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Formatting the internal SSD memory


Formatting the internal SSD memory


Formatting the internal SSD memory

To completely clean up the internal SSD memory, you can use

the Pa2X Format utility.

The following procedure allows you to load the Pa2X Format

utility, that will format the internal SSD memory and erase all
Factory and User data.

Warning: By formatting the SSD memory, all internal data

(both Factory and User) are deleted, and must be reloaded from
the original Pa2X_os_res_v[nnn].pkg package (Operating
System + Musical Resources). Please back-up your data before
formatting the SSD memory.
Hint: You can download the most up-to-date version of the
Pa2X_os_res_v[nnn].pkg package from our web site
( Also, a copy of the original data is contained in
the Accessory CD that comes with your instrument.
Note: The variable [nnn] in Pa2X_os_res_v[nnn].pkg is the latest version number.


Copy the file Pa2X_Format.pkg to an USB storage device

(like an USB pen or an external USB hard disk).


Turn the Pa2X off, and connect the USB device to one of
Pa2Xs USB Host connectors either the Front [USB-F] or
Rear [USB-R] port.


Turn the Pa2X on, while keeping the INTRO 1 button



A file browser will appear in the display:

The Pa2X Format utility

The Pa2X Format utility is supplied as a Pa-Series package file,
named Pa2X_Format.pkg.

Backing-up your data

Before formatting the internal SSD memory, you should backup
your data. Formatting will completely erase both the Factory
and User area.
There are three options to back-up your data. Options (a) and
(b) will allow you to recover individual data (single items or
banks) later, while option (c) will only allow you to restore the
saved data as a whole.

Use the Media > Save > All procedure to save all the User
and Favorite Style data (Style, Pad, Performance, Sound/
DK, PCM, SongBook, Global, Voice Processor Presets).
PCM and SongBook data can be very space-hungry, so saving them is disabled by default in the Save All dialog box. If
you want to save them, check the corresponding parameters.


If you customized the Factory data area (by rearranging or

replacing Styles or Pads), go to Media > Preferences, and
uncheck the Factory Style and Pad Protect parameter.
Then individually save any customized file or bank into a
new .SET folder.


If you want to save all the Factory and User data in a single
operation, use the Media > Utility > Full Resource Backup
command. Please be advised that you will not be able to
load single files or banks from the resulting backup (.BKP)

At this point, you can release the INTRO 1 button.


From the Device Selector, choose the device where you

copied the Operating System. For example, if it was a USB
pen drive connected to the front USB port, choose USB-F:

Note: If you are not able to easily select the file, please press
the GLOBAL button to open the Touch Panel Calibration
page, and re-calibrate the display.

Formatting the internal SSD memory


Browse through the folders and files, until you find the
Pa2X_Format.pkg file. When you find it, touch it and
press the Select button in the display:

Formatting the internal SSD memory

In case there is a power break, the SSD will be corrupted. In

this case, when turning the instrument on a warning message
will appear: SSD Media Error Format SSD Press MEDIA
button to confirm?.
Press the MEDIA button. The Formatting NAND message
shows that formatting is going on (NAND is the type of SSD
inside the Pa2X). At the end, please repeat the above procedure to load the Format utility.

The Are you sure? message appears. Press Yes to confirm.


The Format utility starts running, and the Please wait

message appears in the display. After a while, the display
turns black. Wait until the message System Format Completed appears:

Warning: Do not power the instrument off, or remove the

USB device, while this procedure is running!

At the end of the procedure, switch the instrument off, then

Pa2X_os_res_v[nnn].pkg package, to load both the
Operating System and Musical Resources.
Note: You can download the most up-to-date version of the
Pa2X_os_res_v[nnn].pkg package from our web site
( Also, a copy of the original data is contained in the Accessory CD that comes with your instrument.
Note: After formatting the internal SSD memory, the display
contrast may need to be readjusted. To do so, keep the MENU
button pressed, and use the dial to set the contrast. Please note
that after loading the Operating System, adjusting contrast
may be needed again.

2008 Korg Italy SpA

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