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Value Added Services

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Value Added Services

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Special thanks to:

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where this document will be duplicated, and and and...
Last not least, we want to thank EC Software who wrote this great
help tool called HELP & MANUAL which printed this document.

Value Added Services

Table of Contents

Part I Introduction



1 Welcome
................................................................................................................................... 12
2 What...................................................................................................................................
is VAS?
3 Our services
................................................................................................................................... 14

Part II VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)


1 Value...................................................................................................................................
Added Services
Application Protocol)
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 20
Definitions and abbreviation
......................................................................................................................................... 22
WAP Fundamental
and concepts
WAP system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 23
WAP Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 28
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
WAP Gate Way ...................................................................................................................................
WISG merged Nodes
................................................................................................................................... 32
Generating KPIs ...................................................................................................................................
in FACTS & Probable Scenarios
Team's principle ......................................................................................................................................... 42
......................................................................................................................................... 42
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 42
......................................................................................................................................................... 43
.......................................................................................................................................................... 45
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 46
Definitions and abbreviation
......................................................................................................................................... 46
VSMS Fundamental
and concepts
VSMS system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 46
VSMS Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 46
Primary touble shouting
......................................................................................................................................... 46
Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
......................................................................................................................................................... 50
VMS(Voice Mail
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 51
Definitions and abbreviation
......................................................................................................................................... 53
VMS Fundamental
and concepts
VMS system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 54
VMS Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 57
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
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VMS Trunks
................................................................................................................................... 61
Merged VMS Trunks
................................................................................................................................... 62
Generating KPIs ...................................................................................................................................
in FACTS & Probable Scenarios
Team's principle ......................................................................................................................................... 65
......................................................................................................................................... 65
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 65
......................................................................................................................................................... 65
SMS(short m essage
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 66
Definitions and abbreviation
......................................................................................................................................... 67
SMSC Fundamental
and concepts
SMS system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 69
SMS Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 70
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
SMS traffic flow...................................................................................................................................
SMSC System Performance
................................................................................................................................... 74
Issue on M2000 ................................................................................................................................... 76
Generating KPIs ...................................................................................................................................
in FACTS & Probable Scenarios
SMS Team's principle
......................................................................................................................................... 88
......................................................................................................................................... 88
MT console operating
SMS-BI administration
and operating guide
Secure CRT
................................................................................................................................... 99
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 104
......................................................................................................................................................... 104
RCS(Rich Com
m unication Suite)
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 108
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
RCS Fundamental
and concepts
RCS system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 115
RCS Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 119
Probable Scenarions
......................................................................................................................................... 120
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 120
......................................................................................................................................................... 120
RBT(Ring Back
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 124
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
RBT Fundamental
and concepts
RBT system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 128
RBT Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 131
Typical Registration/Deregistration
Flow of RBT Service
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
................................................................................................................................... 136
................................................................................................................................... 137
RBT Portal
................................................................................................................................... 137
Internal RBT IVR
................................................................................................................................... 138
Netw ork Level-RBT
Generating KPIs...................................................................................................................................
in FACTS & Probable Scenarios
Team's principle......................................................................................................................................... 141
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Value Added Services

maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 141
RBT Service Test
................................................................................................................................... 141
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 141
......................................................................................................................................................... 142
.......................................................................................................................................................... 143
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 143
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
P** Fundamental.........................................................................................................................................
and concepts
P** system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 143
P** Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 146
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
................................................................................................................................... 146
P** STATUS ................................................................................................................................... 147
Generating KPIs...................................................................................................................................
in FACTS & Probable Scenarios
Team's principle......................................................................................................................................... 149
maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 149
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 149
......................................................................................................................................................... 149
MNS(Mobile ..........................................................................................................................................................
New s Service)
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 151
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
MNS Fundamental
and concepts
MNS system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 156
MNS Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 159
Generating KPIs.........................................................................................................................................
& Probable Scenarios
Primary trouble
Team's principle......................................................................................................................................... 170
maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 170
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 170
......................................................................................................................................................... 170
MMSC(Multi ..........................................................................................................................................................
Media Service Center)
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 175
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
MMSC Fundamental
and concepts
MMSC system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 180
MMSC Signaling.........................................................................................................................................
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
................................................................................................................................... 189
Generating KPIs...................................................................................................................................
in FACTS & Probable Scenarios
Team's principle......................................................................................................................................... 194
maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 194
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 194
......................................................................................................................................................... 195
Mediation .......................................................................................................................................................... 196
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 196
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
Mediation Fundamental
and concepts
Mediation system
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Mediation Signaling
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
per Service
Mediation IC from
Mediation IC from
IC to Mediation ...................................................................................................................................
CCN to Mediation
Generating KPIs...................................................................................................................................
in FACTS & Probable Scenarios
Team's principle......................................................................................................................................... 212
maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 212
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 212
......................................................................................................................................................... 212
Voice Response)
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 215
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
IVR Fundamental
and concepts
IVR system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 220
IVR Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 223
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
IVR Trunks
................................................................................................................................... 225
IVR Merged nodes
................................................................................................................................... 226
Generating KPIs...................................................................................................................................
in FACTS & Probable Scenarios
Team's principle......................................................................................................................................... 226
maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 227
......................................................................................................................................... 227
Suggestions ......................................................................................................................................... 227
IPCC(IP Call Center)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 229
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 229
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
IPCC Fundamental
and concepts
IPCC Call and IVR
IPCC Topology &
Signaling flow
Primary trouble
Team's principle......................................................................................................................................... 240
maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 240
UAP8100 Introduction
................................................................................................................................... 241
CTI 3.4 Platform...................................................................................................................................
Service Test ................................................................................................................................... 241
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 241
......................................................................................................................................................... 241
HSDP(Huaw ei..........................................................................................................................................................
Service Delivery Platform )
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 245
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
HSDP Fundamental
and concepts
HSDP system structure
......................................................................................................................................... 249
HSDP Signaling.........................................................................................................................................
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 249
......................................................................................................................................................... 249
.......................................................................................................................................................... 250
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Value Added Services

& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 250
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
Erefill Fundamental
and concepts
Erefill system structure
& signal flow
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
Erefill Monitoring
................................................................................................................................... 257
Generating KPIs...................................................................................................................................
in ESM Dashboard & Probable Scenarios
CMN(Call Me..........................................................................................................................................................
Now )
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 259
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
CMN Fundamental
and concepts
CMN System Structure
......................................................................................................................................... 260
CMN Signaling flow
......................................................................................................................................... 260
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
Probable Scenarios
......................................................................................................................................... 262
maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 263
Team's principle......................................................................................................................................... 263
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 263
......................................................................................................................................................... 263
OTA(Over The
Air) &ADD(Auto Detection Device)
& Technical details
Service introduction
......................................................................................................................................... 265
Definitions and .........................................................................................................................................
OTA & ADD Fundamental
and concepts
OTA &ADD system
OTA &ADD Signaling
Primary trouble
Monitoring & Generating
ADD TO OTA ................................................................................................................................... 268
................................................................................................................................... 269
BroadTech ADD
Generating KPIs...................................................................................................................................
in Facts Dashboard & Probable Scenarios
Team's principle......................................................................................................................................... 275
maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 275
Problems ......................................................................................................................................................... 275
......................................................................................................................................................... 277
Notifications.......................................................................................................................................................... 278

2 FO Routine
tasks & Reports
Generating service
Service Test
......................................................................................................................................................... 289
Change Info
Morning Report
......................................................................................................................................................... 290
......................................................................................................................................... 291
VAS shift.........................................................................................................................................................
Handover report
Pending Reports
& inprogress Mail
......................................................................................................................................................... 294

3 Marval
................................................................................................................................... 296
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How to Raise..........................................................................................................................................................
or Resolve an INC
Marval Features
.......................................................................................................................................................... 298
Problem s .......................................................................................................................................................... 314
Suggestions.......................................................................................................................................................... 316

4 References
................................................................................................................................... 317
5 Acronyms
................................................................................................................................... 317


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This is just another title page

placed between table of contents
and topics

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Top Level Intro

This page is printed before a new
top-level chapter starts



Value Added Services



My Main goal is preparing integrated document about all things that we know about VAS, this document
could be useful for who is interested to Value added services and want to learn it from basic meanings
and you also can learn some basic concept about what happens in Core side and some General
information about GSM.
I hope it was useful for you and whoever want to learn and make a wise change in our life, :)
I wish better life , Wiser and more intelligent, I believe that It's possible if we Want ...
Spring, 2014

Last update

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What is VAS?
A value-added service (VAS) is a popular telecommunications industry [citation needed] term for noncore services, or in short, all services beyond standard voice calls and fax transmissions. However, it
can be used in any service industry, for services available at little or no cost,[citation needed] to promote
their primary business. In the telecommunication industry, on a conceptual level, value-added services
add value to the standard service offering, spurring the subscriber to use their phone more and allowing
the operator to drive up their ARPU. For mobile phones, while technologies like SMS, MMS and data
access were historically usually considered value-added services, but in recent years SMS, MMS and
data access have more and more become core services, and VAS therefore has beginning to exclude
those services.

A distinction may also be made between standard (peer-to-peer) content and premium-charged content.
These are called mobile value-added services (MVAS) which are often simply referred as VAS.
Value-added services are supplied either in-house by the mobile network operator themselves or by a
third-party value-added service provider (VASP), also known as a content provider (CP) such as All
Headline News or Reuters.
VASPs typically connect to the operator using protocols like Short message peer-to-peer protocol
(SMPP), connecting either directly to the short message service centre (SMSC) or, increasingly, to a
messaging gateway that gives the operator better control of the content.
you also can find more details in Value added Service also for learning how VAS affects our envirnment
Click here

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Value Added Services

Our services
MTN Irancell has a lot of services and 16 of them are supported by Huawei Company.
1) Value Added Service Monitoring




RBT,ADD/OTA, Mediation/MNS


SMSC(for core side)

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ESM Dashboard

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Value Added Services

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Top Level Intro

This page is printed before a new
top-level chapter starts




Value Added Services

VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)

In VAS Team, monitoring is somehow as Performance Monitoring and not Alarm Monitoring, so it needs
more care, smart mind (to analyze the trends) and also knowledge about whole VAS topology to clarify
the problems.Totally we can say its completely analog and not Digital. Most of Nodes are being
monitored by using FACTS Graphs and Parameter. The normal trend is clearly shown and abnormality
will be detected easily, just analyzes to find the reason of abnormality will be remained (its important
point also).


Value Added Services

All services which are out of Call & GPRS in each GSM Network will be considered as VAS.Now we will
share more information about Our services in Irancell.

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)


In VAS Services, we have some titles that needs to be explained at first:

Provisioning: some of services needs provisioning, it means that SUB needs to be provisioned as
authorized user for the mentioned service.
Authentication: after SUB provisioned in X Service, for each usage, X Service will authenticate the user
while its provisioned or not. If not X Service will reject the usage of service for mentioned user.
IN (Intelligence Network): The charging node of each GSM network that is the main Business Node of
Prepaid: its one of the account types that we have in MTN Network, prepaid SUBs charging will be
handled by IN.
Postpaid: its another type of account in MTN Network, postpaid accounts have no real-time deduction,
so bill-run process will calculate the usage of one months for mentioned SUBs and create a Pay-Bill for
them. It will be handled by Ability that is one of MTN Vendors.

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Value Added Services

WAP(Wireless Application Protocol)

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a technical standard for accessing information over a mobile
wireless network. A WAP browser is a web browser for mobile devices such as mobile phones that uses
the protocol.
Before the introduction of WAP, mobile service providers had limited opportunities to offer interactive data
services, but needed interactivity to support Internet and Web applications such as:
Email by mobile phone,Tracking of stock-market prices, Sports results, News headlines, Music

Introduction & Technical details

WAP gateway: A WAP gateway sits between mobile devices using the WAP protocol and the World
Wide Web, passing pages from one to the other much like a proxy. This translates pages into a form
suitable for the mobiles, for instance using the Wireless Markup Language (WML). This process is
hidden from the phone, so it may access the page in the same way as a browser accesses HTML,
using a URL (for example,, provided the mobile phone operator has not
specifically prevented this.
Looking at it from the WAP device's side, since a WAP device can only understand WML in its
tokenized/compiled/binary format, the function of the WAP gateway is to convert content into this
format. Looking at it from the HTTP server's side, the WAP gateway can provide additional information
about the WAP device through the HTTP headers, for instance the subscriber number of a WAP capable
cellular phone, its cell id and even things like location information.
WAP Gateway was the key element of any internet system connected to the wireless network. It
ensured the connection and conversion of information between WAP devices and the web server. WAP
Gateways were required for this conversion as cellphones were not powerful enough to render and
process web-pages built for desktop browsers. However recently with the advent of powerful cell phones
and smart-phones having big screens, fast processors and lots of memory, the Mobile devices, without
any sort of limitation, can directly serve the web-pages and content in same form as a desktop browser
so WAP gateways are quickly losing importance in carrier networks.
Most newer cell phones don't even require a carrier network for accessing www as they can directly
hookup to a home or office WLAN for connecting to the internet. Service introduction

The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a result of joint efforts taken by companies teaming up in an
industry group called WAP Forum ( On June 26 1997 Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia,
and Unwired Planet took the initiative to start a rapid creation of a standard for making advanced services
within the wireless domain a reality. In December 1997 WAP Forum was formally created, and after the
release of the WAP 1.0 specifications in April 1998, WAP Forum membership was opened to all. The
WAP Forum now has over 500 members and represents over 95 percent of the global handset market.
Companies such as Nokia, Motorola and Ericsson are all members of the forum.The objective of the
forum is to create a license-free standard that brings information and telephony services to wireless
why is WAP important?Until the first WAP devices emerged, the Internet was the Internet and a
mobile phone was a mobile phone. You could surf the Net, do serious research, or be entertained on the
Internet using your computer. But this was limited to your computer. Now with the appearance of WAP,
the scene is that we have the massive information, communication, and data resources of the Internet
becoming more easily available to anyone with a mobile phone or communications device.
WAP, being open and secure, is well suited for many different applications, including but not limited to
stock market information, weather forecasts, enterprise data and games.
Despite the common misconception, developing WAP applications requires only a few modifications to

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)


existing web applications. The current set of web application development tools will easily support WAP
development, and in the future more development tools will be announced

WISG(Wireless Integrated Service Gateway): The WISG developed by Huawei provides an extensive
array of mobile data services, including protocol conversion, bandwidth control, content adaptation,
charging and antivirus protection.
Service gateway: The WISG provides the services in the gateway mode externally and the functions of
bearing, accessing, authenticating, controlling, and dispatching services. For the WAP browsing and
download services based on WAP, the service gateway is the WAPGW. For the Push service based on
PAP, the service gateway is the PPG. In addition, the WISG provides the optional functions of collecting
charging information and triggering charging based on WAP and Push services.
Charging gateway: The WISG provides service-based functions of charging collection, triggering, and
service access. The WISG exists in the network as a component with charging function. In this case, an
implicit service is provided. The WISG functions similar to a routing device in the network and does not
provide the services in the gateway mode.
Integrated gateway: For the WAP and Push services, the WISG provides the services in the gateway
mode and the functions of bearing, accessing, authenticating, controlling, and dispatching services. For
non-WAP services such as RTSP and HTTP browsing services and Internet/Intranet access, the WISG
provides service-based functions of charging collection, triggering, and service access. The WISG exists
in the network as a component with charging function. Implicit service is provided. The WISG that exists
in the network is similar to a routing device and does not provide the services in the gateway mode.

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Value Added Services Definitions and abbreviation

UIDB: Where GGSN stores subscriber data, WAPGW authenticates against it after retrieving the page
Proxy: 23 proxy servers on TE and 23 servers on TW, doing the actual WAP browsing
DB: Whole WAPGW configuration settings are stored there
Bill Process: The central server where all WAPGW CDRs from 23 different servers are being collected &
PPG: Push message server; it'd disabled in current MTN architecture
Report: The GUI server where data like number of subscribers, KPI, success/failure is demonstrated
VAS: value-added service
WAP: Wireless Application Protocol
WML: Wireless Markup Language
WISG: Wireless Integrated Service Gateway
DNS: Domain Name server
APN: Access point name
AAA: Authentication authorization accounting
UCD: user-centered design
SLA: service Level Agreement
CR: Change request WAP Fundamental and concepts

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office) WAP system structure

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Value Added Services

WAP2.0 Advantage: WAP2.0 can support the standard Internet protocol , such as TCP and HTTP etc.
Then wireless terminal can make use of Internet resource.
WAP2.0 can inosculate with the current Internet. WAP2.0 can support handset accessing WEB server
directly, there is no need to switch WSP protocol to HTTP protocol.

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)

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Value Added Services

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)

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Value Added Services WAP Signaling flow

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)

Primary trouble shouting

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Value Added Services Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS

Now we will learn primary trouble shouting related WISG like Monitoring & service test.

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)

31 WAP Gate Way Traffic

Please be careful about REQ_SUCC_PROC & REQUESTS_SENT_TO_SP

decrease WISG KPI Will be affected.

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graphs if these graphs


Value Added Services WISG merged Nodes

P_WAP_SP_SUCC & P_WAP_SP_WAP_SUCC is important graphs and we should raise INC for any
drop on it! Generating KPIs in FACTS & Probable Scenarios

As we know WISG traffic is sent from core side. The call flow is as the below.
MS--BTS--BSC--SGSN--GGSN-WISG-IPBB-SP(Internet). so if we had any drop you can guess where
is the problem .for example if GPRS had a drop it will affect our WISG graph with high Possibility.
Now just as an Example we will explain some interesting INC ,
Case Study 1) WISG P_WAP_SP has drop
description: We have around 6% decrease in compare last night just on TE please check this issue in
your side and inform us if its necessary to raise another incident .
Solution: If any network element has some problem or the network channel is not very good, the
success rate will be affected.
From the HTTP status code statistical report, we can see that the status code 707(Failure to read
response) and 725(Connection Client Close) increased, the success rate would decrease.Actually the
main problem is the status code 707 because subscribers cant get the correct response from SP
(Internet) in time.Then subscribers feel the network very slow and will interrupt some connection and
browsing, then the status code 725 will increase.The below are the TOP10 url which are related to the
status codes 707 and 725.
Please assign this incident to IP team for more investigation.
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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)

Case Study 2) WISG P_WAP_SP_SUCC has drop--INC-202607

description: WE have decrement on WISG P_WAP_SP_SUCC graph.

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Value Added Services

Solution: From the status code statistical report, the status code 725 increased heavily.In fact, WISG
need to optimize because the software and hardware are too old. Also you know WISG service involve in
many network elements shown as the below.
MS--BTS--BSC--SGSN--GGSN-WISG-IPBB-SP(Internet). We will provide the optimization plan as soon
as possible, then we can analyze other network elements.

Case Study 3) WISG service degradation

description:Theres a degradation on WISG currently mostly in TE. Where are we for resolution?

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)


Solution: Please ask FACTS support team to help us check the below issue. From the below
snapshot, the total TPS of WISG should be the summation of the TPS of TE and TW WISG.But now it is
not. You know we implemented WISG optimization solution on TE WISG, so we should calculate newadded elements as TE WISG KPI.
As the attachment, we should calculate the NEID from 2564 to 2586 as TE WISG.

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Value Added Services

total TPS and TE WISG TPS are more than before. Actually you know we implemented an optimization
solution to our TE WISG, but the new-added nodes were not integrated with FACTS.
Now it is working fine, so i will change this incident to "Pending Confirmation".

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)


Case Study 4) WISG success rate drop--INC-214398

description: GPRS has drop also 76% Reduction on TE-WASN Throughput of WiMax Network as well.

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Value Added Services

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)


Solution: ask IP security team to check and feed back the root cause.

Case Study 5) WISG success rate decreased--INC-218115

description: WISG success rate decreased we assigned incident to core side for more investigation.
Solution: You know GGSN uses GRE tunnel to connect to WISG cisc* switch directly, then send traffic
to our load balance.From the below throughput of WISG load balance, we can see there were some
drops.That means some traffic were not sent to WISG from GGSN, then some subscriber will be
impacted and the status code 725 would increased. Because the related traffic were not sent to WISG,
WISG could not response to subscribers correctly. If you can confirm there is no problem on GGSN, we
should ask IP team to help us check about this issue.

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Value Added Services

as you see upon snapshot doesn't have time because F* is forbidden in Iran and some model have no
Iran time zone.
If BO listed the related time, there will make us confused. We already showed the exact time and WISG
throughput is sent from GGSN. You know GGSN make a GRE tunnel to WISG Cisco switches, then
connect to F*.
There was no issue in PS equipment, just a small drop in Gi throughput which should be related to
internet or specific sites issue/ limitation.

Result:It is confirmed that the issue was related to TIC.

Case Study 6) WISG success rate has drop

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office)


description: WISG success rate has drop we assigned incident to our side side for more investigation.

Solution: From the HTTP status code statistical report, we can see that the status code 707(Failure to
read response) and 725(Connection Client Close) increased.
Actually the main problem is the status code 707 because subscribers cant get the correct response
from SP(Internet) in time.
Then subscribers feel the network very slow and will interrupt some connection and browsing, then the
status code 725 will increase.
The below are the TOP10 url which are related to the status codes 707 and 725.
Please assign this incident to IP team for more investigation.
<48 Billprocess01 [taskmng] :/home/taskmng/bill/wapstat/wap20>cat *2014011415* | awk -F\|
'($19==707){++S[$21]} END {for(a in S) print S[a],"\t",a}' |sort -nr |head
<49 Billprocess01 [taskmng] :/home/taskmng/bill/wapstat/wap20>cat *2014011415* | awk -F\|
'($19==725){++S[$21]} END {for(a in S) print S[a],"\t",a}' | sort -nr | head

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Value Added Services Team's principle

Team's principle is Based on some regular evidence which should be followed in each team, As each
team has specific situations and we should consider their targets & rules we made this part :)
1) Please don't raise INC for last update as it mostly is Fake drop , after one step you can find the true
result, maintenance

In WISG team we don't have Maintenance part. We just have a service test each hour and we try to use
WISG to access internet.

some calculations on WISG is not correct, for example sum of current _TPS for TE & TW is not equal
with current _TPS of WISG. We can check it with fact team.

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1) It is highly recommended that change some formula (mentioned in problem part ) to help have a trustable Monitoring situations.
2) As The WISG software and hardware are too old, and customer does not to pay money to upgrade.
Even if BO provides the temporary solution, but customer do not want to do.It makes all of us confused.So I
suggest that FO don't raise an INC for cases like below.

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3) Just for save time in trouble shouting ,FO can monitor GPRS graph and in case we had drop on both
WISG & GPRS graph in the same time we will assign INC to IP Security team directly

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The new advanced Voice SMS (VSMS) service is provided to you prepaid subscribers which enables you
to send a voice message up to 60 seconds at any time simply using the FREE IVR by dialing 719.
After recording your message, you can select either of the following options:
* Call: The subscriber will receive a system-generated call and can hear your voice message.
* SMS: The recipient of the message will know about your voice message via an SMS and can hear it by
dialing the following numbers: Irancell subscribers can dial 719 (free IVR) for new messages or 720 (onnet call charges) for old messages. Non-Irancell subscribers can hear the message by dialing
* MMS (exclusive to Irancell subscribers): Your recorded message will be sent to the subscriber as a
voice file.

Introduction & Technical details

Voice SMS features: Scheduling a message to be sent on a certain date/time; Sending the same voice
message to other subscribers or forward a received message to others via different methods (Call, SMS
or MMS).
Each VSMS costs 620 Rials and to non-Irancell subscribers costs 852 Rials. All Irancell prepaid
subscribers can send VSMSs to other prepaid or postpaid subscribers. Subscribers can also dial
0937719000 from non-Irancell SIM Cards and landlines to send VSMS from their Irancell SIM Card or

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Value Added Services

retrieve their Irancell SIM Card messages.In system-generated calls, the system attempts for four times
to send the message to the subscriber. In case the subscriber is not available, the system will send an
SMS informing him/her about the message. After hearing a message, subscriber receives and SMS
informing that he/she has heard the message.To be able to use MMS for this service, you need to have
activated your MMS service by saving its configurations. (If you have not received the configurations
SMS or have not activated your MMS, dial *130*3*5# from your Irancell SIM card.) Service introduction Definitions and abbreviation VSMS Fundamental and concepts

For More information Please Study VMS VSMS system structure

For More information Please Study VMS VSMS Signaling flow

For More information Please Study VMS Primary touble shouting

VSMS KPI: Use one script to get the statistical report based on CDRs. UAP connects to I2000 and
generate the related report based on our traffic statistical task

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47 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Cases-Database

Symptom: Sometimes the data of the t_mc_sms_smsnoti table in the VMS system is increased but
not reduced, or is reduced slowly. In terms of perception, if the messages of missed call notification
delays or cannot be received, the service interrupts.
Possible Causes: This fault may be caused by the DML lock waiting which caused overstocked data.
For the t_mc_sms_smsnoti table is a process table, the data is constantly inserted, modified, or
deleted. The operation of the DML is extremely frequent. In addition, the APLOGIC and TOMCAT access
the t_mc_sms_smsnoti table. Multi-threaded concurrent operations are implemented. Therefore, a large
number of DML locks are generated during the DML operation.
When process A implements the DML (modification and deletion) for the table, other processes are in
the wait state. If a fault that the COMMIT or ROLLBACK message is not sent occurs in process A, this
session occupies resources all the time. In this case, other processes are in the wait state, data of the
service table is increased (the insert operation is not affected), and the service interrupts.
The VMS service uses the storage device to store voice files. The LV capacity exceeds 2 TB. When
onsite engineers run the operating system commands to expand the LV capacity, the executing of the
resize2fs command is stopped manually due to excessively execution time. A few days later the file
system of the storage device where the file server is mounted changes to the read-only state. Users can
retrieve messages but cannot leave messages.
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Value Added Services

Onsite engineers unmount the file system and run the fsck.ext2 -y /dev/mapper/vg_fs-fs command to
rectify the file system. When the onsite engineers run the mount -t ext2 command, the following error
information is displayed:
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb5, missing codepage or other
error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so
After checking the SuSE logs, the SuSE technical support engineers find the root cause which is
described as follows: The data block information is not updated to the file system after the LV space is
extended. It is required to run the resize2fs command to write the data block information, including the
newly added data, to the super block. If the execution of the resize2fs command is stopped, multiple
exceptions may occur. In the current system, the file system changes to the read-only state. If the data
update is not complete, the i-node and the information about actual data block cannot match. The
occurrence of an exception may be delayed. In addition, the block problems may exist on the hardware.
The metadata of the file system is disordered. It is required to re-create the LV for storing voice files
according to the standard procedure.
The local disk on the file server temporarily replaces the storage device and implements the I/O function
of voice recording and playing.
Maintenance engineer A receives a complaint that some users cannot receive short message service
(SMS) notifications for the VMS or MCNS service. The Monitor System page of the MSP shows that an
SMS gateway is in disconnected state.
Possible Causes
The connection between the MSP and the SMS gateway may be abnormal due to any of the following
causes: The network is abnormal.
The SMS message task is configured incorrectly on the Configuration Management page.

