Passive House

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Roberto Gonzalo Rainer Vallentin Planning and design of energy-efficient buildings DETAIL Green [fete Imprint Authors: Roberto Gonzalo, Dr.-Ing. Architekt Rainer Vallentin, Dr.-ng. rchitekt Co-author (building services): Wolfgang Nowak, Prof. Dr-Ing. Project management and editorial work: Jakob Schoof, Dip|-ing, Ezitorial work and layout: Jana Rackwitz, Dipl.-Ing. Jakob Schoof, Dipl-ing, Hustrations: Ralph Donhauser, Dipl-ing. (FH) Cover design Cornelia Hellstern, Dip|-Ing. (FH) Translation: Sharon Heidenreich, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) English proofreading: J. Roderick O°Donoven, B. Arch. ‘This work is subject to copyright. All ights are reserved, whether the whole or part of tha material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, recitation, ro.use of illustrations and tables, broadcasting, reproduc- tion on microfilms or in other ways, and! storage in data banks, Duplication of this publication is only permitted under the provisions of the German Copyright Law in its current ver- sion. A copyright fea must always be paid. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. DIP & layout: Roswitha Siegler Reproduction: ludwigzmedia, Zell am See Print GCC Grafisches Centrum Cuno, Caloe Ast edition 2014 Institut fir internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Go. KE Hackerbruicke 6, D-£0335 Munchen Tolephone: +49/80/38 16 20.0 Telefax: +49/89/99 86 70 © 2014 Institut fr internationale Architaktur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG, Munich ‘A specialist book from Redaktion DETAIL ISBN: 978-9-95863-220-8 ‘The FSC-cantos paper usd fortis beak smanutae {ed te for proved to cighals fom arverenortaly ana sovally compat soutes. Contents Introduction Principles Concapt approach: anergy afficiancy Definition of the Passive House standard Passive House components How does a Passive House work at different times of the year? ‘Thermal comfort and wellosing Scope and field of application Economy Eneray-related sustainably and climate protection Passive House planning ‘Main principles and comparison with other standards Passive house criteria, Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) Certitiad butlcing components Certification of Passive House buildings Cortiiad Passive House designers EnerPHit standard Minergio-P standard 2000-Watt Society - SIA D 216 Net-zoro energy standard Design and planning principles General dasign issues Passive House design principles Principle of thermal envelope and form factor Principle of homogeneity Solar building design in Passive Houses: ‘The importance of window placement Basic principles of Passive House building services Design-based energy balance Impact of regional and urban climate (Coordination of incividual aspects Residential projects, Reference buildings - residential me 12 14 16 18 Urban design Impact of energy-related aspects on the urban design Design principles of compact and solar building Model urban design guidelines Reference projects, Completed Passive House devalopments Non-residential building Passive House principles in non-residential buildings Energy balance Features of different building typologies Reference bi ings ~ non-residential Passive House refurbishment Conditions for an energy efficiency refurbishment Refurbishment standards and strategies Energy balance and individual measures Outiook: Reference buildings - Passive House refurbishments Builcing envelope components Significance of the building envelope Opaque envelope constructions Transparent components Other construction alements and spacial components Building methods and construction systems: Building services Ventilation Space heating Heat supply concepts Energy-efficient cooling systems Outlook. Appendix 6 72 74 76 76 7 80 100 100 302 103 105 108 126 128 126 129 131 192 134 194 139 140 143, 144 148 Designing energy efficiency This book is all about the design of Pas- sive House buildings. Unlike many olhar ‘books published, the design concepts ‘considered not anly from the viewpoint ‘of construction technology, energy effi- clency or building physics, but deliber- ately takes a holistic approach from the viewpoint of an architect and urban pianner. On the other hand, the book is not intended to be a complete anc aca demic design tool for energy. efficiant building, Instead itis designed to illus- trata how theoretical and practical expe- rience with Passive House buldings can help contribute to the clarification of as yet unrasoived issues. In this context, it is particularly interesting to determine ‘he extent as to which design principles of solar and energy-efficient building are ‘expadiont or, as individual features, even mandatary to meet Passive House standard. Naturally, these considera tions question the principles and even provoka the assessment of improvement strategies in the design process, ‘One aspect, in particular, has become ‘apparent in the short period of approx'- mately 20 years in which the Passive House standard has been around: the design and planning strategles have always been closely linked to the energy-efficient technologies available at the time of construction. The further development of these technologies has invariably affected the corresponding design approach. ‘And yet, a large variety of design strale- gles can lead to successful outcomes: 0 long as the overall energy-related tar {et is kept in mind, which is to design Urban quarters, residential housing ‘states and buildings that are sustaina- ble from an energy point of view - also in terms of the long-term, very ambitious climate protection goals, 6 Target groups ‘Thora is an increasing interest in Pas- sive Houses, also among architects. Howaver, this is nat due to clevar mar- keting, but simply becausa it's one of the most scientifically sophisticated and practical energy etficiancy standards for buildings currently available, This book is therefore addressed to all architects, urban and specialist pian ners who want to find out more about the Passive House concept or who are just about to design their frst Passive House dwelling or Passive House hous ing estato. Tha contents will alco pro. \vide new insight for those architects and planners already farmiliar with the Pascive House standard, Among other things, It includes the future assessment of Passive House buildings with regard to their energy sustainability, and ‘explains the impact this has on design. Clients interested in the topic wil find the many reference projects andt insights into the design work of archi- tects and specialist planners very worth. while reading. Passive House concept and design ‘The Passive House concept is based on very clear and well-established energy- related requirements and the verification thereof using the specially developed assessment took: the Passive House Planning Package (PHP). The concept is designed to give architects a high agree of flexibility as to how target val- ues can be reached, since precise rules are deliberately avoided. itis fascinating to see how designers, step by step, have taken advantage af this treedom and gradually extended the scope ot application. And, in our opinion, itis pre- cisely this exploration of possibilities that makes the architects’ contribution towards the further development of the Paselve House standard so substantive. Sit exteria ‘One question that often arises in the context of Passive Houses Is whether tha limit imposed on the space heat demand it should be no greater than 15 kWh/m’a ~ must really be quite so svict, There are several ways to answer this question’ + The target values of the Passive House standard and the construc tional and technical approaches have proven successful in practice. Together they provid a well-balanced mix of high comfort and performance in terms of building physics, which is reflected in economic and functional efficiency, * The space heal demand ie the most Important value in defining the energy performance af a building. It follows ‘hati also evaluates the architectural design in terms of the overall energy efficiency achieved. + The principal design featuree and properties of Passive House buildings ara based on the extremely low space heat demand and the very small heat load. Among these are excellent ther- mal comfort in winter, the elimination ‘of draughts and very goad indoor air quality, the absence of othenwise required radiators beneath windows, {as well as the simple arrangement of building services in @ core zone. * User behaviour algo varies quite con- siderably n Passive House homes. Different residents require different room temperatures, ranging from 18 to 24°0; some like to opan win- dows in winter to air the interior. The space heat demand measured in identical dwelling units can therefore vary between 3 and more than 40 kWh/ma, Thus, the building ser- vices concept of Passive House bulld- ings should be designed in such a way that even very differant user demands can be fulfilled in terms of heating performance and perfect comfort. If one were to increase the space heat demand to, for example, 20 kWh/ma, the very basic he system, commonly used in Passhve House buildings, would no longer suffice to meet the demands, (Open approach versus "laissez faire" ‘This book takes a very open approach to the design of energy-efficient oulld- ings. The energy balance, using cert fied calculation programs and simula. tions, has been identified as the only really reliable tool. Those who verify their dasign using this tool but, at the same timo, for good reasons, extend, replace cr dispense with the undoubtedly very cffective planning principles are very welcome to do 80. However, this proce dure requires a great deal of discipline, because each creative exceedance ‘demands a sound knowledge of prine! piles and their implications. This approach is therefore the exact, ‘opposite of a “laissar fairo” attitude, Simply because of Its low reserve capacity, he Passive House is loss tol rant than buildings with lavishly dimen- sionad heating and cooling systames. Book contents ‘The structure of this book is based on the planning process of a Passive House, it starts with an explanation of fundamental aspects including the det!- nition of standards, project design, buliding physies and bullding services. The topical focus is on architecture related design issues. This is followed by insights into the application of Pas sive House princioles in urban planning, since this is ragarded as the basis for ‘the meaningful development of eneray- elfcient buildings, 4 separate chapter foouses on non-resi= dental bulldings completed according to Passive House standard. In ths field especially, there is an increasing variety of typolagies, ranging from schools, to museums and indoor swimming pools. The woighting of factors in the eneray balance varies according to type and use. Naverthaless, in the case of these boullcings, too, the design and construc- tion have a significant impact on the overall efficiency. In recent times, energy efficiency upgrades nave become an important field of application for Passive House ‘components, Howaver, the dificult cir- cumstances often encountered in these schemes mean that not all elements can bbe improved sufficiently to meet the Passive House standard of a new build Further imitations are frequenty added, such as the sensitivity ofa scheme (bullding conservation), issues concem- Ing space and building approval, as Energy-efficient building design ‘well as demands to perform refurbish- ments in stages rather than in a single step. With the introduction of the Ener- PHiil standard, the Passive House inst tute has developed a fine-tuned and practical planning concept for energy officioncy upgrades. Passive House projects Aranga of completed Passive House projects in this book ilustrate the exem- platy implementation of the principles {or energy-efficient and solar building, The projects have generally been built with an average budget and ordinary user requiremonts. The selected exam ples present a wide range of building typologies, spatial configurations and structural concepts, as well as different solutions coneeming building servicas. The Passive House standard referred to in this book is the “classic" Passive House concept as determined by the German Passive House Institute, In “order to present the Passive House developments taking place in other countries (¢.g. the Swiss Minergio-P standard), the projects selected also include some buildings that marginally exceed Passive House standard, 1.1. Resident estate Frank am Main (0) 2008, Stan rortraretenen, Development ofa bldg wa a nemcsuce conart eculg ing, shopping and ang, on hetero ot @ tram cepet in ne cy c Ee mo BUGS mn Concept approach: energy efficiency ‘The Passive House conceptis based on a sciantific, objective mathod and is characterised by consistenay and trans- parency. iis energy-related targets define a clearly determined framework within whieh the design of the Passive House takes place. How the targets are actually met fs quite purposely eft to the designor. Thus, thers are no predater- mined design principles, construction methods or building services solutions. ‘The only crucial factor is the eneray per- formance of tha building and is con. structional and technical components. The criteria are simple and wall founded. Complicated! interdepencen- cles of the target values between, for example, the size and compactness of the building or the type of building are deliberately avoided, ‘The overriding concept is extremely