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Having realized how futile it was sitting in the campus library, trying to read, yet, his thought
churning, he stood up, stretched his body and shelved the pharmacology textbook he was
reading. Oblivious to what he was doing, he shelved his own textbook too.
For the past fifteen minutes, he had been sitting in the library-stocked with students who came to
do everything but read- with his textbook opened thinking about Rosemary. As the breeze flipped
pages, he wondered why she was doing her best to strangle the relationship they'd built for the
past six months. She now looked for every opportunity to start a fight. Only last night, in the
room he shared with Sam; his best bud, she'd called him an ass-hole simply, or complexly
because he added too much sugar to her coffee. He knew himself to be a gentleman, one who
will always apologize but she was gradually becoming unbearable.
His gut told him she was already seeing someone else but he kept convincing himself that she
would do no such thing judging from how much he knew her in the last six months. She was not
driven by money, neither was she materialistic, though she was addicted to flowers. He still went
through her phone, at least she had not deprived him that piece of her yet and there was nothing
incriminating. Or was he searching for clues in the wrong places?
Leaving the library, he took the path that led to the office of The H.O.D, Science. He was still
very much lost in a pool of his own thoughts, when he bumped into something or somebody as
he realized when he raised his head up. She was now squatting, trying earnestly to pick up her
books. Her outline, in that position, he thought, was amazing. He bent down and opened his
mouth to apologize but stopped half way when he saw her face. It was the most beautiful he'd
seen. Yes, she even beat his own Rosemary. Her lips were full and rosy and her lashes stood on
end, long, ready to cane one's soul. He was still admiring her beauty like one that was
"compelled to look only",
'Excuse me, Mr. Man!' She almost yelled, would you stop staring and help me with these? Is that
how to treat a lady? After walking like a blind man, you still ignore your responsibility?! I
wonder what dungeon this one came from for God's sake. Hello! Hello!! Hello!!!' One would
have thought there was no network available.
She was still speaking, her voice was rising, yet, he was past caring. He just kept looking. He did
not even hear one word of what she said. Only her musical voice registered. Annoyed, she stood
up and left, leaving him still squatting there, looking into the vacuum she left behind.
How he left that position was still alien to him but what he did know was that for as long as he'd
been sitting on his bed, she was on his mind. But wait, was he being fair to Rose? He thought.
The knock on the door jerked him out of his dream. Talk of the devil.

'Hi Rose!'
'Its over Joan'
'Yes I'm very sorry but...'
'You know what Rose? I totally understand. I saw it coming so I'm not shocked.'
'What! So, you're not even going to beg me to stay. Nothing, just ''I understand'' ' She mimicked
'So you expect me to cry and beg you? Rose, you've given me hell to eat this past few days. We
started out right, I was extremely good, but...' Sensing the tears coming, he paused.
'Rose, get out!'
'I said out!'
She took two steps backward, turned and said, 'I'll get to the bottom of this.' With that she left.
He strode to the door, shut it and exhaled. He was happy at himself but wondered how he'd out of
the blues, reacted that way. He knew the girl he met was a contributing factor but not the main.
Maybe frustration. Maybe not.
He needed a drink, he decided. It was 6:00 pm.

He loved this place because it was as serene as it was comfortable. The chairs and tables were
decorated to a touch of red and blue. A huge chandelier was hanging from the ceiling with gold
pieces singing glamour and taste. The waiters and waitresses were dressed in the same attire;
White shirts and Gold pants with Gold ties. They all placed a smile on their faces which could
melt your heart. He was here to drink his heart out!
He passed tables, seated by people of different calling; lovers, friends, family, business partners
etc., and made for the bar. This outlet was located just outside campus and thanks to his parents
money, he could afford being here.
'Can I get a bottle of Vodka please?' he asked the bartender.
'Sure Sir, But you look....My apologies. Can I see an I.D?'
'Sweetheart, you don't want to add to my problems, I assure you.'
'Sorry dear, but it's company policy.'
'To see the I.D of every customer?'
'No. Those our instincts tell us are underage, I hate to say it, but you do look...'
'Hold it! Me? I could give birth to four of you!'
The female blond just smiled and said, 'I insist.'
Seeing she was not bulging, he got it out from his purse and handed it over.
'Good. I'm sorry but....'
'Apologies accepted!'
'What? You're seventeen, out of here at once! Go back to your baby-sitter.'

