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Q1. A closed system is one, which

(a)permits the passage of energy and matter across the boundaries.
(b)does not permit the passage of energy and matter across the boundaries.
(c) permits the passage of energy across the boundary but does not permit the
passage of matter.
(d)permits the passage of matter across the boundary but does not permit the
passage of energy.
Q2. A system comprising of single phase,is known as.
(a) Open system .
(b) Closed system..
(c) Homogeneous system.
(d) Heterogeneous system.
ANS:- (c)

Q3.Specific heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature.

(a)by unit degree of a substance.
(b)by unit degree of unit mass.
(c) of a unit mass by 10.
(d)none of the above.

Q4.The ratio of the specific heats of a gas at constant pressure and at constant
(a)varies with temperature.
(b)varies with pressure.
(c)is always constant.
(d)none of the above.

Q5. Internal energy of a perfect gas depends upon.

(a) temperature only.
(b) temperature and pressure.
(c) temperature,pressure and specific heats.
(d) None of the above.

ANS:- (a)

Q6.For a closed system difference between the heat added to the system and work
done by the gas ,is equal to the change in .
(c) internal energy

(d) Temperature


Q7.For an ideal gas with constant values of specific heats,for calculation of specific
(a)it is sufficient to know only the temperature.
(b)both temperature and pressure are required to be known.
(c) both temperature and volume are required to be known.
(d) both temperature and mass are required to be known.
Q8.Which of the following statements regarding a Rankine cycle with Reheating are
(1) Increase in average temperature of heat addition.
(2 )Reduction in thermal efficiency.
(3) Drier stream at the turbine exit.
(a)only 1 and 2 are correct.
(b)only 2 and 3 are correct.
(c) only 1 and 3 are correct.
(d)1,2 and 3 are correct.

Q9.Which of the following statements are TRUE, When the cavitation parameter

=0 ?

The local pressure is reduced to vapor pressure.

Cavitation starts.
Boiling of liquid starts.
Cavitation stops.

(a)1,2 and 4

(b)only 2 and 3

(c)only 1 and 3

(d)1,2 and 3.

ANS:- (d)
Q10.The maximum theoretical work obtainable, when a system interacts to
equilibrium with a refrence environment is called.




ANS:- (c)
Q11. The process utilizing mainly thermal energy for removing material is
(a)ultrasonic machining.
(b)Electrochemical machining.
(c)Abrasive jet machining.
(d)Laser beam machining.
ANS :- (d)
Q12.As the temperature increases , the thermal conductivity of a gas
(c)remains constant.
(d)increases upto a certain temperature and then decreases.
ANS:- (a)
Q13.The maximum allowable compressive stress corresponding to lateral buckling
in a discreetly laterally supported symmetrical I-beam , does not depend upon
(a)modulus of elasticity.
(b)radius of gyration about the minor axis .
(c ) span/length of beam.

(d)ratio of overall depth to thickness of flange.

Q14.The buckling load in a steel column is
(a)Related to the length.
(b)directly proportional to the slenderness ratio.
(c)inversely proportional to the slenderness ratio.
(d)non-linearly to the slenderness ratio.
ANS:- (a)
Q15.Consider the following statements:
In a uni -dimensional stress system ,the principal plane is defined as one on which

Shear stress is zero.

Normal stress is zero.
Shear stress is maximum.
Normal stress is maximum.

Of these statements:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 3

and 2 are correct.

and 3 are correct.
and 4 are correct.
and 4 are correct.

ANS:- (c )
Q16.A Mohrs circles reduces to a point When the body is subjected to
(a)Pure shear.
(b)uniaxial stress only.
(c)equal and opposite axial stresses om two mutually perpendicular planes ,the
planes being free of shear.
(d)equal axial stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes, the planes being free
of shear.
ANS:- (d)
Q17.When two mutually perpendicular principal stresses are unequal but alike, the
maximum shear stress is represented by
(a)The diameter of Mohrs circle.
(b)half the diameter of the Mohrs circle.
(c)one third the diameter of the Mohrs Circle.

(d)one-fourth the diameter of the Mohrs Circle.

ANS:- (b)

Q18. If the value of poissons ratio is zero, then it means that

(a)the material is rigid.
(b)the material is perfectly plastic.
(c)there is no longitudinal strain in the material.
(d)None of these.
ANS:- (d)

Q19. For the two shafts connected in parallel, Find which statement is true?
(a)Torque in each shaft is same.
(b)Shear stress in each shaft is same.
(c) angle of twist of each each shaft is the same.
(d)Torsional stiffness of each shaft is the same.
ANS:-(c )
Q20.Under torsion, brittle materials generally fail
(a)along a plane perpendicular to its longitudinal axis.
(b)in the direction of minimum tension.
(c)along surfaces forming a 45 Degree angle with the longitudinal axis.
(d)not in any specific manner.
ANS:- (c )
Q21.The buckling load will be maximum for a column,if
(a)one end of the column is clamped and the other end is free.
(b)both ends of column are clamped.
(c )both ends of the column are hinged.
(d)one end of the column is hinged and other end is free.
ANS:-( b)

Q22.Four Vertical column of the same material ,height and weight have the same
end conditions.The buckling load will be largest for a column having the crosssection of a
(a)solid square .

(b)thin hollow circle.

(c)solid circle .