sim- pio: novody is interested in a wastotul ‘consumption of energies and resources as an end in itself. Everybody is far more Interested in the result and comfort that ccan be achieved through its consump- tion. Among the energy services expected are, for example, a comforta- bie workplace or home which is warm in Winter and sufficiently coo! in summer. There should always bs an adequate supply of fresh air inthe interior without, however, having to sit in a draught. Fur ‘thermore, we need faciities in buildings for washing, bathing and showering, for ‘washing and drying laundry, storing and preparing foad and the opportunity to call on these according to our daily rou tines, which can occasionally be very spontaneous. It must also be possible to compensate for a lack of daylight, elther ina room or ata certain time of day, by providing a suitable amount of artical light in order to perform each and avery ‘task at any time, 5 This list more or less includes our entire sphere of life and all of the economic, Public and private activities involved. Most of these services can be randarad with a much lower use of energy than is usual practice today. The Passive House concept is dasigned to imple ‘ment this efficiency standard conse- quently in the proposal, planning, deval- ‘opment and operation of buildings. For ‘economic and practical reasons, tt bbeains with components that are gener- ally required in every building anyway. ‘These are further developed in such a \way thal, in relation to tha small addi- tional constructional and technical effort required, superior results and comfort are achieved in total Definition of the Passive House standard To begin with, the energy consumption Ina Passive House is reduced with pas- sive moasuras to such a low lovel that the building haraly requires any heating, cooling, humidification or dehumidifica- tion to maet the predetermined climate ‘and comfort conditions, ‘Among the passive measures, the most substantial contribution Is made by the thermal insulation of the building, Most of the heat demand in winter can be ‘covered by passive heat sources, such as the sun, the occupants, affice or household appliances and the heat ‘extracted from the exhaust air. The ther- ‘mal insulation also helps to reduce heat gains inside a building in surnmer. Fur- ther passive measures, such as shading cevices, natural ventilation, easily accessible storage mass, as well as a ‘systamatic reduction of internal heat loads, either suffice to keep the building ‘cool on their own or ara abla to reduces the cooling load sufficiently so that itcan + Concept approach: energy efficiency + Dafinition of the Passive House standard + Passive House components + How doae a Pasoive House werk at different times of the year? Th omfart and wellbeing + Soope and field of applicat + Eoanomy Energy-related sustainability and climate protection be covered with the use of very ile ‘nergy. The application of tachnical ‘equipment is therefore limited to the active ventlation of the intariar space. ‘This should include heat recovery and possibly alsa the recovery of moisture, Furthermore, the Passive House con- cept is designed to provide a controlled supply of the very small space heat demand, and if necessary also cooling demand, according to the individual requirements of the residents or users Passive House components The Passive House concept represents the state-of-the-art technical solution for ‘energy-efficient building. The aim has been fo improve the constructional and building services components in buildings in torms of thoir energy aff- clenoy, fo such @ degree that the heating system can be downsized considerably, ‘The main components of a Passive Hausa building include: Excellent thermal insulation “The most obvious feature of a Passive House building isthe excellent thermal insulation of the entite building envelope. ‘The opaque elements (exterior walls, roofs, ground and ceiling slabs) have, depending on the form factor af the building and the quality of tne other con- sttuctional and technical components, L-values ranging between 0.08 and (0.18 W/mK. In order to provide a high level of thermal comfort, the U-values of the windows are below 0.80 W/m. This requires insulated frames and the use of tiple thermal protection glazing Avoiding thermal bridges; air and wind {fght construction ofthe bulling envelope ‘Good thermal insulation includes exce- lent detaling ofall junctions. This is nec ary not only fom an energy point of 3 but also in ter of bulding physics (ig. 24,9. 10): + In order to avcidl the thermal insulation of plane surfaces simply ending at june: tons, it Is necessary to make sure that all thermal bridges are provanted cr at least minimised ‘An alright construction of tha building envelope is necessary to eliminate draughts, lesk-induced damage and ventilation heat loss. + The wind-ight constuction of the building envelope aveids the thermal insulation trom being wind-washed, je. air panetrating into and around the inulation, and thus reducing its effec- ivoness. (Coordinated passive solar components High solar contrioutions to the heating ccan be made by using Passive House: suitable windows and glazing systems, ‘And this does not even require an exces y large solar apertura area, 1. even ‘a moderate window area can suffice. The size and number of glazed areas can bo selected according to other aspects, such as daylight autonomy, the dasirad indoor/outdoor connection or design- related considerations. The solar gain through windows can only provide @ sub- stantial contribution towards the space heating Ifthe heat loss of the window frames and window panes is kept to an absolute minimum. For summer conditions, Its essential, lke in all buldings, to imit the solar aperture to the size necessary in terms ol lighting and tha connection to the exterior space, of to provide controllable shading devices. Depending on the design of the building, different window quanities (e.9. window sizes) and qual ties (U-value of the window and g-value of the glass) must be checked and assessed according to the impact they have on the performance both in sum mer and winter conditions, Alongside alfecting the energy balance, these con siderations have a significant impact on the appearance and the user friencliness of the building High-performance vention unit Alongside the reduction of transmission heat loss, the minimization of ventilation heat loss, through the installation of a ‘mechanical ventilation unit with @ heat recovery systom, is a key aspect of a Passive House building's low space heat demand. All rooms within the thermal envelope af 2 Passive House are there fora provided with fresh air using a com: fort ventliation system with heat recovery and a controled supply and extraction of Passive House components alt, The main aspect here Is to ensure the alr exchange necessary from a hygiene point of view. The effective heat supply rate of the mechanical ventilation unit ‘should be at least 75% in ordar to pro- vide a sultable degree of efficiency and coma. Adapted heating and cooling systems A Passive House requires heating and cooling systems that ate suitable to match the low heating and cooling demands of the building, Generally speaking, any conventional type of heat- Ing system can be used, In many cases, though, Passive House buildings can be healed using the supply air only ‘Additional heating surfaces, if at all required, do not necessarily have to be placed beneath windows, which was previously the case. This has the effect, (of simplifying and reducing the installa tion work, which frees up the additional expenditure for the heat recavery systern (of the mechanical ventiation unit, These agpects have a considerable impact on the aconomic efficioncy of the Passive House concept 21 School spmmch corectonn Geshe (0) Dulsinauses tres aspares, corpse! palons Principles nore st sto Wink org soa U=080 wink rev Win U=0.12 wink Pasche Hous 22 act ar Ze se is. i ose i a dst J L | aa : ° petite os ae TW housshoid s aux power 2104- part hot water ; os bon : 0 Sinn yes eat sas, os 10 Energy-effiient electrical instalations ‘The use of power-efticient devices, work ‘or household appliances and lighting, as well as al other service facies (©. elevators) and olectronic devices (e.g. communication technology) Is a fundamental aspect of the Passive House concept (ig. 2.5). However, the implementation of this aspect is often cisregarded by architects and consult- ants since itis nat considered to be within the scope of normal services. Its impact on the primary energy balance, the greenhouse gas emissions and com- {ort conditions in summer is quite con- siderable though. Itis for this reason that all power consumers are accounted for and assassad in the electricity balanea cof the primary energy criterion, How does a Passive House work at different times of the year? ‘The functional principles of a Passive House are explained below. The exem- Plary illustrations are based on a singlo- Unit cweling in a Central European, cclimata and fake into account the resi ents’ lifestyle. The ventiation concept and performance, which is adapted to the corresponding season, is of central importance, Winter Fresh outside air is dravm into the build- ing through a central opening or structure with an integrated fter and transported to the core element of the mechanical vent lation unit, the heat exchanger, with the helo of eneray-saving fens. At the same lima, a second fan extracts waste air from rooms where moisture and polutants are ‘most often generated (e.g. kitchen, bath room, utlty room). The heat contained in the extract ar fs transferred to the outside arin the heat exchanger (ig. 2.9). The preheated air is continuously aupplied to the living spaces (@.9. ving room, bed- rooms). 4 high quality of supply air fs ‘ensured by tha stsady and permanent ‘exchange of ar. While itis not necessary {to open windows for ventilation purpases, this can be done if required, for example in the case of a party or where cooler bbecrooms are preferred at night. The excellent insulation of the building ‘envelope and the controlled air ‘exchange provided by the mechanical ventilation unit with heat recovery reduce the heat loss to a minimum. The high {quality glazing even ensures high solar heat gain in the midale of winter. The remaining heat demand can be covered solely by the preheated supply air, and possibly a few adsitional, carefully placed radiators. It is also poselble to completely separate the ventilation and heating system andi control them inaivid- ually. The heating period in a Passive House lasts from November to March and is tharefore much shorter than that ofa conventional building, in-between seasons Inthe in-between seasons, autumn and spring, the Passive House does not need to be heated, provided the heat recovery system of the mechanical ven: tiation unit is sill being operated. itis fairly easy to adjust the temperature in ‘he interior of a Passive House by open- ing the windows for short periads of time to getrid of excess neat due to, for ‘example, undesirable soler heat gains. Because of the high radiation of the low standing sun, the use of shading devices and glare contro! is especially important on very sunny days. ‘Summer In summer, Passive House buildings are vvery similar to conventional buildings of similar construction. Contrary to popular belief, the vary good thermal insulation actually helps to keep roams cool. This is especially tue for atic storeys, which are often uncomfortable to use in sum- ‘mer due to overheating. By using win- dows wih forced ventilation and adjust- able shading devices at the most impor- tant openings, the residents have some vary effective passive cooling strategies at their disposal. Hovever, the condi- tions for their installation must already be made at the design stage, including the perfect arrangement af windows lo provide cross ventilation, possioiy invalving several storeys, as well as the integration of shading devices. ‘The mechenical ventlation unit is often algo operated in summer purely to pro- vide better thermal comfort. In this case, howaver, the heat recovery system must be circumvented, elther by installing a bypass or by axchanging it for a sum- ‘mer casette, The use of energy-efficient ‘electrical appliances is fundamental for good comfort concitions in summer since this prevents the build up of ert ‘cal heat loads in the interior space. (Opening of windows in Passive Houses In contrast to the common misconcep- tion that you ara not allowed to open windows in a Passive House, window How does a Passive House work at different times of the year? fe Tonong Evoratal wie Webel m oun meta) Ze tin vaca eae 3 si “without ground) heat exchanger 3° ie 4 Raa RS 35 e (fare ek ocr 208 i Bp $ ie on ce one ‘ome Tat agp get vs Paes at oe) « = - || I if bes Ae i ve] Er t i tie J e a Bu ie = appyae e scar LL» i a ‘ key ta = | & on > Te vAvA o : 7 He} a 22 Heong recat a dopardet, al irka facianoy tne amprhre 19 cal herein ton ta ete aig eee rele a ss aa Sepaeroeemannaiia. 