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Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita

A Rare Text on Shilpshastra

(Ancient Indian Engineering Philosophy)

Edited by
Late K.V. Vaze, Nasik (MS)
1869 - 1929
Compiled & Re-edited by
Dr. A.S. Nene, Nagpur
September 2016

List of Contents
In the available references (quoted by K.V.Vaze), on Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita,
the Sanskrit sloka(Verse) number is not mentioned. Even the chapter
number for few verses is missing or apparently incorrect. However the list of
contents could be as below.
List of contents


Topic of the chapter


List of Contents
List of Sanskrit verses and tables
Prologue by Editor
Krushi Shastra-Biological Science
Jala Shastra-Water Resources
Khani Shastra-Mining & Metallurgy
Nauka Shastra-Water Transport
Rath Shastra-Surface Transport
Viman Shastra-Air Transport
Vastu Shastra-Habitation
Prakar Shastra-Forts& Castles
Nagar Rachana Shastra- Town Planning
Yantra Shastra-Machines
List of References
About the Editor


** No Sanskrit verse could be traced on this topic


Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 1

List of Sanskrit verses and Tables

Chapter 0-Terminology

Definition of Shilpa

Definition of Vidya and Kala

Extent of Shilpa shastra
Definition of Dhatu Khand

SV0.05 Scope of Biological Sciences

SV0.06 Scope of Sadhan Khand

Definition of Vastu Khand

Krushee shastra
Jala shastra
Khani Shastra
Water transportation
Aero plane
Chapter 1-Krushee
SV1.01 Scope of Biological Sciences

Types of cloths

Utility of a cow
Cows unsuitable
Time for milking
Essential fodder
Chapter 2-Jala shastra

SV2.01 Drainage of water

SV2.02 Automatic gates

Chapter 3- Khani shatra

Rock Formation
Types of Stones
Identification of metals
Trade mark
Un-decisive test
Sub-division of identification tests

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Page 2

Chapter 4- Nauka shatra

SV4.01 Definition of Boat
SV4.02 Jetties on sea

Chapter 5- Ratha shastra


Slope of hill road

Drainage of Hill roads
Camber for Hill roads
Tunnel construction


Building materials

Utility of a bridge
Toll for bridge
Types of chariots
Construction details of a chariot
Significance of Chariot
Timber for chariot construction
Chapter 7-Veshma Shastra
SV7.01 Definition of Vastu Khand
SV7.02 Qualities of an engineer
SV7.03 Five basic elements
SV7.04 Identification tests
SV7.05 based on color
SV7.06 based on smell
SV7.07 based on taste
SV7.08 based on shape of grains
SV7.09 based on slope of plot
SV7.10 based on sound of ground
SV7.11 Building Materials
SV7.12 Selection of Material
SV7.13 Four life spans
Brick kiln
Quality bricks
Lime mortar
Lime plaster
Selection of stones
Cutting of a tree
Collection of tree logs
Preservation of timber
Seasoning of timber
Testing tree prior to cutting
Tree classification
Suitable tree
Gender of Tree
Good neighborhood

Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 3

SV7.29 Roofing of houses

SV7.30 open spaces
SV7.31 Payment to workers

Chapter 9 Nagar Rachana


Definition of Drawing

Shops in Bazaar
Pollution prevention
A composer of book
Chapter 11 -Appendix
Counting of numbers
Length measurement
Units of length
Appropriate units
Perimeter of circle
Diameter of circular segment
Volume of solids
Telescope or level
Meter rod
Grass Rope
Level thread
Plumb bob
Tool for drawing ellipse
Six Commandments
List of Tables

Chapter 7-Veshma shastra

Table 7.1 classification system of Trees
Chapter 11 - Appendix
Table 11.1 Units of measurement of time
Table 11.2 Different units of length
Table 11.3 Perimeter to diameter ratio
Table 11.4 Weights

Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 4



















engineers of ancient India. Sage Bhrugu was first in that list. These
engineers developed their own style of engineering, which was adopted in
different parts of India. Out of these eighteen Kashyapa, Bhrugu, Maya and
Vishvakarma are well known because of their texts (Samhitas).One can find
reference of Sage Bhrugu in Shiva PuraN and Vayu PuraN also. The world
famous text by Sage Bhrugu is Bhrugu-Samhita. This book (worlds oldest











unfortunately his another text Bhrugu Shilpa-Samhita, is not available in

Sage Bhrugu divided the entire science and technology of India, i.e. Shilpashastra into three volumes, ten engineering sciences, thirty-two techniques
and sixty-four skills. The classification by Sage Bhrugu is unique. Many of
the techniques and skills mentioned by him still exist. Sage Bhrugu initiated
the technique of tunneling and described the construction of hill roads. As
Sage Kashyapa re-established the land Kashmir (Kashyapamir), similarly
Sage Bhrugu re-established the land of Bhadoch (in Gujarat).
During 1924-1929, Krishnaji Vinayak Vaze, a Civil Engineer from Nasik (MS)
compiled and published many books and articles on Shilpashatra. He quoted
Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 5

