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Since the beginning of 20th century, there has been a great transformation in the gender

relations which has become a rapid change in the society. Some of gender inequalities are still
in resistant to change and exist in the society in form of social rights and cultural norms. The
public policy for women highlights the gender inequality through public engagement,
teaching and research. National Organisation for Women (NOW) addresses the issues of
women rights and policies. NOW, a largest organisation of feminist activities was established
by a group of feminists in the US who were challenging the sex determination in society. The
organisation has contributed as a vital force and helped women to provide more business and
employment opportunities, increased education and establishing laws against discrimination,
violence and harassment.
National Organisation for Women has aimed at bringing equality for women with their
actions and strives to eliminate harassment in workplace, discrimination in justice system,
eliminate violence, racism, sexism and secure abortion and birth control and thus, promoting
justice and equality for women in society. National Organisation for Women has strongly
expressed its concern on need of giving recognition to womens work in house and outhouse.

Providing economic justice to women: NOW has discussed the economic issues
affecting women power like pay equity, job discrimination, pension reform and social

and housing security.

Reproductive rights: NOW has strongly supported the reproductive rights related to
safety of women in terms of reproductive health services, safe and legal abortion,
effective birth control pills for all women. The rights are being tried to restrict through

formulating regulation and legislation.

LGBT Rights: NOW has strongly fought against disparity made with the women on
the basis of gender bias in public accommodation, employment, child custody and
health services. They are providing educational efforts to present positive image in

media and safeguard civil rights along with rights of marriage and to live with dignity

and respect, security for lesbians.

Eliminating violence: NOW has addressed the issue of abuse and violence against
women in society which happens with her in house and outside in form of sexual
abuse, sexual harassment, violence at abortion clinic, domestic violence, sexuality
crimes, gender bias in giving justice and rights attacks on women poverty which are

result of societys behaviour and attitude.

Amendments in Constitution for equality: No equality can be ensured or promoted
for women unless there have been any reforms or amendments in the US constitution.
If the constitution promotes equality to women in employment, education, pay
structure and social security, then only the dream of providing justice and equality to
women can be achieved. The rigid constitution can anytime weaken the progress
made by the organisation, so NOW has been striving hard and on priority to ensure

constitutional equality for women.

Racial Justice: NOW has successfully criticised the racism bias which discriminates
the women on basis of caste and colour. The organisation is strongly fighting against
such inequalities of racism to give full justice and equality to women in the society
and in areas of education, reproductive rights and employment. Since the inception of
civil rights in 1966, NOW has emerged as a leader in addressing these issues and
fighting against them.

The movement of providing equality to women in society and safeguard their interests can
only be achieved if all organisations are working to attain it rigorously. NOW is doing a
commendable job in this area and ensuring economic, social and political justice to women
through its various programs and committees (PAC).


Ford, Lynne E. Women and Politics: The Pursuit of Equality. New York: Houghton Mifflin,
Rosen, Ruth. The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America.
New York, Penguin, 2000.

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