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Your Application ID: tiaramnero

Your Application PIN: 010692

1) In your own words, explain the concept of osteopathic medicine as you

understand it. (1000 Characters or less)

2) What experiences and/or relationships have motivated you toward a career in

osteopathic medicine? (1000 Characters or less)

Texas A&M:
18.Describe briefly any experiences and/or skills that have made you more sensitive or
appreciative of other cultures or the human condition. (3500 character maximum).
In recent years, mental health has been gaining greater amount of recognition and
acceptance throughout communities. It has personally hit home for me because a few
years after high school a close friend of mine was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, ADHD
and bipolar disorder. At first, her health conditions were kept a secret by her and her
parents. They would tell her friends she went out of town to visit family members and
did not have a cell connection while she was really in a psychiatric treatment center.
After a couple of these occurrences, a couple of us noticed she was acting differently.
Her speak was slurred, she began gaining weight, and seemed zoned out. Soon some
of her closest friends were getting very concerned about her and her wellbeing and
finally asked her. It was at this point she finally admitted she had mental health issues.
In the beginning friends supported her and were there when she needed someone to
talk to. After a few months her friends started to distance themselves from her and
began ignoring her calls. It was difficult to see long term friends of hers and mine just
stop talking to her and after 12 years of friendship. Soon I was the one of the few that
stuck by her side. It was hard to see her in her drug induced state I could never give up
hope that one day everything would be fine. To this day she is still battling multiple
mental health issues and is receiving the treatment she needs. This taught me that
mental health illnesses can occur in anyone and happen when you least expect it. The
whole experience is causing me to be more aware and sensitive to the topic of mental
health. A light is now being shined on mental health, but we as a society have a long
way to go as far as accepting it. With acceptance I hope we can discover not just
treatments, but allow sufferers to be intertwined with society as a whole without being
medicated to a point where they are a shell of their former self. With more individuals
being treated hopefully it will not be long before we can have a better understanding
for it, and will not just see them as broken members of society.

The honor code for the Texas A&M College of Medicine is: "A Texas A&M medical
student is a professional who exhibits leadership, honesty, integrity, compassion,
respect and self-discipline." Please briefly discuss what activities or personal attributes
demonstrate best that you would be a good custodian of our honor code (3500
character maximum).
Over the past few years I have held an employment position at the Texas State
Student Health Center, and at some point I had to possess all of the characteristics of
the honor code on a daily basis. When initially beginning the job it was up to each
appointment clerk to learn the guidelines on their own time. So I took them home and
studied them every night for the first week. After holding the position for an extended
period of time, you become the go to person when other less experienced team
members have questions about the guidelines, or were having problems with a patient.
When performing task that you do everyday some of the small details can get
overlooked from time to time. If a mistake is made you must take full responsibility for
it, this saves the time of trying to point the blame. The time saved could be used for
the more important task such as finding a solution, and a way so that the chances of it
happening it again are slimmed. Another focus of my job was to uphold the guidelines
of the student health center, as well as FERPA and HIPPA laws, and try to help each
patient out to the best of my abilities. I truly enjoy helping out students who seek our
help when they are in need. Some of the appointments that I made really made me
want to reach out and console these individuals, and it weighed heavily on me that I
couldnt do as much as I had wanted to. No matter what the student was contacting us
for we do not treat them any differently. I showed them the respect that they deserve
as a human being and nothing less. Each portion of the honor code is important to
possess not just in a profession or academics, but in everyday life. These are values
that everyone should live by whether they are at the store or performing open heart
surgery. By attending Texas A&M University, I hope to not only further my career, but
to also better myself and those around me by projecting these traits and leading by