'We could strike a deal you know?' He winked.

'How much are we talking about?'
Minutes later, after two bottles, he decided he needed company, so, he retrieved his phone and
called Sam.
Before Sam arrived he had stood up already and located an empty spot. Some food too might
help, he concluded.
Now, seated with Sam, he poured out his heart to the ever listening ear of his friend.
'But men, I told you right from the start that she was no good for you.'
'Would you shut up? Did you even know when we started out? Don't give me that crap!'
Sam laughed out a belly-full. Sam was tall, slender and a painter. He had beards already
sprouting. He was eighteen already and from a relatively poor background. When he laughed, his
entire body vibrated and it was naturally contagious. It was obviously no wonder that He was in
no time lifting the spirit of his friend.
'Bro, I'm tired of Rosemary as a topic, maybe we should start talking about food,' Sam said.
'Like you know anything else.'
'No! No! I know a lot.' Sam said, waving his index finger in the air.
'Like what?'
'You and Rosemary just broke up! Hahahaha!'
Joan, ignoring him, pressed the button on the table and a waiter was at their table in a moment.
'What would you like Sirs?'
After ordering, he left, only for a waitress to bring their food. As she placed their food on the
table, he recognized her instantly.
'Hey, you, Hi.'
'Have a wonderful evening you too.' She flashed a Signatory smile which left Joan wondering if
she'd recognized him or not.
'Pal, you know her?'
'I....I...never mind.'
'You won't even mourn Mary or whatever she's called?'
'Go to hell!'
'Not after I've gotten that gist from you, but first, tell me, are you...you know?'
'I think so.' He said, blushing.
'So how will you go about it?'
'I absolutely have no clue, you saw her reaction just minutes ago.'
'Which I felt was inviting.'
'Not until you know the whole story. See, our first meeting wasn't entirely pleasant. In fact, the
last time we met, she almost ripped my head off!'
'Is this a quiz or something?'

'OK, calm down. I'll help you.'

'Now you're the one quizzing. Well, every girl has her soft spot, all you have to do is find it and
'Thanks man. What could I do without you?'
'Nothing, except buy me more food.'
He pressed the button and ordered more food.

'Hi mum.'
'Jane! You're.......back.'
'Yup. How do you feel today?'
'Oh mum. Don't say that. Have you taken your meds?'
'Of what use is that? I'll die anyway.'
'Mum! I always told you that....'
'Yes mum.'
'Come over here.'
Jane walked deeper into her mum's room. Just like Jane, her mom liked pink and one would
sense it the moment one walked into their respective rooms. Her mum was lying on the bed, her
face, decorated with wrinkles non-suitable for a forty-year old. Her hair, dark as dark, laid
scattered around her head region and her lips was still rosy red. Her eyes flickered repeatedly as
if set in constant motion. Her once sonorous voice now cracked when she spoke. She was being
tugged by the second into the land of the spirits and she knew it. Jane knew it too but would not
admit or resign to fate.
'My dear angel, don't cry. Wipe your tears. This was meant to be. Its destiny my dear, you can't
fight destiny. You only surrender to it.'
'But mom, what would I do without you. Papa is gone. Please, don't leave me too. You are too
young to go. Please mum, please.'
Her mum just smiled and it made Jane wonder if it was easier to die that way; happy. Even in her
state, her mum managed her room better than Jane did hers. Jane always thought that the gene
was missing.
At the bottom of the wardrobe, where her mum's shoes stood, she saw the pink, small, petite box.
'Place it beside me and open it up.'
'What's in there?'
'No questions Jane, just go ahead and open it.'

