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Copyright 2016 Nutrifrontier Limited

All rights reserved.
Published by Kevin Richardson
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Individual results may vary.

Nature's Medical Miracle - The Revolutionary Medicine ........................ 6

Chapter 1: The Homeopathic Treatment ............................................................. 7

The Origin Of Homeopathy .................................................................................... 8
How Is Homeopathy Different From All Other Systems Of Medicine?
............................................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 2 Benefits Of Homeopathic Remedies ......................................... 10

How Are Homeopathic Remedies Made? ...................................................... 10
How Are The Curative Effects Of A Substance Discovered? ................ 11








Hahnemann) ............................................................................................................... 11
Safe, But Why Effective? ................................................................................... 12
Why Is There So Much Criticism Of Homeopathy In The Media
Recently? ....................................................................................................................... 12
Historical Background ....................................................................................... 12
Recent Development: Homeopathy Is The Worlds Fastest Growing
Medicine ........................................................................................................................ 13
Homeopathy In The World ................................................................................... 14
Why Use Homeopathy? ........................................................................................... 15
Name Dropping - Fans Of Homeopathy ........................................................ 16

Chapter 3: How To Take A Remedy .................................................................... 17

What To Consider: .................................................................................................... 17
Method 1: Taking The Remedy ......................................................................... 17
Method 2: Taking The Remedy Dissolved In Water ............................... 18
Method 3 Sniffing (Olfaction Dosing)............................................................ 18

Chapter 4: Homeopathic Success Stories ........................................................... 19

Epidemics ..................................................................................................................... 19

Chapter 5: Who Practices Homeopathy? ........................................................... 23

Chapter 6: What Can I Expect In A Homeopathic Consultation? ....... 24

The Homeopathic Consultation ......................................................................... 24
How Long Does It Take? ..................................................................................... 24
How Often Do I Have To Come? ..................................................................... 24
Preparing For Your Appointment ................................................................ 24
The Visit .................................................................................................................... 24
The Medicine .......................................................................................................... 26
Monitoring The Homeopathic Cure............................................................. 26

Chapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................ 27

Chapter 8: Homeopathic Self Care ...................................................................... 32

Possible Problems In Homeopathic Self Care: ........................................... 32
Using Homeopathic Remedies At Home ......................................................... 32

Chapter 9: Summary ................................................................................................. 33

Chapter 10: Resources................................................................................................ 34

Associations .................................................................................................................. 34
Research And Guides ............................................................................................. 34
Videos .............................................................................................................................. 34
Pharmacies .................................................................................................................. 34
Homeopathic Groups ............................................................................................... 35
Books ............................................................................................................................... 35

Nature's Medical Miracle - The Revolutionary Medicine

Homeopathy is often confused with home remedies and herbal remedies or nutritional
therapy or with the broad field of natural or alternative medicine. Instead, homeopathy is
an advanced system of natural medicine of its own. It is radically different from any other
system of medicine, and has been proven effective, and gentle for over 200 years across the
When homeopathy is practiced at its highest standards, it is the treatment of choice to
recover one's health from the great majority of acute and chronic diseases.
Homeopathy is a scientific method of treatment based on the universal Law Of Similar
meaning like cures like. Even if you have never heard of it, most likely you are familiar
with its effects. For instance, when you badly knock your head against a cabinet, you put as
much pressure onto the bump as you can stand to prevent a huge swelling of the bumped
area. You react with a mild bump to the severe bump.
Another example: Lets take a look at onions. When you chop an onion, pretty soon you will
have burning eyes and tears, as well as a runny nose. These are some of the symptoms
onions cause in a healthy person. When you have a condition with symptoms of a watery
runny nose and burning streaming eyes (such as in hay fever or a cold) similar to what you
get from cutting an onion, the homeopathic remedy allium cepa (onion) corresponds to
your condition and is the curative homeopathic remedy.
This is exactly what homeopathy does: the curative homeopathy medicine will be one that
matches in detail the characteristic symptoms from which the patient is suffering.

Chapter 1: The Homeopathic Treatment

The homeopathic method uses remedial doses based on symptoms which are considered
signals to the source problem. Homeopathy is based on the principle that "like treats like".
Like treating a hangover by drinking a small amount of alcohol, or hair of the dog,
homeopathy uses tiny amounts of natural substances to cure the disorder.
Symptoms are essential for finding the curative homeopathic remedy. They are signals from
your body indicating a cure is required from a particular stimulus. The stimulus triggers your
natural defense mechanism/immunity (vital force) to do the healing.
For cure, symptoms need to be overcome by your bodys healing forces. The well-chosen
homeopathic remedy triggers your body to do its own healing. Otherwise, if symptoms are
suppressed, they tend to return in a form worse than previously experienced. For instance,
many times eczema occurs after skin symptoms have been suppressed by topical treatment.
Once a health problem is overcome by using a homeopathic remedy, not only will the
symptoms disappear, but your overall health will be at a higher level than before the illness.
Homeopathic remedies often are a highly diluted dose prepared in a special way to unfold
their curative effects. This makes homeopathy one of the most gentle and most safe
medicines there is.

The Origin Of Homeopathy

Aude Sapere! (Latin expression meaning dare to know and understand.)
Homeopathy's roots emerge from the findings, teachings and writings of Dr. Samuel
Hahnemann (1755-1843). Dr. Samuel Hahnemann stood on the shoulders of those before
him, namely Hippocrates and Paracelsus. He was a physician, chemist and scientific
Hahnemann graduated from medical school in 1779 and started his own medical practice.
Soon Dr. Hahnemann was disillusioned with medical practice of his day and he quit
practicing it.
Instead he began working as a chemist while translating medical texts. Hahnemann was
fluent in eight languages which enabled him to source information from medical texts
originating in other countries.
When Hahnemann was translating William Cullen's Materia Medica into German, he
questioned Cullens explanation of the health effects of the cinchona bark in the treatment
of malaria. Cullen said it was the bitter ingredients of the bark that caused the curing of
malaria. Hahnemann didnt believe in this explanation, and decided to investigate the
effects of cinchona bark himself.
Hahnemann ingested the bark as a healthy person and discovered that the malaria medicine
cinchona bark caused symptoms similar to malaria.
This was the first application of the ancient law of similia similibus currentur in medicine
which is the Latin phrase meaning let likes be cured by likes.
He continued his research into "cures" and the idea of "similar suffering," and began
compiling his findings. After six years of intense research he published his findings in 1796,
which was to become the birthday of homeopathy.
He resumed medical practice only after he had discovered and observed the laws of

How Is Homeopathy Different From All Other Systems Of Medicine?