Describe any circumstances indicative of some hardship, such as, but not limited to,
financial difficulties, personal or family illness, a medical condition, a death in the
immediate family or educational disadvantage. (Do not leave blank. If not applicable,
please so indicate. The character limit on this essay is 3500).
In the fall of 2013 I was experiencing multiple swollen lymph nodes throughout
my body, as soon as I realized what was going on I decided to schedule an
appointment with my physician. The physician was not exactly sure what was going on
with my body so she referred me to a general surgeon. My first appointment with the
surgeon did not go as I had expected. I assumed I would be prescribed antibiotics and I
would be done with the whole thing in a matter of days, but the surgeon was
concerned that it could be non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Right away I had to undergo
multiple blood test, CAT scans, and ultrasounds. I could not have imagined a worse
time to be going through all of this. It was half way through the fall semester, I had
multiple test coming up that determined my course grades between As and Bs.
Unfortunately, after all the initial testing was complete the doctor wanted to do a
biopsy on one of the lymph nodes on the back of my neck/head. On a Friday I
underwent the biopsy. I was thinking to myself that I would be fine to go to the football
game the next day. After waking up from the surgery I felt fine slightly groggy but
otherwise fine. The next day after the numbness was gone it was a completely
different story. It felt like someone hit me in the head with a hammer, but I had a test I
had to study for. It was my first test in this class and I knew I could not start off on a
bad note. The whole weekend I kept fighting through the pain to study for the test the
best I could. I was too stubborn to tell any of my professors or colleagues about my
health problems because I did not want sympathy. After a long weekend of recovering
and studying I managed to take the test that Monday, but all I could think about
Monday night was what if the biopsy came back positive. I did not know what I would
do. After lying awake all night it was finally Tuesday the day I get the results. I knew
going into the doctors office that with either outcome everything was going to be
okay. As soon as the doctor told me the results were negative I felt so relived. Through
I do have to go back for follow ups every six months I had a sense of normalcy back.
Going through this experience has taught be that I can overcome anything and even
though my grades were not the best this semester, I completed it with passing grades.
OPTIONAL QUESTION: List the area (or areas) of medicine that appeals to you and
briefly explain. (Limit your explanation to 50 words or 250 characters for each area of
interest you list.) Do not leave blank. If not applicable, please so indicate.

Working in the emergency room setting is exhilarating due to the fact you get to see
various issues throughout the day and no two days are alike. The rush of not knowing
what is about to come through the door is my motivation to get into the field.


Your username is TNERO2014G

PW : Smores1!

In the text box provided below, describe the setting in which you envision conducting your medical
career. Also include how and why you think this setting would help fulfill your interests related to the
practice of medicine. (This text box will scroll and allow for numerous lines. Please limit your text to
3500 characters.)


Since I was seven years old I could only imagine myself doing one thing and
that was becoming an emergency room doctor. An EMT course I took further
cemented my dreams to be in this often fast paced field of employment. After going
out on numerous calls and working the night shift in the emergency department, I
knew this high demanding area suited me perfectly. What I enjoyed most about the
emergency room is not knowing what is about to come through the doors. The
emergency department is a setting where one must be ready to embrace anything
and where one must think quickly. I enjoy the environment where to do not have to
do the same things every day or sit behind a desk all day. Working in an area like
this requires a lot of knowledge about multiple things which makes it slightly more
challenging. The emergency department is an environment that requires an
individual to think on their feet and react quickly. Great achievements can be seen
in the emergency room, but at times tragedies can occur. It takes a strong,
dedicated person to pick themselves back up and keep going. The emergency room
can be a rewarding place to work, but is physically demanding. I feel that I am able
to adapt to this environment in a smooth manner. I can see myself being very
successful in the emergency room

Texas Tech University HSC School of Medicine:

Have you experienced any academic road bumps in your academic career (low academic performance,
dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc. If so, please explain your circumstance

In the fall of 2013 I was experiencing multiple swollen lymph nodes

throughout my body, as soon as I realized what was going on I decided to schedule
an appointment with my physician. The physician was not exactly sure what was
going on with my body so she referred me to a general surgeon. My first
appointment with the surgeon did not go as I had expected. I assumed I would be
prescribed antibiotics and I would be done with the whole thing in a matter of days,
but the surgeon was concerned that it could be non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Right
away I had to undergo multiple blood test, CAT scans, and ultrasounds. I could not
have imagined a worse time to be going through all of this. It was half way through
the fall semester, I had multiple test coming up that determined my course grades
between As and Bs. Unfortunately, after all the initial testing was complete the
doctor wanted to do a biopsy on one of the lymph nodes on the back of my
neck/head. On a Friday I underwent the biopsy. I was thinking to myself that I would
be fine to go to the football game the next day. After waking up from the surgery I
felt fine slightly groggy but otherwise fine. The next day after the numbness was
gone it was a completely different story. It felt like someone hit me in the head with
a hammer, but I had a test I had to study for. It was my first test in this class and I
knew I could not start off on a bad note. The whole weekend I kept fighting through
the pain to study for the test the best I could. I was too stubborn to tell any of my
professors or colleagues about my health problems because I did not want
sympathy. After a long weekend of recovering and studying I managed to take the
test that Monday, but all I could think about Monday night was what if the biopsy
came back positive. I did not know what I would do. After lying awake all night it
was finally Tuesday the day I get the results. I knew going into the doctors office
that with either outcome everything was going to be okay. As soon as the doctor
told me the results were negative I felt so relived. Through I do have to go back for
follow ups every six months I had a sense of normalcy back. Going through this
experience has taught be that I can overcome anything and even though my grades
were not the best this semester, I completed it with passing grades.

