir~sed Chdstims will be sxvud ollly rvlth

d l f f i ~ ~ l bIY
. g/l 4+ [IR

Thornday, Jnne U
, mode a mrria@e
least tor hla sots.-Matt. 22:2.
The kina In Jeams' ill-tlvn Is sai@ C h u e a son.
Nerr*eves, Om3 the heawnly
KinR hns hundrrds of millions
f! B> Lrlt sons, who are caEefl
A king

solis of Gocl." (Job 383'; D m .

Which of these many
Is the one meant in Jesus'
pnrable? It 16 the Son of sons
In God's llenvenly family. It Is
Tor Ilile Ioremost son that the
henvenly King makes a marrlngc feasl, and the Bacred
iRcr111tt1resshow that this son
is the ap~ukerof the parabolic
JESIU~ Christ himbelf. Jot111 the Bautixer. who
hri])t/.fcrl Jesus, it.lerr& to
R hrlrleyraom. In ann t t \ r r !Ilustratlon Jesus reI I rrcd to 311rnseLi in :hbs way.
(Goill1 3:28, 29; Meti. 55:l)
Llkr ruly pratpective brideRruum, . l ~ u smust have h d
p'cnt plensuu~when t h i n k i n g
nnd spenkml: about; this bride
nliom h i s hcavenIy Father
would give him. The bride is
ol' courtie, not an indivlduai
erson, but n collective person,
)la wl~olnbody m congregation
of fitithlul ~nointcddisclples.
W 11/16 5, 6
3:9. 101


FrldaypJ m s 1s
Jeawa #atti !O him: 'A&n If
f8 mrlllcn: Yort m w t not mi?
Jrl~fltrnlc wrir C:nrF t o the
Ifst,' "-Mt?tt. 4.*7.
Of all pcrsons, W m 81
ahould flt the nrnn who had
reecntly been anointed arlth
Q ~ l kbplrit tO be t h e Mesnlnlz, the Christ. So the Devil
~ r r ~ s m ewhat
he thought wsa
n, son1 hmptation for this man
n!koli~t&cloI God. Rut the man,
Chriat, saw thou& the
triclr, hhw Ihe wrong thrust
t l v m t o Paulrn 91:11, 12. He
t ci~raerlt o forsake his spirituel:
z l u ~ ~ i r l l yHe
. did thiS by appcaIing to the la~gireclconn~arrrlR~OIT. Jews believed rn

holy angela all, right, but Ire

did not belbve thnt tham nngel8 would rotect hlm nualnnt
Mrnrrel! !I i!s Itnpropcrly Et let,

to defy Uodb IIIW of ~ ~ v i tntiun t;o mnke rt sciflsl~ iuld

looihwdy ~ l i s p h v o l h ~ r n . ~ l i
heforc the 3rwbkh ]~eor?lu RC
the lernplc. Wl.wly. in thlw
cnse, Jesus' hr>l.])i!1# to his
plam of ~~)irllr!~il
serurlty 1.t.sulted 111 l1k.r p11yr;lml srcurlly,
Rc dld nol d l ~tc ~lrelnnkire
death In n wny l,hitC tlid not
fulfill ljcri ture. X-lc remnlnrd
M v e , ''In yho mct'ot plt~re o f
the Most f-Ilgh,'-Ps. I11 :l.
W 12/1 7, E

%tuMayI June 14
Salvation Ian arm to our God.
who i s rcatrd nrr tlre Ihrme,
ortri t o tltc Lanlt>,-Rev. ?:lo.
BhortIy thcrs wlll be m m pleL& the full memberuhlp of
t h e henvenly rrl!l~dom, the
144,000 K i n c d m 31riis unrlrr

unc1ianl:rd pnrposc n'Yth I c~ a r c l to I 111s hleRslnnlo Irtnp
dom !dl1 silcc~url,wif,h ulo~~y,

honor ancl vlnrllcrit,lnn Sur

Himself, Alr~nllg a rrowd of
people froin r~rrywhcre otr

earth dlsrrrn Lhnl; Oud hnn

pilt the Rln~clonlIn lleltvenly
power, and thr hail It joyI~illyand wlth foynl rlcvotlnli
This trowd 1s tlIrenclv crrnt:
but it In sl,fll I n r r ~ ~ ~ n lns
t t w "gOnll Iirtva of t l v Kltlndnrn" cot~tlnr~cs
to IIC rm?nchcrl
bor n rvl1tnc::h tn n l l trnflor>s.
t5frrtt. 2 l : l . l ) To prnwe whrre
they now ktnnd, they wholeheartedlg lo111 t h a sllllstirvlvinr: remnnnt uf IClnRdorn heitbE 111 thla prenx:hli~p:
and in glvtnr thla worldwlrlo
witnesa. Tho l b ~ tboolc n l Ilie
Bible envlslnna thln "B~'CLIC
crowd" ns glvlns tI~eirf i t i t nltetlilon to the heavenly tbr~nt!
3 f Jehovnh Ood nntl t o tlla
Chief RrvnnE a.M in his adrnrnlatrrttfon nnd cryfnu o u t

graIcfullv the shove. I V IQ/l$

18. Lfitr

Sunday, June 16
Each of us mill rendur tts PCcount for himset! to God.
--Rome 11:12.
Now is no time for w W I W
to try to get hp with mere
taken s-ce.
T h e greatest
lifesaving work in the hjRlorY
of mankind 1s rapidly drnwing to a close, Is ~t not r l ~ h t ,
t,herefOre, for us to mnkc :wcrifims, to fororgo p ~ r s o n n lplcnsures and dcsll.es? Is t h ~ Ln o t
what people d o Aurlnj: Hn~ea
of disasler"l11ey do nut nllrlw
the clock t o govern tt~clrr ( ~ cue ~ o r but
k contlu~~r!
forth their best clI'urts nu lutW
ns there 1s a need. Ix thnt lllfl
way you feel nhout the vltnl
work of Klxgrlom-preatbhW
As sou call on people nt tilrir
hems, does gow hear: movn
you to keep on ns JOnK 0s
you reasonably cRn, wlthnuG
lcsing sight ol the ncerl for
rest and rcfreshrnrnt 11s wrll
as l u E 1 1 i n your ol,hor S C r l l l tural obl~gatlons? A t l)tllrr
times, do you mnke rlficl 01
opportuniiies--In fichOOl, 1 d
work or In other d r ~ l ~C011y
lacts-to talk to peul~lenl>orrt
the truth, i n c h ~ I l i iynilr
solativea? Remember, uc t1rO r t i l
accountable to Jellovnh Oud
to do all we reasonxhly cnrl.
iT 2 / 1 5 20, 2 l b

Monday, &me 18

continue dwell-

i n g 1n Eilce: tnanncr tolllt [Ymt

wimxl nceordinq to Pnowledne,

assig7slng them Rosnr cht lo a
frwaker vessrl. the fctninftle
M yordr
-I Pet, d:T.
The Christian husband who

. . . t,"'F

knowingly fnlls

t o show hia

w i f e consideration oannot,
with a clean con~ctence,apenk
freely to Jehovah God. Fhther. he feels condemned, rtfsnpproad, Wowing thnt ha 1.r not
o b e y i i God's cammnnd. Such
a condition could be spkltt~nlly disastrous. It could mean

rollurs t o raelva holy ~pirrt,

whlch ia vital to maintnln
Inlthfulnem. T h m , because of
his wonkened condition, he
t ~ ~ i cnrnmit
~ l ~ t s serlous arnug,
rrctulrln~c c ~ t l ~ ~ a t lnction.
YPS. Ills prrsvnn1 Ilia. ~ u : d e d ,
not by Ood':~thlnkli~g.h u t I)Y
tho worltlh, 1111s :tIfecterl hrs
p:.liyrr LI> Jehwat~ and his
~ t i u n d i nrn~ the Clrrl~tinllcon~1'cRnllon. Awltrct~esq of this
close lnLcmcl,inn between his
~ r ~ ~ i v 1If0
r ~ t er i ~ l r l hln relatianr:l~Iplo God lu pmycr prompts
I,hn 1111prr'rlnl.tvl:C l i ~ i ~ l l tLO~u
wtir'd aucllr tl~luki~ir:
and act ~ o lnt
~ t ~ i l LIInes. W 4 / 1 17

Tt~eRclay,June 17
H l a tnvisihlc p~falttissare
cIemfy stcn
~ F C ~ P ~thw
are ~)ercrlncd by the t h g n ~ s
made, eracrr hfa cterttal power
t t t ~ r l Fwldtlp,-Rmn. I:ZD.
In c o n t r u t to htnlistlc
i l ~ l ~ t k 11
i r ~Cor.

. ..

321, wo


intensely inter-

c!;lerl In Ihn f u t i ~ r r ,looking

Inrwnr~l t r ) It. In fuct, our

wllclln Hi41 nr~d t,lllnblng revr11vu nl'ou!~rl, 1106 A flnlla

cxl~loncn,l ) ~ r lo t ~ r i ~ l l Is
g . thnt
.li uo n l ~ j o ~Indlvlil~~rrlly?
Con~trlr~vlnuehrulty 113 rcspects
Gotl nnd hi.? purpases wlll
11slp ue to see hnw this can be
no. It can flttlr~aly be said
thnt Chrlstinu ffurshlp pl~ohs
nrouncl ctcrtilty, for our God
IF hlrnwll c k m a l . For hunmns, tlmt w a y IW h& M
cor~culvc- EXorl never havlyg a
hrl:lnnlnR. Dut jibt consider
thr mountnlns, the whole
enrth, rind, yak the entbe
univerBe. Are these new, recent? Belentlsts date the univorm In tllouannrls of mLUion6
or year& Ro nrould not thek
Crentor e x l ~ n dbnck even beyond thal? Unde~atandably,
Pnul wrole thnt Jehovah's
"r:tcrnel power nnd aoclship"
are evldont from w h ~ tHChas

croaled. J c h o v ~ hGodS eternlty ~ t s aextctuls lnte the future.

W 6 / 1 5 4-fin

Wednsshy, June 18
Hunbunda, eontfnue laving
your trylues, j u t m the Chcst


the congregatzon

irnd de1:vered u p h1~mEl lor

it.-Eph. 5:25.

The mlclent nation of Ismel

h llkened to the uFlfeof Jehwah God, hecaux the nation
woa, ris it were, married to

certain ones who worked in

bulldlng tho benutlit11 t n b naCle in the wllrlernetla. {Ex.

BuE whm I t C O ~ C B
to fnStl~Iulncs.s, tttls Is not
sametlllng t h r ~ tJr:tr~vnlt~ l v u s
n p c ~ s u ! ~Nur
. In It someth11:g
tbnt i~ lnl1~1'1iBAor tho:, I.:
RutumntIcnllv rcceivcc! n t hnptis~n. It miist hr rvorlictd n1,
dcveloyxd. 11,tnkm Iinrc. clf o r l md end~aluicct o h u ~ l dup
a recol-d trF;tlfyii~u I n onc's
way of life. 11 Is up to l.110
~.~ol.$hlperof Jr~hovnli hllnself to diaplay it m ha dwa
hls work, cwrylnp; out 1 1 1 ~

Rlm by nccellting t h e Law

l l t was mediated by
M{~iPtl.S o the relationskdp between the Bon of God and
his nnoi~tcd congregatron ia
Ilkmncd to that of a husband
nrul wlie, ~IE noted above. The
stewardship In inlthIulncsr~.
corlaummatine of the marriage
W 9 / 1 l U , 20
hrlsmn the King's Son and
hls ilr!~~rotlve
tride will be Ily
Frlday, Y ~ m e26
t h ~~sriltlnn oi Jesus Clwlsl
dnyone dlucllltyl in the bemet
and h i h fnlthful cowregatron
place 01 thr: dioat IFlnh rolll
i n the spirit I>earvn:i in conprocute hinrscll Iodplnq trndrr
tlection zult11 the "iri~gdonlof
the aerv shodoru a! the
the tlcavens." T h e rnemhers
AImf 11171 One.
11f thl.; anointed ~ a n ~ e q a t i o n
musl be fnlthful, like an es~)uuwdvirgu~,l o Jesus Christ
Psah 91 nppllea to u tlma
down to tllclr death. In reof many danserrc In order t o
witl'ri for their virgin faithglve comforl. cunfldencc m~lcl
lulncsls till the end uf their
nsurnncc t o Ihosc pansinp
anrliily course, they wlll be
through thc erllourr tirnm
Prom the dead to rnenticmsd in i?. J u m ~ a w h ~ t l
br hls heavenly bride, his
on enrlh a# a mRn, couid trllco
Rrldrll oongregation, forever
to hcnrt t b l ~IIIII~VCIUUH pnt~lrt~,
In 1118 house of the Heavenly for there cpn bc no ~luubtIhnt
F'ntl~er~ n Kin~,-2
Cor. 11: it applled t o hlm EWF nn Indi2, 3. W l i / l S 6, 8
vldual Whcn hc reJeclcd Llm
Dcv11's p l ' o t ~ ~ ~fnIt,ely
'rhnmdsy, Jane 19
on uerws rlrv.11 nnll t w 1 . 1 ~ ~ .
Wlmt I3 Irxlkcd for fn atewards
psalm r l s ~pl)lylnr:lo 11Im 111
fa lor a w a n lo be found
u rifiht way. l i El~rrewtts anyjart?~ftrt.-l Cor. 4:2.
one that RCL 1 1 l ~nll~1'11011upoli
T h e respomlblllty and ad- Jehovah,
I t wns JI'SIIHC l ~ r ' l ~ t ,
minifitratlvc duties of t~ stew- in fulf~llrnent of vcrsc fourmd u~~itnlllyIllustrtrate the
Wen. Lo~lcflllvIt worlltl n]q>ly
r n l i l i ~ l r y of s Clu+lstian overto a11 111s !;nptlaod rliacil,l~s
I;rer. Fnlthiulness is strictly
who fallhlully follow In Ills
rc~lulrerl, Any ability a stew- footsteps nurl colly 111s eanltlnvtl inay have, natural or
plc. Tkti~t1 ~ I ,t npl~llrv:to thcso
acqubed, if It Is t o be of renl true dlsdples nfi 11 rlnr;a, ru~d
vnlun to Jehovah God, mush anyone wJio f l t ~ d n hlrnseli in
bo coupled with the sterling
t h a t clmv can draw f c ~ ~ i r i t ~ n l
q~lnlltyof fnithfutness. Ability
strpnplh froln It. Florvcvcr,
in sotnett~fn~
that one can rethe psalm dld not taretell ntly
relve from Jehovah ns e gift, p~rtlculnrone of Christ'a true
Jeiavnh gave -om,
underand loyal dlsciJ~s. W 12/i
Etntldltig a n d knavledge to
9, 10


sirmrday, Jum S t
Pou yourselves have setrn wlrat
I did to the E:gypliarts. that I

ciples fire not h a m into childmn, Inntead, "lmll8hness is

tlml up
thc hcnrt of a

buv." ( P m v . 21:15) Fkom ran

might cmry vorr on isrtngs O!
cnhp we they need prwet
eugles and bring yotl l o
t,:.alnln~ nntl discipllrre ia
zngsclf.--Ex. 19:J.
c o u t ~ t e ~ r ~wrony:
When the inspired Mk+r Tllrtt Is why Cal's Word counof Psalm 93:4 likened Oorl to sel~ t t l l It does a t Proverbs
a bird mtghty of wing, he hnd ":I?. lio\vevyr, so~ue l>w:cllts
m d ' s own point of view. Aftcr
rn11:ht sny: E know of chllGod brouqht Ms ~ l e o p l loo
rlrc,11 wlio were trnllled in t h e
Mount ski, he told hfusm t o ~ l l l ~ l wnye
s ' ~ who l , i t r ~ ~ eout
the above. Forty ycars lmrl.' Howovor, whal is s t n l e d
lnter He insplrecl Mosp~ 10 thuro 1~ 11 ccnerrkl rule. There
fimg before Israel in a ~lltlilnr nro uxtmpllr~~l.r,
I)ub IJ1c rule is
velx~. (neut. 32:11, 181 AcrL gowl ona ttnd Iirlnc$ CXCCIcordmg to the prophellc picIcril, I ' P A ~ Ii t~1 ~the
R mr~jorltyof
ture of Revelelion 12:ci, 14, cnws. W 5/I 3-51?
after God's heavenly wnrnnn
8slve bbMh t o the Mc:Alnnlc
Monday, June 29
kingdom and had to flcr: 111to You do not know what ymr
the ~fidernexs for Isolfdlr~l~, life will IW tomorrow. FOT ymr
G d gave her the mcnns ef arr n mrst a p p e n r l w lor a
sr:ift Eicht: "The two uv!nRa
Iftlfe folr3tr nntl tlren dlsopof o great eagle werc ~ I v r l l10
the woman, t h a t S ~ I C 11il~llL
The 11l1esllon I n c l n ~nnohtfiy into t l ~ cwllclcrncs? t o IIIT
I R l l ~ ~ o nthe
place." What n flne comll~lvi- ad Chrl:,l ! ~ ~ Inll
rml I1lnr&l,rm c:mtItdos h a 3
so11 Is t,hm d m u n h c l ~ v r m
God and the grcnt eaglc, tllo
Clot1 rno~rl?Am I mnkLing of the birds, the lord of
l t i ~Ctntl'tl ~:r~lllnu
nnd c11oouin~
the skies, the monarrll of tllo
HO thnt
air1 We can ht~wthla rnyt~l
In 1)c o ~ l rof 1 1 1"royal
priestblrd in mlnd, then, ns wt! r r w l
Psalm 91:4: " W l t l ~h1.s plnkrlr~a I~ood,'hlt11hopcs o f reignill~
with Chrlat? They did not
he will block clpproach t o yrlrl
hnvr to tlr llvinn In the "dey
and under his v:lnps you wlli
or Jahovrlll" to be judt?ed 1 1 ~
take refuge." tV 1 2 / 1 6 1-3

nlm I L ~ worthy OF unwortlly

nf that hrnrtmly posillnn to
rvhlch t h r y rvcre callert. Whnt
From infrm~rl
you ? m e WOmn
~ l ~ o t IIS
t t tnrlny'? 1s It ~!ifferent
the hip larftings, ?o?!fchitre
I~rcnuac we nrc cIom to the
able tto make v m ?U;SI? jm
rrld of this syTtem ~:f things?
snlvation throt&glr the frndlh In
No I t I s n o t rr mnttrr of wnltconnection with Chrlal Jestt8. 1111: untH l,hc reat at Irlbulo-2
Tim. 3 : I 5 .
tlnn'' Is upon up;,Fnr linw do
If a child i s t o RrOW up with
w r know t.hnt we shall h e
high moral stnurinrdn, show- nl~vent thnt tlmc, aa James
ing Chrlsllan qunlltlafl, the rcmlnrls ua, lf wo tnke mntChristian pnrcnt cnnnok wnit
~ C Y R l l ~ h t l y ,WB (10
not know
until the child Is old e n o u ~ h wtwn rrur ~inr~llfthlo
heart will
to go to school to ttmln hrm
pull us nwny. Furttlermors, we
in the right way-God's wn7. t t r ~not ki~owwhon conflltions
Nq but as was true wlth mlRht ccrme n h o ~ ~thnt
t coulcl
young Tmothy. so It C ~ J a ~ l - cntcll u.s olF ~ u t i r t l ,to our coMbIe today. It la Impartnnt Innl!ty, euru before the "mat
tril~rlntlnn"cunlcs. 1V 1/15 3,
to start trafrm~children whcn
4 1%
they an? Infants. Qlrrlly prlrlSnnday, June 22

Tuesday, June 24
All oj vuu Shrnld swap W f
$elms in the garment of

hiinrilrty tawa~daeach
oIh~es.-l Pet. $3,
New hgllsh Bible.
Althottgh Xaaman was a
valinrlt. m i ~ l r t g man, ha
Irarned t o gird himself with
htlmlllty. (2 Ki. 5:l-19) .He
crtmc to appi.eciate illat In
Je11r~val1'8 eyes he was just
nilolllcr person What joy he
tnr1!;1 have SelL when he carnc
u p uut of the Jordan the seventh tlme t o see his skin cornplelely cleansntll How glrtd ha
wns thnt he had hurnhlect
i~tnraelf and lollowed the advlro of Elishs glven t111.oush
r l tuessenji~rr'He not only took
tllr word of n lltlle s l a ~ egirl
irum a11 enemy nation; b u t
he t i ~ dLQ lcnve h ~ own
\~ch!nd. h'naman's becoming
hirl?:bla meant same:hing o;
I;Ir 6I'eBkr worth to him thnn
I > e i n ~ cleanscd of leprosy.
IVhnt was that? It led him
t t l 1)eeOme a wornhiper of Jehtnnll, n man desiring the
nppvoval of the one true God.
A flne reward indeed for his
clothing himself wlth humilii$, As wlkh Nnarnan, we too
cnn sroflt irn~neasurablvBDirItunliy if we wrap o~zrseiveiin
the rarment of humlhty nnd
rrnllfc t h n t God dws favor
thosr wlxr nre 1iuml)le. W 7/1
i l l , 22

IYcclnemlny, Jane 25


m mot W p ac-

count of t ? ! ~
IfiJ?6rg. it does
not rejnicc over uarightwibs~ress,hut rejoices with the
truti~.-1 Cor. 13:4-6.

Do you remember somethina

enra tkgo' One who keeps

dons against you five or

rncIt of personal offenses and

arudaes accomnlishes

no EQOB'for fiimelf or 'others

th~relly.His negative outlook

causes a loss or joy fm himw1f nnd olhers. Bis very relatlonfih~pwith Jehovah fs aiIrctrd, for how c 3 d d mwh &
ninn pmv, "Forcire us our

Friday, June 21

debt-& as we also hbve lorslven our deblors"? IUntt, 0,121

How Rno It is, ~t l t ~ eend of

How comely me thc feed o j

those mho declnra good narus

the dny when we npproaeh

of g&

Jchm;tli In prnyer nntl n.sk lor

his iorplvcnc%~,to Sct~o~v
r r e Sinvc not kept nrcottnt of

tlie injury! Ant! love n 1 " ~~O C C

not yjolcc over utwinlitPn1lsness. Orlo who nppl.rchlntrs
this mpect of Iovc tlncn noE
~ c c k u~rt IK~ 1?111~rl:1ii~rne11
booka, lelarlslon nrrrgrltlna, 01'
mollon p i e l ~ r rl~l l n l I~IL~.III'R
xllnt !A unrl~<Iiteu~la.
To tila
contxmary,snch pernotin LIY tt3ro
things ltley trilk rtl~oulill'bhrlr
dally cellvcrr.njloit show thrt

~bnrsrlns,Zune 20
When ?tc scnt h l ~a ~ r v n n l ato
summon l?tc gtresls hc had
i ~ ~ t ' l t c dlfieu
w ~ t t l dnor M n l r ,
-fifoft. 22:3. NCIV
En fills11 Blhlp.
Well, Ilrlw, wlmi and In
whnt way Iind these ~ l r e a d y
bee11 Invltrcl or been R ~ V tPh ~e
Initial, cn117 ?'Ills \VIIS 111 Met
In the gcnr l h l a n : c . ~ ,1;) ,
tlle nctioii of Out1 iho ICinC,
11v hln bvl~lalnaBrnel illto lIlc
LRW ~ o v c l l n t ~El h l ' . ~ ~ ~MOSPA
as medlrrlor. The lt~llial oflll
or invllallon wns extrrlcled Lo
the fsrnrlltes nn a notloll, not
as h~cllvtc!
t~:lls,tor t11r r~ntloik
~~itkhrrt h : ~ n the luttlvitlu1t1
rnernlicr~a : ~ uw l ~ n gt r l r l l r l fclrlt111rtr tn r , Ist 1111L11tltc K ~ ~ K ' s
wcrtctfnr: frast V'n8 1)re;)nt rd
and r p u l y l u I)r! srr~llrl," T h e
irilllnl lnvllrltlon to tlw nntlr)n
ot XsrRrI rvnrr Inr+lurlctl111 Qorl'a
tcl-ms l,hnt :.ct forlll t l i p IIPIIPfit I,o tllr nnl ion of IHIRL.~
ellterln~and krcpl11R l,llr LnW
covailant wl t h del~ovxl~
I opn.ring t i c Covcnanb to
rtl h f o ~ u ~Blnui,
God throtrRh Moscn RVL bcloro
that no fian lCliisdon~ prospccts, runllv klir luvl~:!tlo~l,to
become a "l.ln[:rioni or prlrclls,"
rvhlch sor~ld nrl
eer\xtit for thc 11~nFlltor I!lo
I . P . ~ ~of nl:~ul;hrd,--7 : ~ . 1 3 , 1 4 .


1:- 11'15 IJ-;O

t h i n g 8 f - R Q ~ , 10:15.

out of It alive on earth and

iuto Qob'a new order. In that
rlahteolla new order those of
tllc "p-ofit CMIV~" continue
renderha sncrcd w v l c e t o
O(irl unv nnd tllght In t h o
cr>~irtyards of irls s~~lrltusl
t r ~ : ~ p l Psalm
61 {lid not Sore-

Many Witnesawr have overc m e the rnllrmitles of old

a g e as theg pursue a course of
faithfulness t o Jehovnll. They trll n n y llldlvldunl tIIsciples of
tenaciously Ilmg on to the
Clirlsl, hut did refer t,o bls
thread of We, using the twihnpl!.r~dclfacl]~las ns a class
light of, their llfetimo In pmis(11, con~reAntIon,down till this
thew grand Crcntor. sonlo
thy. 'rile (iiilc for u~)rcinlneed
have lost their physlcnl ~ly:hl. 01 11s nppllcr~tlon is from t h e
Others are plagued will^ liur~r- ypnr ID1 !>rlilw~rd, arkr the
ing problems: still utlicrs rtre
u ~ i ~ l l nof
f : R:~(IIII nntl hlx defiadly crlppled in their Ilmbs,
mon nnRrls I1.om henveu do\rvn
Yet '~vefind lhlct they too nro t o tho vlclniLy of this earth.
using their resources Iull11fully --Rev. 12:n. W 12/1 16
In Jehovah's service ns t h r y
"oEer t o God a s~critlco uf
;Sunday, June 29
prake. that is, the Irtilt of
With hts pinions hs will Wmk
1:ps." (Heb. 13:15) Not to bs
approach t o p u and tinder
Iorsottw are the many Wityou s u ~ tnkc
nesses who for yearg llnva fils wlngs -Pa.
heen going from door to rloor
The pinloria nre the termfn the ~ i t n e s swork, 11t1dhnvc
been dorng so wltllorat l w l ~ r i ~ t nn1 swrncnb or n blrd's wlnm,
of transportntion. mnlc 0111 nnd ul~rier lllcm n bird can
cuver luirl prt~tcct iiiq young
and faithful publtxlrers lira
r.locro to Ib borly. Thus the
able to estimate how Pnr they
l>I1.(1cntl krwp nway nll predlmve walked in sucll ilrlll
service, and they sky t h ~ i l , rtlora Srm~l l ~youna. We, too,
In some cases, IL arnnrlnt~ l o I lea 11clplC~x f l r r I ~ l i n ~cnn
inlco covcr Unrler tho olltas much ns once arollnrl tho
~ p r c a dpinions (11the arotecearth or more. In t h ~ l rCnvo
tlva yymbollc bird, Jehovah
the Scripture above seemu
Gvd, nn(l tllere we cnn rcjolca
quite appropriate. W 9 / 1 i 0 Szi our uplr~tualsccurlly. It I s
f ~ i s t as tho panlmist Davld
anltl tn Jcll~vah,(Pa. i : superSatmday, 3M
rcr~ption,1, 11 ) Bring blorked
These w e the ones #hot corn8
Ir.r,m qcttlng nenr ua. those
a t 01 the great tribt6iutlon,
t a do us spirituel
t h e y are rendering hfm dch!rln(!
r n r n ~ crrrlnot do so. TkJey
sertlice dny and nivht
cnimot snnlch us .way I r o n
tn his temple; and 2!to O n c
seated on the tltrone w f J l ~cllnvnh's organizntion, The
p14snt "hh'd~nl~chrr,''fintan, Js
spread J L ~ Stent O P C ~1 ? L t l l l .
-Rev. 7:14, ISr
kept at n dia(mlce. Like endntl~erod. birdlln~s, we have
Accordingly, t h e falthful
no other plnt'a to flee for
members oT the "u~~eat
~ n l c t ybut tho Alrni~hLy God.
~1-10uldtoday be slinring aplrSIIICO
there nca just the two
i t u d security with llle remn a n t of the woman's bead in or~nnlan,Llona,God'# wid Bathe "secret place of the Most tnn's, this flndlnp( safe refuge
frotn 6ntnn's or~nnizatlonreHlgh." Otherwise, the Mast
mg-h G d wourd not prewrvc ~tkirc& t o be brought h t o
Jchovah'n orgonlmtlon of spirthem during the "great trlhulation" so that they may come itual accurlty. W 1 2 / 1 5 4, 5

Monday, June 30
I t o fellowship with another
acceatinv that onc as
Quit mixing in company with means
an eq&t itahding -with
anyone called a brother tftat on
be in^ interested in
zs a Iornicatw
, not even
and entertaininn his views.
eating with such a man.
shnrlnq these i i t h an open



COT. 5:11.

The Greek expression used attitude. To have ~nkitualfelby Paul for "mixing in com- lowship with another --would
be, in effect, to have a spiripany wkth" is a verb meaning
tual ' a d trme' together. But
"to mix or mingle together."
when -rve exhort a; person to
(Matt. 27:34: Luke 1 3 : l ) For
we are not uniting
us t o mlx dn compnnv with ourseIves with
in an nmiothers wouW imply a 'fellow- cable union; wehim
are not sharship existing among us. The
English term "fello!vshlp" 'has
the sense of ''~omradeship;~ ~entimenthe mny have shown
but, rather, are dealing with
cornpatlionship; friendliness,
him as a person in need of
there being a "communij;y of
correction, W # / 1 8 s
inlarest, sentiment, etc So,

Pmservo Caoti Itelftflons ant1 CornrnmicaHnn

Throngh Th7cctIngs.-Hcb.


Tuesday, July 3.

Weanestlay, July W

Can you not see, you quibbler,

tnat faith dtvot.ced from deeds
as brsrrenl-Jas. 2:20, New
English Blble.

God proceeded t o crente the

man in Itis image, in God's
image hs created him; male
and female he created tluem.
F ~ r t h e r God
blessed them.

~n these words James puts

the matler squarely before his
hearers. A barren woman dws
not brlng forth: she does not
produce, Do you live in harmony with vhat you profess
to believe? Does your faith
help you to make disdples of
Christ Jews? Are you In-

4 e n . 1.27,


How deeply impressed we

should be to think that man
was created in the maae and
likeness of the great Creator
and of hIs beloved Son! +The
fact that we can npprecinte
and tslk ta one another about
creasing Klllgdorn intc~estsl this in Itself shows that this
To emphasize his point, James is true. Whlle a ~ a o drelationgives us nn illustr~tlon and ship waa rnnintnlned by Adam
speaks a b u t Abraham. MRS. R I I ~ his wlfc 1~1ththeir Cre2 :21-24) Do you have faith
ator and each other, there was
like that of Abraham, the no p~ohlem.But as soon xs
kind of faith that nioves one that relstlo~lshipwas severed
t o put the doin:: of Jehovnh by wlllf~rltranspresson, a bnrGod's will nhedd of Hfe itse!f?
ricr mas Irnmcdfnhly raiszp
We know that Abraham d ~ e d a c r w the line of cornmumwithout gettlrig the fulAllment cation. However, Jehovah has
of the promise made to him, kindly conveyed to us in hi
but he certainly had falth u ~ l t t e nWord the gnttcm of
and an assweed expectation of good re!atlonshtp and comthe things hoped for, and all municat~on,so that, even afthrough his life he had the ter slx thousand gears of sin
evidence of C;ocl's hlesshg, Do and Imperfection, it is still
s o u r works similarly show possible to conform t o that
that God'6 kingdom is more p a t k m . Do you do that
important to you than mate- husband etad wife') W 5/15
rial possessions? W l / i 25, 26 9, 13

Thursday, duly 3
M u son, to my wisdom 0 do
pay attention. To my discernment incline $IDUP ears, so as
t o guard thinking abilities.

5:1, 2.

He did not mean he expected

us to be sinless, but, rather,
tu be perfect in c e r t b other
ways or respects. This can be

seen from tbe context of Jesus' words. He had stnted that

C;od sends sunshlne and raln

Children must be taught to not only upon the g o d and

think for thmselves. some- righteous, but &o upon the
day they will have to make unrighteous and the wicked
their own decisions, and early ones. So, if we would be imitraining e m help in tEs. The tators of Uod, perfect as he
Bible highly encourages the i s perfect, we must not only
developing of thinking abihty,
show kindness t o our relatives
and this is one of the most and friends, but also be reany
important matters in which to do good wherever an op~ a r e n t scan a5sist their chilportunity presents rtself, Then
Oren. They will develop some it cnn be said that our bye 1s
pattern of thinking; so why complete, i s perfect, W 3 / 1
not be sure that they learn to 3, 4a
reason ihlngs out o n the basis
of what the Bible tells us
Baturdmy, July 5
about Jehovah and his ways.
H f s trueness will be a iWge
I f you want to help someone
shield and bulwmk.
t o develop thinking ability, It
-Ps. 91:8.
i s Important not t o do for the
studeut what he call do for
This shield goes dong with
hlmsclf. Christians, in greour ialth, whIch also should
sent~ng the lruth ta O ~ ~ W S ,be Eike n large shield in the
have learned the importallce
complete suit of armor" that
of g e t l n g the Ilstener in- God supplies to us. (Eph. 6 :
volved, learning what is on
11-18) Our faith in God's
shieldlike trueness will free us
fils mlnd, and then getting
him to reason and come to from Iear. A bulwark Is a
right conclualons. These are much larger protectlor! thm a.
shield. In warfare ~t IS a dedevices t h a t parents shou!d
have in mind Ln aldlng their
fensive mound that is thrown
children to develop thinking
up around a posit~onthat is
t o be held. To the advancing
ability. W 2/1 14a
enemy, it s a p : "So far YOU
Friday, JnIy 4
may come but no farther!"
truenass la like that.
You, therefore, ma8t ba per- Jehovah's
Bis trueness is very n c c W W
fect, us your heavenlgr Father
in this time, which i 6 the time
i s ptYrfect.-Matt. 5:48, Revisd
when the great SerpenL wages
Standard Vession.
war a ~ a ~ n the
s t remna3lt of
such men as Noah and the seed of God's heavenly
Job, although termed "perwoman.Behind the bulwmlr of
fect '"ere
not perfect in the
trueness we call atand
sen& of being slnlem, but God's
firm and beat back the onwhat they dld was what
rush and a.ssault of our wkrequired of them, consfdermp itual enemies. 'Irhts divine
the time when they lived. bulwark is unhkable, insur(Gen. 6 3 ; Job a:3) They mountable; so let us stay beplcwed God; they did what hind it. According ta aod'6
he rightly expectd of them. trueness, loyalty and faithfulThey were blameless, perfect ness, he will never desert us
in that &?me. With these
in this dav of spiritual battle.
thoughk In mind we can understand t h e words of Jesus.

Sunthy, July 0
I feljowshlned one were followSofid food belongs to mature Ing a course Hke those false
people. lo those ~ w h ntlnrough tendlax dcncrlbcrl by t h e
npodlo John, ~ I I F elder m ? d
use h v e thcfr pmcep-iire pawtwnl ~lothlnnto do w t h mch
cr9 trained to distinbuish both
tl orre. n u t i l that onc 18 not
l'lpllt n?td zrong.-HeB. 5 : l i .
clnns, would not JeWhat rare the things you o f that and%
ccxamglc nIlow
Wnllt to Instill In the hearb hovah
l,lla rlrlol. ta xpenlc words
of t h e person w i t h whom you for
llio rlinJcllowplhlped
uro ~ t u d y f lt o~ ~make
kim a exholetinR
0110 t u A C C ~ Ct o rrrftl11 a good
Eolind, mnture ChrfsCianl You
1~1th Clnd? a n t h e r
rvlll xrqiit to check conabntly than belnr out uf harmony
ant! kcc], cvet in mind the n'llh
k h c rl!@tellOwsl~lplng,by
Sollowlil~points, and it is up hlr, wordn
oi cxhortntion the
to you ro work hard to help eMer nctuallp sor11tl stlow h!s
Ihtnt one to scce them: Is yotir
s8:pport of suah 11islellor1-shipstt~clent comitig to h a w dcnctlnn na I~:~vlnc:been
Irovnlr, that IS, does he undcr- 11iv
t l i l r l ~~cerlcd.
I V H/I 9n.
hl,lIl~tl~ I I J E J J JcllovnIl is having
thrb~:ootlIIUW h r o u ~ l i t o hi111
Tuvrrrlmy, 81rly 8
nnci l o ~ L l ~ c r sIloes
he underGod Zs tllc olro thnt, jor the
why C:od hns let wlckeclsafrc o t ?!In ood pleasure ts
Ilcgi+n collllnue for n time and
octfnrl rrrlth% you in ordh
mhv 11s rlors not n i p e it out
jor vo71 holF~In wlII and
irnlnetl!ntely? DWS he sec
t o ( > ~ l . - P h f l .2 :13.
clcnrlv thc i m e of Jehovah's
.sorcs&igt~:p, and the lovicgWblle n ~ r c c l r l with
ktildnc.;s of God In allowing you rend nt Fptlesinris 4:22tlri~c tu be taken in settling 24, you mny wnlrrler how I t is
t11c Isskte7 Dwa he see that
prmlbb to mrry It out in hnnt l ~ cthinas that are happenrllinr th* prohlemn ttlat: press
inl: 111 the cnfth hurt God
lhat the

--Or-n. 0:9, h-7. W Gll ID, 19s

Montlay, J I I 7~ ~
Msng deccivcm 7tnne gone
forth into t),c mrlrl, persons
n u t c o , ~ ~ c s s ~ nJ~~~~
a8 cot!al?a~dr! t k s flesh. This

ytru ~ R V Bplncctl vorrrseIf

in J ~ h t ~ w l~ i~' I~I I Inn'ci
~ . he is
ctrnnl: c k ~ r > u ~ hHo
i s botlr
nhlo ltnd IvIIII~IR tfl guide nnd
St'('"~tll@n Yell thl do Your
n:ivt, im 1ncllr:nLed nbnve, You



On e

OP youv own ~nlnd.Ralher, you l f o r n how to cooperate
w1Ch a o r l * ~splrlt. This dozs
if an elder
not mmn thnl you cnll 6 0 1 ~
Up with a person
all your pl'oblemq by R ! ~ P ~ Y
h p n d~a~e~-~Ped?
Woulrl the plde~be acting o11t dlsmimlng tllcln, ft lm.lns
o l llnrmon with the magre- that salt can !mve the corn~ n t l o t l ' s rt%tellorrshiping acfork 01 knowln~that your ntt [ o n If he spoke to this ona, tiCude nnd cours;a of action
umlng hlm or her t o 'turn
nre rlght nnd Rcrlpturnl. mom
nround' and seek reconciliaGod's vlewpoinl, your record
tlon ~ u a l nwith his heavenly a318 c o n s d e ~ ~ care
c clear, for
FnlhcrP Ctrcu~mtnnceswould by hla pravi~lonour sllla re
gorcrn. Of course, if the dis- forglvon. W 5 / 1 5 4, lia
i8 ilgcrdccciosr and the
attl1christ.-2 John 7.