She opened it and her mouth fell open. Tears trickled down her cheeks. In the box sat the apron
that her mum cherished the most.
Her mum had been the Head-Chef at the restaurant she now worked in for the past twenty years
until she was diagnosed of breast cancer. Even before Jane was born. She'd gotten the apron as a
gift the previous year from her husband, Jane's father, the night he had given up the ghost in the
hospital where he was taken after a ghastly motor accident. It was his parting gift to her. Giving
it to Jane now only meant one thing.
'I know it is the smallest item you'll be inheriting from your father and I but I need you to cherish
and keep it. I want you to always wear it on duty. In the last year I owned it, it brought me
nothing but luck and it surely would do so for you too.'
Jane was sobbing profusely now.
'Jane, I want you to go bed, I'll hold on till you're asleep but by morning, I'll be gone.'
'No mum. No! I'll be here with you. I'll hold your hand. I'll stay close till the end. The very end
'I want to save you the trauma. Go to bed. It's my last wish.'
Jane stood up, speechless, choked in the throat by a lump which origin she knew not.
'Goodnight baby, it's going to be the last coming from mama.'
She dragged herself out of the room into her own just opposite and as she dumped her body on
the bed, she was shocked to see the face of the guy she met earlier today come into view.
His handsome face, blue-black hair, succulent pink lips......... She caught herself halfway. The
thoughts in her mind should be that of her mum not of some stupid guy who did not know a thing
about respect of the opposite sex.

'Hello! Hello!'
The "hello" kept coming closer to her as she walked among students to the cyber cafe.
'Hey, it's you I've been hello-ing to.'
'Hello-ing? Is there a word liked that?' She asked as she turned around and met the face of Sam.
'A very new one. Just got encrypted in the latest version of.....'
'Don't I know this face?'
'Mine? No, you don't. I'm Sam,' he said, extending his hand for a handshake.
'Why should I take it?' She asked, pointing at his outstretched arm.
'Maybe because your civilized and matured.'
'You have just the same attitude as your friend.'
'Who, me? Attitude? What are you talking about?'
'Oh please,' she said with a smile.
'I don't quickly forget faces. You were at the restaurant the other day, right?'
'Does that mean we're friends then?'

'Can I walk you?'
'Down the aisle?'
He laughed.
'You're really funny. So,' he continued as they started walking. 'you look thinner.'
'You noticed.'
'Is there something you wanna talk about?'
'Sort of, but not to someone I know nothing about.'
'That means you'll like to know me better. Interesting.'
'Don't flatter yourself.'
They kept at the chit-chat until they got to the cafe.
'I'll be seeing you around....uhm...'
She just turned and went into the cafe. As she sat in front of the computer, she muttered, 'Like I
don't know what you're up to,' and giggled.

There was only one person who could walk into his room without knocking and that was Sam,
so, he did not bother to turn his face from the wall as he awoke.
'Bro, I got news for you.'
'Can I sleep for at least five more minutes? Please?'
'I spoke to her.' Sam said and sat on his bed. With that, Joan jumped down from the bed.
"What? Really? How?'
'Well, long story cut short, her name is Jane.'
"Jane? Hold on a sec. I'm Joan. Does that mean anything Sam?'
'Oh yes it does. It means that two of you are destined for each other.' Sam replied, gesturing with
his hands.
'Yes man! Yes!'
'And it also means that that destiny will come in another lifetime.'
'Damn you! To think you were on my side.'
'I'm on your side bud. I never would have spoken to her if I wasn't'
'Wait, who gave you the permission to speak to her? Don't you try anything funny. You hear me?'
Sam just stared and smiled.
'You heard that right?' No answer.
'OK! I'm sorry for acting that way.' He raised his arms in surrender.
'Good boy. I've asked questions and from what I know, she just lost her mom.'
'What! Oh my gush! I've got to console her. I've got to hurry! Get me my shirt over there. Hurry!'
'About one month ago.'

'You're so silly. She doesn't even acknowledge you exist or even if you do, mean anything to her.'
'What am I to do now?'
'I'm friends with her already and before you start dying, it's for your own good. I'll arrange a
meeting for the both of you.'
'Thanks man.'
'Thank me later. Do you have anything I can crunch?'
'Do you have anything I can crunch?' Joan mimicked. 'Yes I do.'
'Your fingers!'

