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Tank Shell Stability Against Earthquake Load Methodology

Per API 650, 12th Edition, Appendix E covers the design options requiring decisions by the Purchaser
on Seismic Design of storage tanks.
These design criteria become requirements only when the Purchaser explicitlyspecifies an
option in this Appendix E or the entire Appendix E.
The following design criteria are usually detailed in the calculation sheet:
1 . D e s i g n S p e c t r a l R e s p o n s e A c c e l e r a t i o n s : I m p u l s i v e ( A i) vs. Convective (Ac).
2.Checking for Sliding Resistance based on Total design base shear.
3.Calculate the Ring wall and Slab Overturning Moments.
4.Determine if Anchorage are required or adequate.
5.Checking for Shell Compression stress satisfying the Allowable Longitudinal Shellmembrane compression stress.
6.Checking each shell course for total hoop stress satisfying the allowable seismic
hoop stress.

For project located in Vietnam, all Earthquake design coefficient shall adhere or
be equivalent to those noted in TCXDVN 375-2006

Tank Shell Stability AgainstEarthquake Load Design Input

D Nominal Tank Diameter

H Liquid level design
Site Class
Sp Design level peak ground acceleration parameter (site-specific, from TCXDVN 375)
Ss Spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods, Ss = 2.5*Sp
S1 - Spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of zero second, S1 = 1.25*Sp
Q The scaling factor.
I the Importance factor coefficient set by seismic use group.
Fa Acceleration-based site coefficient
Fv Velocity-based site coefficient
Rwi Force Reduction coefficient for the convective mode
Rwc Force reduction coefficient for the impulsive mode
K Coefficient to adjust the spectral acceleration
Ks Sloshing period coefficient
TL Region-dependent transition period for longer period ground motion
Tc Natural period of th convective mode of liquids behavior

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