Wednomda35 July 9
The badness oj man u;as a m d a ~ titt tltc earth and enmy
:ncIntrtton 01 tltc l h o ~ r g h f s01
Iris Jkrflrt nuns orrly bad aEL the
So J J C o ~ n l zm i d : " I
nrrs winp t n wipe men w h n
I have created off the surface
01 t h o groztnd."-Gen. 6:S, 7.
Can we pay that tho present
humnn ~moratlonis any better tllntl thnt nncienl; one, or
Is t h ~ r e~ l refison
~ y for us to
1,ellc~c thnl it ic, even worse?
tVc awe it tO ourselves to direct the rtuestlon to oitrselres:
An1 I rngwlf on the corr~rpt
Icvcl of tirr~t nitdent generatlr~n?W e ~ l ~ o u l put
d such a

. ..

~ I I C R ~ ~t o
P I or~rr:elves

bocnuee wve nre in this

anti Iielng with this
prcrmat ~cneralion, What if
we flnd m!rsclve~to be a part
Of t1119 World HNC~F~Y
~ n like
t r ) hr a pnl-t. nf il In spite of
Ita hlstosicnl rccord tllI now?
WeH. Ir go if'^ ronhtnnt stickInn to thr snme =jet of p r h rlf~lcaftnrl corirse now obhgm
hlm Co tnlre nction because of
t,tlr: like1-1rsnaS this generation
to thnL rcnclrnt one, then we
exl,cct to PscapP when
the Crvnlor nanin performs
R ~ ~ ~ ' l d ~ l ' "acl
l t l c of God."
\Y 1 1 ; I 3, 4n


Tbllrday* Ydg 10
Anyone drtelllng in the &?met
plnre o/ 1Iir Most H f q h d l
pVOCIlT0 hiiriselj 7odginfl under
V P ~ ~slradora
ol the
A ZmlgbLy One.-Fs. Dl :I.
We mil ask altreeIves peraonnllg, 130 I belong to the
fnvored claea thrts referred t o
nnd nddrcwed in this faiths t r ~ n ~ l h e r ~ lpm1n1?
If we
crtrb say Yes, then me can be
nrwe ttmt we shall have the
~plrlhznl@cllrlty dacribed in
tho ]~&nlrn.The "secret place
o f tho Most High" is not the

placc wherc ho himself resides

in tho h c n v c n ~invlslbh t o humnu eyca, or even secluded

from the heavenly hosta. It is

not th% henwnly plnee that
was pictured by t h e Most WoIy.
Rather, tl:c "s~cvctplrlce'' is
the cancenird gtaco, the covert,
t h a t Jehobiktz 11;lsr~ruvldedfor

ttlose wllcr ftilllll the r~qulsemcnh Ihnt, n r r ::rt orlt ih

Psalm Dl. It i~
n pluce o l shelter for them, IL ~ ~ I I C 01
O )IPOtectlon Pol* them. Slnce It is a
place of ~plrltunlhrrurlty, the
people of l,i>r-world r~mnol;sec
I t with tllrir anturnl cycr. m d ,
not I > n v l n ~splrltunl flkcernrnent, they cnnrlnl stic Illnt. the
rlweI1ers zhci+ylr~nrr! I r l that
"secret plncc. IV I:, 1 17, 10

Prlday, July I1
If won wdtt strlctlp obev my
~louyoz~raolvcs wilt
become t o me a k l t t g h m
of p r f e a t e ~ B x 18:5,

.. .

What does a Rllt~dom of

priest6 hnve to <lo with a

kina's wetlrHna Ierkst for his

so117 Thlil t l l ~ r sIs fi ctrnnection bctrvcr~h 1110 two thlngs
Jpsus Chvlst lllrniwlf Inkrrcd
b y i n t r o r l ~ ~ r . lI n~~
with thr! WOI'AH:
Tho lilngdo!n of Lhr! Iirlrvon:i 1lnn hecome Jlkc 11 Innil, ra l t l i ~ n ,t l ~ n t
mads rt mnrrlnge Irtkrrt for
his son." (Mntj.. 2311, 2 ) Naturally the bride whom t h e
kina's son rnnrl+led wo~rldbeconre a p r l t E ~and,
~ ~ ordinnrilv, a quccn clect, R queen designate. Corrc<l~antllnf?ly, the
bride whum Got1 t l ~ c Kiclg
mnrrlea to 111s 8071
Christ IB Ilia nilolntcrl ooncre~ n l i o l l of Iflllhful dIuc!l~les.
I n t , l ~ ohenvens thcac faltllrul
cllsci])lc~;nre t o be
more than n 11rIAe to J e w s
Christ. They nrc ~ l r r o t o he
joint hell-!I w l t h their henwnIJ Brlde~rwrn In the Kingclom Shnl Ood the Ktnr nsslgns to hi8 Son Jesus Uhr1.d
over B.11 mnnkilld, JejiUR constatltly ~ i e t this Klngdom
hope bfmo hls true rllfict~1.o~.
--Matt. 5 3 , 10; 6-32,33: Luke
22:23-30. 1V 11/15 17, 18

Saturday, July 12
You wtll not be afrajd of

angthzng dreadful bg azght.

-PS. 91 :5.
The sgirit of the dlvlne
command, "Fear not!" is the
moHvatlon of the psalmist as
he logically says these words.
The bladmexs of right tends
t o add to the dread one feels,
for in the darkness rue cannot
see arty lurking enemy or
h r m f d objects. But though
we are in ra time of moral
darknea and bplslkual thlelc
gloom of the earthly national
groups, Jehovah never falls
asleep as a guardim of his
people. (Isa. 00:2; Ps. 121:4)
SO he Js nevcr unaware oP
rvlckerl things that Hla enemies try Co do secretly as
mder cover of darkness. The
covert fear-inspiring things by
which the enemy tries to destruy our spirituality are not
to be fenred, With strong confidence we can lakc up Davld's words at Psalm 64:1, 2.
We can be sure that the dreadf u l things schemed by the enemies will f a i l when suddenly
launched. Though we do not
fear such things from concealed sources, never should
we be OR our guard a9 we
keep continually trusting in
the God of trueness. W 12/15
11 -13

smamy, JW


APnong the wn.wcqutedl

throngs I slmZE blrss
Jchonah.-Ps, 26:lZ.
God's Word calla upon us
t o meet; together nnd not to
forsake doing so. fHeb. 10:24,
25) It is far the purpose of
encouraging one another and
building up our faith, inciting
to love and fine works. The
Chrlstfan congregatio~l today
must be "observing his cornmandmenfs" abut meeting
for worship. Individually each
one In the group must obsave
this commandment if there l a

to be a 'congregated throng.'
To practice the truth as a
g m p , each one must listen to

the commandments of Jehovah. We should be grateful

that our God is generous, has
abundantly sup~lied us wilh
five meetings -a meek where
rve can abtnln spiritual good
things. W e are benefited spiritually by every meeting we
attend. Our faith is strengthened. When we meet wit11 fellow Christians we are ulded t o
observe Jehovah's commandments, to practice the tru~th.

It stands to reason, then, that

we s11011ld
make every effort
to be with our brothers at the
meetlnps. W 9/15 3-5a.

Mond~y,duly 14
An ouerseel. stwt be . . . holding linrtly t o the faithjul r v w d
as respects his art of teaching,
that he moy be able both t o

exhort bg the teaching that i s

heulthjul and t o r e p r o w those
#to contradict-Tftw
1:7, 9.
Natural nptftude can be a
great b l e ~ l n g .Buf is natural
ability the important thing
that God is looking for among
his people? It is true, in selecting elders 111 the congregation, ability is given con-

sideration. Some m y be gifted

In certain ivays. For example,
to be nn elder one must be
"qualified to teach." (1 Tim.
3:2) But this involves more
lhan 11atura1 nbllitg. A rluallfled teacher in the eongregntion neeas to have accurate
knowledge. He must know
the whys and wherefores and
have a deep insight into God's
Ward. He must also be tactful,
patient and interested h other people in order to be an
Effective teacher. Such accredited ones do not rely on their
natural abilities but look t o
Lheir Grand Instructor for
~uidancein assisting others in
:he congregation-Isa. 30 :20.
W 9 / 1 15, 10

Tuesday, July 15
He raised us up together and
seated us together in ths
keuvenlg places s?d unbn
mth Cllrrist Jesus.

-EpJ&. 2:6.
m d is not- depending upon
Christendom to rurnfsh the
members of the heavenly
Mngdom, which Clod will use
in adm~nistermg earthly affairs for the unity of mankind. All who want to be
God's people he tells t o get
out of 3nbylon t h c Great. In
mite of all the opposition hy
Babylon, yes, in spite of Satan
the Devil and his demons with
whom God's people have a
struggle, Gcd h?s now on
earth his remnant, the final
ones who arc in line to have
a part in aclminiskriw of
human afPalrs throup.h, J m s
Christ, their Head. In spite
of coming from varfous races
and nations, they are a uillted
congregation, tall of lhem holdh g unitedly to the invisible
Head, Jesus Christ. Thrls, Jn
their case, God has 'gathered
logether again in ChrisL,' the
"things in the beavml~,"inasmuch as even now Gcd has
"seated [them] together In
the heavenly phccs in Union
~ 1 1 t hChrist Jesus."-Eph.
10. W 10J15 5 , Ba

i s under

obligation to do so.

How Is that? The apostle Paul

speaks very definitely about

changes that must be made
in personality. He gives bath
encauragement and incentive
by explalnlng why and how it
can be done. This makes plain
the rcason for a new personality, Surely we h v e to admit
that our old personality was
largely influenced by "deecptive desires." However, on accepting the truth, we developed a heartfell new desire,
expressed by our dedicatifla to
G U ~to do his wil~.-l
6:19. W 5 / 1 5 2, 3a

Thumilay, July 17
No one comes to the Father
except t7~rnugh me.
J o h n 14%
The AIlnighty One can be
very intimate to us, even

are auch puny

contrnst. Just
ttllnk of being a guest of His
in the "secr~t plnoe of the
Most J33gh"l (Ps. 91:l) But
today, we mu& remember, we


creaturas in

are admitted into this intimncy only t h o u g h the good

omces af his most intimate
heavenly Son, Jesus Christ.
During the night before laying dawn his perfect human
life as a, sacrifice t o God for
our sins, Jesus sdd the above
Wedne~iday,July 10
to his faithful apostles. So it
s through h ~ mthat we upYou should put away the old iproach
to the Loftiest O n e in
pernonalitgr which confwm to
existence and aclmowledge
~ o u r f m w COUTse of con- all
the Universal Soverduct
you ahollld
eign, our Sovereip to whom
be mads new b th-e fmce
lives and lovlng devotion
actwting your mind, and our
belong. In this way we proshould put on the new percure
for ourselves '+lodghg
sonalitu which was created
the very shadow of the
according t o God's will fa under
Almighty O n e . ' W a f a wontrue righteowness and loyalty.
thing it is for us in be
-Eph. 4:22-24.
by the Almlyhty
Where people are co,nce~ed, overshadowed
One! This betokens ow hnvnever forget that sltuatrons Ing
hls interest, concern and
can change. 80 can the persons involved. And so m you. attention. The picture mils to
David's prayer: "In the
In Wet, a true Christian has
shadow of your wings may
a better opportunity and reason to alter or adjust his per- you conceal me."-Ps. 11;8.
W 1 2 / 1 29, 30
sonality than anyone else. He



Friday, duly 18
A g d a he sent forth other
8lavea, smng, "Tell those
itmitcd: 'Look! I have prepnred m.y t l i n w . . C m e


t o t b marriage
Bnt 1671concerneU


?uent 00, one t o I L ~ S

own fieFd, another
t o his . bzrsiness.
-Hatt. 22 : 4 . 5.
Thk pwt of J e w ' illnstratlon @an on the dzy of Fenhcmt 33 C.E., when holy splrit was poured o ~ upon
waiting disciples and t-bey began prearhing the good nem


of God's Messianic kingdom

in Jerusnlcm to the Jew: and
clrcumclserl proselytes to Judaism. T h o u ~ ? ~ ~of
d s mlebrators begnn to hear the good
news shout the resurrected
Jesus the Mewlalah. Undoubtedly, the nation of invited ones
was being notified, now for
the second time. (Acts 5:21,
28) How did the mass of the

natiorl respond to the heav-

enly IUna's second reminder

of their invitwtion to the now
rendy mmriage feast? With
Insult; to the Rina and with
disdain for his rharriageable
Ron, by showing more pwsontll

coneern for their material-

istic Interests than for ilignrfylng the Klng! W 11/15 28,29

8rrEr1rtlay. July I9
Po?!u)IlI not be upaid of . . .

tlie arrow that pies blj day.

-PS. 91 :5.
There are dangem by day
when we can see menacing
tlltngs. Though we wed and
are amre of such t h i n g s , ae
~Ilouldnot be p a a z e d wit:?
fear. Why not? It is because
nfe nre behrnd the '?ar.rpe
shh?ld" of Jehovah's t r u m e ~ s ,
loyalty, faithfulness that can
make of no effect t h e flylng
enemy arrows. In the splritunl wnrfare waged against
us, these arrms are mTi.ar-

rantcd verbal attacks. ialse

maliclous slanders, grm mle-

Monrlny, July 21

violent lntlniiditlng threats, misappllcntlons of laws in courts, y c ~ ,
the framlng of mlxchlet hy
lam. (Ps. 9 4 : 2 0 ) nevpILc nll
such flquratlve arrnrrfs thnk
hnve flown by day cyll~ce the
y e w 1919 ngnlnst


Yw becatne obedient ram

thc I~eart.-Rota. 6:h.
We n d to cxcrclae care
novcr to n t ~ l e e t the many
avenuws avalloble fur us to
keep our fnllh slt'ong. real!%in^ thrrt ubcn!mning tnftlt will


not censcd in o w *or.-lrip wf

Jehovah God or in t11c proclalmilrg of the pwtl news
of Ms Messlanlc kinpiom
~ o r l d~wlde.Fearlessly {vc hnvo
carried on and the enemy
b a m e n have been proved 121s',ffers rvherees Jebouah'~Torshipers have Wen vinttlcntcd
nnti kegt spSriLuf11ly nlile.
W 12/15 14-113

Smrlay, July 20
I am clean from the bImd oj
aZl rnerc. for f hncc not held
back jrom t e l l i t ~ gyotl all
the coltnsel n l G o d .

20:26, 27.

Am you really


about; getting the Bible's mes-

sage to rclatives nnd ncquaintsncm? Are you also nlert to

discern when it is bclto' t o
1st fine concluct rsthec than
the kpoken word ulvc t11o witness? Remsmbcr ~ I H Othnt the
commission Jeaua Christ gnw
is not just a rnrtCCer of prenchIng or tlcclflring Gnd'r: truth.
People need l o be t n u s l ~ t l o
3ccoma Cllri~l'sdlsr lt~lcr. Do
yon mnkc reiisonnhle ~ R o r t a
;o revlsit thuse mnnlfcstin~
same intcrest nnd t r y to s t a r t
home Bible studies w:th thcm'f
People rieerl t n know, not rr~ily
A-hat the BibIe says, Init nlsa
?ow they can Eve in harmony
~ i t hit. Paul did hiti utn~o:,t
,n teachlng the trutl. Do yon,
lke Paul, ntake crrtnin th3t
Jottr tenching IS not dclrcive 'ln ritnl ateas and thrrt
,hose whom you Mach ~lndrr:txnd God's requirements fulg ? SnreIy we would 1104, rt:int

contrrbute t o w ~ r d SOIRCme's tvronedolng hy holding

lack Information h e needs t a




with "the mind of Christ,"

they oft,en ace early warning
slf:na or fleshly thinking In
others. For oollc renaon ur another you pourself n a y fail
to sm t h l n ~ s clearly; your
ti~inklng may be S o m e ~ h ~ t
il~shly.A p e i m who Lnslscs
on lnokinp: nt things from a
flrshly perspective cannot see
lhc rrro!lqnes? of hbs position
hefore God. IVe will be helped
l o avn!d 3es11lp tendencies if
wi? hcc?pt the xid of the
''shephertls and teachers" in

rwult in n 1t1tug in our Wrwlce. & ~ dlet I t be noted t t ~ n t

~ i ~ r u l nducntion
ant! nnkt~rirl
nblllty nre n u t prefcqulsltes t o
brcomhc R prcnchcr, ratiler',
nnc muat hnvc 10w for O I K ~ ,
lurw lu: onc's !~cl[:hhor. and
rcnl I ~ l t hhtwd upnn rrccul.:~tc
knuwlcdrle 0: CIcxE's Word. Rut
~ h que,,tIous
nrlw, "'To whom the co~lz?~gat~on.
W 4 / l 18,19
r!o 1v1.1. prmch. when, where,
nnd how^" The key te tllcsa
Wednewlay, July 23
i~ il111j~utCd
by PiiuE, I m thc pne shepherd; the
{vt~ou-rote thr abnvo in a Iptfine shepherd surrenders hfa
PI. tn mine Chvlhtin~lpreachsoul in beltnlj of the sheep.
PI'S in Ilome. Yrs. Ihe hrn1.t
--Joltn 1 0 : l f .
1- thc kry tn tllc mattor. For
The abyssing or the demone
this ronxrm Paul dlA not 1111vc
to ~ l v ct h m n lot nf hpct.rllc the survivors oi IXar-Mngedon
lns1,rilctlons ns to whr:rl, rvhvro will wr! oilly with their eyes
and how ll>av ~hoLIl<lp~rnvh. of fnith. but thcp w e bound
~ , ~ k c w l totliiy,
if w r wlll siln- t o I c ~ lthe dcllphtfnl efkcts
,Iv [lo whrtl our i i ~ o r l 1710- IhArml in Ir, vcrv ~ealistlcwny.
N O longer will
i ~ a t c sus t,o do. wr! n1.c ~ o l n a I R ~ V20:l-3)
r,(l ni,art t r 1 1 l c l n ~ to hrrnllbrnla thnv !v~cohllfisd 60 keep on the
nbout the Lllltr!:s wc RrP 1(\1krll- "roinl?lcle suit of w!norn from
Gorl ilk order to fight and
inu rrnm t h r ~Ilhblo, nt~rlH O wa
stand Aiam~%&abat
tile machiwill !\&'I0 hc*~O1~10
nnHons of the Dew. No longer
tho ~ 0 0 1 1nr:m.r. W DJ16 8, 9a
w111 lhug havc to wrestle mth
invislhle wpcrhuman govern!lltastltly, ,ltdy 22
ments and "wicked saIrit f orcHe puvr: some as , , , ahcpherds ca
.Lol ths heavenlgi places.'*
n?lR lenclrtura, zdth a ~ f e SO
l ~ cBph.
&:11-18) There will be
the rcndjuatment a j the hollt frc~rlom
from Tear Of such
o~tes,j,rr. mliii~terial luosk.
inr,islble opponents.
-Epll. 4 . 1 1 , 12.
ntld the 6urvIvors of ,earth's
To be n nplrltual perm, ~ r c n t e a t tril~ulntlm w111 feel
suothlnglg secure wlthln the
and, hence, to ntnnrl In contra~C wit11 the world, one ernl~raceof the Messlmic 'hem
n e d a rm~ltrlarnssoclntlon with hmrens." That hmvenTy govthe mgrrmtlon of dchovnhhs ernment will have She tenpeople. T h c hl~lrltuni elrlcrii, detncss of an Orlenta! shepnppolnktl I>p God's theocsntie herd I Y ~ O lo14nglp snfw a r d s
nrc able to nid h:a sheep. The Fine Sheprnw pcrsonnlly. If t,Iwre is n herd, Jesus Clrist, who laid
down IUS
llle for his human
sy1np1,om in your Illc Incllc''sheep,"
be a royal Shepnliue of wrOnR thlnklng, In
tllno It d l 1 "fiurihco," for M y herd over all men Tor whom
wroug hns a WRY of e ~ ~ n t u ~ l lhe
y dled. W 4 / 1 5 21a

manlfeding itself to observers.

The elrlers in the congregatlona ure dlacerning men ~ n d ,

~ i g h

Let a rotten saytng not pro-

ceed otrt of pour ~ t h but

saying is good for
bzrllditrg up.-Eph. B:Z9.
Ho~uoia often a place where
you Tppl YOU cnn Just be your
nnlul.1~1kolI, more so than m
the cungrurattotl, %here rigllh?ous ~~rh~i('lplrs
are more to
the Io1.r. Ilow treccsm, then.
to ho nwrlrc of tttc nc& for
~ ~ I Z - c o n l r l ~especl3lIy
if t h e
f ~ c ~ ~ c r~' l~l iml o h ~ ) l ~is~ r easye

ta M-

after US

return to Egypt. (Ex.6:2, 3 )

Wllcn cnlnrging upon the
irnprwt or 111s n m e , the Almlr:I~ty~ n l dlo Mows: "I sRALL

TO llr



1~14ov1:TO nr.'TTlil~meant that

J r l ~ o v ~ ~could
ndapt himself
t o l11c clrc~~rnatnrlcesof his
pcoplr, and t h n t , rrllaterer he
nwrlrd lu hccome or p1wve to
br tclr tho ~r.ktaof his p m l e
nncl In Tinc with his purpose,
Ilr cor~ld~ i n drtould become or
prove to 1)t: thnb, EIe could and
K O ~ H I ( , rhnwlill: 110 lines on
wunlrl ~nccltlng nltuatfo~lauciuliny bl.urla~ and jokes. or
ccssfuil SO, I>y thls Heb1.e~
when one is P X ~ I . P : : S ? O ~ , HP WRS not talklrr!tnld. h rdlcn aayinp'" i11y 11hn111hla ~rlf-existence.
dws r ~ o lh~rvcto 1x O ~ V I ~ I I S I Y ldn+b ~ k ~ekr11~1.
IV l?*'l1-3a
irltil r)r ol~.rr.u*i~~.
It may hr a
clpvcr pfrhy or1 n-r~rds, snmeSniarrlay, July 26
ttllny: wlth n tlouhle meaning,
Yn!a tulEE ?rat bc afraid of
llke nt] npplc thnl; looks fine
dlle ~ , c s t i t c n cthat
~ walks in
on the olil~lrlebut i s rotten t o
tJtc filoon2.-Ps. 91:5, 6 .
the core. Yrs, it depends on
what you I V G &the&. Such
Thr: pestilence here ment i i i n ~ s!=ton(: t o the old pertioned is not n peetjlence tho*
sr>nnllly. 3 ' 1 i q mast be re- is hent 1)y Jehovah upan those!
plnrrct by whnt b~lcngsta t h e dlaobcdlcnt to Him. It is a
rww, hy whnt is "gmd for
worlrlly peatllrnce that vt bred
huildlnf: rrp." nnd the "glving in t l ~ cmornlly, ~.ellgluusly&so l t,ha~tke."The malicious and
ensrtl world nrnrtl its gloom.
blH,rr nttit~tda, nlong with 11 18 mcrrnl to infect and lav
nbi~slva npeoch, must be relow not only worldlings, b i t
plncud by llilr being "kind t o
pnrtlculnrlv Jehot%hYs worone nnolhcr." These Bible eSiipcrs. ~i
hmunts the m o r a l
prlnclpleq nre tO be practiml soclsl, #101iticnI, religious glaorn
in ttlc homtt W 5/15 t2a
(>I the rruorld In its nlehttime
ol Inrpcrirllti~ rloom, and the
frrldny, Xuly 25
I h t * mr1d do not let
hc! ~lnslllt%ilre-lndengloom bo
I ruirl #all to Jehovah: 'Poa
~ ythe Run of rlgharc nsjt rc rtgc and mu
(11~tk l n ~healing h
91 t2.
t ? \vlrir:fi, Jla curntive beams.
To pfiin tho f h o m from IIMnl.
1.2) Adding to the terfmr 01 hplrkli~nl dnngers that mrs of t h l ~plnorn. this pestiis dwmlbcd in Psalm 91. we Icnm ~ t r i k mIn f ha d a r k that
hava to pursue the course it Is, rlbrrina t>hc stnte of affaus
prescrilsa. Let us nok that it
when the rninda nnd Irearts of
18 t o Jehovah that the psalmthe Ilsol~la nre bedarkened ra
i s t (or the one whom he rep- rPffas(1.r l,lle true Cad m ~ dhis
resents) anys: "You a r e my per-so~lnlil~y,11h purpose nnd
refuae and mp str~nghold.~ his lovlng provl8lons, resulting
In thla way he IdentEes the in a cl~nrllydlsensed condltjon
Most HIRII and the ALmightg of lrsnrl nnd rntnd. But God
One an the One bmring the ha8 cnllghtcncd us against
unique name Jehovah. This this pe~tllcnce-breedinggloom.
agroea wllll what the Most
12/15 111,19,a1


. ..

fnvitatim, bcsauko
Sunday, llnty 31
now gathered In did not
T k e me new hcavans and a those
nnd "crtt~h*'
new emth that 7rv- nrc nlcnitthe a e d d i l ~ g n c t l v l l i ~ ~Those
: r ~ gaccording to Itis ~>rt~?~tlse,
gathered nu rcplnCemr!lts
and in t l ~ s er l ~ l l t ~ o l l ~ ~ t r s nov
111 the r,cnsc
i s t o t31r)ell.-:! t'c'l, d . I J ,
tirat the urigi~inlIrlvltrPa llttrl
How to survlve inla that ),em. This work ut ~ntlicrlllr:Ln
new earth 11ndrr tha new eaough guesls IPOIHL~II! I (i:l(lfi
heaof Ckl+irl's kl nudnm
outside the city of ( h r Iz~vlLcrl
Is now the question. 111 order OLIW began, not in 70 C.E.. Ilut
to live throuxl~ the rlestruc- in the autum11o l 36 C.K..scv;
tion of that R R C ~ CI F~ ' ~O T ~ ~ , en years, or R "week of ymrs,
Noah built the nrk RA tilld
after the llnptlal~~
rtrirl ntlolnthy God, By l ~ i t r n l r l [ ~ l z this
~ ~ u ing of Jesus, Elw Moll r>Y Orrd.
course of nctirrn wit11 C70ll'~ 'rhe flrst slnvc S P I ~OIL(;
~ anR
purpose to prc:rcrvu (,ha IluPeter, to t h c uiicircuincl~stl
man race, Nuell : ~ r ~ IrIl~ H PJIII- Gentile, Corr~cllu.;. 1V I l , 15
ily enacted a prnplictlr: drnrna
that has Its IrrlAllt?wi>tit\ olir
genetetlon. Accorrhtllrrly, Nrlnh
TnerrIlnyI July 20
pictured Cbrht, titit1 tltn wife
pictured the Brl(lra af Christ, Let kim that think3 he C
kurare tlrat he does
or, more pnrtlc~ilnrlp,tho scm- sta.nddng
not tall.-1 Cur. I0:12,
n a n t of the nt-lilo t h n l sllll
Those who hnvo dodlcnted
finds itself c~nrnr.111. 'J'l11: th12e
sons of Nanh ~ u u lthrlr wivrs themselves t o Ctorl I11irl hnve
Iwen bnptlzetl ~ I I O W111111 ~ 0 1 1 picture thnsn t l . ~ l ~ t l a ~wol.rl
t i t ~ i l c r l rlgtl~knut~la rvclr~lrcd.
6h1per.s of Jchobnl~ cil~d wha
Knowing thry ltrr Imt>r.rlert.
cua associate rq711h l !IV rc,nln e n t of t h e Rrltlo r.l~rwn ~ l d they are nwnro nt thc cmclnlUct
so t h n t
who expect ttr IEcnmr! 1\10 ivlltdn t\~r-m&~lvi'm,
l ~ Itl'r ~lnvtln
exrthly chlldrrrk of b l l r ~ Ktr8t'- with tha 1 l r ~ 1thsv
to sin's l n w I)hor~f:hwith (110
nnl Father, ,rc:$~i~
Cllrl:\t,, nurtcr
mind t h y Ilrr t;111vos 10 Qotla
h l s rnllle11111nl k l n ~ t l r l ~T~I>)f!rt
into the r1r:lltrorls nr7w ta~!'ilt Inw. Thcy know 111t~scI.Y C O I ~ a c must, Ilk? NORII, hni111n- 11:watlve grnv1l.y t)f Iwr>llr:ni7e our course o f nctlon rrtih damp and Ihat sln6 can tnlx R
1criet.y of form.%-,sltls nunl!~st
~ o d ' spuurpcse. It' 11 t I l8a
mankind, sins nfinlnut C a d t i
and Christ, slna nr:rklllat onc's
Montlny, duly 2R
body, find runny ocllcr
Go t o the roatlr leladlnp ollt own
offenwrr. Holvovor, Lhry
of tlze citu, unrE a?tuo?tr gou such
curnlorl 111 I hc wortis
Jlnd invjte t o the i ~ l n r r l a g e
at 1 YJh!l 2 : l - 0 . TIII~SB
feast.-Mail. 22 .!I.
on tile wag lo life rrlv In rimPromptly lxiore the deBdence on Jehovnli's mrrrv
struction of t . 1 ~ctty of those evpressed through Jrsus Christ
murdesers, tho kinc sent Lilr and endeavor t o wnlk In the
rjlaves to locntlonx outsirle tire way of thnt One. Hut e w n
~ i t y ,outside thnl conltnunlly
though they nvnid nrom slns
Go the rondn l ~ n d l ~out
l ~ o!
that would obvlaur~lp tnl:o
the city." Frolu tllcrtnr t h e
king's slave8 wnrrld Z ~ l n n 111 them out itom unrlrr Icllot h e replacements, yes, onvone vah's mercy, they know that
tnat they found. Tire.* un- there are many RCW 01 cornk n m pewrms, not [kt their mission or ornlsslon thnt can
home address, lhe st*KeS cottld seriously endanucr their rrtantling with Jehovnll nild so they
persuade t o tnko a plaeo nt
must beware. W 8/16 10, 11
tlie muriago fc!lsb+ Tllls wnJ

tVerlnorr&y, Jalg 30
You are sltotun to be TI IeW
of Clzrkst luritten by us as
mfnfstcrr, i?iscribed not d t l z
ink bfit U f t A sptrdt of a living
CW, not on &totre tablets, but
o?a fleshlu tnllfcts, on Itearis,


Cor-. 3:3,

AR 901t think ahout your

nctlvlty ns a srrmnt of Jehovnh God. yon can doubtless
recnll many joys. True, you
mnv wlsh you could do more
n11d you mny see m a s where111 yo11 cnri Improve. But if
you lrnve exeri,rd yourself in
GIPwta to fulflll the Christian
cornrnlaslon tc~ preach and to
t ~ n c l i , you can rest mured
tlmt Jeltavnia C i d nnd Jesus
Chris1 Ilrr #)lensed ~ 4 t hTour
drz3c)tnlavrvlce. I L Is only nntuinl 10 Rcnsc more keenly our
rcs~onsll~llIllestoward others
now Ihnn wo tlid when rve
were 6pl1'ltunl bnbes. This I s
gond. I [ , on the other hand,
home ilmonu us h a m been
somewh~hsplfish, the?. should
thlnk serlonsly of widening
out In r;l~owlnlrlove for fellow
may the day of
tllvlne vo!~r~oa~lce
Iind us defiervltlg or ~rotection because
wa hnvc ncted in harmony
with the lovr! that Jehovah
1lns lor mranklnd! W 2/15 24b

Thur~tby,JnIy 51
Be f n nrbfection to one anollrer I n /car of CMst.

- E p i ! . 5:Zl.
Fro er m~l,jcction is a manireatnion of true love. m e n ,
ns n Irua Clwjrsllan, you took
the ate a i tlrcllcntfon, i t was
ntj e v l r L c o of your love for
Jchovnll, nnd of your cornplute und wlllhg subjection
to him, to do his mll. In the
Chl'lstltln c o n p l ' e ~ t i o n , there
shoulrl nho IIP the spirit of
m ~ t u n lconsldcration and subJecllon. III l,llls, the elders
nllaultl to,ke the lead. The
heme nplrlt s h o ~ ~ lbe
d shorrn
it1 the hotile. This Is well illustt'~+terlIn the human M y ,
where f11l the members have
t o 1w I~nrrnolllollsly joined toKctllcr nnd mnde ta cooperate
t u ~ e thinRA
done. Wherc this
i l t l c ntl,lt,ude of cooperation
!R ~ h o w i ~tilora
are few family r,ral~lerna t h n t cannot be
stilvcrl, clulckly nltd ea~ilp. In
othcr. u*ortl::, the absence of
tt1l9 nttltudc I& often tne m
mum ol t h e problem. Even
Ivtlrn only one mnte I s a Chrisl,lrkn dls]~layl~lg
thls proper attllude, i t cnn go a long way
rrvantlna problems
from Rettrlp t o the point of
dlsenrlon. W 5/15 18. 17n

IIoldling True t o God'# flwnrrrrhlp of %,

-Deut. 1O:IQ.


Frldny, A ~ r y s tX
E$, lilm ruc ?rave ilje and move

atrd cxlaI.-A~E~ 17:28.

Our flmt pnrentg illf fully
chow B cuurse of dlsobedienm
md Indcpcndence, a course
of corru]3Hot>. In effect, they
repudialctl Qorl's oumership
of tllrnl. Thoy took the view
t h a t (Iley belonged to thsmselves rknd lo cnch other,
\jut not t o Qatl. They severed
t'nclr ~ o o c t re1ntlo:lship rLth
him. Tlic iswe mas raised
c)vc*r Orbrl's tip!11tful ownersh~p.
PTcw note tllnt tlie issue mas
by no niPnno Ilmlted to somr-

thin^ material, the fruit of a

certnln trco. W h ~ tabout man
hl~nrcli,I I O ~ only his llfe but
nlstl f llow Ane rnolnalqudities
of Ingal;!y nnd devotion and

npprcclnilon? Ghould no\ all

Ilwse qilalltlcs be exercised at
~ l lt l n i ~ s to the credit and
prnlsc 01 Jrhovnh, proved by
n cnurco OI wllling obediencs
nntl t;ul,rnlfiaiol~ to hlm? Is

not mnn coruplctely dependent

upon Gm1 for Ilie and all its
pr>sstbl:!ties find Irlesslngs? Is
11ot the collst~nt ~ c ~ o w l edqmellt of such dependence
~ o ~ n e t h l nthnt
properly beto sad?
IO/I 12, 10


Satnrdny, Anfwd 2
W hfs wfngs ym tunt
take refuge+-Pa, 81 :4.
Row beautifully thb wns 11lustrated m the case OI the

Moalntesa ~ u t l l ,who foreoolt

the rsLw gods of Moab, nnd
went with Nnoml to Xarnell In
appreclatiorl, I l o ~ z ,rvho Inter
became Ruth's hiisbanrl, mid
t o her: "Msy Jehovflll rewnrd


t h e wag you rict,

whose winfrs you I~nvccomtbto
seek refuge." ( l t l l l l l 2:12) Afl
tl reward to her, Ychnvnh and
chase ~ u t has wlfa of Bonx,
t o contribute to t l ~ ennccatry
of Jesm ChrluL. rMntt. 1.525) Jesus ChrhaC h!~rlr~lf
upon tile rewmbln13cn or a
blrd and I t s youtlr!, rvllen he
snid t o Jerusnlom tllnt had
;;ejected him I L ~ tIie M m i n h :
How often 1 rvnnLed lo ~ b t h cr your chilrlretl lor(at;tIcI', 1118
way a hen ~rrlllel'sllrr rhlrk:
together unrlcv licr w!tlr:l!
( ~ s t t a3:37)
~ o d r l yt1tcb :+rlri t l ~ a lIsraelites DIIC! thclr rrh11panloas who t ~ k crcllir!E ilnder the wlngs ol Jehornh Clod
do, at the snlnc tlnrr, bike

protective cover ~mrlf~r

Joj 1 0 vah's Messlnh, Ihp I,w rl dc!,~rs
Christ, 11ke ctiirks 1~11rlurn

hen's m h g s , Thc rrl\if:r they

seek there for s!llrkt kin1 +eC&lrity rim not f ~ i Ll ~ C I I I .1V 1 2 / 1 5
6, 6

Sunday, Arrlfust: 3
You lover?, of JeReccrlr, hate

m7in-t as blael.-l'~. 01:10.