38 SURuenr ine MGARAGGlains, Lemmy fare Rinape mainsail Rt eee aS ee eee, eee 2d Annual apace heat aman ofa Passhe House Sependert one arightnsee meas lise byte Stuer over pressures Primary anergy voli 94 Pasa use dgpendert cna sflans of acta 3y5- ‘ee (museca anptance, oommuniaton ‘econ, lating, pune, ang). Impacto verttatan het racocery on tho energy balance ota Passive Haute. Te srr flepace feat oemand woud ie on 18 fost 0 ar wit ht 20. Impact residenis opening whdows fo ‘eriaton puposac to mmpovs sre bor 28 26 ar irk it tc (7 ten 2 frost pretation 4 het Bronange chamber 4 appa ian ated) per an oxraus ev 3 cots ce (69: eter hos) 7 freproot campers 2 supply ar trminain wong ut 8 seconraryheatng cl 10 vento ar an 11 Bathroom radiator 12 opal adaonl heating sta 1 inate exer wa 17 weestgi ayer (29. extma rendering 1 anightimer a9 ars’ pstern 18 Paste aus ing wh spe ng 20 Ui boxliopaed roel ye 2) fas ovamang fe 9 bateny se eachaang ds er he fattaing facade 22 aloarystinfontat ne stole {ony pene tro but) 23 vr vert fi pst) 2A wd veraton (oes ation in urn 25 too overang to provid shaging 2 su aaa 28 Gatun eck coioe rae anaed concrete " Design and planning principles ‘Soll construction vith composite thermal insulation system nee Untavourable window positon Favourable window . pelvavoatinsalaton (2 008 Wink, petal of stalation (21-0007 Wink Cosatus inetalou 0% Wark Uke (state es wim sic tempermire frme/valk 37-0 titers mperain me/wall, 138°C ‘Spon he nme forse bain th ‘Sas eal deme sara lang th Passe Rouge nun ond every ofc Phebe rune austen ana energy afelen ‘enti unt ‘entston unt hula toms: 180 KNWveva See tamiy name sabinints ‘nul home for kNivera—— mufltaniyhome 128 bans Brottetapo! wall itn ghtwolgnt, insulated ctadaing ae Z LUntavourable window postton pslvabectinsalaten (2 00RD Wink, Calue insti} 85 Was ‘Spe hea lemon! for sa bing th Passive Pouce neustion and egy of ert ‘ertiaton unt ‘Shigieary nemo utara ht: aro nine 309 eines Favourable window postion pstvalie of matalation (1002 Wine Uae thst Drawn Sonce hea demand for earl ung th Phtive House rslaton an energy! ‘entlaton Un Srl amy nome 129 2Hninea ‘mutitamty homo 120 bv ane a7 The importance of window placement The development of detail solutions for windows and other glazed openings has a significant impact not only an the appearance of the building, The way in Which they aro fitted also affects aspects of construction and building physics. (Choice of window frame Due to the large variety of window prod- ucts and other glazing systems (¢.9, ‘ramed glazing), the initial step in the detailing of openings should include which kind of frame and, more precisely, which productie best suited to the task, ‘The deoth and the width of the frame, incluaing the profile, are fundamental aspects that determine the overall appearance of the window in its opening, ‘The amount of solar gain is also depend- ent on the frame, Furthermore, the design of the frame determines the extent as to whieh the window can be wrapped in insulation (either on the rear side or on ‘he top of the frame). In terms of creative, ‘ecological and technical viewpoints, the ‘frame material and surface finish are also important aspacts, ‘The eneray performance values are also of great importance when choosing tha window product since they have a con- siderable impact on the energy balance. ‘These include the U-value of the frame and the glazing, the q-value of the glass and the pst-value of the spacer. Window position According to the princtole of hemogens- iy, the windows in Passive House build ings should always sit in the same layer as the insulation, since this isthe only way to ensure a good continuation ofthe insu lation plane. The ideal position in the mic dle ofthe wall insulation is however fairly dificult 0 accomplish due to the window brackats. In the case of solid masonry walls, a solution, now established as com- ‘man practice in Passive House buildings, Is to fit the window immediately in front of ‘ne extorior wall, This involves structurally supoorting the winiowy either with steel angles and/or a bottom bracket using ‘liner a timber batten or high strength insulation board, which can function as @ ‘xing basa, The heat loss rises considera- bly ifthe window is positioned in the same plane as the masonry wall (fig. 4.16). ‘The same applies to timber constructions; however, in this case, the position of the window can be determined more freely singe the actual fixing is not Imitad to a single position. The detailing of the \woodan jamb, header and subsill ({-shaped, glulam or composite ingulated ‘beams), determine which postion is best {or fixing the window and connecting up to the insulation plane, Nevertheless, depending on the intention Cf the design, it is also possible fo sat the window on the inside of the wall (2.0. within the installation plane of a timbor frame wall) or very far on the outside, even flush with exterior wall surfaces (fig. 4.17) Inall of these cases, itis necessary 10 datermine the thermal bridge value at the window edges and enter it into the PHPP window worksheet. \hen the windows are set fush with the exterior wall surface, protection against ctiving rain has to be considered. ‘The postion of the window in the wall is closely related to the amount of shade cro- ated by the reveal. Seting the window {deep into the reveal leads to a considera- ble reduction of solar gain - this may how= ‘ever be desirable in summer. The opposite ‘occurs i an extarior position is chosen, However, the reduced depth may be ‘cause for a creative confict i the neces- sary shading deviee is to be integrated into the wall. The space for a suttable con- nection of the insulation is simply not avall- able in thase circumstancas. Window reveal design In order to ensure a continuous layer of insulation around the buliding, the out- side of the window frame should be ‘wrapped with insulation. In refurbishment projects this detail solution changes the position and appearance of the reveal ‘considerably. ifthe openings are set out ona grid, displacements occur in the ‘acade layout, which are frequently diffi. cout to put right. ‘Anglad window reveals on the insice and outside can improve the solar gain and daylight conditions. There is great leeway In this regard since the isothermal lines are diverted towards the window here anyway (ig. 4.196). The systematic use ofthis strategy provides new opportuni- ‘tes for the facade design (fig. 4.192). Integration of solar shading systems The development of the window details should also include the constructional and creative integration of shading devioas, There is a range of feady-mada system solutions for gome situations. In some of these, the postion of the shading device forms the basis for the further development of independent design elements, such as the window frame (ig. 4.20), ‘The importance of window placement 418 Comparison botueen an urfavoumtle et side) ‘anda tavoutable tight ae) pool ot & Pas five Heurewinach ns sli.carsucon (0p) ‘ timber eoneucten thot) 4417 Hetbishmantot sega damiy dveling Kolding ©402010, Soe Thoma. Tho balding, ‘reusing the rot, has been raped in anew thin ei of glass fie oiiorceu PY anal ‘Tha came mated hau boon used fe he ames tare set sn the ester wal aod {aes # used inal cer vengpaventuace ainston ft entlon, sca 1:20, 438 Mutifamty deting Wot (4) 2007, Ge tend Zier, Soe conatuctin wih facades trace ct priaorcatas tbe fame exerts {fe wercons ae placedtin re realtor zone, tush wn tne ror surtce, Tha wre core niin of PUR reoylnie ‘oievaton ta! entlon, cca 1:20 4419 Rcrishment of an affce ilig x Bozen 2608, Mla Tribus Protec, ‘Ino angid vindow rooals re 3 roabve moas Uwe Improve reign conaions rei, The ‘winons aa tad h De rewaten plane, ‘Tha Vera! age athe window toa: ton feminor doses roausich of he sua fon thcknees, 1 alevaton the acade Sata enctor| Hlstatkno stan 4420 Tou erace houses nich (D) 2000, Rare Yalant, Ie wind "ames petting rom Ite facade are rl eny a spect Testu, ey [re leo deslgned 0 ncerprate a oar ing rece th nebeas ol the ntl ore no teal bios otha ina sta enor | 6 letter of therm a Design and planning principles 4 ot op loao-berhng stctro 2 exeraen 1) beamal enone 3 taser pirtroam, shat Sedoves a apy dts b 421 way Ba. [ala] ‘oval zone a Suppl ak Zon0 we rarsfr 200 sz — = 1 I = b 425 Basic principles of Passive House building services The spatial arrangement of building ser- vices systems, such as the location of plant rooms and the layout of vertical and horizontal distriution systems, is primar- lly the architect's task. The spatial integra~ tion of building services raquiras the ‘development of a system sili to that of the construction or the internal circulation cf the building, The actual technical ‘design, on the other hand, should be Prsparedthy specialist planners: Location of the plant rooms wrthin orclose to the thermal envelooe ‘Tho location of the building services is ‘closely related! to the principle of the ther- ‘mal envelope. A ganeral decision has to bbe made as to whether the technical sys- tems (e.g. mechanical ventilation uni heat generator, cooling system) are to be placed inside or outside the building envelope. In a Passive House, it makes ‘sense to install the technical equipment inside the thermal envelope, for example Inan insulated basement room (fg. 4.21 and 4.24): * The airighiness concept is fairly simale because only a faw penetrations nocd tobe made airtight, such as those for the services connections, the fresh air and waste air cucts and possibly brine pipes. Complicated penetrations for cables can also be avoided. + The heat loss through heat generation, storage and distrioution is much lower when the heating system is placed inside tha thermal envelope. + Ifthe plantroom is located close to a vartical shat the lengths of tha horizon- tal runs can be reduced considerably. Ifthe conditions above cannot be met, the plant room should at least be posi- tioned close to openings in a vertical shaft in order to minimise the lenathe of horizontal runs outside the thermal enve- lope. Plant rooms that are not inside the thermal envelope can either be placed in the basement, next to the building as a [ind of exteneton or on the roat ag a superstructure, Princiote of short runs In Paselve House buildings, itis usually not necessary to place radiators beneath windows, The ventilation valves do also not necessarily have to be fitted close to the facade. Asa consequence, al vertical and horizontal distribution runs for the heating and ventlation units can be placed in the core of the building. The short runs of the distribution ines and ‘ducts resulting from this arrangement are beneficial not only with regard to costs and space but also energy loss and the requirement for ausiliary power. Because the PHEP dons not allow default values ‘or pipe runs and heat loss through distri- bution, theso potentials for improvement are easily perceived in the energy bal- ance. This is a fairly significant aspect of the Passive House standard, I this were nat the casa, the high energy efficiency of ‘he thermal envelope and the primary building services would be hampered by ‘ha secondary services involving the sup- ply of heat, Le. storage, distribution and ‘ransior, Air zones Initially, he separation of tha building into air zones is a sorting procedure which is very much dependent on the user and the layout of space: + All rooms that require a direct supply of fresh air are assigned to the supply air zone. In a residential building, these should include all living and dining rooms, recreation spaos and bed- rooms, ‘The extract zone include all roome where there is a need to remove mols- ture and emelis, such as Kitchens, bath- rooms, tollets, shower and utlity rooms. ‘The intermediate or transfer zones are the areas or rooms through wich the air is drawn, ie. between the supply alr zone and the oxtract zone. There are no social requirements for these rooms. ‘The airflow is achieved through transfer, paths, such as gaps beneath doors, at the door head or through averflow valves. ‘The aim isto ensure an even supply of ‘resh ait throughout all rooms and at the same time remove smells and moisture close to where they occur most. The layout of air zones forms the basis for designing the alr duct system (fig. 4.22), (Cascade ventilation system The ventilation concepts triad and tasted In Passive House oulldings have become simpler and more lowtech in recent years. ‘Supply airis now, for example, only sup- plied to individual rooms and become, Whereas the living and dining rooms are considered as extended transfer zones, ‘Asa consequence, it has been possible to reduce the duct runs, the alr volume and the power consumed by fans without ‘changing the indoor air quality. However, this concept requires a separation of the building's heating and ventlation system, which is, in actual fact, recommended anyway, ‘Served and servant rooms ‘The bundling of building services in the floor plan affects the spatial princiole of served and servant rooms. The objective is to free al of the main rooms (served rooms) from technical equipment. This dasign principle can be implemented by ‘making use of cifferent zones or servant ‘elements, such as independent room segments (e.g. sanitary cells, shafts) hich funetion as a kind of anchor inthe floor plan (ig. 4.23). Ventilation and heating conceot ‘The development of a ventilation and heating concspt in coordination vith cl- cents, architects and specialist planners is {2 requirement for every Passive House building. The following issues need to be considered in this regara + Which rooms are to be assigned to \which air zone and how are the air vol- umes to be balanced efficiently? + Is the building to be heated by the aup- ply air exclusively or should radiators bbe added for an extra supply of heat? Dasign principles for Passive House building services Os Ist necessary or possibly prefera- ble to completely seperate the two sys- tems, ventilation and heating? Which criteria are mest importantin regard of the building services concept, such as preferred energy carter, avall- abla