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COR 169 Lead and Influence

Tutor-Marked Assignment 01
Chua Pei Siang
SIM University


The leader identified in this essay is Noretta Jacobs, the senior centre manager
of the childcare, Preschool By-the-Park.
Noretta, is a daughter, a wife, a mother, a teacher, a colleague but above all,
she is a leader that lead by example. She is the epitome of modern day superwoman;
with taking care of her young daughter, an ailing father and running her household,
she seems to have so much on her plate, but there were never a time that I heard her
complain or arrive at work without a big and cheery smile on her face. She is a
confident individual who carries herself professionally at all times and it is evident
that she takes a genuine interest in her staff from the way she respects and
communicates with each of us. One of her primary strength of her leadership caliber
would be her advocacy of leading by example. As an early year educator herself, she
takes a keen interest in children from the way she respects them by speaking
positively and being firm with them, yet, loving when she needs to and it is through
her efficacious role modeling that enabled her to influence and empower us all to
deliver our utmost in the best interest of the children in our centre.
Additionally, Noretta is also a caring and inspiring leader that strives to
provide the best for her staff working alongside her. She understands and recognizes
the efforts and toils that early year educators go through and she would actively seek
to ensure and that our well being, both physically and emotionally are being taken
care of.

She would make an effort to engage us in meaningful conversations,

providing us with assistance, guidance and even home-cooked food just to affirm us
of her unwavering support and her gratitude in recognition of our hard work. Even
when staff displayed undesirable behaviors, Noretta never loses her cool; instead, she
would take time to explain to the teacher its implication on others.


Finally, I must comment on Noretta as an inspiration to new and budding
teachers like myself. Despite having to juggle both work, family and studies, she took
on the challenge of the part-time study positively and is now a proud graduate of SIM
University. It is without a doubt that having to work and study simultaneously is
tiring and one would typically advise other individuals to steer clear of the tough path,
but not Noretta. Instead, she informed us how the course had helped her in gaining
additional insights into the field of early childhood education and encouraged us to
take on the course too. Her words and actions aligns in accordance to a quote by the
late President Ronald Reagan, The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who
does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.
(CBS Corporation, 2004). Now, I am taking on the similar course that Noretta had
taken, but I know my academic journey is never as tough as hers for she empowers
and provides me the unwavering support and love no other leaders had shown me.
Noretta, a leader who leads by example and walks the walk, is truly a leader in my
eyes, for working alongside her had motivated me to work harder in the pursuit of my
passion. Such is indeed an exemplary of a transformational leader, one who inspires
and motivates her followers to strive and achieve beyond the expected (Northouse,
2016, p.161).


CBS Corporation. (2004). Ronald Reagan remembered. Retrieved from
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice. Great Britain: Sage
Publications, Inc.

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