'My! Where is my apron? Abigail, did you see it?'

'Calm down Jane. You'll find it later. Just use another one and serve the guests. You can't keep
them waiting.'
'Oh Abi. If I loose that apron, I could go insane. You don't know the circumstances that gave
birth to its existence.'
'Jane, go serve the guests please.'
'Oh my!'
She left the kitchen with the order for table 23.
'Hello there!'
She turned her head on her way back to the kitchen to see her "supposed friend" flashing his Mr.
cool smile. She was in no mood for this neither could she ignore a customer like that, so, she
went closer.
'Hi, I see you're with your friend again.' She said.
'Hi.' Joan said'. 'I'm Joan.'
'Guys, I've got to go. Really busy.'
'Can we meet some other time?'
Sam turned to look. Jane turned to look. Joan turned too to look. Wait, it was him who spoke. He
couldn't believe it.
'Maybe.' She said, smiled and walked away.
'Did you just do that?' Sam asked.
'I....I think so. Where did that come from?'
'Your heart.' Sam said, pointing to Joan's chest.

She ran into the kitchen.

'Abi. Abi. He just asked me out!' She said, grabbed Abigail's hands and started jumping.

'Wait, who?'
'This guy I met some time ago, though not in a pleasant situation, but who cares? You've got to
believe me, he's dashing!'
'Jane, have you seen your apron?'
Her mood abruptly changed.
'You're one hell of a a girl.' Abigail commented.
'I've got to find it. Abi, help me.'
They searched the whole place frantically to no avail.
'Where exactly did you keep it?'
Jane shot her head up and looked straight into Abigail's eyes.
'In the bus!'

'Here you go madam.'

'Don't be silly Abigail.'
'What do you mean? You're our guest here today.'
'Thank you Abigail.' Joan said, smiling sheepishly. He couldn't believe he was here having dinner
with Jane. Sam had made it a point of call to drive him here; he never had the courage.
As Abigail left, he became short of words.
'Would you say something or you'd go on looking at me?'
'You're beautiful, exquisite and charming.'
'Thanks, but lets forget poetry tonight.'
'Let me just apologize for the other day, your radiance blew me away. I never meant to just stay
there snd stare, but what would you expect from a guy who hsd just met an earth goddess?'
She was now blushing over and over.
'So tell me,' he continued,
'How are you coping without both parents?'
'Can we not talk about those please?'
What the heck was he supposed to say now? Why didn't Sam tell him what to do?
'What are your hobbies then? I know they'd be classy.'
'Writing, singing, waiting on guest and cooking.' And looking at your handsome face, she added
in her mind.
When the date was over, he proposed to drive her home. In the car, she started a conversation.
'Can I tell you something?'
'I just lost something very dear to me.'
'Your mum. I'm truely sorry.'
'No, my apron.'

He looked at her quizzically like she was nuts.

'It sounds stupid right?'
Yes of course, he thought but said,
'Not at all. But how does an apron....you know....mean so much?'
'My mum gave me on her death bed and now I've carelessly thrown it away.'
'Oh, I see. I'm sorry for that too.'
'My home is right after that bend.'
He steered the car and halted in front of a nice bungalow. As they sat there with nothing to day,
he summoned all the courage of his life.
'I love you.' She just gazed at him which made him start thinking he'd made the biggest mistake
of his life.
'Me too.'
'You don't believe me?'
'Oh...no..no. I totally do.' He brought his face closer but she placed her index finger on his lips
and said,
'Not so fast. Promise you'll never do anything to hurt me. I've been through a lot already.'
'I swear with my life.'
And they kissed.
At her doorway, she bid him good night and gave him a peck on the forehead, cupping his face in
her hands.
He almost melted and only came back to reality when the door slammed shut.
As he settled behind the wheel, he prayed not to meet an accident for he knew he was super

He opened his door one fine Saturday morning to find Rosemary standing there.
What are you doing here?
Can I at least come in?
He sensed trouble, and in spite of himself, let her in.
Youre not welcomed here.
I know, but what can I do? Joan, Im not asking you to take me back, all Im asking is fro you to
forgive me.
And why would I want to do that?