Primary trouble shouting Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS

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VMS(Voice Mail Service)

Instead of receiving just a list of numbers of all the people who have called you (if using the Who Called
service(Miss Call alert)), you can set up a personal answering service that takes voice messages when
you are unavailable.

Introduction & Technical details

You will be able to store up to 30 voice messages, each with a length of 120 seconds.
The messages that are not heard, will be stored until 2 days;the messages that are heard but not saved,
until 7 days and the messages that are heard and saved, up to 7 days.
When you are out of the range of MTN Irancell signal or when your phone is switched off, the Voicemail
service will record voice messages from callers. When a subscriber activate This Service, all of users
who call him will be store in his/her Voice mail and they can hear their voice with calling 710.
Another way to Active/De-active the mentioned service is call to 700 and select VMS.
How to set up your Voicemail box: You may dial the following USSD at any time to activate your
Pre-paid SIM ----------- *140*3*1*1#
Post-paid SIM --------- *130*3*1*1#
When you are out of the range of MTN Irancell signal or when your phone is switched off, the Voicemail
service will record voice messages from callers.
How to cancel Voicemail service: You may dial the following USSD at any time to cancel your
Pre-paid SIM------------- *140*3*1*4#
Post-paid SIM----------- *130*3*1*4#
How to listen to your messages: Make a call to 710 to listen to your Voicemail from your handset.
(Note: If you are forwarding calls to your Voice-mail or Who Called you cannot divert your calls to
another number.)
Call Charging: Callers are charged when reaching your Voice mail service. You are not charged when
retrieving voice messages from your MTN Irancell line.You may either divert to another number or to Who
Called/Voice mail. In other words, both cannot be activated at the same time.
To Clarify Service introduction

The VMS is a value-added service based on the Computer Telephony Integration (CTI). The VMS system
provides voice mailbox services for different types of users. After a user enables the VMS, the user
obtains a voice mailbox number and becomes the owner of the voice mailbox.
A user makes a call to a VMS user, but the call is not connected. In this case, the call is forwarded to
the VMS system, and the VMS system prompts the calling party to leave a message. The call is
forwarded to the VMS system in any of the following situations:
The fixed-line user or mobile user does not answer the call.
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The fixed-line user or mobile user is busy.

The mobile user is switched off.
The mobile user is out of service.
After the calling party leaves a message, the system sends a short message (SM), a twinkle SM, a
multimedia message (MM), an email, a message waiting indicator (MWI), or outgoing call notification to
notify the mailbox owner of the message. The called party can listen to the voice message through the
IVR Portal and the Self-Service Web Portal.

If user A makes a call to user B, who is a VMS user, when user B is busy, switched off, out of service,
or does not answer the call, the system connects user A to the VMS system. Therefore, user A can
leave a message for user B. When user B can be reached, user B receives an SM notification of a new
mail. In addition, user B can dial the voice mailbox access code to log in to the voice mailbox and
retrieve the left message.
" Advantages for Terminal Users.
" The VMS system provides several integrated service types for fixed-line subscribers and mobile
subscribers, such as MCNS(Missed Call Notification Service).
" The VMS service supports flexible and various message sending modes and improves user
" Various mail management modes based on the user-centered design (UCD) make the VMS service
usage smart and convenient.
" Customized greetings, blacklist, whitelist, and configurable personal address books enrich the
customized experiences of subscribers.
" Maintainability
Automatic check The system maintenance personnel can check the system periodically by using
iCheck to detect system anomalies in time.
Monitor and alarm based on dedicated NM tool Maintenance personnel can use the I2000 to monitor and
generate alarms for the VMS system.

Advantages for Carriers

By supporting service applications in mobile phones and fixed-line phones, the VMS service attracts a
wide range of customers.
The service management system provides the functions such as system management, service
management, and subscriber management. Carriers can know the service running condition easily.
The I2000 manages the network and monitors the system.
Flows and services can be customized. Therefore, customized requirements of carriers are met.
Diversified Features:Combined with the notification service, the VMS product provides various service
features. The carrier can customize service levels that contain different service features according to the
operation requirements and push the service levels to terminal users.
Convenient Management: The VMS product provides a management system for the carrier to
uniformly manage the system, services, and subscribers. In addition, the iManager I2000 (hereinafter
referred to as the I2000) manages the network and monitors the running of the system.
For terminal users, the VMS product provides various mail management modes, such as the IVR
(Interactive Voice Response)flow, and Web portal. In this case, the VMS subscribers can manage the

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voice mailboxes easily.

System Performance Reliability :In the networking of the VMS system, all service-related network
equipment runs in active/standby or load balancing mode, which helps to achieve the self recovery of
single point failure. When any single server or network equipment is faulty, the communication is normal
and the service system runs normally on the entire network.
Scalability Scalable software: When the hardware capacity is sufficient, a carrier can purchase a new
license and load the new license to expand the software features and the number of subscribers.
Scalable service node: A carrier can expand the system capacity by increasing the number of service
nodes. A service center can support up to four service nodes.
Scalable service center: When the maximum capacity of a service center is reached, the carrier can
expand the capacity by establishing a new center. A new service center contains UAPs, CTI, and
service nodes.
Scalable ATAE hardware platform: Advanced telecommunications application environment (ATAE)
supports smooth upgrade and capacity expansion. The system processing capability can be improved
by means of adding processor boards or cascading subracks.
The linear expansion design of the ATAE allows dynamic addition of processor boards to achieve
capacity expansion without interrupting the operation of application systems. Definitions and abbreviation

UAP: Universal Access Policy

MRF: Media Resource Function
OBS: Orange Business Services VMS Fundamental and concepts

Feature Description: If subscriber A makes a call to subscriber B, who is a VMS subscriber, when
subscriber B is busy, switches off the mobile phone, out of service, or does not answer the call, the
system connects subscriber A to the VMS system. Thus, subscriber A can leave a message for
subscriber B. When subscriber B can be reached, subscriber B receives an SM notification of a new
mail, an MMS notification and so on. In addition, subscriber B can dial the voice mailbox access code to
log in to the voice mailbox and retrieve the left message.
Example: The mobile phone of Jones is switched off during a meeting. Mike, a colleague of Jones, calls
Jones, but the call is not connected. The system forwards the call to the IVR message leaving process.
Mike sends a voice mail to Jones according to the system prompts. After the message is sent to Jones
successfully, Jones receives a new mail.
Jones receives a notification message when the mobile phone is switched on after the meeting, "Mike,
whose mobile number is 13800000000, sent you a voice mail at 2009-04-16 13:00. Please dial 123456 to
listen to the voice mail." Jones dials 123456 and listens to the voice mail from Mike according to the
system prompt. After listening to the message, Jones presses the option to call back Mike.
Limitation: A subscriber can subscribe to the service level with the Basic Voice Mail Service feature
only after the operator purchases and loads the license for Basic Voice Mail Service.
Sub-feature classification
Voice mail: When a calling party makes a call, if the called party is busy, switches off the mobile
phone, out of service, or does not answer the call, the system will guide the calling party to access the
VMS system to leave a message to the called party.
Replying to/Forwarding a Voice Mail: The subscriber can dial the access code to log in to the voice
mailbox to retrieve the voice mail. After listening to the voice mail, the subscriber can reply a voice mail
to the sender or forward the voice mail.
Calling the voice mail sender back: The subscriber can dial the access code to log in to the voice
mailbox to retrieve the voice mail. After listening to the voice mail, the subscriber can call the sender

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New mail notification: When a voice mail arrives at the voice mailbox of a subscriber, the system
sends a notification to the subscriber by SM, twinkle SM, a multimedia message (MM), an email, a
message waiting indicator (MWI), or outgoing call and so on.
Full Mailbox Notification: When the mailbox of the VMS subscriber is full, the system prompts a
subscriber to delete the existing mails by sending email.
Voice2Text: When a user receives a new mail, the VMS system sends an email notification to a thirdparty mail server. The third-party mail server converts voice attachments to text and sends an SMS
message or email to the user. If the conversion succeeds, the SMS message or email contains the text.
If the conversion fails, the SMS message contains only basic mail information and the method of
retrieving the mail, and the email contains only the mail attachment and mail header information.
Personalized Greeting: When a calling party makes a call, if the called party cannot be connected,
the call is forwarded to the VMS system. If the called party has set the personal greeting, the system
will play the personal greeting for the calling party, else the system will play the system greeting.
Blacklist and whitelist: The VMS system supports the control of blacklists and whitelists at the
subscriber level in the voice messaging process. A blacklist is a list of prohibited users. The users on
the blacklist cannot send mails to the VMS subscriber who sets the list. A whitelist is a list of allowed
users. Only the users on the whitelist can send mails to the VMS subscriber who sets the whitelist.
Group service: The subscriber can send a mail to a group. All the members in this group receive the
Time Window: The time window function is provided for the VMS to protect users from being disturbed
within a period of time. If a user enables the time window function, the user receives notifications only in
the range specified by the time window.
System Bulletin: When a VMS user successfully enters the message retrieving flow or outgoing call
notification flow, the VMS system plays a bulletin for the user if the system bulletin function is enabled
and the service level of the user has a matching system bulletin.
Broadcast Mail Service: A VMS system broadcaster can send a broadcast file in emails to multiple
users. When a user receives a broadcast mail, the system sends a broadcast mail notification to the
user to prompt the user to retrieve the broadcast mail.
VSMS Service: When the calling party dials the VSMS process access code or the VSMS process
access code+called number, the call in forwarded to the VSMS process. The calling party can send a
voice SMS message to the called party as prompted.
MNN Service: If the user has subscribed to the MNN service, the call to the old number of the user is
forwarded to the VMS system. The VMS system plays an announcement and sends an SMS message
to notify the calling party of the called party's new number, and sends an SMS message to notify the
called party of the call to the old number. VMS system structure

System parameters are common parameters used by the system. This function is provided to manage
the following items:
License , System parameter ,Carrier number segment , Area code , Zone , NE , Physical System
Network , Logical System Network , System, Route , Message route , Alarm Parameter , User route ,
I2000 information synchronization , Data Station task
Registration and Deregistration
A user can be registered or deregistered by using multiple protocols

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office) VMS Signaling flow

Message Leaving Authentication

Message Leaving Flow

Message Leaving Flow-Extend

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Message Retrieving Authentication

Message Retrieving Flow

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Message Retrieving Flow-Extend

Outgoing Call Notification Process

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Primary trouble shouting Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS VMS Trunks

As you see in below snap shot we have 8 VMS server and all of them should have normal treatment in

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Value Added Services Merged VMS Trunks

all of graphs on "ALL VMS Engins are important and we should inform our BO in case the was any
abnormal behavior

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63 Generating KPIs in FACTS & Probable Scenarios

First of all the problem should be clarify that what is the problem?
It should be clarify If the SUB dont receive SMS or he/she cant call 710 or hearing wrong voice or . . .
If subscriber have problem to call 710 and anything like that it has been followed via VMS team.
If any rejection has happened for active/deactivate the service it should be follows by related team as
per provisioning Flow diagram
- MCA (Miss call alert ) and VMS cant activate together for one subscriber.
Troubleshooting Process

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Troubleshooting Cases-Database
Symptom: Sometimes the data of the t_mc_sms_smsnoti table in the VMS system is increased but
not reduced, or is reduced slowly. In terms of perception, if the messages of missed call notification
delays or cannot be received, the service interrupts.
Possible Causes: This fault may be caused by the DML lock waiting which caused overstocked data.
For the t_mc_sms_smsnoti table is a process table, the data is constantly inserted, modified, or
deleted. The operation of the DML is extremely frequent. In addition, the APLOGIC and TOMCAT access
the t_mc_sms_smsnoti table. Multi-threaded concurrent operations are implemented. Therefore, a large
number of DML locks are generated during the DML operation.
When process A implements the DML (modification and deletion) for the table, other processes are in
the wait state. If a fault that the COMMIT or ROLLBACK message is not sent occurs in process A, this
session occupies resources all the time. In this case, other processes are in the wait state, data of the
service table is increased (the insert operation is not affected), and the service interrupts.
Troubleshooting Cases-MSP
Symptom: Maintenance engineer A receives a complaint that some users cannot receive short
message service (SMS) notifications for the VMS or MCNS service. The Monitor System page of the
MSP shows that an SMS gateway is in disconnected state.
Possible Causes: The connection between the MSP and the SMS gateway may be abnormal due to
any of the following causes: The network is abnormal. The SMS message task is configured incorrectly
on the Configuration Management page.

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65 Team's principle maintenance

In VMS team we don't have Maintenance part. We just have a service test each hour and we call 710 to
be sure every thing is fine !



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Value Added Services

SMS(short message service)

Also known as SMS (Short Message Service), this allows you to send and receive text messages to
and from other mobile users. Send text messages of up to 160 characters in English or 70 characters in
To send the SMS ensure that the message centre number is correct. The message centre number is

Introduction & Technical details

after studying this part you will be available to do primary trouble shouting and have logical idea about
SMS Process Service introduction

Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of phone, Web, or mobile
communication systems. It uses standardized communications protocols to allow fixed line or mobile
phone devices to exchange short text messages and Provides the Point-to-Point Short Message Service
(SMS) in GSM/GPRS/3G Network.
for more information about its History wik_Short_Message_Service

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office) Definitions and abbreviation

SMS: Short Message Service

MAP: Mobile application Part
MO: Mobile originated
MT: Mobile Terminated
USAU: universal Signaling Access Point
CB: Cell Broadcast
CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
DCS: Data Coding Scheme
ESME: External Short Message Entity
ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
GSM: Global System for Mobile communications
GT: Global Title
HLR: Home Location Register
MAP: Mobile Application Part
MIN: Mobile Identification Number
MO: Mobile Originated
ID: Identity
MS: Mobile Station
MSC:Mobile Switching Center
NPI: Numbering Plan Identity
PID: process ID
SCCP: Signaling Connection Control Part
PPS: Prepaid Service
SCP: Service Control Point
SMC: Short Message Center
SME: Short Message Entity
SMPP: Short Message Peer to Peer
SMSC: Short Message Service
SP: Service Provider
TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access
VLR:Visitor Location Register
SRI: Subscriber Remote Interface SMSC Fundamental and concepts

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Signals change to understandable language (translated by PEP for PFS (server)
Recognize Farsi and English Letters and inform E/// for Financial Issues. 40%- 60% if it was 60%
Farsi +999 to beginning of subscribers number
Prevent from spoofing
Diameter (radius)
-999 +avp code
Overview of the Live SMS service
We have 20 live SMSC servers running in TE&TW&ES&MS, all of them connected with the USAU of
each site. The entire message from STP will be forwarded to related USAU with GT.The USAUs forward
the messages to () How many?! MAP servers (sub-module of SMSC) and MAP servers distribute SMS
according to the starting digits of B-number to 20 SMSC servers.
All traffic goes to E/// side and in this step E/// recognize pre paid users, others will known as unknown
subscriber which we count them as post paid users.
CCN doesnt do action about post paid subscribers till the end of month.

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office) SMS system structure

Here is another SMS System Flow that will show the MO-MT process by details.
Its a simple topology in zoom out mode. (its old pic and IN is not considered also)

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After SMSC sent SRI, there are 3 possible states:

1) Purge
Mentioned number is not here
2) Unreachable
I dont know where B num is!!!
3) MSC addressIt found mentioned number so it Returns related MSC number
For more details Please see SMS service Flow Planning

Primary trouble shouting

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Value Added Services Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS

High and critical issues :

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73 SMS traffic flow graph

Graphs introduction :
About MO_SUCC_AT _MSS, MO_SUCC_AT_SMSC please see the left number
About P_MO_SUCC_AT _MSS P_MO_SUCC_AT_SMSC ,please see the right percent.
MO-SUCC-AT-MSS:MO_SUCC_AT_MSS comes from Core side.
P_SUCC_AT_MSS: It is an important parameter and it is related to percentage ofsuccessful requests
have been sent from MO (Mobile Originated) in MSS layer to ST routers and then PEP nodes.
MO-SUCC-AT-SMSC:Number of all SMSs received to SMSC.It can show longer path and it shows
success rate till SMS. Logical we know MO-SUCC-AT-SMSC is less than MO-SUCC-AT-MSS but why
in graphs the number of MO-SUCC-AT-SMSCis more than at MO-SUCC-AT-MSS?!
Answer is :
All SMSs which are send to SMSC from MCA side consider as MO, so number of MO-SUCC-AT-SMSC
is a little more than MO-SUCC-AT-MSS. J
When we have drop on P-SUCC-AT-MSS at first we should check it on M2000 for make decision to
further investigation this issue should follow with Core or Security team. If we had drop on all SMMO
graphs it is related to Security team in the other hand we should assign it to core team for more
P-MO-E2E-FF-AT-SMSC: Percentage of all SMSs which are received from A-num to B-num without any
retry . (Fast forwarding)
AO SUCC-AT-SMSC: Number of SMSs from Applications (Iran cell,Bulks)
P_AO_SUCC_AT_SMSC: All successful originated SMSs from applications such as Banks,
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advertisment centers, etc to SMSC.

for the number of MO-SUCC-AT-SMSC and MO-SUCC-AT-MSS don't need to raise an incident , just in
a case of being gap between this two or decrease the number of MO-SUCC-AT-SMSC in compare with
the other one, FO should raise an incident and inform on call BO. SMSC System Performance

2) SMSC System Performance

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If Disk usages changed to Red o orange we should send an Email & Inform BO.

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Please notify that all Graphs must be normal( have their normal treatment) and also we have to check
CPU usage. Issue on M2000

In the case of drop on SMMO attempt (if it had affect on P-SUCC-AT-MSS) FO must raise incident and
will assign incident to Core team or security team based on form of drop.

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If we have problem in SMSC graph we have to check it in M2000

If we have drop in all of NODEs so we have to inform IP security and if we have just few drop in some of
graphs in M2000 Please just inform core team. Generating KPIs in FACTS & Probable Scenarios

Case study 1) If MO_SUCC_AT _MSS decrease it means subscriber send SMS number decreased,
mostly it is ok ,except P** side have problem.
Case study 2) If P_MO_SUCC_AT _MSS decrease it means percent of subscribers which send
SMS successfully decreased, so need raise an INC As we said before if mobile originated success rate
till MSS had drop we should check Core and PEP.
Case study 3) When we face drop on P-MO-E2E-FF-AT-SMSC and MO-SUCC-AT-SMSC we should
check alarms on SMSBI to detect about alarm, mostly this drop occur due to error code 152 related to
CS5(E/// Team).

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Solution) If you found MO error code 63/152/178/201 increased ,please assign this INC to E/// side. if
you found other MO error code increased, please notice on call BO.

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Case study 4) Drop on P-AO SUCC-AT-SMSC:

To check drop on P-AO SUCC-AT-SMSC you should follow below stapes:
Step 1: Check on SMSBI to find alarm which cause to drop.
SMSBI - report - detail cause of failure - submission error code statistic report , find error
by hour.
Step 2: check MO CDRs (you can use Secure CRT).
~/billdata/bpsbill/11/backup/temp>find . -maxdepth 1 -type f |xargsawk -F , '$20==error code " {print
Ex . ~/billdata/bpsbill/11/backup/temp>find . -maxdepth 1 -type f |xargsawk -F , '$20=="119" {print
Irancell 09392509632 bulk4 2013/09/18 22:36:02
Irancell 09392509632 bulk4 2013/09/18 22:36:02
Irancell 09392509632 bulk4 2013/09/18 22:36:02
Irancell 09392509632 bulk4 2013/09/18 22:36:02
Irancell 09396196835 bulk2 2013/09/18 22:36:02
Irancell 09396196835 bulk2 2013/09/18 22:36:02
Irancell 09396196835 bulk2 2013/09/18 22:36:02
Irancell 09396196835 bulk2 2013/09/18 22:36:02
Irancell 09394337069 bulk1 2013/09/18 22:36:02
Note: for TE SMSC we check it on /backup
~/billdata/bpsbill/11/backup>find . -maxdepth 1 -type f |xargsawk -F , '$20==error code " {print
Case study 5) If we have drop on P_MO_E2E_FF_AT_SMSC graph:

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Solution) For cases like that, please check MCI FACT graph first (link:
1.If MCCI Core side issue, we will find the xx error is increased ,so please assign this INC to MCCI core
For example:

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2,please check MT error code from SMSC BI

SMSBI link: username xxx,password:xxx

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Select part of SMSC is faster than select all,please check MT error code 40/41/48/51/52 first, this is
relate MTN Core side issue. If those MT error code increased, please assign this INC to Core side.
3,if you found other MT error code increased ,please notice on call BO.
Case study 6) If the P_DISKUSED increased about 20% and then increase stopped, this is ok, only
send email to BO is ok.
Solution) If the P_DISKUSED increased more than 30% and increasing also, please call on call BO,
this is relate the storage issue.

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Case study 7) If we have an increment on CPU@smsc** graph sending email to BO is enough

Case study 8) If the MO/MT license(include AO/MO/AT/MT) dont reach 100% only send email to BO is
ok, if reach 100% please call on call BO, it is will impact MO/MT SMS service.

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Case study 9) if you faced with below case please raise an INC to SMSC team (this issue happened
one or two times every year)
Solution) this case is related to SMSBI ,the SMS service is normal but will impact FACTS graph.
Case study 10) If we have decrement on P_MO E2E_FF_AT_SMSC and We faced Error 24-The
destination MS is switched off.
Solution) Most of the time is relate SP account which sent bulk SMS in short time ,Its probably
because MKT pushed SMS to base SUBs, most of them are failed due to switch off handset.( In cases
like that we can change INC to task but its our responsibility to make it ok ,
Case study 11) P-MO-E2E-FF-AT-SMSC has decrease due to error code 40 ,48
Solution) We should raise an INC and follow it with MCCI Core.
have drop , it seems number of AO_SUCC_AT_SMSC is huge and it caused this problem,

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Solution) If you faced cases like that please follow it with two different INC
1)For AO/E2E drop, its related to license expired because of MAX TPS is reached.
The list of SPs are in the below:

2) For P_MO_SUCC_AT_SMSC its related to IN side as you see we faced with error 201 on all ES
SMSCs (13,14,15,16).

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Case study 13) We can see some decrement on P_SUCC_AT_MSS & P_MO_SUCC_AT_SMSC &
P_MO_E2E_FF_SMSC graphs at weekend in compare last days,
Solution) here is no issue in MO/MT SMSs from Core side as could be seen below ,please re-assign
the INC to VAS and ask them to provide detail in holidays kindly compare the trend of your SMS graph
by previous holidays NOT last days.As you know VAS Monitoring using FACTS is not alarm monitoring,
so for any kind of abnormality you have to compare the trend with other similar days.
For such abnormal curves the trend is normal just because of holidays, rest time is shifted one hour.
Anyway, you can ignore such abnormality.
Case study 14) P-MO-E2E-FF-AT-SMSC has decrease due to error code 40 ,48, so please assign INC223582 to MCCI Core.
Solution) If SMSC P-MO-E2E decreased,please check this FACTS link,it is easily to check this is
relate MCCI side or MTN Core side.

Case study 15) If some Offnet subscriber's SMS to IranCell network were unsuccessful please don't let
be assigned to SMSC team as it is not our issue ,Ask them to follow it up with Core team,

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1) Please put customer (Behrouz Nazem zadeh , Aida Honarmand & Masoud Zareie Sanabad for SMSC
---Behrouz Nazem zadeh , Aida Honarmand &Zahra asgharzadeh for OTA) in all Mail Loops.
2) Remind BO for each Change which they didn't start at time.
3) Its better to put A# & B# in snapshot to see what happened. Really I cant get your point in below
mail. maintenance

There is some special Web/Windows Apps for some products that will help FO to do some basic
troubleshooting. For example there is web application named SMSBI that will help us to track one SM
and find the failed point based on CDRs. MT console operating guide

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89 SMS-BI administration and operating guide

SMSBI is an application which we use to log our Reports and we can can check SMS status if it was
successful or not and ....

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also if we want to find a number (when there is a complain ) :

1)click on Query and put Calling Number or Called number if you are not sure about full number write
part of it .
2) Select SMSC and if you dont know it used which SMSC server select all.
3) Identify your Time range.

