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Alabama Lambda Lines

Alabama Lambda Chapter

Volume 2, Number 3 November Newsletter, 2015

Presidents Message
Dear Lambda Sisters,

Octobers Founders Day meeting was very special. Lisa Robertson and hostesses: Cheryl Cotton,
Juanita Cox, Christie Gaither, Anita Hamm, Ellen Harner, conducted an inspiring and informative
candlelight ceremony. There was a presentation of long-stemmed red roses for Sapphire Sisters: Cheryl
Cotton and Paula Sharp and Silver Sisters: Sue Bryan, Karen Crockett, Anita Hamm, Lisa Robertson,
Carolyn Whitley, and Linda Zinn. We also celebrated the memory of Golden Sister: Estelle Robertson.
Refreshments provided by our hostesses were beautiful, delicious, and healthy. GREAT JOB, Sisters!!
We were pleased to welcome guests and aspiring members Rebecca Griffin and Debora Webb
from Oxford High School. We will review their applications at the November meeting and vote on
inviting them to join Lambda Chapter. I had the pleasure of speaking with them at Oxfords Career Tech
Open House after getting to know them through several other events in the past. Some of you also knew
them before our November meeting. I believe they would be admirable members.
Our October Altruism Project for Breast Cancer Awareness was very successful. After a
brief program about Steel Magnolias by Marti Warren, we presented her with member donations of
$220 to help supply The Pink Boutique. We received a note of Thanks from Marti. Many thanks to
each of you for your outstanding altruism throughout the year!
Aaron Causey (and perhaps, his wife ) is scheduled to be our guest for Novembers Veteran
Recognition meeting. Some of you know that Aaron lost both legs in an IED explosion. He has endured
many surgeries and has maintained a remarkably positive response to his circumstances. He and his wife
have been inspirations to other wounded warriors and their families. He is also a mentor for Childrens
Lambda Sisters, you are an outstanding group of educators and such warm and loving
individuals. You are true examples of what teachers are supposed to be. Your students over the years
have been very fortunate to know you and to learn from you. Thank you!
Remember to keep each of our sisters in your prayers and consider each special need. Thank
you, Paula, for your prayer contacts.
*Membership in Alpha Delta Kappa is an honor and offers friendship, support, and association with
professional peers.*-----Fraternity Moment.
November 3, 2015, Meeting- Tuesday @ 5:00 pm
Top of the River in AnnistonDutch Dinner
*Altruistic Project ~ Veterans Recognition-EOD Warrior Foundation-Home for a Hero. Aaron Causey*
*Juanita Cox 11/26
*Angela Dickert 11/15

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