Module 2 Lesson 1 Finding Common Ground - Argumentative Essay

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English 10 World Literature

Period: Second Quarter

Module 2 Lesson 1: Finding Common Ground
Topic: Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay - not only gives information but also presents an
argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of an
argumentative issue. In writing this, you should clearly take a stand and
write as if you are trying to persuade an opposing audience to adopt new
beliefs or behavior. The primary objective is to persuade people to change
beliefs that many of them do not want to change.
Characteristics of an Argumentative Essay:
An argumentative essay attempts to be highly persuasive and logical. It
usually assumes that the readers disagree with the writer, but it should be
noted that the readers are no less intelligent than the writer. Hence, an
argumentative essay should be written objectively and logically.
An argumentative essay has the following characteristics:
1.presents and explains the issue or case
2.give reasons and supports these reasons to prove its point
3.refutes (proves wrong) opposing arguments.
Parts of an Argumentative Essay:
1.Introduction This part introduces the problem and gives background
information needed for the argument and thesis statement.
2.Body This part contains the reasons. Each paragraph talks about one
reason. The reason is included in the topic sentence and is supported by
details or materials. These supporting materials can be examples, statistics,
personal experiences or quotations.
3.Conclusion This is the last part of the essay that restates the main claim
and gives one or two general statements which exactly summarizes the
arguments and support the main premise.
Supplementary Activity: Watch the video found in the link below and take
down important notes during the presentation.


Note: In the following activity, work within your group of three members.
Group Activity 1(Identify and Classify!)
Directions: From the model argumentative essay, identify its parts by
rewriting the essential statements in the box.
Aggressive Driving Should Be Avoided
Aggressive driving is a phenomenon, which has only recently got
the public worried. The National Highway Traffic Safety Council
(NHTSC) defines aggressive driving as the operation of a motor
vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or
property. Actions such as running red lights, improper passing,
overtaking on the left, improper lane change, failing to yield, improper
turns, running stop signs, tailgaiting, careless driving, and speeding are
examples of aggressive driving. Such actions are dangerous to other
road users. Aggressive driving should be avoided because it causes
crashes, injuries and fatalities.
The first reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it
causes crashes. According to NHTSC, between 78 percent (excessive
speed) and 100 percent (improper passing) of the cases of aggressive
driving resulted in traffic crashes and 96 percent of the drivers cited for
following too closely or tail gaiting caused crashes as a result of their
aggressive driving. Moreover, running red light, improper passing,
and overtaking on the left topped other categories of aggressive
driving in contributing to traffic crashes.
Another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it
causes injuries. NHTSC states that the percentages of the injuries
caused by aggressive driving are, in almost all categories of aggressive
driving, above 100 percent.
Aggressive driving also causes fatalities. Overtaking on the left
appears to be the most important contributing factor in traffic fatalities
as it relates to aggressive driving. Improper lane change, running
stop sign, and running red light rank second through four in terms of
their contribution to traffic fatalities.
The above evidence shows that aggressive driving causes crash
injuries and fatalities. Hence, aggressive driving should be avoided.
Since the opening on the North-South Highway, the number of
kilometers of roads in the country has increased by one percent while
the number of vehicle miles driven has increased by 35 percent. More
cars and more drivers are also on the road leading to more aggressive


Lesson: Argumentative Essay


Group Activity 1 Title: Identify and

Group Members Names:________________________________ Grade and




Note: Submit the hard copy (either printed out or hand written on a one
whole sheet of paper) on the next face to face session, Sept.26, 2016


In choosing your topic in writing an argumentative essay, one measure you

can take is to formulate or ask three specific types of questions:
questions of fact, value and policy.
Questions of fact those which ask you to answer whether or not
something is. It is answered with either yes or no.
Example: Is the wall blue? (yes or no)
Questions of value addresses the relative merit (goodness or badness) of
something. It is usually asking you to choose between things, ideas, beliefs,
or actions.
Example: Which is more valuable, love or money?
Questions of policy ask the writer to explain what they would do. The
question asks the writer to make a plan of action to solve some sort of
problem. Usually the keyword for this topic is should as in what should
you do?.
Example: What should be done to combat drug problem?
Note: In the following activity, work within your group of three members.
Group Activity 2 (Lets Segregate)
Directions: Segregate the following topics to which claim each belongs.
1.Are cellphones dangerous?
2.What should the local government do to eliminate traffic?
3.Is lottery a good or bad idea?
4.Which is more difficult, to hang on in a one-sided relationship or to
move on?
5.Do curfews keep minors out of trouble?
6.Should animals be used for researches?
7.What should be done to stop smoking among minors?
8.Are actors and athletes paid too much?
9.Kpop Vs. Japs Pop: Which is more fav?
10.How sanction should schools give to cyber bullies?
Lesson: Argumentative Essay

Group Activity 2 Title: Lets


Group Members Names:________________________________ Grade and

Claims of Facts

Claims of Value

Claims of Policy

Note: Submit the hard copy (either printed out or hand written on a one
whole sheet of paper) on the next face to face session, Sept.26, 2016
Note: The following activities should be done individually.
Individual Activity 1 (Formulate Your Own!)
Directions: Choose one topic from the list below for your argumentative
essay. Then, formulate questions that will help you in your essay.
List of Topics:
1.Resolving conflicts
2.Unity in Diversity
3.Harmonizing relationships with others
4.Recognizing Interpersonal Convergence
5.Bridging the Gap
Lesson: Argumentative Essay
Your Own!

Individual Activity 1 Title: Formulate

Students Name:________________________________ Grade and

Question of Fact

Question of Value

Question of Policy


Note: Submit the hard copy (either printed out or hand written on a one
whole sheet of paper) on the next face to face session, Sept.28, 2016

Individual Activity 2 (Working on Your Masterpiece)

Directions: Fill out the boxes below with statements/phrases/keywords that
you will use in your argumentative essay.
Lesson: Argumentative Essay
on My Masterpiece!

Individual Activity 2 Title: Working

Students Name:________________________________ Grade and

-reason 1
-reason 2
-reason 3



Note: Submit the hard copy (either printed out or hand written on a one
whole sheet of paper) on the next face to face session, Sept.28, 2016

***End of Tasks***


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