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Nour H. Sahiron
II- San Lorenzo Ruiz
Anti-Bomb Joke Law in the Philippines

Laughter and humor are ubiquitous of human behavior (Gervais and Wilson, 2005). Laughter at least has
a very ancient origin that may even predate the origins of the hominin lineage (Darila Ross et al. 2009, Dunbar
et al. 2012). The cognitive cost of mentalizing is reflected in the fact that the typical adult can manage only
about fine levels of intentional. In the case verbal humor, a major component involves manipulating the
expectation of the listeners, or equivalently manipulating the mind state of one or more characters in a story, in
order to allow the listener to recognize and resolve incongruency.
In todays generation, jokes are becoming popular. People nowadays are also becoming fame whore,
which is not good. Those people who want to gain popularity, are said to be attention seeker. They make joke on
what are happening in our country, especially on what happened in Davao City. These people do care nothing,
as long as they have a joke a certain issue, because doing such thing made them feel famous. Bombing is one of
the issue that our country is facing right now, and many people are joking about it, especially those people who
dislike President Duterte. Bomb jokes usually happen during Board Exams. During the administration of
President Marcos he implemented the Bomb Joke Law, declaring as unlawful the dissemination of false
information of the willful making any threats concerning bomb, explosives or any similar device or means
destruction imposing penalties.
This law does not grant the violator any bail from trial before the military tribunal and may be subject to
an arrest, search and seizure order. The Presidential Decree No. 1727 was passed in the wake of bombing and
terrorist attacks including those prankster conveying false information about the presence of bombs for the
purpose of causing or creating public confusion and disorder. The only thing is this law has no mercy, if youve
disobeyed this law you will really get arrested by the police.
The proponent is in favor in the implementation of Bomb Joke Law in the Philippines. Because as what
the proponent have learned, this law really provide a very strong security. Bomb jokes nowadays, are spreading
throughout the country Philippines, which causes psychological and emotional impacts on the people who are
being joked with.
The penalties for making a bomb threats can be a quite severe. On a state level the laws may vary by
jurisdiction. But, generally, one can be expected to be charge with a felony (a crime punishable by more than a
year in prison). If an actual explosive device is used, the penalty would become higher, and could include
attempted murder.

Some believe bomb threats to be an extravagant pranks, others used them to avoid responsibilities like
exams of bills, and still others use them to hide some other notorious purpose. Whatever the reason, making
bomb threats is a very serious crime with heavy criminal penalties. So what are the consequences for making
bomb threat? First, it is worth noting that most bomb threat are hoaxes, meaning believable. As a result, again
the penalties for making bomb threat are quite severe. In general, one can be punished for not more than five (5)
Last week an Armed Forces enlisted personnel identified as James Anthony de la Cruz was arrested for
cracking a bomb joke at an MRT Station. The soldier begged on his knees and asked authorities to forgive him
to avail. He is now criminal and administrative charges.
The Law states that any person who, by word of mouth or through the use of the mail, telephone,
telegraph, printed materials and other instrument or means of communication, willfully makes any threat or
maliciously conveys, communicates, transmits, imparts, passes on, or otherwise disseminates false information,
knowing the same to be false, concerning an attempt or alleged, attempted being made to kill, injure, or
intimidate any individual or unlawfully to damage or destroy any building, vehicle, or other real or personal
property, by means of explosives, incendiary devices, and other destructive Forces of similar nature or
characteristics, shall upon conviction be punished with imprisonment of not more than five years, on a fine of
not more than 10, 000 or both at the discretion of the court having jurisdiction the offense herein defined and
penalized. (Section I, RA 1727).
After the bombing in Davao City, there was two ladies, who got arrested after joking that there is a
bomb inside their bag to the security guard. That incident made the law became alive in the proponents mind.
And the proponent got this through the news in the television and in the radio.
Philippines is not new in this kind of issue, this issue can only be solve through the Anti-Bomb Joke
Law. The laws applies even when the culprits joking. Prankster are covered. This is a mere commission of
the act, regardless of the intent is already punishable. And it doesnt even matter if the culprit didnt read
warning or signs at the airport or anywhere relating to Bomb Jokes. Ignorance of the law excuses no one
Since this Anti-Bomb Joke Law is already implemented, people should also know how to limit their
jokes. And they should know that this law, will really imprison them, even it is not a serious joke about the
existence of bomb. Filipinos should be aware on what is happening nowadays in our country, in this they will
not be ignorant and they can prevent the punishment that this law brings. They should be responsible enough to
cope and obey this law, because in their every action there is always a permanent change their lives.

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