4)After you got query you can find some basic info when you click on SM Track
5) Check Submitting & Delivery status , If both of them was Successful the issue is not related to SMSC
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Side , you also can find some information like Account & SMSC Server

6) for finding more information we click on Details

7) Please consider that if Account was Gateway_G ,SP(Service Provider ) is Irancell ,If not we have to
follow it with mentioned team, Secure CRT

After you find which SMSC has error we use Secure CRT to find some sample number for more investigation
(We need this information when we ask Core MCI team to follow a case. Before start it please be informed
right now we have TE & TW Server's access and not MS & ES. In the other for example when we try to login
Server SMSC03 we face below error :

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The server has disconnected with an error. Server message reads:

A protocol error occurred. Change of username or service not allowed: (VAS,sshconnection) -> (noc,ssh-connection)

~/billdata/bpsbill/11/backup> -----------------------------------------> Mobile Orginated

~/billdata/bpsbill/12/backup> ------------------------------------------> Mobile Terminated

We can find errors with 2 way :

find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs awk -F , '$17=="40" {print $2,$3,$5,$14,$17,$26,$27}'

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you can change its limitation for more investigation about specific case:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs awk -F , '$17==40 && $14>=" 2014/04/14 22:24:26"
Second way:
cat prm20140414_0101209224.unl

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as you see in above snap shot you can see related CDRs and all necessary information you need.
Before running the last command its better to save the logs using below snapshot:

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Now browse a directory and assign a file name:

Then change the directory to the same specific date you want (its a little different in servers, for example
go to tosend) then run below command to see the LOGs and use them as sample,
this way you will have enough evidences to escalate it to MCCI or MTN Core side. (with checking the
B#s and also time of samples)

For such queries its better to limit your query with lots of conditions or decreasing the files that its
going to apply the script.
For example for MCCI Sample, I always with find just one file *.txt and contains the outage time CDRs
(not them all that you will see with ls command). It will help more.

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You can do it this way:

Normal for All:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs awk -F , [conditions and prints]
The way I use:
find . [file name] | xargs awk -F , [conditions and prints]

<193 ESSMSC06:/home/smc/billdata/bpsbill/11/backup/temp>find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs awk -F ,

'$22=="2014/03/11 04:14:39" && $26=="INLowCredit"' | wc -l
<194 ESSMSC06:/home/smc/billdata/bpsbill/11/backup/temp>find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs awk -F ,
'$22=="2014/03/11 04:14:38" && $26=="INLowCredit"' | wc -l
at first please use cat [filename] for some random files and check the times, then you will find out
which file includes your needed samples.
But for the queries that we need to submit on all files in server (like as reports) you cant use this way
and you have to apply script on all files in directory.
MT CDR check:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs awk -F , '$17=="40" {print $2,$3,$5,$14,$17,$26,$27}'
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs awk -F , '$17==48 && $14>="2013/10/19 16:00:00" &&
$14<="2013/10/19 18:00:00" {print $2,$3,$45,$5,$14,$17,$26,$27}'
AO Check:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs awk -F , '$22>="2013/11/20 20:00:00" && $20=="119" {print


We would be grateful if we had Secure CRT for MS & ES for being able some primary trouble shouting
and some basic information about MT console operating guide

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RCS(Rich Communication Suite)

Huawei RCS helps to enrich people's social communication by providing more integrated communication
experience over mobile internet. We help operators to get more revenue by service innovation over
converged Mobile and Internet network.

"Irancell Drive bridges the gap between communications network and the Internet. It is also the first
cloud service provided in Iran which enables storing and managing phone contacts, SMS and webmessaging management, file management and sharing accompanied with editing feature and also the
ability to share comments and opinions on them."
"Service activation is possible via choosing the desired service pack through the portal designated, in the
form of 3 month, 6 month and 1 year packs."

Introduction & Technical details

Irancell drive is the first cloud service provided for users in Iran. In our today world where users contact
each other electronically, existence of general space to store and unify all the data on cellphones, email
inbox or PC seems simple yet necessary.
Irancell Drive makes it possible for you to share your files, benefit from message sending services and
save your valuable messages and contact list.
This service is available to you via four different channels: Drive Irancell, PC client, Android application
and Symbian application (for a limited set of handsets). In order to use the service, users should enter
the portal of this service and start using the service by subscribing their desired package.
A trial version of this service is also available.
Main Features:
Call management
Dividing contacts into various groups such as friends, family or colleagues

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Managing contact list as well as creating, deleting and editing contacts information
Visiting contacts profile and searching for a specific contact
Viewing friends status in your personal Drive (online, busy, offline)
Managing SMS and MMS
Grouping or archiving messages
The possibility of sending and receiving messages via the portal and application even
when cell phone is off
Filtering or arranging the messages
The possibility of sending and receiving SMS and MMS in a specific time
Managing your files
Providing virtual space for the user to store backup files
Uploading and downloading various files such as images, texts, etc.
Sharing your files for your friends
Informing your friends about shared files via sending SMS
The possibility of expressing comments about a shared file
How to Activate Irancell Drive: To activate Irancell Drive service, users can refer to Irancell Drive portal
and create an account. To this end, they should enter their prepaid MSISDN in the respective box to
receive the verification code through SMS.

When the SMS is sent by Irancell Drive service, a window representing different packages of services will
be displayed to provide users with various options.

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How to Extend Service Package: The service package will be extended automatically by Irancell Drive
service for Silver, Gold and Diamond service packages for which users should have enough airtime in
their accounts. If they wish to choose another package, they should choose the new service package
prior to expiry of the current package. It is to note that it is impossible for users to extend pilot service
Please remember that when the user airtime for service package extension is not enough and/or the
user does not choose the service package upon the expiry of the pilot package, the user data will be
maintained in Irancell Drive service for one month after expiry of the package and it will be possible to
review and retrieve the data. In case users fail to extend Irancell Drive service within one month, their
data will be deleted.

Irancell Drive packages

This service is provided in various packages. You may see the details in below table:

Irancell Drive Plans


trial version





3 months

3 months

12 months

12 months

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40.000 IRR

120.000 IRR

200.000 IRR






Contact list management





Displaying friends status





Adding and deleting numbers





Drive memory to save numbers





Storing capacity (GB)

500 M


Maximum file size allowed to share


10 M

50 M

100 M

Allowable SMS to be sent




Allowable MMS to be sent




Irancell Drive services

Balance inquiry
For information about remaining SMS and MMSbalance, users may dial *141*19# from their Irancell SIM
Card. Service introduction

A special VAS service, where when a subscriber activates this service, will have more powerful contact
management, multiple clients to send messages and network storage.
Consumers expect that these capabilities are available on any type of devices and that there is open
communication between devices and networks. With the Rich Communication Suite (RCS) these
customer expectations can be fulfilled, and ever evolving services can be offered to enhance users'
experience. The core feature set of RCS includes the following services:
Enhanced Phonebook, with service capabilities and presence enhanced contacts information
Enhanced Messaging, which enables a large variety of messaging options including chat and messaging
Enriched Call, which enables multimedia content sharing during a voice call
The Rich Communication Suite Initiative is the joint effort of leading industry players to speed up and
facilitate the adoption of applications and services that provide an interoperable, convergent, rich
communication experience.
Challenges: Currently, the usage of voice and message services increases rapidly. Nevertheless,
revenues from voice and message services are increasing slowly, and revenues from voice services may
decrease in the near future. In addition, with the popularity of Internet services, operators are facing
challenges in terms of the operation on traditional Telecom businesses, like reducing operational cost,
creating an open environment for new services and digging potential values from exiting services.

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Our Solution: Huawei RCS helps operators to enrich social communication over the mobile Internet.
Comply with international standard GSMA RCS, it also can extend the contactors information of mobile
subscribers and combine mobility with Internet accessibility. This effectively enhances the
communication between people and improves the value of traditional networks.
Applications & Benefits: Help to enhance loyalty by depositing users digital assets. For example
users address book, history message, picture, video, documents, microblog and others;
Help to get more revenue by service innovations over converged Mobile and Internet network.
Huawei RCS solution has been adopted by China Mobile at its service, and Argentina Movistar
RCS Portal.
As a service suite for rich communication, our RCS solution extends the address books of mobile
subscribers. The functions and presence information supported by the RCS improve subscriber
experience and enrich communication services.
Service support: This service is provided and supported by Huawei Vendor and will follow the SLA
Users: External Subscribers, Business Owner, Marketing ,Service components

down time



subscribers will
be affected)

Online and Offline Storage ( ND)


Unified Box ( RMC)


BMsuite (For Subscription)


MDSP ( Charging node)




Business processes
Business process
Subscription is based on SMS or Portal
Access channels through Portal, PC client and Mobi client

dependencies: MMSC/SMSC/E-Care/CCN/PFS/GPRS/Mediation
Availability: Availability target is 99.8%. Service is not available when:
Reliability: Maximum 3 interruptions per month.
Response time


Response time


5 Sec

Online and Offline Storage ( ND)

10 Sec

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Unified Box ( RMC)

5 Sec

Service throughput/capacity



117 per second


7per second


39 T

Service time


Service production hours


Maintenance periods


Change periods
Normal support hours

Sat Wed 8AM

to 5PM

Offsite support hours


Business Continuity Management

Disaster Recovery Targets


Recovery Time (RTO)

24 hrs

Recovery Point (RPO)


[Does this system have DR?]

ITS Contacts- ITS Service Desk - ITS Service Manger - ITS GM - ITS CIO - ITS Account - ITS
Applications senior manager - ITS Application account manager
For any Information Please Click here Definitions and abbreviation

Convergent address book (CAB): Mobile phonebook enhanced with contact presence and status,
converging with Internet Address Book, etc. This is the base stone of Huawei RCS solution.
The CAB is an evolution of the usual address book, providing enriched information to existing contacts.
The CAB allows end users to exchange Social Presence Information with authorized contacts. This
information includes hyper-availability status, portrait icon, free text, favorite link and timestamp. From
the CAB, end users have an access to information regarding which communication capabilities are
available at a given point in time to interact with a contact, being able to initiate communications and to
access the communication history with a contact. It is also possible to perform a backup/
synchronization of contact information with CAB.
Unified Box: Unified Box provides unified message experience with multi message types;
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Unified Message Box collecting SMS, MMS, Email, IM, Voice Message, Video Message and Fax
Message from various servers and put them into a single storage. Unified web access portal provides
management of stored messages and directories, which also includes web-based online SMS, MMS
and Email forwarding and sending feature;
Online Storage and Sharing: With this function, an end user can store files online and share them
with friends easily;
VoIP: RCS has the ability of VoIP with abundant services like video voice, picture sharing, video sharing
and others;
Smart Routing: RCS can give the most suitable route for voice and messages according to routing
policies that has been configured;
Multimedia Chat: An end user can send instant messages to contacts and transfer files promptly. Adhoc instant message group is also supported;
Multimedia Blog: An end user can post blog in his own online space. Others can comment and follow
the blog;
SNS Roaming: RCS has the ability of integrating with third party IM and SNS internet services, for
example Twitter, Facebook, MSN, ICQ and others. After that, RCS users can communicate with their IM
or SNS friends without logging in the third party.
OTT: Over The Top
IMS: Information Management System
EAB:Enhanced Address Book RCS Fundamental and concepts

Huawei Software is one of four divisions within Huawei Technologies; the other three are Telecom
Network Infrastructure, Professional Services and Devices. It was previously known as Huaweis
Application and Software line of business.Within Huawei Software, there are three lines of business:
consumer, enterprise and business support systems. The division has 436 mobile operator customers in
138 countries, including seven of the top ten mobile operators globally, and 28 of the top 50 Mobile
operator customers.
These include China Mobile, Vodafone, China Unicom, Telefonica, America Movil, France Telecom, and
Telenor, among other operators of similar size and geographic reach.
According to Huawei Software, the size of the mobile operators on its customer list, in terms of their
subscriber bases, means that 20% of all mobile voice users, 33% of all SMS users and 50% of all MMS
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users globally are already using elements of its RCS platform.

Huawei Software generated US$2.23 billion in contract sales in 2009, an increase of 54% year-on year.
Huawei RCS strategy: Huawei Softwares Rich Communication Suite (Huawei RCS Solution) strategy
is based on addressing the following market challenges for mobile operators
Weakening growth in voice and messaging ARPU while at the same time the consumption of these
network assets, and their data networks, is increasing.
The ease and frequency with which mobile subscribers churn to other mobile operators or service
providers, and the lack of new and innovative services that would prevent churn.
Mobile virtual network operators, Internet companies and voice-over-IP providers are contributing to
cannibalization of mobile operators voice and messaging revenues by offering alternative or cheaper
messaging services and/or cheaper or free voice calls.
Mobile subscribers require a sophisticated, multimedia-centric communications experience across
fixed and mobile.

Mobile operators are increasingly concerned about the threat presented by Internet companies, such as
Google, with its free Google Voice service. Google Voice is an invitation-only service which is also only
available in the US. Fixed-line users can register their existing telephone number in order to access
visual voice-mail, voice-mail transcriptions, custom greetings, free national or local calls in the US, lowcost international calls, and e-mail or SMS voice-mail notifications. In addition, fixed-line users can also
register for a Google number, which would provide a single number which would ring on all of their
registered devices, in addition to free SMS, the ability to screen, block and record calls, and the ability
to arrange conference calls.
While some telecommunications infrastructure vendors, such as Huawei, do not believe that mobile
operators should regard Google Voice as a direct threat, services like Google Voice should act as a
powerful motivator for them to re-assess their core businesses of voice and messaging, in order to
determine how they can develop value-added-services that will help them to retain their subscribers and
also make them higher-value customers.
For its part, Huawei undertakes a consultative approach with those of its mobile operator customers that
are seeking to deploy RCS services. The vendor will work with the operator in order to understand its
existing network capabilities, the demographics of its subscriber base as well as requirements its
subscribers may have for mobile communications services and devices, and its current line-up of
services and business models. Gathering this information enables Huawei to recommend the
introduction of new RCS-based services and business models or the modification of existing services
and business models, which would help the operator to more effectively compete against Internet
services providers and other companies.
Huawei aims to help mobile operators examine their long term customer relationship strategies, with a
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view to increasing the tenure of their subscribers. The RCS Solution has been developed to help mobile
operators focus on what their customers need, and to enrich their customers existing user experience.
Huawei places the mobile user at the centre of its RCS strategy (see fig. 2). It believes that an
increasing proportion of mobile users will be able to access basic communications services such as
voice, SMS and MMS, and also more advanced messaging such as e-mail, instant messaging and
presence. In addition, Huawei believes that mobile users will be able to access and use a
convergent storage database such as Huaweis One Box, in which they can keep a history of their
messages and conversations. Further, mobile users will likely also be keen to access and use online
personal information storage, such as Huaweis NetDisk, to store - documents, images and videos,
among others, and to share these contents with their family and friends.
Mobile users would also like to exert more control over their communications including being able to
share and update their status and their social relationship information with their contacts on social
networking services, which they access via the mobile or the Internet. To meet this need,
Huawei is providing Mini-Blog and Relationship Radar services, through which mobile users can share
their sentiments with their friends as well as their contacts on Internet SNSs such as Facebook and
Providing security on the mobile device, including anti-spam capabilities, is another way in which mobile
operators can provide their customers with an enhanced user experience that would help to discourage
churn to another network. Huaweis Communication Firewall is provided as part of
its RCS Solution, enabling mobile users to establish white-lists and black-lists for voice calls and SMS,
and to keep a history of barred calls.
Therefore, in order for mobile operators to successfully compete with Internet companies, they will need
to deploy services which go beyond simply a network-based aggregated address book and the other
types of services that are included in the GSMAs RCS specifications The network based address book
will not be a differentiator for mobile operators, but it will provide a foundation on which mobile operators
can build differentiated services.

In order to be able to provide these differentiated services to their subscribers and generate return on
investment, mobile operators must:
Open up their networks to third party application- and service-developers, enabling them to more easily
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develop new products that are closely integrated with existing services such as voice, messaging,
presence, location and billing;
Deploy a platform that is cost-effective, in that it complements rather than replaces existing elements
of the core network; and
Above all, focus on convergence as the primary objective, including the convergence of
communications, services and terminals.
In order to be able to provide services that increase customer loyalty and subscription lifetime, mobile
operators must provide:
A convergent and user friendly experience, which will improve customer satisfaction and increase
subscriber loyalty.
A convergent personal information storage platform that keeps an extensive history of the mobile
subscribers data, including their SMS, MMS, VMS, voice calls, e-mails, images, videos and
documents, among others. Providing this kind of storage platform would reduce churn for the mobile
operator, since subscribers would associate their mobile experience with the mobile operator and its
A social relationships update capability, such as Huaweis M-blog and Relationship Radar, and access
to Internet social networking services. This approach would also increase customer loyalty, encouraging
subscribers to stay with the operators network because their online home and community is built within
that network.
The core component of Huaweis RCS Solution is its Service Network Engine (SNE), which addresses
the above requirements. The SNE provides a service layer that can be integrated into the mobile
operators existing infrastructure, including its voice and messaging platforms, and that exposes core
network capabilities and even third party capabilities as application enablers.
Mobile operators and third party application- and service-developers can use enabler application
programming interfaces (APIs) into the SNE in order to create new applications and services much faster
and at a reduced total cost of ownership.
Huaweis RCS not only provides GSMA RCS services but also provides enhanced valueaddedservices
such as voice-over-IP (VoIP), HomeZone and missed call notification (MCN). It also provides a
convergent messaging experience which is based on the mobile operators existing messaging
infrastructure, including its SMSC, MMSC, voice-mail and e-mail, among others. In addition, Huawei
RCS provides enhanced messaging services, such as sponsored messages, blacklist and copy-andforward, and value-added messaging services such as mobile newspapers and micro blogging.
In providing value-added-services (VAS) to their mobile subscribers, operators can generate additional
ARPU by charging a small premium for each service individually or by offering a package of the services
for which the operator would charge a subscription. They could also more closely tie in mobile
subscribers to their networks, and reduce churn. Perhaps most importantly, mobile operators will be
able to better compete with Internet companies that are seeking to erode both their market share and
their revenues from voice and messaging.
Differences between Huawei RCS Solution and GSMA RCS
Huawei RCS solution complies with GSMA RCS, but builds upon the GSMA standard to achieve higher
levels of functionality. The existing GSMA RCS is only based on IMS networks and only focuses on
basic features, including enhancing user experience, promoting industry alliances and identifying
business models related to advanced messaging. This restricts operator choices. Huawei believes that a
successful RCS solution must consider both IMS and non-IMS networks. Huaweis RCS solution
focuses on:
Enhancing user experience: Bridging IMS and non-IMS networks to provide a seamless user experience.
Unified communication VAS platform: unified platform to enrich communication services, increase
ARPU, and provide cost savings on their infrastructure investment.
Greater variety of services: In addition to services defined in GSMA RCS standard, Huawei RCS
provides functionality for new services, including convergent messaging box, micro blogging services and
Network Evolution: Huawei RCS solution can help operators to migrate from legacy network based
services to RCS services without the need for large expenditures or subscriber migration to new
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Meanwhile infrastructure vendors such as Huawei, while supportive of the GSMAs RCS initiative, are
also cognisant of mobile operators desire to move quickly in order to deploy converged services as a
way of arresting declining growth in their voice and messaging revenues. In addition, mobile operators
are driven by the desire to reduce customer churn and to increase the value of both their existing
customers and any new customers they might win as a result of pursuing a converged communications
strategy. Ensuring that they do not lose customers or revenue to Internet companies is also a high
priority for mobile operators.
At the same time, mobile operators are more than ever mindful of the cost of deploying new technology,
so any approach that combines getting the most out of their existing network investment with the ability
to deploy new services for minimal additional investment will prove attractive. RCS system structure

GSMA decided to drive the RCS initiative to facilitate IMS end-user services deployment. This initiative
brings together operators, handset and network vendors, and aims at specifying the set of basic services
(no really value-added services here) that should be made available in an RCS terminal. One of the RCS
goals is to demonstrate one of the most valuable feature of the IMS architecture: interoperability.
Contrary to OTT (Over The Top) players, RCS guarantees services interoperability between users
whatever the terminal they are using or the network operator they have subscribed to.
RCS relies on IMS core network for session control and service establishment, which is based on
intrinsic features of SIP signaling. The key of RCS is the capability discovery framework which allows to
identify the RCS services of any users even in case of multi device usage. Thanks to that, RCS users
can be informed in real time of the multimedia communication capabilities of their contacts.
Capability discovery: The capability discovery feature is key for RCS. It allows to recover capabilities of
users contacts in term of RCS services. For that RCS terminal must implement one of the two solutions
depicted in the next figure (SIP OPTIONS or presence)

RCS capability discovery mechanisms

RCS services: All RCS services are optional for a service provider to deploy. GSMA has identified and
specified the following list of RCS services:
Enhanced Address Book (EAB): this is an evolution of the usual address book by providing enriched
information about the users contacts: communication capabilities, availability and willingness, portrait

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icon and so on. This address book can be synchronized with network based storage facilitating then
multi device handling. From this address book users can then be informed about the capability of a
contact about a specific RCS service (i.e. social presence information sharing).
Standalone messaging: Includes both text and multimedia messaging services using IMS-based
messaging framework instead of SMS/MMS, removing as a result some of their limitations. The
technical realization of this service relies on OMA SIMPLE IM. For small messages (<1300 bytes) pager
mode will be used (SIP MESSAGE). For larger message service will use MSRP/TCP protocol in the
media plan.

RCS messaging for large message

One-to-One and Group Chat: Chat services between 2 or multiple users. Implemented using the Large
Message Mode of OMA SIMPLE IM based on MSRP sessions.

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RCS group chat session

File transfer: This is the ability for users to exchange different types of content. This service can be
used coupled with an ongoing call or not. Based also on MSRP session.
Content Sharing: Through this service users can share videos or pictures during an ongoing call.
Initially based on IMS Combinational Services feature allowing a terminal to set up an IMS session
during a Circuit Switched Call. Video sharing implementation is based on RTP session establishment
between the users while image sharing use MSRP instead. The services are now supported outside the
context of an CS ongoing call.

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RCS Image Sharing during CS call

Social Presence Information: This is the ability for users to share personal information about their
status, geolocation, services and so on. This information can be updated on real time (VIP contact) or
based on a polling mechanism (i.e. each time we look at the contact in the EAB). Based on OMA
SIMPLE presence. Social Presence Information service require some specific servers like presence
server, RLS (Resource List Server) and XDMS (XML Document Management Server). The last one will be
for example used to store authorization rules and buddy lists.
IP Voice Call: This service use Packet Switched Access Network (i.e. LTE, HSPA) to setup usual voice
calls instead of the traditional Circuit Switched Access Network (i.e. GSM). Specified through PRD in
GSMA (IR.92 and IR.58) respectively covering VoLTE and VoHSPA.
IP Video Call: This service use Packet Switched Access Network (i.e. LTE, HSPA) to setup video calls
instead of the traditional Circuit Switched Access Network (i.e. GSM). Specified through GSMA PRD
IR.94. Note that both IP Voice and Video Calls relies on IMS call control framework for multimedia
session establishment.
Geolocation: exists in both push or pull mode and allows user to share their geolocation information.

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Push mode is realized using the file transfer service and pull mode require usage of network RESTful
ParlayX API
RCS Releases: RCS has been specified through several releases, last one being (at the time of writing)
RCS 5.0 which is somehow a synthesis of previous RCS Release 1-4 and RCS-e 1.2 (RCS enhanced).
RCS-e aimed at simplifying RCS deployment since capacity discovery feature (which is key for RCS)
can be implemented using the basic SIP OPTIONS request instead of being based on OMA SIMPLE
presence framework (which requires at least a presence server to be deployed). RCS Signaling flow

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subscribers are using RCS service and unable to send SMS when they activate RCS service .
What does unable to send SMS mean ?
Time-out deletion, its RCS problem. Because the RCS message cache is a little small, when the
traffic is huge, RCS cant handle ,and will not send the message to SMSC, SMSC will be waiting until
timeout. Now , its resolved.
failed, its not RCS problem. SMSC has been delivered the SM, but user didnt receive. Because of
such errors.
53-The GIW module rejects the SM delivery
15-Protocol error (MS error)
8-The subscriber is out of the service area.
Message didn't reach SMSC, its not RCS problem , because the message didnt come to SMSC at
all, so it didnt come to RCS. The flow as below, picture.



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RBT(Ring Back Tone)

Let everyone hear you, the way you want!
Those calling Irancell numbers will hear the Ring Back Tone instead of the usual beep beep!

Introduction & Technical details

What is RBT? Irancell is trying to update the Iranian society with the worlds latest technologies by
providing new services and applications for mobile phones. Irancell is taking a big step in offering the
Iranian one of the most interesting mobile phone technologies.
So far, any one calling your Irancell number used to hear the usual beepbeep before you answer the
call. Irancells RBT is a new entertaining technology, allowing you to change the "beeps"! From now on,
by using RBT, none of your callers need to wait for your answer, listening to the beeps. You can change
the beeps with a desired music or a special song for those who call you. As a valued Irancell RBT
Service user, please note that if using the single mode, Irancell will automatically extend your last active
tone for a similar duration (with current price) upon expiry of the tone. If you are using multiple tones, all
of your tones will be extended for a similar period(with current price), once they reach the expiry date. In
case you are not interested in renewing your RBT service, please take the required action by canceling
the service. Please remember that in the case of automatic renewal of your RBT service, the related
charges will be deducted from your airtime if you are a Prepaid subscriber or they will be billed if you are
a Postpaid subscriber.
Points to remember:
RBT is not your handset's ring tone!
Only those calling you (from any lines) will hear your selected RBT.
Your selected RBT will not be saved in your handset but in Irancell mobile phone network. Therefore, no
matter what your handsets brand, model or companies are, you can use RBT. In other words, everyone
with any type of handset can enjoy RBT!
You Just Pay for the Tone!
Sending SMSs for purchasing/ deleting RBTs is free of all charges. No charges will be retuned to you in
case of deleting an RBT. Once you ordered an RBT, you will receive a confirmation SMS for service
subscription and another one for ordering the RBT; within a few minutes, your selected RBT will be set
as default for those who call you.
In order to use RBT, you only need to pay for your purchased RBT for the specific period of time;
therefore, RBT is free of any other charges such as subscription fees, activation charges or costs of
changing the settings.
If you prefer to change the settings or receive the relevant information (such as your album list) via SMS,
the SMS charges will be calculated in your bill based on your active tariff plan. Other ways of activating
this service are free of all charges. When you purchase an RBT, the charges will be either deducted
from your airtime (prepaid subscribers) or included in your bill (postpaid subscribers). You may change
the purchased RBT with any other one having the same price, within 30 days after the purchase date

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any times you wish free of charges.