Among the wnya we QaE
htate Jehovah is by hhane
what he hatra, He hoten ~ ' l l n i
is bad. nsa. 61:R; Frov. 0:lD19) Whah docn it mean i r
"hate what Is IlndUP JL ~nemlr
to have an 'lntcritle i c n l i u ~0'
aversion' toward whnt in bad
t o '&like it exceed l naly .' Yes
it is n o t enoti~hthnk we hl
indifferent or ~~cutrrtl
what is dclcetl or 1)nd. Whn
is bad can at timeq I,[? BU rip
pearing to our fillen tendell
cles; it can prulnlso Pxclle
mmt, sensusl plctlsuro 01-evrt

wealth afld m e .

W r o i o r e It

a ~ ~ u t e lneccssnry
we regard whvhnC Is bnd mlth

fiebstatlon. How cnn we ti0

thls? Ona wny js by 6lncerely endeavorinn: to lterp nll
forms of bndlleaa frorn taking
root In us 1,s aunrrllnr: our
hearts, our arrectLona nuti r k sires. (P~OV, 4 : 2 3 ) An importnnt wav te do Lhh Is hy hcing m & n l aborlt <r4hnthmks,
mag-amnes ant1 rlewspnper nrtides ue rcecl, Do rve I l n ~ 8
a morbid cul'loalty ro~nrdjn
wickedncsg to thrb pnl~ll tllttf
we relish rendlnl: whnl I s bad?
Then v!e cnt~not110~ : k l dto he
hatlng it. t V 3 / 1 14-1fin

,Wontlag, Au~r19trl
We shonld n o longer be babes.
tossed about as hp fume8 dnti
carricd htther cathri thithor bU
euery zuiild of Yt3n?ltl?lg 1111
means of tlre Irkkrrtl 01 ?nett.



the i l r ~ t ~ P I I Z I I ~name

ChrlHtinns hnd lnllrrl to prowess ljeynnrl Lhe "t.lnm!?ntnrg

Ihlngs of tlsr ~nrrcc! pl'onoutlcemcnts of Clntl." That
was de~ptto l,Ilo lrlrt 1,hn-h
nilegunte llma Itnd l>i~.r:.gE!d
them to hnvo aruwn hulllclentIJ- not only to hnve ncqriired
R 'm~ittand rnhturn f n ~ t t ~
also to have . e a n f 1 1 ~ 1 tbr qllalifie at ion^ t n tenrh oth~rn11s a
p~neral p:ny. (1101). 11.12-(;:I)
The immature UllrLLInrl who
fails to exciat 11ltn.qclr l o hecome firm in f a l l t ~p, n ~ " n s l n ~
no farther t l ~ a t i t t ~ cc ~ ~ m c n k1-y things or Qntl'~ Word.
slmds an grnve dnnger. IT0
does no: rcnlly llnrr t t l 8
strength ta reslsl the pressure
of error end false rvorlrlly
reasoning nnd thcrrfo~c nlny
be "tossed nbout ns hv wnvrs"
and carrlecl tn n rllenulroua
end. (Heb. 0:4-0) Those who
"fleshly,*' l ~ ~ r l m r l n ~

jealousies, envies and e n d ties, are likewise h R dnnrlruus posltion 1)vions Jehuvnh
5:lO-21. W 2/15
5, 7

Tuesday, August 8
Happy b the man that if
feeling dread constantly.
-P~ov. 28:1#.
A8 we endure in the C m tlan way we come to appreclate the excelling value of

God's thinking, and the study

of his Word comes to mean
even more t o us, We are made
more keenly aware of the necd
for carefully servmg him. We
develop z healthy fear of God
w d sa s, conscientious dread
of cloing things that God
hates. Coming to realize our
own inabiUties, we rely more
o n Crod. Thoughtful study
keeps us alert to problems and
cornIna changes so Clmt wbcn
they clo m i v c they nre not n
surprise. This kind of studv
inclines o m minds toward
that which is spkltua1 and
results in our bchg happy.
Dlhgent study, homver, must
be centered on, jhnt xhich
IS ~enuinelv solritual. Some
perions wlio profess to be
Christians pride themelves on
human lesmfng. Worldliness
may creep into their Christian
teaching; I t did in Corinth.
11 Cor, 2:l-5, 13) The sum
total of human emenence and
wisdom cannot give us life.

But; " f e e k g dread constantly"

can aid us te galn it. W 4 / l
14, 15

Wednesday, August d
Our being adequately qualified

ames from G o d , who has indeed adequately qunlified us

t o be mintsters,-2 Cor. 3:5, 6.
I%ithful preaching contributes to a clean conscience,
which is a factor of no small
value in our present happiness
and peace of mind. And to
think that, even unknown to
you, a seed may have hen
planted that will perhaps
open the way for someone else
t o le-n the truth-what
thls brings! A m o n g those actively sharing In the preaching
work today there are persons

with llmlted education physical impediments a n d other

problem that some might
consider t o be drawbacks, but
they hnve not let these things
stop them from obeying God
and showing neighbor love. If
we love God and our neighbor,
if we will forget nbouC o w
qualificr+ions from s human
standpomt md simply trust
in God, we can be preachers
of the #ood news and enjoy a
successflrl service to Gad. Of
courzc, I t takes real, faith to
speak boIdly the truth from
God's Word, because, though
it is m d news,it Is unpopular
to many. W 3 / 1 5 6-Ba

Thuradny, August; ?
N w , t o the one who can, accordzng t o hzs power which is
operateng in us, do more than
superabandantlu beyond a12
the things me ask or conceive,
t o htm be the glory.

3:20, 21.

We are con'tmually deaLing

with personalities, our own
and those of others. There is
&o Jehovah's superlative personaHCy to t&e into account.
Never underestimate his loving interest in your maintaining a dedicated relationship

with him. Never underestimate

the many unfailing provisions

he has made through his Word

and oramisation. bv his sairit
nnd thi'ough prayw: t o erkbla
you t o put on a Chr1sllil;e
personality. Advancement In
spirltunlity is often a slow
process ns compared FNI our
expectations, ft k largely a
matter of our own mental attitude-whether we are lowly
Ln mind and W n g t a admit
our ml&akes and failures, and
whether we are always ready
make n further effort, a
Cresh start. Jehovah certainly
blesses such an attitude, and
your brothers and sisters In
Sod's family will love you for
:t, and will help you a11 they

:an. W

5 / 1 5 13a

as a close Mend, as one willwhatever is good for

him? He must come to know
God as an Appreciutor of
those who serve him even m
Mmt parents know that
the smallest flervice that they
children in the same famlly
render from the heart. He
will diner In lllres and d ~ s l l k e ~ that pleases God must believe
and in personalities and qunlthat he is the Rew~rder of
~tlcs.Yet at times, especially those who seek him. He is
when under pressure, parenbs t7mt Mnd of G d . All t,hose
may forget that very t h ~ n g , 1~1th the tnle evangehzlng
as they t ~ yto motivate one sprrit know this to be true,
youth to inlitate o t h e ~ swhose
and so they endeavor t o Instill
behavior is more desirable in
tills same desire in others to
z cerlain respect. But such love and serve Rim for his
efforts are Hkely t o he self- matchless qualities. Do you
defeating. Parents do well to
make sure that your B~blestuimlt,ate the c!clers who always
sent appl+eclatesthese things?
t r y to apply Christian prinW F / I 18, 192
clples. These older men h o w
how unwlss it would be to
Sunday, A a p t 10
compare one C M s t i w to another. And what ~f such un- Elisha nom said to h f m :
"So #ZE bprosy of Naamrsn
Eevorable comparisons were
wlEl s t k k t o you and your
made publicly, in the hearing
ofispri~tg t o #me i?rrErflnite."
of others? Would not thls hnve
-2 K-I. 6:25, 27.
a doubly discourmlnr: eilect,
We do well n o t to copy aeproving ta be self-defeating
hazl's example. He hnd been
as a means for cncournulna
servlng wlth EUsha for some
someom? Elders do not make
time and had nmple oppwsuch compmlsons. They entunlty to seo hew Jehovah
courage the congregation to
usinp; Elishn, nud wh+t a prlvimitate fellow Christians only
I I F ~ C hr! hnd in he~ng with
ns they imitate C i l ~ l s t . We
El~sha!R u t he comc to degire
look to the perfect example to
mnterial wealth. His greed got
imitate. So wise p a r e ~ t swill
the better af him when he,sftw
think twice before making
such mrnparlsons, W 511: 14- his master refuse all the s11ver
and garments odwcd by Nna18a
man. His desire Mcame fertile
moved llim to sin. (Jan
Saturday, Anmat B
1:14, 15) Re went so far as
W2thout faith it i s impossible to lie to his master, jn effect
t o please ham well, for Jze that b ~ n g to Jchovnh who had
approaches God must bs2ievs appointed Elisha. ' And what
that he i s and that he bedisastrous results came upon
comes the vewrnder of those him, for he w a s smitten with
earnestly seekzlag hrm.
leprosy! His greed cost him
-Heh. 11:8.
hIs hedth and the privilege he
T h e evangelizing spirit inhad enjoyed of serving with
cludes the effectiveness of Elfsha. We cnn profit from
one's buiIding up and train- this illustration of the disasing others. Does the qne
trous course of being greedy,
whom you are studglng dmself-idolizing. We learn that
cein that aU the good qua&
out for personal gain
ties that we possess to some rcaching
from Jehovah's service is a
degree, God bas to a far
greater degin+1ove, appreei- very dangerous thing and
ation, conslderateueas, mercy, m e t h i n g we must avoid.
pallence? Docs he vier God -John 12:4-6. W 7/1 23

Friday, August S
Become dsnitutars of me, even
as I am of Christ.
-1 COY,11 :I.

ing to do


Monday, August I
Who are you 0 fudge the
home servant of another? To
hns oun master he stands

or falls.--Rom.


As Jehovah God used such

imperfect men as Moses and
the apostle Peter so he uses
like men in the Christian

congregation today. Imperfect

men who know Jehovah are
used to take the lead. Perhaps
an elder in your eongregat~on
wlll glve you counsel, an your
attitude. A r e you, going to
spurn the good Scr~ptursladvice he gives and have the
viewpoint: 'Who are yon to toe
telling ma what to do? You
me not exactly perfect! Or
me you, rather, going to show
that you "know" God, thut
you reahze that he uses lmperfect men l o counsel, organlee and dWct his people on
earth? Really, If Jehovah is
content to work with Imperfect men, who are we t o be
critical of the arrangement?
The key thing is that we
should beneAt from the Bcripturwl counsel given. On the
other hand, perhaps you bear
something about one of your
brothers that seems to put
him in a bad hght. At rruch
times also call to mind the
counsel above. W 7/15 18, 19

Tuesday, August I2
The meek ones themselues win
possess the earth,-Ps. 37:11.
That David's wmds also apply to the Kingdom rule of
the entire earth is seen in the
fact that Jesus quoted them.
(Matt. 5:5) Did Jesus say that
their fulr-dment was all in the
past? No, for be grojeckd
them into the future, saying
that the 'mild-bempcred will
inherit t h e earth.' Yes,those
mild-tempered ones who are
to be with Jesus Christ Ln his
heavenly kingdom %ill rule
over thitr earth. Jesus knew
that the Kingdom mould rule

Xhurerday, August 14
Became you said: 'J'ehmah
fu ?nu refuge;' you have mude

the earth in righteousness forever. So, the earth iCself will

be ~ o a u l a k dbv righteous ones
who kill residk f6rever on it.
Thus, by inspiration, David
had described what the %Lnale
will. be when Jehovah carries
out his purpose for our earth.

t h e Nost r;lzgh ltzmselj your

daeI1mg.-Ps. 91:9.
Materialistic, physical Sewrity of mankind IS breaking
dorm, but spiritual security is
proving a safeguard against
the moral, social, politfcd and
religrous dangers of this drifting world. T h e spiritually secure are those who nut the
sp&tual things ~t -out In
God's Word fbs.st in thelr lives.
They know that ~ o will
d take
care of all other needs. As rezmds our ~ i v I ~ rGod
a the preaominant i l a c c In o q lives,
the insplred psa1,mist wves, us
a salse of seeunty by saylng
the words above. What a wonderful thought, this making of
the Most High ''your dwellmg"l Thii i s becanm of not
only saying to,,Jel~ovah,''You
are m y refuge, but also really
maklng Him the place where
we seek our haven for safety.
Fearlessly, in open public, the
nnointed remnant of the spiritual Israel of God have declared Jehovah to be their
refuge, especially from the
year 1915 onwar$. The recentl y appe,mlng great crowd"
have jalncd the remnant In
this. W 12/15 I-3&

Christians can rejoice that

the thinw of which Dauld
saw just Ehe gllmmerlngs, and
could personally share in mly
by means of s future resurrcction, they can experience.
Thcse, whom Jesus puts on
lus right hand as "sheep"
have the opportunit to reside
forever on a para&se e a r h
W 6!15 14a

Wcdnosday, August 13
R 18 Jehovalz your Gob goa
must worship, and it Zs to him
aloxe you must render sacred
service.-lulce 4:8.
Most of the human family
went their own way. The few,
from Abel onward, exemplified
by their life course the right
principles involved. Even the
Flood, a forceful remlnder of
who actually owried the earth

and its inhabita~~ts,

anly a tern orary halt t o man's
selfish an$ rebellious eourse.
Other clwely related issues
wwo bvolved, such a~ EOVET:fgnty and womblp. Challengtng questions bad been raised
,y Satan in connection with
;hese issues, and Jehovah was
working out his purpose, foremown to him from the time
,he rebelUon slarted. m e full
~utworldng of this purpose
~ d 1 ldemonstrate for all time,
lot only the fact of God's
;upreme ownership, but also
iis absolute worthiness to hold
,hat position and man's obll:ation to recognize that. Let
is bc determined to express
,his recogilition right up lo
,he And test, maintaining the
ight relalionship with our
3od Jehovah, as Jesus did.
V 10/1 15

mday, Angust 16
He sent his slams to summon
those who had k e n invited
to the banquet.--Matt. 22:3,
~n Arnerlcan Translation
When was I t that God the
King sent out; his slaves to
nomy the invited ones that
the time for the marriage
femt had amved ~ n d
so they
should come at mce? This
m s after the water baptism
of Jesujus and the anointing of
him wllh Gd's holy splrit so
as to become the Christ, the
one anointed to be the Massianic King. When Jesus Christ
returned from forty dam spent
in the Judem wilderness, John

the Baptist, not only identified Jesus as the figurative

Lamb that was to be sacrificed
for rescuing the world of mankind from the penalty of sin,
but also testifled that Jesus
mas the Son of sod. Shortly
after this, Jesus began his
teaching work with some who
began t o follow him as the
Messiah. Not only Jesus taught
and preached the Messianic
kingdom but he also sent
others to do the same. In

t h ~ sway the heavenly King,

Jehovah God, sent out hls
slaves under the Law covenant to give the f i r s t notiflcation. W 11/15 21, 22

Saturday, Angolst 16
He that is giving t o the one
of Ztttle m e ~ ~ nwill
have no
want, but he t h ~ tis hhfing
his eyes will get mungly curses.

of intolerance
and self-interest, tfie one acting mercifully Is a refreshing
blessing. What an indictment
of this present generation are
the intolerable conditions resulting from the innumerable
suspicions, rivalries md animosities of peoples and nat~ons!From the words of Solomon above it is evident that
God's mercy will not extend
t o those 'hiding their eyes.'
God Is not a sentimentalist.
His exerclse of mercy i s always tn harmony with his
other qualities and righteous
standards, including justice
and hohnw. Anyone prwuming upon God's mcrcy, thinkiilg that God wilI continue
his mercy toward that alle
no m a t h ? wllat he does, 1s
doomed to b~tter dlseppo~ntment. The one showing fieliberate disrespect for God's
riahteous ways by his course
of life oflends God, m d the
true God will rightly "shut OK
his mercies in anger," md will
reward such a one with ''many
77:9. W 8/15
1, 2a

In f?hihls day

Btmtlag, Augaat 11
You arc not to assacfute rufth
atcpotkc who is supposed to bc
a C?ir:.~tion
brotkcr, and yet Es
~rrtli~ornL-l Cor. 5 :I 1, An
Amerlcan Trnnslltion.
Tho npo~ltle warns against
with one who "is"
irnmurnl or a
ncticcr of
auriw ntller kln$lr of serious
w m ~ l g d u l n ~What,
o l tho trnc who has been dtsIclInr$shlpotl for being that
k111tl o i llorslln hut who therenItrr rlvrs cornislent evidence
of dl~cont!n~llngsuch wrong
,rncElcev)Chn It be said that
le or she stlll "ls" as Icnvrll towr11.d tlm cmgreqation?
Rucll onrs zrrny nut yet hsvo
comc riilrl Inr!hlally sought reirlt~l~cbnnr-nl
bv t11e crn1greg:itlun. Is there, however, not
rl n evlclen t dl ti'erence betwccn
t t ~ c s o nn4 others who contllrzic rls11t o n in the m a {lrjlnrl: that. brousht t11W atsr c l l t ~ r m h l ~ ~ i nThose
It]> thc wrong practice moy
slill 1nnnIPest some avpreKstlon for Chrlatinn trlith, perhnpa RVOII defending the
Chrlstin!~ congmffatlon when
Ao~neotic speaks against It.
Htloulcl not ~ u c hcirculllrtancc.9 bc Riven due weaht and
hnve an eRmt o n olrr attltude
nd R e o n ~ r ~ q a t l ntoward
ones? LV 8 ' 1 IU, Iln

Mnndny, Angust 18
The jathrr~ hove eaten sour
grnyra.-Etrak. 18:2, New
R n ~ l i e hBible,

Satan's n r ~ u r n e n t that

momptecl t h e disobedience of
Arlan~ rtnd Eve was to the
r n ' ~ r : L t h n t the right t o eat of
th:tt fruit; belong& t o them.
Ti\uS t)y deliiwr~te and deilonE aclion. that speaks loudcr ti~nrl worlls, hoth Adam
nnd Eva class~Aed t h a t for-

blddon tree ns one and the

snmo na all tho other trees t o
wlllch they had been given
t h r~l g l ~ t to cat. But fmmecllntely after both of them

h ~ eaten
the forbidden fruit.
clld they iccI ustlflcd i n their
judlclnl, claw.slhcfitlon ol trees?
No! True, thev could not restore lo thc trcr: the pieces
c i lrulL thrrt tlrcy hnd enten
from it, 1 ~ 1thrll.
havlnp nsfilmllntcd Iha cr~lenIrult Into
thrir l~oclicsb r c i r ~ ~ hthem
fcrllnfl of OWIICI'RIII~ of u jnst
rli:11t tr) L I R ~ Llio inrklddcn
i~111t. The lraves wlth whlch
ttwy mndo lolu covcrlnes to
hlrlo thulr horv rcnllzed nnkeclnes: \wrr t nkcn from the
fir! trm. Thv outcome of
the whole ~ n n t k r wna str if

tlicy hnrl entrn sour jirpes.

rv .to/) i)

R ~ , ID
We avo good-jar-nothl?ig
~ l n v c s . Whrat u)e haul:
tlonr 1s ~ulmtjot: aught
to hnnt done.
-Llil:c I 7 : l O .
Any WROUI'C:EB ar Wen&
thnt; R person h ~ should
vicwml ns n trezsuro held in
trtlst, to bo ~rscd to G d ' s
borlnr n n d ~ l o r y .In this was
it will l~rotect cnlu from se4tin8 puftrtl zkp hccsust? of his
nccompllshmrnts in servinr
Jetlovnh. h llno atlltude that
everyone ahouId cultivnte nftcr tlavlng rlor~owitat W 9 8 osslgncrl In ~ l v r nabuve. Ixrving
ns OorE rill rrls, doin:: so qlndly
nlltd wllllnvly ~
r rlrper~clnblp,
whether 111 oinlncntlv or not,
lr; ~ o n l c l l i l ~~~r!rc'cnl>la
to Him.
Nn onc, I~owcrcr-,should hnzrt?
s IEPHIIRor Ir11::LmtIon m useIc~snrsrr, rvcn thout:h tllcre
tnay hc a, ccrtnln siilnencss or
nionotony n l ~ o u t 1t1c routine
of work pcrformecl. SLarnernher, wtmt .rchovnh continues

look lor nmonp 111sservants

Is that they Ijc found nlwnys

rxlthfuI l11 wlinkvcr he glves
them to (10. AccrrrntB Icnowledjia of Q d ' s wnys helps to
keep ufi humble, nnd will aid
us Ialthfullg to direct attentlon to tilo Hource of goodness
nncl arentncss. W 8 / 1 23, 24

Weilneudny, Augnst ZO
Anmnc dlarlllng in the see&
pinre 01 tlac Most High mill
proelire Iilmgelt fodging undrr. t h e 2:rr9 shatlolu of the
Alttzlghlp 0t1c.-Ps. 91:l.
The splritunl security that
thaw f~illlliullg dxvelllna in
Lhla aecrrt lllnca enloy testif l r ~to tllrltr rcnll h m g there.
The fncls sl~ow%at they are
bpli ltunllv anfegumded on the

)rr~nnlr>uhtissue thnt 1s now

l:cco:.c rill I l r l v e n tlud earth.

1:. In;
t h ~~R R L I Cll?d!cnted b y the

of the One provlrlinp Ihr s~cret,l~lnce,
nameIv, "Lllc hlost Hleh." A h ~ e s ,
l i IR ~ , I W l ~ h U ( : oi' Universal
Bovcrelrtlty. The ones occu~ ) y l ~ l r (LIlis ficcret place see
tlln iaauo mrl llam uneqwvorr~lly come out fn fuvor of
His ~lnlvernnlsowreignty and
therefore mnlntnln Christian
~ l ~ l h t ~ n ltoword
the conmcts
01 Itle worltily zrtttlons for nattonn! suvPrPlmty and domiIIRI 1011 OI tllc enrth. We who
clwcll in tnc wcret place of
the Most I T k h could not enter
nnrl retubin there: unless
sccognlnrd and held fast
HIu Ilnlv(*r~n1aoverelgnty. W e
eu~erly look lorwnrcl to His
vlutllcntlrl~ of his un~versd
p o v c r r l ~ l y wlthltl this geU~1.~tiOl1.
IV f 2 / 1 19, 20

~errwns who are, as it were,

~ o r nfor Lhe p~tbllcprcachlng
?ctivfty. The Inlthful Chris.mn. Ihwplnre. hn= bn ~vnrk
~t it in l:cco~na ERpfiii~e.
l i s p hns 111 h r ~ m l ~ l lllmseli
tn cnrry olit thc ~nr\)llc
])rencllma wdl-k, renlixinr: Lhnl It is
his love for al~lio\rnhnnd for
hjs n e l ~ h h o rtllrlt, impels him
;o shnrr! Ilio ~ c ~ unews
3theiq. Thcre 111ny IIP, occnglonnlIy, n very (roorl re%lson
nut to be si111~LO :;hnre i11 tlie
prenr.htttn work a t rr ]>~trtlct~!NI
time. nut tvhon rlorq the renson bccmrnc nil excufi~,? Ench
one Biinlr~awh11t IR 411 hlf nT.vll


. .dcspolh
. nt nridtlay.that oj

l w will not be ajrafle

tlte deatrticllon

-Pn. 9 1 :S.


Thl# dcstructlon may mam n h l y 1 , ~ unrlcrahml to be

a hlailly contacloun. cpldemlcal hcourfic Lllnt lnys lnrv many
victinjs, tlcs~~ol~!up#
them of
liSc. TIIGnlltltll~yllure Is meant
in n worlrlly H;.IIFIB. T~IRhl'illlnnf Ilrfhl iri t h o ~u-cnlled
c n l l ~ l ~ l l t r ~ ~ uof
~ i cl,hc
n l world's
Bmln Arc. Its doctrines boast
of hurn:iii inlollcctunllhm nlld
nrc rnnt~rlnllsllc.Those yielding t o such Indrlctrtnntlon
~iiller clealriirtlon npIr'rtz~nlI>~,
Thulwnay, A o g o ~ tZl
it Is rgaln:jt Gnri's
an, pprsnclt, lsuuBnfl, "The becnuse
Wonf, his worslllp, his Mcsklngrlom of the F ~ e m p s
slur~lckin~dnm.R o H. Is peslras drnwit mar.
t~lenl,ial.The splritunllp d ~ n d -Matt. 10:7.
IT tlastrucll(~n wnrl rt;peclnlIY
Thua Jrsus spoke to the rxpo:iPtl hy Iho fnilrth p l n ~ u e
twolve thnt he wns s f ~ c i n l l g pozircd oul nt Ihr I~lctinnnpnlls
tralnlng. When they had their
(Indinneb cnnventlon it1 the
I n s t r ~ ~ c t l o l he
~ s ,sent them out summer of 1029, rncv. I6 8.
81 T h a t mmc yrm Revelation
tn tltc citirs la preach and to
Wnch. 11 1% but r e m a b l e ,
1 2 3 -13 wns eaptnll~cut.T!lll3
tllelr, that the Christians of the P~Zep;lvlnl: h;)lrlt~~RL~ 1 1 Xl~c twentieth centurs a*odd llfihtcnment of Jehovull's WOTlx! Q o i n ~the same. To share shtpers was et 111 contrast
wlth the worldly-wlso anllgllt111 tlle K l n ~ d o mllmaehing Is
e n ~ n a n tof tllose rl~spolled D!
1loC nlwnya tho eaglest thing
tor s C l u i ~ t l n n ,Be often has their aglrltut~l Iliu by the
destruction at their ~ntddag.
tu put up with abuse from
o p p w m . There are verg few W 12/15 22-34

Snturday, August 23
These are fie ones that come
out of t b grent tribzllation,
mid they have lumhed their
robes arid made then& xhite

Ibe blmd oj the L m b .

-Rev. 734.
Although the "great crowd"
11 made up of people from
all nntiona. trIhlbes, pwples and
tongues, they seek to be uniBed under God's Chief Servant, Jesus Christ. They nre
nt unilv wlth the Rlngdom
rcmn~nC and are at u n ~ t y
nmong themselves. Unitedly
tlicv worship Jehovah God at
hls~#pirltualtemple and render
to him sricrcd service day and
n ! ~ l l t60 ll rnay 1% soitf, that,
nlwndg. In t h i s unified grent
crorvd." tlle uvork of ' s t h e r !!XI; a31 the things on exrth'
luaetlier Ilr Christ has beqrrn,
111 nccnrd mlth God's "adnintatrntlon." Wltat 3 rmssurmg
b k e n a l things soon to ccme!
(Eph. 1:B, 1.0) The wocda
nl)u)vcglve nscurance that this
"r:rcnt crowd" of worshipers
of the one l l m g and true
God will coms out of the
"+yrc~ttr1hulntlon'~as su~vivvrs of this world calamity
wllh which the whole earthly
mlrn-made system of things
1~111 be brought to an end as
n complfte failure. W 10115

been no national convereion

no aatlonwltle mceptanca 04
the Klng's Bon Jesus Chrlut ne
the hTes6iall Im ahum n roynl
marrlflse i c n s t IYLY in Htorc.

Their un\vlIlingtle~s wos iio

stubborn? l,hnt they prevnllccl
upon Pctnti:rd Pil:~te l u Put
h:m to dentt~.I"lk denth ns R
perfect hu111nn sncriflce wa8
to re.si~lti n 111stlttgIleumt Tole
those inviter1 to the IClnu's
rcnl rnnrrla~oirnst. I-Xomovcr
this sncriltdnl dent11 ct~dod
difsot, parhonnl porllolpf~tlorr
of Jesus C t r i ~ l111 thls nntlncatlon work, In 1,1118 wny
the nl.st ~ 1 x 1 1to thosr: invited
e ~ ~ d e dW. 11/15 23, :!1
N o a h ?#(IS a rigliteolta man.
He proved him ad! laallless

amony liis con tet~zpornr~cs.

Ncalr walked ~ulllr lhc
irrlc God.-Gcn.


Yes, not cvcrylmcTy bnok

there was of thst corrupt

world eoclety: otherwise, the
hnman rnec woulrl n o t bc hero
today* Thct-8 wnn n hmlly,
that of Noah, thnt wns 11~1
exception, nnd Qncl r@crr::nizotl
I t . Noah rornetul~orcii whnt
Et~och Ilnd propheslcd. (.Judo
14, 16) Nonh dlrl not tala to
be clmsecl in rvitlt auch nn
un~orllycroup ni slnilerr; nrirl
to hsve tlivlno )urll!~ncr~texc10, 1711
cubed ngnirlht hlm. So No:!lt
Sonday, August 24
~vnllrcd ivltlt t l i p true G m ! ,
JeIujvnh. h y kcr1)ln~In hnrBat they mre unwilling
tvlth lltrn. IIr w ~ m~ : n d
to come.-Matt.
to IInrrnorll?P ttls Illo M]I:I.SB
Je.su8 reminded fsrael oi W with God's llurpmse b y provrnc:
dlvlnc tfmlng ol thlngs. (Mark himself worthy to ho t t ~ ao~tt?
1:161 Bttt dtd the nnratfonmlde tllrorigh wlwm the human rncc
ronchlnp by the slaves of the
oI rlrscentlnrlb iron1 Adnttt
envcnIy King result In n naand Kve silould ha prcscrvrrl
tionnl rcpenlnnce and convert i w o u ~ h t!jcl Ilmo wllon Lllo
slori and rill acceptance of the
wo'ldwlde :tcl ot aorl" wouItl
J<lllg'8 9on as the royal Mesbe performptl. Ucr::~use of
BIILZI? It %WE almost at the end
Noah:s h ~ ~ r n o n l t l n
~ llfu
of the nrst cnll of natiUcat~on course wllh God's purpose, wo
thal Jesus described how this find orrrselves I~cretoday more
InIGlnl cnll had been received. than four thoi~snnd ycnrs In111 111s illustration he went on
ter. We todny llnvc n11 opporto say: "But they were un- tun18 before Irx like thnt of
wlll.rlg." Ah, ye?, these had
Koah. lY l l j f 5 , fin


Tuesday, August ZB
Brothers, I was not able lo
speak to vou as t o aplritunl
me=, But as to fIestiIy tncn, as
to babes i n ChrtsE, f 11.d yott
?n!lk, ?wt mmcth!np 10 t n l ,
lor you were not set slrorzg
Car. 3:1, 2.
Back in the flrat century

inn our word t o do thh? T h e

prlnclpal wark he wants us
to do now 1s t o PI'BRCh about
3118 klnwdorn, thc gwernlnent

thnt rvlll rledroy rvicknIness

nnd b r l ! ~pence
to the eavth.
Arc UP rnl:I~I~tlIn c!oinr: the
prcachlnr: \vl.orL. as forclo:d at;
M n t t t ~ e w'24.147 Do rte engage

111 It rc~~rlnrly,
dolrlg so ln
there were immature CIVIA- the nrca !vl\crc WE llnve k e n
tians in the cong-regatlon nt nhslp.nerl l o ])reach? Do we
Corinth. Paul ms ~uial~Eato
lnriko rctuin vtsitu on people
speak t o them "ns to s]?lritunl wllo wtwC to know more about
men," but had ta npertk to GortP A1.s wo tlancndnbl when
thcm "as to fleshly Inrli, ne it, COlnCR to cunducllna home
to babes in ~hrisd." Ilr fed Rlblc sf,uclles w11,11 ~ ~ i cperh
them only "mlllc" of Uhrlasnns? WE wllf Ire 1I we ~ 1 %
tian truth, for thay wern not
in1ilatol.n of Jchoval~. W 3 / 1
"strong enough." Because of
10, l l n
their being "fleshly," jenlousy
strife and sectarianism existed
TlllarAay, A u p ~ 88
among them. Are m y of us
like tMb-unstable, fit111 In- If an one tonnts to come after
me, fkt him dlgown Itfrnself
clmed to follow men? &a
same "fleshly" or worldl$ In und plck r q his lorlrrrc stake
and jollnrrr ?>ir contititrally.
their thinkin&, usu8llg crltlcnl
--Mark 8:34.
of their brothers nnd tllc work
To dtaown oncwlf has a
thev are dolng snther Ellr~n
~voiking harnionrouslg wlth at ton^ mcrmlnp:. It means
them under the headship o f
mora thrrtl ju#L R f~tilure to
Christ? Have some not As yet
clriim uwner~hl of oneself
rind or~vk rlR11& It means
developed the love 111at mutirpates one to cx sttd o7mmore thnn u f ~dcnylna;
self for the upbulldlng of the crrtnin i,hjrlp,H, rls when reChristian conxregntio~ilTlirt~ 1lj:loniuts ndvocnlc self-dcnial
they da indeed need to Blrlvc- wl'rk. In thls cnse It means
to attain Chrisi!nn rnaturlly, rrjrctlnt: oaner8hlp af oneself
In lnvor of oivncrsliip by JehoIV 2/15 3, 4
vah. To pick u1) yollr torture
Wednesday, Angurst 87
sinlre nho hua strong meaning.
not take{> llteraliy
dehanoh ymlr G a d fs the lrtre l'l~nugh
the dlpEipIes
mrl, the jlrithfttl God keeping whrn
covenalmt and loving-hlnditess. pirllll!y told of n~lcrsrthcless
under-Deut. 7 9 .
t:lken vrr1untwlly Ihnt rvould
Kn being f~ithiul and ds- cr~tnll
urtilerlnp, s11nlne nnd
gendable Jehovah God sets a rlmth. Ttlc Inyt condition
f i l e exxmple for us t o Imltnte.
t1wt oI contlt~uelly followlnp
So, then, as inlitator8 of JcJcs~is,A ctlsc~plo la n t a u ~ h t
hovah God, we, too, mush he one, a loat'n~~.,
Iiowsver, it is
faithful and rlep~ndabts.Wo
ovirlenC Pron~Jssu~'words that
have cormnitled t o uu such he rcqulrerl, ~loL only belief
personal assets as Ilme, mon- f t l whnt Ilc t n ~ i ~ l i tbut
, lhat
ey, energy and pwsonal inone's c n t l ~ c IIfc, colitlnunlly
fluence, We need t o bo f l t h l u l
rind wltllni~lIrl up, 63iould folin the stewardship of thcsc, low thc pnttcrn set by Jesus.
Rave we told Sel~ovahthat we IIc emphasl7etl preaching aud
will s m him as long an we tcnchlnq thc Klngdonl good
live? Are we faithfully keep- news. 1V 1 0 / 1 6-7a

Friday, Augnst 29
[Pazlll began t o reason in ths
synagcgue zuith the Jews

.. .
b marht-

and euerp day In t

alacc ruitlc those wlto h a p p m d
t o be on hand.-Acts
As preacl~era, of the gomi
news. our acslre shmld be to
renci~ $11 w h o m11 h m . U
tllc r!ays of

he apaqtles. all
Ctlristlans, young and old.
rrch and poor, farmers and
city d~cllers, preached the
mod n e v x 'Afhatever they
knem about Jma. his m h s try, Us death a d resurrcction, they toId 60 others. In
fnct. they used every avenue
own t o them to get this messnre of evcrlr~stinrrlife throiach
t o the people mound them.
Thry prenclled m t h e fielris,
ill the cities, at marketplaces.
In the homes and whe;ercr
they found a listenmg ear.
Thcy d ~ dnot hick themselves
away 111 some monastery, nor
did they wait for some scheduled tlme to preach on a certain day, as clergymen do.
Enrb C i r i s t ~ a n swere moved
t o mrakc proclamation of the
~ o o dnews under a11 condiHons, as Paul did. Similarly
toclay, a love for people will
help us t o be alert to t h e
rnnlly nvenueEl open for reaching people. W 3 / 1 5 10a

Sah~rrtay,k u p s t 30
A thousand wILZ fall at your
side nnd ten thmsand at
Vour rinht hand: to
it zoill
not conre near.-Ps. 91 :7.
What fattI1-lnspfrlng a m p Bnce these woxcls e v e t o those
who we "in the ,secret place
of thc Most ,Eigh'V !~1-.ose
spoken of ns bema at the very
s!de of these dedicated mi-shlpws of Jehovah would bs
people of Chrstenrlom and
Jewry who profess to v m h i p
the Qod ol t h e Bible. They
fnll in spiritual death because
they mc not in Jehotah's place
Of spiritual secwlty. Hence,
t b e y arc exposed to the spir-

itually death-de~1it-i~thlngu
such as the dreadful t h l n ~ aor
earth's niEht, thc IlyINg ai-row
by day, tim nlooln-llrf~utltic
pestilence, the c!eatructlc~!~
that dc.moila a t middav. 'l'hr:v
have r.Gt really lnnrlr, L I I F ~
God their stro11g r.PCujie. T11c
psalmist sags thnt tl~osoXnUinq w:l be "ten Jho~~snncln t
your r~&:ht hatld. Tllevc fall.
r-ictlm because thev :ire not
proof aqobnst wmldll'ne~s,nutl
reTiqfoir.s propn?ntltIa, poptllnr
theolory nnd (iernr~r~-insplrerl
reliaron. They are not Imm~rnjzcd by the help oI Jrl~nvnll
W'SSpirit.. W 2 2 / 1 5 25-27

Sunday, Anmot 31
We i h m k rlolr, JrJtot~ahGod.
the Alnrighly, Ihn O ~ Itofm
is mtd rril~owas, Ilccau.se ynlr
Itcave tnl-en yatrr qrlrmt power
aird belfl~tbrulinfl.
-Rev. 11:17.