reserva capacities, low invasiment, ‘operation or maintenance costs? Concept of power effoiancy In Passive House buildings, clients, archi- tects and specialist planners are jointly responsible for the successtul implemen tation of the power efficiency concept. It Includes fitting out the building with lov Power electrical appliances, cookers, work equipment (e.g. computers, servers, monitors, printers), lighting, cooling sys- ‘tems and all building services systems (e.g. pumps, fans, automatic control. By choosing sultable components, tis usually possible to reduce the power demand, in comparison to the average level today, by a factor of 1.5-5. Along: side the immediata impact on the primary energy demand, the effects of power ‘consumption on the thermal conditions of the building in summer and winter demand that preliminary investigations be made ifig. 4.25) + Tho cummer alimate of the building fe very much dependent on the number of Internat heat sources. The consumption of elactricity has a graat impact in this, regard, since a large proportion of the owar consumed is dissipated into the Toms as waste heat, The concept of powar efficioncy is therefore a prerequi- site forall passive cooling strategies. This is evan more pronounced when an energy-efficient active cooling system is required, as is frequently the case in ‘non-residential buildings. * On the other hand, the internal heat gains of a Passive House contribute immensely towards heating the building in winter. The heat load of Passive House buildings will presumably rise, in particular due to th more afficient use of elactrcity. This means that, in future, itwill be necessary to provide the cor- responding reserve capacitias. + Ahigh degree of power efficiency Is required to cover the high selt-cover- age rale and future in-house storage ‘acilties when striving for @ zero-eneray concept. + In particular situations, itis possible to achieve syneray by using the waste heat from spatially concentrated appli- ances with a high power demand (¢.9. ‘sorvar rooms, reigaratad counters). a EN ane 1 Passive House I Paste House + sor colactr plant (©0-20%% ating of HN “spect hast ae a! couryand —delaeed ——Terecehouse Taracehose boo _—_-basshaped rouse house ne Ticsie duniapertoee use fm Sev 2002/2008 Pasate suse + compact verti ut [i Passe Howse 1 Passive House + compact vertiaton Lit . +e colt plant ise stunts per teer eee 424 ‘ppicos igang posers 1 Siapocrton ° : . i omental pod olin {421 Location ofthe plant wom in selaon tthe ermal erbetge Busi, as cose as posse tthe nat 1422 Comparison litre al ore yout lt ‘parent anciseypifien, so-eaies soscade Sentiton sytem, ante ght. rash aris ork Supplied othe bearecre, 42 Prep of saves and rant roome 1 balling sorices ?>ne/man oom Zone 442 Dict ard terage heat oe rom 2 postionng Ms plant room ose onal Sivebee by posting te plertroe nao the heal Smvsepe. 425 Arvour final hea gain in accordance wh thetic of lected splancss 43 Design and planning principles wre Ragured , 0 05 19 18 20 25 a0 a5 4045, Ferm tact A/TFAL 438 2 £ z z 150 re uaz & a2 a eae — Tar ets Proporion D/H 328 4420 Roquted average Uvabe ofthe opaaue, neu bled surtares (ot, extrr val basement ‘ellng| to meet Pasahe House standard (epace heat demand = 15 kira. Prt ote for ‘heman velame ithe toys farace Reuees Munk (see pp Set) 4427 Companson bate dle Josign fr the ‘goterace touses project men using The prelminary PAPE tot 2 seb 5 nerhacing wnccw srtace area nae ited aahaasratgpped wince hr {6 tooveranadowing tough baloony ouement art lar room sie etal ervelope Deter voratn unt eoparato nat pump) 4428 Calevinion of fhe overehndoing factor of Shading dovionsconssing of Porzona taens ‘uqecotdance va be Dato (deptivbeigh) tte gap ard ther ofertabon 44 Design-based energy balance ‘The fist steps in designing a building characterise not only the development of the architectural proposal but also that of the energy concent Nevertheless, experi- ‘ence has shown that using tha Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) at an ‘early design stage usually involves too ‘much effort and consequently ths is rarely done. Moreover, much of the infor mation that is necessary to complete a ‘comprehensive energy balance Is not yet available at this point in tme [22]. Wherefore makes more sense to use a graded system of design tools and calcu- lation methods, which adapt to the greater detail of information during the ‘course of the design process. For thie purpose, the author of thie book has developed not only a basic design {ool but also a brief Excel spreadsheet, \which can be used to prepare simole annual energy balances, even if some of the design paramaters have not yet been determined [23]. The time required to center the data is negligible (a maximum of five to ten minutes per desian), and there is no need to make any presettings, All eneroy-relevant parameters are entered by the user. This method is designed to ‘encourage a greater understanding of ‘energy balances and promate the signifi ‘cance of important design features. The process of using the design-based ‘energy balance Is illustrated here by the town terrace houses In Munich, which are ppresanted in this book on page 56: Prolminary design ital mensions The plat specified on the fairly small site in the dovelopmant plan was for @ south. ‘oriented, three-storey trace measuring 10.5 min depth and 44 m in length. Due to the small cistance between this terace and the nelahbouring ones, a tloor space index (FSI of 1.0 is achieved —a high density for terrace houses. With a dis- tance to height rato of 1.6, the overshad- ‘owing ofthe main south-facing facade by {he neighbouring building is quite signif ‘cant Ital calculations for the Passive House envelope wore made based on these given facts (volume, orientation and overshadowing) fig. 426 and 6.9, p. 72). ‘The form factor forthe terrace Is Acrgas/TFA = 1.8, The necessary mean Ul ofthe opaque, insulated surfaces identfied in the dlagram for the case “south, overshadowed” is approximatoly 0.12 W/m. Only afew assumptions, in line with those used as a basis forthe dia- crams, are made for the eneray factors of the mechanical ventilation unit and the Windows, including their disibution. Preliminary design — fist eneray balance The main emphasis ofthis design phase is on the development of an abstract lay ‘out of space. Tha overlapping of zones, which also involves the exterior space and elements set outsida the therral ‘envelope (porch, balcony, tetrace}, Is ‘considered a spacial feature ofthis design (fig. 4.33), First of all, using the preliminary energy balance tool, the infor ‘mation was used to calculate the space heat demand for one basic unit. Then some of the more important design parameters were varied systematically (fig. 4.27) + size of north-facing windows + window frame covered with ingulation yes/no + no overshadowing through balconies * annex buildings at both ends of the terrace yes/no * basement and plant rooms outside the thermal envelope + heating and vontlation eyatem (separate heat pumps instead of ‘compact unit) This process identified the extant to hich these parameters affect the space heat demand and the heat load. In many cases, there was reason not to choose the most energy-efficient solution. For ‘example, the north-facing windows on the upper floors ave the same size as ‘he south-facing windows simply to ensure sufficient daylightinside. Given ‘hat much of the garden is communal, the ‘overshadowing created by balconies and ‘relises was deemed acceptablo as they provide a semi-private area close to the house. And the request ofthe families ‘moving into the end terrace houses to build an annex was granted. All of these concessions needed to be balanced in another way, for example by Improving ‘he quality of the roof insulation. The incorporation of the basement and the plant room into the thermal envelope is ‘especially beneficial for the primary ‘energy balance dua to the low distribution and storage heat loss. Final design - planning with the PHPP Not until the design was almost complete, was the PHPP incorporated in the plan- ning process. Most of the data could be ontorad fairly switty since a lot of tho parameters could simply be adopted or agjusted from comparable reference pro- Jacts. However, calculating the impact of the overshadowing on the energy pertfor- ‘mance, created by elements satin front Of the facadies, such as the balcony, trek lises and porch (fig. 4.28-4.90), was fairly complicated. Aller intensive research on building ser- vices, a compact ventilation unit with a ‘small integrated heat pump was chosen, \which anablas the inclusion of solar col- lectors, but also the separation of a hot water circuit. The data conceming the technical aspects of the PHPP were entered by the specialist planner based con the building services plans. The manu- facturer of the compact ventilation unit provided the parameters required for the technical warksheet once they had been cleared with the certilication institute and adjusted accordingly. ‘Construction phase Based an the various concepts for the insulation, air and wind-tightness of the building, the production information included the development ot all neces- sary construction details for the thermal envelope. Thermal bridges wore ident fled at the junction between the interior basement walls and the ground slab and at the base of the building. Some of the energy paramaters (e.g. tha windows) ‘could not be fuly determinad untl te tenders had been retumed and the con- tracts with the contractors signed. It was not until even later — after the blower doce pressure test had been carried out - that the alr leakage rate could be calculated in the PHPP, Due to the excellent value of 0.36 h*, compared to the aver- age value of 0.60 h", the space heat ‘demand could be reduced by approxi- mately 1.2 kiviverza Use phase ~ monitoring ‘On completion of the building, the con- sumption figures were read once a month in all eight tarrace houses. By comparing the readings, itwas possible to detect, faults in tachnical components, for ‘example faulty gravity breaks in the solar thermal collector plant or accidentally changed settings on the compact unit. Exporienca has shown thal this aftercare is indispensable, particularly as regards building services. Due to the low reserve capacities, tis much easier to detect faults or system problems in a Passive House than in a conventional building, Allinall, the technical devices work well and are reliable in all houses, This is con- firmed by the low consumation figures, which are woll in line with the values cal- (culated in the PHPP. 428 bulking ssrices m housshold appliances poron bedroom sat | wes pat garda bench — = Design-based energy balance 436 Primary energy (nonneuabe) hina 230 i generaled PY paver gas cocking} APP calculation: BS WRF 2007 434 ‘Sout facade ol he trace houses in Mach tho facade is oetshaowed bythe bakery, tatses andthe deep vando oval, North ocade overedote by porch ard Sep vrs reveals ‘Tarace houses in Nurien: monty wet con smpten eeprate according oul se. ‘eee anhousehots apoonces) 2008 Tau tetece houses Mune primary eneay Consumption fone years 206 6 Zc ana termpareantofe ee. calested vate Imonred ana called vali ean FRnetonal stagyam one tan este hs wih he deer zones, the laments sk vt "a he ee envezoa, he ran Wht a fas andthe cone st th 0-clbd an ‘ic nthe feo plan ‘nrc vow fo su ca ncing tho stamens that are responce lr ovarshad xing 45 Reference bullings ~ residential Single-family home. Dorten, D 2010 Client Family Guinrs, Dorfen Architect: Architakturworkstatt Vallantin, Dorfen Building services: Ingoniourbixo Giitingar, Kempten Opinions on the building of single family homes diffor fundamentally. Some simply refuse to pian and construct them because they are neither ecological nor sustainable due to thelr high demang for space and mobilty; thers try to meet the majority's desire for an indlvidual habitat wih greater independence from neigh bbours and other disturbances for more or less pragmatic reasons and, in the best case, to enrich itwith nov faatures and qualities The factis, however, that the development ofresicentil buildings, except possibly in large cites, is driting amay from mut-sto. rey buildings, despite the crticism voleed by architects, town and regional planners against urban sorevd. Tha project presented here is in numer: ‘ous Ways trend-setting since twas undertaken with the objective of building a free-standing, compact Passive House that would be very economic in terms of investment, resources and energy. The house Is located in a new development area of a small town within walking dis tance of the station. tis a clearly Gafinad siructure with a saddle roof, \which is distinguished by the sloped langle of the ridge and the eaves. The - 31 openings one each per facade and storey — are individualised and provided with colour-convasting, angled reveals. Tho sama design methodology has bean applied to the covered terrace. The skin features a mixture of larch cladding, red facade panels andi corru- gated aluminium sheet in the root zone. Not until the retationship between the ‘open-plan layout and the use of space has been fully grasped is it possible to appreciate the composition of vol- umes, openings and interior fitout as an intelligent play of freely placed ele- ments. 