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20 Commonly Used Foreign Expressions

1. Ad Nauseam
From Latin meaning to a sickening degree.
2. Bona Fide
From Latin meaning genuine.
3. Faux Pas
From French meaning a social blunder.
4. Pro Bono
From Latin meaning done or donated without charge.
5. Prima Donna
From Latin meaning a temperamental and conceited person
6. Gigil (Filipino)
The urge to pinch or squeeze something that is irresistibly cute.
7. Esprit De Corps
A feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by the members of a particular group;
team spirit (French)
8. Alpha And Omega
The first and last; beginning and end (Greek)
9. C'est La Vie
Such is life; literally, "that's life" (French)
10. Ad Hoc
For a specific purpose or situation; improvised (Latin)
11. Haute Couture
High fashion; clothing created by leading designers (French)
12. Vis--Vis
The literal meaning of this French expression is face to face (used as an adverb). It is used
more widely as a preposition though, meaning compared with or in relation to.
13. Cul-De-Sac
This expression was originated in England by French-speaking aristocrats. Literally it means
bottom of a sack, but generally it refers to a dead-end street. Cul-de-sac can also be used
metaphorically to express an action that leads to nowhere or an impasse.
14. Per Se
Per se is a Latin expression that means by itself or intrinsically.
15. Carte Blanche
From French meaning unlimited authority.
16. Modus Operandi
From Latin meaning method of operating.
17. Persona Non Grata
From Latin meaning an unacceptable person.
18. Status Quo
From Latin meaning the existing condition.
19. Bon Voyage
From French meaning have a nice trip.
20. En Masse
From French meaning in a large group.


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