hundreds of Sanskrit verses from few pages of Bhrugu Shilpa-Samhita

(which he collected from a personal library at Ujjain, M.P.).Shri Vaze and
many others tried to obtain the full text of the book, but could not succeed.
It is understood that it may be available in some Sanskrit language library in
Germany. Except Vaze none of the other Indologists have even mentioned
this rare book in their books and articles.
This editor, therefore, decided to collect all the verses of Bhrugu ShilpaSamhita and to arrange them in order, to get a glimpse this rare book. The
booklet presented here is the outcome. If some Indians settled in foreign
countries come forward to trace the original manuscript, it would be a great
Dr. A.S.Nene

September 2016

Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 6

Chapter 0- Terminology
0.01 Shilpa - The Sanskrit word has a very wide meaning, other than









innovations, metals, and artificial means. Shilpa -The word Shilpa is derived
from words Sheel samadhou which mean anything that please the mind.
Sage Bhrugu has given a definition of Shilpa.SV0.01, Ref.1 page 2. Ref.2
page 8. Ref.3 page 5.

SV0.01- Definition of Shilpa

0.02 Vidya- Vidya means a technique. One must have both theoretical and
practical knowledge of that subject. There are thirty-two Vidyas related to
Four types of Vidyas:

The word Vidya is derived from root Vid of

knowledge. Depending upon the method of acquiring there are four types of
Acharya (Teacher), Vinaya (the result) and Niyama (rules of behavior.
SV2.14. Ref.2 page 84.
SV0.02a- Four types of Vidyas
Kala - Kala means an art which can be acquired by practice and
observation. Even a handicapped person can be expert in a particular art
without any theoretical knowledge. There are sixty-four Kalas related to
Shilpashashtra. SV 0.02 ,Ref.1 page 2.Ref.3 page 14.


:: : :
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SV0.02b- Definition of Vidya and Kala
0.03 Extent of Shilpa shastra: Bhrugu Samhita is a compilation of rules
specified by Sage Bhrugu. The entire Shilpa Shastra comprises of three
volumes, namely, Dhatu (Resource), Sadhana (Transportation) and Vastu
(Habitation. SV0.03. Ref.2 page 39.
SV 0.03- Extent of Shilpa shastra
0.04 Dhatu Khand (Volume on resources) This volume comprises of
Krushee (Biological Science), Jala (Water resources) and Khani (Mineral
resources). SV0.04. Ref.32 page. SV 0.4.Ref.2 page 39.

SV 0.04- Definition of Dhatu Khand
0.05 Scope of Dhatu Khand (Volume on resource): Krushee shastra
deals with birth, growth and use of tress, human and animals. SV 0.05
,Ref.3 page.

SV 0.05-Scope of Biological Sciences
0.06 Saadhana Khand(Transportation): This volume comprises of three








transportation. SV0.06. Ref.3 page. Ref.2 page 126.

- - :

Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

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SV 0.06-Scope of Sadhan Khand
0.07 Vastu Khand (Habitation): This volume also comprises of three
shastra(s) namely Construction of houses, Forts and castles and town
planning. SV0.07. Ref.32 .
SV 0.07- Definition of Vastu Khand
0.08 Krushee shastra: KruShee shastra (Biological Science) includes
Trees, animal and humans. (These all have to pass through three stages
namely birth, growth and decay).SV0.08.
: .
SV0.08- Krushee shastra
0.09 Jalashastra: Jala shastra (Water resource engineering) includes
storage, distribution and drainage of water. SV0.09, Ref.3 page 11.
SV 0.09- Jala shastra
0.10 Khani Shastra: Khani Shastra (Mining and Metallurgy) includes
exploration of stone, minerals, metals ores and gem stones. SV0.10. Ref.3
page 11.

: .
SV 0.10- Khani Shastra
0.11 Water transportation: There are three types of vehicles for
transportation on water. First one moves along the flow of water (Taree),
Second one uses sails to increase the speed (Nau) and the third one (Nauka)
uses both sails and oars (Aritra) SV 0.11. Ref.3 page 12.


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SV 0.11- Water transportation
0.12 Surface transport -Chariot: The land vehicle is called Ratha
(chariot). This vehicle is fitted with two, four or more wheels. SV0.12, Ref.3
page 12.

SV 0.12-Chariot
0.13 Air transport -Aeroplane: The vehicle used for air travel is called
Vimaan or Vyomayan (Aeroplane). SV0.13, Ref.3 page 12.

SV 0.13-Aeroplane

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Chapter 1 Krushee shastra-Biological Sciences

1.0 Vidyas: This shastra contains three techniques as below;
Vrikshya Vidya - Botany;
Pashu Vidya - Veterinary Sciences;
Manushya Vidya Human resources.
1.1-Scope of Dhatu Khand (Volume on resource): Krushee shastra
deals with birth, growth and use of tress, human and animals. Storage,
distribution and drainage of water is included in Jala shastra. Exploration of
rocks, ores and minerals, Separation or alloys of metals etc is included in
Khani shastra. SV 1.01. Ref.2 page 40.