I dont want us to part ways enemies considering how much we shared in he past. I just want us
to remain friends.
He thought for a moment.
Ive already gotten over you Rose, so I forgive you.
Thank you Joan, thank you so much.
Youre welcome.
So, can I at least sit? Im your guest right?
Yea, go ahead, what do I offer you?
Just water.
Be right back.
He entered the kitchen, leaving her behind. She spotted his cell phone on the electronic cabinet
and made for it, taking it along with the remote control. She switched on the TV and smiled

Was that her phone she heard ringing? She asked herself as she scotched eggs. She left the
kitchen and went into the living room where she saw her backlight on. She read the message and
smiled. He would have to wait till she had had breakfast, she mused.
As he came with the glass and handed it over, he realized that the TV was pouring out a soccer
So you still remembered my hooky? He asked her
Never would I forget that. Do you remember the day you missed twenty of my calls because
you were on it?
They both laughed, recollecting that day.
She stayed a while, both of them chit-chatting and after some minutes, she got up. He stood up
Thanks a lot Joan; this means a lot to me. I beg to take my leave.
You want me to stay? She asked, eyeing him.
Not that, but if you got things to do, I wouldnt hold you here no more, have a nice day.
Can you give me a hug?
They hugged and stayed that way for some minutes, remembering their past. Suddenly, the door
opened. Three persons were shocked to the bones; Jane, Joan and Rosemary.
Excuse me, Jane said and turned

But she was gone.
Its not what you think, he said, more to himself
Who was that?
Never mind, please take your leave.
Thanks once again, she said and left, hiding the sneer on her face.
As she left, Sam entered and met Joan, sitting on e bed, his face, cupped in both hands.
Whats up and why did I see that devil exiting this room?
Buddy, Im doomed!
What are you talking about?
Jane just met I and Rose in a very compromising state.
What, you were making out with her? You pipsqueak!
Shut up, will you? She came here to ask for my forgiveness. I forgave her and while she was
leaving, she asked for a hug. Since it was harmless, I obliged and Jane met us in that position.
Holy crap!
There was silence for some seconds.
So, whats next?
I absolutely dont know.
You have to go and see her, explain things. She a matured lady, shell understand.
You think so?
Get your ass out of here now and go talk to her!

As she entered her house, she swore not to break down, so she got herself a glass of juice and
watched TV as she sipped. The bell rang and she, knowing who it was, sat still. It opened,
revealing Joan.
Hello, no answer
Jane, can I just explain things? Still no answer.
Its not what you think, Jane.
Sit down.
Sit. Please.
She rose up as his confused self sat.
What can I offer you?
What? You cant be serious.
Ill just get you water then.

She strode off with his eyes trailing behind.

Hold on a sec, acid! No, she wont do that.
She emerged with a glass of water, gave him to drink, sat down and said,
Drink enough, you have a lot of explaining to do.
He laughed out a belly-full, harder than he had ever done before. She just smiled at him and
since they sat on the same couch, they hugged.
Why did you come over unannounced?
What do you mean, you invited me over.
He stood still.
That snake! She planned all of this. To think she was repentant.
What are you talking about?
Never mind, lets celebrate our reconciliation.
She held his hands.
Dont ever do that to me again. I dont know why, but I knew instantly that you were innocent,
that you would never hurt me. Joan, please don not ever break my heart.
Was he dreaming, she just forgave him like that? Wasnt this the right time for Sam to wake him
up and tell him he had been sleeping for days?
Pinch me please. She did and said,
Youre not dreaming baby, Im for real and I love you so much. I forgive you now, the next
time, Ill kill you.
And Ill be the happiest man to die in your arms.

Sam! Sam! Joan called but Sam snored on.

Sam, wake up.
Sam rolled on the bed, slightly opened his eyes and looked at the wall clock.
Its barely seven am.
Get your lazy bones up. There are people who just signed deals worth millions as we speak.
Sam sat up on the bed.
What do you want?
Cant I wake you without wanting something?
You can for sure, but from the look on our face, you need something.
Did you forget Sam, its valentine!
So? Dont you have plans?
I do; to keep sleeping.
What do you suggest I get for Jane?
Look Joan, go ahead and get het the head of a cow, just let me sleep on.
Sam , please help me.