It is by no unforeseen turn
in human aBairr. nor by m y
accident that the Kingdom
k u e gets t o be fouaht over
at the bnttlsdeld of Hiti-Mngedon. The matter is all
timed lu bel~nlfof Goti iand o l
man. Tho Almighty God, who
provided f o r

inan'a tiinekeen-

ing, has fixed his lime lor I,lle

Klngdom or the enthe enrtll.
Hns he not put up with ht~man
rulership over r ~ l l the p n r t l ~
for enough time by ~ i o w ?Is
he goizirr to lei helplea n1a111;lnd flnlmder nruunrt to tlme
indeflnile nrad not come h)
their help'? Hapally, KO!HI>
sorely needed kincdom over
the rvhole mrlh n-~llbe a vast
improrrementon anything tIint
impwfcct, dying htlman n ~ l c r x
have been nble to ~ l v emnnkind thus far. Ccrtni~llyany
c!~angemade by Illm In rulcrship of htimu! crcnturcs could
nelrer be for t l ~ cworse, tVo
can be thankful that It is 2110
Almi~htpsod ~ h wo ~ l lmoko
the change for us, and thnC
his urisclychosen time for thia
change has come. W 4/18 3a

Beelt Llfa by CJoniormlng to Ood'a Way oP Salvation.

so:]$, 20.

Mondrty, Beptombef 1.
Wallc tuortlllI~ ,
with Mmptctr Iorcrl1nr.w of mltrd and
~rriltlncss,zrltlr- long-s~rfleriltw,
~ 1 1 t t f l r 1rrp
0 1o:th onc clrlothcr
i n Iovc.-Eplt.
4:1, 2.
Thc iden of male I~cadahip,
of CUII~LP, En11 Iw cnrtictl lo
extrrrnes To fzsInil his role
n.: i : t ~ ! ~ c naid
husbnllrl, the
~ ~ r n lIn
c Ithc h o u . s u l i o l t l nccttv
to he lii~mblc,l o scc 1115 out1


Iurnlture h~ a Christian meek-

Inp hall, Can this type of

hebtivior ba clnssified as anything but Indecent? Parent8

who l o ~ ethelr chllclren (lo not
nllow them to Mhnve milecc~ltly even in these ways.
When new ones. vho may
p v p t l be t11,ose who mend therr
frill time In public prenching,
nlOM Into o w congrc@t:o!l.
do \ r ~hellave h d e ~ e n r l y by
tlmentlnctllenl cmhly? Are zve
[RII 1m I I I ~1v01'k
10 O ~ ~ v l ' C V l l l C &kcpt!c~lIxc~use tllcy m l p
rhpm. rind ntlmrt J1 w h m
sllrnl: with n diiferent accent
hr: makes mlslnkr~. Jlun~lllly 01 wenr nnnother slyle of clothlruulcE ~ ~ s Irl
u l 11ts
~ Ilnvlllr:
IngY Love n ~ o r e sus to d w h y
P I I I ~ : I L ~t I~~~. k l n lthc
; others In
jvnlqm Chrrst1r.n Ilospltnllty.
thr: fnmllv into c o ~ ~ a l d c r n t l o n W r fire muved t o do what rve
bcrorc mnkillR major dpcisionq.
cnrl t o help rind to mnke them
It would nlso nltl hlm to be feel right nt home.-Rom.
ior~ivlrrlcol I I ~ ~ U I . . Sin t l ~ Tnmc
13:13. 1Y 7/16 0, 7~
Ily nnrl nrrt to c x p ~ > r . l]lcl.Icctlou Porn them nlky rntjl'o
Wrdnn~dny,Pnpt6mber S
~ ~ I UJohovnh
cxpoctr perl'ccRe cnt and Itirn lo God by
lion from him. II!irnlllty rclilly
d o k g worlcs that bent r4epenl ~ r l p snll I11 tho In~nllyclrcla
trance.-Act8 26:20.
to QVCrCOmB p r o l > I ~ t ~t lll~n l
One of llle hcst evidences of
fitom fl-urn diffcrsl~cun In malo repenlol~co
is not just In
nlia iumnle, younrc and r ~ l r l . worrla, lor.mallv
atated, b u t in
JIurnillt,y nlds un l,o h r d l l i o
~ ~ c t I ( l ~~l sl .l u s ; when certain
cnilnscl nbovo. 11 w l l l 1~lst1
the Baptist
rla i u ~tccrptCotlnwl rrntl (11sclpline. T l ~ u swtlo
~ nro prtu~d bc dld not rlew them formai
actloll as the most Important
rescnt IlrlnF: counselrld. I3uC lnct,or
all that was needed.
tllohc W~IO f~ceeptcu~zrls~l
and Ralller,orhe
told them to go
di!;chlullnc nre llrlnerl to mnkc
nnrl "produce fruits timt belle
repentance," citlng for them
I examnles of such fruit or good
&0r1t< such as shommg mermasrlag, hJepbrnhr
ckfr~l generowty. nbaudonlng
doc8 not hehave
clwnttng and extort~on. nhfndecedl~.-I Cur. 13:4, 5.
stlaitiinq from hnrassment or
lnlse tc~timonyagamst others.
Them are many thtn~sthat
are slrlltindy indecent, such ( M i t t . 3:7, a; Luke 3:7:I4)
nn forntcntlon, ~lnclcnnness Fnut exhorted pfople slrmlarnnd ills of nnger. IIowever, I?. Thzrs, when R I I C W O ~ who
was d~s:elloivahlped c c a m :Ire
llnve guu rvcr cor~stdc!ed ltlrat
wrong practice that caused
Im)r H ~ I L ~ ~ L Cn1.e
I ' S I I I ~ C I ~ C Tor
rude? Chilrllm arc nflcri nl- the conpegation co remove
lowed t o rlo~ni~lnC~.
a cc>ilrrccrsir- hlm as "leaven," this chmge
mny be viewed as at least
tion with n r l u l t ~ p
, r e ~ ~ i lor
l. M
InlcrPcrc wrl h firlch by r u n n j n ~ some Ind~cation t h a t he 1s
nround nolally. Ro~ncllmesLhey tm'ning around and repenting
stick c ~ G w I ~ cum
on chairs nf his previous coutse. W 8J1
ur wltc on w i l l s or on t h a 1 13, 14a


Thursday, September 4
Word. You may create R spa~k
of Interest by encaurn~lng
H a p p y the merciful; jar they
someone to rend a BLble study
ahnil rcceive rnercp..-Matt,
id. Time gasses anrl someone
63. Rotherham.
may wntcr the ::md of lnad's mercy t o us ix at c:se
God keeps rnnki~ig
such magnitude that we are it grow.And
nt rltl n~:nl!~ly
conlpellcd to exercise mercy you may Lnkr
to 12:15
toa'irrd o w fellou-s, comparasame
tivcly small though it may be, tun! brotllcr or your
sislrr! Re
TIIIR ~ n n y seem d~mcult at sprnk out to cvcry~)~lc
tlnrus and the offenses of our meet, doinz na out of i i hdnrt
brollrerfi may be such that we
nle inclined to Ignore this rel0:lO) Y L ~ O
I n11 nlsu n t l r n ~ t
qulrelncnt of showing Iove and
trnrl n ~ l g h b o ~tu
n the
uxtending niercy, rationalizing friends
t OoB Jehnwllhin nursclves that surely
Jesus dld not mean we should your pure Christlnn contli~rt.
vvcrlnuk such "extreme" f a ~ ~ l t s-2 Pct. 3:11. 12, W D / I 2R, 23
In .rjti~crE.B u t Paul rnagnfies
Gorl't: love rabove nny thnt we
Zo11lrl show when he said:
C i r ~ r l recommends his ortn
low to us in Iha't, n.W tte
tue sbnre l o p b h ~ rt i romnlott
uere yet sinners, C h r s t d i d
Irlc.-1 John f:7, Ncw
to1 Us." (Ram. 5 : 8 ) HOT much
E n ~ l l s lBlble.
Rreater are the sins ti?& God
11w fo~givcnus than any that
A t Colossians 3:13-14 we
2vt. n l l ~ h tbe called upon t o
h d some o l tho wny8 we CM
Ioi'glvo III our brothers! And
prt~ctlre tho lruth ancl 011our- n& f o ~
Jehor.ah's mercy
Eel.vr Gad's comnlnndmsntfl 111
111 providing KL way of rethese drrys of tot1~1d~trknwa
tlempllon cannot be evaluated
npon t l ~ cpeapp Whllo tho
nlo11flr:s~dethe nee& of our
clarlcnnss o Ll~c worltl Krowa
thaC we are able to
mow clenee thc! HEIIL; r~ftl'llL11
BI1PIllY. X8 I t m y wander that
crom tile +i+orf ui
Jrhatnh's mercv cannot be
briahtcr. It rc~nlndsus Of tlis
mikrle to extend ie those lacki n y s of Mosca when tho
Itif: mcrcy? W 8/15 15. 16
~xraeIlteswrImeilowri It1 ERypt
T11c u l n t t l plncuo
Friday, Mptrrnbr 5
upon EsyylC,
Let your I f g l ~ t shine befm 'hilt Irrz' 1411 I!lc Sons of I s r n ~ l
br Hght 111
tncn, i l i n t t h c p nlny me your
:heir rlarlllrlm." i lFx, 10 :20,
fine workd uttd moe glory te
13 r We nrc Hvln in monlrnyoW Father t u l ~ ois in the
,nus t!rnt-s, n i i f w h i l ~ t h e
heavens.-Matt. 5:16.
Tn the Christian collgrega- worla p+pmpe8 In darkness. 1la.l;
tlon there arc! varlous duties c n o w i n ~the way out, the l j a l ~ t
)f truth rrom the God of
thnt d~ffercntones may peright chlnea I~rilllnntly. H o w
Swm. N o one should feel unwnrltect or say l o mother, "I:
~ppropr'iatetlint wa rc~ulsrly
]lava n o need oI you." The
:orlsider what It Inomtl t o 11s
entire congregahlonal arrange,o practice tha tl-uth and lo
mcnt servca to prwluce mature
:ontlnue ol>~ervlng
Gorl'a comCllrlstlans fat. Gad's glory.
nnndmonts. walklnrr in the
Ftne rt-sults nre obtained whm
ight! Let ua he thttnkfl~l fur
nlcl nnd young dIiiyenlIy work
)ur ullion wlth tllr God of
tO~ethet+ In iuln?ling thek
tqht, 111 whom illere Is no
curn~nisslon to preach the
i a r k n e . ~at all' W 9/15 I&-20a

Sunday, September 7
~ r th~11~111iand
[milt ratn at

your right hand.-P8. 91:7.

Today, when we c0ntrRst
the*reported number of tho
anomted remnanb of apirltunl
Israel, around ten thortnn~lrl,
mlth the thousands of mllllmls
af memkrs of Babylo11 the
Great, we can sec I t to be Ilterally ftue that ten tllousand
ham fallen n t the right hand
of this remnant af the seer1 of
God's woman. (Rev, l 2 : I 71 To
all such who have fnlleii npirflually t h e destructlvc, fnliliruining agency from woi'lrlly
sources has "come r~car."Anti
In the place of those tens 01
thousands that have fallen in
spkitual death ot ttro rlght
hand of the remnant. Jehnvnh
God karr raised trp R priht
t r o d of sheeplike bel1cvct.s
n-ha have ded:rakrI thelr Elvcff
23 Jehwah G o d throurh drsus
Christ the Pine BlicpSlcrrl.
(Rev. 7 : 9 - 1 7 ; John 1l):lfi:
Mntt. 25:31-40)

Jehovrtll ha3

been raising up t h e s r ns companlous of the anoilltetl renlnant notably since t h o ycnr

1935. Today they number Il~lo
tlic hundreds of thoua:illds. f:Q
that ~ehovah'aChrla(,lrkn witnesses now nunthcr abrntt
tm-o million who prodnim Jehovah m d ' s klngclom. tV 12/15
28, 29

Jehavah becauae of what He

h ~ ddune for the ImneLites.
Pniil nlso roferrccl to Rahab,
just RS Jamcs, 111 uslrls her
11s an ~ ~ s n l p lof
c h l t h Paill
snkd: 'ny lrhlth R ~ h a h the
hnrlat ctld 1:0t


sBlie rcceivcd the 6PlCS
in n pe~ccnblcw ~ y . "(Ileb. 1 l :

no, 313 kt~llfihbelieved what

tho ineswltFt*rs told her and
oh8 wurlwrl 111 Ihclr hehalf.
s h e h!rl I,lwrn r~nrl11ldecl illem
t o aurapp, Hho alno gathered
hcr ittmily ir~Ca n plncs of
si~fety.Bhc brlleved wllat the
I.urp.ellLrs lolrl hor to 2 3 ~hue.
Arr we I ~ Rconcnrned about our
rrlrrlires ne R n h ~ bWAS? W 1 / 1
a :l

Tnesday, Reptcmbr 9
A I & W ~ of the Lord
need* te be sntle torsurd bd
keepl?~ f!rrlselt restrained
vndcr st.!! t n ~ f r ~ t c t f n gr n r l ? ~

. ..

~itlldtrrss.-2 Tflla. 2 :21. 2 5 .

Counsel ~houlrEbe accepted
svrn if not gl.o:,enteci In the
niost ncccptnblc why. But there
nro thingti t l ~ R~ pmrent

kacp 112 lnlnd so ns to make

Lho counsrl Prialer for hla chiitrm to l,:~lcc.It 1s not just a
multcr of Irnowlng what Is
U ~ O I I R nnd w t m t is needed
irrr ilnprovemcnt, btrt knorving
nlao hum to ~ l q ~ r o n coh matt r r nnd how tn say I t onrE
n hen. Imn~ettlnlely nfter some
Monday, SeptmIrer IE
wrongtloing mny often be the
Wm not aEso BnhDb lite harlot
nppropri:llrx t~nlc,hut not alr k l a r e d rightcotis brj ? ~ O T P . ~ ~I%
nya. W,iitltir until pnrcnt
after she had recc;ved thr? a11ri
chllcl are In n more set~neseagms ?zospitably and
tlprl I~+ILITID
OI mlnd mtsht be
sent them o?it by a~tother
Aim, the place should
way7-Jns. 2:25.
be cotihlrlered. XI something
lames did not tnko ths tima n , m l ~ uhall~~euad
nt the filnto discuss the falth of many dom Rnll, rlt &omeons else's
persons as Paul did. (SXel,. 11 : Ilrllna or while s l ~ o p n h g , it
1-39) James r e f a r e d t o just
cbor~lrlho thnt tho crnlllsel. or
Abraham and Ruhah. CO1l111 luaat nnp axlel~declcotinsel.
would be best po.utyt~nerluntil
c e ~ n h gRnhab lie #aid the
above. Fhhab grew up in a you urrlvetl i~oxnc.The wny to
It Involves klndne~s,tact,
land where other ~ l were
worsfilped, not the &d Of Is- cnlmnwy nntl reosonnbleness,
rael. But she heard of the a& nq P B I Z coIimeIc(I
of Ismel and she had faith In 1V 2 / 1 IT-1Dn

Wednesday, September 10
Be t r a n s j m d by making
gfous mind

over, t h a t you


way. We must appreciate that

Jehovah's way means that we

t o be wrapped
up In the rnaterfaIistic pursults
of the world. (1. John 2:16, 37)
Thev could well cause us to
la'+eWoutaltogether, as was true
in Gehaei's erne. (2 Ki. 5:2027) 80, Ihen, the course to follow is to keep studyhg God's
Word, keep conforming our
lives to Jehovnh's will and
help others to cornpl~ w ~ t h
Jehovah's way for 6alvatlon.
We want t o appreciate fully
the sp~ritof humility within
the ranks of W ' s people and
work to contribute to that
sp~rit.W 7 / 1 24-2t3a
cannot &ord

prme t o gaurselves the gooa

and acceptable and perfect
will of God.-Eom. 1 2 : Z .
Spiritual adulthood is attained through slncere efort.
I t requires humillty and a genuine desire to conform one's
life to the pattern outl~nedfor
Christians in God's Word. It
llivolves study m d medltntlon
to acqulre a deep understanding of God's will and purpose,
lemming to rely on him instead of on human reasoning.
Have you thus applied yourself with a view to spjpsritual
growth? As the Christian
"bake" cmtinucs crtudsr~~a
Bcrlptures and applics what
he learns, his advancement rn
appsecintion of C+orl's truth
and more difficult doctrines is
accompariid by a carresponding growth in hfs spiritual
outlook and Christian pepsonal~ty. Changes take place in
his thinking, and in his life.
He finds that his interests
and mot~vat~ons
are becom~ng
related to spiritual matters,
for God's truth is having a
profound and beneficial effect
on hls We. He Is following
the exhortation of the apostle
Paul. W 2/15 8, 0

fmgaoe you.-Eph. 4:32.

It Is in connection wleh
God's forgiving us that we are
cou*lseled to become imitators
of him. (Eph. 5 : l ) Since we
are all imperfect and m e limited in wisdom, understanding
and discernment, should we
not be able to make allowances for the sins of our brothers and be ready to forgive
them? Yes,for Iove "covers a
multitude of sins." (1 Pet. 4:81

Tihursday, September 11
The h ~ m b l e people you &El
save; but your eyes are
agdnst the haughty
os?es.-2 Sam. 22:ZS'.
If we really M e v e these
wordti of David, then we will
want to ferret out of our lives
any traces of pride, of thinkjng we are better than others
because of our race, our nationahty, our education or our
stntlon in 1Ue. We all come
from sinner Adam, so in ourselves we really have nothing
about which to be proud. The
hope of salvation fs ours If we
humbly conform to Jehovah's

fect creatures kc even more

willlna to be forgiving toward those who may transgress against us and who ask
our forgiveness? (Ps. 103 :8-1 4 )
Since Gcd forgives "in a l m e
way," should not we imitate
h m also In this? (Isa. 55:7)
That means that we want l;o
be wlUIng to forgive "eeventyseven times," as Jews told
Peter to do, including even
nerious offense8 against us if
the mender shows true repentance. W 3/1 20, 218

Friday, September 12
Become kind to one another,
tenderly compassionaZe, f reew

forgiving one

another just as

God also by Christ free&!

If Jchovah 'remembers that

we nrc but dust' and so 'puts
our transmsions as fur from
us as the sunrise la from the
sunset,' should not we imper-

Saturday, Weptembe? 13
That which cwrespends t o
this i s also n m snvtao Ym,
namcly, baptmnt (.
request made to God for
a good consciencs)
-1 Pet. 3:21.
A clean conscfence is essential if we expect to receive favor and life from God. Therefore, in a 1 tll~ugsthat we do
our Arst confiideration should
be: How do these thmgs reflect


to present the good news;

nevertheless, they shw? the
same privilege as preachers
as do therr fellow Christians.
Many of these write letters,
use the telephone, and never
pass up an opportunity to talk
to a vMtor al-ro~itGod's promises. Witneses who are thus
coni3ne.d may not always ~9

lrnmed~ate results, and yet

their 'planting and, waWricg'
is ~naking B contr~butlon to
the preaching, work like that
on God'a name? And second:
of their Chr~stian brothers.
How do these things re;l:ect Both ~ u s rt d y upon God to
on his Christian eongregat~on make ~t grow. And always rethat represc~lt,~
his name and
alize that we are doing what
kingdom? Doing Ihis w f l help
God tells us t o do. We me
us l o maintain R good eon- being faithful. W 3/15 17, 18a
science in Ihe course that we
choose. We need to consider
Monday, Septembm 15
that God hns made the Chris- Onlg with gmr eves ~ 1 1 1you
tian congreption a, "pillar
EooX on and see the retributton
and support of the truth" in
itsey of the zuicked ones.
Ihe earth. (1 Tim. 3:15) We
-Ps. 91 :8.
should live in harmony with
After many ,yems now of
what that congregat~ontsachtrusbfully dmelllrlg "ln the se;
es. -Keeping close in mind the
presence of the day of Jeho- wet place of the Most B ~ g h ,
the anolnted remnant of spirvah will protect us from holdine on to sjornethlnn that. Ln itual Israel and, latterly, the
cohpmison with th% glo~lOuS rea at crowd of their fellow
treasure of Jehovah's favor, is witnesses have observed tho
'*a lot of refuse." (Phil. 3:s) truthfulness of these words. Ie
It will cause us to m&ltain a is evldent that here the Most
aigh God docs not class those
good conscience. We will keep
our bodies under control, rts in His secret place mi11 the
wicked. Now especially toward
l%ul did,-l C O ~9:27.
W 1/15
thc end uf t h ~ sdoomed system
?f things, those who have beer1
In t h e ways, Of this
Snnday, September 14
wicked wo~ld are erttlng the
I pZanEed, Apollos watered, bat
fruitage of their course as a
Go& kept making it grmu.
retribution. Due requital is
Cor. 3:6.
c o m g upon the worldlhgs
Young folks in school have
their problems multiply in
a ne1d that is relatctvely un- as
commercial, morala
touche& and one in which political,
social and rellglous affairs. As
open minds are often found.
Whether you are studying they sowed, they nre reaping.
about the future, the pnst. Mcdern society, which has beor the present, the Bible has come very permissive of the
so-called "new morality," the
somethrng to say that, from
t i e t o tme, can be tied in- "sex revolution," cannot immunize the sex perverts from
to classroom discussions and
private conversations. Then, "receiving In themselvea the
again, it m a y be a greater full recompense, which was
due for their error."-Rom.
challenge for those who are
1:27. W 12/15 30, 31
sick or physically handicapped

TuesdayJ September IS
You think, not God's
thuugl~ts,but those of
men.-Matt. l 6 : 2 3 .
Bekg a, truly spiritual perm takes ~ E o r t .n o not give
up on yourself as you work
at developins "the rmnd of
ChrisC." Henlember, just because a person is a spirititla1
man d m not mean thnt QU
his problems and. fleshly inclmat~ocs \-apo:.ize. A fern
even& in the 11fe of Peter
shorn this. Thus ~ h he
m lmed
l o show Jesus a m~staBen
kinducss. he aradj told the
nbove. Flesh& thinking nas
lherc t o bc dealt aith? Less
than a p n r later Peter denied
Jesus three times. He repented.
And yenrs later Peter again
had to be corrected. this time
by Paul, for the same weakness of vacillating because of
fearing what others mould
think. Seemingly Peter, an
apostle, a spiritual man, had
to work all his life at trving. to correct this wezhei.c.
Paul,too, tells us that he had
to disclollne himself. (1 Cor.
9:27) so, today, we may have
our weak points, but, by earnestly sstuPylng God's Word

the fate of thoae who wlIl

Behbrately fight the Klng
of kings and who thereby
reject Godya Mu~ed~lnni~
dorn. They lave the mercllt~l
God from whom this l u ~ ~ r promised Ktnqdom ot rrr:irteousnew. peace and prosprylty comes. They long to see the
right ot Jehornh t o ~inlvt'!rsnl
sovereignty over aZI Inl~IIlcent
creation vlndicnted b y his 1.10rious ~ c t # r y t h r o l i ~ hhis sun
Jesus Cirrfst nt Ilar-Ms~odotl.
P-5 such lovers of the rlqhtf!i!
Univera~1 Sovereip~ we brvc
11ned up on the side of JPhorah's Mesd~li.t i i t Kjng of
kinps and Lord of lords. O n
thnt side only ore we ccrtnlrl
t o survive. W 4 / 1 5 18a

Thursrlay, September 18
Anwone shunning disclpline Is
refectiag h i s otun soril. hit
the one listening t o reproof is

heart.-Prov. 1 5 : 3 2 .
The older iolks weye younA
once; thev lulow whnt le
is like. heir experience hns
changed thelr wnso of vn111t?&,
But you polmpcr Ones have
never beeu 01~2 and so you
know nothing of the outlouk
on life that comes with older
and applying it and relying
years. So nppreclak the hcnon God's reinfordng spirit, uTe eflt that comes from tht)se
can he nided t o overcome wIth older years. Same worltlly
them. IV 4 / 1 28, 23
young f u l b toclny say they are
willing to Enlk to people over
W a r l n ~ i l a ~Saptmbr
3.7 thirty years of ngc, hut only
He I8 mrayed with nn ovter if the olcicr ones refrain from
ndvlce. It is thls splrlt
garment ~prlnkled with Wood, glvlng
that makrs many yoltths %Itand
he has ct nanw
the generation rap.
~ c r f i t m King
of kings
But you Christian youths, CIQ
and Lord of lords.
not be that wny. D o not r c . ~ r ~ t
-Re#. 1923, 16.
helpful advice, just hecn~:rit!
Because this is saeb a serfyo2 did not tisb for Ltl Sornrow matter for all people of
we do not know thnt
this generation, t.he Bible is times
we need counsd. At s Zlmc
very ptarn and outapcken as
Is most I~elpr~tl
to what awatts those who now .ahen someitmnture
one klndi?
line up on the side t.hat is qwuks up nnd orers It to us.
headeci for defeat in t h e mi- It can save us hen~tachrs !!
versa1 war at Har-Magedoa we listen t o councpl. Tri!p?dy
True lovers of a perfect rich- can often be avoided, ns nnted
teous government for all manabove and nt Proverbs 10:17;
kitld duinlt back in horror at
12:J.. W 5 / 1 21, 22


Fridny, FlepkmlMr ID
I n the sl~udozu of yozrr fuings
naay ylott cancenl ma.


T h e picture here drawn

upon, aa n t Psnlm 01:1, i a
that of n pnrent bird howrlng
nloft over I ~ Yyounif and m a t -

I t ~ gR 8!1atluw upon thorn. AS

lorig 9 9 t h e younp o n ~ sdown
Il0'lnw see t h n t ttwy arc In tile
of Ektclr purent sbQl'e,
l11c.y k n o w Zhev hnvc Its nt-

trbtrtion nnd ard protemctf .nnd

nxr anfe Irmx prpdntory blrrls.
Tllnt suct~ bird tI!r!l:t
overIjtvirl d~notea ntteni~on n ~ r d
prr)Lwtinn Ss colifl?med I)?
3?;11nh 31 : 4 , 5 . Thus the AlI I I I I : ~ One
~ ~ ~ Is Iilrt~iled rto n
miphLy bird, and those a h 0
O ~ P 'i11

t h ~
"~emct ~ ~ l r ~ cof

sp!rllunl ~ecurjty art? llkened

trr tho younu t~rood 07 thnt
~ ~ n r c blrtl.
r ~ t lIIs brlnK Iha Alrnl~htgOno ~nakrsthe ~ e c r c t
plnri- fill the m o r n r;ccul-c: for
11s. I&? brln t1lc M o ~ tETl~l1,
eve~.ythlnrcrse I!, bon~nthIllm,

wanted was a sptrltual seed of

Abrahnm, a apFritua1 Israel.
Hence, when the natural Jews
who were Invlted t o become a
"klngdom of priests" refused
t r l meet the rcqulrements for
tiris, they were broken off the
symbolic olive tree; they were
riot mnde heirs oi the kingdom of the heavens. T h e y
needed ta ha replaced. t h a t
tllr eymbolic tree r n l ~ h the a
it~!l-brunched one. To meet
1 t~lserncrRe!:cy. God rnerclht-

on In their places
the believing Gentlleq like
brnnclres from a xild oldVi3
r ree. Thus God gets hb - full
%pll.ltunl Israel. thr splntual
w e d oi Abrnham. IV 1 1 / 1 5 Frx
ly grafted

Suntlay, September 21
Yaur ere8 must become eyes
Beeing yotir Grand Instrmctor.

-Ism. 30:?n
Whataver you tcach t h w
accepting the good news.
whntevcr point they learn, re-

Intc! it to Jehovah's love R I I ~

othor qurtlltles. Brrng them to
n l n ~ l ~ h lpowers
of vialull, 111- nee that Jehavah is interested
cnn oonlo Lo ills it1 them, that hc Is the one
hclpinl: them. and thnt all
d r l r ~ i i s nf Ills ove~,;cl~ndow~l
IJlIL'H who n1.c loclrlnc w i t h thcg learn comes from that
111111 n.9 :;plrllual p!~lcntr. ITow areaf Source, and out of hrs
con~lderntlonfor them. Lend
s o n a o f l n ~tbls i11011~hll
elqo could we nnt1 rcnl 8piri- your student# lo kuow that
llley can have a personal relal u : ~ lsecurity? W 1 2 / 1 31, 33.
ttol~shipwith God. It:is God's
I~iterestfn mankind that h n s
Soturttny, SeptemMr 20
thaln to see the good
gonle of ~ ? L E branches were hraupht
news.Show them what a farror
h o k c n 08 h u t poll. nlthdugh
It Is tiifit God has seen flt to
brlnp n t ~ ; f l do l l u ~ lilere
pmlnit them to see al?dundergmjted in a m r i g h e m .
-Ron!. Zl:r7.
stxnd: without the OperxtiOn
The naturl Jew3 lmder the of hls spkit the good news
Law covennrlt were llkc nntu- would never bnw been made
ral bsnncl~esIn RII olive tree. undcrgtnndnble t o t h e m The
wise men of this world azz
They wcrc the naturnl AescendanLq of Abraham and, btahty I~telligent, but they
cannot understand the good
aa stich, they were natural
holrs of Ood'a covennnt prom- news. Let your student know
Iw t o Abrhnm. Abmholn ~ v a a that you are only an instrutho trunk of thlr ~ f m b e l i e ment ta bring things t o his
nttentlon, Ib In Jehovah who
O I ~ M tree. with Its roots flrtnly
Is the Grand Instructor of his
flxad In thnt covenant proinIse Df Uod. But what God people. W GI1 20, 21a
nijd ~rtrtlilng

Cat1 rr:cnpe


Monday, Septmber 22
Xhe T a n and his wfje went
zato hadtng from the face of
Jehovah God.-Gen. 3:8.
Because of their sin they
could not face ther God and
were fearful of what he would
say to them, As for tlie level

of communication between the

man and his wife, it could
not have been velv cordial.
Though no detail. *is - given,
this 1s indicated by Aclsm's
self-excusing explanation offered to God. (Cen. 3 : 1 2 ) Does
that meall that the nosition
was hopeless for us, h t h no
prospect of overcoming t h e
dlEculty? There i s an cxprexxiorl that indicates otherwise.
I t is said of Enoch and Nonh
that they kept wallung ndth
the true God, not just on
occasion, but for lheir whole
11Petime. The same must have
been true of Abel. Where two
keep walking together, there
must of necessity be a wellestablished relationship and
freeness of communication.
This ia also shown by mother
expression used of these three,
namely, that "bg faith" they
proved their loyalty and devotion to God. These qualitiedl
are an essential nark of the
pattern to be copied by us.
-Heb. 11:4-6. W 5/15 13, 14

Toasday, September 25
Pay attentton to ~uurseEvea
find, t o all the jlock, aammg
which the holy spirit has
appointed zfou O V ~ ~ H C W S .
--Ads 20:28.

The spirit of humility creates and maintains a pleasant and rewarding atmowhere for all our brothers,
Jehovall's organization mnnot
change just to suit indhlduals. If we object to something done by the body of
elders or criticize the way
Borne matter is handled, we
are being dlsleyal to Jehovah's

organlzabion, Let us remem-

ber that the elders me not

newly converted men; they
have been serving Jehovah for

years. (1 Tim. 3%) And such

a course of faultfinding or
complaining actually may hvolve resisting the holy spirit,
becau~ethe holy spirit is responslbIe for the appointments
of older men in the congregation. Why, then, should we
c r ~ t l d s eone of the brothers
for handling a Inalter in a
wny that the holy ~ p i r i tseems
to direct him? And i f the
brother is wrong In the way
he handted something, m-e
shouId have faith thnt t h e
holy spirit wlll wrrcct him.

W 7/1 26, 2%

Wednesday, Septambx 24
We, for our part, shall walk
in the name of Jchovah oar
God to time indefinite, even



How fitting thwt we focus ow thinking, plans and

hopes on serving Jehovah
with eternity in view! T h ~ n k
how much David, Abraham
and prophets such as Isaiah
~ n Mlcnh
would have thrilled
to be alive now with such a
privilege. In d ~ c r l b i n g pro~ l ~ e t i c a l l the
restoration of
pure w&ship among the ~ e w i
after their return from exile
in 537 B.C.E., Micah indicated the attitude that he and
>ther true teorshiaers had. He
was absolutely dktermined to
yorship Jehovah eternally, A t
,hnt time Micah did not have
3verlast8ng life. Up t o then
ieath w a s an una~oidableexxrtence for mortal, men. Yet
Micah was going to serve God
9ght up to the day he died,
ind upon resurrection in the
New Order he would carry on
iis service as if it were unnterrupted. What a flne view
:or mcah to h v e l But should
l o t we, many of whom have
,heprospect o f actually walkng in the name of Jehovah
'orever, uninterrupted, have
;he same outlook? W 6/15 158

Jesus Christ. In harmony with

that puspose of God, they
must partidpate Fn the fulffllment of Jesus' prophetic
c o m m n d at Matthew 24:14.
They must also obey Christ's
When the old personality IN dirfct command to 'make disput away and a new force or
ciples, baptlzlng them.' Theredominnnt spirit is actuating Wg more seekers of God m e
t h e mi~id,the Christian has hrought into his safe and seattained maturity. Mrmwly
cure spiritual paradiw for surthe foyca actuat~ng his mind
vival and I i e in Hls righteous
was the one that had resulted new era. Do wc want t o surfrom the things taught and exvive the " g ~ e a t tribulation"
perienced in the world. These and live fwerer within the
things fed into the mind deembrace oP God's promised
veloged in him certain patnew heavens and new earth?
terns of thinklng and heart Then we must now harmonize
motivation. Thus this force mlth God's p w o s e . W 1 1 / 1
directed htm In a worldly
24, 25a
direction. But, as a rnahre
Christian, he has a new IOSCa
Satnrday, Septombr 27
or spirit impelling him to act.
No calamity mill befall gazl..
AS a result; of his regular,
-PS. 81:Ia.
prayerful study of God's Word
For this wlcked world, the
of t r u t h and the operation Of
calamities are mountmg, not
God's spirit, this actaating
only in political and economic
farce Inclines him in a rigI1affairs, but far more hurtfully
teous direction. Hence, when
moral, social and xellgious
a matter Is presented to him
involving a moral decision, his matters. But for thofie makinz
mind i s kent by this n e w Jehovah their life's refuge, 'no
"force" or dominant at>i,tude cnlamity wilI befan them.'
toward a ri~hteous,splrltual b hat i s t o say, none of tho
course. He thus preserves a calamities descrihd in the
fine relationship rvlth Jeho- preceding verses of P a l m 91.
of COUSSC, they may share
. Gnd
- . find can rest assured
Mkh the general public in
of gainiug the reward of ever1xz.ge-scale natural calamities
lasting Hfe. W 2/15 11
and ravages of war, but these
do not destroy their sgiritua1Friday, September 28
ity or weaken their faith and
Go therelore and make distrust in Almighty God. And
clpEes of people of all the
they can rccover materially
n a t h l s , baptiaing t h m .
nnd phydenllg h o r n those
-Malt. 28 :19.
eaythly calamities, BpirrtuaI
Those whom pod now ad- calamity, hoxvever, fa different.
mits to the spirliual peradlse From I t there i s no recovwy,
seek not just a place of sur- as in the case of Christendom
dval during the "great trlbuand Jewry. These religious
Xatioa" ahead. They Seek b groups are, just Hlre paganprove worthy and to prepare dom, not spirltuaw prosthernseIvas for everlastirlg hfe perou$. They continue in
in God's righteous eTa of "ne:
their sick, diseased religious
heavens and a new carth.
state with destrt~ctiveealamThey well know that it is itg khend of them in the
God's purpose to usher in this eomlng great tribulation. Capeaceful, righteous era log lamity i s ahead for all not
means of his kingdom in the taking refuge in Ctod and
hands of his enthroned Son, dwellling in him. W 12/15 5, 6%
Tlbursday, September 25
Put on the new persmmlitg,
which was cTented accwding
t o Gods will $72 true rdghteousncss and 2ogaEty.-Eph. 8:24.