53 Single-family home in Dorfen 5 North elvation win capo £82 South elevation 189 Sacton aca scale 1.200, £54 Bio pan, sdle 171000 89 fst or foar pian, scale 1200 ‘EB Ground tor plan, scale 1:200, Senranc= 2 Batroem 5 pantioom a keener 5 cing’ tung 8 tenoae 7 carport § inten wench 3 Iuing becreom 67 merer spaces Reference bullings ~ residential 55, Sou elton aoe ineaing the windows ‘dang ine exon caging 59. Vertes voctin not feace, Seale 1:20 Trost 1mm corugated annum shack ome batere Som canter-batirs walerpoothg memerane "Sin wood Foraboard, pon to sion gd mm gatdowe fore hstatoninber twee ts 2 mm C8 Doar tet tshy 2 2 {Or eminaed ber, cores 5 wince tpl zing inva rae 4 veal ahead vis vancer pore, pated 5 cage em arc toe aaasing omm counter baters farrismantrane, protection against aiwngran 15min wood Roroboard, pan ation 601270 mm perimeter beam maton tinoor @s tt 400 me cetdose foro ineuaon (00270 mm perimeter beam, arated ‘moar 51) 22 en OSB Board into rsh 6 fst tor oor sit {Stim OSB board, lor covering bm screce 2am mpact sound insulation Simm tems ean 140 nm Sratapel for panel gteuna ters: {Brn ona tor ceva 2am mpact sound insulation ‘ean Dunston boar J9nm walertooing memorene 250mm rerio concrete ab 2.120 mm YP perimeter nsuaton ‘0mm bind ayer 201m st potston tye, gravel 5,10 sectan win energy and bulla services oneopt scale 1180 6.11 Foor plans wan aneruy ana butdng arvicas caneapl scale 1.180 2 grou te 2 Wet oor (eocton) 512 Bulcng dala Construction Due to their low degree of compactness, free-standing single-family homes place high demands on the eneray perfor ‘mance of constructional and tachnical ‘components. The U-values of the thermal envelope must be around 0.1 W/m, oF sometimes even lower. In this project, these domands have been fufilad at very low cost and in combination with a very simple standard inthe fitout ‘A reinforced concrete ground slab with Icact-bearing perimeter insulation below forms the base of the building, All other structural elements were built as a light- weight timber construction, Sines a deci- ssion was made to construct the exterior walls without an installation cavity, the wood frame elements were very inexpen- sive owing to the small ruber of layers. Instead, the electrical installations have been incorporated in the insulation plane. ‘Tomeet the high requirements concern- ing airtightness, the wall elements were ‘equipped with airtight sockats and instal- lation pockets before arriving on site ‘Those work processes required a great deal of exoerience and accuracy, as It would have been extremely difficult to remedy any leakages determined during the blower-door pressure test after having erected the walls ‘The floor is a Brettstapel panel with a con- ventional screed finish, For cost reasons (OSB panets, which would have been required anyway for stifening purposes, have been used for the interior tout, ‘Bocause the same material has bean used for the flooring, the appearance of the interior is extremely uniform and oniy interrupted by the door and window openings. Burling services ‘The bulding servicas are locatad insicle the thermal envelope in two small plant rooms stacked on top of each other in the north-eastern comer. A gas condensing tooller was installed with a solar collector plant fo provide domestic hot water anct ‘Support the heating system. The machan- ical ventilation unit with a heat recovery system usas a brine heal axchangar for fost protection purposes in winter. A ‘ground heat exchanger would have been \very expensive without the construction of ‘a basement storey. Due to the open lay: out, the air ducts have only bean incorpo- rated in the ancilary rooms. The heat is ‘supplied to the rooms through a heating water circult and radiators, This means that the air volume can be set and con- tralled incependentiy from the neating. 1 gas ater 2 Boor outer neat stro 5 camer vention ut ‘ial covery Bulling data Ose ‘een reas ‘gore fas area (GFA, ffetec ocr area (IF) thermal anvelope sas A) Bauos WT) gourd sab Glazing soir are rato (GazngrTra) Energy performance data ‘pace raat dorand pimaty energy heat supp rae GW (69, eal Heat supply system reigy canon photavoeae plant Particulates “) 4 scar calc forthe proven ‘thet water and heating 5 radiate 6 brine eat exchanger er Tiwamk or wk aig APP TSR 182 ia ax 22 kg ‘pe Sanaa eng DT rar ga fot iniog ‘rot protection ayer wah bw rut Single-family home in Dorfen Toor sparernear FS ‘gress lua (Y peer ‘cor Uae aus Tealload entation system hover docrtest hy (SOP) ‘oar Cobo la oovrag rato outside ar Supply al ‘uciat ‘exhaust eat Ta ene m oer ant TW 708 Wek, ost ToswaF ental om ae Bie st Impact of energy-related aspects on the urban design Today catchwords, such as "solar city" or “energy-efficient uroan development”, are being used to highlight the increasing signficance of energy-related issues with new model and design concepts in town, planning schemes. Mora often than nit in these cases the space/eneray-related Interdopendencis are given priority and demanded as desian principles without taking into consideration the eifects of ‘heir unliateral application on an urban and social lovel. In raspanse to these conflicts and the complex nature of the interdependencies, many “traditional ‘town planners are trying to keep eneray- related Issues out of the urban design process, ‘The aim of the following contents is to bring together the two parspectives in such a way that the energy-related Issues become an essential component of the Urban design without dominating the pro- cass ina one-sided manner. A variaty of studies and already completad residantial housing estates have shawn that the Pas- sive House concept is capable of offering suitable and practical solutions inthis respect. cect rac cess by epg 68 Influencing factors of energy-efficient urban planning The factors influencing energy-efficient urban planning are exiremely diverse, ‘and complex in the way they correlate, Its for this reason that there are many Publications containing statements and requirements which appear contradictory For urban design, itis therefore abso- Iutely essential to be able to differentiate between important and less important parameters whlle atthe same time keep- ing an eye on the energy-related and ‘spatial conditions, ‘The results of the author's [1, 2. 3] sys- tematic studies on the interdependencies cf town planning and anergy-related Igcues can be summarised as follows (figs. 6.1 10 66) * The choice of the buildings’ eneray per- formance is the most important and overriding factor concerning the eneray demand of a residential housing estate, + Alongside the eneray performance of buildings, the building servicas concapt is mainly responsible for the level of the primary eneray demand and the green- house gas emissions of the estate. + The density of housing Is the most important spaca/energy design param- suse radiation verso by mighbeurng eng a + impact of energy-related aspects (on the urban design + Design principles of compactand solar bullding Model urban design guidelines + Raference projects + Completed Passive House developments eter in town planning. This factor is also ‘extremely significant in terms of 6c0- nomic efficiency. + The location and positioning of etuctural elements in town planning schemes has an impact on the sunlight situation, ‘The orientation of main facades and roofs, in particular, as well as the over- shadowing produced by topography, neighbouring buildings and vegetation have an impact on the effactiva amount of solar heal gain, + In ummer ae in winter, thermal comfort is better in buildings where the main facades face south, However, saulh- ‘acing windows require some kind of shading device in summer. * The overshadowing of facades is more pronounced on lower flaors and in inner comers. Careful attention should be paid to these areas in terms of captur- ing sufficient sun and daylight. + The regional climate ~ even a distinctive climate of a srnall-scale area ie an important influencing factor on space heat demand and evan mora soon thermal comfort in indoor and outdoor ‘spaces in summer. + A.nuinber of principles that have been, regarded as very important in the past, such as wind protaction, preventing the formation of cold air pools or the use of fuly-glazed buffer rooms, take a back seat today due to the airtight and very well insulated construction of the bulld- ing envelope. ‘The interaction of the above-mentioned influencing factors can be assessed oy pparforming spacial urban energy studies. ‘The aim is to draw up an energy balance of housing estate and the individual bulldings while taking into consideration the eneray performance af the buildings and the urban spatial conditions of the envionment. There fe a range of special simulation programs tor this purpose, for ‘example GOSOL, which even highlights the patential for improving performance land, hence, the results (form factor, reducad solar heat gain in ralation fo jparfect orientation and minimum over- shadowing). Design principles of compact and solar building Inurban planning the spatial deter nants, such as the position and distance Cf buildings, the number of storeys, tha depth of the bullding and the vegetation, have a considerabla impact on the energy demand of a residential housing stale, Based on these influencing ‘satameters, It's possible to establish asign principles for a compact and/or solar urban design. If the space heat demand is selected as the most important criterion, the parameters can either retar to the heatloss properies of the estate — the specific surface-to-volume ratio, A/V OF Avayny/TFA fig. 6.2) — or the amount cof heat IRat can be captured on the estate = the specttic solar gain [4]. The applica tion of these principles in town planning ‘procedures must always be weighed with coher urban considerations, and any con- tlictng goals must be resolve, 8.1 Schematic dagiam ofthe sunigt station na ‘siden ousing esate, Tho resietal ‘avingebate ants soar apersrerecave ‘Parrott nthe rma deck ths anc Fallecod recat. In order t aaa the over- [Sistuston interme ct sor areray, te race fonreoeind pj ne oolr sparse Seen rust be esleustettr each erent ype ot ‘atcn ndepenont ot overitor ination ‘Set wersnadewng gy negroaurng tulngs and vegetation, Me longa ad ‘ston sxonange elon of a giteayes (29, Fadon excange nh the cok rigs ‘astael rxiantal eae typologies as 2. basis fo one gy-oftcent urban dosigt stud. £2 algl famiy ame Posing estate D dolacnod apartment Docks © oa Docks al wh ecu arertaton 4 parmater bic devslpmnant 62 Annualepacaneat sarang 83 ‘ania! seaca net cman tne on sexn-rentes ess emt specie spnoe feat demas Nhi) Design principles of compact and solar building EB =Paaa ra : f treet [| me =] Biol Fee cot} | = 5 (conan 20% x s Sian sea, rw i == 5} EE SSS] 8 Ss So} promotes zosundou ea | $8 20 Ahm sean, | Ee 40+ —Lontimgytiom 20 wna ae | | co | — Leweneg) Howe aos aca | 0-{— | En 208 un re = - ” J vo 7 Ae °. 100. P ran an aah ee‘ fern aat acn * t_ Oirtaen © Sianaton 0 TTeriemenie | ERO This gahoaibae |. —Skacbtaraerntieas| 28 ~ saan parton Coos 0 arn Bets. raat — aqme ec aap] SE = fermear ba eracpent ] fe 120 B80 Be 10 \ ro} 44 ve MAI vonf p= % Toth’ eat” aol wean tow’ eat” eau wed" 23 0 0 etal ante 1 = ‘s { [7] aw chap an 0 = roa ro | std = ~ race 4 e | Passive House ‘courtyard ° Tob 15 1520.25 ab ab anaes bo ds vo vs 20 28 ab dad ameter ER ‘tance gh ita ea a Suutes corconing te nec inpact can fac aw irae ae to rh tater on he annual space hea mana Sccatang tothe anergy slancard fhe alee ing thence suiace aren ant ne ype ct evebpment. Comlusn te not pore to ‘cea gota Salman! about Eultang oer ‘ton. The enwgy moae! every much cepa fentn the pounaary soncins 2 armas space nea darnand ola lerace house {atie stsarang ta the orenon ene main facade and hie energy andar ‘tte elt aforncee based ono fag bulangs = 100%) ¢ rolalve mac fo aontaton on annual pace heat onan a aera types of ‘doyopmers wi Passive Hes Sardar ‘Thora ot window euface aoa to Weald foo a2 1s 90%. comparison al other facade i ncreaseaby facto 15. «ee, mouear te case, rab ie 20% fant ihe leon 9 inoue eo. Itreughost he tacaces, “Annual spacs neal aemard fr avait of fuleing pen ar outings win ling frm {acters aceersing cient energy stancards ERE German Snagy Merarmance ct Bullinge Diet (EME 2005) LER Lom Energy ous Pre Pasave Heine Reilicton fate foroversndoning dependont fonts dite height ae (D/H repo, i {ance botucon bulging relation oe Non ctihe ling er vogestion Yoes) er ingle Tamiy oena best, ftago ora Sa courvard mousing of aro ot brcadlal eos ct hontot the sous facage os 6 Urban design ean fe owtaoang — Wot ro ovrcadonin — Gath overshaconing| — west, overradoung B06. 