Homeopathy is a truly holistic approach to health; one that emphasizes people rather than
diseases. Homeopathy recognizes that each person responds uniquely to the forces of their
heredity and environment.
So how is the homeopathic approach different from all other systems of medicine?
A problem: lets use the example where someone has a tendency for repeated bouts of
bronchitis. Most of us treat the bronchitis as if this was something completely different,
isolated from you. This implies, my problem is my enemy. Because its my enemy, I have
certain strategies available typically favored by conventional medicine kill it, cut it, burn it,
poison it, replace it. You either numb it by poisoning it, you may need to cut it out, to burn it.
Homeopathy says something entirely different and it is a statement that is unique in all of
medicine. The body does the best it can, and when it creates a symptom, a problem, a
complaint, thats the best it can do under an adverse circumstance.
By creating that problem, the problem acts as a signal to the homeopath . The body is
looking for particular stimulus. As said before, if we can match exactly what the body wants,
not only will the problem go away, but as a result the entire level of health of a human being
will get better.
Thats the basis of homeopathy. Conventional
western approaches to curing illness is to eliminate
the symptom, not the cause. Here is an example.
You develop nasal polyps. The polyps are removed
surgically, but they grow back next year. You come
back for surgery again, the surgeon cuts it out and
then next year...the nose polyps return again. Why?
There is a tendency within the human body to want to eliminate the problem. In this
example, by developing a polyp. Homeopaths take that symptom as a signal, but also look
deeper for a solution. So in homeopathy, nasal polyps, belly aches, hot feet in bed at night,
intense food cravings, or unreasonable mood swings, to the homeopath, these symptoms
may actually point to a single cause.
These are messages the homeopath uses to match to a medicine from nature using the Law
of Similar - like cures like. Once the exquisite resonating match is found and applied, it
triggers a deep healing. So you dont need to going back to deal with recurring symptoms.
You dont need to keep taking the remedy once the body heals naturally.

Chapter 2

Benefits of Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are derived from natural sources, and are prepared by licensed
homeopathic pharmaceutical manufacturers. They are approved by the FDA. Many
substances are poisonous, so they are diluted. They are prepared in a unique way so they
are non-toxic and do not cause any side effects, yet bring out remarkable healing capacities
within each individual substance.
More good news. The remedies are available at a fraction of the cost of most prescription
and over-the-counter drugs.

How Are Homeopathic Remedies Made?

The Law of Potentization (The Minimal Dose)
The Law of Potentization refers to the preparation of a homeopathic remedy. Each is
prepared by a controlled process of dilutions alternating with succussion (vigorous shaking)
which may be continued to the point where the resulting medicine contains no molecules of
the original substance.
The more you dilute a remedy, the more effective it becomes provided it is done in this way.
Here is how to dilute:
Begin by combining one drop of substance with 99 drops of water. This mixture is shaken
vigorously ten times. The result is a mixture diluted 100 times. When you buy it, it is labeled
1C. You take one drop of the C1 solution, and add it to another 99 drops of water which
then yields a concentration of one part in thousand. The label then is 2C. This process is
continued as much as 1000 times or more. A C1000 has been diluted and shaken a thousand
These small doses are called potencies. Lesser dilutions are known as low potencies. The
higher the dilution when prepared in this manner, the greater the potency of the medicine.
The power of the infinitesimal dose is not clearly understood but neither was the action of
aspirin and many other drugs. The process of potentization makes it possible to use
substances such as certain metals, charcoal and sand, which are inert in their natural state,
and poisonous substances as medicines.
A potentized remedy does not contain sufficient matter to act directly on the tissue. This
means a homeopathic medicine is non-toxic and cannot cause side effects.
In over 200 years of use, no homeopathic remedy has ever been recalled.

How Are The Curative Effects Of A Substance Discovered?

Primarily, the range of homeopathic remedies is investigated by proving the substance.
Provings are single and double-blinded experiments which yield the knowledge of the action
of remedies. In a proving of a substance, small doses are given to healthy volunteer subjects
who later record their detailed reactions to the test substance.
Other sources of knowledge base for a particular substance are case histories of treatment
with medicines that have not undergone a proving but which have yielded a cure in clinical
practice. Finally, the information of symptoms produced by accidental poisonings with toxic
substances is added. There is no concern about testing homeopathic remedies on healthy
individuals because homeopathically prepared remedies are not toxic. The provings, clinical
and toxicological data forms the Materia Medica of the remedy. The Materia Medica is a
reference list of the symptoms of homeopathic remedies. To treat a patient, the physician
looks up the remedy picture in the Materia Medica, and when the symptoms fit, applies the
Law Of Similar.









The Law Of Similar
This is the fundamental law: Like is cured by Like (similia similibus currentur). A remedy can
cure a disease if it produces in a healthy person symptoms similar to those of the disease.
The Single Remedy Only One Remedy At A Time
Contrary to the current medical practice of frequently prescribing two or more medicines at
one time, classical homeopaths usually give only one remedy at a time. After it is given, its
action is assessed some time later. If it is working, no more medicine is given unless the
improvements experienced either stop completely or are reversed. Combinations of
medicines are not given. This is the only way to observe the process of healing because we
are not sure what the effect of two remedies would be, or the interaction between them,
but we are sure of the effect of a single remedy.
The Minimum Dose
The best results are obtained by giving the minimum amount of medicinal stimulus to get a
reaction from the individuals own healing powers. Currently, there is a lot of
misinformation relating to dosage and repetition of homeopathic medicines actually. Ignore
any instructions that asks you to routinely repeat a homeopathic medicine at set intervals.
Instead remember this simple common-sense rule: If it isnt broke, dont fix it!