Sunday, %@ember 25
I rulu aal, to Jehovah: "You
are wry refuge and my
~ht~gftol&"--P$.91 :Z.
The divine name is rektted f
the Hebrew expression translated ''1 SHALL PRWE TO BE

I control-heamea

more ~ f l d
mwa apparent. A new farce
or dornlnnnt .spirit Is at work
Ir! hlm. One of the prlmarv
n l m ~OI the C~I-latlancongr&
Ention, W i t h I t s " ~ l t t in
s men,'"
elclcrs s f r v i n ~ nn shepherds

nrirl lehck~ers, 1% to help a11 to

n l l t r l ~ ~tills Cbrlstinn innt~irlty,
to Ilo fll.lnly rooter1 5n
wnn made Xlls memoma1 name, Chibiatinn
n~rdLo live in
"l,he momorinl of me to genr ~ r m o ~Illercwith,
Bo, in adorrttlon nfter generatron." (Ex. hdlblon
o n nstudy
3:15) hccol-ding t o the Hen~)pllci~tlon
brrw rmt of the name Jehovall, it nppears ;bo mean "He Wurcl, respoilse ta the BibleC n u m ;u Become (or. Prox'e bascd t r r i r h i ~ ~of~ a Christian
cldcrs cnn bc a lval sid in
to Be)
that is, aa regar&
maklnR proKrcm h maturity,
111mrclt nncl ~s regards whnt
IIc ulll bernme or mave to he. n,s Fntll btlorqa. I V 2/15 10, 12
~rrldnot wiLh respect to creat:
T'lmrlnyj R o p ~80~ ~ ~ r
hil: i . ~ ~ i.r.
n W t ~ aelse In all ithe
realm o! lntelugeut life could
~e w i (~~ i vMR~ owti a n p b a
r i ~ h ( , I p~ i v ehimself a name
corritrcattd cotlcerning you,
l l l r r tilnt, except the Most
to puard y o ~ ri t r nlE y&r
H i ~ hnnd Alrnis!~tyOne? ~ o t
~ ~ ~ ~ u s . 9- 1~:'us. .
rrcn G d ' 6 Scn assumed a 1 T h e nk~ignrnent ot these
nmns like thst. He could I ange~sto do thla tffoula appb
Ilr Rlmn tine name tllat comto the '"wnvav that Jehovah's
bined Gal's name with it, such
worahtgers take that are In
ns Jeshua or Jeslrs, which
harmony wlth His twealed
nleana "Jebovah Is SSBIVB-Word find t h a t nre therefore
tlun," but never the name under 'Ilk ~ ~ ~ p r o vand
n l puidJchovah utrlctly by iwlf. Cor- nncc!. Xiln WINIHwould not go
reclly. thon, those who are along wlth lhr mmlant and
~.cylre~enledby the psalmist
tllr great. cro\vd of their comQwnklnR in P s e r l p 91:2 can pnnlons 111 ways t,hat are
sny to JchoYBh: You are my
I'cfuua wlrl my stronghold.'" Jesun' nwn prophecy plainly
1V 1 2 / 1 3-5a
furctold thnt 111 Mhalf. of
.. t.h
Rntl~crjngof thc chown memB*Onflny* * ~ b m h 29
twrs or fipiriL~~rtL~ s r a e ~
He awe s m
for the would sent1 rvrttl his angels.
1\190, that nnnPIs would be
birilc?hqy up of the M y of
tRe Chl.int, zbntil we all atfain WLll hlm wllctl he canie to
RrllraratP tho Deonla of the
n, htll-aromn man.
like alGop- and goats.
-.E$!t. 4Fll-13.
Rlno n1.o illvalved with
mking one's mind over
h r ~n profound Meet an the tllr scmnnnt 111 thclr acthiprl'mnallty of the m a m g tlw. For i~illstance,in the iulfr)lment of John's V!61on of
Cllrlstinrr. The worldly outlook is proprcdvelp r e p l a d thr rhrlqel thnl, flew h l mlawlth the ew:.lastlng
wlth nn intc!*est LT w ~ t ~ nhcnVcn
neWH t o dcclnre to
lnntterv mnd in doing the will
inhnMtanLq, angelof Jehovnh, (Rom. 12:2) In
pIncc of the orkg kg of the ic uuldnnee nnd ~unrtllanship
nre IntllcntKl in l)ehrilf of
flrsh, the ii.uitoge of God's
fil>lrldlove, joy, peace, long- Gocl'~wnlhshi~lsrswhn do t h a t
rrutrrrinrr, kindness, wodness, work on r11rl11.-Rev, l 4 : 6 . 7.


(Ex. 3:14) Thc

name, Jehovah



Rut thc k l n & - g r ~ wtorothful,

and aetit his armies an8 deatroyed tbuse ?tl~iTdePersand
1)rrrrkcd thew citiy.--iWuH. 22.5'.
Why dicl the W i n g of the
~nllcllrlhtlnnmulnderws at the
o i their holy city,
nlr,!mus:ilcnl,mlfl Ihe breahng
111)of ihelr dctr-Is11 nat~onhwd
111 7(1 C' I.:, ucrtrr? It ras bec:trrbin, 11.: thc Mng In Jeme'
illktslratlun snid, ;how fnpited
l o Ilkc tunrtlnfle feast "were
1iot ta/ortl~y."( M ~ t , t73
. :83 The
Jew:; hnrl lwavcrl t h i s by their
i u ~ ~ r ~ l t-l d
i il~~rnprcLIui,
disloynl, ul'l,tln vhll~lllrefusal to
nct On Ihe llenvatlly King's
Invltntlon lit*^* t h e ~ c o n d
notlflaitlun from Him. What
woulcl I t hnrp meant for them
2o lcnve t11elr mlfisli mew~lnlli:lc concern8 rind came ta
ttlc r.plrltun1 mnrria~e feast?
It wuultl hlrve m e a ~ l t t o repent, nut ~ ~ n of
l y Iheir falling
slwrl I11 krbrllln~ lhc Mosme
1,r~rn cuverr~~i~t,
hul also of
thew vlolml, rcjecllon of the
Mc.wlsb from dchovah Gad.
1Y 1 1 / 1 5 11%

Tlanmdny, Odoher 2
Wbal sort o persons ounhL
uou la hc
holy acts-of
rt)ndrrct and deeds oj paly
detlotimz, azuntt!l~g and ceping clusf trr tnl?ld the presence
of t l ~ can?! of Jehorah.
-2 Pet. J:Ii, 12.
Are you Iteeplnji close In
mhld that Ilery dny of Jehovah? In i t HO renl to you

Lhnt ou cull see it clearly.

tmn~ed;atelg ahend of you?
Accwrilnr: to Tfe KfnI~~trr'l:rrrar
Trarl rtatlon of the
I:rrnrk S C Y ! Q ~ ~ ~ ?thnl
@ S , expresh l n ~ i "kecyin~clow in mind"
In " a p w r l l n ~up." So F e should
not hr! slowltq it, down, lhst
in, not loilklng a t Jehovah's
dny ns n lon~: way off and
p u t k i l ~ il ull. This altitvdo

ChtlBtfnt~s, nt - dl1 times. regardless of when dahamh's

"day" nrrives. Why? nccnuse
"the Rcene of t,Iila wurlri is
cl~angiilr." ( 1 CRI'. 7:3J ) It f~
Iilrc tho rhnaplng sccnc on R
stage, whlct~. Ihoufrll upprarlxr:!
glnrno~.oun, I n wlonn KUCceeded by n11o2licr scrnta.\Vl?p.
thcn, should wc, who h!lvo I h c
hope o: er4cr3nsting I~fr In B
pwnanent ~ ~ 111o <,I
r rral values, ~pcrltlo4.r timc and energies OII zt trnu:,ltury thlnp?
-1 Jolm a:17. Ilr 1 / 1 5 3 , 4

li'rldny, Orlabor S
The world of that ttma statrered dcatn~ctlontuhpln it luns
deluged rvfllr, lunler. B?tt FY
ilrc snmc! ward tlir ~ ~ c a v e n $
a n d Ilre carifi tlrtll arc no!!)
arc air!red arp for /:re awl arc
bung resevr~rl to Lha (lop o l
nltd o t desh.~rctiort
. oj the rrngniltjl mew.
-2 Pet. B:6, 7.
The ~ i ~ r v i v uthnt
Gad now
offers to 11ulnan c~.ealureson
eartl. fa tho nurvlvnl oi Ihr!
end of ibis n1rJrr:rl tiyetem of
thines vrllll the npporlunity
for the :.urwlvol.~to Hre ioiVe\.er on erlrtli under 1x1s new
svstem of Ihlrlus, 1 s thnt
not sumetl~lnuworth si~~~vlulnq
for? R u t 1hl.g ~ v o r i d e r f ~nur~t
viva1 will !rot btr tly u a l i ~ gAny
mnn-mude rn~t~horlaoI #ell snlvation, ~eZI-rc~ru~e,
nor by
anv evoliltionlatic ''hurvlvnl uI
th; fil,Le~t."hr;.~~ln,It wlU ho
by the Ilnrmonlzl~rg ot one's
colnze c > l Rr!t,ll)II wlth God's
p u r p o . ~ .Tn tZic raw of NunSl.
he hnrl t o excrd.gr r~rcntIztiz?~
in God's WILS 1 1 1 1 1 ~ ConmrllinX
the dP?trlt~tl<~:l
n f the ancwnt
worlcl nnd
w h n t Ood Irlld
him to d o for the prcsprvatiurl
of IumwII urld Illo IILIIIIIY.
was river1 wnvning plct~ly of
nUlotbncs. Hr4 obeyed.
w llr'l 10n

saklnlay, OctQber 4
No cnlamitlr wiIf wail

nnd not ct$e?h a plague wfll

draw scar t o #otlr tent.
-Pa, R i : l o .

m o m triultflly dm~UngIr

the Monk ITi~liUod are pic.

tuleerl ns fillet1 residents, dwelling. In t~n.ntuin this present
sy~tenior t lllngs, outside clty
Hn~ltR.T n these as a dam the
promise nhovc 18 given. Among
t h o cplrltunlly harmful phgues
t h n t flow f r ~ f e ~the
wnrld nrc such conbuglous
tllllyrs n l ~the tcachlng of evo1uLln11RR ~t Isel., semh materlnll!rm, drug alluse. the blond
t!*nnr:lunlun crnze. zp!ritisllc
p I i w t l r r : , , the modem ~ l e t v
R C X ~ ~ I !nmnIILy,
th8 love of
pltbnutlres rntlicr than love of
Gtr~l, 1.c~1Iflirn1.q sectarianlam,
Hi~I>orCrlHclsm worshlp of
t,llo m o ~ ~ ccnw
t l oi ficience, also
t h e worfihlp of the "wild beast"
nnc! Its j ~ o s l w o r Image, the
Ul>l&l Nntlnna. Only as those
mnkln~Jcl;purrh their refuge
keep tkrels tmt" pitched f z r
Irnllt the "cltv" O f this world
w i l l they kerlr free ffom Ihe
conCn~lunor Its mnny plagrics.
So lot 11h





bclnl: 110 p n l t of this world.

--John 17:J4-113.Compare Hebrews i l : g , 30. W 1 2 / 1 5 7a
Rtmdlry, Ochber 5
Angrotre tl~ufIlEnflf n ike secret
plr~co of tlrc Most Hfgh will
prboclirt: lrdwaelf lodging and ~ the
r vnrg, aham0 of the
Almighty One.-FB. 9 1 : l .
Melchlzpdek warr on the rtght
trier of I h c 1m1e of universal
sornrelqnty, lor to the Mush
B i ~ hhe nsctlhocl the vIctoly
gnllleti hy Abram over the
loilr lnvnrlsr kings from Mcsannlamln. {Qcn. 14:18-20) By
slvinr Illclchivcdek a s prlest
rrl L I ~ P Most IH!ah C)ocl a tenth
of nll tho qofl?. Abram took
his stanrt sitlr MelcNwdek
011 thc nld6 of the U11Jversnl
BoTerrigrl, tiwelaring In hi3
llama. (Qcn, 14:21-24) Even

tltt nnwls recognba Jehovah's unlversnl sovereign@, as

Calk be &pen by the words or
Onhrlel, rGuke 1:36) m a t 1
t h r : it\!tpfrod prsger in Fsalnl
R3:13, 18 wlll be nnswmecl
t~unltlebklroae who opwse JcIiov1111'~unl\pes.s~lsoverergnty.
I-lpllre, b l n y our s e c u r i t ~ . !
ill dwellinl: In the "secs.el
plnce of l l ~ oM& I3gh," UIIwnvcrlttgIy upholdjng EIs slrie
of the h u e . O w dweElina
tirero wIlt Ile a protectlo~i
nRnlkisC our helng disastrously


rand rnlsg~dded by
all the controversial palitlcn1 propn~rtrnrlnnow rampant.

U' 1 2 / 1 21,

:?2, 21, 25

hlonflay, October .B
The love o! monw Is a root
ot all awls ol inguriow things,
nwrZ br, r m c t t f n ~olit for this
love same Ttn1l.e bcen lei!
rrstrap Porn 21te faith and
hovt rrnbbctl themselves
ar1 over with many
7)tZf7M ,-I
T17?t. 6 :loThc world's insntlable
for rnnbrlnt mln must be raaisted, Wcre a Christian to
nllow the love ol money tr~
tnlra holrl or hlm, it would
~iil)lly rlndermjne his a p w -


rlrl(lon for

Q I I ~ multl

;~plrltual things
even destroy h ~ s

rrvent this fro~n

hspponlr~r ua, we must contlriuru to rrI1rct Rppreciatix7~.Ely
r)n Iha Ptlr [!reafer worth of
fir>irlLunl rlclrcs. We should
i l o t I I ~ , kinduo rmcern for t h e
I I P C C ~ + , ~ ~ ~ofC R Hle rob ua of
tihr ronilortlnp convictlm thnl
God cnrcs fur his peonle. Jefiun pnve us thfs assurance.
thqntt,. 8.32-34) Yes,we should
be content wlth the nemss1tie.s
o l llIe Nor peri~hablemoterlal riolrs, but g u d b devotlo~l
rcaillL9 111 11nstinfi ah. Our
t~udly dei*otlnil FnAhlM us io
enjoy ~plrjtunl health and
contcntmrnt nnd holds forth
t h c ix-ornlw 01 everlaekng 1Ue:
jr~at t t ~ c oopaqlte of what a
hive of money holds forth.
IV 2 / 1 5 16, 17
fnlth. To


Taestlsy, Ortoher 7
showed godtu few
a ~ t d wmrimctcd an ark lor
the saving ot i r f No~rselwld;
a r ~ d t h ~ o uh Illiff faith he
r,ondatLne% tho ram lrl, and
lte becatne an heir 0)'
the righfsal~lnasa that
!s according to jnftln.

. ..


11 :7.

No& h d seen what the

Eons of God hod clone In their

association ~1111,tile rlnuuhtcss

men before thr~ Iloorl, and
Paul uses him ar nn IllustrnLion of one showln~:ronl fnllll,
Thc building of llle orlr xvits
llot accurnpllshed by a ~ ! I . R cle. Noah had to cut dniln
trees, shape tllcm, rind put
v:rrious compat tnwnh In tho
htructure. JIe Iiarl Lu cover llie
inside and oulh~rlc wlCh tnr.
T h e ark was riot smnll; Its
urc!o Rolne 137
feet long, 1 2 Pep(, wldr ~ i n d43
Ieet hiylr. l ' h l ~co'Innr:t~lchrsllrke structure wn:+1)\111L on ~ l r y
k ~ c d . T h e Blblc xkITr> rlclnHri
11s very intercslln+, 1)nlr.ntiKcr
Ilst, Eeafdes Noah, l l l ~ w ~ l c ,
his three sons ntid thollhwlvm,
Noah was i n n t r ~ ~ ~ t 10
other creaturm into the nrk
uf!t,h him. (Gen. 0:19-22l
Would you RRY tlmt Nunli l ~ n d
work tO prow 1>15 I n l l l ~ ?Cprtalnly! So sl~oultlwe. I V 111 27

or impatient. Paul reached

back to Ns own childhood M
an example. He d c v d r p d

thinking- ability ns hr! Rretv

older. Even somc parcllta tvlio
rrre not Clwintlnnu reallre the
vnlue a l prepnrlnn W~ril-~1111dren for the lut,tu~v.Tlioy 110
not leave thc chllcl's future
to chanoe nnd ~ l l o whlm to
choase what he wnntrr to do,
l i anpthlng, later. II worlrlly
parents nppreclntc the nuetl
of preparation nntl trnlnlnf:irl
material pursuila, ltow m r i c h
moye should Clr~1~tlnn
appreelnte tho 11eetl of ntrcli
tralnint: in splrltual rnntlerfil
I.V 2 / 1 15, lGrt

Thnrwdmy, Ocfober B
to ou that t h b
nn means
pass nrLlay zmtiE/ all these
thing8 occUv.-Malt. 21:,18,
Jehovah's pcople 11Rve bcen
enlIgtened to see tllnt cvrr
m r y ?F =say


thin5 done I,y them w111

i n holincsx end rxnltntlon
of Jehovah's mrbcrei~!tly,with
noth~ng unclean or harrnltil
nt all, so that Ctocl will 1 ~ : ~ v c
no more cazlse to fltd nny
fault with Ilia people. (20th.
14:20, 21) hddl(ionnlly, we
have been Eal.eTuIl!: Instruclcd
ns to how we ~ililrct lrvc now
If we are to survlvr k l l ~"grrat
tribulatian." All oI tlrll: hel11s
to llrepare us for llfe 111 Gotl's
Wednnsday, Qctaher 8
order. Wc nlsn
Whsn 7 tom a bahc, I rised new
never before the rnpld influx
to speak as u bnbr, , , , t o
those who ~411Eoln l a c Iha
reason tm a hal~r; b t ~ t no?u of
reat at crowd!' Truly, ihr firy,tlrat f Mae becovre n ninn, arntion
cf the "SIieFp" froln
I have done awau fnllh I?w the "goats"
procertlln~ nt
fruits of a babe.--l Cor. 1 9 : J I . $kn amzing tki
iah. Turlny pcrT h k M n g nbllity a&n be CECsons mha lane far rl~htcofls
veloped progrcs~lvely Rs the conditions reqlontl Very quickchild grows. There nre mntly ly to the goorl ncws. In vlaw
decisions he c n l i be sllownd of these evidencca, cerlainly
i:o make for l~lmsclt, nilnor
ones. Ask him, "Whr~tdo you we are in the ~cnerfitlonlhnt
thii~k would be best to ' do Jesus forehld would immehere?" Maybe his nl!swer will diately precAda tlre Incoming
hliow he needs n lltZle mow of God's new orrter. I n fact.
we are very welt along in llrot
help. Reason wllh Illm nnd
get hIm headad In the r l ~ h l ; generation, nocordlnff l o nll
t,ha evidences, W 1 / 1 5 18, 10
rlirection. Do not ~ e ivrltntcd

Frkihy, (Irtobr 10
Be tufss, my son, a d nab
my lrcart rcfafce, that X ma1
n?ake r~ tepI1) t o him that i>

such r

"ntons." ~t is m e rrom Batan and so t f

one accepts what thls stone is,

one Z~lls Out of i a ~ o rwit11
Jel~ovnll OM, Tlils is unlike
Irarrlntiag ?na,-Prov. 27:lf.
t d ~ n M~~Blnnlo"sfone," iesu:us
The mstlar of our bcina
Cllriol. wlmm tlw Jews rc'Pelnct nu Qud i s perfect' ~ n d Jocterl, folluivlng lrlstead f a l x
of Ood'
Mrs\lnhu, Jrsus walVnedagn11l.rC
1s nul drl optlaha1 one. J e s ~ s fa!<@Mea$lal!?i or Chelsts. T m e
~ l l t ~accordlnely
l o prctllcti~~n,
thew hax:e riaen
h perfect. IMcttt. 5 ~ 4 8 1Yes, up 111 pn:lt !cnl nnd economic
bduy j m t nnd uprl ht, f a ~ t h - s y s t m ~ s tu whom Messiz~~lc
iul. klrl dcpmdnbb, hating
poncrs hnve been ascribed
what nod llnt~s,~ l l dshowing
tlnrl l , t ~ r o i ~mhlch
Messianlovo by behlrr Reneroua, for- ic ~ I I ~ H R ~ I I K Hwere expected.
and ex- RII&
iln T L ~ B ~ Con~mu~usm
A ~
~ r c i s l n ci~rlcu~ance
- is ahsonnd the L,nnar~e of Untro!~.;.
lutc1y vlZnl If rvc are t o be
1V 3 2 / 1 5 13-15:t
truc Chrlvtians. "lrnfhtors of
Grd. as lwluved chIIdren."
Snnilng, OEbober l2
~ u l :rri~lly, to lle perfect l a
Tf y o l ~ lrad known the jrw
God is perlrct remits in nu
gber$C hnrclflhlg or ~acrh7ce w i j t of God and WJLO it f$
l i ~ a t8fivs lo ValL, "'CStvs me a
011 our parC. Rather, we are
i~cucfltad, Sor 16 not Jehovah rlri~tk,"yazr ao?~EdIinve mked
1l1e "hnp!)y God"? 11 Tim. hlm, and Re vrar:IR have gzererL
1:ll) Ry lmltnting Jehwah yo11 liuitlg ioatcr.-John 4:10.
rvc mo':o his heart xejqlcz.
With ttloee words Jews beCertnln?y wo can be hap3p if
Ran to clo borne informal witour course of life is making n~ssln&,Ona way we can
our Iien~enly Father rejoice, mnkc opporlunitles for such
cnn wc 11ul.P Ant1 by imitating
wllries~ln~Is to Reep some
OnR wo will, have not only Riblo Htcralure handy at all
h a p p i ~ l c a ~pPacc
of nlbd 2nd
t l ~ ~ i rnnrl
s . if we nre alert and
contentment now, but also the tactfully take the initiati~e,
stwe hnllo at averlnstlng Hfe mnny wilt lit? the occasions an
!I) hln n t w system of t m g s .
rye miy share the g o d
1.V 3 / 1 27, 2811
news with olhws. For example, wc hnve acquaintances
Bnfmrdny, Ootober If
n11d rrlrttlrrhs that we may
11.0111Irh110 to time, a,rld
Upon tlbsf~ Jsn~rda t h e y wddE HPC
I,llt?y wlll more readily
curr4y y o i ~ ,that 1!016 may not r~ftnn
Halc11 lo r i i i t h ~ tno a stranper.
strike ~ o t i r . loot against
~ hsuch loving concern
an!, stone.-Ps. Pi :12.
irir~idanrltl relnttves mnny
Tho wnys &hot we kke lie D!
h:rvr come t r ~1m-n the good
amid thlh world of which Sanc7.v.i. W!lrrc wc x - m k , oppoytnn la t h p uM1. Renm, it might
tun ltics oftell ]>resent thembe expcctrd t h ~ tthe eartllly rfilvra whrra the fQngdom
nrrbntx of tliia lnlae gad wouId
IncwnuB clin ba preached, for
plnftl In out pHLh figurative
!.urknl ~ l e ,r r l lunchtime. Other
~lonarrfor 11s to trip over to a
orroa!orla l r r r eharlng the good
dlsnstrar~sintl. But w-ihh refncws come when traveliw on
etctlce- t5 611cl1 ~ a u s c s for
R tl.l\ln Or a btlb. Offer the one
atun~llllnsthc psnlmrst swka l;fttlrw npxt t o you Earnethia~
cS n h v e Rhoat God's angels.
to read 011 llle trip. 8aIesThis munns ttrnt these angels
men mny call at your hemp,
will ~llb(m~ft1
US, 8U11pOrt US, 80
Curnlahlnp: you other opporthnt we nre not nffected by
W 3/15 13-16a

Monday, October 1%
h f c d them,
because the?, arc no part

The mwEd h#

n.p rim
no part of I Itc ?uorlrl,

of the tuorlrl, j r r s t

rystern that Jehovnll'~ m a t

xdversary htus uaed slnce the
Rabvlan of Nimmd's W n ~ d e ~ n !
i'es' the whole enrtb c l e n r d

lor 'the harnnile ldnl?clom of

Yehovah's hnoluted Qlla l,o
:xercise 1 o v l 1 1 ~ c-ontrtrl for
A Cliristlntl ~hould cxpect
Sod's glory iind mn illclnd's
ta be h ~ t e d b tho world.
:ternal b l e s d ~ ~ a lAdtlrrl to
Jwrs miY rovd true
,hat incompnrnbls joy rvlll be
In the mse of t t e apOstleaJ. .he joy occnsloncd by n &Ill
And it nM provr! rqunHy
mphtier triumph on Ibe pnrt
true of benulnc Ch1filinn:i.
)f the Soverelgll Lord Jtalloreal ~ p i r l t u n lmsn, Irlclny. 3 ' 1 ~ vah. This wlIl be Lhc 1JllltlllIg
npostlcs, splritu~clmcn Crl~inrrl .IT the Wicttctl One who hns
by Jeqps, n r r o 110 llnrt of tile
mastermindrd the vl~llllc paworld. ThaL In why It; hnl~rl litieal syxte~n nl? encth lo
them The vlvla contrast bcman's hrwt, nntnely, Shtnn
l~vceuthose fipii.itunl met1 n f ~ d the Devll, t o t e t i ~ ~
r nll his
t l c fIeFIIIf- world 11rc:i~nrr.r:- demon Hlleelx. U7 4 . 1 5 I!), ?Us
dr-nt ta all crentloil. Alter Je.WS left Iha e n ~ t l ~ lscclie
apostles expcndert thrnlhel~rfl ?I ang one of yo26 Is lacking
Ilrcllasdy in crirrylng olrl, tllslr
wisdo??~,let him keep olb
col~:mission l o p~~anoli nr~d in
God, or ht? givE8
tearh "to the n?o.\t rii~ttl~tlt nsking
to oh nnfl rullhoztt
part of the enrth, rMntl. 211:
rerrrotrclzirarr: anrl It wl1I bc
15-20; Acts 1 0-zl) T ~ v I ' C Iri!S
strong opposltlon to 0 1 ~ wok
1 ~k
Doubts cnn haws a dnmagright from thc stttrt. 'Tile fwst
resistance cnmc from Lllclr ing effect on mntul'c 11s well
as maturing Ch~~ixllnnn.
o w l eountrytncn, As l1la work
mature ChrhtInnn may nt
branched hevotxl Palentln e,
times not f111ly ~lllclerrrtnnclR
Illme were confllctn wllh adscriptural poi~rt.XI Lhey s'tn's
lierents uf GNlLlle dslllr>l W h o
feared that lhelr o b j r c b oil to allow this to rub tllcm of
ther pence or mlnri, they
rvorship would come 10 nnthcwld easily be dbtmctrd from
ing. Christtn~~x
t d n y calk exthe truly imporinnt. 131111c,
pect sim~lnropposlUun. U7
serv!ng dehavnh f ~ ~ l l h f l l l l ~ .
3, 5a
Others pet nrPcl.lp cnncernt,d
t attlt,1lr2csor ~ c l i n n s
'Pnierrdtiy, Or*olar 14
some Qllow hcllevextr. They
He selaed tb drafion, the of
start looking at lmpcrlect hu original aerpent, uilm iu tlre
mans, jndye thr 1vtl01~r[mDevil end Satan, ofid b0trtd
megatfan on t t ~ n t bnt.i.s 11118
him for u thorwfnrl ffEard.
soon 10% thck joy i n truehlng
the truth to O ~ ~ I ~ P3R' .1 1 ~kc~
Divine Yiclor~r a t R w gin to doubt lllnt thosrb u,ltl~
Magedon wlll be @noccafiion whom
for unspeakable jay lor nll
Ihe survivors 1111 enrth. T h e ~ r G&*s devoted 1)cuplc. Sllrntld
songs of exultstloll In the vlndoubts of thidr t~ature 1trlLo
rlication of Jehovah's unlver- In your mitlll, whnt cnn you
snl soverelg1ty wlll be sunledo? Humbly npprr~l Eo Fntt
thing the e q t l ~ lof which Elrh for ~isdorn.Yoir vnn rrPt nsezrth has never brlwe hPrird. s u r d that he w i : ~ gtrc yua
the needed u'lrzdom to Co]>e
O to think of welnF: In trctuality the whiile eerbh rM at with any tfia1h.crll1e uiillntion.
last of tlic \wrrlst,lg political W 2/15 1 E, 10
: i.

Thuwwhry, f k t 8 b e ~16
Congregate the people, the
men and LA8 ? m e n and the
Ilttlr nnea
tlr order
~ R , ! C 31rerj may jrz;tefi and
r r A ordur that tliey may


tcnrtz.-lleut. 31:IZ.
HOW important i t ia for
parelit8 to- spcnd time
Chclr rhilrlreil l Spending time
to~ether mnker communicaLion nntm'ol and helps p u atlt?l to gct the younmters'
views. Anti. of c o m e , spendI r l t tlmo together in private
nlitl In clmgre~ntlonal I31ble
lnstmctton Ih vital. Gcd comm~mdeci the hmehtes, not
nlhv to teach their children
C1011'8 wayq Irt hurne, but t~!r,o
Irh Cake lhcir c h ~ l t l r e ~wrth
thoen whnn gOi11g to tlie ax~bn~llllcs
lhal were heM for
Ihe IltrrpoEc of worshiping JeIlt~vnlr, ns Moses tells. Thc
"IItttc oneYt were not left at
hn!itc LLkedse today. children
ntetl t o lrocornpmly their par-

slturtlan whara w are like

atra&ern in an mhrn cokmt~,
a p l~c ~ do n by t t e enemy.
Tlrc dcskro not to nl?m flout on
nnvthtlrr: thnt For1 rcoulci plu-



the nttittlds that

Chi lac:: ~ p o h l l e e hr~tl. When

they ahkerl . l c ~ u ~"What
b~ Lho ::ll:tl al your P~~CSCIICC?"
thPy d i d not know thnt liia Iulltre prcaurtcn woultl 110 fi~lvlsIble, (Matt. 24:3l Tlwy lookcd
l o r 13 rl~,lblcrcntorht~of the
K l n ~ d o t nt o Iarucl. (Acts 1 :SI
IIowtvcr, their Inquiry ~howecl
t1mt thry Ir'cra ~ n r t ~ e s t ldev
r!rlnR CZMI'FIkl~~:.:dwn.
lookcd lortvnrd tn Iln1'31ig nrl
officlr~lRhnrc in it. R' 1/15 5, G

Upon Ihc lloung Uola and the

mbrmn.V O I L ? ~ f l trend.

-Ps, 91:1Y,
Throliuh tha polltldrns, the
IftwmPlrcrzr, the Hca authorlties ~ n dthe G t i : e ~ of the
courts t h c l m ~ y11nve made
cntr; ta t l l A lneetmgs of the
R ~ ~ R Con
~ R Jchcrvnh's people.
Chrlst Inn congl.egation. ParB l ~ t:rr; rrspects t h e Witnefises.
cnl,s who follow God's Word
t l ~ ( ~hnvo
not brcli ~ ~ r a l p z e c i
hrivs cllvino widom to help wit11 ienr by Iho vthntlm of the
tlimn l u rcnr their chllclrcn
unfair nltaoke. ' r l ~ c yhhaw renwl if limy t r n r ~tbe1r
d~il: rnah~edInw nbldlnl: nitd hnve
rlrd!ri up in the may they
pcnmirrlly nppllcrl to the lav
~h0t11dgo, aPent[iilg time ~ 9 t h courts for thrlr conrrtllutlonnl
Shrrn, tmchlna them to be I'i~hts.'1'0 the hlrlicst conrrtr.
ilnttntorn ol C+M nnd of his of t h e lnnd they hnvc carried
1)rInved Ban, they will I l k ~ l y t!~cir Iwn1 flrl~tlor ~ ~ t n l h r ~ 1 1 L~trsrcd.
I Y $/I 31-2Grt
Ilnr nntE rlr.lrrr(Hn:! by lnw
Il,iedom of ~.rllatonnnd the
Frfdfiy, October 11
right to )FCn(:ll C i o d ' ~ kirlrSect11 that all these thfngs rlorn, IPh!l. 1:7, 16) Viotofy
hns oflot) crownetl thdr cfarc
10 bc di~3oEverf,what
forts1 Whsthrr tlin mlemles
?llnn?~rrOf pn'801~s ought ge
iisetl open, I'mntnl H ~ ~ R C ~ G S
t o Irr:
, rtastening the
p'eschce of the day of G o d . 3~ c0ve1.t: unclcrh!!~ided ones,
Pct. J:fI, 12, Rotherham. tlmy hnve been LmtlAcn rlonn
It wn keep alert: and in tune by EIta ut~wnrd-anrchlng n-lt-1
of tho Most Hlch God.
wlth what Jehoveh is do in^,
When thelr Iltcrnllrrc th:m been
s c tlfc nlwaJrs s h ~ r e r sin g r a t
IIIPJSIH~H. On the other hand, Ihmrcl they hnvc kept p r ~ f i me n1.e in Bnngrr f f we devel- L ~ K Iorwitrd in thefr 8mp01) 311 nttll~rde of skepticism
tnml work of 1nnkln6 dlsclplcs
tnwn~dthn Ghtngs pointed nut
31 Chrlhl by uslne j u ~ t the
t o 2tfl hy tba "fait2dul and.
Bible alone In tlmlr ~ ~ l t u e s s i n ~
Ohereah nlavo." (Matt, 24:45)
xork. ~ l s c l p l e nlzrrve rpaulted!
W e can frntl ourhe1r.e~ in a
LV I B l f 5 lo, 20n

. ..


Hastlay, October 15
You ma m# refuge and nag

rtror1ghoM.-Ps. 91 :2.
Jthornh 31~s.
maechlly ginm
1019, l>ccolne these things Zo

h l ~peu])lc. fnnslnuch ns Jehovah is ir~vls~hle,It takes

slronr! fi~lthlor 11s to say that
trr XIim, and renllg mean it
n11d itch In hnrnlony wlth it.
IIawovor, who el= is there to
ilcc to f i r ~ a l e l yas In a ref11s~
but deliovnh the Most
stronghold could
Iw stroliger. or ilnrder to assall
~und orPrrronae t h n n the Ai~ n i ~ h t Onc
himself? ( h o v .
l ~ i . l a , 1x1 the f i n ~ lanabsis,
j L 1%upon the nnme of Jchovnh Zhnt Inllen, slnfuI hu~n~~
n s call Tor. e w l a s t Iuy; aalvnllon, It waa not just
Lho prs-Chrlsbinn prophet Jm1
who nnld thnt. It was Petel'
rilsn rvhn mid that on Clle
dnp o l Pentccnst a l 33 C.E,
u iten Ehc Chi lstinn congSreFa-

that he held hm oloaa to hlm

BS he woke the worda above
60 rich In menrllng nnd i ~ l in& Ah! Thfit wns ~ + e r pwtrg,

true in form and ctorlomy

or words, rnch 1 l h 1 m niccly mntrhlnl: t.he nest. with
prop,rr.wlnn oI thou(:ht nlid
perlecl bnlmce, T h ~ s would
bo mom notlmnhle
in I,hc ollf?lnnl I-Iebrcw. Mon
was Intl~ctl mndc I r l God'a
imagc, wilh llle fine abllihy
to cc)tnm~u~icnle.
T l l t ~ sIn ils
openltlg pnwa Gud'a Word

Fiver: nn Intr*~e&lt~$!and encv~~rAKIng

nrmllnt ai mmmunlcnHon l x t ~ v r e i ~lnrllvldu:bIn,
l a t h 111 h ~ n v c nnnrl O H cmlh.
1.11 5 / 1 5 11, 12

O C ~ OZl
~ R ~

[In] the dau o Jehovah . , ,

the hcav#!r be ng on pre will
be &issolved atid the eIctnents

k i n g itjictrsrla ?lot rolll

f 7 l d l -2 PP!. 3 : l Z .
11or1 stc, fot1:~drd. (Joel 2 3 2 :
tfternb fir% fiucll &8 18 m? \ c u 2 . 2 1 ) Ycnls kiter, the
mon t n our earth ~ n dour
nl>ostle Pnul ~ l s a wrok ~ t . solar ~ v s t e i n cntlld ncvcr ftfIftuln. 10:13) Though access
fect BRtnn ~ t n dIlls dslnons or
tv tllo Moht IIifih. find ,Aldestroy tilcln f I nrn bclllg an
n ~ i ~ h t lonr
l:: now gamed unsecn, ~pil'it I I C & V ~ ? ~ ~ G that
u111yl h ~ ~ l ' n t ~Jrsuc;
f i l ~ Christ, yet
hns dornillnled !t~nl?k!ndfrom
i t 1.7 fi~lllJt~I1ovnllin whom we
the txpul:i1011 or Arlntn and
must flnd our refuge and who Eve f ~ ~ o rIIrlen
rlowli tlll now.
1.u utlr ~ ~ n c o ~ ~ q ~ r c rstrongable
A prort~aiou (ITllblo
iexLs In11ol~I.-l.cpl1. 3 .12. W 1211 dlcntc thaL the "fire" ol the
5 , tllt
cornitlg clny of world JurIgmcnt Is hvlrlbnhlc, I r r l t dwitrucMmtlay, October 20
trvr like fire; nnri just !low
fire of s u c h 111lnp.s a s
Thfn I s at Fast Bane of mu
~ ~w be ~nil,loged
ho~rra and csh a1 my flesh. l i ~ h l . n i nm
Clod 1111 tllnt clay
onr t,lii!bc ~ a h Woman,
know now. Jehol~ccausefrhom? l t n t ~this one
vnh'r, erocullor~nl awnr wlll
I L ~ Staltet~.-Gen. 2:23.
retnovc Antnn alrd E l s de~nurls
Wllnt llxppened when G d
thclr l~eevenly poblllon
b r o u ~ h tEve to Adam? Adam from
of control over nlnllklncl nnd
1vn.r n o t lopt, lor words, He dia
ilot ~ ! ~ c eher
t wit11 a bark a ~$11drslroy thc rrrrlhly ~ o trp])rorr! or ~ 4 t ha growl of cIety o: unnorily proplr. Th~ls.
rhr: I~trsrtlP R : . : ~ wI11 h
t3rsnpf)rovnI, Instead. he at ngnfn
cIcnnmrl JUSG na ~ u l t innd silnrire rulnmunlcated alozrd U s ver
purlflrrl by Iire. EarUI
r ~ n c t l o ~Inl this 1110stwondrous will arc
thcn llr n fine home fm
n r ~ d wclcomt? ~ 1 %this ideal
R, Thnt, tli(brs will then
Irelper tinct complement. Rathrl- thnr~ I I ~ H just standing be somethltl~ rxcollcnt for
i,llerc, looklrlg ~t her, i t seems w1licll l o urrrvive, Pplor nRsures
us at verse 13. W 11 :I 14, 15a
mnrr Ilkolj from what he smd

Wedmshy, Oatober 22
Turn atoay. get out oj there;

touch ~tothtng unclean; get

out jrom the midsf of her,

Bem yourselves ckan,pow zulm

are carrying the utensib of
Jelrovnl~.-laa. 5 2 : l l .
S h e the emngelizing spirft
Includes tralnlng, rvc, Ln maklnp diadples ta be like thefr
Master, drsus Christ, must see
Chat they qwllfy ta become
preachers of the good nerrs.
People sl10111dnot be inv!ted
t o engage with the mem&rs
uf the congregation in prezclling before they fully clean up
their lirrm so as co q~alify.
They must understanr: that
all must h clcnn who bear
the vessels of Jehovah. They
must pee that having the
mark of the Chr~stian persollnlity is what pleases God
and prevents his anger horn
C O I I I ~ I ~upon them.
0 : 4 - 6 ) God mnts people to
serve him who are Christians
through and through. FIe )e
11ot Iuteresfd in quantity, in
merely having a great number
of preachers of the good news.
nut he is drawing out from
t h i ~corrlint gystem those who
will clean i ~ n His
. mirit. which

Thursday, Oetoher 23
Even it i t sltourd detny, h e p
expectation of it; jw it will
tulthoztt jail come me. I t m17F
not be late.-Hub.


