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Date Lines

Bethany Lutheran Church, ELCA
130 ODill Drive ~ Norway, MI 49870

October 2016
Regular Worship & Activities
Sundays, 8:45 am
Coffee Social
Sundays, 9:45 am
Intergenerational Bible Study
Sundays, 10:00 am
(October 2, 9, 16, 30)
Ladies Guild
Monday, October 10, 6:00 pm
Council Meeting
3rd Monday, 6:00 pm
Community Coffee
Tuesdays, 9:00 am
Cover Girls
Tuesday, 9:00 am
Social Night
1st Tuesday, 5:30 pm
(October 4)
Solbergs Greenleaf Grill
Womens Bible Study
Wednesdays, 10:00 am

Wednesday Walk With Jesus

(invites kids grades K-6 grades)

Wednesdays at 5:30 pm
Mens Breakfast/Bible Study
Thursdays, 7:00 am
Choir Practice
Thursdays, 4:30 pm

Special Activities
Feeding America
Mobile Food Pantry
Coat Closet Distribution
Friday, October 21st
Set-Up at 3:00 pm
Distribution at 5:00 pm
Clean-Up to follow
(Please sign up to help with
this worthwhile mission)
Fall Family Festival
Saturday, October 22nd

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October 2016


Acts 2:46-47 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.
They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
There was a slogan in the ELCA that started going around a few years ago, We are church together. I wonder
though if, as a church, we live by that motto. First, let me define church. When I saw the word church I am talking
about the people gathered together, breaking bread, praising God, and gathering with the goal in mind to get the
Good News about what God has done in their lives out into our communities; our country; our world. This is what I
mean when I say church. So the question is, are we church together or are we a church that is altogether separate?
When I was working in the gas station and people would come up to the counter to buy several items I would
occasionally ask, Is this all together separate? I asked this question because I enjoyed the responses I would get.
The way it would usually go is that the people that I asked this question to would start to say yes. Because they
were expecting me to be asking, Is this all together? However, in the middle of their yes I would say separate,
and the customers looking at me slowly got this confused and bewildered look on their faces as in to say, Wait,
what?! In that one moment they were left baffled and confused by my words. Why? Because altogether separate
doesnt make any sense!
Maybe thats why people are becoming more and more confused by the church. God says that we are church
together. The eye cannot say to the hand; I do not need you We as the church (see definition above) are the body
of Christ. All important; all necessary; all together. And we gather and say, WE are church together. And yet how
often does our conversation center around we are Lutheran together, we are worship committee together, we
are Norway together, we are Quinnesec together, we are ELCA together, etc. I want to clue you in on a little
secret, I have seen this idea of altogether separate throughout the buildings where the church gathers together across
many denominations.
Dont get me wrong; Im not saying that we need to all have the same ministry, setting, or gifts. Just as the
body is made up of many parts; so is the church, but there is a tendency that the specific parts of the body want to be
considered the only important part. And the people on the outside looking in become confused. How can they be
altogether separate? How can that be a thing? It doesnt make any sense. We ARE church together. United we
stand, divided we fall. I am talking about a church that crosses denominational, district, county, and state boundaries.
A church that unites in order to share the excitement about this crazy love that God has for you, me, and this world. A
church (again refer to definition above) that sees itself as a part that works with and not against the other parts. A
church that is together.
The reason why I chose the text in Acts as the theme text instead of Pauls discussion of the one body being
made up of many parts is because this text is the early church. How were they church together? They all had different
gifts, different roles to play, and different classes they belonged to, but yet they were church together. They gathered
around communion, broke bread, praised God, and shared the Good News about what God was doing in the world and
in their lives, and the Lord added daily to their number those who were being saved. What does it look like for us to
be church together? The reason I ask is because I truly believe that once those on the outside looking in see us as
church together, they will see that there is something to this church stuff. They will see that despite all our difference
Gods love can truly not only unite but also heal us and give us hope. And with what they see, they may just set a foot
in the door to see what this church is all about.
In Gods peace,
Pastor Dave