SV 1.01-Scope of Biological Sciences
Vrikshya vidya- Botany
1.2- Types of cloths: Animals' skin was called Krutti. Such skins were first
used as cloth for shelter and then as clothing. Subsequently tree barks were
used as clothing. Silk, wool and cotton was then used to prepare cloths.
Vedas do not mention cotton as cotton cloth was invented later. SV 1.02.
Ref. 1, page 26.
: :

SV 1.02- Types of cloths

Pashuvidya- Animal care

1.3a- Utility of a cow :Cows eat and digest grass and give milk for all and
satisfy children, old and unhealthy persons. Who says that cows are
unaffordable? As per Sage Parashar, cows urine is best medicine for human
Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 11

bones and intestines and questions which part of a cow in inauspicious?

Though cows urine, cow dung, milk, curd and ghee are precious medicines,
but care should taken about their purity. SV1.03,Ref.4.

SV1.03-Utility of a cow
1.3b Cows unsuitable for milking: Cows, Weak, deceased, violent or
which gave birth to twins, are prohibited from milking. Only a pious (clean?)
person should do the milking job. SV1.04,Ref. 4.

: :

: ?
SV1.04- Cows unsuitable
1.3c- Time for milking: Wise men milk cows in the morning only. One
should not milk the tired cows returning home in the evening. SV1.05,Ref.4.
: ?
SV1.05-Time for milking
1.3d- Essential fodder: Proper food is essential for animals. Their health
depends on their food. It is therefore necessary to take the animals out to a
green land away from home so these animals eat properly. SV1.06,Ref. 4.

SV1.06-Essential fodder

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1.2f- Scrubbing: The animals get a pleasure when their bodies are
occasionally scrubbed some tools. If such arrangement is not made the
animals get injured by rubbing against a wall or trees. SV1.07,Ref.4.
SV1.07- Scrubbing

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Chapter 2 Jalashastra Water resources engineering

2.0 Vidyas: The tree Vidyas under this shastra are;
Sanchetan Vidya Water Distribution
SamharaN Vidya Water Drainage
Stambhan Vidya - Water Storage
2.1-Water Storage -Stambhan Vidya
The art of storage of water was termed as "Stambhan Vidya" Sage Bhrugu
has described the properties of static water as below; Ref 2. Page 109 and
1. The top surface of static water is always horizontal, irrespective of its
depth or cross section.
2. The water is very unsteady; it escapes if there is little scope.
3. The pressure exerted by water is same in all directions.
4. The water pressure is equivalent to its weight. It increases with the
5. Waves are created in water due to wind. Waves move like a rolling pin
and recede afterward.
6. The banks should be sloping to reduce the damage due to waves.
2.2 Drainage and dewatering- Samharan Vidya
Dewatering of land:

If a land is waterlogged then the water should be

drained out by digging drains parallel to north east and refilling the trenches
by brickbats and stones so that excess water drains out. SV2.01 Ref.1 page

SV2.01- Drainage of water

Automatic gates: Automatic gates are provided inn dams to remove silt
deposits. The axis of these gates is at one-third the height of gates so these
gates functions properly. Ref. SV2.02. Ref.1 page 12.

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SV2.02 - Automatic gates


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Chapter 3-Khani Shastra-Mining & Metallurgy

3.1-Rock Formation: The land between Vindhya and Sahyadri mountains is
formed by igneous (Aganeya) rocks and land between Vindhya and Himalaya
mountains is formed by sedimentary (Soumya) rocks. The flora and fauna in
these lands is hot and dry or cold and juicy respectively. SV 3.01, Ref.3 page
: :
: :
SV 3.01 -Rock Formation
Types of Stones: Meteoric stones (Divya) are those fallen from space and
Territorial stones (Bhouma) are those formed the crust of the earth. SV
3.02. Ref.2 page 112.

: ?
SV 3.02- Types of Stones
3.2 Identification Tests on metals: There are eight types of tests for
metals. These are Anga, Roop, Jaatee,Netra ,Arishtha,Bhumika, Dhwani and
Maan. SV3.03, Ref.3.Page 154.

SV 3.03- Identification of metals

Cross-section (Anga)- In the test the metal piece is cut or drilled. The
inspection of cross-section is first test. SV3.043, Ref.3.,Page 154.

SV 3.04-Cross-section
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Color (Roop): Every metal has its own color. The color can be blue, black,
red, yellow etc. SV3.05, Ref.3.,Page 155.

SV 3.05-Color
Caste (Jaatee):The metal has its own positive or negative properties by
which metal can be identified. SV3.06, Ref.3.,Page 155.

SV 3.06-Caste
Trade mark (Netra): As humans can be identified by eyes, similarly trade
mark of manufacturer (in addition to the cross-section) helps in
identification. has its own positive or negative properties by which metal can
be identified. SV3.07, Ref.3.,Page 155.


