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I performed well against the goal with the understanding that it takes 12 months to build a

quality funnel that will produce month over month. I am constantly following my rule of 4 which
are (awareness in the market, building network partners, attending networking events, and
building my personal brand in the market place). The goal of these rules is to produce 3-4 quality
opportunities a week. Currently My 90 day funnel is at ~$70,000 with 15 opportunities
exceeding the goal of $52,500. I was able to produce a monthly forecast instead of committing a
$0 in just my first few months into the job without being on a traditional ramp. This helped pick
up some of the slack for the team especially when I produced ahead of forecasted numbers. I will
continue to focus on up-market accounts where there are larger opportunities to be developed. In
total, I preformed against the goal better than I expected.
I have engaged cross-global partnerships with the AMEA team with global WAN
opportunities. With my continued effort to grow and improve I have gained
recognition from my team for teamwork and accountability. I have established
myself as a resource to my team as I have provided bi-monthly training to my entire
sales team on internal systems and/or processes. I strive to continue in my
resiliency and treat each new tasks with a fresh attitude and positive outlook. I will
continue to give my customers a great experience and work on ways to make it
even better.
6 month Ramp
Month 1 = $350
Month 2 = $525
Month 3 = $875
Month 4 = $1750
Month 5 = $2625
Month 6 = $3500
Total = $9625 - Full quota attainment for the year

TRUITT End of December YEAR: $12,400.00

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