ProjectBrief CikguTheebaa

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Project Name
No. of Students Impacted
Funds Needed
Project Category
Project Owner
I.C. No.

: English Hut for English Language Immersion in Rural

: 128 (the whole school)
: RM1,954
: Conducive Learning
: Theebaa Ramasamy
: 900217-05- 5410
: SK Jelai 3, Negeri Sembilan

1.0 Project Description:

My underprivileged FELDA kids are very enthusiastic about learning English even though they don't possess a
stimulating atmosphere to learning language around the school beside the 1 hour of English daily in their
classroom. My kids in majority are FELDA settlers who mostly stay with their grandparents. And as a language
teacher, I believe that English is more than a just a subject you learn in the classroom. It is something that needs
to be frequently exposed in a rich environment. Hence, I have embraced the importance of repetitively exposing
my FELDA to language, not only in the classroom but everywhere around the school! That's the ultimate aim of our
English Hut.

Lets build a better Malaysia, one classroom at a time

Besides, unlike town school students, my FELDA kids do have have access to privilege such as public library,
internet facilities nor can their parents (grandparents) afford to buy them reading materials. So, they are clearly
deprived of language-rich reading materials. Hence, school undoubtedly offers the only platform for my kids to
acquire a rich English learning experience.

The hut is actually a pondok near the school canteen, in which my students love to spend their free time. We
have painted the hut and are now awaiting for extra funds to makeover them with mural and English words. I
chose to set up a hut instead of renovating the existing library because of its immediate location near the
canteen. Hence, pupils can usefully spend their free time after recess and also while waiting for their parents to
fetch them. It is due to its immediate location that I chose to set up this hut. It can host around 20 students inside
but students can also make use of the surrounding English Garden surrounding the hut.

Lets build a better Malaysia, one classroom at a time

I intend to set-up an interactive and language-rich English Hut with a wide selection and use of materials. I want
students to have access to a variety of English resources such as Big Books, word walls, reading baskets, "Learn
a word & sentence a day" whiteboard, language games. I also want to create an English Hut with an interactive
English Garden that offers maze games, clock tower. In other words, this English Hut will provide an environment
filled with language at every turn. In other words, my kids will be constantly engaged with the many activities in the
English Hut.
Just imagine walking into a school environment and seeing all kids are immersed in a rich English literacy
experience. They are engaged in a variety of language activities during their recess, while waiting for their parents
and even before their religious classes in their afternoon. In a way, they are able to use their time effectively and
make most of their time in school learning.
There will be English Language Society members every day to ensure that the materials in the Hut are well
maintained. This will serve as a leadership opportunity for them as they seek to encourage their friends to use the

How are you going to challenge them to produce output; to show that they are actually engaging with the
material meaningfully, you ask?
One of the strategies would be is through sharing session during the assembly or classroom. I will make it a point
for students to share with their friends a new word, sentences or even story. Also, Tuesday is English Day.
Therefore, students are strictly encouraged to use English to communicate with their friends and
These rich language setting will also further increase student's interest and provide a vast exposure to English.
Research shows that students' language acquisition increases when they are provided with a rich language
learning experience everyday. The more materials my kids have available, the more likely they are to read, thereby
increasing the amount of language they are exposed to. And that serves the ultimate aim of learning language, for
my kids to be able to use English with confidence in a rich language immersion.
2.0 Cost Breakdown and Analysis:

Lets build a better Malaysia, one classroom at a time

picture books
flash cards

Puppets for
Word games
(Scrabbles, wordsearch)

oil paint
base paint










4 RM20.00


10 RM15.00
3 RM80.00
1 RM40.00


Mini desk

book shelf
shoe rack

2 RM50.00
6 RM15.00
2 RM30.00



1 RM150.00




laminating film



1 RM50.00



Lets build a better Malaysia, one classroom at a time

(Alphabet Foam Mat)


(For pupils to write new
words learnt)








1.Please explain if you will be using any funds from the Panitia. Why or why not?
No. The allocation of money this year is very less. It will only be sufficient for the English programmes planned for
the year. Plus, we have taken some allocation to paint the English Hut.

