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Guidelines for Facility Siting and Layout by Center for Chemical Process Safety Copyright © 2003 American Institute of Chemical Engineers ndix A. Typical Spacing Tables The following comments should be applied to the Tables contained in Appen- dix A. NA = Not applicable. No measurable distance is appropriate. NM = No minimum spacing requirement has been established for rea- Sons of fire protection. Use engineering judgment for spacing and provide access for fire fighting and maintenance. S = Spacing is based on security needs and not on fire, explosion, or toxic concerns. CAUTION: 1. Tables A through F include typical spacing values. Explanatory text is included in Chapters 5 and 6. 2. The typical spacing distances cited in Tables A through E are based on potential fire consequences (explosions and toxic concerns may require greater spacing). Variations in spacing may be warranted based on site-specific hazards and risks. Distances may be reduced or increased based on risk analysis or when additional layers of pro- ‘tection arc implemented (such as: fire protection or emergency shut down systems). 3. These tables are not applicable to enclosed process units. Miscellaneous typical spacing values are included in Table B. NOTES: 1. Distances are measured horizontally. 2. Typical horizontal distances between buildings, process equipment, and property lines are shown and apply to the closest edge to closest. edge dimensions. 8. Where unusual conditions require closer spacing, appropriate risk reduction measures should be considered. 139 ‘This table is also available on the enclosed CD-Rom. alse Ja] |s]3] [a] |she af Bela] fa] the enclosed CD-Rom. ‘This table is also available on 143 Appendix A. Typical Spacing Tables Te] feu sre « os 0s os o | oe | op | ves |, unpre sncro sae Sovecsen oc (Gent ogy sono oe ove oo coz | ose | woe | oo | ces | gaa temeensanee Ta o os Pa oor | ose | oo | om s #5 | zeman eons oping wa oa (commnsa o os z oor | oe | om | on sz | EEE | smpmtracmos tate) ‘mon cameeen eco =| we oon z os | ose | os | on 0 | see | seynemnses cov 6 o ox | oz | oz | om o | ces | Steno cov os o oo | oe | we | oo i eae wes crovmees coaneurey em] steam | steamers | stom me SSasmse | sebonso, serge eatutlon|aaes'en | stone | some | Mac |e | carne mags 80) |‘amousal | mwowne3) | sermon aq ssednncoesan cacng| RA ste cqrutcy | vet ooteues [soe ome] pestumy | PMA Jeol eoms| nc |anomwon | MOL oomens | eemsny "| arora wipe [ome amsouny| Senay mene a S3ONSNDASNOD Fuld NOs INIWAINDA GNV SVIUV YIHLO OL ONIOVES| DINVL SASYD TTEVNWVT G3IINON ANY SAINOM FTEUSNEWOS GNY FTVWNVT TVOIdAL 0.3) eourrsiq yewuozs0}| Bujpeds soye016 asynbas Aew suse2u09 9)x0) pue uoyso1dx| gorge} Guldetines for Facility Siting and Layout 144 19 0 oe 3 : oe o 4 ee perpen a oe ‘ «a fo | ow ou st | 52> | cm smnnieace oe o ¢ a | o " oe | vee | ay ctmazeane sel “asnpuf uso 0 parog Asad (ws) eouessig rewoz HOH Bujoeds soye0i6 auinbos Kew swseau0d 27101 pue uo;sojdx3| SHONSNDASNOD auld YOd LNANdINDA GNV SVAUV Y3HLO OL ONIOWdS| DNV L SASV9 STEVWWV14 G314INOM GNV SINDI 3TSLLSNGNOD GNY F1SVWAVTS TWOIdAL| Appendix A. Typtcal Spacing Tables 145 |TYPICAL TANK TO TANK SPACING FOR FIRE CONSEQUENCES lexplosion and tore concerns may require grestor spacing |D = Diameter (larger of two tanks); Horizontal Distances (Ft) estractd em 1042.82 2 |e Pace eyide Pie dal. nego ecowmaroare j i 2 | 8 Ta 8 cone aT elhle |G 2 emwaases filyl; |i 5 free ran w |wel ow fae] de] 2 | 3 x cians 0 | ly |g i Exess so [uo | vo | vo] wo | Bs |g i | [Sone Petra cus se [oso | oso | x0 | x0 | 080 | § Elala ronmmacorerstem | ay | rxo| xo | rao | x0 | v0 | x0 Fl Ele Lmemeronol ow (ae laelaeleslasles|eal § i : oe eres 2 Tonlaslenlosleslocleal Lt! “ee in| Rm am] wm] | | isa sn] or Btn | bP ln an] 2? | PS freer Te [iareiin| de rt) ait] |i to) * Cam Root Tanks, not nred,Contaning dass 1 materials—eoe ext canon £ Tate Atwou Ente yal epg valine. 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