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POEMS from 3
LEISURE by William Henry Davies
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare,
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep and cows
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts i grass
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like stars at night.
No time to turn at Beautys glance
And watch her feet, how they can dance
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began
A poor life if, full of care,
We have no time t stand and stare
1. What does the persona asks us to do when he says, to stand and stare ?
He asks us to stop doing what were doing and look / appreciate
the beauty of nature.
2. What do we miss when we have no time to stand and stare ?
We miss out on a lot of lifes beauty
3. What does the person remind people to do?
The persona reminds people to take time to appreciate the
beauty of nature.
4. The phrase no time is repeated in every stanza. What is the persona
trying to convey with this phrase?
He is saying that people are too busy in their work and daily
activities that they have no time to enjoy life and nature.
5. What does the author mean by leisure ?
Free time or time for relaxing.

6. How would you describe the persona ?

He is someone who is laid back and appreciate nature
7. In the first stanza, what does the persona want to convey ?
The persona is saying that we are too busy and have no time to
appreciate other things around us.
8. What does the first two lines in the poem mean ?
The author comments on how busy life is where no one has time
to relax
9. What does the persona want people to do when he says stand beneath
the boughs ?
He wants people to stand under trees
10.In stanza 3, what are the squirrels doing ?
They are trying to hide their food beneath the grass.
11.In couplet 4, what happens to the water ?
Light is reflected off the waters surface causing it to shine and
12.Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
Explain the imagery of streams full of stars.
The clear and flowing water in the streams reflects the twinkling
of the stars. (accept any logical answer)
13.What is Beauty doing ?
Beauty is dancing
14.What does the phrase at Beautys Glance describe ?
It describes a beautiful lady.
15.Which phrase is repeated throughout the poem ?
The phase s no time.
16.Which phrase in the poem tells us that people lie a miserable life?
The phrase a poor life.
17.In the couplet 6, what is the persona trying to imply ?
Life is meaningless if we worry too much.
18.In the last stanza, what does the persona mean with a poor life ?
The phrase a poor life means our life will be empty, meaningless
and not fulfilling if we focus on work only, and do not have time
to other things and enjoy the nature around us.
19.What does the author think of a life full of care?
A life full of care would be a poor life to live.
20.What do you understand in the last stanza ?
Our life is meaningless if we only work and work and do not spend
time to do other things and enjoy life.

21.Where do you think would be a god place to appreciate nature ?

The countryside
22.What is the message of the poem ?
We should take some time off from time to time and appreciate
the nature
around us and appreciate our life.
23.Give two themes of the poem.
iThe importance of leisure in life
iiAppreciating the beauty of nature
24.What lesson can you learn from his poem ?
I learnt that we should know how to balance our ime between
work and play, between what is more important and what is less
important. We should have time to relax and enjoy and
appreciate nature too.
25.What is the persona trying to tell us ?
To stop worrying, relax and appreciate Natures beauty.
26.What does the persona want to emphasise in the poem?
People have no time to enjoy the simple things in life.
27.Do you think it is important to spend time relaxing ? Give reason for your
Yes, because if we do not take a break from our daily activities,
we will get stressed and very tired.
28.What would you do to live a life that is full of care ?
I I will manage my time better
Ii I will spend more time with my loved ones
29.In your opinion, do you think it is important to have time for leisure
activities? Why ?
Yes, I believe that it is important to have time for leisure to take a
break from the days stresses
30.What is the setting of this poem?
Countryside (accept any similar answer)


I am old and worn
and have lost all my strength
and the history of the fight for independence
have forced sacrifices
that know no name
or life
From the wheelchair of the rest of my days
I, body and energy crushed
see and cannot do much
these times are to big a challenge
tor he remnants of my crippled years
the net of deceit spread everywhere
disturbs me
In the name of justice
Wake up and form ranks of sons of our ancestor
Be brave
And erect a wall of people
Stand up heirs of our freedom
I have no more voice
It is you now who should speak !
1. Why does the persona feel helpless ?
Because he is old and crippled
2. Describe the persona ?
The persona is a retired soldier who is old and crippled.
3. have forced sacrifices
That know no names (stanza 1)
What do you understand with these two lines?
Soldiers died in wars but their names were not known by people.
4. In stanza 2, how does the persona describe himself ?
He describes himself as a person who is crippled , old and weak
who is unable to do anything about the problem he sees.
5. What does the word fighter tell us about the persona ?
It tells us that the persona was a former soldier.
6. How has the persona contributed to the country ?
He fought for the countrys independence