3.0 Detailed Analysis

3.1 Issue
You mentioned lack of exposure to the outside world because of proximity and lack of internet.
a. School library: Is there a school library? What is the condition of the library? How often is it used by students?
What is the quality of the English language resources in your opinion?
1) Yes, we do have a school library which is fairly equipped with books and resources. Students go to library for an
hour a week during one of their English lesson.
2) Most of the English resources are available in the SAL room. They are still in good condition and books are
used for reading during English Day on every Tuesday. Most of the storybooks are in good conditions and
functional. We do have some phonic reading series that we purchased for the struggling readers.
However, I envisioned having more reading materials in term of picture books and Big Book. Because many of my
students are growing progressively in becoming confident readers. Big Book will thus help to develop confidence in
reading through its colourful illustration.

3.2 Solution
1.Sustainability: Who is going to help sustain and maintain the room? Are there any other teachers involved?
Yes, I have well committed colleagues who are equally passionate teachers to run this project.

Lets build a better Malaysia, one classroom at a time

2.How often do you expect the English Hut to be used by a student in a week? How are you going to ensure that
they use it and your efforts are not going to waste?
I expect my students to use the English Hut during their free time after recess everyday. I will encourage them to
use the hut and write new words in their vocabulary book. Sharing session of books will be help during English Day
every Tuesday.
3.Immersing yourself in English material is a lot of input. How are you going to challenge them to produce output;
to show that they are actually engaging with the material meaningfully?
One of the strategies would be is through sharing session during the assembly or classroom. I will make it a point
for students to share with their friends a new word, sentences or even story. Also, Tuesday is English Day.
Therefore, students are strictly encouraged to use English to communicate with their friends and
3. Value: Besides increased exposure to English, what other skills and values do you expect the students to gain?
I want my students to work cooperatively with their friends. Using the reading materials, they can have storysharing session in groups and help their friends who are slow readers (LINUS). In a way, everyone will learn to

4.0 Teacher Profile

Teacher Profile Picture:

4.2 Profile of Teacher:

My name is Theebaa Ramasamy and Im currently teaching in SK Jelai 3(F), a rural Felda school in
Negeri Sembilan surrounded with old palm and rubber estate. My degree is in Teaching English as
Second Language (TESL) from the University of Otago, New Zealand. I am teaching English to a
group of highly enthusiastic young learners. An avid traveller whose stories constantly enthuse
students about the outside world, a world they are yet to venture. Most of them have not ventured
very far beyond their Felda.
Is a teacher who enjoy being with young people who are full of energy and constantly look up to you
as their role model. I am passionate in providing a fun learning opportunity in learning English for my
kids. I believe that language learning should be beyond just words in textbook. Instead, kids need to
immerse themselves in a fun and rich language environment around them. I constantly strive to
provide a great deal of opportunities and resources to language in classroom. However, an hour of
English daily in the classroom is certainly not enough. Students need to see the language on word
walls, hear in a read aloud and practise them meaningfully outside of the classroom. Thus I have
embraced the importance to create a language-rich environment around the school. Consequently,

Lets build a better Malaysia, one classroom at a time

this English Hut project aims to deliberately expose my kids to English language, not only in the
classroom, but everywhere! Because of the daily exposure to the language, English becomes a part
of their everyday language.
Strong believer of language is acquired rather than learnt.

4.3 Why do you love teaching?

I love teaching because it provides me a platform to be able to reach children and provide them with learning
opportunities that they otherwise won't if not because of teachers. I am truly inspired to go to school every single
morning to be able to provide new learning opportunities to my kids. To see them using and incorporating what I
have taught, is definitely the real joy of teaching. Teaching allows me to witness even slightest progression that
each and every kids in my class make in not only learning but also in their development as a person. To be able to
see my Felda kids use and write English with confidence without giving up, been given that English is a total
foreign language to them, is one of the most heartwarming experience as a cikgu. Indeed, it is such a blessing
when you know you possess so much power to mould and harness children's learning and their potential. And you
can only do all this being a CIKGU!

Disclaimer by 100% Project:

This project brief is a compilation of the Project Owners proposal and findings from the review process conducted by 100% Project. Its main
purpose is to consolidate information for approval from relevant parties and for providing content to be published. Thus, it is not thoroughly
edited and is not the final version. The details of the brief are accurate at the time of distribution and may undergo minor adjustments before it
goes live. Upon consultation with the Project Owner, 100% Project reserves the rights to make changes to the project to ensure that the project
has a better chance of success in raising funds and delivering impact. All final changes to the project and the progress of the fundraiser will be
reflected on the 100% Project website. This project brief is strictly confidential and is not to be circulated without the consent of 100% Project.

Lets build a better Malaysia, one classroom at a time

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