Homogeneous Coexistence Between OL and OS But They Have Different Reasons To Be in OS or OL But Everyone Are Motivated by A Need

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Some psychological motivations for fashion opinion leaders and fashion opinion


Rosmery Estrada
E-mail address: poner email aqui
Laurent Bertraindias, school of management, university of Toulouse, France
Ronald e. Goldsmith, Florida state university, Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Journal of fashion marketing and management publish an article that showed a
research about the behaviour of the buyers and motivation of then for be
The research include 201 students that they was still in the university. They ask
some question using the Likert answer.
The research shows that the OL has not a good relationship with the ages of the
people but in the second analysis said that older people are not as susceptible as
younger people to be OS.
The article ends with the conclusion. It is that there are not a homogeneous
coexistence between OL and OS but they have different reasons to be in OS or
OL but everyone are motivated by a need.

Bertraindian; Laurent and Goldsmith; Ronald e. (2006) some psychological

motivations for fashion opinion leaders and fashion opinion seeking. journal of
fashion marketing and management. pg. 25

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