Safe, But Why Effective?

We do not fully know how homeopathic remedies work, but we do have a recorded case
history spanning over 200 years and know from experience how to use homeopathy
effectively. This is no different than with many pharmaceutical drugs which are being used
even if no one knows how exactly they work. Aspirin is just one example only in 1970 it
was fully discovered how it works and still it has been used since 1899.
Professor Luc Montagnier, French virologist and Nobel laureate says:
What I can say now is that high dilutions are right. High dilutions of something are not
nothing. They are water structures that mimic the original molecules. Its not pseudoscience. Its not quackery. These are real phenomena which deserve further studies.

Why Is There So Much Criticism Of Homeopathy In The Media

Some media are operating on a double standard regarding homeopathy when they reiterate
that homeopathy cannot work because the remedies contain no substance. They disregard
the evidence of successful cure of millions of people all over the world over a period of 220
years. In fact, homeopathy works with plants and animals, too.
They also disregard all the studies and testimonials of success that exist. This is not new.
Throughout history, homeopathy has been attacked and oppressed because of its success
which is a real potential threat to conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

Historical Background
As you can imagine, Hahnemann was scorned by many of his contemporaries as it was a
radically different kind of approach.
Homeopathy first gained a huge following in Europe through its effective treatment and
prevention of cholera, typhoid, measles, scarlet and yellow fever with a mortality rate of 3 6 % or less without any side effects compared to 30 to 70% mortality of conventional
Dr. Constantin Hering, a German immigrant, founded the first homeopathic medical school
in the United States in 1844. Just like in Europe, homeopathy gained recognition because of
its success in treating the many disease epidemics raging at the time including scarlet

fever, typhoid, cholera and yellow fever. In the mid-1850s, patients were leaving orthodox
doctors in droves to be treated by homeopathy.
Homeopathy became very popular in the early 1900s. At that time, there were 22
homeopathic medical schools, 100 homeopathic hospitals and over 1,000 homeopathic
pharmacies. Boston University, Stanford University and New York Medical College were
among those educational institutions that were teaching homeopathy.
However, already in the 1920s many of those medical schools closed.
Homeopathy lost its popularity in the United States mostly for three reasons:
1. Modern drug companies began
releasing drugs such as penicillin that
were easy to administer to patients.
2. The American Medical Association
(AMA) was formed with the declared
purpose of destroying homeopathy. It
funded its activities by granting seals of
approval to any synthetic drug that
advertised in its journal.

3. The homeopaths were a divided

profession. They did not stand together as
one to counteract the negative trend.
While the United States experienced a
declining interest in homeopathy in the
20th century, other nations, including
countries in Europe and Asia, were
experiencing a steady growth of
homeopathic teachings and interest.

Recent Development: Homeopathy Is The Worlds Fastest Growing

In the United States, since 1970 public interest has risen again and homeopathy is returning
as an accepted practice across North America.
This resurgence has been documented by the National Center for Homeopathy in Virginia
which stated that Americans spent 230 million dollars on homeopathic remedies in 1996. It
has also been said that sales are rising rapidly at about 12 15% each year.
Meanwhile, it is used all over the world to treat humans, animals and plants with impressive
results in acute and even severe chronic conditions.

Homeopathy In The World

Today, all French and German pharmacies sell homeopathic remedies. In France, 30% of all
physicians prescribe homeopathic medicines, 20% in Germany, and 40% in the UK.
Homeopathy has been integrated into the healthcare systems of many European countries
including France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland and Portugal. Mahatma
Gandhi promoted homeopathy in India where it is recognized as one of the three pillars of
public medicine together with Ayurveda and Western medicine.
In India, today there are over 200,000 registered homeopathic practitioners, 215
homeopathic hospitals and 7,000 homeopathic dispensaries. There are homeopathic
colleges with a four to five year training in homeopathy. Indian homeopaths are known for
their expertise in treating very severe cases including cancer.
In Germany, medical students must take at least one introductory course in homeopathy.
The German agricultural department sponsors courses in homeopathy for farmers to enable
them to treat their animals without antibiotics.
Brazil has adopted homeopathy for the public health service in 2006, and it is popular in
Russia, Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, England, Argentina and Mexico,
India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Clinical evidence accumulated over more than 200 years of use demonstrates that
homeopathic medicine is the viable alternative to standard medicine. It is a scientific system
of medicine that is proven safe and effective. And 200 years later it is still doing the same;
governments of today are using homeopathy to prevent, treat, or break epidemics within
their countries. Homeopathy is a safe alternative to vaccinations which all come with health
risks. To learn how to naturally prevent viral infections, please read our report Prevent
Viral Infections Naturally.
Some current examples of homeopathy practice:
The Indian government controls epidemics of malaria, Japanese encephalitis, dengue
fever, and epidemic fever with homeopathy
The Cuban government now depends on the homeopathic preparation of medicines (no
provings) to manage its leptospirosis epidemics and dengue fever outbreaks.
The Brazilian government funded two large trials that successfully reduced the incidence
of meningococcal disease in those given the homeopathic prophylactic.
The governments of Thailand, Colombo and Brazil use homeopathy to manage dengue
fever outbreaks and epidemics.

Why Use Homeopathy?