SV 3. 07-Trade mark
Purity (Arishtha): Few metals are marked (by experts) with its percentage
of purity. Ref.3.08, Page 155.

SV 3.08-Purity
Origin (Bhoomi): The mine from which the metal ore is excavated is its
origin. Ref.3.09, Page 155.
SV 3.09 Origin
Sound (Dhwani)-The sound emitted when a metal is struck by metal, helps
in the identification. The engineer should know the different sounds of
metals . Ref.3.10, Page 155.

SV 3.10 -Sound

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Section (Maan)- The metals are cast into different sections (circular or
square rods, angles, channels or beams etc) for end users. Ref.3.11, Page

SV 3.11-Section
Un-decisive test: Metals can be plated with gold or silver. Inspection of
metal by its cross-section and sound is the un-decisive methods of
identification. Ref.3.12, Page 156.

SV 3.12-Un-decisive test
Sub-division of identification tests: Each identification test has many
subdivisions as mentioned below;

Cross-section (Anga)- 100

Color (Roop)- 4
Caste (Jaatee)- 4
Trade mark (Netra) 30
Purity (Arishtha) 30
Origin (Bhoomi) 2
Sound (Dhwani)- 8
Section (Maan)- In-numerable. SV 3.13,Ref.3.12, Page 156.

SV 3.13-Sub-division of identification tests

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Chapter 4 Nauka shastra- Water Transport

Navigation -Nauvidya

4.1 - Definition of Boat: One which is suitable for wind and water current
is called Nau or boat. Ships and launches sailing on sea are of this type.
Boats and ships are used for river transport. Ref. SV 4.01, Ref. 1, page 24
: .
SV 4.01 - Definition of Boat
4.2- Jetties on sea: Construction of jetties is similar to bridge construction.
The length should be such that it is useful both in high and low tides of sea.
For rivers Ghats with steps, are constructed. Such Ghats are suitable both
for men and boats. SV.4.02. Ref. 1, page 24.

SV4.02 - Jetties on sea

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Chapter 5-Rathashatra Surface Transport

5.1 Slope of Hill roads: Bhrugusamhita compares a hill road with a creeper

climbing on a tall tree by gradual rising. The text recommends that the slope
for hill roads should be 1 to 16 and the surface should be sloping towards
the hill side. Ref.SV5.01. Ref. 1, page 23.

SV5.01- Slope of hill road

The hill road should be strong. It should be partly rising and partly sloping.
There should be drain for water. SV5.02. Ref. 1, page 23.

SV5.02 Drainage of Hill roads

5.2 Camber for Hill roads: The surface of hill road should be sloping
towards hill so that water is collected in a drain and the slope is stable. The
city road is sloping inside but hill road should be high at outer edge and low
at edge near the hill. SV5.03. 23

SV5.03 - Camber for Hill roads

5.3 Construction of a tunnel: If the hill is surrounded by plan ground, it is

desirable to construct a tunnel. The tunnel excavation should be started
from both end till it trough. Such tunnel was called Bhrugudar( an opening
deviced by Sage Bhrugu). SV5.04, 23

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SV5.04 Tunnel construction

5.4 Utility of a bridge: As a tunnel is necessary to cross a mountain, a

bridge is necessary to cross a river. The bridge should be strong and of
minimum length. Initially it is costly but it is economically cheap in long
term. An irrigation canal which crosses a valley is termed as Aal (super
passage). SV5.05. Ref. 1, page 24.

SV5.05 - Utility of a bridge
5.5 Toll for bridge: Transportation over a bridge is more convenient than
loading and unloading the goods on a boat to cross the river. The bridge tax
should be lower the ferry rate so people can afford it. SV5.06. Ref. 1, page

SV506 - Toll for bridge
5.6 Types of chariots: The chariots can be of nine types having wheels
from two to nine in numbers. Two-wheeler is common, three-wheeler is
stable. The nine-wheeler chariot is called Rathatar. SV5.07, Ref. 2, page
: : :

: ?
SV5.07- Types of chariots

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5.7 Construction details of a chariot: A chariot is built by joining different

parts such as frame, wheels, steel reams on wheels etc. The four joints to be
properly nailed are; SV5.09. Ref. 2, page 142.
1. main shaft and frame
2. main shaft and cross beam (for tying to horses),
3. Axle and the frame
4. Pin fixing wheels to axles.

SV 5.08-Construction details of a chariot
5.8 Significance of Chariot: The chariots are used at the time of Throne
ceremony, religious functions or battles. Elephants are used for ceremonial
parade. SV5.10. Ref. 2, page 143.

SV5.09-Significance of Chariot
5.9 Timber for chariot construction: The timbers of few specified trees
are recommended for construction of a chariot. SV5.10. Ref. 2, page 141.

