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In [2], the authors showed the realization of the relationship between

critical switching current and critical switching time by an analog circuit.

Figure 1: switching current vs switching time

Figure 1 shows the experimental relationship between the critical switching current and critical switching time. From (C) it is clear that it is easier
to switch from the antiparallel to the parallel state than the counterpart
This relation can also be approximated by the following equation:
IC = ICO [1 kB T /Eln(tp /t0 )]


The MTJ macromodel has a modular design that includes four major
components. The four components are the electrode connections, decision
circuit, bistable circuit, and curve-fitting circuit.

1. electrodes are connected trough a VCR/VTMR. 2.The novelty of this

paper lies in the decision circuit: previously it was thought that switching
occurs when the device current surpass the switching current. They did not
take the switching time into consideration while taking decision. Authors
of this paper proposed a novel decision circuit using a capacitor and voltage
controlled current source to take the decision.
From [3]:
STO is magnetically tunable with a similar transfer function related
to ferromagnetic resonance. Its significant advantage is current tunability
instead of only field tunability.
STOs still typically require a large, static, magnetic field for operation.A
different solution, suggested by Xiao et al and developed in detail by Barnas
et al is based on a wavy angular dependence of the spin torque, obtained by
judicially choosing free and fixed layer materials with different spin diffusion
The novelty of this paper is to design STO using tilted fixed layer magnetization.They used FePt. They tilted the fixed layer M(Mx andMz ). they
considered two angles 36 degree and 45 degree.

From [1]:
A transistor named Spin-flip transistor, a three terminal device consisting of an antiparallel spin valve in which the conducting channel is in contact
with a ferromagnetic base, had already been studied.The sourcedrain current
is modulated by the base magnetization direction, since the latter affects the
spin accumulation in the conducting channel.
In this paper the authors proposed a transistor named Spin torque
Transistor. They studied its operation as an amplifier.
The lower part of this device consists of source and drain contacts made
from high-coercivity metallic magnets with antiparallel magnetizations that
are biased by an electrochemical potential S .The sourcedrain electric current ISD induces a spin accumulation in the normal metal node N 1. A
spin-flip transistor is made by attaching an electrically floating base (or
gate) electrode B, which is magnetically very soft and has good electric contact to N1. When the magnetization angle is not 0 or a spin current
flows into the base that decreases the spin accumulation and increases ISD
with up to 2 . On the other hand, the spin accumulation in N1 exerts a

Figure 2: Schematic sketch of the spin-torque transistor consisting of two

spin-flip transistors with a common base contact B and sourcedrain contact
magnetizations which are rotated by 90o relative to each other. The magnetization direction of the base B is controlled by the chemical potentials b
and s
torque on B which strives to lower . We, therefore, propose the transistor
in 2 which integrates a second spin valve with magnetizations rotated by 2
from the lower one. An applied bias B creates another torque which pulls
the magnetization into the direction collinear to the upper contacts. The
base electrode then settles into a configuration at which both torques cancel
each other. A variation in B then modulates and consequently ISD . In
the following, we discuss the figures of merit of the transistor action, viz.
the transconductance and the current gain of this device.

[1] Gerrit E. W. Bauer, Arne Brataas, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, and Bart J.
van Wees. Spin-torque transistor. Applied Physics Letters, 82(22), 2003.
[2] J.D. Harms, F. Ebrahimi, Xiaofeng Yao, and Jian-Ping Wang. Spice
macromodel of spin-torque-transfer-operated magnetic tunnel junctions.
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 57(6):14251430, June 2010.
[3] Yan Zhou, C. L. Zha, S. Bonetti, J. Persson, and Johan kerman. Spintorque oscillator with tilted fixed layer magnetization. Applied Physics
Letters, 92(26), 2008.

Figure 3: Sourcedrain current

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