7. Which phrase in stanza 2 tells us that the persona feels helpless ?

The phrase is cannot do much.
8. What does the net of deceit mean ?
It refers to the lies that are being spread by the leaders of the
9. What disturbs the persona ?
The persona is disturbed by the spread of deceit an corruption
10.What does the phrase wall of people refer to ?
A united population
11.And erect a wall of people. (stanza 3)
We need to stand up and be united. (accept any similar answer)
12.Who are the heirs mentioned in the poem ?
The heirs refer to the future generation
13.According to he poem, what should the younger generation do ?
They should stand up and fight for their country as well as not
forget the sacrifices made.
14.Do you think w should respect the persons wishes ?
Yes because their generation fought hard and sacrificed a lot in
order to help our country gain independence.
15.State one theme of the poem.
16.What does the younger generation have that the persona doesnt ?
The younger generation is able bodied and has voice of authority
17.State two reasons why the younger generation should speak up.
I They should speak up because hey are the future leaders of the
ii- They should speak up because they are more influential than
they think
18.What advice does the persona give the younger generation ?
iHe tells them to be courageous
iiHe urges them to remain united/ He tells them to speak p
for justice
19.Do you agree with the personas last two lines?
No. This is because in the voting system, even the old and
crippled citizens have a vote and have a say too.(accept any logical
answers )

POEMS form 2
Grandad did you breathe
before air cons were invented
was it hard staying
alive without modern inventions ?
Granma werent you flustered
as you fluttered with paper fans ?
could you communicate before
faxes and long distance calls
became basic necessities ?
Grandchild we lived
before your age. Because
of our ignorance
we did not know
Pollution, stress ,traffic jams
destruction of forests, streams and hills
we feared God and nature
now nature fear you and
money is your new God
1. In the poem, who asks the questions ?
The grandchild
2. In stanza 1, what does the speaker think makes life difficult in the past ?
I no air conditioners
Ii no fax machine or telephones to aid communication
3. What is the tone of the persona in stanza 1 ?
Curious/ confused/ dumbfounded/ flabbergasted (accept any similar
4. Who is the speaker in the stanza 2 ?
A grandparent
5. In stanza 2, what does the phrase money is your new God refer to ?
It refers to the materialistic nature of the present generation
6. Now nature fears you.. (stanza 2)
What do you understand with this line ?
There is too much destruction of nature nowadays that natural
resources are almost depleted. (accept any logical answer)
7. Money is your new God (stanza 2)
Do you agree with this statement ? Give your reasons.

Yes. This is because people value money more than anything else,
including nature. (accept any logical answer)
8. State one lesson that you can learn from this poem ?
We should love and take care of our environment (accept any
logical answer)

I WONDER by Jeanne Kirkby

I wonder why the grass is green,
And why the wind is never seen ?
Who taught the birds to build a nest,
And told the trees to take a rest ?
O, when the moon is not quite round,
Where can the missing bit be found ?
Who lights the stars when they blow out?
And makes the lightning flash about ?
Who paints the rainbow in the sky,
And hangs the fluffy clouds so high ?
Why is it now, do you suppose,
That Dad wont tell me, if he knows ?
1. What is the poem about ?
The poem is about a curious child asking his / her father about the
wonders of nature
2. Who is the persona ?
The persona is a young child
3. What does the persona wonder about in the first couplet?
The persona wonders why the colour of the grass is green and
why the wind is invisible
4. What is green ?
The grass
5. What does the persona want to know about the wind ?
The persona wants to know why the wind is invisible/ why the
wind cannot be seen
6. In which line, is stated that the birds know how to build a nest ?
Who taught the birds to build a nest.
7. What does the phrase to take a rest in the second mean ?

It means to shed leaves

8. And told the trees to take a rest? (stanza 2)
What is the meaning of trees to take a rest?
Trees do not seem to grow any taller even after 10 or 20 years, so
they are taking a rest. / Trees occasionally shed their leaves and
it looks like they are resting and shaking their arms. (accept any
logical answer)
9. List two things mentioned in the poem that can be found in the sky .
The moon/ rainbow/ clouds/ stars
10.Which word in the poem means light and soft ?
The word fluffy
11.When the moon is not quite round (stanza 3)
Explain why the moo is not always round?
As the moon is constantly orbiting, the sun rays shine onto
different sections of the moon every day. From the Earth, we
could see that the moon is not always round. (accept any logical
12.Who else can the child ask for answer ? Give a reason.
The child can ask her mother or teacher.
13.Who do you think Dad represents?
Father figure who supposedly knows everything. (accept any logical
14.That Dad wont tell me if he knows? (stanza 6)
In your opinion. Would you tell your children everything there is to know if
you were Dad? Why ?
No. I will guide my children to find out the answers on their own
through exploration. (accept any logical answer)
15.Which line suggests that the personas father has not answered his/ her
questions ?
The line That Dad wont tell me, if he knows