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October, 2016

October Social Night will be held on Tuesday, October 4th at 5:30 pm. Location:
Solbergs Greenleaf Grill in Iron Mountain.
Womens Bible Study Plans are in the works for a Womens Bible Study. More details will
be available once the schedule is in place. Watch for updates.
Intergenerational Bible StudyOctober Schedule
This Bible study is for all ages and is led by Ervin Sparapani. Come join us for an
inspirational discussion on the Word of God. 10:0010:40 am in the Pastors office.
October dates are: October 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 30th.
Bethany Ladies GuildNext meeting will be on Monday, October 10th at 6:00 pm.
Wednesday Walk With Jesusalong with Vicki, Lori, Lisa & Diane
Join us on Wednesday evenings from 5:306:30 pm in the Great Room of Bethany
Lutheran Church. There will be Grace & Snack, Story Time, Activity/Crafts, Songs and
Closing Prayer. All kids are welcome to attend.
Feeding America Mobile Food Pantry and Coat Closet Distribution
The Feeding America truck will be here on Friday, October 21st.
Set-Up at 3pm, Distribution at 5 pm. Clean-up help needed
following. Please consider helping with very important mission.
Thank you. The Coat Closet will also be available.
All Saints Sunday, November 6
For All Saints Sunday on Sunday, November 6th we are asking for you to bring in a photo
of a loved one who left a positive, loving, and lasting impact on your life in to the church
so we can remember together all those who have gone on before us. We want to
remember together those who are a part of that great cloud of witnesses who showed us
through what they said and did this great love that God has for us.
Please submit by Sunday, October 30 a photo along with a name to the church via either
email at or in person to the church office for Linda if you
would like someones photo to be a part of the memorial presentation.
BLG Blast
The Bethany Ladies Guild met on Monday, September 12. Highlights of the meeting included:

Final plans for the Womens Fall Retreat were discussed. Pat Losey will take the plastic bags
for in-kind offering at the Retreat.
There will be a Womens Bible Study on Wednesday, September 28th at 10:00 am to watch the
movie War Room. Discussion of movie and bag lunch following the movie. All ladies are
October Social Night is Tuesday, October 4th at 5:30 pm at Solbergs Greenleaf Grill in Iron
BLG Mission Breakfast for October 23rd is designated for Patrick KempfMission Trip
Discussion to put together a list of possible restaurants for the Social Nightwill work on this
at next months meeting.
Next meeting is Monday, October 10th. All women are encouraged to attend.

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October, 2016

To our WWWJ and Confirmation crewVicki Underhill, Lori

Dzik, Lisa Anderson, and Diane Gendron for giving of
their time and talents for the youth of our church and

To our lawn maintenance crewfor helping to keep our lawn

looking good over the summer.

To those people that helped in any way with Pr. Daves move to Quinnsec.

To Dave Lofholm and Charlie Modlin for all their time, talents and dedication with preparing
and hosting the Mens Breakfast and Bible study every Thursday morning!

Ashleigh White, Jeff Bilski, Dan Gyselinck, Diane Bellmore,

Paula Conery, Ryan Dedo, Pam Nelson, Cathy Land, Carol Brock,
Roger Stoor, Blake Sternhagen, Jean Guldswog, Jim Feldhausen,
Jim Smith, Rodney Walter, Paula Reynolds, Danielle Kitz,
Richard Hurd & family,
those who have received prayer shawls and are in need of comfort,
and those who have requested special prayers through our website.

Cover Girls
The Cover Girls are always in need of either materials necessary in the making
of their quilts or financial donations to pay to purchase these supplies.
Thank you for your support and you are welcome
to join them any Tuesday mornings at 9am!

needs to be in the office no later than the 25th of each month. Thank you!!

If you would like to UNSUBCRIBE to this newsletter, please contact the church office
by calling 906-563-8472 or email

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October, 2016


October 2

The 2016 Flower Chart is posted by

the entry doors into church.
Anyone interested in donating flowers
during the coming year, please either
fill out a form, or contact the church office.
Designations may be listed as:
In Memory of; In Celebration of;
In Honor of: To the Glory of God;
for birthdays, anniversaries
anything you would like to designate flowers for.

In Memory of Larry Underhill (Meepa)

by grandchildrenJade, Evan, and Will

Flowers are $15 payable to

the Bethany Ladies Guild.