Please remember all prices are promotional, so they may change in future. You can refer to to check updated prices all the time.
Why RBT? Irancells RBT indicates your unique personality and taste and causes your calls to be more
Note: If you have already purchased an RBT, purchasing a new one will not result in its immediately
replacing the old one; in other words, the previous RBT will be played till the end of its validity period.
Your newly purchased RBTs will be added to your album and will remain in the album till the end of their
validity period. Therefore, all RBTs which are not expired will remain in your album for your use. When
an RBT is played from an album, the other RBTs validity period will not be affected. If you delete an
RBT, the subsequent RBTs will substitute it.
In order to activate this service:
For downloading RBT (Ring Back Tone) manual please click here
1. Choose your favorite RBT Each RBT has an exclusive numeric code. You can receive the short list
of your desired RBTs by sending a certain code in an SMS.
You can find hundreds of various RBTs in RBT portal at Listen to the sample RBTs, then
choose and purchase your desired one.
Send a blank SMS to 7575 to get started.
2. RBT will be activated right after your first purchase!!! Once you purchase your desired RBT, you
will be charged for a 30-day usage period! In order to purchase RBTs, you may follow one of the steps
Take a look at the list of RBT codes in RBT portal
SMS your desired RBTs code to 7575.
Dial *777# from your Irancell SIM and follow the menu.
Go to RBT portal at, listen to various RBTs and then choose and purchase your desired
3.Enjoy your RBT! You may change the purchased RBT with another one within 30 days after the
purchase date free of charges.
How to choose the desired RBT? Each RBT has an exclusive numeric code, name, price and validity
period in RBT portal. This code will help you carry out various RBT-related operations.
You can receive the List of top ten RBTs by sending a blank SMS to 7573 or by smsing DAH to 7575.
Send a blank SMS to 7575 to see the Hot and Favorite RBTs.
SMS J to 7575 in order to receive the List of Most Recent RBTs.
To receive the List of Irancell Suggested RBTs, send PI to 7575.
In order to receive the specifications of a certain RBT code like 100100, SMS JK100100 to 7575.
Some other features of RBT:
To Copy RBT from another subscriber You can activate an RBT similar to another subscriber's, after
making a call to that subscriber. To this end, you need to dial 7 and then # when that RBT is playing.
Buying an RBT with the feature of changing by occasions or at different times: Buying an RBT with
this feature enables activation of different RBT's on your line for different occasions. For example, if you
activate Ramadan daily prayers RBT, you pay only for one RBT while the prayer of each related day will
be played on your line on a daily basis. Moreover, by purchasing some of these RBT's, you will be
provided with a variety of RBT's from a specific category or type which will randomly be activated on your
line at different times.
Access to RBT Service
There are 4 different methods for Irancell subscribers to access the RBTs existing in Irancell network and
set them out for those who call you!
1.SMS: SMS is the easiest way for using RBT. For some of the basic operations including purchasing,
deleting or those mentioned in the following table, sms your order to 7575. Your request will be
responded immediately by an SMS.

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2. USSD: One of the various ways through which you can set RBT is using USSD. To see RBT main
menu, dial *777# from your Irancell number and then choose one of the options from the menu.

3. Internet: Irancell subscribers can visit and follow up RBT link to choose their
favourite RBT from among hundreds of RBTs and use them by following the instructions in Irancell RBT
* You can have access to RBT price list
* You can see RBT details which are not possible to be seen through SMS
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* You can listen to RBTs before ordering and purchasing

* You can search the RBTs based on the title and/or artist
* You can visit different rating lists
4. IVR: You can also dial 777 from your Irancell SIMcard and do all RBT operations according to voice
instructions. You can even listen to tones and then select them. "Please note that the call will be
charged based on normal Irancell on net rates."
How to Get a "Password":
If you wish to enjoy Irancell Ring Back Tone via internet, you should register in the system. The process
for getting a password for RBT portal is the same as getting a password for Vitrin. In this process,
Username is the MSISDN of the Irancell subscriber and the password may be obtained through one of
the three following methods:
Method 1: After you have logged on to the system and entered vitrin site at click on the
registration and enter your Irancell MSISDN and kit number. Then you will receive your password in an
SMS. The kit number is printed on the down right hand corner of the SIM card holder under the barcode
Method 2: If you have already registered for e-Care service, you may enter the same e-Care password
for Vitrin and RBT portal as well. If you've not already registered for e-Care service, you may send a
blank SMS to 130 from your Irancell SIM card and register for e-Care for free so that you will be provided
with a password in Irancell system. As such, you may use this password for e-Care and vitrin services.
Method 3: You may also call 700 (Irancell Call Center) using your Irancell SIM card and receive your
password for entering into Vitrin.
For further information and getting informed of other services you may visit Service introduction

Service for activating Ring back tone for MSISDNs.

RBT have separate USSD (*777#) node for itself and all short code are related to RBT passed to the RBT

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Taking RBT service as the flagship, Huawei iVAS products have been developing rapidly since 2003. At
present, the number of global RBT subscribers supported by Huawei have reached
more than100 million. This slide introduces iVAS products from service application to networking, so it is
suitable for beginners to read and study.
And whats IVAS
Definition of iVAS: Based on communication network technology, computer technology and internet
technology, iVAS service provides colorful information service for end users through
WEB, voices or short messages with the cooperation of telecom operators and internet service providers
(SP/CP).Full name of iVAS: Intelligent and Integrated Voice Value Added Service
Application Background :There are more and more content-based data services and the business
volume is increasing too. People have gradually accepted obtaining content information
through communication terminal.
The rapid development of SP/CP provides abundant contents.
Mature VXML technology and its wide application.
Mature TTS/ASR technologies and the supports from equipment suppliers.
Provide various content access modes and more comprehensive services to users, so that the service
income is increased.

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Value Added Services

Among the services above, RBT service is the most popular service. It is used by more than 100 million
subscribers (supported by Huawei) in the whole world. Definitions and abbreviation

RBT: Ring Back Tone

MRBT: Multi-Media Ring Back Tone
IMP: Integrated Music Platform
BGM-CBT : Back Ground Music
SCP: Service control point
SSP: Service Switching Point
CTI: Computer Telephony Integration
UI: User Interface
SNMS: Small Network Management Solution
OSS: Operations Support System
AD: Active Directory
PLMN: Public Land Mobile Network
USDP: Unified Software Development Process
OAM: Operations, Administration and Management
OMD: Organization Management and Development
TTS: Text To Speech
ASR: Automatic Speech Recognize
VXML: Voice eXtended Markup Language
SP: Service Provider
CP: Content Provider
iVAS: Intelligent and Integrated Voice Value Added Service
SRI: Subscriber Remote Interface
PRN: Primary Residence Number
IAM: Initial Address Message
ACM: Address Complete Message
ANM: Answer Message
MSRN: Mobile Station Roaming Number
REL: Recommended Exposure Limit
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RLC: Release Complete Message

SMP: Service Management Point ? Software Management Plan
MML: Man-Machine Language
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
RBI : Recorded Bill Interface
SS: RBT Fundamental and concepts


A is the URP platform, providing external trunk signaling interface, voice playing function.
B is the CTI platform.
C is the RBT service, providing RBT service logic and external data interfaces.
D, E are the communication network, OSS/SMS respectively. They communicate with RBT system
5. URP platform is separated from CTI platform by FEP.
6. The RBT service area is isolated by the firewall.
7. Stability of IVAS data network and reason-ability of the networking are very important. For details,
refer to iVASGuide to RBT Data Network Design and Implementation V2.3
Please Consider that RBT has 2 part: 1)Call date base(which includes BTS , BSC ,URP RBT) 2)
Management (Which includes all methods that we buy RBT like, IVR,USSD, SMS, Portal . these
two Data Base synchronize all the time in other hand people will face with the problem (EX. they see
some RBT in their portal but when some one call him they wont hear RBT! :)

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Value Added Services RBT system structure

1. The components contain CTI platform components (such as, UI, CTI, FEP and Proxy) and service
components (such as, Portal, Webserver and USDP). For details, see the logical networking diagram
2. URP is the new device replace the URP which may be exist in the old office.
3. According to different solutions and carriers, the protocols of the external interfaces of iVAS service
are different. The external interfaces include No.7 signaling interface, registration/deregistration MML
interface, SM interface and CDR interface.

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1. Since the AIP+VRS/VP is replaced with URP, there is not internal trunk. VRB broads is in charge of
playing tones, They get tones from FS through the network.
2. The difference between the former networking and new one is that the service components are
changed. The service components of the old networking are vxmlserver + portal (db). The portal (db)
is the core to implement services.
3. At present, the USDP platform is only used by overseas carriers and China Mobile. Other carriers still
use the old networking mode.
As shown in the logical networking, the iVAS system mainly includes three parts: URP, CTI and
Service. Where in
URP part includes URP/FS
CTI part includes FEP/CTI/UI Script/PROXY
RBT service part includes VXML Server/Web Portal/USDP/DB .
In addition, we integrate I2000 products to maintain the system better.
Function: Interact with external signaling and speech channels and interact with the CTI platform
through MEM module in CSU/CCU board.
Hardware: 3 components in generally (service control component, media resource component, switch
and access component). The media resource service can be totally integrated with call control service,
and be inserted in the frame of MGC in the form of VRU/MSU board. thus MGC contains service control
component, media resource component, and MGW contains switch and access component.
1 AIP-SP provides the same function in the old site
2. URP completely inherits the functions and features of SoftX3000, supporting PSTN signaling (TUP,
ISUP, SCCP, R2 and PRA, etc.) and packet protocols (MGCP/H.248, SIGTRAN, SIP/SIP-T, H.323 and
RTP/RTCP, etc.) in NGN
3. the service control component supports not only narrowband service features and but also packet
features including packet subscriber service, packet trunk and media service.

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4 . THREE components of URP

.MGC: Service Control Component
The service control component, developed on the basis of SoftX3000, transplants relevant
functions of IP/ACD/MRS for call control and service processing. It completely inherits the
functions and features of SoftX3000, supporting PSTN signaling (TUP, ISUP, SCCP, R2 and
PRA, etc.) and packet protocols (MGCP/H.248, SIGTRAN, SIP/SIP-T, H.323 and RTP/RTCP,
etc.) in NGN specifications. Thus, the service control component supports not only narrowband
service features and but also packet features including packet subscriber service, packet trunk
and media service.
VRB /MSU: Media Resource Component
The media resource component, developed on the basis of VRS and MRS, provides the
subscribers with media resource function. The media resource service can be totally integrated
with call control service, and be inserted in the frame of SoftX3000 in the form of VRU/MSU
board. Also, the media resource service can be loosely coupled with call control service in the
form of VRS and MRS(outside mode).
MGW: Switch and Access Component
The switch and access component adopts UMG8900 to provide the system with narrowband
and broadband access function.
Function: Save system resources, including voice resource, grammar resource and so on
Hardware: A server or ATAE board installed with windows or Linux operating system
FS (master/slave hosts of OS level): The full name is File Server and you can also call it RS (Resource
Server). The OS of FS is SUSE Linux ,and the cluster software of the FS is VCS
CTI part (including FEP/CTI/UI Script/PROXY):
Function: Connecting URP switch and service part, CTI platform is responsible for analyzing calls sent
by URP, obtaining different service flows according to the configuration files. It also plays voices and
receives numbers to realize the service flow according to the instructions of service flow.
Hardware: The components above are installed on HP or IBM mini computer (common application), or
installed on Linux-based server or ATAE board(mostly).
FEP (master/slave): It is responsible for message forwarding between CTI and the switch. One of its
most important functions is that it can reduce the connection number of MEM board to an allowed range
(The maximum connection number of MEM board is 7. If beyond 7, MEM board cannot communicate
with the applications.).
CTI-Server (master/slave): It is responsible for call distribution, that is, it can distribute the calls
accessing URP to corresponding UIScript Server according to the configuration principle. It is connected
with URP only. Interactions of all components under CTI-Server are sent to URP through CTI-Server
UIScript (load sharing based on the same number): Its full name is UIScript Server. Sometimes, it is also
called IVR or UI for short. It is responsible for obtaining scripts from WebServer, interpreting and
executing scripts. Usually, there are two kinds of scripts: VXML and GSL
Service part(including VXMLServer, Web Portal, USDP/BD)
Function: Save user data and provide final service flows for users. The service flow are demonstrated by
Web, IVR, WAP, SMS and USSD modes.
Hardware: VXMLServer, Web Portal and USDP are all installed on Linux-based server or ATAE board.
DB: We use HP or IBM mini computer for the site with large capacity and use Linux-based server or
ATAE board for the site with small capacity.
OAM part (I2000)
It contains three parts: OMD, OAS and OAM
Function: Configure service and platform, and provide information such as alarm.
OMD: OMD is directly installed on each component of the platform and service, so an independent
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hardware is not required.

OAS: The windows-based server or Linux-based ATAE board on which OAS is installed.
OAM: ATAE board ,PC Server or the SUN workstation on which OAM is installed.
Network devices: In iVAS system, we use a lot of network devices, such as routers, switches, firewalls
and F5 load balance devices,Radware. Introduction to these devices is omitted here. RBT Signaling flow

1. There are two kind of numbers, MSISDN and MSRN. Each MSISDN belongs to a HLR and each
MSRN belongs to a VLR. Every MSC knows to which HLR each MSISDN belongs, and to which VLR
each MSRN belongs.
2. When a MS visits a MSC/VLR, the MSC/VLR will report the visit to the HLR of the MSISDN of the

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1. There is a flag in the SRI shows whether the MSC has the ability to play the RBT.
4. There is a flag in the SRI_ack shows whether the MSISDN is a RBT number or not when SRI shows
the MSC has the ability.

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133 Typical Registration/Deregistration Flow of RBT Service

Whats registration/deregistration?
Registration/deregistration is a process of adding/deleting the RBT triggering information and charging
information of subscribers on RBT system (Portal), OSS, IN and HLR.

The interfaces involved in registration/deregistration

The interfaces involved in registration/deregistration are as follows:
MML interface: It modifies the SMP data through SMP Agent. OSS and Portal can initiate data operation
request to IN platform through MML interface.
HTTP interface: It is the external interface of Portal. Both the SMP and the management flow can use
this interface to change the data of Portal.
FTP interface (CDR interface): Portal provides FTP interface and sends CDR files to OSS system to
complete the process of registration/deregistration (This interface is used only when the RBT service is
registered/deregistered by CDR)
Other interfaces: For example, the H2 interfaces used in China Unicom or overseas carriers, the prepaid
service interface of Portal and Smartphone. These interfaces definition is usually completed by
customers or negotiated by two parties.
There are corresponding documents for the interfaces above. You can apply for the documents if
Registration/deregistration flow for postpaid service based on MSC solution
Typical case: Registration/deregistration flow for postpaid service based on MSC solution. At present,
this solution is adopted frequently

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1. A subscriber initiates the registration/deregistration request through IVR or Portal website. After
processing the request, portal generates CDRs. At this time, the subscribers status in the table
t_userinfo is 6/7 in portal database.
2. Portal sends CDRs to the WORK directory on RBI (Recorded Bill Interface) and then waits for BOSS
to get the CDRs.
3. BOSS gets the registration/deregistration CDRs on RBI regularly
4. BOSS processes CDRs, sends MML command to SMP to register/deregister in IN side, and change
the TICK mark of subscription information on HLR.
5. After receiving the MML sent from BOSS for requiring registration/deregistration, SMP sends an http
request to Portal to configure the RBT registration/deregistration set in PORTALDB. At this time, the
subscribers status 6/7 in
t_userinfotable are changed to 2/4 (2 indicate registration, 4 is
6. After the successful processes of SCP and Portal, SMP returns a message to BOSS. Thus, the
whole registration/deregistration flow is completed.
Registration/deregistration flow for postpaid service based on IN solution
Typical case: Registration/deregistration flow for postpaid service based on IN solution

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1. Portal sends MML command to SMP for registration/deregistration.

2. IN operates deregistration and feeds back the result.
3. Portal initiates the query command to SMP to query the ID of the SCP to which subscribers belong.
IN carries out the command and feeds back the result.
4. Portal sends TCP request to OSS for registration/deregistration.
5. OSS configures the subscription information on HLR.
6. A subscriber registers/deregisters in Portal side and is informed by short message after the
registration/deregistration is performed successfully.

Primary trouble shouting Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS

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Value Added Services RBT USSD

In drop for RBT USSD , incident should be assigned to RBT USSD team till SUCCESS-RATE turn back
to normal.
Note. in a sharp drop for a minutes FO can change incident status to pending confirmation

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if there was a drop on ANSWER_TIMES graph ( 95% or less than ) we should raise an INC :) RBT Portal

Using Portal (log in , log out , buy, replace, change and )

In the case of issue on RBT portal , FO should raise incident and assign it to RBT portal team.

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Value Added Services Internal RBT IVR

RBT IVR graphs per city

Please just send internal mail and call BO for separated RBT IVT cities in below link, please dont raise

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141 Netw ork Level-RBT KPI

In case there was a drop with less than 95% connected Ratio we should raise an INC :) Generating KPIs in FACTS & Probable Scenarios

Below issue should be followed by RBT team

- Any issue for activation and deactivation (RBT node)
- Any issue on buy from portal, or issue on login into RBT expect User pass issue which should be
follow with E-Care team, Subscriber buy a content but it doesn't work (RBT portal)
- If anyone has complain that his/her RBT doesnt work it should be check as per provisioning flow also
in HLR that the RBT should be active
- Also for tracing any issue MSISDN and time of occur issue also should be available
- Any SUBs can change their RBT tone just for 10th time, its policy. Team's principle

Based on some regular evidence which follows in each team maintenance RBT Service Test


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Introduction & Technical details

143 Service introduction

P** is a Security Node that have some duties , you can see some of them:
Signals change to understandable language (translated by PEP for PFS (server)
Recognize Farsi and English Letters and inform E/// for Financial Issues. 40%- 60% if it was 60%
Farsi +999 to beginning of subscribers number
Prevent from spoofing Definitions and abbreviation

PFM: Policy Filtering MMS

PFS: Policy Filter SMS
PFW: Policy Filtering web
PFE: Policy Filtering E-mail
PFV: Policy Filtering Voice P** Fundamental and concepts

PFM belongs to PFX family that X indicates a group of node as mentioned in the below, also you can
see their status in the MTN Network:
1. PFS
SMS : Live
2. PFM
: Live
3. PFE
E-mail : not live
4. PFW
Web : Live but not active
5. PFV
Voice : not live P** system structure

PFS(Policy Filter SMS) Flow

PFS is abbreviation of Policy Filter SMS
When request from MSC arrived to STP , stp sending request to PEP
Pep is convertor ss7 signaling to TCP/IP,
Because before pep we have ss7 and after pep (PFS) we have TCP/IP protocol
When request arrive to PFS 1 copy of SMS save to DR,
DR is a Data base that is very security and we dont have any alarm about it
DR is short of Data Retention
After save in DR PFS checking SMS with PMC
PMC is dictionary that contain some words that should be filter
We have 9 PFS that if 1 of them works they dont have any affecting
Also we have 4 PEP that if 1/4 is up, get traffic and there is no problem.
But this scenario is wrong when there is pick hours, because license of each PEP is 3200 SMS p/s.
PFS has important part that name is SAC:
SAC is short of System Administration Consol, all report of MMSC,SMSC and status of all servers ,CPU
status and information about socket port and like this save to SAC system
Also we can get report as daily, weekly and monthly of SAC system
And configuration and monitoring of PFS/PFM provided by SAC.

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Filtering system use such as Antivirus, if a virus via SMS or MMS arrive to Servers PFS/PFM can
detected and fitter this virus
Below picture is status of SMS send and receive and filter them
It is live monitoring!

We have 2 PMC like as re Databases,

When we send a SMS, PFS check in PMC and if we use a word that should be filter, SMS out of we
outbox but never arrive to destination If SMS dont send of outbox t and we get error for sending SMS
there is problem from PFS side but when SMS out of we outbox that means there isnt problem from
PFS side

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PFW (Policy Filtering web):

You can see in the below the network flow when a subscriber use GPRS to connect to web. We have 2
proxy and 2 PFW servers in TW. Both of them are in form of Active-Standby. By now they are not
active!! There are some solutions to resolve the problem and get them live but at the moment they can't
handle the huge amount of GPRS traffic so they are not active and we don't have any job for them! J
So if a sub wants to use GPRS through WAP he/she connects directly to ISP (Internet Service
Provider). ISPs usually belong to TIC.

PFM (Policy Filtering MMS):

You can see the flow of sending MMS in the below. Like using GPRS you need to go across GGSN and
WAPGW. After that we faced to a Load Balancer (F5). There are 6 PFM servers in TW. F5 direct the
traffic to the servers according to predefined priority, for example if the highest priority was down F5
sends traffic to next PFM. Now we should mention 2 most important scenarios:
Imagine the F5 is down. Never mind!! You ask me why? Cause we have a bypass from WAP directly to
MMSC and nothing is affected!! So if F5 & PFMs would be down no problem again!! J
In second scenario take F5 is ok but PFM is down. Absolutely it depends how many of them are down.
This issue is not so important too, because just 1/6 of PFMs can handle the whole traffic even in peak
hour! The possibility of all 6 PFM servers being down is very low unless the switch that are between F5
& PFM were be down and in this way all PFM goes down. Of course we cannot see this switch. doesnt

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There are many alarms about PFM that they are not integrated with Netact like as CPU usage, Disk
usage and so on. The most repetitive alarm we see is the "PCF has lost connection to Heart Beat " .
PCF in fact is the engine of PFM similar to applications in other VAS nodes.
We should check it every time with Mr. Hossein Ashtari because this alarm is so general and he can
check it from his side to recognize it is important or not. P** Signaling flow

Primary trouble shouting Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS P** DISKUSAGES

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147 P** STATUS Generating KPIs in FACTS & Probable Scenarios

Case study 1) From last night at23:45:00 till 26/5/2014 10:00 AM PFS06 was down and related graph on FACTS
didnt update, why nobody didnt inform me about it??!!
As you know these servers are so important to carrier SMS traffic and specially FARSI SMS.

Solution) If server doesn't update you should inform BO ASAP as it affects SMS directly.
Case study 2) In case you faced drop on SMSC graph and SMMO decreased on M2000 like below

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Solution: please get query every 5minutes and in case of any issue, please CALL Security
Team immediately. Team's principle

1) Please check P** graphs each quarter once , it is too important that we have updated servers !
2) In case we faced with Not updating or down servers please Call Mina & Faraz (even it was night shift
!) it is really important to do necessary action on time. maintenance



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MNS(Mobile News Service)

News, reports, reviews ... at your hand all the time!
We have always tried to stick with the state-of-the-art technologies in the world and provide you with new
services and new great functions of mobile phones.
From now on, you do not need to buy newspapers or go to internet to check the latest events on
politics, economics, sports, social and international events, etc. You can simply refer to Irancell Vitrin
and use your mobile phone to get the latest news brief and reviews from papers and news sites. The
content you receive daily includes texts, images, and logos from your desired site or newspaper. In other
words, this service will provide you with a "mobile newspaper". You can go through the news headlines
on your mobile phone instead of flicking through an actual newspaper.
To start, send a free SMS to 8494! To subscribe, send the product code to 8494; to cancel your
subscription for a certain product, send "L" plus the product code (with a space in between) to 8494. For
instance, for the product code "1234", text "1234" to 8494 to subscribe and text "L 1234" to the same
number, to unsubscribe.
Note: All SMSs sent to 8494 are free.To use this service, you should have already activated your MMS
service. (If you have not received the configurations or have not activated the service, dial the following
USSD: *130*3*5# from your Irancell line)
After subscription, you will be charged for each product separately. There is no expiry date for the
subscriptions and the published versions will be sent to you until you send the cancellation code.Once
you subscribe for a product, the latest published version of it will be sent to you. MNS Help will be
available if you simply send "R" to 8494 (for free).
To receive the latest list of MNS products, send "F" to 8949 (for free).
To view the list of your active MNSs, send E to 8494.

Introduction & Technical details

Mobile Newspaper Service is Combination of the mobile phone and newspaper Through the wireless
network technology. Different news are being sent to subscribers in form of pictures, text, audio,
animation and so on. MMS is main sending mode of the mobile newspaper.

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151 Service introduction Definitions and abbreviation

Parlay X: A set of standard Web service APIs for the telephone network (fixed and mobile.). It's defunct
and now replaced by OneAPI, which is the current valid standard from the GSM association for Telecom
third party API.
CMP (portal): Content Management Platform
MDE (mns server): Message Distribution Engine
NMS:Network Management System
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
SMPP: Short Message Peer-to-Peer
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol
IN: Intelligent Network
UE:user equipment
PPG: Push Proxy Gateway
MDE: Mssage Distribution Engine
MDE: Media Distribute Engine
PAP: Partner Administration Panel
CMP: Content Management Platform
OAM: Operations and Management
CDMS: Cluster Data Management System

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Value Added Services MNS Fundamental and concepts

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Normally, you need to check whether diagram fit to the project.

