How To Host A House Party For The Ohio Democratic Party

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Dear Friend and Supporter:

Thank you so much for your commitment to the Ohio Democratic Party. By hosting a house party you
will help raise funds and engage supporters to elect and re-elect our Democratic candidates across this
great state.

The Ohio Democratic Party is partnering statewide with people just like you who are hosting parties to
help raise money, recruit volunteers and increase awareness about the 2010 elections. We need to inform
voters and supporters about how this election affects Ohio families. This is the most important election
in a decade, and we are very happy that you are joining our efforts!

The following pages include a “House Party Kit” that you can use as a guide for planning a successful
event. This packet, along with resources found online at, will provide all the info
you need. Once you’ve determined a date for your house party, please contact me so I can respond to
any questions or concerns you may have. My contact information is below.

From all of us at the Ohio Democratic Party, thanks again for stepping up for this crucial fundraising

Bridgette Tupes
Events Director
The Ohio Democratic Party
(614) 221-6563 ext. 127

WHAT IS A HOUSE PARTY? A house party is a fast, easy and fun way to raise money and
educate voters on behalf of the Ohio Democratic Party.

MONEY, NETWORKING AND EDUCATION. The goals of a house party are three-fold. Raising
money is the first priority. The second goal is to help the Ohio Democratic Party build a network of
Ohioans. The third goal is to educate the people of Ohio about our Democratic candidates on the ballot
in 2010. Follow this guide and add your own touches. You will be amazed at your success!

THE BASICS. Having a house party is easy. As the host, we ask you to invite people you know to your
party. At this event, people will have a chance to learn more about the Ohio Democratic Party and our
efforts. They will have an opportunity to discuss the elections, to express their opinions and to donate
money to the Ohio Democratic Party to help prepare for the upcoming elections. We will send an Ohio
Democratic Party staff member or other speaker to your Party to help answer guests' questions and tell
them how to get involved. The rest of the party details are up to you!

SIGN UP! To sign up, contact Bridgette Tupes at Send your name, address of
the party and date of the party.

GET CREATIVE! Maybe you want to host a potluck dinner to which guests bring food and drinks to
share along with their donations. Maybe you want to spice things up with a theme party, watching a
favorite TV or Broadway show, hosting a Sunday brunch, or celebrating a birthday or anniversary.
Although this party is designed to make money to support the Ohio Democratic Party's efforts, you have
the freedom to be creative and open your home to your friends, family and co-workers for a fabulous
shindig! Get creative!

YOU ARE ENERGIZING PEOPLE! To support the Ohio Democratic Party's continuing fight, we
must encourage Ohioans to come to join our effort. You are about to become a driving force behind this
grassroots movement to elect and re-elect our Democratic candidates.

GET HELP! You are important to us and we are here to help you. Contact Bridgette Tupes at (614)
221-6563 ext. 127 or if you have any questions. Please visit
to learn more about the Ohio Democratic Party and our candidates.

YOUR GUEST LIST…THINK BIG! You should be thinking about how to reach as many people as
possible. A multitude of people will come to your party if you tell them how important it is to Ohio and
to you personally to support the Ohio Democratic Party.

1. Invite everyone you know! Neighbors, friends, co-workers, community groups, old classmates and
teachers, your postal carrier, members of your church, people you see walking around your
neighborhood in the evening, your holiday card list, etc.

2. Post flyers in gyms, coffee houses, or other places you frequent.

3. Carry around invitations during your day and hand them out to people for whom you do not have a
mailing address.

4. Encourage everyone to invite his/her friends to your house party.

5. Invite at least twice as many people as you want at your event. To get 40 people at your house party,
for instance, invite 100!

6. Make sure you write down who you’re inviting so you can follow up with them later.

INVITATIONS. Send paper and/or email invitations to your guests. They will be more likely to come if
they know that you’ve put the extra time and thought into the event. We’ve included a sample invitation
flyer in this kit. If you have the resources, feel free to design your own. Please submit invitations to the
Ohio Democratic Party for review. The Ohio Democratic Party staff can also assist you in printing and
mailing your invitations if necessary.

WANT A BIGGER PARTY? RECRUIT SOME CO-HOSTS. Get a group of people together who
each have different sets of friends and contacts so invitations can be spread as far and wide as possible.
Ask everyone to commit to raise a specific amount of money and/or bring a specific number of guests.