October 9
In loving celebration of Rose Dzik
100 yrs. old (10/9/1916)
by Paul, Lori and Tony Dzik

October 16
In Memory of Helen Hall on her birthday (10/20)
by Ray Anderson Family

October 23
In Memory of Jeff Nickels
by Gerry Nickels & Family

October 30
In Honor of my grandchildren
Jade, Evan, and Will
by Vicki Underhill


Ada VanHolla
Angela Koprowski
Dawn Heigl
Ray Anderson

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October, 2016

Next Council Meeting is Monday, OCTOBER 17th at 6:00 p.m.

Bill Rice President
725 Hamilton
Kingsford, MI 49802
Home Phone: 906-774-3742
Cell Phone: 906-221-1825

Lori Dzik
N1634 South Circle Drive
Norway, MI 49870
Home Phone: 906-563-5423
Cell Phone: 906-250-0354

Ervin SparapaniVice
W8347 N Spring Lake Lane
Iron Mountain, MI 39801
Home Phone: 906-774-5013

Diane Gendron
523 14th Avenue
Norway, MI 49870
Cell Phone: 906-282-9247

Mike RandallSecretary
N1455 Ball Rd.
Vulcan, MI 49892
Phone: 906-282-5047

Sally Borga
N1611 S. Circle Dr.
Norway, MI 49870
Home phone: 906-563-7108

Don Losey
W7210 County Z
Pembine, WI 54156
Cell Phone: 715-929-0075

President's Report of Highlights of the Council meeting of September 19, 2016:


Need a Coordinator to step forward for "Light At The Inn",

Looking for an alternate member to add to the Crossroads Alliance Board (Pr. Dave declined),
Pr. Dave's installation tentatively set for November 6, 2PM,
Parish Advisory Committee reviewing Yoked Ministry Agreement language changes,
Evangelism Team being sought, under Pr. Dave and Sally Borga,
Stewardship Team being sought, under Pr. Dave and Lori Dzik,
Constitution updates going to Synod now.

Bill Rice, President

Upcoming Events


138 Fortune Lake Camp Rd
Crystal Falls, MI 49920

Saturday, October 1: Fall Fest Quilt & Fine Art Auction with Brunch, Quilt Auction & Treehouse
FridaySaturday, October 14 & 15: Junior High RetreatJoin us for this exciting weekend of games, new
friends, songs, worship, and Bible Study. We will journey back in time to meet Martin Luther and learn what
the reformation was all about and what it means for us today.

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r, 2016

2016 Bethany Lutheran Church Monthly Mission

Thank you for your support
Cover Girls


Good Samaritan Fund




Fortune Lake Camp

Lent Midweek DesignationNorway Food Pantry/
Mobile Truck



ELCA World Hunger plus collection from Jars



Rev Earnie Ness FLLC Scholarship



ELCA Relief (Lutheran Disaster Response)



Cornerstone Community Carnival

Norway Food Pantry/Mobile Truck


ELCA Campaign: Renewing Congregations


ELCA Mission Good Gifts


Good Samaritan Fund/Adopt-a-Family


Good Samaritan Fund/Adopt-a-Family

Advent Midweek DesignationNorway Food Pantry/
Mobile Truck
Christmas Eve DesignationNorway Food Pantry/
Mobile Truck

2016 Bethany Lutheran Church Ladies Guild Mission


Bethany Cover Girls



ELCA Good Gifts (Food Backpacks)



ELCA Disaster Fund



Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp



(Mothers Day Brunch)


(Fathers Day Breakfast)


ELCA World Hunger/Malaria Campaign



Fall Womens Retreat Designation



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Bethany Lutheran Church
along with Vicki, Lori, Lisa & Diane
invites kids (grades K-6) to do the

Join us Wednesday evenings from 5:306:30 pm

Starting September 21, 2016
5:30 pm Grace and Snack
5:45 pm Story-Time
6:00 pm Activity/Craft
6:20 pm Songs and Closing Prayer
Kids are Welcome to Attend

October, 2016

Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church

130 ODill Drive
Return Service Requested

Spiritual Nourishment

A quiet time is a time set aside to

deepen your knowledge of the Lord,
to enrich your own personal relationship with him,
to fellowship with him, to love him,
to worship him, on a very personal basis. . . .
How much of a calm and gentle spirit you achieve,
then, will depend on how regularly and
consistently, persistently and obediently,
you partake of the Word of God,
your spiritual food.

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