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Value Added Services MNS system structure

The major components of Mobile Newspaper including Portal System, Content system, Marketing
system, service system and access system.
The Portal system providing unified portal for end-users to subscribe mobile newspaper , for operator to
authentication CP, Create newspaper and approve newspaper content, for CP to upload news
Content.The news content will be upload through portal to content system . The content system will
filtrate spite key word for you. Then operator approve content and pass the news , plans the service
logic, Portal display and promotion strategy according to the characters of service.
Marketing system will help you to do some marketing promotion action, for example , a bonus plan for
active subscriber, or a bonus plan for commendation.
More over, theres various push approach, and provides optimized experience to subscribers.
The MNS system adopts a modularized design, which reduces the complexity and fault rate of system
running by reducing correlations between modules.
The MNS system is composed of the following subsystems:

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Media Distribute Engine (MDE) The MDE subsystem is composed of the MMS Agent, HTTP Agent,
SmsAgent, OMCAgent, and Traffic Control. It provides the capabilities of sending and receiving SMs and
MMs. The provided functions are scheduling control, protocol stack management, interface
management, and traffic control.
Content Management Platform (CMP) The CMP module of the MNS system functions as the service
support subsystem. Being the kernel control module of the MNS system, the Server module provides
various basic common capabilities for service development and deployment. In addition, it implements
functions such as the making and delivery of mobile newspapers, system maintenance, template
management, advertisement, Report, storage control, rating, and charging.
Portal subsystem
The Portal subsystem is composed of subscriber portal, administrator portal, and CP or SP portal.
access in Web and WAP modes
operators can manage subscribers, statistics collection, CPs, products, terminal adaptation, promotion,
advertisements, roles and rights, delivery of mobile newspapers, and so on.
or SPs can upload the content of newspapers, choose and review the content, produce newspapers, and
so on.
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NMS subsystem: The OAM Agent module of the MNS system functions as the NMS subsystem. It
provides network management functions such as the monitoring, license, and alarm management on the
processes of the MNS system.
Report subsystem: The report subsystem is based on the iWEB platform. It is responsible for data
collection, statistics collection and analysis, report generation, report publication, and so on.
The CP provides the content for the carrier. The carrier plans the service logic, Portal display and
promotion strategy according to the characters of service.
The MessagePlus solution integrates various push approach, and provides optimized experience to

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office) MNS Signaling flow

Same for hosting and non-hosting project!

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Description of MNS Subscription via SMS

The user sends a subscription short message to SMSC;
The SMSC forwards the SM to MNS platform;
The MNS charging the user and create the subscription relationship;
The Charging System sends a charging response to MNS;
The MNS delivers a subscription result SM to SMSC;
The SMSC forwards the subscription SM to end user.

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A user sends an SMS message for unsubscribing from a certain MNS service.
The SMSC forwards the unsubscribing SM to MNS system.
The MNS system will delete the subscription relationship from database after receiving the unsubscribing
MNS system will deliver a SM to inform the user the unsubscribing result.

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Description of MNS subscription via WEB (Optional)

Subscriber login the MNS Web Portal by inputting MSISDN and password, then chooses one product
and submits a subscription request.
MNS Server will trigger the charging flow. Sending Charging request message to Charging System and
then waiting charging response.
The Charging System sends the charging response to MNS platform.
The MNS System generates the subscription relationship and submits a SM to SMSC to inform
subscription result.
The SMSC delivers the SM to the subscriber.
The MNS responses to WEB portal to inform subscription result.

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Subscriber login the MNS Web Portal by inputting MSISDN and password, then chooses the product
and submits a unsubscription request (Note: The product must be subscribed before).
The MNS System deletes the subscription relationship and submits a SM to SMSC to inform
unsubscription result.
The SMSC delivers the SM to the subscriber.
The MNS responses to WEB portal to inform unsubscription result.

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Description of Newspaper Delivery Process

The MNS system sends MM containing the Newspaper to the MMSC at the delivery time;
The MMSC sends a response message to MNS;
The MMSC system delivers the PUSH Notification message to WAPGW through MM1;
The WAPGW will forward the notification message to Subscribers, the subscribers will submits the
Retrieve Request to MMSC;
The MMSC sends a retrieve response message containing the Newspaper to the Subscriber through
The Subscriber will sends an Notification Response message (or acknowledge message) to the MMSC
and MMSC will return the deliver report to MNS.
Its only used when there is SDP.
Same for hosting and non-hosting project

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1)The process of subscribing to the MNS service through SMS is described as follows:
2)The subscriber sends a short message to a specific destination number. The short message is the
subscription command e.g. REG SPORT MONTHLY published for one mobile newspaper. And the
specific destination number is published as the SMS access code of MNS service.
3)The SMSC forwards the SM to the MNS platform.
4)The MNS Server forwards the subscribing request to MDSP.
5)The MDSP platform charges the subscription.
6)The CCN return the charging response.
7)The MDSP platform synchronizes the subscription data to MNS.
8)The MNS creates the subscription data and answers the synchronization request.
9)The MDSP delivers a SM to the subscriber to indicate the subscribing result.
10)The SMSC forwards the SM to the subscriber.


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1)The process of unsubscribing MNS service through SMS is described as follows:

2)The subscriber sends a short message to a specific destination number. The short message is the
unsubscription command e.g. UNREG SPORT MONTHLY published for one mobile newspaper. And
the specific destination number is published as the SMS access code of MNS service.
3)The SMSC forwards the SM to the MNS platform.
4)The MNS Server forwards the unsubscribing request to MDSP.
5)The MDSP platform deletes the subscription data and synchronizes the subscription data request to
6)The MNS deletes the subscription data and answers the synchronization request.
7)The MDSP delivers a SM to the subscriber to indicate the unsubscribing result.
8)The SMSC forwards the SM to the subscriber.
Delivery charging

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1)MNS sends a AuthPrice.req to MDSP before delivering newspaper;

2)MDSP sends a Reserve Request to CCN;
3)CCN returns a Reserve Response to MDSP;
4)MDSP according to CCNs response send a AuthPrice.res to MNS;
5)If AuthPrice is successful, MNS submits newspaper to MMSC;
6)MMSC responds to MNS;
7)MMSC pushes notification to user;
8)Users mobile phone PUSH DR to MMSC ;
9)MMSC forwards DR to MNS;
10)MNS sends deliverReport.res to MMSC;
11)MNS sends AuthPriceCnfm.req to MDSP;
12)MDSP submits AuthPriceCnfm.req to CCN;
13)CCN sends AuthPriceCnfm.res to MDSP;
14)MDSP responds AuthPriceCnfm result to MNS.
For More information Click here

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Value Added Services Generating KPIs & Probable Scenarios

As we dont Monitor this service( except one graph in Mediation side which help us to be informed if
Service was down) there is no any thing to do in this aspect but Please be aware MNS sent news by
MMS ,so some times after MNS BO checked her/his side ask us to assign it to MMS for more
investigation.For More information Please Click here

Primary trouble shouting Team's principle maintenance



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MMSC(Multi Media Service Center)

The MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service), is intended to provide a rich set of content to subscribers in
a messaging context. It supports both sending and receiving of such messages by properly enabled
client devices.

10 Free MMSs for registration and completion of service activation application form!
MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) enables you to send emails, long texts as well as pictures and
music to other Irancell subscribers.

How is MMS different from SMS?

The main difference between MMS and SMS is the type and size of the data being sent. SMS only
allows you to send a maximum of 160-character, while with MMS you can send 300 Kb files that can
include text, pictures and video clips all in one message.

MMS, only three steps away! What are they?

1. Having an MMS Compatible Handset
In order to use MMS, your handset needs to be MMS compatible. You can find a list of MMS compatible
handsets here.
2. Having saved the MMS settings on your handset:
Irancell has previously sent the necessary MMS configurations to all subscribers via SMS. If you havent
received or saved the configurations SMS, you can use the methods below:
IVR: Dial 130 from your Irancell SIM and press 3 and then 5 from your Irancell SIM USSD: Dial
* Once you received the configurations SMS, you only need to open and then save it.
For manual setting of MMS on your handset follow up bellow mentioned rules:
MMS/GPRS Settings
Value Item
Connection Name:
Connection Name:

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MMSC Address:
WAP 1.0 Proxy:
WAP 1.0 Proxy:
WAP 2.0 Proxy:
WAP 2.0 Proxy:
WAP 1.0 Proxy: handsets which are WAP 1.0 to connect to internet and do not support WAP 2.0
WAP 2.0 Proxy: handsets which are WAP 2.0 to connect to internet and do not support WAP 1.0
Requesting for MMS activation:
In order to request for MMS activation you can
Refer to one of the authorized Irancell dealers
You can refer to one of the authorized Irancell dealers with your valid ID card and a copy of them,fill in
the relevant form and submit your request following the steps below:
1. Obtain a copy of Irancell registration form from the dealer. Note that the form is provided for free.
2. Fill in the form completely. Overleaf you will find the terms and conditions regarding the MMS
regulations and please sign the space provided for this purpose in the form. Please note that signing the
form constitutes that you have given your consent to activation of MMS for your SIM card.
3. Deliver to the authorized dealer of Irancell, the form together with a copy of your identification
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documents on which you have written your Irancell mobile phone number.
Two Important Points:
- Sending and receiving the MMS activation form shall be free for all subscribers (whether old or new).
- In case the signed registration form is not sent to Irancell, your application will not be registered in the
system. Therefore, you are required to ensure that your documents are sent to Irancell.
Upon activation of MMS, you can send MMS to other Irancell subscribers. If the receiving handset is not
MMS compatible, a web address will be sent to the receiving handset along with a password so that the
receiver can see the message via internet. Furthermore, Irancell subscribers can send an MMS directly
to the receiver's email address.
Sending MMS to subscribers of other networks is not possible as long as the said networks are not
MMS enabled.

Sending a Long Message through MMS

By using Long Message option in MMS, you are no longer limited to 160 characters and can easily send
a long text in one message. Long Message tariffs are equals to the tariffs determined for MMS, i.e. 320
Rials per message.
What's MMS tariff?
MMS tariffs are set to be very cost-effective and it will be calculated based on the number of the sent
In other words, irrespective of the volume or type of the message, as long as the size of each message
including pictures, audio files or texts is less than 300 kb it is considered as one message and the tariff
for sending such messages will be IRR 320.
If the ownership of the SIM card changes, the new owner should request for activation of the MMS.

Please Remember
MMS will be activated for your line in case:
1. The form is completely filled in and signed.
2. The required forms and documents are sent to Irancell via authorized dealers or post office.
3. Submitting MMS activation forms and documents is free of charge!
4. MMS registration and activation process is free of charge!

Introduction & Technical details

All in One via Irancell MMS
10 Free MMSs for registration and completion of service activation application form!
MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) enables you to send emails, long texts as well as pictures and
music to other Irancell subscribers.
How is MMS different from SMS?
The main difference between MMS and SMS is the type and size of the data being sent. SMS only
allows you to send a maximum of 160-character, while with MMS you can send 300 Kb files that can
include text, pictures and video clips all in one message.
MMS, only three steps away! What are they?
1. Having an MMS Compatible Handset
In order to use MMS, your handset needs to be MMS compatible. You can find a list of MMS compatible
handsets here.
2. Having saved the MMS settings on your handset:
Irancell has previously sent the necessary MMS configurations to all subscribers via SMS. If you havent

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received or saved the configurations SMS, you can use the methods below:
IVR: Dial 130 from your Irancell SIM and press 3 and then 5 from your Irancell SIM USSD: Dial
* Once you received the configurations SMS, you only need to open and then save it.
For manual setting of MMS on your handset follow up bellow mentioned rules:

WAP 1.0 Proxy: handsets which are WAP 1.0 to connect to internet and do not support WAP 2.0
WAP 2.0 Proxy: handsets which are WAP 2.0 to connect to internet and do not support WAP 1.0
Requesting for MMS activation:
In order to request for MMS activation you can
Refer to one of the authorized Irancell dealers
You can refer to one of the authorized Irancell dealers with your valid ID card and a copy of them,fill in
the relevant form and submit your request following the steps below:
1. Obtain a copy of Irancell registration form from the dealer. Note that the form is provided for free.
2. Fill in the form completely. Overleaf you will find the terms and conditions regarding the MMS
regulations and please sign the space provided for this purpose in the form. Please note that signing the
form constitutes that you have given your consent to activation of MMS for your SIM card.
3. Deliver to the authorized dealer of Irancell, the form together with a copy of your identification
documents on which you have written your Irancell mobile phone number.

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Two Important Points:

- Sending and receiving the MMS activation form shall be free for all subscribers (whether old or new).
- In case the signed registration form is not sent to Irancell, your application will not be registered in the
system. Therefore, you are required to ensure that your documents are sent to Irancell.
Upon activation of MMS, you can send MMS to other Irancell subscribers. If the receiving handset is not
MMS compatible, a web address will be sent to the receiving handset along with a password so that the
receiver can see the message via internet. Furthermore, Irancell subscribers can send an MMS directly
to the receiver's email address.
Sending MMS to subscribers of other networks is not possible as long as the said networks are not
MMS enabled.
Sending a Long Message through MMS
By using Long Message option in MMS, you are no longer limited to 160 characters and can easily send
a long text in one message. Long Message tariffs are equals to the tariffs determined for MMS, i.e. 320
Rials per message.
What's MMS tariff?
MMS tariffs are set to be very cost-effective and it will be calculated based on the number of the sent
In other words, irrespective of the volume or type of the message, as long as the size of each message
including pictures, audio files or texts is less than 300 kb it is considered as one message and the tariff
for sending such messages will be IRR 320.
If the ownership of the SIM card changes, the new owner should request for activation of the MMS.
Please Remember
MMS will be activated for your line in case:
1. The form is completely filled in and signed.
2. The required forms and documents are sent to Irancell via authorized dealers or post office.
3. Submitting MMS activation forms and documents is free of charge!
4. MMS registration and activation process is free of charge! Service introduction

Delivers messages composed of text, images, and other media types (for example audio and video).
This service is exactly using GPRS coverage to send/receive MMS.
A# will upload a file in MMSC Portal, MMSC will send the URL to B# (using SMSC) and then B# will
download the uploaded file via mentioned URL. Definitions and abbreviation MMSC Fundamental and concepts

The SMS (Short Message Service) has become one of the most successful wireless data services.
However, with the development of technologies and increasing demands, pure text information can no
longer meet people's requirements. People are seeking a kind of new experience of rich and colorful
multimedia information.
The MMS, as the evolution of the SMS and EMS (Enhanced Message Service), is the key driving force
for initiating and developing 2.5G/3G (the 3rd Generation) data services and has shown its great
prospects in the message communication service market.The MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is
viewed as a non-real-time delivery system. This is comparable to many messaging systems in use
today. Prime examples include traditional email available on the Internet and wireless messaging
systems such as paging or SMS. These services provide a store-and-forward usage paradigm and it is
expected that the MMS will be able to interoperate with such systems.
The MMS is a complete terminal-to-terminal solution for the personal multimedia mobile communication.
And the system can be used as a universal platform for various mobile applications and services.
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Through the MMS system, the users can communicate with other people or other VASP through various
MMS Classification

From the view of communication contents

The MMS provides multiple communication message contents, including images, audios, videos, text
and their combinations.
From the view of communication method
The MMS covers various communication modes, including terminal-to-terminal, terminal-to-application,
application-to-terminal, terminal-to-Email, and Email-to-terminal. It greatly increases the communication
modes and promotes the development of the mobile Internet.
The MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is viewed as a non-real-time delivery system. This is
comparable to many messaging systems in use today. Prime examples include traditional email
available on the Internet and wireless messaging systems such as paging or SMS. These services
provide a store-and-forward usage paradigm and it is expected that the MMS will be able to interoperate
with such systems.
The MMS is a complete terminal-to-terminal solution for the personal multimedia mobile communication.
And the system can be used as a universal platform for various mobile applications and services.
Through the MMS system, the users can communicate with other people or other VASP through various
MM Content Classes

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MMS is based on common Internet technologies currently supported on a variety of content types which
would include plain text, HTML, audio in a variety of formats including AMR, MP3, MPEG4 and pictures
The following table shows the detail information of MMS supporting media types.
MMS Characteristic

The MMS data flow starts with a subscriber using an MMS client on the mobile phone to compose,
address, and send an MMS message to one or more recipients. MMS addresses can be either phone
numbers (e.g., "+18005551212") or e-mail addresses (e.g., "").
The initial submission by an MMS client to the home MMSC (MMS Center) is accomplished using HTTP
with specialized commands and encodings which are defined in a technical standard specified by OMA
(Open Mobile Alliance).
Upon reception of the MMS message, the recipient MMSC sends a notification to the recipient's mobile
phone using either an SMS notification, HTTP Push or WAP Push.
MMS Application Scenes

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Comparing with basic text messages, MMS can provide subscriber with a much better messaging to
send a greetings card or photograph.
Some examples of MMS services :
Taking a snapshot via a camera phone and sending to a friend
Receiving cartoon strips
Composing your own animated picture messages and sending to friends
Sending audio files
Sending pictures & audio files with simultaneous playback
Music download & play
Storing pictures to an on line album
Remote surveillance

The WAP Proxy (WAP Gateway) are widely used in the Internet: examples include MMS proxies, Web
proxies and relay MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents). The message transfer services provide the means to

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transfer asynchronous multimedia messages such as email or instant messages.

Employing such proxies results in a split-TCP connection with the proxy as the intermediary; the MMS
User Agent (MMS Client) establishes a TCP connection to the WAP Proxy, and a Proxy Application (on
the WAP Proxy) would then establish a separate TCP connection from the WAP Proxy to the MMS
Relay/Server. The Proxy Application will subsequently retrieve inbound data from either connection and
send that data out through the other connection. The TCP connection between the MMS User Agent and
the WAP Proxy employs the features and characteristics recommended for Wireless Profiled TCP; the
proxy thus allows for the optimization of TCP over the wireless network.
This structure includes a few items that need to be described.
MMS UI: The operation interface of MMS service in the MMS Client.
WAP: Wireless Application Protocol
WSP: Wireless Session Protocol

The relationship between the MMS Client and MMS Relay is use of the WAP 1.x architecture; in this
case the messages that transit between the two components are normally transferred using a wireless
transport such as WSP between the MMS Client and the WAP Gateway, and then transit over HTTP
from the WAP Gateway to the MMS Relay.
This structure includes a few items that need to be described.
The MMS Relay is the network entity that interacts with the user mailbox and is responsible for initiating
the notification process to the MMS Client.
The WAP Gateway provides standard WAP services needed to implement MMS in the original WAP
architecture, these include: WSP invocation of HTTP methods; WAP PUSH services; OTA security; and
Capability Negotiations (UAProf).
The above figure also shows a payload that is carried by WSP and HTTP. This payload represents the
MMS application layer PDUs. It is expected that this data will be transported in its entirety between the
MMS Relay and the Users Terminal.

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The relationship between the MMS Client and MMS Relay is use of the WAP 2.0 HTTP architecture.
This architectural is used HTTP to carry MMS PDUs directly between the MMS Client and the MMS
Relay, and a gateway is only needed for push functionality.
The MMS application layer is the same in the different architectural configurations; the differences are
contained in the two transport stacks, i.e., the WSP based protocol stack and the HTTP based protocol
stack. MMSC system structure

HUAWEI MMSC System Networking

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The following introduces the main functional entities of HUAWEI MMSC system.
The WAPGW is a gateway through which mobile terminals access the MMSC.
It implements the conversion from Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) to Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP), and communicates with the MMSC through HTTP.
The MMSC consists of MMS Relay and MMS Server. It is the kernel component of the MMS system,
mainly supporting the basic functions of the MMS.
It stores and processes MMs, including MM reception, authentication, distribution, and reporting.
It is responsible for transferring MMs between different MMSCs.
It generates CDRs.
The Value-Added Service Provider (VASP) provides abundant value-added services through the
Application Program Interface (API) of the MMSC.

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MM1: The interface between the MMS User Agent and the MMS Relay/Server.
It is an interface between MMSC and UA (User Agent). In fact, the direct physical communication
interface does not exist between MMSC and UA, so MM1 interface can be regarded as an interface
between MMSC and WAPGW.
The MM1 interface adopts HTTP protocol for communication.
The messages of MM1 interface include:
MM2: The interface between the MMS Relay and the MMS Server.

It is an internal interface of MMSC, and is the communication interface between MMS

Relay and MMS Server complying with Huawei internal protocols. MMS Relay and MMS
Server jointly implement the kernel functions of MMS.
MM3: The interface between the MMS Relay/Server and external (legacy) messaging systems.

It is an interface between MMSC and the traditional messaging systems such as Email
Server and Fax Server. MM3 interface adopts SMTP protocol (Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol, an electronic mail protocol used to transfer email between hosts) for
MM4: The interface between the MMS Relay/Server and another MMS Relay/Server that is
within another MMSE.

It is an interface between the local MMSC and a remote MMSC, that is, used to enable
the message sending and receiving between different MMS systems. It also adopts
SMTP protocol for communication.
The messages of MM4 interface include:
MM5: The interface between the MMS Relay/Server and the Home Location Register (HLR).
MM6: The interface between the MMS Relay/Server and the MMS User Databases.

It is an interface between MMSC and the user database. At present, MMSC is

integrated with the user database. MM6 interface is a database interface.
MM7: The interface between the MMS Relay/Server and MMS VAS Applications.

It is a VAS application interface, and adopts HTTP1.1 or SOAP (Simple Object Access
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Protocol) for communication. To provide multiple subscriber services, this interface

should provide an open and standard API interface to various SPs for secondary
SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of structured and typed information in a
decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of
three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message
and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of applicationdefined data types, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and
The messages of MM7 interface include:
MM8: The interface between the MMS Relay/Server and the post-processing system.

It is an interface between MMSC and the billing system, and it adopts FTP protocol for
communication. Through this interface, CDRs are transferred from MMSC to the billing
NMS Interface: The interface between the MMS Relay/Server and the NMS system.

The interface between MMSC and SMC:

It adopts SMPP protocol (Short Message Peer to Peer) for communication.
Through this interface, short message notifications can be sent to
subscribers in some service flows.
The interface between MMSC and MDSP:
It adopts SMAP protocol (Service Management Access Protocol) for
communication. Through this interface, MMSC obtains service subscription
information, and implements authentication and charging.
The interface between MMSC and NMS (Network Management System):
It uses SNMP protocol (Simple Network Management Protocol) for
communication. Through this interface, NMS can monitor and manage
MMSC equipment.
The interface between MMSC and MNP Server (Mobile Number Portability):
It adopts RTQP protocol (Real-Time Query Protocol) for communication. Through
this interface, MMSC can search for routes through the MNP Server.
DSMP Interface: The interface between the MMS Relay/Server and the DSMP (Data Service
Management Platform) system.
MNP Server Interface: The interface between the MMS Relay/Server and the MNP (Mobile Number
Portability) Server .
SMSC Interface: The interface between the the MMS Relay/Server and the SMSC system.

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The system Interfaces of HUAWEI MMSC are divided into two types: internal interfaces and external
For the internal communication, the communication between the MMS Server and the MMS Relay is
achieved through the MM2 interface based on the internal protocol.
For the external communication, different interface protocols are used subject to the actual objects.
Through different interfaces, the MMSC can communicates with external devices. MMSC Signaling flow

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Explanation to steps:
The originator terminal submits an MM.
The originator MMSC forwards the MM.
The recipient MMSC sends a notifying short message.
The recipient terminal retrieves the MM.
The recipient MMSC sends a delivery report.
The recipient terminal sends a read report.
Description of the Service Flow:
If the originator MMS terminal sends an MM to the recipient MMS terminal, upon reception of the MM,
MMSC will send a Push notification to the recipient by short message.
Upon reception of the Push notification, the recipient MMS terminal will automatically connect to MMSC
to retrieve this MM if it is in the normal state.
The recipient terminal might fail to retrieve the MM within the response time specified in the system
(configurable, 2 hours by default) when it is turned off, in conversation, not in the service area, or not an
MMS terminal. In that case, MMSC will forward this MM to LSS, and will also reserve a copy of this MM
on MMSC.

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There are two types of retrieval method:

Immediate Retrieval: When receiving the notification message, the recipient terminal retrieves MM
Deferred Retrieval: After receiving the notification message, the recipient terminal retrieves MM at userdefined time.
Description of the messages:

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There are two types of RR:

MM Format: The read report adopting MM format is sent as same as normal MM.
PDU Format: The read report adopting PDU format is sent by WAPGW PPG or SMSC.
At present, The MMSC only supports read report in ordinary MM mode. Same as the processing method
of ordinary MM, it only automatically shields the delivery report request and read report request to the

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Primary trouble shouting Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS MMSC

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If we have increase in p_rej so we will have drop in P_MO_SUCC Generating KPIs in FACTS & Probable Scenarios

Case Study1) If GPRS is down,MMS is down too

Case Study2) If we have drop in MMS it affects MNS too.
Case Study 3) if MT-GET-ATT & MO-SUB are down in both TE and TW MMSC graph , incident should
be raise in critical level otherwise high incident is enough.
Case Study 4) As you see we have some abnormal behavior on TW_MMSC graph. Would you please
inform us if its necessary to raise an incident in this regard.

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Solution:There is no need to raise an incident because this is related to AO traffic.

Today MNS testbed connect to TW MMSC and do some tests which lead to some graph abnormal.
In fact, there is no any impact on service.
Case Study 5)

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Solution: This drop is related to some subscribers sending MMs failed at the related time and the
related subscribers do not register MMS service.
From the below logs, the subscriber 989399498391 sent a lot of MMs to many B number, but this
number does not exist in MMSC database.
For the value P_REJ, the formula is P_REJ=MMSCREJMSGNUM/(MO_SBM+AO_SBM+EO_SBM).
Because there are no AO and EO traffic on TW MMSC, the formulas are simplified to
Also this issue is related to the status code 6001(Invalid Recipient) and 6003(Not registered).
Please be informed the value is normal now and i will resolve this incident.
Case Study 6) Please assign INC-211584 to team with Medium Level.