POEMS form one

MR NOBODY by Author Unknown
I know a funny little man,
As quiet as a mouse,
Who does the mischief that is done,
In everybodys house!
Theres no one ever sees his face,
And yet we all agree
That every plate we break was cracked

By Mr Nobody
Tis he who always tears our books,
Who leaves the door ajar,
He pulls the buttons from our shirts,
And scatter pins afar,
That squeaking door will always squeak,
For, prithee, dont you see,
We leave oiling to be done,
By Mr Nobody.
He puts damp food upon the fire,
That kettles cannot boil,
His are the feet that bring in mud,
And all the carpets soil,
The papers always mislaid,
Who had them last but he ?
Theres no one tosses them about
But Mr Nobody
1. Who is as quiet as a mouse ?
Mr. Nobody
2. What must be done to the squeaking door ?
Must be oiled
3. What did Mr Nobody do to the pins ?
He scattered them afar.
4. Why were the carpets dirty ?
Because of the mud
5. In which line does it state that Mr Nobody walks into the house with
muddy feet ?
His are the feet that bring in mud.
6. Stanza 3 appeals in our sense of
7. Who do you think is Mr Nobody ?
I think Mr Nobody is a naughty child who does not want to take
the blame for the mischief he/ she has done.
8. State one example of simile in the poem.
As quiet as a mouse
9. Who is the persona ?
A mischievous child (accept any similar answer)
10. Tis he who always tears out books,
What does this action tell us about Mr Nobody ?

He does not appreciate the value of books or knowledge.( accept

any logical answer)
11.Which phrase shows that the house is in a mess ?
He papers always are mislaid
12.What happens when damp wood is placed in the fire ?
It does not burn
13.Why couldnt the water in the kettle boil ?
Because the firewood was damp
14.In stanza 4, what does the word they refer to ?
It refers to Mr Nobody
15.In your opinion, what should the family do about the personas behaviour?
Give your reasons.
The family should advise the child on the dos and donts in the
family because his actions could cause additional burden on the
family. (accept any logical answer)
16.Based on the poem, state one word that best describes Mr Nobody.
The word is irresponsible
17.What is the moral value of the poem ?
We should admit mistakes
18.Would you admit a mischief that you have done ?
I will admit my mischief because I should be responsible for my
action. (accept any suitable answer)
19.What is the poet doing in the last stanza ?
20.Why is Mr Nobody repeated in every stanza of the poems?
Because to put the blame on others
THE RIVER by Valerie Bloom
The Rivers a wanderer,
A nomad, a tramp,
He doesnt choose one place.
To set up his camp.
The Rivers a winder,
through valley and hill
He twists and he turns
He just cannot be still
The Rivers a hoarder,
And he buries down deep
Hose little treasure

That he wants to keep

The Rivers a baby,
He gurgles and hums
And sounds like hes happily
Sucking his thumbs
The Rivers a singer
As he dances along
The countryside echoes
The notes of his song
The Rivers a monster
Hungry and vexed,
Hes gobbled up trees
And hell swallow you next
1. Which word in the poem personifies the river as moving from place to
place ?
2. The phrase He twists and he turns shows that the river
cannot be still (accept any similar answer)
3. Why does the poet capitalize the word the river throughout the poem ?
This is because the river in the poem is given human qualities,
and is therefore given a name, The River. (accept any logical
4. The Rivers a hoarder.. (stanza 3)
State one thing that river could hoard.
Tree logs (accept any logical answers)
5. In what way is the river like a baby ?
It is contented as a baby/ It is as happy as a baby
6. Why is the river like a baby ?
It gurgles
7. State two words that rhyme in the poem.
along and song (accept answers that rhyme)
8. Which line in the poem suggests that the river is restless ?
He just cannot be still
9. Where does the river bury its treasures?
At the river bed/ At the bottom of the river
10.The word vexed in stanza 6 can best be replaced with
11.The Rivers a monster.. (stanza 6)

Do you agree with this statement? Give your reasons.

No. This is because the river contributes a lot o the society such
as giving natural resources like water and food Only people who
are not careful will encounter accidents in rivers. ( accept any
logical answer)
12.What do you think is an important lesson learnt from the poem ? Give a
We should not pollute the river. This is because the marine life in
the water will die .(accept any suitable answer)

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