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CAS stands for Creativity Action and Service. With reference to the
CAS website, define the C, the A and the S in your own words. Be sure
that you demonstrate an understanding of what each entails.
CAS for me is more than just a program is a life style.
C stands for Creative which for me is motivation to be more open
minded it foments thinking outside the box it supports the values of
curiosity, leadership and confidence. For me creativity is a synonym of
curiosity you cant be creative without being curious since you are
exploring new ideas and concepts. It shows leadership because
creativity is to be innovative and have initiative. Finally it works with
confidence since if you arent confident you wont have the will to go
out and explore or start something no one has done before.
A stands for Action, which can be define as; an act that one consciously
wills and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity. For
me action is much more than physical or mental activity for me action
symbolizes who we really are. Its not words that define us but rather if
we act upon them; what we show and contribute to society and the
world defines us. Action symbolized the human power to be
revolutionary and literally shape the world.
S stands for Service, which is the humanitarian side of CAS. Service is
what keeps us human, its what reminds us of how humble we need to
be and how much giving to others can do. Service shows us how much
an act of mere kindness can change a life and affect millions. The point
of Service is to show students the wonders that volunteering can teach
us things such as how blessed we are compared to others and that we
can make a change, one person can make a huge change. It also
teachers us to work as a team to reach a common goal and how
sometimes we even have to compromise to do so.


Of Creativity, Action and Service, which one do you think it will be least
challenging for you to address and explain why.
Personally I find doing Service the easiest because I have always
donated my time and sweat for a cause I believe in. Im used to doing it
therefore its not a burden or something I have to do to finish CAS, for
me is a day to day kind of thing.


Of Creativity, Action and Service, which one do you think it will be the
most challenging for you to address and explain why?
The most difficult one will be Creative, not because I find it difficult but
because there are so many good ideas and so little time and resources
to make the idea come true that it makes it challenging but not


The main focus of CAS is to demonstrate that you are addressing each
of the following learning outcomes. For each outcome below, define
each of them in your own words.
1. Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas of growth,
able to see themselves as individuals with various skills and abilities,
some more developed than others, and understand that they can
make choices about how they wish to move forward.

This learning outcomes refers to the fact that CAS motivates us to

learn new skills such as a new sport its ultimate purpose is to show
us that we can in fact do anything if we are determined to do so and
that well be better in some areas than others.
2. Undertaken new challenges - a new challenge may be an unfamiliar
activity, or an extension to an existing one.
This refers to the fact that CAS promotes students to challenge
themselves and get out of their comfort zones thats why they use the
word unfamiliar.
3. Planned and initiated activities - planning and initiation will often be in
collaboration with others. It can be shown in activities that are part of
larger projects, for example, on-going school activities in the local
community, as well as in small student-led activities.
The learning outcome communicates the necessity of group work and
leadership through this we will create revolutionary events to change
the world and make it a better place.
4. Worked collaboratively with others - collaboration can be shown in
many different activities, such as team sports, playing music in a
band, or helping in a kindergarten class. At least one project, involving
collaboration and the integration of at least two of creativity, action
and service, is required.
Collaboration is the base of our society without collaboration grand
projects such as team sports and concerts wouldnt be possible.
Activities that move the world are based on collaboration and this is
what CAS wants to teach us.
5. Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities - at a
minimum, this implies attending regularly and accepting a share of
the responsibility for dealing with problems that arise in the course of
Through CAS students should learn commitment; when they start
something they finish it, not only this but when they must do
everything possible to get the promised results. This is taught through
various points such as attending regularly and acceptance.
6. Engaged with issues of global importance - students may be involved
in international projects but there are many global issues that can be
acted upon locally and nationally (for example, environmental
concerns, caring for the elderly).
The CAS goal through this learning outcome is to educate students
about world issues and what they can do about it. What can they
contribute as individuals?
7. Considered the ethical implications of their actions - ethical decisions
arise in almost any CAS activity (for example, on the sports field, in
musical composition, in relationships with others involved in service
activities). Evidence of thinking about ethical issues can be shown in
various ways, including journal entries and conversations with CAS

CAS wants know what our train of thoughts were across the activities
done, this would show us what we learned and the effects our action,
service and creativity had.
8. Developed new skills - as with new challenges, new skills may be
shown in activities that the student has not previously undertaken, or
in increased expertise in an established area.
The point of this goal is to recognise unknown skills were going to
learn we have by doing CAS activities and develop them accordingly.

Which two of the outcomes do you feel will be the easiest for you to
meet. Explain.
Personally I find the easiest 6 and 8. 6 because I always address global
problems such as education, equality, global warming and pollution
seriously its part of my daily life, therefore making it the easiest of the
learning outcomes. 8 because I know thanks to all the activities Im
bound to learn new skills for example in the charity dinner I learned
how to organize a macroevent.


Which two of the outcomes do you feel will be the hardest for you
meet. Explain.
I feel like outcomes 4 and 5 would be the most difficult. 4 because I
know I prefer to work alone so collaborations are a challenge to me but
not an impossible one specially if I work with people as passionately for
something as I am. 5 because a commitment is something you are tied
with something that should not be taken lightly and should be a priority
and that is difficult. I dont think it would be a problem but it will be a
challenge Im willing to take on.


Ten years after you graduation you bump into an old classmate. You
begin to reminisce about life at the ABC. You start to talk about your
experience in CAS. Add to the following prompt (250 words min). I
really benefited from CAS in many ways. The three most important of
these were
My integrity, the things I learned and finally knowing that I changed
someones life that I made a difference. My integrity meaning what I
contributed to the project knowing

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