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As we already mentioned many times, MMSC P_MO_SUCC rate is related to customer behavior.
IT can be either invalid or unregistered number. (refer to the attachments)
For such case, please always raise a low level incident. If the success rate has drop very much
(success rate around 10%), then it may MMSC issue and please call us to check.
For P_Rej, again we mentioned the formula and said that this formula is not correct and better to
Because we had rejections for invalid/unregister numbers at that time. Also refer to the attached mail:
This issue is related to the status code 6003(Not Register) and 6001(Invalid Receipt). Now the value is
normal, i will resolve this incident.
If the similar issue happen again, please raise a fresh incident for us.
For the value P_REJ, the formula is P_REJ=MMSCREJMSGNUM/(MO_SBM+AO_SBM+EO_SBM).
Case Study 7) Would you please check below graph urgently, As you see our P_MO_SUCCESS graph
doesnt have problem but about TW_MMSC_AO AT , AT_DLV & P_AT_DLV is zero for a while , would
you please inform us if we need to raise an incident or not ,And kindly let us know the main reason of
this issue.

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Solution: Now we have some expired MMs which should be transferred to MMBOX. But the related
numbers' mailbox are full and failed to save to their MMBOX. Team's principle

Based on some regular evidence which follows in each team maintenance


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2.1.10 Mediation
This node will collect all CDR/EDR from all other Nodes in Network (Upstream) mostly using FTP
protocol and then prepare them to be used for some other Downstream like as Moneta, Marketing,
Business, Astellia, Archive, EDW, Interconnect and
For example, RA will compare the IN CDRs with SMSC CDRs to find differences. Introduction & Technical details Service introduction

Amid intensive competition in the telecom market, operators are faced with the challenge of introducing
new network equipment efficiently and launching attractive services within a short time to market for
market share expansion.
Operators also face the challenge of processing data accurately in time with end-to-end audit to prevent
possible revenue leakage due to enormous network traffic usage.
The mediation system plays a very important role in these scenarios as a revenue intake, adapting to
various network elements (NEs), collecting and processing network traffic data, and transferring
converted data in appropriate formats to downstream BSS/OSS.
The Mediation is a convergent platform for managing call detail records (CDRs) between complex
network infrastructure and BSS/OSS, facilitating the acquisition, validation, normalization, and
transportation of CDRs, with the capability of adapting to various NEs and BSSs/OSSs from all vendors.
Mediation is process of formatting and decoding binary files from switch to understandable values
adopted for certain billing system. For example you need one kind of Mediation module for connection
Nokia switch and Single view billing system, and another to connect Ericsson switch and BSCS billing
system. Also mediation modules are different for different service, for example mediation of voice must to
have big accuracy because there are expensive roaming and international call, until mediation of data do
not need so much functionality.
Good Mediation module has lot of useful attributes,
1. Filtering, Filtering is very pragmatic skill in well designed telecom system on mediation level because

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than is no need for involving billing system and fulfill with trash
2. Aggregation of log calls. Telecom switch sends CDRs to billing systems on example for every 15
minutes. Sometimes mediation module need to aggregate long calls of 1 hour duration from 4-5 CDRs in
only one record and after that send them to rating level.
3. Duplication mean, checking on mediation level are some record produced twice or more time form
network switch.
4. Advanced mediation modules have sophisticated functions like auditing, very large diapason of
decoding compatibilities, report creation, error analyzer.
So input files on mediation level are binary records produces from switch side, and output is call detail
records in TXT or CSV file designed for further processing.
All that facts are described here, because in development and testing purpose sometimes you cannot
get data from switch and/or mediation module. In older telecom billing systems testers must create
them manually. For fast work automatically creation of CDR-s is possible from software device well
known CDR generator.
Before we explain and define CDR Generator we will define CDR or EDR. CDR or Call Detail Record is
common abbreviation in telecommunication system that refers to the record with info about some call.
EDR is abbreviation of Event data record. For example, some customer is activated and event is created
in EDR.
In telecommunications systems switch is mechanism which established connection, communication
channel, between A party and B party. Switch is very complex mechanism, and is produced from little
number of vendors: Siemens, Motorola, Ericsson etc. One Telco operator in country with several millions
people has only one switch.
CDR generator for development or testing purpose substitutes the switch. CDR generator produce often
txt file with data of event, voice call, fax, data, sms, time of starting call, duration,volume of date atc.
Here we will better define one more term. Call Detail Record (CDR) is the computer record produced by
a telephone exchange containing details of a call that passed through it. It is the automated equivalent of
the paper toll tickets that were written and timed by operators for long distance calls in a manual
telephone exchange.
A Call Detail/Data Record contains at a minimum the following fields: The number making the call (A
number), MSISDN, A party
The number receiving the call (B number), B party
Date when the call started (date and time)
How long the call was (duration in second od volume in KB)
Call Type and Sub Type(0-Voice, A-SMS etc), For example, international is Type, from fix to mobile is
Sub Type
And lot of other information not necessarily required for billing the call may be included and this format is
different from vendor to vendor of switch.
Features of Mediation Service
Network-independence, vendor-independence, easy to integrate with any legacy system, and capable
of extending to future environments and services.
Graphical flow configuration and flexible rule engine, to speed up new network deployment and service
launch and reduce cost.
High performance and availability, processing more than 16 million CDRs per hour with one single
ATAE board (2 CPUs 4G memory) and being scalable from 50,000 subscribers up to hundreds of
millions, as a productized platform with full support for multi-node high-availability architecture.
Applications & Benefits
The Huawei Mediation was successfully implemented by more than 50 operators including Telfort and
MTN, serving over 400 million subscribers.
Reducing time-to-market and customization costs for new service launch;
No impact on the current network and BSS/OSS when migrating from the legacy system;
Enabling revenue assurance through end-to-end audit.
Mediation Collect the CDRs from Upstream, Process and send output to downstream.
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Mediation is system to process CDRs.

Mediation collects processes and uploads/distributes CDRS.
Mediation can convert records and calculate the values in records.
Mediation supports several type of CDR such as ASN.1, ASCII.
Mediation supports FTP, SFTP protocols to download and upload CDRs from/to upstream and
downstream systems.
Mediation uses special powerful software tool (MICE) to control all business rules and logics in MTNI
network. Definitions and abbreviation

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199 Mediation Fundamental and concepts

Upstream can be in TXT or BIN format, but downstream is TXT format. Actually in downstream we have a
view from information which is needful for us as a customer, so we can say its filtered document and we
see part of information (just what is important for us)

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Each service has one CDR in MSC side (in binary format)
We can calculate the number of post paid subscribers based on above information.
MSC (bin) CCN (prepaid) =ability (postpaid)
Despite of CCN server which they should send CDRs to Mediation by themselves in other services
Mediation Intercepted and took CDRs from related Servers.
Sensage = EDS

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RAW CDRs (UP Stream)

RAW CDRs (Down Stream)

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203 Mediation Signaling flow

Mediation CDR processing flow Primary trouble shouting

Mediation Servers, IN Coming & Out Going :
Use below table for have a better vision on Mediation Servers, With this information you can guess who
is responsible for each case (primary troubleshooting)

Mthe 101
Mthe 102
Mthe 103
Mthe 104
Mthe 201
Mthe 202
Mthe 203
Mthe 204
Mthe 205
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CCN08 ,CCN08_hz,
CCN13, CCN13_hz , CCN14 ,



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Mthe 301
Mthe 302
Mthe 401
Mthe 402


Mthe 403
Mthe 404


Mthe 405
Mthe 501
Mthe 502

CCN01,CCN09 ,

Mthe 503


Mthe 504



CCN33, CCN37,CCN38




CCN32, CCN36 ,






Voice,HomeZone Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS Total OG CCN-CDRs per Service

As you see in below graph we have CCN_CDRs per service (Like Wimax- VSM- Vitrin &...) in case we
had drop on we should assign it to relative team .

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205 Mediation IC from GPRS

We have incoming CDRs from GPRS and in case we had drop on it , we should check Mediation side
and in case there wasn't issue in our side we assign it to Core team .

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We have two different incoming to Mediation Side.

We have incoming CDRs to Mediation Servers and in case we had drop on it , we should check
Mediation side and in case there wasn't issue in our side we assign it to Core team .

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We have incoming CDRs from CCN (E///) to Mediation Servers and in case we had drop on it , we
should check Mediation side and in case there wasn't issue in our side we assign it to E/// team .

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1) We have about 2 hours delay in updating graphs.

2) Please don't care Exception graphs (Red graphs).

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3) If one graph increased and after that it rectified there is no need to raise an INC , just send an Email
and inform BO
4) If one server was down and you haven't heard any response from BO please raise an INC(Low).

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5) In case we faced App Manager notification we should inform BO and based on their guide we should
raise INC.
Disk Utilization:

Process up and down:

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Why CCN03 is Zero
CCN03 is not live.
why we had Records on CCN03 before 2014-06-05 12:00.
this CCN use for test purpose.

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Value Added Services Team's principle

1) Because of high workload in Mediation Node please consider below issue

- In night shifts please contact with BO just for urgent issue.
- In work hours don't interfere in Mail's Loop (it makes difficulty for BO to follow last one)
2)To prevent from any mistakes in follow up and being sure who is responsible for the case If Mediation
Side had a problem please check with BO (call or Mail without Customers in loop) at First! After their
feedback you can assign it to relative Team,
3) We don't raise high INC for Mediation team( As i Know) maintenance Problems Suggestions
For an optimized Monitoring we need more information about CCN's path & Mediation In comings and
Out going direction. For example if we know which CCN is related to which Incoming graph we won't
waste time for sending more snapshots which can make BO confused.

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2.1.11 IVR(Interactive Voice Response)

By using Irancells IVR system and USSD codes you can activate, deactivate services and manage your
account by entering simple codes
consisting of a few numbers in a certain order. This service is completely free of charge.

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For More information please find Irancell Website Introduction & Technical details
When subscribers call 700 or 723 to distribution their command such as connecting to Call Center via
IPCC, Active/De-active Tarrif, VMS, send GPRS/MMS setting to them or etc There are many request
is handled by IVR for instance sending MMS GPRS or MMS setting to subscribers or changing tarrif
plan One of them is IPCC .

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215 Service introduction

Interactive voice response (IVR) is a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through
the use of voice and DTMF tones input via keypad. In telecommunications, IVR allows customers to
interact with a companys host system via a telephone keypad or by speech recognition, after which
they can service their own inquiries by following the IVR dialogue. IVR systems can respond with
prerecorded or dynamically generated audio to further direct users on how to proceed. IVR applications
can be used to control almost any function where the interface can be broken down into a series of
simple interactions. IVR systems deployed in the network are sized to handle large call volumes. IVR
technology is also being introduced into automobile systems for hands-free operation. Current
deployment in automobiles revolves around satellite navigation, audio and mobile phone systems. It's
common in industries that have recently entered the telecommunications industry to refer to an
automated attendant as an IVR. The terms, however, are distinct and mean different things to traditional
telecommunications professionals, whereas emerging telephony and VoIP professionals often use the
term IVR as a catch-all to signify any kind of telephony menu, even a basic automated attendant.
[citation needed] The term voice response unit (VRU), is sometimes used as well
What is Interactive Voice Response System (IVR)?
IVR - short for Interactive Voice Response, is a phone technology that allows a computer to detect voice
and touch tones using a normal phone call to automate interaction with telephone callers. Most people
are familiar with IVR applications. These applications allow users to retrieve information such as bank
balances, flight schedules, and movie show times from any telephone. These systems include :
Information retrieval eg billing and product information, Customer Contact center , Telephone Survey,
Package Tracking, Ships arrival or aircraft arrival schedule, Telesales, toll free applications, premium
service applications
Hosted Interactive Voice Response System (IVR)
Traditionally, IVR applications were created and deployed on expensive platforms that require complex
back end integration , high capital expenditure and high maintenance cost. With the reliable IP
connection of the internet, we are now able to offer Hosted IVRs at a fraction of the cost and
maintenance of owning one. Instead of hosting the IVR at the customer's location, our hosted IVR is
located in a reliable data center with digital ISDN E1 (30 channels) telephone lines and dedicated
internet access. The ISDN lines allow for sharing of telephone circuits amongst customers to enjoy the
full features of the digital telephone lines without paying for it. With up to 1000 direct numbers available
on each ISDN line, many different applications for different purposes may be shared on the same line.
On the other end, a dedicated internet access allows for strong connectivity to customer's databases or
webpages located anywhere in the world.
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When a caller for Customer A is received, the IVR may be prompted to retrieve data from Customer A's
database via the internet. Once the necessary information is retrieved, this information is played back to
the caller. In this manner, information may be retrieved from any database or web server via the internet. Definitions and abbreviation

IVR: Interactive Voice Response

DTMF: Dual-tone multi-frequency
VRU: voice response unit
ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
PBX: private branch exchange
TSU: tecnomen signaling unit
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AS: asymmetric leaves

MSS: Mobile Satellite Services
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
SCU: Standard Control Unit
PCM: Pulse-code modulation
ASR: automated speech recognition IVR Fundamental and concepts

With the builtin IVR Voice Menu Call Handler, many types of IVR solutions can be implemented with
ease. Depending on buttons pressed by the caller or configurable timeouts, certain actions can be
performed. Those actions can be for example to switch to a different Voice Menu or to another Call
Handler like a Voice Mailbox or any other Call Handler, the call can be transfered to a certain extension
via the PBX or with TERAVoice internal bridging, even to a Voice over IP terminal.
More complex IVR applications can be implemented with simple IVR scripts which allow other tasks
like database access or other automation tasks. This is often easier than graphical "IVR Builders" which
seem to be so easy to use at first sight, but often result in problems when trying to implement a certain
IVR behavior.

IVR Functionality : IVR (interactive voice record) has specific short codes to receive some services.
Some of them is like bellow:
700 short code that divided to 2 short codes in core side we have 130 for postpaid and 140 for prepaid
When a postpaid subscriber call 700 he will receive the following services:
1-Balance Enquiry
2-Change language
3-MTN irancell Services
5-Customer registrations
7-Change postpaid tariff plan
When a prepaid subscriber call 700 he will receive the bellow services:
1-Balance Enquiry
2-Change language
3-MTN irancell Services
5-Customer registration

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7-Change prepaid tariff plan

In both of them if you press 0 your call transferred to the operators
707 short code is for MTN irancell wimax service center.
714 short code is for MTN irancell international roaming service.

IVR Connectivity: There are 4 IVRs: IVR1,3,4,6 (also IVR2 that is testbed)
IVR System components: 2 system servers 2 application servers 2 TSU(tecnomen signaling unit).
Each of them has 2CPC and 6IOP

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Value Added Services IVR system structure

System Elements and Interaction:

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IVR Topology:

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TSU Topology:

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VAS FO(value Added Service Front Office) IVR Signaling flow Primary trouble shouting

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Value Added Services IVR Merged nodes Generating KPIs in FACTS & Probable Scenarios

1) If IVR Service has a problem we will have problem on IPCC(call center) with a hight possibility
2) Problem in calling to 714 IVR( INC-249736)
the calls to 714 are successfully connected to IVR, and it gets connected to call center(meaning, when
you hear call is being transferred to operator ).After this prompt the calls get discontented with 3 short
beeps, instead to connecting it to IPCC. Therefore its considered to be Core issue.
Case Study 1) We can't connect to Call center when we use 700+0.
Solution: This issue is belong to ability team cause language file is not correctly updated , you can
refer to bellow :

in that case During week this was the second time that language file was not updated correctly, they
check whats the issue and resolved it, but as it impacts IVR and call center they decided to write script
and check the status of the upload of Language and if its not uploaded, it sends a notification via email
to Huawei FO team.
Case Study 2) Team's principle

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2.1.12 IPCC(IP Call Center)

A help and advice line that gives you immediate access to the MTN Irancell Customer Service team.
Just dial 700. Introduction & Technical details
It is a node for dispatching call between Call Center agents. Service introduction

Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty: Facing the increasingly fierce market competition,
enterprises come to know that the customer relationship resource is their own most valuable treasure.
Through the contact center, an enterprise can establish a customer-centered service system that
integrates marketing, sales, service and customer relationship management to provide high quality
services for customers and win customer satisfaction and loyalty.
In the past, call center only provide voice access.Despite of Irans position in IPCC nowadays most of
countries integrate different channels such as voice, video, fax, SMS/MMS, email and WEB, etc. It
seamlessly integrates different service flows inside enterprises, so that customers can communicate
with enterprises conveniently.
Value Challenge: transfer from cost center to value center: Usually, people think Contact Center is
a necessary waste of money. According to the Top operators opinion, contact center should not only
bring perfect brand experience to customer, but also generate value from this business. Operation
Challenge: high efficiency and low TCO About 70% of contact center cost is employee cost, How to
improve employee efficiency to reduce the cost? How to increase employee productivity? How to improve
employees satisfaction and loyalty? More and more enterprise comes to realize the importance of
workforce optimization.
What is next step that we will achieve in Iran?
Comparing Irans situation with Huaweis position in other countries.AS we want to see the future and
what we could achieve by improving in IPCC ,at first we want to talk a brief about IPCCs architecture
and different parts of it and after that we will explain about Irans situation and what we can to make a
better IPCC .
Huawei IP Contact Center Architecture:

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End2End Total Solution:All IP Architecture, Broad-Narrow Band Integrated, Green Design, Low TCO,
Unique Application Platform, Customer Oriented, Rapid Service Deploy, Operation Management
Huawei IP Contact Center PortfolioMultimedia Contact Center Platform (ACD/CTI)
Universal Access Platform: Support integrated access for narrowband and broadband communication;
Support PSTN, PLMN, NGN, 3G Network
Multi-media Access Channel: Support Video, Voice, SMS, Email, Fax, Web, etc. Abundant CTI Routing
Strategies: Support multi-mode routing strategies: skill-based, customer-value based, and SLA based,
which makes the best usage of agent resources.
Flexible Networking: Support multi-mode agent mode, such as IP agent, SOHO agent, PC+Phone.The
network contact center (NCC) supports multi-site contact center sharing resource, load-balance, and
geographic redundancy
Carrier-Class Equipment: High capability, high reliability carrier-class solution. The maximum BHCA
reaches 8,000k, have the usability of 99.999%
Open for third-party: Support SCE, JTAPI, VXML, ActiveX control, service development kit, and simulate
development environment
CRM: Oracle/Siebel, SAP, SAGE
CTI & WFO: Genesys, VERINT/Witness, NICE/IEX,
Voice & Video Portal
Voice & Video Self Service: Provide self service by interactive voice & video response.
SCE: The SCE is a graphic automatic service programming environment; user can design the service
process easily by themselves.
MyIVR: Customer can define their individual IVR menu, to set their often used functions as the top
IVRMAP: Optimize the IVR process by analyzing the IVR track, thus to reduce the call duration.
Huawei IP Contact Center PortfolioeService
SMS/USSD Self Service: Provide self service by SMS and USSD.
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WEB Contact Center: WEB Chat, Click-to-dial, Escorted browsing, Callback request, Form sharing,
Page marker synchronization.
Outbound: Powerful predictive/preview/precontact outbound engine, improve outbound efficiency.
TeleSales: Provide E2E campaign management, tele sales, tele marketing.
Workforce Optimization
Workforce Management: Provide leverage flexible forecasting, scheduling and tracking tools to ensure
you meet
Customer interaction goals.
Monitoring & Recording: Simulate the real agent room, all web based monitoring and SMS alarm, offers
voice &screen recording, quality monitoring and online help.
Quality Control Management: Ensures contact center staffs focus on the key performance indicators
(KPIs) that
will drive performance improvements.
E-Learning: Provide electronic management of archives, training plans, trainings, exams, and result
evaluation, help
contact center staffs to improve their work skills.
Huawei IP Contact Center Portfolio
Abundant Contact Center ApplicationAgent Framework: Provide the universal agent processing function,
such as call control, customer information popup, Agent monitoring, Multimedia Agent, etc
Segment Service: Provide different level of service for the different customer groups. When a call
comes, system Judges the customer class via the caller number, and provides differential services.
Screen POP-UP: When a call comes, the customers basic information, history call track are popped
up on the Agents desktop, helping the agent knowing the relative information quickly
Multimedia Agent: Integrate multimedia channel (voice, video, sms/MMS, email, web chat, sms chat)
in one desktop, thus to improve agent efficiency and reduce the call duration.
Workflow: Support whole course monitoring and management to guarantee the customers service
request be Solved in time.
KBS & Search Engine: Provide web-based knowledge base and search engine application to improve
agent work efficiency, reduce repeat calls, response quickly, and provide consistent improvement.
Bulletin & Memo: Provide internal communication between contact center staffs.
Report: Provide abundant contact center system report and service report.
Huawei IP Contact Center Application
Transfer From Cost Center to Value Center
Maximum return on operators investment
Its flexibility lets carrier raise not only the customer service system, but also the outsourcing system or
IVR service system.
Deliver unique and innovative solutions for a winning competitive advantage.

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Huawei IPCC Solution Unique Value

Footprint in contact center: more than 15 years experience
Huawei entered the contact center field in 1993 and achieved No. 1 market share in China.
widely applied to various regions, such as China, Asian-Pacific, Africa, Middle East, Latin America and
More than 1800 sets of systems with more than 80,000 agents are running online, serving more than 1
billion subscribers

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Customer Service & Marketing Promotion :Solution Case Study -MTN Nigeria
Multimedia IP Contact Center Solution, Distributed IP agent
Phase I: 1000 Agents, 2300 IVR Channels
Provide services to more than 26 million subscribers by May, 2009
Support the three major Nigerian Languages - Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, English, French, Spanish, German
and Russian.
NCC: Two centers provides load-balance, resources-sharing function

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Outsourcing Solution Case Study -China Telecom in GuangZhou

One physical contact center supports 100 virtual contact centers (VCC).
Each VCC has its own access number, manage report, inspect, agents etc, and can operate
Three types of outsourcing CC: service outsourcing, agent outsourcing, temporary service.

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Case Study - Outsourcing Contact Center of China Telecom in Guangzhou

Customers: International Hotel Group, Bank of Guangdong Development, Wyeth Medicine, etc.
Inbound Service: Consultation, Service Handling, Complaint, etc.
Outbound Service: Telesales, Market Investigation, etc.
Enterprises lower 50% cost by outsourcing the CC instead of setting up by themselves, get 15%
increment at quality and operation efficiency.
Value Added Service Solution Case Study -Vodafone Turkeys

Sharing the same platform to reduce OPEX 42%.

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Expansion on HuaweiuIVR to reduce CAPEX 18%

Successful delivery within 6 weeks after PO issued by Vodafone.
They did a great job together; fastest voicemail integrationin the wordwas its result!
Now we can explain where we are in Iran with details with better view about what we want to do for being
Compatible and receive better results. Definitions and abbreviation

UAP : Universal Access Platform

CTI : Computer Telephony Integration
CSP: Customer Service Platform
CW :Call Wait
LW: Longest Waiting Time
DR : Disaster Recovery
LA : Login Agents
TCO: Total cost of ownership
AA: available Agents
WA: Withdraw Agents
SL: Service Level
CTI: computer telephony integration
ACD: Automatic call distributor
KPI: Key performance indicator
NCC: network contact center
VCC :virtual contact centers
MGC : Media Gateway Controller (Call Server)
MGW : Media Gateway
M3UA: MTP Level 3 (MTP3) User Adaptation
BICC: Bearer-Independent Call Control
SIP: Session initiation protocol
IP ICD: IP Integrated Contact Distribution
ATAE: Advanced Telecommunications Application Environment
OSS: Operating Support System
OMU: Operation and Maintenance Unit IPCC Fundamental and concepts

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237 IPCC Call and IVR scenario

We have voice access from 2009 till now in Iran. (old MTNIrancell solution belongs to Lucent Alcatel)
Below numbers are used for mentioned tasks.
700 GSM Help Desk
707 Wimax Help Desk
729 Test
702 Reg (Registration)
711 Roaming (Hadj) Help Desk
714 Corporations Help Desk (Corp. Wimax, Corp Simcards, MVPN, and other Corp. issues)
723 SD (Service desk)
728 DHD (Just for dealer and some important customer)
When you call 700 at first it connect to core side and after that it comes to IVR side (Tecnoman
nowadays it is named Tecnotree)
In IVR side we have 4 options (Prepaid English, Prepaid Farsi, Postpaid English, and Postpaid
Farsi) These language files update every 24 hours in @bility side)

Except 728, other IVR Facilities and numbers have cost.

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When you call 700 and enter 0 it decreases like 1 minute talking cost from your account. When you call
IVR 700 > 0 you plugged in Core side and after that you connect to IPCC Actually when you call IPCC
it seems you call below numbers
Backend Numbers:
700: Prepaid Farsi, 9377001,Prepaid English, 9377002--Postpaid Farsi, 9377003, Postpaid
English, 9377004
707:Farsi, 9377005, English, 9377006
711: 9377006
714: 937141 8
728: 937728
723: 93723
729:9377291 9377292
Bill internal: When someone has a problem about his/her charging and billing he/she can call 700 and
they will transfer the call to Bill group. IPCC Topology & Signaling flow

Signaling connection between Core and IPCC is M3UA.Voice connection between Core and IPCC is
BICC. Internal connection in IPCC is SIP.
IPCC Servers:
UAP (Universal Access Platform - including MGC for SIG and MGW for Media resources):
Using for preparation Media/Sig resources.
CTI (Computer Telephony Integration):Manage skill Queues and call distribution conditions, also
manage agents rights such as Break, Hold and so on.

