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Explain the importance of the project life cycle to project management.

Identify and define the

phases within the project life cycle

A project is a niche in creation. How well it is created depends on the kind of strategy involved
in the making of a project. Researchers all over the world have defined a specific design strategy
which one has to follow to deliver exquisite successful implementation of the required project at
hand. This specific design strategy is named as the project life cycle and consists of phases which
may vary in number from 3 to 5 depending on the type of project and the industry involved for
the same.
The importance of the project life cycle model lies in the fact that a well defined strategy is
always required for tackling any particular problem. So is the case with the project as such. No
doubt there is always a complexity and uncertainty involved that cannot be absolutely controlled
despite the good lifecycle model. However, following a step by step procedure is far better than
trying to randomly build up a project or maintain one as such. The value proposition for
implementing a standard life cycle process is essential for the following:

Ensuring that all of the essential work is included in the initial schedule and also the
initial estimates.
Ensuring that planning is done before execution cuts down misdirected work and all the
pain of starting from scratch in case one such situation actually arises
Using a standard life cycle model helps define the majority of the work required for the
project and also helps calculate the time and risk involved for the same. This brings out
the effectiveness of the project implementation.
A set of defined standards effective tea management where all the tea members can
effectively adhere to the principles based in the work and accordingly carry out the
necessary tasks thus bringing sync into the project and thus resulting in an ease of flow
during the project management process.

The life cycle model of the project management can be attributed basically five different
processes mainly:
1) Project initiation: The very basic and the crucial phase where foundations of the project
are usually made and it generally involves a lot of brainstorming. It includes drafting of
business cases mainly listing of alternatives, analysis of business profits, risks, costs
incurred and the like, preferred solutions to the given problems and feasibility study of
the same thus triggering the beginning of the project planning phase.

2) Project planning: This is the phase where comprehensive individual plans with respect
to cost, scope, time requirements, quality enhancements, communications involved, risk
factors and resource utilization is done.
This phase witness the drafting of the plans listed below:

Project Plan
Resource plan
Financial plan
Quality plan
Risk plan
Acceptance plan
Communication plan
Procurement plan
Contract the suppliers
3) Project Execution: This is the fundamental phase of the project management life cycle.
This phase works parallel to the project monitoring and control phase. Teams are
allocated the resources and are informed of their responsibilities accordingly. This is the
most time consuming phase and needs close monitoring over the tasks being carried out
by the corresponding team.
Listed below are the activities involved during this phase:

Execute Cost management

Execute Change management
Execute time management
Execute quality management
Execute risk management
Execute issue management
Execute procurement management
Execute acceptance management
Execute communications management
This phase oversees the successful implementation of the project requirements and
correspondingly is checked for the integrity and efficacy of the work done.
4) Project Monitoring and control: This phase specializes in assessing the quality and
quantity of the work done with respect the mentioned guidelines in the initial stage of the
project. This phase, as stated above, works in parallel execution where every execution is
closely monitored over by experts panel and which accordingly implements corrective
According to the project management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK),

The Monitoring and Control Process Group consists of those processes performed to
observe the project execution so that potential problems can be identified in a timely
manner and corrective action taken, when necessary, to control the execution of the
The monitoring and control processes included in this phase are mainly as follows:

Monitoring and controlling project work

Integrated Change control
Scope verification
Scope control
Schedule control
Cost control
Performing quality control
Managing the project team
Performance reporting
5) Project Closing: This is the final phase of the lifecycle model and basically is targeted
towards wrapping up of all the tasks and functions done throughout the earlier phases. It
ensures successful completion of the project management specifications and oversees the
functionalities of the following listed below accordingly.
Conduct lessons learned
Close contracts
Dispose and de-allocate resources wherever necessary
Perform the final project closure
Review project completion.

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