ANS:-( d)
Q23.In case of an axially loaded column machined for full bearing,the fastening
connecting the column to the base plates in gusseted base are designed for
(a) 100% of column road.
(b) 50% of column road.
(c) 25% of column road.
(d) Erection conditions only.
ANS:- (b)
Q24.Which of the following is applied to brittle materials?
(a)Maximum principal stress theory.
(b)Maximum principal strain theory.
(c)Maximum strain energy theory.
(d)Maximum shear stress theory.
ANS:- (a)

Q25.From a wall at 100 Degree Celcius , metallic road protrudes to the ambient
air .The temperature at the tip minimum When the road is made of
(a)Aluminium .

(b)steel .

(c )copper.


Q26.Provision of fins on a given heat transfer surface will be more if there are
(a) Fewer number of thin fins.
(b) Fewer number of thick fins.
(c) Large number of thin fins.
(d) Large number of thick fins.

Q27.Upto the critical radius of insulation

(a)Added isulation will increase heat loss.

(b) Added isulation will decrease heat loss.
(c)Convection heat loss will be less than conduction heat loss.
(d)Heat flux decrease.
ANS:- (a)
Q28.Which of the following would lead to a reduction in thermal resistance?
(a) In conduction ,reduction in the thickness of the material and an increase in
the thermal conductivity.
(b) In convection, stirring of the fluid and cleaning the heating surface.
(c) In radiation , increasing the temperature and reducing the emissivity.
(d) All of these.
ANS:- (d)
Q29.Heat pipe is widely used now a days because it act as
(a)an insulator.
(c)a superconductor.

(b)conductor and insulator.


ANS:- (b)
Q30.Heat transfer takes place according to
(a)Zeroth law of thermodynamics.
(b)First law of thermodynamics.
(c)second law of thermodynamics.
(d)Third law of thermodynamics.

ANS:- (c)
Q31.Heat is mainly transferred by conduction , convection and radiation in
(a)insulated pipes carrying hot water .
(b)refrigerator freezer coil.
(c)boiler furnaces .
(d)condensation of steam in a condenser.

Q32.For a given heat flow and for the same thickness , the temperature drop
across the material will be maximum for



(c)glass-wool. (d)refractory brick.

ANS:- (c)
Q33.In Radiative heat transfer , gray surface is one
(a)Which appears gray to the eye.
(b)Whose emissivity is independent of wavelength.
(c)Which has reflectivity equal to zero.
(d)Which appears equally bright from all directions.
ANS:- (b)
Q34.What happens when the thickness of insulation on a pipe exceeds the
critical value?
(a)Heat transfer rate increases.
(b)Heat transfer rate decreases.
(c)Heat transfer rate remains constant .
(d)None of these.
ANS:- (b)
Q35.Which of the following temperature measuring device will have least
(a)Clinical thermometer.
(b)Alcohol filled thermometer.
(c)optical pyrometer.
(d)Nitrogen filled thermometer.
ANS:- (a)
Q36.Transfer of heat by molecular collision is known as



(d)all of these.

ANS:- (a)

Q37.In red wood viscometer

(a)Absolute value of viscosity is defined.

(b)part of the head of the fluid is utilized in overcoming friction.
(c)Fluid discharges through the orifice with negligible velocity.
(d)Comparison of viscosity is done.
ANS:- (d)

Q38.Centre of buoyancy is
(a)The point of intersection of buoyant force and cent re line of the body.
(b)Centre of gravity of body.
(c)Centroid of displaced volume fluid .
(d)mid point between C.G. and metacentre.
ANS:- (c)
Q39.Length of mercury column at a place at an altitude will wary with respect to
that at ground in a
(a)Linear relation.
(b)Hyperbolic relation.
(c)parabolic relation.
(d)manner first slowly and then steeply.
Q40.With rise in gas temperature ,dynamic viscosity of most of gases.
(c)does not change significantly.
(d)None of the above.
ANS:- (a)

Q41.A small plastic boat loaded with pieces of steel rods is floating in a bath tub .if
the cargo is dumped into the water allowing the boat to float empty ,the water level
in tub will


(c)remain same

(d)rise and then fall

ANS:-( b)

Q42.Steady flow occurs when

(a)pressure doesnt change across the flow.
(b)Velocity does not change.
(c)Conditions change gradually with time.
(d)Conditions do not change with time at any point.
ANS: - (d)
Q43.Buoyant force is
(a)resultant of up thrust and gravity forces acting on the body.
(b)resultant force on the body due to the fluid surrounding it.
(c)resultant of static weight of body and dynamic thrust of fluid.
(d)equal to the volume of liquid displaced by body.

ANS: - (d)
Q44.Process of diffusion of one liquid into other through a semi-permeable
membrane is called
(c)surface tension


ANS:- (b)
Q45.The resultant upward pressure of a fluid on a floating body is equal to the
weight of fluid displaced by the body. This definition is according to
(b)Equilibrium of a floating body
(c)Archimedes principle
(d)Bernoullis theorem
ANS: - (c)
Q46.The point in the immerse body through which the resultant pressure of the
liquid may be taken to act is known as

(b)Centre of pressure

(c)Centre of buoyancy

(d)Centre of gravity

ANS: - ( b)
Q47.A balloon lifting in the air follows
(a)law of gravitation.
(b)Archimedes principle.
(c)Principle of buoyancy.
(d)all of the above.
ANS: - (b)
Q48.Surface tension
(a)acts in the plane of interface normal to any line in the surface.
(b)is also known as capillarity.
(c)is a function of the curvature of the interface.
(d)decreases with fall in temperature.
ANS: - ( d)

Q49.Viscosity of water in comparison to mercury is





ANS: - (b)

Q50.The pressure in meters of oil (specific gravity 0.85) equivalent to 42.5 m of

water is
(a)42.5 m

(b)50 m

(c)52.5 m

(d)85 m

ANS: - (b)

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