T h e Scriptures show that

the "gmnt tribuhtfon" comes

~udddenty. Jesus saI6 that it

comes as a "snare."
34-36) The Bible i s not warnhlg us of a make-&lien s i t
nation. It l s real. and ~ - i Itake
ploce exactly when and as it
should. Gdl ha3 a time Za
deshay this system of things.
Eut some pet impatient and
lose faith became thtngs do
not happen as they antidpate

and Ood'a action wms t o delay. This ia bsce~rse of the

shortne.ss UP mnn's lifo-apnn
and hls consequent Impntletlcu
to get t h l n ~ sdolls in Lhe I11.ieI
time Zllnt he hna. As n result,
he may be Itlcl~nedtn Jut1r:c
GM1 an the bmis oi such

human expcrlcr~ce, wlth H r

l~rmtatlms.Rut Jehovah Iltrvq
foreyer. He cnn scan t h c s1t~1&!on and see precisely ~~~~~e
ir. the strmm o t tlmo his :irlq
rviII accomplish the most gwrcP
for everyone concerrterl nztcU
w i U carry out h!s purpose n y
%ell 60 me can keep In eupecktion. 1V 1115 10, ?In
Friday, Ortoh~r24
Upon their hands t h e y pnlll
cnwu ?/OIL, tlmt p4y(rft mnu not
sirike yo~ollr foot ngaiwst any
sto?te.-Ps. 81 :12.
Falt.hfullg Jehovah'~angel8
have kcrrrled Hia worshipma
upon thclr handa' m that they
have not struck their foot
gain st " m y stone" rind fnllcrl
o~rto f God's favor. When, 111
November of 1939, they cnnm
out pub1lcly in ndhelrnco to
C.histizu "Neutmllty" towfwd
all ~vorldly cor~trovcrsles, ti118
fortified them in thcir nlready chosen cotlrse of refutinl
of military cmscrlpllon, in
peacetime as well RS wartime. Jehovah'fi wltnwsrs nuver yielded ta dlctntors ns toking the place 0 1 dei~ovall's
true Messlah, Jesus Cbrlst, h
tlrnes of test r~gnrdlng the
stlpremacy of the law of the
Mmt Itrgh God, they hnve
taken up the words o l Christ's
apostles and have #Id to poiItmans, judgcs anti pdlicr:
"We must obey God aas n8Ieia
rathm than ~ n r n e( A
~ c k 9 :29)
Thanb to dehmh's nngela,
not even ' ' m y stone" llkc hn116
m d prosmlptions agalnst them
and the* pi-eachin~of (3od'~
kinglorn has c a ~ ~ s eHi8
d warshipers to st~~mble~ i l d11111.
W 12/15 16s

Huturday, Octabr 26
Ponder aver tlleas thin a: be
mh.posbed i?r them, llrn! yolrr

until same date or event? Br

no means1 What they had
learned, such as what Peter
11s hou.%hold,
to Cornellua
was not that


nd vatrcemetlt nzng be ntanilest

io all ~)wr8ons.-l Xirrr. 4 : 1 5 .
(hey were to he ChrisMans
T h t maturlty rlws not onlv uutll some a n a r o a c U
rncnrl nn end to p w r e s a tB obclr& arrived. Rnthek; Jehovah
vioun from w't~ritwe flee In t h e
"grantcd repentance far the
nclrrnal course at lllr:. Xa nut purpose of Hie," endlem nfo
a n~iirl?ed mrtn rvlttl n Xnmlly
ns Chlhtians. (Acts 11:18)
u? 111s u v n ~ 1Mllcctl up011 rks Ilence. when Jude m o t e the
r n ~ t u r e ?Yet. cnrl he tlot con- nbovc ' he did not mention
t i n u o LO f::i!n fi14c!nter rvitidom
Konle tertni!lnl date. He h e m
ns tur hRr~illca:ttlulL mpanslthnt t h e goal was t o serve
t)lllll~#"lIlc mny nlw 1nr)k to
Jrhopah forever. And tile same
older rneli lor ro~~nsel,
rccwI s true among us who renLze
~ ~ l j r tlickr
l ~ q ~ grenter sxpertmca
that the e.ld of illis wicked
nr~tl wh.lxlum. 9 n St la erltll 6y:;tam or things 16 near nt
mnnturc Clwhtlr~ns. T l ~ r o ~ i t h hand. W 6 ' 1 5 1G-1Ba
hl,udy nnrl npllllc mt lan 11: go ti'^
Word, tlwy continue l u row
Monday, October 21
in knowlrtl~e,np]-li~fcintlon14lld
Wlaa really i s the jatthful and
tilncernmri~t. Tl~ry mnkr? ilnprovcrncnt In hulldlng up a dinmeet sIaae whom his muster
tl~ir:,~jirltnmoilg family mcm- appoi?~tedo w his domestics,
wive t b e n ~their iood at tlbc
l)cru itlid in xffcctin~ olller to
proper tllne? Truly 1 sag Ze
~)r:oplefor uoad. Mx~l111.n
He mil1 appoint him
Ilnun 4:lm nlsn Iri~I 11 l'rom
ouer nll hds Irelojlganqs.
unr nnother, lor t11c.y vary ln
-,Watt. 24:45, 47.
llirir ~nunlL'c:csl,ril'~ons
Of ~plrlEU~ha's dc~ire was not to
lrinl q~~itllflcal,lons.
Tho!"e bbbecome wen,lthy but, rather,
~ I I F : raotn for linllrovement in
to help people to grow in apvl~rlo~~s
R R ~ F C ~ , NUP CI11'btillll
11vln~, n mnlurc flervnl~l n i precintlon of Jehovf~hand his
jchovnh Qnd rloes weli l,o tRka purposca, nnd In magnifying
Llrne t o porirlcr whetlror ho t8 the name af Jellovah. We do
urell to i m i t a t e Ellsfin in being
coiitlnuinl: t,o mnke ndvnnccprlmarlly concerned with Je~ n c t ~Wl , 3 / 1 5 3 4 t h
liovtah, putting our love for
lukm flrnt nnrl helping others
Runany, Ortaber 20
tn cnll on hlm for salvation.
Keep ~wirraclvesin Q d ' e love, EIowever, as nn anointed serialtile ~ l o ~ara
~ u a l t l ntor
vant of God, EIisha rvas spetllr: mrrct, n\ our Lord
cially appointed by Jehovah to
Jrsttr C l l r f s t with euE1'do
a certsin work. So he can
laatlng t i p i i r Oleflt.
Ile used RS I Dicture Or Pro--Jude 2 1 .
r)hetic tgFe of- t h e remgning
Whether we have the p m ones of .he bride of Christ
pwt ol life in hcnvrn or 6n ypt on earth. the remnant of
nrl c ~ r t h l yparndlhe. it Is vkul
t h e 144.000 who will be united
to remcmbPr thnt, llot any W t
!nth Christ in the he~vens,
tlnte, h t t elcrllft~is OUP mu!.
R L ~ O reyetred to as the "imthIn this we mu lmitnte those fur and r!ismct slare." NanChriatlnn~I h i l l p . prlor to t h e
bind in peneral is h much
rlestructlon of J e ~ . ~ ~ s n l einn t h e gnnle posltlon as Naaman
nna. Ir~stend vf k i n g afflicted
70 C.E. 'l'hep rightly cxpcctrd
they me sufferthe end of tlle d@wl.shsyatom W I Lleprosy,
n i t11lnga to occur soon. Birt in 6 from the: death-dealing
plngue of sin. W 7 / 1 20, 24
Iind they dcoldcd l o ficrsa oll1y

Tuosdrty, Oatabem 28
In mu heart I have beasurec
rtp you? soping, in qrdw tha
I maw not s
n a w n s t mu.

-Ps. 119:11.
Ask jrourselP: Is my mjoy.
ment Oi remling and stndyinr
Shc Bible f:rowing as eac!
sear nc.=s? DWS it atead.
Ily bei-nnle clearer and mort
~ C t t n l 1 1 ~ f 1to
1 1 me* A n 1 ap.
plyinlr the Blhle's admonition
Ilcltor 111 my life? If you no.
tlcc little ndvanwment, what
6lllrukl yotl, do? Yon would
r.rrlnInly want t o npply yoilr3clr in filling your mind and
hcnrt wti.11 the wisdom found
I r i Ood's Word. Its counsel
1111181 reneh vour henrt t o
rrsponrl n ~ ) p r ~ c i ~ t i v e lO
y .~ l l y
c11r11 rr.111 rvc be LmpellH to
nrt, wlwly. Hence. there IS
iipcd for thoughtful me=diCt i m . tu t h i ~ i k in terms of
wlirrt ~ITecl, the things read
rmrl sturlfcd should be having
on mr life, and R.hv A s you
r csrl nnd study, you m!ghL
~lnnderq ~ ~ e s l l o nsuch
8s: Am
L strlving to conform to JeEiovnll'a ~c~+ssonaUty,
ways or
rlenlir~gs as rcwaled in the
]lns.srrtre of scripture being
r ~ n r l ?Dors the niblieal malcrlnl polnk up ally weakness
111 me? What could I do to
work on thls weakness? This
is !.he WRY the psalmist felt.
1'/ 2/15 5, BR
Wodnmihy, Octaher 29
Catllfnt~eto pa# in the prnoer
ot the H01w Spirit. Keep yawnet~csit1 tlw lovc of Gad, cnd
look wward to t h e day urhn
our l o r d J ~ s u s Christ in h f s
7rrfrcu will give eternal life.
- 4 r t d c 20, 21. New Erigli~h

Our lhm belief that we can

serve Ood forever should mfluence our d n ~ l ythoughts and

d~r!ds. A person might saw

that he lives with eternal IIfe
In vlew, but by Ns thoughts
and nctlons he might show
t h n t he actuallv Is hving only
for NOW. How sad that would

be1 The v e ~ yhct that true

worshipers mn h ~ v ea place
in Jehovn ha# ctcrnel I ~ T O K F
proves how ilectins mto 12. It

16 cornpnrablc t o one h n l i inch

on n rnensurlng s?:ck thnt extends i l l 1 thorr.wtntls of mllrs.
if you can 15lc?rkrctlint. Would
it be ~ e l l s t b l t . lo gnvrr'n onr'h
whola life by thr linlf lIir11.
as ii t h n t were the prlnrlpal
thlngI HOWmrreh morF IlrtlRncetI ancl wlsv ia Lho rbno ~vlia
llvcs now so ns to llvc fomv~n.,
~ i l dwlio mensumfl ntid a w l u atc3 thitrfffi In t,ornl~of how
they will nffect hla ~ t l e r l n s i i ~ l g
w~1Iare. livlng now Rs . 1 1 1 r l ~
counsels us i o llvrl IV l i 1 l 5

20. 2111

'rl~urwtlay, bctobr SO
[?ancernfng that day rrrzd Itour

nobody ktroi~rt.-Matt. 24:36,

What do we learn rrom whnt
happened ahoat uvernlqht to
our brothers In Mnlnwl? That
the Christlnn sho11Id llvc pxPe~g
day ns thou~tl it nllnht bc
the ellcl o l Ills pregorit cnrlhly
HEc, I-le must mmke trne Chrlfitianlty n, T U R I ~nl I l k , Ilr:l!lr:
closely knit wit11 his bro(,hers, actively ~ c l ~ v lScbnvnll
with ~ l l111s ~,Li.cn~th.F'olq
whcre would thorc MtiInwlr~n
brotl~ersbe if t,hrv hnt! heon
ucglinent of their hpiritunl
condition? Only thow arll h
splritunl s t r o n ~ t hmulrl sttul(1
A!-~nwhen thr Irat cnrne, vnrl
o t11~
credit oI the M~Inwlnn
WIZ~!csses-,thc ~ w n tn ~ a j u r i t v
31 them did so. God r.cvraIj:
:o 11s whnt we nrcd t o kuow
jo that ne cnn take IL
:onrse and help nthwa h~
ilerting them to t h e dnnn&lq
tnd t o the trnmlnet~ceot JPnavah'a "day." Dut hr: hns ?lob
a l d us axnctly wl~nbyrnr or
;my or hour lla will b c ~ l ntho
great, t r ~ l ) u I i ~ t f a'~X l~.I ~plensc
mud, wrve I ~ i m
it all times, t h e true motlvu,ion k i n g , not the nearnew
lf the cnd, but love for hlrn
wonderful henvenly
>ather. W ! / I S a, 9a


Fridw. Clctnbnt
I looklun. how fierce-lookinu the
syrnllnh younK Hon ma? be
U p m the young Ifon and the
rnukiuu hie open, frontal
cobra yon wSU tread; yoit ?uItl when
rittnck. Jrllrlvnh'~ worshipers
trample down the muned
lrnrnple tlrls rlnnrcrous a t young lion and the hip
tnckrr d o l l . Thcy s ~ l kright
make.-Pib. 91 :13.
n h y l t ~ : ~t h c Mmt Hlgh
The* psalmist helghtena the
Clnd rs Sorcrettn Ruler rattler
tntenslt~ of the flgurerr of ttibrn Hnt~llke Itwn 01. llonlikc
;speech &hen, In a parnnelian~, tn11n-mrirlr nrRnriizntluns. T h ~ g
he .veaks as above. 'Cl~emnnccl rrr:dcr tn I1orilil;c CnElrnr only
young boll should be older irnrl
wlrrat b d o n ~ s bo Cn~sar and
a130 fiercer-lookhlg t1v~r1just
111 n o wny l ~ o l dI ~ R C
the young liun, and 1110 btrl
b e l n ~ ~111n Ciod,
glvin to
sn:nnke should be n mnur~.uh.o~~s111111 ( 1 ; ~I , I tki
~ tngH I lint 13cFong
reptile, r ~ h i c hthe Oreek 801,ti) IIlrn. Ho 11wy lire t ~ o splrmt
tuaant Yerslon of the Psalms i l u ~ l l yhurb hy tlw menacing.
cnlls & "dragon." I-Iow6vrr, ncllun 01 the 'Won."-Acls
no matter how Impwsslvcn:zs; M n l k . 2 2 : 2 i , 1V 1 2 / 1 5 2 1 s
I T m o n i x h ~ gOur Liven rv1t.h U o d ' ~Pnrpoue.
- ~ p l 1:9, r n.

Saturday, November X
Sunday, Nsvemkm 2
Jehoonh. a Clod merciful and
WImetw anill I~uncblchimself
like this yuung child IS the one
pmdonit~gm o r
t h d i s fhc grentest in i l ~ and
~ tr.n?rt?gfCfi$lotiu?ld sin, but
M a g d m of tlrc htancnz,
h?! no rllcrrns rtrill h!: gIve ex-Nutt. i # : 4 .
emgtfnn J r a n ~punishment.
--Kx, 34 :6, 7.
dehornthis example
h~rmllThaw who would $Bin or
ity is of assist~nwto u8. If
Jehovah, the greatant pw~On- Contlnuo t t l enjoy Ciod'e apage in the universe, ia humbkl?, provnl should nrrh well Paul'n
should not we na Insi~nlflr:ni~t worils nn found k t 1 Coylntl~icreatures likewlm ha? ips. I D :
nna 11:8-11 : i i ~ Ant Qalatlans (I:
7, 8. Yes. ,J~hovR.hGotl dws
35) The pxtkrll Jmu8 set I#
nlso one for ns to irnl(atc i f wo fOrRlVa sins nnil looks with
arc truly Christians. Wits It not Inwcy a ~ ~corn
d w i o i ~upon
tllc chllflrcn of Atynrn 1r.110 wele
foretold that he moulrl I j t IlulrtM e as he entered ~ I r r ~ l s n l ~ r InH I I . ~ In . % l t ~ HoI~;;~.I'cI.,
note that
k present llirnself as kinn?
l ~ c%lhicE 11) Muscp t h a t "by nt,
?r~c{tn,?m l t I Itr pcvr exemptiort
I k h . 9:9: M ~ t t 21
. :$) A? llsltc
V;orci, God's iuhtbom In Ileitvlrorrt prnz~hn!r:llt." Even In t h e
en, t h e o n e who became Jr:,rls ~ t ~ w o I K I 1 1 ( : 1 3 t ~ v l d . ~ i t h . ~ ' h 1 ) m
certainly had A lofty posltinr~, .Ir.t~r~vzihmthclc n cavelinnt for
but "when he found hirwbr1r In
t h e kln~clum,Ood rnrtcle no exfashion %
. a man. he hulnl~letl ception. nnvlrl wna ])uniahed
tiimself and hecama 01)rrllr~nt for hla ~1113, but because he
as f a r as denth." A t ~ r l Pnul wun IT en111nt he wns also
uilsely counseled tho Phlltp~jlt111 IIIPPC\CLI\Y foeor~lvon. T.Iowsvcr,
@r)ngregation,"Keep tiuia 111~11- Jchovtth'~~
11ms not
t d attitude in you tlrnl wlur cxtrud Lo tlir~sr:who dcllberalso in Chriat Jesuh," t h n t atply vlvlntc Gotl'fl rl~hteoun
nor to t h o s ~wllo
mental, sttltude including tho ],~~li~clple.;,
quality of humility. (Phil. 2:!itn:tkr: dilnnlnl: n way of life. On
8) As a m a n on enrth. Jesi~s t11r cor~lrnry. His position is
s~oke.of the predousnw of nrlc of rictlvc hostlllty toward
thls attribute, e n c o ~ ~ m g l nhug
R L I C ~ n n ~ s rind thcy cnnnot
Pnrepe p~rnlai>mPnt.1P 8 . 1 5 6
mility. W 7 : f 7. BR


Monilsr, No~ember3
LOVE. . does not look or z f s
otvn <nterests.--1 Cm-.
Rather, love ia a d d by
thc prlnclple stated earlier by
Pn~ll:"Let em5 one! keep seeking, nclt hts oun advanmge,
but thnt of
other person:'
( 1 Cold.10:Z-1) At Christian aswn~hliesdv you pus11 or shove
.a Hrt nheacl of othcrs? Do you
I'rsevve ~caksfor yuurself v&l-~rlrtt concprn foy others? Or


anointed CMstlana who prove

unfalthiul. Rather, he pictures
imltatlon Chrisli~nR,01 islmm

Christendom 1 vdny in cnmpowd

and a h o C I R I ~ I nnd prctC~~d
br! at the 111it1PIIIKP fenst Inlllc.
Jehovnh revrr rrcrqnizt~cl~ Z I P I ~
as Ilelnr: thpru tvitll l h ()rc>;>rnr
1111tl $n 1 1 ~did
not nbluinl, t h ~ n1~1111
~ n i r l tr,s Kln~rlr~lill~clrs.Tlre
time m1wt rome ahen clod r..u
PORCJ Llkr wrr,np:npnfl (h I110
clalm nlld ~ ~ ' ~ L P I I R Pof b ~ l ftt
n ~
in Ihr lucnl congregation t11el.e the m n r r l ~ l ~ lurist
tahlo aa
mny 11s areus in the cornmuni- rn;?rla by Clrr.1~l~c~ricIom
n13d to
Ly L l l t r t bnve been especially execute rl8vctn~:judjimmI, ~rpon
Trultful when calls were made her bf!ic>l'@f l i ~CVPH uf nll onnt the hoincs in the prsachu~g lookers. W l'Y.'i!~7 4 , 1 5 1 ~
work wh1Io other sections m a y
Iw ~ioted for ceneral l a ~ kof
inbrusl among the l~eople.Do
Hc tnlro I!rr:is rr sitiircr bQt*h'
WE- Insist or1 nlways harSng the
1~ ~ ' o r n l ) l lacalrties
for jrom t h e rrror a{ Itts wag tr:'lI
cirri- preaching work? D o 11-c sazv Itrs sort! from rtentlr arid
corm- n mttlt~ttIde.n/ #ins.
frrt posseaclre. n o p vantirrp li'?
- J m . 5:20.
ot11crrr t o czIl in these areas,
Iccllng that the territorg beIf rms who baa heen dlafcllorlcs M IIY?Do we respund towsI~Lpedc a m s to msettnaa to
armie lu JRYW al or lo ftlallfg
rmlIy kl those who have come
lnlo our midst from other a wmng caursc ant1 lu lrv i,m
win o t h m over to an unscl-lpnrcas to assist with the lo.
vlewpoinl, such a onn flfrr
cal ppre~hlllf?work? Can we tural
tllc dcscrlallon of 2 Jullri 7-11.
isnaglne Yeslls Christ viewing Eint wiwrr t,hrre IH no nttcrnpt
mal,tera 3n this way? Love will
l o do tl~ls,I t would nol lw oul
cuuaa uer to put personal in- of harmonv wjl,li Wcrlptu1~~1
terest~ in the background. counsel fnr' an elder tu npproscli s ~ l c l lI one (perhnpa
W 7 / 1 5 7, 8&
noting his presmrr: n t meetll~ns
Tuerrday, November 4
a ~ i u n ~ b u of
r t(811r.s) fund t r t
speak words of exhor!rttlon
When tlte king came in to iawith a VICW to e f e c t l n ~n spira ct the guests Ix caugbt
s c i t tllerc o, rr nocrR not
Itud Wallng 8nc? full reslc~rnclutlfcd u ~ f t ha matriage gar- tlon AS fin npproml membrr of
the congregntton, ns couil~eled
BInce the lone m e whom the by Jemes. Of couae, w11vhore
klng discovered was not wearthere Is lro slml of "Ir~11ta
ing the available marriage gar- heflt rcpsnknrlcn" and tba pcytnent, he pictured the class son la still known to bo carrywho did not exercise f ~ l t h
and hlg an I11 an Imma~alCollrE@,
tnke due mtjon in harmony
thla ~vouldalter rnrrt,Ws. For
wll,ll fnith to be declared righthat; 1-eason, where conareaateous by God and adopted 8s tion membars know or R illsills tiplrltunl son and taken irto
fellmhiped ono who tle~ircn
llie new c w e ~ ~ m
t is made assismncr, they would do WPYE
with fi]>lritual Israel through h seek t h e counsel of the &RIChrist. Ile does not pictzne gregatton eltlers. W fill 14. IBn

Th~mday,NovemXlar R
1 urn pursulng dotun loluurd
tke god for the prfze oj She
upward call of God by ~ n e n t t n
of CIbrist Jes~~s.-Pi~fl.3:13.
Bemuse Paul hml n purposs
b e end=?& wlth long-sutlerlna
am3 strlck t o a C C ~ ~ Rc a~ uIi h ~
of Life. He kept his w e on 111s

rewures and
,wallow them $own Into hi13
Tcmon-tantrollcd organization,
w i t h worldIy

thrv Mnlcc thcrnseIvcs loose

this "big
sl~nkc." Thry ;$void and resist
ttll form%ui sp~rltihrn,thus HOI
ptrmllttug the df-mons subtly
:o tnkc r o n t ~ n luf thclr mind
nrld rvlll, (Luke 10:17) For
God-given purpose, He had RR
otlo tl~lug.the nnofntecl rern"eye goal'' or "eye tarp;st,'W
rr;~nt rru1.4 c!tr thlS 11 they tlethe Jnpanese ond FCorenii elrc tn slutre In t,he Cuifillment
words for "purpose" men11. IIa
Ruinrtns 16:211, h s v l n ~Snlikened himself to n cc)tlLrstu~~t lr~n c r u : i I ~ ~ri~itlor
ttlelt' f e ~ t
in a Ioeoo~ncewith his tlycs U u ui~urily.'r'hoy mltd tnlre posldeviatlrlgly Axed on tlls ~ o l t l I:[Ve ~ I e l nl~&lil~L
the flcry-red
where t11c prize wau to IJC
torirlt-auorl" now nnd kcel) him
ierred llpon the winner, Aun l w r t y ~zinrlrrlooi, W I 2 1 1 5 22a
cording to Paul's wordh ribova,
God was the One who did Ihe
calling by m a n s of Chrlsb Jcsus, and this c s l b q wm for n Yfe aanld to hlm. "FelIatu, imm
?)a11or6 frr llere not hatrfna
p m s e . In apprecintlmr oP didOTL
u jl~~trriage
this undeserved Wnt?ncsq on
- M o l l . 28:1?.
God's part mward him, PRltl
Whet does tFre marriage @rharmonized his M e coil1 se wii?r
mmnt picture tndny? hccordtng
138's purpose. Paul aalv clenrly
wmch way t o gu, Lor Geld hi~rl i-a sepnrta, such gnrrnerlta freeIv provltled 1)y illp host were
set; R goal hetore tllm. II Ila
I b n ~wllitc I l ~ ~ r r:nrznenW,
reached that Aonl,
Ihat nil ~iiestswere o~~twardly
he ~vould recelve a prho ut
God's hands. Paul did not dln- clolhcd nllkc, whrther one urns
d a b that prlze, for t o dO a 0 n ~ l ~ l n n l lnv J e w i s l ~lnvllce or
would mean f o r him to tll,ur!~ n C+uu(,ilo plrkul,. Tlic marGod's undcservcd kindnew. Do 1 1 n ~ ef!r~rmcnl slfnlfles more
rlcclared rigliyou appreciate God's z~nrlc- thrtn 011~'s1lei11~
setved klndncsn townrd yo117 b o ~ i a by (rtlrl Ilri'ourrh one's
ramom. f o ~
w 21il 9, 11
truch j~stlflrritlonfa 1101, an end
Friday, No17cmImr T
I11 Itself; It doer; not stand
You will lrampIe dmun
the nlonr. (Rev, 1 9 3 , 8; Stom. 5:1,
9) Its p u m m Is that t h e jusblg snake.-Ps. 91:I3.
ThP dragonlike "big make" Ztfierl one should be RdoptM bY
son nnd
reminds us or Satan "the orld- o o d IL~ hls a~~lrltttnl
nal serpznh." (Gen. 5:15; Rev. becomr a rncmbcr o l t h e spkl t l l ~ l need or Abr~hom ntld
la:9) He i s pictured here, not
ras a, "sea monster," but as a thus a men~beral spiritual 11sland monster, a reptile of un- rnel. As nuch, t h l ~adopted son
usual size, long enoug-h to get Is tnkcn i n h tho new coven~nt
medinlad by Und'n Ron. Hcnce,
its coils around a humnn to
crush him and swallow him. tho innsrlr~uo garment sym(Jer. 51:34) 8 0 if JcllOV&hs bollzea all rltnt for Ihe repen' w o ~ p e r sdlscmn that Rntm tunt, bnptlacd ~ u c s t at the
the Devil, by means of his ie11st. So it b one3 identifleamonstrous worlrl orpnkntion, !!on an R splritunl fsmehte,
is t r ~ i n g to wrap hi5 m l l ~ one of Abrnhmi's splrit~tal
around ;hem ~ 1 1 dcrush thm mrcd. W 11!15 12, 138

.. .

T I I ~ Zmn~ple down

the* o m resources, he did not

Bunday, November 0
With tne heart one exercises deal that way with their offs p ~ i n g . When sentencing the
fafaith for r t g h t e n w a s , but serpent,
Gcd prophctlcally told
with the mouth one makes
a corning seed of the woman
public declarutbn for salvawho would brulse the serpent
tion.-Rom. 10:IO.
the head. No details were
Our faith today should be in
disclosed RS to when and huw
atrong becalm we have the en- tMs would be done, but it gave
tire Bible. We .% what people a, definite promise that Jehodid in faith before Jesus apvah would furnish x satisfxcpeared on the earthly scene. tory nnsrvw to the challenge
We also see the faith of the raised by man's rrbellion.
early Christitians and u~liatthey Hence, it also pointed to God's
did. They recognized Jesus
ownership of earth
Cilrist as the Son of God;they continued
as well as heaven, including a11
observed his life course nnd Ids thew inhabitants, despite the
dekrmination to preach the temporary permidon of evIl
Kingdom good news and the,n and evirdoers W 1 0 / 1 12, 13
imitated hlm by putting thew
failh in that kingdom and
Tnesday, Novomber 11
meaching the s o d news. Now
~ R T U S his bein
r e s u ~ ~ e c l e d You will be objects of hatred
f ~ o mthe dead. Todsv we flnd by all ~ I L Enatzons m u c m i n t
hundreds of thousan'ds of Je- of wry name. But he that has
hovah's Christian witnesses endured to the etrd is the one
2hat will be saved.
with strong faith. We have it;
-Matt. 24:9, 13.
on our lips that Jesus is Lord,
10 the glory of God, and in our
These words Jesus said when
llearts is the faith that Gad qeakhg of the time Ln whtch
~a',sed Christ from the dead.
the aposlles lived and which
Raving tkls kind of fajth ~ n d prefigured the time in which
publicly declaring It, telling we are living. In talking about
people of nll natio~u and enduring he sald that some of
tongues about It, we haw an I'Lis disciples would be killed
assured expectation of salva- during that persecution. But if
tion, to everlasting life, as the rr Christmn endured all of this
apostle Paul shows. W I / i 32, to the very death or to the
finish of this violent state of
~ o r l dhostlllty, he would be
saved because of his integrity.
Moraday, Nov~mber30
Be might not live unlil the
I shall put mmEtu hetween you
s ~ dof the system of thkgs,
and the m m u n a d between
but he would be Judged. as to
?tour seed and her seed. Jge w i l t
W d s e YOIL i7c the head nnd gou
whether he was a part of this
ruill bTuise him in the heel.
smld w not, no matter at
--Ge?t. 3:15.
what time the "end" was for
Jehovah as the Lawgiver and him. Any one of us, whether of
3udge of the first human pair
the spirit-begotten. anoinkd
acted in this capacity when 3rothers of Jesus Chist, or of
they had sinned. After pro;he "other sheep," who enternouncing sentence, he protect- ,~lnearthly hopes, young or
ed hls property by drlvhg man
,Id, cat1 die very quiokly, today
out of the ~ a r d e nand making Ir tbmorrow, due to unforeseen
a return thereto impossible. :ircurnstances, including a
((fen. 3 2 4 ) Though we mkht 3udden outburst of ~eLrgious
sag that; Jehovah thereafter
9:ll, 12.
abandoned Adam and Eve to
W 2 / 1 5 Ba

Wedae~by, November 12
If you wtll receive my sayfngs
and treaalre up mp mn c m mnndments with ?/osrselj,
in that cwe you will understand the: feat of Jelmva71, ctnd
gou will find the very knowledge 01 God.--Prov. 2 : f - 5 .
Threats and warnings do not
usually produce the best results. Why? Because they may
result only In fear of the
f hreatened punishment, not
hatred of the wrongdoing (Ps.
97 :POj At Ephesians 6 :9, masters me coun~leledto 'let up on
the threatening, for you know
that the ?da&tev of both them
and you Is in the heavens, and

. ..

to know and prevent ua Porn

going astray by helping us to
see the proper course to take
in the light of what has been
recalled to our mind. (Johu

Being imperfect, we

nced to seek God's forgivmess

for our sins. R%en we are speclllc hi OUT prayers as to how
we transgressed, @s impresses u on ua the seriousness of
whaf we b v e done. Tl$s call
serve to strengthen us 111 our
determination to do better IIS
we seek the help of G e s
splrlf to make improvement In
areas wherein wc are weak.
T ~ I I Swe arc alded to act wisely. W 2/15 9, 1Dn

Friday, November 14
tfiere is no partlnlity wlth
him.' The better method i
Accorditlg to his good pbraswe
show the advantage of doing which he purposed in him,
things in JehovWs wzy and, -For an administration aj the
where passible, the reasolls fulncss of the seasons to rewhy certain things are bad. unite for himserf . . . dl things
Optimistically encourage the in the Chn8t.-Eph. 1 9 , 10,
right course, but A R ~ the same
time lovlngly make clear what
For dxty years now the prothe results of disobedience will
be. There is a dltYerence be- spective members of t h e MesMngdom. together with
tween threatening and outlin- sianic
a, "great crowd" of loyal helping what the conserlumees of
a certain course unldoubtedly era, have been preaching "this
will be. Notfcce the Inviting good news of the $lngdoraW
will not have t h s preachmanner in which Jehovah en- mGod
g of his established lrlngdoni
courages the proper course in
o on ind&nilely. Re hm his
thc words above. W 2 / 1 20,21a gmarked
time for this heavenly
kingdom to go into destructive
xctmn nqainst this doomed
Tn evcrpthi?zg b y prayer and system of things. T h e nelv
s u p p l i c a t i o n along zO2th government that God hns glirthanksgiving Ed: youthp9titions
posed to attend to the affallx
be made known t o God.
of all mankind must shortly
--Phjl. 4:6.
take over. Almost two thouPram plays a vital role in sand years ago Cad sent the
making advancement. Jesus one appointed to ke hh Chief
Servant in the administration
said that God wou1d give hoIy
spirit to tliose asking him. ta earth to prove hi8 worthi(Luke fl:131 It is by means of ness. When he \va& dorified in
this spirit that God enablelea us heaven m d founded the Christo understand his Word and tian congregation on the day
apply It col~ectly. When we of Pentecost of 33 C.E.,the
are faced wlth problem or "administrat.tlOn at tho full
have to make weighty deci- Umit of the appointed times"
slons, we can appeal to God started operation In its Arst
for help. His spirit will Wen stage, the most essential stage.
W 1 0 / 1 5 8 , 10a
aid 11s to recall what we need

W d wa8 wdtlng in Nuah's

days, ?uhiEe the ark was being
COnStructcd, i?t which a few
people, that is, eight sou!s,

carried safely thrauyh

tJw ruat.?r.-l Pet. 3:20.
In the prophetic drama arc
k i n g fulfilled here in a w day,
what dues Noah's ark nicture?
r i r k building rook pla& durrng
t h e time oi the ead of that
ancient world. So we must look
lo7 s3mething spespeclal dunrw:
this time of me end, a thin?
from \vh.ch this present generation uf m m h d can b c e A t
ur tnke advsntwe during the
urgency o t o-m times. Bv
Scripture nnd Iulfillmwt fl'f
Blblr propllscy, it 11~s
wc;l establishrrl that the tLme
of the end of thIs present
'!orld Lwgarl 111 the autumn of
IR11. Noah'a ark would therefore picture that provision for
survival that God makes
through Christ for hi9 faithful
worghipers as the flery end of
this wstem of thlngs draws
hear. That divine prnrlsion Is
tlie spiritual. paradise inta
which God has brought his
faithfu1 worshipers since lBl9,
in whlch they live as hts people
I+eslored t o his favor and under
bls prokction. W I1/1 16 17a

Sunduy, November 16
Anyone dwelling ia

the secret

place of the Most High will

.procure himselj lodging under
the r w y shadow of the AImighty One.--&.
fn t1us case,the procurlng of

lodrirlg for ourselves means

thst we will be teated as
~ u c s t sof the Almightp One.
Tllfs Altnlghtp.Orte fsthe same
as the MosL High. The one and
the same Being has both qualIt!es ot supreme highness and
almightiness. Semuse of b2r.g
all-powerful, he can maintain
hu supremacy, hls universal
sovereignty. He a n mforce hls
mvewignty jn any nnd all

parts oP creation, against my

Inklligmt, U v h ~ crenturca
who may rebel gain st il,I t In
useles fm any creature to op-

pose or ignore tile suvmdgnr;y

of the Most High, for He C Ihe
A h l g h t v One. The reaaol~ahla
thing td do is fur us to r r C q n i z e His rlgtrttlrul soverelg~lty
nnd be subrnlpsive, Iuynl nr~d
trne to it, ~I!VHI;S
acknowlCrl!:mg him as Lhc Sorre~.eig~lul
otir b:c. The nnes tho.: (lo th!s
a r e the ones lhnt nre tnl:c:i
~nrothe "secret plnce ar tllp
M@stITlgh," ns the pue=rs nf
Y!e A l m i ~ Z l t y One, tks t h ~
psalmist #how% It7 f2/I 28, 17

Monday, Noremher I f
K e e p rcoxkinq out %'oar own
salvai<oiatt ruztlz cnr and trclnbling.-Pkil, 2:I2.
When it comes to u roper
esttmate of onc.self. de\ovall

gives Alie counseIr "Wist(en1 Is

with the modest ones." (Prov.
21:2) One walk in^ rnor1cstJy
with aod realizm that he h ~ f i
nothing to Infig a b o ~ ~int himself, regardless of hle abtltty or.
accomplishments. If he wnrlta
to boast, Let him honrb r~boirt
the wonherlu1 not1 he gervetr,
This Is whnt the Blblc urRra
when it says thnt ra p n r b o l ~
should not brag nboul hirnsrlt
becrruae of his rniKh!h#npm 01.
riches. Rut, rather, let him
brag that he knouvsJei~uvnhazl
a God of lovlnp-kindness, (Jcr.
9 2 3 , 24) Some niny have a
Little more of this world's goods
than atfiern, Some mRy seemingly have a ixtter s t ~ t l a !In~
life. But the Instruction Is
m& straIgbtforward t h ~ tthe
ChrPstsan must not be ewrcoMdenlt, relylnq un the
tungs Ile pwrsws, hrt. rethar, must work out hlhl own anlVR~.IDEI wltll fear and tmnbUnp. TMs reconlmended s a y
of Uf'e means Etagine totnilp
Inmlv~d in Jehovah's pure
was~hip, being rlch in fine
works. W 9 / 1 21, 22

Tl~ofldny, NOVCIHI
~ A 18
For all thin s I haue Sb
strmotft bv aRue o j )rim ~ v t t o

~m~onlffcationof love, They

have clcaved or clung to him

nffectlonately, with their

l~enrtsslmply going out to hiin
spontatleuusly. They are commnndecl Lo love him. but they
To meet and overcome Ss- love lllm because h e Arst loved
t a n ' ~deslms tluocenalully, rv8 tilt-rn nnd expremed this love
muat rely on Jehovah God. We Lhr.oup.h hrs only-begotten &In,
rleed h l y help and we slro~rlcl dexrls Christ. So it is not mereprtly f o ~
it. Wc al~ouldnlso nsb
13' Irl urcler to find spiritual
rrhtisalv~.i,Do r m tr\nRa n prncuecuilty :Itat they hare taken
tlcc of putt in^ Ihc Kin~tInm refuge in Hin?. In responstre
L t ~ t r l r c ~f; lt~~ s t ,or L!O ZI'R 1n;tke
nflectlon torvnrd them, Go4
:o prncllcc ol tntttlt~r!nChrr inlhns provided them uttrh escape
I P I . E ' ~ ~ . s f i ~ h t ? !Arc Inllnt hr r h r l
from Imng religiot~scnptlres t a
i ~ R I : . I + T I . S ~ l e r ! i ~ ~ itnp
l : l11t1:~ tl;ls world and, yes, from be!ng
11s i t ~ r ~
~ y l h t love of
eulerln!i?etPd. 1%' 1 2 , 1 5 23-25n
ower to me.
- - P ~ / I .4 : I J .