What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from; your hometown (500 words or less)?

As the millennium approached my family made the big move to Katy Texas.
This was a huge change for us because we had previously lived closer to downtown
Houston in the Stafford area. At the turn of the millennium, the population of Katy
was substantially smaller than it is now. Katy is a city where not too much goes on
and everyone in the community is relatively close. Football put the town on the map
and continues to bring the community together, as most Friday night activities
revolve around it. Katy is well known for its great schools in the district. The district
provides its students with a helpful staff, up to date technology, and plenty of
opportunities to excel. The city has a career preparation center for students from
the various high schools in the district to attend, that specializes in a growing
number of professions. With the growing population Katy has maintained the small

town feel even though the city is expanding rapidly. Unfortunately, the majority of
the residents that live in Katy have to commute to downtown Houston or the
surrounding Houston metropolitan area. Medical jobs are somewhat scarce, but
Houston officials are trying to turn Katy into the new North Houston medical center.
Due to all of the expansion taking place a construction sign is a routine occurrence.
Whether it is new housing or strip centers, something is being built on every corner.
With all the growth that is underway in Katy one thing it has lost to me is the
thought that it will no longer be that small town I moved to.

In 500 words or less please describe what you would see as the "ideal" practice for you. (where, type of
practice --- clinic, hospital, both, specialty, who would be your patients, etc.)

Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (500 words or less).

One attraction that teeters some students to go to Texas State over another
campus is because it has a crystal clear river flowing through the campus. Growing
up I enjoyed swimming anytime the chance presented itself even participating in
my neighborhoods swim team, so when I discovered that this university had a river
flowing through it, I knew it would be a great way to de-stress when classes got
tough. The San Marcos River is about one and a half miles long and it sits at a
constant temperature year round. Naturally this means between mid April to mid
October, when I have free time and I am able to drag myself from studying for
midterms and finals, I can probably be found on the river or the banks depending
which has the most appeal that day. Luckily the weather is perfect during this time
period. During the cool weather season, I enjoy going bowling. At a young age my
mother signed me up for a bowling league and ever since I picked up my first
bowling ball I fell in love with the sport. Bowling was always an activity my family
and I did a few times a month as a family gathering. I try to keep the tradition with
my San Marcos friends who are like family while I am away. The great part about
bowling here in San Marcos is they have college nights where the rate is cheaper,
and on every Monday its only one dollar per game. Doing these activities takes my
mind off of everything that is going on around me, all the test and essays, and
allows me to enjoy the moment.

Texas Tech University HSC Paul L. Foster SOM at El Paso:

"The mission of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center-Paul L. Foster
School of Medicine is to provide an outstanding education and development
opportunities for a diverse group of students, residents, faculty, and staff; advance
knowledge through innovation and research; and serve the needs of our socially and
culturally diverse communities and regions." Recognizing the components of this
mission and that PLFSOM is located on the US/Mexico border, please describe why
you are interested in applying to our school. (300 words or less)
I was born and raised in the Houston area and until college I never ventured
away from Houston. Right now I am at a point in my life where I want a change and I
feel that going to medical school in El Paso would be a great experience away from
home. El Paso mat not be as large as Houston but it offers a diverse community and
a different type of culture that Houston does not offer. Another interesting thing El
Paso provides is opportunities for employment at Fort Bliss. Working at Fort Bliss
would allot me to give back to our troops and see cases that one normally would not
see if they were not on an army base. Living in a city so close to the boarder will
allow me to see the issues immigrants face with health care upon arrival. Texas Tech
University can provide training to deal with the demand of injured immigrants that
are crossing and require treatment. Being enrolled in a program that advocates
diversity enables me to become more sensitive to the issues presented in El Paso
and help me appreciate other cultures on different levels. Going to medical school
at this campus would allow me to see outside the Houston city lights and show me
how other cities interact. Long term, I would enjoy working in a town such as El Paso
because I would be able to give back to the community, such as working at the
army base or volunteering at a clinic on the border.
Please describe how a parent, guardian, friend, relative, or mentor influenced your
aspirations to obtain a medical degree. If not applicable, please so indicate. (300
words or less)
Throughout elementary school my grandmother was my babysitter because
she did not want me going to daycare. Most of the days I spent at her house we
would go on trips around the city to different museums and the zoo, but around the
age of seven my grandmother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Our trips now
consisted of her treatments at the hospitals in downtown Houston. On one of our
many bus rides home, a huge collision happened involving the bus. As soon as we
stepped foot off the bus a truck came barreling down the road and running into the
back of the bus. The bus drivers head slammed against the glass window. My
grandmother ran to the bus drivers aid, wiping the blood off of his head with
napkins. Seeing my grandmother caring for a man that she did not even know in her
poor state of health showed me the definition of compassion. I can only hope I am
able to be as influential to others about compassion, as she was for me. This whole
incident inspired me to become an emergency room doctor to help people in dire

