Philippines Arise Return To God Embrace Your Destiny

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God is decreeing from heaven a New Era of Peace, Protection, Progress and
Prosperity for the people of the Philippines. The Lord has released His
empowering grace upon the people so that they will rise and prevail over every
limitation, every situation and every calamity they would go through. The nations
resilience is commendable and praise worthy.
The Lord has already dispatched His warring angels over the nation to guard the
people and govern over the demonic spirits that bring death through these
calamities. There is a wall of fire around the islands of the Philippines. The Lord
Himself will be your rear guard.
God is NOW declaring to men that all people everywhere should seek His face
and return to God and to Destiny. He has fixed a day of judgment and
accountability for those who lead in every domain and in every strata of society.
This Election Year 2016 is crucial to the overall plan and purposes of God for this
There are 6 prophetic promises God has given me for the Philippines

Copyright Dr. Jonathan David 2016


1. A






God is looking for the new leadership of this nation to walk circumspectly and
know the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom. The Sovereign Hand of
God is over this election in 2016 to set apart a NEW Administration for this new
Era of peace, protection, progress and prosperity.
This NEW ERA will commence when the NEW ADMINISTRATION is set in
place. This will be called the Years of Plenty stretching from around about 2016
Much of what will happen will be a continuation of what God has already
started through the years. The safe, stable and progressive policies of the
current administration have allowed the strengthening of the economy and the
currency. President Aquino has pushed for the battle against corruption as part
of his election promise to the people of the Philippines. Though he has set
many things in order and has done his best, there is still much land to be
The NEW ADMINISTRATION must get a clear mandate and overwhelming
majority to fight corruption, cronyism and reproach of poverty. There will be a
clear consensus of ALL both the Government and the Opposition to remove the
stigma of these evil. This new administration will find favor with God as they
pursue good governance and righteousness. The new administration must be
clean and seen to be clean. They must not delay the execution of justice and
the rule of law. God is looking for strategic men who can lead significant
changes in this nation. This new government needs the full and firm support of
all parties concerned.

Copyright Dr. Jonathan David 2016


2. The nation is on its way to become an Economic Force in the

Asia-Pacific Region.
The economy will be growing progressively and steadily in the next 3 to 5
years. The largest contributors for this economic force will be the remittance
from the Overseas Foreign Workers and the ever expanding Business
Process Outsourcing. The OFW and BPO will still be the main drivers of
growth to provide a flow of income to stimulate consumption expenditure.
Both have strengthened the balance of payments that served to sustain the
growth of domestic consumption demand.
The success of the BPO services export has had made the Philippines a
leading provider of services to the global economy. They have become the
high users of labor. They have employed many young, skilled and talented
university graduates. Unlike the OFW, they are used in the foreign field. I
foresee the need to rebuild the infrastructures for smoother and effective
regulations of business policies and trade transactions. These pathways can
drive a perfect flow of international business and trade with other nations.
There is a need for friendly atmosphere and a consistent and permanent
regulation to welcome investors from other nations. This will drive Foreign
Direct Investment into the Philippines.
The unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy will see drastic adjustment and
alignment. The need to keep consistent policies that allow foreign
involvement in the economy of the nation is a must. The protection of the
local businessmen and traders are important but it must not be allowed to
monopolize a global free market. Though corruption and cronyism may be
rife in the past in business and government, the national leadership must

Copyright Dr. Jonathan David 2016


model against these patterns of the past administrations. This will provide
conducive atmosphere for the much needed foreign direct investment.
God is going to pour out an abundant flow of resources and provisions,
personnel and technology that will sustain the prosperity in the nation. The
new administration must provide an even playing field for both the local as
well as the global competitor.

3. God will divert the force of climatical catastrophes into the sea.
This is the most unusual promise from God the Father. There will be lesser
damaging catastrophes from 2016. The frequencies of these happening will
be minimized. The scope of its influence will also be reduced to nothing.
The mercy of God and His compassion towards His nation is seen in this
promise that there will NOT be another Haiyan in the Philippines. Adverse
environmental disasters like tropical storms, hurricanes, tornadoes,
earthquakes and tsunamis will be cast into the seas. God and the prayer of
the saints will divert these into the seas. The earth will swallow up the fury of
these disasters. This promise was given to me after the Haiyan catastrophe
in November 2013 on the Islands of Leyte and Samar.

Copyright Dr. Jonathan David 2016


4. The promise of a continued sustainable peace process in the

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the biggest rebel group will agree to
move forward into the peace process. God has placed a restraining order in
the heavens concerning the need for peace rather than turmoil that disrupts
the living and livelihood of all people. The region will be rebuilt and the
people of the South will live in peace and harmony. The warring angels have
been sent to subdue the spirit of violence and intimidation. They have been
given charge over those regions. They are assigned to dislodge and
dismantle the powers of these spirits influence over these volatile regions.
Though the peace process is fragile, the mercy of God will protect the
people from harm.

5. The Reformation of the Church will create An Inspired People

In the span of the next three to five years, the Church as a whole will see
various degrees of Reformation. Those who are bound by traditions and
inaccurate doctrines will be given the second chance to come into an update
and upgrade in the things of God. Therefore having overlooked the times of
ignorance, God is NOW declaring to them that all people everywhere should
repent and yield afresh to God and to the prophetic destiny. Many of those
who are hungry and thirsty for all things spiritual will respond to the stirrings
of the Spirit.
Many will be supernaturally filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues.
They will experience God in an awesome way. They will be taught by the
Spirit and possess perceptions and understanding of accurate doctrines.
Copyright Dr. Jonathan David 2016


There will be a moving and relocating of people in the nation. God will
sovereignly move one to the south or another to the north. They will be
directly sovereignly moved from one city to another. He will set the solitary
into families.
The voice of God must become clearer in and through the prophetic people.
They must speak boldly and courageously so that the word is not
imprisoned. The word must go out to reach those that are stuck inside the
walls of the Church. The man at the pool of Bethesda would not be reached
if Jesus did not take the initiative to go inside and touch him. Apostolic work
is outside the 4 walls of the Church and the Holy Spirit must train and
develop the men He needs to lead beyond the walls.
The Reformation of the Church is integral to Gods plan of rebuilding the City
and the Nation. The churches which are introverted will itself be destroyed
from within. Those despise prophecy, accurate doctrines and covenant
bonds in relationship will be sidelined. Those who choose not to be
accountable or come under covering and oversight will be given to deception
and oppression.
A new generation of churches will emerge across the Philippines. This is
part of a new move of the Holy Spirit in the land. These model Apostolic
bases will usher in the Kingdom of God and advance the work of God into
the hearts of men everywhere across the nation.

Copyright Dr. Jonathan David 2016


6. Though the gap between the rich and the poor will be widen,
those who are truly rich will be magnanimous in helping the
poor and the needy.
Large giant corporation will be returning to their social responsibility and
become part of the effort to rebuilding and transforming the nations. Those
who choose to walk in this grace will be protected as they defend the
helpless and hopeless of this nation.
Many giant corporations will fall as the volatile market forces erode the
economic terrain in the Asia-Pacific Region. Those whose hearts are closed
to the poor and needy will either change or be chastised. The truly rich will
have many opportunities to redeem themselves and find the favor of God
and the favor of the people.
PROSPERITY will cause our hope of a better and greater future to
materialize within the shores of this Blessed Nation.
Welcome to the Future. Welcome to Your Destiny. Welcome Home.
Philippines a Hope, a Haven and a Home for ALL.
Philippines is the soul of Asia. In your Restoration Asia will rise with you.

Copyright Dr. Jonathan David 2016

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