.71.ljovnli C:od, ~ I P I I I P I I I ~hi~ ,

2 : : 1 ~ ~ n i ' &Ilme I l ~ c pc~lplr's
h'ovemher 20
I ~ n ~ r b lwlu;
c : I hnt ' r ~ c onr
h tl:i:rla
which ~ c a s
tllc run in brhalr i l I Ills
land dcsotnte hna b e m e Sike
owtl I l o ~ l a ~
C;ncl's Iiousc
j b n r lyinu wnsle.' umw. ~ : n )
-EXk, 36:3S.
Will rve c,ako Ihc EHIIIP mllrfie
This spiritual paradlse of
rliirl clit oi~rsolvrsoff iron1 dceacc and security has been
huvah'r: Llcsslllf:? Ylow vlt;tl,
thon. to rollllnilo ~ ) r ~ C t l c l ~ ~uilt
f i up un earth since 1919.
the truth 11s.uharint: fully 111 13urlng World War 1 nand ik
hard times and perseeatlons
uur public prenrhln~morlc. Tlia
t,in~nncwN A'IIFII illin ~ i o v c r - fur GoCtOdls people, they illcurred
t,u-be-rcllertteri ~~c.Livll,y
wlll 116 H. pnlnful mss WI-e of divllle
rlonn. Alicnil 41i: u
:? lies l,?\e rli~favorclue to their COmpI'Q"$[reat trlbuiln2,lnn. 111 the ~nislngcourse and other shorfslrcn~lhor Jehovah let us do cornillqr;, God let them be
l ~ t b o n d ~ g eto rellwlth our rnif!ht whnt ouw b ~ ~ o u t lnto
hundtl fI11d 1(1 rln. Mrry thond RIOURBahvlan mid her pollti" r ~ l l thln~a''lllcllide 11111.pllllllc c:tl, suill'tary nlld judicial
prirarnoIIr#. But In lgln ,llw
prrt~chlnlr. tV 9/15 10, t l n

Novcmhm 10
Bccatfsc on me Ile Ira8 set I143
nflecthn, I sl~nll also pvavlde
I1 fin

iollh cscnpe.-P8.

01 :I4,

8 a t ~ n denies thth human

creat~trrtecon low C)od jtrst lor

whnt Ha la. Bttt Jehovah npp r e c l ~ t e sLhe trkle lovo o! avrn

mrtbly cfcnturss of I31s. IZoW
God caprcLws Ma npprecEn:lo~l
the psnlmlct shows, whcn hc
~.eymae!lts Owl ea s l l e n k i n ~
81ld s#plnK wlth marti t o Hi8
lorrlnl: w~>rshillcrs
nr a class t h e
words ~tbove.The sor~hlpersof
t11o ont. lir41-1~ nnd true Ood
hnve R P thelr
aiructlon Upoil
hlm bec~uuwR e 1% the 111RheSt

repentant remnant determu~cd

to hnrmonlec their united
rtrursc of action with God's
rcvcaled purlme according to
t h o Blble knowledge that he
hegnn i~ufoldirlq to them. 93
G ~ K I pmclnrisly used his Son
Jrsirs Ciwlst like n modern-dev
Cyrus tu telense his r e m a t l t
people from exlle under Eabylotl. ASWr their restoration to
p ~ n r c f ~rel3tlonship
with Jch o c ~ hGud in 1919, as it were
to thelr God-alrren mirltual
homclnnd, I?lc sprritnal paradise w~
huLlt up, nwAw
conmeations of Jehovah's
Chrlatian witnesscp being tstnllllsll~cl mound the eruth.
IY 1 1 / I 1Ra

Zhlrr clnsa la hound P

d nit
r~blltty l o r d c r resrstmee. 31
lu ulht t l l l l ~i l b h the darknev:
rluthlrlr, n h ~ r r :the darknas 1s
1104, :kllel l:llrtl t>y such Ihiilp!r
There, with rin
( I l l I t i 1rerrne:i and on e a ~ t f ~ , nn s t ~ r v I:nnp>,
I, of any kind
r~lmY!lbr bfrl~!qI~
E info a ~irnittl fro111hLl*11~1~n
Clorl. Illrtt cl~.$srmll wr"cl,
I I J Clrr!st.-Rph. 1:9, 1 0 .
i!~rcl ~ r l : ~ ' : lkq
h teeth. in 111:.
FTrw ~?nr:llsh Bible.
f:l'c:~t LI .lmlof Ion in \r.h!cl~
Thc mnr:rc~dion of those
1:~I)vlnn t l i ~(:YPB~ and all 1!1r
who wet r! t o ~ I P:~%qocintes
1 v:~r, nl t hls system cf tillng:~
the unilyinc v,ark nith Jesus will I)e rlt<strr>y*d.That c1:1r>
Cilrl'lst, In tlir! hrtrvt'na hnd ta be
rclll ZIP cub crll from the king~ n l h ~ i r lknd
r ~ d ui~illcdunder itq
II(JIII t l i 111~I I P ~ V C ~ S and wlll
111 I h l w
~ y "tlsllc t11Lnr:~ Z i ~ t v s rld j)i~rt In the ''evenin:!
in I.lra b ~ ~ t r ~ e ~the
i s , tlliny:~ I H I ~ III
I ~ 1 IIC: Lnmh's ma~1-in.t~"
i(>rtho lieh~ens.woulrl
Iv* ~:!~tlrt.rrrlttvcther 3gnln ill
1l1c('lirlh~,'IU) t h t t the "1)r)dp"
l!:,<ct 17.5' 4 iflll ill llIh admillisStmAn~-,hbwrnbcr 23
tr*illor~ anll:hf: hr, cornplrlr.
Is wood to oll, and lr3r
il~jrcrvrr, ~~ccordlng
to C i r ~ l ' f l JrI~o~~nlr,
tllr~ d i ~ ctlme ni11s1 vtzrt t ! t f 8 x ~ I V ? rwcr fl![ his ?t~orYcs.
--Ia$, 1P5:9.
tmntucI'ur thi! tlecund featuic al
lrls ''l~~l!nlt~lst~~nllnn,"
Tlia pmctlce or mercy, as the
t o ' ~ n l~el.
toprthcr agsfn in
uw~rl1~ tiacrl In F~lgllxh.quit?
the ~'Iirlst'"the things on thr
rlflen ronvcp the idea of exr:\rtll *' '1')ii.s Lple n r ~ i r e dkvhel~ r r r l s l n ~rr~trnint.,sach as 111
G P I I ~ J ~ IB' i m c ~ came to
I hu ' ~ t l r n t [:.~PPI~IQ
01 pwnisllIJleEr LtiZiltlrnot~tIn aukmn of
t ~ ~ t~ttl!:
~ t ~, r s t r g h kin?
mo$111. f-'~:iv I!lt4. T l l c ~ et h o time
tivntc'rl 11v t,nmp~<?lotl,It: Ln
r71ao [rrr I,llr? M~ssinnreking!~norlIn this w,xy In the Bible.
doill rul~*~5 Cor~ilcrly exwclsed Jc~l~rrvaE~':~
rsrrrixr! of mercy 1:;
by ICIII[: 131ivltl over in Ill@ nlrvii~~!+It1 tir!rr~iorlv rrltl~ 111v
qtrnllties. 1Hos. 3: 191
&lldrEle R ~ s to
l bc rellistat~cl, r1ll11~1Ailrl slnt:r $111 anen arc bv 111ilut It1 rt~rlhlyJerusalem, hlit
sir~fulniirf r w i v i ~ l q
111 t l ~ r l ~ r : r r ~ nW~ , 10;15 10,
p:tvmmt or (tenth, i t I!:
I ilk
r l r n v il~nt. tllc ilnrdmlfna ot
rrsrir, r ~ r . t I i n Ii,~?l!enir~r: or
Slat~irllrty,NovrmRur 22
p r u ~ i ~ l ~ t n r ~1~u trrr*quently
InH4 trill# ~enfleretl speeohless.
?'hen t l l o kirtq sniil t o 11)s volverl If1 Jchnvnh's exercist3
or mercy. 3Torve~~l..
the Rebrew
srr'unnt~.''Bitzd hfin hwrd nnrb
nntl (3rpek rm~~tls
nre not IllnInnt nlrtl Ilrrnrrv Il!m o s t i n f o
Illrh tTnrknws o n f s i d ~ . "
Hcd to i o r ~ l v c t ~ e or
s s restreml
-nratc. zz:12. 1;.
111 n p l ) l p l n ~a judicial pennltv.
'Plls C~IL-S tltnt mntres up
Motlt lr~r]t~clltlv,
In fact. mprrv
CltrlHlenrlr)~ti11ns no PXCUAB tu
rcrrrn, rwt tu n boIdinp. llnck
nlTnl' I n l,tw King for tlyina t o
!II% ol p u ~ ~ l a l ~ n ~ lnlt
m t )tu
. :I
lilt nk (tlo rnarrinae feast with])orIllve nclli>~l,t o an expresoul Ill* aymlvolie garment;.
flloll OS lclrltl consltleration ny
'rlmt rlliw mn nlrcr no remon pily t h ~ 11rlnp
relief. It Is n
fur 11p:nl: nllr~wrdto enjoy the
ch.krnct~rlsticqurrlltp of Gad%
nrrlrltr~l:ceretnonies and feest.
~ ~ e r l t n t ~ ~ t thls
l l y ,ncrmal m y n l
At t l ~ ctlrno nP the final Inr e n c l l n ~torrrni-d thwe In fiml.
spacllun, lirnt e10as is found
ns the dhi~ltnlst;13avirl show8
? ~ ] I P V ~ . ~ I ~:in.
F N ~n
.rc st~ownabove.
IY H!l5 13

Ifc lrns ?r!mTr krrorua lo zrs hts

bi#irtctk p?rrpme-sliclt 7 t w s IrJs
rtlfll crnd p~r'clslrre cldmnirred
Z~cprrticlnrl i n Christ



Mmrhy, xmc~nbrr 24
,TPake honest
rorirlon. tat
mla in tlrr: sipft o .Iclrrn~oh,
b r l f also in tltr slgdl n, nrrvr.
-2 Core #:2f,
T o be ' p ~ ~ ~ f nnrr
a t God In
perfect' wc r l l u ~ lluva whnt hc
loves. (Matl.. h:401 Thlfi Includes pursulnc what I,: l u ~ t
and rictlt. Tllc 8 1 2 , l ~ tr~lh11s
that C~WIis "tc ~ o v p t - 132 US-

God's Word
I m d on it as

or publlcntionu
r!, pnl'cly restor-

3tir.e mennfi, I t~iswrlultI not

constitute such Irlltnvxtiltl, Of

0011PSC, [ilRc'llR~iOll Ill[tJ' I'eSlllt

from such rc~:ril~lR.11' 80, the

fi'olll l'~~Ilo\z?,hll~
ln rh
IH l i l ~ ~ l ~ l l : ~ t)y
seelng Co 1L llinl I1irr.r !I; 110
Fhal-mg of enr' sro:lr: Wntfment or nttlturlc mnntr~81.crlhy
lhr: dixlella~vhl~l~reri
lice." (Ps.37:211) 'r'l,!.rerorr,to
n l l i n y t i r ~t ~
(1 :lccP{~lltliy t I S t 1 IIC ''imilators o r Clod" wrb must
doninx ui f !1ra i4:rt~!~~!
1w honest i l l 1111 uirr' rlr:nSlri~?r, th:lt led %
I hlfi rpr lrrr I I ~ I I I R
nud, if ive mrc! arnl)loyrtl, lh!ct
d~sfellowahlrlcrl. W' 8 / l Inn
includeti our doelIl~(viwllh oui'
employer. Tod~qyIf i~ r:f)lllmr~ll 'CT'ednr%d~y,Nrrv~mhrZR
i n r persons tn ~ t nlnnfs
M it11
I'm arc t n y
Rw!, Itr rrqhnnt
practices thal RI-r rr8itl).
1 wiZt trust.-Ps. gI:2.
r:ronr, tlius. 111 clrccl, Zlwy P I c
follfir:-iet: "ntlcr t llr uto!r.rl for
The psdmlst's rnll!iig hlm
evil ~ n d s . " irl:':.u. ?:1:21 Mnriy
"my C;or1" nlenr~t tI111l Jehocinployees c~~stnmrirlly
rlo n::
vah was t,hc C3r1e fur Iilm 60
little as lhey ~)ua.rli~ly
rnll nurl lvorahip a4 lhn Illvlnr ncin~..
:;ill1 hold Zhrll- fol)li, nr r v h r n
This \ro~~lrl
be IL lrru 11-rBxpl'cx110 one Ix lonlrlnrp thry tnkr
6!011 fOP Je\LlR (:lll.lb:l, l l I l l l ~ ~ i f
things that (lo IJII' IlPlrln~: (.rb
to use tunard ,lrlic~rnh,I I I I ~
Illeln f7'c imply C:l!lllol do the rise of Hit* ckllrl'sulon " n w
stzc'n thrnas nntl hr ItnLlnior:.r FW does n o t IIHI. I2,:*lmn3
or God. Co!nillun, lot), :!I Illc
Trom bclnr: npp1lrrkI)S~I n JCstl::
prr.ctice of Loklng nrlvoiitnr5e CIxkt. W h c l ~ 1rt:ru. rlr~.ktll on
0;' ~.clfarr!nllrl ?~~~arnll!ty'!l~r~lt
the cxec~!lion rL1ikv 11111 .;Itla
provl~ionst h n (lo
~ HOI, 11~11~1~ Jcrusnlcui, ]I(! cluui,rd I'hrlrn
one and of l~r~~~~~o!vlnrr
i111tl n f ~ t zz:1: " M y Qotl, any c f r l r l .
payjng back. ITorvprv)r, l o "he
w l ~ vhave you ft~r~nlt(!l~
perfect" in jusilcc rvc mlll~trlu tniatt. 27:481 Y P F .1Iw hfx:lsp:I.: counseIed ml,~rvr.I t ' 31 1 7, Ha
Pnlp Fatlrer wrl:: iuj lnltcll m
God to J ~ s u x rlhrlst n!: Re
Tnesflny, No\-~?n?trr
was to JrsuR' dl.rrlpIp*. ( . l o l ~ n
T torote l o poib lint In n ~ 8 0 r I d f c 2 0 : 1 7 ) Jct~ovnh Is t 11n Ootl in
with n7ir onr: tulro b r ~ ~ Iha
r . ~ whom t o p111 air Crl~sl,.C : m name of brrrtiirr i j hr le ~ 1 1 l l ? / qequently, clur t ~ l i n l 111 thls
OJ i r n ~ ~ t o r n r ! f ? ~
, - ~ !J : J I ,
God whose Immn I# .7ph0vrll1
%vised Stulds~.rlVerr;inn,
means stlckl~llsI~~Rrj)nl.nl>ly
When one's mab :!I dlsfclhis tvm.?lllp. 'Tru~1. 111 ,WhoIa~xhiped.t h e ulhrr Infltr. ns vlih as God' mmns hcllrvlna
one f l r ~ hwith mtrh R ortr, may
n-holly fn thc F h c m l RcriprfghtIy do what llr? or htlr cnri
to lead suctz n ullo Lo rmcpr?~~-Lures that Re Xenn lnsplrcrl Z)y
lance and rcrtarntlon In Ihc his holy mirib n n r l kr~r>lnrc
cong~egntlou. Thn ~ ' u f r . l I n t l > ~ cornmrtndnlclit8, a8 Ilia Ron
rrom spiritunl fellownhll~woi~lrl Jesus Ch1.ist did. II rnpnns
not rule o11t usr of tllc nllAc jealously g~larrll!ll: Cllc rvol*ship of Jehovnh CKKI, keeplna
or Bihliml Jiirrntur~, for frll o m h i p i n ~Implies I& m~tt~lnl!t.y ~t elem from hrlrnnn trllrlltions nnd rvurlrlly prscf tcca.
of sentiment srirl vlewpolt~l,R
comradely equn!ily. IT Lhr! I l ~ t p Do you (lo lhnl? W 12 ' I 8 ,
111 good stnntllnl!, r a n ( I ~ fl-orn 10, 12s


Thursday, November 27
He who holds mlt t o the end,
he zsfll come safe thrmtgh.


24:13, Bgrington.

For the sake of surviving

the great tribulation all those
Itow in the splrllua? paradlse
must remain there, like h'oah
and his l a r d 7 111 the ark, the

d(nr of which God shut beh n d then1 before the deluye

hr~rstupon the m r l d . ( e n .
! : I ) Only by remainwlthUI G o d ' s prodded place of
approva1, fp-ror and protection
c a n they hope t o wrvire tlre
fiery 2est;ructim of this system of thinps. W~th them
tllttre %vW ~ l s omrvlre under
God% 1)rotectlon speclrnms of
flying creatllres, land mirnab
nrld marme creataares. for the
earthly survlrrorB of the "great
trlbnlntion" will cmy out the
divine commission to have
Il?cse lower Iorms of cl-eature
life in subjection for the prese~t~atlonand good of those
l l v l ~ l g creations uf God. The
comhlg "ueab txfiulatlon" will
c~~lrnlnatein Har-Magedon.
For the worshipers of Yehocxh to get safely throu h that
trlhulation, their symbsic ark,
Wle spiritual paradise, must
remaln, with them staying in;
side, 'holding out to the end.
I V l I / l 21, 22tl

My D u r p m shall tape e fect,

r loill accomplisish nil tdat I

please.-lsa 4G:IU,
New Emlish BiMe,
The blllioni of resurrected
humans will all have
brought into a unity under
Chrkt, the -el
Empant in
God's "adrmnb&&#!on." The
~ h t ~ l n a tpurposee
of this is to
b:iLF ab#t,t their unBcaticm
with G M . Thrs will require
the uplifting of all the o h dient ones of mankind t o L'ie
h u m a n perfection such es
Adam and Eve had at their
clheatlon. All the disobedient
resisters of such unMcation
wrll be destroyed everlasting-

ly, never again to ba diatttrllera of the ~ P R W All

honor Eo
the Bl~preme Admhlalmhr.
Jchovali God1 Hc not only

purgoges t1i~L also fnlthfullv

fulfills l ~ l spurpose, oa he r ~ s sures 11s throtl~hIsalal~. kt
n s 811 tnke cnuraxe, thcnl
hlthor~& we see a11 I~umrtr~
p l m s failing todny, we n i r
comfo~~tedrvfth the blessed
knowledge oof jehovnh Gorl'a
all-excellent purpose. Co11l1denl!y rve look Iorwnrd to
seeing and experlcrictnR Zllp
success of God$ put pow, Fol eler ST expect to P n p y tllQ
endless blessings thercironl!
1Y I ( r i i 5 18, 1 9 ~

Wn~rhy,Novemhax 80
I rllalt protect Rht hecuuaa ha
l i r r ~C O ~ ~ Ito
C ktlolu nze, name,

91 :15.

Because of the world's

mountin hostllil y again8 k
them nnr! becnnze of Bafmn'b
u~lceasing warfare u(:ni~lst
them, Sehovnli's wOs~1i!per*
have alrendy paawl t't~rtju::l~
much d~slvess. Eut, true $0
his word, Jehovah has evtbc
been wlth them. In tlio trcmendom distress yet nhcarl of
them, as this wrcked zvorld
comes to ltz end in I I ~ ~ C P
destruction, Jehovah will llc
wit11 his worshipers and mlraculously make t h l ~knotvtvtll
Rather than let them he Lugloriously destroved by nil
thek enemies visible and inlrkrlziblc, Jehovnh rray.7: "I 8hnlI
rescue him and g10My him."
The glor~ficat!on t~erc promised docs not necessarlIy mean
the glor~ficationof t h e menlbers of t h ~mointcd rrmIIPIIZI
in heaven w:th thtalr
reigning King. Tlllr ~ v i l lcnme
in Jehovah's due time, after
a pr0miSed "lelrgth of days."
But already He has m d e brllIisnt rescuw of hls worshipers
on enrth. m d h&9 bro1:pht
spiriritunl glory to them, t o tlii?
honor of his name. FV IZll'i

of lhln


1x1 n~unlwr.TIta nlll?lly to pruvldu esr.:<peIn the futlrrc cnw8

al nrcrl !s ~ t l l l n.r jirent n.g
ever! Never nl!l thusc rvho
tho Must I-lln1i God
r c l t l l nt~lrllnnrl truth I I P wlpett
off t l ~ r b enl'th. 'l'lil:r nlsib Iu the
p o i n t In hl.r ~:rrl!ir:1~1th~ c hpcct t o ~ h r ?c~)~np~ulg'
of 11In
zr<ruslllpers thr r~ords n l m v ~ .
I.']oil) the yenr 1425 olltvard

Iorvlnr: gear, renders of T h e

1Yntclr Torre!' were confronted
wltll the challendng question,
"Wlro Will Honor Jehovah?"
this baing the Iezdlnr artrtLc!e
pul~lfshed in the magannc
Is,r:e of Janunry 1, 1925. Less
t hnr1 three years lat cr they
nr$flpkl with lotld afclatrn " A
I>rcl~rntlovAgainst G ~ t m
tor Jetiovnh." IF l Z j l 5 25-28a

N ~ v r rI.+ar.lnfi a d ' s Place of Splritlrnl SemEty,

-Pn. 91:l.

He wiI1 call upon me, and r

shall answer hirrr. f aha11 Br
with hi??& in dzslresa. I shnIl
rescrle Jtiln and glorijjt Jfl?)~.



In tealimotly

IRa J e h o v n l ~ 'truo
axlat loclny Iir till? most purllOUF, tlmr nrlrl I ~ eI increnslrla

the remnant of spiritual Israel

took note that the ZXrlptures
Jndicnted that the time had
conla for God to makc a name
far himself world wide. This
focuwd nttention up011 Gorl's
pclar>l~nlneme, Jehovah. 90
riqllt ilt the start of the fo1-

Wo~lRay,Demmber I
dlthougft the fig tree itself
s~uk blonaona, a r ~ d Ittern

br na 1/1cFd on tlra vfitcs:

. . . yet, as /or me, I lclll c,x?llC
irr. k h o u t ~ h1lntsr:tf: 1 18111 BB
in f l l ~G a d of 7n?/
ralzrntloil-Ha7~ 3:17, 19.
Rxl,rerno prcwurn ma he
~ ~ U R upon
~ I Cufi by the HXelcd
H slonl ol thinEa durbp i t s
o s l n ~hrms: wc may suAer
hnrdsl~ig: r~t limes
uur vcry ~ ~ ~ r v l vmay
a l nppcnr
l o he in d o ~ l l ~IJut
t . In thtl fnce
o l nll of Etlls, w i t h fnllh In
Johomh w will hrrve rPlk.qOil
for joy. n6 llie prophet IIrthnkkue wns i ~ ~ s p l to
t ~ wrlttf.
Wa l d n y R ~ OY C ~ V C L ~ C lo
t h n t crftlcal Ilmc, W e ma IlvinR Iri tho I r ~ y t (Irtys of ttlls
nyatenr rrt t h t ~ ~ p snnd:
we ~ C R
t h ~luVi1Imenl or ~mphw..y.
esymclnlly Illrir net iortlt In
t h o Lwrtlty-lnurtl~ chnptrr or
Matthew, rv1~lcY1 deaci i l ) ~ sthe
rcry thin
thmt wotr:(l cxcur
1,pfore t h g hyskm o~ t l l i n ~ s
rofncv ta all vnB, I~lclildlng
l h p prencllin~ of thin fioorl
~ I C N Wor Cial'h kinWlon1 in mil
Zhc lnhnbitccl earL11 lor a witncss to all the nationa. We
brlieve this 1V 1 / 1 34, 35


Tumhy, M e m b e r 2
Bfnd him halid and loot and
tl~row hi91~ out into the
drarknesa orrtsi&.

-Matt. 22:13.
mng 8 6 the ~ r ranger of the marriage feast
for hfs ~ ~ 0 1comes
in to inapact, the guests. ThThis must
t)~d tho

nrow when the wedd

Is fillM. (Matl. Z2:10,
the filling of this room with
e~louqhguests the gathering
work by I h a King's slaves
wouM stop. As the gathering
of tile ones chosen 1s to be
clone under the invlstble w i d alms of God% angels, the
henuenlv Klng would come inRnd ini c t ahen the work
J e s 1s
~ f~116Iled
the conclusion of the system
of t h i l l y ~ . ( W t t . 24:30, 31)
The cun~pletionof this mthpnnq of t h e chosen ones nrou:d
tnkc p:ace short!y before t3e
c r ~ n t tri\)ltlnl!on t k a t J e w s
colnpured to :he F'locd. 60,at
t h v t ttmc of ruspectlun made
I?!. Wlc henvrnly Klilg, the
rhris pictured by the man
rr.:thout the mnrriage garment
will be left to face the coming
destruction of this system.
ur 11/15 11, 17a


with hln " v e v aliedow" under

which to lodge; ( 5 ) Jshoveh
w ~ t lhis
~ refuge ~ n dah-ongorcr Ed Satm fm the &stwe- hnlri: nnd ( 4 1 Qorf with llis
trutafclrthlne.uu. Truly t!~is rs
tiorr, a! #he flesfz, fn order that
unbcntnl)le cornt)l!mt,irm of
tltc spirit mag be saued in nn
cq~tar:itiu tr)kyuthcr for
3hc day 01 the Lord.
beczu l l y nu3 prowl vntior~
Cor. 6:4, 5.
ot t.ilf? lrua worshlpo~a who
HalQlng to the Bcriptnrea, lneet Cllo rcquirult~r:t~
Ls for elln s i l h ~ rrllinlmizlng what they jtlylnu those I~onslllsl & A
say llor rentltng into them
resull wc llnvc chr~]clycd marffiometiring they do riot say, v e l ~s ~~~ l ~ l l u w
l i lc r ~ ~ ~ rtlll
w i l l mnble UY to keep a b ~ 1 - now. JusL hnw t h l ~l~naserved
nrlceri r ~ c wtoward didellawior sucli sccurlty tllc re& stof
ahiped ants. ?Ve will ever kee
the gsnlm fil~o\r.~,
m:tklng 11s
It1 mind the renson fur d i s d
more rrpprerlnllve of the clanIr>w8hlplnff, to keep the can- :ern frut~rwljlrh we have been
KroCntlor! pure and approved
snfogunrderl. LV 12!1 1 3 ~
by Cfocl, Ires from corrupting
i r ~ f l l ~ c ~ l cMuch
o . "le!ven" yould
Frltlny, ~ c n m b e r5
erulso l l ~ awhole lump, t i e
Pug atlentlo?~ t o yoursetccs
Lo ferment spirtltmt yllrrr liearts navsr k c o m
ltu ally. Ro the rongregallou
in cftect "destrqys" this smfnl r u e i q ? ~ ddc)zulr witlc overeating
arid hrrr?u/ rlrfnki7rfl m?td andI l ~ s l ~ l yInfluence by putting
ssrdrlcnb lhat
t h r unreppntant w r o n ~ d w r eilrs uf E I ~ Cu?irl
n y br .Iifsfantllfrcpor~ r,~orr rrs
c~haldo I n the world domia snnrr -?,~rkf! 21:34. 3 5 .
nntetl by BRtnn, doing so in
orrlrv that the aplrlt, the
I b $8 not nccrsmrliy the Ma
dol~llnantoutlook, feeling and
t h l n ~ a t h n t may overTWow
mothvation aC the conrgegaour Iulth. Rtre~slngthe mnttcr
tl(lrl, mny be preserved. A t the
o l evervdnv Ilvtt~fl l?y Iztth,
Alllno Ilmo a bal~nced ViewJCSIIH&wiled I n tbc words
~rllnt will kcop 11s reflecting
nbnvo, A ~ R ~ I Iwlmt
C I ~ kind 01
~nrtnonlf)u~lyt-he divine qual- tl~ingswns ,Jesus 11w-e wwnl b i w of our henvenly Father
in^? He w l t ~ilot ~ ] ~ c n k lof~ ~ g
w ~ l o 18 110th righteous and
R11ch fiHjn8 I* iornicn21nnr odultery and thievery. 61tch things
nlr~diul, W 8 / 1 25. 26a
noulcl, nt rotbrsn, keep one or:t
Thnmky, December 4
nf thr kln~,rlcr~uof Uml, UuC
J c a u ~ w.ls a : b l n l I l ~ nqxi?st
Anlfoo#c dlucnfng f n t h e secret
~ 1 1 1 3 1 0 1t1t ~ ~ tthat
~ f :C~~ T ezsiiy
pEuus a! the Most H i g h w i l l ~nfcrct
of IN, Involving
prnclrre ki7jtselj loolging under ealing, arty
(lrlnklng nrld the rdaily
Lhc very sAaRow of the AlOP I l l c , A l l of tlwwe nre
?nr',7hb Onr. I mill 8rsy to CRL'CI:
l a Indul!p? in t o n
' ' Y o l ~are m y refuge
i 1 1 i uCXCCM.
ThelTln lio their
rrntl 3nq atrnnghold, nny God, ~subtlety
[and prril. A perfion
In ~uhntn I will trririt."'
cntl crlsllv be dccelvect Into
-Ps. 91:1. 2.
thi~lklng Ile lar t n k i n ~a s ~ f e
Noh that IH just t h e two courm, WIGS the11 hc cnusht
opening v c m of Psalm 91, IIII~LIV:~IPA.
A pcrrion a n bewc have the four important
comn l~~volved
nnd antangled
clsalaniltions of the One whom
wo worflhlp, also the four vital i n the a!Talr#~ or thls world
and the nllxtetlru that m ~ c h
tlllnKa Ltir~t attach to those
Consider these: bring, with Herlous tlarnage to
his flplrltuullly. t?a the need
(1) Tho Most Hlgh with his
"secrnt plnce" In wllfch to t o "prig ntlontfon."' W 1/15
dwell; 12) the Almighty One 20, alrt
Werlnwdny, December 8
Wltea you
gathered togcllrm,
a mu=

. ..

k t u r h y , Deeember 6
him beeawe hc
has come to knoro my name
-Px- 91:14,
On Btmdny alternoon, July
20, Ifiai, nt Chr inbernatlonal
vonvcntion of the 1B.S.A. in
Culunll~us, Ohio, there came
l,he 11rn,rlfelb doption of the
ill favor of cmbracinrc Ltlc! New Nnma, .Jehovah's
!vlCncs:xs. Ti~ol*cRiter
thls ReS-

r #hall protect

rhullol~ r v u ~trir)pLed by eon-

K'rrF(nllons mound the world

I hnL I l ~ r n c e f o
lh~ identised
I hclr relig1o;rs c>r~anizstionas
Jahavrli !. wItnes?es. To adVCI tlw tho rllrlnt. name 8111
l u ~ ~ t l ~ con
r , M R ~ c1 ,~ 1939,
soma mntlbhs hefore World
Wirr I1 broke out,, the official
Irlttunalnc n l the Witnemea
cniw forth with the new legei~ri. "Tho Wat,chtower Annnuncln~:Jehovnll's Kingdom."
And nr)w it mnv well be
nslretl: ~ ? R Rt11e ~ o ofb prophcry mndr R nnmc Zw h t w i f ?
'The nnwer is self-ct-ident,
Ye31 By whom? Nut by Christrllrlorn or by Jewry, but by
Jehovull'rr Christln~~
I'rl~ly,,TehnvnhlsprotecWng his
woenlilpora lwcuuse they have
"cntne ta b l o w my name"

hns rnennt psotectlnl: his o m

nnln? nnti h a v l n ~a means for
tlcrLnrlnr: hls name In all the
mrlh. Itr 12/15 29, 3oa

i s tti~Iktng mith wise
pC?BOna ujlll become w i a q *but
trc llint i s ficlf~dng dealtngs
rrlllb thc atrapirt orzis ~ v i l lfare

He that

btrd1y.-Prou. 13:20.
Chrlall~npnrents often fbd
that prohlcmn wise when their
cllllhcn 2wgln to asweiate
wit11 other children. They
must, o t course, h s e some
n~:cociatlon wlth o u t d d a r s .

Cumplek Inolatlon today is

11ext to lmposvlble md is Inadvlaal>le. Worldly wociates

vnry hI the d c ~ r e 9o i unchris-

tlnn iilfitrence that they may


But pwente a d to

h o w with whom t h l r children talk ntld p l ~ y . Whlle

some ~v{>rldly
ons today
have wrlnln * G a b l e rhnracterlatlcs, 1G mutt IIC remcmhered t h a t onc tvho la not a
wot.shir,cr or ,Tehovnh enn noC
be snirl to be Root1 compttny.
I 1 Car. 18:38) I 1 1 n gerleral
W ~ V
(111e1nlp;ht B I ~ YLAnt Iliere
are redly ttvr~kirtdn of m a clntex, AA Pwlm 1 11 : I 0 al~ows,
t h r wol~sl~l]~rrs
of J e h o v ~ hnre
the wisp olirti with whom your
clltldrp~l~lrolrld~ ~ i n tThis
r .
rvUl hrlp thrm Lo h c o t n e trr1ly WISP. Oritllnit~g n p s w n m
t h a t n110w.~Ilttln or 110 time
for out8irlc ~~ssuelnteuwo111.d
be Idcal. W B I I 22, 23a

Monday, D c c ~ m h ~8r
Kaen working by splrlt and
eotl wilt carry o!tb *re peshIv
destre rrt all. Moreover, t?do,~c
who brIo?tu to Chrfst Jesus
impaled tlte pest! tagethrr
~ c t t hIts pnssfma and dessres.
I f ~w arc liufrtv bv splriL, let
eis go on l i ~ a l k t n gr~rdrvlyalso

by spfrtt-C;rrl.
5 : I G . 24, 25.
When wo yloId o i ~ r a e l v e I,o
the influence of Clocl'~wlsdom
as set forth ill hls Word nnd
the ~uldnilceof his ~pirit,we
\ ~ j l l flnd that arlr ~p11'1t01'
dominanl tccllnR wlll cnmpel
us to conlurm ever c l m r to
God's stmttnrd ol hollt~r%qor
p ~ ~ r l t yLVe
. !tollt he n ~ o v ~ r to
wnnt t o irnltnte hl8 ql1n1ltle.s
l o ~ ~ c~,I I S ~ ~ Eand
wlsdom. The rdtl nnd wholrsome
effect of tlic brillnin~rccolvsd
t b r o u ~ lptaram~nl
~ n dcunplegatlollrtl hl,zrdy of i,he nibre
wlll be rn~tnji& t o 01)servers
in our ~ttltudc, ~ p e e c l n~ i ~ d
rcklons, Tt~ou~11tllc slnfrll
tcndencleg 0: our failen IIrsh
may push us It1 a wrong directlon, our nplrlt or ctomlnnnt
attltude will caoperrrte with
the llendlng of G d ' a tlplrit and

rcstroln the dealrca of our

flesh, M the a~lwllo Paul ao
clewly show& W 2/15 12a

Tunsdny, December B
Jehovah God proceeded t o
Enke the mfln and settle him
it1 t J ~ e garden of Eden t o
cuEti2;ate it and to take
care of tt.-&en.
After the spiriLu~1paratt!se
has survived ths "great trlbulatlon." the survlvlng war-

sh~persof JePlovah will devote

thelr elIwls to restoring t h e
Ilteral gar~dise. Life Lr. thg
spiritrral pzradise no* Ex no
life o f Idleccss for those enj o y t ~ ?Ood.8
I a ~ o r and protect:on there. Zfvlng there bw
p u r p w nccardlq to :he will
of Ooal. OrlgIr?a:Ip. God put
Adam in t h e earthly pasadise
not t o loaf and idIe snay his
(.!me lazlly, but to '*cuI:tvate
~t Rnd to take care of it G d
jmparted purpase to the Eves
of Adam and Ew by glxlng
them the cammlssim t o raise
P. famlly that walrld within
FRWn thomand years of tima
nlll the whole earth and turn
~t fnle a Paradise garden and
would have all the lower forms
of craature I i f e in bcneflcial
si~bjcction,$0,too, in our spirituul paradise, there is worldwicle work t o do, before the
"great tribulation." We hasmanize our course with Gocl's

purpose. W 11/1 22, 23a

Wednesday, December SO
He pzirposed
an admhistration at the full ltmdt of
the rrppo~nbed times, namely,
lo gather a12 fhiirgs together
in the Christ,
the things


. ..

an t l ~ e earth.-E'ph. 1.9, 10.

