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MAEd Mathematics

ED 501 Philosophy of Education

Dr. Nilo Colinares

Flexible Learning Activity 4

Bayan, Tao, Pagpapakatao and the Philosophies of Rizal, Katipunan, Quezon
and Recto
Dr. Jose P. Rizal concept of the importance of education is clearly enunciated in his work
entitled Instruction wherein it tackles methods of teaching and improvement of school. According
to Rizal, one of the causes of declining the economic activities during Spanish reign is the crooked
system of education. They taught repetitive prayers and other things that could not be used by
students to lead the economic progress of the country. There were no courses in Agriculture,
Industry and other related courses which were badly needed by the Philippines during those times.
For him, the education mission is to elevate the country to its highest glory and develop Filipino
Claro M. Recto defines nationalism as devotion to and advocacy of Filipino interests and
Filipino unity and independence, zealous adherence to our own Filipino nation and its principles,
in brief, Filipino Patriotism. Also, he declared that our national salvation lies first in asserting
the nationalistic ideals of our heroes in their fight for emancipation and second in changing the
course of our economic efforts by giving emphasis to nationalist industrialization. We need to
recognize the life and works of our heroes which leads to rebirth of Filipinos nationalism in one
self. According to Recto, we need also to give importance to the nationalist industrialization. The
industrialization is consumed and promote local manufacturer as well as local products. Not just a
minority enjoy those finished products but most of the countrymen will maximize a Filipino made
products. Since raw materials, are always of much lower value than the products into which they
are processed, it means that producers of finished product always received higher than the
producers of raw materials. According to one article, this is somehow true among nations, an
industrial nation is a prosperous and, hence, a strong and dominant nation, while an agricultural
nation is a poor and, consequently, a weak and dependent nation. In order to show love of country
we need to be proud of our own products.
Manuel Quezon stated that the state is therefore duty bound to mould spirit of the youth
in patriotism and self-sacrifice with can be done through education. An, public or even private
schools must constantly instil in the minds and hearts of their students their duty to defend the
nation in time of war and to be useful and law abiding citizen. In order to show the love of
country, we need to have pagpapakatao wherein we abide rules of our country. He also stated
that a women is not a slave and granted the right to vote, for it was their duty also to choose a
leader that would lead their country well. It shows alaso pagpapakatao wherein he wants gender
equality. And, the Tao or the people should have ones nave language which is the nations soul
and that is tagalog.
Katipunan was not just a cry for freedom instead a national aspiration made flesh. They
believe that worse fate awaited if they did not stand to fight the oppressors.
Killing people involved in drugs are killed by vigilante and sometimes policemen. As
policemen you have to follow certain rules in arresting people and always bear in mind that we
must apply always our pagpapakatao even if In relation to that is the issue of Scarborough Shoal
in Zambales which we need to fight for our property, fight for the right of every Filipino and fight
for our truly owned land, the Philippines.

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