Homeopathy works. As long as the remedy is well chosen.
Homeopathy treats the whole person. This allows corresponding and seemingly
unrelated issues to fall away as well.
Homeopathy has no side effects.
Homeopathy is approved by the FDA and unlike modern drugs, has never had a
history of even one remedy having been forced off the market for adverse reactions.
Homeopathy is inexpensive.
Homeopathy is not addictive.
It is gentle; its safe even for the unborn child.
Homeopathy works with nature, not against nature
Homeopathy has 220 years of double blind data to support its claims.
Homeopathy works on children, infants, the elderly, plants, pets and livestock.
Homeopathy has a following throughout the world including France, the Netherlands,
Austria, Russia, India, Pakistan, South America and is only now gaining re-acceptance
in the US. Many countries such as England, Germany, Switzerland and even Cuba and
Brazil have incorporated it into their public health system.
Homeopathy can be lifesaving, and it can also remove mild pain and deal with
everyday ills as well.
Credentialed, homeopathic physicians and consultants are only a phone call away.
Homeopathy is easy to dispense.
Using Homeopathy gives us a sense of self-mastery and independence.
Homeopathic remedies can last a VERY long time if stored correctly.
Homeopathy has reduced environmental impact: fewer chemicals involved in
producing the drugs
Homeopathy avoids supporting the corporations that are linked to chemical
manufacturers (and GMO crops)
Homeopathy is building the next generation stronger physically and emotionally.


Name Dropping - Fans Of Homeopathy

In general, people using homeopathy tend to be better educated and better informed
persons than those going for conventional medicine.
Homeopathy has a reputation for being preferred by the privileged and famous. These are
the people who could afford to select any medicine in the world, yet depended on
Famous people who used homeopathy include Abraham Lincoln, Tina Turner, Paul
McCartney, Charles Darwin, the violinist Paganini, John D. Rockefeller (who lived 99 years),
three American presidents, James Garfield, Chester A. Arthur and Warren Harding and Bill
Clinton, Daniel Webster, former prime minister Tony Blair, Henry W. Longfellow,
Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Florence Nightingale,
Mahatma Gandhi, Mark Twain, Samuel Morse, Yehudi Menuhin, a great part of the
aristocracy and European royalty. The British Royal Family, a number of popes including Pius
X, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI. Last not least also Mother Teresas (1910 1997) and her
Mission of Charity apply homeopathy.

Chapter 3: How to Take a Remedy

What To Consider:
One dose is 3-5 pilules
Avoid eating approximately 20-30 minutes before and after taking remedies for best
Space your dosages out over the course of the day, with no less than 60 minutes in
between different remedies.
Example: Two different remedies are to be taken twice daily. Remedy No. 1 can be
taken at 8AM and 4PM and remedy No. 2 can be taken at 11AM and 8PM.
There are some substances which antidote homeopathic medicines. An antidote neutralizes
the effects of another substance. In the case of homeopathy, the administered remedy
would be ineffective by the antidote. You need to avoid these anecdotes when you are
using a homeopathic remedy.
Substances to avoid are coffee, mint, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, and chamomile
externally or internally.
To avoid camphor, read the labels of home remedies, lotions, and make-up to make sure
you are not erroneously introducing camphor into your body. Tiger Balm, Chapstick, lipstick,
and menthol products often have camphor.

Method 1: Taking The Remedy

Take 2 or 3 pilules or one tablet as they are into your mouth and let them dissolve.
If you are taking a tincture, you may dilute 2 or 3 drops in a teaspoon of water. Keep
the fluid in your mouth as long as you can.
If you need to administer the homeopathic medicine to an unconscious or sleeping person,
or an animal, you can just put it into their mouth.

Method 2: Taking The Remedy Dissolved In Water

You need a clean glass of water, and a spoon for vigorously stirring. (Some homeopaths
recommend to use plastic cups and plastic spoons which have to be discharged after use.)
When using a glass and a metal spoon, they need to be cleaned in the dishwasher or boiled
in hot water before re-using them for homeopathic remedies.
Add 2 6 pillules or drops of a tincture to the water.
Stir to dissolve.
Take a teaspoon of the fluid.
Stir briskly every time before you take another dose of the diluted medicine.
Cover it with a saucer between doses. Your remedy will be fine to use in this
manner for one or two days. To preserve it, add a tablespoon of brandy to the

Method 3 Sniffing (Olfaction Dosing)

Remedies can also be taken through the nose by a quick sniff. Its called olfaction dosing.
In olfaction dosing the energy of remedy is taken inward with a quick breath. It has been in
use since the early days of homeopathy. It is ideally suited for sensitive people who
overreact to oral doses.
Place one or two pills of the remedy in a vial or small bottle.
Hold this container close to your nose as you take an inward breath.
You can take the same approach for remedies in liquid form. Simply hold the open
bottle under your nose when inhaling.
Inhaling by mouth works just as well.

Humorous side note:

Hahnemann is reported to have been declined pay when he had administered olfaction dosing to a
patient. Instead of handing the due pay to Hahnemann, the patient only let him sniff it! This may be
the reason why sniffing is not in wide use.

Chapter 4: Homeopathic Success Stories

Successful treatment and prevention of epidemics has made homeopathy widely popular in
its early beginnings.
In 1813, 183 persons suffering from typhoid fever were treated by Hahnemann. Only 1
person died whereas conventionally treated persons had a mortality of 40 50%.
In 1849, in Cincinnati, Ohio, homeopathic doctors treated 1,116 persons infected by cholera.
35 patients died. Conventional medicine had a mortality of more than 50% in cholera
treatment. In 1918, in Connecticut 6,602 patients received homeopathic treatment for the
Spanish flu. Only 55 died which is a mortality rate of less than 1% versus a mortality of 30%
under conventional treatment.
In 1991, there was a severe outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in the Indian state Uttar
Pradesh which is known to have a mortality rate of 21 to 44%, no conventional treatment is
available. The government requested the Indian Central Council of Homeopathic Research
to help, and Indian homeopaths led the successful homeopathic preventive treatment of
322,812 persons. Of those receiving preventive doses, only 223 patients needed remedial
Below are testimonials given by volunteers as part of the grass root movement
Homeopathy Worked For Me. Colic, Post-Natal Depression, Glue Ear, Anal Warts,
Menstrual Cramps, Tonsillitis
Homeopathy has worked for my family for the last 11 years and is still working. These are a
few of the more serious ailments which remedies have helped with.
Postnatal Depression helping me through, rebalancing hormones.
Anal warts cleared in a matter of two weeks when the doctors said it could be a couple of
years. (This was my youngest who was only 2 at the time, and we as parents we suffered the
investigation as at the time the doctor thought the only way she could have caught them
was from being abused we obviously hadnt).
Painful period cramps alleviated
Tonsillitis eldest had recurring tonsillitis every 5 weeks which we broke the cycle of by not
using antibiotics and thus saved her having to have her tonsils removed.
-Barbara Martin March 31, 2011

