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Food Alerrgy

Food alerrgy ca be induce itch. Itch caused of a food example shrimp alerrgy, fish alerrgy and
another. The medication of a itch result food alerrgy is 2 kind. The kind is salve and oral
medication. For example of salve for itch medication is miconazole, ketoconazole, elocon,
and hydrocortisone. The salve can find in apotek or medication shop. And the kind of oral
medication is cetirizine, loratadine, and fluoxetine.
The methode for use the itch salve is
1. Clean the skin will give the salve
2. Apply the salve to skin that itch
3. Dont remove the salve. Let the salve can be lost or dry
The methode for use the oral medication of itch is with dokter receipt

The medication for influenza is oral medication and sirup. The oral medication is
dextrometorphan, ctm, antalgin. Can use by dokter receipt. And the sirup is fix formula 44,

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