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All living things have three life processes: nutrition, interaction and


All living things get nutrients from food to grow and survive.

Animals and humans eat different living things. They can be

divided into CARNIVORES ( if they eat other animals),
HERVIBORES ( if they eat plants) and OMNIVORES ( if they
eat animals and plants)
Plants make their own food. The nutrition process of a plant
starts when the leaves absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide and
the roots absorb from the soil water and minerals. Then, the
plant converts that carbon dioxide into food and oxygen and
this process is called PHOTOSYSTHESIS.


All living things react to their environment to survive.

ANIMALS: They move around to find their food, and to scape from
bigger animals.
Also, they have to adapt themselves to their
enviroment, that is the reason why we can classify them into different

VERTEBRATES: They are the ones that have an spine. They have an
skeleton and most of them have head, torso, limbs and a tail.
o 5 Groups of vertebrates:
Mammals: they have fur, they breath using lungs and feed
their babies with milk.
Amphibians: they have moist skin and breath using gills and
lungs. They can live on land or water.
Fish: They live in water. They have scales and use fins to swim.
They breath with gills.
Birds: They fly and have two wings a beak and their body is
covered with feathers. They breath with lungs.

Reptiles: They have dry, scaly skin. They breath with lungs and
they live on land.

INVERTEBRATES: Most animals on Earth are invertebrates. They do

not have an spine or skeleton and they are usually smaller than
vertebrates. Some invertebrates to protect their bodies have an
exoskeleton ( covering their body)
o Classification:
Molluscs: They have a soft, muscular body. Many
molluscs live in the sea. i.e: Octopus or snail.
Arthropods: It is the biggest group of invertebrates.
Their bodies have 3 main parts: head, thorax and
abdomen. Many of them have antennae and some wings
too. Insects are anthropods ( there are insects with 6
or 8 legs)
Worms: Worms have a long, soft body.Some live on land
and others live in water. Some warms are parasites.
They live inside or on the skin of another animal and
feed on them.
Plants have roots, stems and leaves. These have different functions.
Roots, stems and leaves can be different sizes and shapes. We can
find a thick root (carrots) or a hairy root (onion). Also, stems can be
woody or green. Branches grow off the stem. Finally, leaves are
attached to the branches or the stem. They have different shapes.
There are round, oval needle-shaped or heart-shaped. Edges can be
smooth or toothed.
We can clasiffy plants dependind on their leaves: EVERGREEN (they
have leaves always) or DECIDUOUS ( they lose their leaves in

Not all animals reproduce in the same way.

Mammals: they are born directly from their mother. They are called

Oviparous: They are born from eggs. All invertebrates are oviparous.
Some vertebrate groups such and amphibians, reptiles and birds too.
There are two kinds of eggs ( hard shell or soft shell)

Some plants have flowers. Their reproductive organs are inside the
flower. They can look different but all of them have the same parts.

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