SV5.10-Timber for chariot construction

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Chapter 7 Veshma Shastra- Habitation

7.0 Vidyas (Techniques) under Veshma shastra are,
SN Sanskrit Name




Waso Vidya

21 Kutti Vidya
22 Mandir Vidya
23 Prasad Vidya

Mud houses or Huts


7.1 Definition of Vastu Khand (Habitation): This volume also comprises

of three shastras namely Construction of houses, Forts and castles and town
planning. SV 2.7. Ref.2 page 40.
SV7.01- Definition of Vastu Khand
7.2 Team workers of Engineer: The team comprises of five types of
1. Sutradhar-Chief architect or engineer.
2. Ganitadna- Overseer
3. PuraNadnya Mason.
4. Karmadnya- Skilled worker
5. Karoo Un-skilled worker Ref.3,page 43
7.3 Qualities of an engineer: The essential qualities of an engineer are;
The person should be Susheel (Of good character),Chatoor (Intelligent) and
Dakshya (Allert). He should have the knowledge of principles of engineering
and also of the tools to be used. SV 2.8- Ref.2 page 42. Ref.3. page 44.
- :

: .?
1. SV7.02 -Qualities of an engineer
7.4 Section of site for construction: A suitable site for any construction
is essential. Hence site selection is first part. Earth is the first basic element
(Panchamahabhootaa). SV 3.32.,Ref.3, page 96.

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SV7.03 - Five basic elements
7.5 Identification tests for soils: Following tests are necessary.
a) VarNa (Class)
b) Gandha (Smell)
c) Rasa(Taste)
d) Aakar (Shape of grains)
e) Dik (Slope of plot)
f) Shabda(Sound)
g) Sparsh (Touch) SV 3.x. Ref.3 page 97.

SV7.04 -Identification tests
a - Color: The color of soil can be white, red, and yellow in order
preference. But soil with black color is not suitable for construction. SV 3.34,
Ref.3, page 97.

: .
SV7.05- based on color
b smell: The smell of soil can be similar to that of clarified butter, blood, oil
or fish. The soil having smell of fish is not desirable. SV7.06, Ref.3, page 97.

SV7.06- based on smell
c - Taste: The taste of soil can be sweet, pungent, sour or bitter. Soil with
bitter taste is not desirable. SV7.07, Ref.3, page 98.

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SV7.07- based on taste
d - Shape of grains: The grains of soil can be circular, square, hexagonal
or octagonal. Soil with circular grain is not desirable. SV7.08, Ref.3, page


SV7.08- based on shape of grains
e - Slope of plot: The ground should be slopping towards east or north but
not towards south. SV7.09, Ref.3, page 99.

SV7.09- based on slope of plot

f- Sound of ground: The sound of ground, when stroked with hammer,
should be Gambhir (deep). SV7.10, Ref.3, page 100.
: .
SV7.10- based on sound of ground
g- Touch of ground: The touch of ground should warm in winter and cold
in summer.
7.6 Building Materials: Stones, bricks, wood, soil, metals and precious
stones are recommended as building material.SV7.11,

Ref. 2, page

158,Ref.3, page 109.

: .

SV7.11-Building Materials
7.7 Selection of building Material: Following properties of a material have
to be considered in selecting it.
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Page 25

VarNa (Class)

Gender (type of Strength)

Vaya ( Age for birth)

Avastha (Effect of age on it).

The material, depending upon these properties, has to be processed

before its use. SV7.12. Ref.2 page 56.Ref.3 page 109.

SV7.12- Selection of Material

Life spans: Depending upon the age, the material passes through four life
spans, namely Childhood(Baalatwa), Kaumaar (Youth), Vadhakya (Old age)
and Death (Nidhan).Any material in the first or last spans are not suitable.
SV7.13. Ref.2 page 58.Ref.3 page 114.

, ,
SV7.13-Four life spans
7.8 - Building materials: As per Bhrugusamhita, bricks and stones, which
are suitable for columns, are described below. SV7.14. Ref. 1, page 32.

: : : .
SV7.14 - Building materials

7.9 Application of building materials

a. Soil: Not much importance is given for adobe construction by Bhrugu as
he preferred stones.
b .Bricks (Ishtika)
Brick Kiln -The brick kiln should be ignited with dry wood from tamarind or
Palash tree. Dry grass, rice husk and wood chips should also be used as
fuel.SV7.15, Ref.3, page 130

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: :


SV7.15- Brick kiln

Quality bricks : Detailed information about types of bricks and process of
manufacture is are given Maya Samhita and Kashyapa Samhita.As per
Bhrugu Samhita, the bricks should be properly fired,smooth, with proper
shape and without holes.SV7.16, Ref.3, page 131
: : :
: .
SV7.16- Quality bricks
c- Lime (Sudha): Bhrugu Samhita describes in detail the process of
preparation of lime mortar. Lime stones are excavated from underground
mines or from lime stone boulders found on ground. These lime stones are
calcinated (burnt) using wood logs. The material is quenched (cooled) with
water. It results into a slaked lime. The material is sieved through sieves to
remove stones and other impurities. Lime mortar is prepared by mixing with
sand (1.5 to 2 times). Lime mill is used to pulverize the mortar. The material
should fill the trough up to half of its height. Water is added during the
process. The lime mill with vertical stone wheel moving in circular horizontal
motion is call Putbhedchakra yantra. SV7.17, Ref.3, page 133.