Eczema, hay fever and more

I am a Biochemist and had been in research for 8 years. When I had my first child, I started
investigating about vaccinations and its adverse effects. So after a few jabs, I decided to stop
vaccinating my child.
Then my daughter developed eczema. After failing to get proper care for her in mainstream
medicine, I resorted to Homeopathy. The results were amazing! Then I got my husband
interested and within months his hay fever was gone. Totally blown away with this
experience, I quit my job and started studying Homeopathy. I had full Homeopathic care
throughout my other two pregnancies and delivered happy healthy babies. I had remedies
throughout my labor and afterwards as well. I didnt take any medications at all. On my
hospital form my GP put down Homeopathy used for analgesics. My children are not
vaccinated and have never been on antibiotics. They havent had any ear infections, throat
problems which so many other children seem to experience.
-Shabina May 20, 2011
Ross River Virus
My entire body was in pain and I could barely move, needed husband to help me. Had been
this way for a few weeks, went to the doctor and had a blood test, positive for Ross River.
Doctor said it might last for 6 to 18 months and there was no medication that would cure it
and it would also come back years later, offered drugs to help with the pain, declined the
offer. I consulted with the Homoeopath, the beautiful soul Maryanne, and within 48 hours
of taking the remedies I was pain free and feeling light and energetic once more. This was
about 6 years ago and it has never come back! Also I have been using homoeopathy for
many years to alleviate the effects of depression and anxiety. My son, 12 years of age, has
not been vaccinated and experiences better health than his peers. Our homoeopath health
care provider is exemplary and knows her stuff. Also, when I burn myself, I run hot water on
it and the pain is gone within minutes. (Wouldnt do this with a child though, as it really
really hurts for a few seconds before the pain goes.) Cheers.
-Veronica May 21, 2011
Tonsillitis, skin condition, shingles, glandular fever
I have used homoeopathy[sic] from time to time over the last thirty years particularly when
my sons were small. The youngest one avoided having his tonsils removed after the GP told
me if his tonsillitis continued this would be the outcome. The homoeopathic practitioner
fixed that problem. The other one experienced a very itchy, painful face with swelling. Cause
unknown, but within hours the pain and itching reduced markedly and by the next day,
pain-free and reduced swelling.
I, myself, suffered from shingles, another painful condition. By taking Rhus Tox as prescribed
by an herbalist, I would be pain free within twenty minutes. My husband suffered Glandular
Fever in his late fifties a few years back. Within one month of taking homoeopathic
treatment, he was back to his old self. Usually this debilitating condition can take months
and months to overcome. There are many other incidents over the years where
homoeopathy has played its part in our family health regime. I support homoeopathy one
hundred percent.
-Helen May 24, 2011

Infertility female
I was having a lot of difficulty conceiving my third child was trying for months and months.
I eventually realized after doing LH tests each month that I was not ovulating at all.
After several visits to my GP to see what might be wrong, and who was unable to give me
any definite answers, I felt at a loss. I found a homeopath specializing in fertility. I read
numerous testimonials on her website she had cured decades long cases of infertility
within 4 months, and with an 85% success rate.
I had one consultation with her, she gave me about 5 different remedies turns out I had a
number of hormonal imbalances that had cropped up since the birth of my second child.
Within 2 weeks the remedies worked, the LH test came up positive for the first time in
months. I was pregnant in my next cycle.
It cost me about $200 all up (half of which I was able to claim back on health insurance). I
was amazed. And then I started thinking about all the poor women who stay on IVF for
years, paying thousands of dollars, without any success, and with all the nasty side-effects.
When I returned to my GP to confirm my pregnancy, I mentioned I had been to a
homeopath and fallen pregnant straight away. The response I got was well you would have
fallen pregnant anyway. Interesting.
- Linda June 8, 2011
Hypoglycemia, pustules
I was suffering from frequent attacks of hypoglycemia. I was also suffering from backache
due to protrusion of the disc at the level of L4, 5. Another problem was an eruption of small
pustules at my face. I went to a homeopath in my area named Dr. Bashir Malik. I tried the
medicine and in the period of two months, two of my problems were absolutely solved.
1- Hypoglycemia
2- Pustules on my face
As far as backache is concerned it was not effective to my satisfaction.
-Dr. Waqar Qureshi Nov. 24, 2011
Excessive ear discharge in dogs
I would like to relate my experience from a few years ago. I had a beautiful standard poodle
who suffered from ear wax problemssmelly, boot-polish-like substancesvet allopathic
treatment for years of drops, washes, etc. until a vet suggested an operation to straighten
the ear canal. On the way home from the vets, I passed a health shop with a sale of books
and bought a small book, Homeopathy For Pets. It suggested Hepar Sulph. And after just
one week of treatment, his ears were clear and stayed clear till the end of his life at 14 years
I have since recommended this treatment to a friend with a cocker spaniel, with the same
amazing results. This will work for animals who, lets face it, wont be psychosomatically
persuaded. I hope this experience will help, if only just a small amount.
-Sally Orrin Nov. 26, 2012