3 cana na 10 boos a TS Fam 001A 3 zoe ina dans: 20 zea na aveenaaenirS twee no overshacoing Scuth ovewasoung Weel onerenadowng — West eee oveshadog singe-ay has court nous 2 80S Form factor A g/TFA 610 dc apart cs i spuriment locks dhncrednnuang atts (ota I eacheshousng estate (Bisrace hous eae Soutardnoushg esate (singe famiy hari aate HH bea 10 12 14 18 18 20 22 Ba (09 eguited average Ubvlue ofthe opaaue, insu lated surfaces (ot, exteicr wal, basement cling) marder to mest Passive House standart (space neat demand = 16 itv) tor Dull Ings win ferent erientaions and degrees of cexershasoning nao to thar form factor co! TPA), Far turn intermation see [1], pp VI42H the floweng conditions were = Urvaue of window 08 Wik ‘quake of gazing: 0.50 + eneray-equlaier alr change rate ry 0.08 n* ‘mndow surface aaa: 20% of TFA 6.10 Hea tig. 4.9, but win Datta quay Passive House comoanents yandows + venation uni Unvalao of rnd: 060 WATER ‘geiko of glazing: 0.55 sergy-equlvalertar change rate: 0.06 h! 2 ve 28 a0 a2 as 6 a8 anad Fomscer ATP 17 Relaioneip between the ena foun factorand achecsoieceray. ass te tne “etem a suoy tet snayeed 80 rele: Tahousing elas wth aterert ss Dung neces tcan tween the density andthe eneray-elate form fasta Proceed thal scar optmsee! icing fasiances ae appiea, te danaty scleved is few even iver compact balding ceriguaton Oh the av han tte ha high dontien fan gone be acheevaa win compe! Ce ing siuctues. Courjard Routing eoztscereon exception: despite alow Io average em factors, ey can acevo densbes compar ana tbe of mut storey buiings, Fo Tuher information soe [1], . KLYH Model urban design guidelines ‘Systematic research into Passive House ‘estates has shown that the significance of solar strategies in urban design is vary much dependent on the density and com- pactnase of bullinge fig. 6.9-8.11) * Dwellings and residental housing ‘states that are naithar densa nar cam: Past (single-storey buildings and small single-family homes) generally require & reat deal of effort and expense to meet Paselve House standera, Improvements in tems of solar pertor- manee (south orientation, minimum overshadowing) are absolutely essen- tlal for these building types, + Inthe case of dwelings and residential housing estates with an average degree of compactness (mult-storay single-family homes, terrace housing, ‘small multifamily homes), the urban design and energy-related parameters, ‘orn factor, orientation and overshad: ‘owing, have a considerable impact on costs, However, unfavourable cond tions can be compeneated for with just- ‘lable expenditure. + In tarms of the requirsments imposad ‘on the building envelope, extremely ‘compact dwellings and residental housing estates are comparable with typical low-energy constructions, Situa tions with unfavourable orientation and ‘overshadowing can be improved with only a moderate amount of extra affort + Thus, Passive House buildings are also suitable for inner city locations with a high density and unfavourable sunlight ‘conditions. + As a consequence of the technological advances in the area of Passive House components (windows, glazing, mechanical ventilation units), opportun- ties for the implementation of Passive Houses in cities are increasing, This ia especially true for borderline cases with a fairly low degree of compactness. Design toot The urban design principles are also suit able to make some frst design-related assessments concerning the perfor mance and capacity of Passive House ‘components. To begin with, itis really only necessary 10 determine the form fac tor of the buildings and make some rough ‘estimates ofthe solar situation (orienta- ‘ion, overshadowing). According to this, urban design and energy-related studios are a sultable tool for looking into strate- gic deeign iaauas — algo in terme of enaur- ing costefficient developments. Reference project, ‘This reference project is designed to illus trate how climate protection strategies can be applied to a specific urban deval- ‘opment scheme. Here itis the conversion cf the former barracks Prinz Eugen Kaserne In Munich into a nev uroan dis- Iriel for 8000 rasidants with 1800 apart. ments, school and child care facltes, office buildings and a central square with local amenities, + The proposal is based on the idea of creating a densely bul, mixed-use ‘quarter with several development blocks or pockets, which are able to function as independent neighbour- hoods (fig. 6.12a and b) The public space and the residential courtyards are characterised by clear urban features with differentiated pro- pportions. The school, as one of the components, Is also incorporated into this basle structural concept, All buldings meet Passive House standard, However, the constructional {and technical input to mest the energy criteria dlfers according to the form factor, oriantation and overshadowing of the individual buildings (fig. 6.124). The majority af bulldinge face south. In particular, in tne case of the less dense Configurations with semi-detached and terrace housing, all main facades are oriented south reas for photovoltaic panels are pro- Vided on south-facing roots. Heating is supplied by a distict heating system using a low-temperature net- Work (Low-EX), The main network is kept fo a minimum by incorporating only one substation per block and then Using so-called mini networks. The higher temperature required for dames- tic hot water is achieved by installing Waste water heat pumps (tig. 6.120), The mobility conceptis based on good public traneportation services (tram, 'bus} with stops at the central squara, car sharing services and good facilities to use elaciric vehicles (bicycles, city cars) in every neighbourhood. ‘The urban design is deliberately not dom- inated by an energy-based approach, ‘The successful implementation of climate protection strategies is rather due ta the energy performance of all buildings com- pleted according to Passive House stand- ard and the energy supply concept. The solutions applied have hardly any, or no, impact on the urban appearance of the new residential housing clstict. ar Reference project 6:12 Urban design scheme fer th conversen ofthe ‘omer arracs Pon Eugen Keseme in Mun ‘eagn competion, archfocts: Mathias ‘Roteacy Ebelth Not, lena Rete farm rer Valens 2 step 1 urban design lantecape concent © siswetteaing ster 1 Paive Hou rxpiomenis or conto S80 ig, 62) The average Usiie tthe Spoegi, naulted bulieng envelope othe igh bectngs 108-010 Wm 12 Wim s\n 20 Wine 3 Uz0 vine 73 Urban design 10.12 Fassive Heute housing oat in Ly stup (OK) Donn srontecs Sonal Hammer Lassen tonsiicten eign lev Langentanp fener concept passs a prot Stepan (0.14 Paes Heusen lt development in Folch (D) Dou srontacs: Bruceer Arasaican 26rg) ‘ancept: a photo B Sto plan win surounaings made 6 Sto plan (615 Urban etic ult according to Paceve Howse standatds, tdi Heteiry 0) 2012, 74 lutea design concept: Teja Topi ery Concept aoa 5 Sener lagram © unban desig 6:16 um Paiva aug nousing ets econo And Youth lyme lage hsbc (A {nos teamke arciipots. Reiter Arc hieken 2 "pt vo of Lessard 5 Loosnateal sto pan © perinee book development Loderareal fonaso 1 4 deched apartmont blocks: Chympie Vilage (ohase2, Passive House developments The following housing estates illustrate in number of different ways how the Pas- sive House concept can be incorporated in the design of an urban district, Terrace housing estate in Lystrup (DK) Denmark's largaet housing eetate designed according to climate protection targets is located in Lystrup near Aarhus, ‘The development incorporating 32 ter- rave houses features an urban design with a serial character using very tradi ‘ional south-facing terrace houses. The buildings have been erected by a prop: erly developer using a timber consttu- tion mathod and without basements, Narrow footpaths provide access to the individual homes; roads and car parking facilities, on the other hand, have been positioned on the site boundary. The development is complemented by a com- munity house, which forms a social and cultural meeting point within the estate. ‘The tower-shaped elements, accommo: dating the two-storey-high main ving rooms, create a rhythm in the terraces, which has become a very characteristic feature of the development. Passive House develooment in Fellbach (0) ‘The City of Fellbach bought the site of a former garden certre close to the town centre fo develop a Passive House hous- ing estate, Designed to shield the interior space from the main road, the project features a comb-shaped development in the east with a staggered roof line. The short terraces on the west side are slightly oftset from the development in the ‘east. The buildings adopt the small-scale ‘configuration of the neighbourhood. Daspite the somewhat law density, the Passive House estate could be devel- oped in a cost-efficient way using stand- ard solid construction methods. Two housing estates in Innsbruck (4) ‘The largest Passive House housing ‘state in Austria is distinguished by two different building typologies — a perime- tar block development and detached apartment blocks. As a consequence, it has been possible to directly compare the different design approaches in terms fof open space and building typoioay. The first construction phase (Loden- areal), based on a competition design, did not provide ideal conditions ta implo- ment the Passive House concept due to the continuous balconies with integrated loggias and the elaborate ventilation sys- tem. The laaming process triggered by these results meant that the extra costs, for Passive House standard in the detached apartment blocks (Olympic Villaga), in comparison to a conventional evelopment, could be reduced to almost 8% and thus mora than halved, Bahnstait Heidolberg (D) Germany's largest Passive House aistict with a dense and mixed-use concept is, current being completed in Heideloera, The new district Bannstadt is being devel: ‘oped on the former grounds of a freight station. A new urban layout with block: type structures has been created by trans- forming former railway lines into elegantly curved urban spaces and adopting the alignment of roads ensuing from the river Neckar and the city centro, The urban features structure the district and create new visual links to the landscaped park, Pratfengrund. Public spaces with diferent functions, sizes and shapes are located at the intersections of the urban fabric. ‘The eneray concept derived by the eng! neering practice abok is based on the {aot that all bulidings are bullt according to Passive House standard, This has been set out in the property purchase agraemente between the City of Heid. berg and potential buyers and will be monitored by the building authority on receiving the building permission applica- tlong, which must be submitted together vith energy calculations and documents ‘completed according to the PHPP. The energy supply is provided by a district heating system and so-called mini net- works, which ara responsible for distribut- ing the heat within the incivicual blocks. Bocause of the high density in the district {and the obligation to connact to the dis- trict heating system, the network-based neat supply is reasonable and sustaina- bile despite the low heat demand ot the Passive House buildings. The accept- ance of this eneray supply system is being supported by subsidy schemes, information and consultation programmes Initaled by the Clty of Heidelberg notes 1 Yaleetn Rainer Eneraeetiener Stadt mit Paseimtusem Gehingen 2017 (2 Yann Rains: SkRebnulche Spekiume und Grenson beim Entry Pansteem Procol ‘ue No Passive House conerance 2001, 20-42 (21 Valin Reins Poeaihauser— mule 2 terntwihlng eidlbaulchor Thoton. Potcol \aue No.3 Passhe House conernce 1908, p2rea2 ay fp. 210 5| Teal, Misczyslaw: Sonne une Archit aneh 1982, pp. 107 (0) see re po. il Completed Passive House developments 1 nveng cums iea'aaittes—G ubio supales & buriness par 7 fransperiation hub ‘TSpecalses race & Spell uae Reference buildings ~ non-residential University extension Kuch, A209 Client Wesco FH Holztachnikum, Kuch! Architect Diet Bregenz Building physics: Horst Lukas and Wolfgang Graml, Wals close to Salzburg Building services: ‘Axel Buraaral, Salzburg Untortrfalor Architekton, ‘The extension to the Holzlechnikurn at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is Intended to present the potential ot modem timber construction togethor with the very best standard of eneray eff ciency in an exemplary way and thus put Ito practice the science of timbar en, neering. Together with the existing build ing, the three-storey new build forms an L-shaped complex. Fully glazed corridors connect the two buildings at every I The elongated, cube-shaped new buld appears to float on top of the solid base ment storey. Narrow lines and an archi= toctural design thal has boon restrictad to a few visible elements underline the impression of ighiness. Almost the entiro bullding has bean conceived as a timber construction, Tha staircase, which for iro [protection purposes is made cf concrete, is the only exception. However, is struc ture is also required to stffen the new build with the help of the two fully closed end walls. All the main rooms face north asl, whereas the access corridor and. the staircase are accommodated on the south-west side of the buliding. The classroom for drawing on the ground floor is the only room that stretches the entire depth and therefore receives daylight from two sides. Because the seminar rooms on the upper floors are fairy deep, ‘hey are provided wth an extra portion of daylight from the wide and fully gla acoess corridor through transom windows positioned high up in the interior walls The favourable surface area-to-volum tio of the new build is the key lo meet ing Passive House standard, The uniform compact structure allows for an uninter rupted layer of insulation with a thickness. (of up to 35 cm, Butlaing construction In contrast to the sod and walls University extension in Kuchl 2 axansion £8.16 View tom rach cat 28:17 Suns acado of extern inal bulla 8.10 Frat fier pln, 1 iray 2 phetolaboratery 3 roset oom comectng passage 79 Section 2 £220 Grose for pan, scale 1400 7 classroom or rawing 4 envance (avenging) £822 Mew ita aazess oom RT obs cada 820 az 59 Reference buildings — non-residential 2823 Vertea section nort-eoet td soale 20, 7 toot wth ovomang Sd rmpobblos, itr tasce Duan waterpooing mabeare, 2 ayo Zarmbreoply croc aminatod tinbst 60-80 mm timber suostucture (0724 mm paneling, nite pre, wtoated 2 Malo: Stem pebbles, ler teece Duman waterprosing membrane, 2 aya Suocs0¢mm ners woe Paton soos Dilmen vapcur barr 2adiem erestap! panel s0irm aveer vee 1s rmlimrotecvaneer aber Bren, aed [2275-280 mm irirategtnbor eam 20cr260 mm mnatng