Sam yawned heavily, simultaneously stretching out.

Please, for Gods sake, go wash your mouth, Joan said, irritated.
It smells like monkey fart.
Sam stood up, went to the fridge, grabbed a packet of juice and gulped down half of it.
I think its better now, he said.
Youre from the lowest species of animals that ever existed. Well, I couldnt care less about that
right now. What ideas do you have?
Holy Moses! For what I just told you.
Sam returned to his sitting position and pretended to be thinking.
Oh. Whats her favorite color?
Joan looked elated, thinking that Sam had finally come back to his senses
Then get her the color yellow!
Get her the color yellow. Do I repeat it?
What confused planet did you come from?
With that, Joan rose up and went to take his bath.
He had one thing in mind as he entered the store; Pick and Smile. He was going to get her a very
nice apron since she just misplaced one. If she cherished the one that came from her mom, shed
do the same for his; after all, he meant something to her, right?
I want that one with roses on it, he told the store owner.
Here you go.
Can I have a nice rose flower too?
Sure. A bouquet or just a piece?
A piece would do.
Ok, here. Ill give you this one for free so youll always come back here.
Thanks, but Ill still purchase it. I wont want to give someone so special a free item.
Hmmmmm. Nice. The owner commented.
He left the store smiling.

He pressed the bell and was sure it rang but no one came to open up. Maybe she was expecting
him, he thought, so, he turned the handle and it opened. He entered and met no one in the living
room, so, he went to her favorite place in the house; the kitchen. As he opened the door, she
presented a tray of cookies to him.
You were expecting me?

I knew the exact time you came into the house.

He gave her a kiss.
They both went back to the sitting room where she got them a glass of lemonade each. As she
sat, he felt the air tense.
What do you have in that bag? She asked.
Oh, I got you gifts. Happy Valentine, he said and kissed her again.
Upon opening the bag, she smiled.
Nice. Joan, there something I need you to know.
Wait, youre not breaking with me, are you?
Joan, Her voice cracked.
Im in love with someone else.
Im sorry, I just couldnt feel the connection between us.
He let the glass in his hand crash on the floor. Seeing this, she knew he was totally broken
Joan listen, youre cute and all. My crush on you started the day we first me even though I was
mad that day, but when we started dating, I was not satisfied. Ive tried to make it work, but it
just wont.
He just left his mouth open but said nothing.
Joan, Im in love with Sam.
The walls closed in on him and this time, he let the tears flow.
Weve already started seeing each other.
At that moment, Sam walked in with a bouquet of flowers.
I was going to tell you but she insisted doing it herself.
Oh my God, someone wake me up.
Joan, youre a good guy, youll find yours, I promise. Some things are not meant to be, you have
to understand that. Jane continued.
Is this because of what happened the other day? I thought you had forgiven me.
Its not about anything. Im just following my heart.
With my best friend?
Joan, Sam started.
Shut up! Joan reacted vigorously.
Just shut up.
He stood up, staggered to the door, looked back for a second and left the house. He left his car in
her garage and walked the streets silently. He kept moving forward and didnt see a vehicle
coming towards him. Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech! He heard his name.
Joan! Joan! Wake up.
He opened his eyes to his father waking him up.

Its your first day in college and you want to be late?

What! He had been dreaming all this while?
Dad, can I not go to college?
Why? You were enthusiastic about it just yesterday, what happened?
Dad, I have a bad feeling about college.

All the way to college in his dads car, he kept mute. As his dad came to a halt in front of the
gate, Joan said,
Dad, I dont think this is a good idea.
Joan, get down from my car!
He got down and retrieved his luggage from the rear of the car. As he got inside, a young guy,
about his same age, approached him.
Hi, can I help you with those?
Sure, thanks. Are you a freshman too?
My name is Joan.
Im Sam.
Joan immediately withdrew his outstretched arm. Intently looking at the guy, he screamed;
Get lost! which attracted eyes towards them.

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