Liver disease, intestinal inflammation, irritable bowel disease in cat

I got into homeopathy when my beloved 12-year-old male cat fell deathly ill. He had severe
liver disease, severe inflammation of the intestines, IBD. The conventional treatments were
not getting Bishop any better over a month period.
The vet just wanted to continue to up his steroid intake. At that point I was persuaded to
consult a homeopathic vet. Within two weeks she had him off of steroids and on the road to
recovery. Four years later and his blood work values are close to perfect. For a cat that was
not expected to live to turn around so wonderfully with the use of homeopathic remedies
has made me a believer and user of homeopathic remedies for life. I now use homeopathic
remedies for all three of my cats and will continue for as long as I live.
-Kerri Dec. 22, 2012
Night terrors
I have used homeopathy for many years for both myself and my children. I have several
stories that I could tell about its successes but this would take too long.
My most recent success is that my 7-year-old son was treated for night terrors, he had been
having nightmares every night for about 3 weeks. After two doses of a remedy prescribed by
my homeopath Annie Hall the nightmares stopped immediately and he goes to bed and
sleeps soundly all night.
What I would like to say to people who may not believe it works as they have heard the
negative comments from the conventional medical profession is; give it a try, its
completely safe. If they feel the benefit then great, spread the word and enjoy the fact that
you may never have to take horrible drugs that cause you unwanted side effects ever again.
-Alison Jessop Jan. 27, 2011 at 11:25 am UT
Mastitis and other problems in dairy cows
Whilst homoeopathy has often worked for me, and my children, Ive been more impressed
with when its worked for my farm animals. Huge great beasts, with no idea about illness
and remedies. Sure, they feel ill, but they have no idea that somebody is deciding whats
wrong and administering a simple homoeopathic remedy to put it right.
-Oliver Dowding March 28, 2011

Chapter 5: Who Practices Homeopathy?

Homeopaths can be medical doctors, and in the United States, many homeopaths are also
chiropractors, naturopaths, osteopaths, nurse practitioners, dentists and veterinarians.
There also are many unlicensed homeopathic practitioners, who usually are without an
accredited medical education or live in a state that does not allow licensing of homeopathy.
State law regulates the licensing of medical professions.
The skills and experience of homeopaths vary. Some start practicing after a few introductory
courses, others start only after many years of training.
So if you are looking for a qualified homeopath, you may want to find out what his
experience and training is, and even look for testimonials. With medically licensed
homeopaths, its a good idea to find out what the proportion of homeopathic treatment is
in his practice.
Other questions to ask are how much time is allowed for a first visit, and what type of
remedies are prescribed. If combination remedies are applied, this is not classical
homeopathy. You cannot expect the same benefits as with classical (single remedy)

Chapter 6: What Can I Expect in a Homeopathic Consultation?

Homeopathic doctors work in the same way as conventional doctors do. History taking,
examination and investigation are all important in establishing the diagnosis.
In addition, a homeopathic will also be interested in you as an individual, and he will be
asking you about your symptoms and the unique way in which your symptoms affect you. If
you come for a chronic condition (a disease that lasts a long time) be prepared to talk about
the medical history of your family and yourself in as much detail as possible.

The Homeopathic Consultation

How Long Does It Take?
Your first appointment could take one
to two hours. Follow-up appointments
typically last around 30 minutes.
Usually you will be asked to report by
phone after you have taken the
prescribed remedy to monitor its action.

How Often Do I Have To Come?

After your first visit, you may stay in contact with your homeopath by phone to keep him
informed about any changes in your condition. You may have to come in person for followup appointments as needed in one to three months intervals in chronic conditions. In acute
conditions, you may see your practitioner within a few days, if phone calls are not sufficient.

Preparing For Your Appointment

Be sure to bring any meds you are taking, your medical records and images related to your
problem. To get the most out of a consultation, it is helpful to make some notes beforehand
and to think through all the issues that are affecting your health. Some homeopathic
practitioners ask new patients to complete a questionnaire before their first appointment.
This is a helpful way of saving time and to your advantage to do so if requested.

The Visit

First you will be asked to tell your story, and the homeopath will be listening closely to you.
Next there will be questions aiming to fully understand you as a person and how your health
problem has affected you.
Your homeopath is interested in your lifestyle, eating habits and preferences, temperament,
personality, sleep patterns, dreams, appetite, digestion, extent of sweating, menstrual cycle,
sex, and so on and your medical history. This helps the homeopath to form a complete
picture of you and how your health problem has affected you.
In addition to those more general questions, there may be quite a few detailed questions
such as what makes the symptoms better and worse?
Are you better in a warm room or in fresh air outdoors? Do you need absolute rest or do you
feel better when you move your body?
Are you restless because no position feels good? Which side is affected, right or left?
What happened just before you got ill?
What triggers the symptom? What do you have to do to make the symptom better or worse?
At what time of the day are you better or worse? For example in the afternoon, when waking
up, at midnight, and so on.
How is the weather and the seasons affecting you?
What is the pain like? Stabbing, stitches, burning, itching etc.
Do you prefer to be in company or are you rather by yourself?
Do you enjoy being comforted when unwell?
How did your mood change since getting unwell?
Detailed questions as above help to find a particular type and strength of a homeopathic

The Medicine
At the end of the consultation your
homeopath will analyze your case and select
a medicine for you. He may do so while you
are still there, or do the analysis after you are
gone. This frequently is a lengthy process.
Once the analysis is completed, he will give
you a prescription and advise you how often
and in what way to take the medicine.
Homeopathy is usually taken in pillule form,
but is also available in liquid, tablet and
powder form.

Monitoring The Homeopathic Cure

You may be given a checklist to keep track of any changes in your condition while in
homeopathic care.
Follow-up Visits
Follow-ups are needed to evaluate the response to the remedy administered and to adjust
the therapy as needed. This is especially important in chronic conditions.
A patient may feel better and decide he or she is cured, or the patient may feel worse and
decide the remedy is not working. Either judgment may be completely inappropriate. An
apparent improvement may not be moving in the right direction; an apparent worsening
may be a therapeutic aggravation. Only the practitioner can evaluate the case objectively.

hapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions

What Interferes With Homeopathic Treatment?
Strong suppressive drugs like steroids and immune suppressants are No. 1 of the things
which can interfere with the effectiveness of a homeopathic remedy, also birth control pills
as they suppress the natural cycle. Camphor oil is known to antidote the action of the
remedies. Coffee (decaf or regular) may interfere in some cases.
A strong shock, either emotional or physical, such as being injured in a car accident or
grieving the death of a close person can interfere with the effectiveness of a homeopathic
Will Homeopathy Work With Conventional Medicine?
Homeopathy can work well with conventional medicine. However, your homeopath needs
to be aware of any conventional medication you take, be it prescribed by a doctor or bought
over the counter, including supplements and vitamins.
There can be conflicts between the two systems of treatment, and so it is important for the
homeopath to be able to identify when this is happening. No responsible homeopath will
ask you to come off your conventional medication without consulting with your doctor.
In some cases, where conventional medicine is suppressing a major system of the body
(such as steroids and hormone treatments) homeopathic treatment may be more difficult;
remedies may have to be given more often or over a longer period of time; or sometimes
homeopathy fails to work at all.

