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Shot List A2 Media Studies Short Film Boys Will Be Boys

Section 1 - Birth

1. LS, zooming-in movement: boy sitting on the floor watching TV static, only his
silhouette can be seen.
2. MS behind boys head static still playing in the dark
3. MS, side angle boy watching TV sitting cross legged, gender can be seen more as
before it couldnt, glow from the TV shining on the boy
4. Over the shoulder TV static still playing
5. MCU - TV static switches to cartoons
6. CU - Cartoons playing, switching between gender specific adverts
7. Montage of CUs of all the different TV shows demonstrating gender in some way
8. Arc, CU and tracking movement introducing the protagonist, seeing his reaction
watching the TV
9. MCU the TV being switched of with effects
10. Title screen, zoom Boys Will Be Boys
11. Over the shoulder mother holding up blue and pink baby clothes, deciding which
one too pick
12. MCU of the two outfits, one being picked up (male) one being dropped (female)
13. BCU the girls outfit laying isolated
14. CU, tracking movement paint being applied to the wall
15. LS father painting a room with a blue paint next to a pink paint sample
16. MS, tracking movement of the paint being applied from the paint can onto the wall
17. MS reading a book of boys names
18. CU, side angle, tracking movement highlighting names associated to gender
19. ECU mother mouthing some boys names
20. POV, tracking day time in the car driving to the hospital, landscape outside window
21. CU landscape looking out the car window
22. LS, tracking out of the car window, turning into the evening showing passing of
23. LS, tracking landscape shot, day turning into night, out of the car window
24. Wide shot lights moving from other cars
25. CU lights moving from other cars
26. Wide shot, pan hospital sign/location
27. MCU gender specific balloon saying its a boy! floating towards the ceiling
28. High angle, slow zoom baby lying down in crib
29. BCU babys face smiling
30. Low angle, POV mother looking down at boy smiling saying mummys boy
31. LS, zooming-out baby shower banner
32. ECU studio setting, blue background, pile of presents in blue wrapping paper
33. CU hands unwrapping presents
34. Match-on-action, CU, side angle presents slowly revealed
35. MCU blue background, pile of gender specific props
36. Over the shoulder mother puts gender specific male clothes on the washing line
37. MLS, zooming out mother walks away with washing basket

38. Wide shot clothes on washing line flapping in the wind

Section 2 Childhood

39. Wide shot, graphic match to older male clothes (child) hanging on the washing line
40. MCU, zoom-in of a pair of dirty football boots next to a pair of ballet shoes
41. MCU, below the waist, tracking shot mother walking with basket by her side
42. CU, side angle, match-on-action takes pegs off washing line
43. BCU, eyeline match - mothers eyes looking at ballet shoes
44. CU, tracking mother grabs the ballet shoes next to the boots
45. Match-on-action, CU, below the waist she shoves them in her pocket
46. LS walks away with basket by her side
47. MCU, panning the washing line is left with all the gender stereotypical clothing on
48. MS cartoons being played
49. Home footage of the male child kicking a football about
50. Home footage main character a bit older, playing dress up with cousin in power
ranger costume
51. Tracking shot home footage of male child at a football match
52. Home footage boy trying on mothers clothes
53. MS, home footage ordinary daily footage, walking around, looking into camera
54. CU blue background, can only see hands, playing with dinosaurs rawr!
55. CU blue background, sequence of shots involving props, boys hands playing with a
car broom!
56. ECU, tracking boy playing with an aeroplane neeeeow!
57. CU playing with a toy gun making sound effects
58. ECU holding action man, drops it
59. MCU, tracking action man falling mid air in slow motion
60. MCU boy stepping on toy soldier in boot, slow motion
61. BCU pink background, has Barbie in hand brushing her hair
62. ECU familys mouth (farther) miming speech son dont be such a girl
63. ECU family member mouth miming man up
64. MCU, zooms out boy crying, one tear falling
65. ECU mothers mouth miming Boys dont cry
66. BCU, tracking, match-on-action slow motion, tea party set falling
67. BCU, high angle, match-on-action slow motion, tea cup smashes on floor
68. High angle pile of girl props on the floor all ruined, on a pink sheet all muddy
69. MS, eye level, match-on-action boy starts running on track
70. MLS, below the waist, tracking follows boy running
71. POV, low angle two boys standing above him
72. ECU, two shot boys mouth miming you run like a girl
73. CU pink and blue changing lighting, video game controller, boy playing
74. MCU boy noticeably older, glow of video games on protagonists face
75. MS video game screen, showing violent game e.g. GTA V
76. Two shot, zooming out father comes in and sits opposite/facing boy who is now a
77. BCU fathers mouth miming man to man

Section 3 Teenage stage

78. LS, zooming out two outfits on the wardrobe one considered male other female
79. Over the shoulder, focus pull protagonist looking at them
80. LS picking up both the outfits
81. Below the waist, MCU, panning/tracking walks out the door with both of them
82. Split screen, high angle, CU blue and pink background, one on either side, boy side:
opening up a playboy magazine, girls side: nails painted
83. Split screen, BCU boys side: shaving, girls side: putting lipstick on
84. Split screen, MCU, tracking boys side: gelling hair, girls side: brushing hair
85. Split screen, CU boys side: kicking football, girls side: putting high heel on
86. Split screen boys side: CU tracking to MCU, pulling out cigarette of pack, girls side:
CU pulls out mirror and does makeup in it
87. Split screen boys side: someones hand comes in from off-screen and lights the
cigarette with lighter then goes back off-screen, girls side: sucking on lolly pop
88. Split screen, MLS boys side: reading playboy with his face covered, girls side:
reading Vogue with face covered
89. Split screen boys side: LS, girl comes in off-screen, her face is out of frame, walks
around boy and kisses him on cheek, CU kiss mark/lipstick mark on his cheek, girls
side: LS of boy holding up pink balloons, CU he pops them
90. Wide shot, zoom in the split screen emerges, with the two sides tracking inwards
to make one image
91. Wide shot silhouette of a male and female facing each other
92. Two shot revealed same person staring at each other through lighting
93. MS one person now, with both male and female characteristics e.g. wearing
makeup with no longer a wig showing his short hair, holding up a mirror to his face
94. Over the shoulder, match-on-action boy looking in the mirror
95. High angle, match-on-action lowers mirror
96. MCU white background, protagonist staring into lens
97. LS, zooming out protagonist looking into lens whilst they say their last line of their
monologue OR two outfits male and female on washing line/wardrobe remaining
unchosen, thus ending on a cliff-hanger.

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