FOLLOW UP INVITATIONS BY PHONE OR FACE-TO-FACE. Do this at least one week before

the event to determine the number of people attending, answer any questions and encourage undecided
guests to attend. Send e-mail reminders out the day before the party. If a person cannot come to the
party, please ask them to make a donation to show their support.

PERSISTENCE IS THE KEY. Don’t be shy about inviting guests and reminding people about your
party frequently. The only way that people will want to get involved is through personal contact with
you and others who are attending! Invite well and invite often.

NOTE: If you hear from any media reporters about your house party, please contact the Ohio
Democratic Party immediately!

[Host or co-hosts] invite/s you to
A House Party to support the Ohio Democratic Party!



[Location – with street address, city and phone number]

[What to expect at your event – i.e., “coffee and dessert reception”; “cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will
be served,” etc.]

Please join me/us to learn about:

• The upcoming election in Ohio on November 2, 2010
• The importance of electing and re-electing Democrats and controlling the apportionment board
• What it will take to accomplish our goals
• Updates on recent developments in the campaign
• How you can help turn the tide for Ohio through your support

See the attached map for directions to my/our house. Please RSVP to [name/s] at [phone number/s] or
[e-mail address/es] no later than [one week prior to the event].

A donation of $50 per person is suggested. (Please make checks payable to “The Ohio Democratic

If you are unable to attend the party, please use the enclosed Ohio Democratic Party reply envelope to
mail your donation today! Please note ["the host's name"] on the memo line of your check/money order
to ensure that your donation is added to that event’s donation log – or make your gift online at

To learn how you can host your own house party, please contact Bridgette Tupes via e-mail at or by calling her at (614) 221-6563 ext. 127.

Paid for by the Ohio Democratic Party, Chris Redfern, Chairman, 340 East Fulton St, Columbus, OH 43215.
Contributions to the Ohio Democratic Party are not tax deductable as charitable contributions for Federal Income
Tax purposes. Contributions are subject to the limits and prohibitions of the Federal Elections Campaign Act.
Federal Law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer
for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200.00 in any calendar year. Not authorized by
any federal candidate or campaign committee. This is a solicitation solely by the Ohio Democratic Party and not
by or on behalf of any officeholder.

SET A HIGH BUT REASONABLE GOAL. You are the best judge of how to set the suggested
contribution for people attending your party. If you think that the people on your guest list can afford
$200 a person for an entrance fee, do not list the fee as $100 “to be polite.” If there are people from
many economic backgrounds at your party, set up tiers — the lowest contribution is $25, $50 and then
$100 donations. Our goal for each party is about $2,000.

THE ENTHUSIASTIC “ASK.” The only good way to raise money is to ask for it. Often at events,
there will be two or three asks. One will be the donation at the door, another will be from a guest
speaker, with the third contribution request from the host. You should be direct and, very importantly,
specific when asking for donations.

How much are you asking for?

What is this money supporting?

If someone cannot make the suggested contribution, or cannot make any monetary contribution at all,
invite him or her to donate whatever he or she can and ask him or her to sign up for the Ohio Democratic
Party's volunteer crew. Don’t forget that people want to be asked to support this very important work!

TELL THEM YOUR STORY. Why are you involved with this house party? Why do you think it is
important to elect Democrats to office? Are you a first-time house partier? Long-time activist? People
want to feel connected to this movement if they do not already feel that way. They will connect through
you and your story to the wider goals of your house party and its place in the fight.

IDENTIFY THEIR STORIES. What is most important to your guests? In what ways do they think
electing a Democratic majority will affect the lives of the citizens of Ohio? Consider going around the
room and allowing guests to respond to that question in order to generate discussion. Do not tell people
“about” their own lives and how they will all be affected by the outcome of the election, but rather let
them discover for themselves why this election is important.

The best spokespeople carry two things: 1) the Ohio Democratic Party's message that the electing
Democrats is invaluable to the families of Ohio 2) their own passion. Find a way to give them both at
your party!

WHEN POSSIBLE, TALK ONE-ON-ONE. This is the most effective way of soliciting donations,
especially from large donors. Make a personal connection (“how are the kids?”) and then make your
case (“If we fail to elect a Democratic majority this November, families of Ohio will continue to be
unfairly hurt”). When talking face-to-face, politely make your “ask” for a specific amount and for a
specific reason and then stop talking.

The donor should always be the first to break the silence. If the answer is a definite “no,” that’s okay. If
the answer is an uncertain-sounding “no,” ask how you can provide further information or assistance to
them in making an informed decision.

are giving your guests the chance to get further involved in the Ohio Democratic Party's efforts by
contributing their money and time. They have a chance to support a great cause, to start an investment in
their lives and community. Bringing good people together for a good cause is nothing to be shy or
apologetic about. They will be impressed by your dedication!