ger bas HEB 240 oe eacton evo ‘ine gizirg 6mm S86 + 18 mmeavty ‘Sn 696 + Tem cavly + 61m S96 fr 00/100 men amram ine [uteteo| poet andra facade 2001300 lrinated ber post ‘001100 mm bracing agar bung, ‘nated tier win 07703 mom sto Seeton, sun and screed 9 widow parapet lnm 880 glass oben, eer side frameles {diem avy ventlaton vind paper deminer woe! nsuaton Spur barren 20 12.2mm 3yosum ‘het wir anf rato cating hangers 2ermisminal vanes Larber beh, ales 1 fecr sae 2mm ata mosalo ork Hoong, ood fmm esmantsoced, PE Sm impact seures nuit, mineral weet 2a mm bee san it Sommsaperatng ply Dm tinaed Yeroe lumbar panel 100/400 rm fainstes ro bse ty {orm mira yoo i {mm taninaed vonge lumber panel 230 mm seu, accuse oo, Si mmmineral toot 5Smmlaminaed vense umber panting, bret ole, partly rok pure "7O/80/3190 rn ed aun shang imag, ne ar cr, used Mis tiraee bot 12 meorsore mm stahies see te, ‘icaosous ren ce isn 19 Eaadinammfat steel, stares sto 1 Sim ste tesnove protec, micacsous ironovie fee 12.25 Pet fer plan win lang sanaces sale 1400 18.25 Ground tor plan wih bung sree, foal 1400, 827 Balding data 90. University extension in Kuchi 824 = arsupply ducts oar ails Cf cross laminated timber, the long sides of the building facing north-east and ‘south-west are almost entirely glazed, The framed facade, set aut in horizontal window ribbons and made of a compos tion of aluminium and untreated white ‘bine, incorporates Passive House-cert- 025 fled windows with triple glazing. The par. pets in batween are concaived as highly insulated timber components (tig. 8.23). ‘An exterior-mounted structure made of horizontal, untreated white pine battens is dasignad to provide shading for some jpatts of the glass facade. Even though it fillers the sunlight, the view out onto the forecourt can stil be enjoyed (fi. 8.17, p89). However, the distribution of bat tens in the facade is based on formal and compositional aspects, rather than tho raqurament for soar petacton l Unterunathy the aad eas aloo ‘edao soar hat gain on re cout fecngacade nite Due tothe sora wr, re eraning zed i pela alert elie ig deuce Ineror lr Unde lave toch ted inten despite tat fopmeteacicet Buteing senices ‘The heating system is run on renewable energy, in he form of wood chip. The Peat citibuted exclusivoly by tho sup- ply at, without addtional radiators, A ‘mochanical ventilation unitath a heat recovery system complements tne Pas Sexe SEanE A] sive House concopt Tho contal unt with ‘reral snp ‘zone and speed controlled mchenism — U-vawos Win" is accommodated in he basement. In addition to fitring the air and distibuting the hea, the mechanical venation unt, fea wath an evaporation cook, is designed to hurt the air in winter ang cool tin summer. The air ducts are con ‘ealed by a suspended, perforated cel ing structure, which aio fll the acoustic recuiremerts for scund absoration ‘pace rt dorana primary nay Fat prt rao Heal supply syst nergy carer photevoese plant T? 1 026 aaa Siam 36300 Toor spazenear FS fos slurs Bovret Tae 0 a2 ‘Ci Wan ‘00 WA we “akernative calouation method ‘oki ‘at load HITZMMtnea ——yntaton gym ate Blower doors ih (60 Pa) wal ‘wid: (Uae) Cia Wink (9380 Winrk va Win conta! oe anit Teatlarass solar colbens [coverage aie) — oF 1 Reference bullings ~ Passive House refurbishments Freiburg im Breisgau, D 2011 ch ere Freiburgor Stadtoau, Freiburg |.Br. : / . Architect: 3 8k Roland Fombach, Kirchzartan ° 5 Building services: 1 Ingoniourbixe Lenz, Umkirc Building physies: ~ x 3 5 Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Eneray a » 7 % et fa Systems, Freiburg | Br 4 ) i Apartment block refurbishment > I LI fond ‘The 16-storey bullding in Freiburg is the first high-rise residential building evar to hhave been refurbished according to Pas- sive House standard. The apartment block was completed in 1968 using a serial construction method with precast ‘concrete elements typical of that time, Having been in use for 40 years, the building was in need of refurbishment. ‘ ‘The layouts of the large apartments no a anger suited the neads of the residents, Furthermore, the long and nerrow, Ioggia~ like balconies without thermal breaks. were the cause for severe thermal bridges and a lack of daylight in the apartments (fig. 10.19). It was fer this reason that the client decided to totaly restructure the floor plans, which meant that the building could nat be lived in during the 18-month ‘constuction period, All tenante who wanted to retum aftor the modernisation were moved into ternporary replacement accommodation, Now, after the refurbishment, each level contains not six, but rine aparimenis Improved layouts, but ess floor area, ‘Among these are 80 barrier-free units, Due to the reduction of floor area and cut in heating costs, the all-inclusive rent per Unit is lower now than it used to be before the modernisation, The circulation area in the building has been reduced and the former loggias enclosed so that thermal bridges ara no fonger an issue and the overall ving area has been increased! by (900 m2. This has had tha effect that the layouts are now even deeper than before, However, the sanitary and ancillary rooms are located in the inner darker zones; the bedrooms and living areas, on the other rand, are positioned on the window side, G A WR SQARALAAAAAS Builsing construction Due to the high degree of compactness {he tall structure is very beneficial in terms of energy efficiency. Neverthelass, 110 Apartment block refurbishment in Freiburg ote otubisnod Enonco area 107 1018 Reference buildings ~ Passive House refurbishments 108 vent cnn pinch a Sas raat ‘Bim fercovang torn cart eos connie es SFeaa al reion fevlng a Srenoigral ecoed ‘BormarSreed aert tor Mss sense 2 ers i | Erpabeatien If Stennett atten la ‘stmmexterer wal arate concats, Inner ts sales [vind bots) 3 eam’ pasion 4 tiple gazed P¥C window 4 fuitena aston end ler utr box 2mm meroporus ica hauaion (aerogen fer sab between ground for ond erent ‘diene covering {dm cama’ seen separating fl oi born tn. oveting Scat 2 nmorignal seed {ed mmrarirces corcels toor sap engeal eC mm ner! hema insuaten fl Gmina plaseing 6 tates nc u oul ised PC window (=. mv) eto hal ts {inmate acca ed mmnnera heme naien {so mm cance sacral (ia) ‘0mm manele lomminema pasting 10.28 Vero seo acede any z= 8 bak: Z 10-180 men rourehfred conto Ealcery amon suspend tem frou sve wal cope lop suraca Bioomm bakery dian pp, 9 2mmamor shock anes tot 10 miseporoue sion nto erga 1024 Horzonalsectonfacade/baleony sae 20 fo mm acaserendaing 181200 rmmineralhtralinaton = 1028 Dstt veo aceniee 1026 Standere toa 5a Type 5) wih bulking soescontaye seats 180 sor Layout tmacrania equpmen oor , 1028 ery Ealance Ly 1028 Bunaing est 024 412 through the Passive House refurbishment, energy savings of almost 80% have been achieved. The facades have been upgraded with Passive House-certiied windows and a composite thermal insula- tion system with 20 cm-thiek mineral wool. Acragel insulation (A = 0.013 Wink) has. been used to prevent thermal bridges and compensate for the reduced thick ‘ness of insulation atthe balcony connec- tions and behind the roller shutter boxes (fig. 10.22 and 10.23), The original balco- nies and exterlor concrete wall supports are now incorporated within the building envelope and no longer cause thermal bridging in the facade. In replacement, all apartments nov feature new exterior ‘mounted balconies, which are supported by the protruding, but thermally sepa- rated, parapot elements made of rein forced concrete. By enclosing the log- dias, the windows receive more direct sunlight, which increases not only the solar heat gain but also the amount of natural daylight. Builaing services ‘The restructuring of the apartments pro- vided an opportunity to repiace all build ing services. Two central mechanical ver= filation units with heat recovery hava bean accommodated in a new root structure (lig. 10.27). The distribution of air is lim- ited to vertical ducts (ig. 10.26). The sys- tem is designed to supply an air change rate of 0.4 per hour; however, the res dents can increase it by 50% If required, In order to support the successful accom- plishment of the revolt, residents are given instructions on how to use their Passive House unit and live an energy- saving lifestyle before moving in. The result ofthe pilot projact are being moni- {ored closaly; the intention is to use the research, among other things, as a basis, {or the refurbishment of two identical buildings in the neighbourhood. 1025 Apartment block refurbishment in Freiburg = tet = oieter Seo = ian ne Crna LU el nz r= Soe ee primary onorgy, neat DHW ico 1 Secrcly Bitary pean ei bio B10. 5 0. : Bo. © 2 ° Fre ray Pinay oy Fre cry Pinay sry wnat casa veh veto ns ung dla oe ear nae ETT A, ra armearaR FH Staci wears) ae een Ban we Homalerenre Gee) Serra tie & es SETHE ar Sirwine See Wim Mion tab) Show loassara) Som Enea performance dla PHPP pace ad 72 e RTS aa Twi Siayouganaa — joroainnes atu gen Sid feat plone ate ae Coverite mora _ $52 iat up ieayerer ES TCA) aC = eee oan aS 113 Building envelope components Window frames Window frames commonly feature U;-val- es of 1.52.0 Wim. Ifthe aim is to remove the need for a heat source below the window, without restricting comfort levels close to the facade, high-perfor- mange tramee with U, values of 0.8 to 0.7 Wim’ are required to achieve a whole- \window inetalled U-value of ese than or ‘equal to 0.85 Wim. In developing Pas- sive House-compliant frame systerns, there are various strategies which help achieve good results (la. 11.13} + installation of insulation strips into the frame profile + inetaad of insulation stipa, hallow cavi- ties in the frame profile can also helo to reduoe heat loss through the frama + window frames that are not insulated can be upgraded to mest the raquira- ‘ments of Passive House windows by ‘wrapping the outside the window frame with a thick layer of insulation on site Since it is not possible to wrap the bot tom edge af the frame with insulation, due to the position of the window sill and the vents for the supply and extrac- tion of arto the glazing rebate, this part of the window always fends to be the Weakest point in this frame, All new Passive House windows devel- ‘oped over the last years feature mini- mised frame wicths in order to improve solar heat gain and daylight performance. ‘The visible frame width is sometimes even well below that of conventional frames. In the case of some products, the window ‘sash appears to be integrated into the {rame wth the effect that the window looks legs fussy and more pleasing to the eve Meanwhile, more than 80 window frames have been certified. The frames tend to be finished in woed, PVG, aluminium or fibreglass; sometimes a combination of ‘materials is used for a different appear- ance inside and outside, Element facades and framed glazing Framed glazing systems can be used to coreate large glass surface araas with a mixture of opaning sashes and insulated ‘opaque elements. Thase systems hava been available in Passive House standard for some time now. Some manufacturers have even succeeded in developing very narrow, Passive House-compliant sys- tems with a minimum visible frame depth cof only 60 mm, These facade systems are mora expansive than conventional con- sructions due to their complicated pro- files. In the case of earified products, the heat loss caused by screw ftings and lazing gaskets has also been reduced to a minimum (fig. 11.13h), Solar shading Effective solar shading devices are gen- erally also reauired in Passive House buildings. Since they should not substan. ‘ialy reduce the solar heat gain in winter, fixed systems ara not always suitable. Large, acourataly dimensioned over- hangs in south-facing facades, however, are an exception. For aesthetical reasons, facade inte rated shading devices are nowadays often preferred to systems that are fixed {0 the extarior ofthe building envelope. However, in order to provide the neces- sary space for the solar shading element, the thickness of the wall insulation has to bbe reduced. The position in tha wall also ‘makes it dificut to wrap the frame with insulation. The thinner the exterior wall insulation, the more serious this conflict becomes, Some manulacturers naw pro- vide ready-made insulated elements with integrated boxes for roller shutters or Venetian blinds suitable for use in Passive House buildings. The intagration of shading devices tends to be more straightforward in the case.ct timber constructions since the necassary ‘oavities can be provided in the loac-oear- ing plane and itis easier to accommodate ‘he addtional insulation or add an appro- priate structure of battens Sliding doors The construction of sliding doors for Pas- sive House buildings is particularly chal longing due to the weight of the glazing Uns end the requirements cancerning airightnass. However, thore are a fow window manufacturers who offer Passive House-certified siding doors (fig. 17.18)). In order to ensure their good working order, the deformation of the door lint! should be limited to a value well below \hat Is usually determined in structural calculations. lootights Due to their position beyond the insulation plane, Passive Houss-compliant ractights require not only high-performance glazing units and frames but alao special system- designed solutions to provide a good ‘connection to the roof insulation, Spectal criteria has been developed by the Pas- sive House Insitute for the certification of rooflights. A fow certified products with ready-made insulated surrounds, as well as special glazing units and coatings, are