In hmven, at God's slght

hand, is here Christ. the

permanent Heir oi Kinx David
is now located. It
in 1914
C.E. that Jehovah instaLed

thts hezvenly Heb 00 King;

David on the throne, with
royal power over s!l the earth,
over all mankind. for whom
Jesus Chrlgt had died xs
n perfect human sacrifice.
Thereby the Kingdom of the
Mes6lah went into operation.

At that time, in a aulmfnfiting way, the "full Urnit ot the

appointed tlmes" had been

reached whm e1m "ndminla.
tratlon" !hat ~ c dwtts cot!.
ducting should g a t l i ~ r together again in ChrlsE' h l ~ a
estray,gerl "thinga o n tlic
cnrth, Thla would he tilo
secund stare of the gntIl6rlllR
or uniting work nccorr!ine to
G d ' s ptikpme. Now thnt the
"full hmit of the appolutctl
timez" h a s bm icacticd in R
ccrnplete m r r e , W P fl11rI o w selres In n day wlth the finest
of prospects nhend I lV 1 ~ 7 . ~ 1 5
12. 1.la

Thursday, Decemller 21
There are manu intlfted, but
few chosen,-Matt, 22:fg.
W h m dld Jesus menn by
the many that Elad been Invftsd, and ~vllorn by the fcw
chosen? The lllBhy invltcd
were the Jewish n i t i a i tllnt
was in tile Lnw covcnnlrt,
I<-1uch offered help t o tire
Jews to become n kingrlnm of
priests to God. T11e rew choaeu
ns worthy OI the klnndorn oP
the heavens w r e the rcm-

nant of rlaturnl Jews who

acted or1 the notiflentioii from
the heavenly King, Auch JOWA
came bo the room ror Iho
wedding ceremonies and nccepted the marrl~lnosrtrm~nt
from the King, put I t nn find
then recliner! n t the tabla.
Rerqauw,by 36 C.E.,mere1 a
hew Jem~sncted on the! i n v h tiua, God sent hls ;SIavcs out
beymd tI= Jerr?&licommttnlty
with orrlers to bdng iri replacements from tire unctrcumclsed Genttiex. Sr) the few
that made up the Jptrlsh remnant were only part of the
guests nt the feast. Eence.
all the wests clothed with
the marringe ysrrnent pictured
more than jllht the remnant
of 3 m who beenme spiritunl
Imelites. The guestm n l ~ oincluded all the fuIthIu1. Gentile
rcphcemcnts. W 11/15 20-22n

PrMny, nerw?mbar 12
Bleaed bo Jchova?~,who has
not given 11s a3 n gr to their
t r ~ r l Q11r
~ . 801tr in
! abirrE
tt~rctl a escaped ro.rr~the 2 r . n ~
boflors. T l t c
$3 trrar;c~i.

anions look fon$"rd with

hem to entering the New
wlthout interruption of

Iife. In the New Order Jehovnh OaR will add t o the length
or dsys of the anointed rema n l on e ~ r t hSo the polnt of
rrntl EI'C O I I T S V ~ C C SJ I I ~ I I P ~ S C ~ P C I I . nsxtlslying
the meruhers there-FS, 121:r;, 7,
of. It remains t a & seen
The pmlrnlst Dnvld here whelher thev dl1 be yet rel I k e n ~hlmwlt anrl lrin com- tnlned here +on earth to see
yanionu to b1rda tlrnt hnve the start of the resurrection
actz~nkty Zmn c n r i ~ h t In the of the earthly dead and co
~ Y R J I , but il-orn which t t ~ c v nleet the In!thfuE wirnesses of
hnve h t d~tlvercd.
In this nnc~ctnc. PI e-CMstinn t~rnes.
cnsr lljc "hnllcr-5" mra n(1t Tnry wowlrl enjoy that. before
l>lrdc:lt~11~k's,~ 1 1 t 1 d!le
bei!lg taken OR rhe earthly
bird thrrl cscapiul lrorr~ thch' scrtle t o thetr hrtiwnly reI ~ o k e nI m p wns not n Hterrll \vii:.cl. W 12'1.5 368
bisrl, lrut ~ e f e r slo "our ao:~S,"
thr Roll1 or life of the nnllnii
of Isrn~l,In f~rlflll~nehL
Of I h n t
lie Iajnselj tuill deliver port
pr.o],l~cllcpsnlrn, Jehrlvmlr Ciod
jrum t?le t r a p of the
dltl l~rcnk tllc trnp 111 which
birdcatch%r.-Ps. 91:s.
tho nr~nlntedrernnnnt oT xl>lrWho is that biydcstcher? It
Ilunl Tsrorl wns c:iuh.hb. It w11a
I,lle trip RprItng hy 'Bn1,yloll hwa long lleen discerned and
a reed to that tho symbolic
Ilm Clrmt nrtd hrr accrriubfi-dcatcher is Batan the Devil
plloeB, 111 the ~ p r l uor~ 1910
.1~lloval1broko tlw1, t l n ~lola W h ~ tis 111s ~ylnbolic trap;
from whloh Jehovah God de171s rcprnlnnl rernl~rrliCritld tlid
liver8 uld kee a mfe thosc urho
jkot 11% Ihc "IlniterR," tho aynialrldfn&"in the secret
l)olia l ~ l r r i c ~ 8itlIc
~ ~ ~t ~l l ~~ k
~ rcontinue
~ ,
teeth lnl,o t l ~ r : ilesh of 1.m lslrico of the Maqt; High"? The
sy~ubolic trap lhat Satan the
tvr~pped"hlrd." Thrreaftsr Iho
Dorll has set for those who
rscztpocl rornunnb wt~re tnkrll
I ~ I YJIe:h~o v a l ~ God ns thelr
Itito the "r;ct:rot plncc! of lfla
reiujie and stronghold I s &lie
nront rri~h."-P~,e l :t. W 1 3 : l
ealthlg orgnl>Iantion that Is
IS, 10n
opposed to God's orgn~iiaa~on,
11:~1ncly,Sslan's visible orgar
Sclnlt~rilny,J)ocemhpr 18
ui~nr,ton. In I t O o d ' s great
Wit?&Ictlgth of dava I shall
Aclrcrsary tries to catch Jemtisjg hilt&,and I slratl ccritae
hovl~ll's worshipers and to
JrItn lo scc snI~mtIo?r b?) trrc.
hold them as %4ctlrna,to thew
-P#. 9 i : z 6 .
splrlttinl ruin and ultimate
Only from the ond of the dcstrucLIon. Thtls The Watch
y8Br 1928 WlLR the PrMpWCt
Torcer, August 1. 1927. said:
opened tu the nplritunl undcr" I t seems certain that 'the
a? thy nnolnted rcmfowlcr' here named by t h e
I I U I I ~of the "f.srnrl of God"
prophet Is ti%? Delui1,and that
to survive Arinnrcddun nnd h:s snnre conslsts of hIs methe ~ l t ~here
on cn:ll1 into Je- ods e!ngloy&, and by his firl~nvnh's rtghteotis new order. g~rdzntlon, workring In divers
And now some tho~ls~mda
ot nnd Irumerous deceptive ways
rhr a ~ ~ o i n t c dsenlnnnl, ntlll
t o cntrap those who clalm tn
nliva on this enrth. look &end
be servnnts of the hlmt Hgh."
tn re~lizitll:thnt Joylu! pros~ h l was
in the first of three
pect. The i~lcrenalllg great artlcles on Psnlrn 91, W 1 2 ' 1
17. 190
rrorvd or Lhelr ~hcrpllkevonl-


fitonday, Dri~ember15
Cleanse yozlr hands, you ainnsrs, and purijg sour 7tearh
HumbIe yourselnes fa the


eyes of Jehovuh.-Jlrs. 1:8, 10.

Those who have been disielluwshlged and whose hearts

slncerelp ~novethem to want
to return have no reason to
be hesitant as to the way
their eirorts t o return Rill be
recerved. They need not fear
be!rg rebuffed. P u e , t o gain
an ~pprovt'edstanding III t5e
congre!:n;iarr will reqldre gmuine mnniiestntion cf humtrity
on their part. Hut ljfe itself
3s at stake and, with the ecceptable time of Ed's goodwill nt!d tolernnce n m nznnlrlg so short, they certainly
will not w'atit to Iet pride
keep them from twlling to
their llearenIy Father and
meklng a, good standing wit11
him again and full assaclittiun with his spiritual &11dren or prospective children
i n tllelr happy family relaIlonslnip. Thcy wfll instead he
~rntefulto .lehauah God that
hc has made such merciful
provisians for forgiveness and
rcatoraLion and recognize that
this klndly quality of Goc! is
trying t o lead them to repentsnce.-Rom.


W 8/1


Tac.sdaf; D e m l K r 16
Tifen the king mid to his
sertrnnts, 'r13ind him hand and
foot and throw I~imout into
the darkness oatside. T k r e is
whme ltts rceep+ng and the
gnashing of his teeth tuill be."



One thing Jesus' iflusfmtim

dm8 not show. What? That.
after the man without the

mnrriage garment m as throff.n

out. the Wng wouId send out

a slave to b r h g In a replacem n t fur that man. Certainly
the kbtg would not send out s
slave Into the darkness outside, t o hunt up a replacement

for the man tlrown out;, What

person would be on the roads
outside the city at that 11o11r
af the night? Tlte klng npproves of the gwmenled wetlding m~ests Ireclini~igones) ,
nnd the fcmt IIOIV goes forwn1.d with all these m ~ dwithout file grzrmentlesa mnn rvl10
was thrown outside. In Llic!
iuLAllmeut of the h n l pwt
of Jesus' Illu~trntlon todny,
there is na treeti t o hrlng !!I n
replacement for CIlrigt~ntiorn
nnd her rellginr~sc:.owcl. Thcy
merely tried to ~ c in
t to the
fewting Inbte dthorlt mcettng
the requlrcments. Their pretense st being there d m n u t

LV 1 1 , IS 241k
\VeduerRny, DemmtPPc IT
C gmdotis and


~nmcijtft,';lorn to angcr and

ablrndant in lm7lag-kindrrcsa,



TruIy Jehovah Qod pleh n

Iovmg example for us in being
patient, slow to mger, longsuffering. (1 Pet, 3:9> Wi?
can ImlLate this nspect oP
God's love by 11ot l~ccomtnpl
disturbed bec~useof the aburt,cornings o f others. A l I,lmoa
thwe river whom one presided
may show indlffere~~cs
or c~irrlessness, wid sa liozv emy il, la
then for an overseer to "fly
off the handle," RS the sayink
goes. But t o be Imitata,s fif
God overseers need tn he pntient, long-suffcrlng und slow
t o anEcr. Partlcl~larly In t l ~ ~

famjly circle silorlld we wnnt

to exwcise this quality or
long-suffering. 1f 18 common
for husbands of the worId t o
be impntient, w1Ch tlleif wives.
How fitting, therefore, the
counsel of the apostle Paul to
Christians nt Colosslnns 3 :19
and that of the npostle Peter
at 1 Peter 3:7t Imktathlg Gwl
by being long-suffering, slow
to anger, Is juSt os Imporbnc
as carrying out Jehovuh'n will
te preach his Kitlgdoln message. LV 3 / 1 22-21a

dapentIR upon the lntendty of

r)iw love for our fellowman.
Wc also know that there are
111nny opportuliitles apcn for
],la;lchlng nnd thnt we should
-PS. 91:s.
lrot I~rcd~rnc
tllxolu'n~ed lf reLlka the hlrdcrrtcherk trs.
stllt$~ do not seem to & imthla arlrrr~lly-crruskn~p c d mpaialely f~rthc~ming.Our
I m c a Is symbnllc. Sllieu tlla
I)crsewrnnce and our iaithtul
lrsalmint ullrfrr I ~ i a p l ~ ~ ~11s~ l l o ne?:t1ir1,le in the community
anrlntpw thc two Wrthr~',t h e
1vi1I 1er.p fruitny~.T h e results
qnlholia p c s 2 i l a t 1 c t ~ 01 lmlngl of urn. preaching over the past
i.r bonl~thlrll: I 11111 aoea rrlnlig yenrs have 1)een an e n c o u r q wit 11 I 110 l~ir~irntchc~i-'*
rnetll t n us rind an honor to
thnt I'i to N H ~ , wltlt BBtnr! s
ttie nnme of Jehomh G*.
vtultilc, ~ n r t l l l y or~ani~ntbon. mt, n.f~ntev@ryou nre dornp
Tl~i!i flgt~rntivr r s t l1cttr.c 1.1.
I I I preaching ttre g o d news
Irk fact, brerf, cufurccl, ~vlthln o f the Kingdom, keep I t up.
t h a t wlfl~h,rvurltlly t~rrnthl-/n- 1V 3:15 2 2 , 13a
tlou. Thls lnfcrtluu?;pPstilcnre
tli:it I.R$ PS 1Ike 15 tc111~cst
mmmbe* Z@
ttlruU~hrrk~ttllr car'th Is tll!tionallsin. Srrl:in, \whom Jrvts Jehuah Is marding an thme
lavitry hitt~,bid all the wicked
C:h~'lst. r:~lIed"Lhr! ruler oI th[s
ones he ir:ill ann~htbte.
1vorIr1," Is respr>n8ihlr fmV tllla
-Ps, 145:Zd.
rvnvr ot ttalior~ttHsmby rnentjs
or ml~lch 110 I l n ~ hnpcrl LO
We may not forget that $e!
11cstl.oy ~ h o s cwho nlukr Uotl
d c k e d nlm of Satan and hs
6,h~ir rotuj:~. 'I'l~ia ~~ulltlcrtl r'i~nlr~nsafter being o u ~ t e d
pc~bllance or nn(1onnllsril hnu
from the holy heavens and
cnrl~erl mntlg ndverHll,ichs. If
down to the earth W ~ At o bring
t 1 1 ~f ~ ~ n n e rut)
l fiulfiticnl ~ I R - \roc 11pm earlh and sea so as
cel1r:lously Yervent
Cn usus;e the destrucMon of all
UF?ILI~IRR tn ~ I I ( , I I ~ I Usylnhotsi,
alat~lrlnrl, errpecially the hue
r~lltl inaislonco (111 nnlinnnl
worshipeY8 o t Jehovah. I n the
sovnrel~nby rnt11~1'th~ri ~1111- ll~!ht of thla fact, the bringing
rnlflsloli t o Jt*liovnh'f~~ i n i v r r - ol R U C ~ I w o r ~ h l p e r s alive
Ynl ~ o \ ~ ( r r r l ~1~rir1
~ i t yMt!~4!nlii0 tlirou1:h the "areat Mbalntlnn" ~undIL? Rar-Mxgedon cli1cI11~tlom.IY 12/I 26, 3Tn
nlrlx will he R F3ctorio11s feat
c b ~ t thr parb of the Almighty
Irrldny, D e m I w 19
Let us not nlva ztp in rIol?tfl Clod an8 11iR Messfmic King.
It Is mother eexemp~cation
viil~ati s j l r ~ for
~ , Itt drrr: scasntr
at the psnlrnlst'6 PAsurnnce. Jetoc rlrall rerrp f tile rlo 7101
dfrc m l l . d a l . 6:9.
hovnh hns promlsed gloriour;
thitags or this earth under the
&?ally, ~ 1 1of U d ' s people
can polnt t o the Itundrr?Oa ot tl~ausmuril-yenrkiu~domot the
thouannrls who hnve k c m e hTesstsh, Jesus. 3nd the survihnptlzed Chrlstlana In mcent vors of the "great trfbulotlon"
wlll be the first ones to enter
yerkrs na 'Jettcr~of recomrnmd ~ ~ t i o n~9
, ' proof lhnt they nra lnta the rexiization of those
p r o p h ~ c l e s At
. fnst the
nrlequnkly ~unllflcd servants
of C 4 d . (2 Cor. 3:1-61 We
whole mrtn xill be n place
know thnt W comlnnnrls thnt of human brotherhood-dmons
nll. Christlnnfi jlrsnrh, r'cg~rtl- tl~osesurvivors who haw fsith1p.a ul neo, Rex or cd~icntlot~nl it111y rrangcd themselves on the
bnck~round. Wo R ~ Oknow
side OI J e h O v ~ hnnd Ms BJII
thnt our succcra na r)rearlicra Jesus Christ. IY 4: I 5 22, 23'r

Tl~cvwdny,nmpmhac I H
rufll daliver yoti
, , . fvom the srsftlcncr!

Nu hitnselj

Rnnday, December 21

ou auperlor In youmlf, dwe

t? You Are wlrnt you are by
h's undesen+ed kind-

these tlrings, for by
floifrg lhh yort i ~ t l !saw both
ncs. You u n d stand
~ ~ that. but
yo?irael/ nnd those who Iistcx
thcy do nol. Without comEo ~ozr,-l Ytm. ?r:16.
lrornirrl~lgynrlr I)ositlon or vloThe svan lizlng @it ia
nlltlfc ILIIV Bible ~lrinciple,you
one that hrEga the greatest shnulrl i a out of your way
hnppinefla. T11cre I s no greater
it1 I(~llourkn~
what would be
joy low tiknn bemg able to
ron!.lc!eretl n normal pattern of
tipElolrl J e l ~ o r ~ h name
:n an hchnvlor. To tllnt cxkn!, show
ull~orlly world, and to bring
t11aL you belong. Re p-eparerl
h ~ l 111ld
~ t hope to olliws. And
i u ovcrtook maily things. T r y
th(=t~, wh(*ii you see those
to rtvrllil Jlurt feelings, either
whum you ru-e helping coming
In ol,lrer,j or 111 yourself. Jesus
lo Ictkaw J(*hovfth and Jesus
pnllunlly er~dr~rerl
mncli when
Ctlrial, mtl whnh they hsve
In tlir COmpRlly of those whu
donc, yuur joy i6 increued.
were proJucilced and host!le.
Tlw svmyelialng writ does
settlnh. n i l psnrnple for yell.
R N ~ I I Y wJt11 thr spirit of selfi V $115 14n
ihllncss. i t COT. 10:24)
rejrlicrs I r l tlip fqiritual ndI'UP
R I 23
vnnce or others, p ~ l I c u l a ~ l y
Flacr arc bfl or^ the throne of
of' lhoflr whom ou are helpnoA: ntia riicr y e renderin(
irlp comcqcwn?Iy, all true
hl?tc sncrsd serutce day and
srvvanl.u uf JetlolraR d c s h to
niyht in his temple.
r.ulLlvnt8 bhlt: evangelizing
-Rev. 7:15.
splrlt in tt~embelves and in
othc~a.It you dewre to ~ n h - In the splrilual paraIs
s ~ f ythla splrrt wltllin ymxrself.
whcm true apirltuel beauty
nshwroto C ~ O J C ~ Yx..ith those abtntns, where the iruitage of
u h n I i ~ ~ vIel ~ i *fine attitude,
Furl's splrll conics to matunrlcl a n l l ~ t h e ~ l of
d the elder8
rltv. Pence atld tlhue Christi.1~11
b ~ o h l ~ o r i ~ o obtnin
here, and
111 Ihe r:unpc~ation,They will
Ire hnppy Co IicIp you, f o r they
C I L ~ :one
tleeks to buUd up
k i ~ o wLhnt It gl(~rifIesC
d and
tilt! otiicrs npiritunlly and to
prcparc Chenl r~palnstthe onworks toward the saIvatiun of
t h P t n ~ I ~ C and
thaw wbom
coming d n y bI Jehovah. Howthey I I C I ~ . nr G ~ 27,
I 26a
w c r , Ghr rcmfiant, pictured
by Nonll's %v111*, are not the
nfontltby, Dnren~l~or
only (HIPS nrw ocrmppics this
tun! pnmdise, this IOCRW h e ? ~Ire ~ o u abeing reviled, he hpli-t
ol rr:atolncd peaceful radid ? ~ o lgo revilit~gin ralurn. tlt111
with God. Since
WhRn he wan s u f e ~ n g ,he dicl
Ihera have came to this
rroi! go tlrr~ntorrttrg, h
t kept aptrltunl
those who
on c o r n n r i t l i t ~hintself
to the
werc 51:ctured hv Eo~h'ssons
IHIC tr*?ro firtlrles
pnr1 their wiz.es.*~heseere the
-1 Pef. 2 : 2 5 .
p~+uspur:Liveearthly c1Li:drw
N o e a v c r ~ i n c e r e and of thc Etcnuil Pnlher, Jesus
humhla-minded you may be, Uhrlst. I hr! Grcatcr Noah. The
this rnsy n u t be apprecialcd oppol-lut~ll~y
I# mt. before theut
by olher mambers of your
or surrlvlng thc world's great
flcnhly family who are prejti ft~rilnllon,nuw EU near, and
ucllccd, eve11 hogme. They ao to tt~ctnthe prophetic picmas ~ n yYOU *re m g te turc aiwm ln ILevelntirm 7:
p~td on Bfrn of superiorltr. 9-17 itp1hierc. Tllcg a5ll make
m u e , your ~tandcrrds as a
np the " ~ r e n t~rowd''of whom
Cbrirstlan mny be superlor to I l ~ e nlnlvc Is Enla. W 1 I : L
lmhcll.d,hub iJllntdws ~ i o make
D, 20n

interfere with whnt ~ o a eon

here on earth, rrotccttwly
I s & d l resclte I t l ~ r r asd
over the "great mrvct" an
g l o ~ i j yhim.-P*. nl:lli,
earth there rill be thc hmvAfter many Alvlna mfcUa enly Messlnnic kinurlurn wHh
wurshlpern hsvc berm authority to reakllnlc ewth's
prlvlleged t o Elormyover tl1~2ii~ ~xrt'&lrS for n tl~rrl~sn~itl
enan~ies. To lhln day I,llcy Thus Gud'a neuf orrhr nn
have been honurt\d rvilh 1111.earth w ~ l l iltnrl oft wllh R
ther service on cnrth IUI Ills
unified human andety, But
witnesses and pr r~cl~ilnler%
of the unific~tlnn wnrlc of lllc
his kingdom. Of corusP, durKiggdom !\-11[ not tllcn b o v p r .
ing the rvorld'u conllnrr ttIbUThroughont t h e ~nll!eunIum
lation and it.%c~thninr~tlon
In of its reign over the enrlh
the war af Armn~rrlrIOrI,tIler0 there musC take plnrrj Ihe rrawlll come Jshavrall'~~{raniA!sC, urrection of t h e hrlnlnn Ocnd
most rernnrknljle I'c:~cile trP for whom dcaua Chri~l,dlerl nr
them. Hence, thuy wll1 suvvive n ransom nncrlflco. ' l ' h ~ ytoo
that world-dcslroylnr: ~ r c n t will enjop t h n blt?45lt!~q loretrihulstlon and shnrc the r:lory
told by Isaiah. W J f l / 1 5 17, 18a
of the nlnnl~lc d r l o vf tlk:tt
Was of 211 r~n?.\l Thcp will Im
Friday, IMrtrrnher 1(1;
honored with ant r:illcc illlo The virgins in her Imln m her
God's new orrlar for 1111s onrttl,
cmDonions are belptp brni~oht
rhus they sl1n11 Il~lon
fl ll.p
in t o $on.-PB, d5:1d,
enjoy the glory o t b ~ I n &lhose
A marring8 rind wedding
whom the Most TTlflh nod
festivities sug~esthrldesmnicls.
rescyes ns he lvnra vlr:l~~tIO~~sly
Todag. when the nrldnl confor he -andicnf Ion or Ills t l l l i versa1 soverrtrrlty illld t be gre&ion oI Cllrlst Is nrarlng
smctiflatlan of h h \~O'OflEly completion, as 11i'o))h~t.Jcnl)~
name. Hls .salvntion of tlwln foretold, brlder.mnldn rrro ri::soc ~ d b l gwit11 the rami~nnt. of
mlll make tlll'z ]>nWll>le lor
that congregalirm, Of: corlrRc.
them. B y h:? psnllnisl, Jehathese
figurallvrbIlrlrl(!umaIdn do
Tall says,
With 1,:nfith a t
not expect to [:n to tlta:lven
dnys I shall s ~ I l ? : I yh l n ~ ,and
with the rernner~t. IILIl they
I shaXl caase him to see mlh c n o r the h e a v ~ ~ ~Icing
l y niid
vation by me."--P3. 3l:iG. his Bxldcqroorn Bo:l, ~ ! t ( f3I1aw
W 12/15 34. 3511
due remect inr the rcmllnnt
of t h e L Brldnl ronwtr~r,nl.lon.
Thar~day,Docombfir 2E
Revelation 7 9 - 1 7 lmrlrngrr t h ~ t
They ?trill not do anu harm r~ there would I>B n nrunl?arIrS
srcat crowd ol t,how ccurlirmucaase anv win fa76 all ?iiy l ~ o l
mountaitt; becarrsc the e n r t i ions. They relolcrr 181 tlio> outv:orkln#
of th1.q I>enlttlfl~lInsrrill certufttlv he
?Zed tull'la
ture of Brl'ri I~rilmo+r".ilnd
the knorclcfige
as t h e taalcrs arc c~t'mlng
render lorpinghelp to t ! mm~
the ucrp scarlsa. I f $ .
nant. They m ~ ~ l . r n t ljyo h In
c e tlla
T h e t h r i l l h l ~t w k of trnnar- the worship and ~ ~ r v l or
farming all the cnrth itlto a heavenly kin^ at Ills ~ n l l d t t l ~ !
temple palace. From Vim they
Pnradlse g~rdon wUl atrctch
out before the ArrnauPrlcIos wiI1 l'ecelve l m t l n ~llfr! Mncfits t h r o ~ q h hls B r l ~ l e ~ r o o r n
survivors. Satran nnd 1114 demons ad1 be unnl~ltto Inter- Son as their Glen~nlFathcr.
Endless h!ehslnr.r rvill hn theirs
fere with this peecrlol Wauon a, paradisncc enrth urlrIer
tiication work, for tllq w1lI
be bound 8ild Imlntcc1 in m the kingdom or Ood's wedcled
Son W ll/'lE 37, %Ila
nbyss from wllIch thov cnnnot

Re himael will delizrer you

!he pestilence causfng adnersitaes.-Ps. 91:3.
Not to speak of lhe d y e r snles that the pestilence of
nationalism ha* caused for t h e
hurnan race In general. it hns
resuIted In syecraE hardships
for Jehavah's people. But the
Alrnlghtg One has not lei them
become infected \'.ith the pestilcr~ceof nationalism and fall
v ~ c t i nte its deadly eftect upan
C11!l<tian spirrLuality. They
hnve not b e e n I 3 x e d nor pressured rnto worshinmc the noH:Ical "wlld kcqpt'' .&it,
GoIiticnl "image, the United
Nations. Thcv have not corn~>~nrnierd
on' giving m c l u s i ~
devolron to ietiovnll GcC n11d
~tplioldlnghis universal saverPiynty. In 1839, despite the
wging World War ZI, they
l~nitcdlycamc out world wide
in fnvor of absolute Chdstiau
toward worldly po-


lilicnl and military c9ufllda.

Althoufih they have suffered,
rrolnc even to the death, for
their faithfnluess, Jehovah ha8
kept, them spkltually secure
"in thc mcret place of the
M o ~ t High" R ~ L Z "under the
very shadow of the Almfghty
Otle." W 1 2 / 1 28, 29a

Bnnrlny, Dmembw t g
We will wipe out mety tear

jrmn tI~eircues, und. death will

be no more, neitithw ell
7wurnirtg twr outerg not pram
be ut~ymore.-Rev. 21s.
Under Christ's government
emth will become a rmIm
whem righteousness and ik
reward, life, will re-.
tribl;lntIon mrvimrrs will horv
I l ~ efeel of real rejuvenation of
body and mind as they carry
out the will of the Divine
Government. The Iomg hearts
of the surol~ms will rejoice
when ljfe benefit8 under that
Cmvernment: are extended to
f1lo.s~who ~ l w pin the bosom

of the earth, whan the mrection of the dead atarts at

Chrtst's co~nmand. Whnt -ii

transformation of eartha cnnditions will have take11 eflect.
when thet rcltirri of the ransomed dead hepina! Fnrnrllse
under reconstr~rc(lonwlll RrwC
Zhelr eycs and
return! The joys of then I l v inp and .aervilur under C r ~ : ' s
h l e s s i ~ n k kingdom c8n o1:ly
be imsgined. nut blessed ivIl1
ke the eyes a t ~ d Ilmrta OF
those survirlng nn the \ l c b r i otlx slde a t Hnr-Mnqednn. Itbr
they ~ $ 1 1live and ])YepRI'E tO
see tllcse t l ~ l n g s romc i n #
TV 4;15 24, 25n


D ~ V W I I21)

Fight t k fine fight of the

jattl~,get a firm hold on fhc
ecerrmasling life.-1 Tint. #:I?,
Our bellei In ~ e r ~ f ~&I.-l g
nally srhould affect our view nf
malerial possessions. Mnny
people J I thr!
~vorldhtlve n 'gel
I t while you can' at.tltudc loward these, And ndvorliarments conslantly strew buylug
new things noill. Bul how do
you react? What is your vlea?
When you tLre Mnll~tcrt alonR
those rnattterialistlc lin~a,rlurs
~ l e r n l t ycome inlo thr! ~ l l c t l ~ r e ?
It should, Im nfter aEiorrlnE
the dan~eraof lavlna monpy.
the apostle Pnul rccammendl.q
thinklrlr: nho~tte w l l a a t i n ~lilr,
( 1 Tim. 6:0-12) S o nlicrl c l f r e d l y or subtly pressure41 trvward obtaining more rnntetl?l
possessions, ask your.self:
thousand ycms from IIUU*.
rviU I regret having declded
against taking an extrn jolr
that wmld enable me to blip
8 new car crr boat?' Or. ask, 'A
million gears into the New
Order, %ill 1 look hack and
feel 1 made the wrong decision In turning doan overtlrne
work w I would not ~ S E S R I I ~
of my Christinn mreIfn~s?'
Yes. et@vnftgshould Influence
our daily Hves and Slirnkin~.
IV 6;15 24a

Wednesday, Dscembr 31

Taer~dfiy,Dacemhr 50

Fie hlnlsezl ~dEl deliver VO?I With lengtlk oj day8 I shall

and I shall cmise
Irom ttlrr tvul, of the Mrd- satd.pfp ht?!~,
hitla ta see salvation bp me.
catcl~er.-Ps. 81:J.
--Pa. 91 :16.
Ununlry n. pertlolr or crmture
Thosa of the "great crmd"
whlk3 ~ n t o n trap wlthout
f ~ i t h f u l to Gml
knuwlt~n It. Oenornliy, ttlc
trnl11lor n e t 9 o ~ i taolno bait tn clcnr throuall the declsiw t e s t
niter the end of Christ's relqn
lrlrs the unauspoctinr wenturt!
wLtl~in rmgo nl the trnp and \rvill bc iintrsfled ndth "length
to t:i~:ger L?1e tt-tlp Ily uihblil~p of ~ R Y R " t o Uie eternal 1.n
nt thr: tmlt 'fl~c"blrrlcirtchrr" Parncllse under Jehovah's unircrssl soverciynty. 0 iron? refiat:kt~ Is R prent Ttilllrr. IVhtlt
lrarrthng is the wmhlp of JeI ~ t r l t(tors he uo;ctn Illre people
hovnt~?D a x c now ap1)redate.
Into 111s ornnnbznt.ion, to kcconlc vlctlli~l:,crl In It h s In n do we keenly dcslre, the sprittlnl security that God furt r ~ \ p ?'rhe bniE is t h e HPHISJI
IS not t!'dE kina Of
0 r th!5 \I'W!I~, i
wcurlty dl-lmportnnt l f \IT
p r o m l s l n ~ o ~ ~ p o r t ~ m l l l cfor
wclllqllly ~ a l n l n qwenlth, pawtar. wnnt 'b b? snfeuarded for
the p;lnrlous rewnrds that Go3,
nnrl Ilunc. !1 John 2 : 15-17 h
~ store for ull his fa~thful
Thost: r d UR wlln llh,,e co111o h n m
~vorehipws? All who remain
oul nl Srttnli'n vlslb!r? orannixnllor~, why xl~nultl we rlrslre 111 the "hemet place of the
tc~ l ~ o Erlrcd ht~r.k into l,l)r Most High*' wlll Ire c a , y d
tn "sea snlvation by me, l
rloarled orrrr~nlznl~nnlWe do
tlnt wttnt 1.n l)r> lll~a Dcmns, dnhovnh. Jehovnh will take
plen.suIr in calihlnl: us t o see
12 Tlm. 4:10) !-'n llnvr come
out o t Bal~ylonrind uut of Sa- snlvation by 3Tiltl and througll
Clarht, May we lovingt n n ' ~ h n p In which she Is JRRUS
cttuaht, Try not j i o l n ~ hack to lv Tet I-Ilm have this dlvhe
IIPP,IVB Y I kceel)
nu o n j r > y i ~ l ~r(lcnnurc In the case of each
tlro bonel)tv, of nilr rl~llvt~rhncn utm nf us, We cnn do SO
1,Y renlhi~~ing
worthily in the
from Iho lrn n l t i l o lllrtlcntcher." undar ~ I I R *lvcry "secrcl plncam of apiriwal ae~ h u d o wof t h o AlmiahLy O~IE'* crlrlty t h a t he has provldcd
inithfuI rvmkipers.
TW hlrvo ppirllua 1 ~ o o t ~ r l t y , Pnr I-118
W 1 2 / 1 5 37-303
1V IZ/1 11, >an


3 M T t V T F A
I 3 3
4 S R T s nln

...... I


I I R 7 H

IO 1 I 1 9 21 ??!23 2d

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J U H I 2 3 4 5 I I 7
H g 11r 11 13 1:1 14
18 1 R 17 Ifi 19 ?m?l
2: 2:) 24 25 3 2%3
08 30
1 2 3 4 5




l z $ * r l

11 ~ i f i l lia
13 14 t n IR 17 lfi 1'1
30 21 23 ?:< 241 25 20



I3 ! I I P l I W
13 14 15 18 1'1 1R 19
20 21 ?2 23 23 2i 211

l a D
t 4 i J B 7 8 9


ID 11 12 1s 14 i a in
1711 l112n21 3 2 3



I B 011111121~
14 15 11317 l a 1920
21 22 23 24 25 4G 37



Watch Tower Bibts and Traat Saalaty of Pannaytylvania
Watchtower Blbta and T r a a t Society a t New Y a ~ k ,I ~ c .
International Bible Sttrdanta A s s o c l a t t o n
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IINLhHD: Kuismalie 5H. fo u l l ~ u r flll, S17-lll.llll 'I'llclrur lla. FRANCE: 81
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8 4 G ItarashLlrr-ku. Yotial>aru-Clro,
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Lnhore 3. PANAMA: A p a r t n r l o IYllli, Pnllrbrn;~1,'PAPllA HFW GUINEA: 80;;

113, PolmthTorcsby. PARAGUAY: I':lrill~ld r ColPc(> 4W5, Asulnc~un. PERU:

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On!: Z, P . 0 E l a n d b i o n t : r i
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l l t t LAYZCA, P.E?. OF:
e L ' i a y a r d ' s Road. Co1on:bo ie
5UIINhM: Ktlchmsvaet 8-ID. Box 49,
P a r a n ~ ~ l b oSWEPEN:
Box B, 9-175 ?I JUri;rlln 1. SWllZERLAMU: Uln j c l i w e g 48, P.D. Box 477 C'R-3Wl 'l'lrur~, TAIWAN 106 lllFPUBLlC (IF
t l l l M A ) : 5 Lane !49, YUI;-?TO
st. 'J'niprl, THAILAHD: 69/1 Soi 2.
Rd., E a n ~ l r o l r 11. T ~ P O IILPUliLIC: B.P. 1237. t o m 4
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T " r r ~ n c i s c o B a d 3372,.Montevideo. V ~ M F I Y ~ 1 ~ : ' h v d u Honduras,
I , U ~ TJrb Las Acac~ae Ciunc;~rl 1W
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RE+. OF: B-D. 63.1, ' ~ i r l r r t c , Kl?u<ha~aru ZAMOlh: Box 3S98, Kilw c.

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