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CSP (Customer Service Platform - including KBS, KMS, Telesales, IVR Flows, Inspection and
Appraisal, Service Management, Workflow, Bulletin and Memo, Call Reason, Complaint Handling, )
Which is using for CRM and other functionality of IPCC except handling call and voices.
IPCC Traffic Online Monitoring: There are many parameters which help us to compare IPCCs quality
Like CW, LW, LA, AA, WA, SL.

We explain some of important parameter in below sentences.

CW (Call Wait):
Shows us how many subscribers are in queue.
LW (Longest Waiting Time):
Shows us the highest waiting time that one customer still waiting in queue.
LA (Login Agents):
Shows us how many agents login to the system.
AA (available Agents):
Show us how many agents are free to answer calls.
WA (Withdraw Agents):
Shows us how many agents are in Break.
SL (Service Level):
One of the important parameter which shows quality of service is service level. There is a formula based
on waiting duration and number of incoming calls. This formula keeps private base on business customer
Tips:When number of callers was more than agents (CW > AA), some of subscribers should wait for a
while, this time could not be more than 1 hour because it would be disconnect on Core side.Internal Pilot
(such as Billing) SL shows 0 in Dashboard Application, because they dont have real traffic, and calls are
transferring from other pilots to them.
IPCC Integration with Other Parties: Call Center is using their own ticketing solution which is combined
with Concierge. Also IPCC is sending MSIDSNs+Agent_WorkID to Tecnotree Middleware. Also IPCC is
sending 700 traffic report daily to EDW via FTP and as well as users list to ITS Security daily basis.
IPCC Official Outbound Number: Call Center 09351000000, Service Desk 937723
ICD Application: (Customer Service Platform)

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Each call has a log (we called it SN) which saves much information about this conversation and the
result. All recorded files will be kept on IPCC Date base for about 6 month and after that AHS team
archive it for next 6 month.
Agent Center in other Cities: We have 4 call center in Irancell (TW 500 agents, TAB 200 agents, SHR
200 agents, MASH agents 200). Equipment in TW is using as main call center, and Shiraz and Tabriz
equipment just use as DR (Disaster Recovery). Mashhad doesnt have any equipment, and we just
Agent center there. Call Distribution is random right now, but in future may it change to Localize (is
meaning calls from Tabriz connect to Tabriz agents and so on.) Primary trouble shouting Team's principle maintenance

Enter topic text here.

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We check IPCC service with Calling 700 and enter 0 for connecting to operator Problems Suggestions

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2.1.13 HSDP(Huawei Service Delivery Platform)

As far as you know HSDP is a new platform for delivering interactive service and is totally
different with vitrin .

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Messaging SDP provides the subscribers with features such as: SMS sending schedule, integration
with customer system using API, sending SMS with the name of the company, assigning USSD, sent
SMS management portal, advertisement campaign management, sending collect SMS to pre-defined
groups, sending on-net MMS at competitive price, defining regulations for evaluation of the content
according to the sender group, providing prompt reports on information received by the subscribers,
interactive SMS according to the list of questions, recharging SMS sender/receiver.This service as
providing services upon the request made by customers, updating personal account details, fan club and
implementing customers' loyalty plans, customer relations plan, customer surveys and advertisement
campaign management. Introduction & Technical details
Service delivery platforms (SDP) are operator solutions that provide a unified middle ground for the
optimized exchange of services between users, operators, and service and content providers. The
authors describe different perspectives on SDPs and the business and technical influences that drive
their evolution

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Value Added Services Definitions and abbreviation

3GPP: Third Generation Partnership Project

B2B: Business to business
BPEL: Business process execution language
BSS: Base station subsystem
CRM: Customer relationship management
ESB: Enterprise service bus
GUI: Graphical user interface
IM: Instant messaging
IMS: IP Multimedia Subsystem
IN: Intelligent network
IP: Internet protocol
KPI: Key performance indicator
MMS: Multimedia messaging service
NMS: Network management system
OMA: Open Mobile Alliance
OSS: Operations support system
QoS: Quality of service
RDBMS: Relational database management system
SDP: Service delivery platform
SIP: Session initiation protocol
SLA: Service level agreement
SMS: Short message service
SOA: Service-oriented architecture
SOAP: Simple object access protocol
WAP: Wireless application protocol
SDP: Service delivery platforms
API: application programming interface
USSD: Unstructured Supplementary Service Data HSDP Fundamental and concepts

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1. Provides APP IDE

2. Telecom & internet Mash-up development
3. Configurable Templates
Service management: Manages capability exposure, protocol translation, message routing and
network traffic control.
Addresses:requirements of developer portal, end user portal, partner portal etc
Public capability: components shared among applications

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2.1.14 Erefill Introduction & Technical details

In many mobile markets the prepaid subscriber segment is growing at up to 100% a year. In others,
growth has steadied but prepaid subscribers still account for well over half of mobile users.
Many operators see the efficiency of the prepaid process as strategically important. Nokia Siemens
Networks eRefill is a platform for a cost-effective prepaid service. It allows operators to create a dense
airtime distribution network that extends to distant rural areas.
With this solution, subscribers recharge their prepaid accounts by making a payment to an airtime
reseller. The reseller sends the top-up request to the e-refill system via a short message (SMS). The
required amount is transferred from the resellers account to the mobile users prepaid account. Both the
reseller and the subscriber receive an SMS confirming the transaction. The solutions simplicity opens
up exciting prospects for operators in new growth markets and in some mature markets.Reducing the
cost of prepaid
Nokia Siemens Networks eRefill cuts the cost of the prepaid process. The costly printing, distribution
and management of vouchers is eliminated and it is less expensive to implement and operate than
solutions based on vouchers: only an SMS-capable mobile terminal is needed, with the Internet as
another option. Nokia Siemens Networks eRefill saves up to 70% in the operators prepaid process. Service introduction

Enabling micro-prepaid transactions

Nokia Siemens Networks eRefill supports micro-prepaid, with top-up values of less than USD 1. The
need for such denominations is clear in many new growth markets where large numbers of potential
subscribers come from the lower income bands. Micro-prepaid increases the affordability of the prepaid
service, boosting growth in subscriber numbers and in their mobile spends.
Extending prepaid availability
Nokia Siemens Networks eRefill increases the availability of prepaid services. This cash-based service is
open to users without bank accounts or bank cards. No access to the Internet or ATM-machines is
required, so the top-ups can be offered easily. Minimal infrastructure for airtime resellers and convenient
reseller management allows operators to benefit from extensive airtime distribution networks. Micro topups can be sold alongside conventional vouchers in traditional outlets, as well as in many new points-ofsale, such as kiosks and corner shops, increasing operators brand visibility.
eRefill platform :The Nokia Siemens Networks eRefill platform has the following main functions:
1. SMS Recharge: The cost-effective way to recharge prepaid accounts.
2. Balance Transfer: A new service allowing a prepaid subscriber to transfer money from his own to
another users prepaid account.
3. Reseller Management: Allows a multi- layer reseller structure where resellers can manage their own
companies. Enables operators to manage a few major distributors who create and maintain the
distribution network.
4. Reseller Web Interface: The optional Reseller Web Interface enables resellers to request top-ups via
the Internet.
5. Reseller Java application: Enables resellers to request a top-up for a prepaid subscriber, request a
report, or check the account.
6. Bonus for Resellers: Automatic calculation of bonuses for resellers or groups of resellers based on
7. Administration Tool: A web-based tool that enables technical and business parameters to be
managed. eRefill elements
eRefill Server: Stores the airtime resellers data and top-up history and manages the refill process.
Reseller Interface: Enables the reseller to request a top-up for a prepaid subscriber using an SMS

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Reseller Web Interface: Resellers can also request a top-up via the Internet.
Customer Care GUI: Gives the operators personnel access to flexible process management.
Messaging Interface: Connects the system with an external messaging platform and supports SMS
Centers using CIMD2, UCP or SMPP protocol.
Prepaid Interface: Connects the system with an external prepaid platform. There is built-in support for
Nokia Siemens Networks IN Prepaid. A prepaid interface Generic API allows integration with other
vendors prepaid systems.
Network Management Interface: Allows integration with the Operations Support System.
Enhanced Subscriber Bonus
Fine Grain Access Control: Allows authorized CSP personnel to control user access to every piece of
functionality supported by the application
Move Retailer: Allows to change the Host Company with EMI.
Pay Bill: Allows resellers to pay their subscribers bills via RWGUI, SMS and from external systems
(POS terminals, etc.).
Reseller Margin Management: Allows monitoring of profitability of resellers business by checking
reported sales margin on a given product group. Sales margins are calculated by eRefill based on
discounts defined for transactions.
Product Sale Revoke: Allows customer care representatives to revoke the product sale transactions
made by resellers by mistake. Product sale revokes are possible only within a predefined period of time
after the transaction has been executed.
Benefits of eRefill solution
Eliminating vouchers saves top-up costs.
Low maintenance and logistics costs for the distribution network.
Micro-prepaid tariffs that attract the lower-spending segment.
Cash-based approach gives better access to new users.
Wide airtime distribution.
Increased operator brand visibility.
Innovative subscriber services.
Balance Transfer can be offered. Definitions and abbreviation


IN supported service where the subscriber pays a certain

sum in advance and the account is charged on- line during
the calls.


Salesperson reselling airtime to the Prepaid Subscribers


XML RPC messages are described in separate document.

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See in 4.1of [1]


Prepaid Recharge Interface


Erefill module above UCIP deciding which IN system should

be used for specific MSISDN


Application Programming Interface


Graphical User Interface


Document Object Model


Java XML Processing




Intelligent Network


Secure Socket Layer


Multimedia Messaging Service


Multimedia Messaging Service Centre


Mobile Subscriber International ISDN Number


Network Management System


Hypertext transfer protocol


Personal Identification Number


Reseller ID


Reseller PIN


Subscriber Identification Module


Short Message Service


SMS Center


Simple Object Access Protocol


HTTP over SSL Erefill Fundamental and concepts

2 most important features of Nokia Electronic Refill (E-refill) are Balance Transfer (P2P) and E-charge.

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There is a glossary on the hierarchy of the Erefill nodes and related entrances and existence nodes. The
Erefill is in relation with customer through two ways:
P2P: Subscribers channels {SMS- USSD-STK ( S@T / OTA crypto)}.
E-charge { Bank,reseller,distributer,IFS} .
* Resellers and distributors are processed on GUI units.
* Banks and IFS are processed on UTIL applications,
This can be done through (web services). As P2P is more familiar for us, so first let's take a look at
E-charge service.

Now imagine a dealer refers to MTN agency(S&D) to charge his account 10,000$. The MTN operator
connects to IFS server and charges his account in e-refill DB. Now a subscriber come over to dealer and
demands 10$ charge. Dealer guy can do this job through 2 ways:
1. Through a web based GUI, transfer charge from his account to sub account in CS3 or @bility depends
on being postpaid or prepaid
2. Through S@T gateway that is a tool provided by Gemalto (Gemalto is a French company that made
the SIM cards for MTN. This feature exist into SIM and should be activated)
S@T Transactions

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Web Recharge Transactions

As you know we monitor ECharge on Erefill 3 or TE .

Echarge has different Duties like (TOP UP, Pay bill, Pay deposit And Bulk transfer) and we can access
it with (USSD,GUI,STK,Bank)
P2P (Peer to Peer)
We Monitor P2P on erefill4 .P2P as an important node is connected to USSD.USSD sends users
requests to P2P via signaling .For any problem between USSD and P2P ,USSD should be checked as
it receives the request. USSD has connection with (AIR Node ) from E/// .
After the Air there is a (Voucher) .Any BE/BR demand, is first delivered to USSD, then USSD sends it
Air and at the end it arrives to charging of Ericson. In busy hours we have failure on BE or BR this issue
related to overload on voucher server or air problem.
Some explanation about important nodes:
Air node: Air(account information and refill system) this node is used for some below objectives :
* Top up: charging without scratching And straightly without buying charge)
* BE (Balance Inquiry)
Concierge: It is a node with all of data related to each subscriber. It also useful for monitoring the
MSISDNs financial balance. Call center employers use this node a lot.
EDW: Important MTN report tool and achieve .It collect all generated CDRs in the network in addition

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to network charge system. It also produces and provides many different reports for all nodes and users
need them.
" Voucher server: It is a scratch base processor for charging.
" CCN: It is an important node with some important duty:1) responsible for financial calculations 2)It
works as a node to change the CORE language or request concepts to one understandable language
for charging systems until they can process The coming requests .
* @bility and EMMA *
@bility as a node for mostly post paid MSISDNs, is in relation with EMMA node in E/// side. Any
commands from @bility side have to be processed through EMMA.As an example:
If there are some new SIM cards want to use the network, they are all first provisioned by EMMA and
then from there distributed to other nodes such as Airs,SDPs,etc .
SDP Node
This node is similar to a storage including all ranges of MSISDN numbers (around every 2000000
ranges) with all related data like their locations. These nodes just know and handles the request base on
the (time parameter).It does the money accounting base on time division. We can say somehow it is
similar to HLR CORE Network topology. Erefill system structure & signal flow

1) Prepaid subscriber wants to transfer some money from his/her account to another subscribers
account (e.g. parents recharging childs account) 2)Subscriber sends an SMS with the MSISDN, PIN
and value3)Money is transferred4)Both originating and terminating parties receive confirmation.

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We have the same flow for Application Server 2

LB : a Load Balancer By Cisco
IFS : Industrial Financial System is responsible for Account Charging of Reseller/Dealer
MQ : Main Queue
General Flow of E-refill (P2P)

SMSC01: 3 connections to e-refill: Send/Receive/nickname

SMSC02: 1 connections to e-refill: Receive
SMSC03: 3 connections to e-refill: Send/Receive/nickname
SMSC04: 2 connections to e-refill: Send/Receive
SMSC05/06: have no connection to e-refill

nickname is not live yet

USSD to e-refill:
Just 4/8 of USSD applications are involved: TW 1&3, TE 1&3.
Port 3111 *142# (P2P)

& Port 3112 *148# (e-charge)s

* Please notify that we have the same connection like above for USSD TE Application 1&2&3 *
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257 Primary trouble shouting Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS Erefill Monitoring Generating KPIs in ESM Dashboard & Probable Scenarios

Sig 11 event: this important event occurs when master data base fails to operate and then each of other
services like slave Data Bases, App,Util,GUI stop working after short time one by one. we call this
issue Sig 11 .
Value of (AppSrv-Log file last update) exactly means the last time that log file in App x is changed or
updated. This log file only will be updated if we have transaction in App server. After processing the
transaction, log file updates by adding the log of last transaction. So maybe this is the reason that ESM
team added this value as an index in dashboard to show total seconds passed after last time that log file
is updated and according to this explanation it can be considered as last time we had any transaction in
App server.
The screenshot means last transaction occurred in 2411 seconds ago and there was not any
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transaction in last 2411 seconds, so you can conclude that it cant be an issue in many cases ,its just
an index to inform and help us in some situations.
Since we know that this parameter is just a warning value for further investigation and as you know
about AIR connections you can find out that if both AIR connections to one App server is disconnected
so AppSrv x-Log file last update should be red color as there was not transaction and no AIR
connection so of course no log generated. But if all connections are normal and AppSrv x-Log file last
update color is red (no log generated) it can be real issue.

At the end I want to highlight cases:

At early morning hours that both AIR connections of App server is disconnected its normal for that
App server AppSrv x-Log file last update to be red color, but if all of airs in TE in one application is
down for a while you should raise an incident (Medium Priority ) and if both of AS are down we should
raise High Incident immediately, And about P2P (eRefill 4 ) because of this fact that we have just one
live AS and when its airs were done actually we will be disconnected and all of P2P operations will be
failed we should immediately raise High incident !
If all values are normal and AppSrv x-Log file last update is red color we need to check that issue.
The protocol between both SMSC/USSD and E-refill is SMPP
Connection to IN is through Air3a/Air3b /Air4a
EDW in fact is a big MTN Reporting System that collect all CDRs generated in network directly from
all nodes in addition to Charging Gateway
E-refill has no connection to CG(charging gate) and directly is connected to @bility and IN
E-refill has EDR instead of CDR(Call Duration CDR)
IN is responsible for prepaid Subs and @bility for postpaid ones
Xms Process is the most important part of each e-refill application that it manages all connection of
application. In normal state it reverts back 1 otherwise 0. If all XMSs goes down service is totally

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2.1.15 CMN(Call Me Now)

Using the brand new Call Me Now (CMN) service, if you fail to contact someone because his handset
has been switched off or he is in an "out of coverage" area, you may dial the specified USSD to be
informed once he is accessible again. Introduction & Technical details

Therefore you would need to simply dial *155*the subscriber's number#. Once the called subscriber is
available again, you will receive the "Call Me Now!" message.
This service can only be used by Irancell prepaid subscribers.
Using CMN will cost you 130 Rials only.
For further information on other CMN features, you can dial *155# at any time from your prepaid Irancell
SIM. Service introduction Definitions and abbreviation

UAP: Universal Access Platform

CMN: Call Me Now CMN Fundamental and concepts

Obtain the called party status: User A sends an SMS message to the VMS system, requesting user B's
status. The VMS system sends an SMS message to user A, which contains user B's status.
Notify the caller: If user A makes a call to user B, who is a VMS user, when user B is busy, switched
off, out of service, or does not answer the call, the call is connected to the VMS system and the system
records the information about the call made by user A. When the mobile phone of user B is switched on,
the system sends user A an SM notifying user A that the mobile phone of user B is switched on or
reachable, and user A can dial the number of user B.

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After sending SMS to VMS SYS the signaling flow is related to VMS CMN System Structure

for CMN service, totally we should get 3 pieces messages. One is USSD message and the other two
are SMS messages. At first we submit one CMN request and should get USSD message which show
that charge successfully and 130 IRR has been deducted.
If we cant get USSD message, that means the charging part is abnormal. CMN Signaling flow Primary trouble shouting

CMN KPI: Use one script to get the statistical report based on CDRs. UAP connects to I2000 and
generate the related report based on our traffic statistical task Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS

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Value Added Services Probable Scenarios

If service test was unsuccessful Please ask CMN team to provide log of rejection if there is .
Be informed that Our service test number:9396728901 is on SDP32. If E/// had SDP load balancing on
mentioned SDP, then all services affect.
If you faced that your number exists still in our DB , Please do Service test with another number, CMN
request will be in DB till 48 hours
Case Study1) CMN service test was unsuccessful
Description: When we request to 1550 we face Error your request with postpaid SimCard is not
possible ! would you please assist us in this regards. It probably is related to INC-250454 (E/// issueSDP41 issue )would you please confirm to cancel New INC and follow it with that.
Solution: For each incident, please provide as much information as possible for us which is convenient
to check.(Like your MSISDN ). For the similar issue, it should be related to charging. I can confirm that
CMN service was working fine at that time. If you cant send CMN request for one number, at least you
can dial *155*3# or other USSD command to test CMN service.For all of CMN USSD command, only
*155*MSISDN# is related to charging, so we can use other commands to test service.

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Case Study2) What is possible scenarios in E///(When we are sure there is no issue in our side)
Solution:Charging of CMN service handle by CCN2,18,22 and the related DCC links should be up and
Related CCNs which VSMS/CMN connect with:
PeerIP_Gather =
RealmName =
PeerIP_Gather =
RealmName =
PeerIP_Gather =
RealmName = maintenance

In CMN team we don't have Maintenance part. We just have. Service Test, We check CMN service with
below number:
*155*Number# Team's principle Problems Suggestions

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2.1.16 OTA(Over The Air) &ADD(Auto Detection Device)

For MMSC/GPRS usage, you need to have the settings in your handset. Some handsets have them by
default, some others need to add them manually and some others can be requested to Operator using
interfaces (USSD, IVR, SMSC, Vitrin). Introduction & Technical details
We have 2 short codes for send setting from USSD side:
*140*3*5# (MMS setting) & *140*3*6# (GPRS setting)
Also we can get setting with IVR

For MMS service we call 700-3-5 and for GPRS configuration we call 700-3-6

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265 Service introduction

These 2 nodes use to finding subscribers mobile model (ADD) and send GPRS or MMS setting to them
Another way to send GPRS/MMS setting is call 700 and select related key after that related request has
been sent to ADD to detect the mobile type and OTA send the mentioned setting to the subscriber.

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Value Added Services Definitions and abbreviation

ADD: Auto Detection Device

OTA: Over The Air
IGMLC: Intelligent Gateway of Mobile Location Center
IMSI: International mobile subscriber identity
IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity
MSISDN: Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number
TAC : Type Approval Codes
ADC: Automatic Device Configuration OTA & ADD Fundamental and concepts

With ADD &OTA we can get MMS and GPRS setting for each Phone
ADD is core interface for OTA that send 3 parameter from MSC to OTA. 3 parameter contain:
1) IMSI(SIM card serial number)
2) IMEI (phone serial number)
When we put a SIM card into the phone, MSC automatically send this triple to ADD and ADD save
these information into Data Base, if triple is new, ADD add them to DB and next send to OTA and at the
end OTA send setting to handset.
General Follow

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OTA use for send report and contains 2 processes

1- TAC: TAC process gets IMEI and sends Handset Model
2- OTAB: OTAB get Handset Model and MSISDN and send related setting to SMSC, next SMSC send
setting to Subscribe. OTA &ADD system structure

Below is detail chart that shows send request from handset until get setting from ADD& OTA OTA &ADD Signaling flow

After you request OTA:

1. Your Handset Model will be detected by using your IMEI.
2. Handset Model will be sent to the OTA.
3. OTA will prepare a package of setting compatible with your Handset
4. The settings will be pushed to your Handset using one of interfaces.

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Value Added Services Primary trouble shouting Monitoring & Generating KPIs in FACTS ADD TO OTA

Please check decrement on Incoming request and outgoing setting .(these two graph are important for

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271 ADC-WEB-CC &Third party Generating KPIs in Facts Dashboard & Probable Scenarios

Some issue that maybe happened for OTA & ADD

-problem on OTA web server
-process hang on 2 Application (OTAB &TAC)
-DB Queue
- A Subscribe cannot get setting
1)Case Study: P_ADD_TO_OTA_Q increased
Solution: BO should check could be IPBB side's problem ,for below case it was relate network
Source IP :, DST IP: 17% packet loss.

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After IPBB investigation the issue rectified!

2)Case Study:We have drop on OTA ADD Graph

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Solution: for this kind of drop at about 05:00 AM we can say there is no issue on OTA/ADD impact. this is
related the FACTs formula which is incorrect.
Only raise an INC then change the INC status to pending confirmation.
3)Case Study:as you see in below graph NOF_CHK_IMEI_CFM the number of IMEI from MSC and sent
confirm obviously decreased in last day.
Solution: For cases like that we should check with Core side asOTA side only accept CHK_IMEI from

for this case after Core side checked we got that according MSC measurements, the number of CHK

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IMEI is almost following the normal trend and the normal response is even equal with number of
So there is no drop in the count of CHK IMEI request and response from MSc point of view.

also you can check FACTS graph RAW data for cases like that to find out it comes from which team
(export the RAW data)
4)Case Study: we have decrement on ADDDB_IMEI_CHK_PER_SEC

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Solution: IF SMSMO success rate had fluctuation it is normal to face above picture. Team's principle

1) We should keep MTN Messaging Team in loop for all of mails related to OTA-ADD products:
While the loop is started by you or assigned from other teams. maintenance Problems
1)Some times we face a drop on OTA success rate graph which by more investigation we found there
wasn't any issue

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By checking OTA RAW DATE we can find if it is fake or not for this case there was no issue for OTA
OTA_SUCC drop was related to calculate formula which is not perfect.
Or in below Case

There is no issue in ADD side , only OG_SETTINGS count is less than what it should be .
From the RAW data,the OG_SETTINGS count should be 6251 at 2014-1-5 4:00
why the OG_SETTINGS count only 2060 at 2014-1-5 4:00 (it could be FACT Problem )

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2) sometimes we face a drop on our graph and in next update it disappear. Suggestions

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2.1.17 Notifications
0) Major fault notification:within 5 minutes, inform the BO TL /managers and related to customer by
SMS /e-mail.
1)Follow up the BO/BO TL to get the update regularly
2)Update by mail and the notes on Marval
1) please be aware of reopen the incidents. Changing pending confirmation to in progress and resolve to
assigned consider as a reopen incident. in case of happening issue its better to resolve previous one and
if issue has been recovered but it happened again raise a new one, or change it to pending monitoring till
its recovered completely .
Two situations will count as reopen:
Pending confirmation to in progress
Resolved to assigned
2) For High INC, It is the ITS policy violation that a resolved INC change back to pending or in progress
state, please put it under monitoring or didnt change it till you were sure its totally rectified.
3) If we had a change or High INC which affected our services (Like GPRS), if Change finished (or INC
resolved) and our service haven't rectified yet , raise an High INC AS SOON AS possible and assign it to
relevant team.