avaliable, Other construction elements. ‘and special components Inthe meantime, standard components are available for an increasingly largo range of special applications. In some fields, construction elements ara stl in thair infancy stage, for example products {or fra protaction or special components for use in eneray efficiency refurbish- ments performed to meet the EnerPHit standard Main entrance doors ‘The intensive use and the demanding requiramants conceming secunty, weath- erproofness, thermal protection and air- tightness mean that main entrance doors Gasigned to meet Passive House stand- ard are high-performance components in tetms of construction and stability. Some window manulacturers now offer certified doors, which frequently also satisfy add tlonal requirements, euch as burglar and noise protaction, temperature stability and resistance to peling rain. In the case of large non-residential buildings with public business hours, solutions including a porch or draught lobby at the main entrance are recommended. The alr exchange caused by thoir use is then generally no longer an issu. Qpenings with special requirements Due to the demanding requirements for airightness in Passive House bulldings, it is best to avold vents that are constantly ‘open to the outside arr. In conventional toulicinas these include, for example, chimneys, exhaust fuss, slevators and vent stacks. There are alternative solutions {for some af these situations: * room airindependent air supply ducts to comiaustion chambers that are pos! tioned inside the building envelope + chimney atacks with flaps or Passive House-certiied exhaust air systems + stack vents with gravity valves, which ‘can occasionally be used as an aterna- tive to roof stack vents [2] Inetallation of insulated and darkened ‘openings for the provision of smoke and heat axtraction and elavator shaft ventilation. ifan elevator is planned, the slaircase and elevator should ideally Use a single smoke and heat extraction vent, which should be opened on demand oniy. ‘Structural penatrations and fixtures extend Ing through the insulation plane ‘Thermal bridges are always an issue in areas where structural loads penetrate COtner construction elements and special components the thermal envelop, In these situations, itis common practice to use products ‘with a low thermal conductivity, but a high load-bearing capacity, orto distribute the load of the necessary structural foture over a feiv high-strength point-fixed con nections, ‘The following list includes a selection of certified standard components: + offset blocks macs of aerated concrete, foam glass or recycled polyurethane + mechanical fxings made of plastic or stainless steel with a sophisticated structural system for facade claciaing or connections with horizontal point loads (fig. 11.14) + pre-fabricated systems made of stain- less steal wth integrated insulation for balconies, apen access corridors and roof parapets (fig. 11.15) + cylindrical thermal inculaton pads or load-bearing brackets for the thermal: bricige-free fixture of smaller loads in connection with composite thermal insulation systems, such as railings or similar members In most of these situations, it should be possible to develop thermal-bridge free constructions. In the case of very high loads, though, itis aften only possible to achieve constructions with reduced ther- ‘mal bridging, These then have fo be taken into consideration in the energy bal- ance, Aiighiness systems In order to provide airtight connections, |unetions and penetrations through the building envelope caused by pipes, cables, fixtures or other members, some manufacturers have davoloped airtight ness systems, which are designed to meet a wide range of different applica- ‘ions (fig. 11.16) + airtight sheet and sealing membranes airight tapes and sealing compounds to produce ainght junctions between differant materials and surface struc- tures + airtight grommets to produce airtight exit points of cables and ducts + airtight eockate and carvica cavitioe Not yet-available components Alongside soacial components for energy-efficiency uparades, there is a severe lack of ceried fre protection ‘components. Ideally, these should make it possible te full not only Passive House bbut also fire protection requirements at difficut junctions (@., junctions at fre division and party walls) a3 nas 16 14 Frame proties of Passive House wincows fl "20 | ad abinium window aod won 2 Puciaummum ince shmnumaings hn co wt nara tion FP uindew wher naw rome A pte ite cain ter be | push ang doer win wooden tame “Team brocen brace for ne ure Suspend rear vetted 80° ro fbrcated, Instat Valco rorvxco. ment oomactare Dieta aighnoss procucts vapour and gross mamevane,aighines ap, lig’gtonmel orbs eeang ol cab) ppe 1st Building envelope components Building methods and construction systems In the case of every design, the decision about the construction method deter- imines the basis for he structural detailing of tha whole project. Sometimes it soams. ‘hat architects regard the question can- corning the type of building nat as 2 choice between almost equal options, but, as 2 matter of principle, as a conlro- versial issue, On closer examination, how- ever, there are good arguments in favour and against all types of constructions, ‘And when developing constructions and detail solutions to maet Passive House standard, these demand particular con- sideration, in any case, most buildings are in fact completed as mixed! constuc- tions, each with a different emphasis, Sequencing as a design issue Every bullcing can be interpreted as a configuration of layers [3]. The building envelope incorporates several functional layers, whereby a single one can some- times full more than one function (fig. 14.17). Figures 11.18-11.20 illustrate a variety of bullding methods as sche- matic constructional sections to compare tho difforont configurations. The layers providing thermal insulation, alrightness and wincitightness have been highlighted in diferent colours. The task of detalled design is to arrange the functional layers, according to their principles, without interruptions in the building envelope and, at the same time, taking into account the various junctions and transition points. The aim is to ind a perfect agreement between constructional needs and the basic intontion of the design, Solid construction In solid constructions, the load-bearing structure, and usually also the non-load- bearing elements, are made of solid pretection/enang (Boss. reer vetizion) 2 TTT sins tgrmoss a / \,_inslatonvoas-oeaing slurs oafcke a pent 132 ” building materials, such as reinforced concrete, cavity brick masonry, sand-lime brick or aerated concrete, These are either incorporated as panel elements (wall, oof and floor stabs) or broken down into point bearings (columns and bbaames). The insulation is generally added to the exterior using a thermal insulation ‘composite sysiom or in the cavity of roar- ventilated facade cladding. Soacial ‘masonry blocks with insulalion-flled cavi- ties, etther using mineral woo! or perits, are avaliable today; however, their appl: cation in Passive House buildings is lim- ited (see p. 1271) Ainightness in new builds is provided by the internal plastering, In the case of ‘enorgy efficiency refurbishments, itis ‘sometimes more suitable to use the exter- ral rendering as the airtight layer. Any installations integrated! into components of the building envelope require special attention (2.9. installation of airtight sock- fs) since they usually penetrate the air- tight layer of plaster. Concrete, in contrast, is already airtight in itself; however, if prefabricated elements are being used, the junctions have to be sealed with airtight tape, When using ‘exterior insulation, itis important to ‘ensure a wind:-tight construction in ordar to prevent the insulation from being wind- washed In solid constructions, itis sometimes dit- ficult to avoid thermal bridges in areas \where load-bearing slements panstrate the insulation plane, for example, at the base of the bulking i the level below {ground is not insulated, where balcony slabs protrude beyond the facad, and at the tie-in areas of exterior and interior walls in situations where the top side of the basement ceiling slab has been insu- lated. Effective solutions to avoid thermal bridges in these circumstancas incluce using materials with a lower thermal can- uctivty in the bottom brick course or breaking down the load-bearing structure into a tew point bearings with a suitable layer of insulation in between, ‘So long as the thermal mass remains accessible in the interior and is not cov- ‘ered up, solid buildings are easior to keep cool in summer than lightweight constructions, Timber constructions Inthe case of timber constructions, the loact-bearing structure, including most of the non-toad-bearing slements, is made Cf lightweight materials, such as solid tim bar mombers, |-beams or other wood ‘materials. The insulation is usually added Ina space-saving way as inl insulation between the load-bearing timber compo- nents. However, its also possible to ada Inaulation tothe outside of solid load. bearing panel-shaped lements. A sor: vices cavity is often included on the inner sid of thase exterior walls to provide space for electrical installations and to allow for the fixing of airtight tapas, for ‘example at pane! joints, behind! angle brackets and fie bars. In timber construc- tion, itis possible to combine panel shaped elements (6.9. solid timber or tim- ber-ramed constructions) with wooden posts and beams, the elements of a tim- ber stud structure. From an economic viewpoint. timber construction methods are therefore ideally suited for designs with large openings. Tho stiffening beard on the insida of light- eight constructions is often used to pro- vide aitighiness. The joints between the adjacent boards must, inthis case, be sealed with alright tape. Alternatively, itis possiols to use vapour bamars or tear~ proof foils to provide alrtightness. Wind- ‘ightess is ensured by cladding the ‘ramework on the exterior wilh boarding ‘hat is open to difusion (e.g. plywood sheathing, compressible bitumen-mareg- natad fibreboard), or using a difusion- ‘open facade system, Ifthe details at junctions are planned accurately, there is no danger of thermal bridges in timber constructions. In some ‘cases, itis worth calculating the thermal bridges inaividually, since the result ‘may be a significant bonus which can be used to reduce the insulation thick- ness of standard building components. ‘The lack of available building mass in lightweight constructions is a disadvan- tage in summer. Double layers of board- ing on the inside of walls, solid screed figors and solid timber floor slabs (e.g. Brettstapel or laminated veneer timber ‘ioors, possibly with an adcitional layer of concrete or a gravel infil) are recom- ‘mended to provide better thermal comfort in summer. ‘Mixed construction methods Tho banafis of solid and lightweight bulling practices are comioined in mixed ‘sanstruction methods. In these buildings, itis usually the interior load-bearing struc- ‘ure that is built using solid components: and the building envelope (2.9. exterior \walls and roofs) that is completed using lightweight ones. Itis common to use timber construction ‘elements in solid constructions (e.g. in ‘the case of roofs} and solic! members in Building methads and constuction systems = windigtiyer — aitigitleyer © lation aga timber constructions e.g. floor slabs, basement). In practice, mixed construc- tion methods tend to be the rule, rather than the exception, The junctions where the two types of constuction meet require special attention, * The airtight seals at the junctions bbolwoen cold and lightweight campo- nents must algo take Into consideration all secondary leakage paths. This sig- nificantly Increases the lengths of joints Furthermore, itis important to make sure that the alright tape used is suita- ble for both material worlds, The insula tion filing the hollow spaces at junc- tions, including thelr respective alright configuration, isa fundamental aspact, for noise and fre protection, The fite protection requirements speci fied for standaral components also apply to all junctions and other tranet tion points in the construction. This tre- quently requires more detailed planning in the design and construction phase. + In lightweight constuctons, thermal bridges often accur a the tie-in points ‘of solid components, such as foor slabs and walls. The lengths of these Junctions are fundamental to reducing ‘thermal bridging heat loss and thus achieving Passive House standard, This especially applies to buildings that are ‘ot quite so compact. + The thermal conditions in summer of a mixed construction type building are very similar to those of a solid building, 120 Notes Ti Bonch Lane, Rat: Tavensaetcts on Fahoichem ate. BETA te, pp Ten. 12}, ears coog. it ecesay to ty he una lihoss dese wi he ting sates ln. tot Toy cel bo vd rear, nS tina wit waste ing ser (8) Meconcept of sumucing was dared by Hons Bey ae! yr fam, Po Heine al: aust Bhonaeldon sn Koran doo ace ehon tan Bevel Bein Bonn 135) 1117 The concapt sequencing suse t ner prot ine eaniqurtion ef unossnalayer=th beh ng beret lan sere cos, ‘Sangleayarmay evan be espana or ever tacos smtarecuay, 11.18 Seherate section of 2 Passive House bul Ingeftnasotu constuction 11.9 Scherae secon of» Pasave House ul inguin aigwelghtinber ersten 11.20 Schemas secon of aPassve House bul IPgwihamied constuction 183

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