What About All Those Homeopathic Combination Remedies Widely Available

Today, Like Flu, Sinus, Headache, PMS, Etc.?
Those combination medicines contain numerous potentized drugs in one dose. Each of their
ingredients is a remedy that has a certain disease state associated with it. This places your
body into a confused condition.
When your vital force has to deal with several disease states all at the same time, it gets
mixed messages and cannot react properly. It is like trying to listen to the radio when there
are several frequencies received at the same time. You dont understand a thing, and it is
annoying and confusing. It may even be impossible to get a normal reaction to a proper
homeopathic remedy after combination remedies have been used over some time.
Combination remedies are not homeopathic because they are not individually prescribed. In
homeopathy, a patient may need one of thousand remedies, and it will be different for
every headache patient. The use of potentized drugs in these combinations does not make
them homeopathic.
Do Homeopaths Use Electronic Equipment For Diagnosis?
Some practitioners who call themselves homeopaths do. But to a classical prescriber these
practitioners are not, strictly speaking, homeopaths. They use homeopathic remedies in a
non-homeopathic way. The same goes for those practitioners who inject the remedies.
There may be value in these approaches, but they probably shouldnt be called homeopathy.
In classical teaching, a patient should either ingest (eat) or inhale (sniff) the remedy.
Is Homeopathy The Same As Herbal Medicine? Is It A Combination Of Herbs,
Diets, Vitamins And Counseling?
No, homeopathy is a unique system of medicine of its own. It can be confusing, to
differentiate as some practitioners do get involved in both homeopathy and nutritional
counseling. Herbs are, strictly speaking, allopathic drugs. They are chosen on the principle of
opposite. For example, a drug must have action opposite to that of the disease. A pain killer
reduces the patients pain and is used for this purpose. This effect can be achieved either by
natural drugs like herbs or by synthetic drugs like most conventional meds. The approach is
the same. No chronic condition could be cured by this method. You can only hope for relief.
In homeopathy, drugs are chosen according to the principle of similarity (like cures like).
This stimulates in your vital force a healing from within.

What Is The Best Remedy For Hay Fever, Headache, Flu, Diarrhea, Depression,
There is no such homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic medicines are not chosen on a
diagnosis or label. They are chosen for a particular person with a particular condition. For
any of these conditions there could be hundreds of different remedies, just like there are
many different types of people with headache, hay fever, etc.
How Long Do I Have To Take A Homeopathic Remedy? Will I Have To Take It
For The Rest Of My Life?
No. It depends on your condition. In an acute condition, you will be on a homeopathic
remedy until you are well. In a chronic condition, it depends on the desired level of health. If
you take a homeopathic remedy for palliation in an incurable condition, you may have to
take it as long as the condition persists.
Are All Homeopaths Medical Doctors? How Do I Find A Good Homeopath?
No. There are homeopathic practitioners who are medical doctors and those who are not
licensed as a medically trained practitioner.
The best way to find a good homeopath is a referral by a happy patient. Another way is to
call the practitioners in your area and find out if they are classical and how much time they
allow for the first visit. They should allow a minimum of one hour and not work with
combination remedies.
Another way is to call a homeopathic study group in your area and ask them. You can find a
study group in your area in the referral list of the National Center for Homeopathy.
The homeopath should specialize in homeopathy as the primary therapy.
What Do All Those Letters Mean After A Homeopaths Name?
Those initials after a homeopaths name usually are titles awarded by different homeopathic
boards and schools. Homeopathic education and certification in the USA have not been
standardized. There are several groups certifying their members. Any certification only
testifies the particular homeopaths ability to satisfy the particular boards minimum
requirements of competence, and may not reflect the practitioners true level of mastery.

DHt (Diplomate of Homeotherapeutics):

RSHom (NA) (Registered with Society of

Homeopaths (North America):

Granted by the American Institute of

Homeopathy to medical doctors passing
their exam.
DHANP (Diplomate of Homeopathic
Academy of Naturopathic Physicians):
This a title is given by the naturopathic

Given by NASH (North American Society of

Homeopaths). NASH accepts only nonlicensed practitioners as members. This
title signifies the practitioners passing of
membership requirements which include
demonstrating proficiency in classical
CCH (Certified in Classical Homeopathy):

DNBHE (Diplomate of National Board of

Homeopathic Examiners):
It is awarded by a group of chiropractic
homeopathic educators to practitioners
passing their exam.
FFHom (Fellow





Awarded to doctors holding the title of

MFHom and showing certain extra

Given by CHC (Council for Homeopathic

Certification), the title certifies that the
practitioner, regardless of their licensure
status, passed a minimum competency
exam in classical homeopathy. The
certification requires a medical portion of
the exam for all non-medically licensed
applicants in addition to proficiency in
CTHom (Certified Trained Homeopath):
This diploma is given by ESSH School of
Homeopathy in Flagstaff, AZ, to students
demonstrating a certain degree of
mastery in classical homeopathy
MHom (Master of Homeopathy):
This diploma is given by ESSH School of
Homeopathy on a very high level.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Homeopathy?

