Test Din Adv - Grammar&voc.

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Complete the following sentences with an appropriate expression

formed with animals:

1. Ive always been of the family. My mother,

my father and my sister are all lawyers. Me? Im a rock singer.
2. He . His way out of work again!
3. You can ask, but I wont tell you.
4. Shes without her glasses.
5. Sean is a, a bit of a mystery.
6. Jane inherited the ..of her uncles fortune.
7. His criticisms are like for me.
8. The children had at that party last night.
9. Looking for him in this city will be a ..
10.His proposal sounds a bit , so I dont think we should
trust him.
Complete the sentences with an appropriate word:
1. If we leave bright and . tomorrow morning, we should get there
by midday.
2. Everything had been packed in boxes except for a few odds and .
3. His car is his pride and
4. What do you mean by saying I cheated? I won fair and .. and
you know it.
5. What family doesnt have its ups and ?
6. When I get back I want this place to look and span.
7. The two children, who had been missing for days, were found safe and
hiding in an abandoned mine.
8. He set out to prove once and .. that Deacons alibi was nothing but
a tissue of lies.
9. I was only ten minutes late? Why are you making such a song and ..
about it?
10.Were receiving food, but it is only in .. and drabs.
Choose the correct item:
1. Local people are up in about the governments proposal to build a new
road through the village green.
a) anger
b) fists
c) arms
d) legs
2. Whenever Tom didnt get his own way, he would throw a (n) .
a) temper
b) tantrum
c) mood
d) outburst
3. Im furious. Ive just had a row with my husband.
a) heated
b) quarrel
c) blazing

d) argument
4. Hes got a very . Temper, so be careful what you say to him.
a) irate
b) livid
c) cross
d) quick
5. That constant noise outside my house is driving me up the ..
a) wall
b) fence
c) roof
d) hill
6. The most . thing about his winning all that money is that he was
already a millionaire!
a) furious
b) resentful
c) galling
d) annoying
7. Im in no to argue!
a) nerves
b) outburst
c) spirits
d) mood
8. After a lot of pushing and I finally made it to the counter
where everything had been reduced by 50 %.
a) proper
b) shoving
c) elbowing
d) bearing
9. I think he will be not just angry, but absolutely . when he comes
home to see that youve left.
a) cross
b) galling
c) livid
d) annoyed
10.We went to the country for a bit of peace and ..
a) joy
b) quiet
c) dance
d) sleep

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