SV7.17 Lime mortar
d- Lime plaster- Ancient Indian text Bhrugusamhita contains a detailed
description of preparation of lime plaster material (Sunla). The steps
involved in the preparation are as below;
1. Wash and dry fine sand
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2. Sieve slaked lime to separate coarser materials.

3. Cut cotton fibers into very fine pieces.
4. Cook three food grains (Trijava) Rice, Wheat and Barley (equal parts).
5. Cook powdered banana.
Mix all the above ingredients in the proportion given below;
Fine sand -1 part; Slaked lime 1 part; cooked grains half part; Cooked
Banana powder Half par; Cotton fibers half part.
A decoction of Trifala (Amla, Hirda and Behada) and white Kathha (White
Catechu) is sometimes added to the plaster material prepared (as mentioned
above). While plastering a solution of jiggery is applied to the finished
surface. The surface becomes hard and smooth after few days. SV7.18

SV7.18 Lime plaster
e- Building stones (Shail): Stones from unsuitable sites, such


graveyards, land full of ant hills or snake or polluted land.The stones should
be tested before selection and use.SV7.19,Ref.3,page 136.

: : .
SV7.19- Selection of stones for building
f- Timber for construction
Cutting of a tree for timber: The axe should be sharpened by use of milk,
oil etc. The first cut should be about 15-20 cm above ground to assess the
Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 28

age of a tree. Oozing of water indicates the tree is under grown. Oozing of
juice indicates the tree is fit to cut.SV7.20, Ref.3,page 144.

SV7.20 - Cutting of a tree for timber

g- Collection of tree logs: Before cutting the whole tree, branches have to
be cut. Adequate space should be available around the tree to be cut. The
tree log to be used for main column should be covered with white cloth and
transported using a vehicle. SV7.21, Ref.3,page 145.


SV7.21- Collection of tree logs
h- Preservation of timber: The wood deteriorates due to loss of oily
substance. Hence the wood should be painted to avoid the losses. An oil coat
should be applied, every year after rainy season. After the wood is well dried
it may stored for preservation.

SV7.22 - Preservation of timber

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i - Seasoning of timber: The tree logs should be placed on sand, with top
of the tree facing east or north for six months without moving, till drying is
complete.SV7.23, Ref.3, page 145.

SV7.23-Seasoning of timber
j- Testing tree prior to cutting: A hole should be drilled with a sharp tool
and the hollowness should be tested by striking with a hammer. SV7.24,
Ref.3, page 145.

SV7.24 -Testing tree prior to cutting

k- Tree classification: The table 3.6 below describes the four fold
classification system.SV7.25,Ref.3, page 147
Table 7.1-Four fold classification system of Trees
Core of the wood
Nihsaar-Hard core
Brahmin- First class
Banyan or Holy fig tree
Antasaar- Hard core
Kshyatriya -Second
Jack fruit, Mango etc.
inner side
Bahihsaar- Hard core
Vaishya-Third class
Coconut, Bamboo etc
outer sideSarvasaar- Hard core
Shudra Forth class
Babool, Tamarind etc
throughout# Such trees are immortal and therefore worshiped
: : : -
: :
... -
SV7.25- Tree classification
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l- Suitable tree: The trees, to be used for construction, should be strong,

straight and which withstood heat, wind and rain for years. The trees with no
hard core should not be used. Ebony tree (Shishampa) is good for all
purposes.SV7.26,Ref.3, page 149.
: :

: : :
: :

: : :
SV7.26 - Suitable tree
m- Gender of Tree: A tree with many branches, straight and round trunk
from bottom to top is considered as male. A tree with broad trunk at
bottom and narrow at top is considered as female. A tree with broad trunk
at top and narrow at bottom is considered as neutral. Male and female
trees are used for column and beam respectively. SV7.27, Ref.3, page 150.

: :

SV7.27- Gender of Tree
7.10 Good neighborhood: Physique, hearts and minds of neighbors should

similar, in short their

culture should be


then only


neighborhood becomes comfortable. SV7.28. Ref. 2, page 156.

: :
: .?
SV7.28-Good neighborhood

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7.11 Roofing of houses: Roofs of mud house can be of grass. But brick
houses can be provided with a roof of metal sheets and decorated with
precious stones. SV7.29. Ref. 2, page 158.

. ?
SV7.29- Roofing of houses
7.12 Open spaces- A house having width of 24 hasta (12 m) should have
a open space of width of 14 hasta ( 7 m.)

: ?
SV7.30- description of open spaces
7.13-Payment to workers: After the completion of construction work, the
workers have to be suitably paid.