4) For most of the graphs we have to wait next step of updates except SMSC, as some times we Face
with fake drop on last steps ,but if you had an abnormal state which you thought its A real case please
Dont hesitate to raise an INC in worst situation it will cancel ;)

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5) In case you faced an High INC & you couldnt access to BO and BO Team leader Please follow below
1- Send an internal mail to shift manager and explain the details in it.
2- Ask him to follow with BO & even Yaser.
3- After that, Shift manager will be responsible to respond this person.
6 )Changing status to Pending Clarification without any update in Marval Notes and sending email is ITS
POLICY VIOLATION, and has big bad effect on our KPI!So do not change any INC status to pending
clarification unless you already update Marval Notes and sending email to relevant person and keep ITS
Service Desk in loop.FO should not change INC to Pending Clarification If FO faced with BO request for
changing to Pending Clarification FO should be careful to have update (Note + Email (ITS had to be in
7) As per ITS policy you must follow each issue just by one incident, its no matter that the cause of the
fault is related which team, all relevant support teams should assist to fix the issue by the main incident
1- In case of any major INC , any changed status like changing from pending confirmation to Resolved,
you have to inform Service Desk.
2- In case of any INC , for Resolving the INC or Cancelled the INC you have to get costumer
3- In case of any INC , you should not put INC in pending cancellation status before you get Confidence
the INC getting canceled.
8) Condition of being an incident in Pending RFC Approval status in Marval is as below :
there must be a valid change number and all of the approvals must be taken as well ,after that incident
can be change to Pending RFC Approval status No incident should be put on Pending RFC approval
status unless the corresponding change is approved by change manger or is submitted to change
manager for CAB (for low, medium incidents). For high/critical incidents you may apply for emergency
changes. Infringing this rule will be considered as Process Violation.FO should not change INC to
pending RFC approval. If FO faced with BO request for changing to changing status to pending RFC, FO
should be careful to have approved Change. (all approvals on mentioned change)
9) ITS members had to know( FO contains ) any abuse of ITSM Tool, such as modifying the status or
tracker of other teams tickets is considered a Policy Violation. Meanwhile, They are working with ITSM
tool team to tighten up access control and fix the MSM security bugs.
10) For Low INC FO should not call BO between (11 PM till morning), just send an Email.
11) In Official hours we wont change assigned INC to in progress for preventing from unnecessary
12) High INC had to have RCA created and filled by BO and they should prepare it less than 48 hours
,SO FO should remind RCA to BO team before passing 48 working hours from resolving an INC.
13) MTNI Service Management strictly follow Assigned-to-Progress time, as once we couldnt exclude
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one of our INC because of this matter and lost our KPI in Critical INC because of that, as you can see in
below INC raised at 17:27 PM (after work shift finished and our BO left office) but changed to assigned at
6:11 AM in next day, So please be aware about the important of changing status from assigned to in

14) Please pay attention on title of major incidents and take quantitive way to explain the faults or in

case this was not possible, try to use more delicate qualitative words.
Wrong: P_SUCC_AT_MSS has high decrement
Right: P_MO_SUCC_AT_SMSC is decreased around 6%
15) To avoid out of SLA INC/TSK during weekend and holiday ;please after you prepare the VAS morning
report ,make one call the TLs to communicate the open INC/TSK in the morning.
16) Before you change the INC/TSK to pending confirmation, please send email and communicate with
relevant customer to confirm. If you are worried the INC/TSK will be out of SLA during the confirmation or
communication with customer, you can change the INC/TSK to pending clarification with the proper
17) Please contact with on call shift of BO by phone for CR checking, Level1&2 issues during night time
not just send email.
18) Please include Mr. Reza Kashkar's email ID into the loop for Mediation's Operational issues as well.
19) Last time I have asked you to check MMS service by another SIM and even you gave me a
guarantee in this regard but seems that this case isnt handed over to you properly.
Dear Shift Manager,
I believe even you handover this case to each other.

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20) There is no need to call two person together for one I2000 issue.
21)For Mediation nods , if you send email to BO to check if it need raise one incident or not, please
remove customer from loop.
After incident raised, you can put customer in loop
22) In case we had about 20% percentage drop on P_DLV graph even if it doesnt affect our P_MO_E2E
_FF_AT_SMSC please raise an INC for it

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24)On Mediation Nodes ,if you find abnormal trend for outgoing, please firstly send one email to BO and
dont raise any incident before they confirm it.
For abnormal trend for incoming, you can raise one incident.
25)Please dont forget to fill Cause & Resolution in any INC which you are going to resolve or change
its status to Pending Confirmation.and do not select Undetermined as cause/resolution from now on
and just use related ones, if you cannot find exact cause just please select what is closed to exact
cause, not Undetermined. It is serious case, please care about.for example these are Cause:
Capacity and System limitation & Resolution: Hardware Upgrade for WISG INCs

26)Please follow below table for call/SMS BO for incoming INC/TSKs, just be note that it is based on
assign time and if any TSKs is going to be OOSLA, call BO immediately.
Also for any High/Critical INC/TSKs call team leader as well.put him in related email loop

During Work Time




After Work Time

Weekends and

(8:30 ~16:45)

(16:45 ~23:00)


No Need
No Need
No Need
No Need

No Need

No Need


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27)For SMMO drop cases , assign it to Core team and mention the region and the degradation time .
28) Please ask Mediation BO to raise INC for drop RCS graph in Mediation side, but dont forget to keep
RCS team in loop of your email.
29)Please inform BO when you found the red line is less than the blue line

30)Please DO NOT put INC in Pending EFC Approval (recently renamed to Pending CHG
Implementation) until you get final approval (Saras approval). Otherwise it would consider as Policy
Sending email to Sara or bring CHG to CAB or get her confirmation via phone is not meaning CHG get
approved, just when status of CHG in Marval changed to Approved you can changed related INC.

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Ctrl+left click to add a new OR with AND condition

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This condition lists INCs that you forgot to add cause and resolution

This condition lists INCs that you forgot to add cause and resolution and it changed to

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Set desired interval to refresh the page

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This sample may help you to check all open tickets in your bucket
Includes closed tickets without cause and resolution
32)Please be informed to avoid confusion, incident management is renaming the status of Pending
Clarification to Pending Customer Action.
This status is only for incidents/tasks that needs customers action such as clarification or testing the
provided solution,...
33)Please send related email to official Huawei email of BO, or put both of MTNI and Huawei email in

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34)Please DO NOT change status of TSK/INCs while they are in ITS Service Desk bucket, otherwise it
would consider as ITS Policy Violation and affect our KPI.

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FO Routine tasks & Reports

Despite of monitoring FO has some routine TSK like generating Reports & use Marval for raising INC Their Follow Up and more ..


Generating service reports

As a Front Office Engineer we have some Report which we do daily and we inform our Mangers about
what is going on our Services,

Service Test
Service Test: FO will check the services healthy using Tests. Testing as a SUB. It will help us to find the
problem before complaints from Call Center. We will be one step closer. Each hour we test our Services
Manually and send related mail to our Managers & BOs so they will be informed about network's

Change Info Notification

1. Monitor all the changes, and send the change notification for our services .(Start & Finished
successfully). Please be aware most of our customers and high managers are in loop so please
consider details and attach BO's mail.

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2. After the change, check and confirm the service KPI. ( Please notice that in case you faced any drop
or down service please raise an INC ASAP and follow it with relative team)

Morning Report
Morning Report includes Changes & High INCs During yesterday 7:00 AM till today 7:00 AM ,Every
Morning at 6:00 AM we receive an Email from MTNI Business Intelligence [edwgroup] with MTN ITS
MSM Outstanding Operation Incidents Prod V2 title.

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291 Dashboard

We should fill important CR(Changes) & Critical Issue(High INCs) (During yesterday 7:00 AM till today
7:00 AM ) and VAS INCs Page in dashboad,

VAS INC will be filled based on MTN ITS MSM Outstanding Operation Incidents Prod V2 Mail and use
graph snapshot in Morning Report.

VAS shift Handover report

Report includes Changes & High INCs During one shift, All important Events should be attached and
inform next shift verbally and written.The Number of Taken INCs in Shift & Number of Closed INCs in Shift
&Total pending INCs should count.

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Pending Reports & inprogress Mail

Every day at 11:00 AM we send VAS Pending Issues which contains In progress and Pending INC &
TSKs that assigned to VAS team, except Pending Confirmation.

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Inprogress issues
On holidays and weekends we send in progress Mail to prevent from passing SLA.( Based on Morning

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1)Please pay more attention for some dilates on morning report. as you know the form of attached file
and body is important because we send it for all high level managers. Please make boarder for attached
file, Change ECC names and dont let we have assigned status INC or TSK. Also please when you
handover your shift make VAS morning and handover mail in green categorize.

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2) if we haven't received MTN ITS MSM Outstanding Operation Incidents Prod V2 Mail we should raise
an INC and assign it to EDW team and put number in Morning report .
3) both of graphs should be sent exactly at 08:00 AM or 08:00 PM

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The Ticketing System is Marval that is based on MTN ITS Policies. Also SLAs will be counted as ITS
and not Network.There is a team named Service Desk under AHS Co. that is an Interface between all
MTN ITS Vendors and department.


How to Raise or Resolve an INC

1)Raise an INC

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2) Resolve An INC

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3)update Notes


Marval Features
Marval (Integrated IT Service Management (ITSM) software)
Marval is committed to the ongoing development of integrated IT Service Management (ITSM) software,
consultancy and education. It is a single-source supplier for all ITSM needs, designed to improve service
quality, productivity, customer satisfaction and reduce costs.
Global Search Bar - this is a very powerful search bar that will help users to find information quickly.
This could be contacts, knowledge items, configuration items or requests.
Advanced Search - when searching for open requests with specific information this advanced search
can be used to reduce th number of results returned.
Request Search - this search option should be used when looking for requests that match a specific
Configuration Item Search - this should be used when searching for configuration data.

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global search is a quick way to find information by typing a word in the search box. MSM will find the
closest match to the entered information; this could be a contact person, service, and knowledge item. If
the returned results need to be specific then this can be achieved by selecting a search area from the
global search icon.

For example, if a knowledge item needs to be matched then the search area that needs to be selected
is Knowledge Item.

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After clicking on Go the results returned will show matches for the entered words in the knowledge item

To search for a contact enter the name in the search bar and select the Person option and click on the
Go button.
In this search an asterisk has been entered after the name which indicates a wildcard search. The
purpose being that the results that need to be returned are for all contact names beginning with Ben
Here are some more wildcard search options:
* Smith - will return results for all contacts that have the last name as Smith
Am* Jo* - will return all contacts matching the first name beginning with Am and the middle name or
last name starting with Jo
Advanced Search: The Advanced search allows complex queries to be searched against by building a
number of conditions. There are a number of search areas to choose from such as:
All Sear Areas,Request, Configuration Item, Organizational Unit

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Note: If security restrictions are in place using the Access Levels within MSM then configuration items
with a higher level than the logged in user will not be shown.
For example: A logged in user has no access levels set and is searching for a configuration item that
has been given an access level of 3. The logged in user will not see this configuration item in the search
results. To see this configuration item in the search results the logged in user would need a higher
access level than 3.
Request Search: The Request Search has a number of useful features that will benefit users and help
them gather information from MSM quickly with the ability to save preferred searches and furthermore
drill down into segments of information. The search screen has a number of tabs and fields that can
search for data. Some of these will be seen in the examples used below.

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Include Descendants? Performs an OU structure hierarchical search and will return the following
Requests assigned directly to the OU
Requests assigned to users under this OU based on parent OU and not primary or secondary group
Requests assigned directly to a sub OU within the parent OU
Assignee Primary Group: Organizations that have a structure where service desk users have a
different parent OU to their support group OU and assignees have been set up to be primary members of
their support group OUs can use this search field to either perform a primary support group or
hierarchical search.
When a support group is entered into the Assignee Primary Group field the search will return the
following results:
Requests assigned directly to the parent OU
Requests assigned to assignees directly under the parent OU
Requests assigned to assignees where they are set up as Primary Support Group member in the
security tab of the OU structure
Example: The screen shot below is an example of a Request Search for a support group which has
assignees directly under this OU or has users setup as Primary Support Group members.

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The highlighted user is set up as a Primary Support Group member in the OU structure.In addition to
searching against the assignees primary group. you can also search against the primary group of the
request OU for the following:
Created By, Accepted By, Fixed By, Solved By, Closed By
CI Search: The search screen comes with a number of benefits to help customers use the CI search
more efficiently and with the ability to save the CI Search list. Listed below are some of the new features
CI search results can be saved, Export data as a CSV file, Charting with the ability to drill down
into segments of data, Column sorting, Make/Model searching, Search CIs against Used By,
Increased the number of results returned in the CI Knowledge Search, Specify the number of
results to return per page
You can also prepare your Report and use it several times,

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The above Request Defaults will set the Assignee to Jeffery Sattler if the following Request properties
are set.The above Defaults will match in all of the following scenarios:
Incident with Email Service and Priority 1.
Incident with Email Service and Priority 2.
Bug with Email Service and Priority 1.
Bug with Email Service and Priority 2.
To configure this follow the steps.

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You can use Quick Bar for making new Request list.

The Request Maintenance chapter includes information on:

Activity Type - Maintenance of Activity Types used in Time Spent Reporting 41: Activity Type
Maintenance. on page 232.
Assignee/Tracker Filters - Maintenance of Assignee/Tracker Filters using rules to Restrict the list of
available Assignees/Trackers based on the logged on User Role 42: Assignee/Tracker Filters. on page
Attributes - Maintenance of Request type based Attributes 43: Attributes. on page 241. Used to collect
additional information when raising a Request.
Auto Request Status - Maintenance for Auto Request Status.44: Auto Request Status. on page 243.
This function allows for auto status changes to be created and used to move requests on to their next
Breached Reason - Maintenance of Breach Reason Causes 45: Breached Reason. on page 244. This
function allows the User to log breached reasons into the system by entering a keyword and a brief
description in the menu box.

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Request Source - Maintenance of Request Request Source 46: Source Maintenance. on page 245. The
Request Call source screens allows the User to log the originating source the Request was from.
Check Lists - Maintenance of Check Lists 47: Check List Maintenance. on page 247. The Check List
Maintenance page allows the creation and maintenance of HTML based editable check lists.
Classification Filtering - Maintenance of Classification Filtering - Ability to setup classification filtering
for many dictionaries. This new feature uses a similar approach and setup to the request default rules
48: Classification Filtering on page 249.
Classification Themes - Defines themes 49: Classification Themes. on page 254. The Classification
themes page simply maintains a list of defined classification themes for use in the dictionary
maintenance and the classification filter pages.
Defaults - Maintenance of Service and Classification based default settings. Defaults are an important
feature of any system and help to standardize responses and conform information for expected or likely
outcomes 50: Request Default Maintenance. on page 255. MSM Defaults aim to aid Users recording a
Request by automatically filling fields depending on the Request type, Services and Classifications
Dictionaries - Maintenance of Dictionaries and their Classifications 51: Dictionaries. on page 272.
Classifications are used categories for Incidents, Problems, Tasks, Changes and Release to ensure
consistent management and reporting. Dictionaries are essentially groupings of classifications and are
maintained within this page (for example Symptom, Root Cause, and Resolution).
Impact - Maintenance for the Impact setting/descriptions 52: Impact Code Maintenance. on page 279.
The impact code defines the impact of a Request on the business.
Impact Change Reason.
Maintenance for the Impact Keyword and Description Changes 67: Impact Change Reason. on page
308. This screen allows the definition of Impact values for Business Change Reasons. Using this
optional setting Users will be asked to complete details when changing the Impact values within a
Request These changes are then used for recording and reporting purposes.
Notification Lists - Maintenance of Notification Lists 53: Notification List Maintenance. on page 280.
Notification lists hold the names of Organisational Units, CIs and Requests where notifications are
required to be sent to people on events or changes to CIs. For example if a CI is modified or changed in
any way, the members on the notification list linked to it will be informed of the changes.
Priority - Maintenance of the Priority setting/descriptions 54: Priority Code Maintenance. on page 282.
Priority codes are used to indicate the importance of a Request. This reflects the agreements the
organisation has for solving Requests within a specific timeframe.
Priority Change Reason. Maintenance of the Priority Keyword and Description Changes 66: Priority
Change Reasons. on page 307. This screen allows the definition of Priority values for Business Change
Reasons. Using this optional setting Users will be asked to complete details when changing the
Priority values within a Request These changes are then used for recording and reporting purposes.
Project Code - Maintenance of Project and Cost Centre Codes 55: Project Code. on page 283. A
project code may be used for costing a project. The Project codes can be applied to Request Types and
are set up from the Project codes and Descriptions within this screen.
Required Attributes - Maintenance of Request Required Attributes 56: Required Request Attributes. on
page 284. This screen allows administrators to create and maintain a set of rules which either prompt or
force entry of information.
Risk - Maintenance for the Risk setting/description 57: Risk Maintenance. on page 285. This screen
allows the definition of Risk values. Risk codes are used to determine the criticality of a Request.
Satisfaction Level - Maintenance of Satisfaction levels 58: Satisfaction Level. on page 285. Satisfaction
levels are maintained using this selection screen. The User can select and comment using the Text
boxes provided on satisfaction levels being graded.
Skills - Maintenance of Skills levels logged against personnel 59: Skills. on page 286. The Skills
Matrix is a User created library of defined skills or professions that can be linked to Users,
Classifications and Services.
Skill Level - Maintenance of Skill levels logged against personnel 59: Skills. on page 286.
Skill Structure - Maintenance of Skill Structure levels logged against personnel 59: Skills. on page 286.
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Templates - Maintenance of Request Templates. Request Templates 60: Request Templates. on page
288 are used to divide a complex job into its individual elements. Request Templates allow the User to
create Templates to be defined against Request Types. Sub Request Templates can be created for
workflow status that a Parent Request is using.
Recurring Request Templates - Maintenance of Recurring Tasks 61: Recurring Request Templates.
on page 291 and the Scheduling Information. Recurring Request Templates enables Users to build
templates for regular or recurring activities, such as data backups, new starters set ups, maintenance
activities etc.
Type - Maintenance of Custom and Default Request Types. 62: Type. on page 293. The Type
Maintenance screen allows Administrators to create custom Request Types and maintain the existing
default Request Types.
Urgency - Maintenance for the Urgency setting/descriptions 63: Urgency Code Maintenance. on page
299. This screen allows the definition of Urgency values. Urgency codes are used to determine the
criticality of a Request.Urgency Change Reason. Maintenance for the Urgency Keyword and Description
Changes 68: Urgency Change Reason. on page 309. This screen allows the definition of Urgency
values for Business Change Reasons. Using this optional setting Users will be asked to complete
details when changing the Urgency values within a Request These changes are then us ed for recording
and reporting purposes.
Workflow Process - Maintenance of Process Workflows using workflow statuses 64: Process Workflow
Management. on page 299. The Process Workflow defines the available states into which a Request
may be placed and the order this is allowed to happen.
Workflow Status - Maintenance of Workflow Status types used in workflows 65: Workflow Status
Maintenance. on page 304. A Workflow Status defines the state a Request has reached during its life
cycle. All Requests should start at an initial status e.g. NEW and finish at a CLOSED status.

Sample For get a query:

1) As you see we want to create a query which select all INC & TSK which assigned to Mediatioen or
had been assigned in one step to check if issue is related to Mediation team (hold CTRL+CLICK ), So
just select Request Type & Assignee team ! thats It :D . It takes just 5 Min of your time,

At the end although we tried to mention all details they said in their training but for any other question
you can easily use Marval Help as we did, All probable scenarios are available on it.

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Value Added Services

1) When I change Report setting(add title or sort Order ) I cant Edit it again and I Face with Security
Error , so would you please ask related team to help us in this regards,

2) some of DB like Satisfaction Level is empty,

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It is highly recommended if they add a tab related Customer information which Includes Mail or Phone
number of or contact list (it is just a proposal ),We can use it for encouraging customer to fill
Satisfaction Level . :)

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8) http://msm/help/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=Overview.html#1618376
16) April.2010-Samira Mahdavi's presentation
17) GSMA & Huawei Rich Communication Suite Initiative White Paper
18) Vas graphs & SMSC// Neda Ohadi
19) Procedures in GSM //Siemens
20) MTN-IranCell SMS Filtering Solution SMS Overview//adaptive Mobile
21) BO Training SMS / OTA (Bijan Eghbali,Hassan Rouhbakhsh, Fuli Jun)
22) BO Training MMS / WISG (He Sisi)
23) BO Training RBT (Mohsen Ghorbanifard)
24) BO Training IPCC (Payam Moeini)
25) BO Training Mediation (Elham Kabiri)
26) BO Training IVR & VMS (Aida Asgharifard)


PRI: Prepaid Recharge Interface
API: Application Programming Interface
GUI: Graphical User Interface
DOM: Document Object Model
JAXP: Java XML Processing
IF: Interface
IN: Intelligent Network
SSL: Secure Socket Layer
MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service
MMSC: Multimedia Messaging Service Centre
MSISDN: Mobile Subscriber International ISDN Number
NMS: Network Management System
HTTP: Hypertext transfer protocol
PIN: Personal Identification Number
RID: Reseller ID
RPIN: Reseller PIN
SIM: Subscriber Identification Module
SMS: Short Message Service

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SMSC: SMS Center

SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
UIDB: Where GGSN stores subscriber data, WAPGW authenticates against it after retrieving the page
Proxy: 23 proxy servers on TE and 23 servers on TW, doing the actual WAP browsing
DB: Whole WAPGW configuration settings are stored there
Bill Process: The central server where all WAPGW CDRs from 23 different servers are being collected &
PPG: Push message server; it'd disabled in current MTN architecture
Report: The GUI server where data like number of subscribers, KPI, success/failure is demonstrated
VAS: value-added service
WAP: Wireless Application Protocol
WML: Wireless Markup Language
WISG: Wireless Integrated Service Gateway
DNS: Domain Name server
APN: Access point name
AAA: Authentication authorization accounting
UCD: user-centered design
SLA: service Level Agreement
CR: Change request
UAP: Universal Access Policy
MRF: Media Resource Function
OBS: Orange Business Services
SMS: Short Message Service
MAP: Mobile application Part
MO: Mobile originated
MT: Mobile Terminated
USAU: universal Signaling Access Point
CB: Cell Broadcast
CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
DCS: Data Coding Scheme
ESME: External Short Message Entity
ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
GSM: Global System for Mobile communications
GT: Global Title
HLR: Home Location Register
MAP: Mobile Application Part
MIN: Mobile Identification Number
MO: Mobile Originated
ID: Identity
MS: Mobile Station
MSC:Mobile Switching Center
NPI: Numbering Plan Identity
PID: process ID
SCCP: Signaling Connection Control Part
PPS: Prepaid Service
SCP: Service Control Point
SMC: Short Message Center
SME: Short Message Entity
SMPP: Short Message Peer to Peer
SMSC: Short Message Service
SP: Service Provider
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TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access

VLR:Visitor Location Register
SRI: Subscriber Remote Interface
OTT: Over The Top
IMS: Information Management System
EAB:Enhanced Address Book
IVR: Interactive Voice Response
DTMF: Dual-tone multi-frequency
VRU: voice response unit
ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
PBX: private branch exchange
TSU: tecnomen signaling unit
AS: asymmetric leaves
MSS: Mobile Satellite Services
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
SCU: Standard Control Unit
PCM: Pulse-code modulation
ASR: automated speech recognition
RBT: Ring Back Tone
MRBT: Multi-Media Ring Back Tone
IMP: Integrated Music Platform
BGM-CBT : Back Ground Music
SCP: Service control point
SSP: Service Switching Point
CTI: Computer Telephony Integration
UI: User Interface
SNMS: Small Network Management Solution
OSS: Operations Support System
AD: Active Directory
PLMN: Public Land Mobile Network
USDP: Unified Software Development Process
OAM: Operations, Administration and Management
OMD: Organization Management and Development
TTS: Text To Speech
ASR: Automatic Speech Recognize
VXML: Voice eXtended Markup Language
SP: Service Provider
CP: Content Provider
iVAS: Intelligent and Integrated Voice Value Added Service
SRI: Subscriber Remote Interface
PRN: Primary Residence Number
IAM: Initial Address Message
ACM: Address Complete Message
ANM: Answer Message
MSRN: Mobile Station Roaming Number
REL: Recommended Exposure Limit
RLC: Release Complete Message
SMP: Service Management Point ? Software Management Plan
MML: Man-Machine Language
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
RBI : Recorded Bill Interface
PFM: Policy Filtering MMS
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PFS: Policy Filter SMS

PFW: Policy Filtering web
PFE: Policy Filtering E-mail
PFV: Policy Filtering Voice
UAP : Universal Access Platform
CTI : Computer Telephony Integration
CSP: Customer Service Platform
CW :Call Wait
LW: Longest Waiting Time
DR : Disaster Recovery
LA : Login Agents
TCO: Total cost of ownership
AA: available Agents
WA: Withdraw Agents
SL: Service Level
CTI: computer telephony integration
ACD: Automatic call distributor
KPI: Key performance indicator
NCC: network contact center
VCC :virtual contact centers
MGC : Media Gateway Controller (Call Server)
MGW : Media Gateway
M3UA: MTP Level 3 (MTP3) User Adaptation
BICC: Bearer-Independent Call Control
SIP: Session initiation protocol
IP ICD: IP Integrated Contact Distribution
ATAE: Advanced Telecommunications Application Environment
OSS: Operating Support System
OMU: Operation and Maintenance Unit
3GPP: Third Generation Partnership Project
B2B: Business to business
BPEL: Business process execution language
BSS: Base station subsystem
CRM: Customer relationship management
ESB: Enterprise service bus
GUI: Graphical user interface
IM: Instant messaging
IMS: IP Multimedia Subsystem
IN: Intelligent network
IP: Internet protocol
KPI: Key performance indicator
MMS: Multimedia messaging service
NMS: Network management system
OMA: Open Mobile Alliance
OSS: Operations support system
QoS: Quality of service
RDBMS: Relational database management system
SDP: Service delivery platform
SIP: Session initiation protocol
SLA: Service level agreement
SMS: Short message service
SOA: Service-oriented architecture
SOAP: Simple object access protocol
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WAP: Wireless application protocol

SDP: Service delivery platforms
API: application programming interface
USSD: Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
ADD: Auto Detection Device
OTA: Over The Air
IGMLC: Intelligent Gateway of Mobile Location Center
IMSI: International mobile subscriber identity
IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity
MSISDN: Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number
TAC : Type Approval Codes
ADC: Automatic Device Configuration

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Endnotes 2... (after index)

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