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Passive Solar Systems Design (68432)

Summer 2015/2016
A swimming pool is 20m length and 8m in width, the average water
height in it is 1.5m. The average water temperature in winter is 8C.
The comfortable water temperature for swimming is 19C.
1. Design and estimate the required solar water heaters (flat
plate) necessary to cover 70% of the water heating load in
2. Make an economic comparisons between the costs of using
solar water heaters and the costs of using:
a. Diesel,
b. liquid gas LPG,
c. Electricity
Use graphical representation at the end to show the differences in
costs between the given energy alternatives.


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Solve the homework on anA4 size paper.
Use excel to generate your graphs.

Volume =20*8*1.5 = 240 m^3

T1=8 C .
T2= 19 C.
Cover 70% of the water heating load.
We will design at 21/1 , insolation = 2118 Btu/ft^2

Q= mass * T * S.H
*** T = 19 - 8 = 11 C
convert the temp from (C to F)
F = 1.8 * C + 32
= 1.8 * 11 C + 32 = 51.8 F
*** Density = Mass/ Volume
Volume = 20 * 8 * 1.5 = 240 m
mass = Density * Volume
mass = 240 * 1000 = 240000 Kg
to convert (kg to Ib )
1 pound (lb) = 0.45 Kg
then 240000 kg = 533333.3 Ib
***S.H = 1 BTU/IB.F
THEN :Q=51.8 *533333.3*1
= 27626665 Btu.

Solar Gain =Q * 0.7 = 27626665 * 0.7

= 19338665.5 BTU
Solar Gain = Inso * Area * (1-(5/8)) * eff
Area = 19338665.5/(2118) * (3/8)*0.4)
= 60871 ft 5658 m.

***we assume that each collector = 1.9*2.2 m =4.18 m

So that the required # of collectors is = 5658/4.18 = 1354 panel .
If the cost of one panel is = 60 JD
Total cost = 60 * 1354 = 81240 JD.
If 1 litter of Diesel give (40000 BTU)
and the efficiency of burning = 0.75
so that 1Litter will give = 40000 * 0.75 = 30000 BTU

SO NO. of diesel Litter = (19338665.5) / 30000

= 644.6 L

***If the cost of 1 Litter Diesel = 1 JD

and the pool will work for 20 day on the month
So that the total cost will be = 644.6 * 20 * 3 = 38676 JD

***If we want use LPG. (liquid gaz) which that 1 m GPL give 35000

19338665.5 BTU needs 522.5 m of GPL/day

And if the cost of 1m of GPL is = 1.79 JD.

Total cost = 552.5 * 1.79*20 * 3 = 59338.5 JD

***If we want use electricity to heat water in pool = 3412 BTU

805777.7 BTU = 236.2 KW/hr
If the system will work for 12hr at the day
And the cost of 1KW/hr = 0.1 JD .

Total cost = 236.2 * 12 * 0.1 * 20 * 3 = 17006.4 JD

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