Chief architect or engineer -50%

Second officers- 12.5%

Third officers -12.5 %

Forth officer -25%. SV7.31, Ref.3. Page 47.

: .
SV7.31- Payment to workers

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Chapter 9 Nagar rachana-Town Planning

9.1Definition of Drawing: Bhrugu Samhita defines a drawing as, one
which displays the anything or material present in water, air or on earth.
Ref. SV 9.01.
SV9.01- Definition of Drawing

9.2 Shops in Bazaar: The shops should be allotted as mentioned below,

North side-Oil merchants, South east or North east- Carpenters, West sideWasher men. SV 9.02. Ref. 2, page 197.

SV 9.02-Shops in Bazaar
9.3 Pollution prevention: Crematoriums, graveyards and houses of
scavengers etc should be far away from water bodies. SV9.03. Ref. 2, page

SV 9.03-Pollution prevention
10 Yantra Shastra- Machines and Mechanics
9.4 Chandarshee (A composer of book) - In ancient times, the
experience of learned men was called Bramh. A person, who, after
acquiring vast experience, narrates this knowledge in a poetic form, was
called Chandarshee.

All the composers of Shilpa-Samhita also can be

called Chandarshee. SV 9.04, Ref.2 page 216.


: ?
SV9.04- Chandarshee (A composer of book)
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Chapter 11-Appendix
Weights and Measures
11.0 The chapter describes ancient units of measurement as per


Samhita and Maya Samhita have their own system of

11.1 Counting of numbers: The counting of numbers (1 to 10) is done
using three digits of four fingers of a hand (excluding thumb). The counting
starts clockwise from lowest digit of index finger till the bottom digit of
middle finger. (Note middle digits of middle and ring fingers are excluded)
SV 11.01. Ref.2 page 48.

. ?

SV 11.01 Counting of numbers

11.2 - Length measurement- (AayagaNanaa):

The smallest unit of

measurement of length (width/ height etc) is Shaalee and biggest unit is

Yojan. Shaalee is an intact grain of rice(with husk).Next unit is Angul
which is equivalent to 3,3.5 or 4 grains. SV11.02, Ref.3,Page 80.
: . 3
SV11.02-Length measurement
Following units were used;

Yava( length of seed of barley)= 1.5 mm

Angul (middle digit of middle finger) = 6 to 8 Yava=19 mm

Mushtee(closed feast)=3 Angul= 6.25 cm.

Vihast (Stretched one hand) = 4 Mushtee=25 cm. SV 11.3 Ref.2 page



SV 11.03-Units of length

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11.3- Measure of Time: The required to pronounce on vowel is termed as

Maatra. This is the smallest unit of time, proposed by Bhrugu. Other units
are shown in a table below. Ref.3,Page 78
Table 11.1 Units of measurement of time
2 Maatra=1 Akshar
2 Akshar=1 Lav
2 Lav=1 KshuaN
30 KshuaN=1 Vipal
30 Vipa=1 Pal
30Pal=1 Ghatika
30 Ghatika=1 Ahoraatra
30 Ahoraatra=1 Maas
2 Maas=1 Abda
5 Abda=1 Yuga
11.4 Table of other units: The other units are given in a table below.
Ref.3,Page 80.
Table 11.2- Different units of length
4 Anguls = 1 Grah
2 Graha =1 Mushtee
12 Anguls = 1 Vitati
2 Vitati= 1 Hasta
4 Hasta= 1 Danda
20 Hasta=1 Rajju (small)
30 Hasta=1 Rajju (big)
2000 Danda= 1 Krosh
4 Krosh= 1 Yojan*
* one Yojan is equal to 4 km
11.5 Appropriate units: Measurements of weapons should be expressed in
Angula and those of small objects should be expressed in terms of
Barly(Yav),sesame seeds.SV11.04, Ref.3,Page 81.

: . 3
SV11.04-Appropriate units
11.6 Calculation of perimeter and area
a. Perimeter of circle: The ratio of perimeter and diameter of a circle is
fixed.SV11.05 and Table 11.3.Ref.3 page 82.

: : .

SV 11.05-Perimeter of circle

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Table 11.3 Perimeter to diameter ratio

Diameter Perimeter

Diameter Perimeter

7 22

1250 3927

33215 107348

62832 200000

b. Area of circular segment: The base of the segment is called Jya

(sayJ) and a perpendicular through the center of base is called
Shar(say S). The area of the segment is nine tenth of the product of
these lengths. Ref.3, page 83. The diameter of the circle is given as
J*J/4*S+S. SV11.06, Ref.3, page 84.
SV 11.06-Diameter of circular segment
.c. Volume of solids:

Volume of a prism is product of base area and

height. SV11.07, ref.3 page 87.

