Role of Personality in Americal Politics

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What role does Personality Cult play in

American Politics?

A personality cult or cult of personality is a system in which a leader is capable of
controlling a group of people with the charm/magnetism/ of his or her personality and the
person is portrayed similar to God. The personality cult is similar to worshiping a person
where only the good qualities of the person are publicised and the criticism of that person is
generally prohibited. This kind of publicity will generally be done by media which is statesponsored. This personality cult is seen in art, sports, literature, politics etc. This personality
cult is more popular and strong in politics. The picture portrayed to the masses in this
Personality cult is an ideal picture of a person who does not have faults. Some added traits
to the personality are also done to make the person look much more idealistic and of
worshipping nature.
The Personality cults are very much seen in totalitarian regimes i.e. a regime where the leader
plays an all-round role in running the state. These personality cults are now seen in
democratic systems too. Italy, Russia, Iraq are some of the countries where the personality
cults are very much popular in political systems. Now the democratic countries like United
States of America also is getting into the personality cult in politics.
The personality cult in politics is much popular in countries like Italy, China, Iraq, Russia etc.
Where the leaders of the state have the entire administrative powers, power over media and
overall power over masses. The alternate views about the leader or the administration in the
state is not known by the masses as the media is owned by the state and the image publicised
by the state owned media is the only image of the state head known to the masses.

Some of the personality cults popular in politics are Benito Mussolini, Mao Zedong, Adolf
Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong etc. These personality cults are so popular that the image
of the personalities were used to run the states for years together by not allowing the people
to question about the happenings in th state.
In the history of American politics, the former presidents like Abraham Lincoln, George
Washington were not considered Personality cults during their reign but were later glorified
as Personality cults after their lifetime by the National media. The present effect of
personality cults in American politics is the point of discussion.
Research Analysis:
The United states of America is preparing to elect its new president in 2016 elections. The
candidates nominated from Democratic party are Former US secretary of State Hillary
Clinton and US Senator Ernie Sanders. The candidate nominated from Republican party is
Businessman Donald J Trump. Now everyone in the United Sates and all over the world are
eager to know as who is going to be the next president of United states.
Hillary Clinton is the wife of former president Bill Clinton and was also the former secretary
in US government. This way she is a well know person and people can relate to her easily as
she is in the media limelight for almost two decades. Donald Trump is a business man,
politician, a TV personality and an author. As he is well known over the United states for his
personal wealth and being a good business man as he has gained a charismatic personality in
United States. These reasons make him a very popular and well know personality in United
States. The people of United States also expect change and overall gain in the finance and
other sectors.

The recent problems in United States related to free trade, import of goods and other
produces from other countries, the recent immigration policies, the unemployment rate which
is getting increased and the overall credit policies which take the country towards debts and
instability make people of United states look forward for a leader who can get a solution for
all these problems.
These problems are new to the United States. These are existing problems which people have
been expecting to be solves by every new president. The last 2 terms have been ruled by a
leader from democratic party and people could not see any problems being solved. The recent
problems related to immigration during the recent government have made people to choose a
leader who is strong and can take decisions which favour the people of United Sates.
The existing president is a common man who raised to being a president. The people could
relate to the personality then as they were in a belief that a common man can understand the
problems faced by a common man. The slogans used by the republican party then were We
can Change and average Joe. All these reasons made the masses of the United States to
choose a leader who is a common man. As the leader ship could not bring changes what the
people have expected.
The people of United States are expecting to elect a strong leader in the coming elections.
The masses want to choose a leader who is financially strong, can take strong decisions
related to the immigration and the credit policies. The people of United Sates also want a
change in the overall business policy and the free trade policies. As Donald Trump is a
Wealthy Businessman and knows the ins and outs of the business policies his promotions for
the new elections are directing towards the solutions of these problems and an improvement
in the overall financial condition of the United States.

Another advantage for Donald Trump is that he need not struggle to raise the party funds for
promoting the party during elections. He can promote saying that he does not need any
money to run the party or support the party. His only aim is to improve the financial and over
all condition of the States.
People of United States are believing in a Charismatic personality to bring change in the
country. This belief in a strong and charismatic personality is called Personality cult or Cult
of Personality. This new change towards belief in a single leader is change towards
Personality Cult.
The conclusion is that the people of United States are moving towards a strong and
charismatic leadership. This change is towards Personality Cult.


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