HOW TO MAKE DONATIONS. All donations from house parties should be made payable to “The
Ohio Democratic Party." Please note that these gifts are NOT tax-deductible. It is preferred for gifts to
be made by check, although we can accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express

GENERAL CONTRIBUTION INFORMATION. The Ohio Democratic Party does not have
individual or PAC contribution limits and can accept contributions up to $10,000 from corporations and
labor organizations.

Please direct any questions regarding the different ways to contribute to the Ohio Democratic Party to
Bridgette Tupes at (614) 221-6563 x127 or

gather up the following and send to: The Ohio Democratic Party, Attn: Bridgette Tupes, 340 E Fulton
Street, Columbus, OH 43215:
1. Your contact information (name, address, phone number, e-mail address)
2. The address and date of the party
3. The total amount collected
4. Check contribution forms and in-kind donation forms
5. Each person’s individual donation form
6. The sign-in sheets from the party

IN-KIND DONATIONS. If you spend any money on this house party, it is considered an in-kind
donation, and should be reported on the In-Kind Donation Form included in this kit. If you purchase
goods or services specifically for this party, please fill out the details of the “Vendor Name” section at
the bottom of the receipt. If goods or services are donated by vendors, please also ask whether they
would like a receipt for their in-kind donations. Note that donations to the Ohio Democratic Party are
not tax-deductible.

WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENS AT A HOUSE PARTY? The best time to hold a house party is
usually a two-hour time slot in the evenings during the week (Monday through Thursday). Times can be
adjusted according to your own needs, the plan for your party and your guests. Rule of thumb: Pick a
time when you think the most possible guests will be able to attend.

Here’s a sample agenda (based on a 6:30 – 8:30 PM party):

6:30 PM: Guests arrive, sign in, and are asked for a donation at door. Guests meet/greet/socialize.

7:00 PM: Host welcomes guests. Host shares personal story and relays why the work of the Ohio
Democratic Party is important. Host then introduces Ohio Democratic Party speaker.

7:10 PM: The Ohio Democratic Party speaker talks about the organization. The Ohio Democratic Party
speaker stresses importance of the campaign’s work. Speaker then makes the first “Ask” for donations.

7:30 PM: Host thanks speaker. Host offers guests options of how to get involved with the Ohio
Democratic Party. Host asks guests to consider hosting their own house party. Host makes second
“Ask.” Host thanks everyone for attending.

7:40 PM: Guests continue to socialize. Host recruits new house party hosts. Ohio Democratic Party
speaker answers individuals’ questions.

8:30 PM: Your inspired and energized guests leave, ready to help elect Democrats in 2010!


• Register your party with the Ohio Democratic Party by contacting Bridgette Tupes with your
name, date and location of the party. Please also specify your fundraising goal.
• Read through this “House Party Kit” carefully.
• Decide on the type of party you will host.
• Make a guest list – invite everyone! Ask guests to invite their friends. Please provide Bridgette
Tupes with a copy of your invitation list.
• Settle on a suggested donation for your guests. As with everything else, think big, but be
reasonable. Get in touch with the Ohio Democratic Party for help setting this amount if you need
• Design and mail invitations. Please have Bridgette Tupes approve them before you mail them to
• Make follow-up phone calls and collect early contributions the week before the party. Use these
follow-up calls to make your RSVP list.


• Set up a registration table at the door. Have a greeter or two to work the table during the evening
and collect all donations. Be sure to include the following at the table:
 Sign-in sheet
 Donation form for each attendee (make copies of the sheet in this packet)
 Envelopes addressed to the Ohio Democratic Party for people to mail in their forms and
donations, in case they do not make a contribution at the door
 Name tags, markers and extra pens
 Extra, blank donation forms for people who arrive unexpectedly
• Ask for contributions during the “program” part of the party and on a one-on-one level.
• Have a great time and enjoy yourself! You are making a huge difference in this fight!


• Review the registration sheets. Ensure that you have contact information for all donors so we can
thank them and recognize them properly.
• The event does not end until all contributions are collected!
• Mail or drop off donations and sign-in sheets to the Ohio Democratic Party within two days after
your party. Include the following with you package: your contact information (name, address,
phone number, e-mail address); the address and date of the party; the total amount collected;
check and cash contribution forms and in-kind donation forms; each person’s individual donation
form; and the sign-in sheets from the party; and copy of your original guest list, with addresses.
(Having this list on hand helps the Ohio Democratic Party staff match up contributions that may
come to the office via the mail. We want to be able to apply those donations to your house party
• Thank all guests for attending. This is very important! Everyone’s contribution is very important!