: :

SV 11.07 Volume of solids

d. Weight of solids: The smallest unit of weight was Gunj (app.150
mg).Table 11.4 below gives the other weights. Ref. 3, page 88.
Table 11.4 -Weights
MasH=5 Gunj
KarsH=16 MasH
Pal=4 KarsH
Tula=100 Pal
Bhar=20 Tula
Achit=10 Bhar
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Tools of engineer
a. Telescope or level: Drashtee is a telescope (is used to see things which
are far away. SV11.08 , Ref.3. page 63.
SV11.08- Telescope or level
b. Meter rod: Nruhasta is a wooden or metal rod, of 50 cm length, with 24
marks at one angula (19 mm) each . SV11.09. Ref.3. page 63.
: :

SV11.09- Meter rod

c. Grass Rope: Mounj Rajju is a rope of grass (Mounj) of length 20 Hasta
(10 m) is used for length measurements. SV11.10. Ref.3. page 64.
: .
SV11.10- Grass Rope
d. Cotton thread: Karpasak is a thread of cotton(without any knot) is
check the linearity of things. SV11.11. Ref.3. page 65.
SV11.11-Level thread
e. Plumb bob: Awalamb or Sadhanee is a tool to check level of a surface.
Construction of Awalamb: The construction process is as below;

Use three wooden strips 2cm x1cm and 50 cm long and join them to
form a tri-angle.

Place the tool such that the both legs just touch the water surface.

Suspend a weight attached to a string, from the top.

Mark the position of the string on the middle strip. SV11.12, Ref. 3,
page 66.
: :


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SV11.12- Plumb bob

f. Setsquares: Kashthakone is set of two triangles (one 45 & 45 deg. and
other with 30 and 60 deg.). SV11.13, Ref.3. page 67.
: .

SV11.13- Setsquares
g. Tool for drawing ellipse: Srushta sootra is a tool used for drawing
ellipse (Lamb vartul) of different sizes. It consists of a wooden strip (of
length more than 20 cm.). It has number of holes drilled equidistance from
central hole. A thread is tied to two nails fixed in the two holes equidistance
Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 38

from central hole.A curve is drawn with a pencil/pen

such that sum of

distances from ends is constant. SV11.14, Ref.3. page 68.


: :


SV11.14- Tool for drawing ellipse
Ellipse: It is a locus of points such that sum of distances (a+b) from two
fixed points (F1 and F2) is same. The fixed points are called focal points. If
these two points merge into one, then the locus becomes a circle. SV11.15,
Ref.3. page 68.


SV11.15- Ellipse
Six Commandments









commandments or guide lines for designer or supervisor of a structure.

These are;
1. The quality or comfort depends upon the cost one can afford.
Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 39

2. The designer should take into account the relevance of time and life of
the work.
3. The material has to be used as it is available in nature.
4. Learn from failures.
5. Alterations should not spoil the original athletics.
6. The rules and procedures are not rigid, according to situation some
changes have to be made. Nothing is perfect. SV 3.17. Ref.3. page 5262.
- :


- :
SV11.16 - Six Commandments

Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 40

A-Marathi Books by Vaze:
1. Vaze, K.V. (1924), Importance of Indian engineering education, Pub.
Shri Samarthprasad printing press, Nasik.
2. Vaze, K.V. (1924 &1994), Essence of ancient Indian engineering,
Pub. Varada Prakashan, Pune 16.
3. Vaze,








Lohabhandaram, Raviwar Peth, Pune.

B-Marathi Article by Vaze:
4. Vaze,








Krushival, Jan.1925 issue, Pune.


Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

Page 41

About the Editor of this book

Professor A.S. Nene, did B.E. (Nagpur), M.E and Ph.D.
(Roorkee) and served Visvesvaraya National Institute of
Technology, Nagpur during 1972-2002.
He has supervised around 150 Consultancy projects, in
the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa,
involving Soil Investigations, Quality Control Works, and
Setting up Laboratories etc.
He has more than 50 publications at National and International levels. For
his paper published in Journal of ASCE 1985, he received Khosla
Memorial Award (1987) by Roorkee University, for best Technical Paper.
He has supervised research work of three Doctoral and two Post Graduate
Indian Geotechnical Society New Delhi nominated Dr. Nene to a technical
committee of International Society of Soil Mechanics & Foundation
Engineering (ISSMFE TC-19 - "Preservation of Historical Sites")
Dr. Nene has developed five interactive computer aided learning
packages on Geotechnical engineering and distributed to many
institutions in India and abroad.
In November 2000 he obtained an Indian patent (No.197879,) on Use of
Geo-foam geo-synthetics for foundations in expansive soils.
He co-authored
a book "Pride of India, Published by Sanskrit Bharati,
New Delhi (2006).He has also edited a Marathi book "Hindi Shilpa
Shastra", Published by Nachiket Prakashan, Nagpur (2010) and
Geotechnical engineering in ancient India published by Pune Vidyarthi
Gruha Pune (2011).
In addition he has uploaded nine E Books on web on a topic Science and
Technology in Ancient India Shilpa shastra.

Bhrugu Shilpa Samhita- Dr. A.S.Nene

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