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Alabama Lambda Lines

Alabama Lambda Chapter

Volume 2, Number 7 February Newsletter, 2014

Presidents Message
Lamp of Love
Oh, let me be a lamp of love
Whose flame will never die,
Designed to warm the hearts I meet
As months and years go by.
One gift alone have I to give; Grant I may use it well
And light the world with kindliness
Where only shadows fell.
Oh, let me be a lamp of love,
Whose cheery little glow
Brings hope and consolation
To the people that I know.
And, rising to the highest plane
Wherein all things are true,
Give of myself unselfishly, Forgetting me for you!
Oh, let me be a lamp of love.
A humble little flame,
Remembering the source of all
Things lovely whence it came.
Reserving nothing, giving all,
Expecting no return,
May I become a lamp of love,
Forevermore to burn!
-Author Unknown
Dear Sisters,
I hope you are all staying warm and cozy during these chilly winter days. This weather sure
makes us appreciate the nice heat we have inside our homes. We are so very blessed!
Our January meeting at the Top of the River was especially nice because we had two very
special guests Dr. David Cummings and East Central District Chairman, Susie Price. We
enjoyed sharing a meal together as well as good conversation. The laughter we shared was

great medicine for us all! It was heart-warming to hear Dr. Cummings speak of how much our
gift will mean to the children of Cambodia. I will forward the e-mail sent from the family in
Cambodia when they received the gift. One can really tell that they have a grateful heart.
Once again, we have the privilege to reach out to others in love. Our February meeting will be
held at the Golden Living Health Care Facility in Oxford at 10:00 A.M. on Saturday, February
8th. Well be delivering our gifts of tissues, candies, etc. to the residents and reading to them.
There will be bags for us to pack our small items in before delivering them to the residents. Ms
Poer and Ms White from the facility said that the residents are looking forward to our visit. I
hope to see you all there.
Please continue to remember Wendy Usrys granddaughter, Madison, as she recovers from a
heart transplant. Remember Judy Smiths mother; Hilary Rains husband, Larry; June Reaves
mother, Mrs. Land; Marti Warren and husband, Pokey; Susan Robertson; Estelle Robertson; and
the many others on our prayer list.
I hope you have a great finish to your January and a great start to your February. Im looking
forward to seeing each of you at Golden Living on the 8th. Stay warm!
With much love,

February Meeting
Saturday, February 8th @ 10:00 A.M.
Golden Living Center in Oxford
Boxed Tissues, mints, candies, etc.
*Continue to collect recycled cards and pull-tabs___
*Remember to be collecting items for our YARD SALE FUNDRAISER in April__________

February Birthdays:

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