• If you are planning on using technology at your house party, i.e. a DVD or presentation, do a dry
run through before your party starts. Ensure that there are no difficulties.
• If you are hosting a big party with a host committee, assign each member of the committee a
different task for the night. Someone can set up and find volunteers for the registration area,
someone can handle the food, another person can be in charge of the drinks and so forth.
• Put some serious thought into your registration area. Set up multiple tables if need be, or have
guests use clipboards to fill out the donation forms. Set up your area cleverly to ensure no one
will get through the registration area without paying and registering with your volunteers!
• Train your registration volunteers very carefully with regards to the suggested donation, the sign-
in sheet, and the relevant pages of the “Important Information” page found in this guide. Close
attention at the table will help you avoid any hassles in the future!
• Borrow things you do not have, such as a table for registration, or extra chairs. Have guests bring
the things you need for success. The Ohio Democratic Party is unfortunately unable to provide
any funds for your party.

• Schedule your party and register with the Ohio Democratic Party. We’ll want to know the date,
time and location, as well as your anticipated number of guests, and your fundraising goal.

• Set a high but reasonable fundraising goal.

• Decide who to invite. Invite everyone you know – two to three times the number of guests you
would actually like to have.

• Create a timeline and fundraising plan.

• Keep a list of everyone you invite, who RSVPs, and who pledges to give money.

• Follow up. Reminder calls and RSVP calls will greatly improve your attendance and ensure that
your guests follow-up on their commitments.

• Host your party! Raise funds and awareness about electing a Democratic majority.

• Send contributions to the Ohio Democratic Party!

Questions? Contact:

Bridgette Tupes
(614) 221-6563 ext. 127

Contribution Form
I will help the Ohio Democratic Party!

_ $1,000 _ $500 _ $250 _ $100 _ $60 _ $35 _ Other $

_ Check enclosed (please make payable to “Ohio Democratic Party”)

_ Charge my credit card (fill out information below)
_ Cash

Contact Information
Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________

Home Address: _________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________________State: _____ ZIP: ___________

Daytime Phone(s): ________________________ Evening Phone(s): ______________________


I am willing to volunteer for: _ House Parties _ Canvassing _ Business Outreach _ Data Entry

Credit Card Information (if applicable)

Card type: _ Visa _ MasterCard _ American Express

Name on Card: _________________________________________________________________

Credit Card #:________________________________________________ Exp. Date:_________

Signature: _____________________________________________________________________

Sustained Gift Information

Recurring Amount: _ $1,000 _ $500 _ $250 _ $100 _ $50 _ $25 _ $10 _Other: $_______
Made every: _ Month _Year

Paid for by the Ohio Democratic Party, Chris Redfern, Chairman, 340 East Fulton St, Columbus, OH 43215.
Contributions to the Ohio Democratic Party are not tax deductable as charitable contributions for Federal Income
Tax purposes. Contributions are subject to the limits and prohibitions of the Federal Elections Campaign Act.
Federal Law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer
for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200.00 in any calendar year. Not authorized by
any federal candidate or campaign committee. This is a solicitation solely by the Ohio Democratic Party and not
by or on behalf of any officeholder.

In-Kind Contribution
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City: ________________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ County: ______________

Home Phone: __________________________ Work Phone: ____________________________________

E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________

Employer: _____________________________ Occupation: ____________________________________

Vendor: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Value: ____________________


 Check this box to confirm that the following statements are true and accurate:

1) I am a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien.

2) This contribution is not made from the treasury of an entity or person who is a federal contractor.

3) The funds I am donating are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making
this contribution.

Signature of Donor: ____________________________________________________________________

Paid for by the Ohio Democratic Party, Chris Redfern, Chairman, 340 East Fulton St, Columbus, OH 43215.
Contributions to the Ohio Democratic Party are not tax deductable as charitable contributions for Federal Income
Tax purposes. Contributions are subject to the limits and prohibitions of the Federal Elections Campaign Act.
Federal Law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer
for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200.00 in any calendar year. Not authorized by
any federal candidate or campaign committee. This is a solicitation solely by the Ohio Democratic Party and not
by or on behalf of any officeholder.


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