need. Ever since this moment I knew I wanted to go into the medical field especially
emergency medicine.
The TTUSHC medical student honor code states "In my capacity as a Texas Tech
University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine medical student, I will uphold
the dignity of the medical profession. I will, to the best of my ability, avoid actions
which might result in harm to my patients. I will protect the dignity of my patients
and the deceased, and will protect their confidential information in accordance with
the prevailing standards of medical practice. I will not lie, cheat, or steal. I will enter
into professional relationships with my colleagues, teachers, and other health care
professionals in a manner that is respectful and reflective of the high standards and
expectations of my profession. I will not tolerate violations of this Code by others
and will report such violations to the appropriate authorities." Please describe briefly
past experiences or personal attributes that reflect your affinity with this honor
code. (300 words or less)
While working at the Texas State University Student Health Center, HIPPA and
FERPA laws were constantly stressed to each employee to protect the privacy of
each patient. A few months into my employment at the health center a fellow
coworker was searching through patient information then looking them up on a
social media site. When questions about this by management I had to tell them that
my coworker was on social media while at work. I did not want his wrong doing to
affect my position or trust at work. A short while later I was faced with another
dilemma, a friend of mine called into the student health center and wanted to be
seen for STI testing. She did not know I, her friend created the appointment. Though
I did see her later that day, I never mentioned to her that I created the appointment
nor asked her about the appointment. I would never want to risk my good most and
foremost and I would never want to embarrass a friend. Outside of this setting, I
worked at a law firm where I had to bid by similar rules. At this particular law firm
we represented criminal case for the defendants. While working her I had clients
that went to my local high school at the time. When I did see them in the hallways I
never asked any information or gave them information about their case. My work
life was never mentioned by myself and if the client tried to bring it up I switched
the topic. Being a medical professional will mean that I have to abide by laws set
and make tough decisions that could potential penalize a cohort. I would never put
my career in jeopardy.
Please describe any personal experiences or disadvantage (educational, financial or
otherwise) and their significance to you in your pursuit of a medical degree. If not
applicable, please so indicate. (300 words or less)
Last fall, I was experiencing multiple swollen lymph nodes throughout my
body, so I decided to go in for a check-up. The physician was not exactly sure what
was going on, so she referred me to a general surgeon. My appointment with the
surgeon did not go as I had expected. I thought I would be prescribed antibiotics

and be done with the whole situation, but the surgeon was concerned that it could
be non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Right away I had to undergo CAT scan and blood test.
I could not have imagined a worse time to be going through all of this. It was half
way through the fall semester, as well as multiple tests coming up that determined
my course grade. Unfortunately, after all the initial testing was complete the doctor
wanted to do a biopsy on one of the lymph nodes in the back of my neck. I was in
utter shock. On Friday I underwent the biopsy I was thinking to myself that I would
be fine to study for Mondays test, but I was mistaken. It felt like someone hit me in
the head with a hammer, but I ignored the pain to study as hard as I possibly could.
It was my first test in this class and I knew I could not start off on a bad note.
Somehow I managed to take the test Monday, but all that was on my mind were the
results. The next day the doctor told me the results were negative I felt so relieved.
Going through this experience showed me not to take health for granted and even
though my grades were not the best this semester; I completed it with passing

No secondary application
UTHSC-San Antonio:
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