In our day and age, there are two major schools of homeopathy: classical homeopathy as
described in this report and pluralist homeopathy.
Classical homeopathy is also called genuine, unitarian or Hahnemannian. Its main principle
is to use one remedy at a time to address the whole person based on the principle like cures
like. The pluralist approach uses several remedies simultaneously. It is prevalent in France
and is used by some practitioners in North America.
Pluralist homeopathy is generally frowned upon by classical prescribers who believe that it
is difficult enough to find one matching remedy and follow its effect on the patient.
Therefore, giving several remedies at once makes it impossible to determine which of them
is causing the change in the patients condition. There is also concern about the possible
deleterious effect on the Vital Force that may be produced by such prescribing.

Are Homeopathic Remedies All Natural?

Remedies are made from all kinds of substances minerals, chemicals, plants, animal
derived. However, it doesnt really matter what the remedies are, if the healing is natural.
The only effect of the remedies on the body is to trigger a healing response in the vital force.
Once the vital force reacts, healing takes place from within, directed by the vital force. We
heal ourselves. This is the most natural kind of healing.
A remedy being natural per se does not trigger healing. Only if it is well prescribed and given
in the appropriate homeopathic form, it can do its job.

Chapter 8: Homeopathic Self Care

Homeopathy is a natural medicine that can heal gently and without side effects. It is a very
powerful deep-acting form of therapy. When used inappropriately, homeopathic remedies
may sometimes cause problems. To use it safely, you need to learn about it as much as you
can before using it on your own.

Possible Problems In Homeopathic Self Care:

You could be producing a proving and experience the very symptoms you want to cure. This
happens if a remedy is repeated too frequently and for too long. Combination remedies may
confuse the vital force, and while occasionally helping in the short run, they may cause
serious health problems in the future. You will find practitioners that would disagree with
this statement. To be on the safe side, if you are considering using over the counter
combination remedies, limit the use to no longer than a couple of days.

Using Homeopathic Remedies At Home

Learn as much as you can about classical homeopathy.
Stick to lower potencies in the beginning.
Treat only acute self-limiting conditions such as colds, and flues, and minor injuries.
Treat only generally healthy people.
Dont change remedies frequently.
Remember your limitations, and ask for proper professional help when in doubt.
With proper training, many acute conditions can be addressed with homeopathic self-care.
Here is a list:
Homeopathy can be lifesaving and minimize the effects of injuries and accidents such as in sports
related injuries, pain, strains, sprains, blows and concussion, dislocations, crushed fingers and toes,
torn ligaments and tendons, burns, bruises, cuts and lacerations, puncture wounds, black eye.

Depending on your condition, you may need medical care which you can complement with
the use of the right homeopathic remedy.
Acute infections such as the flu, colds, coughs, earaches, fever, sore throat
Post-surgery. Promote healing and recovery and prevent the formation of scars with
Insect stings, animal bites and contact with poison ivy or poison oak
Sudden problems from trauma, shock and grief
Travel, motion and altitude sickness

Chapter 9: Summary
Homeopathy is the worlds fastest growing medicine. It has been proven effective for 220
years all over the world. It is a unique sophisticated system of medicine of its own, and does
NOT mean home remedies or natural remedies such as herbs, vitamins, supplements or
kitchen remedies.
Homeopathy is based on the universal law like cures like, and uses a specific
pharmacological method. This is called potentization. It is a special process of serial dilution
and vigorous shaking of substances to a minuscule amount.
Potentized substances become curative remedies, even if they are made of toxic or inert
To investigate the curative effects of a substance, healthy volunteers perform trials and
carefully record the symptoms they experience. The symptoms that occur consistently are
recorded and listed as a remedy picture in the homeopathic reference, the Materia Medica.
The symptoms of the sick person are essential for finding the curative remedy. They must
not be suppressed.
For a remedy to be curative, the symptoms of the sick person must correspond to the
symptoms the remedy is causing in a healthy person. This is called the application of the law
of similar (like cures like).
When a remedy is administered to a sick person, it triggers a healing response within the
individual that activates his vital force. Once the vital force reacts, healing takes place from
within, directed by the vital force. We heal ourselves. This is unique to homeopathy.
Homeopathy is used in the treatment of humans, animals, and plants. It has been very
effective in curing and preventing epidemics, and can be used in all stages of life for any
disease condition.
The limits of homeopathy are conditions in which there is irreversible pathology.

Chapter 10: Resources

National Center for Homeopathy has a good referral page state by state
Minnesota Homeopathic Association keeps a list of certified homeopaths working in the
North American Society of Homeopaths (find a non-medical homeopath)
Society of Homeopaths (UK) non-medical homeopaths
Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (UK)
Lots of information
Homeopathic medicine school / find a homeopath

Research And Guides

Nanoparticle study/research:
Treatment of epidemics, flu, Ebola virus
Andr Saines answers to homeopathy critics:
Overview of agro homeopathy



Homeopathic Groups
Extraordinary Medicine (
Homeopathy Heals (
Homeopathy Worldwide (
World Homeopathy Awareness Organization (

Dooley, Timothy, M.D., N.D.:
Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Medicine
Timing Publishers, San Diego, CA, ISBN 1-886893-00-4
Panos, Maesimund B., M.D. and Heimlich, Jane:
Homeopathic Medicine at Home
J.P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, ISBN 0-87477-195-1
Guidelines for prescribing for acute conditions, like injuries, flus, earaches, etc.
Vithoulkas, George:
The Science of Homeopathy
Grove Press, Inc., New York, NY, ISBN 0-394-17560-3
Dana Ullman
The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose
Hahnemann, Samuel:
The Organon of Medicine
J.P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, ISBN 0-87477-223-0
Coulter, Harris L.:
Divided Legacy: The Conflict Between Homeopathy and the American Medical Association
North Atlantic Books and Homeopathic Educational Services Berkeley, CA, ISBN 0-91302896-7
This book traces the complete history of homeopathy in the United States: from the
beginning in the mid-1800s, through the height of popularity, and down through the decline
at the turn of the 20th century.
Christiane Maute:
Homeopathy for Plants, 2nd ed. 2014
Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, ISBN ISBN: 978-3-943309-21-8
(available on
A practical guide to the most common plant diseases, pests and damage with information
on how to treat them homeopathically.

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